by Robert Cialdini and Peter Koenig for the Saker Blog
Have you ever wondered how a herd of sheep is driven to their slaughterhouse? Manipulation of minds is a well-studied science, has been applied already for centuries, but is getting ever more sophisticated. For example, the many poignant assertions, Joseph Goebbels, Hitlers Minister of Propaganda (1933 to 1945), included, “if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth”; or “if you make people believe in the threat of an enemy, they’ll do your bidding”– and “divide and polarize them, destroy their solidarity, and they follow your command”.
Today we have become more sophisticated. While fear is still the weapon of choice – imagine an invisible enemy that everybody is scared of – we have digitally observant media, algorithms and robots that focus on your thinking, how you react and deal with social media, or what websites you consult, and where and what you shop. This is just to mention a few points of information. Today there are on average about 200 such data to be electronically computed, so as to sway your opinion and to make you believe the most flagrant lies.
You may recognize what covid is doing to you and at what state of manipulation we are – how close to the slaughterhouse are we? The seven stages below synthesize the book ‘Influence, The Power of Persuasion’, by Robert Cialdini.
Hypnotherapists have been noticing blatant hypnosis and Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) techniques being used by the government and state-controlled media. NPL is a psychological approach that involves analyzing strategies used by successful individuals and applying them to reach a personal goal. It relates thoughts, language, and patterns of behavior learned through experience to specific outcomes.
Listen to this:
👉 Fractionation:
You get them to do something not once, but again and again, increasing the level of intensity each time. Usually, you do it 3 times. (At the first lockdown I said – watch out, there’ll be a 2nd and a 3rd) This increases compliance – you’re much more likely to get them to do whatever you want.
👉 A ‘Yes’ set:
Get them to say ‘Yes’ to something small at first (just two weeks to “flatten the curve”) then gradually increase (months of lockdown, Christmas cancelled, socially/economically coerced into vaccines). In this way they’re much more likely to keep saying yes. (There would’ve been riots if they’d said in March lockdowns will carry on through Christmas.)
👉 Confusion:
Keep them in a constant state of uncertainty. The conscious mind responds to this by ‘going offline’ as it searches for the appropriate response for something it has no precedent for. Then it’s much easier for the manipulator to gain access to the unconscious mind and change belief systems. For example, lockdown rules are changing on practically a day-to-day basis; we’re living in a world we’ve never lived in before, everyone’s stumbling about with no idea how to behave. We’ve no energy left to fight our oppressors.
👉 Repetition:
Repeat the same information over and over (see any newspaper / TV news for evidence of this!)
👉 Illusion of Choice
Make them believe they’re in control by giving them 2 choices, both of which lead to the same result. For example, ‘Do you want the Pfeizer or the Oxford?’ or ‘You can choose to be good or bad. Bad = more lockdown. Good = more lockdown.’
👉 “Social Proof”
“Look, all these great celebrities are backing it!”
👉 “Scarcity”
“You’ll have to wait your turn for the vaccine… we might be running out”
And so many more… All classic psychological control techniques. Once you see it, you can’t un-see it.
Check out the book ‘Influence’, The Power of Persuasion’ by Robert Cialdini – all the methods he talks about are being used daily in the news and other media.
If we realize in time that this is what is happening to us, that this theory applied is behind covid and using covid for a much more freedom encroaching ulterior goal – total control of humanity, of people’s behavior, of food, of resources – over whether people live or die – and of the world’s riches – then we might have a chance to break out from the herd that storms towards the abyss – or the slaughterhouse.
Waking up – protesting – disobeying – and reconnecting with each other. NOW.
Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).
Peter Koenig is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.
In my humble opinion Peter and Robert there is a ready answer for develving into these types of psychological mind control operations and that is ‘manufacturing satire or humour’ from the propositions that may appear reasonable. As soon as one tries this the psychology or false learning is exposed. Such is why I spend a lot of my time trying to attach to the most universally accepetd propsition some humour. Exaggeration of that proposition is first satire then it can develop into humour.
For example regarding the political situation in the US I wrote:
‘Look, what is wrong with a little bit of corruption. The folk of the USA like and respect a family that takes a few bribes for some favours here and there. The whole US society is built on this type of operation. What is wrong with that? It has led the US to become one of the world’s greatest societies – and it is just human nature anyway. Show me a Christian in politics in the US who does not want to take a little from the church plate.
The Bidens, Clintons and Trumps are just typical families like many others who enjoy showing others that a little corruption does no harm at all. So much so that American citizens admire those like Joe, HIllary and Donald who help themselves to a few favours for money (I call it helpful assistance) that they will elect them to the highest office in the land.
This is the way business is done in the US. Even Nancy knows that. So what if there are a few poor casualties with no food and no home. They are obviously too stupid to avail themselves of the many opportunities. Why go to school in the US if not to learn how to look after number one?’
Thereby by the exaggeration of something apparent we can reach a situation where algorithms etc. somewhat negated. My first principle it to ask ‘is that proposition sufficiently believed so it may easily become satire?’
But the primary principle at play, especially where the government is concerned, is the Pavlov Dog system.
It sure is, and they may well be correct yet treating the general population in such a fashion my produce abnomalities that have serious long term side effects on such a government.
Recently I made two satires one regarding Libya and one regarding an article I read concerning how Biden may be under obligations to Israel.
For Libya I read where Gaddafi was anally assaulted by a bayonet before he was killed and I searched for a visual of his death. It was there and it was horrific. I also came across the reaction of the US secretary of state. So how do I make a visual satire from this that will not offend the censors but yet to the discerning viewer the satire might work. The answer I came up with was metaphysics ‘al la’ Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
So Gaddafi was reborn as a Satyr and a cast of transported figures that were the normal satyr’s prey yet on inspection resembled other ‘you guessed it’ individuals. I published it as:
‘A Satyr’s Revenge: A last look at Libya.’
NOTE: The US supreme court has ruled that all ‘satire’ is permissible under the elements of free speech althougth it seems social media is not beholden to anyone anymore.
The Biden reference being from a source most likely the Saker or Unz as well as the well accepted situation that Israel is a political force in the US. Sourcing an excellent clip from an Al Pacino clip of Shylock I saw an opportunity to make it into a exposition whereon the ‘quality of mercy’ speech the ‘spill not a drop of blood’ can easily be accepted by the viewer (with a few interposed visuals) to make the likely connection to the present day. There was also a particularly relevant visual of a Palestinian youth in a pose that one could only draw particular very strong parallels.
