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… commander of the American troops in Europe, or what’s his position? Breedlove yes, Breedlove, Breedlove (ie; the yapping poodle – insignificant). Although his name is Breedlove he talks drivel….
Is that a put down or what?
How does Russia breed people like Lavrov and Putin? And no doubt the sneaky Russians are very busy stockpiling more of them. Something in the water? Genetic engineering?
I guess next the US will bring in sanctions banning the sale of Viagra to Russia.
“How does Russia breed people like Lavrov and Putin?”
Well, there is this experimental government farm beyond Urals …
Something tells me that Lavrov is painfully aware of the bellicose ‘Dr. Strangelove’ character Breedlove and has no difficulty remembering his name.
Consummate diplomatic theatrics to diminish that galloping NATO buffoon.
Peter AU
G’day mate…
Classic Lavrov.
Yes Russia breeds them well.
Married to a Russian for 4+ decades, take it from me it’s in the genes (and jeans).
Babushka in Oz
:) :) Bloody hell Babushka, don’t worry about patents and stuff, we need some of them in oz. Get into into it.
Well, there are some that I know.
Wrong, his name is breedHATE, because that is what he does – I think he has not seen any combat action, at least not face-to-face.
I am told that, for a Russian speaker, “breed” sounds like “bried”, which roughly translates as “nonsense”. So Lavrov’s comments, which are hilarious in English, are also a play on words in Russian. Gotta love the Russian sense of humour!
The wold “bred” (“бред”) used to mean specifically “ill ramble” and to refer to the cases bed-ridden patient with high body temperature talks uncontrollably.
Now it means “nonsense” and the word “bredovy”, or plural “bredovye” means/mean “nonsensical”. I.e. “He gives us nonsensical statements.”. The word “nonsense” is not a medical term anymore.
It’s just a pun, it’s not, however, a reference to “Dr. Strangelove,” hope this helps, good luck.
Lavrov says the US is so screwed up it doesn’t know whether it’s coming or going. But Russia will hold its hand until it regains a firm identity again. I believe this is the exact truth, and it answers a myriad of questions.
Wow. Remarkable set of comments from Lavrov. One looks at him as the king of cool – but here he is spilling the truth out in plain words as if diplomatic cover doesn’t exist anymore.
And why? Is it because the lies of the west are so disgusting now, that all one can do is blurt out the raw truth? I find myself that it’s impossible to read these distortions from the western mainstream, that even its own readers challenge with every article now.
What is happening with the RF foreign ministry? First Zakharova comes along to loosen things up, then Lavrov starts getting candid beyond anything we’ve seen before. Is this the flush of victory, the joy of confirmed supremacy over the enemy?
I’ll take a stab at the answer and say YES – this is the new Russia, and the world better start getting used to it. Because if anybody doesn’t like it, what exactly are they going to do?
Putin: “We can no longer tolerate the current state of affairs in the world”
“What is happening with the RF foreign ministry? First Zakharova comes along to loosen things up, then Lavrov starts getting candid beyond anything we’ve seen before. Is this the flush of victory, the joy of confirmed supremacy over the enemy?”
PNAC or PNRC? or perhaps simply a project for for sovereign states that interact together like communities. PNSC’s
Is Western society capable of producing such leaders? I don’t think the social foundation is there for this to happen.
Wouldn’t we have thought the same thing about Russia under Yeltsin? It will take a lot of self-education, (as well as a big dose of humiliation) but I think there is reason to hope.
Amazing character….It almost makes you have hope for mankind that there are people who have high standards in conduct, modesty and respect.
Some of the questions on the minds of the free thinking people witnessing the world political theater unfolding in-front of them (via current media technology):
What is the US willing to do to stop Russia and others (China, etc.) entering the world political arena?
How far are is the US willing to go?
In what form or shape will US obstruction and confrontation take place, if it does continue?
Will the proxy wars increase, will the US use all their proxy allies to implement the confrontations?
Will it gradually build up to a nuclear war ?
Is their a possibility that the US economy and thereby its currency will collapse and/or be replaced by another world currency before a nuclear confrontation can take place?
Will there possibly be smaller nuclear confrontations instead of a major world confrontation ?
Or is there a possibility that the nuclear confrontation will be sudden without a strategic build up or warning?
Finally, how much time of your day should you be spending thinking about these questions :-) ?
I’ve put myself all these questions for a couple of years now and really there are no easy answers.One is for sure : somebody will have to make a decision,the first step,then and only then we will have the first answers …not for long.
PS.just as once Hitler said shortly before “Barbarossa” : ” I open the door,but have no idea what is waiting for me ..”
