This analysis was written for the Unz Review
First, a quick disclaimer or, should I say, a clarification: When I speak of minorities, as I will below, I do that as a person who belongs to a long list of minorities. I was born in a family of Russian refugees. Right there, that makes me part of a (rather small) minority. Furthermore, I lived most of my life in the French speaking part of Switzerland, that again makes me part of a minority. Then, I am an Orthodox Christian. That is also a minority inside of the so-called “Christian” world (in reality a post-Christian world, of course). Moreover, I am a traditionalist Orthodox Christian, a small minority inside the much bigger “world Orthodoxy”. And inside that, I am a Russian inside a majority Greek Church. I also lived for 5 years in Washington, DC, which was something like 70% Black and, at the time, openly and often rudely hostile to Whites (I never thought of myself as a color before, but I sure felt like one during those 5 years). And now I am a “legal alien” living in the USA. Anyway, while I am “White” (what a nonsensical category!) I suppose, that hardly makes me a typical WASP. So I am quite used to “being a minority” (and I quite like that, would I add). Just thought this might a useful clarification before I engage in the following thoughtcrimes.
Question: why does the US foreign policies always support various minorities? Is it out of kindness? Or a sense of fairness? Could it be out of a deep sense of guilt of having committed the only “pan-genocide” in human history (the genocide of all the ethnic groups of an entire continent)? Or maybe a deep sense of guilt over slavery? Are the beautiful words of the Declaration of Independence “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal” really inspiring US foreign policies?
I submit that the real truth is totally different. My thesis is very simple: the reason why the US always support foreign minorities to subvert states and use domestic minorities to suppress the majority US population is because minorities are very easy to manipulate and because minorities present no threat to the real rulers of the AngloZionist Empire. That’s all there is to it.
I think that minorities often, but not always, act and perceive things in a way very different from the way majority groups do. Here is what I have observed:
Let’s first look at minorities inside the USA:
- They are typically far more aware of their minority identity/status than the majority. That is to say that if the majority is of skin color A and the minority of skin color B, the minority will be much more acutely aware of its skin color.
- They are typically much more driven and active then the majority. This is probably due to their more acute perception of being a minority.
- They are only concerned with single-issue politics, that single-issue being, of course, their minority status.
- Since minorities are often unhappy with their minority-status, they are also often resentful of the majority.
- Since minorities are mostly preoccupied by their minority-status linked issue, they rarely pay attention to the ‘bigger picture’ and that, in turn, means that the political agenda of the minorities typically does not threaten the powers that be.
- Minorities often have a deep-seated inferiority complex towards the putatively more successful majority.
- Minorities often seek to identify other minorities with which they can ally themselves against the majority.
To this list of characteristics, I would add one which is unique to foreign minorities, minorities outside the USA: since they have no/very little prospects of prevailing against the majority, these minorities are very willing to ally themselves with the AngloZionist Empire and that, in turn, often makes them depended on the AngloZionist Empire, often even for their physical survival.
The above are, of course, very general characterizations. Not all minorities display all of these characteristics and many display only a few of them. But regardless of the degree to which any single minority fits this list of characteristics, what is obvious is that minorities are extremely easy to manipulate and that they present no credible (full-spectrum) threat to the Empire.
The US Democratic Party is the perfect example of a party which heavily relies on minority manipulation to maximize its power. While the Republican Party is by and large the party of the White, Anglo, Christian and wealthy voters, the Democrats try to cater to Blacks, women, Leftists, homosexuals, immigrants, retirees, and all others who feel like they are not getting their fair share of the proverbial pie. Needless to say, in reality there is only one party in the USA, you can call the the Uniparty, the Republicracts or the Demolicans, but in reality both wings of the Big Money party stand for exactly the same. What I am looking at here is not at some supposed real differences, but the way the parties present themselves. It is the combined action of these two fundamentally identical parties which guarantees the status quo in US politics which I like to sum up as “more of the same, only worse”.
I would like to mention an important corollary of my thesis that minorities typically more driven than the majority. If we accept that minorities are typically much more driven than most of the population, then we also immediately can see why their influence over society is often out of proportion with the numerical demographical “weight”. This has nothing to do with these minorities being more intelligent or more creative and everything to do with them willing to being spend much more time and efforts towards their objectives than most people.
So we have easy to manipulate, small groups, whose agenda does not threaten the 1% (really, much less!), who like to gang up with other similar minorities against the majority. Getting scared yet? It gets worse.
Western ‘democracies’ are mostly democracies only in name. In most of them instead of “one man one vote” we see “one dollar one vote” meaning that big money decides, not “the people”. Those in real power have immense financial resources which they cynically use to boost the already totally disproportional power of the various minorities. Now this is really scary:
Easy to manipulate, small groups, highly driven, whose agenda does not threaten the ruling plutocracy, who like to gang up with other similar minorities against the majority and whose influence is vastly increased by immense sums of money invested in them by the plutocracy. How is that for a threat to real people power, to the ideals of democracy?!
The frightening truth is that the combination of minorities and big money can easily hijack a supposedly ‘democratic’ country and subjugate the majority of its population to the “rule of the few over the many”.
Once we look this reality in the face we should also become aware of a very rarely mentioned fact: while we are taught that democracies should uphold the right of the minorities, the opposite is true: real democracies should strive to protect majorities against the abuse of power from minorities!
I know, I have just committed a long list of grievous thoughtcrimes!
At those who might be angry at me, I will reply with a single sentence: please name me a western country where the views of the majority of its people are truly represented in the policies of their governments? And if you fail to come up with a good example, then I need to ask you if the majority is clearly not in power, then who is?
I submit that the plutocratic elites which govern the West have played a very simple trick on us all: they managed to focus our attention on the many cases in history when minorities were oppressed by majorities but completely obfuscated the numerous cases where minorities oppressed majorities.
Speaking of oppression: minorities are far more likely to benefit and, therefore, use violence than the majority simply because their worldview often centers on deeply-held resentments. To put it differently, minorities are much more prone to settling scores for past wrongs (whether real or imagined) than a majority which typically does not even think in minority versus majority categories.
Not that majorities are always benign or kind towards minorities, not at all, humans being pretty much the same everywhere, but by the fact that they are less driven, less resentful and, I would argue, even less aware of their “majority status” they are less likely to act on such categories.
Foreign minorities play a crucial role in US foreign policy. Since time immemorial rulers have been acutely aware of the “divide et impera” rule, there is nothing new here. But the USA has become the uncontested leader in the art of using national minorities to create strife and overthrow a disobedient regime. The AngloZionist war against the Serbian nation is the perfect example of how this is done: the US supported any minority against the Serbs, even groups that the US classified as terrorists, as long as this was against the Serbs. And, besides being Orthodox Slavs and traditional allies of Russia, what was the real ‘crime’ of the Serbs? Being the majority of course! The Serbs had no need of the AngloZionists to prevail against the various ethnic (Croats) and religious (Muslims) minorities they lived with. That made the Serbs useless to the Empire. But now that the US has created a fiction of an independent Kosovo, the Kosovo Albanians put up a statue of Bill Clinton in Prishtina and, more relevantly, allowed the Empire to build the Camp Bondsteel mega-base in the middle of their nasty little statelet, right on the land of the Serbian population that was ethnically cleansed during the Kosovo war. US democracy building at its best indeed…
The same goes for Russia (and, the Soviet Union) were the USA went as far as to support the right of self-determination for non-existing “captive nations” such as “Idel-Ural” and “Cossakia”. I would even argue that the Empire has created several nation ex nihilo (What in the world is a “Belarusian”?!).
I am fully aware that in the typical TV watching westerner any discussion of minorities focusing on their negative potential immediately elicits visions of hammers and sickles, smoking crematoria chimneys, chain gangs, lynchmobs, etc. This is basic and primitive conditioning. Carefully engineered events such as the recent riots in Charlottesville only further reinforce this type of mass conditioning. This is very deliberate and, I would add, very effective. As a result, any criticism, even just perceived criticism, of a minority immediately triggers outraged protests and frantic virtue-signaling (not me! look how good I am!!).
Of course, carefully using minorities is just one of the tactics used by the ruling plutocracy. Another of their favorite tricks is to created conflicts out of nothing or ridiculously bloat the visibility of an altogether minor topic (example: homo-marriages). The main rule remains the same though: create tensions, conflicts, chaos, subvert the current order (whatever that specific order might be), basically have the serfs fight each other while we rule.
In Switzerland an often used expression to describe “the people” is “the sovereign”. This is a very accurate description of the status of the people in a real democracy: they are “sovereign” in the sense that nobody rules over them. In that sense, the issue in the United States is one of sovereignty: as of today, the real sovereign of the USA are the corporations, the deep state, the Neocons, the plutocracy, the financiers, the Israel Lobby – you name it, anybody BUT the people.
In that system of oppression, minorities play a crucial role, even if they are totally unaware of this and even if, at the end of the day, they don’t benefit from it. Their perception or their lack of achievements in no way diminishes the role that they play in the western pseudo-democracies.
How do we with deal with this threat?
I think that the solution lies with the minorities themselves: they need to be educated about the techniques which are used to manipulate them, and they need to be convinced that their minority status does not, in reality, oppose them to the majority and that both the majority and the minorities have a common interest in together standing against those who seek to rule over them all. Striving to remain faithful to my “Putin fanboy” reputation, I will say that I believe that Russia under Putin is doing exactly the right thing by giving the numerous Russian minorities a stake in the future of the Russian state and by convincing the minorities that their interests and the interest of the majority of the people are fundamentally the same: being a minority does not have to mean being in opposition to the majority. It is a truism that minorities need to be fully integrated into the fabric of society and yet this is rarely practiced in the real world. This is certainly not what I observe today in Europe or the USA.
The French author Alain Soral has proposed what I think is a brilliant motto to deal with this situation in France. He has called his movement “Equality and Reconciliation” and as of right now, this is the only political movement in France which does not want to favor one group at the expense of the other. Everybody else either wants to oppress the “français de souche” (the native, mostly White and Roman-Catholic majority) on behalf of the “français de branche” (immigrants, naturalized citizens, minorities), or oppress the “français de branche” on behalf of the “français de souche”. Needless to say, the only ones who benefit from this clash is the ruling Zionist elite (best represented by the infamous CRIF, which makes the US AIPAC look comparatively honorable and weak). As for Soral, he is vilified by the official French media with no less hate than Trump is vilified in the USA by the US Ziomedia.
Still, equality and reconciliation are the two things which the majorities absolutely must offer the minorities if they want to prevent the latter to fall prey to the manipulation techniques used by those forces who want to turn everybody into obedient and clueless serfs. Those majorities who delude themselves and believe that they can simply solve the “minority problem” by expelling or otherwise making these minorities disappear are only kidding themselves. To ‘simply’ solve the “minority problem’ by cracking down on these minorities inevitably pushes them directly into the warm embrace of the big manipulators, it turns these minorities into a powerful anti-majority weapon. This is the big danger of movements like Alt-Right or the National Front in France – their actions only serve to “weaponize” minorities. Mind you, this does not mean that the concerns and grievances voiced by these movements are without merits, not at all, it’s their (pseudo) “solutions” which are the real danger.
There is only effective way to defuse the explosive potential of minorities:
- Educate minorities and explain to them that they are being manipulated
- Educate those joining anti-minority movements that they are also being manipulated
- Offer the minorities a future based on equality and reconciliation
- Put the spotlight on those who fan the flames of conflict and try to turn minorities and majorities against each other
At the end of the day, this is an identity issue. While we all typically have several co-existing identities inside us (say, German, retired, college-educated, female, Buddhist, vegetarian, exile, resident of Brazil, etc. as opposed to just “White”) in manipulated minorities one such identity (skin color, religion, etc.) becomes over-bloated and trumps all the others. By restoring a healthy identity balance inside its various minorities and by fostering those identities which most residents have in common a society can counteract the toxic effects of those who strive on conflict, chaos and mayhem. Truly, the latter are our only real enemy and they ought to be treated as such.
The Saker
Carefully engineered events such as the recent riots in Charlottesville only further reinforce this type of mass conditioning.
I follow the “culture wars” plaguing the Anglo world quite closely, I would like to nuance this a bit. I don’t see events like these as engineered, they appear quite genuine to me. It only takes a little bit of time on social media to see the authentic rage and hatred that has boiled up in your average Social Justice Warrior or Alt-Righter. These movements are real and self-organizing. What is engineered, however, is the portrayal of the events by the Ziomedia, designed to maximize a furious frenzy in the the poor souls that have been infected with a perpetual victim complex, ensuring the escalation of violence towards one another. Alas, so sad to see them lashing out at each other instead of the rulers up top…
Yes, it’s a perennially interesting question: to what extent events are naturally occurring versus manipulated into being.
I suspect it’s like lighting a fire: interested parties can strike many matches, but if the fuel is absent or damp not much will happen; however, we are at a febrile time in the economic cycle right now, emotions are… ripe.
Side note: am I correct in thinking that the first person to utter the term “alt-right” was «Hillary!»?
Well, it’s based on a carefully engineerd pack of lies, anyway (as Paul Craig Roberts points out). Even the more respectable ones of the organizers such as David Duke are suspicious (also David Irving, by the way) because they’re more or less Nazi apologists, which is dead wrong and patently false – they definitely (ought to) know better.
See Henry Makow’s piece about that today. ( ) He also has part III of insider Ronald Bernard.
“First, a quick disclaimer or, should I say, a clarification: When I speak of minorities, as I will below, I do that as a person who belongs to a long list of minorities. I was born in a family of Russian refugees.”
-USA does distinguish between difference ethnicities of white, being a white immigrant in USA is not really a minority, if so Germans and English and Irish and Italians are all minorities in USA because no white ethnic group is majority in itself.
An example would be, say that a bunch of black average black supremacist was out “polar bear hunting” and they ran into you in the street, would they attack you or say “oh, you are a minority like us”
say that a bunch of black average black supremacist was out “polar bear hunting” and they ran into you in the street, would they attack you or say “oh, you are a minority like us”
No, they would attack me seeing me as “White” for sure. So what? I don’t need to be as ignorant and dumb as they are. They think of themselves as “Black” only because they are totally unaware of the ethnic diversity of sub-Saharan Africa. Why should I be as ignorant as them and pretend that there is such thing as a “White” or even as a “European”. Also, Black thugs who go “polar bear hunting” are hardly “Black supremacists”: they are simply low-IQ ignorant and dangerous imbeciles, whose mind is poisoned by the combined effects of testosterone and MTV, that’s all.
“They think of themselves as “Black” only because they are totally unaware of the ethnic diversity of sub-Saharan Africa. ”
As are most Americans.
Just as ignorant as they are of the differences among white minorities.
Because they are not immediately visible.
In the USA you are, basically, white or black.
White or “colored” in one way or another.
Remember the “one drop” rule.
White Russian means white.
Russian means white.
Orthodox means white.
Etc. Such “minority” designation have, AFAIK, no meaning in the USA context.
You may feel like a minority.
I sure feel like a minority in the current political climate.
I sure am a minority as being one of the few “natives” of my age in the location where I live.
None of this counts in the USA.
As a white American I am not viewed nor treated as a member of a minority group.
I am in the majority, and so are you, Saker.
Best regards, Katherine
White Russian means white.
Russian means white.
Orthodox means white.
But that is such a mistake! My wife has Georgian and Mingrelian blood. Russians think of the latter as “Blacks”. I have a lot of Asian blood. Sure, my skin color is “white”, but my DNA is far more diverse. Also, “White Russian” is a political category. “Red Russians” were Russian too, except for the many Jews/Khazarian amongst the Bolshevik leaders.
Being “Russian” in today’s USA is almost comical. We are accused of being responsible for the election of Trump and, by inference, for the riots in Charlottesville. I sure feel like I am in the minority nowadays. I have to admit that I pride myself in being a minority. I think that nobody in his/her right mind would want to be associated in any way the the kind of “majority” the modern ideology would have us believe is, well, in the majority :-)
Russians think of the latter as “Blacks”
With all due respect, in the context of minority politics *within the USA,* which is where we now are and which is, I believe, the situation you are talking about in your essay,
I don’t think it matters a jot that Russians consider Georgians “blacks.”
You are probably the only person in the USA who knows what the Russians think about this!
Most of your analysis of the manipulation of minorities makes sense to me.
You don’t have to self-identify as a member of a minority to give yourself the cred to comment on minority politics in the USA.
Your “minority” status is a distraction from the actual discussion. IMHO. Your status as a member of a smallish group within the USA would become relevant if your group started agitating politically *as a group*—as has been pointed out by Scott Humor that the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada and the USA has done (actually, to the extent that this group flies under the radar, even they are not an obvious “minority” on the American political landscape). Then you become part of an identified minority and part of identity politics. That is how I see it.
Yours, Katherine
I believe that all the Russian nonsense is the CIA controlled media trying to implant in the people that it is reality. However, I am of the belief that 65-70% of the people in this country see right thru this idiotic crap!! Its quite obvious the people are fed up with DC and are not putting up with this mafia criminal gang anymore. I must say though, we all may have been fooled because the swamp is still full, alive and well and Trump seems to say one thing and do the opposite, ie. no more regime change wars, these wars are bullcrap and the only obstacle to peace is the clowns in DC
Thank you for that reply Saker. I being a minority in the majority of Republic of South Africa, I am fascinated by this topic for obvious reasons you mentioned and our nation’s centuries of Colonialism and decades of Apartheid.
Reminds me of a favourite non-fiction book I like to quote in dinner political conversation World on Fire by Amy Chua, how mixing free market dominant minority with democracy creates a World on Fire!
But two terms “black supremacists” and “polar bear hunting” left me bemused with confusion. That is until the latter you so eloquently described with wit. I shudder with fear this phenonmenon like most things fashioned from the USA doesn’t make it our way.
We have enough on our plate with gender violence, child abuse & murder, xenophobia, hate crimes and corrective rape.
The Symptoms of Plutocratic enslavement are hectic and still our MSM behaves towards our government as it does to Maduro in Venezuela, and did Dilma Rousseff in Brazil….
SG, Several years ago, I thought that anyone who considered any terrorist or other associated events to be faked, to be part of an extremely small deluded minority. However, after a lifetime experience of photography as a very enthusiastic amateur, but also as a professional computer analyst, I started to look at some terrorist events in great detail. I analysed, just not the original photography (which is often hard to find), but numerous other aspects of such events. I also analysed, other peoples’ analyses, some of who’m went into such enormous detail, that they literally spent many hours, weeks and months sometimes just on one event.