This also passed the algorithms and censors of the two aforementioned media operations.
The Merchant of Venice part2: Part 1 was all satire. Part 2 is a little different. I used some clips from the excellent Al Pacino as Shylock performance. I could not make this otherwise. Make of it what you will.
Please note I think more visually than I do linguistically thus paintings are my stock in trade.
Did you know that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines aren’t vaccines in the medical and legal definition of a vaccine? They do not prevent you from getting the infection, nor do they prevent its spread. They’re really experimental gene therapies:
COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines
Please ask yourself why is there an independent website tracking 189 country’s military purchases that is forecasting a 70% decrease in the population of the USA by the year 2025:
Then please ask yourself why there is there a large granite monument in a field in Georgia with ten NWO creeds that forecasts our world population to drop over 90% from 7.8 billion to 500 million:
Mystery Babylon has all these lovely plans for the masses:
Good idea – Orwell said that in every joke there is a little revolution,
Plus humor is the best de-stressor and a good way to reappraise the situation in a way that empowers us.
If you could ever write a history of who they were, what they said and what happened to the world’s best court jesters over the last 2 thousand years it would trump any other history of civilization. I am lead to believe most survived and lived long happy lives whereas many losers of great sincerity and honesty succumbed quickly to grim misfortunes.
There are several prevalent schools of thought regarding replacement theology expressed within the teachings of Judeo-Christianity, these doctrines paint a false picture concerning the truths of Judaism. This brief synopsis will examine some of these beliefs within the context of replacement theology.
In this article, we will not be viewing Judaism through the narrow prism of propaganda that has captured the minds of those who have been infected with a Judeo-Christian ideology.
When we are able to escape the false gospel programming, the reality with regards to replacement theology becomes rather apparent. There are profound differences between the Old Law and the New Covenant. All who were under the original Law, given unto the Hebrew’s, would die in their sins apart from the shed blood of the Messiah.
Judeo-Christianity and replacement theology
Although there are variances, the Judeo-Christian dual-covenant doctrine is not an actual replacement theology as such. It is more of a dualistic yet separate plan of redemption for both the Jewish people and the Christians.
Many theologians teach that the New Testament church will be raptured before the commencement of the Great Tribulation. The theory is that at the end of this age, there is a period of seven years in which many Jews will come to know Christ as their Messiah.
Within Christian eschatology, it is almost exclusively taught that the Antichrist will confirm a covenant with the Jews for seven years. And in the middle of this week, he causes the sacrifices and offerings to cease. Then on a wing of the temple, he sets up the abomination of desolation.
The prominent view is that Yahweh has promised to save all of Israel. As the story goes, He will bless those who bless Israel, and His everlasting promise to them is unconditional. Unfortunately, most so-called scholars simply do not understand the identity of the true Israel of God.
Gal 3:29 And if ye be with Messiah, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
It is taught that we cannot exclude the Jewish people from their original and permanent covenant promises, as they represent the natural seed of Abraham.
If the covenant promise was made to Abraham and his seed, who does this seed refer to?
Gal 3:16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Messiah.
Are the Jewish people synonymous with Spiritual Israel, or does this family consist of all who have a spiritual relationship with Yahweh?
Do not the children of Yahweh place their faith in Yahshua (the Savior) who is the Messiah, and the very image of Yahweh (2 Cor 4:4, Col 1:15, Gal 3:26)?
Is it not clearly defined that the righteousness of Yahweh is only possible through faith in the Messiah without the works of the Law (Rom 1:17, 3:22, 28, Rom 9:32).
Romans 4:13 For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith
The Judaizers would claim that we can never combine the Church with Israel, as the two are forever separated with unique identities and purposes.
Romans 4:14 For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect
The Messiah (the one they call Christ) is the Savior of the Old and New Testament Saints alike. How then can the creation of a division within Yahweh’s children be possible?
Romans 7:4 Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Messiah; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto Yahweh.
These are important questions that are easily answered. But only if we allow the Holy Spirit that proceeds from Yahweh speak to us (John 14:16, 26, 15:26, 16:7). When we are able to rightly discern these four verses in John, it becomes clear that Yahshua (the Savior) is in fact Yahweh, manifest in the flesh.
It’s all so obvious, if not perfectly articulated just yet. This massive attempt at a non-organic paradigm shift.
As if just yelling at a crowd to look this way! and believe this and that “truth” is enough to somehow manifest and grow momentum on its own. So that perhaps the string-pullers don’t need to keep twisting and prodding the herd. It will just takes over on its own and lead to the desired results.
It’s enough to turn ones stomach.
And with people fairly isolated and non-social how are people to gather that tried and true source of grounding in this environment? The proverbial word-of-mouth? It is nearly impossible. And this seems to be right according to plan.
So I concur wholeheartedly with Me. Koenig’s admonition. WakeUp and Reconnect
Everybody is using sheep as an example.
I would be more interested in the psychology of how someone convinces a rooster or dog to go in the fight. Or, is it possible to convince peaceful species to go in the fight for life or death. It looks to me that someone setting the entire human population to willingly go in the big war although things can be sorted out by different means.
The most accurate parallel – indeed, the only accurate one – is with apes such as chimps. As Jared Diamond hinted in the title of one of his books, humans are “the third chimpanzee” (after chimps and bonobos).
Chimps are not herd animals, but they always live in troops. A lone chimp will almost certainly die quickly. Chimps are omnivores: they eat a lot of leaves and other vegetable matter, but they are avid for meat whenever they can get it. (This is one big difference, as humans lost their huge leaf-digesting guts long ago, and now rely on cooked foods and especially meat).
Bonobos are mostly peaceful, whereas chimps continually walk a tightrope between cooperation and vicious competitition. According to Richard Wrangham, the difference is mainly due to nothing more than the fact that chimps coexist with gorillas, whereas bonobos don’t. The gorillas eat much of the ground vegetation, driving the chimps into the trees and making them far more competitive and aggressive.
Like all troop animals, chimps need a strong leader above almost everything else. Without a strong, undisputed leader, a troop is uncertain and liable to lose its members or just die off completely. It is useless to study the reactions and choices of human communities without being aware of this deep-seated instinctive need for a strong leader. Whether the leader is good or bad, kind or violent doesn’t matter at all – just as long as he gives the troop a centre and decisive leadership.
Hence the respect for Boris Johnson.
The fact that chimps coexist with gorillas as the major reason chimps are violent and bonobos are peaceful is ignoring the strong pull of sex and mainly that bonobos are led by matriarchs. The gorillas play a part but how much?
