Foreword by The Saker:
Today the Nazi-occupied Ukraine is celebrating “independence day”. The festivities will center on a military parade in which the Ukronazis will try to ape the Russian Victory Day parade, but will feature US Hummers, NATO style uniforms and the usual torrent of hate-filled russophobic statements. The highlight of the parade will be the march of the Aidar death squad. As for the regime in Kiev, it celebrated this day by announcing a new law which will make the presence of the Ukrainian flag mandatory in “every state institution, every school, every hospital and every square“. Furthermore, “every Ukrainian, every child in every school, a student and member of parliament will have take an oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian State“. Glory to the “heroes” indeed..
Thus it is a good opportunity for us to full measure the magnitude and quality of the fall from Grace which the Ukraine has suffered. Nowadays, the ‘independent Ukraine’ is both a comical and repulsive mix of a medieval Banderastan, a US style Disneyland and a typical failed state. It mixes in equal part Nazi style atrocities and policies with a unique kind of buffoonery which made the Three Stooges famous. But in the past, the land called “Ukraine” today used to be filled with a deep spirituality, it produced literally hundreds of saints, it had a culture steeped in asceticism and contemplation. Every square foot of this land is literally soaked in the blood of the millions of men who died defending this land against foreign occupation and heresies. While today the word “freedom” only means the right to silently serve the American masters, in the past this word had a profound spiritual meaning: the realization that true freedom was granted by God to man in order to make the man capable of fully uniting himself with the Energies of God.
To give you a glimpse of this spirituality I have asked Mark at Soul of the East to share with you his latest translation of a very interesting text of the Russian philosopher Ivan Iliin. He very kindly agreed. This is a short text, but I hope that it will be valuable to an English speaking audience nevertheless. Alexander Solzhenitsyn once wrote that “a teaspoon of seawater give you the taste of the ocean“. I hope that this small teaspoon of Orthodox spirituality and ethos will give you a taste of the Russia, including the “small” or, more accurately, *central* Russia (i.e. what is called “the Ukraine” today) used to be.
The Saker
Ivan Ilyin on Orthodoxy
translation: Mark Hackard
The great twentieth-century Russian philosopher Ivan Ilyin (1883-1954) explains how the Russian nation was not only forged through warfare, but through divine love and beauty – the Orthodox Christian faith. Translated by Mark Hackard.
National spiritual culture is created from generation to generation not by conscious thought and not through arbitrary chance, but through a long, integral, and inspired tension of the entire human being; and most of all by an unconscious instinct, the nocturnal forces of the soul. These mysterious forces of the soul are capable of spiritual creativity only when they are illuminated, ennobled, formed, and cultivated by religious faith. History doesn’t know a culturally creative and spiritually great people that dwelled in godlessness. Even the lattermost savages have their faith. Falling into unbelief, nations decayed and died. That the elevation of national culture depends on the perfection of religion is understandable.
From time immemorial Russia was a nation of Orthodox Christianity. Her principal creative national-linguistic nucleus always confessed the Orthodox faith. (See, for example, D. Mendeleev’s statistical data. On Knowledge of Russia. Pp. 36-41, 48-49. By the beginning of the 20th century Russia counted around 66% Orthodox population, around 17% non-Orthodox Christians, and around 17% non-Christian religions – some 5 million Jews and Turco-Tatar peoples.) Here is why the spirit of Orthodoxy always defined and still defines so much and so deeply the fabric of Russia’s national creativity.
By the gifts of Orthodoxy all Russian people have lived, have been educated, and have found salvation over the course of centuries. They were all citizens of the Russian Empire – both those who forgot these gifts and those who didn’t notice them, renouncing and even blaspheming them; citizens belonging to other Christian confessions; and other European peoples beyond Russia’s borders.
We would need an entire historical study for an exhaustive description of these gifts. I can point to them only by a brief enumeration.
- The whole basic composition of the Christian revelation was received by Russia from the Orthodox East in the form of Orthodoxy, in the Greek and Slavic languages. “The great spiritual and political revolution of our planet is Christianity. Within this sacred element the world disappeared and was renewed” (Pushkin). The Russian people experienced this sacred element of baptism and investiture into Christ the Son of God in Orthodoxy. It was for us what it was for the Western peoples before the division of the churches; it gave them that which they subsequently lost, and what we preserved; for this lost spirit they begin to turn to us now, shaken by the martyrdom of the Orthodox Church in Russia.
- Orthodoxy set at the foundation of the human being the life of the heart (feelings, love), and contemplation deriving from the heart (vision, imagination). Herein lies the deepest distinction from Catholicism, which brings faith from will to reason, and from Protestantism, bringing faith from reason to will. This distinction, defining the Russian soul, remains forever; no “Unia,” no “Eastern Rite,” and no Protestant missionary activity can remake the Orthodox soul. The entire Russian spirit and way were made Orthodox. Here is why when the Russian people create, they seek to see and express that which they love. This is the basic form of Russian national being and creativity. They were raised by Orthodoxy and girded by Slavdom and the nature of Russia.
- In the moral sphere, this gave the Russian people a living and profound sense of conscience; a dream of righteousness and holiness; an accurate perception of sin; the gift of a repentance that renews; the idea of ascetic catharsis; and an acute sense of “truth” and “lies,” good and evil.
- Hence the spirit of mercy and popular, caste-less, supra-national brotherhood so characteristic of the Russian people, sympathy for the poor, the weak, the sick, the oppressed, and even the criminal (See, for example, Dostoevsky’s Diary of a Writer for 1873, Article III “Environment,” and Article V “Vlas”). Hence our monasteries and Tsars who love the poor; hence our hospices, hospitals, and clinics created through private donations.
- Orthodoxy cultivated in the Russian people that spirit of sacrifice, service, patience, and loyalty, without which Russia would never have withstood its enemies and built an earthly home. In the course of all their history, Russians have learned to build Russia by “kissing the Cross” and to draw upon their moral strength in prayer. The gift of prayer is Orthodoxy’s best gift.
- Orthodoxy affirmed religious faith upon freedom and earnestness, connecting them as one; with this spirit it informed the Russian soul and Russian culture. Orthodox missions sought to bring people “to baptism” “through love,” and in no way through fear (From Metropolitan Makary’s instruction to Archbishop Gury in 1555. The exceptions only confirm the basic rule). Hence comes from Russian history precisely that spirit of religious and national tolerance that Russian citizens of other confessions and religions evaluated by its merit only after revolutionary persecutions of faith.
- Orthodoxy brought to the Russian people all the gifts of the Christian sense of justice – a will to peace, brotherhood, justice, loyalty, and solidarity; a sense of dignity and rank; a capability for self-control and mutual respect; in a word, all that which can draw the state nearer to Christ’s commandments.
- Orthodoxy nourished in Russia the sense of a citizen’s responsibility, that of an official before the Tsar and God, and most of all it consolidated the idea of a monarch, called and anointed, who would serve God. Thanks to that tyrannical rulers in Russian history were a complete exception. All humane reforms in Russian history were inspired or suggested by Orthodoxy.
- Russian Orthodoxy faithfully and wisely resolved a most difficult task with which Western Europe almost never coped – to find a correct correlation between the Church and secular power, a mutual support under mutual loyalty and non-encroachment.
- Orthodox monastery culture gave Russia not only a host of righteous men. It gave her her chronicles, i.e. it set a foundation for Russian historiography and Russian national consciousness. Pushkin expressed it thus: “We are obliged to the monks for our history, and consequently our enlightenment” (Pushkin’s “Historical Notes,” 1822). We mustn’t forget that the Orthodox faith was long considered the true criterion of “Russianness” in Russia.
- The Orthodox doctrine on the immortality of a person’s soul (lost in contemporary Protestantism, interpreting “eternal life” not in the sense of immortality of the soul, which is seen as mortal); on obedience to higher authorities for the sake of one’s conscience; on Christian forbearance and laying down one’s life “for one’s friends” gave the Russian Army all the sources of its knightly, individually fearless, selflessly obedient and all-conquering spirit, which developed in its historical wars and especially in the teaching and practice of Aleksandr Suvorov – and was often recognized by great captains of the enemy (Frederick the Great, Napoleon, etc.).
- All Russian art has derived from the Orthodox faith, from the beginning nourishing within itself its spirit of heartfelt contemplation, prayerful soaring, free forthrightness, and spiritual responsibility (See Gogol’s “What, Ultimately, is the Essence of Russian Poetry?” and “On the Lyricism of Our Poets.” See my book Foundations of Artistry. On the Perfect in Art.) Russian painting came from the icon; Russian music was fanned by Church singing; Russian architecture came from the mason-work of cathedrals and monasteries; the Russian theatre was borne from the dramatic “acts” on religious themes; Russian literature came from the Church and monastics.
Has everything been numbered here, everything mentioned? No. We still have not spoken of Orthodox elders; Orthodox pilgrimages; of the significance of the Old Church Slavonic language; Orthodox schooling; and Orthodox philosophy. But all that is still impossible to exhaust.
All of this gave Pushkin the basis to establish the following as an unshakable truth: “The Greek confession, separate from all others, gives us a special national character” (Pushkin’s Historical Notes, 1822). Such is the significance of Orthodox Christianity in Russian history. This is how those savage, unheard-of persecutions of Orthodoxy, which it now endures from the Communists. The Bolsheviks understood that the roots of Russian Christianity; the Russian national spirit; of Russian honor and conscience; Russian state unity; the Russian family; and Russian sense of justice – are set namely in the Orthodox faith, and therefore they attempt to uproot it.
In the struggle with such attempts, the Russian people and Orthodox Church have brought forward entire hosts of confessors, martyrs, and holy martyrs; and at the same time they have restored the religious life of the age of the catacombs everywhere – in the forests, in the ravines, in the villages and cities. For twenty years the Russian people have learned to concentrate in silence, to cleanse and forge their souls before the face of death, praying in whispers and organizing Church life in persecutions, strengthening it in secret and silence. And at present, after twenty years of persecution, the Communists had to admit (winter of 1937) that one-third of city residents and two-thirds of the population in the villages continue to openly believe in God. And how many from the remainder believe and pray in secret?
Persecutions are awakening within the Russian people a new faith, one full of new strength and new spirit. Suffering hearts are restoring their ancient, age-old religious contemplation. And Russia will not only not leave Orthodoxy, as her enemies in the West hope, but will be strengthened in the sacred foundations of her historical being.
The consequences of the Revolution will overcome its causes.
A teaspoon of honey . . .
Brings clarity to the spirituality of the global resistance led by Russians.
“From time immemorial Russia was a nation of Orthodox Christianity.”
Yeah, right. From its beginings, Russia was a Slavic pagan state. First dinasty in Russian history were the famous Ruriks. They founded Russia. Their most important ruler, Svjatoslav Igorevitch of Kiev created the first trully great Russian state. He was a staunch pagan. His famous words were: “The Christian religion is a dishonour.” He conqured everything from Khazaria in the north to the south Balkans and came 50 km from Constantinople (the capital of the accurse Eastern Roman Empire, the greatest enemy of the Slavic peoples at the time) with only 20 000 wariors, all of them pagans! His favourite god from Slavic pantheon was Perun, the god of thunder. He despised his mother Olga, who was the first Russian to convert to “the religion of dishonour”
Even his son, Vladimir, who at the end betrayed his father’s legacy and convert to Christianity, at the begining was a Slavic pagan. He raised the statues of seven Slavic gods at the top of the hill in the capital Kiev. Those gods were. Perun, Veles, Stribog, Khors, Dazhbog, Simargl and godess Mokosha. That is the true Russia, the original Russia, the eternal Russia.
After Judeo-Christian occupation of the Russian lands, started by Vladimir, centuries and centuries past, with all the bloody, endless persecution.of the Russian pagans (which were always the majority) and they couldn’t supress it. If you don’t beleive me, believe the greatest Russian film director Andrei Tarkovsky (, who is also considered by some as the greatest film-artist of the world, and watch his most famous film, Andrei Rublev, also considered by many critics the greatest movie ever made. Although Tarkovsky himself was Orthodox, he was an objective artist, and in his film he presented the bloody persecution of the indigenous Russian Slavic pagan rural population – IN THE 15th CENTURY !!! That is 500 years after Russia accepted Christianity and became “all Orthodox”.
So, no, I am sorry.
Orthodoxy is an important part of Russian history, and I have no intention of denying it its place in history, but the original Russia is pagan Russia. I also hope, like hundreds of thousands of Russian neo-pagans, that the future Russia will also come back to its real sorce and its real soul, the Slavic pagan one.
The future is ours. Mark my words.
The Wend on August 24, 2015 · at 5:09 pm UTC said:
“I also hope, like hundreds of thousands of Russian neo-pagans, that the future Russia will also come back to its real sorce and its real soul, the Slavic pagan one.
The future is ours. Mark my words.”
A agree with your incredulity at Orthodox Christianity.
For reference
“Neo-Paganism, any of several spiritual movements that attempt to revive the ancient polytheistic religions of Europe and the Middle East. These movements have a close relationship to ritual magic and modern witchcraft. Neo-Paganism differs from them, however, in striving to revive authentic pantheons and rituals of ancient cultures, though often in deliberately eclectic and reconstructionist ways, and by a particularly contemplative and celebrative attitude. Typically people with romantic feelings toward nature and deep ecological concerns, Neo-Pagans centre their dramatic and colourful rituals around the changes of the seasons and the personification of nature as full of divine life, as well as the holy days and motifs of the religions by which their own groups are inspired.”
Ok…i’ll reserve judgment. The romantic feelings toward nature & eco concerns seems nice – can you describe a bit more about what the ritual magic/witchcraft bit entails?
It’s no worse a yarn than the Orthdox one, unless you have to kill countless millions of that persuasion to get your future, of course :-)
Maybe a better idea to give the whole lot a miss?
maybe the best way to introduce you to Slavic paganism is by presenting you the most popular Russian music band called – Arkona. (Btw, Arkona is the most sacred place for all Slavic pagans, including Serbs and Poles. It was the place where the temple of chief Slavic god Svetovid (also called “Svantevit”) was located., It was burned down by the Germans and Danes in a papal Christian crusade in 1169. It was the last pagan temple on European continent. In science it is well known proof for the hard-core pagan nature of the Slavic peoples, to whom Christianity is nothing more but an alien and hostile layer of the ancient Jewish Supremacism. The name Svetovid means – the one who sees the whole world. The chief Slavic god was probably the copy of even more ancient Hindu god Brahma who looked almost identical – also with 4 heads looking in 4 directions of the world. The 4 heads of Svetovid also symbolise the 4 solstices of the year. He was also known as a prophet god. He is especially important for the Serbs, to whom the greatest holiday is the day of Svetovid, called “Vidovdan”, and celebrated on June the 28th.)
So, this is the greatest Russian music band, called “Arkona”, I will just post one of their songs.
Listen the sound of the true Russia !!!! :
The song is called “Yarilo”, which is the name of one of many Slavic gods. Look at how many views the song has and you will understand how popular is Slavic paganism in Russia and the Slavic world in general ! Then you will understand that it was not a joke when I said – “the future is ours”. This is so popular among young Russian people, and that is important.
These are the lyrics (in Russian) :
Во святу чреду, в Лелину седмицу
Кружит духов пляс голову девицам
Во Русальи Дни, во лесных хоромах
Славу воздаем Яриле младому
Ой, да, Ярило! Ярило, Ярило!
Небо хмурое вновь тебя явило
Гой, ты, младой бог!
Гой, к тебе взываем!
В сердце цветня
Песню воспеваем
Покатися, покатися
По небу, по светлому
Да гони ты хмуры тучи
Да к Семи Холмам, хэй!
