by Ramin Mazaheri
The great journalist Alexander Cockburn famously asked the question “How pure is your hate?”
I appreciate the sentiment, but it’s a line which always rubbed me the wrong way just a bit. I always thought it was treating “hate” rather religiously – purification being a routine goal of prayer, fasting, ceremony, etc.
Hate, from a religious or moral standpoint, should not be considered “pure”, or at least I don’t know of any spiritual structure which considers it positively: Nobody prays to an idol of hate.
Hate is not really that great, because at its base is sadness.
I have seen pure hate: I was at a meeting against police brutality in Paris last year. I was interviewing a young Black man whose brother had just been shot to death by the cops. He was shot in the back…of course. I’ve never seen a French cop jailed for such a crime – or any crime – and the police kill here about once a month.
The murder had only been a few months ago, and as I interviewed him he still seethed and choked with pure hatred for the police. He wanted to declare war right there on the state security apparatus/the home army – the police, who are no Revolutionary Guards like in Iran or Cuba. He wanted revolution, and he’d have made an effective leader.
He was also seemingly on the brink of howling with pure sadness – the total despair that must accompany the death of a brother in such a horribly unjust manner.
Pure hate is something which can only be applied when you are a direct victim like that, and whatever the benefits – the price to pay seems terrible.
I have never been victimized in such a manner, but you don’t need to be a direct victim to hate something in the sufficient degree.
I truly hate the police, but to call it “pure” would be denigrating my notion of purity. My hate for the unjust police force of France is intellectual, which has then gradually shaped my emotions towards them, and not the other way around.
I always thought Cockburn’s line could be improved to “How intelligent is your hate?”
It says nearly the same thing; it just takes an intellectual approach to an essentially negative emotion, which is how negative emotions should be handled.
Underneath hate is sadness, but underneath sadness there was always love first: one can’t be sad about something that one didn’t already love. And love needs to be the guiding motivation for any loyal revolutionary.
Fidel said things to this effect all the time, and he had no problem personally taking violent action against tyranny when the time came, and that time was long – 5+ years in guerrilla war and prison.
I just came from an anti-Trump rally in Paris.
Seemingly every American in Paris was there, with about 10% of the crowd being French people who wanted to show their “solidarity against the clown”.
I bet the majority of people there – with their idiot posters of “She-Ro” Hillary Clinton, their shrines to Obama, their vulgar signs trying to outdo Trump’s vulgarity (as if being crude is a revolutionary act, especially these days) – I bet they would say their hatred was “pure”.
They probably wouldn’t even question it. And, sadly, they are indeed full of hate because such Democrat Party stalwarts spend day after day talking about how much they hate the Donald and how genetically superior they are their country-cousin Trumpers.
But why? Did he overcharge them for a hotel room? Did he underpay them for trimming putting greens or regrouting gaudy bathroom fixtures? Unlike Hillary, the man hasn’t had time to do anything yet!
The breakup of Libya and Ukraine, the coup in Honduras, the attempted breakup of Syria, the support of ISIL in Iraq, the military “pivot to China”, Cold War 2.0 with Russia, thousands of civilians killed by drone assassinations…my God are Hillary and Barry’s hands dirty.
The trillion-dollar bailout of the big banks, the failure to rebuild Main Street, the phony “economic recovery”, the constant push for more “best corporation wins” free trade policies – Trump did none of this.
The record number of deportations, the systematic imprisonment and murder of people of Color, the refusal of a Black president to sincerely elevate a movement like Black Lives Matter….you see where I’m going.
I hate the US Democratic Party.
So does half of the US and much of the world, and for intelligent reasons.
Democrats should hate themselves, but they don’t. When you are at fault, yes, you feel should feel shame. Call me overly-Asiatic if you want, but that’s a positive, necessary and pure emotion.
