Interview by Anatolii Sharii
Transcript and Translation: Alena Scarecrow
Basurin on the frozen Novorossiya project, Putin, war and media
This interview is with Colonel Eduard Alexandrovich Basurin, Deputy Corps Commander for personnel and Zakharchenko’s (the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic) assistant on social rights of servicemen and their families.
What was your pre-war occupation?
Business. Polymers and PVC production. My military career started in July 2014; before joining the Corps, I was involved in securing safety of the people arriving to and leaving the region and monitoring humanitarian deliveries.
Have the Ukrainian militia called you in for questioning yet? There are lists of the ones to be questioned, you know.
Waiting on it. They are fighting on two fronts, legally accusing us of terrorism – banditism, probably, or whatever they term it, and also trying to pressure us and our families psychologically. Say, my son regularly gets all sorts of messages on social networks slinging mud at me.
Have any of your Ukrainian friends cut off contact with you?
To begin with, there are not that many friends – real friends; mostly people I have certain common interests with. I am an open person and welcome any communication. I guess there are people avoiding contacts with me now – well, so be it then. I am here, as well as my wife, my children, my parents, who all refused to leave the region choosing to stay by my side; we are here, simple people living for simple but so important things – just like all others around us. I always try to put myself in their place so that to understand what our people need and strive for, and most importantly – how to help them.
You are a public person now. How do you feel about it?
Strange. I still can’t get used to being public – well, not public but recognizable, that’s a better word.
Do you keep an eye on the Ukrainian media?
I try to be in the know and thanks to journalists I always am, even though we are often at loggerheads. They usually ask me to comment on what the Ukrainian officials say. It’s not right and so I tell them – it is the Ukraine who should comment on us, not the other way round. There is something amiss in the very concept of the modern journalism. Journalists used to get to the bottom of things by hook or by crook; they are different now… negligent.
Have there been many journalists denied further accreditation?
There have been some – mostly foreign ones – who were not quite objective in presenting the information in the media, doing that not because they wanted to bend the truth, but rather had to. There are few journalists capable of getting their message across in a “loud and clear” – and above all impartial – way; the vast majority, just like any other employees, have no choice but to play their masters’ game. So the journalists maneuver as best they can between truth, half-truth and pure lie, often choosing to rely on their own assumptions rather than on facts, in case of which we do deny them further accreditation. Journalists’ work is of immense importance, especially when it comes to warfare, and any mistake might have dire consequences. There are lives, human lives at stake here and any word or phrase, if presented in a biased or even ambiguous way, can lead to another tragedy.
What happens if journalists come with no accreditation?
They get detained and passed on to the military headquarters for further investigation. There are strict rules in regards of human safety; these rules are to be abided by.
What do you think of the captives’ exchanges?
There are our people held captive on the other side and it’s the only way we can help them out. There is no such thing as their importance-unimportance, or adequacy-inadequacy of such exchanges. Prisoners – they all differ. War does presume fighting an enemy, but killing an enemy in a fair combat is not the same as murdering adversary’s soldiers in the name of Murder and oppressing civilians, frightening them into obedience at the gunpoint. Such intimidation was the very tactics the Ukrainian nationalistic battalions chose to adopt. So, there’s no talking about any correlativity of exchanges. Civilians frequently fall prisoner too, along with military men. There was a case… They arrested a woman, our woman, the mother of three our soldiers. Could we leave her there? We couldn’t. That’s it. The problem is it has always been very complicated. The Ukraine has always dictated her own terms.
Is it hard to negotiate with the Ukraine?
It is. Very much so. The Ukraine tends to look down on her opponents, refusing to consider them as equals. We have always insisted that no fruitful dialogue is possible unless the parties treat each other as equals. We still have to be heard.
Lots of people are coming back to Donbass. Do you think the curfew will be lifted? Are the “new”-comers likely to have conflicts with the people who had stayed and lived through the bombings?
You see… The people who’ve seen out that nightmare have changed. It might seem paradoxical, but they’ve got gentler… More lenient… Their views and priorities have undoubtedly changed, with spiritual and moral values distinctly outweighing the rest ones. I think the people coming back here to stay will soon get used to the new atmosphere and will easily assimilate if they accept and live by the new rules and regulations that are being implemented. If they don’t, than yes, conflicts might occur.
Are you standing for election?
No. I am a military man and I don’t see myself in politics. I believe I can be of greater use to people staying where I am now.
How do you see the future of the Ukraine?
The Ukraine will be the Ukraine. It is only a matter of time. But one thing is certain – the current Kiev government will change. People are bound to understand that the power is in unity. The DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) is 70-80% Ukrainian – speaking geographically; it might expand and become “the Ukraine”, or merge with the current Ukraine with this new integrity subsequently acquiring some new name or keeping the old one, – time will tell.
Don’t you feel that the “Donbass project” has gone into reverse and the region is being passed back to Kiev’s protectorate?
The main thing we all need to realize is the Ukraine we’ve known has had her day. She is giving her way to a fundamentally different country with a completely new order. What frightens people is the name – the Ukraine – which the vast majority inexorably associate with the current Kiev regime, the regime of repressions, persecution, terror. People who left the area at the start of the warfare fall into two categories – those who simply fled escaping the imminent punishment for the ugly deeds they’d done, and those who took this step in order to save their lives and protect their families. There is another moment… At the referendum held on 11 May 2014 about 90% of the population voted for granting DPR an independent status. They were not barred at the time to express their will and they did. At all events, people consider this area as homeland; they belong here, but we cannot and should not make broad generalizations. What we have now is a broken society of people gone through a terrible experience, through a civil war. Apart from the havoc it has already wrecked there will inevitably arise other, more distant but no less dire consequences, such as social divisions and clashes between different groups of the population – between people supporting newly established regulations and their opponents, hindering them. Only a dialogue, words can resolve conflicts. Words and truth.
You do not seem to relish the idea of the dissolution of the Ukraine, do you?
