Kazakhstan’s President Nazarbayev and Putin say “we” at SPIEF 2016

On June 16-18 the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum took place in the Northern capital of Russia St. Petersburg

Om June 17, 2016 President Putin met with President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. The presidents’ conversation took place at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum before the plenary session, in which they will take part.

On Friday Russian President Vladimir Putin, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev addressed a plenary session during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.



The session was focused on the theme, “Capitalizing on the New Global Economic Reality,” and Nazarbayev called on the EU to cooperate with the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), which is currently comprised of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia.

“Disintegration and economic isolation don’t solve any of the internal problems, that’s just self-delusion,” Nazarbaev said.

“The EEU wants to see an effective, stable European Union, with which it wants to closely cooperate. In exactly the same way cooperation with our union is beneficial for Europe.”

“We propose the creation of a large Eurasian partnership with the participation of the EEU and also countries with which we have already developed close relations: China, India, Pakistan, Iran, and of course our partners in the Commonwealth of Independent States as well as other interested countries and unions,” Putin said.


Does it look like the president of Russia Putin and president of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev host a Russian economic forum together?  

So, what is behind Nazarbayev and Putin addressing as “we” guests of the Russian biggest economic forum?

Valery Pyakin, a political analyst with the Concept Technologies Foundation think tank, explains the situation in no uncertain terms.



“At first we had an agreement [between Russia and Kazakhstan] about the common economic zone. After that, Kazakhstan was hit with a Maidan style riots that were instantly diffused in a harsh manner by the government. Western Media didn’t know what to say about this upheaval. To support the upheaval, or to support the government? What to do?

Immediately after those mass riots, Medvedev has met with Nazarbayev, where Nazarbayev stated his dedication to the course of creating a common economic zone and a custom union, all the questions of integration. In other words, recreation of the Soviet Union (or Russian Empire, if you wish) with the new economic and political base. Of course, this move is absolutely rejected by the world deep government and by the US. Nevertheless, Nazarbayev stated that he supports and will continue to work towards this goal.

After that, the Western media, NGOs and politicians all at once came out with the scathing statements about the violation of “human rights” in Kazakhstan. However, all these talks about “human rights” completely stopped, after China and Japan have reached an agreement that both countries will not use dollar for their economic transactions.

In other words, China and Japan demonstrated that they understand this process [between Russia and Kazakhstan] and that they know what impact it will have on the international process. They have showed that they don’t want to be left out of these processes, they don’t want to be just observers in all these. They want to secure their sovereign interests. They want to stay alive.

[On May 23rd, China reconfirmed its support for reunification of Russia and Kazakhstan, or “Russia’s integrational initiatives” ]

In response to this, the West made the situation around Iran sharply worse. Iran is the main source of oil for China.  China and Japan have received an ultimatum to make them join the Western assault on Iran. China told to the West to go to hell. Japan in a very diplomatic form said that Japan is not going to stop using Iranian oil. They were joined by the South Korea. These countries showed to the US and the EU to stop blackmailing them and to stop interfere with Russia’s affairs. They told the West to get its foot off their throats, because if they don’t use Iran’s oil, they will use Russian oil.

For the US it’s becoming very expensive to continue its meddling in the integration processes between Russia and its southern historical part Kazakhstan. If the US won’t success in breaking down the national elites of China and Japan, as they successfully done with Europe, it will have to urgently diffuse this process. The US is already spreading too thin. They won’t be able to conduct further attacks.  Note how more and more countries are simply telling to the US to take a hike with their “peacemaking.” The US is collapsing.  They can only deal with one target at a time. If they get tied up with Syria, they will get Iran. If they get tied up with Iran, they will get Syria. Each one of these countries has relationship with  countries around them. Imagine that any question concerning Iran immediately touches interests of China and Japan.

That’s why the situation for the US and the Globalists is very, very difficult. They got themselves into a situation described in Russian fairy-tale.

“Guys, I’ve caught a bear.

Bring it here.

It wouldn’t go.

Why don’t you come back here, then?

I can’t. The bear holds me and wouldn’t let me go.”

bearbear gobear go go

The only way the US can take over sovereign countries is with cooperation of corrupt national elites. However, now even the elites of those countries want to survive. They don’t want to become someone like Zoran Djindjic, and to get a well deserved bullet between eyes after completing their dirty deeds.”

