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Martyanov firing straight at the military facts surrounding war with Russia the US needs.
Support his Patreon videos.
In his own way, and idiom, he is funny as hell as he blasts the bozos and psychos.
The USA is good at PR but not war. The American Transgender Army is about to get a reality check.
Anton Gorbatow
I don’t think so. The US military will fight to the last Ukrainian. Zelensky, who is a Ukrainian citizen, but not an Orthodox Ukrainian, is pushing Ukraine into war, as demanded by the West. He is a Western puppet.
B.F, I wasn’t implying that I think that USA will send in troops to Ukraine (other than “advisors’ and “special ops”). I was merely pointing out that in any military conflict between USA and Russia, Russia will win.
Dow below this page Rodrigo do not agree with Andrei Martyanov.
Rodrigo´s arguments are classic Main stream American and deserves public scrutiny.
Thus I’m posting my reply in top of this thread.
Rodrigo wrote:
The result of #1 (US war with Russia) would be sky high energy prices and crazy inflation in the West, including the US.
US elites are primarily investors and wealthy businessmen, and understand this quite well.
My Comment:
You forget that western politicians are doing what they can to shut down energy supplies via green policies and taxes on energy, because they are in cahoots with the Global Elite, in pivoting western industries to Asia. You also forget that US investors and Businessmen has been exploiting the western population for years by producing cheap in China and selling their goods in the west with great profit, while America and Europe has been losing a great part of its industries and millions of jobs.
The energy supply crunch on top of the QE by western central banks has now created hyperinflations in the west. But make no mistake The western Governments industrialists and producers wants Hyperinflation, because inflation eats away the gigantic debt caused by the Global war on terror, the financial crash (theft) in 2008, the migrant crisis, and the COVID pandemic. The western populations are being plundered into poverty by this policy, while the Asian population is being exploited as cheap labor.
Rodrigo wrote:
#2: US and Western corporations are multinational. Destroying the European economy would have a huge impact on corporate profits. It’s a global system–economically and financially. You cannot destroy the European economy without destroying the US economy. American elites are well aware of this.
My comment:
The Globalist multinational corporations do not care about the western populations or any populations for that matter. +2 Billion Consumer slaves living in China and India will do for the Globalists.
Rodrigo wrote:
#3 No, it would not unify the US. The hysteria exists in the media. Ordinary Americans could not care less about Ukraine–or Russia for that matter. They are trying to survive covid and inflation and simply don’t give a dam about foreign policy. There is zero political benefit for this particular war.
My comment:
The fact that Americans do not care about Ukraine or Russia, and the fact that they only care about COVID and inflation hitting themselves, is the exact reason why Americans will unite for yet another war to keep its hegemonic plunder of the Globe going.
Rodrigo wrote:
#4 Yes, neocons hold powerful positions in the administration and have a lot of media support, but the actual Democratic Party and its fundamental policies are determined by the donor class–the billionaires, major corporations, bankers and investors who ultimately own the system and call the shots. The neocons will not be allowed to bring down the economy of the West.
My Comment:
You have got it all wrong. The neo-cons, the neo-libs, the donor class billionaires, the major corporations, and the Bankers are in a conspiracy to exploit the American and European population, it is called Fascism. So far the Fascist has succeeded in bankrupting America, and use its sons and daughters as imperial forces.
Rodrigo wrote:
#5 No, an unsuccessful war that generates an energy crunch and widespread inflation would not help the Dems at election time–and the politicians know it. Finally, no one at the top gives a dam about race or history. It’s primarily a commercial empire. Profit is in the driver’s seat.
My Comment:
The Democrats and the Republicans of today are all Fascists, and they don’t care about elections.
They have hijacked democracy in America, and fenced off congress and the White house from the Public.
Americans for God sake, Wake UP.
And do something about it before the fascist who have hijacked America blows us all op.
And let the Europeans take down the fascists who have hijacked Europe.
“The American Transgender Army is about to get…”
…their asses handed to them, and they’re gonna like it.
Mr. Martyanov’s word-magic is breaking mindbending spells of AZ illussionists.
The Man should have his own show on global channel as he is way more convincing than any of TV talking heads, and on the par with the most popular online.
We all know that Russia has zero interests in invading Bandaristan. However, Moscow might ultimately be forced to react against coordinated NATO and US provocations. In that case why not use similar excuses the West used for example to invade Iraq, Libya or others. In Iraq’s case it was the famous fake story about nuclear bombs of Saddam Hossein. In Libya’s case something more or less similar was used. Russia could also say that, for instance, Zalinski and his Neo-Nazi friends are making of dangerous weapons in some well hidden locations which threatens innocent people’s lives all over the globe. In other words make this ongoing Western imposed theater a very close and personal issue against Zelinski and a handful of his circle versus the global population. And deal with that directly and swiftly, instead of fighting poor clueless ordinary Ukrainian soldiers who might have just joined their army for minimum reimbursements. Just an idea.
“why not use similar excuses the West used for example to invade Iraq, Libya or others”
It is impossible to know what excuses will they use for invasion, but we do know they will blame weather for defeat.
Cool to hear Andrei likes english culture an ranks Pink Floyd as high as Tchaïkovski.
Great analyse as always.
Needless to say, I fully agree with him.
In fact, I prefer Roger Waters’ compositions to Tchaikovskii’s :-)
But then Rachmaninov and Scriabin are my favorite Russian composers, not Tchaikovskii.
ymmv of course
Lennon/McCartney, Dylan and Waters are my top 3 but my No.1 song/composition is the 1812 Overture (with full cannon of course ).
What about Rancid? The subtle and gentle melodies of Rancid at 250 decibels…beautiful lullabies…..
This is going off-topic – please take the discussion to the Cafe. Mod.
On your recommendation just had my first exposure to Rancid , reserving comment until I listen to more of their work, lol. Of the Punk era, I was a big fan of Ian Dury & the Blockheads, mainly Dury for the MAN, great artist, poet, the lot, on top of managing polio & cancer throughout his life. The Jam, Stranglers and of course Bowie all top drawer but I’m a rocker, Thin Lizzy, Zep, Hendrix Purple, Floyd, Can listen to anything good though, Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton but put on a Bryan Adams or Celine Dion track and I become a Party Animal. lol
Well now Saker…I like my Tchaikovskii at 150 decibels….Prokofiev at 200 decibels…much better!!!
Andrei is a riot of info and opinion about music too. I love the guy!
It’s very difficult for me to understand this romantic Love-Hate relationship that has been going on between Russia and the West for eons. But perhaps Dimitry Kabalevsky’s works including the piano lessons for children could try to help us figure out what’s going on.
I am now considering the possibility that this situation may be Russia throwing a “red herring” to the West. One of the oldest warfare strategies is to draw the enemy’s armies to a location where they will be useless. Draw West’s men and equipment to Eastern Europe. Cause the West to focus its logistical apparatus toward Eastern Europe. Does this while your real target is far, far away from Eastern Europe. Syria, for instance? Iraq? Both?
I’ve been considering the same thing. Get the idiots to all gather where they are the most useless, then strike elsewhere where they are unable to respond. Pure Sun Tzu.
I’ve been thinking the same thing.
Syria and Iraq of course come to mind, but I’ve also been considering the Arctic and the Pacific, and also the idea they may attack undersea cables and/or satellites – or sat ground control systems.
– Most of the NATO mil sats are controlled from locations in the arctic (to the best of my understanding)
– Russia preparing to open northern sea route to bypass the Suez route
– Russia has a stronger force in the Arctic and seizing it now could avert an arms race in the area which might undercut Russian dominance of the new route
– USA is dominant there now and depends on its network of lillypads all over the Pacific on small islands
– Said island lillypads are an easy target, thousands of miles from America
– Most Americans have no idea these islands exist, and thus wouldn’t be too mad if they were attacked
– Basically the same logic as perl harbor but with Russian submarines, long range bombers, missiles, etc. By degrading the US’s ability to secure a supply line to the Asia-pacific where it would have to fight China, it in practice would enable China to take Taiwan with impunity and allow the PLAN access to the blue water.
I understand those are serious escalations on Russia’s part, but if a fight is inevitable these strikes offer a high return on degrading America’s war fighting potential with relatively minimal political outcry. It isn’t comforting to anyone to see these headlines, hopefully they are bluff and bluster. But if a real war is to come I think USA’s forward deployments will be hit, hard.