Nobody does. Neither Russia, nor Europe, nor even the United States. I won’t vouch for the latter, though. It’s in America’s interests to keep on destabilizing the region, kindling indignation and fanning intolerance so that to be able to spark off a conflict in case she finds it necessary – be that to enhance her control of the situation or wage new hostilities. Such a provoked conflict can take any form, from a demonstration to, say, that nonsense we all are witnessing now with the Ukraine cutting off transport communication with Russia – first flights, that have already been banned, then railway and road connection that might well follow. But… people are tired of lies – people there, on the other side. Poroshenko declared at the last UN assembly that the number of poor people in the Ukraine has reduced by a factor of three. Yes… People are tired of lies…
What do you think is Putin’s ultimate objective?
He is trying to restore Russia to her former glory, like it was in the Tsarist times when the Russian Empire was the power to be reckoned with. Some choose to talk big. He acts big. That is the only right path.
Is there a politician in the Ukraine you respect?
There isn’t. Really, there isn’t. Designers tailored the Ukrainian suit right and tight, with no space left inside for worthy ones. Politicians there are skilled at drawing communicative barriers and propagating their “truths” by all possible means whenever a smallest opportunity arises. Say, it’s not a secret that prices for foods and transport here in our region are higher that in the Ukraine – for evident reasons. Even this fact the Ukraine turns into a tool for manipulating people’s consciousness – a sort of “See? You’ll get the same if you support those on the other side of the fence”. People willing to say the truth, so needful truth are hushed. This is the ideology that currently reins and is echoed on all those their TCN, ACTV, STB and other TV channels. Their ability to awaken patriotism is impressive. “Here is this brave Ukrainian soldier. He is defending his Motherland. He is defending his family” they said. A great move. Or that “Russian aggression” they invented, when Russia allegedly snatched a piece of the Ukrainian territory, the DPR/LPR that is, sent in her troops and so on as the story goes. That is how they serve it to their people and their people sincerely believe it. Even for her Crimean “intervention” Russia is less attacked than for “conquering” Donbass.
Speaking of Crimea, many see its current “blockade” as an attempt to kill Ukrainian business.
Well, business people, even if enemies, come to see eye to eye and find some common ground much faster and easier than politicians. Money is a unifying factor. Left to their own devices – without politicians’ interference – entrepreneurs will always get to cooperate and think up a way out.
Have you ever apologized to journalists?
Not exactly. But there are a lot of interesting things happening here, what with distortion of facts, subtitling our videos in a weird manner etc. Turning back to media… I wish I could always have several different TV channels on – for one thing, it’s curious to get one and the same item of news presented in all imaginable and unimaginable ways, from all sorts of angles; for the other, it’s useful for it allows to foresee their further moves. As for the Internet, it bristles with tales rather than facts. I understand how confused people are trying to cope with the informational flow flooding them. Take the so-called First Maydan of 2004, for example, when they wanted to change Kuchma’s regime which many businesses found suffocating. That is the reason Yanukovich lost people’s support – the “family” as they called themselves, the elite, turned into assets usurpers, which caused business circles’ indignation with subsequent riots. Yanukovich actually has his hands stained in blood, because it was in his power to nip that turmoil in the bud. As for Kuchma, he just preferred to bury his head in the sand… Lord is their judge. That Orange revolution plunged the country into chaos which further exacerbated with sheer ignoramuses coming to power, which adversely affected living standards of people and bred social insecurity. Things got polished and somewhat straightened out in time, and now it’s recurring again. It’s so sad that people won’t learn from history…
What is your opinion of Strelkov (former Defense Minister of the DPR) and his statements?
The thing is how can we be sure that he really said all that’s been ascribed to him? The videos Strelkov is in are often inconsistent with the written transcripts accompanying them. Either way, I have mixed feelings about this person. Let’s just say that he played a certain role in the history of the DPR and his work is now done. Regarding his current views and statements, I prefer not to focus on them leaving them to his own discretion. Besides, we get to see him far less now than we used to – Strelkov is sinking into oblivion, just like the Novorossiya project. It’s been quite a long time since I last heard this notion – Novorossiya – from any of the Russian politicians.
Will there be another project to replace the Novorossiya one?
I don’t know. Nobody does. There is a certain unity with Donetsk and Lugansk as its nuclear, the unity that used to be thought of as “Novorossiya”. It never got any official status, so there’s no such thing as Novorossiya now. Igor Plotnitskiy (the head of the LPR – Lugansk People’s Republic) might have some ideas on that score, but I am not in a position to comment on them; I do not know him so well – either as a person or as a politician – as to attempt to predict what his ambitions might guide him to.
Is it true that some companies in the area under your control pay taxes to the Ukraine?
It’s true. And it’s another consequence of the civil war that’s torn the country apart. You see, the Ukraine found herself in a unique situation, unique in the sense that nothing of the kind has ever happened before. So now there are quite a few companies having their head offices there in the Ukraine and branches here on our territory. I’ve heard the Ukraine is going to tighten her grip over such companies – “Oh, you pay taxes both here and there? Deep pockets you have? Then share”. We are all to blame for the current state of things; it was us who let them happen. We are all guilty and it’s because of us – every one of us – that people are suffering now. There, on the other side, it’s the same. People yield to manipulation too easily… It often comes to the point of absurdity when, say, the Ukraine threatens to lock a person up in jail for some 5-8 years in case they refuse to join the army and they do join, they do choose to turn into murderers rather than become a prisoner. Crippled human minds – that’s what this war’s done.
Commentary by The Saker: at a time when, much to my regret, Strelkov and others are making regular hyperbolic and generally over the top statements on a regular basis, it is good to hear from a man who is level headed. Please pay special attention to the parts of his replies which I have bolded our in red above. This is the first semi-official explanation of what I believe the project has been all along: not just to protect the people of the Donbass, which was always a necessary first step, but never an end goal, but to regime change the Ukraine into a fundamentally different Ukraine. There never was a viable option just to “bite off” Crimea and the Donbass and then accept a Nazi Ukraine run by NATO. The only possible end goal is to at the very least secure a non-Nazi, neutral, federative Ukraine. If the plan is to break it up, then much more than just the Donbass needs to go to Russia (at the very least all the southern seashore and all of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions). Either way as long as “Novorussia” is confined to the current size of the Lugansk and Donetsk Republics it leaves too much of the Ukraine to the Nazis. This is why the “Novorussian” project is currently “frozen”. This is why Basurin says that the name “the Ukraine” can mean very different thing and why he says that Putin has a grand project for Russia. Read between the lines, and it is all there. Coming from the mouth of the DNR spokesman.
