Compare her with the dumb cows which the US state hires as “spokespersons”…
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Compare her with the dumb cows which the US state hires as “spokespersons”…
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Apart from setting a few traps for Maria, which she evades with ease, Sky News seems to be diverting form the official line… errrh lie.
Now, now, let’s not insult our bovine distant relations, those western critters israel forces on the colonies are probably better referred to as subhumans or mutants. ;)
We Have Evidence of UK’s Role in Staging Douma Provocation – Russian MoD
“An apparent false flag chemical attack in the Syrian town of Douma on April 7 has served as a pretext for the United States to threaten the Middle Eastern country with a missile strike; Russia has been calling for a transparent investigation while local doctors have said no one has asked for medical treatment for poisoning.”
‘Whoever is Controlling Washington Appears to Want War’ – Journalist
“”Smart missiles should fly toward terrorists, not legal governments”: Russia’s foreign ministry spokeswoman said in response to Donald Trump’s tweet. Radio Sputnik discussed Donald Trump’s warning to launch strikes against Syria with Mark Taliano, an independent investigative reporter and author of the book ‘Voices from Syria’.”
Militants Were Ordered to Attack in Syria After Possible US Strike – Moscow
“Moscow has information that militants were ordered to launch an offensive in Syria after Washington’s possible military action in the country, according to the envoy. He added that terrorists would benefit from feasible attack on Syrian government troops.
“We continue to observe dangerous preparations for an illegal military action against a sovereign state in breach of international law. Not only the use of force, but also a threat to use it violates the UN Charter,” Nebenzya said at a meeting of the UN Security Council.”
Lavrov: Intel services of ‘a state’ that promotes Russophobia behind ‘staged’ Douma chemical attack
“We have irrefutable evidence that it was another staging, and the special services of a state which is in the forefront of the Russophobic campaign had a hand in the staging,” Lavrov said at a news conference with his Dutch counterpart Stef Blok on Friday.
“God forbid something adventurous will be undertaken in Syria similar to the Libyan or Iraqi experience… I hope nobody dares to,” Lavrov told reporters.”
Syria ‘chemical attack’ staged to provoke US airstrike, London pushed perpetrators – Russian MoD
“In the interviews released to the media, the two men reported how footage was shot of people dousing each other with water and treating children, which was claimed to show the aftermath of the April 7 chemical weapons attack. The patients shown in the video suffered from smoke poisoning and the water was poured on them by their relatives after a false claim that chemical weapons were used, the ministry said.
“Please, notice. These people do not hide their names. These are not some faceless claims on the social media by anonymous activists. They took part in taking that footage,” said ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov.
“The Russian Defense Ministry also has evidence that Britain had a direct involvement in arranging this provocation in Eastern Ghouta,” the general added, referring to the neighborhood of which Douma is part. “We know for certain that between April 3 and April 6 the so-called White Helmets were seriously pressured from London to speed up the provocation that they were preparing.”
” We Have Evidence of UK’s Role in Staging Douma Provocation – Russian MoD ”
I doubt this will make any mainstream media, except possibly Tucker Carlson’s show.
There is a way to guarantee such memes would make it into vastly more Americans’ minds than is possible via current restraints. And that is, Putin could tweet such to Trump.
Putin doesn’t do twitter, but he will have to bear the consequences of failing to maximize Russia’s potential for communication, as much as the next guy. IMNSHO, somebody should have a little talk with Vladimir. That’s because the opportunity cost of NOT tweeting would make Putin even more responsible for failure to communicate, given Putin’s drawing power.
Peskov says that Russia doesn’t do diplomacy by twitter, but we are talking about communication and benign propaganda, not serious diplomacy.
As for Zakharova, she could try tweeting Melania, maybe even offer to escort her through Douma to ‘see’ the non-existent corpses, meet the people who were happy to escape TOWARDS the protection of the Syrian government, talk with the OPCW people on the scene, etc. She comes across as very sincere in hoping for peace, and I think Melania – who I view as a good person – would resonate to that.
Russia has been on the back foot for a long time getting their message out,i think they are now learning how important it is,i watched the Russian Ambassador to Britain today giving a press conference,he did a very fine job.
RT just shown interview with a genuine Syrian medical orderly who confirms what happened at the hospital. Stefan de Mistura at the UN last time I saw him he seemed very persuaded and accepting by the genuine actions and efforts by Russian Federation to resolve the Syrian crisis…..Russia desparately-?-trying to say to others use your common sense….so many with phobias agendas etcseem unable to do so.
