Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions.

The malicious witch Zrada (defeat), who is circling, and not keeping the Russophobes out of sight from the post-Soviet space, is once again plotting trickery. This time, the Lithuanians got it, who had “completed the Euro integration” to the ration cards.

When the combined choir of the Russian liberals performs an aria about the “horrors of Stalinism” to us, all stomach-oriented oppositionists don’t say “no” to the scary sound of the word “cards”.

They say that the cursed Stalin was starving the people, while everyone in the CPSU Central Committee were stuffing themselves with black caviar, and therefore introduced the cards. Naturally, they ignore the facts that in normal countries, the same ones according to those elf experts, even in Britain, there were also cards, and they were canceled only in the 50s of the last century. Meat cards, for example, were abolished by the UK government only in 1954.

And if you view a different “promised land”, the USA, then the rationing system for food still exists there, and millions of citizens get food from it. It’s called SNAP (food stamps).

As of the end of 2017, there were more than 42 million American SNAP receivers (almost half of them are children), which is every eighth inhabitant of the country. In 2017, the average subsidy of each participant of the program was about $126, for one household there was $254.

In general, the federal authorities paid the Americans $63.7 billion, the total cost of the program is estimated at $68 billion.”

But about American totalitarianism in the form of Obamism and the Trumpism that replaced it, no one squeals about it, I am ashamed to say.

Now then, miraculously, the Lithuanians, who did not crack from a non-hungry life during the so-called “Soviet occupation”, finally decided to do it, as in blessed America.

“Lithuanian authorities are preparing to introduce ration cards. The Prime Minister of the Republic explained this decision by the need to stimulate small and medium-sized businesses. It is assumed that the cards will act on certain types of products, and only local production.”

However, Lithuanian officials would not be Lithuanian officials if they decided to help their fellow citizens for free. No, it is not the Baltic style. Therefore, the cards will be sold.

“According to the government’s idea, coupons will be sold at Lithuanian post offices for eight euros, after which coupon owners will be able to use them in special stores to buy products for 10 euros. Milk, meat, vegetables and fruits will be available for such coupons.”

Two euro savings on each card is also money.

According to them, at the beginning of the year, a Lithuanian could buy a kilogram of chicken wings or 2 bottles of local beer.

In general, the work is of course good and necessary. But the very statement of the question that Lithuania, once the former “showcase of the USSR”, needs the support of local producers, and its inhabitants – with ration cards, this statement somehow beats the bright ideals of “European integration”.

Surely the Balts who have become Europeans, have questions about whether it was worth fleeing from the notorious “horrors of occupation”, if they are eating cards again, and dissidents are being poisoned as writer Rūta Vanagaitė, who dared to declare that Jews during the Nazi occupation, were killed while fleeing by Lithuanian nationalists, who are now considered “heroes”.

In general, Zrada. Defeat is circling above the body of the Baltic republic that has fallen into a puddle of European aspirations, and is not planning to fly away anywhere.