The Shifting Pink Tide [Updated]
Kirchnerism is out of the presidency in Argentina but remains a force to be reckoned with, controlling both houses of congress, whilst Kirchner herself is free to stand again in 4 years’ time. Paraguay: Colorado Party lose Mayoralty of Asunción to Revolutionary February Party. Important elections in Venezuela immanent. Latin America Pope a ‘Progressive Leader’. Ecuador: Correa unexpectedly pledges to step down. Brazil: Rouseff beset with problems.
Argentina: Mauricio Macri beats Scioli by 51.5% to 48.5% to take Presidency, promises to be a staunch US ally. Kirchner pledges to play a constructive role as strong opposition with proven track record in government and control of both houses.
Cristina Fernandez wants to become head of the opposition to Macri
“Argentine president Cristina Fernandez made on Wednesday her first public appearance since Sunday’s election runoff when opposition candidate Mauricio Macri was confirmed as the new head of state, and clearly anticipated she will continue in politics and intends to conduct the Justicialista party” [source]
Newly Elected Argentinian President Mauricio Macri Trapped «in the Net» of Populism
“the process of regional integration will be negatively affected at the time the region is going through hard times… Macri is 100% US”. [source]
Argentina: Fatigue and electoral shift La Jornada
“The yesterday’s defeat should not be perceived as the refusal of Argentinians to do justice to the achievements of 2003-2015. It’s rather the result of internal and external factors that exist in the national context of the situation in the Western Hemisphere.” [source]
Why Macri’s Win is Bad News for Argentina Mark Weisbrot
“Argentina and the surrounding region have changed too much over the past 15 years to return to the neoliberal, neocolonial past. The Washington foreign policy establishment may not understand this, but Macri’s handlers did. That’s why they took the trouble to package him as something very different from what he is” [source]
“Argentina’s election has proven a disappointment for the international left, and a victory for the right” [source]
“The former President of Uruguay Jose “Pepe” Mujica said his “fears have to do with institutional instability” in Argentina.” [source]
Macri to Pursue Venezuela Suspension from MERCOSUR, Opposition Celebrates
Correa, MERCOSUR Head Reject Macri Threats to Expel Venezuela from Regional Trading Bloc [source]
Asunción has a new Mayor: Pinktide Gain Stronger Opposition in Paraguay
Revolutionary February Party Wins Key Mayoralty of Asuncion: 51% to 41%, turnout 56%. Ending 14 years of Colorado Party rule. [source] [source]
Venezuela: Legislative Elections will be a key test of Bolivarianism, and the Pink Tide.
Washington Seeks Observers That it Can Influence in Venezuela’s Election
US Espionage: Alive and Well in Latin America
US Apologizes for Violating Venezuelan Airspace, Calls for Anti-Drug Cooperation
Latin American Pope: Pink-Tide Leader in the Vatican?
The Argentinian Pope Francis features prominently among world leaders jostling for position against the ‘military-industrial-corporate US empire’. With many of LAs most prodigious leaders having suffered setbacks of one type or another in recent years, and the Pope negotiating ending the US-blockade of Cuba, criticising inequality, environmental destruction and capitalism itself, he is arguably LA’s most prominent progressive leader.
Five Leaders Challenging Western Imperialism Through Diplomacy, Persuasion, and Pressure
“Five leaders setting new agenda on war & peace, equality & inequality, security & terrorism, and environmental protection… The Pope… has greater influence on Christians… Xi
and the Pope have a greater impact on proposals for climate change. Putin, the Pope, Rohani and Xi are prominent in advocating peaceful resolution of conflicts; Corbyn and the Pope on reducing inequalities and securing social justice” [source]
5 Times Pope Francis Proved He’s The Most Progressive Pope Ever (And Pretty Much The Coolest) [source]
Extract from Laudato si‘ “The warming of the planet is a symptom of a greater problem: the developed world’s indifference to the destruction of the planet as they pursue short-term economic gains. This has resulted in a “throwaway culture” in which unwanted items and unwanted people, such as the unborn, the elderly, and the poor, are discarded as waste.”
Pope Francis Suggests a Progressive Freedom of Religion [source]
Ecuador: Correa’s Coming Departure Prompts Debate Among Supporters
“Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa’s surprise announcement that he would not seek a third immediate term in the 2017 elections has provoked a debate within the United Front, the coalition comprised of 14 political organizations that back the government and the political project known as the Citizens’ Revolution.” [source]
Trouble in Brazil:
Brazil in a few short years seems to have plunged from a run of good luck (e.g. big oil finds), competent management (under Lula) and favourable regional/international (LA integration and favourable primary commodity prices) to environmental catastrophe, corruption scandals and unfavourable economic conditions.
