The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) continue their bombing campaign in Syria. In the framework of this campaign, IDF aircraft strike what the Israeli leadership describes as Iranian infrastructure and weapon shipments to Hezbollah and pro-Iranian armed groups. Nonetheless, positions and equipment of the Syrian Armed Forces often appear to be target of Israeli strikes allegedly aimed solely against Iran. In rare cases, when Israel publicly admits strikes in Syria, it claims that the SAF is being targeted because of its “hostile actions” towards Israeli missiles and aircraft entering Syrian airspace.
The unofficial and illegal pattern of Israeli strikes, the double-faced public attitude of the Israeli leadership as well as the unwillingness of Syrian and Iranian forces to admit any damage and casualties caused by Israeli actions hinder efforts to get a real assessment of the effectiveness of the IDF military campaign. Taking into account that the IDF provided little details even into officially declared strikes, this breeds grounds for wild media speculations and rumors.
On the one hand, Syrian and Iranian media demonstrate a classic example of “there were no casualties” coverage. On the other hand, US and Israeli media, and sometimes even official Tel Aviv, time and time again destroy almost entire Iranian military infrastructure and even Syrian air defense system, which then mysteriously resurface by a next Israeli strike.
Despite this, the jets and weapons list employed by the IDF against targets in Syria are an open secret.
The core of the Israeli Air Force striking force is the F-16I Sufa. This warplane is a modified variant of the F-16D block 50 and 52 fighter and ground attack aircraft. The F-16I, which has a crew of two, differs from the original F-16 by modified avionics and weapons systems.
The F-16I is fitted with a pair of removable conformal fuel tanks provided holding 450gal of extra fuel on both sides of the upper fuselage. They increase the aircraft’s mission range and combat endurance. The fitting of conformal tanks makes the two wing inner store stations normally used for external tanks available for weapon carriage expanding the warplane’s air-to-ground weapons capacity. The F16I is fitted with a dorsal avionics compartment, which extends from the rear of the cockpit to the fin and houses additional avionics systems, chaff and flare dispensers and the aircraft’s in-flight refuelling receptacle. Among other equipment, the F-16I got the Elbit Dash IV display and sight helmet system, mission and presentation computers, and digital map display. The jet navigation system includes a combined ring laser gyro inertial navigation system, global positioning system (RLGINS/GPS) and a digital terrain system. The F-16I has the Northrop Grumman AN/APG-68(V)9 multi-mode radar, which reportedly has 5 times the processing speed and 10 times the memory capacity of the previous APG-68 radars on the F-16.
There were 102 F-16I Sufra in service with the Israeli Air Force until February 2018, when the Syrian military shot down one of these jets. It was the first occasion on which Israel lost a jet to an enemy combatant, since 1982.
At the same time, there still has not been a comprehensive evidence to confirm that any of F-35I of the Israeli Air Force (IAF) has been employed in combat ever. Claims by Israeli officials that some F-35I was employed somewhere and somewhen cannot be considered as a reliable proof.
The prime striking weapon used by the IAF is the GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (SDB). Vestiges of these bombs are often being found on sites of the Israeli strikes. In particular, GBU-39 SDBs were employed on March 28 when the IAF targeted supposed Iranian targets in Aleppo city.
The GBU-39 SDB is precision-guided glide bomb developed to provide aircraft with the ability to carry a higher number of more accurate bombs. The GBU-39, which was first introduced by Boeing in 2006, has a standoff range of more than 110km due to its pop-out wings. The 250lb (113.6kg) bomb uses an inertial navigation system (INS) and GPS to hit static targets with high accuracy, although it has only 22.7kg of explosives.
Another GBU-39 advantage is its stealthy signature. The bomb has a length of 1.8m and a diameter of 0.19m, but its radar cross section of 0.015m2 only. This creates additional difficulties for enemy air defense systems in the event of a massive strike with the usage of GBU-39 bombs. In September 2008, Israel receives approval from the US Congress to purchase 1,000 bombs. Israel was the first country outside of the US to receive the weapon.
In the event of massive strikes on Syrian air defense systems and alleged Iranian targets, like ones in May and February 2018, and January 2019, the IDF employs a wider list of weapons. For example, the widely-covered destructions of Russia-supplied Pantsir systems of the Syrian military, airstrikes were supported by a massive usage of ground-launched IAI Harop loitering munitions.The IAI Harop is an anti-radiation drone that can autonomously home in on radio emissions. The munition can either operate fully autonomously, using its anti-radar homing system, or it can take a human-in-the-loop mode. If a target is not engaged, the drone will return and land itself back at base.
