- January 2012: US marines urinate on dead Afghans
- February 2012: US troops burn Koran
- March 2012: US soldier kills 16 civilians including 9 sleeping kid
- April 2012: tba
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In the case of the Koran issue prisoners were using them to send coded messages to each other that is why US soldiers burned the Korans.
@Jack:prisoners were using them to send coded messages
That is US propaganda. First, writing inside a Koran is forbidden, second, this would not be a reason to burn a full stack of Korans, and third, any normal prison administration aware of that would have let it continue and read the messages.
Basic common sense is always helpful in debunking the always crude US propaganda.
That is US propaganda. First, writing inside a Koran is forbidden
O c’mon you know that jihadists take liberties with the Koran and Islamic teachings whenever it suits them like how they use mosques as weapons depots and in western countries jihadists recruitment centres or using fellow Muslims as human shields.
..second, this would not be a reason to burn a full stack of Korans,
If they were being used and distributed among the prisoners it would.
..and third, any normal prison administration aware of that would have let it continue and read the messages.
Perhaps. It depends on what they were actually doing. US forces probably were monitoring what they were discussing.
I don’t think the US purposely did it out of malice as anti-Christ US since 79 has purposely been spreading Islamic theology into the former Soviet Union and around the world destroying and replacing Christian communities and lands through Islamic jihadists.
Anyway eradicating Islamic ideology from Afghanistan is not a bad thing in my opinion which has been a disaster for the region and neighbouring Central Asia like the Islamic upsurge in Tajikistan and through funding from Qatar in building Mosques and students being taught to become Imams in Iran is seeing an Islamic upsurge in Kyrgyzstan.
That was the objective all along to spread the 79 jihad into Central Asia.
There are unconfirmed reports (I’m sure everything will be done so that it stays that way) coming out that there was a squad of men involved.
It doesn’t add up how a heavily armed, lone soldier walks out of a secure base totally unnoticed.
US has been funding Wahabbism not Islam. There is a difference but I doubt you understand or care.
I’ll simply leave you with three names to research:
Imam Khomeini
Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah
Ahmad Shah Massoud (aka Lion of Panjsher)
Not one of these was (or is) funded by the US. Quite the opposite actually.
Kirghiz imams trained in Iran? Are you for real? Do you know anything about Central Asia, Muslims, Islamists or Wahabbism?
Are you a Zionist by any chance? You sure sound like one judging by your vey typical Zionist talking points.
@Raskolnikov:Are you a Zionist by any chance? You sure sound like one judging by your vey typical Zionist talking points.
LOL! I asked him exactly the same question once. My guess is that he is simply not aware of the fact that a) he is parroting Zionist propaganda and b) that he is de-facto helping them. I tried to explain that to him, but I have pretty much given up…
@Raskolnikov:Ahmad Shah Massoud (aka Lion of Panjsher)
What do you make of the information which has recently surfaced indicating not only that he was not a US agent at all, but that he was in fact a secret ally of the GRU which, according to some sources, even the Kremlin was not aware of?
Hi Saker,
To be honest I don’t buy it. At least I don’t believe that he was a GRU asset when the Soviet military and political leadership was committed to staying in Afghanistan for the purposes of propping up the PDPA. It sounds like ISI disinformation to me. The ISI always loathed Massoud for the fact that he wasn’t willing to be submit to their unquestioning authority, unlike Hekmatyar.
It’s not a secret that he was assisted by Russia (plus Iran and India), and had a close relationship with the GRU in the 1990s. If I were up against the ISI (and certainly the CIA, at least at the birth of the movement) backed Taleban, then why not work with my former foe? Especially if that former foe is not threatening the genuine independence of my country, unlike Pakistan and the ISI.
“US marines urinate on dead Afghans
While not the worst offense on the list what saddens me about this item is the certainty that if they had urinated on live Afghans, there wouldn’t be a controversy.
US has been funding Wahabbism not Islam. There is a difference but I doubt you understand or care.
Sorry but this overused Wahabbi excuse goes against the fact which the largest Islamist organisation in the world supported by the CIA is not Wahabbi but pan-Turkic/Turanian Islamist Gulen movement.
There is also the Salafists and the Hizb ut-Tahrir group that is very active in Russia and Central, Asia among others.
I’ll simply leave you with three names to research:
Imam Khomeini
It has been discussed in Global Research and other sites that when Khomeini who was exiled in France actually helped him come to power when the tide was going against the Shah like Mubarak as they saw the new Iranian Islamic regime as anti-Soviet and as bulwark against Communism and Arab nationalism which the US/Britain have been covertly aiding in supporting terrorists/Islamic militants in Afghanistan(79), Bosnia, Kosovo, Tajikistan and Chechnya.
