Bldg. 7 is a well-kept secret in the US. I didn’t know about it until just a few years ago. The MSM never mentions it, and I don’t remember seeing anything about it on 9/11 either, even though I (thought I) watched the whole thing on TV while it was happening. It is the single most damning piece of evidence that 9/11 was a false-flag.
9/11 – The Bush attack on the US, not the Nixon coup in Chile – was an inside job, and Rumsfeld was one of the key organizers, along with the rest of the “Project For a New American Century” gang – Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rice, etc. All of them are murders and war criminals.
Yes, indeed, professional liars have a tendency to lie. That, after all, is why they were promoted to the position of ‘top pizza delivery boys of Mount Zion’.
“9/11 – The Bush attack on the US, not the Nixon coup in Chile – was an inside job, and Rumsfeld was one of the key organizers, along with the rest of the “Project For a New American Century” gang – Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rice, etc. All of them are murders and war criminals.”
“Jeeez.” Well quite often, because these things are sometimes very convoluted (I think of Christopher Bollyn’s response to a question on 911 that did not fit his area of expertise, the Israeli/Zionist/Hollywoood angle…..which is massive, by the way….and his reply, which was basically to the effect, “Look, I never said I know everything about 9/11…This thing is so extensive it is like an enormous series of matriushkas—Russian nested dolls…..”) people who don’t exactly get clowned (Rumsfeld in the video acts like a clown……) on the whole operation, get clowned, fooled, hoodwinked, deceived, on part of it, all too often. And then the move on to concentrate on more current events………
Webster Tarpley doesn’t get clowned on the Saudi angle (they were the patsies, folks), but he does get clowned on the Zionist angle. Use what Tarpley gives us to get PLG over the Saudi deception: “He (Atta) was in fact not a practicing Muslim, but rather a devotee of alcohol, cocaine, call girls, and pork chops. These biographical details are vital because they demolish any notion of Atta as a fanatic kamikaze. He was a sybaritic playboy or worse, addicted to the pleasures of the flesh, and no ascetic to immolate himself for a cause of faith.” Page 193 911: Synthetic Terror Made in the USA
Tarpley will also get you over the deception that semi-moron Dubya “planned” anything. But Tarpley dismisses the dancing Israelis in New Jersey, and the 23 year connection of Hollywood to tall iconic buildings in NYC and the film scripts of planes crashing into them, that Bollyn proves.
I assert Rumsfeld is much higher than Dubya in the hierarchy of 911, though both are controlled by the controllers who are far higher up than these clowns needed for the job of clowning people. These individuals, whoever they are specifically, are IMHO dark occultists. See my post a few weeks ago, 15th comment under So far, only CI, eh? has reacted to that post.
If you are spooked by numerology and don’t want to “go there”, get over it. Don’t be a child. Take a look at the video documentary The Occult History of the THIRD REICH. Realize that we, and Russia, and humanity are up against the same goddamned occultists that ran that maniacal Austrian hippy. And they are back for a sequel. Actually, they never left. But 911 was their biggest single day attempt at deception ever. Learn their hidden (occult) languages and shut their horror show circus down. Clue: start with the flight numbers 11,93, 175 and 77. But a short primer on number symbols is needed first. See my posted comment under Have fun!! See the cockroaches run!!!
Hello Anonymous at 9:22 pm. After months of visiting here, I finally noticed the little orange + sign on formatting. but failed to get it the first attempt or two. Not enough time to play with it and learn it, until your pointer caused me to make one more attempt. SO, No more caps! Even though I snuck a few by moderators, on several occasions. Now I don’t know how to get out of bold script………Will try again, but not tonight. Thanks!
ps: Numerolgoy quiz: What do you think the chances are that it is a random fact (and not design) that the WTC 1 and 2 were struck by flight numbers 11 and 175 which add up to 186, which, divided by 2 = 93 while the other flight that did not hit a military headquarters (but was meant for WTC 7!!!) is also #93???? If you learn the huge significance of 93, it is impossible to not see a pattern, a deliberate design. Especially if you know that mocking the “uninitiated”, which occultists call “The Dead”, as in the dead asleep to their code language and other esoteric knowledge, is a major goal of their rituals: Hidden, but hidden in plain sight is infinitely more powerful and demonstrative of the “superiority” in their twisted view, than hidden so that it is impossible to see.
The classic example (for me) of freemasonic mocking of “The Dead” or “The Unbegun” is the standard graduation garb from universities, etc. That one had me laughing for hours. Inquiries will be answered with an explanation. If your sense of humor is as sick as theirs (and mine! That’s why I get it this stuff, and others are like, “Huh????”) you’ll laugh too. Goodnight.
