[This commentary was written for the Unz Review]
The 20th century has seen a seemingly countless number of military conflicts, ranging from small local clashes, to at least two world wars. The same 20th century saw a huge efforts by major powers to develop three types of so-called “weapons of mass destruction” (WMD): Atomic, Bacteriological and Chemical (ABC). All of these WMD were initially seen as very effective and very frightening, yet there were only used in a few, limited occasions.
Ask yourself, why is that?
The reason is simple: while the US could nuke Japanese cities with impunity in 1945, and while the Anglo powers developed at least THREE plans to wage a total war against the Soviet Union (details in this article), they never dared to implement them.
Again, ask yourself, why is that?
I am a total medical ignoramus, and I have nothing to say about the nature of SARS-CoV-2, I am a military analyst and one of my two areas of specialization (besides planning nuclear forces) was operational art, that is the level of military operations above tactical, but under strategic: you can think of it as what connects the tactical means to the strategic goals. You can also think of it as the level at which combined arms (above division level) formations are brought together in something similar to an army corps. This is exactly the level at which the used of WMD would be the most likely to happen. Yet, if you look at the typical Soviet/Russian or US manuals discussing operational art you will notice that it is always assumed that the other side will initiate the use of WMD (even in secret documents).
Again, ask yourself, why is that? Is it only a type of political correctness showing that “we are the good guys” and “they are truly evil”? To some degree, yes, but not only.
I submit that all three cases have the same explanation: WMD are very tricky to use, and when used, they can result in absolutely truly cataclysmic political consequences. Take for example the (completely fake) reports about the Syrian government using chemical weapons against the Takfiris: they made no sense to any military analyst simply because 1) they brought no advantage to Damascus and 2) everybody knew that as soon as this latest “new Hitler” would be accused of using chemical munitions, the Empire would seize this pretext to strike at Syria.
True, the Takfiris *DID* develop chemical weapons, apparently, they did try to use them here and there, with no special result to show for, and recently they seem to have poisoned themselves (according to Russian reports). Besides, the very real stocks of Takfiri bioweapons were used as proof of Syrian government attacks (how insanely stupid is that?). So for these Takfiri nutcases, there are no real political consequences. As for their public image, following many hours of video-taped atrocities, you can be sure that they don’t care one bit what the “kafirs” and other “crusaders” think…
Same deal for Saddam Hussein who, aided by the “international community” (mostly the Empire, the USSR and France), did use chemicals against his own population and against Iran, but since he was “our son of a bitch” he was under ZERO risk of retaliation. But when the Empire turned on him, he did not dare to use his WMD against anybody.
Because the US-led forces would not be stopped by a chemical attack. And because any such attack would give the US and the rest of the anti-Iraqi coalition a “license” to use whatever weapon or technology against Iraq they wanted, including tactical nukes.
The truth is that there are very few military scenarios in which the use of WMD makes sense, this is true for all three of them, but this is especially true for biowarfare which is the hardest of them to control.
Here I have to, again, remind everybody that war is never an end by itself, but only a means towards an end, and that end is always POLITICAL. Going in just to kill people and even bombing a country back to the stone age does NOT qualify as a political goal. If you prefer, the political goal is what ought to be defined as “victory”. So, again, “destroying all enemy ships” or “pulling off a decapitating anti-leadership strike” are NOT political goals.
There are several countries out there which are capable of developing bioweapons. In fact, most biolabs could manufacture a simple bioweapon using commonly found agents. But labs don’t get to decide to engage such weapons. That decision is clearly one which can only be taken at the national command center level and only following a compelling argument by military and scientific specialists. Finally, no responsible government would ever order the use of WMD if it felt that there is a risk of retaliation, both military or political.
Finally, in the case of SARS-CoV-2 and of all the other epidemics/pandemics we see situation where the infection is not confined to the original infection site but goes global.
As far as I know, and please correct me if I am wrong, but I know if no virus which has been successfully deployed against a specific target and then remained contained to that target. In other words, the risk of “collateral damage” from bioweapons is pretty close to infinite (at least potentially).
Yes, in theory, a country could develop a new virus, or weaponize an known one, and then develop a vaccine and then vaccinate its armed forces or even its entire population. But that would amount to placing a huge sign on the White House saying “Yes, we done it!”: political suicide.
Now, the VAST majority of comments here have focused on the possible medical aspects of this pandemic, which is fine and which I have nothing to contribute to. But I ask you now to look at the MILITARY and, therefore, POLITICAL, dimensions of this crisis and ask yourself cui bono?
Seems to me that China and Russia did very, very well. The crisis is pretty much under control in China, and in Russia it is both limited and confined. The fact that neither the Chinese nor the Russians have any delusions about the “private sector” and the fact that these societies perfectly understand that a powerful government is needed to respond to this type (and many other) types of crisis helped them. No such luck for the deluded United States which has less than 950’000 hospital beds in the entire country and whose president seems to believe that Walmart and Amazon can deliver respirators to those in need.
In fact, the USA is a country which can LEAST afford a real pandemic, so why would the US leaders decide to unleash a weapon against comparatively MUCH better prepared countries while itself is one of the most vulnerable on the planet?
How about the fact that the situation in Europe looks absolutely awful? Yes, I know, the Idiot-in-Chief did not even bother to consult with the USA’s so-called “allies” before declaring his (confused) 30 day ban on travel between the US and the EU. But it is one thing to have no manners and not understand diplomacy, it is quite another to be the party responsible for tens of thousands, possibly even millions, of dead amongst your so-called “allies”.
So it boils down to this: do we believe that the real leaders of the AngloZionist Empire (not the clowns in the White House, obviously) insane enough to still try to pull off such an operation?
Frankly, I will not say “no”. I will admit that this is possible.
But, as I like to remind everybody, possible is NOT the same as “likely” and it dramatically different from “established”.
In conclusion:
- So far, all we have are speculations and guesses.
- We also know that irrespective of how “good”/”bad”/effective the SARS-CoV-2 virus is, using ANY WMD is fantastically dangerous both politically and militarily.
- And we know of no modern cases of a successful and limited viral bioweapon attack (bacteria and spores are rather different from that point of view)
Now this is my request to all the commentators:
Since we have discussed the biomedical aspects of SARS-CoV-2 ad nauseam, let’s stop for a while and let’s now ONLY discuss the political and military implications of a deliberate use of SARS-CoV-2 against China (or any other country).
There are two more things I would like to share with you.
First, I looked at the tweet of the Chinese official who declared that the SARS-CoV-2 might have come from the USA. I believe it is this one:
It refers to this GlobalResearch article: https://www.globalresearch.ca/china-coronavirus-shocking-update/5705196. In turn, the GlobalResarch article references a GlobalTimes article: https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1180429.shtml. This latest article refers to the website ChinaXiv http://chinaxiv.org/home.htm (I think!). So what we have is a Chinese official, referencing a Canadian outlet, which references a Chinese source which itself bases its reports from a website clearly close to the Chinese government.
Now, unlike most folks in the West, I trust the Chinese government infinitely more than ANY western regime, but even I can see that once the China-bashing campaign swung to a totally new level once the SARS-CoV-2 panic began, the Chinese had a major political interest to point a finger right back at the USA.
In fact, I would argue that NO government out there wants to be blamed for this latest disaster and that the finger pointing is not going to stop, especially if a US politician dies from respiratory complications.
The other thing which will inevitably grow is panic. So far, relatively few people in the West have died, but most specialists agree that this crisis is far from over, especially not in the EU and USA where the epidemic it is still on the ascent. Right now, the general public in the West reminds me of a guy falling from a skyscraper and who, passing the 10th floor, thinks “so far, so good”. Friends, it *WILL* get worse, even if only 1 or 2 percent of the infected people die. I loathe both Merkel and Jonhson, but compared to the flag-waving “best Idiot-in-Chief in the galaxy”, they come across as almost honest politicians (at least and only in this case).
Finally, I want to post an extremely interesting interview by the Russian version of RT of the Academician and Chief Senior Pulmonologist of Russia, Aleksandr Chuchalin. This interview is EXTREMELY interesting and contains a wealth of important statements which, considering who is making them, I would be willing to take to the bank. One problem, this interview is only in Russian:
And here is my special request to all Russian speakers: if you can, could you please either 1) find the interview in English, maybe just a transcript or, if not, could you please translate as much of that interview as possible and post your translation in the comments section (or send it to me for posting)? If you cannot translate it all, at least post a summary of the most interesting points?
I wish I could do it myself, but I am really exhausted and, besides, there is a lot of medical terminology I don’t really understand. My wife does, but she is also exhausted. This is why I ask for your help (ребята – если честно, то просто сил нет, помогите если можете!).
That’s it for me for today.
===>>>Please stay on topic<<<===
and share your views with the rest of us in the comments section!
Kindest regards to all,
The Saker
UPDATE: I just left the house for less than 2 hours and when I came back a whopping EIGHTEEN comments had been intercepted by the moderators. 18 intercepted comments in less than two hours is pretty much a record. Even more telling is that each of the comments had two characteristics:
- It was in direct violation of what I requested in THIS post (so these are “in your face” violations)
- Every intercepted comment was correctly intercepted by the mods, I agreed with every interception.
This tells me that the trolls (whether brainwashed by the corporate legacy Ziomedia or paid) are out IN FORCE and that “somebody” our there is very unhappy about my skepticism about SARS-CoV-2 being a deliberate biological weapon attack. GOOD! Means that I am doing my job (which could be described as “setting off trolls”).
Message for the moderators: you have done a SUPERB job – please continue to “defend the fort”, intellectually speaking. We are definitely under troll attack (as we have been for a long while already) and the only thing standing between them and the rest of us is YOU. So please don’t let the silly whining about “censorship” affect you. Their frustration is just a reflection of your effectiveness!
Message for the trolls: go to some “free” (aka “unmoderated”) website and vent your frustrations with the Saker blog over there. Over here we won’t let you :-P
Thank you for all your efforts at sane discussion of pertinent global-scale events, Saker.
As per my posting on “An Open thread – kind of Part III” http://thesaker.is/kinda-open-thread-part-iii/#comment-773706
I think the entire aspect of existential threat from the corona virus is dramatically over-stated.
Instead, the fostered mass hysteria looks like an info war against the 99%, in order to deflect the actual cause of economic collapse from the elite top tenth of the top 1%, who are responsible for the dilapidation of economies of the empire.
Nonetheless, while at a nation-state governmental-level, I agree that even the Idiot-in-chief might have inhibitions about launching a bio-weapon (depends on how much was offered to his secret $ receiving account, probably), the paradigm of considering government moves based on the livelihood of the 99%, is outdated.
We now have to view the functioning of governments, sadly, most if not all, as dictated by the elite top tenth of 1% socio-economic elite, who have wholesale purchased the ostensible governmental leadership, or at least certainly the key elements to controlling the power.
This socio-pathic cohort is complete empathically detached from the 99%, and subsequently, their cognitive processes are effectively zombified, they are obsessed of power, to such an extent as being suicidal by genocide!
This controlling cohort can therefore not be assumed to be sane in the normal sense of the word.
I believe that this cohort would indeed launch a bio-weapon.
But back to my opening premise, I do not believe in the existential thread of this…outbreak, therefore, I do not believe bio-weaponry is relevant to the discussion about what is actually happening.
Instead, this is induced mass hysteria, and a grand misdirection about the true reasons behind the impending economic (and very likely social) collapse of the nation states under the auspices of the hegemony/empire.
I am fascinated by the co-incidence of the so-called ‘outbreak‘ and the breaking of OPEC which is tantamount to the breaking of the financial control system of the hegemon.
It is yet difficult to tell the cause and effect relationship, but it seems likely a relationship exists.
I refer goodfaith community contributors and readers to Tom Luongo’s article at Strategic Culture https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2020/03/15/putin-unleashes-strategic-hell-on-us/
1. is it more likely that:
a. the hegemon deep state anticipating Russia’s readiness (i.e. enough is enough with the hegemon’s messing with… everybody, without any real accountability) to break OPEC (and thus the hegemon’s primary control nexus of the global financial markets)?
b. Russia’s anticipation of the deep-state launch/use (of … potentially naturally occurring – we don’t know for sure yet, and it doesn’t change the question… much) the biological event, as the final straw, so to speak, and then initiating the breaking of OPEC/the hegemon’s favourite mode of warfare?
2. I see in the next comment, reference to that stolen/occupied little strip of land in the ME, it is understandable why people suspect machination when …things go wrong; it does seem awfully, and out-of-trend quiet from there, which does reinforce the perception of involvement; are we witnessing the Battle of Waterloo v2020? During which a wealthy investor had his agents find out the outcome of the war first, then spread false, opposite reports of the outcome, causing the British stock market to crash, and then bought up the entire thing on pennies-to-the-pound?
recommendation to commanders to keep on the lookout for navigational issues and report back, especially if in the vicinity of Patagonia (careful navigating around there, where an Argentinean submarine went down under … as yet unexplained circumstances).
Back to the primary question, “… the political and military implications of a deliberate use of SARS-CoV-2…”
3. Any intelligent designed loosing of such a “weapon” would understand that, just like to vulnerability of the hegemon’s financial Ponzi scheme house-of-cards balanced on fumes, the US is the most vulnerable (so-called) first world state, to such a difficult to contain dispersion pattern; and so, will disproportionately affect American 99% more than anywhere else.
4. While this superficially lowers the ostensible probability of the hegemon initiating such an event, upon any real examination, we find that the deep-state makes no provisions for the domestic 99%, and trends suggest a deeply rooted hatred of the deep-state/fifth column for the majority of the American 99%.
5. At the same time the initial dispersion pattern: China-Iran-NK almost too blatantly suggests hegemon deep-state subtlety.
6. Putin-Xi, as the progress of the … event (still, mostly informational), progresses, and we shall start to see the realization of the most vulnerable, i.e. the American 99%, in the context of win-win for the government who were prepared!, one can’t help but appraise the possibility of initiation there as a real consideration. In the end, however, the complexion of the event just reeks of the SOP (standard operating procedure) of the deep-state/MSM propaganda agencies, so much, it seems more likely that Russia-China have been making contingencies for such an event for a long time, and have simply implemented their provisions at the right time, as Luongo writes, “…the perfect moment to punch through and achieve victory.”
That sounds a lot like Putin to me.
Shout out to the defenders of the base (mods), thank you.
5. At the same time the initial dispersion pattern: China-Iran-NK almost too blatantly suggests hegemon deep-state subtlety.
Not so, its China-Iran-Italy
Chinese is/was Han Chinese
Iran target is Persians
In Italy the target is/was Chinese owned factorys, which make “Made in Italy” the most expensive and famous fashion brands on earth.
Now Iran has a #1 customer called China, thus there is also lots of Chinese workers in Iran helping with oil-flow engineering, recovery/extraction, and processing. Chemicals is Chinese leadership, as they now produce almost all the worlds bulk material for medicine, and lots of things start from raw tar ( petro in ground )
The owners of the Chinese factory’s in North Italy and Central are among the richest men on earth, and all Chinese. The men who operate the oil machine of Iran, are also the richest men on earth. China’s make more billionaries every month that the world combined annually, and more millionares everyday than the USA annually.
Now who would want to destroy the greatest weatlh machine in history??
With regard’s to “NK”, it’s actually South-Korea that has the problem, and that was identified because cult nut causes went to Wuhan and got infected and brought it back to Korea, which is also a hobby of the Japanese cults as well.
The initial dispersion was Italy, China (wuhan), and Iran. The initial Chinese factory workers getting sick in Italy in Dec-Jan was ignored, the Italian GOV didn’t do anything until it jumped over to common Italian people in February.
The golden goose is now dead, the surviving Chinese in Italy now all want to go home, they’re sick & tired of Italy. Thus the Chinese owners now cannot rebuild their factorys, they must sell. Sell to whom?? Then you know who brought on this pandemic.
I buy 2. The financial investor.
I buy 6. Russia, China making contingencies for such an event
Having met some of these psychopaths in charge and their children – I fully agree with you
and what makes it worse is the fact that despite Hollywood propaganda glorifying our PSYCHOCRACY they are often quite incompetent or even stupid (i.e. Trump)
It’s probably even worse than you (and I) think
One Tribe
Israeli Scientists Claim It’s ‘Pure Luck’ They Were Already Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak. Hmmmmm.
I think you have come up with the main point. This does seem deliberate especially starting in China & very heavily in Iran -both main enemies of the USA , Israel & UK . The main point though is the 3 mentioned are inherently evil given the evidence of their actions around the Globe. In MHO this has been set off to pave the way for a total Global Financial reset which the evil ones still want to control.
That would explain to some extent why they’ve even set of something that attacks their own people. The USA Criminal Warmongering Govt has been technically Bankrupt since 2008/9 with Trillions injected to prop up markets. A frightened & panicked World population is easier to control if they fear for their lives.
I think in 70s the US gvt sprayed some virus aerosol from planes on San Francisco (on purpose as an experiment and it was only revealed decades later) – people died from it.
Also when they did nuclear tests in Nevada they wrongly advised people to not leave the area (despite signs like frost forming on metal surfaces in hot weather etc) – this way they caused more death and suffering of Americans.
The Us gvt never cared about Americans – they have been fascist for a while
Not surprising for a country where most people don’t even stay in touch with their cousins (England is even worse)
The latest development are exposing the real agenda behind the Covid-19 lock down of Europe.
French President Macron has Just declared: WE ARE AT WAR.
During his speech to the Nation, Macron introduced a Curfew i all of France.
The curfew is going into effect today at 12 o’clock, and will be upheld for at least 15 days.
People must not assemble in crowds more that 5 people, in the streets.
All People must show personal papers and declare purpose for being on the street.
Personal Papers must be downloaded from the French Home Ministry.
The only legal purpose for being on the streets is: going to work, to the grocery stores, or going to the doctor.
Macro Will dispatch 100.000 Police officers to control that the curfew is respected.
Any violation of the curfew regulation will be handet a fine of 38 Euro.
Dear Humanity: This is the same Modus Operandi (MO) used by NAZI Germany during WWII.
It is the beginning of a de facto occupation of all Europe, already counting Italy, Spain and France.
We have just been feed the same talking points by the Danish government, as was used by the French.
So I suspect that the rest of the EU will introduce curfew within days.
This MO is no coincident when you realize that the EU is a continuation of the Holy Roman Empire.
Charlemagne ruled the First Holy Roman Empire, NAZI Germany was (The Third Reich) of the Holy Roman Empire, The EU is the fourth.
Sovereign European Nations are being couped by Karlspreis recipients. https://www.karlspreis.de/de/
Prepare for war.
A. Dane
Speaking as a chemist, the real lynchpin of this global “pandemic” is THE TEST. A “CASE” is a positive reading on it. No symptoms or illness necessary, thank you. This PCR test was never itself tested for any predictive value. Totally lousy science. Show THE TEST to be bogus, fraudulent, and worthless, and just look at typical per capita disease deaths, and the pandemic disappears. Poof – it’s gone. I’ve been over the CDC releases about how they constructed the test, and there are enough holes in its validity to drive a truck through it. Everybody is taking about whether it is a bioweapon, released by accident or intentionally or a natural mutation But practically no ones scrutinizes THE TEST.
Early on Thursday, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced that the patient had died after a test for Covid-19 gave a positive result. “Unfortunately, we have the first loss from coronavirus infection [in Russsia],” he tweeted. “Pneumonia in a 79-year-old woman was complicated by serious diseases.”
However an autopsy later was done and they discovered she died from a blood clot, and RT had to amend its article. So the country with the longest border with China is still awaiting its first corona virus fatality thanks to a diligent Russian pathologist.
They started with forcing us to take off our shoes in order to fly, and now they are forcing us to hole up in our houses. I know when I’m being punked.
