I envy the Russians, I envy these “katsaps” and “the Moskals”!
I envy their Olympics and their army. I have many friends and relatives in Russia. I see how they change and grow. They believe their President. They believe in their army. They are proud of their great history, achievements and victories.
It was once our common history … victories and achievements. Not so long ago. They have found their ground. They don’t care about the West we worship. They move on and grow, despite of what we are told on our TVs and various social forums. I know that it’s us who are losing, and not them. We have become weaker, and they have gotten stronger.
No matter how loud we keep shouting “Glory to Ukraine!” we can’t stop it.
Not so long ago we were gloating when they had Chechnya.
Today the Chechens are no less Russian than the Russians themselves. They are ready to fight for their revived and great country, of which they are a part. Today we are the one to be frightened with the Chechen battalions. How did this happen???
They were killing each other just yesterday. But the reason is simple: the Chechens were able to remember that they were Russian, and they were part of the great Country and the Great People.
We gloat when they have terrorist attacks and disasters.
However, they overcome them over and over again and become stronger! Even though the whole world is against them!
They fall and rise again. Stand and grin. And just spit blood through their teeth.
We are screaming that they are slaves. That they will soon fall apart, the oil will fall, NATO will attack, and they will be struck down with another punishment. But they are us! We spit on our own reflection. On ourselves.
We must remember that we are a whole. And once we begin to understand and realize it, only then will come the feeling that once our ancestors had. A sense of inner strength, hope, faith, and pride that we are also the Russians.
It doesn’t matter who our ancestors were: Ukrainians, Tatars, Jews, Buryats, or Uzbeks. It doesn’t matter who we are by faith: Catholics, Orthodox, Muslims or Jews. This is not important. What’s important is that we are Russians! That we’re a part of the Great people and the Great country.
Yes, our Great Country and our Great People still have a lot of problems. But if we remember that we are Russians, we will change everything forever! Everybody is afraid of that.
They are afraid that we will remember and will be together again.
That’s why they are building spider webs of lies and deceits. This lie and hatred is being maintained by us and in Russia.
They do not allow us to wake up. And if we do not remember who we are, you will never wake up.
About the situation, occupation and others.
Who shouts the loudest that we need to protect “our” independence, unity and freedom? The same officials, oligarchs and parliamentarians. They are terrified that they will have to answer for everything that has happened to our Motherland over the years.
Maybe this is not the occupation? Perhaps, this is the liberation? And our people came, when we lost all our hope, when we almost gave up.
Perhaps, we need to stand together and destroy all these lying politicians, oligarchs, mayors and officials, who are foaming at their mouths and screaming that we need to go and die! To die for their villas, yachts and castles, for their bank accounts, for their freedom to rob us, and for freedom from answering for their actions.
I understand that this Manifesto will be cut out from the web. There will be thousands of angry comments, screams that I’m a traitor, that I was sold out to Putin, that I am katsap and Moskal. I don’t care. I know that the truth is with me.
I am a patriot of Ukraine, a true patriot, and now the fate of my people and my Ukraine is being decided.
Either we remember who we are, or we will perish.
I love my Ukrainian people, our ancestors and our culture.
I’m Ukrainian, but more than that I am Russian!
Andrey Avramenko, Kharkov

source: http://svetoven.pogled.info/
Kudos. An excellent translation of an excellent sentiment.
it is bit of the topic, at the same time is good to know how the psychopats are pushing us from the edge
Hopefully the Azov Battalion will have a similar conversation in Mariupol soon about their SS Wolfsangel regalia…just before the Novorossiya tanks roll in.
‘Are we the baddies? We’ve got skulls on our caps’
I write to you the Europeans from Russia and want to tell you that we the Russians never felt the same hate as you have towards us.
Avramenko didn’t get the memo. There is no more Ukraine. Harkov is part of Novorossia.
Right on, man. There is no conflict between Novorossia and true Ukraine. The US is the enemy. The EU is the enemy. Capitalism is the enemy. Fight those enemies alongside your brothers – yourselves – Novorossia. In the end you will all be working together, living together on the land. United Ukraine and Novorossia can defeat capitalism together. Peace.
