by Eric Zuesse
On September 8th, an article I wrote for Strategic Culture Foundation, “What America’s Aristocracy Want,” was republished at the Donbass (far-eastern formerly Ukrainian) website, “South Front”. The article blamed a lot on America’s billionaires and centi-millionaires, “the American aristocracy” (as I referred to it), who own controlling blocs of stock in America’s largest corporations, and whose political donations control the U.S. federal Government. It defined the powerful Americans whose agenda is harmful for the world, as consisting of the very few richest Americans (and their agents who run their international corporations, ‘nonprofits’, ‘news’media, and lobbying). But the most-heavily up-voted reader-comments there, were from people who clearly received a very different message from that article. They blamed ‘Jews’ — and all of them (not merely the super-rich ones). America’s billionaires who aren’t ‘Jews’ were set aside from blame, in their comments. The first (the most popular) reader-comment was “No, the reason they think they’re superior isn’t being Aryan (quite the opposite) or especially cunning or whatever. They think so because it’s their religion – [the richest] american ‘1%’ is overwhelmingly jewish.” The second-most-favored comment was “America is NOT ruled by an aristocracy. It is ruled by a plutocracy. To be more precise it is ruled by a Judeo-pluto-kleptocracy.” The third-most-favored comment was “A better title would be ‘What America’s Jews Want’.”
So, I decided to see whether or not their basic assumption is true, that most of America’s billionaires and centi-millionaires — most of the people whose money controls the U.S. Government — are Jews. Although, obviously, there’s no scientifically justifiable reason to treat Jewish billionaires differently from non-Jewish ones, those readers believe that there is such a reason; and, so, seeking a possible fact-based reason for those comments (and for their popularity), I concentrated upon the allegation that America’s billionaires are “overwhelmingly Jewish.” It’s something that I had never looked into before, and it certainly would be interesting, if it is true (even if it doesn’t really relate to the question of how rational it is to ignore the impact that non-‘Jew’ish billionaires and centi-millionaires are having on American politics).
The Forbes 400 is the standard list of America’s wealthiest 400 individuals. At the present moment, as this is being written, on September 16th, here are the top 10:
#1: Bill Gates, $81B
#2: Jeff Bezos, $67B
#3: Warren Buffett, $65.5B
#4: Mark Zuckerberg, $55.5B
#5: Larry Ellison, $49.3B
#6: Michael Bloomberg, $45B
#7-8: Charles Koch, $42B
#7-8: David Koch, $42B
#9: Larry Page, $38.5B
#10: Sergey Brin, 37.5B
Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, and Brin, would have been called “Jews” by Adolf Hitler’s Nuremberg Laws (and, since Wikipedia’s censored article there ignores what the implications of being a “Mischlinge” or “mixed-race” person were, here’s that), which I presume is the standard, for what a “Jew” is, that those reader-comments were accepting and applying by their use of the term “Jew” — but those commenters didn’t indicate what they meant by “Jews.” One can only guess, but this seems to be the intent of those most-popular comments. If that’s what they were referencing, then 3 of the top 10 are probably “Jews.”
#11: Jim Walton, $35.6B
#12: S. Robson Walton, $35.5B
#13: Alice Walton, $35.4B
#14: Sheldon Adelson, $31.8B
#15: Steve Ballmer, $27.5B
#16-17: Jacqueline Mars, $27B
#16-17: John Mars, $27B
#18: Phil Knight, $25.5B
#19: George Soros, $24.9B
#20: Michael Dell, $20B
Adelson, Soros, and Dell, would probably have been treated as “Juden” in Hitler’s Germany.
#21: Paul Allen, $18.9B
#22: Len Blavatnik, $18.2B
#23: Laurene Powell Jobs, $17.7B
#24: James Simons, $16.5B
#25: Ray Dalio, $15.9B
#26: Carl Icahn, $15.7B
#27: Donald Bren, $15.2B
#28: Charles Ergen, $14.7B
#29: Abigail Johnson, $13.2B
#30: Harold Hamm, $13.1B
Blavatnik, Simons, Icahn, and Bren, probably would have qualified.
#31: Steve Cohen, $13B
#32: Thomas Peterffy, $12.6B
#33: Ronald Perelman, $12.2B
#34: Elon Musk, $11.6B
#35: David Tepper, $11.4B
#36: Eric Schmidt, $11.3B
#37: Lucas Walton, $11.2B
#38: Rupert Murdoch, $11.1B
#39-40: Philip Anschutz, $10.8B
#39-40: Jim Kennedy, $10.8B
Cohen, Perelman, and Tepper, probably would have qualified.
So, amongst the richest 10% of the Forbes 400 richest Americans — and that’s the richest 40 of them — 13, or 32.5%, would (or at least might) have qualified as “Jews” in Hitler’s Germany. The rest definitely would not. That isn’t “overwhelmingly jewish,” and it’s not even mostly Jewish (not nearly that); it is, instead, 32.5% who are possibly ‘Jew’ish, in Hitler’s definition (which seems to be what the commenters are applying, though they didn’t say; perhaps they’re simply not intelligent enough to define their own central terms — and there’s no way of knowing whether, for example, converts to Judaism are “Jews,” to them).
However, what about the 67.5%+, who are non-‘Jews’, and all of whom would have qualified as “Aryans” under Hitler. Why do these readers, who had commented, ignore those “aristocrats” (who still are among the people that really control America)? My article was about “the aristocracy,” not about “the Jews” — not at all. Why are so many readers obsessed with ‘Jews’, as being subjects for special blame, absolving all non-‘Jews’ — even non-‘Jews’ who are far richer than 99.9% of Jews (according to any definition)? And, why are they blaming those 99.9% who are ‘Jews’, but who are not at all super-rich? Where does this religious (or is it racist?) hatred come from? It certainly is counter-factual (in any case). It certainly is delusional. And it certainly is harmful — and not only to Jews. It mis-focuses blame. The same thing happened in the U.S. Jim-Crow-era South, by the many lynchings of innocent Blacks. Everyone suffers bigots — of every type.
And, of course, there are bigots of every type — some are Whites, some are Blacks, some are Jews, some are Christians, etc. The group is irrelevant. So, why do so many people even raise that issue, which isn’t actually an issue, at all? Slavery in the United States (and the slave-trade) was originally a business owned by the British King, but then became more generally a business owned by the British aristocracy, and subsequently became a business owned by the emerging U.S. aristocracy — and all of these were almost exclusively Christian aristocrats, despite bigots’ emphasis upon the Jews who participated — so, how can any person who has a brain, simply ignore the barbarizms by the Christians who constituted the vast majority of America’s aristocracy, throughout American history. There are good and bad people of all religions, and of no religion, and of every nationality. The group is irrelevant.
Progress can’t be made, when and where bigots are common. Why do bigots ignore the aristocracy, and focus instead against “Jews,” “Muslims,” “Blacks,” “Chinese,” etc.? This is a deflection, of blame (and, clearly, the blame belongs to the richest 1% — the “oligarchy” or “aristocracy” — and doesn’t belong to any ethnic or cultural minority). It’s a deflection, of blame, quite specifically, away from aristocrats themselves, and onto vulnerable groups within the general public, instead. Usually, media funded by conservative billionaires stir up the bigots; but, sometimes, media funded by liberal billionaires stir them up. Do the aristocrats and their agents (the ‘news’media, etc.) want and encourage that deflection of blame, so as to distract the public away from the real source of problems? Are bigots merely the aristocracy’s fools? Is that what all of this (bigotry that’s displayed in those reader-comments) is actually about — distracting fools, away from the actual source of their problems, so as to protect the tiny economic elite who are actually guilty for (and profiting from) the ceaseless invasions, corruption, immense wastage, and the resulting misery that’s suffered by the millions of victims of the policies that billionaires demand their politicians to produce? Are there billionaires who own or control newsmedia that condemn all the other newsmedia for their deceiving the public into supporting evil invasions, etc.? Which billionaires spoke out about — and hired and promoted journalists to report on — the lies that were producing America’s invasion of Iraq? Which billionaires and media exposed the lies that were behind (and that have since covered-up) the U.S. coup in Ukraine? Why were all of America’s super-rich on the side of invasions, and of coups? Isn’t it even so much as noticed by the bigots, that all of the billionaires — of all ethnicities — either supported these atrocities, or else otherwise wouldn’t employ journalists who wanted to report about them? Even just one billionaire could have done that, but none did. None reported on George W. Bush’s lies leading up to America’s 2003 invasion of Iraq, nor on Barack Obama’s lies about his bloody coup in Ukraine in 2014. None. Not even one. Any one of America’s billionaires could have (because each one of them possessed the financial means to do it), but none did so. The lies went unchallenged. And that’s because no billionaire cared to separate himself or herself from all the others and tell their media companies to hire the reporters who would report about the lying, instead of simply to report the lying statements. Democracy is impossible without truth. Ethnicity has nothing to do with the real problem.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.
Post-Scriptum by The Saker:
Frankly, when I posted this article I knew that it would elicit a lot of angry comments. The word “Jew” seems to elicit in some people an instantaneous disconnection of the cerebral cortex combined with a simultaneous outburst of hateful rage. Sure enough, this happened in this case too. Here is a sampling of what I am referring to: “Eric Zuesse writes on this subject and he writes on it as a gatekeeper”, “This is bog standard journalism and I can’t for the life of me understand how this drivel got onto The Saker”, “Zuesse is intentionally missing the real point”, “The Zuess and like side is the worst of hypocrit and talmudic liar”, “The Zuess rational is so low level trash” “Eric Zuesse is a gatekeeper”.
So, first things first, while I cannot apologize for the idiots who wrote this, I can apologize to Eric for the failure of my moderators to intercept such inane and ugly personal attacks. Second, while it is undeniably true that Eric’s article does miss a lot of the “big picture”, it never was his intention to paint the full picture to begin with! I am shocked at the fact that so many commentators totally fail to understand that. Eric’s article is not entitled “Jewish power in the USA”. It is entitled “Is it really true that America’s richest 1% are ‘overwhelmingly Jewish’?”. All Eric did is try to ascertain the validity of one specific thesis. Critical comments should therefore focus on Eric’s methodology or evidence and that’s it. Heck, you can even criticize him for the narrow scope of his discussion! but discussing Eric’s putative motives (‘he is intentionally missing the real point‘) or his character (‘the worst of hypocrit and talmudic liar‘) or his function in society (‘Eric Zuesse is a gatekeeper‘) is evidence of an intellect unable to understand the scope of the topic being discussed and an overall nasty, petty, disposition.
Something good will, however, result from this.
I have been thinking about it for many months already and this latest embarrassment has convinced me that I need to make a fundamental change in how comments are moderated. To put things bluntly: this blog has a very real problem: idiots. Stupid people who by their stupid comments simply pollute an otherwise interesting discussion. What we must do about this has to be a community-wide decision and I will write a separate post and appeal for comments to see what the best way to tackle this problem is. But I am frankly getting tired of people who apparently cannot read what the article says, or don’t understand the scope of a discussion, or who believe that a roaring personal attack on the author is an argument.
Sorry, but my patience with this bullshit has reached its limit.
I now fully intend to kick out all the imbeciles who are unable to participate in what should be an intelligent discussion amongst educated adults. I am still unsure as to how I will do it, but I promise you action in the near future.
Finally, I also want to offer my apologies to all those commentators whose contributions were drowned out in the vituperative and sophomoric outbursts of the low-IQ/high-aggression camp.
One more thing: I have been accusing of antisemitism AND of being a “Jew lover”. This topic, Jews/Judaism/Zionism, is an important and interesting one. My goal for this blog is to have a free and intelligent discussion of this topic. While I fully understand that those who have suffered from hatred and persecution for being Jewish or, which is so often forgotten nowadays, at the hands of Jews, are very emotional about this, this blog is not the correct place to vent such resentments or to engage in the endless spewing of a stream of hostility saturated consciousness. Simply put, if you feel the need to vomit – do it elsewhere. I personally will not yield to those accusing me of being anti-Jewish any more than I will yield to those accusing me of being pro-Jewish. I am pro-truth, period. If that is not your cup of tea – then read some other blog.
The Saker
There is no future in the nation-state and nationalism and reflective of that truth is the fact that defeating the American oligarchy is a leftist project that could never come from the right. Resistance to the American oligarchy can only succeed in the form of an organized response from the working class and the working class can only organize on a socialist, anti-capitalist and internationalist basis if it is to prevail.
“which I presume is the standard, for what a “Jew” is, that those reader-comments were accepting and applying by their use of the term “Jew” ”
-Yes, because everyone that is aware of Jewish influence is of course a Nazi… Rriiight.
No, I doubt most of the commenters know anything of Nazi classification, obviously they mean Jewish classification of who is Jewish.
Also, people don’t say that Jews run America and the western world and beyond because 100% of the 1% is Jewish, although the 0001% probably are(Rothschild and so forth). They say it because Jewish domination media, Bilderbergs, Academia, Hollywood, pornography, Jewish organization like ADL, censoring youtube. Jewish over representation in any organization that is anti-European, anti-American, anti-christian, anti-family.
To use Russia as an example. When Bolshevism fell on the christian European Russians and caused pain beyond imagining, who ran the bolsheviks?
“Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish”
When liberal democracy fell on the Russian in the 1990s and caused pain beyond imagining, who ran the liberal democracy?
” seven oligarchs who controlled 50% of Russia’s economy during the 1990s, six were Jewish: Berezovsky, Vladimir Guzinsky, Alexander Smolensky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Mikhail Friedman and Valery Malkin. That fact is incontestable”
In Russia and Ukraine, most of the oligarchs probably were Jews. The situation was different in those countries and a few others in eastern Europe, because of the structure of feudalism there. Since money-lending was banned for Christians, and Jews were alleged to have descended from the devil, money-lending was left to Jews, like cleaning latrines was left to dalits in Hindu India. But money-lending turned out to be the richest and most powerful profession, very unlike cleaning latrines. And the aristocracy hired Jews to extract monies that the aristocrats — then the land-owners — were owed; Jews became the agents for the land-owners. The peasants were dealing with Jews, and the land-owners weren’t the enforcers. Perhaps, over centuries, this affected the culture amongst east-European Jews, and bonded them to the aristocrats (the land-owners) against the public (the serfs). I’m not an expert on the matter, but I have noticed the unusual predominance of Jews at the top in eastern Europe, and that’s the only hypothesis which seems reasonable to me as being a likely explanation for it.
They were always free to become tailors, translators, merchants, shoemakers, sailors, etc… Why did you have a group of Jews who quit Normandy on their own and settled to England before to be expelled later in 1290? Money-lending was more lucrative, regardless of the hostility it could generate
And, in such a society, in such a time as that, in such an aristocracy-theocracy as that, how many customers would a Jewish tailor have who is competing against a Christian one?
You missed my point: Jews had no Christian competitors. You ignored what I was saying. You don’t really challenge it; you ignore it.
I found a link here:
“Jewish tailoring in central Europe, as elsewhere, was conditioned by sha’atnez laws and the tie with the repair and sale of used clothing, but it grew in scope wherever conditions became more favorable. In *Prague a continuous struggle was waged between the Christian and the Jewish guilds […] ”
So if you suggested that finding christian consumers was hard, it doesn’t seem to be the case. But ponctually you had such barriers from christian guilds, like here in Prague.
Yes, here and there they faced a backlash from christian guilds, but the majority of the times they thrieved. And in other places/countries I suppose that they had not to fear these guilds (at least no riots) since the jewish source would have mention it.
My point was that in money-lending “Jews had no Christian competitors,” whereas in the tailoring-profession they did have Christian competitors. So, now, you’ve produced a link to documentation that in the tailoring-profession they had Christian competitors. That’s not contrary to what I said; it instead documents what I said. Yet, somehow, you cite that documentation as if it contradicted what I said.
Eric, my point is that the Jews were never “forced” to become money lenders; a fraction of them, who wanted to make a quick buck, regardless of the hostility that it could generate, were eager to profit from the lack of competition and chose it. They are the ones who often gave Jews a bad name.
You said that you are not a specialist on this issue, I’m not either, However I believe that most of them had always an alternative because even if you had some occasional riots from christian guilds, rioting was like defying the king’s authority, implicitely claiming that THEY (the christian tailors) should choose which professions the Jews were allowed to choose, not the king. A dangerous precedent.
Christians believed it was against goodwill towards men & God’s laws. Jesus cleared the temple 2X of the MONEY CHANGERS called them evil & despised them..4 days later they Crucified Him. Mathew & John
Many, most countries banned them/Bankers interest makers from their country under the threat of them & either executed them or imprisoned them. The word Jew was not a word till the 16th century until Mayer Rothschild. The Talmud is not Hebrew gospel it’s Babylonian & so is the Banking w/interest called Magic money. God told the Israelites in Deut: 2, 3, 6, & 20 to rid them of the land, to kill them all or they will be killed by them..& that is exactly what the have been doing & America is next. e.,g, 1917 Bolshevik War 60+ MILLION RUSSIAN CHRISTIANS were murdered by the KHAZARIAN MAFIA Jews. Ukraine is ran by jews & it is the jews who are fiancinging the weapons & money to kill more non rich jews & Christians. So your spot on just thought i would give you some facts to back up your opinion. God Bless
You make good points, but maybe the phenomenon of the modern Russian – Jewish oligarchs has to do with the fact that they, as Jews, could easily move between Russian and western countries (Israel) in ways that non Jewish Russians could not. Once in Israel they hooked up with duel citizen wall street grifters, this is how Russian Jews became the point men for swindling Russia on behalf of the wall street (both Jew AND Gentile) aristocracy.
Many of the scams involved in swindling Russia seem way too sophisticated for former apparatchiks to cook up themselves. Factor in Israel as a convenient bolt hole if they get caught and voila — over representation of Jews in the ranks of the Russian oligarchs.
“Many of the scams involved in swindling Russia seem way too sophisticated for former apparatchiks to cook up themselves.”