Another hint – if you wish to refer directly to a single previous comment, copy its “link” into your current comment as follows:
Place the mouse over (hover) the date/time recorded to the right of the commenters name.
Right click the mouse and from the menu that then appears select “copy link address” (or similar).
Goto the point in the current comment at which you wish to insert the link.
Right click mouse and select paste.
I had a little google at “graduation garb and masonry” but don’t yet see much more than I already know this insidious joke to be.
PS: unfortunately everyone is sick enough to “get” this stuff.
When I chose bold script my entire comment went bold, but Mod must have corrected it. As far as I could see, or read in formatting instructions, it was all or nothing for the entire comment, no way to select just certain words.
Will work on the link pasting when time is available.
Nothing that I googled under “masonry and graduation garb” exposed the masonic joke as it was revealed to me. Mortar board is only one explanation of the graduation cap. But another is the black squares of the checkerboard whlte and black squares of the floor or “base” of an edifice or house, symbolizing base consciousness. Use your imagination and reconstruct the joke yourself: The rolled up diploma with a ribbon around it is said to symbolize a very short (and thus impotent!!) wand. Black squares and robes, ignorance.
“Hey, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc graduates, (after 4 years and a quarter million dollars spent) until We initiate you into our secret order that will impart the ancient mysteries of consciousness to you, permitting you to ascend, you are and will continue to be wandering around aimlessly on the lowly base of human experience, at least half in ignorance. You “graduates” don’t know Sh*t from Shinola! Suckers!!!!
Pure mockery hidden in plain sight. Just like 911.
It was a bridge burning by international Zio-Fascism. A signal to the whole world: we won’t turn back! Either you (humanity) kill us or we will enslave you all, forever.
9-11 denial is part of the main stream narrative. It actually panics people to think realistically (controlled demolition) about it because then every edifice of implanted mind control crashes to the ground. They begin to think outside the box. They are no longer boxed in.
People refer to it casually as a metaphor but it is a false one. What is interesting is how mechanical it sounds: 9/11! It is a time marker not a place like Pearl Harbor or a jingoistic exhortation–“Remember the Maine” It is a dreaded numerical reminder of when Fear entered the earth—kind of like an anti-Christ moment. Perhaps the new calendar of the New World Order will mark that as its beginning conveniently brainwashing the new toddlers in the state mandated daycare centers to think that it happened on the old calendar’s Jan. 1st. Until it becomes as much a fact in people’s mind as the Sun rising each day in the East.
DynCorp you will see that not only was dedicated to trafficking in women and children in the Balkans but have recently replaced Blackwater in the offensive for extermination of the Yemeni population who resists the invasion and looting of their country.
It would be interesting, in line with the questions made by deputy MacCkiney, who are the main shareholders of DynCorp ( would not surprise me to find there also this Donald ), I have no idea, but maybe some of you in the US can get the information and put it here…..?
Donald Rumsfeld, also pocketed huge profits with the dark matter of the pandemic “swine flu” ( Influenzavirus A subtype H1N1 ) and the sale of “Tamiflu” as effective treatment for avoiding this viral disease and its possible complications, being one of he biggest shareholders of the pharmaceutical company that had the patent of a preparation that already existed from time ago in the market but had no big sales because everyone knows in medicine that there is no drug that can cure or prevent complications from a viral illness such as the flu.
If a person becomes sick with swine flu, antiviral drugs can make the illness milder and make the patient feel better faster. They may also prevent serious flu complications. For treatment, antiviral drugs work best if started soon after getting sick (within two days of symptoms). Beside antivirals, supportive care at home or in a hospital focuses on controlling fevers, relieving pain and maintaining fluid balance, as well as identifying and treating any secondary infections or other medical problems.The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the use of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with swine influenza viruses; however, the majority of people infected with the virus make a full recovery without requiring medical attention or antiviral drugs.[55] The virus isolated in the 2009 outbreak have been found resistant to amantadine and rimantadine.[56]
In the U.S., on April 27, 2009, the FDA issued Emergency Use Authorizations to make available Relenza and Tamiflu antiviral drugs to treat the swine influenza virus in cases for which they are currently unapproved. The agency issued these EUAs to allow treatment of patients younger than the current approval allows and to allow the widespread distribution of the drugs, including by volunteers.[57](…)
The Bush regime cannot be the perpetrator — the MSM haven’t blurted out a single word about the passports of Bush, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz et al subsequently discovered in the debris, mind you. It was Mohammed Atta’s passport; case closed.