It’s been surprising – because I am so willfully naïve – to see how everyday US Democrats have jumped on the bandwagon to blame “Russian hacking” for Hillary’s loss. I can’t believe it’s still going on – I thought for sure that was a temporary ploy. It’s obvious the media/rich/military cabal has ordered such a sustained assault, but the party cadres should know better.
But at the Trump rally there was no Democratic mea culpa. It was all “Trump is the devil”. Self-righteous hate is a very satisfying emotion, but it’s usually just empty calories and not certainly pure.
I don’t have the data because none exists, but I believe that the recent Paris anti-Trump rally set a French record in terms of the percentage of marchers who came equipped with a sign! There might have been more signs than people, LOL! I’m talking 70%-plus – it was a sea of signs, and I’ve never seen a French protest like that.
Is that the way protests are in the US now, everyone competing with the Joneses for sign space, LOL? Protests took about a 25 year Generation X hiatus in the US – from the feminist Equal Rights Amendment movement in the late 1970s until the 2nd Iraq War global demonstration in 2003 – so I’m not sure.
When a trend is so out of the norm it begs explanation, or at least a hypothesis: All those signs seemed like more classic fake-leftist “identity politics”, to me. “This is me, hear my voice, I’m an individual, don’t put me in any group, my politics defies classification, my rights, I win, you’re a bad person, blah blah blah”.
At the first anti-Trump rally/whinefest in Paris last November I saw this sign: “White, lesbian, Jewish, Ukrainian, atheist, anti-Trump”. I was surprised she left out “right-handed”, “brown-haired” and “eater of meals at least 3 times a day”.
But for all the signs it was a pretty quiet affair, despite a much larger than expected turnout of maybe 5,000 people. They were not what a protest needs to be most – loud. The 2003 Gulf War II protest was a tepid affair too.
There was a whole lotta, “Look at me, I’m marching!” Lotta selfies posted to Facebook, for sure.
Go to a march held by France’s police union and your eardrums will bleed. Between the firecrackers and the AC/DC it’s no wonder the government seems to capitulate to whatever they demand within 24 hours. It’s more complicated than that – such an unpopular government knows they need their Praetorian Guard – but the point is made.
What happened to all the real, political, social, non-self-centered energy? Why did all that energy dissipate so quickly when the time came to move?
Their hate was not pure. It was certainly nothing like that victim of police brutality.
That young man has become involved in Paris as a police brutality activist and he probably always will be one. Around the world the anti-Trumpers came out for one day, and now they’ll probably stay at home in front of TV news, feeling satisfied with themselves and superior to half the world.
Even though journalists always say, “If you want to know the truth about your country then read about it in the foreign media,” they’ll shudder at the thought of giving just a click to Russia Today, Press TV or even Al-Jazeera. Independent sites like The Saker – which can bask in the illustrious honor of being on the list of so-called “Russian propaganda websites” pathetically published by Washington Post – we may as well be crazed radicals on the brink of connecting the red wire to the blue wire.
The anti-Trumpers’ hate is not intelligent either.
I don’t support Donald Trump – I hated Hillary Clinton and her Democrat machine. I don’t support a disunited Europe necessarily – I hate how the European Union is a purposely unfixable system which repeatedly ignores democracy and facilitates the imperialism of poor Europe by rich Europe. I don’t hate the Euro – I hate how it has totally failed to bring the promised prosperity but has brought just the opposite. And I hate the US Democratic Party, and the people who run it, for their unforgivable crimes and they simply had to go.
I’ve always said Trump was this election’s “hope” candidate – which really sticks in the craw of the Obama apologists – but it’s sincere: I hope to have about a 3% chance that Trump will really pull back US militarism and free trade like he said.
I’m not that naïve – he could be a total fraud. However, we KNOW that Hillary was a 100% fraud and her record – so bad it defies words – proves it.
However, on Trump’s first day he actually did – and I am shocked – fulfill his promise to take the US out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement free trade agreement. Trump has actually done the previously unthinkable (and certainly unpronounceable/unpublishable): he has chipped away the bedrock of American imperialism and capitalism – free trade.