Isreal….. who runs the show?
Yes it could well be a clever double chinese attack . Very clever.
But Irans leadership ….
No conclusions yet , just ideas to consider
The Uk…..
maybe the UK runs isreal which in turn runs the states, duplicitous albion.
Maybe thats the ‘special relationship ‘ ….
But to analyze the military aspects requires an understanding of the political or underlying situation . So to truly understand why something happens we need to understand the mind set behind the act.
So , for example , say there is a cataclysmic event on the horizon, some people know this , but for those of us who dont, their acts would not make sense , but if we knew what they knew , they would .
In the study of a heineous crime its human nature to say that it’s inconceivable, we cant understand why , its inhuman. But that is really a denial. We need to reach the darkest depths of ourselves to understand the darkest delth of others . And thenwe can maybe stop or solve the crime
Therefore to successfully analyze this situation Requires an open mind .
So look st 911 , the common man might say of course it was not a false flag! No one would do that to their own people .
But thats a sane or empathic individual making in correct assumptions . We are dealing with psychopaths and psycopathic institutions working to a long term plan.
How then to ascertain the truth ?
The human has an exquisite intuitive system working at a subconscious level, it sees and hears and feels things at a far deeper level. For example the change of airpressure in a house when adoor opens ….the flash of light reflecting from a puddle .. its all seen and analysed and fed back to the conscious mind . The micro facial expressions , The smell of fear …. so many things, the smell of a fertile woman!! So many things we do not sense consciously effect our decisions .
The subconscious feeds this back to our intuition, our gut feeling.
As such its wise to respect the gut feelings and not to go into denial, which is the worst mistake. The intellectual analysis can blind us to the reality because we dont want it to be true.
So for example , just a scenario, they should all be examined however outlandish and superficially ridiculous .
The ‘ vaccine ‘ exists .
The war is about to begin
All social constructs will collapse . The world powers have been busily preparing for war. This is the first shot of a battle
The question is who shot the gun.
A long and winding post with bits I agree with including that the UK aka Perfidious Albion can’t be ruled out.
The global financial system was about to fall apart late last year as evidenced by the desperate Fed repo market operations.
The Powers That Be could never admit that their financial Ponzi scheme blew itself up. And they love to buy everyone out for cents in the dollar. That is what is happening. Plus they keep everyone in doors so there are no riots. They are always a few steps ahead of even the most hardened conspiracy theorists and literally decades ahead of the average sheeple.
You can thank me in the 2030s when it all becomes apparent to you.
Meanwhile be sure to imbibe colloidal silver for its anti-viral properties. Health authorities never mention it, all the proof you need that this is economic biowarfare.
I have to agree, especially in Trump’s USA
Too many mouth’s to feed, and too much ‘austerity’ coming, what better way to deal, than to shut them up, and lock them in their cage called home, if they go outside ‘shoot them’, it was the humane thing to do.
The virus pandemic is the perfect reason, nobody will question why people just disappear, or that gun owners go missing, the common tell will be “He had the virus”, he died in some Quarantine Station, but nobody remembers where.
Like the movie “V for Vendetta”, in the times of a pandemic so many body’s had to be cremated, nobody had time for a journal.
The perfect Gov, the Perfect POTUS for the USA. Hell even closing down the NBA, NFL, … its shows you there serious, it shows you that the bread&circus is over.
The worst will certainly be in USA, and the reason all along for “Trumps Wall” will be clear, especially for Mexico, as millions of Gringo’s try to get into Mexico so they can live and be free.
Here’s my “military-political” take on the virus as a possible weapon against China:
The US wants to demonize China, destroy its economic power, contain it physically in East Asia, surround it with nations that hate it, destabilize its society and overthrow from inside the CCP as Central Government.
This epidemic demonizes China with a lot of the world.
This epidemic has screwed this year’s global economic activity and when the supply chain is moved out of China, it hurts China for the coming years.
This allows China a diminished capability with its maritime commercial fleet and its PLA Navy to interact, visit and dock for resupply and repair in Asian nations. There will be a stigma for years on anything Chinese.
This is a branding of China as ‘the sick man of Asia’ (per Wall Street Journal). Neighbor nations that have suffered from the virus will long blame China.
Chinese society was on the brink of panic and chaos for a few days. Locking down Wuhan was not a smooth operation. There was lots of Weibo bad reaction on the Internet. Videos of police roughing up citizens went viral.
China is always a spark away from riots. They crave stability because they know they are easily rattled by disasters or bad leadership at any level.
Immediately, the Sinophobes and the propagandists (Epoch Times and the MSM, Gordon Chang and the Fox yokels) began with stories of dissent in the Politburo, enemies in the Standing Committee, President Xi was on his way out, etc., etc. The wet dream of the CIA and Mi6 is the collapse of the CCP and the US flag raised atop Zhongnanhai.
So, in the view of all the convergences with the US goals, they would have weaponized the virus.
And I believe it suits the Deep State to do something that tests and stresses Trump in an election year. The Deep State wants him gone. Now. So, a catastrophe of blowback works for that goal perfectly. If Americans die, it’s Trump’s fault. Meanwhile, China is blamed for it all on both sides of the Pacific.
Who would do such a thing? Certainly not the top echelon.
Of course not.
An operations officer, a base chief, a station chief. The psychos the CIA cultivates. Working with their brothers from Mi6 most likely. Brits want Hong Kong back. Brits used opium to enslave China for 150 years. Why wouldn’t they do this?
The goals match up with the means.
The ideology and the technology are like hand in glove.
Why fight a war, why risk losses on the blue water, why not just wreck havoc on your biggest rival for geopolitical leadership?
It is the perfect sociopathic path to political success.
It almost worked.
The Canadian citizens who were in Wuhan province when the epidemic began were unable to leave. It took repeated efforts by the Canadian government to convince the Chinese authorities to allow them to be flown out. An arrangement was made so the Canadians were flown to a Canadian military base for 14 days of quarantine. (This same arrangement is in place for the Canadians on cruise ships.) To me, this shows the Chinese suspected that these people were foreign agents, or possible subversives. I think this provides further evidence to your proposal that the Brits and Mi6 are involved, or at least suspected of involvement by the Chinese. (The Canadian and Chinese military personnel must have reached an agreement.)
There was a German writer who posted comments in the cafe about Mossad and it’s sophisticated operations in a still-Nazified Germany. He made it sound like a weaponized use of a virus was highly likely. Is this another round of UK vs. Germany, now post-Brexit? What’s the news out of Denmark, who is stuck between them\?
Denmark has closed all its borders to all who are not permanent residents of Denmark. Goods traffic still transit the Kingdom of Denmark. Norway is in complete shut-down and the Russians have shut off their borders to entris from Norway on their Arctic coast.
OK, I’m trying to find out what German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is up to, but whenever I search on Google in English, I receive all kinds of outlandish responses (some very funny, but still.) Where is he? Where has he been this past week or two?
BTW, just a reminder, that Canada’s head of state (Queen Elizabeth II / Prince Charles) appeared to try to oust Trump several months back, and replace him with Pence. (Had to watch Canadian news to pick up on that suggestion.)
Found him. :-)
“This is an exclusive interview published today [March 16] on all major internet channels and thousands of public video screens in train stations, city centers and shopping centers in Germany.” (for those who aren’t self isolating)
Isn’t it totally the other way round? China got praised by many officials and even some parts of the MSM for its handling of the epidemic. In a few weeks when the EU and US case numbers potentially go into millions, eveyone will wish to have governemnet branches as capable as in China.
Respectfully, I think you are a bit off-course with these thoughts.
Even from this distance from the initial blast site, we can see that the Chinese were ready!
No one, no country (save maybe NK) could implement the severe containment response that China did!
Though it is already being analyzed in the real free media concerning their ability to contain to blast, with a bit more time distance, China will look more like a superhero than the “sick man of Asia”.
Furthermore, this puts even more focus on the necessity of the BRI (belt and road initiative) building of an alternative ‘market ecosystem‘ to simply selling to the ‘golden mountain‘, aka USA.
We will likely see, after a few short weeks, the emergence of China back to it’s full strength, minus it’s major customer bases (USA/Europe), and that will hurt them, but they have sufficient savings (not the now worthless US Treasury bonds, but rock-solid yellow gold (does anybody know the true extent of their holdings?!)
As Luongo writes https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2020/03/15/putin-unleashes-strategic-hell-on-us/ releasing of the energy from its manipulated monopoly will lower energy costs for China, and thus further enable it’s building of the infrastructures of the integrated Eurasian economic block built around the Shanghai protocols.
Europe will now have no choice but to be the begging poor man in the integration!
The “sick man” will be the USA and its subordinated vassals (bad for me in the Great White North).
Your thoughts in reply would be esteemed.
Well said. I agree. As you, I am also waiting for Larch’s comment. Thanks to both of you.
This is the most logical analysis i have read so far. thanks
Dear Mr. Saker,
I truly agree with you about entire thing you says above that we don’t have any proof to prove that COVID-19 is a bioweapon. However, I also disagree with you few things.
1. I suspect that COVID-19 is created by US and I am not surprise so much if the AngloZionism elites have guts to use the bioweapon because they are truly psychopath in may ways. The point here the bioweapon like COVID-19 may be not created to kill people but is created to destroy economic. If you look at the economic of China, you will see that the COVID-19 has suffered the economic of China so greatly. My country, Vietnam, is suffered so much on economic because the government must spent so much money to save people despite the fact that no Vietnamese dies yet.
2. You said:
This is my personal opinion, I will not trust any single thing from China government mouth due to their imperialism and multi-faces nature. I suspected that China accused US to get people attention from something else. To be honest, when the COVID-19 was began, I suspected China first but then I began to suspected US after reading more news from James Fetzer, the Unz Review, and aything like that.
From my own knowledge, I suspect that the tragedy was happened in Wuhan was the combination of Virus and 5G station. Wuhan also have many 5G station too. Last years, many doctors and scientist had warned that 5G is extremely dangerous to people but US and Europe didn’t care, and I found out that China strangely does not care too. You can review more from this:
Best Regards,
Unorthodox Black Sheep VN.
It is obvious that an vast anti-chinese psy-op is afoot. Blaming 5G is another proof.
Oh, yes. BBC ‘news’ in UK has been pumping out relentless anti-China propaganda from the outset of Corona virus outbreak. A very obviously coordinated psy-op by British state ‘news’ and the Brit corporate media propaganda ‘news’ media cartel.
This COVID development seems to me like an act of God rather than deliberately caused by humans. We often overestimate human power — whether in terms of destroying/saving the planet/humanity/life. The powers of this world, while decently organized and somewhat cunning, are not that deep and precise. They sometimes just provoke, tease, and use that “shallow sophistication”, and overall act cowardly.
I think that COVID is only a “warning” from God — who will change their wicked ways and repent. Every time of adversity and difficulty is an opportunity to show love for the fellow human rather than stomp on them and their dead bodies to save our lives. It’s terrible to mistreat another human being because of a medical condition (physical or mental, contagious or not).
St Isaac the Syrian says:
“The cross is the door to mysteries. Through this door the intellect makes entrance into the knowledge of heavenly mysteries. The knowledge of the cross is concealed in the sufferings of the cross. The more we participate in its sufferings, the greater the perception we gain through the cross. For, as the Apostle says, ‘As the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds by Christ.’ Now by consolation he means theoria, which, being interpreted, is vision of soul. Vision gives birth to consolation.”
So we can learn from this and other situations. This disease is just the right amount of contagious and deadly, and in combination with many other parallel developments, to provide the necessary outcomes and reactions. Think about it: if it were more deadly and contagious, or less, the overall development would have been dramatically different.
On the political side, I can see how this can be caused deliberately but not by a governing body (at least not an official one). It makes no sense for them to do that and bring disaster on themselves. It might be caused by some factions within the power construct that have more indirect and concealed goals. That is, people that cannot be publicly associated or easily kept responsible for the outcome, or directly affected by it. Still, this hides a lot of risk, unless these people are well settled in the power structure and can exert sufficient influence to avoid repercussions. In essence, this is like a sort of mafia with global outreach.
Very interesting post. Thank you. It was very accurate in my opinion. God knows what’s coming next. And to finish on a more joyful tone, when someone suffers patiently on the cross, the resurrection is not far. So what we see here, I think, is the beginning of a global crisis, a global suffering.That means that we are going to live a global resurrection after all the blood has been shed and after we have finished going through the darkness of our existence, collectively.
This post is about the military and political aspects of COVID-19 – your comment seems more focused on bio-weapon usage – which can be discussed in a different post. Please can everyone stay on topic as per Saker’s request. Mod.
So here we have military force ms using bio weapons, both the Japanese and the Us in thefield .
So clearly , maybe experimental , but clearly there were reasons to do so , …. in fact the US gave smallpox infected blankets to the native indians… made sense to them.
Look at the behavior of the British in Australia, india, etc a white supremacist genocidal extermination of thenatives .
Nothing, i repeat nothing , the most evil heinous crimes are SOP for these psychopathic institutions
So we have means,
Motive , and opportunity, considerable prior form.
Stupidity, hubris , arrogance and conceit , are these the traits of the idiot in chief?
“Finally, no responsible government would ever order the use of WMD if it felt that there is a risk of retaliation, both military or political.“
So then we ask, is the Us andor Isreal a responsible government?
Is the Chinese government a responsible entity. ? Russia? Id say yes .
The British?! Look at bojo trump netanyahu ? Need I say more
It’s important to talk about history, it’s relevant.
One of things that the Hasbara Gatekeepers do is deny the USA would do such a think is say, ‘what about the blowback’, yet when one study’s history ( which is what this commenter try’s to do ) the MOD say’s not on topic.
We can’t talk about the military nature of the virus without discussing the entire history of the virus.
Remember this virus contains HIV, which was developed by USA back in 1960’s, thus its imperative to have a complete view.
The USA doesn’t care about blow-back, they don’t care about their own people. Just ask the ‘bonus-boys’ post WW1 that were murdered on the white-house grounds by tanks and machine guns for asking for the ‘bonus’ they were promised in WW1 and never got, the massacre occurred in early 1930’s, but has been removed from history.
The USA is a corporation, just like East India Company, all citizens are Chattel, and most are now un-needed.
The POTUS is a figurehead, the real owners of the USA stay out of sight.
Just adding general agreement to the past two comments here. The US has a long history of biological weapon use. Korea, North-east China, South America, Africa etc. The US welcomed all the Nazi and Japanese biological warfare specialists after WWII.
The cabal types have no care whatsoever for the people of the US. The Empire is at a point in its decline when it is riddled with highly incompetent yet loyal members. These various elites are involved in the child sex trade and all that goes with it; the idea of using bio-weapons is not in the least bit unthinkable.
I think it is highly probable that this attack may have been predicted or known about. In my view it has worked out wonderfully for China and Russia. China showed the world how their economies will screech to a halt with the just in time supply chain model reliant on Chinese supply and manufacturing. The US can’t just rebuild their manufacturing capabilities overnight.
Every attempt to weaken China over the past few years has backfired. Chinese leadership knows all about water. *grin*
Considering that the Chinese were victims of biowarfare in the past, they probably are a lot more responsible.
There is something rotten in the USA, since it really showed itself when Kennedy was assassinated.
Currently the stats of those infected in the UK are 0.0017%. That’s all infected. We do know that about 80% of the severely at risk and deaths are in the =>80 yrs age with underlying chronic disease, and the second group is anyone over ~55 yrs also with underlying chronic disease states.
This means that those at risk in UK are, at present, what – 00.0013% of population, or thereabouts.
Then look at this
And ask – how are these two congruent in a country in which regular reports make into the GovProps [ex-newspapers] who are at risk of dying [often children] because the UK’s Health Service will not purchase a medicine it deems to be “too expensive” and the underlying “cost benefit” is that the disease is rare, i.e. not enough people per head of population get it to be worth worrying about.
I see a contradiction.
I see a total lack of congruence.
There are different reasons for waging war, but if, as Carl von Clausewitz stated
We see, therefore, that War is not merely a political act, but also a real political instrument, a continuation of political commerce, a carrying out of the same by other means. All beyond this which is strictly peculiar to War relates merely to the peculiar nature of the means which it uses.” – exactly as Saker has said in fact, can we not also add, that War and Politics are, at least in modern times, a continuation of Economics??
Once a upon a time, Politics used War to achieve Political ends related to acquiring land, raw wealth, slaves, and and extension of territory. Whilst it may be this sometimes nowadays, I would contend that modern Politics is concerned almost wholly with economics, and the acquisition of wealth, by which it buys the other things it wants.
What we do know, right now, is that the American economy is tanked. The country is a reamed out shell following its export of is productive industries to Oriental nations, it has a fiat currency worth just about nothing, it has held itself up by it’s use of a petro dollar blackmail standover tactic reminiscent of the Mafia, and pillaging of other nations.
All this is coming to an end, and the illusion of it being of value is close to gone.
And yet now, we suddenly have an outbreak of a relatively mild disease with a very recognisable and easily targeted – for – special – care – demographic, yet being used to cause massive widespread panic, collapse of industries, and everywhere damage to economies. It is this latter I suspect which is the telling point.
Rahm Emmanuel – Obama buddy – is credited with the aphorism “never let a good crisis go to waste”. It’s likely more than he share this attitude. The CoV-2019 virus was recognised late last year. Stats are showing that it first showed up in China in about November 2019.
Why is it not feasible that, like the stage magicians’ trick of misdirection, i.e “you look over there while I’m really doing my thing over here” the outbreak, which should have been easily and quietly contained and treated, has morphed into the current Henny Penny the Sky is Falling it has.
In other words, as Saker would say “cui bono’? I’d say the American Billionaire club more than anyone but also the Deep State. That occult conglomerate of International Bankers, Corporation controllers, billionaires, Pentagon and Alphabet Soup Intel chiefs. any or all together.
The US does not have a fiat currency created by the US Treasury. It has a debt based currency created by ex nihilo by private banks every time they make a loan, so that no debts = no money. But the only way anyone else can make money is by earning it from employment or speculation in the financial markets.
China on the other hand does have a fiat currency that is created debt free by its government owned central bank. This has enabled China to transform itself from a largely agrarian economy to an industrial powerhouse within the space of thirty years, much to the consternation of the occult conglomerate.
“Fiat money is government-issued currency that is not backed by a physical commodity, such as gold or silver, but rather by the government that issued it. The value of fiat money is derived from the relationship between supply and demand and the stability of the issuing government, rather than the worth of a commodity backing it as is the case for commodity money. Most modern paper currencies are fiat currencies, including the U.S. dollar, the euro and other major global currencies”
I didn’t say it was issued by the Government. It doesn’t have to be. Fiat simply means “Fiat definition:Fiat is – a command or act of will that creates something without or as if without further effort.”
The US dollar is fiat currency .
The US dollar is not issued by edict or fiat of the US government. It is created by private banks making a data entries on their computers every time that they make an interest bearing loan, so that no debts = no money.
China on the other hand issues their domestic currency debt free that gives them an enormous economic advantage.
You can argue until you are blue in the face that the US has a fiat currency, but if it were a true fiat currency there would be no debt associated with it. The US Treasury is now saddled with a debt to the private sector of $23 trillion that costs $738 trillion per year to service in interest payments that must ultimately come from US taxpayers or by incurring even more debt.
Brilliant description! Thank you!
Both Pamela AND Kapricorn4 are right.
The US has a fiat currency…..correct Pamela.