Aaahhh… WTC7, the smoking gun of 911. A building not hit by an airplane that came down “allegedly” by some minor damage caused to one of the corners of its facade… but most of the critical structural damage to the building was mostly caused by, wait for it… “office fires” :/
Yet the whole thing looked like a perfect demolition job…
PS; Kudos to Luke Rudkowski for keeping on hammering this issue after all these years. Just like him and plenty of others, I too believe 911 Truth is the silver bullet that can finally kill the vampire Hegemon and bring it to Justice.
I second the kudos to Luke—Is he the young fellow who persisted in posing his question to Rumsfeld in the video? Nicely done. Polite but assertive.
RE DAnny Jowenko, I watched a video on which he explains his analysis of the 911 collapses/demolitions. Completely convincing. Then heard that he had died, it seemed mysteriously.
That really scared me. As when I read the odd litany of unexplained sudden deaths in JFK and the Unspeakable. There is something unspeakable at work. People who know too much—even just on the basis of their own expertise, not for having been actual participants or plotters—are in danger. Not only their truth but also their expertise (which could serve society in many ways) is thus removed from the world.
I am waiting with bated (but not too bated) breath for one of our presidential candidates to say: I have often wondered about Building 7 . . .
“[..] kudos to Luke — Is he the young fellow who persisted in posing his question to Rumsfeld in the video? [..]”
As ever, I really can’t watch vids on my poor’s-man bandwidth – but I do recognize the guy on the picture to the right of Rumsfield used to illustrate this blog entry. And yup, that’s Luke Rudkowski from WeAreChange who’s been perusing this 911 Truth since, like, forever (if you‘re not familiar with him, just Google his name and you’ll learn about him in no time at all ;-) )
I just admire his commitment.
Because… other young men like himself would have lost interest in the cause by now…
“RE Danny Jowenko, I watched a video on which he explains his analysis of the 911 collapses/demolitions. Completely convincing. Then heard that he had died, it seemed mysteriously.
That really scared me [..]”
It makes you think, doesn’t it?
And he’s not the only one who died in relation to 911, try Barry Jennigs… (again, you can Google and find your own material about him, but here’s a few of examples…)
“As when I read the odd litany of unexplained sudden deaths in JFK and the Unspeakable. There is something unspeakable at work. People who know too much—even just on the basis of their own expertise, not for having been actual participants or plotters—are in danger [..]”
I hear you sister.
That’s why I’m not too keen on spreading around this ‘theory’ that the Hegemon is “stupid.” No, they’re not. They’re evil!
Undermine them by believing they’re stupid at your own peril, I’d say…
» I really can’t watch vids on my poor’s-man bandwidth «
You could use (or any of the alternatives) to download videos. Works best if you disable JavaScript globally but allow it for (IE: options » security » trusted sites) so you avoid the ads and pop-ups.
Pat on back:
Well of course! It was completely out of line for Obama to attempt to count coup with Raul Castro with the typical Alpha Male thing of establishing dominance via the back pat. 1. Obama is Castro’s guest, and on his territory. 2. Castro is his elder. 3. Obama is a wuss and Castro is a grown man who has actually seen th e trenches and knows what is going on. Some “body language” nonerbal communication adviser has advised Obama to use this move to estalbish dominance over the other man, and also, unconsciously, with attendees and the TV audience. Glad to see that Castro blocked it. LIke a good basketball player or maybe wrestler. After that, Obama hung back.
Someone tried this on PUtin recently, in Moscow, and I remarked on it on the blog. It was a couple of weeks ago, but now I can’t recall who it was in Moscow. It was a clear dominance play and totally out of line for teh guest to act like “mein Host” toward Putin in his own domain.
IN fact, I have even noticed my elder sister doing this to me. That “sisterly” or “brotherly” arm over the shoulder or “patting/steering” via a hand on teh back is calculated (conscioulsy or not, but with these politcos, I think calculated and drilled into them). It , not a spontaneous hug of warmth or affection.
Freely touching other people in a non-emotional way (like a firm pat on the back) is another sign of dominance. In this case, the dominant male or female is showing superiority by choosing who is to be honored by their display of endorsement. Dominant people will not accept this behavior in return.”
So, Raoul knew exactly what was going on and made it clear: Nyet con mio .
Very quick martial arts reflexes for an old man, inspires in me this quatrain:
Bien Hecho Raul!
En evitar un abrazo
De un payazo
Well Done Raul!
In avoiding an embrace
Of Death
From a clown
Of Empire.