It has been said “At the moment of victory are sown the seeds of future defeat”.
In 2001 in S. Lebanon a ‘miracle’ occurred. For 17 years Israel had maintained control over occupied land in south Lebanon with a para-military force (SLA)recruited from local villages. These people were trained by Israel to fight Hezbollah, to retaliate against villages in south Lebanon, to shoot the artillery, etc. To be fair, many of these people were ‘black-mailed’ into service – if a family member did not serve with the SLA they did not get the Israeli-issued document that allowed them to purchase food and supplies in the village and city stores. If they did not fight, they did not eat.
In 2001 Israel suddenly abandoned the SLA & their families to their fate and withdrew from south Lebanon. The world, Israel and even Lebanon expected massacres and revenge – a Lebanese speciality! But it did not happen.
With discipline that shocked one and all, Hezbollah took over the areas abandoned by Israel and actually posted guards to defend and protect the SLA families. The SLA fighters that had not managed to bribe their way across to Israel were arrested, not one was beaten, and they were turned over to Lebanese courts (notoriously lenient).
At the moment of triumph we sow seeds – do we take on the nature of our enemy or do we define ourself, through a greater courage, and move toward justice and restoration.
I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s and remember the West talking about ‘communist’ propaganda, the restrictions on travel, a pervasive security state, corruption in police, and a population that did not believe their own leadership. The US triumphed in that confrontation and has since become everything it once judged – only many times worse.
At the moment of triumph are sown the seeds…
Sow wisely, oh you who lead in Novorussia.
Ex-CIA Official Proposes Assassination of Putin
Former intelligence official wants sanctions against Russia to lead to the removal of Putin, “with a bullet hole in the back of his head” if necessary
The very scary word in Putin’s new statement on the Ukraine crisis.
“Perhaps, we need to stand together and destroy all these lying politicians, oligarchs, mayors and officials, who are foaming at their mouths and screaming that we need to go and die! To die for their villas, yachts and castles, for their bank accounts, for their freedom to rob us, and for freedom from answering for their actions.”
This is why both Novorossia and Russia have bent over backwards to avoid unnecessary violence towards the junta soldiers sent to fight against Novorossia. The hostility of Ukrainians towards Russian ethnics is a western (currently especially a ziofascist western) invention. It is the ZPC/NWO who are fueling the strife, for their own world domination goals, the Ukrainians they are using are just disposable tools in their view. The Novorussians and Russians realise that returning the hate towards the Ukrainian hate is what the western ghouls want. It would further divide the region and play into ZPC plans. So the Novorussians and Russians take the most sensible approach to counter the ZPC strategy, that of compassion (within reason, though).
In the end, not only will the ZPC/NWO fascists experience defeat militarily, they will be defeated in all the other ways, as well. And permanently vanquished for good.
вот так
On behalf of Pooroldshenko, the You’re_a_Peon Union, and the Corporate Presstitutes, repeat after me everybody:
BOOOO for Russia! :-D
Grozny, capital of Chechnya:
No wonder why now they are going after Russia / Novorussia…… They still think they can have everything no mater what
That is beautiful, stirring and incredibly courageous.
I very deeply wish it were possible to feel that way about my country, to find in its past the things he values. In his case, they’re real; in ours, just myths. And I envy him that he sees the true cause of Ukraine’s problems; by and large we lack that insight also.
He is quite likely now to attain the future he so ardently desires. We, otoh, have the government we deserve and are considerably less likely than he is to end up with anything better. There is, however, no little justice in that.
I loved this poem.
The greatness of people is measured by their unity against injustice.
The talk by the new commanders of the Novorossyia Army, the video that Saker had up a couple of days ago, was wonderful because the leader of the army, who replaced Strelkov said “No oligarchs, no corporations…just leave us alone to live our lives…
I wish that this would happen over the whole world…
I hope so much that this new force of goodness in the world that is the Novorossyia Armed Forces, can be the leader into the future.
Jewish power is the power to supress all consideration of Jewish power.
Anglo-Zionist power is the power to blame everything on Jewish power.
Russian power is the power to name our common enemy.
Look now
The Globalists are trembling — writhing like snakes on UN General Assembly floor.