Just a hunch.
No point in hitting the satellite control stations when you can just wait until the orbit of an important American satellite carries it over Russia and launch an ASAT missile straight up. Knocking out a satellite used for guiding bombs and missile would simultaneously be a huge blow for PR, be extremely frightening and show Russia means serious business and can execute on what it says, and kills nobody.
An excellent overview of the Pacific military situation for the USA (and the two other primary nodes that the USA must control) is provided by Alfred McCoy in this recent essay:
They’re not gathering troops there though. Just a few token tranny NATO forces. The ports would be jammed if it was anything meaningful.
I read this morning that the Irish government were complaining about Russian exercises approximately 240 miles off the Irish coast. As an Irish man I wish to express my absolute disgust and shame at these snivelling toads who will lick the boots of their masters in Brussels, in Washington and most disgracefully in England. They are aligning themselves with brutes and oppressors against a country that has never done one single thing against the Irish nation or it’s people. I am certain that I speak for many of my fellow countrymen and women in saying God bless Russia. Our government does not speak for us all, …if many even at that. Eamon de Valera must be spinning in his grave…..
As one with citizenship in both Ireland and Russia, I can’t agree with you more! Ireland needs to sort itself out politically, economically and culturally to be truly free.
I agree wholeheartedly however after 800 years, Ireland is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. After a hard fought war for freedom at the height of the British Empire, how did they sign away their sovereignty for 30 pieces of silver so quickly after independence? (I am Irish btw).
I believe it is called “Malignant Shame Syndrome” and is experienced by colonised and conquered peoples who find themselves strangers in their own land. This sense of unworthiness, neediness and cringing subservience to those perceived as their betters permeates our people and most especially those who “govern” us. Look at the ongoing smears against those who liberated 26 of our counties; look at the attempted whitewashing of the Black and Tans; look at the feverish adoption of cultural Marxism and abject pursuit of “otherness” while sneering at what being Irish used to be. I fear Sweden has a determined competitor in the race to the bottom….
I admire Putin for being a man of substance and for standing up for his nation against a longstanding and long planned assault. This plan was set in motion long ago and everything we have seen since is as a response to that plan. I wish Russia and her people all the best. You don’t start wars but you certainly finish them. I admire the Russian people. I remember when we Irish stood for something too. How long ago that seems now.
Dear Michael,
1690 and the Battle of the Boyne, with William’s Danish Mercenaries and the only ‘English troops’ were the cavalry under John Churchill, later Lord Marlborough.
Terrific post.
Thank you. This site is a wonderful source for what may really be going on.
Interesting to think that as a Scottish born, Canadian Citizen I have more respect for Vladimir Putin than any Western Leader bar President Trump.
Cheers !
Dear Peter,
As an Australian whose father came from John O’Groats, I can see flaws in the character of Donald J Trump, which simply makes him human. Of VV Putin, I have found no faults, a similar trait as with his comrades. The Russians have chosen well, much better than General Murray when he took the advice of the Jacobite, John Bradstreet.
Don’t lose hope – tiocfaidh ar la :-)
Good man yourself!
Like much of the Western world, we need a fundamental regime change….
I do appreciate the “Tiocfaidh ár lá”. Nowadays, a revolutionary statement is cathartic, cleansing and indicative that there are still some people out there whose grey matter hasn’t turned to mush. Admittedly an endangered species but isn’t it a wonderful club to find oneself in?
All the best to you, Andrei!
‘Gus am bris an là, agus an teich na sgàilean…’
(Until the day dawns, and the shadows flee…)
What about the Irish female politician who stood up in Parliament and gave the Irish Parliament/ Europeans a good lambasting for sucking up to/fawning over the Americans/Obamas . Don’t say even she’s fallen prey to the brown paper bag under the table?
As far as I am aware she’s still gunning.
We have always had the “gombeen” class in this country, those whom Swift had said would turn their own on the spit. I imagine every country and race of man has similar but it is good to know that there are still people out there who will speak the truth and unashamedly so.
Contrast that with the almost prostrate “leaders” of our land who find no humiliation too great in their quest to serve anyone but their own damn people. They’re almost apologetic for where they have come from, and I suppose that day may yet arrive. If the men of 1921 were around today, these traitors would be shot.
Dear Saker,
The Irish never have, not for over a thousand years.
I’m Irish ethnically too- my dad’s from Dublin. As I see it, politically Ireland is too close to both the US and the UK, and both countries are russophobic at the moment. Economically, Ireland is ruled by Big Tech and Big Finance corporations, none of whom lobby in the country’s best interests. And culturally, the Roman Catholic Church has been widely discredited in Ireland in the past 20-50 years (starting especially with Vatican 2), plus there’s immigration and faux-affluent arrogance.
I think that the solution to these problems must be multifaceted. Unhealthy links with the EU, US and UK need to be broken, higher taxes need to be levied on big corporations, the Irish language and education system need to be supported (as does agriculture), and Ireland really should return to the kind of Christianity it had before 1200, which is now called Orthodoxy.
Nick, The Irish regime if we can call it that, will do anything for a pat on the back from it’s perceived “betters”. In accordance with the Gospel of “man made climate change” they show their allegiance by planting millions of acres of useless American white spruce, stitched mechanically in perfect rows onto the Irish landscape such that the blighted areas look like they have been overseen by a carpet manufacturer.
They also fully intend to destroy the agriculture industry which to the Irish people is an intrinsic part of our identity. In Ireland as you know, land is blood and life.
Our religion has been quite rightly as you say watered down since Vatican II to the mess it is today. Such has been the plan I would say to render it incapable of enduring, incapable of defence and diluted to such an extent that it has become essentially meaningless. Abortion is there for all. Killing children is blessed in the land of saints and scholars. Homosexual “marriage” is there for all and God help anyone who raises a voice in opposition to any of the tenets of “new” Irish state.
I often think of reunification and the righting of a terrible wrong. I no longer think it matters. The west has become a cesspool and it’s borders do nothing to stem the tide of sewage that is washing over us all. The west is in fact the creator of that self same sewage. Russia has rejected all this. She stands for the family, for decency, for the right to life, for belief in God above and I for one envy her. Long may she resist and remain.
I thoroughly agree Michael,as a fellow Irishman.
The corporate lapdogs that run the so called Republic of Ireland have been put on notice,A smart move by Russia as they know well our grassroots loathing of Perfidious Albion.This mistrust of all things from London is deep and could easily surface as a massive anti NATO movement if any indication is given to join this violent alliance.
Technically we are still a neutral country and currently hold a revolving seat on the UN security council’s lets hope so called Neutrality does prevail here.
I think we both know what the endgame is. The powers that be in our country, of the lickspittles as I prefer to call them, won’t be happy until Ireland is fielding troops in all of the Empires adventures. After all, a poodle does so enjoy a little pet every now and then. It is truly nauseating to behold. Look at just how fawning they are, how obedient and how keen to please. I can be reasonably certain that the instructions for an Irish expression of displeasure came from abroad. How dare those Russians practice to defend their nation, their people, their culture, their land, their religion against all that is unholy 240 miles off the Irish coast in international waters. Shall I wait for a similar call from Dublin for Nato to similarly defuse tensions by not installing their troops and hardware on Russias doorstep? How about a demand to not overthrow any more governments and create failed states in which the ordinary people suffer and die? The truth is the Ukrainians are to be sacrificed for the benefit of touchy ole Uncle Sam and they are too bloody stupid to see that. After all, how many times has the US thrown it’s “friends” under the bus now in order to profit in some fashion by their demise? Stupid is as stupid does…
Michael, you could be delighted with the fact that St. Patrick now is an official Saint of Russian Orthodox Church and St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated in Russia. Come on, what Russian doesn’t love to have an excuse for drinking)) In related news, you should know that Russian name for the fox in Russian fairy tales is Lisa PATRICKeevna. I wonder why;))) And foxes are, somehow, also Irish animals. So, you see…
Dear Andrei,
And Saint Patrick (of whom it took the Roman Catholic Church 200 years to recognise) also had his followers go forth into the province of Scotland to found the Church of Scotland at Iona.