For those who don’t get it: Why do you think Mexico is in a huge drug war and there’s a refugee crisis? You think Guatemalan farmers could efficiently compete with Monsanto in NAFTA? They could not: small farmers across Central America were put out of business, causing a refugee crisis, while other farmers turned to the only cash crop they could compete on – drugs causing incredible violence.
This is what “free trade” is – it’s not about promoting trade, as all these countries are already in the World Trade Agreement and the US has bilateral agreements with half the countries in the TPP – it’s about promoting US corporate dominance, and corporations really have no country anymore.
Even if Hillary voters want to ignore the estimated 500,000 American jobs which would be lost due to the TPP over a decade – Trumpers got it, and I am ecstatic that they did. So is Beijing, because this Obama-led agreement was another part of his “pivot to China” – i.e. isolate, intimidate, destabilize, overthrow, install puppet.
Trump has actually delivered in an area as vitally important to the Wall Street-dominated New York Times as promoting transgender bathroom rights and bashing Russia. Of course, what matters most is what follows next – Trump could win even worse bilateral agreements with even more domination by US corporations, but maybe there will be nothing at all!
That’s why I was quite optimistic yesterday. I felt good! It’s a new day, a new president, this big blue marble keeps on spinning, etc.
Then I talked to some anti-Trump protesters and they told me how this year – so new – is guaranteed to be so lousy. And, of course, they hate that too.
Sheesh…as if they lived in the Washington-approved, Saudi-led, near-genocide that is today’s Yemen….
We all know their type of hate – impure, stupid, self-righteous, self-absorbed – is truly the main motivating factor for anyone who really believes in any mainstream Western party: they hate the other guy. They hold their nose and vote against.
I have a vote in the US and I voted for Party for Socialism and Liberation – I voted my conscience – me and about 40,000 people in a country of with 230 million eligible voters. It’s a one-round system, and I won’t play games if that’s my only chance. If it was a two-round system I’d certainly have voted for Trump without hesitation.
Because my hatred is intelligent – I know who has done the real damage over the last 8 years: mainstream, phony leftists like the Democratic Party’s Hillary Clinton.
Trump’s “bad words”? Grow up. Trump’s plans for mass deportation? Not gonna happen – gonna backfire and create a “Hispanic Power” movement which will be the next major historic push forward for everyone’s civil rights in the US: they have to come out of the shadows at some point, eh?
The rejection of TTP means that the US is finally entering a new era: The 36 years of Bush/Clinton oligarchy is finally over, and for the average person and certainly the global citizen that is definitely worth celebrating.
If you went to an anti-Trump rally when he was inaugurated – I mildly applaud you, truly. Your activism is necessary to fight Trump’s many reactionary proposals. But you are not above criticism, and you are certainly not superior to those human beings I call Trumpers. Also, political auto-critique is necessary to maintain progress, and in the horribly flagrant case of the US Democratic Party it must be made publicly.
Trump’s arrival to office ends my stumping for him. Now I’m neutral: I’ll wait and see, like any normal, objective, balanced human. One day in – one major promise already ignored. But I am not scared of Trump, and I certainly don’t hate him more than I hate the US Democratic Party he beat (in the Electoral College).
I could finish with this return to hate, but why, when I can choose something better?
Today, I put up a newly framed picture in my office: It’s a copy of Granma from January 3rd of this year, which covered the celebration of the 58th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution’s victory. I was fortunate to be there to cover it as well, and took it as a souvenir of a truly modern country full of everyday promoters of true leftism.
The one-word headline reads, “Fidelidad”.
I’ll gladly return to that again and again.
Ramin Mazaheri is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. His work has appeared in various journals, magazines and websites, as well as on radio and television.
it has nothing to do with “hate”. This ain’t no 4 chan /b, lets invent labels such as “haters” that don’t exist.