Indeed! These apparatchiks got bankrolled by banksters like Goldman Sachs, etc. to buy up (for pennies on the dollar) or steal everything they could lay their hands on.
As a historian who has occasionally taught on this subject, I would confirm the truth of Jfb’s thesis. In the Middle Ages, Jews were ostracized in Christian Europe (the “Christ-killer” trope). Hence they were prevented from owning land, the basis of the wealth and power of the feudal aristocracy. When the commercial revolution created modern capitalism, further developed in industrialism, some of the Jews, who had survived as money lenders during the middle ages and early modern period, now had the capital to invest. Some indeed became bankers. But the Rothschilds were but one family. They have certainly been influential, but I reject the notion that they were the chief banking family in Europe or that Jews have dominated banking. Jewish bankers were in a good position as capitalism began to grow in early modern Europe, but they were hardly the only ones or even the chief ones. The vast majority of Jews at that time and until Jews gained equal rights in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (one century or the other depending on European country) were very poor and wholly marginalized.
@Stephen: Just concerning your reference at the begining regarding Jews being ostracized as ” “Christ-killer””, Joseph Sobran wrote a very good article about it some years ago; it’s a myh. It was never used in any edict of expulsion and all what you have are modern jewish scholars who quote other modern jewish scholars that they were persecuted _because_ of this accusation, but they can’t find a single medieval jewish author who mentionned the “Christ-killing” “accusation” as a big issue. NOT A SINGLE ONE. Because guilt can’t be transmitted to your lineage in christianism, you cannot be accused of what one of your cousins did. There are some references with some authors (like Blaise Pascal) who tried to convince atheists, jews or christians that if the jews were really unfortunate as they claimed, it’s because their ancestors had done something terrible, which was a proof that Jesus was the real messiah, etc.. So a naive attempt to proselyte them or either consolidate the christians in their beliefs. But no one would wake up after 80 years of Jewish presence and start a pogrom because he realised that they were “Christ killers”
Dear Eric:
I think the “latrine” analogy for why Jews were moneylenders etc. is akin to describing an elephant as a snake because one is aware only of the trunk and not of the rest of the animal. Ahistorical or partly historical statements only add to the confusion.
Please, before you write further on Jews/Judaism/Zionists/Zionism, read a historical analysis of the Jewish religion and history by the highly respected Polish/Israeli historian (and also organic chemist), Israel Shahak: Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years.
Published by Pluto Press, this book is highly praised by Noam Chomsky, Edward Said, Christopher Hitchens, Gore Vidal, the London Review of Books (see, Middle East International, Jewish Socialist, etc.
My recommendation goes out also to the Saker and every user/reader of this blog, to read this book and gain a better understanding of the historical forces shaping Judaism, the Jewish perception of and laws regarding Gentiles, the perception of Jews by different Gentile groups, the patterns of alignment of Jewish rabbis with certain Gentile groups and not with others, the class aspect of the role of Jews and Judaism in different countries of Europe in different eras, the level of control over their communities accorded to Jewish Patriarchs and rabbis by certain Gentile rulers, the role of Jews in relation to enserfed people in Russia and especially Poland and the Ukraine, etc. (Jews were better off than the serfs), the actual dynamic of progroms that did take place and why they occurred when they did, etc. We cannot understand anti-semitism, anti-gentilism, Zionism, and Revisionist Zionism absent a thorough understanding of the history of these relationships and ideas. To get a thorough understand requires reading texts in the original Hebrew. Shahak, born in POland and a survivor of Bergen-Belsen, grew up in Israel and became a chemistry professor ( Because he speaks Hebrew he is able to analyze texts that are necessary to the understanding of the progress and transformation of Judaism over the ages and to explain to non-Jews what the Mishnah, the Torah, and talmudic teachings actually say and how they, once again, drive the development of many Jewish communities, current attitudes toward Gentiles (including of course Palestinians), and also current events in Israel (which are driving spreading conflicts in that region), and in many quarters of great influence in the USA. This is the important piece and, I believe, the explanation for the “obsession” with Jews as a portion of the rich stratum, especially those who fund neocon political actors. Serious students who want to educate themselves to a more nuanced understanding of the interrelations of Gentiles and Jews should read this book. It is quite short, and quite funny in spots.
Agree with this comment. And actually the complaints against Jewish power more specifically, are that it is totally out of proportion to the percentage of Jews in the population and that the loyalty of Jews to the countries of their birth cannot be taken for granted. They are the ones who have both begun and upheld “cosmopolitcal” or internationalist movements and they are the ones today, unlike any other peoples, have dual political loyalties – Israel and the USA or another country, eg UK, South Africa, France etc.
What does Eric Zuesse have to say about Solzhenitsyn and others’ exposure of the more than 90% Jewish leadership of the Bolshevik revolution, the Great Terror, the persecution of Christians in Russia and the regicide of the Czar and his family?
This is not the first time Eric Zuesse writes on this subject and he writes on it as a gatekeeper. Why doesn’t he gatekeep for Muslims who are being trashed right, left and center, and not least being blamed for all the terrorism of the world, when it appears to be a fact that Jewish interests underly this phenomenon. It is not encouraging to see such an article on this site.
I write as someone who was born Jewish, lives among Jews, and knows the Jewish mentality inside out – and I do not like it at all.
Do I “gatekeep” for Shiites, when my articles (as often has happened) point out that jihadists are virtually all fundamentalist Sunnis, and that what the rabidly anti-Shiite Trump calls “radical Islamic terrorism” is virtually 100% a fundamentalist-Sunni phenomenon, except for the terrorism against Israel, which comes from both Shiites and Sunnis? Am I a “gatekeeper” for Iran, and for Shiites — or for Israel, and for Jews? Or for NOBODY (but only for the solidly evidenced facts of the given case-at-hand)?
As regards Jews and Bolshevism, perhaps the widespread anti-Semitism under the Tzars caused Jews — the routine sufferers of Christian pogroms against them — turned to the Bolshevists, as possible liberators from that oppression by the entrenched Christian church and its followers?
The callousness and ignorance that’s displayed by some of the reader-comments here are just as bad as at I saw at South Front. Are such readers really just nothing but Russian ethnocentrists? I greatly respect high culture everywhere — Shakespeare, da Vinci, Grunewald. Bruckner, Eckhart, Dostoyevsky, Aeschylus, Fellini, Kubrick, Humberto Solas, Matthias Bernard Braun, Anselm Kiefer, etc. — but I don’t respect any culture at all, any ethocentrism, none. For me, only individuals, as individuals, can reasonably be either respected or despised, or neither. An ethnocentrist can’t get beyond group-categories and see the reality that’s in front of him and that constantly demands an intelligent response.
In international relations, the current Russian government courageously and effectively (I would even say heroically) leads the world in recognition and respect for national sovereignty, which is the only basis upon which democracy can become a reality, anywhere; so, I STRONGLY respect it, but not for any kind of ethnocentric reason, at all.
Secondarily, I strongly respect Iran. But I am neither Russian nor Iranian. (I am American, though I most closely self-identify with German classical culture, and I was raised as a Unitarian, which I still respect for its openness to all cultures.) I have always rejected any form of ethnocentrism that projects itself outward as hostility toward outsiders. Ethnocentrism of that sort (regardless whether from Jews, Christians, Germans, Ukrainians, Americans, or whatever) is poisonous, both intranationally, and internationally. And that’s just a fact.
Mr Zuesse – Jews have been, and are, an integral part of Western culture and Western power at this time. The Saker has vented on our not concentrating on the specificity of your argument. Well, the problem is, that the Jewish problem has been an all-embracing one with respect to western economical systems and the problematics of usury. The so-called persecution of the Jews over the centuries, in nearly every location where they were able to become traders and middlemen and bankers, resulted from the actual fact that the Jewish moral system does not co-incide with either the Christian one nor the Muslim one. It is not universalistic but discriminatory and exploitive. There are two rules – one for the Jew and one for the goy. This remains the central problem for Jews and for Zionism. This is an open discussion now in Israel and it is recognized as such.
The goys however, have not always enjoyed this discrimination and when Jews controlled the debts and debt collecting, the situation often turned ugly.
Reply to g-bags on September 17, 2017 · at 7:32 am UTC
Here is my two farthing’s worth as comments elsewhere will cover many other bones of contention.
Firstly, unaccountably, Mr Zuess missed Larry Ellison who was born in New York City, to an unwed Jewish mother
I can’t be bothered to go through all his lists and to do so would be missing the point. The fact is that Jews are disproportionately represented in the spheres of influence in our society which determine and are currently destroying the quality of our lives.
As Mr Zuess acknowledges, ethnicity has nothing to do with the real problem. It’s religious belief and the value system that is questionable.
Money worship and unbridled materialism. These emanate from the talmudic theology and the kabbala ie the esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought that originated in Judaism.
The current craze for artificial intelligence, synthetic biology, transhumanism and pedophilia are indicative of a nihilistic and narcissistic credo generated essentially within a culture of Jewish supremacy to keep the goyim in line.
Mr Zuess eludes the force of Jewish messianism whether expressed as Zionism, Bolchevism or Banksterism.
The so-called English, French and Russian Revolutions all resulted in civil wars and the uprooting of an otherwise stable Christian civilisation. Islam is the next target. There is overwhelmimg evidence to suggest that these upheavals in Europe and the ‘progressist ideology’ per se all bear the hallmarks of Jewish money, Jewish mysticism and Jewish thought processes. Cromwell’s ‘fanaticism’; comes from the Torah. Protestants of his ilk were seemingly oblivious of the contents of the Gospels. He and today’s Christian Zionists all follow a heavily judaized form of Christianity. Mr Zuess apparently shares the hatred and bigotry of so many Jews and Crypto-Jews for the example set by Jesus and the message he and his disciples sought to propagate. The flesh is weak however and the corruption of the Galilean’s philosophy simply reflects on humanity and not on Christ.
All told, Mr Zuess’ article is an insult to our intelligence. This writer has been outed by several respectable and less than respectable websites as a ‘shill’ and is accused of being a ‘token Jew’. (Cf. infra)
The term I would employ would be ‘gatekeeper’. This is bog standard journalism and I can’t for the life of me understand how this drivel got onto The Saker. Except that maybe a small proportion of disinformation is required to give an ‘appearance of balance’ : so as to prevent from being shut down. The first article (Cf. infra) is by Eric Zuess himself and here he has written a similar unashamed piece of smoke and mirrors.
I recommend Mr Zuess reads Douglas Reed’s masterpiece : The Controversy of Zion
9/11 Was a Saud-U.S. Operation at the Top. Posted on March 27, 2017 by Eric Zuesse. Terrorists Were Pawns in It. The Cover-Up. Eric Zuesse
9/11: Eric Zuesse exonerates Israel Posted on April 1, 2017 | 3 Comment
December 18, 2015 Sweetie the Jew covers for his tribe
I Expect My Apology From Washington’s Blog And Their Token Jew Shill Eric Zuesse
Wednesday, January 7, 2015 13:05
Zionism is disgusting, but many fundamentalist Christians support it, and many Jews (even some devout ones) do not, or even strongly oppose it. Israel is disgusting, just as any apartheid nation is disgusting (and this includes Israel’s ally the Sauds, and their apartheid Saudi Arabia, where special favoritism goes to fundamentalist Sunnis). Any theocracy is disgusting — by ANY religion, any clergy, and any aristocracy that hires that clergy to anoint them as being ‘approved by God to rule.’ It’s the feudal way. It rules today in some countries as the fascist way.
Right. There has been anti zionism ideology in Jewish religion historically.
But that is dodging the reality on the ground.
Nowadays the heavyweight Jewish organizations are zionist. And the jewish religious leaders are overwhemingly zionist.
As for religion and spirituality. It is the very fabric upon which man consciousness perceive reality.
Without religion. There is still religion. The materialist religion, and human right religion and holocaust religion and so on.
Which justifies all “humanitarian” crimes. Just like other religion.
Save that all such “new” religion is highly compatible with judaism.
Guess why you are against religion ?
Are you digusted by AIPAC or the World Jewish Organization zionist position or for that matter American so called exceptionalism ?
I guess not.
Is that not religious thinking ?
Apartheud south afruca was stiubchly supported by english race.
Zimwabe in earlier form of rhodesua was supported by english race.
Engkish protestism is not a religion but nobey wirshipping of only english money -they do not respect others money ir wealth.
Money laundering is english disease bot jewish.
Do not ascribe to jews what belobgs to english exploiters .
The reason why I didn’t include Ellison as being a “Jew” is that, according to the two linked sources, about the Nuremberg laws, and about how they were supposed to be applied, Ellison is a type of “Mischling” who would not have qualified to be treated as a “Jew” — eliminated. Ellison’s Italian-American biological father wasn’t a Jew, and Larry Ellison didn’t marry a Jew; so, Hitler would have allowed him, not killed him. And, if one uses “Jew” to refer only to people who believe in the Old Testament (and not also in the New Testament), then Larry Ellison has specifically referred to the entire Bible as being mythological, not historical; and he never believed in Judaism; so, he isn’t a “Jew” in belief, either. Ellison’s case was the only one I came across where I needed to look really carefully at the details of the Nuremberg Laws in order to determine whether he is or isn’t, in Hitler’s definition, a “Jew.”
Nuremberg Laws were not drafted by Adolf Hitler but by lawyers like Hans Globke who also drafted the Enabling Act. Globke successfully emerged postwar as close confidant of Konrad Adenauer, so close and so powerful as NATO-liaison and Intelligence Consigliere that when Adolf Eichmann was apprehended by Mossad a deal was cut to prevent Eichmann talking about Globke…… return Israel saw German funding of Dimona in 1961
“According to the Welt report, in 1961 West Germany agreed to loan $500 million to Israel over ten years. Although the official purpose of this funding was said to be the development of the Negev Desert— where Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor is located— it is widely suspected that the money was actually meant to finance Israel’s nuclear weapons program.
This agreement was reportedly hatched during a 1960 meeting between then-Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York City. Franz Josef Strauss, a former West German defense minister, previously claimed Ben Gurion and Adenauer discussed Israel’s nuclear weapons program during a meeting in Paris in 1961.”
Globke worked for the Fuehrer. Don’t blame Globke for what he did for Hitler. You can blame Globke all you want, but blaming him for putting Hitler’s intentions into German Law, is stupid. It’s like blaming a slave for his doing what his master demands. That isn’t merely stupid; it is callous.
Did I blame Globke ? I thought my concern was Adenauer and shoddy compromises of his era 1949-1963 with Nazis and his opposition to the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal and desire to release War Criminals especially the Landsberg Contingent.
I am surprised you think the way you do when Nuremberg proscribed the Waffen-SS and made its members guilty by association. Albert Speer went to Spandau as did Hess…..Globke was a lawyer and they escaped scot-free with pensions and jobs to shape the world that exploded in 1968 with APO.
Read this
To me no problem at all with jewish people just correct information
That link is not relevant. I said that Ellison’s BIOLOGICAL father was Italian and no Jew, and that Ellison himself never believed in nor practiced Judaism, nor did he marry a Jew, and that under the Nuremberg laws he therefore would not have qualified to be sent off to the extermination-camps. The link you provided says that Ellison’s ADOPTIVE father was a Jew. That’s true but irrelevant. Why do people have difficulty understanding what’s even relevant, and what isn’t? And yet most people have difficulty with relevancy. I just can’t understand why. It really puzzles me. I don’t understand.
You are joking, I assume.
Larry Ellison was born form an unwed jewish mother.
If his mother is jewish he is jewish.
Read in Wikipedia in english or anywhere else.
And inform yourself.
Important: what you all should understand is that being jewish at the oligarchy tol levels doesnt mean the same thing that is for us.
Eventually a member of the european aristocracy, especially the english peerage, is hardly distinguishable from a jewish person and vice versa.
The élite or oligarchy is nor jewish, nor aristocratic, nor american etc
Is “international élite” and that is the enemy, not the “jews”.
“Why do people have difficulty understanding what’s even relevant, and what isn’t? ”
Actually, the whole Hitler rules thing is totally irrelevant to a discussion of who rules America now, and how, as far as I can see.
Zuesse sets up a straw man and then accuses others of being irrelevant beause they ignore his straw man: Hitler’s rules of who is a Jew.
But why define a Jew by Hitler’s criteria? I would think it more correct to consider how he would be considered by other Jews. Since his mother was Jewish wouldn’t he be accepted in Israel as Jewish.But even more importantly ,does he think of himself as Jewish, and is he considered as such by friends and associates.If the answer to those questions is yes. I think we would have to say he is Jewish.
While I don’t like the harsh tone such as calling Eric Zeusse a gatekeeper, it really is a misleading criterion to use Nazi Germany’s definition of a Jew. While Nazi law might be cut-and-dried simple, it misses reality – probably in the 1930’s and most certainly it misses today’s realities.
What really matters is the personal allegiance and self-identification of these overlords. Perhaps that is too difficult to ascertain, but I think it could be done for this limited list of rather public people. Time and again, I’ve seen that Jewish sources are very happy to put the spotlight on their prodigal sons.
Trying to use a standard from the 1930’s and the Nazis is simply misleading and a substitute for the hard work of really categorizing these 50-100 people. Godwin’s law got invoked at the very beginning: “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approaches 1.”
I think Eric Zeusse was clear that he was only talking about the richest 1% and that’s a fair limitation on an otherwise vast topic. Zeusse is a prolific writer, one I read a lot, and it’s unfair nit-picking to say that he didn’t say everything in under 1000 words.
Obviously the influence of Jews in other important venues, such as Hollywood and the New York publishing houses, are separate topics, and well worth discussing. The Iranians in particular have an annual conference on dissecting Hollywood.
” Zeusse is a prolific writer,”
Zuesse is, actually, a very wordy writer who badly needs an editor.
Any parenthetical comments should be shortened to one line. Longer than that, the graf needs a rewrite. Endless parenthetical comments are a sign of poor organization and lack of planning and editing, and lack of consideration for readers.