[End of transcript]


One look at two previous months

  • The following day, a local entrepreneur Tokhtar Tuleshov was detained and charged with “planned to form the so-called “alternative government and change the structure of the incumbent authorities.” “We have received evidence that the protests against the so-called land reform held in the cities of Atyrau, Astana, Almaty, Uralsk and Kyzylorda were incited and financed by Mr.Tuleshov last December.”


Resistance against Hegemon SITREP, by Scott and Baaz  

 1.  Commenting on Friday’s proposal by the Presidents of Kazakhstan and Russia for a Eurasian economic partnership, Russian analysts told the Vzglyad newspaper the union would be an effective counter to US economic expansionism, and help the EU to overcome its crises.

  1. BELGRADE, Serbia — Serbian Prime Minister-designate Aleksandar Vucic has canceled his visit to Brussels and separate talks with American officials
  2. Savchenko has started her work in PACE and OSCE “suddenly” discovered that Ukrainian troops are dispatched in areas prohibited by the Minsk II Agreement
  1. As I wrote earlier, the West is intended to give an ultimatum to Russia after its NATO Summit in Warsaw in July. However, they have already started with ultimatums. Several Western media reported earlier that the meeting of the leaders of the “Normandy Four” countries (Ukraine, France, Russia, Germany) may allegedly take place in early July prior to the NATO summit in Warsaw. The Kremlin sees no preconditions for meeting of ‘Normandy Four’ countries heads yet.

“The preconditions for such a meeting will emerge only if the Ukrainian side displays determination to take the steps which are clearly specified in the Minsk agreements. Unfortunately, they do not display such determination,” Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday, adding that not having “any tangible prospects for productivity, holding of a top-level meeting is hardly possible.”

  1. Kremlin: Normandy Four talks possible after Kiev implements Minsk accords
  1. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) now incorporates 18 states and about 44 percent of the globe’s population
  1. See also, Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Model 2014–2015
  1. News of China’s One Belt One Road (OBOR)

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) are making satisfactory progress. India wants to be a part of it. Time is ripe for ‘peace pipeline’ from Iran to China – via India. By M K Bhadrakumar  – June 13, 2016

  1. Modi signals rethink in India’s regional policies

Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a rarest of rare phone calls to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday. That this move followed immediately after PM’s visit to the US, after which he came back home empty handed.

The US rebalance in Asia is only stoking up tensions and the distant sound of war drums beating in the Asia-Pacific cannot be taken lightly anymore.

The US’ self-interest lies in perpetuating its hegemony in Asia, but what is there in it for India?

The SCO membership opens the door to the path leading to a rose garden for Indian diplomacy. Modi’s keenness to take that walk personally is of historic significance. It gives a much-needed stimulus for the Indian diplomacy in the multipolar world.

  1. Huge Scandal Erupts Inside NATO: Alliance Member Germany Slams NATO “Warmongering” Against Russia
  1. I Don’t Need A War In The Black Sea” – Another NATO Member Folds As Bulgaria Refuses To Join Naval Task Force

Following Germany’s scandalous statement accusing NATO of “warmongering” toward Russia and revealing how deep the European fissures within NATO truly are, Reuters added that NATO-member, and Black Sea coast country Bulgaria “appeared to buckle to Russian pressure on Thursday” when its Prime Minister Boiko Borisov said he would not join a proposed NATO fleet in the Black Sea “because it should be a place for holidays and tourists, not war.”

“I always say that I want the Black Sea to see sailboats, yachts, large boats with tourists and not become an arena of military action … I do not need a war in the Black Sea,” Reuters cited Bulgaria’s Prime Minister as saying at a media briefing. “To send warships as a fleet against Russian ships exceeds the limit of what I can allow,” Borisov told reporters in Sofia on Thursday, as cited by Bloomberg. “To deploy destroyers, aircraft carriers near [the resort cities of] Bourgas or Varna during the tourist season is unacceptable.”

Bulgaria’s president Rosen Plevenliev chimed in, asking to “stop with the speculations that fleets will be set up against anyone,” adding that “Bulgaria is a peaceful country and its foreign policy is not aimed at anyone.”