Да к Семи Холмам могучим
Что стоят во тьме веков
Поверни ты Время – Коло
По своим следам!
Ой, да, Ярило! Ярило, Ярило!
Небо хмурое вновь тебя явило
Гой, ты, младой бог!
Гой, к тебе взываем!
В сердце цветня
Песню воспеваем
Ой, ты, гой еси! Гой еси, Ярило!
Время Коло вспять поворотило
Ты катись, катись до Зари-Зарницы
Только не забудь к утру воротиться!
….and in English:
In holy time, in Lelya’s week
Girls go mad with a dance of spirits.
In Rusalkas’ days, in forests
We glorify young Yarilo
Oh, yeah, Yarilo! Yarilo, Yarilo!
Cloudy heaven shows you to us again
Hoy, you, young god!
Hoy, we call you!
We sing the song
With our April hearts*
It will roll, it will roll
in the sky, in the bright sky
Turn gloomy clouds out
Hey, to Seven Hills!
To Mighty Seven Hills*
That have stood in the darkness for centuries
Kolovrat, turn time back
Make people go on your road*
Oh, yeah, Yarilo! Yarilo, Yarilo!
Cloudy heaven shows you to us again
Hoy, you, young god!
Hoy, we call you!
We sing the song
With our April hearts*
Hoy, you, hoy esi*! Hoy esi, Yarilo!
Kolovrat turned time back
We wish you roll, roll till dawn
But do not forget to come back in the morning !
Note that the Cherubim also have four heads/faces.
Yes, but not the human faces.
There are many gods in the history of religion which are presented with 4 human faces: Slavic Svetovid, Hindu Brahma, Buddha Sarvavid Vairochana, Hermes of the gnostics, Tetraprosopon – Iranian Manichean deity, then the unnamed god with 4 faces in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, god of the four directions from Babylon, god of the king Mannaseh who ejected Yehova form the temple in Jerusalem, Iranian god Zurvan, etc.
Wend, “thank you so much for sharing your ‘right-eous’ history” – i’m an ignorant Slav(e) without a sense of “who i am” . Your erudition is precisely why i visit The Saker!
As you write, “From its beginings, Russia was a Slavic pagan state. First dinasty in Russian history were the famous Ruriks. They founded Russia. Their most important ruler, Svjatoslav Igorevitch of Kiev created the first trully great Russian state. He was a staunch pagan. His famous words were: “The Christian religion is a dishonour.””
Wend, I think i have found : ‘om’ : and am not alone anymore. I am ‘@home’.
One again with Mokosha & Perun; i have much to learn…”The future is ours. Mark my words.”
not only you, we all have much to learn! For example, two Slavic gods whose statues were on the hills of Kiev, Khors and Simargl, are of Persian origin! In Iran they were known as Khursid and Simurg. The greatest linguist in Russian and world history, Roman Jacobsen (who was btw Jewish), discovered this.
The Slavic religion has much, much in common with its Indo-Iranian roots. Which is not surprise, because the Slavs belong to the same, so called “Satem” division of Indo-European peoples, togather with Indians and Iranians.
Greetings to you!
‘The Wend’ – ‘thanks sincerely, i just watched my first Arkona concert : “fun for all”
What a load of utter nonsense! First, Etruscans, Romans, Medival Venetians and modern Italians are all very different from each other, right? Likewise, modern Russia has, at most, her roots in the post-pagan Orthodox Russia created by Saint Vladimir. Yes, in ethnic terms, modern Russians do, in part, originate in the Slavic people which inhabited pre 10th century Russia. But genetics is not key to what makes a nation. Wordview, culture, religion, values is. Paganism has ZERO influence on the formation and development of the modern Russian culture. At most, I would consider the cult of Lenin and his body has the most neo-pagan manifestation one can find. Yes, pagan influences did remain in the Russian countryside, no doubt here, but the issue is was this a epiphenomenon or not? But where is the pagan Alexander Nevsky? The pagan Pushkin? The pagan Rachmaninov? The pagan Solzhenitsyn? The pagan Suvorov? The pagan Rublev? Even for your example, you had to use Tarkovskii, a deeply religious Orthodox Christian. And then for a modern illustration of Russian paganism you cite Arkona. Do you seriously believe that a rock group (even a pretty good one, I like their stuff) will tip the cultural balance of what Russia is? Especially after 1000 years of quasi total irrelevance?
Would you tell modern Italians that they have to go back to their Etruscan roots?! Yeah, Mussolini tried to revive ancient Rome and Hitler had his ridiculous Ahnenerbe. We all know how those to idiots finished :-)
Paganism has exactly zero traction in Russia today and that in a country whose official Church, the Moscow Patriarchate, at times seem to go out of her way to demotivate and discourage the faithful. As for the Russian Muslims, they consider paganism as “shirk”, an absolutely unforgivable crime. Even the atheists in Russia find paganism a crude form of religious primitivism.
I will readily admit that in Russia, and the Ukraine, there is a pagan subculture in the youth. It is often linked to neo-Nazi politics (like ‘Restrukt’) and rock music. Fair enough – it does not bother anybody there. But just as Wiccans in the USA, it will remain a minor sociological blimp with no actual relevance at all.
You are more than welcome to say that the future is yours, just don’t hold your breath :-)
The Saker
yeah Saker, I have to agree that paganism has a decadence to it. Even in Greek times the Bacchanal were brutal…tore Orpheus to pieces.
the Christ is a Spiritual being in a Spiritual world full of beings. The Christ came to the earth to protect people from lower spiritual beings, that were becoming more and more powerful as the higher hierarchies were harder for mankind to find, as it matured.
The Christ is a powerful higher being that did not need to come to our earth…he came of his free will and that is why is was a sacrifice. Think of it like this.
If you saw a bunch of little black ants at war, on the floor at your feet, with no hope of finding their way out, back to the spirit light of the sun, and you decided to ‘incarnate’ into one of those tiny ugly little ant’s bodies, to teach them, and to be killed by them, but therefore to ‘belong’ to them for all eternity, so that
if they chose
they could find their way back to the spiritual sun and to the higher hierarchies again, on the wings of your spirit
That would not be even a close comparison to what the Christ went through for 3 and 1/3 years, here in a human body…his Great Huge Spirit in a small human physical body…
Ann, according to my scholarship, Jesus does NOT become THE CHRIST until after ‘The Ascension’; ‘The Crucifixion’ mattered in more ways than one.
So, (according to my scholarship), “The Christ” did not come to Earth as you have learned, this is what is meant by the “Second Coming”; whereas, “The First Coming of The Christ” happened outside of time in Heaven and NOT on Earth – (according to my scholarship), after The Ascension.
“The Second Coming of Christ: : IS : to be within the ‘seconds of time”; still not in a place, yet in a place of mind – that’s what IS PAGAN about Jesus – he is in the fabric of space – as The Christ at the moment, not realizable in flesh, yet attainable and noticeable with those of Faith and Valor. IMHO
Ann, your prose reflects a very kind soul – it is my pleasure to meet such ‘real’ sincerity in a world of filth and disgust – so let’s move on to happier thoughts – Ann, IMHO, Jesus was not born with a silver-spoon in his-mouth. The Life of jesus was difficult, to say the least of it.
It is of utmost importance in our time that we under stand that Jesus arrives with HIS CULTURAl past of rage against the divine – Jesus overcomes this : ONLY IN : “THE AAcension of His Attention in The /directio of Hosts, a process you have noo idea of, i know, believe me – i know
OK, please Ann, reconsider your : ‘concepts’ : Jesus had FORTUne, Good fortune : remember the three wise-man, there were supposed to be four, dalet the door with a ‘d’ , where was, ‘he’ : ?
The Christ as you : ‘conceive’ : ‘IT” : imposes no order – and thus your mind is forever disordered.
Ann that was me, “Stuart” – not, “Anonymous” – post that one on : ‘overy-nimble’
Ann, having spent all day listening to Slavic Paganism Heavy Metal Christian Rock, i am supercharged, and i must take umbrage satirically, with what you wrote about my creed, “yeah Saker, I have to agree that paganism has a decadence to it.”
As Jesus often reminds us, “remember your successes as well as others, but don’t judge their excesses”.
Ann, I wanted to learn to draw some two decades ago, so i enrolled in a life drawing class at the local community college where i was living. It was small town. I had no idea the instructor would encourage his teen age son to enlist all his teenage girl friends for the nude of the week – honestly, i was there just to learn how to draw – albeit a bit distracted – OK, the teacher had his excesses, however, in art we judge the successes and don’t add, “yah it’s great, but he was a drunk”.
We honor human achievement and overlook the negative addictive behavior – at least that’s what i learned from that class, even if the instructor never specifically said that.
So, while some moments in Pagan Festivals get out of hand, this shouldn’t distract from all the God appreciative moments in the day.
And in our own life, let us only remember the successes and forgive and forget the excesses. Why bother bringing it up anymore, as the expression goes, “- let the dead bury the dead.”
The truth is that all these “scholarships” about Christ are fundamentally wrong. They do not have anything to do with Christian faith, tradition, beliefs, doctrine, teaching, practice. They are either rehashes of Gnostic fantasies or pure fabrications of “Pagan scholars”.
WizOz, could you elaborate in detail : “The truth is that all these “scholarships” about Christ are fundamentally wrong”. What are you referring to : specifically?
Ann your resolute statement, “he came of his free will and that is why is (sic erat scriptum, “thus was it written”) was a sacrifice.”
I think you meant “it” or “his”, and the line would read, “he came of his free will and that is why it was a sacrifice.”
OR, alternatively, “he came of his free will and that is why his (life) was a sacrifice.”
In any Case, ‘free will’ bears no relationship to ‘sacrifice’.
Free Will is Freedom: God’s Will is enduring. No sacrifice in either.
The fact that you mentally, conceptually equate : “free will OR God’s Will with sacrifice” : implies a grave misunderstanding in your teaching and learning and those teachers who you are learning from – that’s Scholarship – those teachers who are your instructors or guides.
Odd, how this Grave MisUnderstanding is so, so, ‘Orthodox Christian’ a Statement.
Let’s go back to square one, kindergarten: now you say, “The Christ came to the earth” : I ask, as a Pagan, “Where is your evidence for that?”
Ann, of course paganism has a decadence to it. Anyone watching ‘The Passion of the Christ’ can literally see it in action when the Romans flogged Jesus. Flogging was normal and actually not that bad of a punishment. Roman soldiers drinking alcohol during the flogging was used to excuse the viciousness. However, I seriously doubt that the preeminent military power of that era permitted drinking alcohol on duty, especially in a province on the verge of uprising.
Any detraction anywhere from Biblical understanding and acceptance of the existence of Almighty God should be rejected out of hand. While our understanding of the Bible is incomplete there is without doubt enough information CLEARLY WRITTEN to show us the direction we should be moving towards. Here is what happens to those who reject the existence of Almighty God:
“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse. Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” – Romans 1:18-32
In addition, we have CURRENT world events. Take a look at the flag that Israel uses and read the following verse.
“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Rev 2:9
Six points, six triangles, six lines surrounding an hexagon.
As I stated previously the real Hebrews need to out the false Hebrews or they are going to bring down the wrath of Almighty God on their own heads.
Russian influence on the west stems from Russia’s Christian values. Nothing else. Almighty God will bring His people together and it appears He is going to use the synagogue of satan to do it.
Rejecting the existence of Almighty God may very well be rejecting your (not aimed at you, Ann) own existence. You will be lucky if ceasing to exist is the worst punishment you receive. From all I read in the Bible Almighty God has His own ideas of justice. Call His methods harsh but realize the ‘reward’ is at the least eternal life. Eternal life. Get it, pagans? I’m not even very smart. but I’m smart enough to know I don’t want your kind around forever.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.”
– Isaiah 55:8
“the existence of Almighty God”
Very interesting discussion.
Let us speak to The Beingness of God, to the Silence of The Lamb.
To Be is not to do or to act.
To Be God – is a separate part of His Existence – it is His Pleasure.
To question the existence of any ‘thing’ is not to question the foundation of it’s Being or Beingness.
God exists, just not in Hell; this does not mean that if one believes one is in Hell, that they deny God: God IS. Yet in Hell, there is no existence of God – that’s what makes it HELL – it’s UNGodly –
Thus, i ask you subzero, “Are we on the same page?”
No. We are not on the same page.
I don’t claim to know everything. I don’t need to know everything. I’m not capable of knowing everything. Almighty God will do as He pleases.
I believe the Bible is the ‘Word of Almighty God’. I don’t understand a lot of it. Almighty God reveals what He will to those He chooses. Claiming Almighty God doesn’t ‘exist’ in ‘hell’ makes no sense. Almighty God created all that is seen AND unseen.
Honestly, this is not rocket science. Humans are fighting against spirit creatures which want us to do ANYTHING except give Almighty God the credit He is due for creating us. A lot of people are running around down here like headless chickens laying ‘claim’ to Almighty God’s creation as if it belongs to them personally. Talk about hubris and coveting others belongings.
I value this blog for translating Russian to English so I can gain insight into world events. This particular article provides insight into Orthodox Christianity. Do I think Orthodox Christianity has all the answers or does everything right? No. I believe there are lessons to be learned all around us.
Christians don’t need an organized church.
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
– Matthew 18:20
How appropriate considering the family unit dictated by Almighty God begins with one male and one female. Almighty God is the God of order not disorder. Hence, the male is put over the female in a family. Neither the male nor the female had any choice in their role. Each are being asked to submit to Almighty God’s authority in their own way and against their nature. Both belong to Almighty God and should be treated as His property.
A daughter enjoys her fathers protection as long as she remains under her fathers authority. A father legally transfers that protection to her daughters husband. Unmarried women remain under their fathers protection only as long as they willingly remain under his authority. Married women remain under their husbands protection as long as they willingly remain under their husbands authority. All need to submit to their king, Jesus Christ, to gain his protection from the wrath of Almighty God. Submitting to the authority of Jesus Christ automatically places you under the authority of Almighty God which grants you His protection. I could, of course, not fully understand this whole arrangement but it does bring glory to Almighty God.
Almighty God will set things right during the 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ. Getting there from here is the challenge. Whatever Almighty God does to me will be what I deserve. I doubt debating Almighty God over my fate will have any effect what-so-ever. Right now I am watching for the anti-christ since it appears that the ‘falling-away’ has occurred. Even some of the ‘elect’ will most likely be deceived so I have little enough chance of not being deceived. One of the most valued lessons I have learned is that we should seriously try not to ‘get involved’ lest we be found to be fighting against Almighty God.
“But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.”
– Acts 5:39
So many examples of ‘getting involved’ just leading to more misery are clearly visible today. Get involved in leading people to recognizing the sovereignty of Almighty God and the coming ruler-ship of our king Jesus Christ if you must ‘do something’. Obviously, once Jesus returns the time for repentance is OVER.
The Saker on August 25, 2015 · at 12:17 am UTC said:
“Would you tell modern Italians that they have to go back to their Etruscan roots?!”
That’s about as logical as telling them to continue with their Roman Catholicism or for Russians to stick with their their Christian Orthodoxy or those in Gaborone to practice Bahá’í (or for the neo-pagans to continue with their neo-paganism or…).
As you point out flavour of faith is largely an accident of birth. We don’t actually know what happens when we die. We don’t know if there are any interdependencies between this existence and a next. Forget about Pascal’s wager. Forget your roots, they mislead you and often lead to conflict. Use your brain instead to recognise the fallacy (study Epicurus and his problem of evil to help if needed). Don’t spend too much of this life contemplating or worrying about a next, if there is one it will look after itself.
