Faina Savenkova, Lugansk,
Two events have recently occurred in the world. In America – in the suburbs of Chicago – people died during the celebration of Independence Day. And during these three days, 5 children died from artillery shelling of Ukraine in the Donbass – in Donetsk and Makeyevka. A 10-year-old girl was torn apart by an incoming Ukrainian shell.
According to the data and evidence collected by the Russian Foundation for Combating Repression, the Ukrainian military was given direct orders to use weapons to kill against civilians of Donbass. Here are the proofs of that https://fondfbr.ru/en/articles/sergey-yudayev-en/
But did American journalists notice this? No. I can understand why America mourns the dead on Independence Day. But at the same time, she stubbornly does not want to see what Ukraine is doing.
I live in Donbass, and after the murder of children with weapons supplied by you and Europe, probably, should hate you and rejoice that the Lord punishes those because of whom our children die. But I am Russian and I have been living in the war for eight years now. I understand what death is, so I don’t feel anger and hatred. And I grieve with you for the dead. Human life is priceless, and murder is always terrible, because it is impossible to bring back those who have been lost, it is impossible to drown out this pain. Just as it is impossible to isolate yourself from the war, because the war, in which your government is no less to blame than the rest, will surely return to you.
I am very sorry that many in America do not know that it all started 8 years ago. And Ukraine is killing civilians, destroying our cities, killing children. But it is unlikely that your politicians pay attention to this. They are ready to fight to the last Ukrainian and, apparently, believe that they will defeat Russia in a nuclear war. It won’t be like that. I would like you to understand that war is bad, as well as the killing of innocent people. I hope that all this will end soon, and humanity will once again understand the value of life and a peaceful future, and Russia and America will be friends.
For more of Faina’s letters, here they are: http://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/?s=faina+savenkova
Faina, thank you for your clear thinking and your compassion. It is unfortunate, but American citizens are not told any real news about what their government is doing. Instead, they are fed concocted narratives that are simply lies upon lies. In schools, they are taught to not use their brains for critical thinking, so they are mostly unable to see through these lies. Americans are basically uneducated, ignorant, and provincial, like a medieval village isolated from the world. Is there hope for us? I don’t have any. I think Mr. Putin and Mr. Shoigu will have to visit us with Mr. Kalibr to eliminate the decision centers in the US, where the servants of the ruling elite dream up new ways to murder and steal from those weaker than the weak USA military.
I am thankful for Russia’s leadership in the world. It is leading the world toward a fair and equitable arrangement of sovereign nations operating under international law. Most of the world is behind Russia, as evidenced by the many new economic, cultural, and military arrangements being made to isolate the US from the rest of the world. The dollar is being rejected. Countries are demanding respect of their sovereignty and are resisting US hegemony, which is now gone. The US hegemon is a paper tiger today.
You are right. War is coming to the US. Mr. Putin said, years ago, that no longer will wars with Russia be fought on her territory. If the US doesn’t back off, and continues to insist on war with Russia, then this SMO will eventually move to the US mainland. It will move through NATO first, of course. Demilitarizing and denatzifying it, then moving on toward the head of the snake.
Children see things and say them clearly and directly. “For theirs is the Kingdom”.
I will say to you that you should allow yourself to feel hate. Hate for evil is good. The government of America is evil, nearly every part of America is evil. Americans, myself one, are guilty for accepting, tolerating, ignoring this evil. We are fools for what we have allowed to happen in our name. We ard fools for turning off the feeling of hate for what is evil. You see most americans now cant even reconize evil. Don’t be like us. Understand that to have love in your heart for good, you must also allow room for hate for what is evil.
My impression is that Faina very much does this and is a wonderful example to us all for ‘ hate the sin but love the sinner’
Not carrying hate or grudge forward but open to the possibility that we could friends again
Fauna, bless you in the name our Lord and savior Jesus Christ
I’m sorry and mean in offensive but strongly disagree with you. Those who are orginized together carrying out this evil are not friends and never will be. And that “hate the sin but love the sinner” is just the mind set that plaques America like the foolish thought “God loves everyone.” Clearly the bible does not support either. Tnere are evil peop,e in the world who hate the good and there should be no compassion for what tbey do, promote, and who they are.