Thanks to a small radar cross-section, the IAI Harop is intended to target enemy air-defense systems in a first line of attack and can evade SAMs and radar detection systems, which are designed to target much larger aircraft or to intercept fixed-trajectory missiles. It has a flying time of 6 hours and a full range of 1000 km. The IAI Harop has a weight of 135kg, a length of 2.5m and a wingspan of 3m. Unlike other drones that carry explosive warheads, the Harop itself is the main munition with an onboard explosive of 23kg.
Taking into account a wide economic and military support from the US and its coalition, the Israeli military enjoys a relative freedom of operations and has almost an endless stock of offensive means to engage Syria and its Iranian allies in this kind of individual air attacks, which it is currently being employed. A military technical advantage over the Syrian Armed Forces allows Tel Aviv to employ its strike policy almost without suffering real consequence. However, incidents like one in February 2018 demonstrates that this advantage is not something fully irresistible. Over the past few years, Damascus has achieved a visible progress in training and strengthening of its air defense forces, first of all thanks to Russian support. A relatively low efficiently of Israeli strikes on Syria, especially in comparison with the picture provided by pro-Israeli sources, is a demonstration of this. At the same time, modern Syria has no means and resources to repel a wide-scale Israeli aerial operation, if Tel Aviv make a fundamental decision to fully suppress Syrian air defense forces. The issue is that military and diplomatic cost of this “success” that Israel will have to pay for this may appear to be too big. Therefore, the current status quo will remain unchanged in the near future and the IDF will continue to make separate strikes on alleged Iranian targets, which will face limited responses by the Syrian Air Defense.
This puts Russia, which is a key Syrian ally in the sphere of the military technical cooperation, in a complicated situation. So far, Moscow has limited its response to Israeli actions to diplomatic steps, a widely promoted S-300 delivery and a declared modernization of the Syrian air defense network. This “limited” response was predetermined by a role of “neutral force” ready to work with all sides to de-escalate the conflict, which Russia seeks to play in the region. This attitude has weak sides. Currently, most of Syrians see the Russians as heroes and allies that had helped to reverse the course of the war. Nonetheless, the Russian inaction in response to Israeli actions, especially amid the low intensity of military actions on key frontlines, undermines this image. If the situation develops in this direction, in 2-3 years, Russia may lost the hard-won support from the Syrians. In this event, and especially in the event of a lack of success in other fields, Moscow may find itself operating in a very different environment on the ground.
Anyone else get the impression Syria has turned into primarily a weapons testing ground?
21st century Spanish Civil War.
“… the Russian inaction in response to Israeli actions …”
Today’s Sputnik article
merely confirms the common knowledge of the current Kremlin leadership’s (and of the less-visible oligarchy’s behind it) enduring supreme aspiration: to be admitted into the coveted “exclusive club” of western gentry as full-fledged members. The honour of which has been so persistently and cruelly denied it…
But then, who knows. Now that the alluring “west” seems to be rapidly disintegrating in front of our very eyes, the club’s admission criteria may accordingly also sharply decline, and the hitherto unrequited love might finally be returned. If any love is still left, that is.
Some similarity to Ukraine trying to get into the EU and NATO.Fat chance!
The elites of the West hate Slave. It is in their DNA. The Russians, Poles, Ukrainians and Belorussians just don’t get it.
That article is more of a history, not so much current policy.
Having said that, Moscow continuously advertising its interest in joining Nato is a diplomatic way of neutralising the Nato threat against Russia, and trying to exert influence. This is no different than USA trying to join Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.
At least President Putin can clearly demonstrate that he has tried every diplomatic way to improve relations with a relentlessly hostile West.
Historically, the Anglo-Empire never had any use for Russia. Germany & France would deal with Russia as a partner or an enemy at various times. Britain always treated them as some kind of ramshackle relic of Asiatic peril
Seeing the Zionist Israeli’s pay for their crimes against humanity is, unfortunately, not something that will be done or accomplished by Russia.
Even after the destruction of the IL-20, Russia won’t budge on this issue unless their airbase is literally bombed by Israeli warplanes.
But this is not something we can realistically expect of Russia. They are not looking to start another war. But rather, they have the patience and will of a saint. And this is something they should be greatly respected for.
The best way to deal with Israel would be for the American people to wake up and force their government to cease all support for Israel, as well as demand a full investigation of the Israeli Mossad’s involvement in the 9/11 attacks.
Without all the free money, weapons, gear, training, as well as military & political support, the parasite that is modern-day Israel would wither and die faster than a flower in the middle of the desert.
That would be, by far, the best way to deal with them. That may seem impossible. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that nothing is impossible.
“But if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that nothing is impossible.”
Nothing is impossible to God. After UNO officially recognized Israel as a State, I was mystified yet impressed by a devout Jew who did not recognize UN recognition. He said, “The world is the Lord’s, and He gives it to whom He wills”.
God did not give modern Israel to the Jews; Britain did.
