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Putin’s decree to offer fast track citizenship to ALL Ukrainians is arguably a more effective way of destroying Ukraine than the military operation. Any Ukrainian with half a brain will want to be a Russian citizen ASAP.
@Anton – an interesting “placement of the stone”, at an interesting stage of “the game” (in quote, because when people are hurting and dying, it should *never* be viewed as a game. // Yet, yet, such is the calloused nature of the intelligence professional, who herself recognizes this lack of humanity. / “You do stuff for too long, you get burnt out…” – is what one such professional shared with me).
“The novel itself is broken down into (6) six books, each of which is named from Japanese Go vocabulary. In the table of contents the author provides his own translation of these six terms, as follows:
[1] Fuseki: The opening stage of a game when the entire board is taken into account.
[2] Sabaki: An attempt to dispose of a troublesome situation in a quick and flexible way.
[3] Seki: A neutral situation in which neither side has the advantage. A “Mexican standoff”.
[4] Uttegae: A sacrifice play, a gambit.
[5] Schico: A running attack.
[6] Tsuru no Sugomori: “The confinement of the cranes to their nest,” a graceful maneuver in which the enemy stones are captured.
Won’t this just put a target on those civilians?
This should not happen in any territory where ukrainian militants and secret service are active.
This is mostly for those who are already in Russia /and elsewhere in the World/ as refugees.
Given the Ukraine was part of USSR, this is also not much different like the lwas other states have that broke up at some point. Russia was VERY conservative on this front in trying to avoid conflict in the post-soviet space. Looks the gloves are getting off.
Before The Ukraine (“the borderland) was part of the USSR, it was part of Russia.
@kotromanic, yes, it would/could.
But do not mistake this to be an “uttegae”. It is more of a shico. Or is it a tesuji?
It only happens when the SMO is concluded in the area. In Ukraine, anyone suspected of Russian sympathies are targets already.
Especially when anyone left in the ‘whats left’ rump of the Ukraine will be paying the Lend-Lease debts for the next 3-5 generations to cover all the US-war-junk dumped for disposal. Talk about upping the positive feedback loop motivation to escape the Zeleneski “Horror Movie” clown show. The Russians are clearly displaying that increasingly rare thing in the rainbow-west called general human intelligence.
@imo: “Especially when anyone left in the ‘whats left’ rump of the Ukraine will be paying the Lend-Lease debts for the next 3-5 generations”
The LL debts clearly was one of the main reasons why Britain never really recovered from WW2. Last payments as late as in 2005-2006. Besides Britain lost dozens of its owned patents to 600 Pounds Dollar Gorilla. That part of story hardly never told to public.
The entire British aerospace industry was given – not sold – to the USA. See the book “Empire of the Clouds”. The first supersonic flight should have been by a British pilot in a British aircraft.
The computer industry was also folded up and handed to the USA, although not quite so obviously. When Lyons first used its “Lyons Electronic Office” (LEO) mainframe computer to do its accounts (1951), IBM didn’t yet sell computers. Within 10 years, Lyons was using nothing but IBM computers. I am often surprised nowadays to see references to “ICL”, which apparently now means “Imperial college, London”. When I was young it meant “International Computers Ltd.”, a serious rival of IBM.
A typically pungent remark of Alan Turing’s from 1945: “The ‘code’ which he [Wilkes] suggests is however very contrary to the line of development here [Teddington], and much more in the American tradition of solving one’s difficulties by means of much equipment rather than by thought”’.
That tradition still thrives today, and not only in computing.
Crimea 2.0 LOL. I was wondering why they didn’t do this earlier? Cause an uprising in the west?
Lecha Walesa and Joey Biden should get together and discuss their favorite flavor of ice cream before little lecha gets put back in the dusty closet at the retirement home they dragged him out of…
Those western leaders who are very outspoken these days are really their to feed the media which absolutely needs interveeners who have somme crédibility, in the West at least. They have to keep their crédibility “Up” because it’s falling down seriously. So, un my vues, dont give Too Much importance to thèse interveeners from the west:; just a brief review of the contradictions with the facts and the geopol context
Welche glaubwürdigen Westler schweben Ihnen denn vor?Mir fällt da keiner ein.Sind wohl alle im Nirwana verschwunden.
Translation. Mod:
What credible Westerners do you have in mind? I can’t think of any. Probably all of them have disappeared in Nirvana.