Like all troop animals, chimps need a strong leader above almost everything else. Without a strong, undisputed leader, a troop is uncertain and liable to lose its members or just die off completely.
In chimpanzee society, every adult male is dominant to every female, and the strongest social bonds are between males. Males regularly attack, and sometimes kill, adults and babies from their own and neighboring groups, sometimes forming coalitions to do battle together. In contrast, said Furuichi, bonobo societies are relatively peaceful, with squabbles rarely escalating to serious violence.
The lower ranks of bonobo society are gender-balanced, with some males dominant to some females, and vice versa. But the highest-ranking individuals in a group are always the old females, said Gottfried Hohmann, a primatologist and bonobo specialist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, who was not involved in the study.
do you have any idea or way we can deal with it, avoid such plans in progress for us all?
I do! the Hungarian people all the way back in the mid nineteen fifties had an idea I consider the right idea in hindsight. they eschewed all leadership and organized parties and took responsibility for the national life, pled with Europe to keep the elites off their backs and proceeded to make of Hungary a real socialism from the ground up.
they were smashed of course but that was a first example of the extent to which the ordinary people had developed, to the point of being able and ready to take over society and run it from the total interest and interest and view of the people….all the way back in 1956, 65 years ago.
the ordinary people of the world are ready now to do the same! and in fact we better be ready because the elites believe that we are, and that if we are in fact ready now is our time weather we understand that or not, for if they have their way we will never have another opportunity to overthrow exploitative society, whatever its form on the day, and the elites, who have begun their own program to preempt revolutionary change from below, to eliminate any and all such popular potential permanently
it is time for ordinary people the world over to rise up and take over the streets, by the millions, rise up and clean the house, wash out and cleanse the house with the blood of all elites every before they solidify their social position permanently, by achieving the same for themselves with our collective ordinary blood
that is the current social equation and neither side has a choice but to find ways to eliminate either side of side or the other. such elimination is the resolution of the current stage of human evolution…popularly described as a choice between ‘Brave New World’ and ‘Popular Democracy’.
there is/are no external driving force or forces for this as far as I can tell. this is a situation derived entirely from human evolution at this universal point, an effect of the cause the gave rise to the world of which human evolution is a fundamental part from our point of view.
the current human equation is a product entirely of human evolutionary development. and if human development is to continue progressively, the ordinary people of must eliminate the Brave New World potential, all potential for exploitative social organization, which are fundamentally, collectively suicidal, by successfully establishing social democracy, and carrying that through achievement to further, future progressive evolutionary stages of social and human evolution.
so it is time for the people to get up and out into the streets in total and clear away exploitative society and the representatives of that, creating as they go whatever forms of organization to meet general social needs as they go. Hungary was the major example of such popular action more than a generation ago. and as we go through history we will see more of such popular action and its representation of similar advanced stage of development and action by the people in popular revolutionary activity.
from my small knowledge of such human behavior I have gotten the idea that it is possible for human popular advance without the need for any minority leadership of the kind that proliferates and always lead to counter revolutions, the betrayal of popular revolutionary activity by the minority, highly university educated leadership of the political parties, that come to lead the revolution made by the people. it is essential that the people proceed without such leadership, and we have had actual examples of that taking place already, so we know that it is not only possible but ready to be actualized
I’m afraid it’s already too late, there are far too few of the herd waking up to this blatant manipulation. The media bullhorn is too loud, prevalent, and the lie too big. In May many people thought we were being scammed. Now these same people are falling into line. Now speaking against the dogma is seen as dangerous and odd. Nobody wants to associate with odd people. A personal story of how this is progressing:
My elderly father died in December of a stroke, when reporting to the authorities to get a death certificate I was asked three times if it was COVID. It would be so easy to join the crowd to be fashionable.
I thought it prescient when they started bandying about the term “new normal” right out the gate. That conditioning has largely taken hold now and that advertised “new normal” is indeed now the actual new normal. The masks will not be coming off anytime soon, nor will the social distancing restrictions and all the rest of the idiocy, mass vaccinations notwithstanding. In fact, there will be more variants – likely much more lethal – of this same madness coming at us in the near future.
Agreed about the media bullhorn. I never thought they could pull this off just a year ago, but now here we are. The naïve compliance of the flock continues to exceed all expectations.
NLP is far more sophisticated than this article suggest.
In fact radically more sophisticated.
I agree. I studied it to advance my sales expertise and there is much more meat on the NLP bone. I do remember Cialdini as well. What I see is pure spiritual deception. Christians have been deluded with a basket of half truths and outright frauds and are currently in a spiritual coma. They were supposed to be the salt of the earth which would season the culture but instead they became part of the culture. Consider comparing historical or covenant theology to dispensationalism which has only existed for the last 170 years.
Non Christians benefit from a solid Christian community more than they ever knew. Compare the character of Americans in the 1700’s through the WWII generations in relation to the last 30+ years.
Although it goes back much further, this was discovered in Hollywood during WW2. The propaganda was so effective that mass mind control became a major operation by Big Brother demonstrated by the MK-Ultra project which ignited the Leftist movement in Laurel Canyon. MK-Ultra’s base was located on the mountain next to Laurel Canyon. They conducted mind control experiments using LSD and torture and many other methods. Charles Manson and his gang were one of their products. So was David Berkowicz. John Lennon thanked the see eye aye for introducing LSD as a mind freeing drug instead of a mind control drug, but in the long run, he was wrong. MK-Ultra’s control of Hollywood has spread to the whole country.
Manson -> Son of Man. Berkowicz -> Son of Sam -> Samson -> Samson Option. Holly wood is used to make magic wands. Lenon and Ono were into “weird stuff” too. Hollywood’s occult symbolism reveals their diabolic plot.
I posted about just this sort of manipulation in the ‘ cafe ‘, :
“….Right at the start, the German government produced the ‘ Panic Paper ‘ designed to elicit compliance by inducing guilt :
“… the “Panic Paper” calls for children to be made to feel responsible – and I quote – “for the painful tortured death of their parents and grandparents if they do not follow the corona rules….”
This all reminds me of the trajectory of an abusive relationship,. It starts with kindness / reasonableness then gets worse gradually – ever more demands to be complied with – accompanied with threats and punishments. More activities not allowed – then isolation from friends and family – eventually the abuser has total control over the victim’s life…….