My friend from Queensland, Ian McNiven a few years ago returned to the village where his grandfather was born. They remembered his grandfather well as he had to leave dressed as a woman after the death of an English gamekeeper. The Irish always remember their saints, and some sinners..
God bless you both and enjoy your uisge beata (water of life)
Andrei, as an admirer of your work I have to say it is a genuine pleasure to converse with you.
In terms of religion, I am a Catholic, and somewhat of an increasingly traditional one at that. The modern happy clappy nonsense leaves me cold quite literally judging by the numbers of hairs standing up on the back of my neck when in it’s presence. I was not aware of those connections you refer to at all but it does indeed please me no end to know that our patron saint is revered in your country. He deserves to be revered somewhere as Ireland is no longer Catholic, or even remotely religious. At least those who vote aren’t. Maybe there is a silent majority who are waiting their chance to straighten the place out and I certainly do hope so but I doubt it. Without such a miraculous intervention, Ireland as we knew it is gone. Events over the past number of weeks have merely underscored the extent of the rot that has set in.
I am aware that there are issues between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. As a traditional Catholic type I imagine I am supposed to take issue with Orthodox beliefs but I do not care even remotely. Were there a Church nearby, I may even have attended it such is my distaste for modern Catholicism. Given the nature of the world we live in, when someone indicates to me that they believe in something greater than themselves, that they are guided by a just morality, they value the dignity of life and of man then they stand starkly above the flotsam that guarantees abortions for all and wishes Brendan and Seamus all the best as they walk up the aisle. Collectively we have far greater concerns than to turn inwards against our fellow brothers in Christ. It just seems utterly ridiculous.
As for drinking, despite my best efforts, and believe me I tried, I could never develop a taste for it personally. It is a source of eternal shame. :-D On the other hand, the village I grew up in being on an old smuggling route across the mountains, had almost as many pubs as houses. They had to get rid of the contraband somehow and what better way than by drinking it.
I remember reading some time ago that there were Irish bands who were little known here that were well received in Russia and why shouldn’t the Irish and Russians have good relations? I even was listening to some Russian music myself a little while back (Kino) and actually was very pleasantly surprised at just how good it was. We never got to hear anything like that back in the day. We did though have Bono so sorry about that.
We would seem to have much in common not least of which is our experience of others trying to take us apart and keep us down, including those within our ranks. We also hit back damn hard when the notion takes us. Just ask the British. Both of us individually handed them their greedy, arrogant, pompous asses in a basket. They still haven’t learned though, nor will they ever. Exceptionalism is a disease that did not begin in the US. It has merely taken firmest root there and if it weren’t for the US, Britain would by necessity be forced to have better manners than it has today.
All the very best to you Andrei. Keep up the good work and long may you continue to stick a pin in the egotistical balloon of nonsense that is run up the pole on a day and daily basis. If I were Taoiseach, you fellas wouldn’t just be drilling 240 miles off the coast, I’d have you in for a port visit and the drinks would be on us. A friendship could begin on that day and we could follow up with some interesting hardware purchases. I can just see the river of sweat running down between Britain’s cheeks right now at the very prospect. It would certainly be richly warranted.
God bless!
Eamon de Valera must be spinning in his grave.
Nice to read the name of Mr. de Varela here.
God bless Ireland, the land of Bishop Saint Patrick.
The Irish are the best of the best in my opinion. The original battlers of empire who never surrendered. A virtual pint for all of you!
Apparently the Russian ships are going to be met by a flotilla of Irish fishing boats who are going to sail 240 miles for no reason other than to protest about the possible interference to fishing stocks in the area.
Does that sound plausible to anyone?? Nope? Me neither….
I wonder who’s paying for all that diesel?
Dear Michael,
How many boats in an Irish fishing boat Flotilla?
And are you perchance related to Ian McNiven. Ian told the story that when he was leaving the village, they asked him of a favour to carry some whiskey with him as the local police will search the locals but not the tourists car.
And as for the diesel, well ye canna pay for what’s not used really can ye. Much the same as Tony Abbott threatening to ‘shirt-front’ Putin, but that never happened either.
Andrew, there’s no police around here. They show up rarely and only when there’s no chance of detecting crime. Unless of course someone had their feelings hurt in which case, the guilty party gets the chair.
As for the boats, it was on the news this morning. We will see how determined they are and if they ever show up. I wouldn’t fancy trudging 240 miles on my own dime for no good reason and as you allude, it may all be smoke and bluster with nary a one leaving the dock. There’s been an awful lot of vacuous noise lately as you are aware and so far it has amounted to precious little. As always, time will tell. If of course they don’t in fact show up then we can deduce that the entire story was yet another concoction designed to draw attention and ultimately to smear. Either way, not a good look for Ireland.
The western narrative is all about Ukraine incessantly and nothing about the security guarantees Russia has requested. The misdirection in western MSM is palpable.
Russian policy has mentioned ‘technical military’ responses and the phrase ‘asymmetrical’ has been used on one or more occasions.
In view of the fact that this issue is emphatically not about Ukraine, apart from protection of people in the Donbass, what are the asymmetrical options open to Russia?
The western narrative is all about Ukraine incessantly and nothing about the security guarantees Russia has requested…
Well spotted.
The West’s efforts is focussed on reducing RF’s ultimatum to a single issue problem; which may not be a bad thing as concessions made (I don’t know if there’ll be concessions, of course — we’ll have to wait for the US’s written reply) will go under the Western public’s radar. One concession could be removal of US nuclear bombs from Europe, another could be RF inspections of Aegis systems in Poland and Romania, etc. In return, RF will give the US/Nato a face-saving gesture, perhaps a stand-down of RF forces facing Ukraine.
Miltary-technical measures in Russian parlance usually mean weapons, both the exploding kind and the non-exploding kind (EW).
Russia could do two things that have strategic implications on the US: 1) supply hypersonic anti-ship missiles (khinzal, tsirkon) to PRC — in one fell swoop that would render the US Navy near-obsolete (no effect on submarines) and remove a large part of the seaborne threat to PRC, and with it the overall threat since US power in the Pacific comes from the sea. 2) supply air defence (missiles, EW) equipment to Iran. That will significantly reduce the threat to Iran since for Iran the main threat comes from the air.
As an aside — and there may be nothing to it — Tass reports that RF and Syrian air forces have conducted joint patrols near the Golan Heights — possible military signalling on RF’s part but could be just coincidence.
It took the Suez Canal Crisis of 1956 to convince Britain – and the world – that the UK was a washed up has-been world power.
We saw where Britain tried to project power beyond its potential and received a reality check.
Things were never the same after that.
I suspect that a Suez Canal moment awaits the US, if it stumbles into a confrontation with Russia over Ukraine.
Arrogance and hubris has succeded in giving the US a false sense of its potential.
If it tangles with Russia however, it will graphically reveal to the world the limitations of US power projection and force a re-calibration of the global order, on terms no longer dictated by the West.
Give America a No Fly Zone over a Developing country and they might achieve a draw at best. Still, when fighting for its customary position on the top step, who can predict the impulses of sociopaths. If these parasites will eliminate 3000+ of their own on 9/11, then nuking the planet is not beyond them.
I agree with you and Russia and China understand this problem ,They rather wait and have
the empire eat it self from within and destroy it self,but they (the Empire ) rather take the entire world down with them !!!
TOM 123
“…who can predict the impulses of sociopaths. If these parasites will eliminate 3000+ of their own on 9/11, then nuking the planet is not beyond them.”
Definitely not sociopaths.
Psychopaths. Big difference when it comes to Mutual Assured Destruction. Half of the planet would be glassed long time ago, if that wouldn’t mean commiting suicide for them. Those unlucky 3000+ definitively was not seen as their own, rather “owned”. Peasants, assets, hands, usefull idiots, muppets… Certainly not people.
What Mr. Martyanov pointed out is the fact that enablers (crypto-feudal elite) is not safe in their castles anymore, out of the range. In reality, they will be primary targets in future war. No need to go nuclear.
Main weakness of highly hierarchical structures is that when you cut-off the top, pyramid crumbles completely.
It should be easy to replace leader with next one, alas, it never goes that way. Psychopaths are compelled to jump at opportunity, and when you have many psychos around one empty throne, bloodbath is guaranteed.