Glory to the Resistance and Glory to Russia.
The human race is in your debt.
This “manifest” is 5 months old!!!
But I have other problem. When I see the cynical smile on Putin’s face, I don’t know what to think. So hundreds of ua Russians dead, tens of thousand without a home. And Putin is happy with it. Great!
Here is the video:
According to scientists 80% of people are mentaly not able connect the dots. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test shows some personality. Yes. It is not 100% and ideal does not exist. But. I asked all my willing circles to do test- family, friends, coleagues etc. Before they did test I wrote on paper what I think result will be. I did not missed once in some 30 cases. I did not say exact type but I said 80% or 20%. I’am ENTJ which is 2% of world population. So?
We must realize that PR knows about it and to this 80% is addressed propaganda. Then is enough to eliminate rest. Many of this 20% give up and work for elites- universities, journalists etc.
There is others important factors in society psychopathy and sociopathy. Ukraine is labolatory to study those things. System works until critical mass for change is formed. That was theory. Let me tell Y’ my opinion. In society of Ukraine is so much bad eneregy that Ukraine must finished from inside. Do not stand for something what has no value. Do not be melancholic romantic. Forget about flag, symbols, history. Ukraine developed into bad marriage. At begining we all see object of love-sex in bright colors. Smarter people divorce ahead of tragedy. 22 years of Ukraine as country is tragedy for it’s people. Do not expect anything better in current system by signing EU stuff. It does not work. As Bob Marley sings: Get up stand up gotta fight for your rights
A very moving appeal!
Evaluate GOLDEN RULE.Maidan was wrong from begining as those people stand there for something already corrupted by those who wanted that specific result- EU agreement- instead of golden rule= call for referendum on that matter. Maidan’$ political won’t work at all. Maidan 1,2,3 and still in mud. I think Russia with Putin is on right path. Please, do not fell into worship of too high ideas like we all are born equal and we all will be milionairies. It is not gonna happen. Zero succes. Go fight for respectfull and liveable society for all.
BTW Chechen wars. Chechen wars were direct output of Afghan war with goal to split Russia. It was sponsored by Saudis and NATO. This is very wrong example. Ukraine’s problems are inside job.
The US still blocks a ceasefire and talk??? WTF!!! Does that potus think of anyone but himself???? 20,000 ukie facists are trapped and getting ready to get their azzes handed to them and he talks big. We all know he could care less about those waiting to die, but just how brzen can he be??? He is asking them to be sacrifaced so he can say how bad it was andtalk big some more. I though bush was bad this guy is beyind pathetic. What comes to mind is far beyond racism. Its the lowest form of worm.
The Russian president’s call for a humanitarian corridor comes hours after the UN Security Council blocked a Russia proposed statement on a mutual ceasefire and peace talks in Ukraine.
Gleb Bazov @gbazov [ 9:03 am Friday morning in Donetsk ]
#FLASH – It’s WORKING. #NAF offensive – for the first time in a long while – gave #Donetsk a peaceful night. Strangely calm, say sources.
28 August – [VIDEO – 02:44] Novorossiya Self-Defense Forces Shock Therapy for Ukrainian Artillerymen
Wow. That is powerful.
what a nationalistic crap!
tr from Hamburg
Apparently that notorious American trait of being geography challenged has rubbed off on the Canadians:
Представители России при НАТО объяснили географию канадским коллегам (Representatives of Russia at NATO explained geography to their Canadian colleagues)
http://vz.ru/news/2014/8/29/702875.html (trans) http://translate.yandex.net/tr-url/ru-en.ru/www.vz.ru/news/2014/8/29/702875.html
“In response to “manual” for the Russian soldiers posted in Twitter by the Canadian delegation to NATO, the Russian mission to the Alliance published a map on which the Crimea marked as Russian territory.
The map also marked Abkhazia and South Ossetia, whose independence the West does not recognize.
“Helping our Canadian colleagues, to catch up with contemporary geography of Europe”, – stated in the message of the Russian representative to NATO in Twitter.
On Wednesday, the Canadian delegation to NATO posted in Twitter a map, on which the Russian and Ukrainian territory is marked with the words “Russia” and “Russia”.