Everywhere, sinister signs are blaring warnings lest we forget – even for a moment……”
( Mods I hope it’s ok to re post this here – I thought it was relevant to the above article )
The tricky hole of this argumentation is that they, you know, they would and will take any opportunity to make the herds lower their heads and obey.
This virus came to be such a big and precious chance.
But they would do it with any other. The anthrax, the immigration , the compliance sub rules, the magnificent ‘advance’ of digitalization to ‘simplify’ our lives and to ‘decrease’ any goverment grasps on you , poor fellow…
I do not agree to forced indiscrimionate lockdowns as well.
But I challenge the authors to let their kids, grandkids, or parents to join the next rallies, parties or sports multitudes, to visit any 30 plus meetings with friends UNMASKED or go to work in a 500 employee business day in and out on a similar I-don’t-give-a-damn mood. Pls d that in
Will you kindly behave like that, and keep it on camera in the UK, CA or Manaus. I am anxious
to see your viewpoints enforced by yourselves.
COVID-19 is a US bioweapon first deployed in China, then in Iran, and finally in the USA. It was used as cover for the biggest transfer of wealth in human history from the US Treasury to the banksters and the big corpse back in March of 2020. It was designed to attack the elderly, the already infirm, and especially people of color, culling the herd so to speak. This deployment is much like what the US did to the Plains Indians back in the 19th Century, giving them smallpox-infested blankets to keep them warm in the wintertime. I wonder if the Cheyenne spent much time contemplating how they were being “manipulated” into taking those blankets?
Defeatism . Talk about defeatism. The posts on this entry are proof of the deleterious effect of it. I will just report that people are talking with each other and, as most students of history know, it is an active 20 or 30% of the population in motion which makes history, at least up until now.
Yes, I am one of them and , yes, we are waiting and watching and, yes, people need leadership—that is neither good nor bad. as it just is a fact of human social behavior. What is interesting is this:
Please talk about how the techno fascists need to come up with something more interesting than “Orange Man Bad” to keep the lumpen engaged and the game going. Then comment on it, mock it, publicize it. The Russian Foreign Ministry at least is beginning to understand and get creative about it..
As for the above news article—the American folk watch this and their cynicism just grows along with their understanding.
Do I hear screams of “insurrection” from CNN? Or ” they came up to my table, threatened me , grabbed my quiche, and I’m traumatized forever Sob, sob, sob! ” Oh, the horror, the horror. After all, the power elite is white except for the token, opportunist, professional “person of color” so they must think the BLM mob is maybe being manipulated for advantage by the people they think are in their pocket.
But the elites do have a problem of perception with the continued rioting. The American people will rally against “unfair”( the Asian American parents whose scholarship kids are being bumped from prep schools for being too white certainly are doing so) . Alas, the benighted propaganda pros will have to put their thinking caps on or declare the “night of the long knives”–which we already know they will not declare nor give advanced warning.
My post shows where the American people are”at “when they talk in confidence ( ha, the cell phone records all) to each other ….all 72,000,000 of us. As for what we are saying–not on this site will you ever see it posted except in a roundabout way. And by that I don’t mean a “circle around” way.
Hand wringing and “ain’t it awful” emoting isn’t my forte. ” Praise God and pass the ammunition” is more like it and I’d like to see more of this on this site.
Yes you need more powerfull ammunition. Once, under different circumstances, I did more subtle satire. Sadly now it has to be more dramatic and more ‘in your face’ to be effective. Hence I updated my Julian Assange video as I make Julian a huge threat to US, UK and Australian Christian morals and beliefs. This type of satire borders on insanity yet does not dissolve into humour and there lies the problem. When extremities are reached they should become humorus. Ricky Gervais in the UK used this to produce great entertainment some years ago. Anyway here is the video, which is sadly, just pure satire ….
some of us were calling for resistance since april 2020,
but noone listened
i wont cry over the proles, maybe this is supposed to happen, God’s will etc,
they have fallen from God’s grace long ago, now they will suffer consequences
This had not been posted on Zerohedge yet when I posted my first comment, but here it is as an addition:
Has anyone noticed how the daily newspapers had daily alarming headlines about “COVID cases keep increasing” (oddly, never decreasing) and how President Trump was personally responsible for everyone who was numbered as a COVID case, and other COVID coverage, but since resident Biden has been installed, all the newspaper can find to write about is vaccine programs and where to sign up? What a coincidence!
The main trick used by the authorities to control every aspect of our lives is based on a numerical error which is never admitted to or explained. That is the overt propaganda based on defining a “case” not as the medical term for someone with symptoms, but as someone who tested “positive” from a covid test with otr without any symptoms.
But the inventor of the technology always said that it should never be used that way. It was supposed to be only used to CONFIRM a diagnosis, not invent a non-diagnosis state of being. The technique is to DOUBLE over and over the presence of some viral fragment (not even necessarily covid), for a number of times called the “Ct” number. But Ct = 20 means a million, Ct = 30 means a billion, and Ct = 40 means a trillion. Most tests this year are in the 35-40 range (undisclosed of course), which means it takes multiplying some unknown viral fragment a trillion times to even “see” it and call it covid. That’s even assuming they are actually doing a test on a human sample and this whole thing is not a pure exercise in social and political control.
As I have said before on various forums, I do not personally know anyone afflicted with any symptoms called covid (which evidently consists of a floating range of all possible ailments), with the exception of one friend who felt poorly for a week a year ago, and one woman who had a slight cough for a week). If this is a pandemic (called when the number of worldwide “cases” was about 1,000), then one might well imagine that it could become a permanent feature of human life.
I have wondered it too.When comparing excess deaths to official COVID-19 deaths in spring 2020 there in most countries were more excess deaths than official C-19 deaths. But as we keep going to fall of 2020 there were much less excess deaths than C-19 deaths. So the COVID-19 death rate in March-April 2020 was likely very high but much lower than claimed after that. All in all Sweden had hardly even 4,000 excess deaths in 2020 while official COVID-19 claims are more than 10,000.
The handbook for managing voting machine.
Relevant to managing opinion, to say the least.
How deep is the rabbit hole of the power of lies, myths and propaganda in contemporary humans’ day-to-day existence? Far deeper than most humans (but not all) are capable of realizing.
For a too-brief glimpse down the hole (because I don’t have much time to type), imagine what it was like for a human being of whatever age you are to awaken in wherever you are, say, 9,000 years ago. Imagine how you and others you know around you just might have had to behave the rest of that day in order to just survive — acquire food, shelter, clothing, etc. What would you and others have to say to each other?