The West is going to create some sort of vicious provocation against Donbass. That will force the Russians to act. The Western media will deny the provocation. They will claim that Russia response is “naked Russian aggression.”
I am an American citizen. And I am an old man. I have seen this script played out over and over again. It has been going on since I was a kid. Most Americans, unfortunately, never wise up to it.
The groundwork for this scheme is being now being run 24/7 the Western media. What I am seeing is almost “textbook execution” of a set-up to “support the waging of war” playbook.
Probably Ukrainians will be sacrificed to justify the propaganda coup.
I hope that I am wrong. Innocent people will die. But I have seen this time and time again.
I don’t know what Putin can do to avoid the trap.
I think its a legal issue going back to baby Biden and his corp dealings, they let him go, but are now prepared to use force since the 2 courts are no longer talking about the issue.
Its game on over there, (we are probably two peas in a pod), but does it escalate to here in some way, other than the economic disaster that is already baked into the cake.
Hello Mike,
I am a fellow Jerseyite.
My take is Russia is going to start pushing pieces off of the chess board. The west is going to look stupid, very quickly, when things start disappearing in places the media is not screaming about. I will be quite a shock to the system.
My best to you,
Putin obviously thought this out in advance. He is too cautious to have made ultimatums without something up his sleeve.
I hope all works out peacefully. I fear it will not.
By the way, I am in Central Jersey – almost in the geographical center of the State.
@Mike from Jersey
You are right on every point except, maybe, last one. If the same old textbook is used again and again, that makes player predictable, right?
In the clash with experienced player that devastated all challengers in the past, AND happen to be in possession of better weapons … I must ask myself:
Who is the one that’s about to stumble into elaborate trap?
Love listening to Martyanov. As he warms to his subject, the rhythm and meter of his speech just flows so pleasantly, and you can tell he really knows his stuff. I have a Russian PhD friend here locally who speaks in much the same way. He’s really quiet normally, but when you get him on a subject that really interests him he’ll hold court on you for several minutes as he examines not only the primary subject of discussion, but any ancillary subject that comes to mind that he feels needs addressing as well. All done with the typical Russian scathing and sardonic sense of humor inserted liberally into the mix, of course. The way conversation USED TO be way back when before the advent of smart phones, sound bytes, and ADD riddled consciousness everywhere here in the west.
Yes, I hope they have no trouble sharing a dorm with the neo-Nazis in Ukraine, both having severe psychological issues and all.
The empire and NATO are determined to create a lot of noise for the media and ignorant population. I see no way out of this mess in Ukraine. A university degree does not mean wisdom. The Democratic government is full of the best university titles. But they don’t want to change the paradigm. It’s ok if you like smoke relaxers. Wisdom does not match presumption. The soft power of the entire Anglo Zionist system is ruining the planet. Russia is the artistic power of the planet, and the record companies and Zionist Hollywood are liars. All moral and civilizational decadence begins with the artistic question. Taste can be polite. Worldly art degenerates good customs and principles. I know, it’s more attractive and sensual, but it’s inferior. Tell me what you hear and watch and I’ll tell you who you are. You can like what you like, but you cannot go against this conclusion: the highest does not match the lowest. It’s like water and oil. And that explains the Western decadence. But if you prefer to believe in Humberto Eco … China and Russia could be the next step of the whole fall. China has now flown its planes over Taiwan, and this is a warning. I know, they’re risking our skin, but maybe that’s the only way. Russia and China are united, and this movement follows an agenda, and it is not random. But the world has to watch passively. This year had not passed without a solution.
This is posted on RT: “As the Ukraine crisis rolls on, there is a growing fear among Western commentators and foreign policy elites that a “China-Russia” axis is consolidating, which will pose a gargantuan threat. With this thinking, many, especially on the right of US politics, have called for an effort to split Moscow from Beijing by courting Russia as an ally to tackle the threat of China.” Those so-called “elites” must have been asleep for the year or 2, or 3….
Or maybe they are brain-dead……zombies…from Hell…
Dear Roger,
Wasn’t that the tactic Kissinger sold to Nixon, to support China against Russia?
“… which will pose a gargantuan threat.” — just more hysterical fear-porn.
The masks are slipping off the control narrative by the day.
“Those so-called “elites” must have been asleep for …” — No, they have been having their $billion plutocrat parties while the deplorable plebs were all locked down in home detention back on the plantations dying of bad breath.
They are sh_t scared the “emergency powers” trigger is failing and so need another fast. I’m not sure how long they think they can hold this BS together — but one way, or another, V. Putin is going to have to be “Dr Evil” for these sick f_cks — at least until the US midterms is somewhat settled.
Biden has a lot of skeletons to bury in the Ukraine *which some dark nights of long knives will be just perfect), but most of all he needs the “war president” mantle. Crazy logic, … but they are mad — and what else has he got except the Wall St Gang mess he and Obama did not clean up after the 2007-9 global financial crisis. Easier to start WW3 obviously.
“Their hatred of Russia is not just some kind of cultural thing…it’s racial…”
It’s not just cultural and racial – it’s downright Satanic and irrational. The Anglo-Saxon elite probably don’t even know **why** they feel this way – they just do. It ultimately comes from a rejection of reason, which they abandoned when they abandoned Christ. To my mind, their jealousy goes back to 1814 and the fall of Napoleon (the war of Sixth Coalition). The Russians got to Paris first and were watering their horses in the river Seine after the Battle of Paris (this never gets a mention in western history books), while Wellington was still fighting in the south of France.
I think it may also be a mistake to refer to them as the “Anglo-Saxon elite”, as many of them are of Norman descent and their contempt for “inferior” peoples includes ordinary English folk.
“Their hatred of Russia is not just some kind of cultural thing…it’s racial…”
I agree. The Ango elite are one of the most racist groups in the world. However, it is not just just with respect to Russia, but rather with respect to anyone who is not an Ango elite, ask the French.
But with Russia, you must add a deep-seated frustration. For centuries, these Anglo imperialists have been blocked in their quest for world domination by Russia. And today is no different. At every turn, be it the Middle East, Latin America, Central Asia, East Asia, the Russians are there to upset their plans. They can’t be beaten and they can’t be bought. Frustration indeed!
What’s worse, the Russians don’t share the Anglo elite’s authoritarian winner-take-all philosophy, but rather show the world that a philosophy of humanitarianism and collaboration is not only viable, but much preferable to what the Anglo elite’s have on offer.
“It ultimately comes from a rejection of reason, which they abandoned when they abandoned Christ. ”
And this is exactly the point!! President Putin and the Russian citizens do not stand for transgender people, for them “a man is a man, and a woman a woman”, and their ‘moral compass’ based on integrity, on a principled life is in strong contrast with the West. Can the two be reconciled? I do not think so, and one has to disappear for the other to live. And so the fighting is for Ukraine, for military security in EU, and above all for “the soul of the World…
The abandon of Christ is exactly why entire Europe has no future.
“Their hatred of Russia is not just some kind of cultural thing…it’s racial…”
Spot on , but if somebody hates you so much since centuries and tried to hurt you all the time to seek your downfall , why do you still want to follow , deal, respect, and even called the person a partner to befriend him/her? .What I observed is that Russia is no longer respected by the West compared to the Soviet Union. The dissolution of the Soviet Union was a gross mistake.
Not until Americans (all of them , no exceptions/excuses, they vote for these C*nts every 2 years and say or do diddly squat when their Government commits genocide almost everywhere in the world on a daily basis ), feel the same pain as the victims of US’s illegal wars will The Exceptional Ones, STOP.
In Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Donbass . . . . . there are children who’ve never known a peaceful existence. Their prospects of a fruitful life wiped out without the slightest consideration, collateral damage.
Not until they can grasp this, get a good taste of their own medicine in their Backyard will they STOP.
“Not until they can grasp this, get a good taste of their own medicine in their Backyard will they STOP.”
Yes. I hope that the gentle men Mr. Putin and Mr, Lavrov will finally understand this simple political necessity.
Unfortunately, RT and Sputnik being “dropped on” the US are not going to affect US public opinion/behavior to the extent that is required for the world outside the US, especially Russia, to see a change in the US foreign policy of literally bombing nations into submission. Average Americans (for example, all the average Americans directly or indirectly employed in the MIC) have to somehow be forced to realize that what the US is doing to the world is not just a one-way video game. While playing their game they have to experience some “negative feedback”.