Once upon a time, during a radio call-in show, I had the opportunity to speak with my thern congressman, Ben Jones who played Cooter on the Dukes of Hazzard, and I remarked that Israel does not have a legal foundation. He huffed and puffed and retorted, “The Balfour Declaration!” Seems he had been schooled well during his short tenure in office.
why should Russia be respected for what we all know is an illogical patience?
I mean you do not precipitate a war by offensive and uncalled for action. but no response to attack can achieve the same.
you must be prepared to fight lest you enemy eat up all the space you keeping making to avoid a fight. you must demonstrate to your enemy where the line is when it is time to make such demonstration
I dont know what Putin is waiting on?
I am convinced that the Israelis will precipitate global war anyway when the chips are down and they have lost. what would be their options?
I cant think of any good options for the Khazars in defeat: the dispossession of the bankers will take place..the banking position revolutionized and made moot as a tool of exploitation and social control: the break up of media control, of global corporations in all fields, the end of internet monopoly: and growing call, irresistible for investigations of huge global crimes we all know they were involved in, organizing them 9-11 and the murder of JFK
such investigations are bound to lead to charges/arrests and trials, sanctions and penalties for lots of significant people, some of who are dead. but there are a lot of fresh crimes and lots of penalties for the Jewish state and people to pay..that are likely to leave them broken and powerless in the world.
that is a condition I am sure freaks out the Jewish elites. there would be fears and dreams of pogroms and revenges of all manner kinds and types all over the world..some of exquisitely fine and sophisticated nature
will the Khazars submit to justice?
I dont think they will think that they can afford to. they will prolly blow the planet if they are going to lose. a fight is unavoidable ultimately. I dont see Putin’s point. forthright defense and proper reaction may have some positive effect on eventual outcomes one never knows. but it does not appear to pay to let it go when poked in the nose.
I dont know the insides of the issue and Putin himself. But I cannot admit to total trust of the man as leader of Russia and a major global player
The websayanim are describing their favorite wet dream again.
It’s April.
Your credibility is past sell-by date:
vot tak on February 24, 2019 · at 9:11 pm EST/EDT
But misses the obvious reason:
Syria to begin using S-300 defense system in March: report
“The Syrian military will begin using the Russian-made S-300 air defense system in March, the Russia-based Kommersant publication reported on Monday.
End Quote
THE VETO: Film exposing CNN, Al Jazeera, Channel 4 and the western media propaganda war against Syria
“I met journalist and friend Rafiq Lutf and cameraman Abdul-Mun’aim Arnous in January 2018 and I was honoured when Rafiq asked me to work with him on his film project, The Veto.
As Dr Shaaban said to me in August 2016, “Western propaganda is paid for in Syrian blood”. This is true. The horrifying bloodshed and loss of life in Syria could never have happened without the colonial media manufacturing consent for another illegal war against a Sovereign nation.
The Veto tracks the evolution of the propaganda campaign waged by Western media against Syria. From Baba Amr in Homs 2011/2012 until the modern day “propaganda construct” – the NATO-member-state funded White Helmets. It honours Russia and China’s vetoes that have consistently defended Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the UN.
George Orwell said “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” Western media has been tasked with writing the history of the Syrian conflict to serve the aggressors in the US Coalition of terrorism.
As Dr Shaaban also told me:
“The US alliance and its media are focusing on our history, material history, cultural history, identity, our army. Any power that keeps you as an entire state, or any statesman that represents strength or unity will be demonized and destroyed.”
The Veto exposes the criminal intentions of Western media and it archives the progression of the propaganda war waged by the West against Syria. Syrians are writing the history of the Syrian conflict because Syria and her allies have courageously resisted the Imperialist machine.”
Watch the film:
“So far, Moscow has limited its response to Israeli actions to diplomatic steps”.
Yes, here is another “diplomatic step” from Putin:
First Trump now Putin…
Yes, and we can be reasonably confident that any settlers being moved to the occupied (and now US recognized) Syrian Golan Heights are of Russian extraction. cui bono?
Russia and Israel are allies. The economics such as the deal to sell AWACS to India have been discussed several times. However, the relationship is much deeper than merely economic.
Over 1,000,000 Russians (including former USSR) migrated to Israel. The demographic impact is dramatic (1).
Russian is a commonly spoken language. The are extensive personal ties among extended family members where some immigrated while others remained.
The ties are so deep there is even an Israeli political party, Yisrael Beiteinu, that originated as a Russian speaking block (2).
What does this mean for Russian -Syrian – Israeli relations?
Not unsurprisingly Russia would like to mediate an accommodation (if not a full peace) between Syria and Israel. To date they have not been able to do so for a variety of reasons including the Golan and Iran/Hezbollah.
This leaves Russia in an awkward position. The best they can do is remain neutral in terms of military support for both of their allies, Syria and Israel. There is no rational basis or plausible scenario where Russia would back non-ally Iran’s offensive operations against Russian ally Israel.