Just one of the problems with Zuesse’s writing. One that means that the main ideas are buriedd in verbiage. Thus, his handwringing about his readers’ inability to distinguish between relevance and irrelevance is actually largely a projection of the biggest problem with his own writing: his inability to focus on the relevant.
These are not new issues with Zuesse’s writings but have been apparent to me ever since I first noticed him, and that is why I often skip his pieces. It is just that in this current context his deficiencies as a craftsman bleed into deficiencies as a thinker and he comes across as a fretful and arrogant ideologue and self-anointed defender of victims of anti-semitism and attacker of those he designates as anti-semites on the basis of their critical comments.
Why this continual insistence by Zuesse on attempting to classify a person’s ‘Jewishness’ by Hitler’s standards, or Nuremberg? Seems to me that an underlying, unspoken effort is being made to associate those who promote themes interpreted as anti-Jewish with Hitler – in other words, if you talk negatively about Jews, you are in the same vein as Hitler.
Use the Jewish interpretation of who is and isn’t a Jew, not Hitler’s.
“The reason why I didn’t include Ellison as being a “Jew” is that, according to the two linked sources, about the Nuremberg laws, and about how they were supposed to be applied,”
I noticed the constant harping on “under Hitler.”
Wierd, and kind of irrelevant.
HItler didn’t know nuthin’ about it.
And these rules are irrelevant to our current situation.
This is a red flag against Zuesse’s logic, whatever he is trying to prove.
Whatever it is, it seems to be grounded in an ahistorical interpretation that, however, uses a few “historical” tropes to create a credibility among the relatively ignorant. Thus, to me Zuesse is starting to sound like a sophisticated hasbara.
His writing is so windy that I have come to avoid reading him anyhow.
You mean some leftist and socialist revolution like jewish Bolshevism?
Can’t you see that a world without nation-states is the wet dream of every oligarch and of every big capitalistic corporations? In a globalist world without nation-states, coorporations become the most powerful entities.
Oh really. The problem with using the socialist agenda, it throws out the baby with the bathwater. Meaning, it also bankrupts all the providers of the goods and services we need and desire to survive. That’s why every single attempt ends in mass deaths, conflict, and eventual economic collapse unless they are able to reopen their capital markets as China has done, and they are iffy, due to their excessive monetization and debt.
You do realize the democratic party is ran by a small group of rich elites right? Only they are tech and media giants instead of oil and weapons, the democratic party doesnt care about you anymore than the republican party, and they damn sure have no intention of ending wage slavery or give you any power.
There are more Jews on the list and some that i beleive do have jewish heritage.
Waltons and Steve Ballmer are jewish.
Above 3% would be disproportionate, 30+% with another 20% suspect, I’d say there is something seriously wrong, with the author as well trying to whitewash talmudic control.
Bravo to you Mr. Ricoy.
Of the top 10, only Buffett is not “jewish”.
According to what standard?
Accordding to the Jewish standard, which is anyone born of a mother is to be considered a Jew even if he is not a “practicing” Jew this includes Atheists.
Exactly. Those who have Jewish mothers whose parental history is Jewish are considered Jews – no matter if they are ateists, no matter if they are anti-Zionist, no matter if they arte fascist – they are considered Jews and under the protection of Israel if they choose to live there.
Exactly,I think that is over reach by far. Some people seem to see “Jews” in every person they don’t like. I see that much more than I’d like to admit.
Mature people who have interacted with different groups and generally live in big metropolitan areas know well that there is no difference at all between the human wickedness of Jews and non-Jews.
You get too close to any person and you will get hurt real bad. People blame Jews and stay with their kinsmen, who end up messing up their lives and then they blame their kinsmen and join another group who also mess up their life until they learn that life is filled with sinful human beings and they just need to keep civilized distance from everyone and be wise and cautious with human beings.
if given the chance they themselves wouldn’t act any different. Blaming Jews for every major bad thing is not only factually wrong it is also downright stupid. It makes people look stupid. Constantly being obsessed with a perceived Jewish world domination is a form of mental intellectual masturbation.
In americas history racial slavery has been the biggest mistake committed by Christians. If you can take this one thing out, christians in general, historically, have been the least sinful and the most productive and creative people.
Is the US the major world power ?
Does the Jewish elite hold major influence in the US ?
Are the heavy weight Jewish organization like AIPAC and the World Jewish Organization zionists ?
Is such ideology related to ethno cultural and religious cohesion of such organisation?
That being said I agree with you that the Jewish elite is not to blame for all and every issues and that there are many shades in the US polity as sell as Jewish organizations.
It can also be argued that the US/Western historical, intellectual and capitalistic strength owe enormously to Jewish elite contribution.
Some cannot accept the very fact that the US is an Anglo Zionist empire from its inception and heir to the UK empire within the western civilization.
Some are weak people rejecting the very weakness of their own people and are frustrated by their ideological irrelevance.
Arayik Khachikyan:
In americas history racial slavery has been the biggest mistake committed by Christians.
Racial slavery had been the second biggest mistake. The biggest mistake(s) in Americas and World History had been the genocides of the natives of the respective colonies. With this in mind the interpretation of the “Whore of Babylon and her Harlot daughters” referring to the Catholic (or even Christian) Church and all her “children” (the churches that separated from it) makes sense. Now and in the past Churches (as well as the respective opposite parts of other religions) joined with the powerful and wealthy and forgot about their real mission.
So now you and the illustrious Eric Zuesse are on here calling people stupid?
Typical arrogant behavior, something Jews and apologists for Jews excel at.
More questions than answers in that opinion.
Are atheistic Zionists “Jews” , at least in the public’s view?
What has ethnicity got to do with the practice of the faith known as Judaism?
The richest 1% of the world is alarmed number of people: I might be among them.
Who are the “Masters of the Universe” who control the Deep State and use the puppets who comprise the 1% , based on paper wealth.
How can a person be an “atheistic Zionist”? Isn’t that like being a kindly, or humanitarian, nazi? It’s a contradiction-in-terms. Zionism is based upon the ‘history’ in the Old Testament, specifically in the Pentateuch or “Torah.” The Torah is the very basis for that particular theocracy.
Cognitive dissonance, probably.If Zionism provides a cause célèbre, which seeks to take lands from the occupiers, because . . .youknow . . .Jehovah . . . . then who cares?
in some point of the show, George Galloway show us that the first zionists in Europe were atheists…
An error in fact, Eric–although using the “Old Testament” for propaganda, many leading Zionists were in fact atheists, such as Theodor Herzl, Max Nordau and Zeev Jabotinsky
“How can a person be an “atheistic Zionist”?”
Don’t you know that the founders of Zionism were not practicing Jews?
They were all assimilated.
Please, do some reading before you write these essays.
For example, Avi Shlaim, The Iron Wall.
Don’t you know anything about Jabotinksy and Revisionist Zionism?
It was based on the idea that Jews are a nation, not a religion.
Basically, a tribe.
Strictly speaking ‘Judaism’ is the religion practised by the Jews. Its central tenets are the enforced ethnic solidarity of the people known as Ioudaioi, Judaei, Jews and their separateness from and opposition to other peoples.
30% is huge social over representation of jewish elite at the top.
US being controlled by money one can honestly say that Jewish elite is over represented in the top US social layers
In addition such over representation needs also be reviewed by sector. What about banking and hollywood top management ?
Care to provide figues ?
Surely there is no such over representation in fire fighter jobs !
Besides. Such % does not reflect on reality.
1% Well organized and with strong common will and goal is much more efficient that say 51% without common goal or will.
That being said what is the role of the Lobby ?
Denying Jewish elite huge influence cannot be called dellusion or even stupidity. It looks like manipulation the Gentile sheeps through baby talks and simplistic innuendo.
What about Netanyahu stating that Israel has total control over US policies ? Is that just day dreaming ?
Huh? You’re trying to say that 30% is ‘not overwhelmingly Jewish’? Sorry, but you make a few mistakes here. First, you ignore the other 360. Second, you forget that Jews make something like 4-5% of the American population, therefore you’ve just proven that they ARE disproportionately represented.
Interesting article, as always. However, certain questions need to be asked. The US Constitution specifically forbids private individuals and groups from printing and controlling the sovereign currency of the US. The Constitution is NOT respected. The US Fed was introduced in 1913 and most Americans – incredibly enough – still believe that it is part of the US Government, because it was named as the US Federal Reserve. In fact it is as “Federal” as Federal Express. The name “Federal” was introduced to fool the masses, and this simple trick worked. The Fed is in fact run by the Rothschilds and associates, who print the dollar and sell it (!!!) to the US Government. We all know who the Rothschild’s are. One analyst has in fact stated that the Fed now prints one trillion dollars annually backed by nothing, which could well be true. Who owes the media in the US ? Six corporations, run by Zionists. Who controls the chief banks in the US ? Answer: Zionists. Who controls Hollywood, ostensibly an entertainment industry, but in reality a propaganda machine, controlled by Zionists. Yes, there are some studios which are not Zionist run, but they hardly count.Who controls the politicians in Congress ? Wall Street, influenced by private bankers. When the latest sanctions were introduced against Russia, 99 % of politicians in Congress voted for them, a fact which drew tremendous amusement over here in Europe (yes, we all know that politicians in Congress are Wall Street puppets, there was no need for them to prove it so overwhelmingly). In case I am accused of being anti-Semetic, I would like to state that I am using the term Zionists, and not Jews, as I have met ordinary Jews who are ordinary people, just like the next ordinary person is. However, Zionists deserve every accusation which is labelled against them. The English Revolution of the 17th century was financed by Zionist bankers stationed in Holland, whose chief agent in England was Oliver Cromwell. This fact is still hidden from English history books. Cromwell had Charles II executed, and the English Revolution was used as a basis for subsequent revolutions in Europe. The French Revolution of 1789 was financed by the Rothschild’s, and the French king suffered the same fate as Charles II of England. The Russian Revolution of 1917 was financed by Wall Street bankers, their chief agents being Lenin and Trotsky (Lenin was sent from Switzerland, while Trotsky was sent from New York; Trotsky in fact lived the high life in New York, being driven in a Rolls Royce, and when he went to Russia, he took with him 500 New York gangsters as “revolutionaries”). The Russian Royal Family was executed by Zionists, and Zionists represented 80 % of all communist commissars, who butchered at least 40 million Russians, with some estimates being 60 million. The Zionist’s still want to see Russia destroyed, namely broken up an plundered. How many NATO bases surround Russia ? Who pulled off that coup d’etat in Kiev in 2014 and for what purpose? To have NATO sneak up to Russia’s borders for a sneak attack ? Did not Madeleine Albright state publicly that she see’s no reason why Russia should be so large, having all those natural resources, which do “not” belong to her as a country (!!!). Incredible statement. With WHAT right did she make it ? Until 1776 America was a colony of the British Crown, and after 1776 it became a colony of the Rothschild’s banking empire.George Washington, the first President of the US, was a free mason, being on the Rothschild’s pay role. The US exists as a private empire of the Zionist bankers, used for worldwide plundering on behalf of the Zionists. How many wars has the US fought ? How many years of it’s existence has the US been at war ? For most of them. I could go on. But the facts are apparent.
I didn’t think the Fed “printed” money, that was the responsibility of the US Treasury. The Fed supplies credit via OMO and liquidity to sustain the banking system. The fact that is now monetising US Treasury borrowing is a failure of US Voters to hold US Congress to account since 1971.
I have never heard of any US Voter Group calling for US Government Spending to be covered by TAXATION instead of DEBT because then the true poverty of US Citizens would be evident when they tried to buy food or consumer durables
Very well put. People who try to deny or minimise the Zionist stranglehold over all aspects of US life are just deluding themselves or trying to delude other people.
Anyone who disbelieves that – just check out the public and private statements of Zionist politicians, Israeli leaders, financial tycoons, media moguls, Hollywood glitterati, take your pick.
Zionist are overwhelmingly Jewish. Zionism only came about in 1898, while the same Jewish problem/s with the rest of humanity has been going on for millenniums now.
Babylon took them in and showed them respect, they sold out the Babylonians to the Persians.
They sold out the Persians in short order. Just look up the Purim massacres. An event they celebrate every year. Sick.
They were welcomed by the Egyptians, who they sold out to a barbaric, cruel folk known as the Hyksos, who ruled Egypt with an iron fist for 400 years, with Jews as ‘bosses’ like gulag bosses in 20th century Russia.
They subverted and brought down the Greeks, the Romans, who emancipated them through Caesar. Caesar was killed by Senate because he emancipated Roman Jews. The Romans knew what this would ultimately mean. The downfall of their empire. Carthage, being a Jewish center of influence and power launched two Punic wars against Rome. The Romans even salted the earth to give one a glimpse into the disgust Rome had with these historically nefarious bunch.
Then they moved on to Europe, continuing along with their Talmudic ways, eventually having been exiled/expelled 108 times, sometimes from the same place twice.
They controlled the British empire, with all its dastardly history against the globe, and humanity.
Now they are in control of the west, especially the U.S.A. And like all other empires, are in the middle of bringing the U.S down, both economically, spiritually and socially. Bankrupted by wars of aggression instigated and engineered by Jews, the U.S. is showing signs of cracking under the pressure. In their arrogance, they assumed they would bring the Islamic/Arab world on her knees, when they underestimated Islam , Muslims and Arabs. God almighty instructs us in the Quran to fight against oppression, in all its manifestations. And that’s what Muslims are doing.
Interesting that the longest living empire in the history of the world, Byzantium, lasted for 1200 years, why? Because the had laws that they enforced ruthlessly and religiously. 1- No Jews in finance 2- No Jews in government 3- No Jews in education.
For the very safety of the human race, these laws should be enacted worldwide today. There really is no other way around it. They are eternal misery brokers and agents of war, poverty and unnecessary suffering. It is what it is.
check out Ukraine, tell me who is not Jew among the billionaires of Ukraine.
I think it is “one” out of the top ten. So 90% would be Jewish. Pretty close to that in Russia as well. But even more to the point is that in Ukraine (not so in Russia),the leading political figures are also of Jewish backgrounds. So its a double-edged sword in Ukraine.The money and power are mostly in the hands of people with Jewish backgrounds. There are only,less than 200,000 people in Ukraine of Jewish background. Leaving the other 42,000,000 with almost no money or power.
Why is the author kindly ommiting the top families of Rothshields, Rockefellers, Morgans and other bankers? I guess their combined wealth is more than the rest of the list together… Would be interesting to compare the fractions of all wealth in the list including the bankers, based on religion. Though it might be problem to calculate families wealth. Also it would be only logical, that connections and ownerships are hidden to public, so real wealth is impossible to calculate. So with all effort spent by the author is very likely, that such a list is simply incalculable and deceiving…
The Gilens and Page study, which I linked to here several times, and which is the only scientific analysis of the data to determine whether the U.S. truly is a democracy (ruled by the public, not only by the wealthiest) shows that in America, the richer a person is, the more control over the U.S. government that person has. Concentrated wealth is what has turned this country into a dictatorship, not ‘Jews’ nor any other ethnicity or religion.
Zuesse is intentionally missing the real point. “Richest” is not the important variable. “Most influential and powerful” is the variable. For many decades Jews have owned the media and finance sectors. Those are the main control knobs for a modern society.
Both sides are missing another trend. The influence of Jews is Declining in the last 5 or 10 years. In both hi-tech and finance the control is quickly moving toward dot-Indians. The controlling Jews are trying to use their regulatory agencies to throw out the Indians, but this won’t last long, since India has a Huge numerical advantage. (Numerical in both senses…. Indians are extremely good at math, and they’re also overpopulated, pushing their best and brightest overseas.)
You didn’t click onto any of the several times I linked to the only study (the one done by Giles and Page) that has been done of where the control of the U.S. federal government is actually to be found: it’s to be found only amongst the extremely richest, and their agents. That’s what it found: money translates into control over the federal government. So, that’s now been shown no longer to be only a hypothesis; it is now a proven fact.
The Jews also control the nationalistic Hindu Indian ruling elite. Bollywood is in love with Hollywood, and Indians are notorious for imitating westerners, as they have no sense of self identity nor do they have a collective ‘backbone’ Indians are extremely pliant. How else did 100,000 Brits rule 400 million Indians.
India and Israel are both occupying peoples lands in Kashmir and Palestine.
Israel and India have huge military pacts and arms deals. India even gave Israel missile launch platforms in case of war to take out the ‘Islamic Bomb’, ie, Pakistans nuclear potential, and also as a pivot to Irans missiles.
India is acting belligerent to China and Pakistan on direct orders from Jew controlled Washington/U.S.
India is a Trojan horse when it comes to the BRICS, and India’s job, at the behest of Jewish Washington, is to sabotage the new One Road-One Belt initiative of the Russo-Sino alliance, which is to inter-connect most of the world, who are essentially sick and tired of Jew controlled Washington/U.S.
India is a nation of caste systems and racism as is Israel. The Indian elites would jump when Tel Aviv or Washington come calling.
India is a nation of call centers and sub-par doctors who have brought the U.S. medical profession into the mud. I know this first hand.
Oh, yeah , Indians lead the world by leaps and bounds in telephone scamming of innocent people, most of whom are elderly. I get these ‘Microsoft Tech Support’ Iqbal’s all the time. I have a little bit of fun with them.
Besides, the Chinese, Russians far outperform the Indians when it comes to information technologies.
Jewish Zionism/Talmudism is a brother of Hindu racism/nationalist belligerence. Both cant seem to get along with their neighbors, and are surrounded by peoples who despise them for their deeds. As Jesus said, ‘You will know them by their deeds…’
Bored Muslim
Look up Hebrews from India on the web. You might also want to look up the Thugges.
Reminds me of Godfather 2, when Johnny Ola tells Michael Corleone, “Hyman Roth always make money for his partners”.
Is it not inconceivable that all of the 1% want money and power, while the Jewish component, besides wanting money and power, have their Zionist agenda as well? Which is probably why Saker’s phrase Anglo-Zionist Empire is so apt.