Therefore, I would modify what you said a bit by adding that only by getting a taste of their own medicine will millions, not mere thousands, of US voters START voting for real peaceniks for federal elected public offices, instead of warmongers (therefore, not voting for Rs or Ds) . I strongly suggest that the gentle men administer the medicine well before the mid-term election. Tomorrow would be perfect.
Agree, you can begin by disqualifying ANYONE who attended Harvard/Yale (The Breeding Ground of The Elite) from Public Service. This goes for Oxford/Cambridge here in Lesser Britain. These institutions are where clowns like Bubba Bush, through unbridled nepotism, are groomed by Deep State. Usually the dumber they are the higher they climb.
@ Ishkabibble I agreed with you
But until the American people get educated , and realize the American is not a country ,It is a corporation ,
Operated by the city of London on behave of the VATICAN. from the District of Columbia which is a city state
just like the Vatican and city of London. We have been under military occupation since 1863.
TOM 123
I think the neocons just want to inflict pain and suffering on people who they think are racially inferior. The US will lose the war….but the neocons get murder Russians…Ukrainians…and Native White Working Class cannon fodder….Move on to next war……
Anthony Blinken is motivated by racial and ethnic hatred.
He’s only doing what his God commands of him.
It’s time for Comrade Valerina Lisita to play Prokofiev’s Sonata 7….War….Her brother was one of the victims of Jeffrey Sach’s Neo-liberal economic shock program….The Clintons at their most metastatic malignancy……And the creepy squeaky ugly tiny troll Caroline Orr likes the Clinton malignancy when it’s in full bloom…
I have Massive Repect for The Saker, and Pepe Escobar. Although I am older than both you guys…You wrote your books, and I bought them and read them. They inspired me, to give a kind of different lok on the world, after i retired from my job in the computer industry. I didn’t want to do that any more, so I retired at the age of 51, in 2004.
I never had that much time to read books that weren’t associated with the latest version of computer technology. I was on-call most of the time 24×7, so I did my best to make the computer systems, I was responsible for , as relaible, as I could – such that they monitoring each other, using the Unix scripts I wrote, such that if they noticed anything wrong (in different data centres) I would receive a loud bleep, and hopefully fix it before anyone noticed at 5:00 am.
This is my latest effort ( We have got Grandchildren now – and they are tremendous fun )
“Notable in the last 24 hours has been the move to have British, French and German talks with Moscow without the Americans present”
I sincerely hope that is true, because Russia, is Europe’s Natural Trading Partner. They have got the Gas. I have met quite a few Russians, mainly at foreign destinations, and they seem perfectly normal, generous, and you can have a nice conversation with them, like you are talking to Scousers. I am not saying the Americans I have met, are that different. They are very friendly, some are highly intelligent, but most of them coat their words with bullshit, whilst Russians and Scousers (and people from Oldham), just say what we think.
The Novichok / Salisbury stuff was a complete Fabricated story, before it even started. I posted on Craig Murray’s blog, at the time it was happening – All the photographers, firemen and support crew, were already there, before it started.. Craig Murray, read what I wrote, and added a lot more the following day. He deleted my post and banned me. Good Man. It was him that went to jail. Not me. Well of course he has contacts in The British Establishment. He used to work there.
I am convinced that most of these media stories are co ordinated.
The CIA tell MI6 (or the other way) – we are doing our next production.
They talk to each other, and ask – Have you asked The Russians?
Well what do think? or in some cases The Iranians.
Is it O.K. if we do a photo shoot on a boat, coming very close to Iranian Seatime Border (Ask Craig Murray about that – he used to draw them from his desk in The Foreign Office in Whitehall, which my mate says, is getting short of desk space, cos of all the Party People Carrie has invited.
I think the Russia / Ukrainian thing is total bollocks too.
But something really horrible has happened over the last 2 years, to the vast majority of the human race.
I am not going to blame Boris, and I am not going to blame the Queen. The Queen, and her Mother, and even Princess Diana, portrayed Great Morality and a feel Good Factor
Prince Philip, and Prince Charles have no morals, no sense, no charisma, no humanity.
They are The Virus.
They are trying to kill us all, and are having some success.
I think the Booster jab, finally got my Ex, which is a bit sad, cos she campaigned for years for WASPI. To get her pension 6 years late, last year, and then be jabbed to death, is what it is like for a large number of women about my age.
Prince Charles is Not Fit For Purpose.
In Fact None of Them Are.
Personally, I think nothing much if anything will happen in the Ukraine, and there is a fair chance, I may meet some of these Russians again at Cyprus Rocks 22 in October.
Why is it so hard, for Europeans to Tell the Americans to Eff Off?
Most of them are full of sh1t, and don’t even know where England is.
Maybe nothing will happen, but we need to stay alert. Yes, Tony Dynamou, good person. Let’s hope for better days, and for good fun, Cyprus, and for a better world.
In February we will know more about what will happen in Ukraine.
You are spot on,its the same in my Country the herd fall for it every time,i think your Marine General Smedley Buttler said it all with his war is a racket speech.
So glad Mr Martyanov tackled that article at RT which had quite a provocative and misleading title.
As he clearly stated, which I whole heartedly agree with him, it is the Anglo Saxon Elites (Anglo/Zionist) not “everyone” who hates the Russians. Most ordinary everyday people don’t. It is racist – Clapper and more recently Blinken. It is deep rooted and goes back centuries and all because they have never been able to conquer Russia or beat it in a war. Their excuses when they don’t win is laughable too.
He also mentioned the 100 year saying and it looks like they are needing another try again.
I hope the Russian commenters here know about the late great Nick Drake….an enormous talent who left us so early……So Comrades…get to know Nick Drakes’ tunes….Life can be mean to the innocent among us….
“Ze” at least told a good one today in his frustrations towards Americans, which is ironic and true.
What it boils down to the fact, is that the vast majority of even soldiers, from all nations, religions and cultures do not really want to shoot anyone, even The Americans..
We just want to bring These Evil Bastards in Control, who have killed my Sister and My Ex, to a Fair Trial.
They Broke The Law,
And if found Guilty, Like in Nurembourg
Hang Them
Personally, I would start with ANTHONY CHARLES LYNTON BLAIR
I will quite happily go to Court, and Present Evidence, why he deserves to be Executed.
No Reich court will put that sordid criminal on trial,i believe a tribunal found him and Bush guilty some time ago in Kuala Lumpur of war crimes and crimes against humanity,problem is it had no International clout,what i want to know is what the Hell are the UN doing to bring these animals to justice?
The answer to that verdict was MH370 and MH17
American peasant here and I hope and pray if and when something happens Russia comes out swinging and knocks those evil bastards ruling over us to the ground. Honestly a complete KO! Said pretty much the same 5hing to someone today and they came back with shock and “that’s not very patriotic.” Well you tell me what you’re so patriotic about? I went through a list, Syria, Iraqi, Libya, ect, ect…….destruction, war crimes, and the moral filth our government pushes on.the world and our own citizens. And never forget the moral filth America and other western countries push on children. Yes children. Surly God in heaven will not forget. So you tell me what the hell is there to be patriotic about???? Tell me? There is nothing. Our military enforces filth, perversion, evil. No support from me. To hell with that patriotism. To hell with false compassion.
God forgive me if wrong, but I have a hate, a righteous hate, for what our country has become and for those who are responsible.
This man Andrei on video I must say get much enjoyment listening to. I like his way and speaking. Some ways of talking makes me smile. God bless Mr. Andrei.
If you’re an American like me do not feel guilty or feel you must make ecxuse for not being the so called patriotic. Remember Russia is the moral leader now. America gave up the role years ago. Stand straight, speak truth, be proud supporting beautiful Russia
If you’re the praying type keep praying for leadership of Russia, their honorable President Putin, Russia citizens, friends of Russia, and all God fearing people everywhere. God bless.
@pensselvania chuck
What your country has become or has always been. Despite your claim you still hold onto a myth and fail to accept the US of A has been a zionist project from the get go.
yea. No doubt. Look at Washington and its Kabbalah symbols. The USA was a project of the British and Zionists from the beginning.
