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If it were a matter of simple patriot hurrah, we would see who ´s got the cojones.
But it is not.
Hoever, after March 1 Putin ´s speech moscow logically should show something else.
I profoundly hope the Russian Navy tows a barge out to sea that looks like a U.S. Navy destroyer and video tapes it being struck by a modern anti-ship missile. Then send this video to every U.S. Navy ship captain operating a warship in the Mediterranean Sea. Remind them of what happened to the U.S.S. Stark when it got hit by an Exocet missile 31 years ago in 1987.
Tell these captains that Russian special forces are on the ground now in Idlib province fighting ISIS terrorists and elsewhere. If any of them are killed by cruise missiles launched from U.S. warships, those vessels will be escorted far and away from the Syrian coast, by force if necessary.
Just what do you think this is, a game?
US/NATO vessels that cause the deaths of Russian servicemen wont just be excorted out of the area of hostility. They will be utterly destroyed!
Apparently Tel-A-Viv and Washington are thinking along thse lines, but hopefully they are in for rude Kalibr awakening…
These Naval drills are hardly a coincidence. They have been timed with the Syrian liberation of Idlib. NATO better think twice what it intends to do.
Well, I agree. I remember reading an article, either just before or during FIFA games, that Russia was putting things on hold until September. So, September is here.
I wanna see an aircraft carrier group destroyed so bad I can taste it.
This whole concept of a surface fleet projeting power around the globe needs to be put to the test…
No, not put to the test. It should be more like ‘laid to rest’.
Aircraft carriers are just showy anachronism, given the huge developments and advancements made in the field of missile technology.
What will it take to convince the doubters?
Is it that nothing short of a sinking will suffice?
Geronimo; Would a collapse of the western financial system satisfy your hunger? A lot more satisfying all around and not very far away at all. I totally relate to how you feel.
As I understand it, the Russian forces in the eastern Med are stronger than NATO forces there, at the moment. I imagine the NATO commanders know this and understand that such a strike would lead to a serious Russian retaliation, most likely including the destruction to some portion of the NATO assets in that theater… among other things.
I think it would be in everyone’s (well, except the neocons/zioists) best interest if the SAA and friends are able to carry out this Idlib offensive without the proverbial sh!t hitting the fan. If the Assad regime can finish the Idlib push without provoking a serious response from NATO/Israel it will have the situation more stabilized and better conditions to follow through with a political process. This will give the poor Syrian people some much needed relief, it would avert an escalatory situation potentially leading to disaster, it would make the Russia/Iran/Turkey political process more solid and boost their political capital.
On the other hand, what can NATO even do?
They appear to be out-gunned and surrounded…
The Assad government , mind you. Stop using Zionazi slander/hasbara against the Syrians.
Thank you, Nussiminen. I for one would feel a lot safer living under Assad’s rule than living in the US under a group of unknown psychopaths.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Keeping Syria and Ukraine in my prayers. While I’m excited about Syria getting itself sovereign and cleaned up of foreign mercs, I’m also a bit worried about what’s to follow given US/NATO’s antics. I have a feeling they got the message and won’t be doing anything stupid. But you never know with psychopaths. There must be an antidote for this disease!
My pleasure, Frank Rizo!
You wrote:
”I have a feeling they got the message and won’t be doing anything stupid. But you never know with psychopaths. There must be an antidote for this disease!”
The appropriate antidote to Western ruling psychopaths, past and present, should be resounding imperialist defeats. The Red Army conquering Berlin stands out as a monumental example of this assessment.
I was just about to write this “The Assad government , mind you.”. Infections are deep and rooted.
This stuff sounds serious if true.
The #RussianNavy closes the waters of the #Mediterranean and prevents the flying of civil aircraft and ships. Chinese warships have been ordered to go to the Syrian coasts and join the Russian fleet #Syria #Breaking #China #US
This seems to be the source in Arabic:
Not serious at all. The Russians have issued a NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) that they are conducting a military exercise and the area affected. Standard practice for all militaries. Civil aviation then avoids the declared area so accidents don’t occur.
I do not have an up to date report on the status of US warships in the Mediterranean or the Red Seas. The same for the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea. But I do not believe that there is an aircraft carrier in any of these at this time. Recently, RT/Sputnik reported upon the movements of US destroyers and the arrival of a B-2 bomber into the general area.
The impending attack would seem to follow the same tactics as the previous ones: standoff weapons and weapons carriers.
