Ukraine SITREP May 25, 2016
Since the beginning of the week the biggest news has been information released by Vladimir Markin, Head of Media Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
He stated that over 2000 legal complaints have been filed in ECHR court against the Ukraine regime.
“According to information available to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, since the beginning of the punitive operation in Ukraine’s South-East, displaced persons who were forced to leave their permanent place of residence and arrived to the territory of the Russian Federation filed or are in the process of filing a total of 2,346 complaints to the European Court of Human Rights against the actions of the Ukrainian authorities. Currently 1,191 of the complaints have been received by the court and have been assigned individual docket numbers.
The complete number of claims for compensation total more than 112, 680, 000 euros.
The claims of violations are as follows: violations of the Convention on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms (Rome, 04.11.1950), as well as its additional protocols relied on by the applicants complaints of alleged violations of article 2 (right to life), article 3 (prohibition of torture), article 5 (right to liberty and security of person), article 6 (right to a fair trial), article 8 (right to respect for private and family life), article 13 (right to an effective remedy), and article 1 of the additional Protocol (protection of property).”
Back in November 2014, a very important United Nations Committee against Torture took place. Said Committee against Torture considered a report submitted by Ukraine, as follows:
“6 November 2014 – The Committee against Torture today concluded its consideration of the sixth periodic report of Ukraine on its implementation of the provisions of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
Introducing the report, Natalia Sevostianova, Government Agent for the European Court of Human Rights, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, said that the 2012 Criminal Procedure Code, containing the equal right to protection, guarantee of the right to defence and the clear criteria for admissibility of evidence, had destroyed the punishment paradigm.
In March 2014, the Government had adopted the programme of activities of the Cabinet of Ministers aimed at securing the protection of human rights and the institution of free legal aid had been introduced in 2011. Ukraine was taking all possible measures to ensure fundamental rights and freedoms in the territories occupied and annexed by Russia, and it was also conducting investigations into acts of ill treatment, torture, abduction or death.
Committee Experts expressed concern about reported acts of torture and ill-treatment taking place in the territory outside of the State’s control and wondered about measures to address those acts and ensure compliance with international obligations.
Ms. Sevostianova in her concluding remarks thanked the Committee and hoped that Ukraine would not fail to respond to a single act of torture committed in the context of occupation and aggression. “
See the full report here: Committee against Torture considers report of Ukraine
The Chair of the Committee at the time was Claudio Grossman, a lawyer and law professor, and Dean of the Washington College of Law at American University in Washington, D.C..
He is extremely unpopular as a dean, since the law school he heads just experienced a nosedive in ratings. His students have been filing petitions and complains to have him removed.
In August 26, 2015, Deans Philip Weiser (Colorado Law) and Claudio Grossman (American Law) have announced that they will step down from their positions as Law Deans at the end of this school year.
According to the Washington Jewish Week publication, in 2000 AJCommittee was seeking to expand Jewish-Latino ties. “Claudio Grossman, dean of the Washington College of Law at American University, bridges that divide. “We feel at home in both communities,” said the Chilean-born synagogue member, adding, “All of us have relatives in Latin America…When I hear about foreign aid to Latin America, I have a personal attachment.”
Going back to the conclusion drawn by Mr. Grossman on behalf of the United Nations Committee against Torture:
“A national preventive mechanism against torture had been established (in Ukraine) and the Ombudsman verified about one third of detention facilities in the country; as a result of those visits a white book had been produced that set out the problems in the State penitentiary system.”
That was in November 2014, a year later, the ECHR has started receiving legal complaints of torture and inhuman treatments on the territory of Ukraine. People were tortured because they were suspected of being “separatists.” No official charges have even been filed against any of the victims.
ECHR docket entries of the legal complaint against Ukraine alleging violations of the Article 1 § 1 of the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
56660/12 | Available only in English | Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction) | Court (Fifth Section) | 24/03/2016
Violation of Article 3 – Prohibition of torture (Article 3 – Degrading treatment Inhuman treatment) (Substantive aspect) Violation of Article 3 – Prohibition of torture (Article 3 – Degrading treatment;Inhuman treatment) (Substantive aspect);Violation of Article 3 – Prohibition of torture (Article 3 – Degrading treatment) (Substantive aspect);Violation of Article 3 – Prohibition of torture (Article 3 – Degrading treatment) (Substantive aspect);Non-pecuniary damage – award (Article 41 – Non-pecuniary damage;Just satisfaction)
60426/11 | Available only in English | Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction) | Court (Fifth Section) | 11/02/2016
Violation of Article 3 – Prohibition of torture (Article 3 – Torture) (Substantive aspect) Violation of Article 3 – Prohibition of torture (Article 3 – Effective investigation) (Procedural aspect) Non-pecuniary damage – award (Article 41 – Non-pecuniary damage;Just satisfaction)
and so on…
According to RG.RU most complaints are either about military actions targeting the civilian population, or about unlawful detention and torture.
Tamara, a resident of Donetsk, on the 18th of January last year at 8:20 AM when the Ukrainian armed forces started bombing Donetsk, went to grab her sons, ages nine and five yea, to take down to the basement. Further, she remembers just a loud sound and a flash like a lightning. She was hit by falling debris and lost consciousness. When she came around, her elder son was severely wounded and her younger son was dead.
Tamara wants Ukraine, her homeland, to be held responsible for the death of her youngest child, her ruined home, and also for her disability and the disability of her surviving son.
Among people affected by the Kiev regime’s war on the civilian population of the country, there is not one who is military or connected to politics or special services. They are all civilian people, who before Maidan saw war only in movies.
But the most horrific accounts are coming from the citizens of Ukraine who were kidnapped, arrested, captured, and then were lucky enough to survive. Almost all the plaintiffs are severely disabled people at this point. Men and women. You can read dry accounts of their suffering by opening their individual claims. All of their accounts of torture were confirmed by medical evaluations.
All of those who appealed to the ECHR, tried to file criminal complaints with the Ukrainian authorities. In every case, the Ukrainian regime failed to file any formal charges, and/or refused to prosecute.
“I’m a member of the village Council,” says in her complaint a woman named Alexandra, “Our village was occupied by joined forces of the “Right sector”, “Azov” and “Dnepr-1” death squads. At half-past ten in the evening 27 Jan 2015 the Right Sector militants broke down a door and entered my house. All were in balaclavas and with machine guns. They took me outside, tied my hands with duck tape, and pulled a cap over my head and then wrapped my head around with tape, then they pushed me into their car. During the ride they beat me and asked who I work for. These people called themselves “Carrier”, “Mechanic”, “Bear”, and “Donetsk”.
“I was taken to some basement, and they stabbed my face with a knife repeatedly. I noticed something on my face and realized that it was blood. Then they broke out my fingernails to the roots one by one. But it wasn’t enough for them. I kept losing consciousness, when I was coming around, they were beating my head against the wall, and when I fell, they kicked me and stomped on me. They wouldn’t let me to use a toilet. I was laying on a floor in filth with hands tied, and my finders became infected, and puss started seeping from my wounds.”
“I asked to call for a doctor and a attorney, but they told me that doctors were not for separatists. On the eleventh day my hands turned blue, and I really wanted to die. Then they called a doctor, and he painted my hands with brilliant green antiseptic.”
“They dragged me from the basement to the first floor, where walls were covered in blood and bullet holes. They gave me a piece of canned fish and put some dirt on it. I refused to eat, and they laughed at me.
Prior to my kidnapping and torture my weight was 120 kilograms, during nineteen days in captivity I lost 53 kilograms.”
These victims of the Ukrainian regime have neither physical strength, nor the money to travel to the court in Strasbourg. They are being helped by the Charity Foundation “South-East”. It was established on the territory of Russia in December 2014 by the ousted Minister of Interior of Ukraine Vitaly Zakharchenko. It’s main task is to assist to former employees of the interior Ministry of Ukraine, the soldiers and families of special forces “Berkut” and soldiers of Internal troops.
The also states that for reasons unknown, the ECHR invited a group of legal experts from Ukraine to sort out cases. Essentially, they gave the complaints into the hands of representatives of the defender. This is considering that prior Kiev refused to accept legal complaints from these Plaintiffs.
Plaintiffs are now saying that they are being threatened in an attempt to bully them into withdrawing their complaints.
According to the newspaper, they have the evidence that those legal experts are being paid for the Kiev junta or a.k.a. the Ukrainian government. In ECHR a plaintiff cannot remain anonymous since every application is accompanied by a scanned image of the plaintiff’s passport.
It’s common knowledge that Ukraine is occupied by the US government. Evidence is abundant. From the support of the anti-government Maidan and the Deputy of the US secretary of State and Senators visiting their country and being instrumental in toppling the democratically-elected president, to the CIA headquarters in Kiev, and NATO troops training Ukrainian militants, to the US senate issuing laws and regulations for Ukraine and effectively ruling the country. The United States of America occupies Ukraine dejuro and defacto.
Now, I want to introduce you to the law professor Mark Gibney, a Belk Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina-Asheville; Raoul Wallenberg Visiting Professor of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at the Faculty of Law, Lund University and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute.
Mark Gibney is also a specialist in the Holocaust, and a member of Congregation Beth HaTephila: a Reform Congregation in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. He is a Distinguished scholar, and an international authority on the legal implications of Human Rights and Genocide. Dr. Gibney gives speeches on the lessons of the Holocaust and the contemporary context of Genocide.
In February 2015, just four month after the abovementioned US Committee on Torture, Mark Gibney published an article, The Downing of MH17: Russian Responsibility? in Oxford Journal.
This distinct professor was trying to find a way to implement Russia in the MH17 crash.
“… whether the Ukrainian government might be responsible for the downing of MH17 on the basis that this occurred within Ukrainian airspace and jurisdiction is presumed to be exercised normally throughout a state’s recognized territory. However, the ECtHR also noted in Ilascu that this presumption can be rebutted in limited ‘exceptional circumstances’, particularly where a state is prevented from exercising its authority in part of its territory due to such things as a military occupation by the armed forces of another state, which might apply in the present case.”
Give neo-cons a rope long enough they will hang themselves. They just don’t know when to shut up. His whole legal argument is that if a country has been occupied by a foreign country, crimes against humanity committed on the territory of this country could be blamed on the occupier. Ukraine has been occupied by the US. Organizing the “color revolution,” toppling the government, appointing junta members as the country’s new government, having the US senate be fully committed to rule Ukraine, with NATO and the US servicemen training the militants, sending lethal and non-lethal military equipments and so on.