“Geography can be difficult. Here is the manual for the Russian soldiers who got lost and accidentally invaded (on someone else’s territory)”, – stated in the message of the canadian representation.
So Canada has responded to the detention Ukraine Russian paratroopers, accidentally crossed the border, when patrolling…”
What a pathetically sad bunch, those Canadians, eh? :D
Also funny. Using Yandex for translation, it converts the capital C into a lower case c for the word Canadians. Perhaps with Canada grovelling at the feet of Israel and the USA so embarrassingly now, maybe considering Canadian a proper name that should be capitalised is obsolete now and Yandex was just expressing the reality of it? ;)
вот так
Note the title. Pretty grim looking for the latest manifestation of the “master race”. One of those long articles with lots of useful info not allowed to be seen in the zio-enlightened west.
Украина неотвратимо проигрывает войну (Ukraine inevitably loses the war)
http://www.km.ru/world/2014/08/29/protivostoyanie-na-ukraine-2013-14/747839-ukraina-neotvratimo-proigryvaet-voinu (trans) http://translate.yandex.net/tr-url/ru-en.ru/www.km.ru/world/2014/08/29/protivostoyanie-na-ukraine-2013-14/747839-ukraina-neotvratimo-proigryvaet-voinu
“… The main reason is that Ukraine has already fed up with this war. To fight and even more to die for such dubious politicians as Poroshenko, Yatseniuk, Turchynov or anecdotal Klitschko and Lyashko, Ukrainian soldiers desire not burn. Even those who have recently jumped on the Maidan under Russophobic chants, more and more strive to make the legs “to the beloved house.
This is evidenced by the thousands of deserters and mountains thrown techniques, which the militia of Novorossia already simply cannot operate in full, as it simply does not have the qualified personnel…
… In other words, the Ukrainian army had only four months of the war. Using against militia Novorossia his full Arsenal, ranging from small arms and ending ballistic missiles “Tochka-U”, the Ukrainian army not only failed to take any cities except left the militia Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, but now she is preparing for the defense of Mariupol.
The attack on the Donetsk and Lugansk failed, goals are not only not achieved, but also to pay for them was a high price…
…Besides, Ukraine is banal there is no, or rather, did not remain forces to “clean up” the rebel territory, despite the fact that the army of Novorossia every day it becomes stronger, more experienced and hardened in battle. While the Armed Forces of Ukraine are increasingly sad sight…
…The only tactic that the Ukrainian army has mastered is the shelling of residential areas Slavyansk, Donetsk and Lugansk. But in order to win the war, shelling cities is clearly not enough.
Moreover, trying to fight on American patterns “from afar” and not engaging in direct combat, the Ukrainian army gave the militia a strategic initiative and now they, and not the APU, decide where, when and what forces to strike. What is very evident under the Novoazovsk, where the Ukrainian army was caught by surprise and unable to resist, simply run in Mariupol…
… If Poroshenko has not coped with the new Russia in the summer, what to expect from the autumn-winter campaign? The advent of reconnaissance legendary commanders of Motorola or Butler on the outskirts of Kiev? Or more brigades of the armed forces of Novorossia, forcing the Dnieper? The plausibility of such a scenario, you can doubt all you want, but as you know, history tends to repeat itself.
Speaking about the new Russia, it should be acknowledged fait accompli – this state proved and defended their right to exist. The price was paid a terrible, hundreds of dead civilians and militias, but all the sacrifices brought not in vain – Novorossia to be, and the war Ukraine almost lost. And this is well understood in Kyiv and Washington. And that’s what has killed and maimed more than 12 thousands of Ukrainian soldiers, Kiev authorities are unlikely to be able to clearly explain. Certainly not for the notorious European integration and cheap sausage.”
вот так
Is Transnistria next on the ZPC/NWO “to do list”? The fascists may think that attacking Transnistria might take some of the coming heat off Kiev. Something to keep an eye on.
Приднестровье на пороге войны (Transnistria on the verge of war)
http://www.km.ru/world/2014/08/29/protivostoyanie-na-ukraine-2013-14/747830-pridnestrove-na-poroge-voiny (trans) http://translate.yandex.net/tr-url/ru-en.ru/www.km.ru/world/2014/08/29/protivostoyanie-na-ukraine-2013-14/747830-pridnestrove-na-poroge-voiny
“… What to do Transnistria?