Lavrov talks about the Meldonium doping scandal. Now, I don’t have the foggiest idea whether Meldonium is doping or not. But what I do realize is that we, the West, have been stringing together a series of trade sanctions and sports boycotts against Russia for as long as I can remember. When I hear Lavrov talking, one understands why Russia no longer sees us as an reliable partner.
Right now the West has trade sanctions against Russia for annexing Crimea. According to opinion polls, 75% of Russians said they thought Crimea was just an excuse for this move and the West had intended to introduce sanctions against their country by any means. If you asked the Russians about the sports ban against Russian, you’d probably get pretty much the same answer: that Meldonium was just an excuse, and that the West intended to introduce a sports ban against Russia anyhow.
We, the West, are seen by Russians as unreliable partners. It will be hard to shake off this label of Western unreliability. Even if tomorrow we want – or need – normal relations with our Eastern neighbor.
Meldonium. As Lavrov stated, Meldonium is a drug made in Latvia in soviet times, trade-named as Mildronate. Known as such by the countries that made up the USSR.
From what I have been able to find. The name meldonium basically appeared in fine print in the list of banned drugs. Of the 60 or so athletes that have tested positive, only the 10 or so Russian athletes that tested positive are making headlines and look like being banned. Some of these like the tennis player, were world champions or contenders.
My understanding is that Meldonium is a magnesium supplement…
On my doctors advice I take magnesium for restless legs and to prevent leg cramps. Available in every chemist, supermarket and health food shop – no script needed.
Athletes have taken magnesium for years. It was only banned 1 January, just before the Australian Open tennis. Highly suspicious timing given that Maria Sharapova was/is a ‘darling’ in Oz tennis world. I wonder if the muscle bound Miss Serina Williams was tested too?
Maria Sharapova had taken Meldonium since 2008, long before it was even considered for a ban, on the advice of her doctors and to address a medical condition. The threshold for anything being judged by the WADA as a ‘performance enhancer’ is pretty low, and basically anything which permits an athlete to continue when pain might have made him/her stop can be considered performance-enhancing. By that standard, Aspirin could be considered a performance-enhancing drug.
Maria Sharapova is not close to being a world champion again, I think she is down at about number 7, which is still spectacular but probably too low for a late-career return to the top. Serena Williams is still at the top, but when she’s gone there are no American contenders to take her place. If the truth be told, Sharapova was probably starting to think about retiring – this move merely anticipates that and ensures she retires in disgrace, having lost most of her endorsements. Nothing is too small or mean of a dick move for Washington when it comes to Russia.
Interesting. You will never see something like this in the dinosaur media unless it has been run through a propaganda filter.
Keep in mind that no self respecting corporate media journalist will ever watch this clip.
That’s for sure,he will never ever dare to watch this from fear of loosing his or her job
Lavrov must feel like the only adult in the room when attending conferences with his “Western Partners”, whether they be a wind-up talking doll lie machine like Kerry or a war mongering psychopath like Breedlove (Strangelove).
I am assuming Eugenia did the sub-titles. Saker? Please, a credit for the work.
Thank you, Eugenia. Without translations we would remain ignorant of Lavrov’s words and thoughts.
The man is remarkable. He’s FM for the global population is some ways. Utterly remarkable the way he cuts deep without malice. A surgeon whose blade draws scant blood.
What does he mean “genetically conditioned”? Is he speaking figuratively or is he advocating genetic determinism (Nazism)?
Interesting clock in the upper right corner–tick, tick as Lavrov spoke like an exasperated mother. Dear Mr. Lavrov you are facing what Hannah Arendt called “the banality of evil”. These people( like Mr. Cirby of the State Department who railed against Gayane Chichyakan) are C students, not very bright and, worse, proud of their stupidity which is how they try to establish common ground with the American people whom their intelligencia and media has “dumbed down”.Mental Mediocrity is exalted at the same time there is an insufferable arrogance among the upper level leadership and a firm belief that they hold the keys to world enlightenment ( re: Resnick, editor of The New Yorker–he calls anything delivered in less than perfectly passionless academic-speak as a screed). Oh heartfelt emotion: well pooh-pooh to you! Thus, the US becomes is a nation of Forrest Gumps without the humility and goodness of this fictional character. And forget the willingness to sacrifice for others which Putin honored by calling out the names of the widows of men killed in Syria recently and using the first names of the dead men.
Thus, Russia which is proud of its excellence, acts with dignity, and strives for win-win in the world, must be demolished down to a level below mere mediocrity. Let us remember what Putin said recently about timing, not delaying and being prepared ( he did mention briefly in passing the mistakes made before WWII was inflicted upon the Soviet Union) . Putin is always one to learn from history unlike the American neocons.
Lucky you.
Dignity. Respect. Patience.
Sergey Lavrov.