You already know what you did today after you got up out of bed, and you probably have a very good “idea” of how you’re going to behave for the next few days or even weeks or months.
Beyond the basic necessities of life (again, food, warm shelter, clothing, etc.), I think that it is safe to say that the “way of life” (the day to day behavior) of those born 9,000 years ago and those born, say, a few decades ago, and typing today, are vastly different.
Assuming for the moment that people born 9,000 years ago and those born a few decades ago are essentially, over all, genetically very similar (much more similar than a so-called ape to a so-called human), just exactly WHAT IS IT that accounts for the vastly different day-to-day behavior of those two groups of human beings?
(Now I’ve gotta go.)
Please explain the vast difference between “do what must be done to survive” and “do what must be done to survive”.
“Manipulation of minds is a well-studied science, has been applied already for centuries, but is getting ever more sophisticated….While fear is still the weapon of choice…we have digitally observant media, algorithms….”
While completely agreeing with the rest of the article I disagree with this specific point. The fact is, fear is not anymore the weapon of choice among others but the only remaining tool left for manipulation of the mind of serfs and slaves. That is why i posit that, at least in the U.S., Matrix masters have already moved on to a post-propaganda world, one where no effort is made anymore to rally people under their designated leader, Party, ideology, etc, no effort is made anymore to unify them under their Manufactured Consent, like it happened in regimens such as that of Hitler or Stalin, or Mussolini, but on the contrary, the work that is being done here is one for social and psychological disintegration, for making of every single member of society an enemy, and one possible victim, of the others. The result of that will be, or already is, an utterly paranoiac, violent populace, I abound on this idea in another page in this platform but as I guess I am not allowed to repeat it here, I’ll just quote my respondent Disaffected who perfectly resumed what I had written in a far longer post.
“A post-propaganda, disinformation-oriented, war of all against all world, where the MSM is used primarily to sow chaos and confusion, rather than to inform for good or for ill”
And here I got, by coincidence, the perfect example that illustrates my point, a view of what if in store for the future for U.S. society. Check the fact that in the scene shown in this video, eerily enough, is the cop the only one not acting like a violent mental patient..!
‘Shoot his ass!’ Maryland driver goads deputy sheriff as he unloads clip into stick-swinging assailant
Yep. I have to agree once more.
“the work that is being done here is one for social and psychological disintegration, for making of every single member of society an enemy, and one possible victim, of the others.”
this is the biggest misconception ever:
what you described is a perfectly normal – organic – development when
resources get scarce (and this is happening because the dollar system is collapsing
and cant provide for the inbound flow of resources)
exactly the same happened in the post-Soviet space in the 90s, Easter Island etc.
if there is only one leaf of bread, and you with your family have to compete
with another family, what would you do? advocate socialism? lets share?
but there is not enough for all – even if you are for sharing, will the opposing
family agree or just kill you off?
and everybody should stop blaming the elites, they are just smart enough
to guide this organic development to their favor. i say: good for them
I really wish that people paid more attention to what they are reading before pulling the trigger of their answering machine, especially when they use big words that are not even really necessary or even appropriate.
There is no such misconception in what I just wrote as your very “rebuttal” logically follows what I said and it could even be considered as an adequate explanation for the attitude of the camera man in this particular incident. I was pondering myself afterwards about the bizarre behavior of the guy, why could he be celebrating in such a cold blooded way the putting to death of a fellow human being and the conclusion I arrived was simply that he was seeing the other man as a competition, as an adversary. He, the dead man, was one member of the heard he was happy to see gone. “One less”. So, this is like a real life version of the Hunger Games, games which cause, I venture, is one some other people have already proposed. The field of possible victim states and peoples for the plundering (yet decaying) empire is becoming smaller and smaller as time passes and new sophisticated weapons are being made available to any resistance or rebel force that wants them (let’s just remember those Yemenite rebels who bombed Saudi oil fields and the Iranian missile attack on the US base in Iraq) and so any foreign plundering adventure is full of risks for the empire. Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, are pretty tough nuts to crack and besides them there is not many left out there as possible victims. So, what i think is happening is simply that the U.S. empire is finally bringing his plundering wars home (which would close the historical cycle started with its Civil war and the plundering of the South) so the victims of its plundering ways will be now its own subjects, which is only logical considering that the regime change that precedes every of those adventures has just taken place in its very capital.
Once, again, I wish that people paid more more attention when reading my posts.
Resources aren’t scarce. The financial system seems to be close to a collapse. The “elites” (those who created this mess) are trying to cover their behinds. Maybe shifting the blame (in 2008 by accusing the poor and now) by pitching people against each other is a smart move, but it’s morally wrong.
Sorry, I will bail right here because I have the impression you are having your own discussion and not even seeing if I am participating in it. I never wrote anything about scarcity of resources and I trust anyone that knows the History of the wars of the US knows that the American empire doesn’t go to wars to take control of the resources of other nations because of their scarcity and because it sorely needs them, but simply because it wants to control them. The U.S. didn’t invade Iraq and attacked Libya and is trying to get its hands on the Iranian, Venezuelan & Russia oil (if possible) because it is starving for oil but because controlling the world’s oil supply would allow it to virtually control the world. It is all about control and that is why when I wrote that “the field of victims is becoming very small” I specifically referred to the growing firepower of the potential victims and no to any diminishing resource. And the same rules that apply for the outside world apply now too for the home front. Making enemies of one American to the other (as opposite as the case was during the Cold War) allows the masters of the empire to control them as they’ll be too busy fighting each other to even think about fighting the plunder of their wealth, their pension funds, their savings, and so on by these same masters. Maybe my Hunger Games analogy is not perfect but the result is the same: having the plebeians fighting each other to the death for the little crumbs falling from the table where the elite has put all the loot it has taken from them.
BTW, the financial system won’t collapse as long as the elite got 330 million slaves it can work to death and suck their blood to the bone to keep it alive. And that closes my argument in this particular debate.
I responded to Anons post (using a smartphone). Probably I clicked the wrong “reply”, so that my answer ended up below your comment.
Sorry, my mistake. I don’t make the difference between Anons and Anonymous, to me they are all the same, so I thought I was dealing with only one poster. Welcome to Boomer’s World.
Practicing medicine without a license, I’d say the club swinging man is in a drug induced psychosis…. most probably marijuana which is very potent these days but is promoted as being “safe”. It is not “safe”because using it heavily or daily over years leaves a certain percentage of folks open to sudden onset of murderous psychosis or so the statistics show.