The problem with this piece
“On the other hand, even the Apostle Thomas, after all he had been through, needed something he could touch before he could believe.”
Is that we just don’t know if Thomas actually existed.
So, it is fine to wonder about the great unknowns – but don’t ever let that result in dogmatism which is one of humanities greatest problems. That can lead to:
“What a load of utter nonsense!” and counter claims and…all of a sudden somewhere, Houston, we have a problem.
He he he,
I knew it! I knew exactly how Saker would react on historical truth about Russia :-)
Unfortunately, dear Saker, in this case, I am right. You completely underestimate the influence which ancient Slavic pagan beliefs had on Russian history! That is the essence of Russia. Not to mention how much you underestimate the chances of Slavic paganism becoming the main ideology of Russia in future (btw. if this was the case by now, we wouldn’t have this war in Ukraine at all!)
You ask where is the pagan Alexander Nevsky, Rublev, Pushkin etc. Well, I can ask the counter-question : where is the Orthodox Svjatoslav Igorevich ? Where is he? Nowhere! Withour Svjatoslav we wouldn’t be disscussing Russia today, but probably Khazaria (it was Svjatoslav who destroyed Khazaria, not some Christian wariror, and I suppose that you know very well how Khazars were treating the Russian Slav(e)s). Why denying him his rightful place at the top of all Russian leaders in history?! Why ? And I can pose more questions: where is Orthodox Mayakovsky, for example ? Where is Orthodox Danil Kharms ? Where is Orthodox Shostakovich ? Where is Orthodox Zhukov ? You see, I can give you just enough counter-arguments for each argument you gave me. If the ridicoulous and hostile Marxist ideology succeded in conquering Russia, do you seriously believe that another ideology which actually has roots in the very beginings of the Russian state and nation cannot bring down your precious Orthodoxy? Think again.
As for Tarkovsky, I said very clearly that he was Orthodox, but was objective enough to present Slavic paganism as dominant religion in rural Russia 500 years after Russia supposedly became Orthodox. Watch Rublev again! This clash between Christian Orthodox Russia and a pagan one never died out really.
As for pagan Rublev, we probably had plenty of them, but the Orthodox were famous for destroying every artifact of our ancient pagan past.
Anyway, in our time we have many painters, musicians, writers, historians who are working day and night for the reconstruction of the Slavic pagan Russia. You want pagan Rublev? Here is one: his name is Vsevolod Ivanov, one of the leading Russian painters. The only theme in his paintings is the Slavic pagan past. Some of his paintings :
Rainbow over Arkona –
Arkona –
And here you have around 15 of his other famous paintings :
Vsevolod Ivanov stated: „History of the Russian people is very distorted. The enemies of Russia consciously removed the ancient and antique period from the history of Russia. That is many thousands of years. History of mediaval Russia is distorted. New history is falsified, The work of Russian paintars must be educational. We must actively confront the globalization of the art.”
You also mentioned Hitler, of course. But you do not notice the difference between his version of Germanic neo-paganism and the ideology of our contemporary Slavic neo-paganism, because
the ethos of the contemporary Slavic neo-pagan religion is to care for and preserve the earth and skies. The main rule is – thou shalt not take more from the earth or sea than is needed and respect all other creatures sharing the planet. Which, btw, brings back the Slavic religion to its Hindu roots. Yes, that is right. And probably the most important. If you didn’t know, in science, in history of religion, there has been already for many decades a term – “Indo-Slavism”. Check that out. The consequencies of this will be colossal. Abslotelly. How do you think will India react? With total friendship and enthusiasm. Check also the Russian scientist Rybakov.
I could write more, but there is no need for now.I know what I am talking about, and I could write a book here about the subject.
Since at least Saker and I agree that we both like Arkona, here are two more of their songs. Enjoy everybody!
Arkona. Oj, Pechal’-Toska (Oh, My Sorrow, My Anguish) –
Arkona, Serbia –
The Wend on August 25, 2015 · at 11:15 am UTC said:
“You see, I can give you just enough counter-arguments for each argument you gave me.”
And I bet The Saker has a few more up his sleeve.
As I said
“What a load of utter nonsense!” and counter claims and…all of a sudden somewhere, Houston, we have a problem.”
The Wend said:
“If the ridicoulous and hostile Marxist ideology succeded in conquering Russia”
At least if that ideology had prevailed we would have had less of these ridiculous quarrels.
The Wend on August 25, 2015 · at 11:15 am UTC said:
“where is the Orthodox Svjatoslav Igorevich ?”
based on this, I don’t want to know, but, if there is a hereafter, nowhere good I suspect:
“The Wend on August 08, 2015 · at 12:35 pm UTC said:
“As for Svyatoslav, he was a great leader and a great warrior”
From my wikpedia link:
…Sviatoslav began by rallying the East Slavic vassal tribes of the Khazars to his cause. Those who would not join him, such as the Vyatichs, were attacked and forced to pay tribute to the Kievan Rus’ rather than to the Khazars…
A wise & good man could probably have discerned a better template.
I think this is enough for those ignorant of the importance of Svjatoslav for the history of Russia.
Here is the map which shows how big was Russia before him and how big was Russia during his reign :
I believe that it is clear for everyone that the very idea of the great Russian state originated with Svjatoslav.
Having in mind that he also destroyed the Jewish-Khazar kaghanate, it is crystally clear that the most important ruler in Russian history was a pagan one.
The Wend on August 25, 2015 · at 12:48 pm UTC said:
“I think this is enough for those ignorant of the importance of Svjatoslav for the history of Russia.
Here is the map which shows how big…”
mine is compared to yours?
Small wonder the world is a difficult place in which to get along.
I’m the big guy now…give me the money.
You go from claiming Soviet atheists as pagans (Mayakovskii, Khrams, Shostakovich, Zhukov) to claiming “unknown Rublevs” (As for pagan Rublev, we probably had plenty of them). Then you mention an artist (Vsesolod Ivanov) who is so famous that he does not even get a Russian Wikipedia entry but does get mentioned in “weird Russia” and he paints stuff like “the exile of the Hyperboreans”. Frankly, this nonsense is on par with the “Ancient Ukrs” of the Ukronazis. All that’s missing here are UFOs visiting ancient Russia 100’000 years ago, the Hollow Earth theory and Christ as a well-known pagan wizard. Frankly, I don’t mind you posting about this in this thread, but please stop at that and don’t make it a habit on this blog, okay?
The Saker
No, I never claimed these people were pagans, I just said they were NOT Orthodox, but they are still considered great Russian people. The argument is that Orthodoxy is not all for the Russians, and we come back to the sentence which provoked my reaction in the first place, and that is the ridiculous claim that ““From time immemorial Russia was a nation of Orthodox Christianity.” It is simply a lie. From the time immemorial Russia was a Slavic pagan state.
No word on Svjatoslav, as I expected. Well he was a Slavic pagan, right? :-)
As for Vsevolod Ivanov, maybe he doesn’t have a Russian Wikipedia entry, but he does have a Serbian Wikipedia entry :
So, you see, we Serbs care more about Russia then even Russians do, which is not surpirzing.
I never had a habit on this blog of spreading some propaganda, on contrary I always tried to contribute to every topic as much as I can or know. In this case it was impossible for me to be quiet, because the people should know about Slavic paganism in Russia and its enormous strenght. Why would I, or you for that matter, hide from the visitors one so important side of Russia ?!
I will continue to read the articles on this blog, because I get very good information from you, and also from your readers, and I will post what I believe is interesting for everybody, and this is not the only topic of importance.
The Wend on August 27, 2015 · at 9:52 am UTC said:
“No word on Svjatoslav, as I expected. Well he was a Slavic pagan, right? :-)”
Not from the saker but I did point out that he just took over where the khazars laid off:
“Those who would not join him, such as the Vyatichs, were attacked and forced to pay tribute to the Kievan Rus’ rather than to the Khazars…”
In essence – just another thug.
“Wend, Arkona will be in San Diego on the 26th of September at the Merrow and I’m going : totally cool!”
Someone wrote, “From time immemorial Russia was a nation of Orthodox Christianity.”
When wrote, “It is simply a lie. From the time immemorial Russia was a Slavic pagan state.”
Two comments on what ‘someone and you; wrote, firstly, the first method of co-opting a movement or misdirecting the public is to make use of bogus terminology, like, ‘freedom fighters’.
The word : ‘ORTHODOX” : is actually a very healthy word that even Pagans would make good use of on a daily basis, if we know what it meant – really – and i will not let this wonderful word be co-opted, it has two meanings, that of poetry and that of science.
For myself, the poetic ‘vibe’ of ‘orthos’ is moral and seeks to arrange what we say with what we do, so that what we say is what we will do, this consistency of speech and action leads to a path of righteousness that is ‘straight and non-deviaiting’. A Life of Principle. The Tau or The Torah, The Path of What is Right.
One might go so far to say, poetically, that ‘orthos’ is similar to oaths, and the two kinds. those being : verbal(1) oaths : as opposed to : written(2) oaths : the difference being, verbal oaths reflect your, “Character” : and ‘written oaths’ – which speak to your “Personality.
Sometimes our ‘character’ can’t live up to our ‘personality’ and we crash and burn and create a new character as our “Personality” CallS us to a Higher Plane.
People often forget, a marriage is when you sign on the dotted line, it’s a contract between you and the State. A marriage is Not between you and your mate, CONTRACTUALLY!
A ‘marriage’ is between : Two Persons : Not Two Characters; and any two persons will do; remember the marriage is between YOU and The State.
Your mate can use your signature on the dotted line to sue you with the States’ blessing.
Make no mistake, written contracts are enforceable by the State, whereas ‘Verbal Contracts’ are not.
When ‘oaths’ or ‘orthos’; are ‘broken and no longer straight and right’, verbals are ‘scandals’ and written are ‘criminal’.
The ‘scientific side’ of ‘oaths’ or ‘ethos’ is mathematical ‘orthos’ and means, that which is: ‘straight or right’ .
i prefer my words to have a social explanation.
The Greek, doxa means: ‘opinion.’
Thus, when you write, ““From time immemorial Russia was a nation of Orthodox Christianity.” It is simply a lie. From the time immemorial Russia was a Slavic pagan state.”
I can agree with the fact that, “From the time immemorial Russia was a Slavic pagan state,” from Wikepedia: “Old Slavic religion evolved for over a thousand years and some parts of it were from neolithic or possibly even mesolithic times.
The mesolithic spans from 20,000 B.C.E. to 5,000 B.C.E., far before Abraham.
However, our understanding today of what is : Orthodoxy : is : unhinged and changing rapidly, since Orthodoxy simple means: The Oral Law – this will of course open a can of worms and spiders and knats and small itty bitty ugly things, but that’s ok with me.
So, try this : “From time immemorial Russia was a nation of Orthodox Christianity.” It is simply a lie. From the time immemorial Russia was a Slavic pagan state with Orthodox members, or those with the right-opinoins and common sense was the rule and not the exception”
The two-word phrase, “Orthodox Christianity” is in fact a disguised oxymoron.
Christianity has doctrine which trump personal opinion.
Personal opinion follows no specific doctrine. In fact, personal opinion can vary widely over the course of one day. Which means, opinion is like water and doctrine is like a wall:
Thus, The two-word phrase, “Orthodox Christianity is really subliminally :
“Water Wall”
“Movement Stop”.
Nonsense really, a modern oxymoron, a logical inconsistency.
Try these others:
“Your Personal Opinion : No Personal Opinions Allowed”
“The Tau : Human Authority’
God’s Will : ego.
And i say Christianity is about ‘ego’ because you have to wear clothes to attend. If Christianity was about Spirit, physical nakedness would not be such a problem as it is today – and if some bloke was high as a kite on mushrooms, totally bear naked to the wind (id est, worshipping while stripping) in a Pagan Festival nobody would care, in a Christian festival, in America 2015, your shot dead for dancing like that.
N o Questions asked, because, “Your a Pagan”/ Case Closed.
DOA Pagan.
The last paragraph needs editing : Second Try:
And i say Christianity is about ‘ego’ because you have to wear clothes at all times to attend their festivals.
If Christianity was about Spirit, physical nakedness would not be such a problem as it is today – and if some bloke was high as a kite on mushrooms, totally bear naked to the wind (id est, worshipping while stripping) in a Pagan Festival nobody would care, in a Christian festival, in America 2015, you would be shot dead for dancing like that, left to lie dead and bleeding for four hours during the heat of day, and in the middle of the street, like Michael Brown, handcuffed to your dead dadself, as if you might awaken and avenge your death zombified.
N o Questions asked, because, “Your a Pagan”/ Case Closed.
DOA Pagan.
My use of the term : “physical nakedness” : is a marker for, “offensive guilt”.
And since The Christ is innocent of All Offense; The Christ is “offensive innocence”.
Whereas : “Orthodox Christianity” : which occasionally seeks to make others wrong for individual Joy, chooses to be “offensively guilty” – not rational either.
This attitude of ‘hate and revenge’ is really, ‘defensive’ – and thus “Orthodox Christianity” is ‘weak and under attack’, though when you believe, “your weak and under attack” – any savage impulse is greeted with progress.
To alter : “offensive innocence”. to : “offensive guilt” : to make others wrong : would be a diversion from the Message of Jesus, and would constitute a prostitution of the message, in other words, it’s when a diversion becomes a perversion that prostitutes enter the scene.
And thus, not of the message of The Christ.
Valor is Strength Personified. To View Valor is to recognize Strength, as a Principle and not an Act.
Stuart, your continuing diatribes ought not to go unanswered. Here, following on my former point, is what Father Georges Florovsky writes on the subject of the transformation of Russia achieved by the work of Cyril and Methodius when they gave a written language to what had been before them a strictly oral heritage:
“. . .Authentic translation always means the molding of the translator. He must penetrate his subject; that is, he must be enriched by the event and not just have his knowledge increased. Hence, the enduring significance of the writings of Cyril and Methodius. Their work shaped and formed the ‘Slavic’ language, gave it an inner Christian leavening, and infused it with ecclesiastical life. The very substance of Slavic thought became transfigured. ‘Slavic’ language was molded and forged in the Christian crucible under the powerful pressure of Greek ecclesiastical language. This was not simply a literary process; it was the construction of thought. Christian influence was felt far beyond and far deeper than any particular religious themes. Christianity affected the very manner of thinking. . .”
[Georges Florovsky: Ways of Russian Theology]
In defense of the statement you find so offensive, these same thoughts would have been in the mind and heart of Ivan Ilyin. Regardless of your love for paganism, the facts simply don’t support your argument.
@Wend, Stuart and the rest of you “pagan wanna be’s”.
What’s gone is gone, there is no way you can bring back the paganism as it was, because none of us actually knows what it was ,except for some fictitious stories.
No ritual procedures written in detail writing. So, let it go keep dreaming in your dens and stop peddling your BS.
Stuart, check the Greek dictionary, your “The Greek, doxa means: ‘opinion.’” is totally wrong opinion and far from the real meaning of the word is:
Δόξα => Glory
Saker. I have learned there may be a lot more to the legal aspects of this situation in which Christians find themselves. Apparently, it has to do with all the covenants between Almighty God and angels/humans, fallen angels/humans and human/human. Saying the situation could be extremely, extremely complex is probably an understatement. Maybe only Almighty God can figure it out!
Best to keep our words to a minimum and use scripture as much as possible. Remember we may be dealing with satan and his spirit/human minions. They would love to get Christians talking/writing in circles if only to add to Almighty God’s burden. Not that Almighty God can’t handle it but that it’ll make Him sad when He has to judge us. Honestly, I’m not looking forward to standing before Him while my whole life is laid out for all to see.