The Many Brazils in the World-System, Immanuel Wallerstein [source]
Rousseff’s just manages to uphold vetoes on spending bills; greater challenge in the pipeline [source]
Brazil in shock: a leading senator and billionaire fund manager arrested for obstructing justice [source]
Brazil dam burst: Toxic mud flooding towns, says UN [source]
Brazil to sue Samarco mining firm for $5.2bn over dam burst [source]
Note to readers: The process of compiling these sitreps means that I am keeping abreast of the LA region to a greater extent than would otherwise be the case and for this I thank you. If you want to bring any links to my attention please post them in the comments section (I am conscious of lacking much on Mexico).
Links to and Contents of LA sitreps 1 and 2:
Latin America SITREP November 14th, 2015 by Jack J. [source]
Upcoming Elections: Venezuela Mid-term, Second Round Argentina
Election Results: Belize
News: El Salvador: FMLN National Congress and Ecuador: Correa v Opposition
Analysis: The defeat of the (US’s) FTAA and the emergence of the (Cuba-Venezuela) ALBA-TCP
Latin America SITREP October 28th, 2015 by Jack J. [source]
Argentina: Presidential election First round leads to Second.
Venezuela: Mid Term. Threat of violence. Economic reform. Poll predicts PSUV win.
The United States Wins In Brazil, Raul Zibechi
Mexico: Ayotzinapa, State Violence and Terror By Laura Carlsen
Russia Interested in Joining the Nicaragua Canal Project
Comedian cowboy wins presidency in Guatemala
Cuba: The US isolated on World Stage:
Secret US Sites in Peru Nil NIKANDROV
Evo Morales, first indigenous President of in the Americas, marks 10 years as Bolivia President.
LA Left: Pink Tide 1999 to Present: Raúl Zibechi: Immanuel Wallerstein
Why the world continues to ignore the situation in the Republics of Haiti, Dominican Republic and the rest of Central America is beyond me?
The first black (supremacist) Republic in the America’s is fighting for the life of it’s own sovereignty with the electoral process that has recently taken place.
The candidates are currently involved in a deathlok that threatens to spiral out of control (but maybe won’t). The USA has already decided who will rule in Port Au Prince, but sometimes surprises do happen in the land of Toussaint L’Ouverture. This is sometimes in my opinion the Afghanistan and Somalia of the America’s, armies and foreign forces go their to die or retreat, Smedly Butler was a great exception.
In the Dominican Republic, the LGBT activist ambassador Wally Brewster has just had a friendly speech where in all honesty stuck a finger full of salt into the open sore of high as the sky corruption that as he stated has spread “like a cancer” in all the orifices of the Republic’s government.
He explained that the country must do more also to be friendlier to the LGBT community and the migrant Haitians, when the Dominicans protested that he had overstepped his bounds as a diplomat by interferring in their internal affairs, he simply stated that “those who did not like what he said, were welcome to return their USA visas to the embassy”. No more shopping and partying in Miami for the Dominican’s where they go visit their rich Venezuelan, Mexican and Colombian friends who party in Brickell, LIV and overun Aventura, Dolphin and Sawgrass Mills Malls!!!!!!
Then Nicaragua, my beloved little Nicaragua ay caramba, ah huevos.
They have decided to screw the Cuban exile community, the gardenin/lawn mowing industry, lunch cafeterias waitresses and Hialeah Real estate moguls by denying them new fellow cubans to work with, the Cubans who are fleeing “capitalism” in Cuba!!!!
These dissidents against the “FREE MARKET”, won’t be able to join the booming Miami-Dade/South Florida economy because Ortega in Managua will NOT let them bypass their territory to reach LA YUMA.
No no no, these fellow communists will not be allowed to use socialist land to reach “Libertad”…..Ay no me JODA.
The current crisis is trying to be resolved quietly because if it get’s too loud, the Cubans might lose their privileged entry to USA over ALL other Southerners of the Florida Straits.
They cannot lose this HUGE benefit that they feel entitled to.
The government that repeals the Wet foot Dry foot policy will LOSE big.
The Macri in Argentina will operate on a very tight leash by the way.
Correa will not step down without a huge get out of jail free card.
Maduro is only going to get stronger, he is half Colombian plus the USA has given him two martyrs to exploit, he doesn’t give a DAMN about his two nephews, they will rot away.
They messed up big time and he will not risk Hugo Chavez’s dream to save them, he simply won’t.
The one who will suffer the most is Leopoldo Lopez, I feel for him. He’s got that fine ass wife and he can only hit it once in awhile.
If Maduro’s nephews are further harmed, Leopoldo Lopez will not be getting out anytime soon.
Believe that my friends, creanmelo.
Maduro has also purchased fighter jets from China.
This man as Trotsky once said has a story to tell and one day the Bus driver will sing it to us.