If those thoughts were love the sinner and God loves all are true then both sinners to the right and left of Christ on that would have been told you will be with me in paradise. And Paul the Apostle never would have wrote inspired by God in Romans concerning those who will not inherit eternal life in heaven.
This false compassion, his guided compassion, the west has for the doper, the rapist, the thief, the pervert, the lazy, has been one of the biggest contributors to our down fall.
Remember Paul the Apostle wrote you dont work you dont eat. The same then if you do evil then dont expect to be loved.
Regrets to you & yours for all your pain and suffering. As an American, you must understand there are many other Foreign entities gunning for your Country besides USA. Your own neighbors in Poland & Lithuania Romania want to Balkanize and grab your land. The UK wants to help Shell get its 10billion they put down for the Luhansk oil sitting under there and all your food, oil, gas. Of all the Countries, United States needs your Country & headaches the least. Our Country is being completely destroyed as well, by both foreign & domestic enemies. The same international bankers & international corporation interests that are destroying yours, are destroying ours. In the end, both of our Nations will end up Balkanized, devastated by war, and IMF slaves. There are no “politicians” in the USA, just self interested greedy people. USA is doing the heavy lifting, and certainly being purposefully globally removed, but look around, closer to your EU “home”, how far did you get removing Nazi’s? There still there. They came to the USA, not the other way around, but here we all are.
Dear Michelle,
You should know that there are two CIAs. One in Hollywood, with heroes that fightfor democracy, justice and so on, and other that is real and its job is to destroy the future of the nations. That real CIA, funded by the money of american workers, serves to kill leaders, to fund terrorists, to spread lies,all in favour of the american factories of lethal weapons and to make the richest richer.
American governnent is not helping anerican people. Just think how much does cost and airplanecfir the USAF and a complete hospital. How many military bases does the US have around the world? How many people did US kill in Vietnam, Iraq and so many countries? How much did US spend in Naoalm, Orange agent, bombs? But there is no money for Health, for Education.
And the political “democratic” system in which some can be elected having less votes than the other candidate!
The international bankers and so on are american, part of the “deep state”, that survives while the american people are hating russians, chineses and so on, as if they were responsible for the lack of care of the american people by the american government.
“I would like you to understand that war is bad, as well as the killing of innocent people.’
This is a crucial effort on your part, many people in the West simply don’t understand the suffering our culture imposes on the rest of the world. Do not lose hope, the world is turning and you are surely helping by your efforts. Thanks Faina!
Regime change is sorely needed–in America. This unholy and criminal globalist alliance is not only waging war against Russia via Ukraine, but its own country. Americans are aware of this. Will the system work this Fall and start bringing about that change? That is the hope. We’ll soon see. Then maybe Russia and America can become friends again. Needs to happen. As does the end of this “Ukrainian War.” Thank you for your letter.
I have been voting for 60 years and things only get WORST… Washington, D.C. is an edifice of evil and I don’t know what could change that…
The U.S.A. is the pinnacle of bankrupt values and corruption. And until we are willing to die to change things, nothing will change (paraphrasing Andre Vltchek). Our government is exactly as you say, an edifice of evil, and there is no band-aid large enough to cover its putrefying boils.
All I see that is positive is small-scale and local.
I am an American, and I agree with you. Washington DC is a sewer. Both major parties are as corrupt as the day is long, and we have a cadaver for a hand puppet to act as President. But not even we Americans know who is pulling Biden’s strings to make him move.
For 60 years you were giving your power to complete strangers.
Most demonic cult ever devised by a corrupt mind: democracy.
Why? What’s it to you?
Which politicians running or serving are or would be friendly to Russia?? Maybe a few? Just don’t see any political solutions.
Cannot see any political solutions for the United States?
How about 1776 and 1861?
I met a Russian woman from
st Petersburg yesterday.
She had no idea at all what is happening in the homeland of Russia.