I expect that the US will assign specific ships, submarines, or patrol aircraft to closely monitor every Russian ship in the Mediterranean and Black seas. This should enable the NATO forces in range to retaliate within minutes of any hostile act that might be taken by any of the vessels. I expect that the Russians are aware of this and are probably ready to do the same.
Should the Russians take action against the US/NATO forces directly in reaction to a US attack on Syria, it would trigger one of the shortest and most deadly naval engagements in history; and it would probably be one without a clear winner.
“I do not have an up to date report on the status of US warships in the Mediterranean or the Red Seas.”
Here is an updated map of carrier groups. Notice anything significant??
Thank you, Kent, for this update.
The absence of carrier groups from the Mediterranean and Middle East is very significant.
Agreed, and many thanks for the information. Looks like a signal for a “Showdown at the OK Corral”, or, probably some more “Days Of Infamy” (yes, plural) on the way. Far .too many people will be needlessly sacrificed. ..Most of what they’ll tell us on the mainstream news will be absolute lies. Ugh!
Well, if the zionazi colonials are planning on using cruise missiles, they don’t need carriers.
Blasts at Damascus air base after possible missile strike (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
“According to unnamed officials and intelligence sources cited by multiple media outlets, the air base was the target of an airstrike or missile attack, and Syrian air defenses responded.Some reports suggested that there had been three explosions, targeting a research center in Jamraya near Damascus and a military depot, which suffered a direct hit.
However, one military source cited by Syrian state media outlet Sana, has denied there has been an attack, instead saying the explosions were caused by a short circuit at a munitions dump.”
See also:
Breaking: Syrian Army says massive explosions at Mezzeh Airbase were result of electrical fault, no airstrikes
Exclusive: Video footage from just outside of Mezzeh Airbase shows powerful explosion
Syrian FM confirms blasts at Damascus military airport caused by short circuit
“A chain of explosions at Mazzeh military airport in Damascus, Syria, late Saturday was caused by a short circuit at a nearby ammunition depot, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has said. “As we understood from sources in the Syrian Defense Ministry, the reason for these explosions was a short circuit resulting from overheating, which was not the result of illegal Israeli aggression,” he told Rossiya 24 television. It comes after previous reports suggested the site was targeted by an Israeli missile attack or airstrike. The airport is a key Syrian air force base located in the Mazzeh (Mezzeh) municipality to the southwest of central Damascus.”
Leaked secret directive shows UN won’t help to rebuild Syria until there’s ‘political transition’
“An internal UN document that was leaked to the media says the organization won’t provide humanitarian assistance to war-torn Syria until there’s a deal on “political transition.” The UN had earlier denied such a directive existed.
Concerns about the UN tying its assistance in post-war reconstruction to the political process in Syria were previously raised by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Speaking at a press event two weeks ago, Lavrov said that a “secret directive,” banning UN agencies from participating Syria’s economic recovery, was distributed by the UN Secretariat last October.
The Russian minister explained that he first suspected that such a directive may exist within the UN after UNESCO had rejected Moscow’s appeal for help in restoring partially destroyed World Heritage sites in the ravaged ancient city of Palmyra.
According to Kommersant’s own sources, the leaked document was originally written by former US diplomat Jeffrey Feltman, who is now serving as UN under-secretary-general for political affairs. The UN, meanwhile, had denied that such a document ever existed. “There was no ‘secret directive’ issued by any department at the UN,” Stephane Dujarric, the secretary-general’s spokesperson, told TASS news agency at the time.”
No idea how reliable this is. Caveat emptor.
This is a Yandex translation of the text in Russian that appears above the map at the above link
Denis Gorchakov
Moscow, Russia
02.09.18. Video from the war correspondents CNM DNR.
“Total assault on the Donbass, the Ukrainian army is inevitable and a foregone conclusion. It starts in the South. AFU ARE PREPARING AN OFFENSIVE IN THE SOUTHERN DIRECTION. In spite of the fact that since August 29 on Donbass “School truce” works, the Ukrainian side not only doesn’t intend to observe it, but also, apparently, prepares for active offensive actions. Military correspondents of the press service of the UNM DNR visited the South of the Republic, in the village of Kominternovo, and found out the situation on the spot. Yesterday, the DPR defense Ministry announced the upcoming September 14 offensive of the Ukrainian army. Ukrainian soldiers plan to go on the offensive in Donbass on September 14. This was reported in the operational command of the DNI. The Ministry noted that the militia has already been put in a state of high alert.”