I wonder if the ECHR is so generous in rewarding the Ukrainian citizens favorable decisions against Kiev regime because of two reasons:
- this US installed regime is about to be replaced by the EU appointed regime;
- After the current Nulad regime is being replaced, the EU will place the blame for the crimes against humanly squarely on Washington.
Ukraine SITREP links
- 05.2016 Odessa, March new-Nazis
- Contact Group’s political subgroup will register results of talks on Ukraine
- Russia Chechnya – Trial over several members of UNO-UNCO ended with conviction.
In Chechnya, court convicted members of “UNA-UNSO” after the jury found them guilty of several serious crimes. “Collected evidence accepted by a jury was sufficient for a conviction verdict against members of the gang, consisting of members of the nationalist organization “Ukrainian national Assembly – Ukrainian national self-defence” citizens of Ukraine Nicolay Karpyuk and Stanislav Klyh” (Николая Карпюк и Станислав Клых), – said Vladimir Markin, Head of Media Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
Karpyuk and Klyh were found guilty on a number of criminal charges. In particular, “Leadership and participation in a gang”, “Murder of two and more persons in connection with the exercise of their official duty” and “Attempt at murder of two and more persons in connection with the exercise of their official duty.”
The investigation revealed that the convicts had joined the nationalist group UNA-UNSO in the early 1990s on the territory of Ukraine. At the same time they “took an active part in the organization of an armed group, consisting of the most radical members of “UNA-UNSO”.
According to investigators, in the early nineties Karpyuk together with Dmitry Korchinsky and other members of management and members of “UNA-UNSO” arrived from Ukraine to the territory of the Chechen Republic. Together with members of gangs operating on the territory of the Republic they had intended “to attack and murder citizens, soldiers from the armed forces and law enforcement officers”.
Karpyuk led a band called “Viking” together with Alexander Muzychko (now deceased Ukrainian nationalist, formerly known as Sashko Bily). The group included also Klyh Stanislav and Dmitry Yarosh (the former leader of the banned in Russia as extremist organization “Right sector”).
In the period from December 1994 to January 1995, Karpyuk, Klyh, and another of their comrade, Alexander Malofeev took an active part in clashes with the military personnel of armed forces on the territory of the Presidential Palace, the Minute Square and the train station in Grozny. They took the life of at least 30 soldiers and caused the injury to at least 13 military servicemen.
“After all those gangs were defeated, these so-called “fighters” returned to their homeland – the Ukraine – and for a long time waited it out. Apparently, losing vigilance, in 2014, they entered the territory of the Russian Federation, forgetting, perhaps, that we have a principle “nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”, – said Vladimir Markin. – Our intelligence agencies have worked very professionally, detaining them and handed over to investigators”.
- The Mirotvorets (Peacekeeper) website has resumed operation despite protests of the international journalist community
KIEV, May 24. /TASS/. Ukraine’s Mirotvorets (Peacekeeper) website that has resumed operation despite protests of the international journalistic community published on Tuesday a new list of mass media representatives who have received accreditation in the self-proclaimed republics in Donbass
The list has data on almost 300 journalists, including full information on their residence, phone numbers and e-mail addresses. The majority of these people work for foreign mass media outlets. These are journalists from 59 countries, including Austria, Germany, Georgia, Brazil and Iraq. No Russian journalists have been included in the list this time.
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big thanks, very interesting.
Sad that only 2346 complaints were filed, aof more than 1 million displaced.
Are they so afraid or have family still in Ukraine?
Then 112 Million EUR – that’s a joke, make 112 Billions out of it and it would still not even compensate the physical damages and destructions (while lost lives are irreplacable!).
I had an addition which I sent it 3 times in 3 different threads over the recent days:
Then got this mod confirmation that he forwarded it to you and The Saker:
Now it is still missing, even though it is a new SitRep about Ukraine.
Did you not receive that message or do you think it is unimportant if more than 100 settlements get renamed, among them the 4th largest town of Ukraine?
Just asking,
best regards
It looks like they are trying to erase all their common history with Russia.
Where will it end?
When they decide to kill all humans and all cats, because in Russia there are also humans and cats?
Good – history is for yesterday.
You may have forgotten the saying “Those that forget history,are doomed to repeat it”.
History is neither here nor there – until now things have always repeated even though we (or some, at least) do know (&remember) what the real problem is – Capitalism (and it’s results e.g. Savchenko ).
We need up of our knees and no benevolent Monarch.
It is a class war & nationalism & culture are pathetic tools of servitude.
The problem with most of the folk who visit this blog is that they thought a “multi-polar” world was a benefit – it is not. It is an illusion of hope only.
You need to understand what the problem is before you can hope actually fix it.
> The complete number of claims for compensation total more than 112, 680, 000 euros.
That’s not “hundreds of Millions”, but Hundred Millions.
HundredS means plural, and then a factor larger than at least 2 or rather 3.
312, 680, 000
– that would justify “hundreds of millions”.
As I said so far, hundred millions – you cannot even build a public toilet from that money.
The new Berlin Airport meanwhile costs 7 thousands million EUR, and yet they didn’t manage to get it completed, 10 years after it should originally be finished.
So – what’s 112 millions (of claims nobody will ever get)?
n o t h i n g
It is rather an insult against the victims.
Yes,the “Peacekeeper” list has added a FB friend of mine. A 17 year old American boy,who is a anti-fascist and pro-Russian. He posts pro-Russian and pro-Donbass stories on his FB and has a home radio program. I suppose the Bandera nazis see him as a threat to them.
Then I’m afarid they also added me, because I did the same on social media.
Well, for me is certain: Never in my life can I go to Ukraine again.
Also it disappoints my how in Odessa there don’t appear to be the slightest protests against this march. And this after 2.5.2014.
The most beautiful innocent flower girls – with that message.
Hard for a human mind to process this. Impossible.
CPU e r r o r
If I go to Ukraine, I will most probably be arrested and put in a SBU cellar. I have spent more than two years telling the world about the crazy Machtubernahme (coup) in Ukraine (thanks JJ). I have to fight pro-ukrainians all the time and they are vicious. Somebody disabled my router and had me surf from a spamsite. The net stopped working. It took me hours, but I came back om the net. I am not in the US, I am in Europe. Others have been beaten or killed.
Here is the new ukrainian Peacemaker death list. It is active again.
> Somebody disabled my router and had me surf from a spamsite. The
are are insane enough to run a Microsoft crappy-errating system like Windows?
Or are you using a real OS like Linux?
Your router itself is of course independent of that, as it comes at a layer closer to the outside, than your pc running an OS. But to break into your router from outside is normally impossible (if there weren’t NSA backdoors in probably ever officially “certified” router, and therefore in every router). But this backdoor is only accessible to real secret services.
However, if you run Windows there is a possibility that your router got infected the other way around.
So do not run Windows, unless in VirtualBox with Networking disabled. I told this to SouthFront repeatedly, but they were not interested in my advice.
How can anybody doing such work run Windows?
On the same note also official Linux distros could meanwhile have backdoors. Linus Torvalds himself openly told the world that they approached him to hide a backdoor in the kernel itself. And he refused. However, the distros are not compiled by him and can still contain hacks that were added later.
Famous encryption algo developers experienced similar situations, but went to world and made it public.
So there is never full security.
But running Windows is pure madness, like wearing a Putin T-shirt and holding a 1-man rally in Kiev.
You confirm my worst fears, Martin. You say only intelligence services can reconfigure a router. New strange DNS numbers were put into my router and the net stopped working. I am not an expert like you, but I knew how to counter the problem. No more attacks have been made.
I have a weak 15 year old computer running Linux, but it cannot handle the net of today. For years, I have been paying taxes and bills for the family and it is not small. That is why I run a non-Linux OS on a secondhand slightly newer computer.
In a sense, I should feel honoured. I am making a difference on some sites and that is why I am under attack. On the other hand, big brother introduces fear in my life. I can never visit Ukraine and I look over my shoulder every day. I feel like a German dissident in times gone by. Well aware of the Gestapo of our time.
They have no sense I’m afraid.
“””””1. this US installed regime is about to be replaced by the EU appointed regime;
2. After the current Nulad regime is being replaced, the EU will place the blame for the crimes against humanly squarely on Washington.”””””
Washington and EU are the same, or rather the EU is a RC-controlled muppet show of the US which is a RC-controlled muppet show of Israel which is a RC-controlled muppet show, too. Of those who own it (Rothschild et. al.).
So do you have any evidence for this or is it Yalta2/3/4?
I which timeframe will it happen do you believe?
How will it happen?
Was the RightSector action in Kiev from last week only show or for real?
Thanks Scott. Sadly also the billions of gryvnas(if they are worth anything0 owed to pensioners, social needs will never be repayed , as the pension fund has been declared virtually bankrupt and Ukr did everything to prevent people claiming their pensions…………..the cost of rebuilding Donbass will never be put right by ukraine,
even yesterday
buildings destroyed etc supposedly under the “peace” of Minsk
“Twelve residential buildings, as well as the building of the temple, kindergarten and medical institutions were damaged as a result of nightly shelling Ukrainian siloviki western outskirts of Donetsk and the front-line areas in the Republic of South. This was reported today at a briefing in the press center DAN deputy commander of the operational command of the DNI Eduard Eduard Basurin.
“As a result of punitive attacks over the past day wounded two civilians, as well as 15 housing constructions received significant damage,” – he said. Eduard Basurin said that nine of the damaged houses are located in Staromykhailivka Kirov district of Donetsk. In this village hit Ukrainian missiles were recorded in the Holy Protection Church, kindergarten and dentistry.
“Two houses damaged in the village of Aleksandrovka, another house was damaged in the village Kominternovo”, – added the deputy commander.
Ukrainian sappers started demining the frontal zone near the village . Granite in the south of Donbass for the safe supply of military equipment to the line of contact, also said Eduard Eduard Basurin
“There have been attempts to Ukrainian deminers conduct mine clearance of minefields in the line of contact near the village of Granite for the purpose of supplying technology and shelling the surrounding areas with the most up close”, – said deputy commander.
According to Eduard Basurin, due to gross errors in the stretch blowing on one soldier was wounded. It should be noted that in mid-May, it was reported to hold Ukrainian siloviki similar demining in the area Novotroitskoye village, which is also located in the Volnovakha area.
At the same time, exploration DNI recorded regrouping Ukrainian forces from the direction of Mariupol, Donetsk. So, the 8th Battalion of the 10th separate mountain-assault brigade until 27 May should take up positions in the area Krasnogorovka west of Donetsk.
