Another great video subtitled by our brother in arms at Vox Populi Evo:
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Another great video subtitled by our brother in arms at Vox Populi Evo:
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The renunciation of citizenship says it all.
Good riddance to bad rubbish, as kids used to say.
There will always be ‘war’ on Putin and on Russia. Always.
Ahhh, the Apartheid State.
QuenelleQuelle surprise!Another brainless [redacted], just like Ksenia [who?]. Sad.
This isn’t Youtube. Let’s not go there, OK? There are better, and more accurate ways to describe the woman. Thank you. Mod ME
“Ksenia ( who?)”
I fear that Ksenia Sobchak. Is there another one?
But I think that Ksenia is much more harmless than this Masha. Ksenia has another genetics, and a much more beautiful eyes, even behind those glasses. Only has the problem that she likes money so much that is ready to sell herself to the higgest bidder. She likes too much expensive rags. Nothing that cannot be arranged putting her to work, as Uncle Bob 1 says, in a labor camp in Siberia, mostly so she knows that’s what the majority of Russians and citizens in the world do most of their life, earn their bread by the sweat of their brow, making not having time, or inclination, to go to buy rags or conspire against their own country.
This is Ksenia:
This Gaidar is another matter, wears the cruelty written in her eyes, like her father.
Perhaps the wise notion of father/daughter similarities lies in both being useful fools.
As to writing on eyes, I can’t say I noticed.
As to the grandfather, perhaps you appreciated the music?
“As to writing on eyes, I can’t say I noticed.”
I did, and usually do and never wrong.
As to the grandfather, perhaps you appreciated the music?
Here, yes, I can not find anything about the music of the grandfather. You could give an example and so I can see if I like some of this family?.
P.S: but tell me, friend senior strategist, why do you always come in subtle defense of Gaidar, Chubais and all these traitors? I still remember when we started our exchange following a comment of mine, bad of course, on Chubais.
Then seemed to you strange and you felt offended that I could think you were someone of the Russian opposition……
“Then seemed to you strange and you felt offended that I could think you were someone of the Russian opposition……”
I don’t get offended but amused by ignorance.
“As to writing on eyes, I can’t say I noticed.”
“I did, and usually do and never wrong.”
I commend you on your omniscience,
“You could give an example and so I can see if I like some of this family?.”
and your notion of entitlement, since they are multipliers of strategic vulnerability.
““As to writing on eyes,………I commend you on your omniscience,…”
Well this has nothing of omniscience nor rational, in the sense that you understand rational, i.e. result of using the scientific method.
I think it’s a gift ……….. What can I say you? Only that once a woman from whom I almost knew nothing called me “blue girl” …..long time ago…..I do not know why …..
However, this becomes an interrogation, rather than an exchange of ideas, in which you only just pose questions and I am obliged to respond and justify my answers ( professional deformation? ).
What about yours?
You’ve changed …. or are other data collector…..different from who I considered my friend because of our interchanges, meaning alternation…
Tell me, please, why do you say that they are useful idiots?
My impostor alert is on too ;)
However, this becomes an interrogation, rather than an exchange of ideas, in which you only just pose questions and I am obliged to respond and justify my answers ( professional deformation? )
You have been singled out for attack. That’s an ubiquitous trolling method websayanim, and their 2 digit IQ far right fascist goy play toys, use to spam sites and disrupt them. Always on the attack, no intent of real conversation. Accuse and abuse. When one of the things singles you out like that, it is 100% certain this is an attack troll.
Troll nonsense somewhere else.
“Tell me, please, why do you say that they are useful idiots?”
You have been answered quite a few times but they were “moderated.”
On useful foolery see
including the date of “publication”.
Then if you are so minded extrapolate on the following :
Roman Petre and the re-invention of the Romanian nomenklatura without Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu.
The Gaidar Harvard road show up to 1994.
No need to respond, it is never an interrogation, perceiving such is a hologram of “self-importance”, a type of hubris best avoided.
and one of your previous questions – why is Psaki ideal?
Thanks, for your replay but confussing as always.
Glad to see that these useful fools are incompetent.
Petre Roman seems to have been for Romania the same that Gaidar has been for Russia, imposters within the communist party dynamiting from within to see when they can apply the agenda entrusted to them: the shock doctrine.
I guess that to this Roman we must thank the massive influx of impoverished Romanians towards our country. They used to land from whole buses in the center of San Sebastian, surely in the hands of a Romanian mafia and started to beg in the city.