Netanyahu said the Jews control America. Is resentment against that part of the plantation owners who are rubbing your face in it, bigotry? The part who are so vocal that they do not care that you know it, because there is nothing you can do about it. Is that resentment or bigotry?
One part of the slave owners are clever enough to send you to exceptional sleep, the other part make so much noise, you cannot sleep. I know which part, erroneously, I would rile against. Even knowing both are evil. For starters, anyway.
“Although, obviously, there’s no scientifically justifiable reason to treat Jewish billionaires differently from non-Jewish ones…”
I’m slightly surprised to see Eric Zuesse demonstrate such prejudice (in the sense of having prejudged the issue). The word “obviously” grates with me. Why would one assume that Jewish billionaires – or Jewish people of any kind – are “obviously” no different from anyone else? There certainly is – and has been for centuries – a very strong and widespread belief that there are important differences.
Of course, that belief itself might be nothing more than prejudice. In medieval Europe, Christian authorities forbade the practice of usury by Christians – leaving the Jews as practically the only people who were allowed to perform that very much demanded function. Then everyone blamed the Jews for being tight-fisted, merciless money-lenders!
Today, however, surely it is indisputable that Jewish people have established a clear superiority in wealth and influence. And then there is the immense power of Israel in all Western nations. Doesn’t that count for anything?
“…‘Jew’ish, in Hitler’s definition (which seems to be what the commenters are applying, though they didn’t say; perhaps they’re simply not intelligent enough to define their own central terms — and there’s no way of knowing whether, for example, converts to Judaism are “Jews,” to them)”.
This puts a very different interpretation on something that has always worried me: who IS “a Jew”? It has traditionally been thought that a Jewish person was defined by genetics; yet modern genetic investigations tend to suggest that many Palestinians have more “Jewish” genes than most “Jewish” Israelis, who are descended from European or Asian stock.
Or is a Jew someone who practices the Jewish religion? Not necessarily: many of the world’s most famous Jewish have not followed Judaism, or indeed any religion.
So we have a thoroughly confused situation, in which a person can claim (or be claimed) to be “Jewish” on account of ancestry, religion, or just cultural tradition – and, moreover, the state of Israel claims that all Jewish people worldwide are automatically Israeli citizens. It seems to me that this redounds to the benefit of Israel and many people who assert their Jewishness, since it has become “strengstens verboten” to say anything negative about anyone who claims to be Jewish.
And, if we accept the Jewish state’s claim that all Jews, wherever they live, are Israeli citizens, then the many Jews who occupy positions of wealth, power and influence in the USA, the UK, Europe, etc. can be seen as one of the most organized and potentially dangerous fifth columns in recorded history. Just imagine if all the people who are recognised as being Jewish in the USA today were, instead, to admit to Russian nationality!
The problem must probably be rephrased: “Is it really true that America’s richest 1% are ‘exclusively’ Jews”?
The author speaks here as if the Anglo-Saxons were in any way different from the Jews.
But the only difference between the Jews and the Anglo-Saxons is that the former were enslaved by the Levites several thousand years ago (40 years of zombifying in the desert by Moses), while the latter were enslaved by the Levites several hundred years ago (during the Wars of the Roses, when all noble aristocracy in England was killed and instead of them to the forefront came worshippers of the golden calf – bourgeois).
Always remember that Eric Zuesse is a gatekeeper along the lines of Noam Chomsky — he utters enough truths to sound convincing then misdirects from the elephant in the room. Besides he completely ignored the trillionaires that control the West (billionaires are so passe ;) ).
He also ignores the point about Jewish power and control over culture, e.g. their ownership and control of the mass media (both old and new), and a censorious power in academia.
Does the above attitude make me a bigot? I’m just opining on the facts regarding who has power and control in today’s world.
I enjoy Spielberg movies; Billy Joel numbers; cannot get enough of Gilad Atzmon’s philosophy (although he insists he’s no longer Jewish, which is very Jewish!); I re-read “Man’s Search for Meaning” anytime I get a chance; acknowledge the overwhelming genius of Einstein; always laugh at Jewish humour (back to Jewish control of Hollywood again :D)…I suspect we are all immersed in Jewish culture tho’ we don’t know it.
And is this a bad thing? I’m enriched because of it. It makes me laugh, cry, look with wonder and ask what else is possible — I thought a key tenet of a Jewish upbringing was asking tough questions?
So it is about time that Jewish thinkers like Zeusse admitted that a Jewish propensity for revolution is dangerous when Jewish power is unassailable. The fake War on Terror is a narrative entirely created by Jewish radicals, the neoconservatives, to serve the interests of the Jewish state, Israel, and is promoted by a Jewish controlled media in the West. Case closed.
PS the real truth about the trillionaires is that they are probably worth 100s of trillions, not just trillions. And the names on the list of billionaires contains several cryptos.
I said this in response to a reader-comment above, but it is even more relevant here:
Do I “gatekeep” for Shiites, when my articles (as often has happened) point out that jihadists are virtually all fundamentalist Sunnis, and that what the rabidly anti-Shiite Trump calls “radical Islamic terrorism” is virtually 100% a fundamentalist-Sunni phenomenon, except for the terrorism against Israel, which comes from both Shiites and Sunnis? Am I a “gatekeeper” for Iran, and for Shiites — or for Israel, and for Jews? Or for NOBODY (but only for the solidly evidenced facts of the given case-at-hand)?
As regards Jews and Bolshevism, perhaps the widespread anti-Semitism under the Tzars caused Jews — the routine sufferers of Christian pogroms against them — turned to the Bolshevists, as possible liberators from that oppression by the entrenched Christian church and its followers?
The callousness and ignorance that’s displayed by some of the reader-comments here are just as bad as at I saw at South Front. Are such readers really just nothing but Russian ethnocentrists? I greatly respect high culture everywhere — Shakespeare, da Vinci, Grunewald. Bruckner, Eckhart, Dostoyevsky, Aeschylus, Fellini, Kubrick, Humberto Solas, Matthias Bernard Braun, Anselm Kiefer, etc. — but I don’t respect any culture at all, any ethocentrism, none. For me, only individuals, as individuals, can reasonably be either respected or despised, or neither. An ethnocentrist can’t get beyond group-categories and see the reality that’s in front of him and that constantly demands an intelligent response.
In international relations, the current Russian government courageously and effectively (I would even say heroically) leads the world in recognition and respect for national sovereignty, which is the only basis upon which democracy can become a reality, anywhere; so, I STRONGLY respect it, but not for any kind of ethnocentric reason, at all.
Secondarily, I strongly respect Iran. But I am neither Russian nor Iranian. (I am American, though I most closely self-identify with German classical culture, and I was raised as a Unitarian, which I still respect for its openness to all cultures.) I have always rejected any form of ethnocentrism that projects itself outward as hostility toward outsiders. Ethnocentrism of that sort (regardless whether from Jews, Christians, Germans, Ukrainians, Americans, or whatever) is poisonous, both intranationally, and internationally. And that’s just a fact.
“perhaps the widespread anti-Semitism under the Tzars caused Jews — the routine sufferers of Christian pogroms against them — turned to the Bolshevists”
…or the opposite. Which comes first, the egg or the chicken?
Bolchevism—->messianism without God, ao attractive for someoe who wants to recreate a pattern that he is familiar with in his former religion.
Apart from that, those hundreds of strange rituals have been created less than 2000 years ago to isolate them from makind, e.g. avoid assimilation. And inoculating them a good dose of distrust ad hostility with selective stories was the best way to fight christian proselytism.
So it’s not surprising that they often saw the world around as “evil”, something that had to be change, but since they have no clue or special disposition to recreate a perfect world, just a pseudo-science, we had a disaster
“As regards Jews and Bolshevism, perhaps the widespread anti-Semitism under the Tzars caused Jews — the routine sufferers of Christian pogroms against them — turned to the Bolshevists, as possible liberators”
Interesting but 2 things come to my mind. First is “were the Bolsheviks even Jewish?”. From my reading of history a lot were homicidal atheists. Jews believe in god. Their god (of course) but they still believe in god.
About as Jewish as the Mafia are Catholic. Raised in a Jewish/Catholic family, went to synagogue/church, said their Kol Nidres or Hail Marys but forgot the parts about “thou shalt not steal / murder”.
Second is that the history goes back way farther than your entry point. Why were there pogroms against the Jews? Go back to the Khazars who once slapped into line by the Arabs (second try) didn’t attack south any more but attacked the Poles, Slavs and Rus. 500 years later the Mongol horde comes along and they have to flee and live in the very populations they had victimised. The Khazars were particularly brutal in their treatment of slaves. Castrating the men, hacking up any babies and small children that couldn’t be sold in front of their parents.
So they were easy to identify and in certain areas of cities and payback is always a bitch. To start at the point of the pogroms in eastern Europe ignores the history that lead to them.
So round and round we go and whoever has the boot on does the kicking and now the boot is on the Zionist foot and they are proving that they are as human as everyone else by their treatment of others.
PS. Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews. Alan Hart has some great work in that area.
… said their Kol Nidres or Hail Marys but forgot the parts about “thou shalt not steal / murder”.
Excellent statement. If Christians, Jews and Muslims would adhere to the Ten Commandments, then the world would’ve to face less problems than it does now.
There is a very specific reason why people think in terms of Blacks and Jews: it is the easiest way to generalize, with outward clues to make things simpler and easier. It is a remnant of very primitive and superficial thinking.
It is for the same reason that people find it much easier to think in terms of conspiracies of people who control things than to think in terms of social, economic, and political forces. Those forces shape the dynamic to which the wealthy are subject just as much as the poor. Thinking of things in terms of the bad persons ganging up on the rest, good persons, will not get you anywhere — even if it is true that many people with power/wealth have psychopathic tendencies.
“It is the easiest way to generalize” IF one is bigoted against Blacks and Jews.
Otherwise: it’s NOT “the easiest way to generalize,” about anything at all.
The real problem is a Jewish revolutionary spirit combined with contemporary Jewish power and finance…
“In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town: the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals (a partial list: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Elliott Abrams, Charles Krauthammer), people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history.
“They believe that the right political idea entails a fusion of morality and force, human rights and grit. The philosophical underpinnings of the Washington neoconservatives are the writings of Machiavelli, Hobbes and Edmund Burke.”
Ari Shavit, “White Man’s Burden,” Haaretz, April 4, 2003
Hillary Clinton and many other neoconservatives (and I would even include Barack Obama) are non-Jews who are strong neoconservatives. Maybe Donald Trump will turn out to be, too. The problem there isn’t “Jews”; it is neoconservatives — and Israel’s government, which is almost 100% neoconservative (while ours is only around 97% or 98% neoconservative).
Hillary Clinton’s daughter is married to a Jewish American. Donald Trumps daughter is married to a Jewish American,and converted to Judaism. With Barack Obama,you have me.But the leading members of the neo-con movement in the US (thinkers,writers,pushers,of it) are a “whose who” of Jewish names.And as for Clinton,Obama,and probably Trump,their advisers,are/were also heavily of Jewish background.In many cases it isn’t always a matter of who is the front person.Its as in the Wizard of Oz,look at the man behind the curtain.
Neoconservatism is merely a reflection of the control that the Saud family, the other fundamentalist-Sunni Arab oil-royal families, and the Israeli Government, have over the U.S. aristocracy, to use that aristocracy, America’s aristocracy, in order (as an alliance that’s headed by the world’s richest family, the Sauds, who have effectively hired Israel’s Government and its agent AIPAC — and the Rothschilds and other ethnocentric Jewish billionaires — as the lever and agency in the U.S., additionally supported by all the rest of America’s billionaires, to control the U.S. Congress, for ends that both the Sauds and the Zionists, and America’s entire aristocracy, and not just by billionaire fundamentalist Sunnis, and by billionaire fundamentalist Jews, crave) for them to control the entire world. America is even more controlled by the Sauds than by Israel.
Michael Hudson has pointed out that under the terms of the Saudi Oil agreement of 1974 the Saudis have, in fact, no more than limited control of their own oil revenue. Saudi oil must be sold only for dollars. In addition, dollar revenues must then be recycled into US financial instruments, stocks or real estate. Failure to comply will result in regime change and the removal of the monarchy. Difficult to see how the Saudis are the masters under these terms.
“America is even more controlled by the Sauds than by Israel”.
That right there is an outright and odious lie, and I will just cite 1 example from dozens, why it is a lie.
Did you know that if the US wishes too sell arms to Saudi Arabia, Israel has a veto over the type of weapons sold and the quantity in which they are sold?
On the other hand, the “Israel occupied” US Congress ensures that cutting-edge US weapons are supplied to Israel free of charge and in what ever quantity demanded by Tel-A-Viv, no questions asked.
In fact by law, the US has to ensure that in the region, Israel maintains what is called a “Qualitative Military Edge” or QME, meaning that the US can’t legally sell anything to any state in the region that is better that what is given to Zion free of cost.
With this in mind, how can it be said that the Saudis wield more power in the US when compared to Israel?
Very well said. If you look at the people around Trump.
Interestingly enough the Forbes 400 list excludes a lot of ulta-weathy individuals and families for a variety of reasons. Goes to show many of the richest and most powerful people are very good at hiding their wealth.
Thus the Forbes 400 list may not be a sound foundation on which to base such a study.
The article is a variation of a false dilemna, the method here is to claim that a group of people said ‘X’ (rather than ‘Y’) in order to “refute” them ; very dishonest.
Example:”Is it really true that America’s richest 1% are ‘overwhelmingly Jewish’?”. Really? I don’t know anybody around who said this, however there are people who state that they are over represented with respect to their numbers; fair enough when someone is ready to take risks, works hard and is brilliant; less good if he uses a ponzi scheme (like the modern monetary system) or use his political connections as a speculator to fool someone without creating any real wealth. My guess is that among those 32.5%you have a mix of both caracters.
The author also conveniently ignore the fact that if we are on the verge of a nuclear world war with Russia, it is certanly not because some gentile billionaires believe that it will be good for business; it’s rather that another group has messianic crackpot belief that they can double down and will always win
“32.5%, would (or at least might) have qualified as “Jews” in Hitler’s Germany”
32.5%, in your very own definition.
Jews are not even 2% of the world population.
And the author claims that there is nothing suspicious about that?
And now please analyze how this list would look like based on family income and clans. And also please analyze based on the influence on society. A guy who is rich because he made a fortune of technology and innovations is different from a guy who is controlling world finances, media and “revolutions”.
First going from 1.9% in general population to 33% of the wealthiest tells something about might. Good for them but 31% of the billionnaire’s seats are likely to be missed by other groups. If your group can have 15 times it’s national representation amongst the wealthiest, it’s likely it has more drive / power that other with lesser ratios.
Second you’re an idiot if you think Forbes is a tell of anything. By their own admission, they don’t know balance sheets. In other words : you see there only the ones who are willing to be or are simply too exposed publicly to hide it – typically businessmen getting wealthy by acting publicly. That’s your Gates/Zuckerberg for sure, but I’d even include Soros there, you while buying and selling his way to wealth is doing it himself.
Now you can think the hyper wealthy families of early XXth century have stopped to be at the top for some reason – even so it’s pretty much against how capitalism works. IMO it’s magical thinking. I find it far more likely that they hide the part of their wealth that’s doesn’t bring them more than it takes. A french says is “to live happy, live hidden”. Rich people tends to live away from mundane look in my experience.
Now from there to “jew control the world” there is quite a few miles (and imo some wisdom lost in the way…) but let’s look at things for what they are. Being Jew helping (at least males) to rise in wealth is a fact in the US, especially compared to other community. Whether it’s cultural or networking or even genes is a separate subject, but the fact is established in every look at the data we can take. With the caveat that we don’t have (even barely) reliable datas. But in that context, I don’t see it reasonable to expect that you’d have less jewish wealth hiddent than non jewish – quite the opposite.
Now it’s absolutely within jewish citizen rights to favor jewish networking. And it’s absolutely within every citizen rights to favor rules against too much networking power within public affairs – jewish in origin or not. My impression is that USA are especially vulnerable to this. Bottomline, “we the people” needs to muster enough political weight behind and anti lobbying agenda. Doing so by putting “fight the jews” in your rethoric is self defeating (and out of topic anyway). If you want to promote balance of rights, you don’t start to single out people as targets. Just focus on the same right for everyone bit.
Dear Mr. Zuesse!
I live since quite a few years in Lithuania, so former Soviet Union and I have all the time to deal with this BS” The Jews are guilty” , “They rule the world” , ” They behind it( literally everything)”and so on and so on. These opinion is wide sprad in the europian Part uf the former Union. What utter Nonsens! What Different it makes if somebody of these people on the List is WASP or Jewish or Muslim etc! It is what Warren Buffet sayed ” The war between the Rich and the Poor!” Religion doesn’t matter!!! A lot of the coments show, how **** even those people are which consider themself as ” Left”!
So keep on going with your good job!
Best regards from rainy Lithuania
This list suggest things like 85% of financial, judicial, media, etc positions are held by a group which only makes up 2% of the general population.
If All these positions in all these fields were held by say, Americans of Italian or Portuguese ethnicity, it would be widely talked about and questioned.
So perhaps that what the 1% consists of, and not the richest people, but the people with control of the levers of power.
Bless you, you are truly a progressive, truly a democrat, truly a supporter of equality of rights — and of obligations — for all individuals, with no castes at all, not on any basis. I wish that this were common, instead of so very rare! But far better that there are a few of us, than that there would be none of us!
Putin: First Soviet government was 85 percent Jewish
Its interesting how 1 – 2 percent of the population could become 85 percent of the government, don’t you think? How is this even possible? Do you even understand how crazy those percentages are?
Most US media and Hollywood are also controlled by jews and they brag about it. And their influence over the West is growing over time.
The last three chairs of the World’s Largest Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, are jews. Do you know what is the mathematical probability for this?
There are more jews (2 percent of the population) in Ivy league Universities than euro-americans,(65 percent of the population).