Hasta luego companeros.
Su muy cansable luchador Fernando Arauxo, se despide ciao!
Hi. Since black supremacist governments are OK, does that mean it is OK for white people to start having interests of their own, and countries of their own, now too? Thanks.
For Pete’s sake, Senor Ghost.
No, White people cannot, it’s not allowed. Where are all my colored cousins going to go when they need welfare and a decent job?
In my scanty legal opinion, if the Haitians are allowed to have a black supremacist country, where I believe it was enshrined in their constitution of 1804 that the ALL natives are to be considered BLACK and ALL foreigners are to be considered White, if the international community allows this blatant type of racism to be considered innocent/hehe/funny/cute then I guess caucasians can or should allowed to do it too. This is incredibly thin ice with regards to international law, but the precedent has been permitted since 1804. K se yo?
De madre….
Oh by the way, when I mention that Washington has already decided who will rule in Port Au Prince, I do mean the CLINTONS. Bill Clinton is the viceroy of the AG in Haiti and if Hilary is elected, she will ensure that the GOLD on the island that is located in the border area of Haiti and DR is mined to the last nugget to finance America’s return to the GOLD standard. The two republics are indeed being fused into ONE entity.
This will cause a huge Balkan event as two peoples that have never truly gotten along will now be forced to live with each other.
Either a war will break out or some other type of event involving bloodshed.
Then the whole area will be destabilized.
The boat people will go everywhere, washing up on South Florida.
The refugee nightmare that occurred in Europe recently will pale in comparison to what will happen once the whole carribean is destabilized.
Remember that destabilization is the number one American export these days.
Hasta luego.
Fernando, that is just ignorant nonsense, the last thing that the US establishment wants is Gold backed Currency which is impossible anyway in todays world, since there is not enough gold in the entire world to even back the U.S. M1 money supply, but just less than half of it.
No no no, the US loves it’s FED, it is a SCAM Which has made them able to dictate policy almost in the entire world. With the FED and their Fiat currency they have become true masters.
About Brazil: these troubles are the direct result of those big oil finds. A friend of mine that works in a public company in the energy sector says that it costs just US$ 9 per barrel to extract this oil.
The result is that, right now, Brazil is under a coup in slow motion, in which the legal system is being used as a weapon, and the media is used to brainwash the people againt the federal government (pro-Russia, pro-China that is). The judge behind all this wears black shirts, was completely unknown before all this and has a strange habit of always going to the United States… And urges the people to protest in the streets. Quite a character.
This operation almost destroyed Brazil’s construction sector, the biggest private sector in the country. The biggest company is Petrobras, the oil giant, the main focus of this farse. So yeah, because of this our economy gone to a halt.
But it seems like the local elite is not buying this whole circus and does NOT want a coup because, well, obviously the USA can’t flood Brazil with cheap money and what can Uncle Sam give that the chinese aren’t giving already? China is Brazil’s main partner for at least 10 years! And the russians are buying a lot of meat – the europeans and north americans were always “picky” with our exports.
The local media is going all in because part of it will face bankrupcy in a couple of months; they think that a right wing, Washington-friendly “government” would help them. And what can the middle class of a country in which slavery was legal until the end of the 19th century do when the poor stop feeling hunger and have three meals a day? Cry wolf – communism -, of course!
And the masses are silent. They always were. But their lives improved under Lula and I don’t think they would allow to be put under subhuman living conditions, ever again…
So Brazil is in a crossroad right now: it can choose between turning itself into a great nation, or be the lackey of whatever empire is in power in the west. Expect Lula to be put in jail in the next few weeks (to bomb his reelection campaign in 2018); all hell can break loose after that, so it is too early to predict anything.
I cant see Lula going to prison, certainly hope Lula he dosnt.
9$ a barrel seems cheap for the deep-sea pre-salt deposits discovered in the south atlantic, i presume you are not refering to them?
happy to read any of your sourcs for the above.
Oh yes. What a progressive he is…
Like when the Zionist pope was calling for Western intervention in Syria whilst simultaneously ignoring the murderous Israeli bombardment of Palestinians.
How many dead children was it last time? I can’t recall the exact number but since our dearly beloved ‘progessive’ pope gave us a pass it doesn’t really matter.
God save us all from progressive catholics.
I missed his calls for syrian intervention, at least if you mean in a ‘lets bomb them sense’.
With regards to palestine, the epic tragedy of our age, are you saying that an essential artribute for any progressive leader is to openly oppose the genocide there? Does that mean unless a leader openly and specifically opposes all genocide he is not a progressive? what about other forms of injustice?