Russia has only three allies, its Army, its Navy and its Aerospace Force. Everyone else is an acquaintance,
1. Now that good old Uncle $cam is running out of $$$
2. Time for Little Izzie to remember good old Uncle Boris
3. Play, play, old fiddle! Two Hundred Years Together.
“… Now that good old Uncle $cam is running out of $$$ …”
That is for now a hope. Which will probably be fulfilled – eventually. “Eventually” (“when?”) being the key problem…
“… Time for Little Izzie to remember good old Uncle Boris. … Play, play, old fiddle! Two Hundred Years Together. …”
Das ewige Chamäleon … вечный хамелеон…
“Russia and Israel are allies.”
I’d say every country in the world has business dealings with Israel. I don’t buy this “East vs West” rubbish anymore and now assume all nation-states are mere sandboxes for a global oligarchy. Just look at Syria — it is now partitioned per Oded Yinon.
Meanwhile business with Israel is booming. Time to wake up folks.
Another glaring anomoly, Iran is completely incapable of defending it positions in Syria. The Apartheid State is able to attack them at will in Syria, how well would they be able to defend an all out onslaught on the home land. And if they are not attacking Iran position but rather Syrian positions, then Syria is neutered by being hooked in to the Russian air defence system………………….which works well to defend Russian targets in Syria but all and any Syrian targets are fair game…………..what a sick fucking joke! Almost as sick as US taxpayer paying to defend Russian land grabbers while they steal Palestinian land.
This video proves the Iran-Russia-Syria alliance is losing the propaganda war. In Canada & USA, based on media and user comments, most people perceive the S-300 as impotent at stopping “superior” USA weapons. If indeed we accept Saker’s observation that the current war’s content of:
*80% information/propaganda
*15% economic
*5% military,
then the alliance is losing badly, even if most knowledgeable people here believe differently.
I don’t see any Canadian jet pilots volunteering to fly against the S-300. Certainly, no American or Israelis have the cahones to try it. So who are the people who think the S-300 is hype?
Propaganda aimed at who? The propaganda worked on you. You dragged it here.
Why are the Israelis working with the Greek S-300 to try to figure out how to beat it?
It works, that’s why.
The Chinese tested their first S-400. It knocked down a missile at over 1000 kms at speeds far in excess of jet fighters. It’s closely related to S-300.
The thing that rational analysts agree on is that Russia’s weapons work as advertised, usually far in excess of the advertisement.
Most of us don’t “believe” these facts. We see the facts, scrutinize the facts and then know the facts are accurate. We don’t look at the propaganda and use that for our judgment.
There is no Air Force on the planet that will fly against the S-300s without first swarming the systems with hundreds of drones and trying everything in their power to spoof the radars while from standoff positions fire guided bombs 125 kms toward the S-300s. So far, they have failed to take them out. However the drones, missiles and guided bombs have been hit by the S-300 and related Pantsir 1s and 2s.
Thanks for the trolling, Dick.
Tuned me up this morning.
By the way, Dick, most people, as you claim in some grandiose way, don’t know what the S-300 is. Sounds like a Benz sedan to them. In fact, your comment is very weak in construction, context, and rhetorical style. We have a high standard for trolls. You haven’t made it to “trainee” level with this effort.
Your parting shot about the alliance failing is beyond nitrous oxide-induced laughter. I would educate you on the facts, but overcoming the vacuum you obviously possess regarding the topic is too time-consuming.
Get better sources of information. You don’t have to agree with anyone here. But be prepared if you come with nonsense. It is not considered a valid argument to present silliness.
As for “troll” accusations, I am simply reporting what many average Canadians & Americans perceive, so do not shoot the messenger! And the MSM message is: Zionists brave, Russian alliance not.
YES, I agree that Soviet/Russian equipment is rock solid.
YES, I agree that Dr al-Assad’s government must prevail against the various terrorists, including NATO and its allies.
But the Syrian Army must shoot down more Israeli & USAF warplanes, so there is ZERO doubt that S-300 is effective, and MSM cannot deny it…Understand???
Syria (and Russia) don’t want to be dragged into a war with Israel/US over what are essentially pin pricks. Western media may make a big deal of Israelis attacking Iranian or Syrian targets, but the reality is that these attacks only provide propaganda wins for Israel while accomplishing nothing of strategic value.
Exactly. That’s been covered repeatedly here, but the websayanim continue droning on, repeating the same trolls wasting time and space here. It’s actually an attack on the website, with the same purpose as a ddos attack or an effort to malware it.
Dick. As a Canadian I am pretty sure that the “average” Canadian, has no clue what is going on in the Syria/Israel mess. Those that (think) they do will have drunk the Zionist kool aid that is put out by our press and gov’t.