I then joined this very small minority.
I am not suggesting that all terrorist events are faked, but the evidence that some are faked, or are partially faked is overwhelming. Some terrorist events are very real indeed. The people responsible for them have no qualms whatsoever in brutally murdering innocent people, whilst at the same time, they or their associates, have hired crisis actors to convince some people that the entire thing is faked.
Beyond, that, I think this is a brilliant analysis by Saker re minority control, though doubt that any of his proposed solutions will actually work. The basic problem, is that the vast majority believe the propaganda they are fed on a daily basis, several hours a day. Trying to change their mind is almost always, not just a complete and utter waste of time, but also counter-productive. People believe what they want to believe, and if you challenge their views, they may find you deeply offensive, and you may have lost what was otherwise a good friend, who may literally think you’ve gone mad.
Not a good ending, Tony.
Who needs a bunch of self-deluded idiots as “friends”??
“Get just exactly as offended as you like!” I will tell any idiot whose need of social approval from other stupid idiots is endangering their freedom and mine.
That sort of ridiculous social approval or need to have it is what the oligarchy has manipulated for millenia.
Maybe that “works” for them and for you and your “friends”.
Not for me.
Bro 93,
Yeh, and I kind of agree, but I was the first person I know, who came to the conclusion that the Official Story of 9/11 was completely impossible, because it did not comply with the basic fundamentals of physics and maths, which I had studied at university. I smelt a rat on day one, and wrote about it on day one, but was not totally convinced until 18 months later, before the latest war on Iraq started. I told everyone I knew – including my colleagues at work. It did not go down well, and resulted in me being “Retired” long before the likes of Professor Steven Jones.
I don’t regret it for a moment. I can’t live with evil and lies, but it is not my job to change the world. As I have lost my working life (which was very exciting and rewarding), my social life is very important to me, and the last thing I want to do is to lose my friends. It’s not their fault they are brainwashed, and I have no solution to their brainwashing. I have tried using basic facts, but it simply does not work. We have lots of other things in common, or they wouldn’t be my friends.
Some people are so innocent and sweet, that the last thing they need to know, is how evil some of the controlling people in this world are. It would destroy their soul…and they still have a good life to lead, being good people and doing good things.
I have no solutions. I have tried everything I can think of.
And I agree, it is not a good ending, but I am not dead yet and I really like Black Swans.
Sept. 11 fooled me from the start as I was busy doing the “normal thing”, being in the office and solving problems. But once I read an article questioning the official story and pointing out the speed with which the building fell I knew something was not right. Then later on I saw a video clip of WT-7 coming down completely clearing any residue of doubts. My university engineering education helped me to see through this lie.
I found many event on that day very peculiar. Not only building 7 but the fact that WTC 1 and 2 collapsed right down to the ground, the speed which suspects were identified and especially the lack of air defense response. Flight 77 cruised about for what felt like hours at the time. However, none of these things convinced me of government involvement. What did were the anthrax letters and passage of the Patriot Act.
I agree completely that these movements are to a great degree genuine, and organic, but what is definitely not genuine are these huge public clashes being orchestrated by a hidden hand to some insidious end. There is something very fake about these choreographed “mini wars”, and the Leander ship of both left and right groups appears to be deeply infliltrated.
What is genuine are your emotions, and how they are played.
Watch now everyone. This is exactly how they did in Maidan.
Charlottesville was absolutely engineered. Do your research. More than ample evidence.
care to provide some?
Talmudic Magic At Work:
Watch as Palestine disappears from maps, and from history, replaced by something that is real.
The engineered part is the identification of the “idea” around which the Ziomedia builds the theatrical spectacle that they antagonize and fuel with paid “protesters” of whatever flavor required. With all the unemployed we have that is simply child’s play to organize for pennies.
Today is a good day to watch CIA sayanim trolls attempt to sew fear and create the conditions necessary for igniting a revolution, or in this case create the impression that engineered chaos springs from yours and my gluteous maximus — just like it did in Syria, Libya, Ukraine, Tunisia, Egypt, during Occupy, Paris 1968, Prague, Hungary, St. Peterburg, etc. and etc. and etc.
Lol, they’re trying so hard, and it’s utterly pathetic.
SG, Would South Africa constitute the Anglo World? Saker I can see your point of view from a USA, Russian, or European point of view, but what of the white minority in South Africa? Specifically the Afrikaners (Boers). Although they voted for a one man one vote election in a referndum prior to giving up power, with the assurance during negotiations that their monoriy right will be protected under the constitution, they are now being deprived of those very same rights.
The South African government has removed the Afrikaans language from state universities, which means soon it will cease to exist as an academic language. That is not only unconstitutiona, but against human rights and a form of cultural ethnic cleansing. Yet, we don´t hear a word from the “international community”, nor from Russia. The Afrikaner community has launched severalcourt cases, but the courts have ruled against them. South Africa has been taken over and rules by political correctness – and I´m sorry to say, but in some matters Russia follows the same rule.
A couple of months ago huge tranche of e-mails (200 000) were leaked showing that the SA Government through an intermediary has launched a campaign to stir up racial hatred between white and black South Africans. The PR firm is based in the UK. Please note – here we are talking about the new SA Giovernment via an Indian family making use of an Anglo firm to stake up racial tensions in the new, demoicratoc SouthAfrica. However, this was a counter campaign to one of the opposition parties (EFF) using the same methods, most likely also through support from a Western based PR firm, because the narrativewas very similar: Chase the whites out of South Africa, besause they supposedly “stole the land”.
Never mind history and the fact that when the Dutch and French (who became the Boers) arrived in South Africa the most of the south of the country was unoccupied and they only met African tribes much later when they migrated north. Since the beginning of this year farm murders have escalated after with the support of this narrative the opposition leaders as well as government officials have called for (unoficially) attacks on white farmers.
These issue was brought up in parlaiment and an ANC member called: “Bury them alive!”:
The world launched a massive campaign of sanctions againts South Africa while it faced an insurgency sponsored by the Soviet Union, yet the USSR is no more. In the meantime South Africa has abandoned and has embraced communism in the form of their ND¨R: National Democratic Revolution and they are now attempting to forcefully assimilate the white Afrikaners into the majority by removing the Afrikaans language from
The world has forsaken the whites in South Africa, but especially the Afrikaners who are the only conservatives in the country and they are a tiny minority. The vast majority on white native English speakers are from British descen (and have access to British passports) and are progressive liberals – that means they are in support of ANC´s language policy to make English the de facto official language. All cultural spaces of Afrikaners have been taken over and cultural and Christian aspect is being removed¨that means radio stations, newspapers, magazines and television programmes.
The irony in all this is that the Afrikaners in South Africa are the closest to Orthodox Christians as you can get in that region of the world. There Christianity derives mainly from Dutch reformed Calvanism and French Hugenot Protestantism – many of the Afrikaners arrived in South Africa as refugees fleeing persecution in France. That´s why it is curious that Russia is silent on this. RT refuses to publish any of this ‘- I have on several occasions posted requests for it there and I have seen other South Africans do the same.
Of course we understand that RSA is part of BRICS, but that doesn´t mean the BRICS partners should look away when atrocities and repression happens. Can anyone explain this? Basically there is a mainstream news blackout about everything happening and my personal feeling is that is because it would throw several spanners in the works of various narratives that first of all paint all Africans as perpetual victims and secondly, all whites (especially South African ones) and perpetual perpetraors and racists. More than anything however, it would mean that the West and Soviets misjudged the ANC, so the easiest thing to do now is to just look away as if nothing is happening – in this case Russia too, unfortunately.
A few thoughts..
The first one;
“..against South Africa while it faced an insurgency sponsored by the Soviet Union..”
The Soviets supplied military training and weaponry to MK, the military wing of the ANC.
Did the ANC succeed in taking over South Africa due to the ‘armed struggle’?
They set off some car bombs, and murdered thousands in the mostly defenseless black communities, but they did not manage to conquer a square inch of the country by military means..
On the other hand, the ‘international community’ was mobilized against the previous SA government by a very skillfully managed and sustained campaign of disinformation.. run entirely by the Anglo-American or Western Main Stream Media..
Did the previous governments surrender came about due to military means, or did they succumb to pressure from the West?
The slide into mayhem that we are experiencing the past three decades in South Africa are entirely Western orchestrated..
A second thought;
all of a sudden, a few years ago, an obscure right-wing and white mine-workers trade union started getting a lot of publicity from the liberal (Western controlled) media in South Africa.
Soon after they branched out to a ‘civil rights’ movement for …’all minorities’.. with a lot of help from the FW de Klerk foundation (an open front of Soros’s Open Society Foundation)..
Next they established their own media outlet and by now have appointed themselves as the mouthpiece of the Afrikaner community..
I am of course talking about Afriforum.
We, the Afrikaners, are once again being played like a fiddle by the Anglo-American cabal..
Last thought;
We are truly on our own.
As you rightly mention, even RT parrots the Western media in the few pieces that reach the international press about us.
But don’t worry.
We have always been a small minority here in Southern Africa.
We have always been in the way of the Anglo(-American) empire, who have tried their best to ground us into the dust on numerous occasions..
But we have always survived..
Thanks for the reply, Willem – very good points made – I wasn´t sure about Afriforum, but I have picked up a distinctive Marxist slant in some/many of their communications – also in the way that they comment and moderate on their media platform – it makes sense now. I saw somewhere that ´Solidarity` according to their own “about” information, calls themselves (oneof the) the oldest wrokers union in the country. I assume this is untrue?
It may well be true that Solidarity are one of the oldest trade unions in SA.
The trade unions in the mining industry were the first in SA, and were initially all white.
What I have picked up in their media platform is that about all of their international news and opinion pieces are written by Leopold Scholtz, an old insider in the establishment press, and as one can guess, it is pure Neocon propaganda. Just CNN translated into Afrikaans..
Some time ago they took control of Radio Pretoria. The latter was initially established as a ‘Hard Right’ mouthpiece in the dying days of the previous government. In fact, they had trouble retaining their broadcast license a few times due to their perceived ‘right wing’ views.
Well, they ran into financial difficulties a few years back. Afriforum came to the rescue, and of course took over the management of the station..
Now Jan-Jan Joubert is a regular on their airwaves.. another arch globalist and establishment insider..
Totally agree, I would like to point out the particular situation of my country: Bolivia. Myself as part of the ruling white-catholic minority grew up with a deep conciusness of my otherness regarding this vaslty mayoritarian native country. In certain point of my teenage years this turned into a horrific hate towards my fellow countrymen and a certain racist actitude (pretty common ammong my cousins). This viceral hate of being bullied plus the sense of lost power comming from pre-Evo era could have developed fastly into a kind of facism, however then happened a life-changing event: I made a trip to Argentina.
What happened to me in Argentina? well, escencially nothing particular but a new experience: the experience of being “one of the many”, this curious factor of being able to go to stores and being threated as a normal person or going to a pub and not being the focus of atention was a kind of new world to me. However being threated as “one of the many” also turned me into somewhat invisible to most people who wouldnt notice me among the thousands of faces, this allowed me to evaluate this sense of uniqueness, both for good and bad.
I dont know wether in the future I shall stay here or move to Argentina, the paths in this life are extremly umpredictable, but now I can see tat my fellow country men were not that evil people on whom I poured my disgrace on, but rather proud cultures who claim their right to take their land back. I know that if I stay I must accept the process of being considered diferent while my children will be asimilated both culturally and genetically throught mixing, a process that I may not like but at the end go for the best of our nation. And I guess there is the key of how minorities should perceive ourselves: we cannot see our future as a diferent one form the mayorities, if you dont like it then you should move to where you fit best, after all the number to reserve a plane to Buenos AIres is still there in my phone.
Thanks for this interesting testimony.
And the wise counsel: minorities should look to a common national future.
However, it would be a pity if they sought, or were pressured, to merge and disappear.
I don’t suppose your country is as yet ready to follow the example of Russia highlighted by The Saker, but you might like to note, inter alia, that in addition to having an Ethnic Policy and a Federal Agency ( to supervise its implementation, Russia ensures that “all educational programmes in the humanities and social sciences now include “Ethnic Conflict Studies” – to teach students how to build non-conflictual relations in modern society. (
I recall a personal story of an individual or a few individuals from a wrecked American destroyer (approx 1500 tons “Fletcher Class) who were saved from the rocks and surf when the ship was wrecked in the Canadian Maritime islands – very remote and isolated island…with poor white fisherfolk doing the rescue. No government involved…
The white ladies worked hard to save the frozen men, Of course they men were filthy – coated in fuel-oil, “bunker C”.
There were Negro enlisted men. This was after 1940, but prior to December 1941, I believe.
One man, the man who tells the story, a Negro USN enlisted sailor, came to consciousness naked on a kitchen table, surrounded by white women, and, being from the US South, shaking in fear. He recalled that he heard the woman who was washing him complain to her friends that the black oil had got under or into his skin or somehow she simply could not get that black off him…scrape, scrape…
These isolated people, no telephone, no electricity, cared for these rescued men and the men lived there, working with the locals, for about 6 month…then the navy got round to picking the survivors up and getting them into the war again. The native fisherfolk had never seen Negros. They were “naive” in the sense of Racism, though they could see, of course, the racial differences. In fact the white found the Negro men, the few, pleasant to join in life activities, fishing, working, playin…found them Good to Work and Live With…
After the war, just as fast as matters permitted, one or a very few went back. And stayed. With the natural result that the racial make-up changed, but that was all. And this is the condition today. The men were welcome there…
I heard that. I do not know the reality. Maybe it is true, I believe it’s fairly accurate.
What young USN enlisted man, what good man who was cruelly used by the navy and by the State and by the unresolved capitalist injustices that fall – the constant fear of lynching – what decent man after such an experience, footloose after the war, would not at least recall and consider that 6 months…and go back to the relief of normal human friendly lives and peace? Evidently the divide and rule “old army game” was never thought to be necessary in the remote places where there was nothing to steal from the game…
In the usa, the zionazi minority, the neo-confederate minority, the ultra-rich parasite minority run things. As to whether minorities with out serious power are more manipulated than the majority, very doubtful. Perhaps these powerless minorities are more adamant, or more strident, they are no more manipulated than the wad of the majority, who sit passive in front of their various idiot boxes, nodding their heads in passive agreement to the role they are assigned as worker bees.
Case in point. Back 2002 while I read various theories about the wtc attacks on the web, the first time I heard a view different from the zionazi ordained bs in human was from a low income, non colleged educated black guy.
The manipulation goes both ways. While the zionazis, and their now subservient gofers, which now include trump and the neo-confederates, have worked steadily to promote divisions among various groups, the largest group buying the psywar, and internalising it, are the “silent majority”, being manipulated to see those who differ from some arbtrary set of parameters as outside the norm.
The problem isn’t the minorities, it’s the zionazi/neo-confederates working to manipulate all people to be like they themselves are. Singlying out “minorities” while ignoring the far greater factor of this same manipulation upon the vast majority of the population distorts the problem in a way that continues the divisive psywar. It’s not that much different from the zio-gay media going gaga making sure a criminal’s background is known when they are Muslim, but being vague when the criminal was Christian or Jewish (actually, the sods never mention the Jewish background, unless their hand is force by circumstance).
Vot Tak:
“As to whether minorities with out serious power are more manipulated than the majority, very doubtful.”
I agree with this. But it seems like small skirmishes are being magnified and “spun” in order to manipulate their reception by a far larger audience. So even though the minority groups themselves might not have much power, they can still be used and leveraged to create other pressures that in turn are magnified by the position of the players and the power of the media.
For example, it seems quite clear that C’ville is being spun to create more pressure on Trump.
If no one had paid any attention to the United group and their statue rally, probably nothing would have happened. (Actually, if the C’ville city council h ad not voted to remove the statue, nothing would have happened.) But perhaps it was an opportunity too good to pass up. To appear to empower a minority, or encourage a clash between two factions, and use the visuals, rhetoric, etc. to implicate/smear Trump.
“If no one had paid any attention to the United group and their statue rally, probably nothing would have happened. (Actually, if the C’ville city council h ad not voted to remove the statue, nothing would have happened.) But perhaps it was an opportunity too good to pass up. To appear to empower a minority, or encourage a clash between two factions, and use the visuals, rhetoric, etc. to implicate/smear Trump.”
Excellent analysis of the situation. The democrat city council created this in the first place. And the democrat governor and mayor pushed it along. Something that the media avoids mentioning so they can use the results to attack Trump with.Once they saw the opportunity to allow violence to occur they did everything they could to make sure it occurred.I doubt they expected a death to come from it. But they didn’t care if it did. And in fact used that as an excuse for a further attack on Trump.
Good point bob, nothing would’ve happened if nothing would’ve happened, except every major media outlet was there ahead of time, booking motels, and hundreds of people responding to ads for paid protestors were bussed in from all over the US, while thousands more just showed up to take in the festivities as tourists, and all while agents of the zionist abyss keep talking nonsense in an attempt to impress upon everyone the seriousness of what didn’t really happened.
Trump put his foot in it with his response and follow up responses. It’s obvious trump was “in on it”.
I’ll leave “it” for you to figure out on your own.
“It’s obvious trump was “in on it”.
I’ll leave “it” for you to figure out on your own.”
I wish things were so clear (to me).
I don’t really think that Trump was “in” on the C’ville situation.
How could he profit from it?
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump had less of an idea of the workings of the deep state and the mob than we do at this site and others . . .
Thank you Saker for having the courage to tackle a subject as sensitive and potentially explosive as this one and direct it towards the real roots of the problem, the causes and the solutions to it. I’m loosing friends trying to talk about this subject ( re: sham divisive “minority, race, religion and identity politics”) with people I know, particularly those that consider themselves well educated and informed professionals (read as politically correct that feel virtuous about it) and they invariably first react emotionally defensive and then just want to shut me up, refusing to debate it any farther. I’m taking it as an indication of just how effectively and deeply the western media and academia have culturally brain washed us. Your ideas here give me a good source of information to better address these timely and dangerous issues.
One thing Saker you can’t overstate is the development of a separate world view that you have from an early age as a minority.
