That is exactly what I was thinking when I listened to that presentation.
The only thing that I would add is this.
The American educational system has so “dumbed down” its’ citizens, that they fall for the tall tales being advanced by people like Pompeo. This is one of the reasons that I am convinced of the coming fall of the American empire. There is no way to reform the United States without an informed citizenry capable of both critical thinking and a dispassionate analysis of facts. The United States simply does not have such a citizenry.
Well, mike pompaio is neocon, like trump, and just the sort of colonial the likud israeli overlords want in pindo government right now. They know his arse is wholly dedicated to their use and that is exactly what israel wants now. Time is past for “equivocating liberals” pushing half zionazi-gay policy, these things want demand the full monty now.
You did have to remind of Pompeo to make my cup of coffee taste funny. The Chinadaily cartoonist(s) are wickedly funny on this creature. Take a look if you like cartoons ..
Lavrov talks calmly and sensibly, as usual. However, I am not at all interested in having a rushed and hardly tested very experimental vaccine pumped into my bloodstream.
To date, there has never been a successful vaccine against coronavirus infection, human or animal and it might not be too unreasonable to ask how it is to be different this time. The answer is of course, it’s simply magic, which is wonderful stuff. Anyway, it will soon be hey presto and the lockdowns will be over, for a while at least.
They will need a second lockdown to get their vaccines in to everyone.
It is likely this was just a trial run.
As superb as Mr Lavrov is, expertise in diplomacy and logic does not make him a scientist.
The scientists in control in France at least looks like a “Schindler’s list” according to Alain Soral.
I believe they have learned via their global warming scam that by manipulating the original data they can engage even the experts in their cause without the use of bribery, blackmail, banishment or violence.
They really are getting good at this.
A question for the logicians out there.
If the average age of a corona virus victim is the same age as life expectancy, what are we looking at?
Probably the most accomplished, intelligent and seasoned diplomat that I have ever watched. Never have I seen him caught in any type of double speak or “kompromat”. A true professional – even if you do not like him, one must accord him respect.
I agree with L445 on many points, but in this case I would choose to spank him somewhat, as mentioning Pompeo’s name or referencing him in any way to Lavrov is an insult. Pompeo couldn’t carry Lavrov’s gym bag.
Russia should leave the WHO (WHasbara Only) and start a new organization addressing mental health issues. Some people need to be locked up, and they are not in Russia.
Yes, Justice requires an unbiased, non punitive, truth seeking investigation of this Virus/Thing-ee from origins to development to final treatment if that, indeed exists in the world of biomes and vir-oems .
As for vaccines: people must be informed exactly what is in these and what the risks are . People with already compromised or senescent immune systems especially should be granted the right of refusal and informed consent. Bill Gates of Hades says 700,000 people will die from his vaccine. Would you buy a used car from this man?
As for WHO top leadership. I hesitate to compare the ordinary field agent of the FBI with the scum who are the top leadership of this organization in the USA. Perhaps this is an unfair parallel to then say that there are many WHO scientist who are just that, scientists, and who are not professional science-bureaucrats with political and personal agendas.
As for Fauci—he is deeply compromised by his history of conflicts of interest and of systematic persecution of dissident scientists in the USA. He and his buddies in the NIH funded research at the Wuhan lab and aided its efforts through U. of North Carolina. The FBI recently arrested a Harvard professor working at a nearby lab in Wuhan–he was a biochemical/nanotech engineer. Perhaps this has nothing at all to do with the level 4 viral research lab in Wuhan but Surely one can judiciously question these correlations and coincidences without being smeared with some kind of name-calling.
There are two ways of deception: one is outright falsification and the other is strategic withholding of pertinent facts which would give the bigger picture. Most people in the US with functioning brain cells know that both forms of mendacity have been performed. Fauci said–no pandemic…the NIH said no need for masks , the CDC delayed regional testing and said no need to social distance. I, for one, remember. Yes, mistakes were made, And, yes, incompetence was exhibited. As I remember Russia was quick to close borders and quick to use the 2 months head start to marshal forces and to learn with the intention of protecting their people. ( I posted a joke video in Feb)
i read that president putin has ordered the entire russian government a few days ago to cease using microsoft gates’ software throughout russia and develop their own.
Agree with Samuel Burke’s comment.
Lavrov- a great diplomat, should examine the imperial health politics of vaccinations. And the fascistic threat of mandatory vaccinations is a major major issue!