Is this a revange for the unsuccessful war in Ukraine and Syria? We have to brake BRICS no matter what!
These psychopats are going to do everything till last minute just to get their way????????????????
Millions of Brazilians have taken
to the streets, around that country,
to demand the resignation or the
impeachment of their current
President, Dilma Rousseff. Meanwhile,
her Chief-of-Staff has been indicted
on corruption charges, stemming
from his stint a few years ago, at the
state-owned petroleum company,
Rousseff was the Country’s Secretary
of Energy at the time and must have
known all about it, although this remains
unproven, as of yet. Her mentor and
former President, Lula is facing charges
of money laundering for his role in an
elaborate kick-back scheme with
Petrobras, totaling over 3 billion USD.
Those under investigation and indicted
are all exponents of the Worker’s Party
(PT), which was finally able to get into
power with the election of Lula in 2003.
This followed the disjointed interregnum
that occurred after the 1985 dissolution
of the CIA-installed military dictatorship,
starting in 1964, which destroyed the
economy of Brazil, although it’d previously
had a higher average standard of living
than most of Europe, at the time.
The Worker’s Party ran on a populist
platform and over the course of 12 years,
it did raise 40M people out of poverty and
eradicate hunger, in what has been
described as the greatest transfer of wealth,
of all time (or perhaps second to the
offshoring of the US’ manufacturing base
to China).
This was made possible by the first-time
ever discovery of crude petroleum in
extremely deepwater reserves off the coast
of Rio de Janeiro. Despite this arguably good
deed, much else that the Worker’s Party
did was not in the interest of the nation,
beating its own previously-set records
of heretofore unimaginable graft.
Dilma and Lula now find themselves trying
to rapidly cobble together a scheme, where
she can replace her Chief-of Staff with Lula,
so that he might avoid prosecution except
by a mighty effort of the Supreme Court.
From the personal standpoints of Dilma and
Lula and from the larger view, they’re both
simultaneously fighting for their own lives
and against the NWO. But from a local
perspective, everyone, except for the very
poor (of which there are many) Hates Them
for being so unbelievably corrupt.
What’s not getting enough play, in the local
media or elsewhere are the right-wing, rich
Brazilians, who own the media – and who are
also on the take from the US and international
corporations; Those corrupt people have also
contributed mightily to the overall dysfunction
of a country that should be extremely wealthy.
Despite all of the robbery and the Socialist
policies, which make it almost impossible to
run a business there, the country still manages
to have the 7th largest GDP of all nations.
The elites are not getting the attention that
they deserve for their part in this unholy mess
because they own the media.
It was heartening, however that the US
lapdog candidate, Aecio Neves who lost his
presidential bid against Dilma in November
203.6 Million People Take to The Streets, Demand
Revolution In Brazil
– Alexandra
14, was booed loudly when he tried to get
up and speak during the recent protests in
Sao Paulo. It seems that he’s caught up in a
coke-snorting scandal, on top of an even
worse corruption scandal of his own, from
his term as Governor of the large State of
Minas Gerais.
A Must See Trump video :-)
“When it comes to facing our toughest opponents”
Breedlove? Shouldn’t be Breedwar?
What the fear from Donald trump can create, thay have just exposed themselves that Donald he is not their chosen one to become a president who will listen to their agenda
How groups plan to protest Trump at AIPAC: Walk out, stay away, study Torah
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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Hickory, N.C., March 14. Photo by Chris Keane/Reuters
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Hickory, N.C., March 14. Photo by Chris Keane/Reuters
Walk in wearing stickers. Stay out bearing placards. Get up and walk out when Trump walks in. Just don’t go. Go but don’t clap. Blame AIPAC. Don’t blame AIPAC.
And whatever you do, hit the Jewish texts.
Donald Trump’s scheduled appearance on Monday at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s annual Policy Conference has sparked a microcosmic Jewish version of the question now besetting much of the American polity: How do you solve a problem like the Donald?
The announcement last week that Trump, the billionaire real-estate developer who is the front-runner among Republican candidates and who has aimed broadsides at Mexicans and Muslims among other groups, will speak at AIPAC has sparked a flurry of debate on social media over whether his appearance is appropriate and whether it merits protest.
For some, AIPAC’s single-issue focus on the U.S.-Israel alliance means it has no choice but to host an increasingly likely candidate for the nation’s highest office. Others insist that organizers of and delegates to one of the year’s largest Jewish gatherings — some 18,000 people are expected to attend — must stand up for what the Reform movement, in a statement, called the “values we hold most dear – justice, mercy, compassion, peace.”