You grow up being told you have been victimised and it build resentment of those in power and even those not in power.
My parents were Irish and came to England in the 60s during the troubles – I was born in England but never ever felt English and being part of a small community within the wider English community helped foster that feeling of difference.
I don’t think I came into contact with and English person until I went to work
The shops and my catholic school were all people with my background
It really does make you identify with the underdog and other minorities.
And you are spot on when you say that we can be manipulated – and reacting emotionally to situations is the first response. That emotion can drive revolutions
I see it with black / Asian muslims people here in the UK who are manipulated by the labour parties
The LGBT crowd – everywhere
Saker read
High low vs middle & Patron theory
Explains your entire thesis
USA power high
Some small minority low
The high supports the low to destabilize the middle (mainstream) in order to achieve its geopolitical goals।।
Slava Rodu।।
Quite right: perhaps humanity will only get out of this quagmire of manipulated identity politics when most people can graduate from living/functioning in their emotional field, to functioning in their mental field, and hence able to exercise discernment – able to see through and beyond manipulative processes.
Unfortunately, we are currently not taking that higher road: our education system seems to have given up on training the mind, insisting instead on promoting an engagement with life that is mainly or even merely emotional.
Politicians now only appeal to emotions, their so-called electoral programmes are reduced to a series of emotional triggers.
The media, especially in the West is almost entirely given to emotional manipulation, currently swamped in hate speech.
I fear therefore that mental activity will soon atrophy in the majority of people, while emotional turmoil will reach epidemic levels – and pathological identity politics reach pandemic proportions.
The world will then degenerate into a chaotic jungle – unless rescued in time by more enlightened leaders.
It might sound hateful but the history teaches us otherwise, that as long as there is even one zionist in your land you will never have a peace. And for that reason I don’t believe that Putin is doing a right thing. The Assimilation is the answer, and not the bridges between minorities.
Bridges between minorities and majorities, and between one minority and another – as Russia is and has been doing – are the desirable model for the future (and inevitable) integration of humanity.
And this is the “multipolar” world Putin wants and is working to create: a world in which each nation enjoys its sovereignty and relates to all the others on this basis.
The US hates Russia for this “revisionism”: they say Russia only “seeks a wholly different order within which they can exercise control over their immediate sphere of influence without interference.” See “At Our Own Peril: DoD Risk Assessment in a Post-Primacy World” –
There is a difference with Russia though. While there are a few minorities in Russia such as German,Polish,Jewish,Armenian,etc, who are not congregated in one area or so.And who are probably the most assimilated minorities today in Russia (I didn’t include Ukrainians or Belorussians,since as fellow Rus Slavs,they are Russians and fit in pretty easily). Most of the minorities are more majorities that are included in Russia.They have a piece of territory that has always been their homeland. So while some members of those groups may migrate to the big cities their actual homelands are in different regions of the country. And like minorities in other countries that “sometimes” brings strife in those cities.
In Europe and the US,Australia,NZ,Canada,mostly their giant minorities are immigrants to the country.Not natives to regions inside that country(I don’t include African Americans that are descended from slaves in the past,native American peoples,or Hispanics descended from those resident in the territories annexed by the US in the past.Nor the native peoples in Canada,Australia,or NZ resident in those countries at the time of settlement by Europeans,in that category).So they have little if any history in that country,before a one lifetime span.That is the crux of the difference between Russian minorities. And those found in other major countries of minorities.When it comes to assimilation ability,loyalty to a common society and historical tradition.Those differences stand out even more.
Point taken.
Very incisive article.
However, the problem in Westerm Europe and the US is that the situation is too far gone. The minorities know that Western countries are due for an unavoidable demographic collapse which will fundamentally alter the nature of said countries within the next 30 years.
Meaning that they are already beginning their power play in conjunction with the elite in anticipation of this collapse. The whites in many countries will become minorities in their own countries in the next 30-50 years shoved aside by immigrants with a far higher birth rate.
“The last days of a white world”
Its not “unavoidable” naturally itself. Its unavailable because their is no policy or elite “will” to avoid it.
Wouldn’t you say just desserts for centuries of brutal colonialism and enslavement. In fact over population drove then Europeans who immediately refused to mix and engage authentically with humanity but seemed on a quest to pillage all the wealth they’d seen The Moors share with them.
You haven’t been White for centuries bout time a reality check removed the myth. Our Dark Ages in Africa began the moment ours gave you The Enlightenment.
@ SG
Re: “I don’t see events like these as engineered, they appear quite genuine to me.” and “These movements are real and self-organizing.”
While the twisted ideology espoused and hateful emotions expressed violently by both these “alt right” and “alt left” fringe minority groups may not have been “engineered”, the events and some of their leaders may well have been, by plants and agitation agents doing the work of the deep state and the Hillary/Obama/Soro’s crime syndicate. At least one of the supremacist leaders, and public spokesman has been identified as being a former Occupy Wall Street and Obama supporter and organizer. The whole event appears to have been a set up and trap by the Democratic Hillary supporting mayor of Charllettsville from the get go. By having the police deny a court ordered protest gathering in the park of the white supremacist, corralling them in and then forcing them out into the streets to exit into an angry mob of “anti-fa and BLM counter protesters. Making them have to run a gauntlet of screaming violent “alt left” protestors while the police stood down and offered no protection whatsoever, was a criminal dereliction of duty and probably what led to the tragic death of a woman that was rammed by a driver after his car was hit with what appears to be a lead pole. The whole fiasco appears to have been planed to create a national incident to in order to discredit Trump and create the conditions for what the media is now gleefully calling a “civil war”. While I agree that both sides have a life of their own, they would both be insignificant freak elements on the margins of society if they weren’t goaded and/or directed by uncover agents and financed by the likes of Soro’s and the deep state. (Notice on YT the Anti-fa’s demonstrating against Soro’s demanding their $25 per hour payments that they’d been ripped off for.) The question to me is not, why would the deep state create or infiltrate and orchestrate these events and movements, but given their clear agenda to create social divisions to control us all and topple Trump, why would they not?
Quite old book in Russian about danger of “Lesser Nation” (within Greater Nation)
“Малый Народ” – ->
But i don’t think any person made English translation of it
Yes, Shafarevich is a most interesting author
his book on socialism is also most thought-provoking
The Saker
‘ID Politics’ is the ultimate divide and conquer – get the heterosexuals and homosexuals (for example) to hate each other, etc, etc and the Deep State gets off free. And that itself is ‘ID politics’ psychopaths versus non-psychopaths.
The only way to win is to not play the game, and that requires knowing the game plan.
I’ve been calling that “minority fascism” for some time now. There was even an article describing that being “intelligent” (whatever that means) gives such person an unfair advantage over the others.
And that’s just the beginning. Lobotomy (or bio-electronic brain downgrader?) to follow soon…
Let’s roll it in!
given how dumbed down western societies are becoming – intelligence is a real threat
It is actually called PROMETHEism. Desinged by a former Polish Leader, Pilsudski.
we had one in the cafe, he disappeared lacking vigor …
bought left, even in religion: calling oneself Prometheus (the offender)
Give me a brake, why not God?
Let’s share pure water and pure whine
and let’s do it in more and more places like a decent continent
slowly becoming visible in the 21th century
Saker thanks for the great minority-essay to history of man.
Thanks mate for kind and true words regarding us, the Serbs.
To bad that US people easily let own government(s) to mark us as enemy, although we were allies in both World Wars, suffered because of that in millions of deaths (maybe the highest mortality rate in both WW by percentage) and fought on same side. Above that, they managed to blame us for almost all bad things in the world, camouflaging genocide and ethnic cleansing against Serbian people, not only to cover wrongs of others in the past, but also to give them green light to repeat the same next time.
I fear that for my country, now occupied and in colony status, and for Serbian people is too late and we ll be wiped out from the historical scene for numerous reasons. One of them you mentioned – we have been, we are, and we ll be “little Russians on Balkan” for any power in the so called West, no matter if we fight on same or “other” side. So, even when we are minority, said formula in the text wont be applied on us. We are, as it seems, grouped for not temporary, but final solution.
Sane words, as yours, are quite, since the truth sounds too strange to majority in the “West”, brainwashed by “mainstream” media, i.e. lies spread for decades, maybe for centuries.
And the biggest paradox, when we check on USA and Serbia, is that we had almost the same history of national liberation and probably Americans in that way doesn’t have closer nation in Europe. We both fought for liberation and won it, and it wasn’t just given to us by some game of Great Powers or after some bigger world event, and also, very important, Serbs were nation of commoners (no blue blood “specials”) – peasants and free people on the start of the 19th century that won neutrality and saved own freedom by fighting against colonial Great Power (Ottomans). Maybe that similarity is a flaw in these times, as it seems that little left of that American liberty.
The biggest victims of that fake are Americans themselves, and we others are just collateral.
The disinfo and propaganda against that little Serbia, I remember watching it back then, was like Nazi Germany in 30-s, it was the beginning of this vicious cycle that we’re witnessing today. Serbia was probably the first nation, country in the world that (somewhat foolishly) stood against the evil empire, like many times before. Today it’s quite clear what was happening, but in 90-s people still believed the MSM and the lies. And there wasn’t anybody that could defend it, Russia was too weak and submissive (and regardless of the good and bad geo-strategic location that’s going to be quite different today as the line has been drawn in Syria). And there was no internet like we have today, no way to pass alternative info. Serbia is still bearing the stigma of those times and very few people are talking about it (or trying to right the wrong) but that was the true beginning of what we’re now seeing and what the rest of the world is only now starting to realize.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb wrote a very good article about this: The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority
Hi Dave,
I am a big fan of Taleb, however what he refers to as “intransigent minorities” are, to me, simply intransigent issues. i.e He gives the example of the stubborn daughter who imposes non-GMO meat to the rest of the family as an “intransigent minority”.. I would argue that while she imposes her meat, she can probably be made to compromise on the choice of vegetable.
Also, he does not address the difference between hegemony and intransigence. It is probably true that Jews will be intransigent on the choice of Kosher food for themselves, and will not impose this choice of food on the Christian majority. This does not mean that Jews/Zionists do not seek hegemony of another type over Christians… I think it would be very difficult to find minority that is intransigent on absolutely everything. This is where a clever leader can negotiate a little “quid pro quo”, i.e. give-in on certain issues, while demanding more on others.
Finally, there are combinations of minority and majority statuses (Gay and “white”, in a mostly “white” society). Which one has priority? Identities can change according to the situation, i.e one can be a gender minority but an ethnic majority, as a white woman in a corporate boardroom (filled with white men), for example, but this situation only lasts as long as the board meeting itself.
One of the successes of the Anglozionists with minorities has been to convince them of the permanence and greater importance of the minority status as part of their identity.
Might a useful summary of the article be an addition to the criteria 1 – 7 to the effect that historically minorities have tended to seek to protect their rights as a minority only when those rights are threatened or infringed. Tolerance reduces the risk of conflict. In effect what you are saying is that the West should follow Russia in promoting tolerance. Russia has made the effort to give Muslims a stake, but not, for example, homosexuals who are still identified as a minority whose characteristics justify the majority in discriminating against them (for reasons not entirely clear).
Nobody “discriminates for reasons not entirely clear” in Russia. Where did you get that silly idea?! What happens is that Russia refuses to proclaim homosexuality a “normal and healthy variation of human sexuality” which the American Psychiatric Association did for PURELY POLITICAL reasons and without a shred of scientific evidence (I know that well, my spiritual father was present at that meeting of the APA and he fully confirmed that to me). The Russians, like the APA before it caved in to the political pressures of the homosexual lobby in the USA, consider homosexuality as a personality disorder. Still homosexuals in Russia are totally free, in fact they are a well-organized minority. The only thing that is denied to them is a “normalcy status”, an equality sign between what are called “naturals” in Russia (heterosexuals) and them. And THAT is what really infuriates homosexuals – that Russia refuses to proclaim the identity between healthy and sick.
The West, however, has now gone as far as letting children be adopted by homosexual couples. To this I will reply with the words of Christ:
And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.
I am proud of Russia for not having caved in to the collective hallucination in of the West which is even willing to sacrifice children for the sake of political correctness!
The Saker
Quite why the American Psychiatric Society or anyone else should feel they have to proclaim anything about homosexuality is a puzzle. It already concedes what has to be proved, that homosexuals are a minority who should indeed be discriminated against, either in the relatively benign sense that they have to be singled out for an official imprimatur that they are not sick, or in the malign sense that they are sick and therefore to be treated differently from their fellow citizens. The notion that a spurious pseudo-scientific category such as homosexuality as personality disorder (sounds almost like the Soviets diagnosing dissent as a personality disorder) should be sufficient to discriminate against a large part of the citizenry ought to be abhorrent in any tolerant society. So, until Russia, and the Catholic Church, and fundamentalist protestants, Jews, Muslims and…, can come up with a reason more soundly based than translating the prejudices of prior eras into pseudo scientific terms, the pretext for the discrimination remain entirely unclear.
(As an aside, no-one has done a quantitative or qualitative study of the effect on children of different fostering arrangements. Are there proportionately more cases of abuse among children fostered by gay couples? One of my son’s best friends, one of the happiest and most well-balanced and charming people I have met, was brought up by two lesbians – will the millstone be withheld or are they to be damned in principle?)
On the very interesting subject of your article, minority and multiple cultural and political identities, the Indian economist Amartya Sen has written an excellent book, “Identity and Violence”.
Quite why the American Psychiatric Society or anyone else should feel they have to proclaim anything about homosexuality is a puzzle.
Only to you, lindsay, only to you :-)
“sounds almost like”
is used in 90% or more of strawmen arguments
Are there proportionately more cases of abuse among children fostered by gay couples?
That question could only be asked by somebody totally unaware of the history of the word “pederasty”.
One of my son’s best friends, one of the happiest and most well-balanced and charming people I have met, was brought up by two lesbians
Indeed. And I was raised by an insane single mother. Kids can survive and overcome a lot, that is hardly a reason to give up the very notion of “healthy environment” and to simply decree that any (pseudo-)family structure receiving the imprimatur of the political correct ideology of the day is desirable for a child is a total betrayal of that poor kid.
Lindsay – you have done a good job of parroting the doubleplusgoodthinking slogans of the day. What you have failed to do is show that you have anything resembling an opinion of your own. So how about you first try to develop the latter and then come a post nonsense about persecuted homosexuals in Russia or how wonderful it is to be raised by two lesbians?
As far as we, Russians, are concerned you, Westerners, are welcome to place an equality sign between everything homosexual and everything heterosexual (to be honest, we don’t find most of your women particularly feminine or most of your man very masculine anyway; we often have a hard time telling them apart). The sterility of your sexual intercourse is, to us, as sterile as your worldview – but you are most definitely entitled to it. In fact, have a blast, enjoy it! We really couldn’t care less. But please do not attempt to tell us that water is dry, black is white and that an anus is “just like” a vagina. If they are so to *you* then please accept that we can still tell the difference and use them according to their natural purpose. We are appalled that you are willing to sacrifice your own children on the altar of political correctness, yes, but we won’t fight you over it, no worries. Just pretty please stay away from *our* kids, deal? You know, live and let live. Last but not least, if you want to speak in support of “our” homosexuals from the prejudice they suffer from (at least in your opinion), then please allow us to also and support any remaining “naturals” amongst you who do not feel that sexual dysfunction and personality disorders should be given a “clean bill of health” just to cater to the egos of the dysfunctional. There are plenty of real man and woman left in the West, and we much rather deal with them than with your society of Michael Jacksons (neither White nor Black, neither child nor adult, neither make or female, etc.). We prefer “sexually differentiated couples” and children raised by a mix of males and females.
To each his own :-)
The Saker
Haha, God bless, Saker, God bless.
But i fear as God Almighty says:
They have eyes but do not see, they have ears but do not hear, that’s why he has prepared a fire for them!
No need to prepare anything for them. Just look at the addiction/suicide rates amongst homosexuals! Every sociologist knows that this is one of the most dysfunctional/unhappy groups out there. Just think about the fact that their unions are totally sterile! How sad. I remember the day my first child (my daughter) was born. I was there and it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. There was, my child, the product, the living result, of the love between my wife and myself. 21 years later, I still see both my wife and myself in her. Homos will never know anything like it, but they will spend their lives kidding themselves that they can somehow re-create this by adoption or other artificial substitutes. Yet their union will always remain as sterile as their wombs.
I am telling you – they are already in a hell of their own making.
I looked in vain for any argument offered in support of the ever more sarcastic expression of your prejudices on homosexuals. The closest you seemed able to come to engaging with an opinion that differs from yours is to assume, as far as I can determine, that I am gay (and therefore to be subjected to the same classy invective) because I ask you why you discriminate against those who are.
Wrong. I made no such an assumption. Whether you are homosexual or not (‘gay’ is a word that I apply to my wife, as a compliment) is irrelevant to me. What I see is that you faithfully parrot the slogans of the “esprit du temps”, the dominant ideology, the doxa if you wish. Whether you are sexually healthy or not is irrelevant to me
(Two small additional points on the quality of argumentation: a long spiralling paragraph about what Russians think of gay sex and Westerners as sexual partners and Western attempts to claim water is dry… does not constitute a rational defence of the assertion that homosexuality is an objective personality disorder
But I am not trying to do anything of the sort. You say that anuses and vaginas (whether taken literally or metaphorically) are equivalent. I won’t even try to convince you otherwise. All I am saying that I am capable of differentiating between the two, that’s all :-)
(whatever that is), merely an embarrassing expression of reflexive prejudice; secondly, and much more straightforwardly, the notion that to say “pederasty” is an adequate response to the question whether gay adopters are more likely to abuse their charges than straight is cringe-making – you are assuming, again without evidence, that gay men – and I think it is mainly the men you object to – are somehow more likely to be criminals than straight men.)
I am just saying that all of mankind always knew, until this knowledge became banned, that the categories homosexuals and pedophiles generally overlap. You are welcome to vehemently disagree, of course.
A thought-provoking discussion of minorities and how to ensure their inclusion descends into rant (sorry, heavy irony). You have difficulty with the normal to and fro of debate.