For a good scientific analysis of how vaccines work/ don’t work you can watch this excellent series:
(This is my 3rd attempt to comment? I support this blog – where are my comments? Thank you moderators- am I just impatient? If so I apologize but it’s been hours now.
The issue here is not vaccination, or even WHO’s work: Lavrov is simply mounting a defense of China against the US and assorted vassals. A well-argued defense…
I would not be troubled by anything Lavrov has to say. I like him and he is being diplomatic, which is fine!
It’s fine to protect the honest people in WHO. If I were working there I wouldn’t want to admit it right now. People are pissed and with good reason. Too many signs of something fishy going on.
But it is obvious to anyone with half a brain that the Money of Gates and Soros and their many “charitable” foundations can corrupt, buy off, employ, more than a few rotten apples….thusly bribed to use The Virus for their paymasters’ NWO aims, outweighing in their harmful effects the100 times as many good people in an institution such a W.H.O.
Meanwhile Trump is really after Those Billionaire Psychopaths of Technocratic Control and they are mainly in the west. So its fine that Lavrov calms the waters.
Meanwhile Trump announced in today’s White House press conference that he’s been taking Hydroxychloroquine for the last 14 days:
You missed Lavrov’s point. In giving these numbers – 60 Euratlantic experts v. 40 Chinese – he is defending China, not WHO.
And a good defence it was, too.
Hi Everyone,
My comment was hastily expressed about Lavrov and his seeming endorsement of vaccines. I have been following vaccine policy in the USA for many years. A member of my family was adversely affected to say the least, and I am very informed as a result. It worries me when one of the good guys like Lavrov on the international political scene is sold on vaccine policy. Vaccines are not what the media say they are – this is the truth. If you are wanting to be informed I highly recommend the documentary linked below and presented by Ty Bollinger as a level-headed investigation into this taboo topic. Thanks for allowing another comment.
I do fear Covid as an opportunity by Pharma corporations to push for enforced vaccinations.
Because facts really SHOULD be sacred. We won’t always agree with you. Unfollow if you like your narratives simple, pre-packed and along party lines.
George Galloway
OH DEAR, how true…
The U.S.A.
They lied about #Iran
They lied about #Vietnam
They lied about #Chile
They lied about #Iraq
They lied about #Afghanistan
They lied about #Iraq. Again.
They lied about #Libya.
They lied about #Syria.
Thez lied about #Venezuela
Thez lied about # Ukraine
Thez lied about # Russia
But yeah, sure, THIS TIME it’s for a “just cause” blaming China.
Huh ? What ? the who is spotless ? snow white ?
No connections to big pharma ? There is no medical mafia ?
Is this lavrov guy clueless or just pretending ?
Hello moderator I sent in a comment and have not een it was smethig wrong with it? here it is again. please le me know what s wrong.
there cannot be a specific vaccine because viruses are constantly
changing. hence no vax for common cold or flu.
but why do we need a vacine when things like Vitamin c,
vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine and zinc amongst others have been
proven scientifically to work against any virus including.
Mod: I deleted the balance of this comment. It is in violation of Moderation Rule 19 which says “19) New! I am banning any comments which mention, even indirectly, the medical aspects of SARS-COV-2/COVID19 including, but not limited to: origin, prevention, effects on health, treatments and putative “non-existence” (including the “its just like the flu” kind). However, I am specifically ALLOWING comments about the political, ideological, social and economic aspects of SARS-COV-2/COVID19. Any attempt to “smartass & bypass” this ban will result with an immediate removal from the infringing comment. A second attempt will result in a permanent ban. Finally, the sole exception to this rule is the Moveable Feast Café“
Sergey Lavrov, Foreign Minister, going off again in diplomatic manner using facts, logic, common sense, knowledge, and wisdom.
Now, if you are not eating a meal or sipping coffee or tea, compare him with the Buffoon Pompeo.
It is embarrassing just to know that Mike Pompeo exists, much less represents the 330 million Americans.
How great for the Russian people to have Lavrov speak for them.
That is exactly what I was thinking when I listened to that presentation.
The only thing that I would add is this.
The American educational system has so “dumbed down” its’ citizens, that they fall for the tall tales being advanced by people like Pompeo. This is one of the reasons that I am convinced of the coming fall of the American empire. There is no way to reform the United States without an informed citizenry capable of both critical thinking and a dispassionate analysis of facts. The United States simply does not have such a citizenry.