You know, before, when Romania was a communist country, here we never saw any Romanian…..This is liberalism…..You are openly free to beg once the “free market” leaves you without the basic, even a job to make your living….
As for that question about Psaki, it was a question of yours. But being my turn, I will answer.
Because she is a useful idiot ?
“As for that question about Psaki, it was a question of yours. ”
Sometimes you miss nuance, and moderators add another level to this by selective “publishing”.
Perhaps the submission below may help modify that:
“Anonymous on August 08, 2015 · at 10:21 am UTC
In a democracy everyone is entitled to her/his opinion; especially if they cannot implement it.
In illusion many relate to the what, thereby obscuring the why.
The kernal of the why is the what – what significance?
The process of obscuring significance is an exercise of cover within cover.”
“Petre Roman seems to have been for Romania the same that Gaidar has been for Russia”.
Many are drawn to the solace of simplicity, but to those who facilitate, simplicity is anathema save for being a pathway to useful foolery.
“Because she is a useful idiot ?”
Evaluation is a function of many aspects including purpose, criteria and method.
Unconcious cover within cover is sometimes achieved by creating holograms on the bases of prejudgements “informed” by expectations, for example, “Troll nonsense somewhere else” and/or “their 2 digit IQ far right fascist goy play toys”.
You will probably see many examples of this in myriad locations and times, including your own –
“I guess that to this Roman” notion of sole agency, or that Mr. Putin doesn’t get by with the help of his friends.
“Glad to see that these useful fools are incompetent.”
Sometimes a little encouragement goes a long way, the degree of littleness being a function of “pre-disposition”.
“but confussing as always.”
Many are drawn to the solace of simplicity, but to those who facilitate, simplicity is anathema save for being a pathway to useful foolery.
Perhaps of interest.
Bad title though – two whole continents?
In reference to that being ‘offende’ you may want to see this, where Finkelstein nails it. .
Zionist Israeli Girl Debates Jewish Professor Dr. Norman Finkelstein
Well, read this report, as we say here “neither too much nor too bald.”
So bad is to be bothered by all as that someone tries to convince you that what bothers you is an invention or your problem.
Encourage hypersensitivity in whom do not have it naturally may be exaggerated, but try to suppress it in its possessor, all that does, most of the time, is that the person endowed with this special sensibility completely loses its natural instinct to protect itself from what is not right, remaining disoriented, in a depersonalized manner.
A common practice of psychopaths is trying to convince their victims that things that bother them they are the result of provocation or imagination of their victims, that their “behavior patterns” are normal or acceptable when creak greatly.
People who have grown up with instincts intact who feel that something is wrong by the squeak even when simply speaking, are vaccinated against these specimens, if they have the strength to change lanes before it’s too late.
Illustrating the dangers of absolutes, binaries and certainties.
Thanks, friend senior strategist, for your links, very interesting.
I´ll have a look when I have some time.
Dobryy den’.
In amplification
With the praises to Robert Conquest happens to me the same as with the general demonization of Stalin, simply I do not believe them.
I have not read the books of Conquest because it seems too suspicious to be an agent of disinformation department of the British Secret Service. Devastating for the credibility of any alleged serious writer, journalist or historian. And his sources of information based on exiled Ukrainians living in the US and belonging to rightist parties, people who had collaborated with the Nazis in World War II. Demolishing for anyone who wishes to make an objective report on something.
Then there are the awards given to him and who have given them. Demolishing.
” elsi on August 14, 2015 · at 2:40 pm UTC
With the praises to Robert Conquest happens to me the same as with the general demonization of Stalin, simply I do not believe them.
I have not read the books of Conquest because it seems too suspicious to be an agent of disinformation department of the British Secret Service.
These display the proper definition of ignorance, illustrations of the use of belief in confirmation bias, and the role of certainty to displace doubt all precluding lateral challenge.
Ksenia is said to be doing a gig on Kolomoiskii TV (part-timing?)
I fear that Ksenia Sobchak.
Thank you for clearing that up, Elsi.
Thank you, moderator! As a European liberal supporter, I have no problems with very explicit descriptions or depictings of beautiful women, which always need to be respectful though! (and even think this is not at all bad for the kids when an understanding parent is present.. )
But this celebrity culture is degenerate. It is a substitude for ones´ own life.