Probably a reason the ‘synagogue of satan pushes English on the world since it is the most complex language. So easy to cause strife due to misunderstanding. So easy to use wrong sentence structure. Maybe they hate the Germans so much because of their language? Isn’t German the most clear language?
There is a reason the Hebrews took Almighty God’s name out of scripture.
Anyway, just a heads up. If we Christians have a hard time understanding everything but are unable to deny our desire to know more how much more difficult can it be for someone without that desire inside? Maybe they can’t get it? It’s not like the information isn’t available? Who can understand what Judas did?
I’m mailing a donation to your Wilmington, DE address. I’ll mail it next Monday. Email me if that address isn’t correct. Thank you for your efforts to bring understanding and, hopefully thereby, peace to the world.
I know, I know, but I was shocked to see that the song “Yarilo” mentioned by The Wend had had 2,745,991 views at the time I’m writing this. Maybe it’s just the music, but still …
People everywhere are awakening in search of their spirituality, this essential human dimension that has been so obliterated through time that now it re-surges in all kinds of expressions. As long as they have love at the root and call us from the deepest of our soul, it’s a good thing, no?
As I remember it, the Italian’s roots are not really Etruscan. The Etruscans suddenly appeared, having wandered in from somewhere in Asia Minor, they settled in Tuscany and lasted a few centuries and then they basically vanished. They likely were a Persian tribe. More here
you know what Vierotchka, those Etruscans were Greeks..there’s not other explanation for their art. And I don’t care who says what…you can see from their art that they’re Greeks.
It is precisely as you say. They were Greeks, and still are Italian speaking Greeks.
Some still use their Doric dialect (Calabria), not to mention others.
To add to your explanation, Saker, as a practical matter what Orthodoxy did in helping form the Russian religious mind, and to consolidate the nation, was to codify the spoken language into written (and readable) form, introducing accessibility of Christian texts, and not only those but more and more texts of writings from around the world. This was, to put it frankly, a mindblowing occurrence that was happening even before the official Christianization of the people.
Wend, i have a definition of Paganism that is so all inclusive, even The Saker can be described as a follower of Paganism. And if, “What a load of utter nonsense!” The Saker is a Pagan; then The Whole World is One Pagan Festival!!
OK, here goes: The Pure Definition of Paganism; recently The Saker uploaded a video of a remarkable aircraft, “Absolutely amazing flight demonstration of the SU-35 at the MAKS Air Show”
This ‘craft’ was 1st an ‘idea’, as more time and effort was expended on the, ‘idea’, the ‘idea’ became an ‘IDEAL’ to be developed, a ‘concept’ and entered the Mindfield of The Possible as a ‘construction’ out of clay or metal or wood, into what is known as : Beta : or : B : the 1st letter of The Torah, The Book of Baal : in today’s parlance, we would be speak thus: : ‘A Frankenstein Beast (id eat, ‘a monster)’ has been MADE not CREATY$ED.
Now ‘monsters’, like ‘The Yeti’ don’t have a ‘personal name’, no ‘person’ is believed to be present. What is ‘resin present’ is a ‘beast’ a ‘something of animated-life’ – though no human is it’s friend.
Friendship is how a, ‘Beast” becomes : ‘an Animal’ : and animals can be BEFriended with a ‘personal name’.
Thus, the 1st letter of Paganism, has to do with Personhood.
The 2nd letter of Paganism, has to do with going from a beast to an “A” animal with a personal name.
The 3rd letter is for ‘G” for “Godly” not “Godlike” or “God” Itself.
Genesis : Chapter 1 : Line 1 : First Three Words : בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים
Notice the 1st letter of the 1st Word, A BET for BEAST
Notice the 2nd letter of the 1st Word, A Rosh for REASON
Notice the 3rd letter of the 1st Word, An ALEPH for Animal
Now, notice letters: four, five, and six, of the 1st hebrew word, what stands out is : שִׁית : and translates to: a lamb, female, and when reversed, תיש, we have a billy goat, a male goat *(Satan).
Now when humanity makes, as opposed to ‘creates’, we ‘Maker” make out of “lack” or “loss” and what we make – can destory us as well as our enemy if the “thing” blows up on launch, as opposed to ‘target’.
The 1st state of development, The Beast, is when the ‘thing’ is realized but the ‘thing’ isn’t yet all put together, it’s Frankenstein before the Juice is added – A Beta prototype.
After the 1st prototype was actually: “flown” : The ‘craft’ moved from Being an Abstraction : a Beast : and becomes possessed of the possible possession of being a new something, this new something has a persona, similar to known animal-friend, and can now be given a name, a personal name.
What i am saying is this: After that wonderful demonstration of engineering was exhibited on exhibition – – and the plane was safely landed with pilot or crew who knew, and landed, let’s say, a small child of ten scratches the ‘thing’ : .
“Do you feel anything is missing?”
that’s Paganism.
You’ve befriended a bride
‘Pagan’ Is a purely Christian word, and never existed anywhere until Christians showed up.
“Paganism is a term that developed among the Christian community of southern Europe during late antiquity to describe religions other than their own or Judaism. ”
Neither do the other synonyms below exist outside of Christianity.
noun: pagan; plural noun: pagans
a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions.
synonyms: heathen, infidel, idolater, idolatress;
“pagans worshiped the sun”
dated derogatory
a non-Christian.
an adherent of neopaganism.
adjective: pagan
relating to pagans.
“a pagan god”
synonyms: heathen, ungodly, irreligious, infidel, idolatrous
“the pagan festival”
Other purely Christian (or Abrahmic/Biblical) terms include Satan and Satanic. Satan does not even exist in non-Biblical religions. Other religion have various versions which might have some similarities in description, but it’s like trying to ask what спасибо — spasiba means according to an English dictionary: it doesn’t mean anything because it’s not an English word, even if can translated, more or less, into the English thank you. But many words in other languages just don’t translate — there is no equivalent — there is no isomorphic, one-to-one mapping.
It’s like trying to talk about bigotry against blacks in Africa before white people showed up — there were no ‘black people’ there then — just ordinary people. The Chinese never eat ‘Chinese food’ — just regular food.
Infidel – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Infidel (literally “unfaithful”) is a pejorative term used in certain religions for those who do not believe the central tenets of one’s own religion, are members of another religion, or are not religious.
It’s meaningless for me to say I’m an infidel if I was never a ‘fidel’ to begin with, and never a believer in a religion where that terms is used. Same with pagan.
this i got a learn, “What is a : спасибо — spasiba :?”
Found it : “TOP DEFINITION : Spasiba
“Thank You” in Russian without the funny Cyrillic writing.
– Would you care for some Vodka, Sergey?
– Spasiba, I would love some!
by petetoth March 17, 2009
blue writes, “But many words in other languages just don’t translate — there is no equivalent — there is no isomorphic, one-to-one mapping.”
we have words for their definitions.
we do not have words so that we can hear ourselves.
when a word is translated, it’s the meaning that is supposed to be carried over, not the ‘custom’.
So, i just discovered, that спасибо — spasiba : means quite a bit more:
Friday, March 26, 2010
The Meaning of спасибо/spasibo (“Thank You”)
The origin of the word for “thank you” in Russian relates to why Russia really fascinates me. The old customs. The traditional, ancient lifestyles. The people (народ) themselves. The full integration of simple Christian facets in everyday living.
Spasibo (спасибо) comes from two words: spasi (спасать/спасти = to save; to rescue) and Bog (Бог = God). Although it is a very old remnant of when Russia was a wholly Christian nation, each time someone said thank you, the person was saying, “God save you” or “God will save you.”
The combination of heartfelt gratitute and deep appreciation for God’s saving grace is an encouraging reminder, although long forgotten now among Russians, of why I love Russia.
In the Western Christian tradition, the week preceeding Easter is called Holy Week. In contrast, in Eastern Orthodox Christianity, the week proceeding Easter is called Holy Week.
Instead, Orthodox Christians celebrate “Suffering Week” leading up to Resurrection Sunday. In fact, the work for “Sunday” (Воскресенье) in Russian literally means “Resurrection” (Воскресение).
As our professor explained the other day in class, our “Sunday” is a pagan tradition, whereas their “Resurrection” celebrates the life, death, and resurrection of Christ every week. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that attending church on Sunday (a rare concept in the former atheist Soviet Union) celebrates this as well.
Posted by Danielle LoVallo at 2:32 AM
“‘Pagan’ Is a purely Christian word, and never existed anywhere until Christians showed up.”
Pagan is A LIFESTYLE, with lifestyle choices.
Paganism is beyond a Christian’s ‘conception of comprehension’ – because Christians have all been told to mindyourmind beyond certain boundaries, and Christians do, otherwise they would be Jesus Loving Pagans.
Thus, an open-minded Jesus Loving Pagan cannot discuss with a closed-mind fantastic anything about what would occur when a closed-mind fantastic becomes an open-minded Jesus Loving Pagan.
And, i say that Christianity today is about Fantasy. A Belief in the hereafter of the body in heaven, it’s a disgrace to The Lord sometimes to even discuss the topic.
blue : IMHO : “Your confusing ‘substance with meaning’ “, and implying a geographic area is as far as an idea can spread, or once noticed, would not be appreciated and understood by others, pagan.
First of all this comment is not intended to offend anyone, but it’s meant to be somewhat sarcastic towards pagan lovers.
Okay, to all of you, the pagan lovers, I really think you share the same office.
First of all you Wend, if you really are a woman. Think about this
if you know what does “virgin” mean, because if you are a modern western woman
you may have lost yours at the age of 12 or earlier. So, if you were a virgin
and lived in the days of paganism you would have had a good chance at being
sacrificed for some cause.
Famous case in Greek history, Iphigenia a daughter of Agamemnon was sacrificed
by him for the success of Greek mainland alliance against the the Greek
city of Troy. Educate yourself here:
Justly enough, Agamemnon was knifed by his wife while taking bath upon his return.
The fact was immortalized in Aeschylus’s Oresteia and other works.
Christianity never really broke away from Greek gods, because first of all
Christianity was a creation of a whole slew of Greek people working under
the order of Contantine the Great. I know this is not what you were told
but this is how it was.
Greeks till this day go to Hades (the god of the underground world of the dead)
and Charon comes to take them upon their death. This is why they still lay coin
on the dead person’s eyelids. They seldom do not go to St. Peter.
Funny enough, maybe not, but on the night of the dead the real Christians
show the death (Charon) Just like the monk in the first picture of this article
except that the death wears no Christian crosses on the cloak and holds
scythe instead of this huge candle which Greeks call “Lambada”
Oddly enough Italians still call god “Dio” which could be understood as
(Dias or Zeus in Greek) or it could be their translation of Greek “Theos > God”
Italians do not have “th” nor do slavic people.
Coming back to sacrifice, which was an integral part of paganism, and the main
reason of it’s demise.
Would you like to be sacrificed? That is if you were a virgin you might
have had a good chance to be, now you are saved by Christianity, which did away with that.
So be happy to live in modern days, except for some places torn by wars.
And if you enjoy Orthodox Christianity you will share some red wine and a
piece of very special bread, called “Prosphoro” in Greek, which means “Offering”.
Isn’t this a better way to “bribe the gods” than watch “virgin’s dead body”
on some table full of her blood?
It might interest you a source that has shocked me recently and made me look with new eyes. It supports spiritual but not necessarily a traditional view. Where did Christianity and Judiasm connected through the Old Testament and the New Testament come from? What is the history according to Egyptologists and Archeologists that is just hitting the light of day? Egypt Knew No Pharaohs Nor Israelites. a new book out by Dr. Ashraft Ezzat… Yup Egyptians did not call their kings and queens Pharaoh and there were no Israelite Slaves in Egypt…This is according to the author a deliberate mistranslation of the Septuagint Bibles by Jewish scholars…The pyramids were not built by slaves. Pyramids are never mentioned in the bible. Funny eh? Moses did not say let my people go in Egypt…(think Yemen) The author is not challenging anyone’s personal beliefs…He is challenging the narrative presented in the Old Testament that israelites were in egypt and held as slaves there and that this is not supported by physical fact. There is no archaeological evidence and the Hebrews were not mentioned in any pyramid text. The mistranslated narrative of slavery in Egypt and God’s chosen people results in Judaism the old testament and then Christianity in the new. This incorrect narrative results in the mistaken geography that makes the holy land the holy land to Christians, Muslims and Jews. It is not. They are fighting over mistaken geography. This is not what I was taught as a child and I have now discovered this information that apparently has been common knowledge in Egypt for a long time. Egyptians did not own slaves. They were not cruel slave drivers holding israelites hostage and forcing them to build pyramids. They (egyptians)were thrown under the bus conveniently and intentionally. You must read and look into this for yourselves. What did other peoples believe 5,000 years ago? There are many stories of a flood, a virgin birth, a death and a resurrection in other traditions along with the Judeo Christian tradition of which Orthodoxy is a part. There are many similar stories in pagan belief systems. I am not saying who is right and who is wrong. As a Christian my hope is in Christ. Presented with this mistaken narrative now I am trying to make sense of the old testament and much that has always grated on my soul in trying to read ALL that is in my bible..Just not glossing over the gory parts that make me want to weep. If the narrative about Egypt is false what else is? I agree that humanity is lost without some sort of spirituality. It is good to try to be good. What is going on in Ukraine and to the lovely people there breaks my heart. I do not know all of the answers…I do know it is better for human beings to believe in a creator rather than not. The Communists squeezed God from ethnic Russians and Ukrainians and Orthodox Christians at the end of a rifle or in a gulag. They had to try or they could not succeed. Who were the communists? What was their majority background? They could not take the faith whatever it was from the hearts of the people. Why would they want to do this? It has happened throughout antiquity. Alexandria was sacked, Hypatia murdered and the library burned. Our connection with ancient wisdom lost or stolen or hidden….I never knew who Hypatia was…. If Egypt Knew No Pharaohs nor Israelites has merit perhaps it might be possible for people to look at the world with new eyes. I believe in God…I just don’t have all the details worked out yet as I am learning everyday. It is hard to wrap my brain around. I am searching for the truth. I am trying to listen with my heart. The force against Ukraine is a dark one in this present day. That I do know for certain. They have suffered much. The people wherever their faith that lies in their hearts happens to be, are right and just to resist. I pray they are saved from this current situation so that they can live in their beautiful land in peace.
The reference of the Saker to the “central or small Russia”, obviously to MOlorossia o the Ukraine, is because in the ancient Slavic languages “Small” meant “the central” or the “Near”; and the “Great” the “Perihery” or “the further”.
As long as, the first “Russian” State was the Rus of Kiev, and also because the Central City of Ortodoxy is Tsarigrad/constantinople, actually IStanbul, the Ukraine is the “small Russia” (center of the Rus or close to “the city”) and Russia “the grat Russia”. Contrary to the popular believing, the epithets of “small Russia” adn “great Russia” have nothing to do with their size.
The oher Russia is the White Russia or Belarus. This is because the Slavic metaphora of White as “the North” and Black as “the souh”. The Baltic Sea is the Whit Sea (Balt is White in Baltic languages, this means thet probably in Slavic languages was known as “White Sea” prior to Baltic Sea) and the Black Sea in the South. This is relatedd to Belgrade, the White City, because Belgrade was in the north border (or near to it) in Medieval Serbia, while “Black City” (the city in the South) could be Pristina, Prizren, Pec (see of Serbian Partiarchy) or Skopje (cappital of Tsar Dusan).
The reference of the Saker to the “central or small Russia”, obviously to MOlorossia o the Ukraine, is because in the ancient Slavic languages “Small” meant “the central” or the “Near”; and the “Great” the “Perihery” or “the further”.