The older cop was lucky the man was not armed. Supposedly the Black commentator snorted and said, ” Guess he thought he had white privilege”. Seems he is not about to report a case of police brutality or organize a community demonstration. Pity. ( sarc)
I see all of these techniques, and I find them absurdities. Not that I’m disputing the premise or their collective effectiveness, just that it amazes me that so many people are duped by them. If someone were to try them on me one-on-one, I’d just punch him in the mouth.
This subject needs to be explored much more deeply, because it forms the basis of the current attack on us – humanity..
I will try and write a brief synopsis, of me being subjected to Psychological Attack and Hypnosis…
I worked hard and got promoted very rapidly…and now I was a Team Leader and a Trials Superisor…
I was only 23, and recruiting graduates same age as me, except I only did a year at university, and got a job in the computer industry a the sharp end, and had 4 years practical experience.
Occasionaly we would interview a guy (most of the CV’s went straight in the bin, after 30 seconds) and we all just knew on the interview panel- cos he was just so completely and utterley Brilliant and he was prepared to move from Edinburgh to Manchester. So we hired him – full relocation expenses and full permanent job…
I was merely O.K. certainly not in his class (technically brilliant and actually quite shy about it with his mild Scottish accent – good looking bloke too)
So as they had promoted me, way beyond my technical skills – which were never that great. I was a team leader now…so they sent me on all these Management Courses..Team Leadership Stuff – a week in a posh hotel..all expenses paid..We would typically be divided at the start of the week into different teams – usually 4 people in each team both male and female and maybe 6 teams including the teachers who amost certainly infiltrated every team as if they were like the rest of us, sent by our Companies to learn the very basics of Behavioual Analysis, and Behaviour Modification. I had to do these courses to get promoted to the next level….(but I understood what was going on – you are one of the team and you may get elected as the team leader – a bit like being in a Jury in England – except if you do that, you can go back home to your Family every night
On a Psychological Programming Course, you can’t and they build you up, and everyone thinks you are great and they then almost totally destroy you, and you only have one friend on the course, who will give you any support…I did not fall for that..I could see the honeytrap and I already had a nice girlfriend…
So they fired me (this is not unusual), and after a year on the dole, joined another company. I was about 28 now, and my Girlfiend moved from The North of England to London with me…
And so the same thing happened again to me. Again I got promoted very quickly – and they sent me to all these courses and management meeting all over the UK.
I said O.K. I will travel anywhere you want me to travel, be it a psycholgical brain modification course, or a Technical Meeting where i will try and address the problems about getting this real thing to work
which was to provide a service to most of the UK…PROVIDING, every night I sleep at home, with my lovely wife and children
To my amazement, the said OK.
I did warn my mate, who became my boss Do not go on The Final Course..cos I know what they do.
But he did. He was now a 100% Company Man. They deconstructed his brain (using all the techniques including the honey trap – he did have a nice wife at home, but was now compromised) and rebuilt him into a brainless moron, who could now just speak official “company narratives”. I never betrayed him, and we occasionally met socially – but I could no longer take this bullshit seriously anymore, and pleaded with them to make me redundant with full compensation. I nagged them to death for the next 2 or 3 years – Please pay me to go.
Eventually they said yes
So at lunch time, when I knew I had got the decision, I went to see my local Barber, who I hadn’t seen for years..My hair was getting really long – half way down my back…I said cut it all off – the lot of it..
And went back to work with a big smile on my face.
They might have mistreated me, but they did not Brainwash me.
I do understand some of the techniques, but never thought it could work on a world wide scale, which it quite obviously has.
I have no idea what is going to happen next, but I will try my best to avoid being injected with any vaccine. I hope my family and friends say no too, but that is entirely up to them. I can only hint at the dangers.
I don’t know how to counteract this mass brainwashing, with almost everyone wearing masks.
@Tony: “I don’t know how to counteract this mass brainwashing, with almost everyone wearing masks”.
And yet you keep on trying, by reminding us of our common humanity; good for you. Some people just resign themselves and go with the flow of events, like German physicist Max Born during the whole course of Hitler’s trajectory:
“These things [mass brainwashing and Fascist takeover] are like storms; they must run their course”. — Born-Einstein Correspondence
Born kept his head down, remained professor in Germany until the Nazis threw him out, found good posts in Cambridge and Edinburgh, then retired to his native land because pensions were higher in postwar Germany.
On the other hand, Einstein openly opposed Fascism, and recommended Roosevelt to develope a nuclear bomb.
Which was the better course? Einstein’s opposition did not shorten the war against Hitler, nor did Born’s quiescence lengthen it. The only opposition which mattered was the USSR. The Red Army chewed up 80% of Hitler’s Wehrmacht between 1941 and 1944 in the East, leaving a pitiful 20% to face the well-rested and overwhelmingly well prepared US-British forces on D-day in the West.
There was huge Capitalist power promoting the growth of Fascism in Europe between the Wars, as “our bulwark against Communism; but the intended Capitalist takeover of Russia ended unexpectedly with the triumph of Communism in the East, which encouraged the spread of Socialism in the West. The same overwhelming Capitalist power is now busy promoting Medical Fascism over the whole Western world, using the same methods of mind control backed by police action; but will it end as planned? There is already considerable resistance, of the sort that matters: Socialist Syria, Socialist Iran, Russia and Communist China.
Little Man, what next?. “These things must run their course”. Individual action can sometimes spark mass resistance, but as a rule Christian doctrine preaches martyrdom as a spiritual witness before God for the salvation of an individual soul, more than as a worldly weapon for the triumph of the Church.
Hi Tony.
That was some good experience sharing.
I also took some of these manager courses. They stunk to me as they stunk to you.
What you described, is a perfect trojan horse that views no national boundaries.
The corporate power structures are the ones promoting fascism day in day out. All for more profit!!!!
It turns decent human into selfish creatures that worship only money. I grew up going through this, chasing a capitalist dream, realizing later that i was mostly destroying my family!
Cheers mate, I’ll raise a pint to you once i get home!
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 6, 2021, #287 ( Dane Wigington )
My reasons for not taking the RNA vaccine under any circumstances are as follows:
1) It is experimental RNA technology
2) It has NEVER worked in man nor beast
3) It killed the animals in 2012 when they were exposed to the wild virus
4) They skipped animal testing this time
5) Has no long term studies
6) It changes you at the cellular level to produce antibodies
7) There is NO way to turn it off
8) Ivermectin is vastly safer, vastly more effective & vastly cheaper
Now comes the interesting part. Is society allowed to force/coerce people into taking it? The Nuremberg Code says NO but it doesn’t seem to bother a lot of politicians because they don’t see any personal risk of being charged. That will be the least of their worries.