Is there any real difference between the israelis and their terrorist proxies attacking Syria?
Committee: Israel testing medicines on Palestinian prisoners
Gee, what a surprise, the hasbara blitz here today coincides with a renewal of the anti-Syria propaganda from the zionazi-gay colonies:
US, UK Vow to Hold Perpetrators of Chemical Attacks in Syria Responsible
We all know that Russia and Israel have military technical co-operation. For Russians it is very important to iron an anti-aircraft defense especially against the F-35 F-22 aircraft that would be very dangerous opponents with US pilots on the Russian border. the only ones who can provide this quality service to the Russians is Israel. When Israel emerged as a state, the first to send weapons to the Israelis were Russians and not Americans. Israelis know that Russians will protect them. Marriage with Americans is a marriage of interest to Israelis. Israelis will run attacks with various tactics on Syria and the Russians will record it. after the election in Israel, Israel will no longer have to resort to target empty warehouses and Iran will not have to respond to the attacks. Of course, for now, while practicing anti-missile training, the Russians do not intend to activate s300 or s400. later the Syrian will have full control over the air-defense, and this is clear to the Israelis, and for Russia is a guarantee if the Israelis, God forbid, change mind and continue with attacks on the Syrian army. Everything is really the way it should be.
Excellent analysis. Russia is learning the characteristics of US air craft, munitions and all sorts of drones. They are advantaged by Israeli missions.
The historic Russian military tactic is to wait. They want an enemy to assemble, mass, and assault. Then, the Russian artillery destroys them in minutes.
If you study the munitions of Russia, you will see that it is designed to annihilate its targets over a widespread area, or within a tight perimeter but with thousands of pieces of shrapnel. Buk missile warheads are like this.
When the first S-400s arrived in Syria to defend the Russian air base and naval base, the US virtually grounded its F-22 from combat missions. All F-35s have flown far from their targets in Syria, standing off 125-150 kms to fire guided bombs because their cruise missiles were being shot down.
The US and Israel have exposed many weaknesses of US weapons platforms to the Russians. The more the IDF does to flex its muscles, the more the Russians learn to counter.
Not only are the Russians learning, the Iranians and Turks are learning, along with the Syrians. And most likely, the Chinese are in on the secrets exposed to Russian ELINT, SIGINT, radars and combat aviation experts.
The Hegemon’s hubris is a great ally of the enemies of the boastful Exceptionals, US and Israel.
The Russians wait. And glean invaluable information, Intel that will save Russian lives and cost dearly any of their enemies.
“Of course, for now, while practicing anti-missile training, the Russians do not intend to activate s300 or s400. later the Syrian will have full control over the air-defense, and this is clear to the Israelis”
Somebody’s telling poroshenkos’s
“The Syrian military will begin using the Russian-made S-300 air defense system in March, the Russia-based Kommersant publication reported on Monday.”
This sort of dovetails into what L445 last wrote above.
US Couldn’t Offer Turkey Same Conditions on Patriot as Russia on S-400 – Erdogan
“Pence’s statement come as the latest development in a long-lasting standoff between Washington and Ankara with the former trying to persuade its NATO partner to drop the deal with Russia, citing fears its S-400s will not be compatible with the alliance’s air defence grid and will reveal weaknesses in the F-35 fifth generation jet to Moscow.”
The american’s massas, israelis, in their mental compulsive national trait to prove their superiority, along with their childish inability to hold off playing with a new toy, by using their f-35s at the first opportunity, essentially gave Russia the knowledge the americans are pretending they are worried about the Russians getting from the S-400s sold to Turkey.
The Russians already know what they need to know in order to flame f-35s. and also the same for the more stealthy, and more combat worthy f-22. The americans made extensive use of the f-22 in and around Syria, and the Russians said they had no problem detecting them. Remember the Russian military spokesman saying at a press conference that any thinking these aircraft will escape detection, through their mythical stealth tech, is the thinking of amateurs?
My guess the real reason pindoland doesn’t want Turkey to get S-400s is that the israeloamericans know full well the f-35 is vastly overrated in the propaganda and once the Turks begin training using both the S-400 and the f-35, that fact will become obvious. It’s one thing for Russians, or Syrians to claim the f-35 is a dud, the machine simply ignores or distorts what they say, but should a fellow nato member show it is, the sods’ pr machine would have a much harder time explaining that.
From the Southfront article:
“At the same time, there still has not been a comprehensive evidence to confirm that any of F-35I of the Israeli Air Force (IAF) has been employed in combat ever. Claims by Israeli officials that some F-35I was employed somewhere and somewhen cannot be considered as a reliable proof.”
Hard evidence of an f-35 shot down on Syrian soil, sure, but there is enough other evidence to indicate the israelis have used f-35s. The famous “bird strike” pretty much seals it in my opinion.