Nice interview,
thanks. And the question about Putin as ultimate target to be destoyed.
here is another reason: he humiliated the silly US policy so many times already,
do you remember this words?!
Vladimir Putin’s remarks made by the Russian President at the Valdai International Discussion Club in late 2014:
“The US says ‘We must support the civilized, democratic opposition in Syria.’ So they support them, arm them, and then they join ISIL. Is it impossible for the US to think one step ahead? We do not support this kind of policy at all. We think it’s wrong.”
“……………………why he says that Putin has a grand project for Russia”
Certainly anyone who has studied how Putin thinks and works could see that he would. He thinks a long way ahead. In one interview he quoted Churchill’s’ “politicians are looking as far as the next election, statesmen for the next generations” I think he took that to heart.
I agree with this comment except that its not just Putin. He is surrounded by his people, who are all amazing and have the same vision…he is their ‘spokesperson’ although I don’t mean to detrack anything from him..but to idolize only him and think that its just ‘his’ policy is wrong.
Ann, does that mean you idolize them all?
I hate God (if he exists) but the general principle here is sound:
“Thou shalt not make thee any
gravenimage, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them”Hmmm,you do realize that the word “idolize” is just a common term people use nowadays for “admire a great deal”,right. Also,if you “hate God” and doubt his existence as you say.Why would you even care if people really did worship “idols”.How would that even have meaning for you.
Uncle Bob 1 on October 12, 2015 · at 12:28 pm UTC said:
“Hmmm,you do realize that the word “idolize” is just a common term people use nowadays for “admire a great deal”,right.”
“admire a great deal” is far too close to worship for any of my liking, right.
Bob said:
“Also,if you “hate God” and doubt his existence as you say.Why would you even care if people really did worship “idols”.How would that even have meaning for you.”
I really have no idea how you can draw an inference between a belief/disbelief in an actual/imaginary deity and caring if people worship “idols”. (Sentence removed. Please refrain from attacking other commenters. Mod TR).
Your creating any link between that care and detestation of God is a bridge way to far.
“I hate God (if he exists)”
Your words not mine. So again,why complain of what others might do, if you yourself have no believe in God/Gods. That would appear to be trying to interfere in others affairs purely because of hubris,something like,”do as I say,not as I do”.
Uncle Bob 1 on October 13, 2015 · at 4:37 am UTC said:
“So again,why complain of what others might do, if you yourself have no believe in God/Gods.”
I didn’t say I have no belief in God, I said I hate that particular deity (amongst others) if it exists.
I’m still bemused – why do you think a belief in God (or gods) is needed to have complaint (or happiness or…anything) about what others might do? there are likely millions/billions on earth who have no belief in God/gods – do you consider they have no right to opinion or emotion?
Bob said:
“That would appear to be trying to interfere in others affairs purely because of hubris,something like,”do as I say,not as I do”.””
Do you consider that lack of belief (or trust in the nature of a deity) infers an inflated ego?
If you believe that cogent argument to change the opinion of others (in order that they come to share your own) is hubris the likelihood is that billions of humans are “guilty” of that (yourself included) – but I still don’t see any absolute link between this and belief/disbelief in actual/imagined deity/deities.
Perhaps this cogent argument to change the opinion of others (in order that they come to share your own) is “hubris” – but that’s an issue for us all to dwell on.
“I’m still bemused – why do you think a belief in God (or gods) is needed to have complaint (or happiness or…anything) about what others might do?”
I don’t.I have any problem with your belief or disbelief in God (or Gods).But why do you think your opinion gives you the “right” to ridicule others in their thinking on the subject.Again we see with that, your “do as I say,not as I do” attitude.The only comments I ever see you post (or that I’m “blessed” by you with) seem to be similar to Bill Clinton’s infamous “that depends on the meaning of the word IS”.None of your discussions on here seem to involve the topics posted (a few at best skate around them).The issues we come here to see,comment on,and discuss don’t see to interest you.You seem more interested in the parsing of words,that someone posts.I’m left to wonder why that is.All it does is distract from the purpose of the blog.I “get it”,maybe you have a degree in English and like to use it for something? Other than that your comments are very much along the lines of hasbara I used to see zionists use constantly on sites when people commented against Israel.Either way its not very helpful to the posters here.And distracts from the blogs purpose,to give Saker’s analysis’s, and stimulate discussion on important issues.
What Clinton really said was clear, cogent and correct.
Beware of quotes that become universally “known” through dissemination by the enemies
of the speaker.
Clinton was another of the warmongers that led the US to the disaster we have.He was behind the bombing of Serbia.And involved the US even deeper in the ME turmoil.His use of the word was to confuse and stall the investigation on his actions (I do agreed the investigation was a crock anyway).Which was what I meant in my comment.It was more hasbara nitpicking on the posters part.But back to Clinton for a second.It shows how low we’ve sunk that for his crimes no action was taken,or even thought of being taken.But he almost got thrown out of office over a “sexual affair”.In the US,no problem with ploting war or murdering human beings around the World.But just don’t get caught having sex in the Oval Office.That is an “offense” you’ll never get by with.
Considering the rest of the conversation, I doubt that that was a righteous deletion.
Cassandra on October 14, 2015 · at 12:50 am UTC said:
“Considering the rest of the conversation, I doubt that that was a righteous deletion.”
The deletion was intentional (to widen the scope from a carving).
In what way do you thing it may not have been “righteous”?
anon, what you quote is “old” testament…that’s the old stuff…now there’s a “new’ testament.
Try reading the new one, without the old …I don’t like that stuff either (mostly)…although its educational because its the Hebrew mythology,
Just like the Greeks have their mythology and the Germans have theirs…its old folk religion…not the new….
I’m not too educated on the Russian Mythology of old….I would like to learn more about it, as mythology as a form of reading is very entertaining.
if your Jesus is omnibenevolent, omniscient & omnipotent then he is a cad
The corollary, if he isn’t, is that he isn’t much of a deity. In any case please get up off your knees (to deity or man).
I’m a Sikh, we defend idol worshippers. Come, our nukes are armed,
I don’t even know if you’re the same anonymous as all the others…If you want to have intelligent dialogue you’re going to have to get a name and not hide angrily behind anonymous(e).