Andrei is worth listening to everytime.
Totally cracks me up. One of the best analysts out there. A joy to listen to.
Russians should wear the Western/Zionist Elite’s faux hatred as a badge of honour.
Thing is with these people it’s nothing personal, it’s just that all your wealth, resources, airspace, belongs to them; they could all be trillionaires monetising all of it, running up never never endless debt, borrowing on your country resources. Russia’s currently into the International Banking Mafia for $200 billion, peanuts, allow them control and like Goldman did for Greece, ya’ll will be driving Ferraris and purchasing holiday homes in London, Paris, Rome and LA, like all the oligarchs.
In the early 90’s, Rex Tillerson, then CEO of EXXON, later and for a fleeting moment, Trumplethinskin’s Secretary of State, went along with Mikhail Khodorkovsky ( owner of some tasty Siberian oilfields and a true patriot, lol ) to meet Putin for his blessing on a sale to Exxon. Everything was going dandy until Putin realised Tillerson wanted 100% or a minimum of 51% ownership/control and literally baulked at selling off Russian Energy Assets (especially to these cockroaches), Relations I feel deteriorated rapidly from then on as Putin clawed back Other Assets/Deals.
It’s all about the money, honey!
On topic, if you’re well travelled, not just the big cities in 5 star hotels, you’ll more often than not find that the countries bordering the Regional Power tend to be afraid/paranoid they’ll get eaten. In West Africa, it’s Nigeria; in Asia, China of course; in Gulf States, Iran. So it follows in Russia’s sphere of influence . . . .
Is General Jack Keane a dingle berry brain subhuman moron who wears adult diapers?
To ask the question….is to answer it….
Holy Canoly…What creature gave birth to General Jack Keane?
The following comes to mind after reading recent Sean Hannity Twitter:
Now let’s take Sean Hannity….a walking talking dingle berry flapping his gob on Fox News-just like General Jack Keane…that other Fox News filthy dingle berry….
At times do have to apologize for the existence of certain Irish Catholics…who happen to be dingle berries…post corn beef and cabbage digested dinner variety….
Keane…I believe it means dingle berry in Gaelic…
When General Jack Keane opens his mouth…..
His voice sounds like a can of beans negotiating its way through a cows intestines…..And the General is West Point certified….
And you can here the flatulent General Jack Keane ranting on Fox News every night calling for the bombing of the Russian Military……There are morons….and then there is something below a moron….Sean Hannity and General Jack Keane are in competition for “the something below a moron” award….
You know, the racial hatred towards Russia is increasing at an exponential rate every hour on CNN…MSNBC…Fox dingle berry News….The Washington Post….The NYT….and in Caroline Orr’s parakeet sized brain(although some thoughtful people have made a compelling case that Caroline Orr’s brain should actually be rescaled down to an amoeba’s brain)……
And the hatred towards Russia is starting to feel hallucinatory….
So to capture this profound sense of the hallucinatory during this very stressful time period, I though it would be most appropriate to quote Lewis Carrol’s hallucinatory poem:The Jabberwocky…
‘twas bryllyg and y^e slythytove
Did gyre and gimble y^e wabe
All mismsy were y^e borooueves
And y^e mome raths tul out outgrabe
In Belarus, an extraordinary session of parliament will be held this week. Also this week, The Russian Duma may vote to recognize Donetsk and Luhansk as independent nations.
I remember talking to a Marine friend of mine asking:
“How do you guys plan for retreat?” He responded “We never retreat.”
So I guess they just surrender or are eliminated like the Japanese Army in WW2?
That and he was all gung-ho for war with Russia.
And these are the educated ones (he was an officer with a law degree)…
To quote the Clash:
“Give ‘em enough rope”
Dear Andrei,
I totally concur with your statement that America needs this war with Russia. However I would like to nitpick just a wee bit.
You mentioned the Anglo-Saxon elite, but what is not mentioned is that these people are not really Anglo-Saxons as once Oliver Cromwell permitted the Jews to return, the English aristocracy changed dramatically within a couple of generations. The aristocracy had titles and land, the new immigrants from the Pale had their ‘wealth’ and thus for the aristocracy to survive they needed to marry into the money. Similarly in Scotland.
Then you mentioned Napoleon and his march into Russia. Again what is not very often spoken about was the fact that his army suffered typhoid virtually from the beginning, and one must consider the effects this had on the retreating army. What cannot be denied of course is that the Russians soundly defeated the French in combat, and both armies fought in the same conditions regardless of what those conditions were, and yes you are correct in that that particular French army didn’t survive the journey home.
Again, you mentioned the German army, and I keep on thinking of Stalingrad, where the ‘Commissars’ sent out soldiers to die opposing the German army, but that tactic worked. And just how many Russians died? What was it? 27 million? They still beat the Germans, but the cost was enormous and hasn’t been forgotten. Something like the Scots still remember Culloden of 1745, except we lost and you won your battles.
And then you remark on the 5,000 and the 50,000 American troops that may be rushed to oppose the ‘Russians, and you state that these numbers are irrelevant, which is totally correct. General Pershing when he led the AEF (American Expeditionary Force) in the battles of the Meuse-Argonne, (September 26–November 11, 1918) led 1,290,000 troops against the Germans.
Could these troop numbers of Biden be compared with Bob Hope’s satire of ‘3 against a 1000’?
@ Mr. Martyanov
I thank you for your insights into the current predicament.
On your comments about Russophobia.
I do not agree with Russophobia being racial, I believe is more about bigotry. Most European Russians are white, what could Anglo-Saxons, Scandinavians, or other Europeans use to look down upon European Russians like you? Toward Shoigu is possible, for being dark. Bigotry can have racial tones, but the main component is intolerance. Europe’s Russophobia is based on historical resentment, as you well pointed out, for not having been able to conquer Russia ever, despite all their failed attempts.
The use of derogatory expressions toward Russians by the nincompoops and pip-squeaks mentioned in Mr. Tickle’s article, only shows their inane mentality, their drive to be “superior” to others by sheer force of bruteness. I would call that historical bigotry, a mix of intolerance, inferiority complex, and racial delusions. Best example is Estonian dwarf Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who reminds me of the proverbial frog in Aesop fable, imploding while trying to be as large as an ox.
Pardon the analogy I am about to make, but as you were speaking the idea came very clearly to my mind. There is another country, Haiti, which was never forgiven by the racist West, for having suffered the first military defeat at the hand of its people, not just Black people, but slaves. Toussaint L’Ouverture defeated two, not just one, European powers, France and Spain, abolished slavery, and declared Haiti an independent country.
The racist West never forgot nor forgave Haiti for that defeat, and has worked at destroying it for centuries, until it turned Haiti into a massive ghetto, and its population into human detritus. A vindictive, vicious, and vile historical retaliation for these “Untermensch” daring to consider themselves “equals” to the white Europeans, interrupting their “mission civilisatrice.”
Russia could have suffered Haiti’s fate, if Hitler would have succeeded, and the rest of “old bastard Europe” (Trotsky) would have been enjoying their “schadenfreude” seeing Russians butchered. Eurostan’s historical resentment against Russia is deep seated, and their Russophobia is all they can produce as a consolation for their resentment turned hate, a form of mental DIY.
Lone Wolf
You say Europe, but the driver for Russian hatred stems from The City of London….what other EU powers have gone to the Pythonesque lengths to vilify the RF? Just thinking of ‘poison, it’s not a poison’……say no more, say no more.
Cheers M
“Europe’s Russophobia is based on historical resentment, as you well pointed out, for not having been able to conquer Russia”
Methinks most europeans dont know enough history for that being a factor.
russofobia is cultivated in europe through propaganda. A lifetime of news, movies, etc that purposefully create hatred on its target.
my personal experience is that s lot of it comes since before i was born. operation gladio comes to mind. Then, over the years it cements on the brains of poor souls that dont know any better, because they never heard or considered any diferent.
the norm is not knowing reality, only spoon fed narrative. as such, most people never been exposed to reality ignore the crimes of the empire. the long list of coups, revolutions, false flags and other shenanigans are whitewashed and excused.
the average joe around me thinks putin is a dictator, which kills gays, reporters and ex spies, shoots down civilian planes and wants to conquer the brave ukranians (which of course are not nazis, didnt we heard in the news the nazis had a pact with russians while the mighty usa freed europe?) to add lebensraum to that gas station masquerading as a country.
thats the version he was taught since school, and hammered everyday if you watch euronews or any other available media available.
so, in summary, history might mean something to obscure behind the scenes ruling elites, which are not even nwcessarely european.
to the rest, russofobia is the result of decades long of propaganda, since the cold war and cccp.