It has to do with a total blowhard proven liar with a gigantic ego who will most likely hasten USA’s demise by decades, but come to think of it, that’s actually a good thing and the best thing that can happen to the planet Earth, so go Trump the Dumb, keep it up!
How can you tell he’s a liar, when he’s been in office for only a few days – and has begun making good on his promises?
Or are you determined to hate him no matter what he does?
When Clintonites and such label all dissent, opposition and objections to the increasingly-totalitarian identitarian politics of what is laughably called ‘leftist’ as ‘hate’, there is no reason to think otherwise.
Nowhere is there any protest by these people at the carnage wrought in the Middle East – hundreds of thousand dead, millions displaced, whole cities razed to the ground.
When Clinton laughed like a sociopathic maniac over the brutal murder of Munmar Ghaddaffi, she encapsulated the moral bankruptcy of the class she represents, including her mindless supporters.
When we hear rational objections to Trump’s policies, we will perhaps be convinced the protests are not Sorosian operations or knee-jerk hate.
So far, so crickets…
On the very first day, the women organisations have begun with a massive demonstration against Trump, because “he had made ugly remarks against women”. Do the demonstrators care or ever heard of Yazidi women, on how they have been enslaved by the ISIL thugs ? or what is the price of a woman in some African countries – being sold for a cow. Or the long story of sexual abuse against children in Europe and US ? or the sexual mutilations exercised in some countries against young girls ? the list is long…
His is a liar, and a fool with misplace/backwards priority for now. He is a blowhard, a whiner. He will speed up demise of the country. He does not even know which decade the world is in. But we deserve it. While losers like Obama, and Clinton, what can we expect.
Let the two party die…
This thread deserves 300 comments.
For starters let’s go back to the Saker comment Dec 20 which caused 276 comments.
There, the video in question “proving” the hit was a fake was posted:
by anonymous commenter. But it is now removed, “no longer available” on youtube
Almost everything is suspected by most alert people, so it is no disgrace that one commenter said “must watch”.
But then an anguished commenter next said “Why is this being ignored?” as though it was clearly the truth.
I answered:
“It’s not ignored. It just brings up 100+ more questions that cannot be answered in a day or two.
Besides the question about the you tuber himself possibly doctoring video, the main question becomes:
etc,etc ”
in this comment of mine:
The voice in the you tube video was familiar to me. But I didn’t know the name until I chanced upon a followup by the same person debunking what was supposed to be pall bearers out of doors very lightly carrying the presumably “empty” casket into the funeral service. Now I can’t find that video, but the voice of the researcher was the same, and this time his name was attached:
Ole Dammegard,
A couple of years earlier I had seen some of his stuff on false flags in Scandinavia, and thought “Maybe. Even probably. He seems to know his stuff, and be against the right bad guys.”
But before this article by Ramin Mazaheri, in seeing both these “Ole” videos I was thinking, “No, the Russians involved in such BS? I highly doubt it.”
When the questions (such as “Why not at least weigh down the casket with sand bags inside, instead of making the whole pall bearing look phony?” )are multiplying faster than rabbits, one smells a rabbit hole trap.
Why would Ole do that? Error? He’s paid by the enemy and is consciously in complicity with a nefarious agenda? He’s gone off the deep end? Some other bizarre explanation?
At some point you just have to say, “I don’t know, but there are more important things to look into, where, for example, the questions are not multiplying THAT much faster than the answers!”
Epistemological rigor would be an enormous anti-empire strategic asset, if that could be organized. Great article. Much more to say on other parts of it, but I’ll separate them out and say part of them later.
By the way, Ole was the bored “Here we go again, I mean GIVE me a break!” voice on one of the stireps posted by Scott (If my memory serves) just a few months ago, regarding a supposedly Muslim immigrant terror incident in Europe. I recall no objections to it.
So this is challenging. Too challenging to make up your mind quickly, in many, many cases, and I see that a lot of commentors here realize that.