It is not created by the US Treasury……Correct Capricorn4
When the US Citizenry in much greater numbers understands these nuances and does something effective about it…and also comprehends and does something about the fact that permitting one’s nation to be an Empire is immoral, disgusting…. and of nothing but short-term egoic advantage to themselves, with longer term harmful consequences……….whether they are in the 99% OR the 1%………. it would be “game over” for the AZ Empire……..in its historical home base (Britain) and its satellites (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand principally…..but you can throw in the entire “Commonwealth” of unsovereign nations….and Israel.
It’s as simple as The Golden Rule.
Although humanity has known of this Rule for millenia and righteous individuals have followed this rule …..in the aggregate humanity has not….so far .Whether in dominating powers or dominated victims….short term considerations of advantage …both personal and national expediency…..almost always have trumped the longer view of the predictable moral consequences of violations of Natural Law….especially the Non-Aggression principle.
But that doesn’t mean that it is impossible for the aggregate performance or “grade” to be improved from a C- or D + to a B-…..or even a B in the present decade….IMHO.
Why? Because it is more necessary to species survival in these days of deadly virus travelling around the world in mere hours by air travel…..and nuclear weapons….and other weapons of mass destruction.
And Necessity IS the Mother of Invention….in public policy and individual practice and support of it.
OR…in the aggregate, if you do NOT make the invention you are required to make..and will not overcome evil inthe highest places……..then you’re not morally fit, as a species .in the aggregate…..to survive.
And you (we) won’t make it.
I happen to think we will make it. Because thinking anything else is being part of the problem…and is retarding the implementation of scores of available solutions, including Great Power cooperation instead of eternal geopolitical conflict.
Which is not exactly loving…..either of one’s own potential goodness and humanity or that potential in others, as well.
Natural Law.
what you are saying works for normal, rational people but not for the psychopaths in charge of our MORDOR – banksters, politicians, the State Dept (by the way I was told by a friend who works for White House and Pentagon that the State dept are proud of being predominantly gay – around 40% of them are – they even have a FB page).
Psychopaths don’t care – they are self-destructive and they ultimately do tend to self-destruct.
it’s all or nothing to them
I’ve met a few such people in Hollywood (LA, London and NYC are officially world’s 3 capitals of psychopathy)
I believe psychopaths in position of power are the biggest danger we face today as a culture – because they have acquired a mechanism to hide themselves well , to act well, to have the loudest megaphone (Hollywood etc).
And they know that most people would never even guess such monsters can exist, and that’s why we tend to give them benefits of the doubt (which they have learned how to work very well to their advantage). Hollywood etc teach us that good looking, rich people are usually ‘heroes’ and they want to save humanity etc…
Nothing will improve until enough people learn to spot these monsters and to prevent them from harming us their victims (as they pretend to be the universal victims) etc.
We do spot the least powerful psychopats – they are not hidding! The media is making them heroes, despite the fact that we are horrified with them… My point is that they are there because they are being used by the real, powerful psychopats who want to control us and the whole world, no matter what… The problem is: how to remove these from power? Not all of them are elected, and they have money and the power money can buy to protect themselves and perpetuate the hell they created. The whole government/military/midia structure is a monster with many heads and they are acting without control… Perhaps, Russia and China have already noticed this and are preparing for a hot conflict, sometime in the near future. The psychopats are getting close to it… How long will we survive so much madness?
Many many thanks for your efforts to bring reasoned analysis to world events and promote thoughtful discourse. There really is no place else I know of that delivers so much value.
Its very difficult to remain rational in the face of such extreme events and the tendency is normally to find a culprit to hang, whether a dictator, madman or régime. It just may be that there is an irrational actor in play.
Your article, thoughtful as it is, assumes a few things that I find unproven just yet.
Its not at all clear to me that we are witnessing the actions of a legitimate government acting in a intentional, rational, or planned way. Its also clear that the technology to isolate, develop and deliver the microbe is available to many non-governmental organisations. After all the more illegitimate (non-governmental) powers in the US have been operating in contradiction to the nations’ best interest for decades. The takifiris, Mikes Pence and Pompeo can hardly be defined as rational for example.
This could very well be a typical disaster capitalism response to an accidental release/escape of a weapon from Ft. Detrick or wingnut from extinction rebellion working at a university.
What I’m sure we can count on is that the Empire will make every effort to extract more resources, liberties and wealth as a result. Come to think of it, the Empire behaves a lot like a virus.
While the COVID-19 virus could have been used to destabilize China’s economy it could also have been developed naturally as it happens with virus all the time.
We just don’t know yet.
However, if it has been used as a bio-weapon by some state against China (and in due course even against EU) due to extensive research (RNAs of the virus) it will have been known already by scientist in China (and elsewhere) too.
If China has this proof that this virus had been originated somewhere else than China than we can expect that China will not rest very silent. Even if no “loud” voice comes from it we will see some actions. I think.
China had suffered too much from outside powers the last one hundred fifty years or so. So they haven’t forgotten this.
Some states in the EU have closed many levels of “normal” life in order to “contain an outspread of the virus”.
Compared to the death-rate of this virus this is in reality not justified but people started to fear due to too much hysteria in mass media showed/printed.
The extremely sad point – in my opinion – is that people believe far too much what mainstream media is saying/printing. There is only a small percentage within the population looking/thinking different from official statements and mainstream media.
We shall see if there will be some action by China or not.
Who benefits?
– China. They were able to display a sense of control over the situation unlike most other countries.
In a way, they also benefit by the apparent floundering of the US politik. The US is just exhibiting weakness beyond comprehension. Is this a turning of the tide? Was THIS on purpose? Unsure…
– The US. I can see how the idiots in power could think this would weaken China. Perhaps China proved them wrong and blowback is a bitch? Regardless, the US seems weaker today. Ask me again in three weeks (5-Apr) if there is martial law or mass quarantines.
Can’t help but think about how NORAD “allowed” 9/11 to happen, and how it whipped the public into frenzy, and how elements are trying desperately to blame China, China, China, and what the outcome of that looks like… A new 9/11 or Pearl Harbor?? 🤔
“Who benefits?
– China. They were able to display a sense of control over the situation unlike most other countries.
In a way, they also benefit by the apparent floundering of the US politik. The US is just exhibiting weakness beyond comprehension. Is this a turning of the tide? Was THIS on purpose? Unsure…”
So China infects their own people with a disease that kills Chinese, but not so much others in a strategy to throw those others into a money making/ civil rights limiting extravaganza?
Thanks to the Saker for this thread. This subject has generated a lot of back and forth, and a lot of different perspectives from a lot of different people. Many of these perspectives are very interesting, and often well informed.
Whatever actually did happen was clearly not for the good of anyone at all. I sincerely hope that the situation is resolved as well, and as quickly as possible, and that the potential harm of it is minimized as much as possible. Not giving this situation any fear to feed on is probably going to be the most important thing that we can do right away. Common sense measures to protect ourselves are important too. Disinfection, limiting vulnerability and risk exposure, not freaking out (so that we can make clear decisions) are things that everyone can do without any gymnastic efforts. Not giving the groups that want to use the issue to manipulate and harm us what they want is also very important.
I offer my sincere condolences to the victims of the outbreak, and to their families. I do hope that the outbreak passes and is ended as soon as can be.
The real powers behind the Western scenes are extremely rich and powerful, and filled with hubris. As such, at least a good portion of them are very likely to be sociopaths who would not hesitate to get their paid whack-jobs in the CIA, MI6 and Mossad to carry out a bioterror act in China if they felt threatened by China’s rising power. And they do feel threatened by China’s rising power, very much so. One must remember that the Western intelligence agencies, which I believe to be the ‘military’ arm of the Western financial elites, are no longer (if they ever were) under the control of their supposed national governments. So on the political side, the elected U.S. government is very unlikely to have perpetrated a biowarfare act, and very likely to know nothing about such an act. But the real masters in the West are not the elected U.S. government.
Further, as I have commented before, and as others have commented, the main purpose of bioterror is to terrorize, not to kill. Ignorant people in fear will whole heartedly give away whatever freedoms they have left in order to feel safe. The release of a potent but not Armageddon-style bioweapon is perfect for the purpose of completing authoritarianism in the West.
This sums up my take on the situation. In a sense, I don’t think it even matters if it was created and unleashed willfully or if it is simply an “act of God.” To me that boat has sailed. Now the question is how the various players will use this. In the West, especially the US, the response, like clockwork, is indifference, more authoritarianism and repression. Here in NYC people are in virtual panic mode. Many of the supermarkets have been practically cleaned out. It’s like de facto martial law. Perfect state of affairs for the markets to blow up. The sheep are frightened and as you say “Ignorant people in fear will whole heartedly give away whatever freedoms they have left in order to feel safe. The release of a potent but not Armageddon-style bio-weapon is perfect for the purpose of completing authoritarianism in the West.”
“The real powers behind the Western scenes are extremely rich and powerful, and filled with hubris. As such, at least a good portion of them are very likely to be sociopaths who would not hesitate to get their paid whack-jobs in the CIA, MI6 and Mossad to carry out a bioterror act in China if they felt threatened by China’s rising power. And they do feel threatened by China’s rising power, very much so. One must remember that the Western intelligence agencies, which I believe to be the ‘military’ arm of the Western financial elites, are no longer (if they ever were) under the control of their supposed national governments. So on the political side, the elected U.S. government is very unlikely to have perpetrated a biowarfare act, and very likely to know nothing about such an act. But the real masters in the West are not the elected U.S. government.”
Well said. This is one of the best short descriptions of what is highly likely happening. The conclusion of your thought, however, may not happen… I believe that the instruments of control (of the people) are in full use, now, and they cannot go much beyond what there are doing without being seen for what they are. The ‘kings are naked’; people will see through this, wake up, and rebel against their objective conditions. It is already happening everywhere and the ‘kings’ will not be able to control the wave of changes that will emanate from it. As to the rest of the world, Russia and China have been alert for quite a while. The aftermath of this outbreak will be the beginning of a new era.
Dear Saker,
Yes, I am suspicious that this virus is not a natural occurrence, and if so that it is the ‘Globalists’ (i.e. the real leaders of the AngloZionist Empire) who are behind it, and that it was the CIA/Mossad who carried it out.
Regarding the circumstances of the pandemic, firstly, I find it curious that there appears to be separate centers of origination of the virus that emerged nearly simultaneously, Wuhan, Iran, Italy and perhaps Seattle, and according to the GlobalResearch article, all of these are different strains. Secondly, I find it curious that this pandemic would arise at precisely the time when the ‘Globalists’ were looking for a way to destroy Trump’s chances for re-election.
Thus, if it is a biological attack, I believe that the real target of the attack is Donald Trump and the motivation is to prevent him from being re-elected, either by taking down the U.S. economy or by infecting him directly. I believe the release of the infections in China, Iran and Italy were likely done primarily to divert suspicion, with the added benefit of harming ‘Globalist’ enemies.
I have no doubt that the ‘Globalists’ would have the motivation for such an attack. After all, if they were willing to sacrifice the U.S. Constitution through the Russiagate/Muller/Ukrainegate coup attempt in order to get rid of Trump, then I doubt that a small thing like a few thousand casualties and upsetting the U.S. economy for a few weeks would bother them. After all mass killings have never bothered them before (9/11, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, etc).
The ‘Globalists” desperation to get rid of Trump is perhaps understandable. Their project for ‘World Governance’ is failing rapidly. Militarily, they have been blocked by Russia in the Middle-East, the Black Sea, and in Venezuela. Geopolitically, Russia and China are rapidly creating a Multi-Polar World Order. And after almost 40 years of ‘Globalist’ leadership, which has seen the lives of many Americans and Europeans destroyed by inequality and globalization, they are losing control of both the EU, which is being torn apart by nationalism, and the U.S. where Trump is trying his best to ‘de-Globalize’. For the ‘Globalists’, Trump winning a second term is an existential crisis.
However, if this was an intentional attack, there are two things that have occurred that the ‘Globalists’ were likely not suspecting:
1. China reacted to the virus much more aggressively and successfully than expected.
2. Russia used this moment of economic weakness to crash the oil market, thus crashing sorld financial markets, and setting off a series of events that could lead to the collapse of the U.S. dollar as the world’s dominant currency.
I agree that Russia and China are set to emerge stronger from this crisis, China will be the first economy back up and running, and Russia will be the new price setter for oil. The Multi-polar World Order will be the winners, Globalization and the ‘Globalists’ the big losers.
If the ‘Globalists’, are indeed behind this infection then they may have ended up being the unintended victims of their own actions, and not for the first time.
Indeed. Everything is slowly becoming clear. Nothing happened by chance. In fact, the initiators of the Coronavirus outbreak played Russian roulette, and lost. The stock market was supposed to ‘hold’ the fall of the financial market; but, playing chess, Russia’s input in the stock market made a huge difference. The psychopaths in charge had not predicted this! Russia created the Perfect Storm, which further downed the bubbled financial market. Yes, Russia lost some, as well; but, it will prove to have been much less than a hot conflict would lead to — not just for Russia, but for everybody. Russian’s was a real master play. It will be highly commended by history.
There was some interesting stuff posted on this site by OldMicroBiologist who seems to know his stuff, suggesting it was a US bio-weapon and the method of transmission was the Military Games just outside Wuhan in Sept 2019. Well worth reading for those who haven’t seen it.
The Saker’s analysis is logical, assuming one is dealing with logical actors. All the evidence of the last 50 years or so proves this is not the case with the US. Then of course there is also the possibility of a rogue actor or group.
Then, I would want some answer why the US has classified its data and will not answer the question of who its patient zero was. This pandemic is sufficiently serious for retro-testing of those US individuals whose cause of death was recorded as pneumonia.
Finally, if bio-weapons are pointless militarily, why does the US have so many biolabs, particularly surrounding Russia, and why was the US military trying to buy Russian DNA samples? And why was a major US biolab recently shut down?
I think this is basically an incorrect assessment:
”Because the US-led forces would not be stopped by a chemical attack. And because any such attack would give the US and the rest of the anti-Iraqi coalition a ’license’ to use whatever weapon or technology against Iraq they wanted, including tactical nukes.”
Zionazi military forces in general and their Pindo contingents in particular are incredibly cowardly, only showing utmost ”bravery” against captive populations such as the Palestinians. Saddam Hussein’s biggest mistakes were, firstly, believing the Pindo government’s insincere consent to his intents regarding Kuwait and, secondly, letting in the army of spies known as ”weapons inspectors”. The whole purpose with their rooting about was precisely to make sure that Iraq was defenceless when the aggressors were about to hit. Had Iraq greeted the Zionazis with a successful CW attack — especially against the backdrop of disunity among the Western imperialist powers — the ”appetite” for any conquests in Iraq would have subsided rapidly. Zero risk for nuclear retaliation back then. As the years have gone by, the West’s situation has deteriorated substantially with its contemporary swamp of ”leaders” resembling a coterie of clinically insane criminals, so their actions have become more difficult to predict.
Bottom line: The Chinese shouldn’t hesitate to ”show off” militarily. Force is the only language the Zionazis understand.
As an aside, I am happy and proud to report that the Russian government have taken action and shut the borders with Gównopolska and Norway.
Only thing the world seems to have learned from the U.S. nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is don’t &^%$ with us, we mean business.
If it is biowarfare they will probably just hit us at a time and in a manner of their own choosing often when we are most vulnerable. Expect Murphy’s Law to be even more true than ever in the U.S., especially the “at the worst possible time” part. USrael thinks good tactics (destruction, “winning” battles (greatest destruction and kill rate), and propaganda) is what constitutes good strategy so the USrael probably when it kicks the self-chosen adversary/ies is/are not necessarily down yet but just doing tit-for-tat reflexively out of anger. A few belly dancers came from Gaza so let us just slaughter 3,000 in “self-defense.”
Russia may be blowing up the U.S. shale industry according to some, but I wonder if that is necessary or now is really the time. If U.S. shale and the everything bubble will collapse anyway and time is on Russia’s, China’s and others’ side, why such an expensive move?
Perhaps because they know a big war is coming
Since I cannot imagine the everything bubble going on beyond perhaps March 2021 tops, perhaps they are worried about the U.S. doing something stupid this spring or summer, perhaps as part of Offender 2020??
If we indulge Occam’s Razor – the simplest of 2 explations is often the correct one – we will find this assumed line of reasoning has being used and relied on by some to facilitate False Flags and push their agendas – both in the past and present.
We must therefore subject Occam’s Razor to the “Cui Bono Test:, if we do not wish to be tricked and deceived by those who are convinced that they are smarter than us.
The simple explanation pushed by the West and the MSM, for the Covid-19 outbreak, is that the Chinese caused it by eating bats or by being careless at their bio-lab in Whuhan.
The other more complex explanation is that; the US envious and terrified of China’s rise, has opted to deploy this weapon against it, but chose Whuhan, so that the usual “plausible deniability” could be invoked.
The US and Israel are not strangers to False Flag ops:
Gulf of Tonkin
USS Liberty
If they are convinced that it will further their agendas.
The objective here was to weaken and cripple China.
However, China rallied and stood up to the challenge.
The fact that the plan that they devised and ochestrated failed to acheive its objective or is now affecting them, does mean that the plan can just be denied and ignored.
Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty was done with the aim of pinning it on Egypt, with the expection being that the US would wage war on Egypt in retaliation.
For this Covid -19 situation, if there is objective evidence that contradict or debunk our humble analysis then we are willing to welcome it and stand corrected but until then, the 9/11 criminals – US and Israel – will have this one deposited at their door.
You have excluded the biggest FF of our lifetime….nine eleven…the consequences we, 19 years later, find ourselves still deeply embroiled in. From Afghanistan to Iraq to the gawndamn Patriot Act.
In regard to Russian translation:
You can have youtube auto translate the captions on the RT video. Go into the settings and turn on auto translate russian to english
The Russian doctor in the video mentioned that in order for any medication to be effective, one has to stimulate/ enhance immune system. He also implied that the virus will likely be gone by summer. The interesting thing here is that all non EMF radiation (3g, 4g and 5g) are known to lower immune system. Also, 5G is modifying air molecules in a way that allows viruses deeper penetration into any living tissue. In this respect, virus doesn’t have to be weaponized, because the air we breathe is already weaponized. Wuhan, many cities in Italy, and the cruise ship were all fully 5G activated. This gives me reason to think that when Bill Gates prophesized that the next virus would affect respiratory system, he was full aware saturation of non- ionized radiation will soon be at the level when many basic viruses would turn into something much more sinister.
Here is a video in which Bill Gates is shrieking about it, loud and clear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=97&v=sErgwyD2KR0&feature=emb_logo
I am no expert but after reading various reports from many sources I conclude the following. The Covid 19 virus is an enhancement of various other corona viruses which created in somebody’s bioweapons lab. It somehow got away and was active in several countries including the USA and Western Europe. Knowing that this new virus would eventually be discovered it was then decided to release the virus in China, and blame them for all subsequent problems around the world and thereby greatly damage their economy.
Here is the Key! China immediately recognized this as a bioweapon attack and instituted in full measure responses which they had planned for such an event. Meanwhile the Western Media went into a major China bashing program. Of course the resulting economic problems will hurt China but I think they decided to take the hit, and use this whole episode to alter their economy and their interactions with the West.
Now it appears to me that the West has been: “hoist by their own petard”. The West’s media program has now caused a panic throughout the Western world and the damage will be much greater than what they though they would inflict on China.
Very interesting analysis. There are simply too many strange facts and coincidences surrounding this pandemic. Let us list them.
1. The visit by US army personnel prior to the outbreak in Wuhan. Their visit to Wuhan preceded the outbreak in Wuhan by the exact incubation period of this virus.
2. The much higher susceptibility of Chinese to this virus, raising the suspicion of this being an engineered virus.
3. Another US enemy, namely Iran, gets affected. How convenient. The Iranian strain is said to be subtly different from the Wuhan strain. If true, this raises the suspicion by a magnitude.