And among those who are planning protests, there is disagreement over what would be the most effective way of signaling displeasure. Some would-be objectors to Trump advocate that protests be as non-intrusive as possible, abjuring even the word “protest” and recommending that folks simply absent themselves from the speech. Others are seeking a more visible sign of dissent from what they say is Trump’s bigotry.
The one thing all agree on is that studying Jewish texts while Trump is speaking is the right way to go.
The Reform movement, the largest American Jewish religious stream, is recommending a combination of Jewish textual study and social media activism.
Reform officials are planning to hand out pages of text to protesters who will absent themselves from the main hall during Trump’s speech. Grouped in pairs – or “hevrutas,” as study partners are called in the yeshiva — the protesters will study the Jewish writings while monitoring Trump’s speech on screens scattered throughout the conference venue. After the speech, the hevrutas will blast out on social media their impressions of how Trump’s speech lined up with the values in the text, tagged with the AIPAC conference hashtags, #cometogether and #pc16.
“It will be a conversation about dignity and the responsibility of officials to hold up dignity,” said Rabbi Jonah Pesner, who directs Reform’s Religious Action Center, one of three Reform bodies organizing the protest. The others are the Union for Reform Judaism and the Central Conference of American Rabbis. “Human dignity is so important it even supersedes biblical prohibitions,” Pesner said.
Biblical prohibitions, maybe, but even among the Reform officials who plotted out the protest there was a reluctance to cross AIPAC, American Jewry’s main conduit for high-level pro-Israel advocacy.
“They should do it in a way that is respectful to AIPAC, that is not a protest, that is not a disruption,” Pesner said.
Pesner said the Reform movement also wrote to Trump asking for a meeting that would launch what Pesner hoped would be Trump’s “hard work of teshuvah,” or repentance.
Repentance would be quite the “get” from a candidate who has yet to apologize for his many insults during the campaign, including those aimed at women, Asians, POWs, and those with disabilities.
Two rabbis, Rabbi David Paskin of Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., and Rabbi Jesse Olitzky of Congregation Beth El in South Orange, N.J., have organized a protest they dubbed “Come Together Against Hate,” a play on the conference’s official theme, “Come Together.”
Trump’s Jewish lawyer, Michael Cohen, made it clear Camp Trump does not think much of the rabbis.
“Anyone who believes that @realDonaldTrump is a racist doesn’t know #Trump at all,” he said on Twitteron Thursday. “Shame on the protesting rabbis with #AIPAC.”
How visible the protest should be was a subject of debate among those planning “Come Together Against Hate.”
The organizers settled on a compromise: “Many will be standing up before he speaks and silently leaving the room,” said the announcement by the group, which is separate from the Reform movement’s initiative. “Others will be absenting themselves from his introduction as well.”
Paskin acknowledged that a mass organized walkout when Trump walks in would have a greater visual impact, but said the group could not reach a consensus.
“When we started this Facebook group on Sunday or Monday night, there were people with all sorts of powerful arguments,” said Paskin. The group now has over 1,500 members. “We want people to respond to this in whatever way they see fit. AIPAC has been very respectful of our right to protest as we strive to be respectful of the choice they made.”
Olitzky said they did reject one particularly passive proposal that came up in discussions: Just don’t clap.
“We can’t sit idly by and not clap,” he said. “A candidate in favor of registering Muslims, we know what that leads to. Sitting down and not clapping is standing idly by.”
However they choose to absent themselves, the “Come Together Against Hate” protesters will meet for — yes — Torah study at The Greene Turtle sports bar inside the Verizon Center complex where Trump will speak. Paskin said the group had named about 300 “leaders” who would distribute flyers and stickers emblazoned with their slogan.
AIPAC would prefer no protests whatsoever. Earlier this week, an email from a staffer warned students planning to attend that any attempt to disrupt the program would result in removal “and it will be the last AIPAC event you attend.”
AIPAC later said the email was sent without authorization, but an official said the group would prefer not to see disruptions at an event where every presidential candidate had been invited to speak.
“AIPAC has a unique function and special responsibility in America — we are the bipartisan stewards of this special relationship” between Israel and the United States, said the official. “Therefore, it is of paramount importance that our community develops a constructive relationship with whomever wins their respective party nomination and thus could be elected president.”
Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin, of Hollywood, Fla, is organizing yet another planned absence from Trump’s speech to be filled with Torah study. He said he had fielded and rejected proposals for more dramatic protests. One was for the twirling of groggers, the noisemakers used in synagogues during Purim – which takes place next week – to drown out mentions of Haman, the villain of the Purim story.
“The action we are proposing is intended to be an alternative to more dramatic and demonstrative protests,” said Salkin, who has about 60 rabbis signed on. “We don’t believe people should stand up and walk out, boo or use groggers.”
Doing something more vociferous “will result in our being ejected and play into Trump’s narrative – we will become part of the story,” he said.