Isabella on October 11, 2015 · at 10:03 pm UTC said:
“Certainly anyone who has studied how Putin thinks and works could see that he would.”
Here’s what the video “The Unknown Putin” ( has to say on the subject:
@4:19 “…and who was stealing all that money for all those years?…and what did Putin do about it…to this day we know nothing of this business of Vladimir Putin and we still know nothing of that role of his”
So,why would we give any credence to anti-Putin propaganda.And a better question is,why do you.Do you support the 5th column maybe,or possibly just an Empire loyalist?
Uncle Bob 1 on October 12, 2015 · at 12:33 pm UTC said:
“So,why would we give any credence to anti-Putin propaganda.”
it isn’t – the video “The Unknown Putin” is the reason given by “Martin from East Berlin” for his trust in Putin, see
Bob said:
“And a better question is,why do you.Do you support the 5th column maybe,or possibly just an Empire loyalist?”
Since the video is supposedly pro Putin your question doesn’t really make any sense.
I can only currently state that I certainly hate “Empire” (all Empire’s)
Iranian Court Issues Verdict for Washington Post Reporter Rezaian
October 11, 2015 – 16:07
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Judiciary’s Deputy Chief and Spokesman Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejei announced that a court in Tehran has sentenced Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian, who has been charged with espionage in the Islamic Republic.
“The verdict on the case has been issued,” Mohseni Ejei told reporters at a press conference in Tehran on Sunday.
He emphasized that the defendants of the case have a 20-day deadline to file an objection to the verdict and appeal to a higher court, adding that if they do not do so, the ruling, of which he gave no details, will be final.
what will happen to him ? Imprisonment for life or … ?
No question things coming to a head also in ghanistan.
Seems the poppy monopoly franchise is threatened, & its half trillion a year in banking revenues.
The Kunduz hospital hit, the joint coop command center for Russia-Iran-Iraq-Syria in Baghdad announced just days ago, the Brit threat yesterday on Russian jets overhead in Iraq, the downing of that Brit chopper there just hours ago,…
Iraqi Air Force Hits Convoy of ISIL Leader Baghdadi
October 11, 2015 – 16:40
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iraqi air force struck a convoy of ISIL terrorist group’s leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in the western Anbar province close to the Syrian border Sunday, a military statement said.
The fate of the militant leader, who has declared himself the leader of a Caliphate in areas it controls in Iraq and Syria, is still unknown, the statement cited by Reuters said.
OCT 12
SOCHI, Russia: Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday to discuss steps to establish a peace process in war-torn Syria.
The deputy crown prince voiced Saudi Arabia’s keen interest in realizing the peaceful aspirations of the Syrian people and reiterated its support to solve the Syrian crisis in accordance with the resolutions of the Geneva 1 conference.
Speaking after the meeting, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said both countries were willing to cooperate in Syria and wanted to prevent the formation of a “terrorist caliphate”.
Thanks for that. I think the real problem from the side of supporters of Russia is that they don’t often see a way from here to there. As long as the Ukraine is dominated by Western-oriented oligarchs, media, schools, and controlled by Western agents, no formal structure on a piece of paper in Kiev or Minsk is going to make things OK. In other words, the world is ruled by force, as Russia and Iran are now showing in Syria. Lavrov can be the best diplomat in the world, but the Syrian government was struggling this year and is now starting to look like a winner. A kind word and a gun go much further than a kind word alone.
Now, I happen to support the general approach of the Kremlin over the last year or so, but do feel that it has left many of Russia’s supporters with a feeling that there is no clarity. For example, Russia keeps saying that it wants a neutral and federal Ukraine. But this is practically impossible for the PTB inside the country, so does this mean that Russia wants a frozen state of what we have now? Or perhaps Russia is going to shut off the things that keep the Ukraine afloat – once the Crimea is safe. We don’t know.
Paul II that comment blows my mind…How can you be confused at what the Kremlin is doing ? Are you definitely a troll or what ?
Actually, Ann, no. If you say your highest and only goal is A, and A is impossible, what are we to think? I support Putin and think he is working for the best interests of Russia and the world, but it is naive to think that folks in the Donbass have an idea of where things are heading. Just look at the elections that just got cancelled.
And I think it is disappointing that we have two sides in the English blogsphere when it comes to Russia and the Ukrainian situation – those who think everything is a brilliant plan by Putin and those who think that everything is going to Hades. Some of us think the struggle is still ongoing and that those two extremes are unrealistic and misleading. Brzezinski has lots of brilliant plans, too, and thank God they sometimes fall apart, with Putin being a big reason.
So calling those of us in the middle names won’t get us very far. I don’t call you names for being in the rose-colored glasses camp. Aren’t you at least somewhat afraid that the rebel republics will stay as they are for the next couple of years, as one big Transdenistria? That would have been denied as almost impossible by many in the rose-colored glasses camp in May of 2014. There was no way Kiev could survive the winter. That was a very common meme here back then.
Hi Paul..thanks for answer, but actually I’ve noticed over the time that I’ve been coming and reading comments that you are really anti-Kremlin…its not just today or yesterday…its the song you sing every day.
And I think that’s trollish. I’ve even wondered what the II after Paul stands for ? Like the last pope or so ? So you may be in the Catholic camp…not my favorite…but you never say so…that’s trollish.
Thank you, Alena Scarecrow, for this fine translation.
Basurin was forthright and illuminating. Donbass is a project on President Putin’s desk. The people of the militia, the civilians and the Ukrainians not loyal to Russia who still live and work there have found themselves in a conflict thrust upon them by the US, EU, NATO and nazis of Kiev.
The road out of the mess is unknown. What is made clear in Basurin’s account is that Russia will determine every aspect of their future.
Basurin struck me as decent straightforward person from the beginning. This interview is the first I’ve read in which he elaborated on his personal views and feel vindicated in my “gut feeling” about this guy. This planet defiantly needs more Basurins in government.
Saker’s following commentary I agree with, as well.
awesome find on the internet Saker, this blogger from Ukraine, exiled in Russia’s a good source of news for us here.
“In my opinion, only good things can be expected. We’ve already survived the most difficult times. Let’s look around: integration is not simply going, it’s at full steam ahead! Every day, new laws are made and new innovations are published. All areas of our lives are being transferred to new standards. Do you think that they would do this if they ditched us?
