What is inevitable tends to happen, doesn’t it? This is the novel conclusion which Hariri, Siniora and Jumblatt have (finally!) come to. They have agreed to oficially revoke the anti-Hezbollah decision which had triggered the conflict last week. Which is a good thing, considering that these decisions were not implementable anyway. Hopefully they will soon come to the next inevitable conclusion: its time that they joined their pal Gemayel in Paris. Forever.
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Well Done Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah . My respects to you . You rule !!!!
Any decision taken by the gov should be done in Parliament and since the Shias are NOT represented in that gov , that decision was A big fat zero and NIL . constitution of Lebanon says ALL lebanese should be represented in parliament and ALL decisions are to be taken IN Parliament . not in siniora s green zone .
****** A MUST READ ******
Intifada à Beyrouth
Le États-Unis parviendront-ils à pousser le Hezbollah à la faute ?
par Thierry Meyssan*
-Meyssan is a researcher and journalist.
-Follow all the links in the article, and read as well (by Meysssan) a previous one titled:
L’OTAN installe une hiérarchie parallèle dans la FINUL
La discrète arrivée de l’OTAN au Liban
-Note the sinister plans of the USA. Luckily the Hizbullah was on alert! But the danger is not over at all. Worst is yet to come.
@Lucia: very interesting indeed. I will look into this. Thanks for the link!
@everybody: here is a link to an automatically (and poorly) translated version of the article:
Happy naqba day, beotch!