“In the region of Lugansk village, in the area of responsibility 1 mb 54 Ombre found work Foreign snipers are firing on all the people dressed in military uniforms, – said the representative of command. – Near Artemovsk on railway stopping points Notch revealed the location of the “forgotten” boxcar loaded with “200”. ”
Exploration of the Donetsk People’s Republic regularly fixes the redeployment of the forces of the Ukrainian army, the clearance of the frontal zone for military purposes, as well as the inhuman attitude of the security forces to their comrades.”
google translate
“According to the operative data of the DNI of command, over the past day the Nazis about 600 times fired at the front-line area of Donetsk. “For the past day 585 times Ukrainian security forces fired on the territory of the Republic. In total, the enemy released 11 minutes a caliber of 120 mm, 153 mm 82 caliber mines. In addition, the firing was carried out from tanks, infantry combat vehicles, various types of rocket-propelled grenades and small arms, “- said the source.
In the west of the Donetsk region suffered Staromykhailivka villages and Aleksandrovka. From the north the Germans shelled the mine area to them. Chelyuskintsev vicinity of the airport, the village of Spartak and Yasinovataya. From the south were under fire Dokuchaevsk, village Sahanka, Sosnovsky, New Rep, Kominternovo, Styla and Peter the Great. “Criminal orders attacks on the territory of the brigade commanders gave the DNI Zhakun, Shandar, Sokolov, Miller and Delyatitsky”, – added in the department.
According to the head of the Kirov district administration Yuri Budrina, by gunfire, eight residential houses damaged civilian was wounded. In turn, the head of Maxim Petrovsky district Zhukovsky reported damage to two houses and wounded civilians by gunfire from the position of the APU Oleksandrivka village, which is also located on the western outskirts of the capital.”
Temple in Staromikhailovka shelled by AFU keeps working
May 24, 2016 | DEFENCE
The Holy-Pokrovsky temple located in the locality of the Staromikhailovka on western outskirts of Donetsk, which was under the shelling by the Ukrainian military, keeps working.
The shelling of the temple was registered at about 1am and in the morning the representatives of the OSCE, Joint Center for Control and Coordination and the Defense Ministry of the Donetsk People’s Republic arrived at the scene.
The Defense Ministry added that there were registered three direct hits into the building of the temple.
Latest Ukrainian targets: Church and nursery – civilian village in Donetsk (DONi Video)
In the middle of the night on 24.5.2016, Ukrainian troops shelled Staromikhailova village with several heavy 120 mm grenades and other calibers too. Targets in Donetsk People’s Republic were a local church, nursery, factory and together 8 civilian houses. Shelling caused severe injuries to one civilian person. This was the third time in just two weeks when Staromikhailovka has been targeted for terror bombing by Ukrainian troops.
DONi News Team covered damages in village together with an OSCE monitoring mission observers in Donbass.
Journalist and pictures: Janus Putkonen
Cameraman: Roman Gnatyuk
DONi News Agency, 24.5.2016
video link here
and here to Ed Basurin
similar reports here
Tuesday, May 24, 2016 – 16:59
Russian President Vladimir Putin called to immediately end the attacks on localities in Donbass by the Ukrainian armed forces, stated the Kremlin’s press service.
Putin issued the call in a telephone conversation held with the leaders of Germany, France and Ukraine as part of the so-called Normandy format, reports Sputnik.
Putin called to immediately end the attacks by Ukrainian armed groups on localities in Donbass. It was emphasized that a key element of the settlement should be Kiev’s direct dialogue with Donetsk and Lugansk in order to fully and comprehensively implement the February 12, 2015, Minsk agreements, said the Kremlin.
DONi News Agency
Wednesday, May 25, 2016 – 10:47
Slovakia confirms that it considers sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation as not efficient ones and they do not have prospects. However, Slovakia is going to keep meeting the EU requirements as its loyal member, reported by TASS.
‘Sanctions were discussed. The Slovak colleagues said that they considered the regime of sanctions as not efficient and it had no prospects,’ pointed out Alexey Ulyukayev, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
But they are the loyal EU members and are about to fulfill the EU requirements and search for solutions in cooperation with their colleagues in the European Union,’ summed up the Minister of Economic Development of Russia.
DONi News Agency
a reminder
“Ukrainian captain Bogdan Garnaga arranged explosion of civil bus in Volnovaha
on: May 25, 2016
The undermining of the civil bus in the area of Volnovaha in January, 2015, was organised by a unit of the 72nd mechanised brigade of the AFU under command of captain Bogdan Garnaga, a press service of the DPR Ministry of Defence reports.
On January 13, 2015, Garnaga’s unit organised the undermining of the bus with civilian passengers, which resulted in 12 persons killed and another 18 injured. For this, [Garnaga] was awarded with the medal “For the defence of Volnovakha.”
Press center “ATO” announces the resumption of full-scale hostilities
05/25/2016 – 10:43
Press center “ATO” announces the resumption of full-scale hostilities | Russian spring
Press center of the occupying forces in the Donets Basin in the communiqué issued today actually announced the resumption of war.
Referring to the now pechalno- “traditional” fighting in Avdiivka industrial zone, the military propagandists told about attacks on “Gorlovskaya Svetlodarsk-arc” (the style of the press center) and about “an attempt to break through the defense” under Mariupol (!):
“It was restless, and in the direction of Mariupol. There invaders from rocket-propelled grenades fired our positions near Shirokino, Granite and Gnutova. In addition, night fighters tried to break through our defenses far from Novotroitsk. With the support of infantry fighting vehicles, snipers fire from grenade launchers to assault the enemy launched operations. Ukrainian soldiers opened fire and killed the enemy infantry combat vehicles, after which the attackers retreated, “- reported in the press center.
Leaving on the conscience of “talking heads” APU obvious lie about “attempts to break through the defense”, we can not fail to draw attention to an alarming rhetoric of the occupying forces, confirming the predictions of the “Russian Spring” of upcoming attempts to bankrupt the Kiev authorities to start another escalation of the conflict in Donbas.
Join the “Russian Spring” in Odnoklassniki , with Facebook , VKontakte , Twitter , to keep abreast of the latest news.
google translate
“05/24/2016 – 21:07
Operational Command DNI per day recorded a nearly 600 attacks by MAT | Russian spring
Ukrainian troops over the past day almost 600 times fired at the front-line territory DNI.
“For the past day 585 times Ukrainian military fired on the territory of the Republic. In total, the enemy released 11 minutes a caliber of 120 mm, 153 mm 82 caliber mines.
In addition, the firing was carried out from tanks, infantry combat vehicles, various types of rocket-propelled grenades and small arms, “- reported today in the operational command of the Republic, according to DAN.”
etc etc
If this story being reported by RT is true. Its a total disgrace. And will end badly. Mark my words,it is a horrible error. When you lay with dogs you get fleas:
WTF is going on now???
Sorry , but I more and more doubts that Moscow is this brilliand chess player.
It is a nightmare.
Tnx for the link. But my day is crap now.
Western media will bring her on every channel and in each newspaper where they let her “report” about the evil evil evil Russians.
While Guantanamo is of course still in use.
And they won’t mention that this “woman” is a maneater, slaughterer or if there is any word.
That is “exactly” the problem. The crowing throughout Ukraine and the West will be “we faced Putin down,and he ran scared”. I seriously don’t understand the thinking that would agree to release a convicted nazi murderer. One convicted in a Russian court for the murder of “Russians”. The heroes of the Great Patriotic War will be turning in fury in their coffins. An action like that is a slap in the face of every pro-Russian in Ukraine.I can only hope its not true. But after things like “Minsk”,I have little hope on that score.
Every word is so true
I’m full of r a g e
It is simply a sellout, and shooting in the own feet.
No nice fancy Yalta 5.0 wording by Scott can convince me of the opposite.
Friends, it is black on white now.
Forgive me, but Moscow can only be run by fools!
This person had the world’s attention, correct?
So why not using it the proper way, rather than giving in:
Russia should have made a trial against her, bringing her terrible crimes to public attention. Witnesses should speak out against her and it should have get broadcasted on RT, Sputnik, TASS and where ever.
DonBass residents – how must they feel about seeing that their big hero Putin lets such murderers go home?
It will backfire from outside and from inside, believe these words.
It is exactly the same as with the ESC 1944 song. Nobody on international (allegedly Russian) media such as RT, Sputnik, TASS was reminding the world of the role which these Hitler-collaborating Tatars palyed in WW2.
I say it again and neither Scott nor TheSaker will like it: The gov in Moscow must be nuts to let such “mistakes” happen.
It’s simply 1+1.
Well the “deal” is done. There is no hope left. We should see the “crowing” in Ukraine and the West begin shortly now. And they should be crowing. This is a great propaganda victory for them. It might even save Poroshenko for a while longer. The fascists won’t be able to kick out the man who “bested Putin” and “forced the Moskals to kneel” and release their great “heroine”. I’m sick to my stomach at the stupidity of this.
On the current RT Top-Story they chose images where the 2 freed Russian prisoners look not ideal, whereas for the mass-murderer they chose good-looking sympathetic images:
2 Russians on plane to Moscow after reported swap for Ukraine’s Savchenko – RT sources
With this “phantastic deal” they encourage the Nazis to take more prisoners, because now it has been declared by the Kremlin as a trading currency for “fabulous deals”.
If I remember, you have told this in advance, it would happen exactly as it happened. And that was some one or two months ago. So the predictability of some action from Russia is there, and if is there, means that other “partners” can predict such move or other moves in the future, that sounds scary.
Yes,thank you,sadly you remember correctly. I learned years ago when you hear governments putting out “leaks,possibilities,maybes,etc,etc” then you should know something is happening. When I saw the first “maybes” on RT I “knew” that was a huge error that would give us what we see today. The EU “bathed” in praise of “winning” her release because they “kept at” Russia. And the freakshow in Kiev talking of beating Russia ,and “now we know” we will get Crimea back the same way.While the “heroine” says she wants to go fight in Donbass again against more women and children (of course to her they are only “Russian separatists”)..
Trust me, Mr Putin knows what he is doing. Don’t panic and don’t loose your horses over savchenko.
Sometimes I wish there is a radical change in the global picture and I want it NOW but I know and I trust the Russians.The good news is that two Russians were freed and they are back home.Look at the bigger picture. The government of Russia is not falling for any traps. Thanks to the government of Russia you are sleeping in your own bed at night and not hiding from shelling. May be you should focus on the media in Berlin and try to change your government or at least chancellor plus the buddies in the eu parliament. To me, they are real nuts.That’s worrying.