Perfect. You are being needed. In Saxon america, in latin america, in europe they think like that. Russians cannot continue to ignore this. They do not live alone on the planet.
BREAKING: Macron tonight
Gesture by the Ukrainian Parliament to ease tensions
The Elysée also stressed that by Tuesday, the Ukrainian Parliament “will return to the transition law” to ease tensions. This text, prepared in the summer of 2021, recognizes Russia as an “aggressor state and occupying state”, which Moscow totally rejects, and is deemed contrary to the Minsk agreements. “We can then negotiate humanitarian measures” such as prisoner exchanges and the opening of checkpoints, added the French presidency, as well as obtaining a date for negotiations between Kiev and the separatists on “the status of Donbass” .
Seing it to believe it, and even if voted, nothing will change.
Another BS Normandy format coming, please Russia stop with this circus, they just want to win time and change nothing at all.
The military analysis seems ok but the economic/political analysis is weak. As I understand the argument, the US desperately wants/needs war 1) to disconnect Europe from Russian energy, 2) to wreak the European economy so the US can pick up the pieces, 3) to unify a fragmented America, 4) because neocons dominate the Democrats, and 5) it would help the Dems at election time. I must respectfully disagree. The result of #1 would be sky high energy prices and crazy inflation in the West, including the US. US elites are primarily investors and wealthy businessmen, and understand this quite well, so #1 is not a player. #2: US and Western corporations are multinational. Destroying the European economy would have a huge impact on corporate profits. It’s a global system–economically and financially. You cannot destroy the European economy without destroying the US economy. American elites are well aware of this. #3 No, it would not unify the US. The hysteria exists in the media. Ordinary Americans could not care less about Ukraine–or Russia for that matter. They are trying to survive covid and inflation and simply don’t give a dam about foreign policy. There is zero political benefit for this particular war. #4 Yes, neocons hold powerful positions in the administration and have a lot of media support, but the actual Democratic Party and its fundamental policies are determined by the donor class–the billionaires, major corporations, bankers and investors who ultimately own the system and call the shots. The neocons will not be allowed to bring down the economy of the West. #5 No, an unsuccessful war that generates an energy crunch and widespread inflation would not help the Dems at election time–and the politicians know it. Finally, no one at the top gives a dam about race or history. It’s primarily a commercial empire. Profit is in the driver’s seat.
Well thought out.
Rammstein, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, Ravel
What if the Empire pre-planned to be hit hard by Russian at early stages of war, only to start the industrial mobilisation. There are profits to be made and unite divided people.
Oh my God thank you for making me laugh!!!! Really needed it living in assclownland.
In the end the USA would be forced with the same choice that the UK faced in Hong Kong. Go nuclear or go home. Nobody, no matter how deranged, is going to go nuclear to protect the Ukraine (or Taiwan for that matter) from “the evil twins” Putin & Xi (the “Evil Empire” moniker is now taken by the banking cartel controlling the USA).
I’m still waiting for Putin to use his political pull to get their central bank out of private control and back under public control. Any time Vlad, any time :)
“Give me ten thousand Irishmen and I will give you a revolution.”
– Karl.Marx.
I am inclined to believe that Blinken and Lavrov did some kind of backroom deal in Geneva. UKUS gets to save face by keeping up the hysteria and actual deliveries of lethal goodies. They’re big on perception management and optics anyway. Putin couldn’t care less about that so long as things play out his way. Meanwhile we get done with the Olympics, Russia doesn’t ‘invade” and Brandon can claim a determined Nazto has again “deterred” Russian aggression. I suspect Germany is the clincher of this deal. Germany cannot do with another crazy round of sanctions, especially now during a ‘pandemic’. Their export-oriented economy needs Russian gas (NS2) to remain competitive and ofcourse the Russian and Chinese markets. German industrialists are flexing their power. Putin knows the German psyche and is laying the groundwork for the time Americans are asked to vacate Germany, which will be the official end of Nazto. With the exception of turncoats in Brussels (and 3B+U), nobody in Europe is in the mood for WW3. Whichever way Berlin and Paris go, EU will go.
Pretty much agree. I think that the Ukraine posturing is all about allowing Biden to save face.
But I am not sure it is a done deal and as I posted on the open thread US politics is complex. There are some i think still trying to start a hot war – those who tried the coup in Kazakhstan – but the failure in K and in Belarus has taken much of their steam.
Biden may have handed Ukraine over to Russia to put on a puppet, and Biden might have pushed Democrats close to extinction. The question is how Germany is acting behind the scenes. Germany can become 2 Germanys again. There is an internal war in Germany: the resistance – industrialists and eastern Germany, versus the green party and western puppets. Arm wrestling, schizophrenic Germany. A lot is at stake. The words of the German vice admiral are one of the expressions.
I totaly agree with Martianov about racisme.
And much, it’s not only against the Russian.
All slavian peoples are concerned. Not only Russians. Poles are despised to. Nobody in Europe know the glorious century of big Two Crown Republic. Nobody, absolutly nobody knows that it was Poles wich saved Vienna against Turks. For every body, it’s the valiant germanic austrian wich beatten the “awfull and vicious Turks”.
And Yougouslavians, considered that almost wild.
But it’s not only Slavians
It’s the same for Romanians, Bulgarians, Maguyars.
It’s really worst for Turks desipte their glorious and lighty past.
It’s almost the same for latins Europeans(remember the nice P.I.G.S) wich are barely tolerated .
Even France disregarded.
Russia is only the most far, then She is very consensual in détestation and then federator for the others.
Exactly a harassment phenomenon.
In France we have an expression: ” tête de Turc”: face of Turk.
That mean the guy than every body is allowed and even invited to smash.
And Russia had never surrender. Poles were destroid (1795), Turks too(1914), Spanish too(1643), French too(1940), but not Russia.
Anoying for anglo-germano-saxons race théorie zealots.
Уважаемый г-н Мартьянов,
I very much appreciate your videos and agree with almost every statement you make. I also especially appreciate your lambasting of “Anglo-Saxons”, because you have to name and identify the enemy in order to defeat it. However unfortunately when dealing with these people I think that the situation is much worse than what you say in your video. Namely, Anglo-Saxons, are no longer a racist ethno-cultural community with historical (and religious) roots in the British Islands. The situation is far worse than that: They are now a supremacist political culture that has spread to other people either by way of British colonial expansion or by acculturation of immigrants into Britain’s colonial constructs ( a thing also known as the “Anglosphere”). In fact, for example, the German Jew Henry Kissinger, the Polish Catholic Zibi Brezinski and the kid of the Kenyan Kikuyu student Barak Obama are as bad as those WASPish thoroughbreds of yore. And it gets worse, they have collaborationists, ie quislings of all creed and kin and color of skin all over Eurasia due to Anglo-balisation, the new colonisation of the world. One last thing, lets not underestimate the British, they have a very clear track record: world champions at: piracy, slave-trading, colonialism and propaganda. Quite an endeavor in the realm of infamy. That said we shall overcome, Dai Bog, Insh-Allah.
Again, it “seems” to me that this a stir in the coop on the Outskirts of Russia (on Ukraine), just a cover operation labeled “Battle for Europe” is a hybrid war:
– for the supremacy of $ over €, a war for EU assets (finance, technology, brains … natural resources).
– for blocking the political-financial-economic interaction of the European Union with Russia and China (on a non-dollar basis, the means of payment operates on the basis of the commodity-currency reserves of “settlement gold”, including electronic / digital form))):
– against the Russian project “Greater Eurasian Partnership” of the concept/initiative “Greater Eurasia”;
– war against the Chinese initiative “One belt – one road” and “Maritime Silk Road”.
“Preemptive strike” RF-PRC
Russia and China intend to introduce an international settlement system/s independent of the US dollar and a currency at the regional level within the framework of regional associations such as the EAEU.