Some protesters, who object to the pro-Israel group’s positions as much as they do Trump, are unlikely to defer to the conference organizers. If Not Now, a group launched to protest Israel’s actions during its 2014 war in the Gaza Strip, will picket outside the conference while singing songs and engaging in a yet-to-be-determined Jewish ritual.
Trump’s invitation “exposes part of the problem – this is what happens when you have a single issue, focus-on-Israel-at-any-cost organization,” said If Not Now’s spokeswoman, Sharon Rose Goldtzvik. “AIPAC has not said anything to disavow Trump.”
A number of groups have proposed that the protest against Trump come from AIPAC itself. Ameinu, a member of the AIPAC National Council – made up of Jewish groups that consult with the lobby – called on the group to publicly denounce Trump’s “disgusting bigotry, demagogic rhetoric and campaign style” during the conference.
The Reconstructionist movement also called on AIPAC to speak out.
“We call on AIPAC to affirm that we welcome Muslims into the United States and condemn racist statements” during the conference, Rabbi Mordechai Liebling, the director of the Social Justice Organizing Program at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, said in an interview. “We would certainly prefer that they rescinded the invitation but we understand that might not be possible.”
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who is going to be brave enough to write a russian and english transcript?
does one already exist?
» who is going to be brave enough to write a russian and english transcript? «
Интервью Министра иностранных дел России С.В.Лаврова телеканалу РЕН ТВ, Москва, 13 марта 2016 года
Plus translations in German, English, Spanish and French.
Another hate towards Trump
Why Trump makes us all dizzy
Why I still hate the Iran deal
Challah, wine, Torah … and Trump?
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How groups plan to protest Trump at AIPAC: Walk out, stay away, study Torah
Sanders declines AIPAC invitation
Fugitive from Paris attacks arrested in Brussels shootout
Why Trump makes us all dizzy
by David Suissa
Posted on Mar. 18, 2016 at 12:25 pm
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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Photo by Reuters
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Photo by Reuters
There’s no better feeling in the world than being 100 percent right about something. In a slippery world where everything seems to be debatable — even climate change! — it’s so refreshing to find something that is not debatable, something truly black and white.
The fact that Donald Trump has made vile, racist, sexist, violent and bigoted statements is not debatable. It’s the cold truth, as if I told you that water is a liquid or the Lubavitcher Rebbe was Jewish.
This cold truth has united most of the Jews of America. Whether you’re on the right or the left, religious or secular, the vast majority of Jews (there are always exceptions) will not condone the vile statements made by Trump as he has climbed to the top of the Republican primaries. If you don’t believe me, try getting a Jew to publicly defend Trump’s racist comments. It’s one thing to harbor dark thoughts, it’s another to go public with them.
Trump goes public with them, and this has made us all dizzy.
Saying things like “Muslims won’t be allowed into America until we can figure out what the hell is going on” is not just racist, it’s incredibly stupid. We’re not used to hearing such raw bile from politicians who want to get elected. Talking points that come out of focus groups are littered with inoffensive clichés. If you want to be popular and attract as many voters as possible, the less offensive you are, the better.
So, when we hear such shocking and immoral bile from a presidential candidate, we go nuts. How could we not?
Our revulsion at Trump is making us so dizzy that it is trumping other values, like knowledge, curiosity and understanding. The rabbis and activists who plan to walk out in protest of Trump’s speech Monday night at the AIPAC Policy Conference have no interest in hearing what he has to say. I get it. Moral values are fundamental to one’s identity. If someone challenges these values as blatantly as Trump has, our instinct is to cut him out.
But I will be there Monday night, and I will definitely not walk out.
I hate Trump’s racist bile as much as anyone, but that’s not the point. The point is this: my feelings often bore me. They don’t encourage me to think, and thinking is what I love to do. The minute I internalize something like, “I hate you,” “You’re a racist,” or “Your statements are unacceptable and beyond the pale,” my feelings take over and I get in activist mode. I don’t mind the activist mode; I just prefer the thinking mode.
I prefer the mode of trying to make sense of this crazy Trump phenomenon, the likes of which I have never seen. Is he more of a huckster than a racist? Can attitude trump substance? Is he getting all those votes because or despite his vile comments? Is he just another politician who won’t deliver on his promises, including appalling ones like cutting out Muslims or building that 10-foot wall on the border of Mexico?
How much validity is there in his argument that we’re getting ripped off by China in our trade agreements? How much of his appeal is due to people’s economic worries and his shtick that because he knows how to negotiate good deals for himself, he’ll know how to negotiate good deals for America? How could so many voters overlook his horrible comments? Why are even educated people voting for him? How will he tailor his speech for the AIPAC crowd, and what will that say about him? And so on, and so on.