After all, they are just movie actors (and I wholeheartedly include most XXX stars!), or pop musicians…
A person like Ksenia (attractive blonde woman with glasses) does not seem to make much difference, at least not to me!
Unless she has something of importance to say!
I am sure this is interesting. And I appreciate all translators and their work.
In this case it didn’t seem to be working. Only a small portion of the spoken Russian (?) was translated, and the English subtitles seem to be fragmented.
In urdu language the word “Gaddar” means traitor. Very appropriate for that sc___bag.
Surely it must mean toad in some language. Of there is a finer example of physiognomy as destiny, it’s hard to imagine.
Gaidar in alliance with Jeffrey Sachs, a Jew, loots the Soviet common wealth, most of which falls into the hands of Jewish oligarchs. Gaidar’s daughter takes Israeli citizenship. There’s a lovely consistency and predictability to the predation.
@Mulga Mumblebrain on August 08, 2015 · at 3:23 am UTC
As I’m watching this video I’m just wondering that is was just a coincidence ot it was planned that all of the former East European countries during the revolution period of the years from 1989 and on, had a Jewish leaders /I mean who lead this revolutions towards the democracy. Today we know it was just a looting and huge fraud in the modern history of Europe.
I would love to hear some experience from another countries too.
I am Pole, but a conscious one. Hate Bolshevik Russia. However I have nothing at all against orthodox Russian, quite opposite – I love Putin ! And Jew ? well … you know the rest ….
“ot it was planned that all of the former East European countries during the revolution period of the years from 1989 and on, had a Jewish leaders ”
That was certainly the case in Romania, as even Roman Petre worked out eventually.
But why restrict to 1989 and on?
Consider 1945 to say 1953.
Yeah, why restrict it ? So that the Moe Sad people on this site be happy.
“Yeah, why restrict it ? So that the Moe Sad people on this site be happy.”
Perhaps in order to deflect analysis/understanding of the Bolshevik putsch and its consequences
whilst maximising confirmation bias?
However I would suggest the Romanian example cited is particularly pertinent and not necessarily restricted to Petre Roman but includes the “clean up” of the bad guys in the black hats, Nicolae Ceaușescu and Elena.
I’m not sure about the later periods,or at the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe.But in the early days Jews were “extremely” prominent in those countries.In Czechoslovakia,Poland,Hungary,and Romania,the first Communist governments of those countries were packed with people of Jewish backgrounds (not even to mention Russia).The Communists thought (and were right) that Jews could be counted on, not to side with the local ethnic peoples of those countries and would follow their orders loyally.So the governments and secret police’s in those countries back then, reads like a “whose who” list of Jews.One of the same reasons that today they dominate the West (and Ukraine) in the service of the Empire’s elite.
That kind of phony anti-Semite baiting does not fly here, troll. This isn’t Moon of Alabama or “Jersey Shore”. Mod ME
Yes your right,like all peoples Jews have a wide spectrum of opinions. I’m not anti-Jewish (but very anti-Zionist).Had you followed my posts you’d know that.But the truth is just the truth.And it does no good to deny it.Jews were very heavily represented in those Communist governments and there repressive services.And today they are very heavily represented in the Western governments.Again,it does you no good to deny the obvious.As for Ukraine,with not even being .5% of the former Ukraine’s population they are well over half of its government leadership.And way over 80% of its oligarch class.In Russia as well ,her oligarch class and “liberal” 5th column is heavily Jewish.The empire’s opposing Russia (except Hitler’s) have figured that the Jews in that country would be less loyal as a group to the “national ideal”,and so have used them for that purpose.They didn’t succeed fully,since many Jews then (and now) were very Russianized and loyal to Russia.But there are of course “bad apples in every barrel”. The Soviets thought the same way about the Jews in Eastern Europe.And used them in those countries before and after WWII.Those are just facts,they aren’t open to dispute.It’s as the saying goes “What is,is”.
Those were positive examples balancing negative ones, what was ‘trolling’ or ‘baiting’ there I would not have a clue. Really, ought to see danger where the danger is.
Anyway, -to those interested in the matter at all, – this was covered in a public dispute conducted in Russia. Vladimir Soloviev TV duel ‘K barrieru’ , Alexey Leonov (first man in space) vs Albert Makashov . (a general who supported anti Gorbachev Soviet coup of 1991, now Duma deputy)
Sparing long unappealing details, Makashov was saying that Jews have undue control, and sent a request to Prosecutor office to take measures. Leonov (and his adjutants -one of them a priest) were trying to explain why this is wrong. In the end of the day, Leonov won the jury vote (unanimous decision). Than he lost the listeners vote.