Bro 93,
Are you referring to Ramin’s article or Anwar Khan’s? Seems comment is misplaced. Unless i am missing something.
You are correct. It was late. Not much time. Two muslim guest commentors, side by side. I posted on the wrong one, and hadn’t even read this one yet…… Good catch.
Mod, could you please move my comment to the Khan thread on epistemology convention?
Sorry,not able to do that.MOD
It’s alright – anyone reading it knows now which article you are responding to.
Adam Curtis made a great documentary about Afghanistan arguing that the 10-year war brought back 10 years of equal and opposite consequences on the Russian population a few years after it was over.
The Iraq War divided Iraq permanently. A few years after it was over, America became divided permanently.
The Yemen War is causing millions of babies to starve to death. Let us hope that our genocide in Yemen is not returned to us as well.
“I always thought Cockburn’s line could be improved to ‘How intelligent is your hate?’ “
Pertinent question indeed. People forever high on Corporate Western Media mindrot — be it ‘news’ (Putin/Russia) or ‘entertainment’ (pornography, torture and slaughter) — make an excellent case in point. The above question is like congratulating smugly some loud, smelly drunkard, asking curiously what it feels like to belong to the ‘scientific community’. Believe me, the reaction is hilarious to the n :th degree in most cases!
And to make another quite salient point at the expense of the Pindo national trait — hence Pindo garbage ideology — that we know as outright religious infatuation with private firearms for everybody, I find it absolutely irresistible to preach tolerance for serial killers and shooting sprees. To wit: “Now, don’t judge this too harshly. Someday this person will start killing Oligarchs en masse after a meticulous study of the fabulous Pindo constitution!”.
Really: How intelligent is your hate?
Nussiminen, I believe you have just etched the argument against moral relativism in… pixels. Thank you.
‘If only they start mass killing, they will, in the end, figure out who they ought to kill’.
It is really like Lenin the Idiot’s argument that ‘order comes out of chaos’ or ‘quality out of quantity’ – something which the New York Times proves is untrue with every successive issue. Or was it his fellow tribes-person Marx who said that?… not Groucho.
Whoops – I made a couple of glaring editing mistakes.
It’s World Trade “Organization”, not Agreement.
Regarding Trump its not: “One day in – one major promise already ignored.”
It’s – one major promise already kept.
You probably figured those out, anyway. I don’t want to bother Andrei to change it as he’s quite sick. Mea culpa!
When Blair first came to power, he perfected the merging of the leadership of the fake-left and fake right with an organisation called ***Common Purpose***. Common Purpose was a UK wide body (and versions of it exist in every nation Blair had influence over) that would ‘train’ upcoming ‘leadership’ potentials for all social and traditional political bodies. The idea was simple- the left-right paradigm that was always ***fake*** at the very top would become fake at lower levels of command and control as well- ensuring the demons would gain maximum efficiency from their system so their plans could advance at maximum speed.
Trump ***breaks*** the concept of Common Purpose, setting most levels of the left in war against their equivalents in the right, and vice versa. The highest neo-con and neo-liberal controllers are helpless to stop this conflict now, and worse, need to be seen encouraging it. This slows their plans down to a crawl, which is the very best outcome for us.
Take Israel. Cos Trump loves the zionist horrors (so much of his business work has been done in partnership with them), the left must go on an anti-Israeli crusade which is great for Humanity.
Take his election promises. Trump is actually delivering on them (forget whether you like that or not). But Blair’s whole strategy was presenting the sheeple with two identical choices- so whoever won the ‘election’ would do what Balir wanted, and not what had been promised at the election. In the UK, for instance, the ***pretend*** pro-education party (the Liberals) when voted into power for the first time in many many decades, increased to cost of Britain’s University education (once ***free***) to the highest on the planet- and protesting students were smashed by the police and imprisoned. The Liberals came to power on an ‘anti-war’ ticket, but once in power backed every war-mongering strategy desired by Blair.