I ‘m learning that Iran’s application for membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is being thwarted by Tajikistan, who is doing so at Saudi Arabia’s request.
Its full time that the Saudis understand and accept that they are no match for the Islamic Republic of Iran.
They can buy all the arms that they want and they can buy and bribe other countries and they can cozy up the Israeli regime and lick its boots, but all that will still not change the fact that Saudi Arabia is no match for Iran.
And if ever hostilities should break out between the 2, I am sure the Islamic Republic will deliver a crushing defeat to the boot-kissers in Riyadh.
SO the question is WHY Russia does not blow the Israeli attackers up so effectively they do not come back ?
….because Russia and Israel are not at war?
Read excellent posts above by:
*vot tak
About 3 months ago. Really shortly after the midterms where Dems picked up some seats, social media and ‘conservative’ media outlets really were inflames with accusations of ‘anti-semitism’. Congresslady Ilhan Omar made some remarks favorable to the Palestinians and because she’s been already been denounced as a ‘Socialist’ -which in the US is tantamount to being called a baby eating satanist. Now she is an ‘anti-semite’ and the Democrats were called on to denounce this deviation. Twitter was full of ‘both ‘liberal’ & conservative’ personalities offering to pick up a rifle and rush to defend Israel from the existential menace of non-jews existing within a thousand kilometers o fIsreali territory.
Anyone else notice this? Then immediately, Trump decides to unilaterally recognize Isreali sovereignty over the Golan. Nice tidy sequence there. I suppose all charges against Bronfman and her little NXIVM sex cult will be dropped soon too. That little detour into rational foreign policy we seemed to think was upon us was derailed by Mr. Kushner.
I would like to iterate that Russia and Israel are strategic partners. Most of the evidence points at that direction. In Syria Israel’s latest move for the Golan Heights also proves Russian collaboration with Israel. Russian army is used as a buffer zone at the border of Golan separating Syria and making sure that no infiltration occurs by Iranians or their proxies. Netanyahu visited Kremlin a week ago to make sure Putin’s continuing support vis a vis Syria to contain Iran. Israel and Russia has an excellent relationship and cooperation, so much so that Putin dedicated a great deal of effort to bring back the body of an Israeli soldier who was missing in Lebanon and Russian military went to great lengths for this mission (, even arranging a military ceremony. It is a fact that Russia was helping Israel by giving Israel the codes for Tor-M1 missile complexes that it sold to Iran (
Russia-Israel relationship is strong and Russia will make every effort to make sure that Iran does not reach a strategic superiority in Syria and in the Middle East. Russian economy is in the hands of about a dozen or so people called the oligarchy, which really did not changed much since Yeltsin years. Most of those people in charge of the economy in Russia are Jewish, some even with dual citizenship. Israel yields a great amount of political and economic power over Russia. Thus Russia will comply to the demands in order not to be crushed economically or even politically (a military coup d’etat like what Yeltsin did) and I don’t see any change for the future. If it was the opposite, like sometimes propagated by the alt-media, Putin would have denied a meeting with Netanyahu and would have never put such efforts to search of a fallen Israeli soldier, while the shooting down of a Russian plane killing fifteen servicemen was still fresh in the memories. Russia is firmly on the side of Israel, when it comes to Israel’s strategic interests in the middle east.
As a dip note, I should also mention the S400 purchase by Turkey, which in my belief could turn easily into a pitfall for Turkey. Russia may very well give all the codes to Israel, like they did against Iran for the TOR-M1 missile system. Turkey shall look for other options and probably find more reliable partners in the region. Russia is simply unreliable for Turkey.
None of those articles support your claims about Russia being allied to israel. And what little of your spiel that is actually mentioned in any of the articles you have exaggerated and distorted in your comment to make it look like you posted confirming evidence.
’Netanyahu visited Kremlin a week ago to make sure Putin’s continuing support vis a vis Syria to contain Iran’
I doubt this is on the table at this point. You speculate as you did in your whole comment. I’m more inclined to think that he wants RF abstention in the Security Council when it will oppose Is(we don’t write the name of Ra)el’s annexation of Cisjordian lands. Which he will not have of course.
I see some sophisticated trollery here. This is a fluid situation and the decisions are both those of policy and of practical situational decisionmaking.
These ones, the ones that want to break up conversation here are luckily easily spotted because the language (sophisticated or not) gives it away each time. Refer Vot Tak and Larchmonter who are doing a good job of outing the attack on this thread.
I mean, how hard is it to understand that we’re dealing with a fluid situation here with many pieces on the game board. Russia is not at war excepting with the headchoppers. They are in continuous peace negotiations. This next week there are elections in Israel – elections brought forward because of internal disagreements and strife. Soon after we will have sight of the ‘new and improved’ so-called ‘Deal of the Century’ peace plan for the middle-east penned by that “brilliant White House advisor”, Jared Kushner. So, pieces are in play. Russia is not at war with Israel (and surprise, surprise, there are Russians in Israel and Putin is not going to shoot ’em – this is just factual and get over it already), or with Iran.