“””””May be you should focus on the media in Berlin and try to change your government or at least chancellor plus the buddies in the eu parliament. To me, they are real nuts.That’s worrying.”””””
With that silly advice (I don’t have a TV since 1998 because otherwise I would fall ill after 10 minutes of “news”) you prove, that you really don’t know me.
Maybe you ignored the string “Soviet” in my name, focus on that.
And no, it is an illusion what makes you feel safe. I was in the same loop for one and a half decades.
Consider this view of a famous known unknown:
p.s. I’m fihting a fight against Z-german propaganda TV and since 2007 don’t pay GEZ.
And yes, if necessary I go into prison for it (this year a woman was already 2 months in jail only for refusing to pay for something which she neither wants to watch nor ever does watch [because she has no TV]).
But until now they couldn’t prove me that I’m living in Germany (as they claim) nor could they prove to me, that this is not the Soviet Sector anymore (and hence it is a special political entity and _cannot_ belong do FRG/BRD according to the 1945 Treaty of Potsdam.
Do you now realize how ridiculous (or at least uninformed) your advice is?
Why shall I assume that you put more thoughts into other aspects, such as the “Pardon’ing” of a mentally ill Nazi and child(s)-murderer for no reason?
I think the point here is that it is better that 2 innocent Russians were released then suffer in Ukraine for crimes they didn’t committ. At the end of the day Porkie will have his PR moment and then it will fade away. Russia has shown goodwill and had two innocents returned and the EU can’t keep bashing Russia for this or use this as an excuse for sanctions.
The two Russians have now landed.
Putin says driven by humanitarian concerns…..
I don’t know if the sanctions will be lifted because of this release. I agree that the two Russian prisoners release was a good step in humanitarian sense.
Well to me it just proves that Mogherini and Steinmeyer and co have been proven correct that their “just” and humanitarian concerns win against russian justice especially as they were trying to link her into Minsk, and that this proves sanctions work in some way……….
While its nice to have the innocent men released. Freeing a fascist murderer to get that is a “bridge too far”. It just shows the fascists they can get what they want by using hostages. Most times I support Putin’s thinking. But not every time. If we believe someone is right all the time we have a “cult of personality” problem. And I refuse to accept that. In the late 1800’s the Pope of the time put out a ruling,and added it to church law. That the Pope was “infallible”. That was absurd then and its absurd to think that about any human being now. This release of a fascist murderer is wrong in all ways. And the reports we are hearing that it was done because the victims families asked Putin to release her doesn’t even pass the laugh test.If they “officially” did that. It was because they were asked to do it. I guarantee if you talk to the families of murder victims worldwide. And asked them about releasing their families murderers (one that has never shown a “bit” of remorse for what she did. And whose first public statement on release was to say she would “volunteer” to go to Donbass to kill more people) you wouldn’t have them asking for their families murderer to be released. And assuming you “were” to find one “overly merciful” person. The odds of getting “two” families to think that at the same time,about their relatives murderer.Would have to range in the billions.We are in for days of “excuses” on how that was the “right” thing to do. I expect to constantly hear that, even from people I normally respect. But at the end of it all,I’m reminded of the old political saying,”you can put lipstick on a pig if you want. But its still a pig”.
I personally think the murderer should serve her time. However, in this case – she is a loose cannon/ mad as a hatter and a political tool – already seen by her interview at Kiev airport and Porkie giving her a hero of Ukraine award. Her reactions were classic. She is going to be a nightmare for him.
I think Russia is going to benefit from this more than we realise right now. Her madness and rantings are already unravelling and exposing the EU and their inverterbrates for who they truly are. All this celebratory messages are going to come back – as they already are – and haunt them. They won nothing – only in their own insular minds.
She wants to go back and fight – this time she may not return alive. I believe she will get her comeuppance…..
What was behind this? – we may one day find out. Was she worth the lives of two innocent men – yes. She is truly mad and horrible with it. She was being used to bash Russia too and now – what can they do? It exposes their lies…..
I didn’t get the feeling Putin was cockahoop about this to be fair.But he is playing a longer game and I think this will come back to bite Poroshenko and the oligarchs hard! The viper has been released back into the nest……
“I didn’t get the feeling Putin was cockahoop about this to be fair.But he is playing a longer game and I think this will come back to bite Poroshenko and the oligarchs hard! The viper has been released back into the nest……”
I truly hope you are right. But have huge doubts on it. As I recall Minsk was supposed to end the shelling and murder in Donbass. Today ,every day,we can read of it still going on. The Ukrainians were supposed to (over a year ago) negotiate with Donbass. They still haven’t. The Ukrainians were supposed to restore the pensions and end the blockade,they still haven’t. There were supposed to be elections in Donbass. The Ukrainians still refuse to accept any elections they don’t control.Some day “maybe” people will understand that you only deal with fascists behind the barrel of a gun.Hopefully that understanding won’t come when its too late to change things.
I agree Veritas. She will be killed in action soon. Meanwhile, she and her fanclubs go into overdrive and expose their minds to the point that they will be left with their pants down. Hence, I sit back and enjoy the freak show. :-)
Maybe,but I doubt it. I doubt except for possibly a PR visit she will come anywhere near Donbass.She is “far” more useful to the junta as a propaganda tool. She will (as I said weeks ago) enter the Rada to take up her seat,to a thunderous applause. There she will regale them with stories of her “suffering” in a dreaded “Moskal” prison. And support every hardline fascist motion they purpose. She’s of double use to them. For Poroshenko,as a symbol of his “beating Putin”. And to the nazis as a symbol of their cause “winning” in the end. She is a “gift that keeps on giving” for them. Stories of her horrible threats and acting the fool,that shock us,won’t have any such effect there. Lest we forget the Ukraine is the “maidan” and ATO state. And the Rada is a modern “gladiator” arena. She will fit right in there.
UB 1
While I understand your logical argument, and agree with it at a point – the mistake of releasing Savchenko – on the other hand, the two Russian prisoners’s release is good, for them, for their families. I know, there is a trap in all this swap, a humanitarian one and a political one, for, to keep her in Russia to have her jail term and in the same time, having those two Russians put in jail in Ukraine would be a pat case, a negative one.Now is a pat case, a realistic one. The score is 2-1 for Russia, in this sense, but when we add the two journalists lost, the the score is : 3-2 for Ukraine.
And the sanctions won’t be lifted in June.
As the saying goes “a snowball’s chance in hell”. That is about the same chance as the sanctions being lifted.
I picked up a tip from someone (German connection) that this is a special op. Which has nothing to do with being humanitarian, although that certainly is a relevant part of this! Could it be true?? I can’t verify it.
One other thought: if the hypothesis that I’ve put forward is correct at all, about the military directing a campaign in Germany, this affects the obvious election rigging in Austria.
I say that because Eurovision was obviously rigged – and the new boss in Germany got exactly the result that was wanted, right? To come in last? If so, what does this tell us about the military presence in election rigging?? That they have completely infiltrated it? I wonder…
Can we go back to being regular democratic-ish societies in the West sometime?? So much intrigue, geez. I think they are making a move to bring down the Soros political network. That’s my guess. Have no idea what the intent is with the release of Savchenko. That was just passed on to me.
Well I actually agree with what Putin has done: got rid of 1 trash and got 2 much better persons back. Why should he have Russia polluted with the likes of ‘it’ while 2 Russians are captive? Putin got the better part of the deal.
Ralph, Larchmonster, Scott etc: This is not the logic how it works.
If you start to make biz deals with Nazi Terrorists, you achieve the opposite: Now they know that if they arrest anybody and then claim whatever they want, that Russia will even award their crimes by making exchange deals on that basis. What this deal achieved is not that 2 Russians have been freed, but that 10 more Russians will imprisoned.
Martin, by your logic then, Daria should just give up on any prisoner exchanges, which is ‘OK’…provided you are not a prisoner, right???
What about changing your statement into the opposite and adding:
“”which is ‘OK’…provided you are not a *future* prisoner, right???””
The way for such future blackmailings has been paved.
It is a question of principle. If you violate such principles, there are a hundred new cases where you then can happily repeat your logic.
They were doing it anyway. Also, it is better to get back 2 good persons and lose 1 trash one.
I don’t think I could “tell ” the problem any better than our enemies have from their own statements. So I will let them talk:
“Just as we brought back Nadezhda [Savchenko], so we will bring back Donbass [the eastern Ukrainian regions] and Crimea under Ukrainian sovereignty,” Poroshenko said.
Poroshenko also thanked the leaders of the countries which he called a “pro-Ukrainian” coalition for “their active participation and support.” He mentioned German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, US President Barack Obama, leaders from the EU (Poland, Lithuania, UK, Spain, Italy) “who took a joint decision to apply sanctions against Russia,” as well as Australia and Japan.
As for the newly-released Savchenko, she said that peace is possible only via war.
“I don’t want people to want war, I want people to want peace, unfortunately peace has to come out of war,” the Ukrainian pilot said, adding that she is “ready to die for Ukraine at any moment.”
(Sidebar: Missing from Poroshenko’s statements of course, was any gratitude to Putin and Russia. Without which those “happy moments” would not be possible. They should have gotten the full “credit” for that release. Missing from the murderers statement,is any remorse for her aiding in the killing of 2 civilian journalists. Even in the land of executing murderers,the US. A murderer showing “zero” remorse for their crime has not a chance to be released.
05/25/2016 – 8:56
In the near future, the chief of the SBU expects resignation, Poroshenko loses control over the security services, – Oleg Tsarev (nominations photos) | Russian spring
“Russian Spring” continues to publish insider forecast former chairman of the Parliament of New Russia Oleg Tsarev. Home – here.
Do not add optimism Americans demand change Poroshenko as head of the SBU Basil Gritsak. Peter Basil and friends. Their relationship is more than twenty years, Basil Hrycak personally betrayed by the president. Basil Hrycak offered the post of deputy Poroshenko administration. As far as I know, Gritsak agree to such a move, despite the fact that he and Lozhkina not a relationship.
One of the options considered for employment Gritsak position of the head of administration, but now settled on the post of deputy. Experience to Gritsak overseas partners incriminating evidence was very compelling, so Basil lowered their demands and agreed to a deputy in the hope that it claims to it will be removed and will not pursue him. Is so, he hopes to be seen.