Im no fan of this Pope, or any of that organised religion stuff, but they are powerfull things and that there might a relatively progressive one at the helm right now is of interest. It seems to be contributing to some, although cerainly not all, progressive causes.
the pope is a Jesuit and they have through all history been ‘with the people’…can change overnight to be with another people if they think its in the Vatican’s best interests…they own the vatican and the Bank of America…not a trustworthy bunch..
that fabulous priest in El Salvadore, was a Jesuit, and when he finally overcame their doctrine, and started REALLY being for the people he was assassinated…
the Jesuits are masters of assassination…no qualms about it.
Re LA – ask the Mexicans, they know well….
Pobre México, tan lejos de Dios, y tan cerca de los Estados Unidos.
BTW, well said by Porfirio Diaz who made a lot of business with the Pindos, but I prefer the approach of Pancho Villa und Emiliano Zapato.
Lovely SITREP.
As a student at the University of Mexico (some decades ago), I was introduced to a farmer who had fought with Zapata.
Also met Siquieros, after he was released from prison.
The comments were all on the mark.
The struggle for political freedom and economic justice and the sovereignty of all Latin America’s nations is inseparable.
A rebirth of the American Republic to be achieved by the defeat of the Zionist American terrorist Oligarchs who wish to control the entire world, and are experienced in the utilization of large degrees of Terror to achieve their goal, would be quite helpful.
For the Democratic Republics!
Zapata (probably the only true revolutionary) and Villa were ideological opposites.
In Mexico, people are easily swayed to vote the way that the Establishment wants them to vote, not that it really matters anyway, since election fraud is always practised if they miscalculate their manipulation efforts.
In Mexico corruption is allowed and very rarely commented by the US MSM, as long as the Mexican government is doing what the US wants.
I think there is little hope for Mexico to ever be free of it’s shackles. If there is ever another revolution, the US will send it’s troops to “stabilise” Mexico in a heart bit.
I fully agree. Never trust Jesuits. They are soldiers, can be masters of deception. I’ve heard that Francis was hardcore right wing in the past …
LOL, Right Wing Jesuit is an OXYMORON. The biggest proponents of the Liberalisation Theology were Jesuits, there are so many Jesuit priests that have fought and died in order to progress the revolution.
A progressive pope? I guess it depends on what one considers progressive. But in my opinion expecting anything positive in a substantial manner from a Catholic pope is like polishing a brick to try and make a mirror.
Ignorant and IDIOTIC rants. Jesuits are leftists, always have been and always will be, you have succumbed to brainwashing. Jesuits have always been the uncomfortable Order of the RCC, loocking for POPULAR progress and the doom of imperialism.
Check more of Nil Nikandrov’s first class analyses of the Latin America scene published by the Russian Strategic Culture Foundation, !
His 1 December one is Venezuela Elections: Provocations, Mystifications and Victims,
Link to Latin America SITREP November 14th, 2015 (missing above)
Aspiring to Rule the World: US Capitalism and the Battle for Syria
by Stephen Gowans
An in depth look at corporate America and it’s control of US politics.
Nothing new on the Mexican front. Our puppet government keeps giving our country away and terrorising everyone that opposes.
Last year it appeared like we had enough, that we had reached the boiling point, but, as always, we got numbed and docile with our football, our telenovelas and our propaganda. Or just simply trying to survive and to have a fairly good life in such a beautiful country where, alas, life is so damn cheap (that´s not to say that there are not thousands working hard every day to change the situation).
Sometimes I wonder if we are not an irremediably shocked and depressed people, if after so many years of rape and being the back garden of the empire we just got used to it. Is hard to understand how so much suffering can be tolerated.
A few stories from this last year that show how strong is the grip of the empire (my apologies if they were covered in other sitreps):
That´s right. Hillary´s assitant drafts the law our MPs sign it few weeks afterwards.
Who would have thought that those mercenaries trained in the School of the Americas were not having their revenge on farmers but killing and terrorising people to make the land cheaper now that we put our country on sale?
100 000 deaths in the last 9 years. Our independent leaders setting the country on fire to earn some dollars making arms deals with the empire…
Best wishes to all.
Ese modelo es exportable a todos los demás países de Latinoamerica. Engañan a la clase media con el sueño de que algún día serán ricos mientras que reprimen a los pobres usando al narco como excusa, mientras se apoderan de los recursos naturales del pais.
En Venezuela ya hay celulas paramilitares colombianas infiltradas, dé ganar la derecha ya sabemos quien hará el trabajo de asesinato selectivo y terrorismo. Las ongs financiadas por USA le darán un marco de legitimidad al asunto.
Actually Benito Juarez was the first indigenous president in the Americas.
Evo Morales is not the first indigenous President in LA, I believe it was Benito Juarez, which catered to US imperialism just to get the Presidency, he is also beloved in Mexico, although few know the true story of Juarez and his treasures actions against his own people. Official history portrays him as the greatest President of all.