Nevermind my putative difficulties. I have been married for 23 years to a wife I worship, I have 3 kids and I have no gender identification issues. Which makes me a very boring, “lambda” kind of guy. And that makes me reject your entire bag of justifications for that which is fundamentally dysfunctional, pathological and, yes, degenerate. I am very proud and grateful to God that for all their failings and sins my people are still capable of loving and respecting feminine women who are women and mnasculine men who are men. We, “naturals”, represent life. You just represent the mixture of semen with feces. Sorry, but that is how God made it :-)
You are welcome to complain to Him or accuse Him of bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. Good luck with that!
The Saker
Dear Saker
This is worth continuing because it speaks to the topic of your article, how minorities are to be included (or, what grounds are sufficient to exclude them). By “included” I just mean treated equally within society. To obviate (belatedly) some of the sillier remarks, this does not require that everyone accept that “equal” means “same” or that everyone agree what is of value. You have not said, you have not attempted to say, why homosexuals should not be given equal treatment.
Dear lindsay,
Okay, I will attempt to answer clearly: it all depends on what do you mean by “equal treatment”? What they do in their own privacy is nobody’s business and frankly, I don’t think many people care. It is when homosexuals begin to demand that their sexuality be proclaimed as a “normal and healthy variation of human sexuality” (Wikipedia article) that most Russian refuse to agree. And, frankly, why should we?!
As I already told you, our kind of sex produces children whereas your kind of sex just mixes semen with feces. Do you really want to pretend like this is “the same”?!
“Discrimination” just means “distinguished between” and it appears to me that you want use to lose this ability. Sorry, I cherish it and I have no desire whatsoever to lose it. That also goes for the actual outcomes from our sexual acts.
As for Russians, we like our man to be manly, our women feminine (which do not confuse with “stupid” or “submissive”) and we think that God/nature (pick one) knew what He/it was doing when it gave fecundity only to a male-female couple. You think otherwise? Great! Enjoy! Just pretty please leave us alone and stop demanding that we consider your “lifestyle” as “healthy” or “normal” or “equal”. Lastly, if we, “naturals” don’t shove our sexuality into everybody faces and demand a standing ovation in return, please return us the courtesy. It’s pretty simple, really :-)
Remember how I wrote in the article that minorities are “typically much more driven and active then the majority. This is probably due to their more acute perception of being a minority” and that they “are only concerned with single-issue politics, that single-issue being, of course, their minority status”
This is what is happening right now. I have counted FIVE of your comments my mods flagged and I sent to the trash not just of their tone, but because it gives the topic of homosexuality a totally disproportionate importance. I am personally not even sure that being affected by a pathology ought to qualify somebody for ‘minority’ status.
I am starting to feel like Putin in Holland, when all he was asked about was homosexuals? I don’t need the same here, so this is why I sent your comments to trash and will probably do so in the future, at least if they are again homo-centric. You might feel strongly about this (non-)issue, but I don’t and this is why I am putting a stop this. I am under no illusion about how you will interpret that decision. Fine. I don’t really care. I will gladly admit that your drive to go on about this topics is far bigger than mine. Just don’t try to make us participants into this monothematic obsession, okay?
In conclusion I want to clarify one thing: I have no more hostility towards homosexuals than I would have towards people affected by the common flu or any other human being, if only because we are all both sick and sinful each of us in our own way. I might even write an article about this in the future.
The Saker
Okay. Thank you for this answer. I appreciate it. We are talking past each other, however. I will therefore stop. The “tone” of the binned comments was less objectionable by far than yours to me.
you know, lindsay, I let you lecture me on how I should or should not reply, and I let you because I don’t care. but I just want to point out both the arrogance of this and its hypocrisy. arrogance because I am your host and you are my guest here, and hypocrisy because your comments are filled with passive-aggressive and often condescending remarks. there is a rule #3 which I have no invoked in your case and I want you to at least be aware of that fact. just saying..
The substance deserved a considered response of what was actually said, if not by you (and I have certainly taken up too much of your time), then by another contributor to the thread. Binning was certainly not justifiable by your rules and skewed the debate.
“(to be honest, we don’t find most of your women particularly feminine or most of your man very masculine anyway; we often have a hard time telling them apart). The sterility of your sexual intercourse is, to us, as sterile as your worldview”
Wow. Thanks for that insight!
you are so very welcome!
I guess I forgot the “irony” emoticon . . .
oh no worries, I saw it
that is why I did not bother including it in my response either
Pardon me,
What is :-P
Minor comment here Saker…
I know my neighbors… These are people within a few hundred meters of this keyboard…
They compass (mostly) hetero-sex and (some) other sorts, sodomy in the quiet variety, I assume, takes place now and again within this compass. In particular there is a saphic couple, quiet, mature, one a teacher at a local elementary school. They have homosexual male friends too, and a large circle of family, real ordinary hetero family. Extended healthy ordinary family, working class and honest. They are frank about their relationship, ie it is not a secret…but they, the whole circle of their pals and friends, are very good neighbors, conservative, caring, quiet, helpful, cooperative, and the little kids that make cloud round at their summer backyard, visit their “aunties” in what seems to my eye a healthy and acceptable way.
Both ladies were terribly abused as kids. They have made a partnership between female because they are hurt. They do not promote sodomy to anybody.
I am happy with them, and this seems logical. Yes, I do find it, the evident sodomy, so near, well, it’s something ya can’t forget – but this is inside my head… and it’s minor.
This, generally, seems ok. Not ideal, but a practical adaptation to fill day to day needs and the need for love and companionship within the chaotic and declining “ground” (sinking under our feet!) of rural west coast na.
I remember an ethnographic tract, many years ago, dealing with fags among the American Indians of the Great Plains… So long as they married and fulfilled the proper roles they were “uncles” and “aunts”, but one was the girl, and lived as a woman, dressed that way. I have some doubts… People say nutty stuff. I expect there’s a bit of truth in that ethnography, but…well, you now about the academy…
Of course what’s being promoted is, I think, much as you and others say – corrupt, probably worse than corrupt… But these nice people are a product of abuse, not promotion…this isn’t like some queer bar in Hollywood. (I have seen one of those!)
I wonder myself if the explosion of perversions does not always accompany the collapse of empire, Tacitus seems to have thought so…
I conceive a crazy idea – that future catastrophe blasts back in time an echo, a wave of spirit, to the present now – with the effect of making people behave in chaotic and un-natural ways…
It seems to…
Anyway, just my senile thought. Thanks for being, Saker.
What two consenting adults do with their private parts in private is not the issue; issues arise when the large majority is told to accept and encourage man-man and woman-woman ‘marriage’; to watch as their children are told about anal sex at tender ages; and the majority forced to accept as “normal” those practices as have never been regarded as normal in any human society. To legally not recognize same-sex ‘marriage’ does not constitute discrimination; if it does then the whole of humanity, since its evolution, stands guilty of the charge of discrimination.
Russian law, per my limited knowledge, does not criminalize homosexual practice; nor does it restrict the freedom of homosexuals to practice their impulses and to live together, in pairs, threesomes or whatever. All it restricts is the propagation of homosexuality to minors. Society restricts lots of things to minors.
By all means make out with the same sex if such is the fancy, even with corpses (why discriminate against necrophiliacs?) and animals (we love many animals, so why not make love to them as well?). But don’t try to force others to watch and applaud.
By all means make out with the same sex if such is the fancy, even with corpses (why discriminate against necrophiliacs?) and animals (we love many animals, so why not make love to them as well?). But don’t try to force others to watch and applaud.
I could not have put it better myself.
That perfect sums up the Russian view of the topic.
Spot on.
The Saker
There is no evidence to say that Zeus or God or… is a (or the) deity. Belief in one or the other (or neither) is faith.
There is no defining evidence that Homosexuality is/is not a genetic condition (we just don’t know).
We do know that men and women are, at least, physically different (we can see it). Based on that we can reasonably decide / legislate to usefully & positively discriminate e.g. men not to use public female toilets.
The majority heterosexual community should recognise the uncertaintly surrounding the possibility of genetic causation and ensure their lawmakers legislate in the appropriate fashion.
It is unreasonable to negatively discriminate agasinst Homosexulas insofar as mental anguish or financial loss is caused to them by legislating against same-sex ‘marriage’.
The comments above about necrophiliacs / animal sex above in this conversation seem motivated by a heterosexual individual who has decided that homosexuality is a choice the individual made and not a natural occurrence when in reality, it is so far, impossible to discern.
The comments above about necrophiliacs / animal sex above in this conversation seem motivated by…
oh boy, this is just like lindsay’s “sounds almost like” (or her/his/its Your final paragraph induces a sense of weariness for that matter): a typical intro to a ad hominem in lieu of a logically valid argument.
That kind of non-argument is not banned (yet?) but it still represents distracting and unhelpful “stream of consciousness” kind of babble.
just saying…
Your final paragraph induces a sense of weariness. The same absurdity seems clever to so many from churches to bar rooms. It is a non sequitur as the first clause of your comment should tell you.
The question that no-one here has yet answered is why the prejudice of many that homosexuality is some objective disorder should dictate our social arrangements; why the prejudice that they do some terrible harm to those who are not homosexuals should dictate constraints on which parts of the social contract they are permitted to share in.
This comment was in reply to “Guest”.
@Lindsay, bob, Saker, others
Wow, this same-sex thing sure arouses much passion on both sides! Lindasy: since you and all others have responded respectfully to my dissent and criticism of the forced normalization of homosexuality, allow me to further point out:
(a) The whole point is not whether homosexuality is normal or not. It is most certainly not “normal” in the statistical sense, being less than 1-2% of the total population (I won’t quibble about the exact percentage). Is it psychologically normal? The shrinks have done a complete flip-flop on this. Read the major psychology theorists of before 1970 and you get one view, read the current generation and you get the opposite view. Is it biologically/physiologically normal? The Saker has already addressed that.
(b) No, the whole point is whether society should be forced (note the operative word “forced”) to accept it as normal and healthy. Hell, no. No one (including Supreme Court judges) has the right to force a particular viewpoint on the whole population. A lot of the same-sex-marriage law making has come from the benches, not from laws passed under democratic debate. Obama wanted to force young girls to share bathrooms with all and sundry. Exactly how “normal” is that? And exactly how democratic was that Executive Order?
(c) Discrimination is a specific legal concept. If a society does not recognize same-sex marriage how does it constitute discrimination? No jobs are being denied, no access to housing, education and such being withheld. So where lies the injury? Many may not approve of same-sex practices, but can you force them to change their minds? As for tax breaks and other benefits that accrue to a state of “marriage”, if a woman can legally “marry” another woman, why can’t I “marry” my dog? He is my only friend, my only love, my constant companion, and cohabits with me. Why deny me my tax break and on what grounds?
Friends of alternative gender/sexual orientation: pursue your personal choices in the personal realm. Do you not see why (repeat, why) the realm of public debate has degenerated into gibberish and nonsense in the US? How much time does the media devote to promoting world peace? When is the last time you heard any intelligent discussion of why real wages have failed to rise since 40 years? Why does much of humanity continue to remain hungry and malnourished? You march in pride parades; why don’t you any longer organize anti-war parades? Don’t you see we all are being tricked into giving up any meaningful public voice and action by the simple ploy of keeping us busy gazing at our navels?
“As for tax breaks and other benefits that accrue to a state of “marriage”, if a woman can legally “marry” another woman, why can’t I “marry” my dog?”
What a tangled web we weave – any abstraction seems fair game.
True – the dog may wish you no harm just because it is a dog but, if it is hungry, may still do so.
True – the heterosexual partner may not wish you harm just because he/she is heterosexual but may do so (reasons on a postcard, please)
True – you, as a heterosexual individual, may be affronted that another person by a means unknown (genetic or choice) is attracted to the same sex. However, if you have no legal relationship with such a person how can the sexual preference of such a person impact you adversely (other than affronting your ego)?
A relevant position from a sage (imaginary or otherwise) is to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
If we assume “you” is a well adjusted (er, no paedophiles’ please) individual who wishes no harm to your brother/sister why contemplate your ego being affronted in order to negatively discriminate agains those who have no thought of harm to you purely based on their sexual propensity (if that is what it is). .
Your ego is your, and every body else’s, worst enemy
Dear Saker,
There is definitely proof that homosexuals are different.
Not only is it proven that male and female brains are different (just consider the fact, that the brains are connected to the hormonal systems), in the eighties of last century the famous neurobiologist Dick Swaab proved scientifically, that homosexuals have female brains and lesbians male brains. This is a result of embryonal development, whereby first the body develops and later in the pregnancy the brains. External factors to the mother causes this.
So, you are simply born that way, and it is not ‘learned’ and it can’t be ‘cured’.
I can remember then, that the whole LBGTIKEABBQ community went bazurk, and even attacked his house. Well, it’s hard to accept scientific proven facts over your opnion, isn’t it?
So yes, the American Psychology Association is proven lying.
Dick Swaab wrote an excellent book about neurobiology:
I can highly recommend it, very interesting, and well written with a lot of humour.
I can understand the Russian point of view about ‘propagating it’. To the hysteria here in Western Europe about it, I can only response with the answer: just walk as two men hand in hand through a muslim immigrant city district (of which here are many) and see what happens. The chance to come out unhurt (even badly) are pretty slim.
(I also know -few- muslims who don’t care, shrugging their shoulders, saying ‘just be happy’, btw.)
However, I don’t agree with the point that they are ‘sick’. They’re not, they were simply born that way. It’s not regular in a way that Mother Nature has originally meant, but does this mean that they cannot function in society? Of course they can.
(I don’t like the word ‘normal’. Just define ‘normal’. I would prefer the term ‘regular’.)
To illustrate my point, just look at this video of Cornel Hrisca-Munn. He was born with one leg and just two forearms. Nobody would want to ‘promote’ this, nobody would state that this is regular.
But on this video he is badass drumming ‘Everlong’ from the Foo Fighters:
Foreman Dave Grohl was so in awe about this, that he put this video on hids personal Facebook page.
I don’t agree with the point that they are ‘sick’. They’re not, they were simply born that way.
You make an illogical assumption: that any condition one is born with is therefore “healthy”. That is quite ridiculous.
Yeah – the march towards total sexual and moral degeneracy continues apace in America.
And they keep pushing it . . .
“You’re A “Bigot” If You Don’t Support Pedophilia”
Thank you for this link.
I don’t care about two homosexuals having a relation. It’s another issue raising an adopted child, who should at least be allowed to experience a traditional role model.
I have a problem with it when in a relation two people are emotionally not equal. A sane person together with a definitely mentally handicapped person fall into that category. Paedophily definitely also (although the presidential couple of France might think differently).
Maybe it is better, that I don’t express my thoughts about this Todd Nickerson. It is -well- Old Testamentical.
Dear Saker,
I didn’t state that they any born condition is ‘healthy’, because it’s definitely not. But I understand what you mean. Maybe I should have formulated it in a better way.
Considering that Mother Nature didn’t mean to have the chance of reproduction being put this way, their condition is at least irregular and not ‘just another sexual appetite’.
I agree with your opinion that children shouldn’t be allowed under the parenthood of homosexuals. Maybe it would work out in a few cases, but I fear the worst for many other cases. It may sound harsh, but children should also be protected by society.
Let’s not wobble this further out, it’s becoming OT. My main point is, that scientifically it is proven that homosexuals and lesbians are definitely biologically different than regular. That is something else than ‘sick’.
I understand and respect your view, It was not my intention critisizing it.
Cheers, Rob
“I agree with your opinion that children shouldn’t be allowed under the parenthood of homosexuals.”
And when you really think about it, Rob, you can see the contradiction which makes that the case. Kids are created from the biology of one man and one woman (monogamy), kids tend to outlive their parents and are hurt by divorces (permanence), and kids are usually hurt when their parents cheat or have affairs (sexual exclusivity). However, same-sex marriage’s redefinition does not have children and family structure as its metaphysical foundation. It is built on romantic love and sexual attraction; those are not inherently monogamous, permanent, or sexually exclusive.
Find the video “Gay Marriage is a Lie: Destruction of Marriage, Masha Gessen.” Gessen can claim that “the institution of marriage should not exist” and receive applause because she and her audience admit their redefinition cannot logically justify any of marriage’s norms, and the whole concept loses justification. Saying that adults should curb their sexual passions, their wants, to better serve the needs of kids becomes completely arbitrary.
And who wants to do that when Big Brother and Big Business can parent children? “1984” and “Brave New World” cover this topic (Huxley’s use of hypersexualization is especially accurate today), yet it also reminds me of the movie “Idiocracy:” “Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl’s Jr.”
scientifically it is proven that homosexuals and lesbians are definitely biologically different than regular. That is something else than ‘sick’
Again, there are many condition which are both “biologically different” AND “sick”, including physical and psychological pathologies. The fact that something is rooted is physiology means absolutely nothing. If, like you say, homosexuals have have brains from the opposite gender (which has yet to be proven), this would be as “healthy” or as “normal” as children born with any other abnormality.
Look, in order to create a child, nature has specified very specific conditions. Ditto for creating a family. Or a tribe. And a nation, of course. If God has decreed that it take a man and a woman to keep the human race alive, I sure ain’t interested in arguments how sterility is “the same” as the creation of life.
“just walk as two men hand in hand through a muslim immigrant city district (of which here are many) and see what happens. The chance to come out unhurt (even badly) are pretty slim.”
This is interesting from the p.o.v. that it is quite well known, though I cannot quote chapter and verse, that homosexuality is quite common in many Muslim societies. And not just with children (bachi bazi). I have even heard the saying: “Women for children; men for fun.”
So the big freakout about two men holding hands is basically theatre.
The same as the big freakout by Christian conservatives who are later found having assignations with boys in public bathrooms.
“The lady [ha ha] doth protest too much methinks.”
“just walk as two men hand in hand through a muslim immigrant city district (of which here are many) and see what happens.
Nothing. Nothing at all. Why? Because most Muslims societies (the Arabs for sure) do not associate men holding hand with homosexuality :-)
In Arab societies man holding hands is quite normal and a manly thing to do
Always knew what the Muslim intention was towards the women there in Europe, thats normal. But never knew what their intention was towards the men in Europe. Ouch.
“just walk as two men hand in hand through a muslim immigrant city district (of which here are many) and see what happens. The chance to come out unhurt (even badly) are pretty slim.”
Actually in many Muslim (say Turkey) as well as other societies, it is not unusual for to young men to walk hand in hand. It is a sign of friendship, and as no relation to sexuality.
It is like rusian men kissing each other when greeting.