The military response of the Russian Armed Forces in the “semi-hard” version of the non-nuclear operational-tactical plan will take from 4 to 20 minutes.
By the way, Russia withdrew from the US National Debt (~29.0 trillion.))).
Eurasian Financial Cluster (EFC) on the basis of a two-loop money circulation system
The two-loop nature of the EFC system assumes that national monetary units serve production and consumption in domestic national markets, while trade between states is carried out in collectively created conventional monetary units, the value of which will be fixed in gold!
“According to the studies of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, conducted at the beginning of the 21st century according to the methodology of the World Bank, Russia’s share in the world national wealth was 11%, and the total value of the material part of the national wealth, namely fixed and circulating assets plus natural resources, was determined at $40 trillion.
For reference, the national wealth of the United States at the same time was estimated at $24 trillion.
Thus, Russia at the beginning of the century had a national wealth that was 2.5 times the national wealth of the United States.
Currently, the tangible part of the national wealth, including human capital, is estimated by the head of the Research Institute of Statistics, Doctor of Economics. V.M. Simcheroy in the amount of $65 trillion.
At the same time, this calculation was made according to the current exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar, and not according to purchasing power parity (PPP). Also, the monetization of existing financial reserves, assets of extra-budgetary funds is not taken into account …”
The main source of income for the West/USA is the issue of the dollar – the Fed and its servants, the ECB.
But… the US dollar economy is collapsing, the dollar is weakening and losing confidence against the backdrop of Washington’s covert attempt to convert world settlements into the US Digital Dollar. If we add the global shortage of mining and water resources, food production, …
Approaching polit-economy-finance- … – the military Apocalypse.
“IN THE END THERE WILL BE ONLY ONE”, and it will not be Pindostan!
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Thank you for your efforts dear Andrei. It would be more effective if u spoke Russian and used english subtitles. It is difficult to understand your english.
Nooooo!! My Russian isn’t good enough, and I find his English easy to understand.
Probably of minor significance…
I read yesterday in “Kathimerini” (supposedly the most valid conservative newspaper in Greece) that the American naval and logistic base in Souda, Creta island would play an important role against Russian aggression. According to the article , this, apart from save as from the bad Russians, would also protect the country from the Turks !!!.
The “elite” of my country is consisted of traitors who are additionally idiots.
I think Russia will pick a day and then, with missiles and fighter jets, simultaneously destroy all NATO bases and missiles within the “security” area that they have asked for, and then stop. However, they will not fire a single shot inside Ukraine. Then they will ask Ukraine, “Where are your partners? Do you want for us to continue or to stop? If to continue, we will. If to stop, then you yourselves destroy all the NATO bases and weapons in your country…now!” That way they can boast, “We told you we weren’t going to attack Ukraine, and we didn’t.”
@Roger G. Mattingly
First, because I am not a military expert, I have a hard time seeing the ease, which you describe, with which Russia can destroy NATO facilities. It won’t be a walk in the park and there can be many unknowns. This is why I cannot have the self-confidence of many people in this blog.
Second, Ukros will immediately attack Donbass and Russia will have to intervene to help. The only possibility is that President Putin may have new weapons in his sleeves that revolutionize the system of waging war.
Russia has hypersonic missiles, against which NATO has no means of stopping. My understanding is that Russia has a number of other weapons, S400 if I remember correctly, which is capable of shooting down anything NATO can fly in defense. Ukraine may not attack Dunbass if the only news they receive is about NATO being on the receiving end of Russia’s wrath.
Russia has time to wait and see the most powerful bomb to explode the US unilateralism forever: the crash of the financial market where capital is concentrated. It will mark the end of capitalism and the begining of a new era.
And that system will likely be replaced with something much worse, such as digital cash.
Why worse? Without the banks, there will be no usury. It will be perfect!
Same reason why they hate Serbs! Thanks God Russia finally says STOP to western satanic imperia! No more! We need mother Russia to bi firm and defend human values, justice and truth, so we could all join as independent and free nations against western satanic desires! With love from Serbia!
I just found out this morning that my family member is deploying to Ukraine-US Army…
I am experiencing terrible overwhelming grief at the moment….He is deploying very soon….I feel sick to my stomach….God Almighty in Heaven….
My sympathies and best wishes. Myself, I already have plans to repatriate my green-carded and draft-age spouse out of the country in the event of a draft, but I know that he’s one of the lucky ones for rejecting the INS advice that he apply for American citizenship. Americans trying to escape the war machine really have no place to go, as Canada has made it clear it will no longer take American deserters and draft dodgers, resettling costs a lot of money, and most of the borders are shut anyway.
Unfortunately he signed up for 7 years…to my horror. I wish there was a way for him to get out in 4 without wrecking his work career. He will have three years under his belt in April. He is first lieutenant. The moral is very low among the troops…
If the US collapses in two years…I can see a lot of US soldiers just walking off military bases…
It seems that Russia has already won this conflict without even firing one bullet:
I’m not as sanguine as Martyanov regarding a Republican victory in 2022. Don’t get me wrong; as things look now (and they’re not likely to change), the Republican victory in 2022 might be so overwhelming that the Democrats will no longer even have the numbers to filibuster in the Senate (thus obviating the need to eliminate the filibuster, of course).
But while Martyanov is correct in noting that most neocons have made a home for themselves in the Democratic Party or at least its associated “think” tanks, the Republicans are, with few exceptions such as Rand Paul, no better and sometimes even worse when it comes to bloodlust, as the lunatic ravings of that senator from Mississippi (whom, I should note, Martyanov has commented on) demonstrate. In fact, it’s part of the current Republican playbook to attack Biden for being too passive on the Russian “threat” — to say nothing of being too “accommodating” with China.
Of course, once the Republicans take control of Congress in 2023 and the White House in 2025, they may do a 180-degree turn; that’s the way it so often works in politics. But both parties have always found it to their advantage to promote maximum belligerence, so I’m not hopeful.
Now I do realize that Martyanov was speaking ex tempore and, if he’d written this out, might have added healthy dash of skepticism in the matter. I remain impressed and even humbled by his mastery of the matters at hand.
@ Johnmayor on January 25, 2022
“Thank you for your efforts dear Andrei. It would be more effective if u spoke Russian and used english (sic) subtitles. It is difficult to understand your english (sic!).”
What else do you want? Wine and cheese? Whisky on the rocks and a cigar?
Do not be a beggar with a stick.
We are privileged to have Mr. Martyanov on prime time, sharing his insights and expertise, clearing up the air from the mass hysteria the MSM presstitutes have launched across the Atlantic. Instead of demanding he speaks in Russian, which will limit his audience even with English captions, just turn on the captions in YouTube, you will get the nuances from his speech. Besides, he has a good sense of humor.
Lone Wolf
One of Ireland’s weak spots is its adoration of America and Americans, it’s a small place and its connection to America makes it feel important.
Big time true. Ireland has always been a third world nation in Europe…..And of course the scummy little midget….the 5’2 inch midget(google the photos and platform shoes) Bono and U2 are in bed with the Corporate Psychopaths……
Good things about Ireland:Navier-Stokes Equation….Quaternions…..The Hamiltonian….
Oh…and Jean Butler’s legs….
The Russian commenters here might enjoy the tune….Roots, Radicals and Rockers…by the Northern Irish Band Stiff Little Fingers. These tune has a very very strong anti-war theme. And in light of what is happening in the Ukraine, a tune this Irishman recommends to the Russians here…
I do believe it was the late Bunny Whaler who wrote this tune…so check his version afterwards. I have always liked Bunny Whaler tunes over Peter Tosh and Bob Marley tunes….
I also highly recommend Stiff Little Fingers highly explicit anti-war song Tin Soldiers…
I had just bought a brand new Camaro….My cousin sitting next to me played Roots, Radicals and Rockers-Stiff Little Fingers version-at 300 decibels…..I was propelled vertically from the my drivers seat into the ceiling of the Camaro and gave myself a nasty concussion…
For a country that doesn’t like the petty supremacy of anglo elites, Russia sure has fought a lot of world wars on their side!
Only one,and in that one Russia was at war first and the US joined them. As for WWI,Russia was out of the war before the US entered the war,so they didn’t fight by their side in it.
The original commentator said “Anglo”, which by definition includes the British Empire, doesn’t it?