It was under British agent Gorbachev that contact was established to building Iranian nuclear plants so they would be a part of the post USSR Nabucco pipeline deal that bypasses Russia and pumps oil and gas into Europe.
Even Brzezinski has made reference to the fact that Islamist upsurge supported by Saudi Arabia and Iran is a bulwark against Russian influence in Central Asia in his 97 book The Grand Chessboard.
“In fact, an Islamic revival – already abetted from the outside not only by Iran but also by Saudi Arabia – is likely to become the mobilizing impulse for the increasingly pervasive new nationalisms, determined to oppose any reintegration under Russian – and hence infidel – control.” (p. 133).
Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah
Let Hezbollah instructors train and operate in Bosnia in 92.
Ahmad Shah Massoud (aka Lion of Panjsher)
Yes I know most of the support went to Hekmatyar who according to US terrorism indictment had an operational base in Azerbaijan in 92/93 but at least some of which went to Massoud.
Kirghiz imams trained in Iran? Are you for real? Do you know anything about Central Asia, Muslims, Islamists or Wahabbism?
It was on Interfax religion quoting the authorities in Kyrgyzstan that they had to put restrictions on the amount of Kirghiz students going to Iran to study Islam and become Imams rather than something useful that Kyrgyzstan needs like engineers and skilled labour.
What do you make of the information which has recently surfaced indicating not only that he was not a US agent at all, but that he was in fact a secret ally of the GRU which, according to some sources, even the Kremlin was not aware of?
Not really surprising as there are a group of former Russian GRU and intelligence officials working on behalf of British/US interests who were operating in Afghanistan during the late 80’s running operations against Russia in the Caucasus and Eurasia affiliated with a Dubai based company called Far West Gulf which until 2005 was headquartered in Europe were which I posted before rumoured to be linked to the 99 apartment bombings and even 9/11 which would be no surprise as the original 9/11 plot was a traditional staged hijacking of 4 hijacked planes to land them in the US demanding Russian forces leave Chechnya until it was hijacked by the Mossad aiding Bin Ladin and Zawahari’s secret suicide plan as outlined in the Bin Ladin video recovered in Afghanistan.
That is the real 9/11 conspiracy not thermite or a missile hitting the Pentagon.
One of its founder Anton Surikov died/killed(?) in 2009.
Actually I have to thank the late Mr Breitbart and his Big Peace website for highlighting this group and company when he tried to shift the negative anti-Muslim Zionist bloggers connection to Norway terrorist Brevik and constructing a KGB/FSB plot highlighting his connection to Far West Gulfs Valery Lunev an ex Belarusian special forces colonel inadvertently shooting himself in the foot by revealing Lunev’s connection to the Pan Turkic/Turanian Gladio era Grey Wolves organisation and is married to a relative of former President Dudaev.
Valery Lunev (cover name, b. 1960, in Kuliab, Tajikistan). Officer of the Soviet General Staff. In the 1980s took part in anti-COCOM activities in the Netherlands. Has Dutch passport. Major-General of Belorussian KGB, in active reserve since 2007. Served in Iraq (1990-1991). Converted to Islam after marrying a relative of President Dudaev . Pan-Turkist, connected to radical branch of the Grey Wolves underground. Fluent in Arabic and Farsi. Executive Director of Far West, LLC .
Curiously they have removed the article from their website.
Remember General McChrystal?
From Rolling Stone:
From the start, McChrystal was determined to place his personal stamp on Afghanistan, to use it as a laboratory for a controversial military strategy known as counterinsurgency. COIN, as the theory is known, is the new gospel of the Pentagon brass, a doctrine that attempts to square the military’s preference for high-tech violence with the demands of fighting protracted wars in failed states. COIN calls for sending huge numbers of ground troops to not only destroy the enemy, but to live among the civilian population and slowly rebuild, or build from scratch, another nation’s government – a process that even its staunchest advocates admit requires years, if not decades, to achieve. The theory essentially rebrands the military, expanding its authority (and its funding) to encompass the diplomatic and political sides of warfare: Think the Green Berets as an armed Peace Corps. In 2006, after Gen. David Petraeus beta-tested the theory during his “surge” in Iraq, it quickly gained a hardcore following of think-tankers, journalists, military officers and civilian officials. Nicknamed “COINdinistas” for their cultish zeal, this influential cadre believed the doctrine would be the perfect solution for Afghanistan. All they needed was a general with enough charisma and political savvy to implement it.
Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-runaway-general-20100622#ixzz1pBHeoUkr
The Pentagon would spend years “if not decades” having our troops living amongst the people of Afghanistan! I say one bad day, one incident, like we have been having would throw years ($Billions$) of time spent right out that proverb.ial window.
And what did we hope to achieve?! A people that behaves like us?! Maybe some day Afghanistan would breed their own version of a Democratic Czar like we found in the person of Eliot (Sic) Abrams (has a ring to it, no?).