If you think that there is no organized ethnic networking and ethnic nepotism behind those numbers then you are a fool.
It not about picking on a group. It is about facts. 911 was a Israel/ US/ Britain plan for a New Pearl Harbor that was used as an excuse to attack and destroy the middle east. The coup in Ukraine was stirred up by Victoria Nuland, an Zionist neocon. Her husband,Robert Kagan, is a big Zionist neocon and part of the 911 PNAC club. This coup in Ukraine has the potential to stir up a nuclear war and destroy our planet. Climate Change is peanuts compared to US/ Israel/ Britain regime change which is literally destroying our planet before our eyes. Poor Lithuania joined the criminal west. The support for coups, jihadis,extremists of all types (neonazis, death squads in Latin America), drug cartels and false flags by the US/Israel/ Britain club is destroying our planet. It has to stop;they have gone too far out on the limb.
Your allegation that Israel funded the 9/11 operations has been soundly disproven, here
and here
and whereas the first of those two provides the evidence that the royal Sauds did it, the latter proves that proponents of the hypothesis that Israel did it are either liars or outright fools.
The “Saudis-Did-It” trope is now being pushed for all it is worth, with the “suppressed 28 pages” and the new legislation enabling Saudi Arabia to be sued.
The Saudis are the Lee Harvey Oswalds of the 9/11 story. This is a standard diversion tactic, pure and simple, to protect the real guilty parties to the 9/11 conspiracy.
These are:-
The US Deep State, including very senior figures in the US administration.
The senior leadership of the FBI.
Israeli Intelligence agencies, who provided most of the personnel to carry out the operation.
Many senior figures in US politics and business, mostly of dual US/ Israeli nationality.
Saudi Arabian political figures (minor role.)
Pakistani intelligence officials (minor role.)
But you failed to mention the controllers of all the parties on your list above.
The deep state is comprised of the operatives such as those that you list.
The puppet masters sit above.
He said Israel/US/UK: you said Israel.
The implication is that the terms are interchangeable. So is Anglo-Zionism.
Yes, I said Israel/ US/Uk did 911. The neocons, mostly extreme Zionists, wrote up the PNAC. They desired a new pearl harbor as an excuse to attack and destroy the middle east. 911 was the new pearl harbor which they desired and fabricated. Larry Silverstein, a Zionist, brought the twin towers a few weeks before 911. Why did he buy it? It had a big problem with asbestos. Why didn’t he go to the towers on 9/11/01? He went every day before that. Did he get the Odigo message or did he buy the asbestos filled towers knowing would get a great deal after its destruction? Why did the Israelis sent a text message warning in Hebrew on Odigo, a Israeli text messaging service which stated the exact time 911 would happen and where? .Why did Hugo Neu,an Israeli owned company take the surviving steel beams (250,000 tons) and sent them to Asian countries to be recycled? It was evidence. Why wasn’t this evidence of the worst crime in US history even studied?
Well I think many know the answer to your last question.
Or how about the 5 dancing shlomo’s from the Mossad that were filming the destruction on 9-11. They had set up high quality equiptment filming the first and second plane crashes into the towers.
They were held by the FBI until Micheal Chertoff, a Jew, released them back to Israel.
What was an Israeli/Jewish owned company doing pretending to be rehabbing the Towers? Most work done at night.
Mysteriously, Ehud Barak, the noxious Jew/Israeli was on BBC International at precisely the exact time of the attck, where he stated that ‘The world will never be the same’. ?
Eric, you fraud, everyone is waking up to the deception. So many already have.
Also, there was an extraordinary amount of military grade nano-thermite all over the crime scene. The Israeli’s pretending to be rehabbing the Twin Towers had placed this destructive material on the main beams of the towers which was then finished off by way of controlled demolition.
Just to remind you that the Russian Revolution was financed by Zionist bankers from New York and that 80 % of communist commissars were Zionists, who murdered at least 40 million Russians.
Ah- the old ‘lie’ of ‘jew’ by ‘genetics’. Britian gave the greatest Human Right to the planet- Freedom of Conscience. Freedom of Conscience means that the individual gets to define his/her spiritual/religious beliefs without interference from tthe state. And by this only standard that counts, almost everyone on that list self-identifies as either jewish or zionist.
Now Freedom of Conscience is curiously semi-respected in Israel itself- but not in most of the non-Anglo-Saxon nations that support Israel. Freedom of Conscience existed in the secular islamic regimes that existed in Middle East nations before they were destroyed by the zionists.
Saudi Arabia is 100% against Freedom of Conscience- stating that religion is imprinted on you at birth by ‘genetics’. Wherever wahhabi horror is exported to the muslim world, this anti-Human philosophy is imposed, backed by vicious sharia law enforcement. And the zionists on the above list- Israel lovers to a one, also support Saudi Arabia.
France, Russia and Germany are also against Freedom of Conscience, and all support lists of state approved ‘churches’. Putin has recently passed laws stating that the ‘holy writings’ of approved religions are protected against prosecution, even when those writings specifically justify terror and depravity against ‘non-believers’ or ‘heretics’.
Freedom of Conscience only really exists in British Empire originated lands- the USA, Australia, Canada and some ex-empire nations.
This whole article, as I stated, is predicated on a denial of Freedom of Conscience. You do not and cannot define the beliefs of another person- that person themselves does that for themselves. And from the outside we know the beliefs of an individual from their actions.
During the recent zionist holocaust in Israel, supported by almost every major jewish organisation across the planet, 100% of the US Houses of Congress (including the Pauls) voted to back the Israeli atrocites. Israel is the ‘jewish state’ by its own definition, and the US Congress is thus a ‘jewish’ entity by its own chosen actions.
No-one is born a ‘jew’- that doesn’t even make any sense as a logical concept. Whether a ‘secular’ or ‘religious’ jew- that status is a personal choice made by the individual when their brain develops to such a state that such a choice can be described as rational. Likewise no-one is born a ‘christian’ or ‘muslim’.
But where Freedom of Conscience meets Organised Religion, we are in the land of pure paradox (or Alice in Wonderland nonsense or Orwellian doublethink). The power of Organised Religion comes from labelling the vulnerable from as early an age as possible. A ruthless war against naive and undereducated people by those who care only about numbers.
Anyhoo this article represents the usual concern blogs and forums like this one have of being seen as ‘anti-semetic’, that deeply racist term that really just means anti-jewish. But why is ‘anti-jewish’ never used as a term? Because that neutral and non-racist use of language doesn’t imply that jews are ‘special’. Jews are supremely proud of having taken control of the nations they set their sights on, despite being the tiniest of minorities in those states. Jewish publications openly boast about this ‘achievement’. But then they use their methods of societal control to shut down discussions about the same by the ‘lesser’.
What Israel did in Gaza, with the absolute support of Britain, France, Germany and Russia (sorry friends, just because we are here supporting Russia against the West doesn’t mean we can turn a blind eye to the problems with Putin’s regime- we want Russia better than the West in every way) shows the fundamental nature of this particular organised religion. By the way, it is an absolute fact of history that the teachings of this organised religion were used to justify the racist holocaust that was the jewish, islamic and christian use of african ‘slaves’ across nearly 1500 years. All three judaic religions whipped out the Old Testament (Torah) and pointed to the parts where ‘dark skinned’ people were labelled by god as ‘lesser’- America courts in the 19th Century allowed the same as ‘proof’ that the ‘black’ person requesting freedom under the US constitution had to remain a slave.
Team Israel, the zionists, and almost all the formal organised jewish bodies are one and the same- with the same goals and methods. Just because an organised religion chooses to be nebulous and confusing in the eyes of outsiders doesn’t mean that internally it doesn’t know what it is doing.
But this organised religion is best seen as a cult, like the masons, that most join hoping that the ‘secret handshake’ will benefit them directly in life. Who is a ‘jew’? Anyone who defines themselves that way or identifies with the ambitions of the racist state of Israel. Just like how anyone who works to grow the power of the Vatican is a ‘catholic’ as well as all the people who simple identify as catholics.
And lets face it, we wouldn’t give a damn who self-identified as anything, if said group was harmless, decent and moral- and had a philosphy of live and let live. But Humanity’s first Organised Religions crafted the pogroms that wiped out the other ape descended intelligent species that shared lands with our ancestors. There are various species of monkeys and apes alive today. Likewise there were many different species of talking ape descendents until our ancient religious leaders demands every last one should be hunted down and murdered in the name of the ‘true god’.
Anything that smacks of defending zionism today is cut from the same cloth as that ancient period of xenocide that left us unchallenged on this planet.
“Freedom of Conscience only really exists in British Empire originated lands- the USA, Australia, Canada and some ex-empire nations.”
Yes we see that daily in the degeneracy rampant in those societies. Soon we will have the “Freedom of Conscience ” to designate not only what religion,and gender,we are. But what race we want to be called a member of, and maybe even what species we get to call ourselves. Some places are already allowing people to wed their pets,and even one woman to wed a building.So I doubt there is any limit to our Freedom of Conscience” in the future of those states.Unless of course God decides a “Sodom and Gomorrah” should be their “next” step. And I’m not sure we could find the required number of righteous in time to prevent that.
Rampant degeneracy in N.Z. ?
We may get there, but our current civilisation in Godzone is barely 200 years old.
There is a popular mood to settle the grievances created by the English failure to honour the treaty that followed the failure of the military campaign. No surprises from perfidious Albion.
Following settlement of all that , there is a mood afoot to eliminate all legislative reference to race.
Sure we have the rainbow tribe with their agenda for identity politics, but they are mostly tolerated.
In the census we are free to nominate or not , a religion , a race, but not a species.
There is a campaign to exterminate the cat, amongst other introduced predators, and that list of noxious animals suggested for eradication is growing.
Political corruption is slight to non- existent.
The question of course is whether or not we can keep it this way . . . the way that we want it.
There are two specifically Maori political parties vying for the upcoming general election. There are four Maori electorate seats where the MP is, you guessed it, Maori.
Some way to go before all legislative reference to race is removed.
This conversation is off-topic – please take to the MFC. Any further comments will go to trash. Mod
Anglosaxons especiakky the english nation has been curse lije pkague on the wirkd and their hold on so much land area if the wirkd beeds to be removed by firce or any meabs ti sCe the real humabity.
English are neither eurooeans bor even indi eyrooeans. They are mixture if phobecians living in bigs if nirth hollabd wuth neanderthaks. That is why they are slave.. of money.
The issue of Jewish wealth in the US is a complicated one. If we add in the world as a whole, its even more complicated. So I’ll try not to do that.On that subject I’ll only say that globalist corporations,with a lot of Jewish money.While not considered to be “American” have a lot of influence in the US.But aren’t considered in these lists.
Here are a few other points:
1.Not “only” would those people have fallen under the nazi rule of who was Jewish. But to be more honest, and to the point,they fall under the Israeli zionist rule of who is Jewish or not.
2.Influence can be more important than actual money.Many of the billionaires and other very wealthy,are only one issue,or no issue,wealthy.As an example,of the Walton’s and Soros,which one is intend on using their money more to control our society. The Walton’s want to keep their wealth. Soros wants to keep his wealth,”and” control the government at the same time.Making him much more of a danger to society than a Walton.Then there is Adelson,who bankrolls politicians that favor the neo-cons and Israel.Who bankrolled Netanyahu’s political campaign. Including founding a newspaper in Israel just to push his policies.Would he (though not as wealthy) be more of a danger than Buffet. I would argue ,yes. And we have ,Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, and Brin,certainly within Israel’s definition of who is Jewish. One of them control’s social media,another controls most internet searches,and the third is a major “opinion” manipulating force in the media.Arguably those three control more actual power in American society than any of the others listed.
3. With around 2% of the US population.To have (at least) 32.5 % of the wealthiest persons being Jewish shows a great amount of control. I might argue that if we were to breakdown the other people under religious and ethnic backgrounds. We might find that that 32.5% would make them the majority.But the top 40 out of 400. Isn’t a full picture. What about the other 360 out of the 400. And then lets say the next 400. Often times its isn’t just the top leaders that wield the power.
4. There is something else as well ,that bears on my first point. But that needs a point of its own.The corporations,that might not belong to any “one” person. They are very important in the US and if you look at the boards of directors.The lower ranked top officials. Its certain you would find a plethora of people with Jewish background in those positions. And the entertainment industry in the US (the opinion maker,Hollywood) is dominated (by far) by people of Jewish background. The other top opinion maker, the media in the US is also dominated (by far) by people with Jewish backgrounds.
5.The author is correct that our problems aren’t all the results of Jewish influence. But some of them are,maybe a whole lot of them.He is also correct that many people blame Jews for everything for racial or religious reasons.That is wrong,and I see it too, in many cases.But on the other hand,on the face of it,to point out the truth,isn’t to be anti-Jewish . Its to “tell the truth”.Some people may tell the truth because they hate Jews. Some tell the truth,because people should understand the truth. But either way,the truth is just the truth.In itself truth can’t have bias,except a bias for being the truth.
I’ll conclude this post with the comment that most people with Jewish backgrounds are no more guilty of anything than anyone else. And certainly shouldn’t be condemned for being Jewish,then should be for being,English,Russian,German,Chinese,Mexican,African,Indian,and yes,Anglo-American,etc,etc. I think you get the picture.And with an explanation of why having so much wealth and power in the hands of one group is a bad thing,and in particular,why its a bad thing if its Jews.Being only a small minority,they are certain to arouse anger in the larger groups.And by their overwhelming allegiance to a foreign ideology (zionism), that is also a danger.Probably one of the most well know Jewish American pro-zionists is Alan Dershowitz. He’s been known for years as a pro-Israeli speaker. In an interview the other day he talked about his grandmother who immigrated to the US from Poland. He said he was a big baseball fan as a child,and went to his teams games every chance he got.He was excited one day and telling her about how great the two teams at the game he went to played. And she said,”that’s fine and all,but which one team was good for the Jews”.Not which was better for the city,the state,the country,the people as a whole maybe. But “which one was good for the Jews”. And there in a “nutshell” is the main problem.In a great many cases Jewish Americans,put being Jewish,before or even totally before being American.Which is why they push for support for Israel and zionism even though it is against the interests of the American people as a whole.The phrase, and thinking of “is it good for the Jews”,isn’t something I’ve only heard once. I’ve read about that being true throughout Jewish history. I don’t necessarily consider that as “bad” in itself. All groups care more about their own that others. Its the tribal nature of humans.But when it is so excessive.And those thinking that way are allowed to have so much power over us all.That is where that thinking becomes not a “problem”,but instead a “danger”.
Yes, the amount of influence on both, domestic and foreign policy is clearly disproportionately influenced by Zionist Jews ( in the US and Israel). However, having said that, that is not the root of the problem. As another guest commentator pointed out, it all boils down to economics. For economics always precedes politics. Hence, the cause of the civilizational crisis is….Capitalism. More specifically, today’s manifestation, Neoliberalism. Basically, interchangeable with Imperialisn since the two go hand in hand. Since the US is an empire as in the emissary of this economic system, it doesn’t really matter, for all intensive purposes, what individuals pull the levers of power. If Jews didn’t yield the amount of influence they do, the void would be replaced by non-Jews that would continue with identical policies. The argument that Israels interests takes precedence over TJ he US is invalid because the empire is global where Tel-Aviv is another hub of power. Their policies in the Middle East are congruent and complement one another just like the Saudis. That is why trhey function in tandem. So you see, whether intentional or not, because of the fallacy in “blaming the Jew”, it is not unreasonable in labeling it as anti-Semitic. This leads me to the fallacy that the author Eric Zuesse, made which is blaming the billionaire class for today’s woes. That is where all the arguments after that steered in the wrong direction. Yes, if individuals did make a difference than I agree with some the readers counter arguments. But the critical concept to comprehend is that they don’t, for the system controls the institutionals (which control the individuals) and NOT vice versa. This is a paradox which is why it is difficult to grasp, especially when we live in a physical world and think in terms of material things ( in his case blaming other people). Wrapping ones head around such an abstraction doesn’t come easy since it’s not natural for us nor are we trained to think along those lines. That is why some of us get caught up in conspiracy theories such as the Rothchilds, “Jews”, Biilderbergs, etc and missing out on the “big picture”.
I agree with much of your argument “theoretically”. But with actual events I think they are different. Yes the US would want to control the Middle East’s resources (empires always do). But it would actually be easier for them without Israel. Its the US-Israeli connection that is a world suicide pact. The British as an example had no trouble controlling most of the ME for a long period. And they were able to do that by playing one side against the other. The US is constrained in that where it comes to the Israel question. Does anyone believe that the terrorism of the 1980’s,1990’s ,and today would not have grown so large ,if Israel wasn’t the recruiting tool for the jihadi’s at the start.
I argue that zionism and the founding of Israel was the greatest disaster of the 20th Century (the running for that title is large. But my vote is for those).A large component of Hitler’s antisemitism was validated in many Germans thinking by zionism. It even split apart Jewish communities. And allowed every Jew hater to say that Jews were “different and couldn’t be trusted to be loyal to the country they lived in”.They would of course say that anyway. But most people wouldn’t have believed them. Zionism allowed them to be believed. And was a large part of the antisemitism rampant in the first have of the 20th Century.The West’s embrace of zionism with and after the war,ended the strong hopes for cooperation with the Middle Eastern peoples at the end of official colonialism.Before that most Muslims looked with favor on the US. They (wrongly) considered them as an anti-imperialist country.The US support of Israel turned many “possible friends” into hated enemies.
The incursion of a foreign “crusader state” (by their thinking) into their lands by the West. Was a total disaster for the world.The hatred and wars created by that wrong has poisoned the world for around 70 years,with no end in sight. Had the US only concerned itself with corrupt oligarchical Middle Eastern leaders to keep control. Millions of people wouldn’t have died in those years. And the ability to overturn that control ,by the US would be much stronger.Israel and zionism has been like a cancer for the world. It started as a small spot. And over the years as spread all over the body. It has infected both Jews and non-Jews.