I don’t know what to think about the recent Ukro strikes with HIMARS. Too much doom and gloom is presented right now in the media. Its definitively annoying that Ukros managed to do kinda successful HIMARS strike on Russian depot (please check facts. Everyone, please stop quoting MSM news. Mod. ). Russia needs an answer for this, although its not that Ukraine is doing good at all. They are loosing 500 soldiers per day and still are losing territory. Either this HIMARS hype is indeed an annoyance, or its just hyped to made forget that Ukros are losing worse every day.
Andrei mentions that Western “experts” care only about virtual realty. I would add that they only live in virtual reality.
The recent Ukro strikes with HIMRS are only intended to effect virtual reality.
At which moment is Ukraine going to destroy the Crimean bridge?
Never. Western decision making centres will be hit then. NATO will not risk that.
Swedish state media (SVT): – “When you fire with rocket artillery from the Russian side, you shoot at a kilometer-large area and hope that you hit.”
The sad thing is that people believive this bullshit… God help us!
The article (google translate) :
Paasikivi: Western artillery pieces give effect
Updated today 22:55Published today 22:53
The Ukrainian government is planning an offensive in the south, against the city of Kherson and the coast to regain lost ground. Lieutenant Colonel Joakim Paasikivi believes that the offensive should be interpreted as a signal that the Western weapons systems are having an effect on the Russian forces.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has long called for modern Western precision weapons as protection against Russian attacks. Something that experts believe has given successful results. Now the Ukrainian government announces that it plans to launch an offensive against the city of Kherson and the southern parts of the country.
Lieutenant Colonel Joakim Paasikivi believes that the planned offensive will contribute to increased morale both in Ukraine and internationally.
– I think it fulfills two purposes. Partly internally against the Ukrainian population – that they not only defend themselves but intend to regain territory. But also a signal internationally that “the support works, give us more”, says Paasikivi in SVT’s Aktuellt.
The lieutenant colonel believes that Russia is well aware that a Ukrainian counter-offensive is on its way.
– It will not be possible to keep secret that a band is brought forward. Then it is just as good to build morale on it.
It’s about precision
Volodymyr Zelensky has also commented on the benefits of Western weapons and how they make a difference in the region.
– When you fire with rocket artillery from the Russian side, you shoot at a kilometer-large area and hope that you hit. The western systems can shoot at the right house or the right corner of the house. So it is the precision that makes you have an effect, says Joakim Paasikivi.
– When you fire with rocket artillery from the Russian side
Kastusha was no precision guided weapon WWII time. Classic artillery is neither a precision guided weapon, even if precision is higher than Kastusha. Kastusha is a silent weapon on the receiving end, unlike B-52 or attack helicopters. You never know when you get a bomb in your head.
The way the Russians use MRLS is pain in the ass for Ukraine / NATO.
Indirect fire
NATO version
– M109A7 – $14.4 mill ea.
Russia BM-21.
No price found on the net. More like a truck at $0.2 mill
The West does not seem to understand the purpose of area-effect weapons.
The objective is to kill/hurt anyone in the whole area. Irrespective if camouflaged or not. It is a brutal but effective approach as with such an attack, no amount of camouflage helps the attacked force.
Sure. You can achive the same with less of precise weapons. BUT for that you need WAY WAY more reccce data – which is unfeasible in a peer conflict. And in the end it will cost you more as the precise/guided wapons are orders of magnitude more expensive not only in cost but also in manpower to operate them.
One of the few videoes showing BM-30 smerch with subammunition.
First we see a dozen rockets going up, then a 100 explosions
“”When you shoot from the Russian side with rocket artillery, you shoot at a kilometer-wide surface and hope to hit. The Western systems can shoot at the right House or the right corner of the House. So it’s precision that makes an impact, ” says Joakim Paasikivi.”
So Mr Paasikivi is saying that when “Ukrainian” forces shell civilian targets using Western weapons, such as 155mm howitzers, M142 HIMARS, and M777, etc. that the strike on those civilian locations is intended and precisely targeted.
It’s helpful to have his clarification that Ukraine practices terrorism and premeditated civilian murder. That makes all of those nations who have provide weapons to Ukraine “state sponsors of terrorism”.
Not that we were in doubt.
Russia is using cannons and the ammunition is the size of a black football making a big hole in the ground and a gunpowder blow to everybody around in 25m diameter distance.