Or it could be the dance reflexes of a Cuban male, rejecting the attempt of a diplomatic partner of questionable gender from attempting to lead the diplomatic dance. No, no no. Not today.
I love the dance move interpretation.
Which reminds me, BTW, why is it that so few Anglos understand how to lead a partner with the mere twist of a hand or even finger. It all comes down to leverage, not pushing and pulling. Guiding pre-existing energy. or, amplifying energy via compression, then flicking it in the desired direction or pattern (including twirl).
Similar, maybe, to Aikido or whatever it is that Putin is good at.
The most interesting thing in that was Obama’s arm and hand. Hand just hanging at the end of a loose arm – literally limp wristed.
Obama looked like an empty shell, a puppet with its strings cut.
The demolition of WTC7 is a known known unless you’ve been asleep all these years. What was inside WTC7? We don’t know. Was it something important? We don’t know either. Was something important lost due to the demolition of WTC7? Probably not, as the perps had all the time in the world to move stuff to new locations. Was it demolished so it could be claimed important data had been lost? Maybe. These are known unknowns.
The most simple explanation is that they wanted to destroy all seven buildings. 1 and 2 were the towers, 3, 4, 5 and 6 were collaterally damaged by falling debris. WTC7 stood outside the block north of Vesey street, so no collateral damage, hence some other reason had to be made up.
The towers had been reduced to hoax status by 2001. They were empty. There were no offices. There were no people and hence no victims (except by accident, like a stuntman on a movie set). The towers were never built to spec. They were mostly empty throughout their entire lifetime, and must have been completely empty on 9/11, which is why the complete contents were missing from the debris pile.
The WTC towers were a giant illusion of business and prosperity. “On a typical weekday 50,000 people worked in the towers with another 200,000 passing through as visitors.” (Wikipedia) What a joke! I was in NYC in September 2000, on a beautiful warm day, on my first visit to the USA and NYC, it was early afternoon, and I noted a distinct absence of street life around the WTC and in Battery Park. The thing that stood out to me was the ~30 m long queue of people waiting to be admitted through the security check into the lobby to then go to the Top of the World observation deck. I didn’t want to waste time waiting in queues time so went for a walk over Brooklyn Bridge (where there were lots of people), thinking I’d do the WTC on my next visit.
There were no planes either, of course. Planes are made of aluminium and thus would have gone to smithereens on impact with the steel girders of the facade. Parts of the aircraft would have spliced and diced into the building, but most of it would have fallen down on the outside. It would have been seen on video. Instead, the planes were made of CGI video pixels and thus had no problem piercing steel girders and magically disappearing inside the buildings as in a bad Hollywood special effect, which is precisely what it was. No planes, as clear as daylight.
Saker still has the link to A&E for 9/11 Truth on the sidebar. A&E feature an airplane in their logo. They’re part of the cover-up. Some well-intentioned people may have joined A&E, and some well-intentioned people donate money to them or place links to them. But A&E are 100 % controlled opposition and as such part of the 9/11 cover-up. Truth is not their business at all. Obfuscation is, deception is, distraction is, manipulation is.
There were lots of people who benefitted. There were at least 38 billion USD in Victim and Business Compensation Funds. Billion, not million. Enough money to make 38,000 millionaires. A cashflow conspiracy. The cashflow is why it is so successful.
In a way, the whole thing is much more trivial than all the truthers want you to think. There’s no blood and gore and deliberate murder. In another way, it is much more sophisticated than you think. It was a giant theatre performance. Hollywood in Manhattan. A very successful psy-op. A vast conspiracy, a giant fraud, glued together by a 38 billion dollar cashflow.
Besides the $Billions insurance scam, no mystery exists about Building 7, especially since Mr. Silverstein states on TV, “pull it.” I feel Building 7 is a distraction from the much larger crime. For examples, what about Buildings 3, 4, 5 and 6? What about the little “bombs” that exploded underground and visibly inside Building 6 (I think 6?) formerly available on Utube, and maybe some are still there.
How did tens of thousands NYC residents develop rare blood cancers within a certain radius of the crime scene? About 60,000 people were afflicted the last time I’d seen a report. What about the massive $$ fraud that’s traceable back to the theft of Japan’s gold bullion in WWII – delivered to private big bankers hands, not to the US Treasury? Even the head of an official 9-11 Investigation stated words to the effect, “This was a conspiracy 30 years in the making…” – Bob Kerry in video formerly on Utube, assuming it may/not still be there.