Hard to believe folks don’t know at all what the war is about, how and when it started, and the real course of the operations …
But for those in America who didn’t pay attention, 2014 didn’t change anything….
For me it sure did, but I work hard to get me some honest news.
Please keep writing.
We love you
Rock on
Obama and Soros have a lot of blood on their hands – kids in UKN as noted above – including NATO troops being killed and injured in UKN.
Is valid reason for them to be brought to justice.
Bless you.
Sadly most of the so called “americans” are stuck in Mount Olympus not caring about what us mere mortals are suffering down on Earth.
I don’t know what is wrong with people here in the west. They lost it. Nice old ladys and gentlemans with hate in their eyes. I don’t know what to say. It seems this is also a spritual battle. And we have already lost. Lost it long ago.
Fear not,Фаина, the U$ is self destructing anyway and will no longer be able to supply your
tormentors with weapons. Also, rest assured that nearly all politicians, pundits, and general
morons in the U$ that seem willing to fight to the last Ukrainian, have no stake in it other than making money. They have never been in battle, their children and grandchildren have
never fought in any war, so they don’t care if yours, or my children, or anyone else’s are
killed. To those clowns its the price we have to pay for the “rules based international order.”
I think the rest of the world is getting sick of that rot.
I posted this text to Facebook with the following text as pretext about ten minutes ago. It’s still ‘Posting.’ Let’s see if it ever gets there. Anyway, this was my introduction:
Dear friends,
There is an archetype of the wise, pre-teen girl who sees things her elders do not and who must act where others will not. I don’t know how old this archetype is, today we would call it a meme. An Internet Meme, I suppose. But it has been around for a while. Joan of Arc comes to mind. As does Anne Frank. Today, well yesterday, we have/had Greta Thunberg.
In real situations. In real wars. Under real duress and tensors of real hardship real people emerge. Even teenagers. Even teenage girls. Such a one today can be found in the Donbass region of Ukraine. Her name is Faina Savenkova and she lives in the Lugansk People’s Republic. She is thirteen years old. And she has written a letter to the American people. I think we should read it.
WWIII is on.
Independence Day, also called Fourth of July or July 4th, in the United States, the annual celebration of nationhood. It commemorates the passage of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. It’s not to remember war dead as outlined in paragraph three.
In Europe, there is a hierarchy of victims. At the top are the refugees from Ukraine. They get the red carpet treatment. A bit lower down are the refugees from Africa and the Middle East. They are free to drown in the Mediterranean or freeze to death at the Polish border. At the very bottom are the refugees and victims from the Russian side. The West scorns them by disregards or ridicule. They are not worthy of the West’s compassion. The German foreign minister Baerbock laughed about what Putin calls a genocide. 8 years after the massacre of Odessa, the West still has not recognized the victims and the murderers are free to run Ukraine on the West’s behalf.
As an American I would like you to know that I have been closely following the conflict in Ukraine since its inception in 2014 and I consider the citizens of Lugansk and Donetsk a courageous shining example of resistance to tyranny. I want you to know that your people have served as a true inspiration to me. When all of Ukraine had succumbed to their new illegitimate leaders, your people took up arms and sparked the revolution that today has completely altered the entire world order.
The majority of my people here in America sadly have been brain washed by our government, mainstream media and our education system and the people have been induced into what I can only describe as a state of “mental hibernation”. It seems that the countries of Europe are also in a very similar state of apathy. A poll was taken recently where 84 percent of Americans were unable to find Ukraine on a world map just to give you an example. The reason I tell you this is because unfortunately here in America most of my people are unable to change the tyranny and corruption of our government since most Americans are completely unaware of the truth. We have also become a very fractured and divided nation and that was also done by design to be able to control us more easily. It is therefore your people and the Russian Federation that have the capacity to change the world for the better and as we speak you are making it happen with the liberation of Ukraine.
Lastly I have to say this with the utmost sincerity that although Americans are not perfect and we have our fair share of problems, the majority of Americans are genuinely good people, benevolent and overall kind-hearted. I do have hope for the future and I believe that eventually America will become a non-interventionist nation like it was written in our Constitution, and we will become more self-sufficient and focus on our own people instead of meddling in the affairs of other nations.