First of all, we must remember a very old principle: “Si vis pacem, para bellum” (“if you Want peace – prepare for war”). Than the Republic will be better prepared to repel aggression, the greater the chance that the enemy will not dare to commit the fatal suicidal step. Transnistria to this no stranger: it lives in the anticipation of war for 22 years. Because Transnistria has more opportunities to meet the enemy armed than the Donbas, where war no one was prepared.
Realizing that war is inevitable, it is necessary that the society was ready for it. To the soldiers and their loved ones to understand why and for what reason we have to fight, in the name of what should be given their lives. It is extremely important to attend to in the rear of the fighting army was not a “fifth column”, provoking riots and backstabbing. Neutralize this factor is the decree of the President of the PMR No. 241 on measures to prevent extremist activity on the territory of the Republic.
Finally, you need to enlist the support of allies of the Republic in the struggle for peace in the region. Such allies are becoming fewer in Ukraine, where anti-war activity almost equal to treason, but they are.
More allies in Moldova: against the war on the Dniester are nearly all opposition forces. Against the military means of resolving the Transnistrian conflict will perform, in addition to Russia, its allies to block the BRICS, primarily China, and several European countries.
Creating a powerful international coalition for peace in the region will become the most urgent task of the Transnistrian diplomacy…”
вот так
“The parade promised by Poroshenko took place in Donetsk”
Note the old rifle she is carrying. The guy behind her seems to have the same kind. Did they decide to use WW2 style rifles as a homage to the WW2 POW parade in Moscow and further remind the bandera nazis of it?
вот так
Dmitri Orlov, the Russian prophet of the coming collapse of the US, on the situation in Ukraine:
It is not exactly a comment on the manifest, but does anybody know why the informationclearinghouse.net is down again? (http://informationclearinghouse.info.isdownorblocked.com/)
Something to copy over to those American exceptionals forums and blogs – you know the type. ;)
вот так
Please translate. Very important
shout it from the rooftops.
“It doesn’t matter who our ancestors were: Ukrainians, Tatars, Jews, Buryats, or Uzbeks. It doesn’t matter who we are by faith: Catholics, Orthodox, Muslims or Jews. This is not important. What’s important is that we are Russians!”
THIS! Everybody’s Russian!
Pro-Russian citizens of Mauripol gathered to greet the Novorossiyan army in Mariupol:
Good for you! The reason for the US sponsored ($5 billion US taxpayer dollars) is to enrich the US oligarchs with Ukrainian gas and war profiteering. It is time to carry your war and insurgency directly to these oligarchs, many of whom are filthy rich Israeli passport bearing “Ukrainians”. This terrible war and ethnic cleansing is the plan of US neocons – many of whom are also Israeli passport dual citizens. Eliminate all of these rich oppressors and you can finally enjoy peace.
Couple of interesting postings by the South African economist Patrick Bond which may serve to dampen some of the hopes people are raising about de-dollarisation.
In response I wrote :
“That is an interesting take on things up till the spring, but its data is prior to the war in Ukraine starting and the sanctions against Russia.
During July international tension seemed as high as any time since the Cuban crisis of the 60s and the centenary of 1914 seemed very ominous.
The hostility between Nato and Russia is greater than anything I have seen in my adult life, way above the level of sanctions that were levied on the
USSR after its intervention in Afghanistan.
Military and strategic imperatives may now push Russia and China towards a less cooperative stance with US financial institutions. For instance Russia is now insisting on payment in Yuan or Rubles for oil deliveries to Europe. It is not clear to me what the effect of this would be”
To which Bond replied:
If you read through, you’ll see July data that covers Chinese purchases
of US$s through May. I don’t see those slowing, and was in Beijing last
week with leading marxist economists who agreed with my concern, that
BRICS may well amplify imperialism, not provide an alternative.