The ruble zone, school programs, Russian diplomas – is this not evidence that we are moving in the right direction and that we are not about to go wrap things up? Not everyone can voice our leaders and those who make decisions, but believe me, before we can go independently, it’s worth including logic.
I want to end with a banal phrase, because we all need it: everything will be ok!”
sorry more-Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will discuss the settlement of the crisis in Ukraine and additional OSCE monitors in Donbas with the institution’s Secretary General Lamberto Zannier during a meeting in Moscow on Monday .
“The problem of crisis in Ukraine and the role of OSCE in its settlement by implementation of the Minsk agreements by all the parties to the conflict – Kiev, Donetsk and Luhansk – will take an important place at the meeting of Lavrov and Zannier,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said. The officials will discuss specifically implementation of the political aspects of the agreements, which were highlighted during the summit of the so-called Normandy Four in Paris on October 2.
“As for the activities of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine we shall draw Zannier’s attention to necessary objectivity and impartiality of its reports,” the ministry said. “We are for having additional observers, so that they make the maximum allowed number of 1,000 people [now they are 543].”
During the meeting the officials will discuss effectiveness of the field missions and of the OSCE institutions – Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) High Commissioner on National Minorities and the Representative on Freedom of the Media. Their activities cause many questions. “One of the recent alarming example of exceeding their mandates was the ODIHR Michael Georg Link and High Commissioner on National Minorities Astrid Thors’ odious report on human rights in Crimea, which was made on a low professional level and without direct instructions from the OSCE managemen.”
re Public movement “Donetsk Republic” launched a new large-scale project for the control of prices and services on the territory of the DNI. This was reported today by the press center of the DR DAN executive committee, the Speaker of the People’s Council DNI Dennis Pushilin.
Eduard Basurin brought humanitarian aid to the boarding school.
life in the Donbass by a performer after a concert
n the Ukrainian air “Channel 5”, which is owned by the president of Poroshenko, a political analyst Sergey Taran said that Ukraine should play in the “circus” with Western partners and pretend that complies with the Minsk Agreement, to force Russia broke the agreement
According to him Ukraine will not abide by the Minsk Agreement, but rather it aims to provoke Ross to disrupt the implementation of the agreements and
and then show everyone that it is “white and fluffy” and complies with the agreement.
“As long as Ukraine does not have a strong army to act against Russia without Western partners, and we must consider this position.
So we play the circus.
We pretend that we enter into negotiations, we also need as quickly as possible to hold the elections, but we must do it.
We must demand that Russia fulfills the agreements Minsk, causing them to not do them. This will give our diplomats an opportunity to show the world that Russia does not fulfill this agreement “, – said Taran.”
“Very optimistic comments followed both from Ukraine and from Russia, as well as from the EU, immediately after the decision of the DNR and LNR to postpone the local elections planned in the republics. Poroshenko even declared the beginning of the return of the Donbass to Ukraine “without occupation armies”. What does the decision of the unrecognized republics of Novorossiya actually mean?
#SouthFront #Ukraine #Germany #France #Novorossia
Postponement of Elections in Novorossiya will Force Poroshenko to Answer to Merkel
Very optimistic comments followed both from Ukraine and from Russia, as well as from the EU, immediately after the decision…
Mr Chairman,
We would like to express cautious optimism regarding the budding progress in terms of the stabilisation of the situation in Ukraine and the prerequisites for implementing the provisions of the Minsk Package of Measures, which emerged at the latest meeting of the Contact Group on October 6. In this context, the direct dialogue between Kiev, on the one hand, and Donetsk and Lugansk, on the other hand, remains a key, no-alternative condition for the successful implementation of the provisions of the document that directly provide for joint efforts in coordinating the political aspects of the Ukrainian settlement.
The ceasefire regime along the line of contact in Donbass is increasingly stable. Its further consolidation will be promoted by the complete implementation of the agreements on pulling back from the contact line all types of tanks and artillery of a 100-mm caliber and smaller and mortars of a 120-mm caliber and smaller. We welcome the start of the practical implementation of its first stage – the pullback of the armed forces of the Lugansk People’s Republic and the Ukrainian military, and the Special Monitoring Mission’s active involvement in verifying the weapons withdrawal.
Guaranteeing that there are neither these nor heavier weapons in the security zone is an indispensable condition of the non-resumption of artillery bombardment of cities and populated localities in Donbass. This is why we emphasise once again that the SMM should focus its efforts on patrolling the security zone.
We note the need for the OSCE observers’ strictest adherence to an equal, “mirror-image” approach to both sides. The monitoring and verification of the weapons pullout and the control of military storage sites should be exercised evenly on both sides of the contact line and be reflected in SMM reports accordingly. Regrettably, certain reports display a difference in presenting information regarding violations of the same order committed by the Kiev military and the self-defence forces.
This applies in full to using observation equipment whose employment “in the field” should be coordinated with all sides. It is necessary to discontinue the practice of holding preliminary, detailed discussions of drone routes with one side, while providing only general orientations to the other.
Saturating the security zone with observers, including by establishing permanent observation posts and forward patrol points, should facilitate the implementation of p. 2 of the Package of Measures on the pullout of heavy weapons as well.
We agree with the SMM’s estimates that unexploded artillery shells and minefields pose a serious threat to Donbass residents. This problem must be solved in a comprehensive manner by coordinating with the parties to the conflict during the talks in the Contact Group.
The stabilisation on the contact line makes it possible to step up work on the other points of the Package of Measures. The Normandy Four summit meeting in Paris on October 2 made it possible to remove misunderstandings as per the individual requirements of the Minsk Package of Measures and reaffirm that it has no alternative as the basis for a peace settlement in Donbass. Approved by a UN Security Council resolution, this document remains the only efficient roadmap with clear logic and a sequence of interconnected steps directed at settling the internal conflict in Ukraine.
The main effort should now be focused on implementing the political aspects of the Package of Measures that Kiev has openly dragged out under different pretexts.
The law on the special status of Donbass is inoperative; the law on amnesty is nonexistent. The amendments to the Constitution, whose centerpiece should be decentralisation, focusing on the specific features of Donbass, have not been coordinated with the region’s representatives.