4. Italy: collateral damage?
5. The intense China bashing unleashed by the West even before full scientific facts were in.
Act of God? Perhaps. Act of man: likely.
Speaking of military strategies, Clausewitz’s oft-quoted aphorism, that war is a continuation of politics by other means, might just as well be understood in today’s world as being the pursuit of purely financial and economic interests by other means. And, in that context, who benefits most from reducing the proportion of older citizens amongst the global populace (i.e., those most vulnerable to the fatal consequences of a pandemic)? Could it be, perhaps, the same financial interests that have so badly depleted very large pension funds with their economic chicanery? Just a transient thought prior to some larger financial impacts on the horizon?
Confirmed it was all about cancelling(restructuring) debts and crashing/saving the dollar(or a new one clean of debts)?
This is maybe why Russia crashed the oil and Putin asked (Putin did not ask – the Duma asked.) to have the possibility to stay in power to defend the country in case of ‘necessity’.
This is maybe also the real reason for both Russia and China buying so much gold for 5 years.
We will maybe have a war,these idiots are capable of anything to save their wealth and banksters money.
Possible also that Trump was a fake opposition/nationalist/maga/ etc…or the perfect usefull idiot or in the know since 2016.
Trump Speaks in Favour of Refinancing US National Debt, Slams Fed Chairman for ‘Bad Decisions’
Cui bono?Maybe we have the answer now?
Or a false financial flag which went out of control as China reacted quicker and better than forseen by the usual suspects(CIA/MI6/MOSSAD)?
The only thing they need is a very big event(pretext)but not too leathal as well to convince the sheeps,we need
a financial ”reset”.The IMF spoke about that several times via Lagarde. Strangly this woman (more american than french,a former US lawyer in Chicago), is now head of the ECB. Do they want to get rid of the Euro maybe?
Strangly the Brexit happened just before.The fake ‘coup’ failed in HKG…As who knows, maybe both Trump (usefull idiot or maybe less an idiot than we think) and the Brexit? There is clearly a connection as everybody knows that the City of London owns WS and not the opposite.The US is still a branch of the UK (they are free of any EU link now).These maniacs only care about money not the guy from Main street of course.That would provide us with a credible ‘cui bono’ at least.Let’s see what will happen in the coming weeks or months.It is still a possibility that we are witnessing a natural event, but I don’t know you, but I don’t believe in ‘coincidences’. We got far too many ‘ coincidences” since 9/11.I will not recap here the list of events since 2001.
US goal has always been to dominate the west, like putting nuclear weapons in Poland, this is not meant to scare Russia but occupied Europe into submission. This viral attack on China and the blowback is meant to organize the whole occupied Europe under NATO umbrella against China and trigger a world-wide reset.
Removed -please stay on topic. Mod.
The folly in the argument is thinking in countries and national interests. If this was a deliberate attack it would not be in any particular nation’s interest, but in the interest of the globalists. Countries(and their governments) around the world has signed up to be under UN control in case of a “pandemic”. This is certainly being tested right now. The ones who benefit in this case are the UN, the WHO and other emerging global power structures. They tried it before with the bird flu and the swine flu. I think this time they finally hit the jackpot! Just look at how media all around the world act as their propaganda organ to whip up panic among the population.
May be… But, it is not just the Coronavirus that is affecting the world, now. The financial market is collapsing, and we have also panic in the stock market. Something bigger than a tiny virus, I suppose….
Yes, of course. That’s the whole point, they use the virus to bring on a big change in the global order.
From nation to nation, a use of bioweapons is hard to contain and highly likely to result in dangerous blowback. With large chances of a revolution when the people at home figured out they were dying because of what their military did.
However, if you think of the perpetrators of this attack as a class, it becomes more likely. The elites, and their upper classes of managers, will come through this particular virus without major losses. They have immediate access to health care and immediate access to the best care possible. There won’t be a shortage of ventilators for these top layers of the class cake. Deaths will be relatively rare among the elites. And, they also have the best ability to isolate themselves during the pandemic, so exposures will be rarer as well. They will also get the first batches of an eventual effective vaccine. If this was really a planned event, they may already have it.
This is not true for everyone. We saw death rates of 2% in China, I’ve heard numbers as high as 6% in Italy as the virus leaves the former communist sphere and enters the West. Those are not the elites that are dying. That’s the rest of us. Especially the old and vulnerable.
Is this the elites solution to the Baby Boomer problem? For years the elites have been saying the system would be doomed when there were more retirees as the baby boomers retired. Guess who’s the number one target of this virus? They want to give social security to the wall street bankers, but its worth more money to them if there are fewer old people in the future.
It also just happens to be people like prisoners and migrants who are vulnerable. Particularly in places where a migrant has to fear deportation if they try to access health care. The target groups of this virus are the very people that the oligarchs would want to see gone from this world when they share brandy and Cuban cigars after a dinner in Davos.
When one group has defenses against a bio-weapon, and other groups are left vulnerable, then the arguments saying bioweapons are hard to control and might cause blowback become of less value. We know its technically possible. Which really just leaves it with the moral character of the oligarchs who could do such a thing. Would such an act be morally beyond the people who make such decisions? Unfortunately, words such as sociopath and psychopath are typically used to describe such people.
Totally agree with your analysis.
On the other hand, if it were for not doing sucicidal things, the Us would had not killed Soleimani, in the first place, which was the event which first provoked the crash of the oil prices.
The US, having the Atlantic Ocean between them and the Eurasian continent, could well have thought that such oceanic barrier would protect them from the spred, once flights from China, and now from the EU, forbidden.
One would argue why the US would risk affecting the EU, who is a political and military ally through NATO. Well, this administration has by far demonstrated any good will towards Europe, and for that matter all the US administrations throughout history have always had as an strategic goal to keep Europe low, being a competitor superpower, in fact the first economic power in the world.
Having the US economy on the brink of collapse would have encouraged even suicidal approachs looking for solutions.
The fact of the boomers now in their 50s-60s and holding a medium to high risk to get deadly complications with COVID-19 is a very impottant one due the continuous alleged problem with paying their pensions. This becomes a possibility when you notice that the other option, this expressed publicly, was keepin g them at work till death. Thus, the goal of killing the boomers has already been verbaliced by the Western elites. In fact it was Christine Lagarde, now head of the EC, who said at Davos that “old people lives way too much and that was bad for economy”, and this it was needed to find a solution. If the problem is that old people lives way too much, what other thing do you think they have thought about than killing the elder or soon to be? I do not discard that Christine Lagarde would be acting a foreign agent in the EC in favor of the US as someone hasp ointed out. Most probable. he was appointed to head of the IMF after the events which got with Domonique Strauss-Khan ousted by a scandal-trap probably organized by CIA/MI6/Mossad.
That fact the Trump has shaken hands with several infected people and has not fallen ill may well be an indicator that the US has already the vaccine. If the US has already the vaccine, whose research would take otherwise around a year, well, crystal clear. have you noticed that suddenly, Pompeo has dissapeared from public view, even during Trump adresses? Where is he? There are people saying that could there be a probable intent of attacking Iran/Iraq/Russia in the first days of April coinciding with Europe Defender 20 maneuvers, which I support.
Look that severla officials and health personel have fallen ill in all the main countries affected.
Where it says EC, I was trying to mean ECB ( European Central Bank ), i have issues with my “b” key, sorry.
Apologies also for the bunch of typos, made it in hurry.
Orlov did a great article almost a month ago. He said it was military, for just one reason.
The primary attack vectors are China & Iran, amazing they just happen to be public enemey #1 of USA.
Another thing the narrative ignores ( here too ) is Italy, for 30+ years huge Chinese City’s are operational all over North&Central Italy. They’re all Chinese owned by Rich Chinese tycoons, they make textiles these days, they used to make leather ( think gucci ) the most popular and expensive fashion brands on earth are made in these factory’s. Sold in Europe & Asia. In January these factorys were infected, the factory’s were closed, the girls fell back to their old way of supplementing income, e.g. prostitution. Then in Februrary the Chinese infection jumped over to the working Italians, who went home and contaminated the older parents ( common for 45 year old men to live with mother )
So ‘they’ destroyed Iran, China, and the richest chinese company’s in Italy, which is how China get’s their Euro’s.
How could this not be military?? Wuhan/Hubei is the Chicago of China, its also the distribution hub, you shutdown Wuhan, you shutdown all export’s in China. Iran’s is China’s #1 source of oil, they have 10’s of 1,000’s of Chinese working in Iran, just like Italy, and they all got infected at the same time in Dec/Jan, just like in Wuhan, just like in Italy.
Lastly, the USA has a long history of doing this to their own people, HIV ft-detrick is a known-known, so is the spanish-flu history a known-known and sourced back to US-MIL
Trump’s ‘wall’ is now in effect for what we knew all along, to keep you in, not to keep them out. South-America is now closed to USA refugee’s, soon Mexico will close its borders to keep out the infected Gringo’s.
Who would want Iran, Italy, & China destroyed ( all Chinese-biz links )???
What about the vast number of Chinese working rich in Israel, and all over Africa? Why are they not massively infected if it was on average just a ‘chinese tourist’ thing ( as promoted by narratives all over alt-net )
Occam’s Razor
Absolutely…we don’t exactly have to be Sherlock Holmes to work this one out!
The trail will lead straight back to the culprit through its completely out of control alphabet agencies…let’s see how the Hegemon gets on controlling the narrative this time around.
Let’s not look for logic or valid reason in this debacle…there isn’t any…just as there never was in their other violent escapades. These are the deeds of voracious psychopaths. All we will find as we sift through the rubble of the aftermath is tragic planned destruction, unintended consequence, and human carnage. This is their mode…this is what they do!
The consequences of QV-19 both health-wise and financially will reverberate around the world for generations. This wilfully destructive act will make 911, and all the other long list of atrocities and wars combined, pale into insignificance.
This time the atrocity is so globally obscene I am sure humanity will demand that the culprit is identified and that there will be severe consequences. The domestic boomerang effect with likely be systemic financial and social collapse of the country of origin. It will be an added but an ironically self-inflicted consequence .
All of the hegemons global rampages since WW2 have always ended in disaster through hubris and monumental incompetence. The only difference this time around will be the sheer scale and duration and that their home base will likely turn out to be the biggest chaotic wreck of all.
Humanity will not let this one go…Russia and China going to Iran’s aide in treating the virus outbreak is the first sign…this atrocity will bring them closer together and strengthen their resolve. They will no longer allow this behavior. Putin has also signaled his intention with his stance on oil production.
The subprime this will cause in the US shale industry will be just the very beginning of the financial collapse. My biggest worry is that there is one very simple quick way that the US can challenge Putin’s gambit…start a major war that will close the Strait of Hormuz.
I submit that all three cases have the same explanation: WMD are very tricky to use, and when used, they can result in absolutely truly cataclysmic political consequences.
Absolutely Saker. The old Prussian’s Trinity particularly applies here doesn’t it? Emotion, chance, reason. Any act of war (low-intensity, high-intensity, mid-intensity, the more fashionable ‘hybrid’ war, you name it) always has a political aim behind it — the rational part of the Trinity.
I’m speaking generally here: Assuming a bio-weapon is used by a state, we have to ask what is the political aim? To weaken an adversary economically? To make a state dependent on another state? To disrupt war-making capability? To destroy a state via social unrest? To facilitate emergence of police states? One world government? To depopulate the earth?
I would argue that there are more effective means of achieving many of those aims than bio-warfare. Off-hand I can name three. Propaganda inducing FUD is one, especially when even those in leadership roles believe in them. Another would be cyber-warfare. Or just some old-fashioned ‘kinetic’ war.
But I ask you now to look at the MILITARY and, therefore, POLITICAL, dimensions of this crisis and ask yourself cui bono?
No one.
Here are some high points of what Dr. Chuchalin said.
1. Initially the virus resides in the sinuses and throat and can produce cold-like symptoms.
2. The virus spreads into the lungs. Inhibition of the disease-fighting capability of the lungs leads to a bacterial infection on top of the viral one. This leads to a severe pneumonia.
3. Fungal invasion of the lungs on top of that sometimes follows and is often fatal.
4. Preventative measures in addition to hand washing etc are: regular sinus rinse and gargling. For those with chronic lung problems it is necessary to keep the lungs as clear and healthy as possible. Ventolin and a nebulizer were mentioned as useful.
I hope that someone with better comprehension of spoken Russian will fill out and where necessary correct this very condensed summary. Best regards to all.
I agree with the Saker’s conclusion that this was not a bio-weapon. I had wondered about it at first, since the virus attaches ACE receptors commonly found in Asian males. But the fact that it is now running wild in the West seems to show that it was not genetically engineered anti-China virus.
But I disagree with the Saker on the premise that:
Although, for the most part I believe that is true, George Orwell took the position that a political culture could arise in which “war was not meant to be won but was meant to be continuous.”
If you look at the United States in the past 20 years, there are certainly elements of the political culture that seemed to pursue war “as an end in itself.”
For instance, the Military Industrial Complex is not a conspiracy theorist fantasy. It is quite real. It profits mightily from endless wars, including wars which serve no real purpose whatsoever.
Moreover, the Republican Party (and increasingly the Democratic Party) uses the alleged necessity of insanely bloated military budgets as an argument to attack social welfare programs. The argument basically is “we can’t afford medicare or social security since we have to defend against the threat from (fill in the blank).”
In both cases “war is an end in itself.” Although, concededly in the latter case it does serve a political purpose of the suppression of native population of the United States.
I wonder if the goal of the trans national elite is to:
A. inflate asset prices and keep the system going..
B. Prepare for a crash and reset the system.
I can’t see how yet another blast of air into the bubble does anything other than kick the can down the road, although they have been doing that since 2008. What’s another go round.
If its B I wonder what the heck they have coming to replace it, the Russians and Chinese don’t lok like the are going to play ball with that at all.
The conclusion that I have come to is this.
The Western elite are completely out of touch and have been for a long, long time. The virus should have served as a “wake up call” to them. But I think that they still have no idea of the extent of the mess that has been building around them for decades.
And I doubt that this event will bring back sanity.
Accordingly, I think that they will attempt to re-inflate the asset bubble and go on as before.
This will only add to the catastrophe which is about to befall us all.
I know that many people can’t believe that. But consider concepts like “modern monetary theory” or the so-called “wealth effect” which was supposed to be generated by stock bubbles. Such ideas are flat out crazy. But many Western elites not only took these ideas seriously but based public policy around them.
On the other hand, I have no doubt that Russia and China both understand that this may be the event that brings down the empire. I bet that they both have plans on how to manage the coming change in world power.
The substance of Dr. Chuchalov’s description of the stages of the disease is included in this English RT article.
One of the arguments here is “USA Gov doesn’t do this because of blowback”
We’ll look at history. Small-Pox blankets to the Injuns, blew back.
Spanish Flu, blew back.
HIV blew back.
Most recent HIV is most interesting. In early 1960’s Ft-Detrick ( ARMY HQ for bio-weapons, Japan/German Nazi’s Operation paper-clip ) developed a form of Leukemia in Pigs. Then they introduced this virus into monkeys, then they brought the virus to Africa, and introduced it to humans. The rest is history, the major objective, e.g. rapid and complete de-population was complete, by 1980’s some +50% of all adult males over 18 years of age in central africa were infected. Not unusual in most villages to see +25% death-rate on average for every remote village, kids just came home to die after being infected in city’s. I was there I saw, I know.
Sometime in the 1980’s at an international gay meet-up in Haiti, the virus was brought in, and then when people returned to NYC, SF, … the HIV sky-rocketed in USA. Of course just like now the RAYGUN GOV denied the virus said “Don’t ask, Don’t Tell”, said “Only the Bad get this virus, they deserve to die”, … Just like Trump is doing now, Maximize the harm
So now in Asia everywhere the press is telling the truth, the virus was brought into ASIA by the USA. Of course as we have seen from early December-2019 the CCP treated the virus as an military operation. Which it was, its only now after the virus has been contained that the CCP press has came out and told the people the truth. That the virus was a weapon engineered by USA, to destroy the Chinese Business in Iran, Italy, and Wuhan. Just like the CIA/USA had tried to destroy Hong-Kong just months earlier.
Rather than try to be better, or compete the dying USA has decided to “Knee-Cap” the world, to club every asian child to bring them down to the USA level.
The truth is that there are very few military scenarios in which the use of WMD makes sense, this is true for all three of them, but this is especially true for biowarfare which is the hardest of them to control. – Saker
[ The USA doesn’t care about the death of USA people never did in the past and doesn’t now. Just like Trumps 100’s of soldiers killed in the recent post Soleimani bombing in Iraq, Trump deny’s they were even hurt. ]
Here I have to, again, remind everybody that war is never an end by itself, but only a means towards an end, and that end is always POLITICAL. – Saker
[ “The objective of War is to disarm the enemy” – von clauswitz, father of western warfare ]
There said, it the objective is to disarm the USA people, War was declared on them long ago. There is no other objective war, you enslave them or murder them after you have disarmed them.
Who benefits?
The demonstrations in Hong Kong have stopped. That was in the interest of both the Chinese and the rich banking mafia that control Hong Kong. eg Keswicks, Rothschild partners by chance. Did the Chinese run a Psyop pretending to have a virus? Or are the Chinese elite communists in bed with the bankers? You can bet they are.
The bankers benefit from being able to blame a crash on the virus. So the Fed, ECB, BoE, BoJ benefit.
The “we need a vaccine” to save us lobby benefits. Big pharma / ID 2020. (Satanists – Mark of the Beast “No man would be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast”. As in, digital ID vaccine eventually, but quickly through a “crisis”. They may force a vaccine on you, and without the digital vaccine you will not be able to travel.
The banksters who want us to use more digital money instead of paper benefits. (Fed Cabal, banksters, again probable Satanists). Prince Harry quote “….listen there are some sick people running this world”.
The Schengen Zone is partly shut down, so the City of London benefits in having chaos in Europe, in the run up into the conclusion of the Brexit talks.
The Zionist mainstream media benefits as everyone is buying the crisis, when there are obvious elements of Psyop in the whole thing. Do you know personally anyone who is ill or has died from the virus? I don’t. We have no proof of a virus, except for the hype in the media. Anyone dead in the UK from the “virus”, was probably on their death bed anyway.
New banknotes such as CAD, CHF are made of plastic, can be washed even under running water, swabbed with alcohol or sterilized with ultra-violet light. This is the procedure since 15th of February, 2020 in China for all banks issuing banknotes to the public. High risk areas the banknotes are destroyed when returned and replaced.
When you use a card, you share the numeric keypad with every other client in the shop. This is an obvious transmission vector and danger to the public. Wireless cards will not help. You must enter a PIN-code for larger purchases.
Use cash; its safer (yes, your banker will be unhappy to be confronted with this).
Franklin Delano Roosevelt:
“Nothing happens in this world by accident. If something happens, you can be sure that somebody planned it.”
If the purpose of the epidemic is to crash the economy and test drive a police state, it is succeeding extremely well.
Since you are guessing, I will give you one. Say you work in a biolab in China. One day you make a mistake. You ask yourself do I report my mistake or just go home. After all, I will be the first to die. China is a place that does not forgive miskakes.
The military ramifications? Well unless, someone decides that someone else did this deliberately and attempts to retaliate militarily, I don’t foresee that it will have any major military implications in the near term, save even higher levels of tensions between the US/Zionists and China or Russia.
If this was indeed an intentional attack on the Chinese/Iranians by the US/Zionists, then the goals are clearly economic. Personally, I’m not 100% certain what is actually going on, but I am positive that the most likely source for this virus is the Ft Dietrich, Maryland. Given the current theories. I am also leaning strongly towards that it was done intentionally, given that the Iranian leadership seems to have been hit with a more virulent strain of the virus than China and Italy, and that S. Korea and Japan seem to be experiencing an even less virulent strain than China and Italy.