They need to publish the communications from the UK!!!!
Show these at the UNSC …totally discredit the UK and discredit the USA for funding the Syrian American Medical Assistance group……
Any country would be proud of such a spokeswoman
Bravo Maria
Regrettably she does not know anything about International laws.
She said, Russia will protect the Russians , who are ” on the ground ” in Syria.
DID PUTIN PROTECT THEM OR THE SYRIAN TROOPS, when a cruise missiles were fired into Syrian territory ?
NO! He did not move even his middle finger !
WHY ? NBecause Putin knows, if the Russian troops returned fire by shooting missiles to the USA missilkes carier, it will be the START of the THIRD WORLD WAR as the borad of an US ship is according to Maritime laws; the Laws of the Seas , an USA territory.
At 3:33, Maria Zhakarova says, “we have all sorts of communication including Twitter”.
Considering Putin’s status in the US media as boogie man, who has Trump in his pocket, one would have hoped that Putin would have used tweets, directed from his account to @realDonaldTrump, to communicate with the American public. One would have hoped that a judo guy would especially appreciate bypassing the US media framing of him, via this method.
Alas, Putin does not tweet. Maybe Zhakarova could tweet in his stead?
There are other things that Russia could do to communicate to the American public, but does not. See .
Makes me wonder….
Just the very term “twitt” is disgusting. All these fragmented, disjointed words, always out of context – I hate it.
This is one of the enemy’s platform that perhaps should be avoided all together.
Fortunately, Zakharova does not share your disgust. As she is in a position of power, I hope she starts making more creative use of available tools, which nobodies like me and (presumably) you cannot do with the same effect.
Certainly, avoiding a nuclear confrontation merits thinking outside-the-box, does it not?
I do believe that it is possible to turn certain mental weapons (such as twitter) against those who created them. The reason, I said what said, is because of my personal negative feelings about these type of “communications”. I’d love for Russia to create platforms that are not under Zionists control and perhaps with a bit more class that allows to give complex answers to complex problems.
Why in the world should Maria Zakharova is letting herself been interviewed in English ?
Is that the language of your Masters ? hence confirming that Russians are indeed Untermenschen ?
How low can the Russians go ?
Very strange way of looking at things. This is a very cheap shot at Russia. English as a language does not belong to any masters.
What are you talking about clown? its was a British T V Station.
Oh so typical dumb arse TV muppet Sky !!!!! show
He is a classic western dope ……. and doing his utmost to avoid truths …. ie white helmut scam
Maria Zakharova is so brilliant ….
Just wish she had said to the sky rep….why have you not asked Boris Johnson (who seems to have gone to ground) who he spoke to at Portland Down to then say Russia had developed the novichok …stockpiled it…why has not uk press directly held him to account like you are trying to do to me……
note Putin has called Macron to try to bring him to earth maybe…hence reference in Russian Ambassadors presentation at UK embassy today to asking Macron where is the evidence…..would be good if that could be posted on saker?
Think this is an edited version of the interview. The full 35 minute interview is here, and it is even more effective, really worth watching for non-Russians, who want to know what the Russians think.
1. It may worthwhile if the Saker site, puts a few of these interviews/speeches links permanently in the right-hand sidebar, (where the orthodox calendar etc is). With all the propaganda that is going on, it is important to have a place where ordinary inquiring people in the west can go to actually hear Russians speak for themselves, not have their msm interpret Russians for them.
Other worthwhile listening might be some of Putins speeches e.g. the 2007 (munich ?), the one he gave to the Russian forces after they returned from syria for the first time, his reaction to the disaster in libya, etc. … along with readable transcripts..
2. As a non-Russian one listens to these and thinks these are substantial people, direct and constructive, not indulging in grandstanding pharisee-isms, you can work with them even if you disagree…
3. Perhaps other people can suggest material for such a section…
excellent idea….
I stopped paying attention to the western media decades ago …..
Dont have a TV dont buy local print media….. and I
….. refuse to watch it online…
all so childish and pathetic ……
I read every day the Russian media ( po-russkom ) , but I use my brain and read BETWEEN the lines !
There’s a button up top of the page. It says “Watch”.
“Dumb Cows”? How nice to be unfettered by PC.
A breath of fresh air.
And Maria can do the Kalinka in high heels!
Why is the Russian spokeswoman Maria Zakharova not more honest and direct ??