I thank you for writing this letter, for reaching out to us and I want you to know that I stand firmly on principle with your people and with the Russian Federation.
More than fifty percent of “urban” youth can’t find the UNITED STATES on a map.
As outrageous as that sounds sadly that is correct. Which is why I mentioned that at the time being and under the current condition of our people, change cannot come from within in America. Exterior geopolitical events such as Russia’s SMO will send ripples of change throughout the globe.
I watched a TV show (yeah I know) in which an Australian bloke, in the USA, asked people in the street to place names on countries on his world map. Most couldn’t. Some even placed Euro country labels on Australia!
He then asked a young woman to name a country starting with the letter “U”. She ummed and aghhed and gave up. he said to her “You’re standing in it” LOL.
So do I from Brazil. And I am studying russian in order to visit Russia and be abke to talk to russians.
She would be the first real Nobel Peace Prize candidate!
It has been an expressed objective of the american left since the 1960s, to dumb down the american electorate to the point where its dependency on (federal government) largesse was not only unquestioned, but expected. (Thus the word “entitlements”). Brown vs Board of Education has not increase the knowledge of blacks—the average black man reads at the 4th or fifth grade level, and forget any numeracy— instead it has dumbed down whites in a desperate search for comparable performance, or for feminazis, comparable “worth.”
Once it became clear that abortion on demand would kill the very same children who were most likely to be liberals/democrats/minorities, it became essential to find another source of such an interest group. The gift that keeps in giving is the flood of crimmigrants flooding across the Mexican border. While US veterans sleep under bridges and die by the thousands at their own hand, crimmigrants get free medical care, social security, and voting rights expressly designed to impact elections at the local level.
The American news media sits comfortably in the back pocket of the Democrat party; and the American left, which 50 years ago was instrumental at FINALLY get the US out of Vietnam, now coos in admiration as Biden sends billions for weapons and training for Ukronazi forces. Were Russian to prevail in the Burisma War, as I call it, would be the death knell of Democrat party, hanging by a thread into this November’s elections. Thus violence and harassment against everyone from Supreme Court justices, to catholic churches, to private firms that turn their back on WOKE culture.
Most Republicans and the American right have STILL to understand just what they are up against. As we learn, slowly but surely, the attitude toward ZelenskyY and his toadies will begin to turn. Already the Burisma war isn’t even on the front pages any more. If Republicans win the House and Senate this fall, Biden will go the way of Boris, Abe, and Macron.
There is more than an inkling of racism in your comment…and very little understanding of politics and, in particular, of what “right” and “left” mean to a more knowlerdgeable person. The so-called Democratic Party cannot be regarded as left-wing by any stretch of the imagination. The Democrats and Republicans are just two slightly different , complementary versions or expressions of a corrupt, ignorant, conceited political establishment, which in turn is an instrument of thieving, imperialist U.S. capitalism. Nothing will improve in the USA as long as a majority of voters keep supporting either of these two parties.
Thank you, Bazarov, I am bloody sick of hearing the Democratic Party described as “left” when it is center-right. If one goes back and looks at Richard Nixon’s record, he would now be seen as left of the Democratic Party.
The Democratic Party is Left to the degree that it supports legal abortion, transgender indoctrination of children, “affirmative action” quotas, a massive welfare state, “wokeness” of every sort, open borders, corrupt teachers’ unions, the whole idea of public-sector unions (which even FDR recognized as being inevitably nothing but money-laundering machines), forced “vaccinations,” abridgment of the right to defend oneself and one’s family against violent attackers, and on and on and on.
The Republican Party is lame and corrupt and part of the War Machine, but the Democratic Party at present is to the left of V.I. Lenin. Even Lenin didn’t force people to call boys girts and girls, boys. Even Lenin did not try to destroy farming and industry in the name of “saving the planet.” Lenin, like Marx, believed in having a good industrial base, and, at least in theory, advocating for the working class.