As for collateral damage, it is only a concern if it is truly “collateral”. The wiping out of a large number of elderly in the US and the EU is a huge plus for those who rule over us. There has been a huge, well funded and long term effort to flood Europe (and all White countries) with non-white immigration. The actual European population of Europe is aging and this pandemic could be the thing that tips the demographic balance in favor of the new arrivals in Europe and against the native population.
In the US, a heavy culling of the elderly population, particularly nursing home residents, would go a long way toward restoring fiscal sustainability to Medicare. Lowering life expectancy in the US back to about 66 years (as asserted in one of the links above indicates) would, likewise, restore fiscal sustainability to the Social Security system.
The economic damage to China may be temporary. After all, China is a huge and wealthy country today and there is every reason to believe that their economy will recover. But what if the goal was not just to “set back” the Chinese economy, but to provide the pretext for decoupling the US economy from China? It is the “Pearl Harbor” type event the US government would need to make such a massive shift of production away from Asia and back to the US. Such a move could seriously undercut China’s position economically while also vastly improving the US balance of payments. There is a lot of speculation that the government is going to use the national emergency to do just this…move critical production capacities back to the US.
Saker argues that biological weapons are the most difficult to control and this undoubtedly true about battlefield biological weapons, but I would argue it is dramatically less so for biological weapons used against economic targets. The Chinese were hit with a wave of viruses last year. Two virus epidemics devastated their domestic chicken industry and a third devastated their pork industry. The fourth was the new novel coronavirus we are all discussing today.
For the sake of argument, lets say the first three epidemics (which did not affect humans) were bioweapons. Who benefited? The Chinese were forced to source their Chicken and pork abroad, mostly from the US. I have zero problem with believing that the US has been conducting biological warfare against Chinese agriculture as a way to both boos US exports and also knock back the Chinese a notch. Now once you’ve used three different bioweapons against the Chinese economy that appear to have been very successful, why would you hesitate to unleash a fourth virus that did affect humans? Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Once you start using a weapon, it gets progressively easier for you to contemplate using it again. Seems like a natural progression, particularly if you believe that the collateral damage is also mostly beneficial to your interests. Where is the downside?
Saker argues that the political blow back for having used such a weapon would be too great and deter governments from using them. This is obviously true for most governments, but is definitely NOT true for the empire. Those that rule over us do not care about public opinion, they manufacture it. Look at the 9/11 attacks.
The evidence has been widely available to completely destroy the official story of 9/11, yet the MSM continues to treat the official version as gospel. In fact, the US is continuing to wage wars and the MSM continues to sell these wars based solely upon the pretext provided by the official 9/11 story. Why would this be any different? One might argue that media propaganda won’t fool the affected governments…and this is true, but it is also irrelevant to the empire. They no longer engage in “diplomacy” in the traditional sense of the word. All of the empires currrent relations are based upon raw power and leverage…Just as the Iraqis know the US is occupying their country and bombing their soldiers, and are impotent to do anything about it. All relations with the empire are based upon raw power and leverage, not diplomacy.
I would like to add my two cents to the mountain of speculations here:
Start out with the fact that US et al elites cannot attack Russia-China-Iran without risking too much.
Then the economic angle, that mostly does not get much consideration on this blog, because it is outside the military-political scope, which is okay and to be expected.
However, as politics is the art of what is possible (Otto von Bismarck) and possibilities are ultimately connected to power, and power, amongst other things, is money, I believe that economics has to be part of any analysis of the situation.
Now the world economies all and especially those of the western countries have been building up a debt bubble as result of the fact, that the business model of USA Incorp., the petrodollar, is on its way out, because Russia and Iran and Venezuela refuse to cooperate. The money these elites have stolen (US et al government debt) has to be imposed on the populace. Tools for that could be a government-issued cryptocurrency that can be switched off at will if an individual dissident gets too noisy, and that can be devalued (=tax on the citizen) to inflate away the debt over time. Needless to say demonstrations or let alone riots against such policies are not desirable, and so the mass media whip up the hysteria about the dangers of an engineered pandemic, that allows governments in the west to suspend civil rights by way of state of emergency, actually state of war -like legislation. A nice additional goody is the demonization of China et al. They will also try to assault Russia-China et al economically by trying to introduce a currency of currencies issued by the IMF, the special drawing rights, that will allow it western, well-behaving states to print money at will to build up new debt.
Put simply, I believe the western elites are using Sweet Rosie Queen of Corona to deliberately prick the bubble they built up, to put the people under lockdown and then impose their economic reset. In a way quite similar to 911, this is a sort of economic controlled demolition.
They need to do this to secure their power position within the western world, which is falling apart due to the excessive debt. Their worst enemy are not the external enemies Russia et al, but their own people, the internal enemy.
I am taking the liberty of posting an email that I sent to friends yesterday. It is not strictly on the political or military implications of a deliberate use of a bioweapon against China, but it does make the case that the virus was an accidental release of a weaponized virus from Ft. Dietrich. Larry Romanoff, the author of the articles I summarized, tilts strongly towards the belief that this is one of a series of deliberate bioweapon attacks against China, but his facts point towards this case being an accident. The U.S. has all five haplotypes of the corona virus–and thus is the source of the worldwide pandemic–and is almost certain to suffer the most from the long-term effects of this disaster, primarily because just as with TWA 800, it made a concerted effort to conceal its criminal negligence by deliberately concealing the existence of a mass of domestic corona virus deaths by attributing them to other causes like pneumonia, cystic fibrosis, or vaping. I am unable to copy the graphics that were in the email so motivated readers will have to do the work of going to, and reading, the originals. The excerpts below sketch most of the argument, which of course is stronger with the graphics and details I did not include. I apologize that I cannot do html editing.
The three articles below, by the same person (whom I do not know or follow) make more sense of all the other “facts” that I’ve heard than anything else that I’ve come across regarding coronavirus. It looks like a TWA-800 event on its face—it is unlikely that the corona virus escape from Fort Detrick bio-labs was deliberate—followed by massive media-CDC efforts to disguise the source and blame China for the coronavirus. The fact that the NYT reported the Ft. Detrick problem and the absence of any coordinated media program at the time both strongly suggest that the leak was accidental.
The phase that we are in now comes right from the 2011 movie, “Contagion,” but without any competent coordinated effort to control and contain. Even though the leak was accidental, one can look for the preparations for martial law of varying sorts, especially for the contingency of the theft of our savings via “bail-in” when it is suddenly revealed that six years ago the Fed reclassified all our bank deposits as “investments” subject to seizure after FDIC insurance is exhausted, which it quickly will be in event of financial crisis, without recourse. (https://ellenbrown.com/2014/12/01/new-rules-cyprus-style-bail-ins-to-hit-deposits-and-pensions/ New G20 Rules: Cyprus-style Bail-ins to Hit Depositors AND Pensioners ) This is the ruling class’s belief in the rule of law.
China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US?
Japan, China and Taiwan Reports on the Origin of the Virus
By Larry Romanoff
Global Research, March 04, 2020
…China – Western China Bashing – vs. Western Biowarfare?
Shen Yi, an international relations professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, stated that global virologists “including the intelligence agencies” were tracking the origin of the virus. Also of interest, the Chinese government did not shut the door on this. The news report stated:
“Netizens are encouraged to actively partake in discussions, but preferably in a rational fashion.”
In China, that is meaningful. If the reports were rubbish, the government would clearly state that, and tell people to not spread false rumors.
Taiwan Virologist Suggests the Coronavirus Originated in the US
Then, Taiwan ran a TV news program on February,27,(click here to access video (Chinese), that presented diagrams and flow charts suggesting the coronavirus originated in the US. (6)
Below is a rough translation, summary and analysis of selected content of that newscast. (see map below)
The man in the video is a top virologist and pharmacologist who performed a long and detailed search for the source of the virus. He spends the first part of the video explaining the various haplotypes (varieties, if you will), and explains how they are related to each other, how one must have come before another, and how one type derived from another. He explains this is merely elementary science and nothing to do with geopolitical issues, describing how, just as with numbers in order, 3 must always follow 2.
click map to enlarge
One of his main points is that the type infecting Taiwan exists only in Australia and the US and, since Taiwan was not infected by Australians, the infection in Taiwan could have come only from the US.
The basic logic is that the geographical location with the greatest diversity of virus strains must be the original source because a single strain cannot emerge from nothing. He demonstrated that only the US has all the five known strains of the virus (while Wuhan and most of China have only one, as do Taiwan and South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam, Singapore, and England, Belgium and Germany), constituting a thesis that the haplotypes in other nations may have originated in the US.
Korea and Taiwan have a different haplotype of the virus than China, perhaps more infective but much less deadly, which would account for a death rate only 1/3 that of China.
Neither Iran nor Italy were included in the above tests, but both countries have now deciphered the locally prevalent genome and have declared them of different varieties from those in China, which means they did not originate in China but were of necessity introduced from another source. It is worth noting that the variety in Italy has approximately the same fatality rate as that of China, three times as great as other nations, while the haplotype in Iran appears to be the deadliest with a fatality rate of between 10% and 25%. (7) (8) (9)
Due to the enormous amount of Western media coverage focused on China, much of the world believes the coronavirus spread to all other nations from China, but this now appears to have been proven wrong. With about 50 nations scattered throughout the world having identified at least one case at the time of writing, it would be very interesting to examine virus samples from each of those nations to determine their location of origin and the worldwide sources and patterns of spread.
The Virologist further stated that the US has recently had more than 200 “pulmonary fibrosis” cases that resulted in death due to patients’ inability to breathe, but whose conditions and symptoms could not be explained by pulmonary fibrosis. He said he wrote articles informing the US health authorities to consider seriously those deaths as resulting from the coronavirus, but they responded by blaming the deaths on e-cigarettes, then silenced further discussion. …
The Taiwanese doctor then stated the virus outbreak began earlier than assumed, saying, “We must look to September of 2019”.
He stated the case in September of 2019 where some Japanese traveled to Hawaii and returned home infected, people who had never been to China. This was two months prior to the infections in China and just after the CDC suddenly and totally shut down the Fort Detrick bio-weapons lab claiming the facilities were insufficient to prevent loss of pathogens. (10) (11)
He said he personally investigated those cases very carefully (as did the Japanese virologists who came to the same conclusion).. This might indicate the coronavirus had already spread in the US but where the symptoms were being officially attributed to other diseases, and thus possibly masked.
The prominent Chinese news website Huanqiu related one case in the US where a woman’s relative was told by physicians he died of the flu, but where the death certificate listed the coronavirus as the cause of death. On February 26, ABC News affiliate KJCT8 News Network reported that a woman recently told the media that her sister died on from coronavirus infection. Montrose, Colorado resident Almeta Stone said, “They (the medical staff) kept us informed that it was the flu, and when I got the death certificate, there was a coronavirus in the cause of death.” (12)
We cannot ascertain the number of such cases in the US but since the CDC apparently has no reliable test kits and is conducting little or no testing for the virus, there may be others.
Just for information
In the past two years (during the trade war) China has suffered several pandemics:
• February 15, 2018: H7N4 bird flu. Sickened at least 1,600 people in China and killed more than 600. Many chickens killed. China needs to purchase US poultry products.
• June, 2018: H7N9 bird flu. Many chickens killed. China needs to purchase US poultry products.
• August, 2018: outbreak of African swine flu. Same strain as Russia, from Georgia. Millions of pigs killed. China needs to purchase US pork products.
• May 24, 2019: massive infestation of armyworms in 14 province-level regions in China, which destroy most food crops. Quickly spread to more than 8,500 hectares of China’s grain production. They produce astonishing numbers of eggs. China needs to purchase US agricultural products – corn, soybeans.
• December, 2019: Coronavirus appearance puts China’s economy on hold.
• January, 2020: China is hit by a “highly pathogenic” strain of bird flu in Hunan province. Many chickens died, many others killed. China needs to purchase US poultry products.
The standard adage is that bad luck happens in threes, not sixes.
Why Is the US Apparently Not Testing for the COVID-19 Coronavirus?
“Testing for coronavirus is not available yet in New York City.”
By Larry Romanoff
Global Research, March 06, 2020
Region: USA
Theme: Media Disinformation, Science and Medicine
71 25
All reports are that the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is not testing for the new coronavirus COVID-19, and that reliable tests in any case do not exist in the US. This is an area bereft of rational explanation.
The US may have many thousands of coronavirus infections, but no one knows because the CDC are not testing for them.
The CDC produced a series of test kits that produced wildly random results, positive or negative, followed by instructions to discard the test kits as unreliable. (1) Several U.S. states said the new coronavirus test kits did not work, while others said they were totally unreliable. (2) New York City reported the government-issued tests are faulty and “cannot be relied upon to provide an accurate result”. Those faulty kits were also shipped all over the world, but to my knowledge the CDC have relayed that information to no one outside the US.
Further, American hospitals have been discharging infected patients on the basis of these faulty tests, the CDC explaining that there have been many situations where test results alternate between negative and positive on the same patients. (3)
One US media source said California had only 200 proper testing kits in the entire state, and very few anywhere in the country, but I could find no evidence the CDC is preparing new test kits, apparently doing nothing. It seems the reason the CDC can claim no COVID-19 infections is because they are not testing, and are unable in any case to perform reliable tests. It might be amusing to mock the US for being unable to produce a reliable test, but the Americans are not incompetent, which unfortunately raises many questions.
It seems bizarre that while the CDC could quickly develop and apply reliable tests nationwide, they apparently prefer to not do that, at a time when California and other states have already declared an emergency, and the White House canceled flights to China and requested $2 billion in virus funding.
According to media reports, the US has done only around 450 tests while even much smaller nations have tested many tens of thousands. (4) Even more surprising is that the CDC is apparently refusing to test for COVID-19 infections. The first such US infection from unknown sources wasn’t tested until after the patient had been on a ventilator in the ICU for nearly one week. The hospital claimed they “were unable to get her tested for five days, claiming the CDC refused to test victims who had not traveled to outbreak-hit regions”. It appears The CDC simply refused to administer a test even though the patient was in critical condition. (5)
In the meantime, a Chinese firm has put into mass production a highly-accurate test for COVID-19 that has received the highest level of European certification and that is now being marketed worldwide. China’s genomics sequencing company BGI has received international recognition and vast orders for its detection kits for the novel coronavirus. It has already shipped many hundreds of thousands to more than 25 countries and is in the order process with another 25 nations. For one, if the CDC wanted reliable tests, they could simply order from China. (6)
The CDC estimates that this flu season has seen at least 29 million illnesses, 280,000 hospitalisations and 16,000 deaths (16), but Japan and Taiwan both stated that American coronavirus deaths (potentially in the thousands) are being buried in untested infections, and in fatalities blamed on the seasonal flu. If those deaths were tested, the results are not being made public. (7) (8)
Chinese news website Huanqiu (9) related one case in the US where a woman’s relative was told by physicians he died of the flu, but where the death certificate listed the coronavirus as the cause of death. On February 26, ABC News affiliate KJCT8 News Network reported that a woman recently told the media that her sister died on from coronavirus infection. Montrose, Colorado resident Almeta Stone said,
“They (the medical staff) kept us informed that it was the flu, and when I got the death certificate, there was a coronavirus in the cause of death.” (10)
We cannot ascertain the number of such cases in the US but since the CDC apparently has no reliable test kits and is conducting little or no testing for the virus, there may be others. As I stated in an earlier article (11), virologists from Japan and Taiwan both came to the conclusion that this might indicate the coronavirus had already spread in the US but where the symptoms were being officially attributed to other diseases, and thus possibly masked. …
COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US
By Larry Romanoff
Global Research, March 11, 2020
Region: USA
Theme: Intelligence, Science and Medicine
27.1K 348
It would be useful to read this prior article for background:
China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US?
By Larry Romanoff, March 04, 2020
As readers will recall from the earlier article (above), Japanese and Taiwanese epidemiologists and pharmacologists have determined that the new coronavirus almost certainly originated in the US since that country is the only one known to have all five types – from which all others must have descended. Wuhan in China has only one of those types, rendering it in analogy as a kind of “branch” which cannot exist by itself but must have grown from a “tree”.
The Taiwanese physician noted that in August of 2019 the US had a flurry of lung pneumonias or similar, which the Americans blamed on ‘vaping’ from e-cigarettes, but which, according to the scientist, the symptoms and conditions could not be explained by e-cigarettes. He said he wrote to the US officials telling them he suspected those deaths were likely due to the coronavirus. He claims his warnings were ignored.
Immediately prior to that, the CDC totally shut down the US Military’s main bio-lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, due to an absence of safeguards against pathogen leakages, issuing a complete “cease and desist” order to the military. It was immediately after this event that the ‘e-cigarette’ epidemic arose.
Screenshot from The New York Times August 08, 2019
We also had the Japanese citizens infected in September of 2019, in Hawaii, people who had never been to China, these infections occurring on US soil long before the outbreak in Wuhan but only shortly after the locking down of Fort Detrick.
Then, on Chinese social media, another article appeared, aware of the above but presenting further details. It stated in part that five “foreign” athletes or other personnel visiting Wuhan for the World Military Games (October 18-27, 2019) were hospitalised in Wuhan for an undetermined infection.
The article explains more clearly that the Wuhan version of the virus could have come only from the US because it is what they call a “branch” which could not have been created first because it would have no ‘seed’. It would have to have been a new variety spun off the original ‘trunk’, and that trunk exists only in the US. (1)
There has been much public speculation that the coronavirus had been deliberately transmitted to China but, according to the Chinese article, a less sinister alternative is possible.
If some members of the US team at the World Military Games (18-27 October) had become infected by the virus from an accidental outbreak at Fort Detrick it is possible that, with a long initial incubation period, their symptoms might have been minor, and those individuals could easily have ‘toured’ the city of Wuhan during their stay, infecting potentially thousands of local residents in various locations, many of whom would later travel to the seafood market from which the virus would spread like wildfire (as it did).
That would account also for the practical impossibility of locating the legendary “patient zero” – which in this case has never been found since there would have been many of them.
Next, Daniel Lucey, an infectious disease expert at Georgetown University in Washington, said in an article in Science magazine that the first human infection has been confirmed as occurring in November 2019, (not in Wuhan), suggesting the virus originated elsewhere and then spread to the seafood markets. “One group put the origin of the outbreak as early as 18 September 2019.” (2) (3)
China’s New Coronavirus: An Examination of the Facts
Wuhan seafood market may not be source of novel virus spreading globally.
Description of earliest cases suggests outbreak began elsewhere.
The article states:
“As confirmed cases of a novel virus surge around the world with worrisome speed, all eyes have so far focused on a seafood market in Wuhan, China, as the origin of the outbreak. But a description of the first clinical cases published in The Lancet on Friday challenges that hypothesis.” (4) (5)
The paper, written by a large group of Chinese researchers from several institutions, offers details about the first 41 hospitalized patients who had confirmed infections with what has been dubbed 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
In the earliest case, the patient became ill on 1 December 2019 and had no reported link to the seafood market, the authors report. “No epidemiological link was found between the first patient and later cases”, they state. Their data also show that, in total, 13 of the 41 cases had no link to the marketplace. “That’s a big number, 13, with no link”, says Daniel Lucey . . . (6)
Earlier reports from Chinese health authorities and the World Health Organization had said the first patient had onset of symptoms on 8 December 2019 – and those reports simply said “most” cases had links to the seafood market, which was closed on 1 January. (7)
“Lucey says if the new data are accurate, the first human infections must have occurred in November 2019 – if not earlier – because there is an incubation time between infection and symptoms surfacing. If so, the virus possibly spread silently between people in Wuhan – and perhaps elsewhere – before the cluster of cases from the city’s now-infamous Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market was discovered in late December. “The virus came into that marketplace before it came out of that marketplace”, Lucey asserts. …
Next time consider just to supply the link and not cut and paste. Thanks.