That Trump’s comments offend me to no end is a cold truth, but there’s another, equally vital truth swimming in my head: I like to figure out what the hell is going on.
It makes me less dizzy, and better equipped to counter what I hate.
David Suissa is president of TRIBE Media Corp./Jewish Journal and can be reached at davids@jewishjournal.com
David Suissa president of TRIBE Media Corp./Jewish Journal:
In response to your rant against Trump here, I’d recommend that you take a deep breath and think carefully before you act out of blind anger.
Deep breathing helps clear the mind and relives one from becoming “dizzy” as it brings much needed oxygen to the brain cells inflamed by “hatred”. Actions taken in the heat of passion and while in a rage are based on primal instinctual reactions of fight or flight and deep seated emotions which preclude rational thought and the process of the reasoned analytical “thinking” that you want.
Suggest you try and cool down a bit and get a grip on political realities. Least while in your “activism mode” you do something that causes more harm than good. So lets start by taking apart what’s got you all in a huff and some of the arguments by which you justify your self proclaimed right to be “feeling” so outraged and indignation about Trump and the relatively insignificant issues as compared to the big picture and what really matters.
Let’s start by putting this into some kind of perspective and dealing with the facts at hand…..
You say that while “climate change” is still open to “debate”, Trump’s not, after having “made vile, racist, sexist, violent and bigoted statements it’s “not debatable” and “the truth” and a case of “black and white” based on your “moral values”.
I would argue the reverse and that “climate change is “not debatable” as it’s proven to have occurred countless times throughout the entire history of planet earth and that while ‘global warming’ appears to be a verifiable fact it’s actual causes are as yet not known for certain. Being as NASA’s found that all of the planets in our own solar system are currently warming up. And as far as we know there aren’t any SUV’s running around on them, at least not as of yet.
Not dis-similarly, while it’s true and not debatable that Trump has made some ill-advised, I wouldn’t say “violent” but rather remarkably crude and perhaps “bigoted” sounding statements not ‘politically correct’,
I think however that to therefor forever hang him with the label of as some bonafide “sexist” and “racist” pig is a stretch and it’s debatable as to whether that’s actually true of the man.
In my opinion, that while his uncouth Archie Bunker style may appeal to some true misogamist and racist types, he actually only reflects as does a mirror, the attitudes and true sentiments of the vast majority of the American public. The only difference is that he’s honest and brash enough to openly state it and not politically correct or “sophisticated” enough to hide it as most others do. That’s one of the reasons I think why he strikes such a deep cord with so many people that are tired of all the propaganda and BS, and a raw nerve with the rest and the establishment who absolutely hate him for it.
But at heart as I read him I don’t believe he’s actually a true bigot deep down. And if I’m wrong, He’s not any more of a sexist and racist than are the general public and all the liberal hypocrites that twice voted for war making Obama, just because it’s so nice to have a black man in the white house, in order to ease their own guilty racist conscience. Nor is Trump any more sexist than the feminist German Greer that publicly endorses the sociopath “We came, we saw, he died” Hillary Clinton and calls young women voting for Trump “just girls who are following the boys”. And that 500,000 children died in Iraq “is worth the price” genocidal witch Madame Albright, announcing that “there’s a special place in hell for women that don’t support women” implying that’s for all those women that don’t blindly vote for Hillary. Witness the racial slur Hillary cast against poor black single women much earlier in her political career by saying that their fatherless children were “parasites” sucking on societies blood, that’s before the boldfaced lying hypocrite learned how to be politically more correct so as in order to get reelected.
Not to mention that she helped spread the vicious lie around the world that Qaddafi was using black Africans as mercenaries feeding them Viagra so as to rape and murder “his own people” Only so that after he was sodomized with a bayonet and beaten to death (over which she hysterically laughed) and “freed” Libya fell into utter chaos, with all the blacks being rounded up and lynched with the kinds of atrocities inflicted on them that we have not seen since the Holocaust and are now seeing in Syria being committed by the US created and sponsored proxy Daesh beheaders almost on a daily bases.
Nor are there any real differences here among any of the other anti Muslim warmongering “regime change” political hacks that are the current gang candidates running for the job of POTUS.
Bennie Sanders for all of his fine revolutionary “socialist” talk is just another timid reformer that wants to restore some small measure of economic and income equality, without rocking the boat or in any way seriously threatening the establishment and the elites status quo. All while he has nothing at all to say about ever trying to stop the empires perpetual wars in the ME and against Russia and China.
As for your “try getting a Jew to publicly defend Trump’s racist comments”. I think that while most will probably hide it between themselves and won’t ever tell it straight to the face of a gentile, I suspect there are lots of zealot Zionist Jews in Israel that openly would, given how they hate their fellow Ethiopian Jews and deny any and all Palestinians the right of existence.”