I think peoples’ sexual orientations are innate because there are too many accounts of homosexuals that support this conclusion than there is evidence of a learned behavior. Accepting people “born as they are”, I do not see any point in accepting any special, artificial status.
In particular, there is no natural right to have children. Couples unable to procreate will have to accept that they won’t have children of their own. However, whether a couple is allowed to adopt a child should be decided on the basis of the individual capability of providing a sane environment.
Along the same line of thought, pedophiles should be banned from adopting children. However, contrary to common wisdom, as long as no real child is abused, I do not mind if pedophiles enjoy virtual reality, computer animations or drawings to satisfy their sexual desires.
APA?!? You must be kidding to use APA as justification for making your point.
Shrinks are nuts. Some Jerome L. Schulman analyzes Trump by telediagnosis ( James Elmer Mitchell and Bruce Jessen developed enhanced interrogation techniques that seem to have been copied from the Malleus Maleficarum.
Besides a few reputable research projects (Asch, Milgram, Zimbardo, …) and describing some existing phenomena of human interaction that branch of science is mainly pseudo science.
By sheer chance Caleb Maupin writes today on exactly this theme – the exploitation by TPTB of minorities to foment aggravation against an other wise stable majority.
And of course the politicians don’t even mean a word of it such as Clinton addressing women at a rally and saying “womens’ empowerment is the unfinished business of the 21st century” causing the feminists in the audience to scream with delight, these same fans quite blind or ignorant or too stupid to realise that it is this very woman who engineered the deaths of thousands of innocent Libyan women in the US attack on that country.
Covering many examples of this leveraging of minorities for nefarious purposes his article amplifies what you are saying with many excellent examples (eg the Dalai Lama, now there’s a piece of work )
On the subject of the new China-constructed Nicaraguan canal he says –
“Control of the Panama Canal by the United States has been vital in asserting control over the world economy . . . .
. . . .However, a construction project currently in the works in Nicaragua could change that. The Chinese government and corporations based in China are cooperating with the socialist government of Nicaragua to construct a new canal, parallel to the Panama Canal. This canal will not be under US dominion, but under the dominion of the Sandinista government and the People’s Republic of China”
“Poverty in Nicaragua has been reduced by 30%. The United Nations World Happiness Index reports the great increase of happiness in any country in 2016, as having taken place in Nicaragua. . . .
. . . The Sandinistas are cultivating a layer of patriotic small business owners, who cooperate with the state to develop the economy with foreign investment. Their methods are similar to those employed by Deng Xiaoping when opening up China during the 1980s”.
But the empire is opposed to the canal.
. . . .”Though the Sandinistas are widely popular, the forces who oppose the canal project have found a number of indigenous leaders to align with. 76% of people in Nicaragua have some indigenous ancestry. The overwhelming majority of the country is ethnically “mestizo” meaning it has a mixture of European and native ancestry.
However, the forces being rallied to oppose the project are not from the overwhelming majority of the population which has indigenous ancestry, but rather to a specific group of just over 4% of the population, which is described as “unmixed indigenous inhabitants.”
He notes “The relationship between this isolated minority in Nicaragua and the US Central Intelligence Agency is not a new development”
Your article and this one complement each other providing depth to this important aspect of political manipulation.”
Saker nails another perceptive article that deserves careful thought worldwide.
Insights aplenty in this one.
Trump assembled his MAGA movement from gathering several left behind and forgotten minorities (almost all splintered from the majorities that once held power).
Christians, unions, males, heterosexuals, families, small business owners, miners, steel and auto workers, construction trades, seniors, Southerners, Mid-Westerners, open land Westerners, Asians, legal Latinos, educated Blacks, veterans, law enforcement rank and file, Evangelicals, home schoolers, gun owners.
All embittered by marginalization engendered by Obama and weak RINO concessions to non-working class and illegals, homosexuals (alphabet soup menage), drug users, criminals and corrupt officials, academics and MSM.
Is there a “democratic State?
Iceland might qualify, I suspect. But it seems to me that if a State is “democratic” there really wouldn’t be a minority – it could not exist inside such a polis.
But other than Iceland I really can’t think of a democratic State, I there may be flaws even in Iceland…which some say is the oldest democracy standing as well.
But what is new about manipulating minorities? – that’s the old divide and rule game…old as rock.
Well, they do it really well now. In the past they did not have such expertise… but it’s just a souped-up divide and rule.
Size of state seems to be a factor in whether a true democratic state can function well and serve the interests of all citizens.
There have been studies done on groups to find the optimal size of group for various situations (can’t remember off the top of my head what that field of study is called and its a bit OT anyway) and there is a definite top limit number for us humans (with our foibles and limitations) to maintain optimal social cohesion.
I have the idea that “the third chimpanzee” (man) is made of of about 22 subsumed “racial” chimpanzee groups…the boffins have some evidence, they say, and lots of evidence about some of these now-gone groups. Most Europeans carry, they say, quite a bit of Neanderthal, for example. Withal, we only recently began to live in large organizations.
Until then? That is before “man” the critter that lives inside the Pale and in a City – “man” the politic critter,,,the animal the lives in a Polis – a political group. Well, we were, they say, tribal hunter-gatherers doing a little forest farming in a tribal area – presumably in concert with annual changes in food supply and shelter needs.
In groups like that the number runs around 150 persons. This is also about the number of relationships a normal kid can learn.
So, generally, it seems to me that a “democratic nation” can’t be much bigger than 150 persons, unless we consider a federation of tribal groups.
And this happens. Some proffer this example:
The diaries of the men who destroyed the 6 nations, by the way, make a mockery of the fairy-tale history taught in the propaganda syllabus to generations of kids. This is a suggestion…
Indeed om, size does matter…
When I discovered Soral on youtube 5 years ago it was a schock; brilliant, very good speaker, the man has his defaults too, but it opened my eyes regarding the “alt-right” danger, back those days it was the “mouvement identitaire”. And even if I had lost contact with the catholic religion decades before (mostly because I hate the empty ritual), it led me to gradually see the wisdom of the early christian movement with new eyes when Soral refers to “helleno-christianism”.
The value of forgiveness instead of vengency gradually emerged in my mind; it’s easy to hate someone who is brainwashed by the media and act stupidely, but was’nt I one of them a long time ago?
I have plenty reservations about Soral, not only is abrasive and outright arrogant personality, his sometimes ridiculous behavior (Binti, Conversano), his non-religious Catholicism, etc. But, on the key issues, he is 100% correct. He is right about France and he is right about the Empire. And he is 100% right about the “organized community”. Soral is not a saint, but he is by far the best intellectual France had produced in decades and sometime in the future, once France is liberated, he will be recognized a a national hero who single handedly fought the entire occupation Establishment.
Conversano is even more arrogant than Soral (without his talent), “il s’ecoute parler”. The problem is that Soral waste his time to respond to such individuals (and others) on facebook and become vulgar rather than to ignore them…
Conversano is a total fraud and a piece of shit. But Soral beating him up acted in an immature way. An intellectual giant should not physically beat up an intellectual midget.
I agree with you, Jean-Francois, about Soral: though I have some clear disagreements with him, I have a lot of respect for him: he is brilliant and has incredible courage in exposing the paramount danger of Zionism, the way they often pit one group against another for their own purposes. For those who understand French, Soral’s latest video on his trip to North Korea is very illuminating. Highly recommended:
A. Soral is/was new to my experience. My poor French accounts, I expect, for that. I agree so far with Saker about the several characteristics he gives for the gentleman.
Glad to discover!
Those majorities who delude themselves and believe that they can simply solve the “minority problem” by expelling or otherwise making these minorities disappear are only kidding themselves.
This statement is pretty naive. Don’t you read the comments on your own web site? Maybe the xenophobes amongst the contributors are a minority, but they’re a very loud minority and their tactics seem to work. Alt-Right, FN and the other like minded movements will win in the long run. I’m pretty sure we’re very close – just a few steps – to marching in lockstep again. Either the next few elections or a financial crash will change the world as we’ve known it so far.
2. Educate those joining anti-minority movements that they are also being manipulated
4. Put the spotlight on those who fan the flames of conflict and try to turn minorities and majorities against each other
BS That’s a waste of time. When SHTF, the best tactics is to duck away and don’t attract attention.
Anonymous said “Alt-Right, FN and the other like minded movements will win in the long run. I’m pretty sure we’re very close – just a few steps”
I was hearing the samething 30 years ago. At least for France and many other countries, those who seek a return to the ethnic composition of the 1950’s are delusionals.
Many of the French muslims would feel like total aliens in Algeria or any other african country.
A civil war leads also to a total economic collapse and the exodus of many among all groups, including the whites who would seek a more peaceful environment abroad.
If one dreams about a Mad Max scenario where 3% of the population survives in order to achieve pure whitness, I can recommand a good psychiatrist
Good advice. Infantry taught me that “if you ain’t dead it’s because they ain’t seen you yet. If you move they will see you.” Same advice.
This statement is pretty naive. Don’t you read the comments on your own web site? Maybe the xenophobes amongst the contributors are a minority, but they’re a very loud minority
Yup, and I tell them to get lost each and every time. Look, that is exactly the point. If I can open the eyes of just ONE xenophobe then it was all worth it. Ducking away might be easier, but I prefer a fight to the end to any form of surrender to evil.
YMMV of course,
The Saker
I consider you “the Saker” and many other publishers here, at heart good people with valuable insights. That is why I often visit this site. On the other hand, I would not want to live under the collectivism or socialism that this site promulgates and is rife with. Majorities, minorities, all are manipulated. That inevitably leaves you with, there are as many opinions as there are people.
Besides, I also think I am a decent person. I think Catherine Austin Fitts had the best solutions to this conundrum I have ever heard. In politics, there are so many problems that could be tackled if ideology was left out the equation and that I would consider “a” first necessary step.
But then again, we all know why ideology was inserted in the first place. Placing one ideology above the other will get humanity nowhere.
I don’t know, where your sour grapes are growing
but I wouln’t be in that yard of your bizarr bizantura
the collectivism or socialism that this site promulgates
WTF is that?
That a new one to me.
But nevermind, no need to explain. I really don’t care.
call me collectivist socialist if you want, I have been called much worse, LOL!
Not the answer I was hoping for, after rereading my post I am projecting which is never a good thing so I apologize.
I do believe the Western world is imploding due to dualism and when it explodes could take down the whole world. As a Westerner, I am also infected by that dualism bug and it caught me off guard.
But pointing fingers is a sign of weakness.that does not lead to any meaningful discussion.
So again, my apology.
no worries and no need to apologize
but please clarify
what kind of dualism are you referring to?
and dualism, as opposed to monism?
Like Advaita Vedanta’s “thou art that”?
The raw Western one, good versus bad, right versus left. Thinking in automatic contradictions is a very Western attitude.
I know nothing of Vedic religion, seem to nihilistic and not for me.
Intrigued by the Trinitarian proposition found in Orthodoxy, so I am trying to understand that thru the Orthodox Study Bible momentarily.
Seems to me, young lady/young man, you have completely misunderstood all and everything on the Saker website. Hell no, this ain’t no socialist website (I wish it somewhat was, and I know socialism when I see it, and know its ‘goods’, ‘bads’, and ‘uglies’).
Try looking up the dictionary for a meaning of the words “socialist, socialism, and collectivism”. This simple 5-minute exercise will significantly enrich you, politically as well as semantically; and in consequence whereof you shall be spared from making complete boo-boo’s in future.
drowning the majority in a steady sea of information
old trick each gambler does it with left a game and right a zock
it’s all about our feeling whether we are at home
in a vineyard called ‘lifeboat’ with a Saker watching
the outside inside of the 25% inside sensivity, enough
for the other three quarters to be guided in families
my two cents on Sakers altar
Well, I think this article is brilliant — simple explanations of a technique that can appear indecipherable in actual practice!
I’m fascinated to hear about Russia’s approach to homosexuality. In Canada, if that was done, I predict we would be swallowed up into the great American abyss in less than a year. One sidebar I’d add to your analysis: the world needs the CIA to have a lot less power. Outside the USA, it’s the primary face (and hands) of empowering minorities to subjugate an entire nation, isn’t it?
I revealed a perspective from an anonymous source a few weeks back, that Canadian insiders expect the USA to rapidly descend into civil war. My understanding of this is its between competing elitist factions, not between American people on the (proverbial Main) streets. So how will the competing oligarchs fight it out? In boardrooms? Through legislation in Congress? I don’t know. The temptation to involve the military must be overwhelming, I’d guess. Might makes right, and all that.
I’m of the opinion that Canada needs (and wants) more Serbia and more Russia, with whom we feel a strong, unyielding bond (despite reams of ‘Canada Luvs US’ propaganda). That said, I do suspect that the vast majority of Canadians blame those effin’ Commies for the troubles that Russians (who I believe are widely admired) faced in the 90’s. It seems unlikely that this view will ever, ever change. (Maybe the USSR should have allowed more Russian hockey players into the NHL in the 70’s! :-) If the militant anti-Soviet stance can be forgiven, and if the USA can be backed down as the superpower who holds our economy in a vice grip, then Canadians might finally get the chance to embrace Russians the way they would like to. With the descent of the unipolar superpower, it is time to revisit NATO’s war on Yugoslavia. Arresting the Clintons would help, too. While I’m being politically incorrect.
“…. then Canadians might finally get the chance to embrace Russians the way they would like to.”
If only the Ukies in your Prairie Provinces will let it…
Just sayin..
From south of the border,
Let them protest. Along with the LGBTQI folks. C’est la vie.
Cheers, Jim.
BTW, @JustinTrudeau posted a tweet today: “Next year we’ll gather in Charlevoix, QC for the #G7. I look forward to hosting our partners and working together from June 8-9, 2018.”
It would suit/fit Trudeau’s politics, plus help with Canada’s relationship with the Trump administration, to make this a G8 again. Germans would undoubtedly also support that (and with CETA, Canada will want to be on good terms with the EU’s most powerful economy.) My guess is that Trudeau will aspire for this outcome.
Dear Saker,
What an excellent article (again) on a ‘controversial’ and complicated subject.
You stated that people should be educated that they are being manipulated.
From an intellectual point of view I totally agree with you.
From a practical point of view however, also out of experience, I have serious doubts about that.
Psychology has learned, that for the average person whether you are some saint or some dork, average 33% of the people around will like you, 33% will be indifferent, and 33% will dislike you (the remaining 1% will either love you or hate you).
The majority of the people just wants to be liked, be part of the group, or really wants to be ‘mainstream’. They care about their family and friends, and want to talk about soccer, cars, the latest electronic gadget, the new single of Beyonce and the latest dress of Kim Kardashian.
They want to ‘go with the flow’.
There was once a psychological experiment wherein several test persons were confronted within a group, whereby the group stated an opinion that was clearly false (something like the famous ‘2+2=5’ from the novel 1984, but then somewhat more subtile). It took just some time before the test persons agreed with the (false) group opnion.
(I couldn’t find the experiment on a search machine, thereby just a personal summary.)
My latest try was at the complete and demonstratable BS that the MSM vomited out over us about the crashing of the Germanwing plane in the French Alps some years ago.
People were just surfing on the emotional waves, and discussions were simply impossible. It’s easier to ‘go with flow’ than exploring yourself, that takes time, energy, and an uncertain outlook. The vast majority of the people is other than us, of which I suppose that most of us through some personal experience (for me that was 9/11) started digging.
I have already stopped discussing things like this with mainstream people. They will just get angry, or look at me in amazement and repeating their opinion just louder, or start calling me a conspiracy thinker.
It will cost me time, energy and delivers nothing.
So yes, I will behave mainly ‘mainstream’ too, but at least I know better.
I doubt if we can archieve much better.
But hey, if I have overlooked an aspect, I’m open for conversation about it.
I second that comment
The way I try to deal with people who still believe in the matrix, is to remember that most of us believed in Santa Claus too when we were kids and then one day we didn’t anymore. And the only way we found that SC did not exist is because we convinced ourselves that he could not exist (at least that was how it worked for me). And all the bright and older kids in school who tried to convince me at the time that SC did not exist, I just ignored at the time when I wasn’t ready yet to give up my belief in SC.
Same thing with the believe in the media, false flags etc. You may have convinced yourself that it is all baloney, but you will not be able to convince the other until he is ready to no longer believe. Not much you can do about that.
The psychology experiment you refer to is called Asch experiment, and his been discussed here before
I love the Santa Claus analogy. Interesting comments on what makes people change their viewpoints/opinions. Why do some people just double down, and others are more open to doubt and reformulation or recombination of reintegration of what is known?
Perhaps the reason I am 150% skeptical is that in our family we never were allowed to believe in SC!! The Xmas presents came out of the Sears Roebuck catalogue—my mother went through the catalogue with us and we chose the things we needed, such as socks, and she ordered them and wrapped them and put them under the tree as the Sears boxes arrived. My father ticked off the items on the SR list as they were opened on Xmas Eve. Santa didn’t have a chance with us. However, we didn’t say anything to our friends. I didn’t, actually, quite understand who Santa was supposed to be.
So, I just never never had that particular seminal “Now I no longer believe” experience. Did I miss something? Am I abnormal? Probably.
Regarding the JFK assassination, I was a teenager in 1963. I was aware of books by I think Mark Green (??) and others questioning the official story, but this issue was not pressing to me. I didn’t read any of those books. I rarely watched TV. I lived outside the country for quite a while. It was 9/11 that made me start to wonder big-time about the assassination. In the aftermath of 9/11 and then the Iraq invasion—that was the first time I read a book about the assassination. Too much wasn’t computing. The lies about Iraq were an open book. How could anyone believe them? Kind of like, how could anyone believe in Santa? I became consumed with trying to understand the “real” history behind everything since Dallas. And how things were tying together. The existence of the internet came just in time.
The reason I recount this is the context of : What makes people start to entertain an unorthodox view of events and history than the one they have been handed and to search out different explanations? It must be, when enough things don’t compute. Plus, maybe add a shocking event. And when the sanctions for “disbelieving” are reduced. Currently, the “sanctions” for being an apostate—say, regarding Zionism, or regarding the received narrative about terrorism—are quite high. Yet I think the general atmosphere of scepticism has spread since the advent of the internet. It is like a battle, actually. A battle for minds. Cliche, but true.