Mod: Correct. Please just the link or links. Long cut and paste(s) are normally discouraged. Thank-you.
From a ‘long history’ perspective the general context, of this present era of Late-Modernity, can be summarized as being a shift of the center of gravity of the ‘economy-world’ from the West that is centered around New-York/Washington to East-Asia that is gradually being centered around Beijing.
As all the citizens of this world we are being plunged in a very volatile present. As a result we all experience extreme difficulties to make sense of what is going on in the world. In other words reality largely escapes our perception and in such a context the forces that master the ultimate power over their societies are hiding their objectives behind a smog of fake-news and propaganda.
Having thus contextualized our present situation we can say with certainty that what we are witnessing, in front of our very eyes, is the collision of 3 complex systems that will result in consequences of historical proportions :
– the complex system of a dynamic epidemiology
– the complex system of public governance
– the complex system of dynamic economic and financial markets
After the dust settles on this collision the societal realities around the world will undoubtedly be vastly different.
What strikes me as the dominant feature resulting from this collision is what formed as the following societal dichotomy :
– a generalized panic in the Western world that results in a total collapse of trust in all public institutions, the political leadership, and the financial markets
– a generalized trust, in China, in public institutions and in the political leadership as well as the financial markets…
The contrast could not be starker.
This dichotomy is radically reshaping the image of China’s governance system :
– the chaos wrought about by what is appearing in the public’s eyes, as being a complete western incompetence, is boosting the contrast of China’s accomplishments
– 2 months of abject Western propaganda meant to belittle China’s actions is now boomeranging in the face of those Western systems of governance. This blow-back is furthermore reinforced, in popular perceptions, by the actions of solidarity from China toward the most severely touched countries like Iran, Italy and other that appears so radically different from the actions of the US and the EU. The results in a quiet approval by the populations that China is helping.
What I depict here will nevertheless inevitably be modulated by the outcome of the future answer, by the scientific community, to the question about the ultimate origin of the virus.
In this regard it is worthwhile to observe the following :
1. the idea that the virus originated from the USA was propagated by Japanese and Taiwanese virologists and pharmacologists. Their videos and texts rapidly spread through Chinese social media and …people are free to comment and Chinese popular perceptions are unifying.
2. the multiple spokespersons of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Relations insist that the answer, to the question of the virus’ origin, has to be provided by the scientific community. Zhao Lijian is assuredly the most outspoken among those spokespersons and he states unequivocally that China has the proof that the virus originated in the USA.
3. the proof of a USA origin could be contained in the identification documents, and the test results, of the 5 US soldiers who landed in a Wuhan hospital during the Military Games of October 2019… This must be why Zhao Lijian is asking the US health services when they registered their first case of Covid19.
If China has proof that the Corona-virus is what infected these 5 US soldiers the discussion would be closed and the USA would then be caught in China’s receivership… But how that could be playing out is another topic altogether.
A weapon doesn’t have to be lethal to be effective. If the weapon kills nobody but cripples a country’s productive capability, I would consider it quite effective. Therefore, SARS-Cov-2 could wellbe a bioweapon, even with a low fatality rate.
I agree with the Saker that the true ruling powers in the US (not the clowns in the White House) are collectively unlikely to unleash a bioweapon. However, to think of them as a united force is probably a mistake. There are clearly factions, and some of them are crazier than others. One of the nuttier subgroups, with little thought for the likely consequences, may have used the virus as a weapon.
There are a couple of implicit assumptions in the article:
1. That only nations are capable of developing WMD.
This is probably true of nuclear weapons, less true of chemical weapons (reference Tokyo subway sarin attack) but certainly not true of biological weapons – the poor nations WMD – kitchen based.
170 USD DIY Bacterial Gene Engineering CRISPR Kit
2. That only nations as actors are able to benefit.
Other posters already pointed out that globalists have multiple interests in propagating such an event.
Lastly, the intellectual tools required to analyze this are psychological and kitchen biological. The perpetrator of a bio attack cannot be identified with a degree of certainty that would justify a response. Military thinking does not apply to this event.
Runs of products in stores, some 1/3 empty, in maryland, usa, but not so much in southern virginia today, pretty much looked normal there, I observed first hand today. I don’t follow zionazi-gay media, but I assume they are hyping up the biznus aspect to get people to binge buy out of fear. The odd choices of what to binge buy defies logic and stinks of marketting fraud (pretty much all marketing is fraud, btw, and in normal societies these people would be considered an anti social criminal element, and delt with accordingly).
There is a serious lock down on who is getting severely sick from this disease outside East Asia, at least in what I’ve seen in my limited reading. Italy and Iran have seen a lot of deaths. But who is dying there?
Keep in mind a disease that affects a specific genetic group more harmfully than other genetic groups can be a very desirable bio weapon by those of the genetic group affected much less. Do the math. And also the intimate affiliation of westerm media of all sorts with obscuring and falsifying info that can give their massas’ strategy away.
One other thing. A bio attack disease does not have to be lab engineered. It could also involve the deliberate speading a rare, recently isolated/discovered/mutated strain of a naturally occurring disease that has the necessary qualifications to be used as a bio weapon against a targeted genetic group.
– Patient zero – the Chinese govt correctly asked the USA to come clean and reveal this person. Quickly, the US classified this information. That alone is enough to tell u all u need to know about this.
– China and Russia both reacted to this like an attack (war). I can’t quite remember where , I read that initial calls from xi to trump went unanswered about 25 times (could be false) but Xi quickly called it a “people’s war”). Interesting terminology.
– the impossibility of only the empires enemies being hit initially and very hard; China, Iran etc to stop BRI with collateral to those allies who were hesitant about stopping BRI and a warning to others.
– in conclusion, it is true that blowback is a given and contingencies are made; such as vaccines already developed which will be administered to those who matter, hence why no high level individuals will die (for the rest, vaccines sometime soon – to make some money while at it, see); Hiroshima and Nagasaki, agent orange in Vietnam, proves the empire has no qualms in using deadly agents and force to achieve its objectives if it is assured of no victim retaliation but not unintended blowback.
Saker, your arguments seem to base on conventional warfare.
Nobody said that the US-MIL started a war on China-Iran-Italy by delivering the Virus.
What is said & done, is that “Somebody” decided to destroy the Economy’s of China, Iran, and Italy.
In whose interest is it to destroy these country’s??
There is no military objective here. The only angle that the US-MIL appears is that COVID-19/HIV is their baby, but it doesn’t mean they released it.
Certainly USA hegemony is Kaput, the Chinese Capitalism leaving the USA corporate welfare model in the dust. Rather than competing, say like Huawei, the USA has decided to knee-cap, or just club a country that makes a good product, or that makes a lot of money. Like in Italy where the most profitable Chinese owned factory’s have been destroyed, or in Wuhan the Export hub of China brought to a stand-still for months.
First they went after hong-kong, we know it was a joint operation, the rich real-estate tycoons of HK, are opposed to CCP rule, so they joined forces with CIA&US-State department.
It didn’t take that many people to place the virus in Iran, Northern Italy ( chinese citys ), and in Wuhan, there may have only been three people involved in aerosol spraying with micro-drones.
The US-MIL’s job is more to mop up the mess. Proof of this is the green-zone’s in Afghan & Iraq, they still don’t have test-kits, they have no idea who is sick. I have friends in the GZ’s and they’re all telling me that all break and leave is now suspended, it used to be if you in GZ you got six weeks on, and two weeks off with a free ticket to fly anywhere on earth. Here I’m referring to the 10k private contractors, not the grunts; All pulling down over $250k/year, tax free, per diem.
These viruses were created years ago, most of the corona-virus early patents go back to Japan in early 1990’s. This is just stuff that was ‘on the shelf’.
IMHO what happened was quite simple, just like Trump’s murder of Soleimani, somebody ran by Trump the proposition of “Destroying the Iran, Italy, Wuhan – Chinese business world” and Trump said ‘Do-It’, just like Soleimani, nobody cared or gave a shit about blow-back.
In fact it was a two-fer Trump’s team assumed they would be the ‘white knight’ to come to the rescue of the world, nobody even contemplated that the Chinese would declare War on the virus, and win the battle in a month.
Two decades later we still don’t know the truth about 9/11, and five decades later we still don’t know who shot JFK. So to think we will ever find out the truth of corona is wishful thinking.
However, taking the perspective of Cui bono, here are a few points to consider:
1 there is a trade war with China. China is an existential threat to western hegemony. Disrupting supply chains is in keeping with the trade war and serves to isolate China.
2. The global economy is awash with cash and has many asset bubbles. Covid-19 is a way to deflate the bubbles while disguising the structural problems, and stirring in some corporate welfare and disaster economics (aka “the shock doctrine”).
3. The US elites have had their eye on social security and in most western countries Aging populations are stressing the pension schemes. Culling the aged is one way of making these economies healthy again.
4. Bread and circus is a time tested strategy. When bread starts running low, the circuses intensify. When circuses no longer suffice, turn the people against one another. Covid-19 and the panic being stoked by the MSM may very well be the more advanced version of the latter as the global plutocracy (aka those who rule the world) misdirect the masses to hide and protect themselves.
5. The US has never been shy of sacrificing American lives for global hegemony. They just don’t want to admit it.
6. As concerns regarding man-made climate change mount, what better way than depopulation of a few hundred million of the unwashed and bring to a standstill economic activity, especially the fossil fuel industry.
7. And finally, I am intrigued by reports that there are five separate strains (note: not mutants which implies origins from a single parent) in circulation with varying lethality. This seems too much to be a coincidence or plain bad luck, but something altogether else is afoot.
In the end, I figure there are many things hidden from us common folk and that our masters are much smarter and cold hearted than we can comprehend.
Thanks Saker for running this site.
I could add:
8. The original of the Covid-19 story by eating bats, snakes, and pangolins is IMO just too cute, convenient and western media ready. There is no evidence put forward for this 4 months into whoever put this “fact” forward. Certainly no “passport” was found at the scene as in 9/11.
9. Interesting that Iran was hit so early and so hard. I have not come across any epidemiological link of spread from China to Iran. How convenient. In God we trust to deliver us from our enemies.
Again, who knows the truth. Experience teaches us that the MSM certainly avoids it worse than the coronavirus.
I like “could” agruements. They put an idea in the head of a person without bringing evidence. Should be pointed out that all five stains occur in China.
It’s also possible that the virus could of escaped from a Chinese lab as well. Links available on request.
1) China has been researching virus and has been slammed for creating an airborne transmissible flu virus, between mammals, and other deadly viruses.
2) Had pathogens escaped from their research labs.
3) Has a long record of research articles based on cornaviruses
4) Has other health related scandals in the past with cover ups.
5) Has two viral research labs one only some 300 off metres from the market.
“Should be pointed out that all five stains occur in China.”
What I’ve read is only one of the varieties is in China and that 5 varieties are in the usa – the only country so far to have all 5 known varieties within it’s borders.
I believe the corona virus was engineered by the U.S and unleashed first on China, but the main target has been Iran all along. I cannot point to any evidences at this moment. My conclusion is based on past and current circumstances.
First of all, the U.S clearly wants a regime change in Iran. It is obvious to Trump that the regime will not capitulate to America’s demands. It is also evident that the regime will continue to create trouble for the U.S and its allies in the region. For the U.S, and especially Trump, the only solution to this problem is a regime change.
The challenge for America is how to topple the regime in Iran. Traditionally, they will go for a military option. But Iran is not a weak country. If anything, the recent attack on U.S bases demonstrates Iran’s ability to severely disrupt U.S military operations in the event of a war. Also, U.S puppet regimes in the middle east are HIGHLY likely to collapse if America went to war with Iran. This will lead to further complications in itself.
The easiest way is to topple the regime from within. Color revolution was tried, but failed. A military coup is unthinkable. A pro-western president is also very unlikely to emerge in Iran. The U.S is currently trying to stir up nationwide anger in Iran against the regime by spreading the corona virus throughout Iran and blaming the Iranian government of not being competent enough to protect its population. It looks like this one will fail too.
The reason I believe this is an attack by the U.S is the same as the reason The Saker believes it is not a U.S bioattack. All The Saker described here emphasizes that America plausible deniability, though he did not mention the very low kill rate. America appearing vulnerable to the virus lulls suspicion, but the fact that this virus doesn’t kill at an alarming rate means the U.S can manage it despite being vulnerable. The aim is not to kill all Iranians but to create a nation-wide crisis.
The media is busy demonizing the Iranian government over mishandling of the pandemic, but you will scarcely hear a word about how the Greek government is mishandling theirs, even though the situation in Greece appears to be worse.
The U.S has plausible deniability
This virus can be managed for it has a low kill rate
The U.S knows both Europe and Iran can handle it, so no need to worry about harming allies
The spread in Iran was, and still is very rapid compared to other countries in the region. Many countries around the world reported an infection around the same time as Iran, but the rate of spread is very low for most. Why different for Iran? You might think that the rapid spread in Greece nullifies my point here, but to me, it only makes it stronger. The U.S needed to use some country as a smoke screen. It can afford to kill a few thousands to protect America’s hegemony
Lastly, the U.S keeps blocking companies that can ship medical kits to Iran to help fight the virus.
Once this disease had been acknowledged in China, the answer had been very fast.
Analysis of the virus, containment measures, set up of light structured hospital which needs to have previously been foreseen… It is clear that the Chinese authorities have been prepared to this kind of hazard. The threat of an action of biowarfare has been taken into account.
The comparison of the ability of China to deal with this epidemic with that of the EU speaks by itself.
I don’t believe very much in the story that a bat slaughtered in front of some customer at the Wuhan’s market has contaminated this human being leading to the mutation of this new coronavirus. This must have been done millions of times before.
What is certain is that this viral contamination has been detected in China. And the Chinese authorities now know all of the story. Their accusations against the US are certainly politically motivated but i would be prone to believe that this virus originated in the US.
The catastrophic healthcare system there impeded to reveal the nature of deaths caused by this new virus
Полегче ребят. Mentioned was collateral damage but I would add the terminology blow-back and “game theory” into the mix. I’m not a monarchist but very much appreciate the insights.
Perhaps the purpose of this bioweapon was not to kill off the entirety of an enemies population but to cause panic and mayhem while the system collapses and enable insiders to profit from it. I have some problems with the theory that the novel corona virus is natural. First of all i have read that it is 96 percent similar to related corona viruses. That percentage seperates them by millions of years. Humans and chimps have 98 percent similar genomes and are seperated by 5 million years. So where has this corona virus been hiding. In fruit bats they say. All the other diseases we contract incidently from these animals are contracted from body fluids. Examples are equine morbidy virus and lisser fever. Thats why they are contracted so seldomly. The corona virus is airborne. Bats and pangalins and humans have shared the same habitat for ever. An airborne virus would have crossed over a long time ago. Some things to think about.
You are onto something there, the collapse will get with a lot of business ruined, think about it, airliners and big tourism operators, something equating the fall of the USSR when national enterprises were sold for cents. This was probably the goal with starting the infection in China, to provoke the fall of the CCP system and with it put an end to the B&R project
Another goal, long ago wished by the US, especially after Brexit, would be the collapse of the public health care systems in Europe and the world, y ideological reasons to probe them innefective to fight the plague, using then the media and payed liberal agents inside our nations to claim for full privatization…
Fortunately the blowback in this sense have reversed the goal, proving the public health care systems, based mainly in the effort and vocation of professionals not so well payed but well prepared and organized, the best prepared to fight this virus epidemic.
Sir Saker, very astute analysis as usual!
Good to know you have recovered well :)
On “let’s now ONLY discuss the political and military implications of a deliberate use of SARS-CoV-2 against China (or any other country).”
Well, I think this is near impossible and this is why…
Some western reporter asked a chinese health spokesperson during a press conference a while back,
‘Do you think WUHAN-virus is a biological weapon?’
The spokesperson answered, ‘What species can fly in the sky, run on the ground and swim under water?’
Everybody laugh.
For the western readers, who may not have got it – the answer is corona-Chan.
Your analysis is based on the virus NOT being biological engineered or as such not deploy for malevolent purpose (if I read correctly). But if we established it is a bioweapon, then your thesis and analysis probably needs some addition, different calculations and probably will lead to a different direction of projection and ending.
But I agree with you, in my personal opinion, this viral incident, almost cannot possible be directly from DJT admin. Not that the POTUS has any say to many things and its shown in many cases Mr PomPom seems to dance to a different tune. So no its not by USA.
The the question then is, to me, has the yard sale begins? That’s is, as with end of SU, all kinds of stuff were auction onto the markets places and many fancy stuff were ‘for a price’. How did these 5th column or mysterious agents or private unnamed family get their hands on tax-payer funded Lv4 stuff? They can easily live underground or live in remote forest or mountain top for a good few years, away from the circus and be safe themselves.
Also, when the chinese official point the finger back to USA for patient Zero, to me, it is not so much to blame USA but the question is, ‘Is the current wave of viral explosion in USA, the first wave or the second wave?’
If it is the second wave, technically speaking, all 330 million US citizen could be infected and are host to the silent disease, with no or little symptoms. China freaked out as they are always ‘in war mode’ and that’s how they caught it early (still could be 6 more days earlier). So the situation in US is concerning, to say the least. And the implication and projection, one can again take to many directions thus their logical ending.
I have now openly question the so-called ‘flu-season’, as natural and nature. What if, like the hurricane, its actually priced in disaster capitalism market? All they need to do is released the flu-virus at specific time of the year, giving it the illusion of seasonal-flu and they have the marker of ‘regular money making’ scheme. Thus the incentive to keep the Lv4 lab open for business, funded by tax-payers (ya those thieves and liars) but totally ‘national security grade’ unaccountable.
So you see, sir Saker, we may go into very different direction and ending if we first establish if the virus, and we know there are only so many Lv4 labs, are indeed bio-engineered and by who. And from ‘Who’, we possibly can trace who else have access to it or who bought it. Thus we can possible asses with more certainty, if USA is suffering from the second wave of virus, which would be more potent and dangerous, as it would have mutated. First one could be ‘just a flu’ grade, but the second wave? Is there any reason we should expect the boomers get lucky again?
Just thinking outside-their-narratives.
Again, dear friends, panic and fear will kill you before the virus.
If your time is up, fate is fate.
Save those you left behind. Pref with a smile and peace.
You came and you experience what is being a ‘human’.
Its all good to share some data, ideas, personal opinion here,
but its better to focus on what you can do at your level.
***Pls goto amarynth alt-health page if your need some help.
Thank you sir Saker for your contribution to the community.
This few ‘Kinda open thread’ may prove to be pivotal in saving some of our bacon, literally. Thus for those, their continued bloodlines.
We are seeing history being forcefully made/forged (ironically by and via a brainless virus)…
For those who can, let’s swing it OUR WAY!
Be safe there
– Patient zero is important because she/he would easily reveal all the lies told e.g.
• they couldn’t be the source of the infections by mapping contacts they had and the impossibility of the various outbreaks in very diverse places hence refuting them being the source.
• If they don’t have all the 5 strains, then how can they be the source? etc
Its not as simple as that but one can be on a good start from there…
Furthermore, even if Patient zero is located and confirmed, so what?
We need to work through the scenario much much much more…
if we were to have a lasting change forward…
There is always a chance, the entire BRI will be ruins to ground zero, if the enemy playground are MAD.