What that means, you figure.
The mutations of the parents are often passed to the offspring. Basic genetics. Look at the Bush family, another where the defective genes were selected and the ones reinforcing decent behaviour were suppressed. While not all offspring of mutated animals will exhibit a mutation, there is more chance of it than among the same species whose offspring don’t show the mutant trait.
We currently live in a mutated, parasitical/predatory/uber exploitation society, where mutations that provide advantages for these behaviours continue to be reinforced, both genetically and socially.
Every time I hear about those “people’s “deeds during that time I ponder on how they have escaped the wall this long.Or maybe a labor camp exile in Siberia,at least something.Seriously,”purge’s” are not always a bad thing.Like right this minute in fact would be a good time.And they could be joined at the “wall” or labor camp by the junta fascists from Ukraine.Siberia is vast,there is more than enough space for them.Either below or above ground.
“Every time I hear about those “people’s “deeds during that time I ponder on how they have escaped the wall this long.Or maybe a labor camp exile in Siberia,at least something.Seriously,”purge’s” are not always a bad thing.”
The answer to your pondering is likely that Russia is not the Soviet Union.
As to your suggestion for “solutions” you are likely reflecting the opponents’ default position which fortunately you probably have little opportunity to implement or inform.
Perhaps you and others would profit from pondering why Russia is not the Soviet Union.
And “perhaps” the Yeltsin “liberal”, or Bandera position would be one you are more happy with.But don’t worry, I already know why Russia is not the USSR.Some day (hopefully soon) the traitors that collapsed it and led to the deaths of millions will pay for their crimes.And, more likely than not, its much more “fortunate” for “them” that I have little “opportunity” and ability to implement their needed punishment.Though I do keep hoping others will have the “opportunity” I lack.
“I already know why Russia is not the USSR.”
It is very unlikely that you do given your notion of
“the traitors that collapsed it “.
I would suggest that like all lateral processes the process is/was complex – not restricted to bad guys in black hats with sole agency.
I recognise the solace to be found in simplicity and the displacement available to those reticent of facilitation partly ocassioned by nervousness of their borrowings.
“I do keep hoping others will have the “opportunity” I lack.”
It is likely that your hopes will be disappointed since those who could have/ have had the opportunity could have/had have the perception that you apparently lack.
Uncle Bob, I do agree. Not the capital punishment, but long, often permanent, removal from society for parasites, hate-mongers, traitors, subversives etc-definitely. Don’t treat them badly, either, like Uncle Satan with its 80,000 rotting in the Hell of solitary. No, labour camps, planting trees, doing hard physical work. Imagine Pappy Gaidar working hard-he might have survived a bit longer.
how awful…so sad. I’m only half way through this video and I’m already so sad. There’s a woman here where I live that came to this island with money after she had worked during those years in the Russia of the ’90’s…the rape of Russia.
I saw her again after a long time, while I was walking in the park…I asked her what nationality she was…because she got that job in Russia because she could speak Russian.
She smiled and said, “Ukrainian”….
watched to the end…very excellent video…thanks dear Saker.
Oh, my friends, what do you know about “Timur and his gang” (Timur I yevo komanda, Тимур и его команда) and the Timurovtsy?
That was Maria’s Grandad, a Soviet Rear Admiral (who never commanded a ship). Her great-grand-dad was the ‘famous writer’ ArkadyGaidar, a die hard Bolshevik, notorious for his “fight against kulak gangs” and for the “suppression of several anti-communist uprisings (like the Tambov rebellion where 240,000 “bandits” were “liquidated” by the Red Army (which used poison gas). His father, Pyotr Isidorovich Golikov, was also a Red Army comissar).
A lovely family of the Soviet Nomenklatura.
Well, that her grandad or whoever grand of her formed part of the “Soviet nomenclature” only confirms that they are a race of genetically stateless careerists, whom the lives of others simply they do not care.
These people neither had anything Soviet nor less had/have anything Russian. They are a breed apart. I myself am more Russian than María Gaidar…..