A few years ago, I assumed I couldn’t or wouldn’t comprehend anything about 9-11. An interview with the original architect of Buildings 1 and 2 convinced me, something is wrong with this picture. Then a genius Fb friend arrived to my eyes, had researched for years prior, collected info and proved numerous aspects — from money flow unto the Continuity of Government program ongoing since the early 90s which included Mr. Rumsfeld’s participation while he was a CEO of GD Searle Pharmaceuticals. So far as we know(?), the COG program remains in effect unto this day, although by law, Congress is supposed to review the status every 6 months. The Fed Govt. simply refused to share any info with the Congress and so, COG has never been reviewed by “the people” branch of govt., so far as I know. I hope I’m wrong, as always.
Friend was not the only person I read, but was the most comprehensive, and assembled Adobe PDF’s for download, all well documented if anyone would read them. Unfortunately, his upload sites expire after a time, so I cannot easily cite the vast amount of information that arrived to my eyes about 2009, now residing on my dead computer. :-)
I’m a big believer in “follow the money” foremost. That alone, and the shocking conditions that prevented it on the morning of 9-11 when numerous computers were overtaken by some type of hack so persons at their desks couldn’t operate their own machines… convinced me to view more. I’d also read Mike Ruppert’s book entitled “Crossing The Rubicon” published in 2004 or ’05. So many guns smoke in the larger story, Building 7 pales by comparison. Thus, I’m moved to post the rare comment here and regret I cannot easily offer URLs, in case anyone might be interested.
Anon, my meaning above is… the PDF books that collected & explained so much to me, are no longer accessible at the sites where I’d originally downloaded them. The computer I use doesn’t hold any of the earlier information I have in mind – even though I’m fairly sure much, if not all, is available somewhere online today. A great deal of time is required to plow through, as all interested people know.
In the final analysis, Friend had consulted with nuclear physicists who, based upon the physical events – AND – dust samples collected by the National Institute of Technology Standards [NIST] – AND – ongoing for some years the statistically rare cancers among many people in the area… Nuke physicists agreed that 9-11 was partially a nuclear event.
I still remember, he’d beg Fb friends to especially read and understand Pages 19-28 within the 600-page PDF. The 600 pages was mostly great high resolution photos. It was [to me] a teaching tool that pointed out events in several other countries, for comparison to 9-11 skyscraper collapses, and destruction of lesser storied buildings. Of course, Any/Everybody and their cousins would argue the analysis forever; but his sources were Govt. itself, and the physicists who consulted; and the graphics made things pretty darned clear, so even I could get the point.
My mind just goes to that vast collection of info, because a focus on the Buildings is insufficient; and focus on the Money is insufficient; and… the broader consequences are obvious 14+ years later, at home & abroad.
I agree with the many who see 9-11 as symbolic of “The End.” It really was. ❤
He “doesn’t know” because he knows he has to keep his mouth shut and never open that door even one hair’s breadth. Of course. What happened to the money that was in that building? What happened to all the government records?
WTC7 ha ha ha – We came, we saw, he died, ha ha ha
The peasants think they can take away our power? ha ha ha
Rumsfeld was a major part of 9/11. He’s not kidding anyone who thinks.
Bldg. 7 is a well-kept secret in the US. I didn’t know about it until just a few years ago. The MSM never mentions it, and I don’t remember seeing anything about it on 9/11 either, even though I (thought I) watched the whole thing on TV while it was happening. It is the single most damning piece of evidence that 9/11 was a false-flag.
9/11 – The Bush attack on the US, not the Nixon coup in Chile – was an inside job, and Rumsfeld was one of the key organizers, along with the rest of the “Project For a New American Century” gang – Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rice, etc. All of them are murders and war criminals.
Yes, indeed, professional liars have a tendency to lie. That, after all, is why they were promoted to the position of ‘top pizza delivery boys of Mount Zion’.
“9/11 – The Bush attack on the US, not the Nixon coup in Chile – was an inside job, and Rumsfeld was one of the key organizers, along with the rest of the “Project For a New American Century” gang – Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rice, etc. All of them are murders and war criminals.”