So you may be correct that the Democratic Party is no longer anything that historically would be called Left. Perhaps a better word for the current Democratic Party is just plain nihilist. Like the characters in Dostoevsky’s “Demons.”
Typical simpleton remark. Only slightly different…yeah right. If Hilary Clinton had won in 2016 we would have two (Washington DC and Puerto Rico) additional states….the Supreme Court would have an entirely different composition…and numerous other economic and foreign policies would have been different.
Now that President Rectal Probe presides, we have rediscovered energy shortages, crop failures, rampant crime, and much higher inflation numbers.
Not since Jimmy Carter! Damn he was a Democrat too…..as Gomer Pyle would say, “Golllllll-ieee!”
Maybe there is an “inkling” of “racism” (the worlds most worthless criticism, these days) in my comment, but I notice you did not deny any of the factual statements I made. YEs..the truth hurts. Whether the black “community” likes them is irrelevant.
Faina’s efforts remind us of Samantha Smith, 1983, and the USSR.
Peacemakers both.
For my part, I fought this monster all my life. From the time I marched to stop the Vietnam war till my professional career when I took time off to picket our local branch of Neocons. Duncan Hunter was instrumental in fomenting the USs First Use nuclear doctrine. Now his butt is gone just like his predeccesor Duke Cunningham. But despite everything we have done and even with our successses the evil has taken over our whole system. Like many, I realized early in life that the Deepstate was trying to manipulate us all through media and it had no effect on me. I never bought the propaganda about Russia and neither did most of my friends. In the US we are the slaves of the Deepstates vocal majority who do buy into. And it is quite dangerous to differ from the status quo.
Yes, it is horrible what the Ukrainian government is doing. The US government too is horrible. But you and I, and many of us here, we are of a different Kingdom. The people around you are dying from a war. Here too, our loved ones and friends are dying from a more subtle war. The difference is that the people in the Donbass were not willing victims. The people in the US ignorantly and fearfully received a medical treatment from a government that hates them. I’m not sure which is sadder.
Evil people pile evil upon evil. “The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.” (Psalms 2) Why? Because they desire to be wicked without judgment. The world may be divided into different countries, but the leaders of nearly all of them have the same wicked heart and desire the destruction of the innocent of God.
At the same time our heart breaks for our kinfolk and countrymen, we must keep our eye on Christ, our true hope. Others will look for a strong man to save them. In America often I hear people say, “I want Putin to win. I hope Putin destroys our government.” Americans are horribly naïve to war. They do not understand the cost that they will pay if President Putin “destroys our government.” President Putin is not my savior. God may use him, but we have only one Savior. We must all keep our focus on Him, because there is no hope outside of Him.
Our countries will probably not be friends ever. But, you and I, we are sisters in Christ! That will always be more important.
Dearest Faina,
I am an American and I feel the pain of it.
The truth is that this Independence Day did not feel right to me. I usually walk down to the park in the evening where many thousands from the local community gather to watch the fireworks. I am usually moved by the USA national anthem and hold my hand over my heart. This year I could not bring myself to do it. For me, the veil of righteousness and all that is good has been lifted. I see what evil people in our government, and the ‘elites’ monopolizing and destroying the US economy, are doing to countries around the world in our name. It makes me sick. While this persists, I can’t be proud of my own country. I can’t feel moved by The Stars and Stripes.
Where once we were a generous, giving nation, we are now seeding color revolutions to overthrow legitimate governments. We covet others’ lands and resources, and insist they pay homage and tithes. We are greedy and narcissistic. We steal from others, and kill innocents to demonstrate power and authority. The ultimate shame is we as a nation seem to have become everything we once stood and fought against. How can a person of conscience be proud of that? We, Americans, have to change this, by routing out the evil leadership and institutional corruption in our country. We have to be willing to sacrifice. As Thomas Jefferson said, the tree of liberty must from time to time be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
I have seen videos and pictures of destruction and civilian Russian-Ukrainian victims. I have cried and been furious. Americans of good conscience have to find the courage to stand together and topple this regime in the cesspit of DC. and we must eviscerate the deep state. We must stop senseless killing. We must hold those behind this to account.