That they descend from the writer Arkady Gaidar, is not right, just nothing more than a ruse to upstart desire. In the last sitrep by Scott and Baaz there is an article about this:
8. Infamous Maria Gaidar, is not a granddaughter of the writer Arkady Gaidar [source]
Мария Гайдар не приходится внучкой Аркадию Гайдару
In case the hyperlink added by Baaz does not work once relinked, here is the source:
Timur was not the son of Arkady, right.
“These people neither had anything Soviet….”
I realise that you are unlikely to have lived in the Soviet Union, however perhaps you would care to define “anything Soviet”, or perhaps what existed in Russia say between 1917 and 1989.
Well, if you usually would care reading my comments, probably would not do this question. In another old thread I already answered to an anticommunist, antisoviet commentator with links from several people dedicated to these investigations. Mine is another branch of science.
I´ll find that comment for you, but you, in exchange, also must answer some of the questions I posed to you, without evasions, do not you think?
“Well, if you usually would care reading my comments”
They were not only read but analysed hence the comments.
I realise that like many there is an attachment to notions of the Bolshevik putsch and its coercive consequences, allied with an aversion to doubt and nuance, likely leading amongst other things to a blindness in perceiving why Russia is not the Soviet Union.
As to Mr. Conquest he made some valid points irrespective of his associations.
Mr. Blum also made some valid points, but both gentlemen were restricted in part by their access to data.
Moreover, as today I have not so much pain and I’m in a good mood, I’ll leave you something new. Did you know that Robert Conquest has died? Yes, one of the main architects of the biggest lies poured on the former Soviet Union, paid, of course, like everyone else:
“Die phony Robert Conquest, one of the great inventors of the black legend about communism.”:
Includes something, that you for sure are going to like and to find useful data to collect, on an excerpt from the book “Killing Hope”, by Willliam Blum:
“Fronts within fronts within fronts. Interventions by the CIA in Western Europe, in the 50s and 60s.”
Enjoy Saturday evening!
Dear Comrade elsi,
do you have some Chernobyl URL handy?
A few years ago I spent several weeks on youtube and google in search for the truth about the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear “accident”. And while there is a ton of disinformation crap there (which wasn’t to that level 5 years ago, as insane as “The Kremlin did it intentionally to test the effects of a nuclear war on its citizen [as claimed on a Ukrainian website]), I remember that I saw a highly detailed documentry which lasted several hours and all the names and details could be back-checked and verified as much as possible, such as on wikipedia.
Basicly they came to the conclusion that it was a western sabotage terrorist attack to bring down the Eastern Block, and look how “well” it worked from that point on!
Part of their strategy was to mention every time, that Moscow didn’t protect its citizens and delayed the warnings etc.
This was also heard by citizens in the east and contributed to the unhappiness among eastern populations.
Also compare the hyper-active western “reporting” of radiation levels as part of every western news broadcast, every weather forecast and really also all the breaks in between, while now Fukushima was forgotten after a month or so.
The conclusion of this documentary was, that the chief investigator and resue manager himself was a traitor and most likely know of the event before it took place.
But let me rather find the proper URL, before I continue writing from the top of my head.
Maybe you have URL’s to this analysis??
rgds. %m
I don’t have a link /yet /but what I know this head manager was working secretly for the West with the hefty payments and he died in jail three years later after the disaster strucked.
He probably thought that he is going to be able to escape and enjoy the money, but it actually didn’t happened.
The most disastrous result of this heinous crime was that Sweden, northen Europe and rest of the Eastern Europe was effected and now after many years there is the epidemic of the cancer disease.
If I will be able to obtain the document I will posted.
Dear comrade Martin from S.E.B., I’m sorry but I have nothing on Chernobyl, in fact I had no idea that might have been provoked, but now I will investigate it. If I find something, I’ll leave it here for you.
Although it seems that few of us appreciate the good things of the USSR, it is because in Western and Eastern Europe, today, is not politically correct declared affection to it, let alone in the US. We are more than you think …..only we have not yet reached each other.
Health and strength, tovarishch!
Interesting poll from Donetsk:
“More than 40% of residents were in favor of joining the NPT in Russia – opinion poll”
Donetsk, August 6 – DAN. The number of supporters of the DNI of the Russian Federation is growing. This is evidenced by the results of the latest survey of the Center of Sociological Studies “special status.”
“The number of those who see the future of the NPT to accede to the Russian Federation, has grown to 43 percent of respondents”, – stated in custody received by DAN.
For sovereignty DNI 17 percent of respondents were in favor. For the creation of a joint state of 18 percent. Those wishing to see the republic of Ukraine does not exceed 11 percent.