But to say things like “Yes, and we can be reasonably confident that any settlers being moved to the occupied (and now US recognized) Syrian Golan Heights are of Russian extraction.”
Where is that reasonable confidence? Which settlers are being moved at this moment? I bet you none and the statements being made are Netanyahu’s election puffery and nonsense. The issue of the Golan is not determined, even though Mr Trump believes he has determined it.
Things like “This video proves the Iran-Russia-Syria alliance is losing the propaganda war. In Canada & USA, based on media and user comments, most people perceive the S-300 as impotent at stopping “superior” USA weapons.”
Most people in the Canada and the US would not know a S-300 if you hit them over the head with a piece of it. Idiotic statement if you ask me and there has been a few more.
Those with these statements did not actually read this article or understand the fluid nature of the overall conflict. I quote:
“This puts Russia, which is a key Syrian ally in the sphere of the military technical cooperation, in a complicated situation. So far, Moscow has limited its response to Israeli actions to diplomatic steps, a widely promoted S-300 delivery and a declared modernization of the Syrian air defense network. This “limited” response was predetermined by a role of “neutral force” ready to work with all sides to de-escalate the conflict, which Russia seeks to play in the region.”
What is so hard to understand? Does Putin need to meet with Netanyahu as ‘neutral force’? Of course he does. And perhaps after next week he does not – who knows what is happening with the elections in Israel?.
“This attitude has weak sides. Currently, most of Syrians see the Russians as heroes and allies that had helped to reverse the course of the war. Nonetheless, the Russian inaction in response to Israeli actions, especially amid the low intensity of military actions on key frontlines, undermines this image. If the situation develops in this direction, in 2-3 years, Russia may lost the hard-won support from the Syrians. In this event, and especially in the event of a lack of success in other fields, Moscow may find itself operating in a very different environment on the ground. ”
Of course any attitude has weak sides. I agree with South Front on this statement of 2-3 years if all things stay the same. But we’re looking at a massive moving field of many many influences and it could change overnight. The current situation won’t stay frozen as is today. There are too many moving pieces.
My thanks to those that are recognizing the sophisticated trollery. And as for the so-called “Deal of the Century”, Pat Lang had a few questions that illustrate the the “Deal of the Century” is perhaps just a tad overhyped.
Except you can meet Russian Jews who left the Occupied Territories of Palestine, walking around Canada. Maybe get out and meet some real people, talk to them, like, “’re from ‘israel’ why come here, you like snow?” Answer is, “no, we don’t like hiding in air raid shelters.” Just my experience with settlers coming here.
Most Canadians, sorry guys, don’t know their ass from their elbow, busy burried under a relentless usury tax scheme and a new Usury Gas Tax (lets call a spade a spade) they can’t wait to join the Queen’s Minions on some far off battle field to save ‘democray’ for their kids……………and 5G.
In Libya as in Syria, NATZO has been pushed back into “strategic regroupment mode” ie, retreat. Latest developments courtesy of SyrPer analyst Canthama:
Canthama #290093
1) Tripoli [seat of the NATZO / UN / Muslim Brotherhood puppet regime] is the biggest prize for the LNA [Libyan National Army]. The latter has conducted a lightning attack on the far West of the country and managed to take control of an important border crossing, Wazzin; with it almost 100 kms of border with Tunisia was secured, leaving only one border crossing under the Muslim Brotherhood / NATO-backed regime, at Ras Ajdir — the most important one. I have used this border 15 years ago when I traveled to Tunisia and Libya, a very busy border crossing but now fully sealed by Tunisia military, afraid of fleeing terrorists from NW Libya.
2) Advances in the outskirts of Tripoli were partially slowed down yesterday and early today, allowing foreigners to leave the area. Two US Frigates collected hundreds of US citizens and other foreigners that are embedded with the Muslim Brotherhood regime in Tripoli.
This pause may have been agreed with the UN’s Protector of Muslim Brotherhood terrorists, Antonio Guterres, in Benghazi last Friday.
The fact is, NATO is freaking out. The very same criminal organization that destroyed Libya has no clue whatsoever what to do right now. The puppet regime which they have put in place — the Muslim Brotherhood led GNA [so called Government of National Accord] which was used to steal the oil and gas from the Libyans for 8 years as well as to steal the gold reserve held by Gaddafi, is now fleeing like rats from a sinking ship.