I hope you’re right but ‘tell no lies and claim no easy victories’ is
something we learned from one of Africa’s greatest revolutionaries,
Cabral. With so many Third Worldists swooning over the BRICS bank and
Contingent Reserve Arrangement, please let’s be aware of subimperialist
processes. Here’s a new Brazilian journal which features many leading
thinkers on this theme:
Well, I do not know if I like that, Russians people are an racial/ethnic group not just a thing to write on the paper or a culture to learn, it is not a universal identitet that anyone can shrowed themselves in whenever they want like being american, I think we’ve quite enough uzbeks and other asians, africans, arabs saying they are Russians in Russia.
“Perhaps, we need to stand together and destroy all these lying politicians, oligarchs, mayors and officials”
Spoken like a true Brit!
and Ukrainian … and Russian …
Welcome to the human race!
1.Fuck the NWO with a broken bottle.
2.Fuck the 1% oligarchs who are behind the scene, controlling us the 99% through a ponzi scheme economy based on printing money from thin air.
3. Fuck the pyramid of power.
It makes sense to me to believe Kiev when they say they were invaded by Russian military.
Ten paratroopers?
That’s about all it would take, I guess.
Not the ten bozos they have beaten up and put on videos.
Ten real paratroopers sent as real invaders.
In fact, we know Kiev doesn’t really believe they are being invaded by Russia. If they believed that, they’d be announcing it from Lithuania or Poland, not from Kiev.
We’ve seen the “track team effect” in Mariupol.
The Ukies must have had French trainers because they do “surrender” very well.
Generally, the war is becoming a tragicomedy. Deadly serious to Russians, but it is a circus with clowns and defecating animals in Kiev. The three ring master in Washington, EU and NATO must be very aware by now that this junta-nazi project is about to crash to pieces.
When your deadly enemy is the only person trying to save the lives of your own soldiers, you must comprehend that your days as their leader are numbered.
Our prayers for Putin and Donbass are being fulfilled.
There could be another month or so of madness, depending on how much of the wealth of the oligarchs will be bet on doubling down on more losses.
All that will remain by winter will be the Banderistas supported from Poland and dark cellars in Europe and a few mental institutions where the think tanks do their finest work.
It will be nasty business extinguishing those nazi beasts and their handlers, but Russia will have to cleanse Ukraine, whatever is left of it, to ensure the nazis have no base of support and no launch pad territory.
I suspect the Ukie soldiers who surrender and get to go home will be recruited and retrained as small local Berkut-like counter-nazi forces. Naturally, their employer will be Russian Intel services.
Ukraine will not be allowed to get off a Russian leash hereafter.
Jesus Christ, the Ukrainian border guards released a video that shows a destroyed column of clearly civilian cars, they claim that this was a military column of invading Russian and Chechen troops…
les said…@ 29 August, 2014 04:16
” The US triumphed in that confrontation and has since become everything it once judged – only many times worse. “
Perhaps you should read your own advice and reconsider the statement above.
Poroshenko is dropping his country’s non-aligned status as a prelude to applying for NATO membership. If Russia doesn’t want Ukraine to be a part of NATO, complete with nuclear weapons, it had better topple the junta soon, before it’s too late.
Anonymous 03:58
God bless you! ;~) sigh. As usual, it’s the people who need it most who just won’t take it in.
les, and Where-Wolf,
Wow. A very big and deeply felt *yes* to everything you just said.
Most important is the fact that we are all human beings and a fundamental element of intelligence, in the world that we live in, only points to a frontal assault against fascism, and imperialism, “the highest stage of capitalism”.
Nowhere is fascism being frontally attacked as in Novorussia. These heroic anti-fascist must be supported and defended by every decent and conscious person the world over.
These workers in arms are the best example for all of us to emulate.
Long live the heroic Novorussians!!
PS I am not Russian, but to be clear, one does not need to be Russian to defend this struggle.
From Itar Tass today :
“I want to remind you that Russia is one of the most powerful nuclear nations. This is a reality, not just words,” Putin said.
“We are strengthening our nuclear deterrence forces and our armed forces. They are getting more compact and more efficient at the same time. They are getting more modernized in terms of their supply with the latest armaments. We continue building up this potential and we’ll be doing this in the future,” the Russian president said.
