Meet the woman who will be in charge of communications for the Russian Ministry of Foreign affairs: (and thanks to Tatzhit for translating and subtitling this video!)
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Ms. Zakharova is made of the same intellect and steel as her boss, Mr. Lavrov.
Russia has a great spokesperson.
She doesn’t take zilch from anyone about anything.
The technique of mass communications for Russia is two-fold.
1. Hold a mirror up to the world when they “accuse”.
2. Use facts and truth and support international norms wherever they are useful.
RT could be a hell of lot better. I find it very weak from the studio production and “script”.
Sputnik is excellent.
She doesn’t take zilch from anyone about anything.
Absolutely true. I wish I had the videos of when she participates in debates. On several shows she was opposed to Ukrainian nationalists and she literally tore them to shreds, it was amazing. This woman is not only a excellent spokesperson, she is also a formidable debater. That is also how she became famous. The Russian public was amazed by her sharp mind and world class delivery and so the Ministry “had” to promote her. Frankly, I could see her getting a top job and the UN in the future.
The contrast with that pathetic imbecile Psaki (or the other cow) could not be any greater…
Marie H(b)arf is the name of the 2nd piece of WMD (must be many) that State Dept has in its arsenal
Ah, but, Saker, it is always easier to tell the truth (Russia) than to lie and spin (Psaki).
The task for the US spokespeople is manifold. They all are Baghdad Bobs, know it, but take the paycheck until their usefulness is spent.
The State Dept. now uses a retired? Rear Admiral (appropriate title, No?).
You’re right with that “rear” thingy. What a gem!
this guy … John Kirby…has been around for a while..He was in that fantastic movie/documentary done by BBC and then cancelled by BBC…Putin Russia and the West….its in 4 parts I think and can still be found on the Internet..but you have to look for it.
By the way, BBC cancelled it because it was ‘Pro-Putin’ supposedly, but really ? You have to ignore the political ‘line’ and just watch the characters in it.
Its got an all star cast…that guy..JK…and Condeleeza Rice, and many many more…Sergi Ivanov has a fairly big part in it…and also that cool finance minister when Putin first came to power…
Highly recommended…Putin Russia and the West Parts 1-4.
She’s very good.
“she literally tore them to shreds” — That would have been interesting to see — she’s Spetnaz trained with systema and carries hidden blades? — or maybe you mean figuratively tore them to shreds.
People commonly say literally when they mean completely or intensely. The language is breaking up, like many other things, such as the ideas of truth, evidence, and proper procedure:
Decide who is guilty of what, no evidence needed, no arguments or open inquiry allowed, and everything done in secret. The airplane crash…. or SOP for terrorist suspects picked up and squirreled away in secret prisons with no presumption if innocence, fair trial, evidence, or any other semblance of human rights involved.
Both done by the same tyrannical officials. The same people who arrogantly start wars with no regard for justice, law, or truth.
But this is typically US American — people who ‘just know things’ without evidence or reason, and talk or act on this ‘mystical’ knowledge with no regard for the minds of others or the old normative values. There’s another group of people who do this: 4 year old children.
Wow — just imagine a cranky kindergartner with an automatic weapon and a nuclear bomb.
“I Don’t Like Mondays”
The silicon chip inside her head
Gets switched to overload.
And nobody’s gonna go to school today,
She’s going to make them stay at home.
And daddy doesn’t understand it,
He always said she was as good as gold.
And he can see no reason
‘Cause there are no reasons
What reason do you need to be shown?
Tell me why?
I don’t like Mondays.
Tell me why?
I don’t like Mondays.
Tell me why?
I don’t like Mondays.
I want to shoot
The whole day down.
An example of the “best” people empowered by the maidan coup.Truly a man “full” of the European Values the junta professes:
“Member of the fascist punitive battalion “Dnepr” after being wounded went to be treated in Russia.
How many like it, but a silent, now in the ranks of the Ukrainian Army? Rostov Regional Court satisfied the petition of the main Investigation Department (GUS) TFR, extended by two months the arrest of a citizen of Ukraine Sergey Litvinov, accused of involvement in retaliatory actions in the Luhansk region, which have claimed 37 people. Earlier, actively cooperate with the investigation Litvinov, whom the prosecution said the executioner, now is not an admission of guilt, refusing to testify. Meanwhile, the “Y” has learned the details of his case.