My heart goes out to the Ukraine and all regular Ukrainians, and to Russia and Russians, including Chechens. May God bless all the good people of Russia the Ukraine, and Chechnya.
Sincerely and with Love,
The amount of blood that Russia has shed will never replace some understanding by a few. Russia does not care anymore for USA. I mean real Russian people.
A.S.K., I share your feelings about July 4th. This is the second year that I simply stayed home and did absolutely nothing in honor of the day. It makes me sad, but there it is. To top it all off, most of those fireworks — which I have always loved, because I love bright colors and lights — are made in China. Years ago, I read about a fireworks factory in China that had an explosion, and many workers — including children — were killed. Ever since then, I just can’t get enthusiastic about fireworks. And now, I can’t even get enthusiastic about July 4th itself. It all just makes me too sick and sad.
Caitlin Johnstone in Australia who writes far more truth about the U.S. than almost anyone in the U.S. puts it well, my dear Faina. The majority of Americans think it’s just fine to use AR-15s (assault rifles) on foreigners, it’s just not okay to use them on Americans. With this mentality quite rampant, I have often wondered what people in other countries think of American violence. Americans seem utterly unable to see the connection between the violence we perpetrate on others and the violence we perpetrate on ourselves.
Russia and America will not be friends because America does not have friends. America has vassals, subjects. America does not recognize the sovereign status of any nation but itself.
It would appear that a lot of folks, well not many Europeons yet , are tired of doffing their cap to Evil Empire.
I am and have been your friend..
Politicians in Washington, London, Brussels and Kiev have a mental illness.
And most of the people in these countries are ignorant and just do as they are told.
This was all so easily avoidable.
But that’s not what these neo-liberals wanted. Global domination is their goal, as it was the goal of the Fascists during WW2.
дорагая, немного из нас, здесь в америке, болше чем ты думаешь. понимают как злои наши руководителы в запедном.
dear, a few of us here in america are more than you think. they understand how evil our leaders are in the back.
As an older American man, I enjoyed your letter very much. It contains such hope, such optimism. The kind of optimism that I had as a younger man, marching around the streets of NYC in April 1999, thousands of us marching to each consulate and the UN, chanting “Stop the bombing! Stop the war!” I contacted my friends, I wrote to congressmen, I spoke about NATO’s illegal bombing of a Christian European nation . . . Nobody cared. My coworkers told me “they deserve it.” People in my evangelical church just shrugged, “Milosevic is evil, he had it coming.” I was like, wait, so that makes it okay for NATO to bomb schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, shopping centers of innocent civilians? For 78 days in a row?? How is this not a war crime?? I called newspapers and embassies seeking answers. I was so perplexed how my country America could be the author of such satanic evil.
Soon I discovered none of this had been an accident, and plans for the destruction of Yugoslavia and Serbia had been in the works for years. There are certain world powers that are arranging Global Affairs. There is a certain country that has despised Russia since the 1600s and that little country (city actually) is determined to conquer and destroy every nation on earth that refuses to be part of its Luciferian banking system. That country controls the narrative. That country secretly sowed the seeds of rebellion across the US South from their intelligence HQ at Charleston, in yet another attempt at Divide and Conquer. Lincoln figured out who was the Invisible Hand controlling the puppet strings. He realized this was a fight to the death against the European Banking Powers. Czar Alexander II also shrewdly perceived what was really going on, and sent two Russian Squadrons, one to New York City, ths other to San Francisco, to show Support and Solidarity with the Americans in 1863. Since that date, Americans and Russians should have been BFF. But Algernon would have none of that you see. Look how they financed the revolutionaries in 1917. Look how they and Prescott Bush secretly financed the Germans in WW2. Now they are at it again with this obvious Ukraine charade. The West was so convinced that their 2014 Maidan operation would allow NATO to steal Sevastopol. Don’t misunderstand, that was a key objective of the plan. Imagine their furious anger when Russia moved rook to C5 and laughed like, yeah you’re not taking Crimea, in your dreams.