The Ukrainian authorities are demonstrating the same approach with regard to p.10 of the Package of Measures. Instead of disarming the illegal groups, they incorporated such groups into the Ukrainian armed forces and have legalised foreign mercenaries. These innovations have nothing to do with the Minsk Agreements.
Today, after the Paris meeting, we hope that Kiev will take real steps rather than simulate them. Further procrastination is not in the interest of the Ukrainian people or their European partners. By shirking the direct dialogue with Donetsk and Lugansk and the coordination of election modalities with them, Kiev has lost the chance to hold local elections on a national scale on the single voting day in October.
After Donetsk and Lugansk decided to postpone the elections in some areas, a step that was welcomed by Moscow, Brussels and Washington, Kiev is being given yet another chance and time to comply with all of the necessary political commitments under the Minsk Package of Measures.
We would like to remind, however, that the postponement of the local elections does not mean that Kiev can drag its feet on implementing the political understandings under Minsk-2 ad infinitum. Kiev does not have any other parties with whom it can coordinate the election modalities other than those who really control the situation in separate areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions and whose signatures figure under the Package of Measures.
In this context, we expect Kiev’s representatives in the Contact Group and its relevant subgroups to display a constructive approach towards the dialogue. The work on the law on local elections in separate areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, on coordinating the permanent law on the special status of Donbass, and on implementing the Minsk provisions on amnesty and non-persecution in connection with events in Donbass will be a test of its good-faith approach.
We believe that positive shifts in the humanitarian and economic areas should also provide an additional impetus to the Minsk process. There is progress towards an exchange of prisoners; it has become possible to deliver international humanitarian aid, with dozens of lorries having brought humanitarian aid to those who need it over the last week alone.
But the inhumane blockade of Donbass continues and local residents have no access to clean drinking water, which is a gross violation of international humanitarian law. Restrictions on the freedom of movement remain in force as well.
Nevertheless, the latest meetings on Ukraine make it possible to hope that the months-long international efforts to help settle the internal political crisis in Ukraine, including efforts made by the OSCE, will not have been in vain. The chances for success depend on Kiev’s further good-faith implementation of the obligations enshrined in the Minsk Package of Measures and on its readiness to look in practice for joint solutions to problems existing in eastern Ukraine in the interests of preserving the unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
Thank you for your time.”
“A Ukrainian military spokesman on Thursday announced Kiev’s refusal to withdraw artillery from the eastern Luhansk region despite agreement last week to extend a pull-back of weapons in the country’s war-torn east. Vladislav Seleznev, spokesman for the Ukrainian General Staff, demanded that an extraordinary meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group on the Ukraine crisis be convened, saying, “Ukraine’s senior military-political leadership will take a decision on withdrawal of artillery in the Lugansk region after the Contact Group’s extraordinary session.”
The Contact Group brings together senior representatives from Ukraine, Russia and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
Ukrainian officials said the reason for calling the Contact Group’s extraordinary meeting was Wednesday’s shelling of the Troitskoye settlement in Donbas region allegedly by local republican militia forces firing an anti-tank guided missile and wounding four soldiers.
A top aide to the head of the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) and Lugansk’s envoy to the Contact Group said on Thursday that “attempts to accuse the LPR People’s Militia of shelling are absolutely unfounded”. Most weapons with a calibre of less than 100mm have been withdrawn from the contact line to a distance of more than 15 kilometres away from the line”.
“Lugansk republic observes the terms of the agreement on withdrawal,” Rodion Miroshnik said, adding that observers from the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine of the OSCE to also confirmed this.
Miroshnik dismissed accusations of shelling as a “provocation” from Kiev forces who “do not want to withdraw their weapons from the contact line. That’s why “there is no reason for an extraordinary meeting of the Contact Group,” he added.
Colonel Igor Yashchenko, deputy chief of staff of the LPR People’s Militia corps, also noted that the provocation could have been organised by Ukraine’s radical military units that are “not interested in restoring peace in the Donbass region”.
“Representatives of the LPR People’s Militia are ready to help investigate the incident in Troitskoye,” Yashchenko said.”
“So we play the circus.”
Ukraine political analyst
political analyst Sergey Taran
Ukrainian Energy supported the protesters and stop supplying electricity to the Crimea through Melitopol.
“Goods can not supply the occupiers. And electricity – is also a product. According to the norms of the United Nations, should ensure that occupants of occupied territory. We, for our part, will work to deokkupirovat it” – said the deputy chairman of Izet Gdanov Staff of the civil initiative of the blockade of Crimea
Gdanov said that power its decision on October 11 turned off and looped in this branch. In his opinion the electricity supply to the Crimea immoral. Also disabled were three more working threads that continue to supply elektroenengiyu.
Head of Zaporizhzhya line backbone electric grids Igor Lata supports the action, “but it must act in a civilized way.”
google translate
“In the capital of Peru in Lima at the annual meeting of the governing bodies of the IMF and the World Bank has provided financing scheme Procurement of gas to Ukraine the head of the World Bank and the EIB.
Under the agreement, the EIB will provide guarantees for 520 million dollars from the funds previously allocated loans of the World Bank Kiev. In other words, the responsibility for the risks takes over the European Union. ”
the gas is ‘ready to be collected”…….one payments actually made
“MOSCOW, October 12. /TASS/. State Duma’s first deputy chairman of Committee on Defense Andrey Krasov has described as “non-constructive” the draft law of NATO’s Parliamentary Assembly (PA) on sanctions against Russia.
On Sunday, NATO PA called on the member-countries of the Alliance to consider the possibility of toughening economic sanctions against Moscow if Russia does not fulfill its obligations on observing ceasefire in Ukraine’s east. The corresponding draft law may be approved today.
“I do not have an opinion on this because this is not a constructive position,” Krasov said answering a TASS question. “We are talking about implementing the Minsk Agreements. First of all, Russia is not a party in the conflict on the Ukrainian territory,” he said. The lawmaker added that Russia implements the agreements to a larger extent than Kiev.
“They were to adopt constitutional laws, which they did, but the laws were not the ones necessary,” Krasov reminded. “They should have coordinated those laws with the [unrecognized self-proclaimed] Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. It didn’t happen. They should have established contact with the republics. It didn’t happen either,” he continued. “So here is the question. Who is really not implementing the Minsk Agreements?” Krasov said.”