1) The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
4) The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
6) The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
If the governments violate that (especially for a 0.3 IFR disease) then I feel we are entitled to self defence against anyone going along with it IMHO.
Of course it won’t be “mandatory” (at first) but the governments will try to coerce you into it which is covered by the phrase above “or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion”. They are in violation and are war criminals.
they wont need to coerce you,
they will use peer-pressure to do that
this is how they are legally off the hook
sure, newspapers will say it is obligatory but it wont be written into law
this is how they stay legally off the hook
the sheeple are doing the dirty hard work for them
(brilliant strategy i must admit)
thank you. Makes me wonder about Judas Goats as well.
Simply fact found by studies made during Vietnam War (=American War In Vietnam) in 1966-68. The more educated, more “quality media” reading and more wealthy man or woman was, the more likely that American backed American warfare in Vietnam. Why? Just because these folks were easily fooled by government and MSM propaganda. So “knowledge” and “education” favoured agenda of national propaganda. Especially young white men easily swallowed media propaganda. Now when women on average are even better educated than men they are very easy to fooled at least if it’s question of hatred if not war yeat. In future (if education trend continues) they will likely pass men as biggest warmongers.
Mark Crispin Miller must be one of the best academics on propaganda. He is under attack for exposing the propaganda to convince us that masks are safe and effective against the Coronavirus. He presented this evidence in his class on Propaganda at NYU, where he has taught since 1997 as a tenured professor. (1.5 hours) (30 mins) – brilliant expose on propaganda and how it works.
Well, Peter I had not heard of your 7 steps before but they seem a close parallel to the hypnosis process.
As for “Have you ever wondered how a herd of sheep is driven to their slaughterhouse?” — I grew up on a farm and know exactly how it is done into a shearing shed or slaughter house etc. Sheep follow faithfully. So one is trained to lead up/down the ramp into the doorway and it then nicks around and stays by the door as the herd follows in. It usually has a special marking so that it is not processed in the crowd by mistake. When the task is done then it slips out the door to rinse and repeat. Naturally, they are called “Judas Sheep”. I’m sure there are human parallels at individual and class levels. See and
The original testing & perfecting of the covid-19 template , AIDS was carried out at the Sub-Sahara Africa. Unfortunately due to NLP , the World, failed to notice that the stage was being set for future rollout on a global scale. The AIDS model is an artificial creation that generates money out of human suffering , by use of NLP. It was motivated by need to expand the revenue streams because, the various vaccination programs , out-patient medication and chronic disease drugs (whole life pills)were not generating enough money to satisfy Big-pharma. Hence a big NLP campaign preceded the launching of a new product line was launched under the name AIDS , which turned out to be the ultimate Capitulation of Science to Business.
The sad thing about NLP is that we are all trapped in it’s clutches yet we cannot do anything about it. NLP is like the “Hanging formula”, represented by 1 divided by zero or deviser by zero as computers used to say in the past. Any attempt (secret or open) to escape NLP is brutally crashed. In-fact, NLP is embedded to reality to such an extend that the writers of this article touched only the surface of it in their description. 1 in a Billion is brave enough to escape it.
The covid-19 Hoax is slowly exhausting it self, leaving families & societies in distress. Most governments are running a high risk of sparking some spontaneous mass upheavals, if they continue with their intervention policies that have increased economic & social pressure .
Re: “Most governments are running a high risk of sparking some spontaneous mass upheavals, if they continue with their intervention policies that have increased economic & social pressure.”
Well, it is not hard to see much of this late-phase corporate-state capitalism as a tension between fundamental change of underlying economic theory or a crash and rebuild of the real world. They (the 1%) will of course prefer the latter as it is in their business interests. “Then they take you to war …” — we are about on the door step of this stage, imo. Watch Taiwan (China) and Sri Lanka (India) as likely friction points.
You should expamd the list with the Germs “expert opinion” and Taylorism.
Autocorrect altered terms to germs… “Expert opinion” and Taylorism should be added as means of manipulation to the list.
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. And the point has reach the latter by now over this pandemic.
Most people are too wary these days to fall for the above tricks the author above outlines.
But their mistake is to think there wont be a third choice – that there will be a strong counteraction to all this.
In the UK the masses are getting a dose of it and have just about had enough of things and when the next election comes around the Tory Party will get its own dose and never get elected again. I predict a split in its ranks before long. Complete fools. I don’t think their backbenchers realize this.
Similar elsewhere. EU.
The US situation has already fractured with the GOP in their current form with RINOs etc and most of the Senators will be unable to get elected again. Wont be long before Democrat voters turn on Biden – a percentage already have in the past 3 weeks. Civil war is pending.
Tanzania is showing the way rejecting this vaccine nonsense.
There will be serious political consequences, short and long term, for those pushing the current pandemic and vaccine. It is a grave mistake it underestimate them or think people will forget about it.
Im waiting to see what happens when a mass of people start dying from these vaccinations and what happens to politicians then. Particularly in UK & US.
Will they be dragged from their homes and hanged in the street, or burned at the stake ?
Appropriate punishments for those peddling all this.
I suppose they will ban the sale of rope and matches & firewood soon.
“Have you ever wondered how a herd of sheep is driven to their slaughterhouse?”
No, as a matter of fact.
Because it is obvious how sheep are driven to the slaughterhouse.
Very easily. In fact, as easily as “sheep led to the slaughter.”
These days they are driven in a truck.
Sheep don’t even know what a slaughterhouse is.
Sheep do not have the curiosity of a cow. Or a human.
Because they are sheep.
IOW, sheep is a metaphor for easily led humans.
Humans isn’t a metaphor for crafty, intelligent sheep.
“For example, the many poignant assertions, Joseph Goebbels, Hitlers Minister of Propaganda (1933 to 1945), included, “if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth”; or “if you make people believe in the threat of an enemy, they’ll do your bidding”– and “divide and polarize them, destroy their solidarity, and they follow your command”.”
Oh please, not again! I’m so tired of this quotation misattributed to Joseph Goebbels, I stopped reading at once.
Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 allows them to manipulate us, lie–for the sake of National Security.
We know from the Church Committee reports that the FBI and CIA broke numerous federal laws and violated every constitutional limit on their powers as a matter of daily policy. “It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize and teach the American people to hate and fear.”