Not according to Purple Library Guy (who otherwise I thought as sane)…
“But 9/11 really was mostly Saudis…”
“Jeeez.” Well quite often, because these things are sometimes very convoluted (I think of Christopher Bollyn’s response to a question on 911 that did not fit his area of expertise, the Israeli/Zionist/Hollywoood angle…..which is massive, by the way….and his reply, which was basically to the effect, “Look, I never said I know everything about 9/11…This thing is so extensive it is like an enormous series of matriushkas—Russian nested dolls…..”) people who don’t exactly get clowned (Rumsfeld in the video acts like a clown……) on the whole operation, get clowned, fooled, hoodwinked, deceived, on part of it, all too often. And then the move on to concentrate on more current events………
Webster Tarpley doesn’t get clowned on the Saudi angle (they were the patsies, folks), but he does get clowned on the Zionist angle. Use what Tarpley gives us to get PLG over the Saudi deception: “He (Atta) was in fact not a practicing Muslim, but rather a devotee of alcohol, cocaine, call girls, and pork chops. These biographical details are vital because they demolish any notion of Atta as a fanatic kamikaze. He was a sybaritic playboy or worse, addicted to the pleasures of the flesh, and no ascetic to immolate himself for a cause of faith.” Page 193 911: Synthetic Terror Made in the USA
Tarpley will also get you over the deception that semi-moron Dubya “planned” anything. But Tarpley dismisses the dancing Israelis in New Jersey, and the 23 year connection of Hollywood to tall iconic buildings in NYC and the film scripts of planes crashing into them, that Bollyn proves.
I assert Rumsfeld is much higher than Dubya in the hierarchy of 911, though both are controlled by the controllers who are far higher up than these clowns needed for the job of clowning people. These individuals, whoever they are specifically, are IMHO dark occultists. See my post a few weeks ago, 15th comment under So far, only CI, eh? has reacted to that post.
If you are spooked by numerology and don’t want to “go there”, get over it. Don’t be a child. Take a look at the video documentary The Occult History of the THIRD REICH. Realize that we, and Russia, and humanity are up against the same goddamned occultists that ran that maniacal Austrian hippy. And they are back for a sequel. Actually, they never left. But 911 was their biggest single day attempt at deception ever. Learn their hidden (occult) languages and shut their horror show circus down. Clue: start with the flight numbers 11,93, 175 and 77. But a short primer on number symbols is needed first. See my posted comment under Have fun!! See the cockroaches run!!!
An interesting perspective which I have only read a little before.
PS: you can bold etc easily using simple tags as descibed here for example:
Hello Anonymous at 9:22 pm. After months of visiting here, I finally noticed the little orange + sign on formatting. but failed to get it the first attempt or two. Not enough time to play with it and learn it, until your pointer caused me to make one more attempt. SO, No more caps! Even though I snuck a few by moderators, on several occasions. Now I don’t know how to get out of bold script………Will try again, but not tonight. Thanks!
ps: Numerolgoy quiz: What do you think the chances are that it is a random fact (and not design) that the WTC 1 and 2 were struck by flight numbers 11 and 175 which add up to 186, which, divided by 2 = 93 while the other flight that did not hit a military headquarters (but was meant for WTC 7!!!) is also #93???? If you learn the huge significance of 93, it is impossible to not see a pattern, a deliberate design. Especially if you know that mocking the “uninitiated”, which occultists call “The Dead”, as in the dead asleep to their code language and other esoteric knowledge, is a major goal of their rituals: Hidden, but hidden in plain sight is infinitely more powerful and demonstrative of the “superiority” in their twisted view, than hidden so that it is impossible to see.
The classic example (for me) of freemasonic mocking of “The Dead” or “The Unbegun” is the standard graduation garb from universities, etc. That one had me laughing for hours. Inquiries will be answered with an explanation. If your sense of humor is as sick as theirs (and mine! That’s why I get it this stuff, and others are like, “Huh????”) you’ll laugh too. Goodnight.
Another hint – if you wish to refer directly to a single previous comment, copy its “link” into your current comment as follows:
Place the mouse over (hover) the date/time recorded to the right of the commenters name.
Right click the mouse and from the menu that then appears select “copy link address” (or similar).
Goto the point in the current comment at which you wish to insert the link.
Right click mouse and select paste.
I had a little google at “graduation garb and masonry” but don’t yet see much more than I already know this insidious joke to be.
PS: unfortunately everyone is sick enough to “get” this stuff.
When I chose bold script my entire comment went bold, but Mod must have corrected it. As far as I could see, or read in formatting instructions, it was all or nothing for the entire comment, no way to select just certain words.
Will work on the link pasting when time is available.
Nothing that I googled under “masonry and graduation garb” exposed the masonic joke as it was revealed to me. Mortar board is only one explanation of the graduation cap. But another is the black squares of the checkerboard whlte and black squares of the floor or “base” of an edifice or house, symbolizing base consciousness. Use your imagination and reconstruct the joke yourself: The rolled up diploma with a ribbon around it is said to symbolize a very short (and thus impotent!!) wand. Black squares and robes, ignorance.