MOSCOW, October 12. /TASS/. The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) will support the Special Monitoring Mission of the Organization for Security and CoOperation in Europe (OSCE), CSTO’s Secretary General Nikolay Borduzha said on Monday.
OSCE’s Secretary General Lamberto Zannier participating in the meeting invited CSTO to take part in the Monitoring Mission in Ukraine as OSCE’s tasks in the region are expanding.
The CSTO chief said all of the organization’s members may participate in the mission.
“Thus, we shall add to objectivity of the observation there,” he said. “We welcome this suggestion and will have people chosen in our member-countries.”
MOSCOW, October 10. /TASS/. Russian private banks will invest about $2 billion in their Ukrainian subsidiaries, Russia’s Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said on Saturday.
“Our participation in support of Ukraine is in capitalisation of subsidiaries of Russian commercial banks,” he said in an interview with Rossiya 24 broadcaster on Saturday. “Our banks will invest about $2 billion in their subsidiaries.”.
“Finance Minister Natalia Yaresko asks US, EU and other international donors to double financial aid to Ukraine.
According to her, 40 billion dollars from the IMF will not be enough for long-term stability of the country.
She also noted that the IMF expects further calls for Ukraine, in particular the reform of the tax system.
“The government needs more assistance from donors to finance infrastructure and other investments”, – said Yaresko.
She also emphasized that the assistance from donors such as the United States, which has provided Ukraine $ 7.5 billion to double. The money, according to the minister, should be directed at encouraging investment in Ukraine.
Recall Yaresko already said that assistance from the EU and the United States is sufficient to stabilize the economy, but not for its development.”
Rus insists still on payment of the 3b despite Ukr trying to restructure it.
MOSCOW, October 12. /TASS/. Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will discuss the settlement of the crisis in Ukraine and additional OSCE monitors in Donbas with the institution’s Secretary General Lamberto Zannier during a meeting in Moscow on Monday .
“The problem of crisis in Ukraine and the role of OSCE in its settlement by implementation of the Minsk agreements by all the parties to the conflict – Kiev, Donetsk and Luhansk – will take an important place at the meeting of Lavrov and Zannier,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said. The officials will discuss specifically implementation of the political aspects of the agreements, which were highlighted during the summit of the so-called Normandy Four in Paris on October 2.
© Valery Sharifulin/TASS
Head of Donetsk republic reschedules elections to April 20, 2016
“As for the activities of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine we shall draw Zannier’s attention to necessary objectivity and impartiality of its reports,” the ministry said. “We are for having additional observers, so that they make the maximum allowed number of 1,000 people [now they are 543].”
During the meeting the officials will discuss effectiveness of the field missions and of the OSCE institutions – Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) High Commissioner on National Minorities and the Representative on Freedom of the Media. Their activities cause many questions. “One of the recent alarming example of exceeding their mandates was the ODIHR Michael Georg Link and High Commissioner on National Minorities Astrid Thors’ odious report on human rights in Crimea, which was made on a low professional level and without direct instructions from the OSCE managemen.”
KIEV, October 11. /TASS/. The Ukrainian side has planned to withdraw mortars in the Lugansk region on October 13, speaker of the force mission in the Lugansk region Ruslan Tkachuk said in an interview with the 112 Ukraine television broadcaster on Sunday.
“Withdrawal of mortars is planned for October 13,” he said.
On Saturday, deputy head of the militia’s General Staff Col Igor Yaschenko said militia units of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) will begin withdrawing mortars from the line of engagement the week of October 12.
“The militia is preparing for withdrawal of mortars of calibre under 120mm,” the LuganskInformCentre quoted him. “The mortars will be pulled back next week, which is according to the schedule of withdrawing, to the distance of at least 15 kilometres from the line of engagement.”
On Saturday, speaker of Ukraine’s General Staff Vladislav Seleznev said on October 12-13 OSCE will verify the withdrawal, meaning they will “check the new locations and the ID numbers on the cannons,” and after that “in the Lugansk region will begin the process of withdrawing mortars of calibre under 100 mm, which is due to be completed by October 17.”
In accordance with the Minsk Agreements, the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) started withdrawing tanks from the contact line in Donbass on October 3. The self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) defence ministry said that weaponry withdrawal on its territory will start after October 18 if ceasefire holds.”
note 1 injured, 1 killed over weekend…..
11-12 October
One casualty and wounded person as a result of shelling of the Kievskiy district of Donetsk by Ukrainian fighters, it was reported to DAN by the Defence Ministry of the DPR.
Ukrainian fighters conducted mortar shelling of the Kievskiy district of the DPR’s capital. 9-storied inhabited houses was inflamed on Vzlyotnaya St, it was reported by the head of the Kuibishevskiy district of Donetsk Ivan Prihodko.
It was reported yesterday that Ukrainian fighters keep on violating the regime of ceasefire.
The deputy of the Defence Ministry of the DPR Eduard Basurin reported this to DAN yesterday. ’13 violations of the truce from the side of Ukrainian military men were fixed for the last 24 hours’, he said.
Basurin added that Ukrainian fighters launched 14 mines with 120 mm and 82 mm caliber, and they shelled by the APC.
‘The situation in the DPR intensified suddenly these weekends’, Basurin resumed.”
Oct 9th “Extremists “Right Sector” pull together forces in the region Artemivsk and Gorlovka.
“According to our intelligence, near the village of Zaitseva, 1.5 kilometers from the line of contact, marked the arrival of the battalion personnel of the department” Right Sector “. In the area of the village code, 6 kilometers from the line of contact, found the arrival of up to two the mouth of the personnel department “Right Sector” – said Eduard Basurin
There is evidence that the management of the APU pulls troops “Right Sector” to the line of contact under the guise of rotation.
Representatives of the “Right Sector” campaign DNI residents to join the movement, the resumption of hostilities in the Donbass, and the overthrow of the president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.
bit more
extract from a thinking article re situation in Donbass
“Not long ago, we completed a sociological survey, in which we managed to talk with 28 people from the Ukrainian side of Lugansk, with those who didn’t recognize the Russian Spring or the LPR, but are still people. Read it, you won’t regret it. So here they are, on the other side, who consider us to be separatists, and they openly say that yes, we have an economic and humanitarian catastrophe,. Yes, we have complete lawlessness and arbitrariness, and as a norm they don’t know what will happen next.