Having dispensed with the justifications for self righteous outrage and the hypocrisy surrounding the anti Trump movement, lets focus on the facts and some of what he’s actually said to date.
Firstly, if he’s such a staunch sexist why would he ever hire his daughter to help run his real estate empire? Wouldn’t you think that as any true misogynist he’d relegate all of his women folk to the kitchen and never entrust them with any kind of real responsibilities and power.
Secondly, If he’s such a rabid racist, why would he publicly say that he “likes Mexicans” and that they’re “very smart businessmen”? I think being as he’s a real estate tycoon he can’t really afford to discriminate and does business with the Chinese, the Jews and Muslim Arabs alike. His daughter is married to a Jew, making them all part of the same family. He says that while he supports Israel he just wants to stay neutral so that as President he can deal with both as a fair broker in a peace making process and a land settlement deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians. He may be naive, but he’s light years ahead of what any of the other bought and sold bigoted anti Muslim candidates ever dare to talk about.
What he’s talking about when he says we have to “stop Muslim immigration until we can figure out what the hell is going on” is simply a reference to the mess Europe is in now with the thousands of Muslim EU nationals that have returned having become mercenary ISIS terrorists with many others terrorist holding fake Syrian passports hiding among the millions of hapless refugees flooding over it’s boarders, Until the US actually figures out a secure way of verifying their legitimacy. Given all the dangers of not doing so, I can see why that simple logic resonates with so many Americans.
Similarly, And while I think his idea of building a 10 ft high 900 mile long wall, similar as those that segregate the Palestinians from the settler Jews in Israel, is a ridiculously dumb one, as were his unnecessary comments about Mexican “rapist” and “drug dealers” illegally crossing the borders just in order to hit home his point. He is nevertheless talking about “illegal immigrants” which constitute some 13 million undocumented Mexicans now residing as slave laborers living underground in the US which is an unmitigated disaster for all concerned that must to be addressed. That Trump’s now doing so, however crude his proposed solutions may be, does not in and of itself automatically make him a racist. At least not anymore than all of the other warmongering candidates whom have sworn their unqualified allegiance to and support of the segregationists walled off state of apartheid Israel, who want al Assad’ head off and consider Russia their number one enemy to contain and “make feel more pain”.
Donald Trump, not being a professional politician on the inside and in the loop nor even as a self made multi billionaire wheeler and dealer that rubs shoulders with presidents and celebrities and the rich and powerful, means that he’s on the inside track. And by not understanding their geopolitical games and the US’s real imperial aims and the machinations of it’s deep state, it’s establishment or the media, He’s the only one that’s bringing to the table and into the light of public discourse, fundamental issues of vital importance both to the American electorate and the rest of the world. Issues of “War and Peace” and of real “Jobs” and “wages” and of rebuilding “America’s infrastructure” and economy.
Issues that no one wants to touch with a ten foot pole, such as the Saudi connection to 911 over which the western world went to war in Afghanistan for a decade and then the US attacked and destroyed Iraq on the pretext and lie of weapons of mass destruction. Trump was the only one that’s always been against it and can’t understand why they ever invaded and bombed Iraq or Libya to rubble.
He’s against the so called “Free Trade” deals such as NAFTA and the now being negotiated TPP (Trans Pacific Partnerships) and wants to abrogate or renegotiate them all because they’ve massively robbed Americans of their jobs, shipping them to Mexico and overseas to other Asian countries which has devastatingly gutted the industrial heartland of the US. (not to mention robbed Canada and Mexico of their own sovereignty) but for the benefit of the empires 0.001% of international financiers and their multi national corporations.
He wants to institute tariffs again so as to keep jobs in America and bring home jobs. And as Roosevelt did, create massive employment again by rebuilding the entire crumbling US infrastructure. And take proper care of all the neglected war vet’s (many of whom are black Afro Americans and Hispanics) so as that they don’t have to live homeless in the streets or commit suicide en mass.
He wants to get serious about actually defeating worldwide terrorism and crushing ISIS, after 15 years of the US bombing and pretending to be wagging a “War on Terror” that instead has destroyed much of the middle east and North Africa just so as to control it all and spread the terrorism over the entire world like a malignant cancer. Causing the worst refugee crisis since the second world war.
And most important he wants to make peace in the middle east and negotiate a settlement between Israel and the Palestinians. And he likes President Vladimir Putin and wants peaceful relations between the US hegemonic super power and it’s rivals such as Russia, thus ending the 2.0 cold war being waged against Russia and starting world war three and the potential of provoking a nuclear holocaust that will affect every living being on the entire planet.