Then RIC still has the REAL money saved to rebuild while the west does not and instead will be put through trails and facing their war crimes for decades to come…
Again pls do not think its USA the country but factions of it or factions that hold it hostage.
If one really want to debate, then USA the Republic is already long gone and the current one is still under COG. There is no USA.
I am personally very keen to learn more on how and what VVP’s russia is doing.
Be safe there
It is as simple as that. If there is no patient zero but multiple patient zeros, then the whole narrative falls apart rather quickly and proves man-made activity.
U ask so what if patient zero is found. Easy, please explain diverse multiple outbreaks in distant locations where patient zero and those he/she may have infected never came anywhere near to. If patient zero is found, what strain or strains of infection did they have. Now, please explain how the various strains in diverse parts of the world stack up to the evidence. Patient zero is way important than u think and that is why the US classified that information. It would destroy the narrative just as building 7 destroyed the 911 official narrative.
Anyhow, to each their own interpretation and narrative. But to me, patient zero Is a huge part of the puzzle. Peace bro/sis.
@ ponder
friend you are right and I agree with you
I ask so what is to the effect of what good can it do? Say USA is indeed the responsible party and we have the proof, what then? Are we going to bring USA to ICC? is china going to declare war on USA? and so on…
I am focusing more on life after for the general public that has already been struck with great fear…
My feeling is – China does know Patient Zero and does know the whole sequence of events – crime scene, fingerprints the lot… but China also want to use this info for her purpose and exposing patient zero at this point of time, is not going to be wise.
But for the rest of us, it remains a puzzle (as you said) until they reveal it…
but even then some of us will question china’s hidden agenda
and then all the anti-china sentiment will explode and so on…
So peace to you too and you take extra care there
Be safe there
All this questions are not for what can I as a person do about it. There is nothing any of us can do individually to affect geopolitics. All one can do is manage individual risk factors.
Now, if both China and Russia are convinced that the empire will stop at nothing, which I think they are, what will be the final trigger points from their perspective that they will say enough and retaliate with catastrophic consequences?
So, for me, I seek to understand them and how they view this. Could covid-19 be the trigger for bringing down the Petro-dollar system as is now being prepped by oil wars? And I cannot understand their responses if I have the wrong interpretation of the key events unfolding e.g. by ignoring that evidence points to covid-19 being man-made (and unleashed though unintentionally but nonetheless directed with intention to damage empires enemies geopolitically by blaming China for unleashing a bio weapon or being lax in curbing a potential pandemic thus necessitating further damaging response to empire enemies). And how China and Russia will react to this new affront now unleashed whether intentionally or not. Has hybrid warfare now crossed the red line to include biowarfare or not. I think Russia and China need to know this which will shape their responses.
Russia, so far, is staying way to silent, doesn´t it?
After the change of government and the killing of Soleimani, I noticed their Vesti News youtube channel, where they used to publish all those videos with English subtitles on the political gatherings conducted by Soloviev and Olga Skabeeva, along with that other reports on following Putin everywhere, which used to be so prolific publishing several videos subtitled a day/week, has now stopped its activity…
Why that could have been? I thought that the Russians know something is going ot happen and they have gone more introverted..
Wondering what they are discussing about this Coronavirus issue, no statement in any direction by them…
Exactly. I was thinking the same.
This *might* be one of the most worrysome things. I’m not familiar enough with Russian motives (I’ll leave that to others), but my 2 cents would be that they know now that statements and talking are useless.
Russia acts. It hammered a fine nail in the coffin of the oil price (so sad, Saudi Arabia) and further erosion of the LNG scam of the USA (well hello, Nord Stream 2).
Could it be possible that they are standing quietly but prepared for war?
In the past, the Saker has written extensively about the insanity of ‘nuclear primacy’, and also in this article about the uncontrollable aspects of WMD.
However, aren’t there quite some insane people around in TPTB? Lately I read about a Pentagon general (forgot his name) openly bragging about his preference for a surprise nuclear attack. Let’s hope this was the effect of bad bat soup.
Btw, Saker and many commenters, thanks for so much insight and things to think about.
Cheers, Rob
They’ve been fanning this panic for all it’s worth from the start, continuing today, drowning out any voices of reason. By “they” I mean just about everybody. Not just the corporate media yahoos, but most alternative blogs too. And I lap it up too, out of morbid curiosity to some degree, an urge to see what’s coming up and stay prepared, a keen interest in all things medical, and fun speculating from limited information. These human follies all by themselves may actually be what’s driving this. The media all cater to their audience. Is this it? Is this the big one? The one that none of our puny efforts can control? The one they’ve promised us for years? Oo! Oo! It’s got a 14 day, no make that 24 day, no wait…40 day latency! You might have it! I might have it!
Of course, in the midst of this, there are the public opinion manipulators with their own agendas, which I think boil down mostly to profit or political advantage.
Gail Tverberg just published a very well reasoned article about how counterproductive attempts to control a cold virus through lengthy quarantines can be. She thinks we are doing irreversible damage to our economy and that China will not fully recover from their 6-week shutdown. But even given this obvious problem, public opinion overall is going to demand something be done when they hear about people young and old suffering terribly from this virus, and to the degree the government fails to do that, it will be held against them at voting time.
The Anglo-Saxon world’s response to the epidemic is different from that of other countries. The US, Canada, and the UK have done nothing substantive to protect their populations – no quarantines, almost no testing. It seems like they want to let their people become infected.
China forges ahead economically because their government is not burdened by private bank debt. This is their “mistake” and why they have been surrounded by US military bases, had trade tariffs imposed, subjected to attacks in the form of swine flu that killed off their pigs, bird flu that decimated their poultry farms, and possibly a bioweapons attack as in SARS and Covid-19
They have been able to largely curtail the effects of the bioweapons attack, because they have an authoritarian government, that takes command rather than private corporations.
It is very difficult in western democracies to impose travel restrictions and confining people to their homes. In any case the democracies, especially the US, do not have the medical resources available for testing, nor treatment facilities for deadly virus infections on a large scale. This is what happens when private insurance calls the shots.
every government warns about virus -> official govenment media direct our attention to virus -> they all agree on something -> like a transition or something (cashless, online classroom, etc you know the highly advertised things) -> they all obsess with scientific progress and technological advancement (ignoring all consequences). why is that?
why? the push for virus
ai, 5g, h+
As to this statement by our esteemed Saker, I beg to take the opportunity to differ:
“Going in just to kill people and even bombing a country back to the stone age does NOT qualify as a political goal. If you prefer, the political goal is what ought to be defined as “victory”. So, again, “destroying all enemy ships” or “pulling off a decapitating anti-leadership strike” are NOT political goals.”
If we think in the terms of von Clausewitz, this would be eminently true. But we are now in a phase of present-day history of mad thinking, and have entered the stage of “creative destruction” previously mostly applied to Amerindians and to the elites of the Deep South by Sherman. Nowadays, there is the doctrine of “Land Destruction” that is seen as a kind of victory by the Anglozionist elites in Washington D.C.
No it seems that someone in the top groups of have applied this idea not only to the Middle East, Irân and China, bot to the North American Homeland itself. Which does cause the idea of a weaponized bioweapon to make sense. “Quod erad demonstrandem”
So it’s springtime and I’m going to buy new tomato plants next week. They’re hybrid breeds optimizid for fruitfulness. The successive generation, though, will degenerate and lose these optimized properties, which is why people buy hybrid breed tomato plants anew each year.
Could it be similar with so-called bioweapons? Let’s assume evil people breed evil viruses designed for harmfulness, for virulence. Will they conserve their evil qualities when released in the wild? Or will they degenerate and lose their harmfulness? Will the first generations cause harm and successive generations simply fizzle out?
Most people will have heard of dangerous multiresistent germs being involuntarily bred in hospitals due to excessive use of antimicrobial means. There’s a high selectivity pressure brought to bear on microorganisms inside hospitals, which doesn’t exist outside hospitals, causing hospital microorganisms to lose their harmfulness.
In a nutshell: The survival of the fittest applies to microorganisms as well, but with conditions in the wild being more favorable, the less fit and thus less harmful degenerations will survive as well. So there’s a loss of virulence.
Thus, for military use, you’d need to apply large quantities of first-generation pathogens to cause significant harm to a population because the effect quickly fizzles out.
Did this Corona pathogen originate from an attack? From an Azi American attack? On China and Iran? The spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Office said so, which is labelled as a “conspiracy theory” in Germany. I certainly tend to trust China and to profoundly distrust Uncle Sam.
Anyone incriminating 5G deployment, in my opinion, is a superstitious fool. We’ve had 2,4 and 5,0 GHz Wifi in our homes for many years now and the 5G frequencies are right inbetween. Why on Earth should they be harmful?!
Certainly there is a clearly discernible intent in European countries to drive the public in a mood of fear and awe by mass media propaganda and (ridiculously incongruent) government action. This can be used to establish new rules that were hitherto unacceptable, as has happened with the 9/11 hoax and the homeland security legistlation.
I tend to being with Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei in my thinking – given the evidence that suggests the likelihood of this being a “biological attack.” http://thesaker.is/irans-supreme-leader-ayatollah-sayyid-ali-khamenei-on-sars-cov-2/
Except, the evidence that he speaks about, is outstanding.
There is literally an ocean of supposition, loose flying facts that cannot be reasonably connected, very suspicious events of which we can make a long list, conspiracy theories and irresponsible statements flying around. For the cadre that thinks this is a bioweapon and it is a military attack, we are very far from pinpointing the ‘who dun’it’ or even to bring clear-eyed analysis or evidence for this case.
It can only be supposition at this stage.
I don’t think the who dun’it is going to be easy at all to pinpoint and I don’t think it is simple. Sorry folks, we have not made our case and at least for today as things stand, The Saker’s case is still more cogent. (You can stop trolling now! And my personal thanks to the mods as well!).
So, now that I’ve condemned my own case (but just for now), let’s look at a few more things. I offer these as data points only, knowing that this is a request for military political analysis. Toward that kind of analysis and the Saker’s oft stated maxim of “war is never an end by itself, but only a means towards an end, and that end is always POLITICAL” I am able to make the political case stronger than the military case for now.
I cannot separate the advent of this virus from the economics. The US and China has been in a 2 year economic warfare. The US did not win. Despite a flurry of boastful MAGA style statements, they still did not win. They still to today cannot declare the victory. While this was continuing, China still prospered whereas the deranged flow of irresponsible statements against China from the US continued, up to the openly stated objective that they will tumble the CCP.
Is this not clear political objective?
As a background to that, most of the efforts of ‘the force for good’ efforts failed. (Think Venezuela, Iran, Suleimani’s killing, bringing the Chinese into vassalship through trade war, Hong Kong instigated riots and the list continues). These failed efforts must have brought a tremendous pressure in the rulers of ‘the force for good’, because they did not win and as time went by the opportunities for winning became less and less, and they did not win ‘more and more’.
The language in the US against China since the covid19 reached crescendo of folly and they fully prepared their own population for further action against China. The population was whipped up to an anti-China frenzy.
Is this not clear preparation toward political objective or even preparation for military action?
Initially the Chinese stated that this kind of biowarfare thinking was irresponsible – and in their position, think of just how angry the people would be if they believed they were attacked while they were spending weeks and months in quarantine and people were infected and dying all around. No .gov in the world could cope with that level of anger, and anger had already been brewing in the population against the US, but also against their own government. Who is there to shout at? Only the government and the Chinese people are not immune to that’. So, I think China had to take that stance and at the time, it was the responsible stance to take.
The Chinese 5th column also appeared strongly and publicly, with calls for Xi Jinping’s resignation.
Is this not a political objective.
In the mean time, the primary attack vectors initially were China & Iran, amazing they just happen to be public enemy #1 of USA. (Orlov quote) And soon after that Italy, who is a Belt and Road country. And in the same space, South Korea, who are not very happy to be further gouged and ‘pay more’ for US military bases.
Xi Jinping’s comments during this period gives some indication of Chinese thinking on whether this is a political/military attack. He said they have to treat it like a war and it is the devil. Far as I know he tends to Confucianism and there ain’t no devil in there. Evil is defined more as the absence of goodness. So Xi defined this virus as being the devil .. who is traditionally described as ‘devils’ or ‘white devils’ or ‘foreign devils’ or ‘gweilo’ in the sphere of China? There is a level of nuance here that we avoid at our peril in analysis.
What is clear is that with the tweet referenced in the Saker’s analysis, China moved from continual statements of condemnation for the irresponsible and frankly sick and deranged statements from the US, to a real political fingerpoint that could have real consequences. China said that they ‘do not distance’ themselves from that tweet.
There is a clear change, a clear point of inflection in China’s language. Look at this for example: “… politicians like Pompeo can make contributions as well, if they can put on masks, shut their mouths, and stop spreading political viruses everywhere.”
So, if we assume this was a biowarfare attack against China, there is certainly enough political oohmph to satisfy the political requirements, or at least enough to think of seriously.
Toward the military side – let’s quickly look at the ‘weapon’, i.e., covid19. It is the poorest weapon that can be selected, if we look at the strawman argument of the older population being affected worse. Yes, of course, but an outbreak of lice will affect this very fragile population negatively and bring in its wake more deaths for the fragile. People are not looking at the younger population. Medical staff, certainly not in the older population are being affected seriously. (25% of medical staff now needing care in Italy and percentage is growing – this is not the older population). Younger people do get infected, it is just their recovery that is more certain than in the older population.
This weapon is virulent with a tremendous speed of contamination and of course, leaving no immunity in its wake. It is damaging on the longer term as those once infected come out of it mostly with organ (at least lung) damage that takes a long long time to heal. From that perspective, what a beautiful bioweapon – it is not a one time thing, but it lingers on and on in its ability to weaken populations. Is it a US wet dream to weaken the Chinese? I would say that is without a doubt. Will they try that in military fashion? Without a doubt if they thought they could and we look at the China Bad meme operating in the US, and that is before we look at weapons complexes arrayed around China and the continual stirring up of trouble in the South China sea
On the strictly military side, we just don’t have the evidence, excepting if we include also the tangential factors. We have from The Saker (and I take it seriously) “Going in just to kill people and even bombing a country back to the stone age does NOT qualify as a political goal. If you prefer, the political goal is what ought to be defined as “victory”. So, again, “destroying all enemy ships” or “pulling off a decapitating anti-leadership strike” are NOT political goals.”
I ask the simple question. Since when did the ‘forces for good’ worry about declaring “victory” according to this definition? People that think that they can use atomic weapons and come out of it relatively unscathed, could easily think that if they release this bioweapon, their own hubris and sense of entitlement will save them and of course they can come out of it unscathed. Blowback is a bitch however, and I’ve seen Trump become more and more worried, while initially he was bouncing around saying the US will be just peachy and fine. This is supposition but it is not a very far stretch for me to think that the ‘force for good’ just simply overreached and did not think through the consequences and this would be par for the course.
Since when does the ‘force for good’ reason in this way: “Going in just to kill people and even bombing a country back to the stone age does NOT qualify as a political goal.” How frequently did we see a stark disregard of this principle from the ‘force for good’ in modern history?
This brings me to enough ground under my feet to begin to lay down a case or an analysis, while I cannot say today it is a bioweapon attack, we should be open to the future thought once more evidence is available (or not – I may be off in left field here). This is not easy analysis and I don’t believe we’ve seen something like this in our world before.
I just want to add this video to the writing above. Up to about 8 minutes would be the necessary information. Most of the rest has been discussed here before. Added to that video is a long list of links with everybody now questioning if this was a bioweapon. As the explanation goes, this is simply mounting evidence, but we would be very far away from defining a who’dun’it.
Did you get to around the 18.00 minute – The hat is the trigger?
Hmmmmm…. I shall hold my silence
I speculated very early on and went in many directions but never willing to openly name the culprit
… but now I am actually fearing for the ‘original source’ where the virus is most like from now… if the released narrative proves conclusive… All the victimised countries and their ppl ground don’t forget!
This is pretty interesting too
If you haven’t stock up, maybe do consider. I, the questionable character, as per my unfounded imagination, stock up the basics for one whole year. This thing ain’t going away any time soon I’m afraid…
Anyhow you take extra care there amarynth dear friend :)
Be safe there
Thanks ? – we are all good personally – thanks for your concern. Did the hardening against most everything already 10 years ago – grinding our own wheat, or whatever, making oils, various different health modalities and so on. Good community around us .. and we’re good :-).
I’m busy at looking how the finances really flow and have had a couple of ‘top of the head blown off’ already. But, this will come.
Glad you looked at the whole video. All of the very best to you.
Cui bono?
Netanyahu, for starters…
Along with him all those facing electoral defeat, like Janine Añez ( US appointed president encargada ) in Bolivia.
Macron, in municipal elections after pension reform decree…
An excerpt from my own article on COVID-19:
A Weapon Of Convenience? COVID-19 as a biological bullet to the brain.
Now, I admit I’m not a microbiologist. I am not a weapons designer. And while I am certain that micro-organisms have been and are being actively researched for use as biological weapons, I have no direct or indirect knowledge about them. Therefore the following statements will be a mixture of speculation mixed with common sense.
I’ll say this first and get it over with: if used on anything but a small scale, biological weapons are stupid. Let’s say you want to annihilate a small country, for instance something about the size of Rwanda. Then you might be able to use something relatively quick acting and very lethal, something of the order of Ebola, and you might be able to temporarily cause some devastation. Not total annihilation because the infected people will soon die before they can spread around the infection too far. But you could kill some tens of thousands, maybe. You couldn’t do much more.
Now in a small country (like Rwanda again) this may represent a relatively big blow. But try it in a country the size of China? That’s a drop in the ocean. The outbreak will be swiftly sealed off and controlled. It won’t even be a stumbling block. In other words, it’s pointless.
Or you could create a disease with a long incubation period, which would spread far and wide before it manifested itself. But by the same standards it would spread far and wide. With the massive amount of international travel these days it would not, could not, stay confined to your target country. It would, sooner rather than later – if you’ve got the facilities for biological weapons research, you’re a relatively rich and powerful country with a lot of international traffic – come back to hit you.
Perhaps you could – I don’t know if it’s even possible – tailor your biological weapon to attack a particular racial group, by matching it to some characteristic in the target group’s genome. Now that itself creates more problems for you.
First: Almost no racial group is confined to one single country, and those that are, are typically minorities even within that country. For instance, you are, let’s say, an enemy of the People’s Republic of China. You therefore create a virus to attack Chinese. But Chinese are East Asians who share their genes with other East Asian nations, some of which – South Korea, Japan, and the so-called nation of “Taiwan” – are your “allies” (to be more accurate, vassals), and also, having considerable trade relations with China, will get infected almost immediately. Then there are substantial numbers of ethnic Chinese living in other vassal nations, like Singapore, and in your own country, not to speak of Quisling-infested Hong Kong, which your own colonial possession Britain is desperate to recolonise. Those Quislings, being ethnic Chinese, would be eradicated by your germs, and that would be slightly awkward for you.
Or you could create germs to eliminate, say, the Derung ethnic group in China. Which would lead you to eliminate….the 7000 Derung in the People’s Republic of China.
Second: as I said above, viruses have an extraordinarily high mutation rate. Basically, if a gene in the virus can change, at some point it will do so. The genes you’ve lovingly fitted to receptors in East Asian lungs will – before you can say biogenocide – turn right round and mutate into forms that hunger to attach to receptors in your own, non-Chinese lungs, and then where are you?
Where Amerikastan and its EUvassals are headed for, I suspect.
