These images show the commander of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp, General Qassem Soleimani. This footage was filmed after the liberation of the city of Albukamal in Syria from Daesh (ISIS).
These images show the commander of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp, General Qassem Soleimani. This footage was filmed after the liberation of the city of Albukamal in Syria from Daesh (ISIS).
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This battle has been one of the most highly coordinated efforts by all the allies of Syrian Army. Quds, Hezbollah, Iraqi forces on the ground with massive tactical bombing from Russian Aerospace bombers and Kalibrs from the Mediterranean submarines. Casualties were reportedly significant, but the outcome was vital.
Both sides of the border are in Syrian-Iranian-Iraqi control.
Next border battle? Al Tanf. The US base will have to go, either willingly or by force.
I will drink to the that! God bless righteous!
An other very recent video of Commander General Soleimani in Syria :
Journalist: it has finished, God willing?
Suleimani: no, it has just started. We have a long path before reaching the finish line. We just only finished ONE of the difficult steps.
J: they mentioned that you baptized in Euphrates and prayed.
S: …just one small step has been taken. Pray for us that God accepts …(meaning: accepts our sacrifice)
J: when they (meaning DAESH/ISIS) goes away from this location, will Baghdad and the southern cities become more safe…(from ISIS / DAESH, he means)?
S: We did the biggest and hardest action till now, God willing, it would be nice of the campaign is finished.
The speech he made after the video seen: Its in farsi.
Translation and personal interpretation of the first minute of the speech:
Journalist: it has finished, God willing?
Suleimani: no, it has just started. We have a long path before reaching the finish line. We just only finished ONE of the difficult steps.
J: they mentioned that you baptized in Euphrates and prayed.
S: …just one small step has been taken. Pray for us that God accepts …(meaning: accepts our sacrifice)
J: when they (meaning DAESH/ISIS) goes away from this location, will Baghdad and the southern cities become more safe…(from ISIS / DAESH, he means)?
S: We did the biggest and hardest action till now, God willing, it would be nice of the campaign is finished.
Why has God bestowed our people with victory? God…is giving victories to Islamic Republic… why? In the our region, the depth and breadth of those victories are transcending… why? Whether America…whether Al Saud people …when they want to do something … even if they want to act, they will be incapable (of doing so) in juxtaposition to our people’s determination … because these citizens are willing to sacrifice their lives and belongings. They are deserving of victory … worthiness … victory is proportionate to worthiness (meaning in eyes of God) we have these capabilities in our leadership who is, without too many pretentious, living in service (of God and People, he means) … service of fellow humans … serving Islam and the entire community … without pretentious and boasting … we also have a people who have truly shown to be a self effacing nation … for it’s community, it’s nation, it’s religions and (pause meaning …above all..) for Islam
The final 3 minutes translates and interpreted:
Today, you are flagging it’s colors
You are it’s divine پرشمدار be worthy of this honor bestowed upon you
In the Battle of Khaibar, the Prophet gave the sword to those who were able to carry/handle it with worthiness and use it in service of righteousness. Imam Ali was the one who managed to lift open the gates of Khaibar. He was able to open the gates, not because his arms were more powerful rather than having a more profound spiritual belief. What made them victorious was their spirituality not their swords. Look at these Americans,… Look at the grandness of their armies. This military power with all their capabilities, when they lack resolve in their attack of Iraq, out of fear of getting injured, they make adult-sized diapers to reduce the need from getting out of their tank… but you, with your simple Kalash(nikov), with your simple side arm, created heroism … why?… because you superseded worldliness. By letting go of this world, it does not mean that we will not think anymore… don’t misunderstand our willing to give our lives for not being thoughtful for our lives… it merely reflects that we are not afraid of dying. We will pay attention, think, plan and be rational but will not fear for our personal lives. Someone who is trying to make us fear getting killed, is unwittingly giving us direction in life. They come and tell us we will kill you …
I remembered what Shahid Ali Mohammadi, Brigade Commander, wrote in his diary: “My Arab brother, who is hunting me down and whom I’m chasing, I swear by God, if you kill me and make me a martyr, I will forgive you on the day of judgment. We, who are here, should pay close attention. Pay attention to halal (the permissible) and harram (the forbidden). People’s lives nor people’s homes can be taken nor occupied just like that. When we are praying, we should pay attention.
This place (he means where battle is taking place) is one of deliberation, of prayer for immaculacy, this place is where one is closest to God
Let us remember that Imam (Khomeini) asked the attendants of Hadj, “Oh you who have kneeled in front of the House of God, pray for those who are standing up in front of God’s enemies”. This …(pointing downwards) compared to that (pointing to the sky)… The Imam sent a message to the pilgrims to point out the enormity of the importance of the sacred combatant
Alas, they were not prescient in detecting the role that the “Al Qaeda’s Airforce” played in arranging the evacuation of the DAESH leaders and ISIS’ most experienced fighters. They should have shot any ISIS supporting aircraft. In the fog of war sh.t happen “by mistake” ;-).
Trumpeting about condolence, about a few downed USAF heli’s blamed on headchoppers and liver-eaters, would have literally drawn a line in the sand. A complete eradication of these elite fighters, would have rid the world of this scourge from House of Al Saud.