100% correct.
“Small Russia” meant “central or inner Russia” and “Great Russia” meant “outer” Russia. This never meant that the “great Russians” are ‘great’ and the ‘small Russians’ are somehow lesser or of lesser importance. If anything, it was the other way around. If I recall correctly, this terminology was inherited from the Greek Empire where “small Greece” was Greece proper and “great Greece” was the full Hellenized world (I am not sure about this – don’t quote me on that)
Your right on the history there.In fact it was the Byzantine’s (East Roman Empire) that started calling the Kiev West Russian areas “Little Russia” ,a way of saying for them “nearer Russia”,(Europeans used to use a term similar for the Balkans and Levant areas,the “Near East”) and the larger Russian areas “Great or Greater Russia”, to mean further out Russia.Today’s “Ukrainians” seem to not understand their own history,and think the term Little Russia (Malorussia) is some kind of insult.When it was just a geographic term.
Yes, that term exists, in Latin is called Magna Graecia, and in Greek “Hellade”. But it is a bit problematic. Firstly because in that time the big States did not exist (and less the nation-States) so it was a bit difficult to trace the border between a “proper” or inner city-State and a “newborn” or “outsider” colony. How many years have to become a “colony”; for example Syracuse to becme “proper Greek”.
The second problem iss that the Greek term, “Hellade”, does not make any reference to “Great”, This term appears in the Latin “Magna Graecia”. So probably the distinction between Small=proper//great=outer appeared in Byzantine times (which called theirselves as the “Roman Empire”)…
But I am not expert in Medieval history, so I am probably wrong…
I would also say that ‘small’ or ‘little’ for Russians is an endearing term – the feast we just celebrated (and Saker had the icon up for it until just recently) is often called by Russians ‘little Easter’, being the Dormition or Falling Asleep of the Mother of God. You could see in the icon that Christ is holding her soul in his arms, and it is very little.
In the Russian church children, even babies, receive Communion because though they are small they are close to God.
I find these religious themed posts very interesting as I think there is a lot of confusion about our religion. Personally, I still do not understand the following:
Point 8. Orthodoxy “consolidated the idea of a monarch”. Isn’t monarchy totalitarian? How does democracy fit in and is the Tsar sort of like a Pope?
My country never had Tsar, so who takes up this role in countries outside Russia?
Hi Serbian girl,
Yes it had, Tzar Dusan and Lazar, Nemanjici, …..
You are right about Dušan, but not about Lazar.. Lazar was a prince or knyaz. Only in folk songs and legends he was called Car. The only Serbian Tsar, beside Dušan was his son Uroš. But he was not titled Uroš the Weak for nothing, under his rule the Serbian Tsardom fell apart.
Saddam Panonski is right, Tsar Lazar’s cult is undistinguisheable from Kosovo Batlte cult. it was because that defeat that he is seen as the Tsar of Serbia (a thing that historically he was not). robably the iniciator of the cult or Lazar Hrebeljanovic as “tsar” was her wife Princess Milica, which was a poet.
thanks Aleksander, you are right. Tsar was the official title used in Serbia 1346 – 1371 for Dusan and co.
I still have problems understanding the role of a “Tsar”. I imagine it to be similar to the Queen/ King of England who is Monarch and the “Defender of the faith”.
Monarchy is less totalitarian, in many respects than modern democracy. Consider the succession of elected official, for whom (like the archetypal fallen angels) time is limited to amass wealth. Decisions are made that are against the common good, and even the long term survival of the state.
Interesting discussion. What is the difference between a 20th century Western Wage Slave and a Russian serf? Did the Monarchs or the Church look out for the serfs any better than Warren Buffet or for that matter, Barak Obama?
Sure, Peter the Great freed the serfs. So why was Lenin’s call promise of peace, land and bread so appealing? Were the Russian peasants eager to fight for the Romanov’s war? Why didn’t the Romanovs seek the peace that Lenin gave?
Rich people, whether Western Oligarchs or Tsars use the people as cannon fodder. The exception being when a country is really and truly threatened with extinction, as happened in WWII.
I have no doubt as a former (non Christian) monk, that deep spirituality is part of Orthodox Christianity. However, deep spirituality is a component of all of humanity, whether pagan, monotheist, and anything in between. Putin recently honored Indian Hindu spirituality as practiced by Modi, which is polytheistic. He also honored Xi Jinping’s Chinese spirituality, which is a synthesis of Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism.
It was Communist idealism and its ideas of community and mutual responsibility of the State towards the people, that fueled the ephemeral improvement in people’s lives even in the USA during the 1930’s. Atheist of course, but who among the ‘religious’ really gave a damn about the suffering poor, in any country?
Spiritual ideals are fine, but institutional religion is and has been used for centuries to oppress the poor, by offering some solace in the future which the real owners of a society know they’ll never have to make good on.
Frankly, it scares me when I read statements that seem to point towards some sort of “Exceptional” —and I use that word that has been so misused by the “Exceptional Nation”—nature of any human idea or institution. We all know where that leads.
To honor one particular aspect of Russian history, in this example, Orthodoxy, disrespects all the components of what it is to be ‘Russian’.
What I found heartening on my visit to Russia in May for the Victory commemoration, was the fact that St. George’s Ribbon and the Hammer and Sickle were both emblazoned on a flag, honoring both aspects of the Russian experience.
Heroes, saints and villains all coexist simultaneously, all found in the Russian heart, as they are all found in all human hearts. To recognize these components as part of ourselves is true spiritual maturity. To fragment and make some type of hierarchy of goodness or evilness does not honor the Totality of human experience, whatever culture and in whatever form they appear.
For what this is worth.
Excellent, well balanced post – thanks.
Sure, Peter the Great freed the serfs
Nope, he did not such thing. It was the Tsar Alexander 2nd who in 1861 abolished this shameful practice the Russian elites had imported from the West. But the Russian peasantry had to wait for the reforms of Nicholas II and his Minister of Internal Affairs Petr Stolypin to really become free on a legal AND in an economic sense.
You hadn’t tsar in Serbia? What about Dusan the Great? He ruled teritory from Alps to the Black sea. What about Lesandar the Great who was emperor from Alps to India!
Is is truth, Stefan Dusan and Uros IV weree Tsars… but were Tsar “of Serbia”? The were Serbs, no doubt about it. But the State? Stefan Dusan said that he was “Tsar of Serbs and Greeks” and ater that, even “Tsar of Serbs, Greeks, Bulgarians and Albanians”. And a large amount of Serbs were out from the Nemanjic Tsardom, in the Kingdom of Bosnia.
It is very difficult and problematic t trace the Ancient or Medieval history in lines of tthe modern nation-State ideology…
And Tzar Dushan was Tzarina Dushanka?
The VISION is everything.
The Emotion is the path to the Vision.
The emotion and the vision cannot be corrupted.
The imperialist Oligarchs replace emotion with hate.
They kill the Vision.
The lack of a VISION is corruption itself.
I enclose the letter Buenaventura Durruti, leader of Spanish Anarchism, sent to the Russian people in 1936. The Spanish Anarchists were the largest political group in Spain, and rallied the people of Catalonia to defend their Republic and resist Spain’s Fascist coup.
Spain’s anarchists opposed all monarchies, including theirs and Russia’s. It is the vision and emotion of the leader of Spain’s most oppressed and exploited that most shine through his letter.
On 23 October 1936, Durruti drafted a message to Russian workers and had it delivered in Russia. The letter was addressed to the workers alone, ignoring their leaders and despite any diplomatic inhibitions about its contents, it bluntly affirmed the anarchist ideal. Less than a month later, Durruti fell in the Battle to defend Madrid (the Spanish capital), from the assault of Franco’s fascists.
“Through these few lines we send you fraternal greetings from the Aragon front where thousands of your brethren are fighting just as you fought twenty years ago for the emancipation of a class down-trodden and oppressed for century upon century. Twenty years have passed since the Russian workers in the East hoisted the red flag, symbolising the brotherhood between the international proletariat, whom you trusted implicitly to help you in the mighty undertaking upon which you had embarked: a trust that we workers around the globe welcomed as we responded selflessly insofar as the proletariat’s resources permitted.
“Today it is in the West that a fresh revolution is being born and here too there flies a flag that stands for an ideal which, should it triumph, will weave fraternal bonds between two peoples ravaged, on the one hand, by tsarism, and, on the other, by a despotic monarchy. Today, Russian workers, it is we who trust the defence of our revolution to your care; we have no confidence in any self-styled democratic or antifascist politicians; we place out trust in our class brethren, in workers; it is they that must come to the defence of the Spanish revolution, even as we did twenty years ago when we leapt to the defence of the Russian revolution.
“Rely upon us: we are authentic workers and there is nothing in this whole wide world that can make us jettison our principles, let alone bring disgrace upon the symbolic instrument of the working class.
“Greetings from all the workers fighting fascism with weapons in hand on the Aragon front.
“B. Durruti.”
Much has changed since then, but the essentials remain the same. Now, the front is in the Novorossyan Republics and Syria.
For the Democratic Republics!
Great stuff comrade. Many thanks.
Minsk 2 is the marching orders Merkel delivered to Porky today.
Porky can shoot his way out of the trap he’s in. But the two vassals he went crying to told him to continue that and die or cease and be shot or hung by his own nazis. He will get no solace from this two tools. He’s been greased up and remains in the barrel, ass outward.
He signed Minsk 2, they signed, the UNSC signed and Putin holds the title to Donbass with a lien on whatever other pieces of former Ukraine he wants to own.
Aug. 24, 2015 3:19 p.m. ET
BERLIN—German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday called on all sides to respect the cease-fire in Ukraine amid recent new waves of violence that have hit eastern Ukraine and highlighted the fragility of the truce.
Ms. Merkel met with French President François Hollande and Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko in Berlin to discuss the implementation of the February 12 cease-fire deal between Kiev, Moscow, Ukraine forces and pro-Russian rebels in Minsk, Belarus.
“The cease-fire hasn’t been fully implemented and this of course means that there are again and again victims. The first and foremost condition is that we have to do everything possible to let this cease-fire become reality,” said Ms. Merkel at a joint news conference. “We have gathered here to implement Minsk and not to question it.”
Mr. Hollande joined her call to end this conflict that started 18 months ago.
“We have only one single rule today and this is the full respect and implementation of the Minsk agreement,” Mr. Hollande said. “There must be a withdrawal of heavy and then of light weaponry.”
Lavrov’s very astute comment on global affairs:
Russian FM sees end of Western dominance in economy, politics
DVORIKI, Russia, Aug. 24 (Xinhua) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday slammed the West for trying to maintain its global dominance by heavy-handed tactics, saying Western dominance in world economy and politics is actually coming to an end.
“We are witnessing the end of a very long era of dominance of the historic West dominance in economy and politics,” Lavrov said at the Terra Scientia International Youth Forum held in Dvoriki in the Vladimir region, east of Moscow.
The era, which has lasted for centuries, has entered into the objective contradictions with the newly formed centers of power in the Asia-Pacific region, he said, adding that a polycentric world is being formed, although the process is going to take quite a long time.
Lavrov said the West has been trying to maintain its dominance by artificially exercising pressure on other countries, using sanctions and military forces, as well as violating the international law and the UN Charter, thus contributing to the chaos in international relations.
Meanwhile, the top Russian diplomat said Russia was ready to restore dialogue with the West, particularly with the United States, as soon as it saw the willingness from the opposite side.
“When we receive an offer to begin, even gradually, restoring the former channels and mechanisms of interaction and dialogue that have been frozen by our American partners, I am certain that we will agree to restore these channels,” he said.
Lavrov added that Moscow has been following the U.S. presidential campaign, but Moscow did not expect many changes in Washington’s policy irrespective of the election results.
“Since the Soviet times, there has been an opinion that it is easier for Russia to deal with a Republican president than with a Democratic one, but frankly, I do not see a major difference,” he said.
Interesting to read this, and that it could be so old! I didn’t realize that when I started reading. Now the only thing I don’t really understand is this formulation:
“Orthodoxy set at the foundation of the human being the life of the heart (feelings, love), and contemplation deriving from the heart (vision, imagination). Herein lies the deepest distinction from Catholicism, which brings faith from will to reason, and from Protestantism, bringing faith from reason to will.”
“faith from will to reason” and “faith from reason to will”… Does any intuitive person understand what this means exactly?
Based on one Western philosophy class at uni, and I’ll be corrected I’m sure, but will to reason and reason to will must relate to the changes of dominant Western philosophical thinking throughout time:
– In Homeric philosophy (~750 B.C.) of Heroism faith resembled imposition of ones Will onto another. Ancient Heroism was the pursuit of virtue, power, excellence, courage etc.
– From the time of Plato (~350 B.C), rationalists took over. Rational thinking is thinking according to reason. Rationalism during Plato’s time was the pursuit of wisdom courage and moderation (I think, therefore I exist). It was based on absolute values, also called forms (i.e. there was absolute Beauty, and people could judge beauty based on the absolute value, which came from one’s mind/soul, rather than through observation). Christianity could also be explained rationally until William of Ockham (~1300 A.D.), after which Christianity is not rational but becomes faith.
– German Romanticism (~1800 A.D.) brought back the Will; It was the philosophy of power (I will therefore I exist). Absolute values from Plato times were destroyed and values were what one wills onto another. Wills would clash and the strong willed would defeat the weak willed.
“faith from will to reason” and “faith from reason to will”… Does any intuitive person understand what this means exactly?
Zuzim, “what a wonderful reply – just my sentiments too”
i’m a very intuitive thinker and when i think intuitively i link to think in terms of colors, ‘faith is blue’, ‘will is green’ and ‘reason is red’, so, “faith from will to reason” would be going from ‘blue to green to red’, and “faith from reason to will” would be going from ‘blue to red to green’ (i will only explain after i’ve been sent some caviar).
for those who like to stack : over grammar :
faith from will to reason = blue green red
faith from reason to will = blue red green
Zuzim, now that i have had twenty-four hours to consider my : ‘intuitive side” : with my : “scientific side” : i should like to pass on what i have learned Scientifically over the last day – yet first, let me remind us all, that if a randomly selected group of one-hundred earthlings were placed in one room and told that they would receive one-hundred yuan (about US$ 15.60) if they were to answer the following question, ‘right’, my wager, is that they would all get it wrong.
The Question : IS :: “Does the Sun move across the sky?”
The Great Beauty of Science is when it contradicts our intuition or Faith, we label this sort or ‘type’ of thinking: counter-intuitive, it runs counter to what we can view or see with our own understanding, it is of i and rational thought.
The three words: faith, will, and reason each have their own destination today, and that is most easily promulgated as, ‘God’s Will, as separate from our own individual will to succeed or accomplish, this Will is your path, your Chart, your life as is, what you get to decide is your emotions on that path, not the [ath itself.
I think in past times, and i can only guess, yet when i went to sleep last night, i no longer set myself to sleep in some sort of mindset that will help me remember my dreams, what i do now is “place myself somewhere”, any time, any place and listen in on the conversation, however, since it’s a forward place in unconsciousness or time, you get to : ‘place’ : yourself there or anywhere, and ask Jefferson a Question or Cleopatra what she would do in this situation or that.
So, i traveled to Ivan’s Space, and here’s the details
Orthodoxy = Heart Centered = Heart Sourced = Soulful Pagan & Nourishing Elders
Catholicism = Head Centered = Ego Triumphant like an infant = Death & Taxes
Protestantism = Self-Centered = Ego Triumphant like an infant = Death & Taxes
The Color of Orthodoxy would of course include all colors just as Orthodoxy includes all of life. The only possible way to “Symbolically” include all of life in ‘color’ is to utilize ‘all the colors’ and thus speak in rainbow’s crystallized into art.