However, now Trump sets a ‘gold standard’ for ‘honest’ politics- where what you say to get elected is what you must do once in power. The demons are horrified at this outcome- so much does it tie their hands in the near future.
It gets worse for the demons. The anti-Trump rage is so irrational it makes the left look like a bunch of brainless mouth-frothing fools (which was supposed to be the ‘flavour’ of the right). The demons had spent >100 years crafting the vision of the typical leftie, and the typical rightie – and having this vision messed up helps ruin the power of their societal systems.
It looks like the opportunity to ‘eliminate’ the Trump ‘problem’ is passing. Since Blair’s unthinkably bold 9/11 false-flag 15+ years ago, the demons haven’t dared use another false-flag on the same scale. If Trump is smart, he has his own private army guarding him with significant wealth as a main motivating factor for the loyal guards. The best of the US security services are ‘guns for hire’ – people whose loyalty the demons find very difficult to compromise in the usual way.
And it gets worse for the demons. The average SJW leftie now ***loves*** having Trump to protest against and organise against. As with the age of Thatcher and Reagan (both individuals I loathed), the left can go wild demonising in every ‘creative’ way the new right-wing ‘monster’. The idea of massively organising to slow down/stop the plans of the current elected leader is taking hold again.
Reagan had his ‘Star Wars’ (which didn’t deliver one useful military tech in the end) and Trump has his Mexican ‘wall’ (which he shocked the pundits today with by saying it is going ahead). Trump’s “America First” breaks Blair’s “America Everywhere” project (Blair’s first major war- the Kosovo War- was crafted to draw the US armed forces into its first major ground war since Vietnam- and the failure of that project led directly to Blair’s 9/11 false flag to force American ground invasions).
Most of us would say “give Trump a chance to actually do things we can rightly hate”. Few of us here are natural Trump supporters after all. But the howls and thrashings of the brainwashed sheeple make us zoom in on the discontent of the demonic deep state elite, and see things in a way we never would have seen them in the 1970s/1980s. In a small way many of Trump’s instincts may be ‘bad’, but if the demons hate his actions a ‘greater good’ is being served in our far from ideal world.
I would gladly see Trump brought down for just cause if he does terrible things, and I think it likely he will, but so far it just looks bad — with some that looks good — and he has done nothing warranting removing him (which would leave Pence, who looks even worse). If he does things that are not improper, even if I don’t it, that’s not a reason to remove him — and it may well be what most of his voters want, wisely or not.
But this current anti-Trump craze is like lynching someone instead of bringing them to trial following the law, presenting evidence, and having found guilty of specific violations. I oppose such lynching, mob rule, and breakdown of law. As for high crimes and misdemeanors, there is no comparison to the appalling criminality of Obama, Clinton, and a host of others, some of it quite openly done, or any excuse not to bring them to trial. Where is this lynch mob on those criminals?
My emotional reaction to this is not so much hate as disgust, and some alarm, such as I felt when I found a dead opossum in the garage crawling with maggots.
Almost everyday we wake up finding him doing some backwards nonsense. How can anyone stand this. The again, We’d equally disgusted with Clinton.
What a system US has!
Do journalists actually research and write original articles based on that research any more?
Day in day out I read the ant-Trump, Putin, China headlines in the Aus media
If Trump farted the headline would read ‘Smelled of Borscht, proof of illicit love affair with Putin’
It is relentless and I wonder how long it can last, and what is the hidden agenda (well apart from the obvious aim of removing President Trump from office)
I am going to have to stop reading Saker,Global Times, RT etc, it is much more comfortable in a bubble of ignorance which is western mainstream media
The theme of this article is hate. I am surprised and the level of ‘hate’ generated by the people I talk to about President Trump. I am surprised at how it is turned on me if I even suggest there was a reason for the election of Trump, and that he represents the hope of a change that may be for the better.