3) This morning, a major advance happened near Sawani bridge, 20 Kms SW of Tripoli, where the red arrow is located, it seems LNA is using all the main highways to approach the city.;130490112;326945770;0;173339;226593;254219;13732;329316;384521;456388;501251;190671;370788;219557;411987;0
4) One of the most important battle to come is for the control of the coastal highway to physically split the terrorists from Misrata and Tripoli, map below.
5) Lavrov was in Egypt yesterday, both countries have “publicly” shared news that they do not support the LNA push toward Tripoli, but on the ground, LNA is using weapons, sat intel, and experts from both countries. A lot of Russians are in Libya as part of the Wagner Company, and Russia has sent dozens of technical people to maintain and fix attack helis and jets. The tactic used by Russia and Egypt in Libya has been of deception so far, supposedly no direct involvement, using private planes to deliver weapons thru third countries (mostly Belarus and UAE) and non National Military personal to support LNA.
6) The always excellent MoA shares its take on the recent developments in Libya, and how it got to this point.” [so suddenly]
“In Libya as in Syria, NATZO has been pushed back into “strategic regroupment mode” ie, retreat. Latest developments courtesy of SyrPer analyst Canthama: ”
Syria is now partitioned.
@Flopot: “Syria is now partitioned.”
You may be right. I hope not but my optimism over the past 8 years may be ill founded. Time alone will tell. Meanwhile here is a clip from OzSkeptic BTL SyrianPerspective which contradicts the clip from Canthama that I posted yesterday. When two such concerned commentators profess doubt and uncertainty, it is time for me to quit posting mere opinion while brave people in Syria and Libya are fighting to preserve their countries.
Clip from Ozskeptic BTL SyrPer #290096:
“Canthama and other readers – please forgive me. This is not my usual type of post. It’s long, thorough and detailed.
1. I prefer to hear about Libyan news from the Libyan people direct. This is hard, because the Zionists control everything that is said and everything that is read. JoAnne Moriarty, (appointed as the official spokesperson for the tribes of Libya) stated last year: “Khalifa Haftar is NOT supported by The Tribes of Libya. He is not trusted by anyone in Libya. All sides in the conflict regard him as a traitor, terrorist, thief, war criminal and CIA puppet!”
2. Russia has always denied that they have supported Haftar. I believe them. He doesn’t need their help anyway. He is well catered for by the usual villains. Whenever you read a MSM article telling how Haftar is about to ‘liberate’ Tripoli, it’s a LIE designed to present this CIA puppet as a savior for Libya. Haftar’s militia began as a small band of CIA mercenary drop-ins. With generous Saudi funding, it has been expanded to include crazy salafists, former Jihadi ‘rebels’, former Libyan Army personnel and motley mercenaries, mostly from Sudan. He has no ‘air-force’ – only Egyptian and Emirati warplanes flown by mercenaries.
…To believe the narrative that Haftar is a Libyan hero is falling for crude PSYOPS without pausing to think objectively and research thoroughly. Haftar’s ‘army of liberation’ is made of the same disgusting mix of mercenaries as the vermin currently raping YEMEN. – Why can’t you see that?
Thank you for reading
Oz “
So who do we believe Doctor? Canthama or Oz?
I have not paid much attention to Libya lately to be honest but I think in certain aspects both Canthama and OZ are correct. Let me explain.
FUKUS/Nato have blinked and have started to squeal. Last week the UK asked for a UNSC meeting on Libya and the porcine US Secretary of State has dispensed some wise counsel to the warring parties in the country that FUKUS broke saying without a hint of irony that “there is no military solution” to the problems of Libya.
Sure signs that Haftar is hurting their interests.
Despite his being a CIA asset for decades following his falling out with Gaddafi, the Field Marshal is now working for himself. He doesn’t care who fights for him, even the scum of the earth, or vermin as OZ says. I’m not sure about the Russians’ intentions — they know Haftar well –, but if I were Sisi I’d rather side with Haftar than the GNA. At least Haftar knows how to get a military solution and if he wins — and he’s only 30km from Tripoli as we speak — Sisi will know that his western border is secure and he’ll get more concessions from the good Field Marshal (do I smell oil?). It will do Russia and Egypt no harm to deny that they are involved with Haftar’s play (and technically they’re not, well not directly).
Some of the parties supporting Haftar are the same as those ‘raping’ Yemen, to use OZ’s description but aren’t those protesting the Field Marshal’s actions also the same verminous states?
In truth there are no ‘heroes’ trying to save Libya or ‘liberate’ Tripoli. Nobody should believe that fairy tale. It is every thieving sewer rat for himself in that sad, broken place. Nobody gives a damn about the ordinary Libyan whose future looks as rosy as an Afghan’s or a Yemeni’s; his luck ran out when criminal FUKUS broke his country.
Feedback on your comment.
“I see some sophisticated trollery here.”
The guardianista/white supremacist axis use every trick in the book to further israel’s interests and attack their enemies on the web.