I once went to visit a friend and spent the weekend learning about the relationship between the success of a “Movement” based upon their choice of flag ‘colors’. Take ISIS, the color “black’ represents ‘defeat’ actually. So, why would soldiers march off “to defeat”. Some people like to be ‘pawns’ in the 2D child’s chessboard of life, as they were being used by their known betters – for the moment, they became alive – the color white is not defeat, but surrender. And if i had my choice, i’d have all countries have a white rag for a year as their National Flag, inspire devotion, since all the characteristics would have to come from within. I wouldn’t keep it up for more than a year, it’s not to punish, but to inspire, thereafter run a yearly contest : choose that year’s most admired goals.
OK, we have two color templates. One of Earth, which goes by the name of ‘The Rebel’, and includes the Colors of Rebellion, and One of Heaven, which is referred to as, The Artist.
One ‘system’ of color arises from earth-based pigments, and an ink-jet printer would be a perfect model. The primary colors are: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black (CMYK).
What this means, is that if you wanted to succeed in a Rebellion, you would take advantage of the energy of color in a directed way, and use color, not to symbolically represent something but as a siren with courage, an iconic image of rebellion, a great poster would be a fine example.
The other ‘system’ of color resides from a monitor and is Light-Based. The primary colors are: Red, Blue, and Green (RGB) or OFF.
So, when i intuitively suggested, for faith = blue, will = green, and reason = head red, i was ascribing colors from LIGHT and not Earth.
When you combine all of Earth you get not ‘black’ but ‘brown’, the color of the earth, and when someone jumbles a bit of this and a bit of that and comes up with some crazy whacky theory, the English idiom to describe somebody whose mind is all mixed up with idea’s that don’t go together, we say, “that person has the letter, “S” for simpleton added to the word, “hit” and to that is added the following two words, “for brains”, since “that” is brown and all mixed up.
The current Russian Flag is: White, Blue, and Red. Surrender Faith to Reason (or what is counterintuitive) which is good, it’s not immortal, to be immortal they will have to replace white with green and thus place themselves firmly in the camp of Spirit. White is a door not a color, white is the absence of Emotion, your “white” when you have ‘no color’ . White is a color, when an emanation, as in ‘white light’.
OK Ivan comments:
Catholicism = faith from will to reason = blue green red
Protestantism = faith from reason to will = blue red green
The color blue is of course, The Sky, and represents the greater distance we have to travel to find our faith than so to say, green which surrounds us and represents The Will of God. Now what Ivan is saying is that in Orthodoxy we both: Live from The Heart and Decide From The Heart, We Live the Emotional Life, we cry sometimes, whereas Catholicism reason’s away your sadness with doctrine – for another time, in the after-life all will be known, ‘don’t ask so many questions, just believe in the reasons we tell you – “The Earth is the Center of the Universe” – and you will get to Heaven.
In Protestantism, they espouse a personal sense of happiness that includes only their gang, they end up with individual will being the dominant component. They take all from faith, utilizing reason only to reacher a greater belief in faith – it’s a childish syndrome known as – fixation. Their advantage is that at least they live in green.
Today, questions of : will, faith, and reason, are not significant like they once were. And that’s because today we seek only God’s Will, utilizing both intuition (faith) and reason (science) the counter-intuitive and spend little interest on personal will. Thus only God’s Will Remains.
Very interesting.
Can you try to set a future time for feedback?
fyi: one of my smartest buddies considers that time is a concept only: the only instant that has been, is, or will be, is now.
Anon, how’s 2:00 am UTC, in a few hours ; August 27th
“fyi: “…time is a concept only: the only instant that has been, is, or will be, is now.”
IMHO. Time is a existential construct of the Universe itself, rather than a human concept. In that time exists outside of human inferences. Time can be altered by spirit however, being at the same level of realization – and in that sense, some view time conceptually – though that’s risky, since time moves while we consider time, i prefer to view time as a constructive idea, rather than an ideal, as all ‘concepts’ are, they are ideals to become whereas, a construct you will bump into eventually. As well, a concept maybe forever unintelligible – since all concepts are also abstractions.
Ergo, time is constructed from space as space enlarges or increases in space.
What we have is not spacetime but rather The Timing of Space From Here to There.
In Spacetime what is significant is the space you occupy in time, and if time is the here and now, then in spacetime you travel from there in space to here in time. Which of course makes no sense. One Should begin with oneself and go forward, thus spacetime becomes timingspace-over-place, or going from here in the now and extending oneself outward into space. Unfortunately, Einstein had to choose, and IMHO, he reversed the concepts, it’s really timing space and not spaceing time or as Einstein spoke, ‘spacetime’.
For instance, of the seven stars in The Big Dipper, the distances are between : 58 – 134 Light years to Earth. Which means, that for every instant of every instant that we view The Big Dipper, one human life expires, or 66 Light Years. That is what i mean by Timing Space.
In spacetime, the space occupies a time, and since time is a construct, How will we construct a craft to get through time. Whereas, if we seek to travel in space, we can do so by collapsing time, which is gravity in motion, through anti-gravity propulsion, which is a miracle (the collapse of time)!
The link between time and space is gravity. Gravity both modulates as well as translates time and space or motion. IMHO.
Thanks for your detailed reply Stuart – fascinating stuff.
I’m glad you brought up ‘time’ because that may be the thing satan is trying to use to subvert Almighty God’s plans for humanity. Several people have been discussing various aspects of time on other blogs (time being ‘wonky’, Almighty God adjusting time between creation days, delayed events that should have happened based on interpretations from the London Olympic game opening ceremony, etc). It appears that satan may have, or be trying to, put us into a permanent time loop. Evidence is the TV show ‘Sex in the City’ which is now showing up every where as ‘Sex and the City’. You can still find several references to the show as ‘Sex in the City’ online if you look for it. What possible reason could there be for ‘renaming’ a TV show? Is it a glitch in the ‘system’ or has time been looped?
One thing becoming clearer to me is that ethnic groups have specific characteristics and perform specific tasks according to their ‘programming’ even though they can’t see that what they do is detrimental to their own survival. This is easily seen in nature. Animals do what Almighty God programmed them to do. This is why deer run out in front of cars even though they clearly see them. Cars are not in their programming so they don’t know what to do to avoid being hit. Some freeze, some run away, others run right into the side of the vehicle.
Almighty God’s laws are written in the hearts of His chosen people. Even now a lot of people that don’t go to church at all, and may have never gone, still consider themselves Christians. Hopefully, many will awaken from their slumber, repent of their sins and accept salvation before the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I believe a lot of our trouble stems from racial/religious groups not dealing with their own individual ‘extremist’ elements. If the vastly more numerous moderate or ‘moral’ members of any racial/religious group would deal decisively with the extremist or ‘immoral’ members of their own racial/religious group we wouldn’t have a lot of the problems we do today. I’m afraid the remaining Hebrews are going to pay a very heavy price for not dealing with there own ‘issue’. I feel Christians are also going to pay a heavier price than they would have had they been more diligent.
The Fukashima Diachi NPP disaster (I read that 14 reactors were damaged not just the six at the Fukashima Diachi NPP) is probably an extinction level event. Sea life in the Northern Pacific is getting wiped out which fits with the destruction of 1/3rd of the seas. ( is an aggregator for all the depressing news – Don’t forget that background levels are way up so any radiation monitors at the 99 reactors around the USA are dialed way up to account for spikes, if not turned off, so there is just going to be more and more radiation released as time goes on – background levels were ~15 cpm pre-Fukashima – now regular readings of 500 to 1,000 combined beta/gamma in several areas – See Veterans Today for weekly readings around the USA – Also, some interesting talk of Barium released from Chernobyl turning the clouds blue soon due to conversion of radioactive isotopes over time – could also see bright green clouds if this information is correct – just throwing this out there in case it happens so you’re not misled about the cause). Next up will be 1/3rd of the vegetation. I also read there is roughly a four year latency for cancer once exposed to radiation particulate so we’ll have our plagues soon too.
Maybe we’ll see the revealing of the anti-christ during the 70th Biblical Shemitah Jubilee and blood moon (three blood moons of four already and this forth one is a super blood moon) next month? This super blood moon just happens to be visible from Israel. I’m sure there are ‘people’ that have big plans for next month :( At a minimum it’s probably the end of the financial system which it appears is barely being held together. I’m sure Russia and China will be vilified but I doubt that will fly.
Thank you Saker, and everyone else working on/commenting on this blog. I find the articles, discussion and comments on Orthodox Christianity and Russia extremely enlightening and reassuring. I feel a growing bond with Almighty God, Jesus Christ and all my Christian brothers and sisters around the world. Pray daily that Almighty God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven and all Christians will be united with our Heavenly Father and His loving Son Jesus Christ!
Saker, does Orthodox Christianity mention anything about the use of ‘And God (Jesus said there were other gods so could this ‘God’ be ‘god’) said: let us create man in our image…’ in Genesis 1:26 vs ‘And God created the man…’ in Genesis 1:27? I read the other day that there may be a significant meaning between the use of ‘man’ in verse 26 and ‘the man’ in verse 27 related to pre-Adamic man created by the angels (which may explain the presence of fossil records of man in distinct ‘phases’ of development) vs Adamic man created by Almighty God alone. It appears that Almighty God put His Adamic creation over pre-Adamic man in Genesis 1:28 (perhaps provoking Lucifer to seduce Eve to wreck Almighty God’s plan). I use the New World Translation. I know you use a different Bible translation (I need to follow up on that and get one). It may also be related to several verses referring to a ‘beast’ creation with ‘hands’ (“”No hand is to touch it, because he will positively be stoned or positively be shot through. Whether beast or man, he will not live.”…” – Exodus 19-13) and ‘feet’ (“No foot of man shall pass through it, no foot of beast shall pass through it, neither shall it be inhabited for forty years.” – Ezek. 29:11) where the context could refer to a human with reduced comprehension but not an uncomprehending beast. This could be especially problematic because any instance in any Bible translation mistranslated using ‘animal’ instead of the correct term ‘beast’ related to sexual relations of Adamic man with a pre-Adamic man ‘beast’ creation may not be recognized as sin by either party.
I’m afraid we Christians need to get on the same page especially with what we western Christians are taught concerning ‘Thou shalt not kill’ vs what we should have been taught ‘Thou shalt not commit murder’. Oh, how we have let ourselves be misled.
“And they shall teach no more, every man his neighbor and every man his brother.” – Jer 31:34
May Almighty God have mercy on our souls.
Sorry, I meant Cobalt, not Barium, as a product of radioactive decay of certain isotopes turning clouds blue.
Subzero, thank you for your, “Warmest regards”.
“Thank you, Stuart. In a weird way you actually make sense! I’ll need to ponder your words. I’m not sure it’s that simple.”
It’s simpler, it’s pure experience without any words.
“Soon blood will flow. Our question, as Christians, is are we the inheritors of the promise of Almighty God given to the tribe of Israel:”
The Difficulty in answering your query is in defining “Who” or “What” : IS : ‘A Christian’.
It’s very important to separate doctrine from Principle, and Faith from Science or Fact.
Now, i would have thought this issue settled, however, one of the most contentious differences today, from my point of view from within those who expose a like for Jesus, is whether, The Crucifixion was needed for Jesus to Become The Christ, OR, was Jesus simply born The Christ?
I believe The Life of Jesus for Jesus, were significant steps for Jesus towards becoming The Christ, i do NOT believe that without the life-experience of Jesus while Jesus, Jesus would have been able to overcome The Crucifixion. The Life of Jesus was necessary for Jesus to mature. IMHO.
Thus, if you accept The Life of Jesus as Primary and not incidental, your not a Christian. This is a Big Problem.
Further, the notion that the Most Fundamental LAW in the Universe is scrubbed away as if nothing, that of Cause and Effect, and your sins are forgiven because Jesus died for your sins – this hocus pocus formulation is beyond belief, it’s lysergic detergent of common sense.
You sin. Karma.
Jesus WILL NOT, CAN NOT violate The Most Fundamental LAW in the Universe that of Cause and Effect, and still be Jesus, it’s that bad.
“So who here is without sin?”
“Those who have forgiven themselves.”
“as Christians, is are we the inheritors of the promise of Almighty God given to the tribe of Israel:”?
“Are you forgiven? Then Yes!”
That’s all it takes anymore – forgiveness for yourSelf from YoursELF.
In other words, do you originate from an, “innocent perception” : are you free of hate and malice. Then Yes. The Gates of Heaven are Open to You. IMHO
subzero, your speaking to absolute zero, Stuart here.
subzero, your wonderful comments are very much appreciated, “I’m glad you brought up ‘time’ because that may be the thing satan is trying to use to subvert Almighty God’s plans for humanity.
Yes and no.
Satan, while a, “Fallen Angel” is still a Creator of the Creator and seeks to do God’s Will as part of Creation. Unfortunately for us all, The Flesh appears ‘real’, when it’s only an illusion.
Our body is transformative as a guide to our learning to understand that we can learn. When your mind is centered on hopelessness, we will believe we can no longer change to ‘bear the situation’.Yet this hopelessness will change our health, since our mental-health is no longer aligned with Purpose, and soon we become sick, age, and die a spiritual death while the body lingers on – those are the zombies.
The Call of Jesus is to remind us that this world is not hopeless it’s transformative. Now, The Call of Jesus is what Jesus left behind in the ‘Log of Time’. That’s why Jesus was a Pagan – Jesus left some of Jesus in the Flesh for us to partake in – yet, that flesh has been transformed, and is NOW : the Fabric of Total Space. Which means, anywhere in the Universe, wherever you go, Jesus is a known Commodity – ‘in the flesh’ – so to speak.
The Almighty God has no plans for Humanity.
The Almighty God has only plans for Spirit; and His only plan is Freedom of Spirit : The Pagan Lifestyle.
Some discount the ‘flesh’, Ann spoke of the body as an ant so as diminish something into meaninglessness, as one would insult or humiliate something to some hopeful suicidal death. Some exalt the ‘flesh’, a criticism of Paganism. Jesus neither ridiculed or worshiped the ‘flesh’.
JHesus ‘Neglected’ the flesh.
The body is neither good nor bad.
The body is neutral.
We utilize our mind to place our body in positions that we desire. When our only desire is love, the body finds a home in love. When our desire is anything other than love, Satan will be your guide in time.
What’s odd, is that Satan seeks Eternity, and gathers time up so that Eternity arrives sooner – at least that’s the idea. Satan sweeps time away from US bringing us closer to God and ourselves and our lovers and friends, our friends are the rind of an orange, whereas our lovers are the Juice of The Orange. Juice is quenching, rind is supportive and pigs and pits or orange seeds are a pleasure to behold.
Satan distances us from ourselves, yet only to bring us back to ourselves in God, it is, a Paradox.
Thank you, Stuart. In a weird way you actually make sense! I’ll need to ponder your words. I’m not sure it’s that simple. Maybe if we could live in harmony. Paganism seems to assume no adversity.
Maybe when we were created we could have just waited on Adam and Eve to get around to us and ‘fix’ us as they ‘subdued the earth’. Maybe things were peaceful between the tribes/races way back when and we could have just done childish things like pray to faries or wood nymphs. For all we know there WERE faries and wood nymphs! Unfortunately, satan dicked that plan up.
Almighty God has given Christians the ball because the Hebrews were, apparently, a bunch of degenerates. He tried as hard as He could to get them to wake up. Almighty God has given us the map (Bible) we need to navigate this world until He sends Jesus Christ back to complete this ‘system of things’. Unfortunately, He made a promise to the Hebrews and at the same time made them a ‘curse on the nations’. Perpetual victims that have been thrown out of over a hundred nations. Over and over.