No ….. their hate for President Trump knows now end, their contempt for the people who voted for him knows no bounds
Where will this lead us? All this hate in the world.
I bypassed this article til now because of that goofy picture of the author. If it had been more like Alex Jones, I would have read it immediately. The man’s words belie his picture, unless it is a fake picture or the words are fake. It and the comments are worth a second more careful read but time is short.
LOL, that is not a fake picture – that is my real face…many would add “unfortunately”.
I’m glad that you seemed to appreciate the words – don’t judge a column by its goofy-faced cover!
Regarding the picture: It’s the same one Press TV uses when they are airing one of my reports. I agree it could be changed…but people would still complain, LOL!
I should not have called the picture “goofy.” Sorry. I meant to contrast the strong words with the image of your pleasant smile; they are so different. It was unfair. I really liked what you said and you said it well.
No worries – “goofy” is not the worst thing I have heard about my face…this week!
Many thanks for your kind words – glad you liked the column.
Donald Trump is doing nothing but old English game, divide and rule. America needs it to gain it own power that its loose from 2001.
Trump knew very well, what is the consequence of diving Europe, becoming foe to China while prising Russia, no clear decision to Arab but strong voice against Iran.
Without elaborate it large, my very short idea about Trump is, he is playing for create or change the World Order from US-EU dominance to something else. For sure, Trump will push his coming acts as he said, divide his friends and foes, and a very third party will gain from it.
I’d no wonder in coming days, US, UK & France fighting against Russia, China and Germany.
Think on his – his and whos – whos profit.
I am not going to knock Alexander Cockburn too much – cos he does often write really well as does Chris Hedges – and even Noam Chomsky. The world is blessed with some great writers and journalists – but how many are writing all the truth as best as they know it? I accept some highly talented people have also been programmed with the propaganda which appears to be almost everyone who works for The BBC (I know some of them) – maybe they get their introduction to the the programme in their induction course.
I worked for similar large British Company – except we actually did something useful – and we did not do media – we might have done a few decent advertisments – still are – but we dd no do mass brainwashing that much (I am not suggesting we were/are entirely innocent)
As you may be aware, I am a fan of Craig Murray, though I disagree with most of his core political views – but I don’t see what’s wrong with that. I still think he is a good and courageous man…and it could be that he has been programmed too – and it hasn’t quite worn off yet.
Whilst Craig Murray is in India promoting his book ( a continent I love )
Everything in the Western World has gone upside down – and left is right and right is left to us mere non-political objective observers
Take All the Neocon Controlled Western Newspapers – are they Left wing Commies – or are they Right Wing Fascists??
Donald Trump – now wtf is he compared to Hillary Clinton???
Is Theresa May’s Tory? Government about to do 9/11 Truth?
(come on no – one even now believes the Official story ??? – they are just afraid to say – wimps)
Meanwhile this is the headlines in The Torygraph (are they going All Harold Wilson and Tony Benn?)
“Government ‘considering taking direct control of Southern Railway franchise’ ”
Meanwhile – the best criticism of The BBC I have ever read..
How’s the Propaganda going for you mate?…Do you actually believe these lying evil people?
I don’t do hate. I just pity and avoid as best I can, psychopaths.
I find most people really nice.
What basically you Russians have done is chuck all the people you didn’t really like at Western Europe and The USA.
I accept us British were not that good – We sent our Criminals to Australia – who were basically O.K. until they too got infected with your Russian neocon lunatics.
We sent our religious crazies West – Just get on that boat and discover America (I apologise for what we did to the Irish cos they are Really Nice. The Iris are welcome in England anytime – open borders in The British Isles)
I apologise for America too..But we in England didn’t do it..Kill mot of the Indigenous American Indians. We just sent the religious lunatics away..It was 500 years ago. We just wanted a quiet peaceful life..Loads of food – very fertile place – still is. England Green and Pleasant Land.