Traditionally, the ways to have more than a fair share were stealing , warring ,and murdering.
Or you could be a farmer.
“I argue that zionism and the founding of Israel was the greatest disaster of the 20th Century ”
I agree. Have felt this for a long time.
And let’s not forget the large number of high-ranking U.S. politicians who hold dual citizenship with Israel.
This list is false ! There is no Larry Fink on it, and many other rich American – Jewish oligarchs. Check it for yourself. .
“Considering the enormous power he is believed to wield, it’s remarkable how few people have heard of Larry Fink. In political and business circles—among the men who travel the now well-worn corridor between Washington and Wall Street—Fink, the chairman and C.E.O. of BlackRock, the giant asset-management firm, is described as possibly the most important man in finance today. But mention his name to most people and they draw a blank. Despite his considerable wealth, he is virtually unknown on the society circuit in Manhattan,”
Larry Fink isn’t among the top 40, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a member of the aristocracy. The comment that Fink’s not being among the top 40 means Fink is necessarily excluded him from being “an aristocrat” in terms of my article, is too gross a miscomprehension of my article, for me to comment upon. But here’s the situation regarding Fink:
In 2016, this site (NOT Forbes)
estimated Larry Fink’s net worth at $340 million. They didn’t say how, nor provide any documentation of that estimate. But if that’s his net worth, then he’s a centi-millionaire (above $100 million) and so might qualify to be “an aristocrat.” But maybe not “an aristocrat.”
Furthermore, what Fink DEFINITELY is, is an AGENT of many billionaires. He necessarily knows that if he fails to outperform the total market, then even whatever fortune he has, could plunge to nothing, or (depending upon his debt-positions) even to far less than nothing.
In any case, bringing up Larry Fink as being supposedly a disproof of anything my article is alleging, results from ignoring what my article says, or else from thinking it to say something that it neither explicitly asserts, nor implicitly indicates. In other words: it is an irrelevancy. That objection is irrelevant. It doesn’t relate to the article I wrote.
In your first ten spots Jeff Bezos and Larry Ellison are also Jews. Warren Buffett is a former Congressman’s son who got his start as the only gentile partner in an otherwise all Jewish investment bank.
It’s largely a mix of Jews and English descended protestants, but when it comes to who supports Israel and wars to destabilize Israel’s enemies, the prime movers are Jews.
But frankly it becomes ridiculous, having someone of jewish origin seems to be just an indicator concerning a probability over his political views on this or that, beyond you have the individual who can be “outside” the matrix.
A more relevant indicator would be “does he surround himself almost exclusively with Jews in his professional/personal life?”
If so you have a stronger indicator if you should consider him as an outsider in a power struggle
I thought Eric Zuesse’s article was well balanced. We should stop looking to scapegoat any religion or ethnicity and look at the controllers for who they are – Controllers who operate in the shadows. When you give into venting against any one group, you are helping those very secret Controllers in their attempt to deflect blame from themselves, expose yourselves as bigots and help them divide and conquer and ultimately control you. The composition of those Controllers contains many ethnicities, religions and nationalities. They align themselves together to achieve their goal of world domination. Stop being fooled by your own particular prejudice. See the bigger picture.
Among the first few in the list, according to the jerusalem post ellison, page and ballmer are also jews.
one of the standards that can be considered is selfidentification and mutual recognition. didnt the non-observant jew larry king say — every jew goes to bed at night praying for the state of israel ?
yes, in a democracy groups should not matter, (in the sense that in the public sphere every individual should get an equal chance), but they do. even if class matters more in the long term, esp when inherited wealth propagates .
Though the public sphere should be disinterestedly equal, group members can favor each other rather than acting impartially, and they can extract public resources for private group interests e.g. israel.
This may be a practical matter, if amount of influence is sufficient to materially bias the public sphere. If haitian immigrants work with each other to establish themselves economically in the us, this may not change the character of the american democratic public sphere, but if billionaires got together to buy politicians to, say, protect israel from bds (see hillary clintons letter to haim saban and sheldon adelsons activities) it does. If haitian immigrants tried to get media to address the abuse of haitians by un soldiers it may not bias the public sphere much, but if powerful media figures allowed their group orientation to further pro-israel material and suppress the arab story that would not be ok because it would be hijacking the democracys public infrastructure of thinking for a groups special interests.
Eric states that no billionaire news media owner hired journalists to examine the Ukrainian coup. Pierre Omidyar is a billionaire owner/funder of the Intercept whose reporters have done excellent reporting on the subject.
In the article from J-post the article is already published here by another commenter. Mod Page, Ellison, and Ballmer are identified as Jews. So this would bring the count in the above list to over 41%. This is only interesting if one considers that the total J. population in the US is under 2%. Additionally, lists of most powerful figures in Hollywood routinely show Jews at 50%. All this may mean nothing, or it could mean something… who knows.
Larry Ellison is jewish
Also Larry Page is a jew.
Its not difficult to find out.
Go to this jewish site
Shat you should know is that the international elite, especially the european aristocracy, its mixed and indistinguishable from jewish aristocracy.
Please (please) read the first 50 pages of the book Praktischer Idealismus by N.C. Von Kalergi in the Internet Archive (german or french version) and than “Tales of the british aristocracy”, very rare book but quite important.
You talk about the jews but you are making a bit of confusion.
“If you want to find out who rules over you, look at who you are not allowed to criticise.”
“In America you can criticise God, but you can’t criticise Israel. We control Congress, we control show biz, we control the media, we control everything.”
Israeli government spokesperson.
Of more interest than the % of wealthiest wealthy who are ‘Jewish” is the means by which objective statements harmful to the image of Israel are suppressed.
This kind of articles automatically goes “Ping” at some of the most notorious call centers in down town Tel Aviv.
These fanatical freaks may appear “idiotic” but they certainly are not.
It’s unclear why the author has chosen to use the definitions of Jewish identity rather than simply use that of the Jewish People themselves. If there is any solidarity or shared goals among Jewish billionaires (as opposed to generic billionaires) the question of who Jews consider to be Jews is much more important and relevant, in my opinion, than who Gentiles consider to be Jews.
You won’t be surprised if we find the same solidarity and shared goals among Jewish ‘working class’, “as opposed to generic ‘workers'” (an aspect obscured by the squabblings about the ‘percentage’ of Jews in the Bolshevik section of the Russian Social Democratic Workers’ Party):
“The General Jewish Labour Bund in Lithuania, Poland and Russia (Yiddish: אַלגעמײַנער ײדישער אַרבעטער בּונד אין ליטע פוילין און רוסלאַנד, Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeter Bund in Litah, Poyln un Rusland), generally called The Bund (Yiddish: בונד, cognate to German: Bund, meaning federation or union) or the Jewish Labour Bund, was a secular Jewish socialist party in the Russian Empire, active between 1897 and 1920…
The “General Jewish Labour Bund in Russia and Poland” was founded in Vilnius on October 7, 1897. The name was inspired by the General German Workers’ Association. The Bund sought to unite all JEWISH workers in the Russian Empire into a united socialist party, and also to ally itself with the wider Russian social democratic movement to achieve a democratic and socialist Russia. The Russian Empire then included Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine and most of present-day Poland, areas where the majority of the world’s Jews then lived. They hoped to see the Jews achieve a legal minority status in Russia. Of all Jewish political parties of the time, the Bund was the most progressive regarding gender equality, with women making up more than one-third of all members….
During the period of 1903–1904, the Bund was harshly affected by Czarist state repression. Between June 1903 and July 1904, 4,467 Bundists were arrested and jailed.
Created BEFORE the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP), the Bund was a founding collective member at the RSDLP’s first congress in Minsk in March 1898. For the next 5 years, the Bund was recognized as the SOLE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE JEWISH WORKERS IN THE RSDLP, although many Russian socialists of Jewish descent, especially outside of the Pale of Settlement, joined the RSDLP directly….
The Bund generally sided with the party’s Menshevik faction led by Julius Martov and against the Bolshevik faction led by Vladimir Lenin during the factional struggles in the run-up to the Russian Revolution of 1917…
The Bund eventually came to strongly oppose Zionism, arguing that emigration to Palestine was a form of escapism. The Bund did not advocate separatism. Instead, it focused on culture, rather than a state or a place, as the glue of Jewish “nationalism.” In this they borrowed extensively from the Austro-Marxist school, further alienating the Bolsheviks and Lenin. The Bund also promoted the use of Yiddish as a Jewish national language and to some extent opposed the Zionist project of reviving Hebrew…
The Bund won converts mainly among Jewish artisans and workers, but also among the growing Jewish intelligentsia. It led a trade union movement of its own. It joined with the Poalei Zion (Labour Zionists) and other groups to form self-defense organisations to protect Jewish communities against pogroms and government troops. During the Russian Revolution of 1905 the Bund headed the revolutionary movement in the Jewish towns, particularly in Belarus and Ukraine…
The Bund was the only Jewish party that worked within the soviets. Like other socialist parties in Russia, the Bund welcomed the February Revolution of 1917, but it did not support the October Revolution in which the Bolsheviks seized power. Like Mensheviks and other non-Bolshevik parties, the Bund called for the convening of the Russian Constituent Assembly long demanded by all Social Democratic factions. The Bund’s key leader in Petrograd during these months was Mikhail Liber, who was to be roundly denounced by Lenin. With the Russian Civil War and the increase in anti-Semitic pogroms by nationalists and Whites, the Bund was obliged to recognise the Soviet government and its militants fought in the Red Army in large numbers…
In February 1919 groups representing the majority in the Bund in Ukraine adopted the name Communist Bund (Kombund), re-constituting themselves as an independent party. Moisei Rafes, who had been a leading figure of the Bund in Ukraine, became the leader of the Ukrainian Kombund. The Communist Bund supported the Soviet side in the Russian Civil War….
In 1921, the Communist Bund dissolved itself and its members sought admission to the Communist Party. As of 1923, the last Bundist groups had ceased to function in Soviet Russia. Many former Bundists, like Mikhail Liber, perished during Stalin’s purges in the 1930s. The Polish Bundists continued their activities until 1948. During the latter half of the 20th century the Bundist legacy was represented through the International Jewish Labor Bund, a federation of local Bundist groups around the world….
Some Bundists made it to high levels officials in the USSR:
-Israel Moiseevich Leplevsky (1894–1938), Bundist in 1904–1907, Minister (“People’s Commissar”) of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (1937–1938)
-Moisei Leibovits Ruhymovych (1889–1939), Bundist in 1904–1913, Minister (“People’s Commissar”) for military affairs of the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic (1917–1918) and Minister (“People’s Commissar”) for Defense Industry of the USSR (1936–1937)
-David Petrovsky (1886-1937), Bundist in 1902–1919, a Chief of the General Directorate of military schools (GUVUZ) of the Red Army (1920-1924), a member of the Presidium of the Executive Committee of the Communist International (1924-1929), a member of the Presidium to the Supreme Soviet of the National Economy (1929-1932), a Chief of the Department of higher and secondary technical schools and institutions (GLAVVTUZ) in the Ministry (People’s Commissariat) of Soviet Heavy Industry (1932-1937).
And guess what:
“Among the exiled Bundists who went on with Socialist politics in America was Baruch Charney Vladeck (1886–1938), elected to the New York Board of Aldermen as a Socialist in 1917, defeated in 1921 but re-elected in 1937 to the newly formed New York City Council running on the American Labor Party ticket. He was also the manager of The Jewish Daily Forward from 1918 till his death.
Moishe Lewis (1888–1950) was a Bundist leader in his Polish (now Belarusian) hometown Svislosz before he emigrated to Canada in 1922. He was the father of David Lewis (1909–1981), a leader of the New Democratic Party in Canada.
The American Labour leader David Dubinsky (1892–1982), though never formally a member of the party, had joined the bakers’ union, which was controlled by the Bund, and was elected assistant secretary within the union by 1906. He made his way to the United States in 1911. He later became a member of the Socialist Party of America, helped found the American Labor Party in 1936 and was from 1932 till 1966 the leader of the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union.
Between 1913 and 1917, working under the name Max Goldfarb, David Petrovsky (1886–1937) was a member of the Central Committee of the Jewish Socialist Federation of America, a member of the Socialist Party of America, and the editor of The Forward”.
Saker I want to reply to your addendum. I’ll amplify when you post your separate thread, but in brief – forbid ad hominem
Many of the comments in this thread have lots of value, but the attacks on the author really get in the way of dealing with the points. I know your Moderators can be surgical with comments, in fact they’re really good at it. So set the rule, simply delete paragraphs with ad hominem comment and leave the rest – or delete someone entirely if that’s all there is, of course.
It will be a valuable exercise for everyone to get out of the habit of saying “the author is … X” and instead to say, “the article says this, but …X”.
Ad hominem is the enemy of reason.
Excellent suggestion that definitely should be a Rule of the Vineyard.
I’m amazed at this thread being so vitriolic against E.Z.
The topic is heated enough without the mudfight.
Coming from rockier forum pastures, I am amazed at how polite and considerate the argument here is. This is a real achievement by the mods and this site – to have such a volatile topic basically self-censored in the interests of civilized discourse by the forum members is admirable.
I think both Mr Zuesse and Saker, in his comment, are needlessly upset.
The cup is half full, not half empty.
On the USA are about 5 -7 million Jews that’s what? 2‰ of the population?
So roughly 33 % of the 40 billionaires are Jews?
You see the disproportion ?
Worldwide its even worse…..
well, the obvious problem is the word ‘Jewish’
It should have been ‘Zionist’ and another good proof of who is what – is this –
How many of ‘The World’S billionaires are dual passport – Israel being the second country
and the Rothschilds are the bankers of England – we all know the saying –
sorry another comment from moi – the Israelis help facilitate the ugly parts of the NWO – hence some of the NSA info collected is received in an Israeli operation room – I read that – the jist of it – on Cynthia McKinney’s post –
Please also see this video of Cynthia’s
sadly there is the great majority of Jews that are sucked into this generalization of ‘Jews’ and if Eric had used the Zionist meme instead – I understand that his commenters used ‘Jewish’ so therefore he did his homework that way –
But if Eric could perhaps write Another article about the control of Zionists and Mossad and all Israeli-US government contracts – I think we would see a definite change in percentages –
I’m not sure Israelis have all the money – but they have the desire to defeat others – its an ideology – and they are putting alot of effort into helping the NWO
Even though the Bushes are Israelis – they hired Israelis to do their dirty work –
American police are being trained in their tactics IN ISRAEL
sorry – I meant to say the Bushes are not Jewish – and I don’t know if they hold Israeli passports – but they hired and hire – Israeils to do their dirty work
Ann, you entirely miss the point of this article, when you say:
“sadly there is the great majority of Jews that are sucked into this generalization of ‘Jews’ and if Eric had used the Zionist meme instead – I understand that his commenters used ‘Jewish’ so therefore he did his homework that way –
“But if Eric could perhaps write Another article about the control of Zionists and Mossad and all Israeli-US government contracts – I think we would see a definite change in percentages –
“I’m not sure Israelis have all the money – but they have the desire to defeat others”
This article was a take-off on the anti-Semitism of the reader-comments, and of the reader-voting on the reader-comments, at South Front, to my article “What America’s Aristocracy Want,” an article about America’s aristocracy, and not at all about “Jews” (however defined). This article wasn’t at all about Israel. My article “What America’s Aristocracy Want” didn’t even mention Israel. Nor did it mention Jews, nor Christians, nor Blacks, nor Whites, etc. Distinctions such as those were irrelevant to that article. But apparently, the readers were so obsessed with “Jews” as to bring up that particular irrelevancy when responding to it. I was trying to understand that mental illness among, apparently, a majority of readers, but also to find at least some possible basis in the real world (and not only in their mental illness) for it. Apparently, most of the readers who either comment or else vote on the comments are so blinded by some kind of anti-Semitism as to be unable to focus at all on the tiny fraction of a percent of Americans whose enormous personal wealth is invested (among other things) in only ‘news’media that lie so as to deceive the American public into believing the lies of the politicians and government that those super-rich had deceived the American public to vote for and who are determined to perpetrate invasions and coups until no country on Earth possesses any sort of sovereignty except the U.S. Government, controlled by those “oligarchs” or aristocrats.
America’s aristocrats are immune from the laws, because their agents draft the laws, and vote in Congress to pass their laws, and selectively enforce their laws so as to ensure that those aristocrats aren’t investigated or prosecuted under those laws, and judges are appointed whose careers have likewise been pushed along by that same aristocracy.
This is a societal-structure topic, both here in the U.S. and in terms of America’s relationship with other countries. It doesn’t have to do with individual persons, except to the extent those individuals are either aristocrats themselves (perhaps one-hundredth of one percent of the U.S. population) or else are agents of those (which agents might comprise perhaps 5% or even 10% of the U.S. population).
Those are the issues. But many readers can’t even so much as think in those terms, because those readers are blinded by some sort of bigotry or other. And I was in the present article trying to find some factual basis in the statements by the most-popular three reader-comments to my earlier “What America’s Aristocracy Want” — an article that didn’t even mention “Jews”
So, Jews weren’t relevant to that article, and neither was the self-styled ‘Jewish state’ (Israel), which (being a theocracy, like Saudi Arabia and some other nations are) is deplorable but not relevant to “What America’s Aristocracy Want” even if America’s aristocracy are vassals of Saudi Arabia’s aristocracy and of Israel’s aristocracy (as I believe to be the case — vassals of both aristocracies).