Its request for extension of detention until 13 November 2015 32-year-old native of the Luhansk region Sergey Litvinov GUS TFR motivated by the need to complete the investigation of his criminal activities. The basis for the prosecution of Sergei Litvinov in Russia served h. 3 tablespoons. 12 of the Criminal Code, according to which “foreign citizens who have committed a crime outside the Russian Federation shall be subject to criminal liability if they were not convicted in a foreign state.”
According to the investigation, which lay at the base of the testimony of Litvinov in June 2014, he volunteered for the battalion “Dnepr”, whose fighters acting “pursuant to criminal orders” Interior Minister Arsen Avakov and Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky (the latter also sponsored unit ), made “ill-treatment of the civilian population” and used in an armed conflict in the south-east of the country “means and methods”, prohibited by the Geneva Convention of 1949 relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.
According to the testimony of Sergei Litvinov, June 24, 2014 a group of soldiers of the battalion, 120-150, in the three “Ural” drove to the village Melovoye Stanichno Luhansk region, camped near it. In a makeshift camp commanders told the fighters that they will take part in the clean-up of the village, but men almost mutinied because they have not paid for the previous action. In this command, according to the accused, he promised to drive the money in the evening, noting that “all payments will be made depending on the number of people killed each during sweeps.” At night in the camp soldiers could hardly sleep because of the shelling of the village held. However, as he saw the accused militias in the Cretaceous was not there and “the shelling was carried out on civilians.
In the morning, armed with machine guns, the soldiers went into the Cretaceous. According to Litvinov, he was in a group consisting of three soldiers. They were dressed in camouflage. Not checked all the houses, but only “seemingly attractive.” Going into one of them, the soldiers caught in the kitchen woman of 25 and a boy who looked to be 13 years. Female fighters raped by turns, and when she said, “What else do you need, freaks?” Litvinov, according to his confession, shot her out of the machine. At that time, his colleagues killed the boy.
July 15-17, the battalion was relocated to the city of Lisichansk, near which also camped. Next, according to the defendant, the soldiers of the National Guard have established multiple launch rocket systems “Grad” and guns, of which shelled the city. In the morning, having received orders to “capture all men,” the soldiers went to sweep the city. Prisoners, and the first day of the men caught only two men then gave natsgvardeytsam. During subsequent stripping, which lasted about two weeks, the defendant argued, they had captured five people on a daily basis.
August 7 of the prisoners after filtering natsgvardeytsy taken in the forest, there is on the order of command were sent three men “Dnepr”, including Litvinov. “Someone from the National Guard under the fighters, who – do not remember exactly, ordered us to stand in a line in front of the car” Ural “, where the prisoners to the specified location to shoot them,” – said Litvinov. The guards began to withdraw from the “Ural” people “we were supposed to shoot.” “Men were shouting, demanded that we did not kill them, but we will not respond,” – said the defendant. According to him, the command “Fire!”, Give someone from the guards, “they all began to shoot.” “I shot burst, moving the barrel of the machine, right from the beginning of the line, trying to shoot every man” – he said the interrogation Litvinov.
After that, according to Litvinov, he decided to leave the “Dnepr”, because he “did not want to kill people and rape women.” Comrade battalion to flee with him refused because he believed that they “still find and kill.” But here Litvinov appeared occasion to officially leave the service of the disease: because of inflammation in the patient’s right cheek tooth formed flux. He returned to his native village, where on a motor scooter left to be treated in Russia.
At the hospital, the village Tarasovskiy he met with the wounded militiamen. They, like him instructed in the “Dnepr”, Litvinov introduced defender LC, but they quickly found out that he was not militia, and “began to ask,” who he “really”. “As to Ukraine, and even more so in the battalion, I did not want to go back, I told them that was in” Dnepr “and left voluntarily, because they do not want to participate in the sweep. After that, the militia reported this fact to the police, “- said Litvinov.