Its tough but not very precise.
US is using modern ultra high precision artillery with laser guided high explosive super ammunition which can blow off the lit of a cigarette from 50km distance.
This US Supreme Commander artillery is anticipated to participate in space battles too.
From the source (bottomline … no more details)
– Volodymyr Zelensky has also commented on the benefits of Western weapons and how they make a difference in the region.
– When you fire with rocket artillery from the Russian side, you shoot at a kilometer-large area and hope that you hit. The western systems can shoot at the right house or the right corner of the house. So it is the precision that makes you have an effect, says Joakim Paasikivi.
Joakim Paasikivi and Swedish Media believe the average readers know so little about weaponry they can say anything, and the readers will buy it?
As some who learned how to recognize Russian units, we did not learn about the existence of katusha / BM-21. We were heading for a culture shock.
The usual firerange for IDF soldiers is 300-500 m, but Hezbollah’s firerange on platoon level is 5 km.
In case if a Russian unit on battalion level, death zone is anything within 20 km … causing a foreign fighter in Eastern Ukraine to confess: – I have never seen a Russian soldier
Well, sorry, but with all these when’s I was irresistibly reminded of what
Gen. Sherman said on his way to Atlanta, and thought I would add some poetry: “When you pierce the shell of the Confederacy all you find is hollowness within.”
“The sad thing is that people believive this bullshit…”
It is certainly sad, but it really doesn’t matter in the least. The only people who are taken in by those lies are Western civilians, who have absolutely no power or influence. It doesn’t matter at all what they believe or think.
No clue = Clueless
There’s 15 MP’s entering their clown hat for BoJo’s job.
Now talk about clueless! All talking tax-cuts when many are unemployed or underemployed.
Will one of these morons or even the opposition talk about ending the supply of weaponry to Ukraine and request talks with Putin/Russia?
A tax-rebate of £1000 may cover the winter heating bill but what about meat and two veg, the customary British dinner. Hell there’ll be pandemonium, things could turn real nasty if enough Brits are denied/deprived of this tradition.
Shocking really that we’re devoid of real characters, independent thinkers, here in the UK.
The blind leading the blind over a cliff is about the extent of things here in the olde empire.
There’s plenty of real characters and independent thinkers in the UK.
It’s just that the media is under orders not to give them a fair hearing. So their chance of ever reaching positions of power and influence is negligible.
Heavy metal music is mostly crap.
Agree. But Metallica was a very “tight” 4-piece band, in its original incarnation. Even Anoushka Shankar, daughter of maestro Pandit Ravi Shankar, and a decent sitar player in her own right, was a fan.
A shotgun critique offered with no other explanation other than opinion. Is this an ad hominem attack on Andrei?
Metallica is good but Tool is better…
Another opinion, of course, but more generous.
Anyone have any insight to the story that India has announced “RBI OKs international trade settlement in Rupees, to make INR more tradable globally” seems to have slipped under the radar of MSM.
Pushed under the radar of MSM. It marks another demotion for USD.
Over the course of the past several weeks we have learned the following:
US intelligence operatives and special forces have been deployed in Ukraine throughout the ongoing war.
These US troops are directly involved in attacking Russian targets.
US-provided intelligence of various types, combined with US “hands-on” training and (almost certainly) even direct operation of US advanced weaponry, has resulted in :
– the killing of Russian field commanders
– (likely, but not certainly) the sinking of the Moskva
– the terrorist-style attacks on Russian cities
– recent attacks on Russian ammo depots
To emphasize: US military personnel are directly involved in battlefield strikes against Russian forces and terrorist strikes against Russian civilians.
There are rampant reports swirling on various Telegram channels that US personnel are actually operating the 12 HIMARS mobile rocket systems recently entered into the battlefield.
However you measure it, the indisputable fact remains that the hard power of the United States is being directly applied against Russians in a war – and that is something that has profound potential consequences – the flapping of butterfly wings that could very likely spawn hurricanes in their wake.
The leaders of the United States are, quite literally, playing with fire.
Did anyone heard about an emergency Duma session soon? According to the Duran, three possibilities, including mobilisation (to some sort), big decisions on Donbass (maybe accepting them in Russia which wiil immediately implies, any attack on the Donbass (oblasts at large) will become a declaration of war on RF), as for Crimea.