It is obvious that the loss of head of the SBU for Poroshenko, is very sensitive. I remind you that Nalyvaychenko resignation was due to the fact that he not only duplicated to the US Embassy all the information that he collected for Poroshenko, but what daddy information for Poroshenko was significantly thinner than the daddy to the US Embassy.
The loss of a loyal person currently head of the SBU threatened Poroshenko probability of loss is not only the eyes and ears (SBU traditionally in Ukraine have the function to gather information for the authorities), but also the possibility to repeat the fate of Kuchma, who once missed control over security services and was presented with a share – “Ukraine without Kuchma”.
In recent years, on shows in the United States is often possible candidates for the post of head of the SBU. According to my information, was chosen from three candidates:
The biggest chances of the deputy head of the Presidential Administration to monitor the law enforcement agencies of Major-General Andrei Taranov (see photo). Taranov built its relations with the United States as early as the time when he served as Defence Attaché in Israel.
Chances are there is also the Chief of Defence Intelligence (General Directorate of Intelligence Ministry of Defense), Lieutenant-General Valery Kondratyuk. Kondratyuk weekly goes to report to the US Embassy, and only in the last year traveled three times to account for the ocean to the metropolis.
On the bride also went head of the antiterrorist center at SBU Major General Vitaly Malikov.
Whom have stopped the choice overseas curators – we will know soon.
Join the “Russian Spring” in Odnoklassniki , with Facebook , VKontakte , Twitter , to keep abreast of the latest news.
05/25/2016 – 3:00
Turkey will prepare Ukrainian Janissaries | Russian spring
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko May 23 paid a working visit to Turkey, says ” Free Press “.
Although officially Poroshenko arrived in Istanbul to attend the World Humanitarian Summit of the United Nations, he held and a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and the official delegation included leaders banned in Russia, the Crimean Tatar Mejlis Mustafa Dzhemilev, Lenur Islyamova and singer Jamal that the humanitarian UN forum have very little to do.
According to the Ukrainian president’s press service, during the meeting an agreement was reached with Erdogan that in the near future three thousand police officers from the “Square” will be trained in Turkey.
Poroshenko said that this is “a very effective form of cooperation between police of the two countries”, and stressed that in the framework of the training program “Train and Equip” the police will be provided with the appropriate equipment.
In addition, the presidents agreed on a number of other documents – an agreement on mutual protection of investments, the agreement on avoidance of double taxation, and agreed to speed up negotiations on a free trade zone between the two countries.
A week ago, 16 May between the two countries was signed another important agreement – signed by the implementation plan of military cooperation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Republic of Turkey, “containing practical steps aimed at building operational capacity” APU.
The plan defines the direction of military cooperation between the armed forces of the two countries up to 2020, including the reform and defense planning, education and training of troops, consultative and advisory assistance, and cooperation between the branches of the armed forces and so on. It is assumed that all of this will help Ukraine prepare to join NATO in 2020.
Relations between Turkey and Ukraine have intensified sharply after the conflict between Ankara and Moscow over Russia downed aircraft.
Since the autumn of 2015 high-ranking officials of Turkey and Ukraine is already several times had to make mutual visits. Poroshenko was in Ankara recently, in March, and is told “SP”, then the presidents of too much talk about military cooperation and free trade zone. In addition, 7 March were carried out joint tactical exercises of the Turkish and Ukrainian Navy in the Sea of Marmara.
As you can see, the contacts between the two countries is increasing. Moreover, the parties have put forward a new and very specific initiatives such as training Ukrainian police Turks and equip them with everything necessary. It is possible that the next step will be the training and equipment is already the Ukrainian military.
Here only it is unlikely to have a positive impact on the already fragile situation in Ukraine, and, in addition, is unlikely to please the Western sponsors of Kiev.
Why then will the growing Ukrainian-Turkish alliance?
– Turkey – a NATO member – like leading researcher of the Center for Asian and African Studies, Higher School of Economics Alexei samples.
– No country can not create a block independent military alliances without the consent of the parent structure. Ukraine is not a member of NATO and is not even a candidate for accession. Therefore, all these plans – empty talk, as well as negotiations on a free trade zone. To create it, we need not only to those who are willing to sell something, but also those who are able to buy something.
What Turkey is ready to buy from Ukraine and that Ukraine can buy in Turkey? This paper contracts that exist only in the speeches of officials.
But as the police force – it is essential, that is exactly what is needed Ukraine. This, of course, the irony. Now the whole European Union, the United States and other countries accuse Turkey of excessive use of force, punitive actions, stifling freedom of speech and so on.
As you know, in practice, this is done without hands of officials or members of parliament and the security forces and security services, directly controlled by the President of Turkey.
Now the Turks will prepare Ukrainian police. Such an agreement even more close to the Ukrainian way to Europe. In Brussels, a very “rejoice” that the clamping of the whole Turkish police learn the Ukrainian.
– What Poroshenko took a so-called leaders of the Majlis?
– Undoubtedly, Turkey and Ukraine will now be in every way to inflate the Crimean Tatar problem. It has even come to the strange claims that the Crimean Tatar autonomy can be created on the territory of the Kherson region. And this despite the fact that it was Kiev liquidated at the time the Crimean autonomy. This political injection, and ace in the hole.
I think the statement on the establishment of the Crimean autonomy is Crimea without agreeing with the Turkish brothers Mejlis leaders would hardly have dared to do. It is the extras and the corps de ballet, which should create a permanent newsworthy.
Ankara can maintain anything, but this is unlikely to acquire real features. For such declarations are not worth a real political project, but they need to give the news for real.
Today, they say that is about to be returned to the Crimea, and tomorrow say they will create autonomy outside the peninsula. It perfectly demonstrates how “seriously” and worked alone, and another project. This is a common informational talk.
– By the way, the United Nations do not mind that some of the humanitarian summit used to solve their problems?
– World Humanitarian Summit was conceived three years ago. And then it was a very good and sensible idea. But now, because of external circumstances and of the events he actually failed. Of the influential leaders of the countries there was present only Angela Merkel, and it does not seem to quite understand that doing there.
At the artist the role of James Bond, Daniel Craig, who as UN envoy also participated in the summit, as it turned out, was more what to say than that of Merkel.
Head of the Center for Asia and the Middle East of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies Glazov Anna believes that the convergence of Ukraine and Turkey will continue.
– With regard to intensifying contacts between Kyiv and Ankara as a whole, this friendship is based on the presence of a common enemy in the face of Russia and on the fact that between a converging two political “loser.”
From Erdogan already turns the European Union, because his behavior and statements that Turkey does not intend to perform requirements of the EU to bring its legislation into line with European standards, was the last straw of European leaders.
They said that the agreement on the exchange of migrant workers will be called into question, and the introduction of visa-free regime from 1 June, as it was stated earlier, it is impossible. For Erdogan is very cool true American administration. Besides, he had already damaged relations with the majority of the Middle East, and now entered into a confrontation with Russia.
For Erdogan is extremely important in light of the enemy, which, he believes, is surrounded by Turkey, find at least one country with which we can develop cooperation and to talk about the positive.
That country was Ukraine, which, like Turkey, has a huge internal and external problems. I think that this convergence will continue in the future, but expect him to breakthroughs in terms of cooperation between the two countries is hardly possible. Although, if only because the two countries have very serious political internal crisis.
In Ukraine this is a problem of Donbass, Turkey – Kurdish and internal opposition.
– Whether the parties can try to play the so-called “Crimean card”?
– It really is a very dangerous trend. After Turkey has spoiled our relations with Russia, it has stepped up actions in Crimea. Actually, Ankara does not hide that he supports the Crimean radicals who oppose joining the peninsula to Russia. This is a serious threat, but I think, in order to stop this policy of Turkey, above all, will work our secret services.
Director of the Research Centre “Middle East, the Caucasus,” the International Institute Stanislav Tarasov newest states does not believe that the Turkish-Ukrainian alliance could pose a threat to Russia.
– It is an alliance with the blind lame. No one war, the Turkish army did not win. Now he is fighting against the Kurds, and lose this confrontation. The country, meanwhile, reign of terror, the police, intelligence and security services can not cope with it. What they can teach the Ukrainians?
Countries, resentful of Russia, such as Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, and now Turkey, is really trying to create among themselves a kind of alliance. Before that, they were grouped in Guam, in the Eastern Partnership. But this process of degradation of these states themselves increases.
Turkey is now, like Ukraine, is on the verge of losing control over a part of its territory. But their hope that the West will isolate Russia, are not justified. No matter how bad our relationship evolved, we have a connection with the United States on the Syrian settlement and Karabakh.
In addition, the work “Norman Quartet”, which yesterday reached an agreement on how to enter the police mission in Donbass.
In fact, it means that Ukraine is forced to accept the loss of control over the Lugansk and Donetsk. At the same time, it strengthened the centrifugal tendencies in Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Odesa regions.
So I do not think that the contacts between Turkey and Ukraine pose a threat to Russia. “Crimean card” to play had before, but Ukraine has missed this point. They can be a little “pobuzit” but nothing serious they do not shine, and the Turks also understand this. Similarly, it was Georgia, which lost control over Ossetia and Abkhazia.
Such activity – it’s just annoying background, which is anti-Russian. Here are just a Russian, he is not particularly annoying. For all internal and external difficulties, it’s not a threat to our country. ”
Maria Bezchastnaya
Thanks for the links and info, JJ. Appreciated.
Vyshgorodsky District Court of Kyiv region confirmed the scandalous details about the life of the so-called “officer” Seeds Semenchenko (aka Konstantin Grishin), which were published in the media in April last year.
Semenchenko Grishin turned-conman, who with his wife was hiding from creditors and the fiscal authorities. Not having served a single day in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and does not take the oath, Semenchenko enlisted the support of Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, and became an officer, and later created all punitive battalion “Donbass”.
All already tightened noose around the neck of the famous Ukrainian swindler Seeds Semenchenko and two high chiefs – the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov and his adviser, Anton Gerashchenko. who in 2014 transformed the previously convicted swindler Kostya Grishina in “the battalion commander, Major» Seeds Semenchenko. “Now Vyshgorodsky District Court of Kyiv region has placed the point of the criminal case, opened on the fact of issuing a certificate Grishin National Guard officer in Ukraine”, – says Ukrainian journalist Vladimir Boyko.