Why can’t she just say: “that in order to protect our troops and interests in Syria, our forces are willing to destroy the missiles and their launch facilities” ??
Why are the Russians incapable of warning their advisaries ??
What are the Russians afraid of ??
This is not about showing courage or being diplomatic or being civilized or about emotions !!!
This is about the logic of warning an advisary !!
This is about the dangers of not clearly and honestly communicating the dangers of what might occur and the Russian response to a US attack !!
What the hell does being a mother and wanting peace have to do with militrary confrontation that can excalate into nuclear war ??
The lack of a stern Russian warning and the lack of repeating this warning is very dangerous and irresponsible !!
The downplaying, and modest and extremely diplomatic way of communication of the consequences of a US attack on Syria is extremely dangerous !!!
You have a Russian English speaking spokesperson on the Western Sky English news channel who has the opportunity to give very strong warnings to the Western leadership and the entire population of the Earth….and the Russians do not even take advantage of this opportunity to convey warnings and to actually communicate the magnitude of the events taking place !!!
If you were an arrogant adviser of Donald Trump in the White house and you heard Maria Zakharova speaking like this about her kids, being a wife and wanting peace……would you take the Russians seriously…..If I was a nutcase US advisor, I would think the lack of a strong and repeated warning is a sign that Russia is weak or Russia is not willing to call the US bluff.
“Why is the Russian spokeswoman Maria Zakharova not more honest and direct ??”
I was asking myself thé same thing. Her job is “Director of Information” so she needs to get up and direct information asap. For example: what is the situation on the ground i.e Russia has troops, we control the airspace, risks, red lines consequences etc.
She said Assad is “your guy, not ours. We are there to stop terrorism”. . Why did she forget to mention that Russia is there invited by the legitimate government ? That US/ NATO action is illegal ?
She looks resigned, exhausted, and her hair looks terrible (sorry for nitpicking but there is no excuse for dishevelled aopearance and especially not for someone like her on the world’s stage) If she already accepted to do this interview then why is she not better prepared?
Btw, I am also a mother and have been through the full range of emotions. She doesn’t need to repeat what I feel. She needs to show leadership. (And in any case what she said won’t work on the EU leaders who are all childless.)
What she said was not intended for the childless (brainless and heartless) western leaders, but for the common people with which she identifies as well.
Maria is not in a leadership but in a press communication role, and as far as I am concerned, does that wonderfully. She is talking from her heart, not from her reason only. And that is the way to talk to other humans.
Now, being a Serbian man, I feel qualified enough to comment on her looks, my dear Serbian lady. To my eyes, Maria has beautiful eyes and a delightful tone of blond hair. She does look exhausted, I would be as well in her place. The Russians in general do not look like compulsive perfectionists to me. And I do not think that she could be more honest or direct in her emotions and worries which I share as well, because I have kids, too.
Could you perhaps be more honest explaining your own emotions apropos Maria to yourself, my dear compatriot lady? To tell you the truth, you sound simply jealous to me.
If you need “beautiful blue eyes” and “delightful tone of hair” I suggest you go watch a romantic comedy.
I expect something a little more professional from the Kremlin’s Director of Information on the eve of WWIII…
Putin and Lavrov are always professional in what they say, how they say it, and how they appear in public.
the eve of WWIII
That interview was back in April 2018. We’re still here (at time of posting), so she must be doing something right.
Exactly put – the consequences showed up meanwhile. I did not mind that she mentioned her emotions, but her outright refusal to deliver a stern warning to the aggressors and to speculate about the results was an open invitation for the bombing rampage.
Exactly my feeling too. Her insistence on “Assad is your guy”, especially at this point in time, was very disturbing, and all the more so since she was repeating the red line of the dead soldier argument. From this moment on, the entire official reasoning (International law, against terrorism and regime change as well) is in shambles. With no sentimental bind as replacement either. No “allied”, or something close, where in the other side, there are disagreement on plenty of issues, except on Russia.
“Compare her with the dumb cows which the US state hires as “spokespersons”…”
Well, that ‘s exactly what I have been thinking all the time. No comparison whatsoever! Because it is not that the cows are dumb only – they are so primitive..! How can one compare them with this noble person?
I would have used : Compare her with “spokespersons” who suffer from mad cow disease that US hires. Calling a woman a “dumb cow” excludes the dumb male bovine specie.
Start your own blog and use the language you like.
And I promise not to post comment telling you what you ought to write or not or what choice of words is acceptable to me or not.
The Saker
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