Sergei Litvinov was in Russia
According to “Kommersant” in Russia, he went after was slightly wounded during the battle. Throwing a gun and ammunition, and disguised as a citizen, Litvinov joined a group of refugees, and in the Rostov region was hospitalized. Summed fighter excessive talkativeness – he let the neighbors in the ward that he served in the battalion “Dnepr” and wounded in the fighting. When Sergei Litvinov recovered, he was detained and later arrested by the court
As a result, GUS TFR Sergei Litvinov were charged with committing crimes under Part. 1 tbsp. And 356 h. 2 tablespoons. 105 of the Criminal Code (use of prohibited means and methods of warfare, including against civilians, and the murder of two or more people based on political, ideological, racial, ethnic or religious hatred). Among them, when the investigation has established that Litvinov with two armed accomplices wins two cars at living in the Luhansk region of a Russian citizen, was added later hours. 3 of Art. 162 of the Criminal Code (robbery with a group of armed men).”
Excuse me, but is anyone else able to make sense of this post? I struggled through it manfully, but I’m afraid to say I have very little idea what it is that’s trying to be said.
Short answer: He was a rapist and killer for/with the Ukie Volunteers.He got hurt and couldn’t get care in Banderastan so went to Russia to get medical help.He pretended he served in the NAF,until some real NAF vets exposed him.They informed the Russians on him.He was arrested under a law that says if you commit crimes of rape,murder,etc,but aren’t tried in the country you committed them in ,you can be tried in Russia for them (that could be used against a lot of junta killers in the future BTW).So he’s going to trial in Russia.He has confessed to several murders of innocent civilians including a woman and child.Many translations of articles from Russian to English are horrible.Over time I’ve learned to understand them (usually).But its hard going sometimes.
Uncle Bob – ditto.
The ‘tablespoons’ references were pretty baffling so I filtered them out, and arrived at the same conclusion as you.
This is a good lead from Russia – and a hopeful deterrent to infiltrators.
Thank you Saker and Tatzhit for the translation and subtitles.
I was delighted as Maria Zakharova speaks, very clear, sounds sincere and seems more “free” than Lavrov, who I guess can not be so clear ….
For my part, I review RT, TASS and Sputnik if not all, almost every day.
It is true that the Middle East is monopolized by the English-language networks such as the BBC, along with the Arab channels such as Al Jazzira, no trace of Russian channels.
Maria Zakharova would render American mouthpieces like Marie Harf and Jen Psaki into puddles of babbling nonsense in any debate.
Americans specialize in speaking in Made-for-TV soundbites and Hollywood-style “narratives” where the United States is always the good guy.
Actual intellectual substance and nuanced political arguments are increasingly non-existent in Yankeestan.
See the recent Republican Presidential debates for examples.
Indeed, American public debate is like nude mud wrestling for the chattering classes.
No it’s not — I like watching nude mud wrestling — it’s healthy for you.
Watching US politicians is toxic and turns the stomach.
But if Maria Zakharova was debating someone while nude mud wrestling I’m not sure which part would capture most of my attention — probably the debate. I expect she would win at both.
Thing about Russians is most of them appear to be real people — human beings – and that’s rare for American public figures. The US is based on lies and TV fantasy. Even the TV wrestling is not real. – here’s a short video from Russian talk show where Zakharova (still deputy spokesperson then) explained why there will be no Maidan in Russia.
Thank you for this link. This short clip shows the character and life experience of this woman – as well as the Russian people. I highly recommend it to all who read this. Two and a half minutes were not long enough, and I look forward to watching hours and hours more from her over the years.
Also – thanks Saker for the original video and to Tatzhit, who seems to produce prodigious amounts of translation lately. Bless all the translators, who offer us in the west this crucial gift of understanding.
You are welcome. I tend to translate such short but telling videos with rich meaning. When video is too long it takes much time to finish translation, often losing its actuality by then.
This particular part really stroke me with its truthfulness and simplicity. It’s just that: “we’ve seen the hell already, so do your worst”.
Her message in the video is vitally important.
The depth of emotion is so powerful.
Putin’s army of experts is staffed with such uniquely resolute persons. No nation, even China, can compare to the frontline representatives of Russia.
I suspect that is why China has so closely embraced its strategic partnership with Russia. The team leading the Russian nation is the best in the world.