The US government has been hijacked by these operatives and we have lost all control. There can be no protest and no revolution. All the highways into Washington are now carefully monitored. Gone are the days of the 1960s millions of people protesting the Vietnam War, or Civil Rights, or Million Man Marches. The powers that be now have the ability to lock down the city in case of “another insurrection” . . . American media is in lockstep with the propaganda: Ukraine good, Russia evil. American citizens are monitored and every email, text, and phone call are recorded. All dissent is carefully tracked. All users who visit this website have their IP addresses recorded and your name is on the list. Anyone reading this blog can expect the secret police to come in the middle of the night and haul you away for thought crimes. Assange is being tortured slowly, excruciatingly slowly, to be a warning for us all: dissent will not be tolerated, and you could be NEXT. America has become Orwell’s jackboot of fascist totalitarian tyranny stomping on the face of freedom. American citizens are powerless to stop the runaway freight train towards a Police State controlled by satanic evil.
Did you listen to Putin’s speeches of Feb 22 & 24? It was clear to us in the West that he and Lavrov had taken off their gloves, and in front of the whole world slapped NATO across the face in a direct challenge to their power, throwing down the gauntlet. Make no mistake what that symbolized. Putin signaled to NATO that this will be the Final Reckoning. This is the Final Showdown between East and West. This one is for global freedom. Russia is the last and final Christian hope for freedom. The West will stop at nothing to destroy Christianity and Russia must be destroyed. The war is coming. Prepare yourself and your friends. The west cannot accept a free and independent Russia, it demands complete obidience. Russia will never submit. In a few months, I expect Russia will be forced to launch a complete devastating EMP cyber attack against the US to collapse the power grid and plunge America into darkness. All satellites will be destroyed. Immediately all phone lines will be severed and America will be without communications. Then, a devastating nuclear strike to decapitate Washington, New York, NORAD, Mt Weather EOC and all ICBM launch sites. Perfidious Albion will be especially toasty at 12 million degrees, just sayin.
Many, many freedom-loving Americans I have met have told me that when Washington DC is finally destroyed in a fiery nuclear blast, they will cheer hurray and throw a party to celebrate. Unfortunately, all the stores will be closed that day, because our nation will be on fire and millions will be dying. Perhaps this is our just reward and inevitable punishment for the millions around the world who suffered and died under the brutal American Empire and its arms dealers, incessant wars, interventions, and ruthless dictators, and the lethargy, apathy, and inability of the American public to stop this horror.
Each day, each hour, each minute . . . . the clock ticks closer to the fiery destruction of the West. There is almost nothing that can stop it now.
. . How will America end? With a whimper? Or many, many Big Bangs?
A brilliant essay, Zack
Hopefully some one will translate your post for Faina.
There are some subtle references in your post which may require some explanation.
Note to Faina
All of the evil is done for money, hubris and ego.
These people exist in all nations and in all races, but in our nations there are no “limits”
Here in the West we are captives to our own governments who are led by greedy, evil, psychopathic criminals.
At last you have some help, it has been a long 8 years, the RF will not desert you.
Speak it Zack! Thanks brother for sharing that great letter.
Can someone please tell me what is wrong with people in the west? My nice neighbour walked past the other day and we talked. I tried to explain the origin of the conflict in Ukraine.
“Putin is mad by definition” he said. And he looked at me with hate in his eyes.
Hate. I have seen that before.
I have a dear American friend who is expert in Slavic languages, especially Russian. She once spent a summer in Russia where her Russian was so good that she was actually mistaken for a native Russian! So she knows the Russian/Slavic world very well, right? But she curses Putin in the same breath as Lenin and Stalin. I was shocked at the level of her hatred for him, She, like most Americans, believes he is a dictator and a murderer.
I have been studying Russian myself for several months, and would love to converse with her to practice the language, but we cannot talk politics, that’s for sure. And I will never tell her that one of the reasons I started learning Russian is so I can understand my hero, President Putin, when he speaks, without English subtitles.