The data suggest major changes in society. Three months ago, in April, for the independence were 42.8 per cent (-25.8 per cent). At the same time wishing to join the Russian Federation was 33.8 percent (9.2 percent).
Confidence in Minsk settlement continues to fall. The future of Ukraine previously were willing to share 14.9 percent of respondents (3.9 per cent). It is worth noting that in February and all of it was 19 percent .
Poll Sociological Center “special status” was held in early August in the 19 towns of the republic. It surveyed 5,900 people. The statistical error does not exceed five percent * aa * bb
If Maria Gaidar thinks she found “paradise” in Ukraine she needs to talk to Tatiana Montyan about that idea.
A very informative article:
“Ukrainian politician Tatiana Montyan interview #3: “Find an excuse for yourself, and you can steal the rugs from a mosque”
Maria is not in Ukraine, she is in Odessa.
True,as we believe.But she on the other hand thinks differently.And giving up her Russian citizenship for Banderastani…er…I mean Ukrainian citizenship proves it.
Marxism/Leninism may have had implementation flaws (and at first [before Stalin] it was planned as a fake / betrayal and was financed by the same anglozionist banks who later financed Hitler) , but nevertheless was the best system for the working class.
And look how hastily the West and its allied would-be Oligarchs have destroyed everything and stolen all the nation’s wealth …
Justice for all! This means life-imprisonment in a labour camps for such thieves (and that may still be too mild).
Millions of citizens have died from hunger, anxiety, lack of a functioning health system, lack of a regular daily work schedule.
And even more millions of babies have never been born as one of the results.
Death-penalty to those who have caused this, were responsible or complicit! Yes, they shall have fair unbiased trials.
Proletarians of all countries UNITE!
Funny to see all this dirt moving to Kiev and getting “Ukrainian” citizenship and “political” offices. Modern day Kiev is like a magnet of evil. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but look at the facts.
Relinked here my comment on this video in the last Baaz Sitrep:
Just I watched the video about Maria Gaidar, and feel it is a damned play of the History ( or maybe not, this rabble never stitch without thread ) that she has been in the government of the Kirov Oblast. By God, the good of Kirov will have been stirring in his grave.
On the idea suggested in the video that perhaps she is the new instrument of Yeltsin´s clan to take avenge from Putin, I always found a mistake they will be freed from facing justice for their crimes against the Russian people and, to make matters worse alike, to keep all the collected fortune plundering the Russians and selling the country to foreign interests. They should have been tried for high treason, dispossessed of all their wealth and banished forever from Russian soil. The same for all “reformers” who remain alive in Russia, as Chubais.
Certainly, I did not know how she could hide that was Gaidar´s daughter, ( btw, one has to be miserable and coward enough to do such a thing ) because she has the same face of the scoundrel father, the same sly smile of those unscrupulous believed safe from reversal of fortune and from responding to a court having what is needed to have to put them in place….behind bars.
“I always found a mistake they will be freed from facing justice for their crimes against the Russian people and, to make matters worse alike, to keep all the collected fortune plundering the Russians and selling the country to foreign interests. They should have been tried for high treason, dispossessed of all their wealth and banished forever from Russian soil. The same for all “reformers” who remain alive in Russia, as Chubais.”
The counter factual is a construct, and the “factual” is a laterally interactive process.
However it would be interesting to hear what data set you base your evaluation, what evaluation criteria you adopted, and what evaluation methodology.
It may prove illuminating to all.
Answered above.
“Answered above.”
It would appear that you are mistaken possibly as a consequence of not understanding the text,
“what data set you base your evaluation, what evaluation criteria you adopted, and what evaluation methodology.”
“Anything from juvenile delinquency to terrorism. CIA interventions in Germany, 1950 (Ch. 8 “Killing Hope” by William Blum)”.
( especially for Comrade Martin from Soviet East Berlin )
“US secret interventions in the USSR, from the end of the 40s to the 60s” (chapter 17 of “Killing Hope” by William Blum):
Hi elsi, interesting!
Let’s not forget the Chernobyl/Pripyat nuclear “accident” with just a few co-incidents too much.
Here is at least a tiny bit in the right direction, but unfortunately only a few claims, but no detailed analysis, no proof, no nothing. Nevertheless interesting:
“””””In 1982, US president Ronald Reagan approved a CIA plan to sabotage the Soviet Union’s economy through covert transfers of technology that contained hidden malfunctions, including software that later triggered a huge explosion in a gas pipeline, according to a former White House official.