There is only one way even a limited biological weapon makes some kind of sense. That’s if you target the weapon, not at people, but at something of enormous economic value to said people. For instance suppose you have a nation whose economy is dependent on, oh, sugar, or bananas (a literal banana republic). You create a disease that will attack only sugarcane or bananas, and you can probably do massive damage to their economy. If it’s a food staple like yams, you may even be able to create a food shortage or famine. But you can’t do it if you attack the people directly. And if your target is a very large and diverse country, you can’t do it at all.
the argument of blowback in case of a bioweapon seems weak to me. Imagine a hard war between Iran and the axis and US and Israel. What would be the material cost ? What about casualties ? Suppose Iran is defeated and invaded, how many casualties would that bring about? Now use a bioweapon. You make it so you know how to deal with it.
Even if there is a blowback how many casualties? Say 200.000 That would still be cheaper and after all you only loose some stupid soldiers a la Kissinger or useless eaters or a few baskets of deplorables who cares ? 3 buildings in 9/11, 3 countries and I don’t believe a single words of what Israhell says. Why is England ,US and the Netherlands not taking it so seriously that’s obvious isn’t it.
Hmm, my 5 cents. First of all it does not matter if we are medical specialists, or not. Lets think about it, and my thoughts are going to be nasty to take by some people, but … All my life I was troubleshooting problems, mind you in electronic circuits, but solving problems requires thinking like Sherlock.
Lets go back in time, to Spanish Flu, which killed millions of people (I think, as I am not going to bother with checking the stats). I know at least one family, which lost one family member to Spanish Flu, if I am not mistaken in Vienna. We can go back to black plague, or even further back when Athens, in BC, lost most of it’s population because someone infected with some plague came on a ship from Egypt.
So, the problem has always been human travel in addition to scavengers like rats which would consume infected human flesh and pass it on.
Lets return to our times. The problem is with Chinese thoughtlessly traveling from infected places all over the world and Chinese government not doing anything to prevent the re-transmission of the virus.
On a top of that, we have idiots in other governments traveling all over as well as dishing out big money to bring “their people” from China and forcing these people to quarantine. Nobody gives a hoot about the people who are forced to serve them. Or maybe the idiots, do not think about the consequences of re-transmission, as long as they look good in the eyes of their “NWO – humanitarian bosses, who want to depopulate the world”.
One problem is, it appears that nobody really knows how this $hit spreads and therefore thus the only logical thing to do is to make these people should stay put in their infected places and accept the results, instead of letting them run like rats and infect others.
My point is, it does not matter if this was manufactured and by whom, what matters is the idiocy that follows.
Last point about the twitter: What I see is a circular blame which means nothing and it just circulates the doodoo.
Just saying my five cents.
Everything you are saying should be obvious to anyone who can think, but thanks much for laying it all out. I’ve stopped even opening the ‘Bioweapons’ articles on any website. It’s a waste of time. It’s not quite as stupid as Russia-gate, or Syrian gas attacks, but close.
We are talking “hybrid” warfare, aren’t we? The primary benefit of using a bio-weapon is that it is covert. It is very difficult to blame any one even with a great deal of circumstantial evidence. And does it do any good to blame an opponent for hitting you if you don’ intend to hit back? The goal of a bio-weapon is to invoke self preservation, change human social behavior, cleave Financial, business, and personal relationships, and ultimately bring down the over-leveraged Financial system in a manner in which no one can be blamed. The planning for this plague seems to have been at the Financial (Davos) level so one would expect Financial and economic consequences to be primary. I expect the resulting chaos will be guided to a fruitful end, irrespective of how we feel about it. Of late, there does seem to be indications that the death rate in some countries is higher than others, which does bring one pause. Is this because of the mutations of viruses, or differences in genetics, or coincidence? Historically, after plagues killed off the weak, the wealthy prospered and the population grew. I understand that for some, reducing the population is a political goal in and of itself.
I have seen a lot of biological nonsense on this comment thread.
There was mention of ‘haplotypes’ up there — I have only ever seen that terminology used for higher life forms with paired chromosomes and sexual reproduction. Don’t know what ‘haplotype’ means when applied to a virus, which reproduces asexually although it is quite prolific. .
A bit later, I saw the term CRISPR — the acronym stands for the recently (in last few decades) discovered ‘punctuation mark’ found in the chromosomes of eukaryotic organisms (higher life forms again). This rather complex bit of DNA has enabled biologists (with some help from ancient viral ‘dirty tricks’) to modify and ‘edit’ the high-level genetics of said eukaryotic organisms. It is an improvement on earlier shotgun approaches that would randomly rearrange the chromosome. Now they can target a specific gene and knock it out, or replace it with a lab-created version.
A virus operates at a much lower level than that. The coronavirus has a single strand of RNA. It does not have a chromosome, nor does it even have double-stranded DNA. Its entire ‘genome’ consists of a single viral ‘gene’, with a bare minimum of control sequences, just enough to get itself copied by the machinery of a cell, with the encapsulation and replication proteins produced.
From what I’ve read (that I believe), I think this ‘Wuhan Flu’ virus may have been created in a lab. Was the release deliberate or accidental? I don’t know. If it was deliberate, it was clearly an act of war. And yes, with people like “four minute Hillary” at the levers of power, the story told 60 years ago by Dr. Strangelove seems ever so prophetic. It could have been simply a ‘test virus’ made as part of a study of infection mechanisms. There is a story to that effect as well.
Anyway, there is a lot of mis- and dis-information floating around out there. There are even ridiculous attempts to couple the virus with 5G communication protocols — I have never heard of more extremely unconnected dots.
Of course, the hysteria on the part of our political elites suggests that this event might have been contrived to enact draconian police state tactics, which in turn would argue for a deliberate release — here in heartland America, the response seems far out of proportion to the disease.
an edit, if I could — I said CRISPR was ‘complex’, and a better word would be ‘unusual’. It is not all that complex, but it is distinctive and different to the sequences that encode proteins.
Another bit of disinformation I have spotted is the claim that HIV was created in the 1960s.
I think we (probably) did land some men on the moon in little tin capsules back then. Probably. It was a publicity stunt.
But I also remember a bit of biology from the ’60s. The structure of DNA had only recently been established, and its role in heredity had been proven. But it would be another several decades before any sort of genetic ‘editing’ would be done. The ability to decode DNA only came about in the ’90s, and before that, biologists required decades of research to determine the most basic mechanisms of a living cell. Now, of course, it is difficult to prove anything was not lab-created, since they can ‘print’ a batch of polio with a computer-controlled machine in a sufficiently well equipped academic biochemistry lab.
But finally, I am pretty sure that, even if there were some secret labs in the ’60s keeping samples of dengue and smallpox etc, the HIV germ evolved all by itself. And regardless of what Mr. Reagan thought of the victims, he was not a biologist, he was an idiot politician. It was not his creation, and it was not up to Reagan to find a cure.
The US wants to demonize China, destroy its economic power, contain it physically in East Asia, surround it with nations that hate it, destabilize its society and overthrow from inside the CCP as Central Government.
This epidemic demonizes China with a lot of the world.
This epidemic has screwed this year’s global economic activity and when the supply chain is moved out of China, it hurts China for the coming years.
This allows China a diminished capability with its maritime commercial fleet and its PLA Navy to interact, visit and dock for resupply and repair in Asian nations. There will be a stigma for years on anything Chinese.
This is a branding of China as ‘the sick man of Asia’ (per Wall Street Journal). Neighbor nations that have suffered from the virus will long blame China.
Besides The global financial system was about to fall apart late last year as evidenced by the desperate Fed repo market operations.
The Powers That Be could never admit that their financial Ponzi scheme blew itself up. And they love to buy everyone out for cents in the dollar. That is what is happening. Plus they keep everyone in doors so there are no riots
In October last year I suggested the collapse of the North American economy was a certainty.
I suggested that the main reason was that the complete island of Japan has been contaminated with radioactive fallout from the The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. I suggested that the Olympics would be cancelled because the Japanese government needed to control the media discussion of this fact and could not have independent journalists who arrived to cover the Olympics begin covering the nuclear accident using Geiger counters.
There are more than 200 nuclear fuel rods suspended more than 100 feet in the air and the extremely high temperature (4000 F.) of the fuel rods are being cooled with a Gazillion gallons of water each and every minute and for the past 8 years. Water is entering the air as steam and then condensing and returning to the ground as morning dew and/or rain. The robots required to remove these fuel rods have not even been invented yet.
I had thought that the U.S. recognized this eventuality and would decide to attack Iran and thus blame the cancellation of the Olympics on this attack against Iran.
However; this COVID-19 virus will have the same result as an attack against Iran.
If the independent bloggers/media proves that the complete island of Japan is contaminated, there would be 35 million people lined up on the shore looking for a boat and would result in the total collapse of the Japanese/U.S. economy.
This COVID-19 might accomplish the same results as what my forecast last October mentioned.
If a tenant living in the same apartment building as I do tests positive for this virus, the complete apartment complex will be shuttered and quarantined.
On January 27th I purchased 13 ounces of physical gold which was Listed at 2,082.74 Canadian dollars per ounce. (Today it is listed at 2,111.80 [March 14, 2020] per ounce.)
“As far as I know, and please correct me if I am wrong, but I know if no virus which has been successfully deployed against a specific target and then remained contained to that target. ”
Europeans/Americans used chicken pox to wipe out Native Americans. The U.S. actually has a long history of using bioweapons. During the 1950’s or 60’s the U.S. attacked Cuban agriculture with biological weapons. In the 1990’s, Iraq was infested with the screwworm parasite. This is an insect that is native to North America only. Somehow, miraculously, it found its way to the most isolated country in the world, on the other side of the planet. Before that, again miraculously, this parasite somehow traveled from North America to Libya. The only thing which prevented this parasite from spreading from Libya around Asia was that the EU undertook an all-out campaign to eliminate it.
I would argue that the sanctions during the 1990’s were a biological weapon; Iraq’s water and sewage treatment plants were bombed during the Gulf War, in violation of the Geneva Convention, to degrade “population will”. Then, during the 1990’s, the sanctions were used to prevent Iraq from replacing these facilities. The result was that Iraqis were using sewage-tainted water, which, together with malnutrition, created a health crisis. Agencies like the World Health Organization conducted studies showing the sanctions were killing thousands of Iraqi children each month.
read/listen to prof frank boyle’s comments [writer of current usa anti-biowarfare law]. he sees no evidence – yet – of chinese lab sabotage by the deep state, but has not discounted it. i disagree with frank [a friend]. the inferences that this was a planned release fit all the earmark assumptions one must make to seek the data to prove a deep state op dr michel chossudovsky per normal has begun that work here: https://www.globalresearch.ca/ncov-2019-coronavirus-time-line/5705776.
Seems to me if I understand the reporting on COVID-19 rightly, that COVID-19 mostly kills the elderly. So, the people who would benefit from the dying Elderly people more than anyone would be the Health Insurance Co. and the Federal Government Benefits Departments. Who cost the Insurance and Departments of Benefits the most Dollars, the Elderly! The Elderly people are a Big drain on the Insurance Companies and the Federal Government resources. The Elderly do not Pay into these Institutions, they only are a drain on these resources. And if you can lower the number of the Elderly peoples then you can benefit both by saving money and clearing up resources they were using up. The only people that are a plus to Insurance Companies and Governments are Young people who are able to produce and to pay dollars into the Systems. The Queen of England has went into Seclusion! Maybe she Knows more than the rest of us?
Other options:
1) Killing the President using a virus
2) False flag “Biological” operation (shadow fall on Trump and his anti-Chinese advisors)
3) test that shows capable (winner) and incapable (loser) -new conditions in the world
August 2019: Fort Detrick bioweapon facility is closed because of protocol violations.
October 2019: Wuhan military games with 200 amerikan soldiers.
October 2019: Event 201 sponsored by Bill Gates.
November 2019: western media creates the narrative about contamined bats inspired by the movie Contagion (2011)
Can’t remember if got this bit from here weeks ago, but to add detail to your list item EVENT 201:
Coronavirus was eerily predicted in a 1981 novel “The Eyes of Darkness” by (Leigh Nicholas) aka Dean Koontz – which talks about a deadly virus used as a biological weapon named Wuhan-400. The epicenter of real-life Coronavirus is … Wuhan, China.
Jan17/2020 US Peace Corp shuts down in China, running since 1993;
western “bat soup” cover story spiel started near exact same time as Gates Netflix aired:
Netflix documentary said wet markets in China is a factory for disease X. A wet market in Wuhan is said to be the cause of the coronavirus oubreak. Bill Gates warned it takes years to find cure to a new pandemic or virus outbreak. In November 2019, a Netflix ‘Explained’ series episode titled “The Next Pandemic” described how a virus …
Could be how those us military types brought it in unknowingly (obviously not told since this would be above top secret):
It was termed a “local field exercise” by the Army and took place from September 15–19, 1953 at the Army Chemical School at Fort McClellan, Alabama. The experiments used Chemical Corps personnel to test decontamination methods for biological and chemical weapons, including sulfur mustard and nerve agents. The personnel were deliberately exposed to these contaminants, were not volunteers, and were not informed of the tests. In a 1975 Pentagon Inspector General’s report, the military maintained that Operation Top Hat was not subject to the guidelines requiring approval because it was a line of duty exercise in the Chemical Corps.
You’ve watched Nathan Rich on youtube too. He’s very interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J6zm6zgah0
Based on ten years as a professional virologist, allied to ten years working on the science-business interface, here are a few things I would like to say about Coronavirus:
1. The technology to develop virulent strains of Coronaviruses has existed for at least 15 years and probably 20+.
The review in:
was published in 2005 and it describes how the means to learn about the specific functions of viral proteins which determine which cells in which species each particular virus can infect and replicate in had been developed using ‘reverse genetics’.
Basically, what you do is make hybrids between portions of the same protein of two or more types of virus to determine which amino acids are critical for infecting which kinds of cells.
With such technology, it is clear that you could carry out controlled weaponization of CoVids to create viruses of desired military potency. You make a few hundred different capsid proteins using genetic engineering technology and reconstruct viruses containing such proteins. Then you test them in cell cultures and in transgenic animals (ones carrying critical human receptors) to see which ones suit your purposes. Of particular interest to the military would be viruses with optimal survival times outside mammalian hosts.
This is not saying it has been done (although I would wager £1trn+ that it has, particularly in the US), it is saying that there are no technological blocks to developing them.
The real question for weaponization is whether anyone has incorporated any mechanisms to be able to get the virus to self-destruct in response to specific cues. I would be extremely surprised if they had, such thought processes are rather alien to professional killers, after all.
The stories doing the rounds are that an ‘idea’ weapon from an Anglo-Saxon point of view would be a virus engineered only to be lethal in Asian or black or whatever types of humans. You know: we can kill you lot but you cannot kill us lot.
It does of course suggest that the Chinese would be developing weapons specifically targeting Eurasian white folks too?
What I think people should also think about is not the weapon of the virus, but the weapon of PANIC. The economic implications of panic are just as bad as bombing a nation: whole industries are going to be wiped out. The military and the CIA would just LOVE that. They do not care about collateral damage per se, what they want is to CRUSH EVERYONE IN SIGHT. Economically.
People need to think who is going to benefit from this panic. Who is going to be sitting out the storm, picking up assets at distressed fire sale prices? Who is rich enough to sit it out for five years if they have to?
The major casualties of this ENGINEERED PANIC are ordinary folks wanting to travel, to watch sport, to eat out, to work in cities, to send their children to schools etc etc.
That is what the war is about: it is not about a lethal virus (it is mildly lethal, but nothing special).
I would assume that the makers of this weapon would have two or three more variants up their sleeves, just like US bombed Japan twice with nukes, not once. The aim is to break the will of the world, and you do that by letting folks hope they have overcome the challenge, then hitting them right in the solar plexus again.
Evil was always cold and hard-hearted.
This is about eugenics, it is about one world government, it is about destroying democracy, it is about the rich controlling everything. Everything.
People need to wise up and not look up to the rich any more.
They are rich because they were hard-hearted bastards, not because they were luminaries.
The sooner everyone realises that the better.
The Saker,
Thank you for your lucidity, logic and analysis. Reading what you write is always like a breath of fresh air, and your book is great…
However, and I have no medical qualifications either, (though I did do Pure Maths and Physics), I am over 99% convinced that this Coronavirus, is no more dangerous than any flu the world as ever had.
If I didn’t believe this, there is no way, I would have allowed my wife to go to the gig today, as large number of people present, work for the local hospital, and doctors surgeries etc..
And we all dance, and get hot and sweaty and shake hands and hug and kiss…
I reckon my wife will be O.K….but if you want to get it, well our friends see all these snotty, coughing people every day of their working lives. In theory they should be the first affected, and be very contagious..
But even I have not been ill yet..drippy nose, but not even a cough, and I will be 70 soon, and the Government are threatening me not to go out for 4 months.
So yes it is serious, but it is more like a world wide mental attack, almost certainly done by the same people, that you finally got, and write about in your book.
Hope you and your family are well. I’ve been reading you for about 8 years now
You are a Good Man.
Thank You
Cat out of the bag. FEMA camp next if you have tested positive.
Literally they stated live, that if you isolate all tested positive together, they could not infect others, and since all “would have it”, they couldn’t infect each other.
-42 minutes at link live stream.
Here are some facts we cannot argue with:
And those facts are:
USA has openly declared that China is their number 1 competition and de facto enemy for several years now. USA is deadly scared China will overtake them economically if it isn’t STOPPED.
USA is a ruthless, merciless empire that has had no ethical or moral problems killing millions over the centuries. USA killed an unknown number of Native Americans during its history. It killed an unknown number of slaves.
USA has killed by some estimates 50 million people around the world since the end of WWII. The ongoing war in Yemen is killing 1 child every 10 minutes.
Madeline Albright didn’t bath an eyelash when confronted with the fact that 500.000 Iraqi children might have died due to the sanctions placed in Iraq.
USA has placed severe economic sanctions on Venezuela, and probably 40.000 people have died because of it.
I can go on and on but in short, USA would sleep soundly at night after happily killing a few million people.
Stopping China is USA’s number one goal right now.
We have seen the fake Hong Kong riots, the fake news about million of muslems in concentration camps. We have direct attacks on China’s food supply with the pig flu and chicken flu. None have worked.
The Corona virus was specifically designed to not mass kill; it is a virus to cause economic chaos; not to kill people. Ruining CHina’s economically was the goal.
A virus appearing in China after USA has designated China’s US’s biggest problem? Whats the odds on that?
Is Corona virus a bio weapons? Absolutely. No question about it, based on all the occurring events.
No, I don’t have “hard core” evidence and not a “real” evidence. But coincidences don’t exist.
Hi Hoyeru.
Actions speak louder than words. America’s actions are all the evidence you need. They have an extensive history of ‘stabbing allies in the back’ and lying through their teeth in order to achieve their objectives. Washington does not care about anyones lives; including the lives of Americans who died on 9/11. The didn’t care about U.S.S. Liberty off the coast of Egypt, and they didn’t care about Bay of Tonkin, and the didn’t care about the millions that would have died from Operation Northwoods.
U.$. only cares about money and power, everything else is secondary or must server the first purpose.
I personally think Covid 19 is a bioweapon that got loose in the U.$. 9 months ago and the U.$. can’t control it, and is trying to pin the blame on a suitable patsy – China. They would have done it to Russia except Russia is certified as having NO BIOWEAPONS LABS or BioWeapons capability. Russia’s biological warfare apparatus has been certified as destroyed on multiple occasions.
The U.$. ‘let’ China ‘have the Covid 19 ‘bioweapon’ so as to PIN the blame on China for something they (Pentagon) lost control of back in August 2019. The rest is unfolding as we watch.
PS: Trolls are out in force on ZeroHedge. MoonOfAlabama is next, TheSaker is currently being targeted. Who is next. Please link so I know who to go and avail myself of their content.