Check out the absolutely hilarious video which was sent to me by a friend:
Check out the absolutely hilarious video which was sent to me by a friend:
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Hilarious? How about tedious? Boring? Guess we have different takes on what is humorous. I shut it off after about a minute.
Oh vot tak vot tak. What did you do to your sense of humour system?
Did they just remove the irony, mockery, play on words and illumination via contradiction insanity receptors??
I’m sorry. Personally, I found it hilarious. But that’s good for other reasons. I can check “sense of humour” box as “intact and working”.
Thank you for informing us of your refined sense of humor and lack of patience.
Next time, though, please don’t waste pixels and time.
Or do it elsewhere.
Best of all, create your own blog and show us all how it is done correctly :-)
Thank you
The Saker
Oh God, who is she?? Brilliant. Everything we are being told, day in day out. The entire set of totally contradictory, insane madness going on around. you have to laugh – it’s a huge weapon – very very good for the health..
It really is hilarious. Just love it – and thank you so much posting it. I’m going to link to FB and share as far as i can.
“Oh God, who is she?”
The video, posted on youtube in saker’s account just lists the name Jason Peck. She doesn’t look like a Jason to me…
She doesn’t look like a Jason to me…
very, very perceptive, vot tak, thanks for enlightening us with your superb analytical skill!
you are on a roll, bravo! :-)
So who is she? Why the silence about her identity?
Awesome hilarious video TS!…it made my day… and cleared up one heck lot of my unresolved nagging questions in the process once and for all.
Come to think of very reminiscent of so many of Trump’s regular proclamations…just compressed into 3 minutes rather than 3 months…much easier on the eye too!
Come to think of it why doesn’t the White House be done with and it just hire her. Instead of the White House scaling back Trump’s daily press ‘briefings’ they could get this little lady to ‘articulate’ his brilliant ideas to the press each day.
This would free up time for him to dream up even more… ummm…’various cures’.
Start drinking at 10am… ha ha…
I am sure she meant coffee.
So nice, phrases like that now, aren’t they? “drinking” can mean anything we want.
it reminded me of a “quarantine joke” I read somewhere.
“Homeschooling is going well.
Report 2 children suspended for fighting.
Teacher fired for drinking on the job”
My daughter in law who is a primary school teacher liked it?? “-)
Now we must get this politically correct >
it is cofefe not coffee …
if the wise and enlightened one spells it, it must be correct, right?
Brilliant! It pinpoints the absurdity of this whole charade, inflated by authoritarian imbeciles.
The shame of the whole video is that she got it right. I remember when we were told by CDC etc. that face masks were only needed for essential healthcare workers. Within a few days we were told we all needed them and on and on and on. It is designed to keep us confused I imagine. I still don’t know what to do so I just stay home and eat ice cream…..