Malcolm X was someone who was passionate in his beliefs and views, but who was also willing/able to change his stance radically when presented with new info or a new situation. The truth, wherever it leads . . . For this reason alone he has always been one of my heroes.
Malcolm X was someone who was passionate in his beliefs and views, but who was also willing/able to change his stance radically when presented with new info or a new situation. The truth, wherever it leads . . . For this reason alone he has always been one of my heroes.
Same here. I have immense respect and even love for that man!
Santa Claus had been a marketing stunt right from the beginning. (It’s a copy of the European tradition to remember Saint Nicholas.) All those Santa Claus movies and items may be some nice decorative add on for the Christmas Holidays, but other than that they’re simply some pagan stuff that distracts from the real reason for Christmas. By the way: Christmas Holidays isn’t about fancy presents either.
One point just from reading the introduction.
I’ve objected for some time now with being lumped in as ‘white’ by the “Who’s-Your-Daddy” group of people (those for whom race, skin color, and litterally “who’s your daddy? are what defines a person).
To me, this lumping in as White destroys and erases my heritage. It erases a heritage of which I am proud, and replaces it with a myth. Being called ‘White’ seems to automatically assign me the heritage that my ancestors came to America by borrowing an extra yacht the Rothschilds had sitting around, at which point they stayed with the Ascots as their guests at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York, before acquiring our own plantation in the 1870’s and achieving our privlidged status in America.
My real heritage is that I’d describe my background as German-American. Actually, my ancestors lived not too far away from where the Saker lived. They come from that bit of Germany that is adjacent to Switzerland and France. In 1870, some smart person decided that America was the place to be. A wise move in my mind, since 1870 was the year of the Franco-Prussian War. Not nearly as famous as its big brothers, but still the first of a series of wars to be fought between France and Germany. My ancestors were living in what was to be the front line of all of those wars. So, some smart person decided to go to America. Like many others in that situation over time, I don’t know if they’d be called economic refugees, draft dodgers or war refugees. But they decided to get out. Or part of them did. When my father did some family research, the other branch of the family he located had moved across the border into Switzerland. Maybe they knew the Saker’s family?
My ancestors got some land through the Homestead Act amongst the other German immigrants in Indiana and the Midwest. They didn’t kill any Indians to get the land. The Indian wars had moved out to the Dakotas and New Mexico by the time my ancestors got here. They also lived in a ‘free state’, and arrived after the Civil War, so they never owned any slaves. (As a side note, German-Americans were a large group fighting for the Union. One whole corps of the Army of the Potamac was formed of German-Americans. A lot of German-Americans died and were wounded fighting to end slavery)
Then came World War One, and German-Americans became the internal enemy that was widely hated. Wilson had done a Trump, in that he’d campaigned for re-election in 1916 on the slogan “He kept us Out of the War”. After he was elected, Wilson had brought America into the war by the Spring of 1917. (Trump launched a missile strike on Syria on the anniversay of this date)
Prof Chomsky talks about this time as the beginning of mass propaganda, otherwise known as ‘the PR industry’. Wilson had to turn the nation on a dime and go the opposite direction. He now had to inflame a nation that had voted for peace with a lust for war. One way this was done was by propaganda against Germany and the Kaiser, and this spilled over onto the large group of German-Americans living in America.
Newspapers would print the names and address of Germans and German businesses (dox’ing in modern parlance). And the mobs would go around at night using these lists. People were beaten, homes and businesses vandalized and burned. There is at least one document lynching of a German-American during this time. People, families, and whole towns changed their names trying to avoid the mobs.
World War Two wasn’t much better. The Japanese caught the brunt of the American hatred after Pearl Harbor, but German-Americans were also widely regarded as traitors. Even though, many like my family had been here for several generations. And, BTW, I had ancestors who fought in both World Wars, including some who volunteered in France before America actually joined the war.
Through it all, my family perserved. My parents generation became the first to go to college. Both parents, even though it was a time when women were ‘disencouraged’ to go to college. My Mom became one of the “White Liberals” in the South in the 1960’s who supported, fought and voted for Civil Rights. Another group being erased from history as it does not fit the ‘all whites are racist’ meme so popular today.
I’m proud of my heritage. And so yes, I do object to being lumped in as ‘White’ and having that heritage erased, and instead it being just assumed that I’m some privilidged white who comes from a rich family that got its wealth through racism and slavery. What I’m thought of by the “Who’s-Your-Daddy crowd who can only see the color of my skin does not at all match the kid who grew up in Appalachia (want to talk about ‘privilidge’?) with a German sounding last name and who went down to Atlanta and marched with the survivors of Dr King’s movement.
What a beautiful story about your heritage.
When your family has lived through all this, you will definitely also survive shrieking snowflakes who just came crawled out of their safe spaces, after some crying about microagression.
And yes, I agree with your point above, well said.
I may want to add something.
My remark about snowflakes was intended sarcastically, but I just hit on an article about ‘snowflakes’ on the Oxford university, Great Britain.
In reality it’s even worse. These people are completely unfit to handle the real world.
Just read for yourselves, it’s hilarious:
Cheers, Rob
The Democratic Party famously represented and adopted the civil rights movement. At least outside the South, where the rural Good-Ol-Boys who used racism as a political tool were Democrats. Dr. King was famously a Republican, because he couldn’t imagine being in the same party as Lestor Maddox.
But, at that time, the Democrats were also the old FDR ‘farm-labor’ alliance. So, the civil rights movement (outside the south) was just a part of a larger coalition.
Then came the Clintons and the Gores who led the founding of what is known as the DLC, which moved the Democratic Party away from its traditional working class base into a party that chased corporate money and which promised subservience and service to corporations in return.
So, what we saw in the 2016 elections was that the Democrats finally completely lost their traditional ‘farm-labor’ support after 30 years of doing nothing for this group and indeed actively harming these people through the Democrats support of anything Wall Street wanted.
This has left the Democrats with only a racist and sexist call for “Identity Politics”. The only thing that matters is race and gender. And if you are White and Male, you are automatically evil. Thus Hillary the Fool made her unfortunate remark about being opposed by ‘the Deplorables’. In other words, those White Males who won’t accept second-class status behind the bunch of privlidged minorities.
The Democrats have the problem of being firmly the party of the 1-percent these days. And of course, if everyone was class-conscious and voted that way, the 1-percent would lose elections 99 to 1. So, the Democrats use Idenity Politics and their version of the Politics of Hate to trick people into voting against their own self-interests and for the interests of the bankers and corporations because they are fooled into thinking the Democrats are on the side of their Minority group. They aren’t really, thus the fact that the ‘Black President’ did little or nothing for inner city blacks but jumped to bailout Wall Street the second his butt hit the chair in the Oval Office.
Actually both parties are parties of the 1%. The Republicans had no real populist base until desegregation in the South. The Southern Strategy of Kevin Phillips under Nixon and later Reagan, provided an alternative to these policies. The Christian Right was an important part of this coalition as well. In current US politics the only real difference between the parties is on these social issues: affirmative action, abortion, gun ownership, gay rights, etc.
You and Anonymous above are both right.He nailed the Democrats exactly. And you added the truth that the Republicans aren’t any better. Yes,both parties do identity politics. But the Democrats do it “better” (in the sense of evil winning out in society). And that is because they have gained control of the educational systems in the US. And the MSM and entertainment sectors of the society.The conservatives have tried (poorly) to fight back on that. Which is why the liberals have turned loose a jihad against them.They saw they were loosing some of their control. And to prevent that have gone freaking insane.Trying to silence all dissent.Its truly ironic (I wish there was a stronger word for that) that they,who gained so much from the 1st Amendment are nowadays the ones trying to overturn that amendment.They aren’t intelligent enough to realize if they succeed.In the future the denial of free speech could easily be used as a precedent to silence them too. After all it was those “old dead white privileged men” that put in the protections of free speech. So our “new” diverse PC society see’s no purpose today in something created by ” old dead racists”.
In the USA and maybe the “West” in general race/ethnic minority issues cannot be understood fully without a class analysis. This is a hyper-capitalist culture that has studiously avoided dealing with capitalisms most fundamental flaw. When discussing issues such as this I always try to steer the conversation toward class issues. Economic issues. Issues like pay, health care, student debt, etc….these ultimately are the issues that seem to resonate with people. The issue of minority manipulation is one that I will add to my discussions. Thanks Saker. Your ideas are great, your spelling, well….
are you a spelling supremacist ?….just kidding
You are right about the crux of the problem being the class issue (in theory). But in “real world” do you know of any other society that was able to resolve (successfully) class issues in a multi-racial society.I can think of several that did it (somewhat) by diminishing or doing away with one or the other racial/ethnic element. But not by equally resolving those issues to the benefit of all the different groups together.
“In the USA and maybe the “West” in general race/ethnic minority issues cannot be understood fully without a class analysis.”
Yes, but. I think a class analysis is one way, maybe the only way, to escape from racial/identity politics. That is, stick to bread and butter issues of health care, public health, infrastructure, equal access, etc.
But in the USA we have this weird problem that we cannot talk about class because of an ideology or need to believe that ours is a “classless” society—when the have-nots start to complain about inequality they are accused of “class war.” So how’re you gonna have a conversation about class?
Second, the racist basis of the society introduces a caste issue into the mix.In many settings you can transcend class but not caste. There is a great example of this in Isabel Wilkerson’s The Warmth of Other Suns. Or, the UN diplomat being assumed to be the cabbie.
So now we have two very important issues, class and caste, both of which are basically taboo in American political discourse and debate.
Somehow the “identity” rubric relates to this other rhetorical problem of not being able to talk intelligently about either class or caste in American society/history. So, other things end up filling the vacuum. Like maybe identity politics.
The thing that strikes me about Hillary and her Deep State/neocon supporters is that they are pefectly willing to destroy America in their quest for more and more power.
We saw this during the election, when Hillary was pefectly willing to move the world closer to nuclear war for her own personal gain of power and wealth. She was willing and happy to trash relations with Russia when it suited her own drive for power.
And we’ve seen this after the election. Traditionally, in America, the losing candidate of the restricted two-party race always at least talks about unity. Usually they make a speech calling for the nation to unify after the election, and then quietly go fade away somewhere since they obviously don’t really support the winner, but they don’t want to divide the nation either. Al Gore when he lost the 2000 election 5-4 is an example of this.
Yet this time, we’ve seen Hillary, Obama, the Democrats and their banker and neocon allies openly work to divide and destroy the nation after the election. And we now see the results. Where its at least possible that the USA might be split by a civil war by the time the next election rolls around.
Because while the NYT and CNN might revel in the thougtht that Trump won’t serve out his first term, if that happens it might well lead to a revolt by his Deplorable supporters who will feel that democracy has been denied to them. Up till now, the politicians have been careful to hide the fact that there really isn’t a democracy in the US. Yet, the population has been saturated with propaganda that America is great because its a free and democratic land. Openly telling this population that there is no longer any democracy is a very dangerous proposition. Yet the Democrats and the bankers and the Deep State seem very willing to do exactly that.
”Where its at least possible that the USA might be split by a civil war by the time the next election rolls around.”…..
there are quite a few ”conspiracy theories” out there that postulate that ”this is all planned”.
after all, one cannot have a strong unified nation with all its armies apposing the will of the new world order, whether its a rothschild’s 8 families meme or lizards from other dimensions, or just old bush/brown and sundry politicians who mouth he formulae.
What should be normal and evident is the horizontal division in this society where 1% (or 0.1%) owns everything and the rest nothing (comparatively).
The elites will do whatever they can to prevent the horizontal division. They artificially create the VERTICAL division to make the populace fight among themselves. Left vs Right, minorities vs majority, homosexual compassion, and other “societal” issues vs social conservatism etc…..
Up there, they are the same horizontal class.
Delano Gaitandzhiev, the Bulgarian journalist who did some real journalism uncovering the Western arms supply routes to ISIS has been sacked from her post at the newspaper ‘Trud’ just as she was about to make another trip to Syria. She has been questioned by Bulgarian intelligence.
She was clearly getting too close to the truth. Western values at their finest.
Maybe the Saker should consider interviewing her to get her name and the story more widely known in the West.
Well, a lot of good, truthful rethorics but nothing change. How long it is going to last. The proles are not interested. They have their sub -culture, they enjoy, dumm seind und arbait haben. das ist gluck is their thyme. Only intellectual minority really cares and they cannot or have no spine to take action. The Evil goes freely , wherever it wishes. Nothing will be rectified as long there is no action, no organized resistance, plan, to get people with power on the side of resistance. It probably has to be outside U.S. or only war between R.C. and US or long, long process, economical, financial can resolve the continued deterioration of personal freedoms and material well being..
1. Educate minorities and explain to them that they are being manipulated
2. Educate those joining anti-minority movements that they are also being manipulated
3. Offer the minorities a future based on equality and reconciliation
4. Put the spotlight on those who fan the flames of conflict and try to turn minorities and majorities against each other
1. Assumes minorities are educable and motivated by reason rather perceived self-interest. No one is motivated by reason. Everyone is motivated by perceived self-interest. So its not a matter of “education” minorities in the sense of showing them reason and logic; it is a matter of “educating” them in the sense of showing them that behaviors X, Y and Z are not in their self-interest. Reason and logic will never accomplish that.
2. Ditto.
3. “Offer the minorities a future based on equality and reconciliation” – that is exactly what minorities in America (esp. African Americans) have been offered. The offer has been soundly rejected. It is white people that need to achieve equality in America, seeing as how they are systematically discriminated against by a system of structural anti-white racism when it comes to public sector hiring and admittance to universities.
4. So put the spotlight on Jews? Won’t we be called anti-Semites?
“No one is motivated by reason”
does that include you?
As a child of the 60’s, I used to hear a lot of rhetoric about how “the establishment” would use tactics of divide and conquer. And that thus the various wings of ‘the left’ needed to unify and work together.
Of course, these days one hears just the opposite. Each little cause is divisive and usually fights with the other groups I would think would be natural allies. Mainly to carve out their own turf, so to speak.
I was in the streets protesting after the police murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson. Of course, I was protesting police violence, brutality and intimidation tactics in general. And what I wanted and what I could see within reach was a wide, across the spectrum, reaction and organization against an increasing police power and police state.
To me, that possibility would also scare the heck out of “the establishment”. An increasingly unequal and unfair society requires increased police violence and intimidation to ‘keep the lid on.’ This is causing unrest across the spectrum, as everyone is effected by having to live in a society where the police are more aggressive and antognistic towards everyone. If everyone unites and fights back against a police force that is more and more in everyone’s face and where prison rates keep soaring, then that causes a big problem.
So, it didn’t really surprise me when agents quickly appeared on the scene working to divide these original protests against a police murder. These agents worked quickly to make the issue a racial one. To make it a ‘black thing’ . Where suddenly to say “All Lives Matter” became a ‘racist statement’. Nope, it was only “Black Lives” that mattered.
And thus, the potential crisis of a widespread revolt against increasing police power was averted. This time between the traditional alliance that’s formed over the years between a corrupt Democratig Party and the ‘Black Leadership’. BLM was formed by admitting a couple of new and younger ‘leaders’ to an old and corrupt club. And by now you see official propaganda channels like FOX News pushing the line that the police are wonderful and that any resistence against the police is horrible and unpatriotic. Using propaganda to try to build up resistence against any legitimate complaints against the police violence that is getting worse and worse as its used to enforce inequality, unfairness and just plain old corruption in the system that is also getting worse and worse as democracy is pushed aside.
When the nomination of one of the major political parties can be rigged, then that tells you that almost anything can be rigged. Any law or regulation at any level of government. If anything can be rigged, then organized crime and corruption runs rampant. Which means that police violence runs rampant. Dr. King quoted JFK as saying “When peaceful change is made impossible, violent revolution become inevitable”. Except between the two you see more and more police violence prevent any change as the corrupt group tries desperately to hold on to power and to avoid the investigations and punishment that would follow if the people are ever again allowed to take power to try for an honest government.
What we’ve seen lately is ‘the minority card’ being played to try to damp down at least the most recent wave striving towards real change and real hope. We, as the opposition, need to learn to combat this and how to teach others how to combat this. And to do so in midst of the most intense propaganda and thought control environment in the history of man.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. :)
Very thoughtful comments.
The Occupy movement coined the “1% vs. 99%” phrase or meme, and that was and is really powerful.
I am not aware that that notion has any racial content.
Which is as it should be.
The 99% is basically everyone, multiracial. Because of the caste nature of our society higher percentages of teh total minority population are low-income than of the total white population.
Be that as it may, I don’t think the Occupy movement was an “identity” movement.
There were Occupy demos in all kinds of communities of many different ethnic and racial makeups.
So, now we seem to be in a more racially polarized moment than we were during the Occupy movement. Even though the main slogan of that movement has taken hold.
Perhaps the elites and the media have made a point of racializing the discontent in this country and downplaying the more universal appeal of spotlighting the “1% vs. all the others” idea.
As you describe occurred with the response to police shootings.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
–Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, “I have a Dream” speech, The Mall, Washington DC, August 28, 1963
The story is that King survived the gunshot long enough to be smothered in the hospital…there are those who say King was a Messiah and they murdered him.
Nonsense. He bled out or died in shock on the motel balcony if the wound didn’t kill him anyway. He was hit into the chin and neck and spinal cord.
Excellent FBI sniper shot. From close range. Some say just 200 feet away.
J. Edgar got his money’s worth.
Then they entertained the world with the globe search for James Earl Ray.
He was as alive on the way to the hospital as JFK was on the way to Parkland Hospital.
If you say so it must be true, Comrade…
My guess is, that it is referred to a few eyewitness stories:
I’m not really sure what to think about it. The result stays the same, the deep state wins, and the ‘fall guys’ are being shrieked at.
“survived shooting was murdered in the hospital”
Like Seth Rich?
The deepstate wins.
And the opposition breaks apart into hostile factions arguing over exactly when he died.
Oh, that is very good stuff, Mr Saker. I am going to have to read it again.
Two millimeter below anyone’s skin we all look the same, except for gender, or that what we used to call sex (now a dirty word). Differences in gender… I mean sex, are there for care, wonder, fun, and replication.
I am saying all of this on behalf of the group that I belong to: the human race
I agree with Saker’s analysis though: minority differences are manufactured to feed minority complexes. Bad idea.