You know, I recently spoke with the famous writer Herman Sadulaev and asked him how the Chechens and Russians were able to overcome the consequences of the war. Three things turned out to be: the will of the people, which didn’t want war, sande leaders in the form of Putin and Akhmat, and later his son Ramzan Kadyrov, and the economic component. And that’s it – the terrible conflict was overcome. ….Now show me at least one sane politician from the other side? There is silence on this point. Is there simply at least one sane person with whom we could speak?
Now it’s already possible to discern that a southern offensive will come from the town of Volnovakha, and a strike will come from Kurakhovo via Marinka against Donetsk (western direction), and respectively from the north in the direction of Gorlovka.
Given that Ukrainian pilots are afraid of our defenses, they are now learning to fly at very low altitudes, and I do not exclude the use of aircraft by the UAF.”
long article just now by Mercouris
Here’s an interesting summary of Putin’s goals in Ukraine (and other border countries).
1. Ukraine should accommodate the movement of natural gas produced in Russia to buyers in Europe.
2. The Russian navy should be secure in its Black Sea base at Sebastopol.
3. The government in Russia should be seen as the protector of all Russian people, of whom 8 million, 18% of Ukraine’s population, live in the eastern part of the country.
4. Above all, Ukraine should be neutralized and serve as a buffer that keeps NATO at bay.
(Colder War – by – Martin Katusa)
An integrated and non-aligned Ukraine would be in everybody’s interest, but there seem to be 3 rather large barriers to this. Firstly are the inhabitants of the Don Bass in a mood to forgive what has been done to them by the Kiev regime? Secondly, will the neo-nazis accept anything other than outright victory in a continuing war against the Don Bass. Thirdly will Washington accept that its attempt to drag the Ukraine into NATO in order to promote regime change ultimately in Russia has failed.
I would have thought that in the short run none of these barriers can be overcome. Attempts to force the Don Bass into Ukraine would be like the UK government trying to force British Ulster into the Republic of Ireland. The last time that was tried there was an armed rebellion by the loyalist majority. ‘Ulster will fight and Ulster will be right.’ No surrender to Popery. Additonally, what is to be done with the armed, out of control, neo-nazi mobs in Lviv and Ternipol who want the war to continue in perpetuity? Who is going to disarm them? Finally the US who have invested so much in installing and supporting the Kiev regime will be loth to give up their little pet project in eastern europe, so long as the neo-con crazies hold sway.
In the short term therefore it looks like a frozen conflict.
Dear The Saker,
Thank you for this. Donbass has some good people in its team. Basurin is clear, straight forward and logical. I agree with your analysis too Saker – always read between the lines.
There is a live interview now with Lavrov and Secretary General of OSCE:–osce-secretary/
Supposedly the MH17 (fake) Report is coming out today.I believe it will blame the NAF and possibly as an aside,Russia for the shoot down.According to leaked reports the investigation dismissed all the evidence Russia gave them.The criminal regimes running the “investigation” said they wanted an international trial for the guilty.But now Russia has plainly said they would veto any try at that through the UN.So now those criminal regimes are talking about either national trials or sending it to the ICC kangaroo court in the Hague.My thinking is that this is going to present a huge problem for the Minsk agreements.Possibly sink them totally.Which is probably what the US and stooges are after anyway.The reason being,Ukraine has said they would not “amnesty” anyone involved in the MH17 shoot down.If the report names the NAF as the guilty party,Ukraine will say they won’t give an amnesty to them.One of the major (very major) conditions of the agreement was for an amnesty agreement.Without that,there is zero reason for the NAF to agree to accept any sovereignty of Ukraine.Even an autonomy of sorts wouldn’t protect them from fascist arrest over that case.I suspect that may have been one reason Ukraine hasn’t passed any amnesty agreement,nor talked to the LDPR leaders.They will now claim they can’t negotiate with International wanted criminals.The likelihood is that this is just the plot that many people suspected would be the case.
” Is there a politician in the Ukraine you respect?
There isn’t. Really, there isn’t. ”
Is there a politician in the West I respect?
There isn’t. Really, there isn’t.
Zwietstein – hi ! There are lots of great politicians in the West…they just haven’t got into the premier seats … yet …..
Sahra for one, and in Canada, Elizabeth May..and hears a great gal from Hawaii
interesting rap/song blend…and the line .”Russia adds to the 4 elements” spirituality?
Teranam 13, interesting remark, and thanks for the great link…really nice…
The fourth element…in Alchemy the fifth element was the Quinessence..the ‘ether’ which was inbetween the earth and the heavens….natural science of course ‘disproved’ this…I think actually rightly so, because spirit is spirit…not halfway inbetween….
But what I think the fourth element is in the video – my guess – is that it is a country with the ‘other three’ whichever they are…because right after that poetic term in the song its all about Russia Russia Russia…as though the singer thinks that Russia belongs with the other 3 ….
or maybe the ‘fourth element’ is one of the earth air fire water…
And the stupidity of “the Ukraine” continues:
All Ukrainian airspace closed to Russia.
Basurin is not the DNR spokesman.
Do we still have clueless gimps in this world…
Hollande does not rule out possibility of striking new ship construction deals with Russia
“All the problems on Mistral warships have been successfully resolved, and I think the partnership with Russia on new ships will be continued in the future,” the French president says
They’ve been selling off European stock too as the costs of funding their proxies (ISIL) and the assault on Yemen are finally biting. Throw in the low price of oil, the very real chance of blowback from vast army of mercenaries and the KSA is not looking in great shape.
There are rumours too of internal plots and dissatisfaction with long-term policy.
Iran is on the rise, and not likely to lose the opportunity from the nuclear deal to become the locus of control in the Middle East.
And is it just me, or do I detect a shift away from the neo-con/AIPAC mayhem by the US? It is unprecedented the degree of incoherence re policy in the MENA that is being leaked through so many channels. This is a ‘corporation’ that has invested enormous capital in control of information, perception-shaping and propaganda. Why are we seeing fissures and factionalism?
Is there a power struggle going on between the Pentagon and the CIA, as well as internally in both?