For example: the hate-Russia thing is strictly a U.S.-aristocracy obsession. Though both the Sauds and Israel’s billionaires dislike Russia (each for different reasons), they’re not obsessed to conquer it — that obsession comes from America’s aristocracy. It’s the U.S. government’s contribution to the agenda that’s being pushed forward on the part of the entire U.S.-Saudi-Israeli alliance. And I am trying to understand “What America’s Aristocracy Want” — not at all “what Jews want” or “what Blacks want” or “what Israel’s aristocracy want” or …
Whatever distracts the public from understanding “What America’s Aristocracy Want” is supremely constructive for advancing what America’s aristocracy want. I am not saying here that the anti-Semitism that obsesses so many people as to blind them to even thinking about the real problems is intended by them, but I am in the present article saying that it definitely helps move forward the agenda that America’s aristocracy want, and, especially, that it protects America’s aristocrats and makes the non-aristocratic 99.99% of Americans ignore the real sources of societal problems. I don’t despise unintelligent individuals, but I do despise people who willingly ignore the real malefactors and who vent their frustrations against some mass of people who, as a mass of people, have nothing whatsoever to do with causing those harms. I despise fools only who are suckers of the really major malefactors, and these reader-commenters that I’ve been criticizing here, are in that category of persons.
Ethnic distinctions are blinding those suckers to the class-distinctions that present the real problem.
American ‘aristocracy’ is just an ‘oligarchy’.
Aristocracy derives from the Greek ‘aristokratia’, meaning “rule of the best”.
Although it has necessarily the meaning of the rule of a few, it is not the same thing with ‘oligarchy’ which properly means ‘the rule of the few’, but who are not necessarily ‘the best’.
In the case of the American oligarchy the contrary is obvious. It is the rule of the worst. Its proper name would be ‘kakokratia’ – cacocracy, the rule of the ‘kakoi’ – the worst (one would be tempted to say of the ‘kaka’ – the bad things; caca stand also for human waste).
Good point, I would add that the aristocratic class has traditionally held a specific role within society. This includes duties and obligations to members of the lower classes. The idea that modern oligarchs believe themselves to have obligations to society would be beyond the pale. Margaret Thatcher, a loyal servant of the modern oligarchy, famously even declared that society does not exist.
I would also suggest that the designation “American” is also not meaningful. Capital flows and investments are global and modern oligarchs demonstrate no national allegiance despite whatever passport they hold. If the “American” oligarchy or “aristocracy” were nationalist then how could they have participated in the deindustrialization and destruction of the US manufacturing sector?
HI Eric !! Thanks so much for clarifying reply – you’re right – your original article was really American aristocracy – and it wasn’t race based at all really – as Americans are all from other countries if you go back a generation or two –
But doesn’t the word aristocracy imply a racism ? American aristocracy ?
The obsession with the word Jewish on the internet is an extremely complex issue…but I think this diversion should be addressed full face –
antisemitism – do they deserve it ? Is it there for a reason or is it bigotry ? The internet is FULL of it –
the better sites call it Israel –
And what I was actually asking you – was if you would please begin a series of lectures or articles on Israel – the difference between Semitic and Israel and so forth –
I find your articles valuable – you’re widely disseminated – and I think your erudition would do the problem of antisemitism / Israel – a great benefit from an indepth study..
well, 32.5% is a lot, considering the amount of different nationalities that exists on the planet… 32.5% is indeed ‘overwhelmingly Jewish’, or I’m missing something here?
I think if Saker starts policing the comment section and moderators are ‘surgically’ removing what they don’t like – its awful…we can go the MoA for that
I truly protest the interference of comments by surgery – I once wrote a letter to an equestrian magazine protesting the abusive methods of Anky van Grusen – top olympic rider who is HORRIBLE –
The magazine took the right to perform surgery on my letter and they made it seem like I was in favor of this monster –
I ended my subscription – no sweat to the mag – although they actually don’t exist anymore –
Obsessing over ethnicity, race, religion, this is a right-wing thing. IE: cherry picking data to match preconceived prejudice. This cherry picking usually obfuscates the the real issues with the sort of nonsense “hot buttons” right wingers are indoctrinated with. Reducing the examination of zionist and related Jewish oligarch influence to a pissing contest about who is Jewish or not, without any other associated context is simply an obfuscation exercise.
I didn’t see the article by EZ in which he responded to the reaction of comment writers with this piece here, so can’t really comment on the context of this controversy, but I don’t see a point to wasting time on right wing “bean counters”. This reduces analysis to the right wing level of obfuscating real issues with indoctrinated nonsense.
In conclusion, this article is a disappointment in that it is just a narrow scoped response to right wing discussion warping, rather than something more substantial that actually provides some useful analysis of where the right wing are coming from and why they are mirror images of what they seek to denounce.
Money and influence go hand in hand.
The range is from Henry Ford I (who had one or two issues on this subject) to the ADL.
I wouldn’t be counting on a meeting in the middle anytime soon
Saker glad for the policy change.
It poisons debate to have such stupidities intrude into nearly every subject and to what purpose? It is deflection, and it also taints forums of any kind, it actually makes it hard to discuss real world problems such as Israel and the Palestine.
I am in principle a popular frontist, that is I will unite with anyone who fights the common foe which today is corporatist imperialism —- there is not one ethnic or religious group on the planet that does not suffer from their deprivations and threats of war — in that we are all defacto united, whoever we may feel about one or another.
So this sort of overt attack on a group ethno-religious group is unacceptable; it works for the 1%; it does not work for our side. On that practical issue discipline needs to be applied and they need to go.
Every place where we need to discuss what is happening in this world geo-politically, where people need to be frank, honest and as clear as they can, where minds need to be subtle, probing and open to new ideas — this dead hand of prejudice and stupidity intrudes.
No doubt this stupidity is promulgated by ‘true believers’ who get their jollies expressing it, they are not paid or agents — however that does not stop them behaving as agents, as if they were paid to do so, for that is their effect and ultimately that is why they cannot be tolerated.
Respect for all the ethno-religious groups on earth is not a requirement of opinion, but is requirement of political engagement. Believe what you will, but behave with respect that every ethno-religious group are our brothers in suffering and everyone our allies is this great war against oppression and appropriation.
Fascinating research by Eric Zuesse. I’d always suspected that the super-rich in the US were between 1/5th and 1/3rd Jews (depending on how one defines being Jewish). And that matches the results of his investigation. When one considers that Jews are only around 1% of the entire US population, that is a lot of over-representation at the top — and, in part, explains the huge US government support for Israel. However, I do not buy into the Hitlerite ideology that the West (or the entire world) is secretly “controlled by Jews.” As scientific-minded people, we should oppose that misguided belief. Such thinking is also very unfair to poor or ‘middle class’ Jews that have no real political power either.
How about the largest ethno-religious portion of the 1% being US WASPS (Americans of European origin, descendants or practitioners of protestant religion) and that they are also grossly over-represented.
But on a world scale of oligarchs, is it not true that the most common characteristic is that the majority are Americans?
Ethno-religious factors are a contingent element in economic history, not a casual element. The engine of oppression, appropriation and modern war is decorated by such things, but it is fueled by corporatist interests.
The 1% and their overseers that is management structures are our common enemy. Mangers are their front line, so they are a lot bigger than the 1% siting on the apex.
So long as we look at contingent dressing we miss seeing the dead hand upon us, the smarmy manager who daily orders our lives —- and guess what they are both sexes, come in all colours and every religious guise including atheist.
The fascist is not the neo-nazi, they are just a cult, same with the KKK and their ilk, the real fascist is both left and right, gay and straight, black, white and brindle and you see them every day and they fuck with you every day, and they exist with traceable webs of corporate bodies both public and private and their role is control and this is not even hidden.
We ordinary people, we working people, have a real fight on our hands so I for one get a little peeved when all this passion is wasted on a historical decorations of NO IMPORTANCE WHATSOEVER.
Statistics are meaningless if the question is stupid.
The only issue in that analysis is the use of the term ” corporatist interests”. That is way too loose to be useful.
Many of us use an incorporation as our preferred business structure, but I doubt that you are referring to family businesses that use a body corporate.
I think I know what you mean, but we need a better definition of the” enemy”.
There are various features of the “enemy” that are undesirable , such as monopoly, excessive aggregation, destruction of competition etc.
Fair reply Farmerbraun,
I am using the term corporatist, meaning a network of ownership that knits transportation, manufacturing, industrial, financial enterprises together as ‘conglomerates’ where the interest lies not in any particular sector, but in the conglomerate itself — usually expressed as a financial interest.
This is different to incorporation as merely a legal form; which in Australia would be “Pty Ltd” a way of protecting personal assets and taxing the business differently to individual income tax. Then there are shell companies which have no substance other than a means of hiding earnings and interests which again is merely a legal form. Conglomerates make use of these, but the financial interest supersedes any particular enterprise or even a industry.
The military industrial complex is more of this kind of thing, for it is a bewildering network of connections that include controlling aspects of government, yet has distinct interest even when it is shred between a number of financial factions.
The body (corporatism) seems to possess the interest itself of which all th parts, including the financial, serve. The degree today is different from that existed 130 years ago as different imperialists states. We now have what was once called ultraimperialism, a single dominant corporatist body which is actually much much bigger than Eisenhower’s “military industrial complex”. It is much more complex than just a group of banks, and across the world it exists as a form of management where what is actually owned or not owned is more or less treated the same.
It keeps the connection with the ideas of the past such as the 1,000 Year Reich, Japan’s Sphere of Cooperation, Italy’s New Roman Empire, Stalin’s “Communism” and the New American Century. Where this interest in world management as a group interest is a goal beyond states clearly expressed as Globalism.
The reason I cite managers is that they are the brownshirts that keep the thing on track, they are the overseers. The kapos, at the bottom of hierarchy, to the 1% at the top. They do the unthinkable by breaking it into small responsibilities; their morality is private but their amoral behaviour is public — all is hidden in plain sight, all is familiar, but when seen together it is horrific.
Each finger does its job aware of the hand, vaguely aware of the arm, but the rest is abstraction — but it can only be known as a body; corporatism also called fascism.
Farmerbraun I hope this helps, though perhaps poorly expressed and rambling.
Not all the top billionaires in the U.S. are Jewish, but U.S. Congress, Senate and many, many local government agents are controlled by Jews.
AIPAC is the most powerful lobbying syndicate in the U.S., they say who becomes a congressperson or senator, thus controlling U.S. internal and external policy. Jews(Israelis)et al always seem to come out and remind us that ‘Jews control America!).
Jews control the media in the U.S. Thus they steer public discourse and trends.
Why are the chairpersons of the Federal Reserve always Jews or their lackeys? Btw, the Jews wrestled control of the Federal Reserve from a naïve president in 1913.
We have a holocaust (sic) museum in every city , town and shopping mall. Its gotten so bad, that you might find a holocaust museum inside a holocaust museum. Where are the museums for the genocided American Indians and oppressed African Americans?
It just shows the extent of Jewish control and influence.
The U.S has vetoed 71 UN Resolutions by the international community against Israel. Again, it shows the level of control by Jews of the U.S.
Why have Jews been exiled and/or expelled different times around the world, for a total of 109 times, sometimes from the same place multiple times. Does this have anything to do with them not being able to assimilate with mankind (I say this because I’m not so sure they are 100% homo-sapiens, by their diabolical history, past and present)?
Jews band together when times(no matter how destructive)call for it, so all the enormously wealthy Jews transcend the Gentile billionaires as a bloc.
Victoria Nuland, a Jew, and not Bill Gates, who engineered the Maidan disaster in the Ukraine. Get my point Eric Zuess.
A majority of the Neo-cons are Jewish, and the rest affirmed Christian Zionists. They authored the PNAC-Project for the New American Century. This document envisioned a ‘Pearl Harbor’ styled attack on the U.S. so the U.S. could go to war on behalf of Jews in the Middle East against Arabs and Muslims.
Anyone who’s paying attention, and more and more people world-wide, not just Americans see that 9-11 was a Jewish false flag plot to embark the U.S. U.K et al on an endless war of aggression on Muslims on behalf of said Jews. Only, the U.S., West war machine has hit a brick wall and its not so easy sailing as they thought.
This article is glaringly and painfully simplistic and seems to be a cover-up of real Jewish power on the U.S. I wish it wasn’t so, but sadly it is.
For some light reading, take a look at this list, it hasn’t been updated in some time, but speaks volumes, literally :
And with this, I rest my case.
Take a close look at the link I posted, and you will see who controls the U.S., not Warren Buffet, the Koch brothers or the Walton family, but a more darker, sinister syndicate who ideologically believe they are destined to rule over humanity with an iron rod, and the rest of humanity are slaves at best, if not outright useless eaters. And what happened in recent times in the Soviet Union under the Judeo-Bolshevik bloodbath, the same is in store for the rest of us should these diabolical , racist Talmudic (overwhelming majority are, since they firmly believe the Talmud supersedes the Torah) gain effective control over the world, which they are oh, so close to achieving. But Putin, Russia, Iran and China, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen et al say NO!
I’m sorry , but I don’t buy your presentation or arguments, as the article was such a hard read.
People all over the world have woken up, and are waking up every minute of every day to Jewish subversion, and war mongering. They are not idiots nor are they bigots, they just call a spade, a spade.
Before you start “kicking people out”, you might consider the possibility that you yourself don’t seem to understand the point people are making about Jewish power. I’m sure you would have no objection to a rational and honest critique of your response, and perhaps also allow me to more clearly state the issue.
First off your looking at 10% of the Forbes Top 400 list in now way refutes the general point that Jews dominate both international finance (ie. MONEY), media, virtually all of the important social institutions and the government in the USA (as well as most of the rest of the Western world). Your tactic here is akin to naming 10 White basketball players in the NBA as proof that Black athletes do not dominate the sport of basketball.
Second, just to keep things in perspective, Jews make up less than 2% of the US population. They are a tiny minority (Their numbers in Britain, France, and other European countries is even smaller, yet their power there is even greater if anything). Now how does a tiny minority like this end up having their members occupying 3 out of 9 positions on the US Supreme Court (if Obama’s last nominee had been confirmed they would have occupied 4 out of 9, only one away from a clear majority!
Let’s look at the Federal Reserve..The FED has been led by a Jew going back at 4 decades, and it has always been led by someone chosen by Jewish power. The FED has direct control not only of US currency and credit, but of the entire US economy. Through its operations it also affects other major economies as well. It is the single most powerful central bank in the world. It has the ability to create UNLIMITED amounts of US dollars and give those dollars to anyone it sees fit at any terms it sees fit (including ZERO interest) and it does so in complete secrecy. There is no power in the US government that can dictate to the FED. The US government cannot even get a transparent accounting of the FEDs activities.
As a clue to how great this power is, and how it is used, look at the 2008 financial crisis. This crisis, contrary to what the MSM was telling people, was not a serious crisis for the American economy, it was a serious crisis for the international banking cartels whom the FED really serves. In response to this crisis, the FED created over 15 TRILLION dollar and distributed this to the major international banks at zero or even less than zero interest…and this largesse was not limited to US banks, European banks also were bailed out. Now the entire US economy is only about $15 Trillion…so the FED created more cash for these international banking cartels than is generated by the entire US economy! This was done largely in secret and the FED did not seek any input or guidance from the US government on this matter…as the FED does not consider this any of the government’s business.
Now if you have a group of people who have access to UNLIMITED amounts of money, who or what can they not buy? MONEY is POWER and unlimited money is unlimited power.
Whether a numerical majority of the 1% are Jewish is not really the point. Surely you would agree that Jewish power dominates the Western world today, right? As an American, when I turn on the TV I am bombarded with Jews (who seldom identify themselves as such for the viewers) telling me what I should think and what the “facts” are. This allows organized Jewry (your not going to debate that Jews are highly organized, right?) to impose the Jewish narrative over our own. Everything in public discourse in the USA boils down to “what is good for Jews”. This is the benchmark by which everything and everyone is judged in the MSM. Every conversation on the MSM begins with an acknowledgement that any position not supported by Jews is simply “beyond the pale”. We are only allowed to discuss issues within the very narrow parameters of “what is good for Jews”.
The recent episode in Charlottesville is a classic example of this. It was simply not permissible for anyone to publicly question that Jewish narrative that stated that “any White person who advocates for White identity or interests is a NAZI White supremacist. There could be no equivalence given to the Jewish sponsored rioters and the innocent White victims that they attacked. The facts are simply not relevant. All that matters is that the Jewish narrative of events be adhered to. There is a young man who is still in jail because he was the victim of a violent crime and attempted to flee…He has been blamed for the death of a member of that violent mob who had a heart attack (video evidence is now online that proves that she was never struck by a car and showing the mob attacking the care with bats). Why is this young man still in jail? Because to release him would undermine the Jewish narrative of events…anyone who has viewed the available video evidence can see that this young man is the victim, not the criminal…but then he is a White man who dared to go out in public and advocate for his people and his rights.
Arguing about whether Jews are a majority or just a HUGE par of the 1% is to obfuscate the real point, which is that Jews, a tiny minority, dominate our world and that world is being transformed before our eyes into a a more Jew friendly place at our expense. Or are you going to deny that organized Jewry wields this kind of power? Perhaps you will just delete my comments rather than addressing them? In either case, the reality of Jewish power and the devastating effect it is having on the world will still exist.
exactly… besides the fact that the Jewish communities spread around the world protect themselves, often conspiring and manipulating the socio-economic environment, to take advantage of…
indisputable truth
Excellent summation Bob.
It all boils down to this. Jews are inherently the worlds top premier racist and supremacists.
Ever since recorded history has tracked the Jews and their Talmud, they have been a subversive race trying to undermine humanity for their own exclusive benefit. We , the rest of humanity are mere untermeschen. Just look how easily they killed off 40-50 million souls with their Bolshevik Rev.
You see, if you consider someone as nothing more than a baest, or cattle, as the Talmud of theirs describes non-Jews, its much easier to kill off so many people.
They have , genetically, no sense of empathy, compassion, honor, morals, their main principals are world domination and the subjugation of us all.
The most intelligent, esteemed men and women of old and new history have tried to warn us over and over of the danger these Jews pose.
Read here:
:Re “you might consider the possibility that you yourself don’t seem to understand the point people are making about Jewish power. ”
Why the big brouhaha over commenters “attacking” EZ?