Thanks Saker for your incisive analysis. I would like to direct members to a brilliant essay by the Lebanese-American Mathematician and Philosopher Nassim Nicholas Taleb titled “The Dictatorship of the Minority” at that presents the same thesis as the Saker’s. Cheers.
I have massive respect for this American Girl. I have no idea who she is, but came across her on an American website yesterday.
She tells it how it is..and she does it live.
What courage. Some american girls are Awesome. She knows what she is doing is extremely dangerous – but she is just telling the truth as close as she knows..
“Former DHS Chief and Military Advisor to CIA’s Panetta, John Kelly Appointed to Manage Trump”
Excellent. And scary
Yes, telling like it is.
And also talking about the difficulty of getting others to understand what is happening
I have told a young friend who lives in Charlottesville and is completely drawn in to the narrative of “hate Trump” and challenges me in an outraged voice: “How can you approve of white supremicists!!!”—I have told her: this is about a coup in slow motion. They are trying to take down Trump. This is incredibly dangerous. Not just because Pence is more dangerous than Trump. NO! Because the whole exercise means the official end of American democracy.
Unfortunately, as Deb says, the people are so bamboozled with their hatred of Trump that they are cheering this! Other friends are in exactly the same mental space.
I don’t know what to say except, we are heading for a huge constitutional crisis.
Does Trump know that he is now under control?
Where are the tweets now? Also being filtered by Kelly?
I hope those who post here take the time to watch this video.
This is not about Trump!!! R epeat. What is happening is not about Trump. She is so right about this.
Deb does take a long time to get off the ground, and her video could have been half the length. which is too bad because most people don’t have that kind of time to watch a video that is very unevenly paced (lots of dead time). but she is saying something very important.
I watched the video completely and it’s excellent and spot on.
I didn’t get sound for obscure reasons, so I put on subscribes and it was still entertaining. Deb is damn right seeing that we see a kind of revolution of the elites.
‘a coup in slow motion’, that is a sharp definition, Katherine.
This is 1984 in overdrive.
Cheers, Rob
In addition to the remarks of Katherine, the ‘coup in slow motion’ and ‘huge constitutional crisis’, I just hit upon this ugly sneaky step of TPTB:
Silently, Congress has passed a bill where the devil is in the details. It sounds reasonable at first, for a few states to begin with, but can easily be expanded.
It means warrentless home searches by government forces and by law ‘it shall not be deemed a trespass’.
Just think about it. It’s a violation of the 4th amendment.
Is the frog still in the heating water?
It’s not just AngloZionists. The Roman Catholic Church has been playing the game of inciting separatism in RC minorities in majority non-RC countries for a couple of centuries, so that they can completely control the RCs in a separate theocratic state.
They started with Belgium, formerly the Austrian Netherlands, and then incorporated into the (Protestant) Netherlands in 1815. Usual tricks amongst the French minority in the SE of the combined country (riots started by the chattering classes after a performance of Verdi’s Un Ballo in Maschero, implausibly about a heterosexual love triangle involving a Swedish king (Gustav III), who was in reality homosexual, and got assassinated), and eventually the whole of what is now Belgium separated from Holland. Then the Dutch-speaking, but RC, Flemings suddenly found they had to learn French to communicate with government in their own country (1830) .
Ireland is the classic example, with the non-sectarian universities established in the 1840’s by the British government (Ireland was part of the UK, like Scotland and Wales, after 1800) denounced by the Pope himself as “Temples of Atheism”. Eventually the RC’s won, and the psychopathic leprechaun-fanciers of 1916-1922 created a hideous theocracy (much worse than contemporary Iran) which, inter very much alia, resulted in the rape of 1 in 3 Irish boys by RC religious, and the “Sisters of Bon Secours” in Tuam apparently throwing “illegitimate” babies in the septic tank. “Oh Ireland, my first and only love/Where Christ and Caesar are hand in glove” (James Joyce)
Then there was La Belle Province de Quebec. According to the Treaty of Aachen (1763?) which ended the Seven Years’ War, Quebec was to maintain its religious and civil structures inherited from ancien regime France . It did, and the Duplessis regime of mid-twentieth century maintained a theocratic mini-state (though they didn’t break people on the wheel or brand them): by the early 1960’s the Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Elliott Trudeau (Justin’s father), could not verify his birthdate because the church where he was baptised refused to release its records. That was the origin of De Gaulle’s “Vive le Quebec libre”, which, as usual with De Gaulle and RC politicians, meant the exact opposite, continuation of an RC theocracy rather than full incorporation of Quebec into the modern secular Canadian state.
It was not the Anglo-Zionists who split Yugoslavia: Britain (under John Major, about as Anglo-Zionist as you could get) and France wanted to preserve Yugoslavia as a going concern, but Germany under Mr Cabbage (Kohl) and the Pope wanted to split Slovenia and Croatia (home of the WWII Ustashe) away and make RC theocracies out of them. They didn’t succeed with Slovenia, but there was nasty period when Tudjman nearly got his way with Croatia.
What was the situation in Slovakia immediately after break with the Czech lands? I seem to remember a bog-standard Catholic Fascist by the name of Meciar lasted a few years in the land of Monsignor Tiso (the Nazi puppet in WW2). The break is widely resented by the Slovak scientists I know.
When the London Bombings happened on the 7th July 2005, for several hours, I thought my wife may have been caught up in the attacks.. It was a sunny day, and I had my small spare bedroom window open. I was working on my computer – and this amazing thing happenned. I had never seen anything like it before. The birds went literally wild…There were two enormous great Black Birds Squawking at Each Other – right below me in the front of my Drive
I didn’t hear a thing….but The Birds heard it and it caused a Ripple Effect… the mobile phones did not work. I could not contact my wife.
So I switched on The TV and I switched on The Radio…and later that day , I wrote on The Internet – on My Favourite British Website where I had been posting for nearly 10 Years…
“All Terrorists are Cunts”
and they banned me, and I refused to apologise…
So I thought well, I am not going to post there again in The UK, so I went to America on my computer..and I became a part of the Alternet community for 5 years.
I still have friends in America, but I have never been there in my life – though my son did with a Scout Camp in The Year 2000 when he was 12 years old and he was not impressed.
It was the equivalent of sending an English schoolboy to NAZI Germany in 1936.
He said well most of them are incredibly fat, and the rest of them are marching round with flags as if they are preparing for war.
In the Year 2000 – start aof a New Millennium The World was Largely at Peace. No one had attacked America – 9/11 was a year later..
We have not been back since.
My son told me at the age of 12 – “The Americans are Completely Mad”
Don’t go there.
So I haven’t.
(England’s still O.K)
My wife survived (in fact we’ve just been to a great gig) at a local pub.
It was a folk band from Slovenia
And they were Brilliant.
Minorities as the delineation of humanity is an absurd exercise – an exercise in creating a chaos through propaganda. In the anglo/zionist west individualism has been replaced by the plague of identity politics which is fueled by the MSM. The moment that the propagandist drop the ball on the minority circus the farce would simply disappear.
Leading the way are, of course, the zionist occultists with their limitless victim hood – from there it is easy to qualify all groups that need to be minoritized for mass consumption.
The simple solution is to deny the existence of any minorities and focus on the economic and political tyranny that the entire planet lives under. Why waste time even discussing anglo/zionist presstitute garbage.
Our plutocratic fate was foretold with pinpoint accuracy in the late 19th Century in the now forgotten works of Edward Bellamy: “Looking Backward” and “Equality.” Here’s just one quote from the latter: “It was not till the kings had been shorn of their power and the interregnum of sham democracy had set in (citizen control over governmental, not economic power), leaving no virile force in the state or the world to resist the money power (which soon bought and controlled the governmental power), that the opportunity for a world-wide plutocratic despotism arrived. Then, in the latter part of the nineteenth century, when international trade and financial relations had broken down national barriers and the world had become one field of economic enterprise, did the idea of a universally dominant and centralized money power become not only possible, but…had already so far materialized itself as to cast its shadow before. If the Revolution had not come when it did (and, alas, Bellamy’s revolution did not come though it might yet come), we can not doubt that something like this universal plutocratic dynasty or some highly centered oligarchy, based upon the complete monopoly of all property by a small body, would long before this time (the year 2000) have become the government of the world.” To get the clearest vision of what we’ve come to, and the only way out, one must read these books by Bellamy, simply without peer in prophetic and analytic power.
“It was not till the kings had been shorn of their power and the interregnum of
sham democracy had set in . . . leaving no virile force in the state or the world to resist the money power (which soon bought and controlled the governmental power),”
Exactly. Corporations representing private families/bloodlines run most of the world.
And now they are “behind schedule” and while it’s infuriating enough for them that they can’t master Russia, they have the added and ever increasing worry that disobeying the empire is becoming increasingly popular amongst hitherto totally submissive countries.
The time can’t be far off when the US will have sanctions operating against the whole world.
It’s all unravelling, control of the whole world is becoming more and more impossible and the entire debt based fraud will soon fall on our heads.
I’d love to know what Bellamy saw as the way out of this nightmare and how his prediction ended
“As a result, any criticism, even just perceived criticism, of a minority immediately triggers outraged protests and frantic virtue-signaling (not me! look how good I am!!)”
One thing that i find striking, actually, is that the genocide/murder of Jews during WW2 has more or less virtually inoculated all Jews against any kind of criticism or negative talk or stereotypes.
This is not the case for blacks, who were enslaved/sold/raped/whipped/tortured etc of blacks in the South; or for Native Americans, the targets of almost total genocide. There are few sanctions against negative talk about these groups—qua groups and qua individuals—because of the crimes perpetrated on them historically.
Whereas negative talk about Jews is taboo.
Why is that?
“Why is that?”
Power, zionazi power.
@ 1. Educate minorities
oh, Saker
“…what si born with the spine curve
time does not correct…” … Његош (Niegosh)
If we accept that minorities are typically much more driven than most of the population, then we also immediately can see why their influence over society is often out of proportion with the numerical demographical “weight”. This has nothing to do with these minorities being more intelligent or more creative and everything to do with them willing to being spend much more time and efforts towards their objectives than most people.
This analysis is extremely valuable.
When I combine it with your analysis of zionist class consciousness, a much clearer picture emerges of the means by which the Anglo-Zionist Empire, or more specifically the oligarchical elite wielding control over it, has risen to a position of hegemony within the world system.
What is important to emphasize is that the zionist globalist class does not represent any one nation, least of all the United States, but is rather a collection of top dog parasites within each country, and who all together receive guidance and inspiration from primarily the City of London, with it’s imperial tradition and centuries of expertise manipulating political affairs.
I would surmise that when Spain, backed by Genoese bankers, was the major competitor to England, who in turn were backed by Venetians, very clever Anglo-Venetians came up with a plan to deprive Spain of the most talented members of this society, conspiring with the Vatican to destroy Spain’s human capabilities by organizing the Inquisition. Wihin 200 years most of Spain’s Jews were expelled and this once unchallenged Empire became a shadow of it’s former self.
When the British wanted to destroy France, they organized the French revolution, again to deprive France of it’s most talented people, includiing the guillotining of France’s greatest scientific minds, thus leaving Britain in a position where it’s primary competitor was incapable of keeping pace.
Later in Germany the Anglo-Zionist elite devised Nazism to destroy German talent and the highly integrated German Jews who helped bring German industry, science and intellectual development to a level at which the British could simply not compete.
Nor can Russia be forgotten, where British devised Bolsheivism ripped Russia apart, occurring in a long line of British plots against the Eurasian Behemoth according to the tenets of the MacKinder doctrine, and including the organization of pogroms going back to British agent and Satanist Sabbatai Zvi in 1666.
One could also mention the Young Turks which brought down the Ottoman Empire, and innumerable similar examples of ‘Young’ Italians, Hungarians, Croats, Serbs and etc. which were used by British zionists to carefully target talented individuals from minorities and undermine develoment of rivals to the British Empire.
In each case when the Inquisitions and ‘Holocausts’ were completed, what remained was a tiny minority of predominantly Jews, who were now completely motivated against the majorities of their own societies, and leading directly to the situation we have today where British inspired and directed zionist elites within each country work to destroy indigenous populations at the behest of an Imperial cult centred on London.
And Donald Trump, witting or otherwise, is 100% an agent of the zionist agenda.
If you look at so called neconservatives within this context, what you see is a class determined to destroy their own country in the service of hyper elites. The same can be said of Atlanticist 5th columnists within Russia who although adjusting themselves to the reality of the Russian political sphere, are fundamentally dedicated to the destruction of Russia.
This analysis is ignorant of fundamental facts, it deals with some fantasy world. Rulers ability to rule stems from control of central banks and military-intelligence complex. With it they easily buy/bribe people, place their agents in political parties and put them on voting lists from which we choose a name to vote for, blackmail through various “honey traps” or simply issue death treats should every other control mechanism fail. It doesn’t matter if there is a 90%+ majority of someone or 10% minority, because those tools of control are appliable for everyone, be for members of majority or minority of something. There are other indirect tools of control like media propaganda or like support from various actors, musicians, institutions… but direct control tools are those primary mechanism of control. +90% of people are buyable. Elites have no shortage of money since they control central banks and can create as much currency units as they want. 1, 100 or a 1.000 millions is the same for them as they control the source of money creation. Some you even don’t have to buy via money as they want to serve from their own free will. This phenomenon is observable on national level too.
The reason why elites present minorities in positive light while putting down majorities in their media campaigns and educational literature is to make majority tolerant of minorities cultures (that is exactly the same thing the Saker is advocating at the end of his essay btw). It is killing dominant culture, but that´s what imperialist elites want: they want world without cultures, religions, races, ethnicities, religions… By catering to minorities cultures they are killing host culture, which is their plan from the beginning. What ever you tolerate you get more of. In healthy societies and cultures tolerance is considered disadvantage and vice, in dying ones it is virtue. Take Swedish people as example. By tolerating immigration from Africa and interbreeding with Africans they are dealing death sentence to their own race and culture, b/c not only do imported Africans have much higher birth rate than ethnic indigenous Swedish people, but interbreeding creates new mulatto race and as more time pass by more and more destruction it wrecks on indigenous Swedish people. In the end of that story Swedish people dies. But before they die they will understand where exactly tolerance leads and will mutiny and try to protect their distinctiveness, their race and their culture. Then you’ll hear verbal attacks of “homophobia” and “racism” from imperialist crowd, but nobody will care. Not any more. Swedes won’t. other hosts won’t. Imperialism will fail like it always does. If you study impartially history of human institutions and development over last four thousand years that we have documented, you will see that everything that is occurring around us has happened again and again before. I recommend John Glubb’s The Fate of Empires.
You have this all in The Protocols Of Zion btw, published 1903. Summary:
* Place our agents and helpers everywhere
* Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans
* Start fights between different races, classes and religions
* Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way
* Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials
* Appeal to successful people’s egos
* Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail
* Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us
* Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary
* Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism
* Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect
* Rewrite history to our benefit
* Create entertaining distractions
* Corrupt minds with filth and perversion
* Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor
* Take possession of all wealth, property and (especially) gold
* Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.
* Introduce a progressive tax on wealth
* Replace sound investment with speculation
* Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments
* Give bad advice to governments and everyone else
It seems President Putin knows all this which the Saker doesn’t. Excerpt from February 04 2013 Duma speech of President Putin:
“In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. Russia does not need minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell ‘discrimination’. We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture.”
I’ve seen on a few places The Saker giving excuse for saying the forbidden truths. It means that the American society is deeply drowned into a “political correctness”, and very aware of what is allowed to be spoken in a world of free speech, and what is not.
Seems relevant to topic to suggest Roger Stone at LAX airport remarked about the potential for violence getting significant in USA… (he may be right)
In personal note, I am not a public person, I do not engage with the mass of folks or “socialize” in my small quiet provincial riverain town on the Pacific Coast of NA – But!
But I occasionally go to market. Indeed it’s pretty clear around here that the “folks” are terribly polarized, and everybody (except me?) has guns… And they are not happy… I expect the sheriff will, at some point, call up his pals and try to impose order. I hope it’s the sheriff… It’s a small town, but it is located in a strategic pass on a transport corridor… But withal probably going to stay quiet, but tense. It’s the “hot” big cities that will suffer most. Sad.
Indeed the country may be in revolution. Such massive and rapid change rates probably make revolution unstoppable… I am thinking here about Erik Hoffer’s statement on change being the cause, not the result, of revolutions.
Time and history are, evidently, one way functions. We shall discover what the Fates hold…
It’s not nervous tension causing revolutions friend, it’s the shadow elite, assisted by a cast of thousands, carefully sewing fear.
It won’t be so easy this time. People are wise to the game.
I wish i could agree. But my idea is that Hoffer was correct – that it is change that forces revolution. There may be other ways to create revolution, but they are not relevant in this instance – when rapid and drastic Change dominates.
Of course, under this condition, people with power (elite, “shadowed”, if you prefer) will naturally attempt to “guide” any revolutionary energy. That’s parts of divide and rule. L sees, I say, the product, not the process.
If, Comrade, you knew whereof Erik Hoffer, then you would naturally know that relationship,the causative couple, change/revolution, is the way of the universe. Nervous tension, whatever the may be, cannot be relevant, can it? Naturally corrupt individuals and corrupt institutions seek to make people think that the “fault” is their own, when it is precisely not true.
Saker, so how does one handle real clashes of interests between the majority and the various minorities? Increasingly, I would like to see a white majority preserved in the United States for as long as possible, through immigration restrictions. I think not wanting to lose majority status in my own country, where I have deep roots (by shallow American standards) is not unreasonable. But I am not looking for an ethnically cleansed white ethno-state. Some of what the alt-right says makes sense to me, but I do not have the visceral hatred (or any hatred) of non-whites that appears to be common within alt-right circles. (Though many seem ready to make an exception for East Asians. Lots of joking about how many “white nationalists” have Asian wives.)
How is it possible to reconcile that interest with the interests of minority groups, many of whom appear enthusiastic about the eclipse of the white population in the U.S. (although the extent of that enthusiasm may be less than the media suggests)? Affirmative action is another issue where interests clash (even if there is a case to be made that affirmative action actually harms at least some minority groups).