Please don’t blame us. What else were we supposed to do at the time?
We didn’t want to execute them – we just wanted them to go away…
Go on – get on that boat.
You Russians were far worse us ..and you can take “THEM” back too.
Nothing to do with us English – and Neither is The EU.
We are not anglozionists.
They are russianzionists
Paul Craig Roberts on the isolation of the working class in America
WOW. Thank you. You’ve read my mind completely. Reading the global political climate now after the last few pivotal months especially, has revealed that US hegemony is DOA, neoliberalism lies bleeding on the ground, globalism’s mask has been torn off, along with the Democrat Party, the left has been split in two, as well as the Republicans, rendering the whole false duopoly paradigm in flames, the corporate media may never recover a loyal base… we are standing in the aftermath of one of America’s bloodiest battles and it feels good! Something fresh and new has blown in and many who choose uncertainty over the comfortable, toxic known, are sensing that we are in a better place. It’s been a long 40-year nightmare, an economic trend that has reached its zenith and is in decline. Real change is in the air…
Interesting about the “hate” idea. Getting people hating each other is what keeps them divided and chasing their own tails.
These people are as dumbed down and manipulated as the ditto heads that are dumbed down and manipulated by israel’s fascist gay propaganda machine (cough, conservative talk radio and TV). The zionazis essentially control all but a tiny fraction of american society now. Both the “liberal” and “conservative” media are tools of the zionazi-nazi oligarchy and neither represent anything more that population control to keep the oligarchy in power.
A better question would be: Is Your Support for the Trump Regime Intelligent?
I wonder if Trump supporters here are still clinging to the delusion that he will scale back American thinly disguised threats, wars of aggression, and regime change operations?
Trump has only been in power about a week, and he is already ramping up tensions with China, Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela.
And no, Russia will not escape this American pressure either.
Despite Trump’s disingenous “pro-Russia” rhetoric, his cabinet like Defense Sec. James Mattis, CIA chief Mike Pompeo, and Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson have all expressed support for the eastward expansion of NATO towards Russia.
At base, Donald Trump is the Alt. Right version of “Hope and Change” in general and Obama’s “Reset with Russia” in particular. And look how well that turned out–NOT!
The American Empire has been an intrinsically aggressive and militaristic nation for its entire history–though it tries to disguise this reality behind deception about (sic) “defending freedom and democracy.”
Donald Trump is merely the American Empire’s latest imperialist–albeit dressed in “isolationist” drag.
Ramin, English is a difficult language to master.
Ramin Mazaheri writes: “Hate is not really that great, because at its base is sadness”.
Ramin, “scorn is the base of hate”, not sadness.
The “base of sadness” is regret.
Ramin, your rearranging terms to accommodate your personal interests, this is verboten in scholarship.
Ramin Mazaheri: “How pure is your hate?”
Ramin, sometimes in English, “pure” does not relate to ‘purity’ but arrives to us from Middle Irish as úr fresh or new.
Origin and Etymology of pure:
Middle English pur, from Anglo-French, from Latin purus; akin to Old High German fowen to sift, Sanskrit punāti he cleanses, Middle Irish úr fresh, new
First Known Use: 14th century
Hope this helps.
What a refreshingly sane article.
Well, there’s lots of rallies nowadays even before Trump was elected. There was an INC rally in my country last year which was shocking since I was in the area of that rally! I mean, I wish they didn’t do the rallies because it causes traffic and more chaos… There was a rally before in other Asian countries too. There’s even more rallies nowadays after Trump election win but it doesn’t really help. If they didn’t like Trump, they should not vote for him nor the electoral college! I mean, I don’t like Trump but I wished the Clinton and Stein supporters didn’t do rallies too! I hate rallies! Blame it to the pop songs nowadays about killings like The Veronicas new songs and even Rihanna and Madonna’s songs! Their influence is not good! Sorry to say this… Everything’s going backwards indeed! :-/