Now we have them riding high and basically running the USA and EU. Obviously, they thought they had Russia and China in the bag or they wouldn’t have started bombing the hell out of the middle east AND wasted another 1.5 trillion on some stupid jet fighter that doesn’t even work. Obviously, they thought they were going to get jet fighters from Russia or else they would have never let Russia be the sole supplier of jet engines!
I guess the other part of their plan had to do with dicking up every white nation which they have robbed blind with hordes of ‘refugees’. I guess they plan to use the blacks for that purpose.
Frankly, who knows how they think or were/are planning and we’ll never figure it out. The moderate Hebrews should have outed the trouble makers. Regardless, now it’s too late as it appears Russia waited just long enough to make changing plans impossible before the financial system implodes next month.
Soon blood will flow. Our question, as Christians, is are we the inheritors of the promise of Almighty God given to the tribe of Israel:
“For this is the covenant that I shall conclude with the house of Israel after those days.” is the utterance of Jehovah. “I will put my law within them, and in their heart I shall write it. And I will become their God, and they themselves will become my people. And they will no more teach each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying, “Know Jehovah!” for they will all of them know me, from the least one of them to even the greatest one of them,” is the utterance of Jehovah. “For I shall forgive their error, and their sin I shall remember no more.” – Jer 31:34
Because these secrets have been found out:
“This is what Jehovah, the Giver of the sun for light by day, the statues of the moon and the stars for light by night, the One stirring up the sea that its waves may become boisterous, the One whose name is Jehovah of armies has said: “If these regulations could be removed from before me,’ is the utterance of Jehovah, “those who are the seed of Israel could likewise cease from proving to be a nation before me always.” This is what Jehovah has said: “If he heavens up above could be measured and the foundations of the earth below searched out, I myself also could reject the entire seed of Israel on account of all they have done,’ is the utterance of Jehovah.” – Jer 31: 35-37
Warmest regards
subzero on August 29, 2015 · at 1:08 am UTC said:
“Unfortunately, He made a promise to the Hebrews and at the same time made them a ‘curse on the nations’.”
how can an entity that is omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent possibly do anything unfortunate?
Is “he” fallible after all?
subzero, your line, “Several people have been discussing various aspects of time on other blogs (time being ‘wonky’).”
Wonky is a wonderful word, a bit like ‘clunky’ and ‘wanna be’.
From Merriam-Webster:
Origin of WONKY
probably alteration of English dialect wankle, from Middle English wankel, from Old English wancol; akin to Old High German wankōn to totter — more at WENCH
First Known Use: 1918
Full Definition of WENCH :
1 a : a young woman : girl
b : a female servant
2 : a lewd woman : prostitute
Origin of WENCH
Middle English wenche, short for wenchel child, from Old English wencel; akin to Old High German wankōn to totter, waver and probably to Old High German winchan to stagger — more at wink
First Known Use: 14th century
Wench Synonyms:
bimbo [slang], chippie (also chippy), doxy (also doxie), fancy woman, hoochie [slang], hussy, Jezebel, minx, quean, slut, tramp, trollop, floozy, whore
Related Wench Words:
siren, temptress, vamp; grisette, harlot, prostitute, trull
Now, when a diversion becomes a distraction without restitution from Life’s Purpose that’s when, your acts are considered,”Prostitution”, or, for the egoself; and in that sense, time is: a siren, a temptress, a vamp, a grisette (sounds like a baguette, “i’ll have two”), a harlot, a prostitute, a trull (never heard of that before), and thus, time is a bit wonky, time is for the egoself, time has no meaning to Sprit that lives in Eternity.
Now, those of us God-Centered, consider time leading us to eternity, or Heaven. Those of us God-Centered, do not consider time endless.
Time will end in eternity, sometime, someday, that : IS : The Second Coming of The Christ, the end of time into eternity, by definition, The Christ eats or consumes time, very much like The Satan (was about to write The Saker, oh well…) who also eats and consumes time. And Remember, a miracle is a shortening of time.
You leg is broken and you walk with crutches. A miracle occurs. You place the crutches down and walk away. What happened? Time Collapsed!
We have three ‘Great’ figures of the 20th-Century of Physics, and one in the 21st Century, that we need to sideline in order to remove ‘wonkiness’ from time. They are, Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, Nikola Telsa from the 20th Century and Stephen Hawkings from the 21st Century.; each had innerving time issues, and innerving means, “To give nervous energy to; stimulate.” (
A good article speaking about three of the four clowns,, writes the following statements : “All universes exist without beginning or end” or this:
“The past, present, and future all exist simultaneously” (Stuart here: the past is past, the present is here, and the future not yet realized).
or this ‘whopper’ :
“There is no true division between past and future, there is rather a single existence.”
These people are idiots!
OK, they’re mathematicians and not experimentalists, in other words, their theorists and we’re in the trenches.
At disneyland they have these hand crack ‘movies’.
Q. : So, what is moving?
A. : Time
Time is thus primary and Space secondary. To these fools time can even go backwards, that’s Richard Feynman and the Feynman diagrams named after him and his development, “cute – time goes backwards”. Foolish science if you ask me!
Now, from a God-Centered path time ends in Eternity and Albert was a godless fool.
1st Albert Einstein thought : “time is created purely out of space”, “time is purely a direction in space”.
This is all garbage : Truth be told : TIME IS HELL and not Space.
Now, in order to defeat a Great or a Giant you need a Titan; and that’s because Titans crush the opposition, they’re like a force of nature, whereas a ‘Great’ is a one-off event .
I Say, rationally, scientifically, it’s the other way around from Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, from the 20th Century and Stephen Hawkings, I Say, “Time Exists and space accommodates to time’s impulse.”
Time’s im[pulse is prayerful and not irreverent.
Now from Tesla, we get this weird backward oscillation which gives some credence to going back in time. Yet, it’s false-effort. Further, anyone who spends his last days on planet Earth developing a Death Star Weapon to destroy the Globe has some authority issues to work out.
Just for Humor!
Here from Tesla’a Wikipedia: “in an article, “A Machine to End War”, published in 1937, Tesla stated:
There is no conflict between the ideal of religion and the ideal of science, but science is opposed to theological dogmas because science is founded on fact. To me, the universe is simply a great machine which never came into being and never will end. The human being is no exception to the natural order. Man, like the universe, is a machine. Nothing enters our minds or determines our actions which is not directly or indirectly a response to stimuli beating upon our sense organs from without. Owing to the similarity of our construction and the sameness of our environment, we respond in like manner to similar stimuli, and from the concordance of our reactions, understanding is born. In the course of ages, mechanisms of infinite complexity are developed, but what we call “soul” or “spirit,” is nothing more than the sum of the functionings of the body. When this functioning ceases, the “soul” or the “spirit” ceases likewise.[195]
In Conclusion, we have a new ScientificTerm : timing-space : and when we move from ‘space’ to ‘time’ we also move to support a different breed of Wo/Me (n), for ‘time’ is related to The Dance, whereas ‘space’ involves the accumulation of stuff (id est, money).
Good Timing is more important in life, than ‘space’ for all our merchandise.
For, “The Akashic Record” : When i wrote:
“We have three ‘Great’ figures of the 20th-Century of Physics, and one in the 21st Century, that we need to sideline in order to remove ‘wonkiness’ from time,”
By ‘removal’ – I was not referring to their, “bodies”, “that need to sidelined” as Christianity would teach who you are, but rather, to their attitudes or values or opinions, as Jesus Jewish Paganism would aver.
Remember, certain attributes of The Divine are like, “anti-matter”, not God : ITSelf : just certain qualities, and thus, by example, The Virgin Birth with matter and anti-matter joined : would yield total annihilation of all matter should God enter Hell.
Ergo, as His Most Holiness would speak: Christianity is now termed, “Relic” or, ‘Reliquiae’ – for to promulgate : the Death of all Life: “The Christ Died…for your sins” – is the very foundational definition of : Blasphemy*.
The Christ is ALL LIFE and cannot die – ever.
Now, Since the Christ cannot die, the dust bin of history has just received a new load of … .
“In certain historical Islamic, Christian, and Jewish cultures, among others, espousing ideas deemed heretical has been and in some cases still is subjected not merely to punishments such as excommunication, but even to the death penalty”* – Jesus begins, “gotta love them that kill bodies hoping to avoid infernal guilt.”
The Russian Orthodox church I have attended in Amsterdam has angry suspicious priests from Russia running it. I was brought into the Greek Orthodox in Boston, MA, USA by invitation by my religious duenna, a young friend. A warm, articulate, joyous, Father from Greece runs it. The Orthodox service has singers who sing bible verses in an ancient way of choirousing. The archaic singing calls on the ever present Christ to hear his people long for the dignity of being one with Christ.
It is highly structured holy singing as is done in Islam too, at each service also! Passionate and keening.
The atmosphere in the Russian church in Amsterdam was so cold and suspicious by comparison i left after 6 months, never to return.From the Saker’s writing about Russian Orthodoxy the warm from Greece in it is natural to the church in Russia itself. a wonderful description. Thank you.
Thank you, Majo, for responding to this good extract in the spirit with which the original author, Ivan Ilyin expressed himself. I too, could find points with which to disagree in the original – for instance that monarchy and Orthodoxy go hand in hand, or that Protestants don’t believe in the immortality of the soul. But stop for a minute and realize, this man was writing in the 50’s when it might seem that the communist state with all its glaring shortcomings might go on forever. And yet he writes with a joy in faith that is irrepressible. As was Russian Orthodoxy under the most terrible repression during those years, and yet it did survive in the hearts of the people, many of whom were forced into exile – like Rachmaninoff, like Stravinsky, like Solzhenitsyn. Many of whom died defending their personal convictions.
Westerners, ordinary westerners, took that culture into their hearts, loved it for its beauty, gave it a home. It’s still here. I’m not Russian, have no Russian ancestry that I know of. Yet from my protestant roots with a dash of Catholic high school, I came to Orthodoxy and saw it as the best, fullest, most beautiful exposition of Christianity – as an orchestral concert has a fuller sound than a tape recording or a cd. It just is. And it is a concert in which every person can be both audience member and participant, part of the listening and seeing and part of the bringing forth beauty.
There had to be goodness in the Russian soul before it became Christianized, of course there had to be. There had to be great love for family, tenderness between mother and child, character and virtue. Else a whole little nation aborning could not have taken as it did so fully to the exhortation of their Prince to be baptized. They must have seen, even in their time of folk spirits (how ever you want to term it) what I saw, what any can see, in the faith itself of itself, to remain with it and take it as their own – which we know they did.
Like you, Majo, Prince Vladimir got messages about Christianity from other nations that seemed cold (yes, there are angry, suspicious Russian priests – and Greek ones – and American ones. Just look at some of the blogs online.) There are also wonderful Russian priests, and Greek ones, and American. There are even wonderful Protestant priests, and Catholic ones. What clinched Orthodoxy for the Prince was that his advisors came back from Hagia Sophia in Constantinople and told him ‘we did not know if we were in heaven or on earth.’ I can relate to that.
There is one Orthodox faith. Thank you, Russia, for preserving and enriching that faith, and for passing it on to the rest of us. You took it from the west, as had Greece before you, and you preserved it, sending it out to all nations as the Lord asked his disciples to do. So that a person like Majo can bear witness thusly:
” . . .The Orthodox service has singers who sing bible verses in an ancient way of choirousing. The archaic singing calls on the ever present Christ to hear his people long for the dignity of being one with Christ. . .”
In keeping with the history from this article.Here is an article on the Russian Flags:
“The battle of the two Russian flags”
Shortly before the holiday, the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) and the Levada Center conducted social studies in the course of which it was revealed how Russians view the state flag.
According to VTsIOM, 67% of Russian citizens are proud of the flag of the country (another 16% are sympathetic to it), 69% are proud of the coat of arms and 72% – of the anthem. Negative emotions in relation to state symbols are experienced by no more than 2% of Russians.
Most of all the Russians remember the coat of arms of the country: 82% of respondents confidently described it by memory. The colors and the order of the bands of the tricolor was accurately described by 64%. Another 24% correctly named the colors, but are confused about their order.
According to VTsIOM, 41% exactly remember the beginning of the anthem (43% – according to the experts at Levada). Forty-seven percent of Russians have a state flag in their home, either a large or a small one. In the past 6 years, the number of flag holders has increased by more than half.
Well then. The number of people who are proud of the flag or are sympathetic towards it (in total, that’s 83% of Russians) is encouraging. But the fact that only two-thirds of the country’s citizens can confidently describe it – not so much. Therefore, I suggest to at least briefly recall the history of our flag and its symbolism.
Perhaps this will surprise many, but the history of the birth of the tricolor is not certainly known – here we have a front for the work of the future generation of historians.
The banners of the ancient Russian state had a wedge-like shape and had bright colors. The earlier banners showed the Holy Cross. From the 14th century they began to portray the face of the Savior, and from the 16th – the Virgin Mary and Saint George.
I will clarify that the banners were not state flags in the modern sense, but they were military banners.
In 1612 the militia went to liberate Moscow from the Polish ‘euro-integrators’ under the crimson banner of Dmitriy Pozharsky with an image of the Lord Almighty and the Archangel Michael. On the scarlet banner of Tsar Aleksey Mikhailovich Romanov the face of the Savior was depicted.
It is very likely that the emergence of the tricolor can be attributed to the times of the rule of Aleksey Mikhailovich.
The white-blue-red was the flag of the first Russian warship, the “Eagle,” built in 1668. It’s true, unfortunately, we cannot confidently say how the colors were arranged on it – there are different versions (such as the “three-stripes”, and one that suggests the presence of a cross on the flag).
Vexillologist P. Belavinets claims that the tricolors were produced under Aleksey Mikhailovich for
his younger successor, Peter.
We can confidently say that in 1693, during the voyage of Peter I on the White Sea on the 12-cannon sailboat, “Saint Peter,” the flag “of the king of Moscow” was raised – the white-blue-red tricolor with a golden double-headed eagle. The original of this flag is preserved to this day and is located at the Central Naval Museum in St. Petersburg.
In 1694 a 44-cannon frigate, purchased by Russia stood in Amsterdam under the white-blue-red flag.
In 1699, the tricolor is featured in the instructions written by Peter to the Russian ambassador in Istanbul and was mentioned by the Austrian Ambassador in the description of Russian ships.
In 1700, Peter ordered the Armory to “build” the white-blue-purple marine banners. Most likely, they were used by Peter at Narva as a personal land standard.
In 1699, Peter proposed to use St. Andrew’s cross by the Navy, and in 1720 the St. Andrew’s flag acquired its modern appearance.
Since 1705 the tricolor became the flag of merchant ships. In 1709 in the table “Expressions of Maritime Flags” the white-blue-red tricolor was characterized as the “distinct flag of all Russian trading and other vessels.” After that, in the 18-19th centuries the status of the tricolor as the flag of the merchant fleet was repeatedly reaffirmed in various documents.
At the start of the 18th century the Tsar standard appeared – a black eagle on a yellow field.
As for “state” flags, in 1669 upon the order of Aleksey Mikhailovich a white banner with a slanted line, a wide red border, a golden double-headed eagle, and the symbols of subordinated lands was created.
In 1742 (at the coronation of Elizabeth Petrovna) the state banner was presented as a yellow flag with a black double-headed eagle and coats of arms of the various kingdoms, principalities and lands. Subsequently, separate state flags were prepared for the coronations of Aleksandr III and Nikolay II.