Moreover, as such, “Donbass” Battalion never existed. “The fact that territorial defense battalions, according to the Law of Ukraine” On Defence of Ukraine “and the Presidential Decree of 2 September 2013 number 471/2013” On approval of the territorial defense of Ukraine “, part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and subordinate to the Ministry of defense of Ukraine. As part of the National Guard under never any territorial defense battalions was not and could not be “, – added Boyko.
Revelations “heroes” began. Who’s next after Semenchenko?”
google translate
Tuesday, May 24, 2016 – 13:35
Ukraine is gradually taking control of the localities which, by the Minsk Agreements, must remain in the “grey zone”. It was admitted by the head of the Donetsk region Pavel Zhebrivsky on air of the Ukrainian TV channel 112.
According to him, Ukraine has expanded its borders right to the demarcation line with the DPR< reports The Politnavigator.
‘Half a year ago we had a lot of localities in the area of the so-called "grey zone". It means that entry and exit checkpoints were somewhere five, or ten, or fifteen kilometres away from the contact line. Today, we have advanced checkpoints actually to the demarcation line,’ said Zhebrivsky.
DONi News Agency
for anyone interested
video link to May 19 Uk Defence Committee hearing Defence Minister re threat from Russia and Uk response etc
Tuesday 24 May 2016, Committee Room 15, Palace of Westminster
At 10.00am
Rt Hon Michael Fallon MP, Secretary of State for Defence
Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach GBE, KCB, ADC, DL, Chief of Defence Staff Designate
Peter Watkins CBE, Director General Security Policy, Ministry of Defence
Purpose of the session
Committee has recently returned from a visit to Moscow and will question the Secretary of State for Defence on a number of issues, including:
Russia’s military capability and how UK and NATO capabilities compare with this;
Russian military and non-military action in Crimea, Ukraine and Syria;
UK understanding of Russia and the extent of Russian expertise within the Government;
The Government’s objectives for the forthcoming NATO Warsaw Summit
The impact of sanctions on Russia and on the UK economy
Further information
About Parliament: Select committees
Visiting Parliament: Watch committees
“Give neo-cons a rope long enough they will hang themselves. They just don’t know when to shut up. His whole legal argument is that if a country has been occupied by a foreign country, crimes against humanity committed on the territory of this country could be blamed on the occupier”.
I do hope this precedent is established and widely publicized. never mind Ukraine, it places the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of the US government for all harm that has followed its attacks on Yugoslavia, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and other nations.
To pay the first instalments of damages, perhaps Obama should transfer the (non-existent) $1 trillion he wanted to allocate to building a new generation of nuclear weapons.
To Tom Welsh,
You wrote: I do hope this precedent is established and widely publicized. never mind Ukraine, it places the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of the US government for all harm that has followed its attacks on Yugoslavia, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and other nations.
It truly looks like Washington’s regime is being positioned to make the US pay for their crimes by Russia, some patriotic forces in Europe and Asian and Middle Eastern countries.
It looks like with all those favorable decisions that are being awarded by the ECHR the protective wall of legal invincibility around the US has started to crack.
President Putin: Decision to pardon Savchrenko motivated by humanitarian considerations
See Paul Kindlon’s comment:
“This is a win-win for Russia. Keeping Savchenko in prison only further cements anti-Russian sentiment in Ukraine and Europe. Sending this woman back to Ukraine will cause the government in Kiev a big headache. Millions will clamor for her to be part of the Ukrainian government. She is a HUGE liability because she is a ultra-ultra nationalist and may actually have some serious mental problems.”
Definition of a Ukie: a ultra-ultra nationalist and may actually have some serious mental problems.
The pardon is classic Putin.
1. He retrieves to Russian military who volunteered to defend Donbass. This is a morale booster to all volunteers and the regular troops.
2. A decade long imprisonment of the lunatic would be a constant problem used against Russia in all negotiations. Without a death penalty, she was always going to be more problem than worth.
3. Now, there’s just the issue of Minsk 2 which will never go away for the junta. They have their princess back, but the castle is crumbling.
For the relatives of the murdered journalists, a personal meeting with Putin to explain the pardon and prisoner swap elevates their loss to national prestige and honor. Mother Russia thanks them again for “rescuing” the two soldiers. This is like granting organ use when a relative dies. It saves other people’s lives. The dead journalists receive another honor.
Putin is a compassionate and wise leader. The Russian people show again their consummate greatness and how important their civilization really is.
In the past I always looked up to your analysis and thought you really see through the fog.
Not so convinced anymore.
And you would let the two Russians rot in Ukie jail for 14 years?
You have expressed my own opinion succinctly and well. Thank you.
I am wondering that should she become a kind of Joan of arc that inspires the militants to have a Maidan 3 and more heavier actions ATO against Donbass and denounce Minsk, then that will show EU the complete falsehood of their support for ukraine and what Rus will do then…………….to protect Donbass?
> “This is a win-win for Russia.
No, at best it was a lose lose situation.
Or how did it work out with Timoschenko or Khodokowski last time?
And, as said, first it is a signal that Moscow let’s them get away with it, and secondly if you start making biz with blackmailing terrorists, the likelihood is high that they will capture even more Russians now (maybe who are just visiting family legally), because they know they can use this as an asset against the Kremlin.
Ohhh, Putin is sooooo wise and allllllways corrrrect.
I see the good developments around the world every time in western press (we are moving closer to WW3 against Russia by the day). What has been won?
The Minsk2 farce?
What could have been the alternative: Fall of Junta Kiev, arresting them and bringing them to Nuremberg 2.0.
These chances have been given away, although the Ukr. army might have surrendered within days..
But of course – such a smart chess game, we can cheer and rejoice.
You isolate your solution as if it hermetically sealed off any ramifications, aftereffects, unforeseen results, unwanted shit that flows from doing something bold.
You think the Ukies would do nothing to avenge a Russian invasion?
You think the world which does what the Hegemon wants would not do more harmful things to the Russian economy?
You think there are no consequences to your tactics?
Dream on.
You, dear Martin, miss out on reality. You have all the answers as if reality were a board game to be mastered.
Russian can defeat Ukraine in less than two weeks and then suffer for 20-40 years. It’s not like sinking a ship in the ocean. It’s a burning garbage dump you light afire right next door with the prevailing wind blowing into your house, forever.
If your strategy and tactics were realistic, Shoigu and Putin and Lavrov and people really, really smarter than us, with everything at stake for their nation and families would just read your posts and do it.
But that’s not what Ukraine is.
And Russia has its limits. It has a weak economy that cannot sustain your plans.
And Russian people don’t want to fight for Ukraine to come back. Yes, if there were no nazis and no Russophobia, and it was just a few thousand lunatics to defeat, they’d do it. But they understand war. And they don’t want to fight that one you propose.
We all are smart as hell and brave as anyone in our armchairs and at the keyboard. Wisdom comes late to most of us.
Our human instinct is to blast the hell out of the nazis, take down NATO now, High Noon, Clint Eastwood. Damn if it only could be that way.
But it isn’t that way. It just is not that way.
You fight a war when you have to, not a minute before.
And trust this, Martin. Putin will strike first. Whether you think so or not.
We shall have to wait. Meanwhile, reread Sun Tzu. There’s some wisdom in the old boy.
Thank you Larchmonter, thank you Scott.
Buh s vami!
@ Martin:
^ You can add me up to your statement. And wait till Uncle Bob hears about the “wonderful” news that this psycho has been presidentially pardoned and resleased back into the Ukranian wild…. He’s gonna flip and I won’t blame him, either.
PS: I’m starting to wonder if the old [as in: original/genuine] Putin has been a victim of the Alien body snatchers. Seriously! Where is our old, no-nonsense, take-no-prisoners Putin gone?
thanks for your message.
I saw that already in the Bullhorns unstoppable thread, and I responded to you and UB and Anonymous, but … well, its not there.
p.s. Maybe at the same place where the aliens snatched Merkel’s body when she was still alive 50 years ago.
While stating all this at the same time I’m glad for the two Russians and their wives (where do they always get such girls from in Russia?), but as I tried to say: Starting such deals backfires.
Also what is with the victims of this Savchenko?
How can Putin pardon Savchenko? If he releases her in exchange it is bad enough. But “pardoning”????? Is he God? And then even for “humantirarian grounds”? Savchenko is not a human nor ever behaved in a humane manner. All how she relates to humans is by killing them! So what is more “humanitarian”, to keep “her” (_it_) locked behind bars to protect humanity, or to let “her” (it) continue her (its) mission?
If you had been watching this whole saga unfold live you would have seen that Putin was sitting with the relatives of the two journalists who were slain by the murderer after meeting with Medvechuk (Ukie minsk chap). Following this they gave their ok to Putin. In order to overturn the court sentence he can only pardon her. The humanitarian reasons were to do with the two innocent Russians locked up in jail in Ukraine for crimes they didn’t commit. Not her! You have misunderstood. The family of the journalists gave permission to pardon so the two innocent men wouldn’t be left to rot in jail or be murdered like their lawyer.
Porkie also had to pardon the two Russians in order to have them released.
I have no doubt that if she goes anywhere near Donbass or Russia again she will not return alive.
@ [My good old friend] Martin:
“While stating all this at the same time I’m glad for the two Russians and their wives (where do they always get such girls from in Russia?), but as I tried to say: Starting such deals backfires [etc]”
Oh! ^ That goes without saying… Of course I’m glad for the two Russians released [in exchange] and for their families. Of course I am!
It’s the wider implications I’m concerned about releasing this freak back into Ukraine with a potential “political” career waiting ahead of her… The Western MSM already considers her a darling “freedom fighter,” just think about the ramifications if ‘they’ manage to make THAT stick and how ‘they’ will spin it…
Give me the strength!
@ [My good old friend] TL2Q:
“””””Oh! ^ That goes without saying… Of course I’m glad for the two Russians released [in exchange] and for their families. Of course I am!”””””
I do know that you know it. I repeated and stressed it only for those who cannot understand why we (you, UB, Anonymouys, myself and misc others) are not saying as expected “oh, well done, super-good chess move”.
The point is really, arg, let me point to UB:
“”””” Uncle Bob 1 on May 25, 2016 · at 5:55 pm UTC
While its nice to have the innocent men released. Freeing a fascist murderer to get that is a “bridge too far”. It just shows the fascists they can get what they want by using hostages. Most times I support Putin’s thinking. But not every time. If we believe someone is right all the time we have a “cult of personality” problem. And I refuse to accept that. In the late 1800’s the Pope of the time put out a ruling,and added it to church law. That the Pope was “infallible”. That was absurd then and its absurd to think that about any human being now. This release of a fascist murderer is wrong in all ways. And the reports we are hearing that it was done because the victims families asked Putin to release her doesn’t even pass the laugh test.If they “officially” did that. It was because they were asked to do it. I guarantee if you talk to the families of murder victims worldwide”””””
Yeah, rt reports that a French leader is pleased because her release is movement in the Minsk proves…….thus eu has now been proven right when they are completely wrong, and that the needs for truth and justice will always be subverted by the eu to enforce and justify their political manipulations.