— John R. Stockwell, former CIA Officer
Comrade Xiden’s task?—reduce the useful idiots, especially the ones who believe in individuality-besides, communism does not work at all with human nature. Communism was not invented by the people for the people….it was invented by the bankers to overthrow the people. As with all communist takeovers, abolishment of private property is the main goal. Communists love their citizens to be stupid, scared, broke and dependent.
The scamdemic is a great cover as they continue to groom us toward a one world gov…need time? Come up with a new mutant strain or spread a story about killer mosquitos….then lockdown everybody.
Gaining control of the public— is to keep the public undisciplined and ignorant of the basic system principles on the one hand, while keeping them confused, disorganized, and distracted with matters of no real importance on the other hand. Double Speak, Double Think comes to mind. Lies create illusions and the truth creates reality…the illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion.
Nothing human about the vaccine bioweapon to stop an imaginary health threat or their plans for our future.
We’re a dead nation/planet walking and just don’t know it.
Future generations have been destroyed by critical theory and the Gates and Clinton’s of the world,
have been laying the groundwork for their technocracy of things unfolding.
The 2014 Survey: Impacts of AI and robotics by 2025 (Anonymous Responses)
– Imagining the Internet (
Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World was close to the aristocracy and said in an essay:
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”
I’m not sure this fits in with the idea of manipulation…but it does seem to be the reoccurring theme, when it comes to why we are being manipulated…
“The ultimate goal is the forcible-coordination of all countries of the world: That shall be achieved by mixing the races with the goal to create a light brown race in Europe. For that reason 1.5 million immigrants from the third world shall migrate to Europe every year. The result would be a population with an average IQ of 90, that is so dumb to grasp anything, but intelligent enough to work. The European countries would never again be competitors in the struggle for global domination and a multiple millennia old culture would be destroyed. Irrational people who will fight against this “mingling of races”, and put up any resistance against the global world order, should be killed.” – Thomas P.M. Barnett, director of the Israeli military consultancy ‘Wikistrat’ in his book ‘The Pentagon’s New Map’, 2004
They love to manipulate us with all sorts of crazy events, like 911 and the Capitol Jan 6th incident….
“Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had, has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. “ David Steele, Marine Intelligence Officer and former CIA officer
“According to Yuri Bezmenov, the first stage of Socialist ‘ideological subversion’ is demoralization of the youth.
During this process, a generation of American students are taught that the values and history of their nation are fundamentally corrupt, invalid, and immoral. Through an education system and media which provide a distorted interpretation of history and philosophy, young Americans have begun to lose faith in their institutions and have rejected patriotism and national pride, granting Socialists an opportunity to provide the ‘solution’ of big government authoritarianism.” Philip Schneider
“Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information; the facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic truth, with documents, with pictures; even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him [a] concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When the military boot crashes, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.”
– Yuri Bezmenov
“befogging the brain so a person can be seduced into acceptance of what otherwise would be abhorrent to him. He loses touch with reality. Facts and fancy whirl round and change places…. However, in order to prevent people from recognizing the inherent evils in brainwashing, the Reds pretend that it is only another name for something already very familiar and of unquestioned respect, such as education or reform.” Edward Hunter, Brainwashing (New York: Pyramid Books, 1956), pages 185-186)
Sailing into New York Harbor, Sigmund Freud stood on the deck with Carl Jung and gazed out at the statue illuminating the world.[1] Their arrival was a much-anticipated event for American psychologists so very curious of what this new theory of the psyche could expose. Whether out of hubris or prescience—and are they not often one and the same?—Freud turned to his disciple and whispered, “They don’t realize we’re bringing them the plague.”
And BTW…Joseph Goebbels, Germany’s Minister of Propaganda, “if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth” was talking about the International Jewry…its never used in the right context…imagine that….
“World War II. Three Jewish-controlled countries — England, U.S., USSR — pulverizing a sincere Christian nation attempting to escape the fatal embrace of the Jewish world bank, which by now, 75 years later, throttles the whole world with its ruthless exploitation of money, perpetually squeezing the life out of humans and other lifeforms.” John Kaminsky
WW2 saw communism escape Russia and infect the entire world…in the words of General Patton in a letter to his wife…”We fought against the wrong enemy.” We did.
I thought it was better to bring up the most decorated US Marine in History, USMC General Smedley Buttler to respond to your post rather than to do it myself:
“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer; a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902–1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents”
Uh, funny thing. I don’t see here on any other of his writings, any mention of Communism. No, all he talk about is U.S. bankers and industrialists. And this is a man who instrumental in building the U.S. empire as we know it today. Your post reminds me of what one character says in Alice in Wonderland: “in this place you have to run as fast as you can to be able to remain in the same place”. That it is, traditional Yankee anti-Communism of the 1950s still there but you have to keep running as fast as you cant, as the world changes and evolves, to be able to keep in the same place, blaming this Utopian doctrine, or rather idea, for all the ills of humanity.
BTW. Utopian Communism doesn’t imply that no one owns anything in society but quite the opposite: in it there is no State, no rich, no poor, and everyone owns everything, in other words, a return to the original Commune.
I got kicked off FB for three days yesterday for quoting Goebbels about propaganda and lying. They said he was a dangerous person. I replied to them not any more. I got kicked for violating their community standards on nudity for posting a photo of starving Yemeni children, one of who, in dark shadows may be nude. I was thrown off for hate speech for telling Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch that he needed a professional make up person prior to his shows and should occasionally change his shirt.
For three election cycles I’ve been thrown off Twitter for ‘hate’ speech. Most recently for a comment regarding Wolf Blitzer. They always through me off in September and sometimes notify me I allowed back the following September. We’re not being censored….lol. This is namby, pamby full on Planet Manpurse crap. A nation of nutless wonders.
Another method of conditioning is first normalising the oppression of others before bringing the same methods to the “Homeland”.
When the first lockdown came, I thought, “Now we are being locked down like Palestinians. When do the house to house searches begin?” In the Palestinian model, that would be concurrent with mobs of settlers vandalizing with impunity, while in the USA they have the judicially protected mobs of BLM and Antifa in the same role.
I’m wondering if the politicians round this planet expect civilization to continue. Particularly in UK, US and EU.
Because I’m wondering what their re-election strategy is.
Do they actually expect people will embrace the lockdowns, restrictions and vaccine push and when the next elections happen honestly think voters will say thanks Ive always wanted this and to have been injected with something we don’t know what it is and hasn’t been tested properly and may get side effects and sick or die from ? And then give them their votes ?