Kevin Barrett speaks about KPFA banning Bonnie Faulkner’s show and the growing trend of media censorship at the 2018 9/11 Truth Film Festival in Oakland, California on September 11, 2018:
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Pacifica began to die in 1980s. It became a corpse in the 90s. Now it is simply zombies. This is thanks to stealth zionazi david salniker and the crew he brought into pacifica.
Infiltration is what usually derails the “train”, if there is a “train” to speak of.
Keeping URL’s to important youtube videos is now totally transient.
Can anybody recommend a free, effective and trojan free you-tube extractor?
Take your choice I’ve used several on this page.
Yes kpfa died just like npr & pbs
VideoDownloadHelper plugin for Firefox.
KPFA has an interesting history, and it has been a battleground before.
KPFA was founded in 1946 by an antiwar activist named Lewis Hill. The history of KPFA includes opposing the Korean War in 1949, sending volunteers to the KKK South to cover the Civil Rights movement in 1962, opposing the Vietnam war in 1963, and much more. It eventually expanded to four more stations grouped together as the Pacifica Network.
In the 1990’s, the Clintons tried a takeover of the Pacific Network via its board and tried shutting down the flagship program of Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now. There was a long fight against a Clinton ally that tried to shut down the show.
Telling that story made me remember one of the most amazing radio interviews I’ve ever heard. On election day 2000, the day that was so close that Gore and Bush fought for a month afterwards, Bill Clinton was making “Get Out the Vote” interview calls to local radio stations. Some White House staffer had a moment of epic fail when they put Pacifica’s WBAI on the list to be called, and thus put Bill Clinton live on the air with Amy Goodman. The result is epic. What was supposed to be a couple of moments of Get Out the Vote Happy Talk turned into an 30 minute interview with an aggressive progressive (in the old meaning of the term) journalist.
Sadly, Amy Goodman’s show has since in effect been bought by the Democrats. Now the show has fancy sets and the shows tend to follow a leftward version of Democratic Talking Points with lots of Trump bashing and Identity Politics. I don’t believe her show is also not a part of Pacifica after the internal fight.
But still, hats off to KPFA and Pacifica and what determined antiwar activist and a lot of friends have accomplished over the years in their struggles against the Empire. BTW, KPFA can of course be livestreamed like most other radio these days.
Listening to the Clinton interview, Clinton gets ambushed and ends up losing his temper. But its also obvious that he was a much better politician than Hillary. Bill could think, and of course he was an legendary talker. It sounds like he was having fun, that is until he gets angry.
Now after that fun I get to listen what’s going on at modern KPFA. :) Thanks!
LOL, goodman and democracy now. No mention what goodman and clinton discussed – something important, like monica lewinsky perhaps? They were pathetic gatekeepers in the 90s, dressing up zionazi propaganda as “progressive news”, they are even more disgusting now. Example:
Syrian and Russian Militaries Continue Offensive in Idlib
“The Syrian government, backed by Russian airstrikes, is continuing its offensive in Idlib province—the last major rebel-held part of Syria. Residents and rescue workers say the Syrian government has been dropping barrel bombs on apartment buildings, killing civilians, including children.”
I agree. When they were hammering the drums to get the Libya thing going, this monster Goodman led the pound.
I’m sure she never was less than evil. She acts passive, looks like a box of old clothes at a yard sale, but is pure evil.
There are search engines out there beyond Google.
I don’t want to advertise for one. I’ll put a brief description before a link, which the mods can remove if they want.
The search engine I use advertises itself as …
“The only European search engine”
under their philosophy part of the FAQs it says…
“… indexes the whole Web with no discrimination. It applies its sorting algorithms with the same requirements, without trying to put forward some websites because it would suit some particular business, political or moral agenda. With …, the information is treated equally, with a constant care for impartiality. Moreover, because we never try to know who you are, we don’t try to offer results that would make you feel comfortable with your own opinions. … presents the reality of a complex world, with diverse opinions, which make it rich and worth living.”
Now, I don’t know if they really live up to that. Can’t say. But its a lot better than Google who’s “philosophy” could read “Our main purpose is to spy on you. We’ve made our fortunes by then selling that info to anyone who wants to spy on you. We also try to manipulate you. We tell you who to vote for. We tell you what to believe and not believe. We tell you which countries to hate. We block any views and opinions that might interfere with us or our friends and partners.”
