Dear friends,
As many of you have noticed, the new blog was down, now it is back up, but with a older version which is missing at least two posts and many comments. My fault, my bad. Now I need to fix it. I will. Still,
To be honest, I am having major problems and, to be equally honest, I need you guys to help me. I am too tired right now to go into all the details, and I am waiting to hear from my IT volunteers, but I will write up a major announcement tomorrow where I will do a “state of the community” overview, list the problems that I am having, and ask for both help and suggestions as to how to address these problems.
A good friend whom you know under a alias wrote to me tonight “Keep the Blogger site going and don’t crack up over the new version. We can fix everything except you.” He also made a couple of very intelligent suggestions. Okay, I will call upon you all to help out since, after all, this is as much your blog, space and community as it is mine.
“See you” all tomorrow, kind regards,
The Saker
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Strelkov’s understanding of the issues facing all of us who are under the rule of the Empire is right on target. October 21 is the Feast of Blessed Karl of Austria, last Hapsburg emperor and victim of the internationalists who refused his efforts to end the bloodshed of the First World War. Let us pray for his intercession that we all may avoid a third world war, and for the restoration of all things in Christ.
Don’t sweat over the small stuff.
Look, the transition has not been easy and that is both our faults. You are still learning how to manage WordPress and I as well as the rest of your readers have been demanding little brats.
I also think along the way we forgot what makes this site so important…you. Your insight is what makes this site valuable and if it takes time to figure out how to manage the new site, that is okay.
I second the comment to keep posting on blogger, even after all the bugs are worked out. These problems will pass.
OZ Comes to a fork in the road.
Division over bank as Australia caught between China and US
Michelle Grattan (TC) : Senior cabinet ministers are believed to be divided over whether Australia should sign up to an internationally funded infrastructure development bank that China is set to launch next month.
Treasurer Joe Hockey wants Australia to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. EPA/DREW ANGERER
Treasurer Joe Hockey is open to the idea of Australia joining the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank but Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is opposed. It is understood that Trade and Investment Minister Andrew Robb believes the proposal has merit and could add value to the region.
My two rubles : The message is more important than the medium. Just make sure that your message reaches the interested audience that you already reach at. Be it Blogger, WordPress, or anything else dont really matter to me. I first read and discovered you on «Les sept du Québec» (L’Islam et la Russie). I promise I will find your insightfull reading no matter the way you happen to pop up.
In my experience, these kinds of problems are to be expected; be patient and keep working hard.
Hi Saker !
I agree that if, in your opinion its the best to change to the new site, then please, please don’t let those commenters get to you who say…
“Gee, I used to get the news when I came to this site, and now its always about the blog”
I read that comment yesterday and afterwards I wished I had said something in reply…
Don’t let those dummies get to you…they aren’t the important ones.
British cops stifling democratic protest in front of their Parliament…afraid of a revolution or something? It’s a good thing in Hong Kong and Kiev, but bad in London, New York, and Washington.
In my experience, these kinds of problems are to be expected; be patient and keep working hard.
Dear Saker,
As much as I like the idea of the new blog and community, it opens the opportunity for infiltration by 5th columnists of all kinds.
One thing that piqued my attention on the new blog was that the Saker logo was grasping five arrows. I am sure you are familiar with the fact that five arrows is the Rothschild insignia.
I echo the comments of your trusted friends, the only that cannot be replaced is you.
Look after you and yours, and get your word out as you can. Beware foreign entanglements,
Best regards
The Prisoner.
Yes, please don’t freak out and burn up precious psychic energy over the new blog.
There is only so much one person can do. Even with a team behind him.
I always bear in mind that air safety advice: Put on your own oxygen mask, before helping your child (or others) with theirs. (I wonder whether that advice maybe also applies to Russia/Ukraine.)
Glad to see the Alexander Mercouris piece.
Quomodo in Aquiis said.@ 21 October, 2014 02:45
“The message is more important than the medium.”
Sometimes the medium precludes the message.
Perhaps the tortoise and the hare might illuminate as long as this is not restricted to the linear notion of speed.
Dear Saker,
I agree with the others that it’s not worth sweating the transition. I’m more than happy to continue visiting Blogger and wait while the new site is made fully operational. Doesn’t matter if it takes a month, two, or more, as I know web sites can be complicated and you’re all doing this in your free time.
One idea: put a short notice on the top of new site that says it’s under development, with a link to the Blogger site (here). That way, anybody visiting there will understand the situation and bear with the process of bringing the new site up to speed. We will understand that the new site is sort of a partial mirror of this site, and is still in testing. Then, when things are sorted out to your satisfaction, you can remove that link and continue with the transition/phase out of Blogger.
I for one deeply appreciate your site!
Several MSM news outlets are running a story about the Ukies (and possibly the “rebels”) using cluster bombs in the East:
Kiev denies of course, but it is also being noted the Ukraine never signed a treaty again the use of such weapons.
You already have a blogger site up working and well visited. Yes it requires more time due to having to moderate the comments but other than that it works well for what it is supposed to be doing.
A fancy new site is all great and stuff, and done in parallel to see how things work out. Maintaining 2 sites it tough and time consuming so keep the original going until the new one gets upto speed. That might take 6 months to an year. Which is why I said earlier to keep the comments up longer than the month you said before. Let someone else manage and moderate the new site until it gets upto speed. Since that was the purpose of the new site away to let someone else do all the work.