Well, mike pompaio is neocon, like trump, and just the sort of colonial the likud israeli overlords want in pindo government right now. They know his arse is wholly dedicated to their use and that is exactly what israel wants now. Time is past for “equivocating liberals” pushing half zionazi-gay policy, these things want demand the full monty now.
Yes, absolutely refreshing from Lavrov.
You did have to remind of Pompeo to make my cup of coffee taste funny. The Chinadaily cartoonist(s) are wickedly funny on this creature. Take a look if you like cartoons ..
Lavrov talks calmly and sensibly, as usual. However, I am not at all interested in having a rushed and hardly tested very experimental vaccine pumped into my bloodstream.
To date, there has never been a successful vaccine against coronavirus infection, human or animal and it might not be too unreasonable to ask how it is to be different this time. The answer is of course, it’s simply magic, which is wonderful stuff. Anyway, it will soon be hey presto and the lockdowns will be over, for a while at least.
They will need a second lockdown to get their vaccines in to everyone.
It is likely this was just a trial run.
As superb as Mr Lavrov is, expertise in diplomacy and logic does not make him a scientist.
The scientists in control in France at least looks like a “Schindler’s list” according to Alain Soral.
I believe they have learned via their global warming scam that by manipulating the original data they can engage even the experts in their cause without the use of bribery, blackmail, banishment or violence.
They really are getting good at this.
A question for the logicians out there.
If the average age of a corona virus victim is the same age as life expectancy, what are we looking at?
Probably the most accomplished, intelligent and seasoned diplomat that I have ever watched. Never have I seen him caught in any type of double speak or “kompromat”. A true professional – even if you do not like him, one must accord him respect.
I agree with L445 on many points, but in this case I would choose to spank him somewhat, as mentioning Pompeo’s name or referencing him in any way to Lavrov is an insult. Pompeo couldn’t carry Lavrov’s gym bag.
Now that’s a mind-bender, putting “pompeo” and “gym bag” in the same sentence.
Russia should leave the WHO (W Hasbara Only) and start a new organization addressing mental health issues. Some people need to be locked up, and they are not in Russia.
Yes, Justice requires an unbiased, non punitive, truth seeking investigation of this Virus/Thing-ee from origins to development to final treatment if that, indeed exists in the world of biomes and vir-oems .
As for vaccines: people must be informed exactly what is in these and what the risks are . People with already compromised or senescent immune systems especially should be granted the right of refusal and informed consent. Bill Gates of Hades says 700,000 people will die from his vaccine. Would you buy a used car from this man?
As for WHO top leadership. I hesitate to compare the ordinary field agent of the FBI with the scum who are the top leadership of this organization in the USA. Perhaps this is an unfair parallel to then say that there are many WHO scientist who are just that, scientists, and who are not professional science-bureaucrats with political and personal agendas.
As for Fauci—he is deeply compromised by his history of conflicts of interest and of systematic persecution of dissident scientists in the USA. He and his buddies in the NIH funded research at the Wuhan lab and aided its efforts through U. of North Carolina. The FBI recently arrested a Harvard professor working at a nearby lab in Wuhan–he was a biochemical/nanotech engineer. Perhaps this has nothing at all to do with the level 4 viral research lab in Wuhan but Surely one can judiciously question these correlations and coincidences without being smeared with some kind of name-calling.
There are two ways of deception: one is outright falsification and the other is strategic withholding of pertinent facts which would give the bigger picture. Most people in the US with functioning brain cells know that both forms of mendacity have been performed. Fauci said–no pandemic…the NIH said no need for masks , the CDC delayed regional testing and said no need to social distance. I, for one, remember. Yes, mistakes were made, And, yes, incompetence was exhibited. As I remember Russia was quick to close borders and quick to use the 2 months head start to marshal forces and to learn with the intention of protecting their people. ( I posted a joke video in Feb)
“Bill Gates of Hades says 700,000 people will die from his vaccine.”
Kermit the Gates, the most successful petty crook in human history.
Why is this man not dead?
i read that president putin has ordered the entire russian government a few days ago to cease using microsoft gates’ software throughout russia and develop their own.
Oldnick, I heard that few years back and they are still using it. Who is Gates bribing?
Lavrov lends a credibility to statesmanship that the U$A, and it’s minions cannot match..