Sadly not all of them are as competent. But in just several years Russian government gained many truly talented and patriotic people. For a long time the only minister that was known and popular among population was Shoigu – then the Minister of Emergencies. Now Defense Minister Shoigu, Minister of Culture Medinskiy (author of really great book “Myths about Russia” that was published in English earlier this year) and Minister of Foreign Affairs Lavrov became the well-respected faces of our government. And each of them is creating his own team of followers while at it.
BTW, the new addition to this leading team may be new Minister of Agriculture Tkachov. He was appointed not long ago, but his previous appointment as a governor was quite successful.
She sounds great and has the gift of talk like ordinary people, surely because she is a very simple person despite her actual position. That is a plus in these times of disenchantment….
So is Putin, by the way. And the most of other successful politicians in Russia. Those who are trying be above “common people” usually fail miserably. It’s equally right for liberals of February Revolution of 1917 and our current “liberal opposition”.
wow this lady’s fantastic. What charisma and a brightly shining star….
There’s a saying originated from “Master and Margarita” by Bulgakov: “Telling truth is easy and pleasant.”
This is a very moving video for me. I remember very well the hell on earth Russia was in the 1991, 1992 and 1993 and when I hear how determined Zakharova is not to go through this “democratic” nightmare again, I am 100% behind her. Never, never again. Never!
Thanks for that most moving video!
The Saker
You are welcome! I translate such short and telling videos from time to time – see my channel. Maybe some of them will be of use too.
I was too small during the most frightening years. But I heard enough from my parents. How they (high level engineers working in one of the institutions under Energia in Korolyov – Kaliningrad then) were forced to plan potatoes to have something to eat. When my mother left work there and started working in private sector, she was unsure if their office is safe enough. How they went to business trips to Russian province carrying sport bags of dollars with them…
When I hear some self-proclaimed “liberal” nostalgically remembering 90s, I just want him to have a trip to Libya or IS-controlled part of Syria. There are differences of course, but chaos is chaos. And even if chaos gives numerous opportunities to some people, for the vast majority it’s a pure hell.
Maria is solid.
And those looks will certainly work in her favor across the table from dried up old liars.
Ms Zakharova is a fine presenter.
As we are talking about the media…
I have been unable to view the last 2 episodes of Crosstalk on RT – they just keep on buffering.
I have not had this problem before. Other video programs on RT download and play ok – just the 2 Crosstalk episodes.
Has anyone else experienced this problem?
Check out China’s new PR efforts
“Regardless of what corner of the Earth, so long as it is blue there we will be on guard,” the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) declares in a recently released recruiting video.
Read more:
This isn’t any different from what any other country does when seeking recruits for their armed forces. So why the special attention to it? I hope it’s not to get an idiotic argument going about “China’s aggressiveness”.
no, no, no … I wasn’t trying to promote an ‘idiotic argument about China’s aggression’ –
Because the topic was about PR and getting a message out to counter MSM, I thought the video was a wonderful example of promoting China’s strength and that the idiotic obomba needs to heed before making another blunder in the South China Sea.
I like China’s new propaganda efforts as well.I think its important in the World (for viewers in other countries) for people to see the US isn’t the only “great power” around.I’m not sure if anyone else has noticed.But the US media and TV tries to imply that other countries are all backward “slum ridden hell-holes” in their propaganda.Its a way of convincing the US population of how “exceptional” we are.
That is exactly the way the media presents other countries and I believe for that very purpose, to dupe the American people into thinking this is the best there is so forget about making it any better. Hell even an idiot like Forrest Gump can make it in America cause he had the right attitude!
My bad, then. I apologize for the previous comment. Mod ME
ME … thanks
Saker, the Russian Federation heard your critique of them and they brought in this gorgeous wonderful smart lady to start telling the world the Russian point of view….. Awesome !!
She knows her stuff well. What she said about RT and Sputnik still in formation is interesting. I’ve noticed slow, but steady improvement in both of them. I liked how the interviewer let her talk and didn’t try to dominate the interview.
Dear Madam and Sirs
Please give me the E-mai address from Ms. Maria Zakharova !
best thanks and greating.
Alfred Förster
from moderator … Saker moderation policy considers the use of caps ‘shouting’ .. see his moderation policy. I changed the comment but please refrain from using caps in future posts. … mod-hs
She is the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
You can send them a message…