My main message with this comment is that there are search engines beyond Google. When I say that, the first question I’m asked is which one. The above statement is from I’m always happy to learn of any others that might return more honest search results that the evil that is Google. Like everything with the internet, we have to adapt as conditions change, thus good information is valuable, including a list of various search engines that give honest results.
Yandex, the Russian search engine. It’s certainly not controlled by Google.
This for the tip. I’m gonna check it out.
Lately I came accross
It is a meta-search engine, it combines many other search engines. And they don’t log and profile their users they claim.
thanks Kevin Barrett – your book Truth Jihad – was the third book I ever read on 9/11 and the true movement – I’m glad you have found your feet – it was a hard time back then. You’re doing great — loved your speech –
“We Love the CIA!”—or How the “Left” Lost Its Mind
“So the FBI and the CIA are A-OK so long as they’re helping the Democrats take down Trump instead of infiltrating the US press as “mockingbirds” or engineering the assassination of foreign and domestic leaders? Or taking down the Black Panther Party, the anti-Vietnam War Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, the Young Lords, radical feminists, and other groups that made up the New Left of the 1960s and 70s, or more recently, Black Lives Matter, “Black Identity Extremists,” Wikileaks, Julian Assange, and other whistleblowers?”
I remember maldari from the 80s and early 90s. Back then he was pushing the same zpc/nwo propaganda through his programs and a good example of the direction the zionazis were gradually moving the station. The others mentioned in the article started after I moved out of the area and no longer was a listener of that station. They appear to be continuing the trend of moving the programming to the zionazi right.
Best possible censorship? voluntary censorship, a self-censorship of disparate ideas and all non-conformist thought. It seems to be self-evident to every historian of philosophy, both amateur and academic, that the prevailing zeitgeist rules absolutely in all spheres, until the newest generation of thought police bring to fruition in the ethosphere the design they themselves can not understand, that is until too late.
I hope basing this blog in Iceland will afford it some protection from censorship. Eventually, countries like Russia will develop their own internet platforms but that will take time. If we are lucky this censorship will backfire but who knows.
The hint, and or, suggestion of censorship, if legitimately an unmasking of tyranny here, is a move contrary to, and at odds with, a sound authoritarian governance. Why? We don’t need Confucius to tell us that the surest method by which to control, and induce the needful “dumbing down”, of a citizenry, is the passive and obscure approach: let that which is seen, not be relevant; and what is not seen, is — and, if unseen, it must therefore remain unknown. “They” ( the Dept of Goodthink) don’t come at you head-on, but sideways, this is proven, and irrefutable. It would seem that the triple narrative is rather simplistic: necessary, and laudable, censorship of the “intolerant” (the mantra of the fascist “fake Leftists); censorship of the “good guys”, the knee-jerk anti-liberal fake right; and the third narrative, carefully pre-tuned to the sensitive ears of the pseudo-intellectual academic armchair “truth-warriors”, it goes like this: this is censorship! aimed at us, but, it is craftily hidden behind the Alex Jones & Company false narrative (which we pseudo-intellectuals can not stomache, and therefore will not, and can not, collectively agree to defeat this narrative, and expose it)”. If anyone were to consider all three narratives bogus, and that therefore Confucius still rules, then there yet remains the unknown, lurking behind these equally “dumbing” plot-lines; and this then remains the job, of those who think for themselves, to suss out (W Berry’s def. of an intellectual).
Chris; Good point! This is why I stay optimistic about the overall situation. This censorship is devoid of skill. It can be guaranteed to antagonize a people who, for all their faults, aspire to openness and liberty. It is a telling sign of the ruling classes ineffective enmity against the American people. It is this ineffectiveness that will be their downfall. As they are creating their own “gravedigger.”
Generation being born now is the last to be free – Assange in last interview before blackout (VIDEO)
” This generation being born now… is the last free generation. You are born and either immediately or within say a year you are known globally. Your identity in one form or another –coming as a result of your idiotic parents plastering your name and photos all over Facebook or as a result of insurance applications or passport applications– is known to all major world powers.
“A small child now in some sense has to negotiate its relationship with all the major world powers… It puts us in a very different position. Very few technically capable people are able to live apart, to choose to live apart, to choose to go their own way,” he added. “It smells a bit like totalitarianism – in some way.”