Well she is already showing her crazy – on RT news they showed her as she was ranting at the airport on her return to Kiev saying the war would continue in Donbass and she will return to the battle field and fight (well done all you EU imbeciles for praising her return – there go the Minsk deals) and then when she was brought to meet Porkie to receive a hero of Ukraine medal – her face said it all – mad as a hatter – Porkie can now have this nutcase who obviously hates him. She looked so pissed off! This was live on RT news – can’t see vid on their website though…..worth watching when he awards her and you can see he now realises what he is in for. She couldn’t control her contempt. Russia is well rid of her.
Meanwhile the innocent Russians show their dignity – the comparison between the two is glaring.
“””””Meanwhile the innocent Russians show their dignity – the comparison between the two is glaring.”””””
Princess Diana was also good-hearted and innocent.
Did these attributes help her to win?
No – she is mouse- d e a d.
And her former “husband” could marry the ugly reptile with whom he has already cheated Diana for years before.
The same will happen to Russia, unless it finally starts some real action.
That’s the only language the West’s masters understand.
Russia has nukes – for what?
We see in slow motion how Russia get’s surrounded and part by part dismantled. Then they will create some event from inside and that was it. Like Communism fell apart 30 years ago. Like Saddam Hussein started way too late to defend Iraq. Like Ghaddaffi got wiped out and brutally murderred. Like Milosevic. Like Chavez. And good comrade Ceausescu’s:
And what is happening?
Our Dear western partners”.
It will end badly.
Kill the parasited, or they will kill us. That’s how it is, if you want it or not.
There is no God who monitors all people and then says: “Ahhh, you were good and honest, I reward you with justice.” And there is no Judgement Day where God punishes such mass-murderers. Instead those monsters like Rockefeller or Soros get 90 or 100 years old and live in unimaginable luxus, social respect and “success”. While those helping others and defending innocent cicilians die at 20.
Wake up! We need Gulags and we need prisons and we need the death penalty and we need rockets.
Everything else means, others will deafeat _us_ and put us into a million times worse conditions.
Гражданская Оборона – Всё идёт по плану (Клип)
Говорящий в тишине
Socialist World Revoluton – Sozialistische Weltrevolution
I’m totally against war. But to avoid war you need red lines.
The west treats Russia like dirt. And why does Russia now still listen to NATO and readily say “Oh, you suddenly want to talk after 2 years? Yes, please. Nice. Thank you. No problem. Of course. Yes Sir. Of course, Sir”
If you behave like that to a woman (rather than behaving like a man) she will treat you worse and worse. With Nato vs. Russia it is similar. Or compare it to raising a child or to domesticating a wild animal: If you fail to show them 100% [clear] [borders], all you ever constructed shall fall apart.
I agree with this comment 100%. Play time is over, the enemy only understands one thing, and will hate you even more if your show any weakness.
KIEV, May 25. / TASS /. High personality ratings, personal qualities and originally proclaimed goals have failed to help Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko achieve any success in running the state, the director of Ukraine’s Institute of Analysis and Political Management, Ruslan Bortnik, told TASS in connection with the second anniversary of Poroshenko’s presidency.
“The net result is Poroshenko has wasted the country’s political sovereignty (Minsk Accords) and economic one (the IMF). He has cracked down on the executive branch of power (including the government and the Central Election Commission), the judiciary (including the Supreme Court) and the legislative branch. he has destroyed the country’s legal space. the dominating principle these days is he can act at his sole discretion, “Bortnik said.
Bortnik believes that Poroshenko has enhanced the oligarchs’ grip on the country. Since he took office all major political and economic decisions are made not by the authorities, but by the system of oligarchic triumvirate, extrapolated to the bodies of power and regions in the forms of “troikas” and “quintets” and a system of “overseers . ”
Also, Poroshenko managed to ruin the unity of pro-European parties who were irreconcilable with the oligarchic model of government. Also he lost Donbass, Bortnik said.
The economy and social sphere have not improved one iota over the two year of Poroshenko’s presidency.
Poroshenko admits Ukraine can get Donbass back only peacefully
Poroshenko orders to deploy up to 1,000 police officers to Odessa
Poroshenko says he agreed “algorithm of freeing” Ukraine’s Savchenko with Putin
Poroshenko says Savchenko agreed to stop hunger strike
“To cater to his own interests and the interests of economic clans Poroshenko upset the social sector of the economy and state governance and at the same time increased the shadow sector. The people have gone 60% poorer, tariffs have been up six-fold and inflation has soared to above 80%. The GDP slumped 25%, and devaluation has exceeded 300%, “Bortnik said, adding that Poroshenko had not implemented a single social reform. Instead, he has imposed on society a campaign of decommunization, war against monuments and attempts to achieve a visaless regime in relations with the European Union.
By and large Poroshenko’s rating over the past two years has been down by a factor of six from 52% to 8%, Bortnik said.
“His personal achievement is he has lost the chances of being elected for a second term. On the national scale he has managed to become the country’s number one oligarch with a messiah complex, but not the head of state or safeguard of popular rights and freedoms , “he added.
I wish to pose a question or more to our experts
assuming EU aligns Savchenko in their delusional world with Rus complying with Minsk, logically therefore sanctions also work:
is this below from dni news below also a genuine “concern” that Rus is being manipulated into a corner
Wednesday, May 25, 2016 – 19:58
For the first time in two years NATO and Russia sat down for talks in Brussels and to nobody’s surprise, the global chill in East-West relations was in the air this 2016th spring of mankind. NATO to justify it’s own existence restated that Russia is essentially the key threat to their version of “civilization”
It is not back to business as usual, but NATO and Russian ambassadors did meet in Brussels on Wednesday for the first time in two years. A halting of all practical cooperation between the two sides was imposed by NATO after Russia’s support for freedom fighters in Donbass and the referendum on Crimea in 2014. After the meeting, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called the discussions “frank and serious” but said, “NATO Allies and Russia hold very different views. But we have listened to what each of us have to say.” as if this was some miracle of communication, rather than a reflection of NATO’s anti-Russian aggression.
While the western media continues it’s black out on NATO’s activity, it is well known for example, that NATO has a policy of Nuclear sharing, which is a concept in NATO’s aggression towards Russia, which involves member countries without nuclear weapons of their own in the planning for the use of nuclear weapons by NATO, and provides for the armed forces of these countries to be involved in delivering these weapons in the event of their use. Causing some to wonder why NATO is alarmed over Russia holding a referendum and delivering humanitarian aid to Donbass, while it locks and loads nuclear weapons aimed at Russia. You have to wonder just who is threatening who here?
Some western observers debate whether each side is truly listening. Often, it appears the NATO-Russia Council (NRC), which was established in 2002 in an effort to improve security in Europe/Eurasia, is used solely for show. “The council proved largely impotent as a means of promoting larger scale projects for European security, enhancing crisis management, or de-escalating broader tensions between Russia and the alliance,” said Christopher Chivvis, Associate Director of the RAND International Security and Defense Policy Center. “Ultimately, Russia cares little about the NATO-Russia Council beyond the optics.” Clearly reflecting the western narrative that Russians are guilty of everything in international relations. Never mind NATOs continued role in illegally invading Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and intervention in non alligned nations like Ukraine.
But even when there is dialogue, it often fails to translate into meaningful action. Take the case of Ukraine. The NATO member countries believe Russia’s “annexation” of Crimea was illegal, despite the referendum and Ukraine should return to full sovereignty regardless of how local residents of Donbass vote. At the NRC, all 29 parties agreed to the need for “a full and rapid implementation of the Minsk agreements,” the accord to end hostilities in eastern Ukraine. With two strongly opposing viewpoints on Crimea, it is difficult to imagine fulfillment of Minsk in the near future. In fact, in recent days there has been an uptick in ceasefire violations in Ukraine’s east, underlining the denial of reality that it is their own Nazi associates in Kiev that refuse to uphold what they agreed to, after Poroshenko realized what he really signed.
Another area of opposing viewpoints presented itself during the NRC discussion on military transparency and risk reduction. NATO members expressed concern over last week’s incidents in the Baltics, where Russian fighter jets flew near a U.S. Air Force RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft and a U.S. Navy destroyer. Grushko defended Russia’s moves during the NRC, claiming Washington was trying to unnerve Moscow by sailing the destroyer close to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad. Yet again the dialog rolls on rather one sided, as the aircraft and ships keep ending up in Russian areas of national interest and not in NATO home waters or airspace.
The meeting was not expected to break new ground, but simply allow NATO on it’s home turf an opportunity to score a public relations win, bashing Russians in Brussels. More fireworks are expected this July in Warsaw, where NATO is expected to really double down on dumb and despite Europeans voting against the Ukraine joining the EU, will announce a partnership with Kiev for future NATO integration.
DONi News Agency
does Rus support Donbass elections?
Comment of the Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko on holding primaries in the country
Wednesday, May 25, 2016 – 16:07
The Ukrainian media have distorted my words and tried to run misinformation. I even had to make an additional comment. Our position remains unchanged. All Ukrainian parties which, by word, action or inaction, supported the punitive operation against Donbass, are criminal organizations and facing a trial. A trial, not a participation in the elections, especially here. And believe me, our residents are so angry with all these parties that no army in the world will be able to ensure here the safety of those who called to destroy Donbass.
The same applies to the Ukrainian media. Each of them will be checked for whether or not they supported the punishers, and if they did, they will not be allowed to attend our elections. And it’s almost all the Ukrainian media, to my knowledge.
So do not worry. We stand firmly on our position. And Russia supports us, which is very important in the international arena.”
DONi News Agency
“Wednesday, May 25, 2016 – 18:46
The bill of a ban of elections on the uncontrollable to Kiev territories of Donbass was registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Wednesday.
The not affiliated with any faction deputy Yury Derevyanko acted as the initiator. The text of the document is not present on the official website so far.