To plead to America is to plead to the dead. America’s journalists like all throughout the west is owned and controlled by the very same people that promote wars all over the world.
Everyday one can look at USA/DW/Reuters etc.. you see exactly the same propaganda and “insights” from the same Zion controlled operation.
The west has exhibited nothing but rabid hatred for Russia and indeed most of this world. When USA destroyed Iraq 90% of them did not even know where Iraq was.
Removed. Mod.
You have more friends in America than you will ever know. We pray for you and your countrymen. You must understand that the majority of U.S. politicians are psychopaths. Our calls and letters to them mean nothing and they only mock us. I am so sorry that you have been victimized by this evil empire.
Even President Trump did nothing. He was only concerned that the media would say he was working for Putin.
I can only promise you that many of us will continue to pray and try and spread the truth.
May you soon be able to live in Peace.
One of Your Friends in America
I agree with your sentiments; I am less optimistic
Hello to everyone who is here and reads the comments. I am sharing a link to the telegram channel of an independent German journalist who has already been in the Donbass for a year and tells the whole truth as it is, and for this she has already been sentenced to 3 years in prison in her homeland in Germany, her bank accounts and accounts of relatives and friends have been frozen. She herself said that this is her war now that she will continue to fight for the truth and freedom of speech.
PS I apologize for my English
Gutes Statement von Faina aber wie die Amerikaner meist ticken zeigt dieser Beitrag von Tommy Jensen aus dem letzten Saker gleich daneben.Nein,ich stelle ihn lieber nicht hier rein.Er verunreinigt die ganze Seite sonst.Sie sind nicht lernfähig-leider.Da mus das große Besteck ran.Faina wünsche ich das Allerbeste und den russischen Kindern ebenso.Um Frieden zu haben müssen die Jensens verschwinden.
Schau in der “Welt”. Die Kommentare der Leute sind eindeutig auch wenn es nicht im Bericht explizit beschrieben wird das es sich bei den toten um Zivilisten handelt.
Im Prinzip kommen hier zwei Punkte perfekt zusammen für jeden modernen Deutschen.
Jeder einzelne Kommentar bejubelt jeden toten Russen als Sieg und gleichzeitig die wundervollen High Tech Waffen der USA…
* * *
Look in the german newspaper Welt. They do not write in the article that civilians were hit
but the comments openly cheer on every dead russian as a victory.
In a perfect match for every modern german they can cheer on great effectiv weapons of the USA and on dead russians at the same time.
An meine Österreicher:
Dies ist das dritte Mal, daß ihr auf den Weg geführt werdet, euch von den Armen und Schwachen zu ernähren.
Behaupten Sie nicht, dass Ihr öffentlicher Dienst und Ihre kommerziellen Händler “nichts wussten”, dasselbe gilt für Ihr Militär.
Sie wollen also Ihre Neutralität beanspruchen?
Sie wollen hinter der diskreditierten “UNO City” stehen?
Mögest du in der Hölle verrotten.
in 2014 i asked my russian friend what’s happening in Ukraine….they said ” Neo Nazis “.
in 2021 i posted a picture of Azov Battalion troops and Facebook banned me from posting for 30 days.
Speak the TRUTH even if your Voice shakes.
A beautiful soul, inside and out. Thank you, Faina, for your letter. You have many friends and a prayer posse in America. Not among the government or those who listen to USA media. Sadly, they are brainwashed. I am thrilled to try and tell them that Russia is the light of the world right now. But, many we cannot reach. God Bless Russia!
Thank you Faina for your letters. As an American my study has provided me with insight and understanding. On November 22, 1963 (I was 8 years – in second grade – I still remember the moment) at12:30 pm Central Standard Time, JFK was very publicly murdered. It was a coup. The same gangsters have been running the country since. I appreciate you, Michael Hudson, and the greater Saker Community. But American long ago ceased being a “just and moral society.” Consider one platform of the Democratic party is the state sponsored murder of the “weakest of the weak.” It is shocking how adrift American is. I have four grandchildren (oldest is 12) I fear for their future. And I won’t be here to help them when they will need me the most.