Russia is taking these efforts not “to threaten anyone but to feel secure and calm and have the possibilities to implement those plans, which we have for the development of the economy and the social sphere,” Putin said.
“We must always be ready to repel any aggression against Russia and our partners should always be aware that no matter in which condition their governments may be or which foreign policy concepts they may pursue, it is better not to come against Russia as regards a possible armed conflict,” Putin warned.
Nuff said. The “exceptional nation” has gotten so used to implementing “shock and awe” against 2nd and 3rd world nations who couldn’t fight back they have become carried away by hubris and started believing their own propaganda. They kind of remind me of a pack of mangy curs snarling around a bear and trying to psych themselves up enough to attack. I see the donkeys in the EU are holding another emergency meeting next week to discuss further sanctions. I shall watch with great interest what their eventual decision will be, has the “indispensable nation” got such a hold over them that they are going to crash their own economies by imposing further sanctions against Russia ? The Russians have already said they will respond to new sanctions by imposing sanctions of their own against airlines and in the engineering sector (i.e. banning all imports of cars from Europe) which will really hit Germany big time in addition to the slowdown they are already suffering. Traitors one and all to their own electorate, donkeys. By the way I wish to make clear that there should be a dichotomy here between the EU and the UK. The EU are donkeys, probably uncle sam through the NSA has an awful lot on these people and is blackmailing them I don’t know but it would certainly explain why they seem to be going against their countries self interests in this matter, but the UK is a fully paid up partner of the hegemon and is as equally culpable.
British intelligence lackey Shaun Walker of The Guardian is prepositioned in Mariupol, tweeting about the ‘Rus’ advance. We look forward to his reports in the coming days, including further ‘evidence’ of the ‘Russian invasion’ of ‘Ukraine’. However Shaun may not understand that Mariupol is already a done deal – the front has moved on to the west and the north.
Il Discobolo
Could the recent advances of the NAF against the KIEV giunta forces be due to a subtle plan to, with of course the full support of the Presstitute, depict the “poor” ukraine as assaulted by the russia bear, and initiate an hysterical push for:
– further sanctions;
– “help” by NATO
– request to admit ukraine in NATO ?
This last with the NATO meeting in Wales nearing.
Anyway, the best thing is to make profit to take advantage on the field and consolidate all the gains.
For any crazy move of western, nazi supporting, forces, there will be the ultimate resource of russian recognition of Novorussia independence in the most favorable conditions on the ground.
Anonymous said…
I write to you the Europeans from Russia and want to tell you that we the Russians never felt the same hate as you have towards us.
29 August, 2014 03:58
Dear Russian anonymous friend –
I’ve never felt hatred for Russia and Russians, to the contrary: as young German I felt deeply shamed when I visited Moscow in early 1970, because of the friendliness and warm-hearted welcome I received from so many Russians, some of whom had fought in WWII.
The hate for Russia is manufactured by the media and the politicians in the West – don’t believe all you read in the Western press.
Thank you, and my warmest wishes to you and your friends!
An anonymous German
A fantastic text, one feels not only the sincerity but it offers a view of the future worth fighting for. This is something that is as fundamental as human values, and that has been lost (subverted) in Europe.
I very strongly endorse your post: in victory sow your seeds wisely. Thanks.
I write to you the Europeans from Russia and want to tell you that we the Russians never felt the same hate as you have towards us.
Makes sense all right because the West’s social cohesion is based upon centuries of rampant, genocidal parasitism at the World’s expense. Consequently, Westerners don’t take lightly to see their revered, 100% infallible betters being outsmarted by what’s being perceived as lesser countries, peoples, and rulers. On this basis, it’s easy to understand how Russia’s apectacular ascendance constitutes an affront of the very highest order: According to Western supremacists, Russia owes them endless apologies for “crimes against humanity” and, just like the Third World, also happens to owe them a living. In short, a sense of entitlement to other peoples’ labour output and natural resources runs deep in Western society.
My conclusion, therefore, is that it would make a lot of sense for Russians to really hate the Euroscum and stick to BRICS henceforth. Conversely, the imperialists and their grovelling domestic subjects have equally rock solid reasons to greet flattery such as “Western partners” and “European values” with utmost contempt and ridicule. The self-love of swine and scum doesn’t melt away by such “niceties”. Eventually, Russia will have to accomplish exactly what the USSR achieved under Stalin: Smash the rabid Western animals for all the world to see.