How does the majority work to maintain its majority status and not be discriminated against on behalf of minority groups, without creating division? Sometimes it looks to me as if conflicts along racial/ethnic lines are inevitable in a country with the sort of mix that exists in the U.S. I don’t disagree that there is some serious manipulation going on (and I do see Charlottesville as, in some way, engineered, probably with (possibly rogue) state players involved) but I’m not sure eliminating it would do away with all inter-ethnic conflict, some of which has organic roots. (On the other hand, I don’t think you ever claimed it would do away with ALL such conflict.)
The concept of “majority” needs to be re-analyzed. Most of the time the demographic majority population is also manipulated by a much smaller elite who are the real pursuers of the policies of the majority. These majority elite persons are often bullies and oppressors who rely on mobilizing ranks of the majority as bigger and stronger than the minority populations and therefore seek the aggrandizement of the majority as their own group becoming superior and victorious, and they seek the extinction of the minorities who are not subservient enough.
“I would even argue that the Empire has created several nation ex nihilo (What in the world is a “Belarusian”?!).”—Here is an example of Saker’s own prejudice. The “Russians” whom he champions are demographically bigger and stronger than a number of their neighbors and have acted notoriously as bullies against their neighbors and felt superior simply because they were demographically population-wise and territory-wise bigger and stronger.
But one obvious way for a “majority” to avoid having “minorities” manipulated by outside sources is to recognize that these minorities have legitimacy and a right to exist, and then recognize that if they are to be loyal to a given overall state, then they need have a genuine presence, voice and power in the policies and practices of the “overall state”.
By the way, just recently I encountered a Chinese genteman who exhibited the apparently very successful solution achieved over centuries by the Chinese as to what could be very devisive factors,—namely, language, because Chinese language is really a family or languages each as different from each other as German-Dutch-English-French-Danish-Ukrainian-Russian-Belarussian and so on. But he told me that he was actually trilingual, he spoke native Fukienese from Fukien province, also Guandongese [Cantonese] and also Mandarin [the variant spoken around Beijing the capital which is the only reason why it is considered the “official”l variant]. Nobody looks down on Fukienese as an illegitimate language, and no one thinks that Mandarin is official because the people around Beijing are superior to all others and their variant is better and superior to all other variants of Chinese.
But as long as bigger and stronger groups show anger, fear and hostilities [for whatever odd reasons] toward distinct somewhat different minorities under their power and control, then naturally the minorities shall seek to break out of being under the heel of their bigger given neighbor and maybe seek alliances and go in directions that in the long run may end up just as bad.—But the small elites of the large majorities are the ones who have the actual given control. These elites of the majorities set the tone of everything. They decide whether to live in peace and mutual respect with neighboring minorities, smaller groups, or whether they want to kill and plunder simply because they can and they feel like it. If they decide they want to kill and plunder, then they set themselves up for having minorities manipulated against them by other sources.
A wrote: “The concept of “majority” needs to be re-analyzed.” Yes, I too think the concept needs sharpening. But then I thought of a special case – two mirror image “minorities”, only two…the “couple” that makes a feud that can resonate on over generations in a stable ongoing conflict, with blood and guts.
My point is that “minority” can be of any power relative to another inside an Nth arena – and the proportions sometimes do not matter. What matter is the Prince… Prince?
And I considered what old Bill said in Romeo and Juliet…speaking as the Prince in self criticism and apology (explanation).
(skims the letter) This letter doth make good the friar’s words,
Their course of love, the tidings of her death.
And here he writes that he did buy a poison
Of a poor ‘pothecary, and therewithal
Came to this vault to die and lie with Juliet.
Where be these enemies?—Capulet! Montague!
See what a scourge is laid upon your hate,
That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love!
And I, for winking at your discords, too
Have lost a brace of kinsmen. All are punished.
(thanks to site sparknote )
The salient feature is that last line…”all are punished”. Just as, ahem, we see to-day, pretty much everywhere. And the “Prince” to-day oft doth increase discord and not merely wink, eh?
What do you mean by ‘offer minorities equality’…in what sense. …as individuals or as a group of people?
I read a Yandex translation of a Cat Motya article from Aug. 25. It translates very poorly into machine-English, but I did manage to read a valuable comment from him in it that I think adds to this discussion. He argues that it’s not about money (as in class distinction) so much as it’s about “criminal” vs. “non-criminal”. With 100 dollars or a billion dollars each, one will produce a humane, life-affirming result, whereas the other will produce oppression and death.
The same reasoning would apply to ethnic and racial divisions, as well (although serious conflict may be unavoidable).
saker, one simple addition – not properly an objection:
As a direct conclusion from this thesis, one can say that ALL western democracies that contain internal minorities are false democracies.
As long as they do not block off and prevent manipulations…
And on a second step, every democratic country should, or better, must have public and state controlled media, especially including TV stations. So to say, a slice of 30% audience just to maintain the democratic label.
Great article, but I’d like to add that this “one-sidedness” of the minorities wasn’t entirely their doing. The main stream culture along with its media has imposed a caricature of an identity on many of these minorities.
Let’s take Black Americans as an example. I’ve always wondered why they talk about race more than any other group in the US, until I read a comment by someone. Basically, their identity has been completely striped away from them leaving nothing but race. They have nothing to grasp on to but race. Also they are treated as one group. So eventually an identity grew out of this built on race. Now they see everything in terms of race, especially Black or White. In fact their entire world view is that binary; either something is Black or White, nothing else.
Muslims in the west have fallen under the same thing after 9/11. Before 9/11 Muslims in the US were never identified as “Muslim Americans”. Instead they usually self-identified by their country of origin. This changed after 9/11 where all their complexities and peculiarities were completely striped away and presented as one group.
Even the white majority has had its various sub-groupings turned into a one-sided caricature as well. For some white people, their entire identity is based on pot or being gay and so on. It makes ruling over these various hordes easier if they are one-sided people.
One concise true thought after another. Inspiring composition! Four on target solutions. While I would somewhat redefine our common enemy you are close enough. My sense here in the Flyover Eden is that most whites and blacks and other minorities view recent staged plays with skepticism or outright contempt. Our eyes are awake and we cannot get back to sleep because of the rays of light you exemplify!
White people are a minority of about 9% of the world’s population. All white countries, and only white countries, are being subjected to mass 3rd world immigration. This is deliberately planned and organised by people like Barbara Spectre in Sweden and Bernard Levy and Sarkozy in France. They constantly agitate for more non white immigration into white countries. Levy has demanded the admission of 2 million black Africans into France annually, which already has a huge Muslim/ African population. Sarkozy said that the most important task as far as he was concerned, was to promote miscegenation, if necessary by force. Merkel admitted 2 million so called refugees to Germany in 2015 alone. Most were males aged 18-34. The number of 3rd world males in this age group now almost exceeds that of Germans. 200,000 similar males were let into Sweden in 2015, which has a population of only 9 million.
These immigrants are unassimilable. Many are muslim, and reject totally western notions about the treatment of women and homosexuals and the separation of church and state. London is now officially only 40% white. Many cities like Brussels and Malmo are over 25% muslim. Most western countries now have huge and spreading alien immigrant no go areas where police don’t dare to venture. Any whites left in these areas are on their own. Sweden is now the rape capital of the world. Women stay in at night and dye their hair black to avoid attention. The mass rapes in Cologne in 2015 at New Year (1200 German women gang raped by 2000 so called refuges), have been repeated in every town and city across Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Scandinavia. Rapes of women and children and immigrant criminality is now uncontrolled, indeed almost completely unchallenged. The police have just given up. Many are resigning. In the UK in particular, muslim rape/ paedophile gangs target very young girls of 10-11 and above for gang rape and pimping. In the small town of Rotherham alone 1400 very young white girls were gang raped by muslims. This has been repeated in towns up and down the country. This has been routinely covered up by police, politicians, media and social workers, like the mass rapes in Germany and the immigrant rape epidemic in Sweden.
As this continues, there will be immigrant non white majorities in most towns and cities. In many places like London and Marseilles, this is already the case. Where they are muslim, they will demand and get sharia law. Left politicians in Germany and elsewhere openly state that they hate their own countries and people and white people in general, and want to bring about the physical replacement of existing populations with non white immigrants with alien culture and values. The politicians supporting this When asked to explain how this can be compatible with their favourite hobby horses like feminism and gay rights, they just try to change the subject or scream racist/ Nazi/ white supremacist etc. Some are more open and admit that their objective is white genocide, with the whole of Europe/ N. America becoming essentially 3rd world nations with huge muslim populations living according to their own beliefs and standards. Basically white genocide.
This is by no means unrealistic. Sperm counts have fallen by 60% over the past 40 years. The birth rate of western countries is well below replacement level. One wave of uncontrolled third world immigration follows another. The muslim population of Germany is expected to rise to 20 million in 10 years time. Many immigrants display extreme hostility towards native populations from the outset.
I don’t know where to start with this one sided screed.
but here’s a couple of questions….
on the cologne new years night ….
”1200 German women gang raped by 2000 so called refuges”…
with nearly everyone carrying smart fone cameras why is there
no pictures, if not actual rapes, suspicious groups of men
where you can’t see what they are hiding, or distraught, torn clothing girls
been photographed? NOT ONE.
”Rapes of women and children and immigrant criminality is now uncontrolled…”
what would ”controlled rapes” actually look like.
whilst i agree that there is a problem of many dimensions, your complete
identification with the ”powers that wanna be” message is frankly,
over the top.
no doubt there are some ”muslims” who advocate sharia for all and
gleefully talk of out breeding the europeans (I’ve seen some) but your tone
does not seem to propose any solution, you just list all the problems
in an hysterical fashion. what’s the answer?
Very well written the Saker !!
The article was written on a scholarly level.
The conclusion is very important:
– the entire society needs to be educated, both majorities and minorities need to be educated on how they are being manipulated and who is manipulating them.
– Actually this is a global issue and does not only apply to “Western Democracies”.
The nature of “minority” is important, as is “size” and power of several sorts…all obvious.
But I believe I made a logical example above to the effect that the quality of the “minorities” does not matter when I pointed out that what matters is the nature of the Prince.
So, if that’s the case, you may ask, how are minorities natures, their qualities, power, and size, important?
Because the Prince needs his minorities…all of them. Unless he works for a saboteur, is a saboteur, and a traitor… (gasp!) As old Bill put it “a brace of kinsmen…all are punished”. No Prince would desire this…but who would?
Now then, a saboteur would play “his” minorities one ‘gainst ‘nuther…eh? Or do I dream a horror?
You and I are on the same page!
From my own blog:
“One thing we can do is explain the methods being used to manipulate the public mind. Once a single METHOD is grasped by a person, it begins to lose its ability to control what they think to be true. “
You’re going to be hard pressed to find a way to defuse, for example, the LGBT minority with the above suggestions.
Education per se will never work without support from governmental policies, and since the policy makers themselves are often misguided + easily manipulated (see Sweden), you’re back to square one. It’s a chicken an egg situation.
The majority (both vocal and silent) will never accept any form conciliation to something which is anti-thesis to both society and the continuation of the human race (where do they think babies come from?). The more vocal might prefer complete annihilation of the LGBT minority, while the rational ones might chose tolerance – for just as long they remain non-antagonistic. For if they were to pushed to pick sides, it won’t be on the minority side.
The latter gives a glimpse of a possible solution (as it had beeen for ages past). However, you yourself can see the percolation of LGBT ideas sneaking into worldwide society under the guise of “equality” and “justice”. Of course, these antagonistic actions will continue unabated by their actors.
Imo, there is no practical solution for willful sabotage.
LZ is in agreement with both Arnie and Sturm, and would observe that they are both correct. It would weaken the propaganda if it were better understood by the subject, targets. But this is old as language itself – rhetoric is the term for the art and science of changing the way people think and what they believe. Propaganda is rhetoric used for purposes you do not approve of. So one fella’s propaganda is the other fella’s truth… It is, ahem situational.
But weakening in the face of a powerful apparatus bent on sabotage is what happens just before “Kristallnacht 2.0”, ie things is ju’s gittin going…
“No practical solution”…indeed!
This means that matters will simply follow the natural will – the sum of vectors energized by economics, power, and delusions…and that the sabotage will continue until it stops.
It will stop, then, when it does not work. At that point there will be a good Prince. This may take a long time.
Meantime do not hurt people and make messes – that’s my policy – and work every day – and give something nice away fairly often (to poor people and also to a few of “them” (just to make for interesting coruscation).
Pax, LZ
specific criticism of bad princes and their dark dirty tricks….today. In usa.
I’m sorry, I couldn’t get through this, your opinions are your opinions and nobody’s perfect. I will say this however, the reason why Black Americans are so much more ‘racially aware’ in general than White Americans is because the United States does not permit black people to ever forget that they’re black. It is a characteristic of “white supremacy” or more generally the whole “insider-outsider” dynamic that those “inside” get to be blissfully unaware of the thing that makes them insiders rather than outsiders. For example imagine a society where Gemini’s had to wear a special badge on their lapel every day wherever they go, but the rest of the zodiac don’t even have to know what star-sighn they are… let alone wear a badge proclaiming it. You’d find that the Gemini’s are all painfully aware of all things zodiac (as subjected to crappy treatment in regards to bank credit, employment, access to education, security in the state- all on the basis of being Gemini) whereas your Libras and the rest would barely ever think about it.
I do agree with some of what you said as far as I read, manipulation of democraphics is what politics is all about these days, we are all Big Data now. However in general the article came across so much like Alt Right claptrap I could not continue. I still value your insights on military affairs however. In this subject though… you simply don’t know what you don’t know. I’m pretty sure if you gave the matter of race, history and economics in American affairs from the perspective of Black American writers and thinkers your serious attention then you’d do much better, you’re a serious and intelligent enough I think.
The United States also does not ever let white folk forget about race either, Friend. “Race” is an awareness burned, it seems, especially hard into all Americans. An awareness that is like a cruel heavy thing to carry. Even for, or perhaps especially for, well, people like me. True, most “white” are able to, mostly, pretend it it’s not so. Some never can. I, for example, know how the “title” to my little hose came into existence…how the land was stolen and sold for debt, over and over and over…and I know I am camping on land stolen – they ought to send my bones back to Germany, I’ll never belong in the US, even though my family has been here since 1600.
It seems dangerous to open the subject, but humans do seem to have some small natural “racism” – well, we surely all have a natural ability to make the most subtle and fine, precise, judgements about class, background, family,clan, race, nationality – abilities to discriminate between individuals and their origins…and this runs into language and even to syntax and “codes” that admit or prohibit entry into “clubs” (though I’m getting into jargon with “club and codes”). And how, precisely, it it that we have “race”? If we were not racists (with a small “r”) all races would mix by now, wouldn’t they? I don’t know…
This “small racism”, being natural, can’t be “good” or “bad” – it simply is. A good Prince will allow and encourage the natural common good to suppress this natural racism and, in the fullness of time, it becomes….gone. Takes long time. We become all “colored” and it makes zero difference? I doubt it. Here’s why:
In the meantime…dark forces always surround the “light” of a good Prince. They promote the evil of manipulating the mass according to whatever latent weaknesses they see…
Racism, the result of politics and power and economics stirring up the small racism, is a serious latent weakness – and the dark force always exploits.
But even in homogeneous populations other latent weaknesses can and are found…so the Prince is always being undermined… The DF would invent Racism if it didn’t have such nifty ways of simply inflating it. It works really well, and it costs so little!
Not sure I agree entirely. Humans do notice our differences, some white people just plain don’t like redheads (I’m not sure why, I think redheads are cool) but that sort of thing doesn’t need to fuck-over anyones life.
Racism was invented, it is a construction with a very serious industrial-scale purpose and it’s design was meticulous. In fact wasn’t it the Democrats who supported the South? (serious question, I’m not that knowledgeable about the American civil war). Human ‘hardware’ runs the software of culture and ideology. The racism “app” is all about why it’s ok to kill or enslave some people and take their stuff, why figuratively “consuming them” by turning them into sugar, or “wearing them” by turning them into cotton, isn’t in fact a form of cannibalism but just natural capitalist and natures way. We’re past all that now, we have new smarter apps to play the game of human exploitation with, but still a lot of that legacy bloat-ware to be expunged. Excuse me, I’ve been on the computer all day.
Me? Well, If, Brother, you say it, then it must be so, eh?
I was thinking about matters that trace back to our origins in the Savannah…invention? I have some doubts, but it depends on the precise meanings…I freely agree with the idea that Racism (not racism) was “discovered”: by criminal people and exploited, many times, and is today being exploited to enrich those who, well, exploit, the rentier class.
Of course it is industrial, we exist in an industrial epoch.
Invented? I suspect it’s more accurate to consider Racism to be an “engineered” latent and minor characteristic – I mean there’s racist recognition, an awareness of race. Now then, the people see this, and do not see a problem, they work and live happily and aware of race…and then…the evil Prince arrives…
If, as, Friend, you say, Racism is an invention, then it seems to be an invention like the one the fella stole and prettied-up. racism (small r) seems to to exist across species, in cats, (but not dogs?) and especially in birds and fish and so forth…noting evil about this normal differentiation of clans and kins. But a bad Prince can make money or war with Racism…,.,and they do.
Warm Regards, Comrade. Thanks…
Racism comes from negative ethnocentricism. All humans are born ethnocentric. This is a basic fact that you learn in all sociology courses. Too much ethnocentricism becomes racism, xenophobia and extreme nationalism. Too little ethnocentricism means adopting another culture and losing youre own. A balanced level is called positive ethnocentricism, meaning you sopport and promote your own culture or race, but you do not disrespect others. Imagine if there was no ethnocentricism – all cultures and races would just blend and become one universal mixed race and culture, but nature installed ethnocentricism to naturally preserve differencses between humans. Mild forms of patriotism and nationaism are absolutely normal and natural.
Too little ethnocentricism means adopting another culture and losing youre own. This is known as xenocentricism. Racism will no never go away, because there will always people who are very strongly ethnocentric by nature. The concept of racism is just used as a political propaganda tool to achieve certain objectives. It´s a pity people are genereally so easily fooled – or perhaps poorly educated ? I remember some years ago racism wasn´t such a big deal, becasue of the very reasons that I mentioned above, now everyone thinks its the most evil thing on the planet.
“Educate and explain …” doesn’t work.
An example. Suppose tomorrow you emigrate to a Muslim country, and, as part of immigration proceedings, they educate you and explain their laws and customs to you. The day after competing the course you are walking along a street, and see two obviously lesbian women kissing. Are you going to stone them to death?