Trumps clearly an outsider who’s crashing their party and giving away their game and….
That’s exactly why all hell has broken loose. Why the deep state elites are all up in arms and all of it’s political establishment going apoplectic with rage. Why dozens of the worlds most powerful men are now meeting to discus doing whatever it takes to stop him, (with assassination not off the table I bet.) Why George Soros has now sicked all of his paid for “NGO’s dogs from his “open society foundation” out on the streets to violently protest and disrupt all of Trumps meetings. Why the republican party is pulling out all the stops to dump him. And the Democrats are rallying their troops. Why Anonymous (or a fake CIA version of it) has just declared war on Trump and is now hacking all of his personal information and emails and disrupting his campaigns internet communications. Why there’s an internet iPhone “Block Trump” campaign. And why all the hysterically screaming for his blood from the left liberal fanatically politically correct Obama and Hillary hordes are sure to make a big scene and try to disrupt every future public venue wherever Trump might be making an appearance and speaking.
Thus they’ll all insure that the essence of Trumps message is drowned out by the mob and that any remote chance that he might ever have had of challenging the Wall Street and it’s corporate backed hacks and the criminally insane war-making Clinton to a national debate about real life and death issues that affect not only all of the American electorate but the rest of humanity. Thus doing the elites dirty work for them by guaranteeing that their next shoe-in Hillary Clinton (such as was Obama) will grasp the throne as commander in chief of the most powerful nation on earth, uncontested, putting in jeopardy all of mankind with another decade of austerity and perpetual wars around the globe.
Is that what you want to see? I would hope that with some reflection and perhaps by doing some more research on Hillary’s criminal legacy, you’ll try and attend the AIPAC Policy Conference on Monday, with more of an open mind to what the man actually has to say, leaving behind and at the door all of your hastily formed preconceptions and holier than tho judgements and take into account the implications of blindly following your emotions not understanding what’s political reality and all that’s at stake here.
If you feel so strongly about your moral values opposed to any form of bigotry, why don’t you just go and protest at the doors of AIPAC or the Israeli and US embassies against the grave injustices that have been perpetrated in Palestine against your own Semite brothers there for over half a century now. Or does your Jewish heritage and blood bonds prevent you from applying the same kinds of standards on your own tribesmen as you have on Trump and his supporters?
Trump may be a far cry from the perfect candidate or an ideal leader, but he’s speaking the truth as best as he knows how, and given the line up of political hacks, what other real choices do Americans have on election day? But for given the chance, to vote for him in a quest to achieve some measure of peace and security and possibly even a return to prosperity. You tell me what’s the alternative?
” Saying things like “Muslims won’t be allowed
into America until we can figure out what
the hell is going on” is not just racist, it’s
incredibly stupid. ”
Hmmm. Or ‘incredibly astute.’
As in ‘eretz Israel’ astute. Which requires a dumping ground for the forced migration of Muslims. Not to mention some serious digging into the Zionist cash-nexus sponsoring the destabilization of the Middle East.
Maybe Trump really does want to get to the bottom of it?
Or will he stop digging after the neo-cons have a little chat with him?
Really inspiring politically and linguistically… just wish my Russian listening comprehension was better than a paltry 20%. leaves anglo-saxons choking in their ‘humble-pie’ dust.. The ‘Retardian*..Guardian will no doubt spew out some 3rd rate rhetorical comments. Wonderful clear pronunciation and dry humour. We anglo-zionists have really sunk to the lowest of low …Congratulations Rupert Murdoch et ilke., job well down with your incessant dumbing down..
PS. RT please include this interview in your language lessons
Scene: Russian War Room, senior officers and political figures watching the Big Board with the babbling Breedlove, well, babbling…
Camera zooms in on two minor officers whispering in the shadows…
Comrade Ivan: “Breedlove, that ain’t no kinna kraut name.”
Comrade Kolyan: “He changed it when he became an American citizen, when he was German it was Rasseliebe”.
(apologies to Dr Strangelove fans)
Lavrov is explicit, it seems – the Russian Policy Goal is to “turn” the US elite. The Policy offers peace and help to a vast and significant country ruled by a “lost” government…
This is much in tune with Byzantine Strategies familiar to historians, and, one assumes, to Comrades Lavrov and Putin.
and for a smile…read this: http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/almost-everything-in-dr-strangelove-was-true
for perhaps insight into the Breedlovian Mind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J67wKhddWu4
Pax, Brothers
Im reminded of that scene in Armageddon when the Russian astronaut chastises the Americans by calling them a ‘bunch of cowboys’
It may be helpful to understand that at this particular point in time the U.S. is not being run by Americans. We hope to begin to change that this November. Wish us God speed and all good fortune. TRUMP 2016