So would Lavrov and his government be for mandatory enforced vaccinations? Vaccination passports?
Agree with Samuel Burke’s comment.
Lavrov- a great diplomat, should examine the imperial health politics of vaccinations. And the fascistic threat of mandatory vaccinations is a major major issue!
For a good scientific analysis of how vaccines work/ don’t work you can watch this excellent series:
(This is my 3rd attempt to comment? I support this blog – where are my comments? Thank you moderators- am I just impatient? If so I apologize but it’s been hours now.
The issue here is not vaccination, or even WHO’s work: Lavrov is simply mounting a defense of China against the US and assorted vassals. A well-argued defense…
I would not be troubled by anything Lavrov has to say. I like him and he is being diplomatic, which is fine!
It’s fine to protect the honest people in WHO. If I were working there I wouldn’t want to admit it right now. People are pissed and with good reason. Too many signs of something fishy going on.
But it is obvious to anyone with half a brain that the Money of Gates and Soros and their many “charitable” foundations can corrupt, buy off, employ, more than a few rotten apples….thusly bribed to use The Virus for their paymasters’ NWO aims, outweighing in their harmful effects the100 times as many good people in an institution such a W.H.O.
Meanwhile Trump is really after Those Billionaire Psychopaths of Technocratic Control and they are mainly in the west. So its fine that Lavrov calms the waters.
Meanwhile Trump announced in today’s White House press conference that he’s been taking Hydroxychloroquine for the last 14 days:
This Hoax is about to be shot full of holes. There’s a cure. No vaccine required.
Fauci, Birx, Gates and their minions have been set up. This should be fun to watch play out.
since it’s a hoax then there is neither vaccine nor a cure required.
We have been set up but not only by Fauci, Birx and Gates. The Orange Whitehouse man is playing his Grand Sanhedrin (Adelson Funded) part to a “T”.
You missed Lavrov’s point. In giving these numbers – 60 Euratlantic experts v. 40 Chinese – he is defending China, not WHO.
And a good defence it was, too.
Hi Everyone,
My comment was hastily expressed about Lavrov and his seeming endorsement of vaccines. I have been following vaccine policy in the USA for many years. A member of my family was adversely affected to say the least, and I am very informed as a result. It worries me when one of the good guys like Lavrov on the international political scene is sold on vaccine policy. Vaccines are not what the media say they are – this is the truth. If you are wanting to be informed I highly recommend the documentary linked below and presented by Ty Bollinger as a level-headed investigation into this taboo topic. Thanks for allowing another comment.
I do fear Covid as an opportunity by Pharma corporations to push for enforced vaccinations.
He’s the best. No if, and or but about it.
Because facts really SHOULD be sacred. We won’t always agree with you. Unfollow if you like your narratives simple, pre-packed and along party lines.
George Galloway
OH DEAR, how true…
The U.S.A.
They lied about #Iran
They lied about #Vietnam
They lied about #Chile
They lied about #Iraq
They lied about #Afghanistan
They lied about #Iraq. Again.
They lied about #Libya.
They lied about #Syria.
Thez lied about #Venezuela
Thez lied about # Ukraine
Thez lied about # Russia
But yeah, sure, THIS TIME it’s for a “just cause” blaming China.
Huh ? What ? the who is spotless ? snow white ?
No connections to big pharma ? There is no medical mafia ?
Is this lavrov guy clueless or just pretending ?
Hello moderator I sent in a comment and have not een it was smethig wrong with it? here it is again. please le me know what s wrong.
there cannot be a specific vaccine because viruses are constantly
changing. hence no vax for common cold or flu.
but why do we need a vacine when things like Vitamin c,
vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine and zinc amongst others have been
proven scientifically to work against any virus including.
Mod: I deleted the balance of this comment. It is in violation of Moderation Rule 19 which says “19) New! I am banning any comments which mention, even indirectly, the medical aspects of SARS-COV-2/COVID19 including, but not limited to: origin, prevention, effects on health, treatments and putative “non-existence” (including the “its just like the flu” kind). However, I am specifically ALLOWING comments about the political, ideological, social and economic aspects of SARS-COV-2/COVID19. Any attempt to “smartass & bypass” this ban will result with an immediate removal from the infringing comment. A second attempt will result in a permanent ban. Finally, the sole exception to this rule is the Moveable Feast Café“