“Hey, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc graduates, (after 4 years and a quarter million dollars spent) until We initiate you into our secret order that will impart the ancient mysteries of consciousness to you, permitting you to ascend, you are and will continue to be wandering around aimlessly on the lowly base of human experience, at least half in ignorance. You “graduates” don’t know Sh*t from Shinola! Suckers!!!!
Pure mockery hidden in plain sight. Just like 911.
Appreciate your explanation.
9/11 was much more than an inside job.
It was a bridge burning by international Zio-Fascism. A signal to the whole world: we won’t turn back! Either you (humanity) kill us or we will enslave you all, forever.
9-11 denial is part of the main stream narrative. It actually panics people to think realistically (controlled demolition) about it because then every edifice of implanted mind control crashes to the ground. They begin to think outside the box. They are no longer boxed in.
People refer to it casually as a metaphor but it is a false one. What is interesting is how mechanical it sounds: 9/11! It is a time marker not a place like Pearl Harbor or a jingoistic exhortation–“Remember the Maine” It is a dreaded numerical reminder of when Fear entered the earth—kind of like an anti-Christ moment. Perhaps the new calendar of the New World Order will mark that as its beginning conveniently brainwashing the new toddlers in the state mandated daycare centers to think that it happened on the old calendar’s Jan. 1st. Until it becomes as much a fact in people’s mind as the Sun rising each day in the East.
“Donald Rumsfeld and his Chief of Staff HUNTED !!” (subt español & English)
DynCorp you will see that not only was dedicated to trafficking in women and children in the Balkans but have recently replaced Blackwater in the offensive for extermination of the Yemeni population who resists the invasion and looting of their country.
It would be interesting, in line with the questions made by deputy MacCkiney, who are the main shareholders of DynCorp ( would not surprise me to find there also this Donald ), I have no idea, but maybe some of you in the US can get the information and put it here…..?
Donald Rumsfeld, also pocketed huge profits with the dark matter of the pandemic “swine flu” ( Influenzavirus A subtype H1N1 ) and the sale of “Tamiflu” as effective treatment for avoiding this viral disease and its possible complications, being one of he biggest shareholders of the pharmaceutical company that had the patent of a preparation that already existed from time ago in the market but had no big sales because everyone knows in medicine that there is no drug that can cure or prevent complications from a viral illness such as the flu.
“The TRUTH About #Tamiflu”
“Swine influenza”:
“(…)Treatment(…) Humans:
If a person becomes sick with swine flu, antiviral drugs can make the illness milder and make the patient feel better faster. They may also prevent serious flu complications. For treatment, antiviral drugs work best if started soon after getting sick (within two days of symptoms). Beside antivirals, supportive care at home or in a hospital focuses on controlling fevers, relieving pain and maintaining fluid balance, as well as identifying and treating any secondary infections or other medical problems.The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the use of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with swine influenza viruses; however, the majority of people infected with the virus make a full recovery without requiring medical attention or antiviral drugs.[55] The virus isolated in the 2009 outbreak have been found resistant to amantadine and rimantadine.[56]
In the U.S., on April 27, 2009, the FDA issued Emergency Use Authorizations to make available Relenza and Tamiflu antiviral drugs to treat the swine influenza virus in cases for which they are currently unapproved. The agency issued these EUAs to allow treatment of patients younger than the current approval allows and to allow the widespread distribution of the drugs, including by volunteers.[57](…)
See also,
“Tamiflu, Donald Rumsfeld, and the business of fear …”
This is in Spanish, try to translate, very interesting, MUST READ.
The Bush regime cannot be the perpetrator — the MSM haven’t blurted out a single word about the passports of Bush, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz et al subsequently discovered in the debris, mind you. It was Mohammed Atta’s passport; case closed.
Another one more, in this case from the health community, from
“Donald Rumsfeld and the business of bird flu”:
Also in Spanish, sorry, try to translate in case your are interested.
Aaahhh… WTC7, the smoking gun of 911. A building not hit by an airplane that came down “allegedly” by some minor damage caused to one of the corners of its facade… but most of the critical structural damage to the building was mostly caused by, wait for it… “office fires” :/
Yet the whole thing looked like a perfect demolition job…
^ A footage that even took a Demolition Expert by surprise, Danny Jowenko, who sadly (or suspiciously?) passed away back in 2011…
Danny Jowenko, 1955-2011: How a Demolition Expert Brought Explosive Attention to 9/11 Truth
PS; Kudos to Luke Rudkowski for keeping on hammering this issue after all these years. Just like him and plenty of others, I too believe 911 Truth is the silver bullet that can finally kill the vampire Hegemon and bring it to Justice.