Also possible, a declaration of war on Ukraine and decapitation of power following asap.
There is a big false flag in the air with all the statements from Kiev(of course decided in Washington).
Could be Crimea bridge or full Crimea or even a big RF border city?
Biden is finished (popularity today below 35 %, zero chance to win in midterms).Bojo is out, Scoltz and Macron suddenly are attacked by ‘leaks'(kompromats) by cia msm in both countries.
Revolts and regime changes are starting everywhere in the Worls. China back with fake covid lockdowns, I would call war lockdowns).
Neocons on suicidal vendetta mode knowing very well it will be impossible to start a war with RF after nov 8th as GOP will probably get rid off neocons dems for replacing them with their crazies (Pompeo, Bolton..)
Maybe are they expecting some desperate ‘wag the dog’ à la Clinton effect?
Europe is de facto bankrupted (euro now at parity versus usd which means the Euro lost 42 %).ECB Lagarde unable to do anything even kakeries as can not increase real rates otherwise the euro will collapse under state debts (Italy to start) and if the Euro continues to fall as inflation increases again, will mean even more inlation etc etc vicious circle.
Comodities are paid in US not euros, same for vast majority of their debts, the Fed can cut them off repo via swaps…they are all in a corner
Lithuania doubling down(no reaction from Brussels). Moldova receiving nato weapons and troops (videos of pieces of helicopters on trucks).
Georgia blackmailed by the EU: if you started a war against RF you will receive EU invitation.
Kazakstan behaviour even more strange by the day..
They(both parts) know something big is going to happen, that we don’t know.
The New Ukrainian Unicorn–The Million Man Army
Just when your average Ukrainian thought the crazy shit couldn’t get any worse, Zelensky introduces a ‘Dry Law’, a ban on the sale of alcohol. That’ll go down like a lead balloon.
…did they outlaw use of cocaine in the gov. offices ????
This chart shows dollar is appreciating
That “appears” like Euro is losing value
“There are rampant reports swirling on various Telegram channels that US personnel are actually operating the 12 HIMARS mobile rocket systems recently entered into the battlefield.”
Simply knowing the following is enough for me to wager at 5:2 odds that US personnel operate the HIMARS:
1) HIMARS was designed by the US in the era during which Windows was considered a user friendly operating system.
2) HIMARS is a complex piece of machinery, requiring skill to operate at all and more skill to operate accurately.
3) HIMARS ammo is expensive and so live fire training (i.e. skill) is a budget constrained scarcity.
4) The US loves undercover operations and loves “plausible deniability” such as the fig leaf of a press release announcing that some Ukrainians were trained.
Allies should act as if Americans are manning the HIMARS, as well as operating other kinds of skilled use equipment within and adjacent to the theater. (drones, comms, anti-tank, anti-aircraft.).
Rusty: “HIMARS was designed by the US in the era during which Windows was considered a user friendly operating system.”
I’ve always wondered why politicians are so foolishly believing in every new wonder weapon after another. This has been endless trend of military history since at least 150 years. This is of course nothing but military industrial propaganda pushed to ignorants and folks lacking critical thinking.
i worry a bit about the nato ‘vets’ who seem to be helping them hit more targets.
i wonder if iran would help out with another satellite.
btw, thank you, Andrei. i know nothing.
“Politics: a strife of interests masquerading a a contest of principles”
Glad to see that Louis Farrakhan has been made a Ukranian general and that his Million Man March has been incorporated into the Ukranian military.
New York releases nuclear war safety video.
The New York Department of Emergency Management has released a video explaining what to do in the event of a nuclear strike.
Yeah. Basically, place your head between your legs and kiss your sorry ass goodbye.
It gives simple instructions. Get inside a building, get away from windows. Go into your basement if you have one. Change your clothes if you went outside, and put the old ones in a trash bag. Sign up for NYC electronic alerts. Don’t go outside until NYC says so.
The presenter closes with these words “Ok? You’ve got this!”
Good grief.
As feeble as Uncle $cam’s “protection drill for U$ citizens” after The Men from Uncle dropped two atomic bombs on Japan: Crouch under your desk.
America’s Path To War With Russia
Appears there has been another failed coup attempt in Belarus. tbc
First pakistan, then Kazakhstan, then Shinzo Abe, now this! Busy year in Langley.