Chmielnicki decided for Kozaks to join Moskovitzes and they should stay with together. They have so much in common. Just let others like: Polaks, Hungaros, Rumunos to choose freely where they want to be. The parts of Ukraina is not they land,e.g. Volynia, Podolia and others. They are great people: Rosyanie and Ukis. They should stand up to the task and get rid off the Fifth Column and take over themselves they country and give good example to others neighbering nations inslaved by the same foreighners to fight for they own freedom.
NATO can not admit new members who have territorial disputes. Hence there is a technical problem with admitting Georgia and Ukraine and even Azerbaijan. For Georgia and Ukraine to be admitted by NATO as new members they would have to drop their claims to S. Ossetia, Abkhazia and Crimea respectively which they can’t due to internal politics. Likewise, the IMF can not lend money to countries that are at war. So, Ukraine had to forcefully backpedal on their early claim of being under a Russian invasion.
Spasiva, Andrey Avramenko for your words.
Here a beautiful song from the Basque group Sorotan Bele, starring Cloverwind, about the loss of own identity:
I’m doing
I wonder again and again
Today I have not gotten up early
I walk round and round
that´s how I am.
I’ll find out maybe never?
that all that must be need to do I will not
one lie often enough to stop upside down what I believed.
It will be.
I had to take
back the burden of the cross.
Step by step I went away from
customs they taught me,
at the end I free tears I had inside.
Now on the late Dutch news…
Remember the Dutch national embarressement and FM Timmermans and his sob performance in the Security Council, implicitly saying that the rebels at the crash site had behaved like irresponsible drunken barbarians?
Well, today he had to admit in Dutch parliament that the rebels had performed much better than previously thought.
Kind regards,
“Eventually, Russia will have to accomplish exactly what the USSR achieved under Stalin: Smash the rabid Western animals for all the world to see”
Give me a break. The largest victim of Stalin was the Russian population. And the Ukrainian population. Without the holomodor inflicted on Ukraine, by Moscow, the behavior of the nationalists (‘nazis’) can’t be explained.
Don’t get me wrong, I am an admirer of Putin and hope he prevails against anglo-zionist swines. But I would not admire him if I recognized Stalin in him. The politician I recognize most in him is de Gaulle, yes the eastern Charles de Gaulle.
вот так
@ 29 August, 2014 07:56
The final insult to Canucklandia/Future NewBanderastan on the Prairies would be a Russian oligarch buying out Tim Hortons’
@ 29 August, 2014 22:31
Question: Did the USSR under Stalin accomplish the task of “smashing the rabid Western animals for all the world to see” — yes or no?
If your answer is in the affirmative, it means that you too should dispense with imbecilic Western narratives. The Russians know who saved their lives and who did not (more on this shortly) and consequently hold Stalin in high regard, Western corporate presstitutes be damned. Indeed, the latters’ unstinting hatred of Stalin and the USSR that he led makes perfect sense: when their drunkard Yeltsin “ruled” in Russia, life expectancy, natality, and the population numbers plummeted; in Stalin’s time it was the exact opposite. Putin gets the same verdict as does Stalin for precisely the same reasons, suppression of fascism abroad included.
вот так 30 August, 2014 01:45 “August 29th 15:35 UTC/ZULU Ukrainian SITREP”
“Shoigu’s way of putting that ROKS.
Class. :D”
I don’t know what “D” means, I am not American, but I guess you didn’t like the piece? Is ROKS an abbreviation? What does it mean?
I have been very upset by what happens in Ukraine, so I have tried to use the weapon of humour. The elites hate being laughed at. I have never claimed to be good at writing, but it helps me cope with the situation. Works for me.
When the people of Paris started laughing at the revolutionaries and the beheadings, the many killings stopped. The revolutionaries got scared. People at the top know how dangerous laughter is. They can’t fight it.
That being said, we will probably see infighting in Kiev. Between the oligarchs and between the politicians and the Nazis. Enjoy the idea.