The capacity to collect and process information about people has been growing exponentially and will continue to grow fast, he stated. With advancements in applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to big data, the next logical step is coming.
“Look at what Google and Baidu and Tencent and Amazon and Facebook are doing. They are basically open-cut harvesting the knowledge of humankind as we express it, when we communicate with each other… This classical model, which people in academia call ‘surveillance capitalism’… has changed now.
It’s a really very important and severe economic change. Which is to take the surveillance capitalism model and transform it instead into a model that does not yet have a name, an ‘AI model’. Which is to use this vast reservoir to train Artificial Intelligences of different kinds. This would replace not only intermediary sectors –most things you do on the internet is in a sense more efficient intermediation– but to take over the transport sector, or create whole new sectors.
Assange also predicted that the scale of hostile activities through cyberspace will see a breakout point as soon as AI is trained to sufficiently automate hacking attacks.
“There is no border [online]. It’s 220 milliseconds from New York to Nairobi. Why would there ever be peace in such a scenario?” he said. “[Entities online] are creating their own borders using cryptography. But the size of the attack surface for any decent-sized organization, the number of people, different types of software and hardware it has to pull inside itself means that it is very hard to establish.
I don’t think it’s really possible to come up with borders that are predictable enough and stable enough to eliminate conflict. Therefore, there will be more conflict.”
I disagree with Assange, that this generation is now free is a relative question, free in what sense? Free to buy and sell? This is a world of empty souls and hollow men, who are endlessly free to fill their bellies, to gorge to a stupor on any delight or fancy drifting by in the wind. Where is freedom in any of this? this is not freedom, but slavery. Thank you Assange for showing us the true face of the “revolution”, which always was, and always will be man’s enslavement to his idols. Freedom remains freedom, and we have the authority and full conviction of Solzhenitsyn to back us on this point.
The self-proclaimed (snicker) Leader of the Free World, the United States of America, is showing its true national character through this latest example of censorship.
America, the Beacon of Liberty, is channeling George Orwell; indeed, it has surpassed Orwell.
However, the issue that many people–even those who oppose this censorship–avoid addressing is that this is nothing new for the Land of the Free.
The USA has a history of political censorship and repression that far *surpasses* what is happening today.
For instance, imagine a US President who signed a law that stated that publishing anything critical of the government is illegal. Yet, this has already happened with the 1798 Sedition Act, which was authorized by John Adams.
Or imagine a US regime shutting down (and even imprisoning employees of) newspapers that expressed opposition to a war that he was waging. The vast majority of people today would be worked up into a frothing moral outrage over this repression if Donald Trump or Barack Obama perpetrated this moral atrocity.
Yet, this censorship and repression of a free press has already happened in US history–by none other than regime of Abraham Lincoln, who today is revered as the “Great Emancipator” no less.
Stop the Presses: Lincoln Suppresses Journalism
Sorry, Journalists: Trump Isn’t The First President To Threaten The Press
Moreover, most Americans today would rather not consider the broader possibility that Liberal Democracy, and Anglo-American/Western Liberal Democracy in particular, is a complete and utter political deception as a system.
Liberal Democratic ideology, far from championing free speech or freedom in general, is merely a form of political and social control–disguised behind the deceits about championing freedom.
Anglo-American liberal democracy is nothing more than a secular religion–one that most people are afraid to call out as a False God in all but name.
Democracy–the God that Failed.
thank you for hosting this information piece and thereby running the bloqueo of censorship being established by geo-financial elite (to further their ends, of course).
Looks like we’re heading back to the old days of the internet – where you treasured the knowledge of some obscure alternative news website and got all your information from such sites. We became spoiled with the video on demand and corporate hosting platforms – and they exploited that laziness perfectly. Hardly anyone bothers to read articles or type in URLs anymore, and when all the “controversial” channels are removed from YouTube, I doubt any real alternative will exist. I always found it suspicious that big corporations claiming profits in the billions were offering their service for free – now we know what the cost is. We can have some crazy ideas and watch videos about them – just not when it comes to certain issues. The damage done to society by a profit-based mass media over the last few decades is hard to calculate, but it is certainly bad. I can manage the transition, but I wonder how many others will…