Today there is a debate between supporters of the “classic” tricolor and the black-yellow-white “imperial” flag. The black-yellow-white combination became the “stamp” (not related to the flag as such) under Anna Ivanovna in 1731. It was used on cockades. Banners with such colors were adopted only after 1815.
Legislatively the use of such a combination of flags and banners was fixed only in 1858. The corresponding decree of Alexander II was approved by the Senate. Although there is no direct evidence it is believed that in the years 1858-1883, the black-yellow-white flag can be considered the state flag in Russia.
However, in 1883 (before the coronation of Alexander III) it was already decided in the Imperial Decree “On flags…” that only the white-blue-red tricolor, which was already called the “Russian flag,” was allowed to decorate houses.
For some time, both flags were used in different situations simultaneously, but after the next legislative clarification in 1890, already in 1892 the Kharkov police were demanded to take down the black-yellow-white flag from buildings.
In 1896, a conference on the Russian national flag came to the following conclusion:
“… the white, blue and red flag has the full right to be called Russian or national and its colors – white, blue and red – be referred to as state colors; the black-orange-white flag has neither heraldic or historical foundations for that.”
The members of the conference stressed that the colors of the tricolor are characteristic of the population of Russia and were widely used in everyday culture for centuries. In the same year, the emperor recognized the blue-white-red flag as the national one “on all occasions”.
In 1899, the tricolor was designated as the national flag in the Maritime charter.
In 1910, the majority of members of the special meeting of the Ministry of Justice proposed nevertheless to install the black-yellow-white flag as the state one and the white, blue and red flag as the mercantile one. However, a commission under the Navy Ministry, which was instructed to deal with this issue by the Council of Ministers, in 1912-1913 rejected the reform of the Ministry of Justice.
The white-blue-red flag existed until 1918, and then was used by the White movement. And since 1918, the flag became a red flag with the inscription of RSFSR.
In 1923, the red flag with the hammer, sickle and star became the flag of the USSR. The flag of RSFSR with some minor changes (text font) existed until 1954, when it was replaced by a red flag with a sickle, hammer, star and a light blue stripe.
In this period, pre-revolutionary Russian symbolism became widely used by all sorts of anti-Soviet structures, organizations and movements.
The black-yellow-white flag was “in vogue” at the Russian Fascist Party of Rodzaevsky and in the Western Volunteer Army. Variations of the white-blue-red tricolor as well as St. Andrew’s flag were used by the Russian Liberation Army, the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia, and the “Russland” division.
By the way, regarding the point which generates a sea of speculation, the famous St. George’s ribbon, which the Ukrainian Nazis and Russian liberals are trying to pass off as a symbol of collaborators, was practically not used by Hitler’s divisions! On the other hand, it was transformed into a Guards band, and widely used by the Red Army! The only large-scale connection between St. George ribbon and the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia, as well as some other “nationalist” units, (not the earlier ROA) is that their members were still the Tsarist military, rewarded with the “Georges” in the First World War and with several other awards attached to the St. George ribbon for the Civil war. But, excuse me, there were no fewer Knights of the St. George in the Red army …
But we’ve digressed.
At the end of the 1980’s, the Russian tricolor became widely used by various Russian national-patriotic and democratic movements. In 1991, it could often be seen at mass rallies.
On August 22, 1991, the white-blue-red flag became the national flag of the Russian Federation according to the decision of the Supreme Council, and on November 1, it was adopted by the Congress of People’s Deputies. In 1993 the flag finally acquired its present appearance: the white-blue-red flag with a ratio of 2:3.
As was already written above, those of the Russian right, under the support of a number of influential politicians, are calling to replace the current flag with the black-yellow-white one. I personally do not see any logical arguments in favor of such a decision. After all, the black-yellow-white flag over a centuries-long history only held a state or, shall we say, official status for only 25 years. Its heraldic justification, connected with cockades from various periods of the Russian empire, today have lost their relevance, acquiring a purely historical character.
In terms of the justification of the white-blue-red tricolor, everything is much more interesting.
Firstly, according to the pan-Slavic congress in Prague in 1848, the colors of the Russian tricolor became the official colors of the pan-Slavic and Slavic liberation movement. Based on these considerations, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria (with a minimum correction of blue to green), Rusyns and Sorbs [Lusatian Serbs] chose the flags for themselves. If, excuse me, in gratitude to our country and our people a number of countries chose for themselves a similar flag, maybe it is a serious cause for pride? Moreover, the ideas of Slavic liberation today are also very relevant…
Secondly, it is believed that the colors of our tricolor symbolize the unity of Great (red) [Russia], Little (blue) [Ukraine], and White (white) [Belorus] Rus.
Thirdly, there is a simple poetic meaning, that the white means nobility, the blue – faith and honor, and the red – courage and love.
Beautiful, don’t you agree?
The red flag is still worth mentioning. The Soviet era is associated with outstanding achievements of our people: the salvation of the world from the Nazis and victory in the Great War, the first manned flight into space, and a stunning development of science. And despite all the vicissitudes of the Civil War, the history before the Revolution of 1917 and after it – it is a single history of a single people! And the work to “reconcile” it on a symbolic level began even in the 1940s. A lot is being done for that today. The use of the historical coat of arms along with an anthem set to the music of the Soviet anthem is a step in this direction.
How can the flags be “reconciled?” This is being done – and quite successfully. Along with the State flag, the Red flag of victory is also used on Victory Day – a copy on the one hoisted on the Reichstag. On May 9, 2015 the Victory Banner was carried in front of the State flag, which is very symbolic. It would be fair to expand the use of the Victory Banner. The proximity of the tricolor and the red banner is a beautiful symbol of the unity of our great history.
Happy State Flag Day, dear readers! Let this day bring you the most beauty which is embodied by our tricolor!
A question to moderators… is there a policy on blanket copying a whole article from another site- when just a link would do?
Good question. A lot depends on the length of the article. If the article is short, such as just few short paragraphs, I see no reason why it cant be posted complete. If it is long, that can be a problem. in which case, usually a link and a short teaser or summary works. Or, quoting specific info relevant to the discussion, or the point the commenter wanted to make. There are some exceptions for posting long articles. If the site it is on presents access problems (firewalls, intermittent or likely only short term accessibility or full of annoying adverts that slow down old computers to a crawl, for instance), and an alternative source to link to the article is not readily available. Another exception would be a language translation of an article. Mod ME
What an irony, the Russian right preferes the flag (“Imperka” of black-yellow-white) that was only official in tiems of “liberal” Alexander II!
Well, the “independent” Ukraine mix includes not exactly a US style Disneyland, more like a Banksy’s “Dismaland”.
Did not know what you meant by Banksy’s Dismaland, but I ran into an article about that. Banksy is an artist who makes political art worldwide. He discovered a 15 year old desolated family Amusement park in England and created there an exposition with artwork from various artists, which people can go to in the next 5 weeks, to awake people to what is going on in the world today. Very interesting and of course sinister too, but hey, that what’s going on. Even the CIA funded boat fugitives coming into Europe are exposed in an artwork. I think bravo for the artists involved!
Banksy’s work and Dismaland
I love that second painting up there. I was surprised the other day, watching that documentary here about Cyprus, that the pictures on the walls of the Cypriot Greek people, were the same as the Russians…that blew my mind.
Unclear on point 11. Immortality of the soul is which is not immortal. Perhaps something is lost in translation? Either that or the Orthodox are related to the Saducees.
old_bill, “i agree” : “Immortality of the soul, which is not immortal” : “What?”.
IMHO, Our Soul never leaves the ‘Gaze of the Divine’; which means, that when we averred from The Divine Will, our : Mind and our Soul : ‘separated’ : into two Existences : Heaven & Hell.
The Separation (or Fall) is Real in TIME though not in Divine Time, ‘eternity’.
Our Soul remained in Eternity, Heaven, and our Mind, which could no longer tolerate The Light of The Divine, ‘Fell into Hell’ (id est, Separating from our Soul).
Now, our Mind in Hell has the task to regain Eternity by rejoining our Soul in Heaven with Jesus & The Saints.
Sometimes the Mind Splits in Hell, and we get Schizophrenia.
Our Soul never splits. This ‘mental-split’ in Hell is ‘The Fall in miniature’ and is used to teach us of our Larger Fall from Grace from Soul to Mindfulness.
Our Soul, always remains in ‘The Light of The Divine’, immortal as The Divine : IS : .
Now our mind can resolve to live by Spirit or become immersed in meaningless matter which doesn’t matter; which means, when our mind lives through ‘The Guidance of Spirit’, We are termed, “Conscious Beings” and when our mind lives not by Spirit, We are termed, “unconscious”.
Egro, to go from one’s Unconscious Mind to Spirit is thus three steps away: first, we must make conscious what was unconscious. Second, we must unite this new-found consciousness with our Right Mind, thereafter through assistance of The Holy Spirit, bridge our right-mind with our Spirit to become whole again on the third try.
When we are Unconscious we have lost contact with The Holy Spirit and are guided by Satan or The Lower Orders fill in for Satan. It’s not until we have regained our Right-Mind that we have access to The Holy Spirit, again.
Now, when Jesus was alive The Holy Spirit was only “intent”. The Holy Sprit was not real except to Jesus & The Other Notables.
The Gift to us from Jesus, unlike ‘The Other Notables’, was that when Jesus ‘went up’ he ‘brought down’ ‘A Comforter’ to replace his place in time since Jesus left for Eternity, Jesus could no longer Guide Us directly while we live in Hell.
Jesus was the last straw on the camel’s back of Notable Straws.
Jesus was The Straw Man of his day.
The Comforter : IS : The Holy Spirit.
So, when i stated that Jesus lives in space, that’s not wholly correct. And that’s because Jesus is back home in Eternity in Heaven with The Lord, and Heavenhome is separated from Hell where we are. That’s The Fall; Which means, Jesus is not here, only The Holy Spirit is here. That’s why we’re so lost in Hell, no Jesus or God; Only The Holy Spirit is here, and it’s cold and lonely outside.
The Call of Jesus : IS : The Holy Spirit : IMHO.
This does not mean we cannot communicate with Jesus. What it means, is that when do communicate with Jesus, we are no longer ‘in the material world’ – we have left from within our Mind and ended The Separation or The Fall : This is known as, “Living Gracefully”.
i found one of the above paragraph’s that warranted a bit of specifics:
It goes:
Egro, to go from one’s Unconscious Mind to Spirit is thus three steps away: first, we must make conscious what was unconscious. Second, we must unite this new-found consciousness with our Right Mind, thereafter through assistance of The Holy Spirit, bridge our right-mind with our Spirit to become whole again on the third try.
OK, to be brief:
Step 1 : “make conscious what was unconscious” : Takes Effort (which is concentration).
Step 2: “unite this new-found consciousness with our Right Mind” : Personal Will
Step 3: “through assistance of The Holy Spirit, bridge our right-mind with our Spirit” : God’s Will.
Concentration is something you learn. I taught myself. In days of old this was socially re-inforced in your teen years through the pleasure of The Monks and Nuns Abbots Hermitages. And quite frankly, i wouldn’t reinvent the wheel.
Step 2: This involves ‘Belief’ in one’s ‘Personal Message’, Belief ‘takes effort’ from step 1 and combines : effort with will : with : ‘Personal will’: to produce : “CONCENtration” : . And if you don’t know how to concentrate, you loop in stage one forever in the pit(s) of hell
intimacy today, is really concentration.
the new definition of religion : an economy based upon the personal guidance of the holy spirit, scripture in action.
Stuart, many thanks for your detailed reply. I will reread and consider how well this model holds up in the light of scripture and experience.
Anonymous on August 29, 2015 · at 3:09 am UTC
subzero on August 29, 2015 · at 1:08 am UTC said:
“Unfortunately, He made a promise to the Hebrews and at the same time made them a ‘curse on the nations’.”
how can an entity that is omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent possibly do anything unfortunate?
Is “he” fallible after all?
Unfortunate for everything suffering/dying under the yoke of sin. As for those already dead:
“Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” – Ecclesiastes 9:10
As to your question, “Is “he” fallible after all?” If, by “he”, you mean Almighty God, Jehovah of armies, King of kings, Lord of lords, Creator of all that is seen and unseen and to Whom belongs all honor, praise and glory, then, no.
Thank you for your question. It always helps reinforce my armor when I try to write coherently.
“Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.” – Ephesians 6:13-20
Warmest regards.
I like Ivan Ilyin, yet there are better philosophic texts on Orthodoxy:
The Truth of Orthodoxy by Nikolai A. Berdyaev
Some Notable Quotes : Could anyone ‘Practitioners of Orthodoxy’ comment:
Orthodoxy = Trinitarianism
“Orthodoxy understands itself through Trinitarian religion; not with abstract monotheism but in concrete Trinitarianism. The life of the Holy Trinity is reflected in its spiritual life, its spiritual experience and its spiritual path. The Orthodox Liturgy begins with the words: “Blessed is the Kingdom, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Everything begins from above, from the Divine Triad, from the heights of the Essence, and not from the person and his soul. In Orthodox understanding it is the Divine Triad which descends and not the person who ascends. There is less of thisTrinitarian expression in Western Christianity, it is more Christocentric and anthropocentric. This difference is noted in Eastern and Western patristics where the first theologizes from the Divine Trinity and the second, from the human soul. Thus the East first of all proclaims the mysteries of Trinitarian dogmas and Christological dogmas. The West primarily teaches about Grace and free will and about the ecclesiastical organization. The West had greater wealth and a greater variety of ideas.”
Nice: “Orthodoxy understands the purpose of life as the seeking and the attainment of the grace of the Holy Spirit, as a means of the spiritual transfiguration of creation.”
I reply, “Transfigure creation” or ‘transcend creation’?
Thank you so much, Stuart, for that interesting quotation at the end of this topic. You didn’t give the author’s name – he is Nicholas A. Berdyaev, and I was able to find his dissertation at
I have bookmarked the page, very beautifully presented, and I highly recommend it as an expansion of the ideas expressed in the text we consider here. On my first reading, I have an answer for you to your final question:
“Transfigure creation” or “transcend creation”?
Most definitely the former. Here is what Bardaev points out towards the end of his explanation of Orthodoxy:
“. . .the central feast in the life of the Orthodox Church is the feast of Pascha, Christ’s Glorious Resurrection. . . The Resurrection mystery is not only for man; it is cosmic. . .”
You will find many further interesting comparisons between Orthodoxy and the other, Western, forms of Christianity at the link I gave. Best wishes.
Apologies – my earlier answer to you erred in not seeing you were responding to the previous post – I did not mean to be argumentative. However, the quotation you focus upon doesn’t stand on its own in Berdyaev’s text. He goes on to show, as he has earlier remarked, that East and West have very different approaches to theological considerations, as in this remark:
“Orthodoxy did not have its Scholastic age; it experienced only the age of Patristics.”
“Rationalism, legalism, and all normatism is alien to Orthodoxy.”
“. . . Divine Energy is poured out upon the natural world, acts upon it, and enlightens it. . .”
Thanks also to Andreas, and apologies to you also. It’s what comes from starting at the end of an interesting series of comments.
Again apologies. my computer hasn’t allowed me to access and correct the above – that was me, juliania, not anonymous. I should also add that while rationalism is alien to Orthodoxy, intelligent discourse is not. A patristic understanding of prayer is:
” . . . to stand with the mind in the heart before God.”
And the first part of the two Great Commandments upon which all of the Law is based reads:
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart
with all thy soul
with all thy strength
and with all thy mind . . .”
Placing one’s mind in the heart has always reminded me of Pascal’s thought: “The heart has its reasons which reason cannot understand.”