Anton Gorbatow: “Any Ukrainian with half a brain will want to be a Russian citizen ASAP.”
No doubt much more young Ukrainians want to move to Central Europe, UK, Canada or USA dreaming of better future. There is hardly magic of luxury life in Russia. Millions of ethnic Russians instead have moved from Russia since 1991 and will never come back.
Well, the “magic of luxury life” in Europe is vanishing really fast!
there is no magic of luxury life on ” golden west”….. dream on Mats……your young ukrainian end up on the job in the EU not even black immigrants will not to do..Mats
Ukraine will cease to exist as a country. No more negociation, total surrender of Kiev but also de facto EU + NATO. Heads are going to roll in Brussels for a start.
Impossible like Kiev in the EU there is no such thing as fastrack, zero EU country wants Ukraine neither in the EU even less in NATO, that would mean WWIII.
De facto a US declaration of war?
The American satellite Worldview-2 filmed Novaya Kakhovka three days before the impact, RIA Novosti journalists investigated and confirmed it .
Russia needs to take those sats down,and some Americans need to start dying,Russia could hit back in Syria,take those illegal US bases down if they don’t provide the weapons for the Syrians to do it,same in Iraq.
We are starting to hear voices on Russian sites calling for the almost exact polices that I advocated over a month ago. Let’s hope these calls are successful and those polices start getting implemented before the terrorism problems get worse:
> Intel Slava Z:
🇷🇺 The murders of an official of one of the local administrations in the Kharkiv region and another assassination attempt on Saldo did not say anything fundamentally new about the tactics of Ukrainian terrorists.
They do what is expected. Obviously, the attacks will continue regardless of any statements condemning it.
It is no secret that the set of necessary actions to combat Bandera terrorism in the liberated territories:
1. Establishing a normal socio-economic life in the liberated territories in order to undermine the social base of Ukrainian terrorism.
2. Strengthening the CTO regime and using both the experience of the CTO in the Caucasus and Syria, and the Soviet practice of eliminating Bandera, including the creation of extermination battalions, including with the involvement of local residents.
3. The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense and the Security Service of Ukraine must be recognized as terrorist organizations with all the ensuing legal consequences, including for prisoners of war from these organizations. The buildings and facilities of the Security Service of Ukraine and the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense should be considered as the infrastructure of terrorism.
The main thing in solving these problems is a systematic and methodical approach, within the framework of which it is only possible to liquidate the active Nazi underground gang and destroy its support base in the liberated territories. There will definitely be new terrorist attacks, but this, of course, is not a reason to stop doing the necessary activities. To those who are already engaged in work on Ukrainian terrorists in the liberated territories, I can only wish a successful hunt. This work is no less important than the work of soldiers and officers at the front.
With all due respect to President Putin, political science is a scientific field–up to a point. Political scientists study demographics, voting patterns, polling techniques, etc., using in some cases sophisticated statistical analyses (the same analyses that dominate every other scientific field). On the other hand, political theories can get rather murky, especially in the geopolitical area, and at best resemble historiography and qualitative scientific research. But even in fields like physics, theories can go well beyond the range of data and can begin to resemble “philosophy”. Some of the criticisms in this latest video are simply criticisms of propagandizing bloviators and ignoramuses like Walensa and Breedlove–not of true political scientists.
Political scientists are paid propaganda mouthpieces and thousands can be found in the west.
Real science like maths, physics and chemistry are not on any syllabus of this pseudo science. People who can never get into these sciences go into these nonsensical subjects.
To earn a living, they swallow the Kool aid.
The Poles are inherently a racist bunch, for I have seen them here in Canada for decades. What the west has done is show their utter hatred for other races.
The West thinks that their Media controls the young people via their free bullsh.t media and Hollywood, but I got news for you.
The treatment of their coloured people in Ukraine, into Poland etc.. has shown the young all over the world what the “international community” is. You only fool your own people, but most of the coloureds in the west ain’t fighting for you.
It’s you and Zion all alone.
What so many who go into polit. sci. in this country hope for is a route to a little power and to the beltway trough where first they can feed off the taxpayer who benefits essentially zero from what the DC corporate hacks legislate. And then ultimately the big prize, the lucrative jackpot, ie using their proximity to power & their connections, revolve out into the corporate world whether as a lobbyist, ‘consultant,’ ‘think-tanker,’ etc.