EZ excerpts from one EZ post:
“Ann, you entirely miss the point of this article,”
“But apparently, the readers were so obsessed with “Jews” as to bring up that particular irrelevancy when responding to it.”
“I was trying to understand that mental illness among, apparently, a majority of readers, but also to find at least some possible basis in the real world (and not only in their mental illness) for it.
“Apparently, most of the readers who either comment or else vote on the comments are so blinded by some kind of anti-Semitism”
“But many readers can’t even so much as think in those terms, because those readers are blinded by some sort of bigotry or other.”
“I am not saying here that the anti-Semitism that obsesses so many people as to blind them to even thinking about the real problems is intended by them,”
“I despise fools only who are suckers of the really major malefactors, and these reader-commenters that I’ve been criticizing here, are in that category of persons.”
“Ethnic distinctions are blinding those suckers to the class-distinctions that present the real problem.”
No further comment needed.
What a fantastic and fascinating article.
I too am pro truth everything else is irrelevant!!
Gilad Atzmon has produced many videos on this subject, which are readily available through YouTube and his own website. He has published a book, entitled “The Wandering Who”, as well as many essays.
I suggest that you and your moderators divide his works among you for personal viewing and introspection. Then get together to develop your approach toward establishing standards for what you would consider to be thoughtful and legitimate commentary by your followers regarding the power, the effect, tactics and strategy of the World Zionist movement.
I have not paid any attention to the comments associated with Erik Zeusse’s essays. But I do want to make the point that “Zionism” is a doctrine or aspiration that has been embraced by countless more non-Jews than Jews. These gentiles give the Jewish core of the Zionist movement the force of numbers that is necessary to sway democratic processes to their favor. Approximately 1/8 of the 535 elected members of the U.S. Congress are Jewish. However, it is clearly evident that Zionism is the single greatest ideology that unites our elected officials.
So, if Jewish power holds such an obvious sway over the elected leaders of the world’s most powerful government, it is only logical to look for such power to hold sway over the leaders of the major institutions that make up our “new world order”. No matter how difficult it is to precisely measure how much that influence has been a determining factor in the rise and success of the leading figures within our global institutions, its influence is palpable.
The problem with idiot commentators is a problem no one has yet solved. I have seen on most every blog where controversial subjects are discussed – a good discussion with intelligent differences is hijacked with – either idiot statements, ” [the richest] american ‘1%’ is overwhelmingly jewish”.or personal insults. The main problem is the time and energy it takes to read and make a judgement about the comments.
the article does sort of prove what many people feel – in proportion to their % of the population, Jews are over represented in the 1%.- 2-4% of US population but 1/3 of the richest Forbes 400.
also in finance – in the US neo-cons – in Pre-Putin Russian billionaire oligarchs who looted the country – in the original Soviet government. Israel does have influence all out of proportion to the size of the country – the same could be said of the Gulf monarchies.
Of course, being in the 99% I never interact with super rich or powerful of any persuasion. The Jews I know are just regular people.
It does appear that the elites of today – global in nature now – not just Anglo-American or Western European – are greedier than is for their own good. But as Solzhenitzen said ,
‘If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?’
Idiot commentators ought be relatively easy to deal with. The editor, or the guest author, need only screen the comments before posting; much like the newspapers used to with their editorial sections a while back before our politics did a serious U-turn. Sure that is censorship in some ways, but hey that is the editor’s privalege to do so. To what extent he filters, will be reflected in the quality of the web site.
I’m most concerned with this registration business that too many web sites, and now a days also many newspapers, have adopted. Registration gives rise to the fear of being tracked (although we can ultimately be tracked anyway but not so easy), and as an asided creates the hassle of having to register which would not stop idiots from registering and posting leuwed comments. The net effect registering is the stiffling of free voice as many people wish to post from positions of privacy (as the risks of being discretely identified to the public or some survellience agency can be very real, and possibly life threatening.) Hope that does not happen here as this site is one of the very last where free expression still exists.
I believe what the distractors in Russia were trying to point out is that money buys influence. In other words, rich Jewish voices can manipulate American opinion in the favor of Israel and it’s Ziofacsist regime. That I believe can be accomplished without great wealth, but money in some cases, does facilitate the process.
There are quite a few dual Israeli/American citizens in key government positions and think tanks close to the government. Furthermore, there are a number of powerful Jewish individuals in the media (print and television) that persistently manipulate public opinion in favor of Israel. All this is well documented and does not need further elaboration.
Outside of this, there are also quite a number of progressive Jewish voices in America. Like other progressive voices, they are constantly fighting against the Ziofacsist state of Israel.
Despite the “specificity” of the topic of the article, the Jewish/Zionist issue is not a “specific” issue. The Jewish question includes the question of modern banking and its usurious practices, international banking and globalization, the funding of political parties especially in the US, political power acquired and exercised through these connections, Zionism and the place of an overwhelmingly Western backed Jewish State in the midst of the Arabian oil and natural gas rich world the function of which is to destabilize the Arab world and prevent its coalescence into a proper functioning political economic bloc or at least cooperative entity, and not least, the “anti-Semitic” censorship weapon, which has damaged more than several lives! And not to speak of the destruction of the Palestinian people.
These are just a few of the integrated issues that are necessarily included in the “Jewish” question. An attempt to isolate an issue, the subject of this article, which in itself is merely a blip on the Jewish horizon, seems to me to be either extremely naive or even frivolous. However, more to the point, this issue provides a segue out of a serious analysis of Jewish solidarity and Jewish power, a not inconsiderable force in today’s world.
I like Eric Zuesse. He is maybe sometimes a little bit naive but he is a very intelligent and honest man, I believe. And what he says in this article is really important and apparently it has potentially some future ‘cathartic’ impact on the comments section of this blog. I appreciate this blog now even more.
Thank you once again Saker, for pointing out that the criminal agents have no allegiance to any one but themselves.
I do hope you get the time to read: ‘Rulers of Evil’ by F. Tupper Saussy: there, the real Synagogue of Satan is exposed!
Once you get the historical and, compare it with the Biblical, the real world begins to make sense in light of what was said by the prophet Daniel, part of which he was told not to write but, would be revealed at the time of the end. See Dan.7, 10: 1-14; 12.
Revelation is that promised to be revealed, at the end. See Rev 17, 18.
If you do not know who ‘MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, MOTHER OF HARLOTS, is; how can you: ‘come out of her my people’?
If you still do not know by the time you have finished ‘Rulers of Evil’, you certainly will if you read the latest by Benjamin Fullford. This bloke used to be a reporter for Forbes 500; he knows who is who and, sure as hell knows who is that beast that has trampled down the whole world and, who rides that beast and, how she is about to ‘burned with fire’!
I found the article very informative and easy to follow.
I should like to discuss further concerning the approach and some of the methodological details, as well as approach to dealing with the unfortunately easily foreseeable fallout (seemingly from a 360 degree angle of attack), but … perhaps another time.
I send positive.
I dont think that forbes list represent 1%, people who have stocks at FED and BIS banks rule and we dont know their names, we only know them by some vague names like Rothschild, Rockefellers etc..
But, to be fair 32.5% Jews is way out of proportion to Jewish population, is it not? So, people at large could be forgiven for thinking that ‘most of the rich are Jews’ since they are, as Zuesse illustrates, sodisproportionately rich.
It may be worth noting that, whatever the etnic composition of the 1% richest americans is, their mentality is mostly of jewish nature.
The reason is to be found by looking at the history of the USA: since the time of the first 13 colonies, the ruling elite has always been composed of WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestants), and most of them were puritans (Harvard and Yale were, at the beginning, puritan seminaries).
Puritanism is a form of protestantism that gave a special importance to the Old Testament, and almost none to the New Testament: Jesus was just an iconic figure, but life had to be regulated on the teachings of the Old Covenant.. Just think about the language used in Melville’s Moby Dick, and you’ll have an idea of the mentality.
The base of their society was individualism, a strong desire for money, beacause economical success and good health were (and remained until the modern day) the signs that you, indeed, belong to the Chosen People. The natural outcome of their values is wild Capitalism.
If those around me are in pain I don’t care, because their bad fortune is due to their distance from God. So life turns into a furious rush to accumulate as much money as I can, by whatever means, as long as I formally respect the commandments contained in the Old Testament.
I am saved if I am rich, and formally impeccable. This is exactly the spirit that Jesus condemned and fought throughout his life, it was the pharisaic spirit that had taken hold of the jewish elite at the time.
The hypocrisy and lack of humanity we see in the recent events should be no surprise, if we think about the horror of the genocide of american indians, the apartheid the ex slaves from Africa had to suffer, the fate of the thousands of frenchmen who had settled in Louisiana, and were later pushed to live in the swamps, taking the name of Cajouns. What about the aggression against mexico, iterated on three occasions?
The WASP opened their way to the pacific, and let nobody stay in between them and their greed.
There was no room for making new friends.
That’s the spirit that still dwells in the US policy making, and what’s changed is only the scenery.
So are the billionaires jews or are they not? The question is: “Who is their God?”
Once again you show that you, Saker, are one of the nastiest pieces of work on the internet. Zeuss is certainly a gatekeeper on this issue, and on others. He is also a truth teller on some important issues. Regardless, it’s just as insane, and just as vicious, to deny the importance of Jewish power as it is to blame everything on Jews. Both you and Zeuss know this, of course.
Well let me beat you to the punch before you ban me. Fuck you Saker. You are a shill for Putin, a homophobe, a gatekeeper and an all around asshole. Good riddance to you creep.
Dear Paul,
I assure you that I fully share your feelings and that our separation (sob!) will result in much joy for each one of us.
Most sincerely,
The Saker
The term 1% is very misleading.
The richest 1% of Americans consists of about 3.26 million people.
The 40 people listed from Forbes represent 0.00001 percent of the American population.
The Forbes 400 are 0.0001 percent of the American population.
A Jew is someone communicant with the religion, not a poseur, fellow traveller or a zionist antisemite who pretends to the style and dignity but doesn’t live up to it. By using a behavioural test of religious observance rather than a fatuous and racist definition, most of the nominally-Jewish people on your list might qualify as hypocrites but never as Jews. I further bet that by coincidence it would reduce the number of Jews on the list to the same proportion as there are Jews (real ones) in the US population. That said, who cares? Religion is a private matter.
@ KC
I think you are confusing what is at stake here. It is not a matter of religious observance alone, the full picture is more vast than that. Being a Jew in a political and social context extends beyond the religion of Judaism, which in my view is a purely private matter, although in this case it also intrudes into the secular world as well due to its theocratic nature.
The problem – as it has been repeated often here – is the political, economic, cultural and ideological power exercised by a minority who identify themselves as Jews and a separate and cohesive entity in the society they live in and whose loyalty and solidarity to other members of the group (or clique, cabal, tribe, sect, etc) to the exclusion of others, leads to pernicious consequences for the majority such as nepotism, corruption, abuse of power and influence and other social ills. Why do most countries have laws against a dominant position by trusts, cartels and so on?
As a case in point, many people here and similar blogs mentioned the fact that the Jews were overrepresented in the seats of power in the USSR, especially in the early period after the Revolution, to the point of labelling Bolshevism as a Jewish movement. Obviously it is an overstatement, but Jewish influence was real and widespread at the top of Soviet institutions and any good student of the period knows that they acted in the Communist Party as a separate interest group, they had their own meetings to which others were excluded from, and generally kept to themselves as a distinct body. Some people question the commitment and loyalty of the Jews to the Communist cause and it’s very easy to point a finger at Trotsky and his connections to the millionaire Jews in New York and Germany as well as his mentor (by his own admission) being no other than the entrepreneur, swindler and gun-runner Alexander Parvus. As to reinforce this line of argument, the millionaires who stole a huge chunk of all material wealth the USSR accumulated over the years on the backs of the people are/were mostly card-carrying Jewish members of the Communist Party.
I assume someone else has already mentioned this, but I’m not reading 140 comments to find out…
Adherents to Judaism make up 1.4% of the US population – but over 30% of the richest 40 people in the US. I think that’s significant. The explanation for that is up to the reader – or more precisely, up to a scientific and ethnological explanation – or “conspiracy” if you can PROVE it.
It would be interesting to see, of the remaining richest, whether any similar disparity between population density and religious or ethnic affiliation is comparable.
Obviously, most of these people should be of the larger population demographic in the US, i.e., white, Protestant, etc. However, any time there is a disparity, there should be some reasonable explanation – other than “conspiracy” – i.e., history of that demographic being wealthy already, etc.
Your numbers mean that “adherents to Judaism” are 20 times more likely (or 2000% more likely if you prefer) to belong in that particular group than members of the general population. Not bad as far as discrepancies go. This one is pretty abysmal and vertiginous.
Problem with the Forbes 400 is that they always leave out the truly rich. The unmentioned are so wealthy that they could buy out Billy Gates with some of their small change. Think about the people behind our financial system, the Fed, and most of the other central banks and who own and/or are very influential in most if not all important branches of business, like the MIC, Big pharma, the medical industries, MSM, transport, education, prisons, etc. These people have more capital than the deficit of the US and any other country on the planet combined.
We all know some of the most infamous of these families, like the Rothschild’s, Warburg’s, Baruch’s, Rockefeller’s, etc. These über rich are predominantly Jewish. Estimates of the capital of these banksters will make your head spin.
The idea that “only one third of the Forbes 400 who would be considered jewish by Adolf Hitler”, which in itself is a misleading criterion, should be considered jewish and with that conclude that their influence is therefore less important, does not make much sense.
It’s the influence of this unmentioned but by far richest group over all other businesses of importance is what must be considered. None of these top 400 will ever try to go astray or against the masterplan because they know very well that dissidents will be punished severely…
Exactly whole concept is misleading, we dont know who realy controls the fed, who’s shareholders? Power behind just those shares is insane and same people control BIS bank (used to start both ww) probably MMF and World bank. If they are jews they arent too much concerned for their well being. Or anyon else for that matter.
Eric Zuesse,
Being an American, I am sure that you are well aware how the Senate representation works. Each State gets 2 Senator for a total of 100 Senators. One can count them on their finger. This system allows each State to have an equal representation.
I am just wondering and if you do a study that how many Senators who are Jewish, Christians, Muslims, Spanish, Blacks and so forth in comparison to the population in each State. Also, a comparison of total population of USA for Jewish, Christians, Muslims, Spanish, Blacks…..?
What is the Jewish population percentage of USA and what is their % in the 1.0%
Love your definition of Terrorists, as when it comes to terrorism towards the World, it is only Sunnis. But when it comes to Israel it is all Muslims.
@ James
“…how many Senators who are Jewish, Christians, Muslims, Spanish, Blacks and so forth
… ”
I can’t answer for all those but I think I can answer for Spanish: zero, nada, zilch.
Philip Giraldi’s take sounds much more reasonable to me:
Having read the book of Douglas Reed (, I doubt that the historical and present influence of Jews can be assessed by an arithmetic counting of heads compared to the overall population.
“To put things bluntly: this blog has a very real problem: idiots. ”
This is not just a problem with this blog. I find so many that are polluted, poisoned, by what I call mental-midgets.
But I do not suppose you want me to fax you my MENSA membership card (I do not have one) or my IQ score. Because there are idiots in the former organization and I do not know what IQ means. I know people with college degrees that seem incapable of rational thought. I do not even need everything to be rational. There is room for art, poetry, music, drama, … .
This reminds me of what I often say to people when the subject of Zionism comes up, that most of the hard-core US Zionists are Christian and that above a certain level one is simply an Oligarch and whatever religion one had before simply becomes irrelevant.
The same applies to Muslims, all these Europeans saying Islam is incompatible with Europe.
Europe and European people are perfectly fine with Islam, what they are NOT fine with, what does NOT mix is Wahhabism and Arabs / Africans that refuse to assimilate and become citizens of whatever European country gives them a home.
This point is brought home by the actions of President Putin. If ANY European country could have a problem with Islam at large it would be Russia, but surprisingly they do not.
America is not ruled by an aristocracy, but by a plutocracy.
I deeply respect the Saker’s arguments in “defense” of Eric Zuesse, who in fact needs no defense. The criticism, however, that Zuesse’s critics “miss the point”, I believe, is in error. I will illustrate the error with a true story–one that illustrates all facts may be true, but the story be false. Garrison Keillor on an A.M. broadcast noted three historical facts, all true: 1) In Nov. 1947 the U.N. General Assembly voted to recommend the partitioning of Palestine. 2) In May 1948 David Ben Gurion as officer of the Jewish Agency declared the existence of the State of Israel, and 3) On the next day the armies of 4 Arab states invaded the infant State. All facts are true, but the story implied is totally false and indefensible. Therefore to suggest one should limit one’s arguments re. Zuesse’ LIMITED ASSERTION is to miss the point of Jewish power–it is talking about the smell of animals in the parlor without mentioning the elephant.
another thing I would love to hear from Eric is whether he thinks that all Jewish anti Jewish talk on the internet should stop – such as this article
I am pleased that Mr. Zuesse chose to respond to a large number of comments. For reasons they understand, the monitors chose to reject my earlier comment; I’ll make the same point somewhat more generally: A compelling case can often be made for one aspect of a larger issue (as Zuesse did). In my opinion it is disingenuous to totally ignore the major issue (as Keilor did in my earlier post), even if the larger issue is recognized in a paragraph. Making debating points while failing to address the underlying issue being debated does not (again, in my opinion) advance the discussion of the totality of an issue or problem
The Jews are the most powerful ethnic group.
Their association with banking and money lending practices in the middle ages may have something to do with their current powerful status. In addition, they help each other and have networks to help their kin. In other words, they give the good jobs and positions to other Jews.
Not all of them are rich or evil of course. But the vast majority of powerful people are Jewish and Jews are barely the 2% of US population.
They control Hollywood, FED, Wall Street, and numerous multinational corporations. They are are also poweful in the federal court etc.
Not only in US of course. They are very powerful in France, UK and Russia.
Many well known French politicians and businessmen are Jewish. Almost all Russian oligarchs are Jewish too. This is no coincidence.