Thomas Reed, a former Air Force secretary and member of the National Security Council, describes the episode in a book, At the Abyss: An Insider’s History of the Cold War, to be published next month.
Reed writes that the Siberia pipeline explosion was just one example of “cold-eyed economic warfare” against the Soviet Union that the CIA carried out under director William Casey during the final years of the Cold War.”””””
Two MUST-READ links, finally found them back (I cannot know if that’s how it was, never believe me, always verify):
“””””Chernobyl nuclear “catastrophe” (also referred to as a “disaster”) was planned with actually two reasons in mind, though the second reason also somehow additionally contributed to the first reason, in its turn:
1). It was one of a few other main mortal blows (along with provoking the Soviet leadership into sending its army to Afghanistan, Korean Flight 007, a so-called “Perestroika”, skillfully orchestrated sharp decline in oil prices, an “anti-vodka campaign”, and some other blows) delivered to the then weakening Soviet Union, in order to precipitate its complete collapse. Because “someone” simply hated the Soviet Union.”””””
and also related:
Big Oil Versus The Dangers of Nuclear Power
Say what? If you can’t figure out the guilt of those,from the countless books on the theft of wealth in the ex-USSR during those years,and who did it.Its doubtful we can help you here.The Moscow Times,Kiev Post, or some other rag might be more to your liking than being here.One less Empire supporter really wouldn’t be missed.
Thank you for the video. Very enlightening!
There is quite some evidence that psychopathy can be inherited. Then there are those who become pathological deviants by having been raised by psychopaths or in severe pathological conditions and who have NOT had certain parts of the brain developed. Parts to do with empathy and conscience. The book, Political Ponerology, a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes by Andrew Lobaczewski, is well worth reading. There is also something about ponerology on the blog:
Precisely Aeneas. The capitalist system was created by psychopaths to consolidate their power and facilitate their conscienceless exploitation of others and of the natural world. The triumph of Free Market capitalism and the Right over the last forty years has seen capitalist psychopathy projected onto society, hence the inequality, poverty, greed, misery, social savagery, aggression and anomie. I cannot think of a single leading politician in the West who is NOT plainly a psychopath. The leading examples, eg Cameron, Harper, Abbott, Obama, McCain, Clinton, Schauble, Satan-yahoo etc are black-holes of Evil. One exception appears to be Jeremy Corbyn in the UK, hence the truly deranged hate and fear campaign being directed at his candidacy, by the psychopaths led by genocidal liar Tony Blair and that evil shit-rag, The Guardian.
@The capitalist system was created by psychopaths …..
The Werner Sombart’s classic of 1911 “Die Juden und das Wirtschaftsleben (The Jews and Modern Capitalism)” is unsurpassed even today.
It seems nobody here in this forum (except elsi and to some partial extent The Saker) admires the CCCP.
(Because most posters never lived in a country with a Soviet system, and then witnessed the destruction [here in GDR it was a very similar sellout to western Oligarchs]).
Then, see this:
RT: Most Russians oppose ban on Soviet symbols – poll
“”””” An overwhelming majority of Russian citizens do not support the idea of banning public demonstration of Soviet symbols, while 73 percent confessed their positive attitude towards the hammer and sickle emblem.
On Friday the state-owned polling agency Vtsiom released the results of the research conducted earlier this year, according to which 73 percent of respondents claimed to have a positive attitude towards the Soviet hammer and sickle and 66 percent said they liked the red star. Only 11 percent said they have negative attitude to these symbols.
Seventy-two percent of respondents categorically objected to the possible ban on the hammer and sickle and 68 appeared to be against a ban on the red star. Seven percent said they would support such a ban if it were to take place.
At the same time 6 and 10 percent respectively of those polled said they were not aware of the symbolism behind the hammer and sickle emblem and the red star.
The attitude to various other symbols appeared to be generally positive. Forty-one percent of Russians said they had positive thoughts about the Muslim crescent and 23 rated their emotions as negative. The Star of David was more controversial, with 32 percent saying they had positive attitude to this symbol and 28 percent confessing a negative attitude.