The elections in Donbass are the one of key stages of settlement of the conflict according to the Minsk Agreements. Earlier the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Vadim Pristayko stated that the Ukrainian authorities are ready to develop the law on elections in Donbass and to carry out them by summer. The authorities of the DPR and LPR repeatedly stated that the process of elections had to be coordinated with them.
DONi News Agency
Is this comment valid from truth situation ukraine
“No doubt with the her arrival will tougher struggle for power within the Kiev junta. . The only advantage of Russia from her clemency and return to Ukraine – a strengthening of the chaos and the establishment of an official fascist regime in Ukraine against which Russia can fight with the official support of the “civilized nations” or the collapse of this failed country “Ukraine”.”
“No sooner had the Nadezhda Savchenko arrive in Kiev, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, he hastened to offer her “trip” to Europe.
“He spoke about the importance of travel to the West to tell the world the truth about what is happening in Russia, the truth of her story, that she was kidnapped, the illegal conviction,” – said the press secretary Svyatoslav Tsegolko Poroshenko.
Earlier, the president of the PACE Pedro Agramunt Savchenko congratulated with the release and said he was waiting for her to Strasbourg at the PACE session.”
as she is being promoted as “Joan of Arc2 will she be permitted to take her place in RADa and or return to the front will that polarise Donbass situation as proof of their illegal “separatism” and EU will be confirmed in that opinion justifying extension of now 2succesful”sanctions and return of Crimea?
“Epic Nadezhda Savchenko, from which Ukrainian propaganda over the past year has created this idol for particularly conscious citizens, finally came to an end.
The new season of “heroine” definitely will replace the victim’s role into something more of drive, although sophisticated experience critique does not exclude the imminent oblivion by the fickle public.
Today, 25 May, convicted of complicity in the murder of Russian journalist Ukrainian citizen Savchenko NV They returned to their homeland. Instead, Kiev gave the Russian Federation Alexander Alexandrov Evgeny Erofeev, also condemned the Ukrainian side for the “terrorist activities”.
Recall that the exchange of training was conducted for a long time, although some legal nuances were surprising even to the public, to closely monitor the process. Thus, the set of copies in the political discussions were broken on the recognition or non-recognition of Ukraine blame their “pilots”. Because contrary to the emotional speech of Petro Poroshenko, Savchenko was not the subject of negotiations in the “Norman”, “Minsk”, or other formats, return it could only be to serve the continued detention of the homeland in the status of the convict.
By the way, some observers have speculated that the questionable from the standpoint of procedural rules, the conviction of Alexander and Yerofeyev, whose Ukrainian justice all the way without any proof are called “members of the Russian GRU”, was organized precisely to the issuance Savchenko did not look a unilateral act, and to recognize the guilt had to both sides.
Surprisingly, perhaps, the first time in the last two years, the parties have amicably agreed to do without sharp corners. Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree to pardon Hope Savchenko, and the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko – pardon convicted Russians.
As noted on his Facebook page Donetsk historian and political scientist Vladimir Kornilov, not even curious consequences, and motives of the action occurred. “Why do we need Ukraine and Poroshenko – understandable. But why do we need Russia was the process? Now this issue is even more relevant than before the start of the process … “- he wrote.
Perhaps the answer to this question, we shall soon see. Today, all three defendants have begun a new life stage, returning to his homeland and freedom.”
What does social media comment ie vcontakte , iconothingy nothing as yet 9pm uk time??????? What is reaction from Donbass, Strelkov one wonders do their opinions count in Donbass??And anti Putin press political parties, he’ll be lauded for his EU humanitarian values?
Does this mean EU now has “proof” of Rus military presence in Donbass fighting ukr forces?
Many questions, i regret my understanding is less than adequate of the implications of this situation, ….
Dear JJ
You wrote: “I wish to pose a question or more to our experts
assuming EU aligns Savchenko in their delusional world with Rus complying with Minsk, logically therefore sanctions also work:.”
Savcheno appeared mush later, and has never been a part of the Minsk Agreement. The text of this agreement is available online and anyone can read it.
The Minsk ceasefire deal, point by point
Furthermore… Russia is not a part of the Minsk Agreement. Russia cannot “comply” with this agreement because this agreement is between Kiev and the Donbass republics.
Imagine that your next door neighbors are married. They entered into a “matrimonial agreement.” Naturally, you are not a part of it.
Let’s say that someone tells you to pay support for your neighbors’ kids.
All you can say is ‘no’ and “I’m not a part of their matrimonial agreement.”
From the very beginning Savchenko was an organized provocation by most likely the Israeli and US special services. It was absolutely necessary to get rid of her ASAP.
I am going to insert a chapter about Sanchenko into my book, hopefully for a June release. Now it’s obvious I have to write about this story.
You asked: “Is this comment valid from truth situation ukraine?”
“No doubt with the her arrival will tougher struggle for power within the Kiev junta. . The only advantage of Russia from her clemency and return to Ukraine – a strengthening of the chaos and the establishment of an official fascist regime in Ukraine against which Russia can fight with the official support of the “civilized nations” or the collapse of this failed country “Ukraine”.
Yes, very much so…
RT is showing a small (possibly) related story:
“3 detained in Poland over alleged plan to detonate explosives at police station”
Three people have been detained in Poland on suspicion of planning to detonate explosives at a police station in Warsaw, TASS reports. The young men had tried to attach improvised explosive devices to police cars, authorities said, adding that they had received a tip-off on the planned attack. The motives of those detained were not immediately clear.
What is important in this story to Ukraine (I believe) is what “is not said”. Were these people right-wing (neo-nazi,pro-Bandera ) extremists. Hoping to spread their “message” into Poland. And if so,is this just the start. Or on the other hand,are they a group that opposes the current regime there. And maybe connected to the US,trying to spread chaos. Or lastly,will it be “shown” that they are pro-Russian. And the “Putin did it” game played.Its too early to know. But with the story talking about a “tip off”. I lean towards one of the last two possibilities.
To all those who say UB, myself, TL2Q, Anonymous etc were nuts, here you see already that we weren’t:
Poroshenko vows ‘to bring back’ E.Ukraine, Crimea after Putin pardons Ukrainian pilot Savchenko
Poroshenko Asked to Give up His Post of President for Savchenko
@Ted 99
If you hear/feel an earthquake: Its the 27 million dead Soviets who keep turning in their graves and cannot find their deserved peace anymore.
If nothing gets finally done, they will rise from the dead, and then _we_ are d o o m e d
@ Ted 99 + Martin:
Poroshenko Asked to Give up His Post of President for Savchenko [etc+link]
Whether ^ that’s true or not… can’t we all agree this can’t be good news, by ANY yard measuring stick?
PS: I’ve never envisioned this type of underhanded chicanery would be moving THIS quickly – in the real world! — *worried* :/
“””””Whether ^ that’s true or not… can’t we all agree this can’t be good news, by ANY yard measuring stick?”””””
You should know that I back-check the things written.
Especially given the nonsense claimed recently, not only here but especially also on
But this one was – as crazy as it sounds – easy to verify, and unlike certain Yalta fairy tales here it was visible in 5 secs that it is indeed true:
On the other hand the I personally doubt that these 25000 voices get together (and even if they did, we would see a Hofer scenario, be sure of that).
Since yesterday that creature has gained the following votes:
143 out of 25000 required.
And the petition ends in 92 days.
@ Martin:
“Since yesterday that creature has gained the following votes:
143 out of 25000 required”
Well! Good to know not all Ukrainians lost their marbles then!
Thanks for the update. Even though I’m still concerned about the Western MSM media campaign in favor of – what now its being called “the creature” over here in the good old vineyard… (Funny! And I do need a chuckle these days, but my personal favorites to describe her are still; freak, or psycho. In that sense I agree with Saker and countless others… she does looks “mental,” indeed. No question about it.)
As a side note: all those ‘crazy’ theories about her potentially teaming-up with Hitlery or Pussy Riot, are frighteningly entirely plausible… *cringing at the thought*
Servicemen of the 92nd separate mechanized brigade of Ukranian armed Forces Svidro Alexander and Pavel Dolzhenko, who kidnapped two Russian citizens, Evgeny Erofeev and Alexander Alexandrov, were arrested today by Ukrainian law enforcement on suspicion of organizing drug smuggling and the murder of two people.
maybe some good news?
Kiev lost the court and obliged to pay pension to Donbass
Friday, May 27, 2016 – 12:55
The Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine ordered the Cabinet of Ministers to resume the payment of all social benefits to residents of the DPR and LPR uncontrolled by Kiev. It was announced by Irina Berezhnaya, a lawyer and a former MP.
According to her, the decision was taken in an unprecedented situation for Ukraine.
‘Our Institute of Legal Policy and Social Protection has won three court instances, completely passed through all judicial instances and obtained a decision of the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine. For the first time in the history the pressure on judges was so enormous that they took the unprecedented decision to consider this claim by the entire first Court house. That is, not by a triple but by the whole house, a few dozen people. They have decided that the Cabinet is obliged to resume the payment to all the residents of the territories beyond the control of Kiev. Moreover, it is obliged to compensate them for the part which has not been paid since July 2014,’ said Berezhnaya.
DONi News Agency
Ukrainian pension almost two times lower than minimum subsistence level
Thursday, May 26, 2016 – 11:22
Ukrainian pensioners do not receive colossal sum due to the difference between their pensions and the real cost of living.
It was stated at a press conference in Kiev by Oksana Denisova, the chief specialist of the Pension Fund, reports The Politnavigator.
‘Since May 1, 2016, the minimum pension is 1,130 UAH, and the average pension is only 1,700 UAH. According to March prices, the actual cost of living for disabled persons, which is used to calculate the minimum level of pensions, is already 2100 UAH. We can imagine how much money our pensioners lose, the money they would need in the current difficult situation,’ said the expert.
DONi News Agency
Most of Ukrainian population transforming into beggars
Thursday, May 26, 2016 – 09:31
As a result of the latest increase in tariffs for heating and hot water, more than a half of the working population of Ukraine is turning into the poor.
It was stated at a press conference in Kiev by Alyona Babak, a MP of the Verkhovnaya Rada from the “Samopomosch”, reports The Politnavigator.
‘Under no social standards is it acceptable. The world practice shows that the poverty rate of the working population should not exceed 12-15%. We already have more than 52%. We can certainly study the situation with the tariffs, but we are not solving the problem that most cannot afford these services anymore. This situation is destroying the economics, destroying the middle class,’ said Babak.
In her opinion, it is necessary to limit the tariffs so that the poverty rate should not exceed 40% of the working population.’