READ MORE: Ukraine bans Communism & Nazism, celebrates UPA nationalists as ‘freedom fighters’
The Ukrainian trident draws positive emotions from 27 percent of the Russian population, with 34 percent professing a negative attitude to the coat of arms of the neighboring state. Still, the idea of banning Ukrainian state symbols in Russia received support from only 20 percent of the people, with 46 percent maintaining this would be a bad idea.
The only definitively negative symbol in the eyes of Russians is the Nazi swastika. Some 74 percent said it caused bad feelings and 62 percent supported a ban on its exhibition, with only 19 percent opposing such measures.
The poll was conducted in connection with the controversial Ukrainian law passed in April this year. The act bans the communist and national-socialist totalitarian ideologies and all their symbols and orders that all organizations, political parties or media found guilty of propagating communism or Nazism will be closed down.
This week Kiev authorities published the Law on Local Elections banning Communists and National Socialists from participating in regional and municipal polls scheduled on October 25.”””””
In Romania and Yugoslavia I also find positive feelings towards the communist past (although smaller)
Martin from S.E.B. on August 08, 2015 · at 4:28 pm UTC said:
“Then, see this:
RT: Most Russians oppose ban on Soviet symbols – poll”
all the “Russians” need do is dust down the guillotine and severe the heads of those Capitalist thugs who now run the Kremlin (and their other oligarch chums)…
do they like their blue jeans and Coke too much?
No, the KPRF knows for almost 10 years now that Putin and essential parts of his cabinet are not “capitalist thugs”, but that they attempt to find a compromise way for Russia.
Old Russia + Orthodox Church + CCCP + EurAsian Union + BRICS + Shanghai …
Get a name before I respond in a longer manner.
Martin, the Rightwing brainwashing apparatus in the West often gets very annoyed, even outraged, when the ‘Ostalgia’ of the former inhabitants of the DDR for their state and society gets mentioned. The thought that anyone would not prefer the greedy, materialistic, hyper-individualistic, atomised ‘society of sharp elbows’ of the West really infuriates them. After all, it is the system under which the rich rulers of all capitalist states prospered at the expense of others, so it must be perfection, surely. I remember Chomsky observing, presciently, that those in Eastern Europe who thought that they would instantly be granted ‘Western European standards of living’ ie of material consumption and spiritual necrosis, when ‘Freedom’ from ‘Communist tyranny’ arrived, were going to be sorely disappointed. Instead they would get a more Latin American dispensation ie widespread poverty, great inequality, destruction of personal economic security, sex tourism including paedophiles, looting of the common wealth and penetration by Western capital. And so it turned out, and then, later, no longer needing to fear ‘communism’, the parasite-Masters introduced ‘austerity’ and ‘the End of the Age of Entitlement’ to the Western serfs as well, as reward for their brainless loyalty and quiescence during the Cold War struggle for ‘Freedom!!’.
@Anonymous on August 08, 2015 · at 6:11 pm UTC
Don’t worry, the oligarchs for now they are NOT going to be killed. Mr.Putin need to keep them very close just to know what is their plan for the Russian in this new century. In another words, just keep your enemy very close to you, just to know what they are preparing for you…………
Russia is going through the century restoration project and the oligarchs are the part of it. They were asked in a polite way NOT to interfeir with their money to influence the political system which is still in a very vunarable stage. They can support the restoration of Russia if they like it and love it as a patriots or they have a choice to leave Russia, nobody is forced to leave there. They have a free choice thay can choose what they like.
For now it looks like Russians like the political restoration even it will take years to get back to the real history and power of this nation which was humiliated and looted for the centuries.
Useless video for viewers that don’t speak Russian, because it’s impossible to download the video AND subtitles. And one should download it because the translation in the streaming version is passing by with the speed of light.
Resulting in a situation where the Russian speaking members of this blog (who already knows Gaidar is a crook) understands it and all the others are still keeping in the dark.
It’s tremendous important for the good willing part of the West to understand this information – if there ever will be a viable resistance against their corrupted politicians!
So please open this sources for us too, by engineering a downloadable translation under this kind of docu’s.
If it is possible to download the clip with subtitles that I am not aware of, please tell.
You can press the ‘more key’ to see the text of the transcript, or go to and plug in the youtube URL to download the subs — it’s an SRT file, although not labeled as such.
In Spanish one can only describe Gaidar Sr as a ladrón and his daughter a CONCHA!
Saakashvili said when he announced her appointment on July 17 that he had asked Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to grant Gaidar Ukrainian citizenship. There is war going on. There are the dead, the refugees, Gaidar said.