I second the kudos to Luke—Is he the young fellow who persisted in posing his question to Rumsfeld in the video? Nicely done. Polite but assertive.
RE DAnny Jowenko, I watched a video on which he explains his analysis of the 911 collapses/demolitions. Completely convincing. Then heard that he had died, it seemed mysteriously.
That really scared me. As when I read the odd litany of unexplained sudden deaths in JFK and the Unspeakable. There is something unspeakable at work. People who know too much—even just on the basis of their own expertise, not for having been actual participants or plotters—are in danger. Not only their truth but also their expertise (which could serve society in many ways) is thus removed from the world.
I am waiting with bated (but not too bated) breath for one of our presidential candidates to say: I have often wondered about Building 7 . . .
@ Katherine:
“[..] kudos to Luke — Is he the young fellow who persisted in posing his question to Rumsfeld in the video? [..]”
As ever, I really can’t watch vids on my poor’s-man bandwidth – but I do recognize the guy on the picture to the right of Rumsfield used to illustrate this blog entry. And yup, that’s Luke Rudkowski from WeAreChange who’s been perusing this 911 Truth since, like, forever (if you‘re not familiar with him, just Google his name and you’ll learn about him in no time at all ;-) )
I just admire his commitment.
Because… other young men like himself would have lost interest in the cause by now…
“RE Danny Jowenko, I watched a video on which he explains his analysis of the 911 collapses/demolitions. Completely convincing. Then heard that he had died, it seemed mysteriously.
That really scared me [..]”
It makes you think, doesn’t it?
And he’s not the only one who died in relation to 911, try Barry Jennigs… (again, you can Google and find your own material about him, but here’s a few of examples…)
World Exclusive: WTC7 Survivor Barry Jennings Account
Michael Hess, Barry Jennings – The 9/11 Interview with Evidence that NIST Lied about when Michael Hess and Barry Jennings Were Rescued – by David Ray Griffin
Key Witness to WTC 7 Explosions Dead at 53 [sep-2008]
“As when I read the odd litany of unexplained sudden deaths in JFK and the Unspeakable. There is something unspeakable at work. People who know too much—even just on the basis of their own expertise, not for having been actual participants or plotters—are in danger [..]”
I hear you sister.
That’s why I’m not too keen on spreading around this ‘theory’ that the Hegemon is “stupid.” No, they’re not. They’re evil!
Undermine them by believing they’re stupid at your own peril, I’d say…
» one of our presidential candidates to say: I have often wondered about Building 7 . . . «
Engdahl has published a sobering article on Donald Trump: A Mafia Don with a Pompadour – NEO, 20.03.16
» I really can’t watch vids on my poor’s-man bandwidth «
You could use (or any of the alternatives) to download videos. Works best if you disable JavaScript globally but allow it for (IE: options » security » trusted sites) so you avoid the ads and pop-ups.
Look what happens when Obama tries to pat Raul Castro on the back!
No hugs for Obama: Awkward moment with Castro at Havana presser 2 NEW
That was indeed awkward and a sign of the times. Nobody would have dared to hold of FDR or JFK.
Pat on back:
Well of course! It was completely out of line for Obama to attempt to count coup with Raul Castro with the typical Alpha Male thing of establishing dominance via the back pat. 1. Obama is Castro’s guest, and on his territory. 2. Castro is his elder. 3. Obama is a wuss and Castro is a grown man who has actually seen th e trenches and knows what is going on. Some “body language” nonerbal communication adviser has advised Obama to use this move to estalbish dominance over the other man, and also, unconsciously, with attendees and the TV audience. Glad to see that Castro blocked it. LIke a good basketball player or maybe wrestler. After that, Obama hung back.
Someone tried this on PUtin recently, in Moscow, and I remarked on it on the blog. It was a couple of weeks ago, but now I can’t recall who it was in Moscow. It was a clear dominance play and totally out of line for teh guest to act like “mein Host” toward Putin in his own domain.
IN fact, I have even noticed my elder sister doing this to me. That “sisterly” or “brotherly” arm over the shoulder or “patting/steering” via a hand on teh back is calculated (conscioulsy or not, but with these politcos, I think calculated and drilled into them). It , not a spontaneous hug of warmth or affection.
More on the dominance back pat:
“4. Touching
Freely touching other people in a non-emotional way (like a firm pat on the back) is another sign of dominance. In this case, the dominant male or female is showing superiority by choosing who is to be honored by their display of endorsement. Dominant people will not accept this behavior in return.”
So, Raoul knew exactly what was going on and made it clear: Nyet con mio .
Very quick martial arts reflexes for an old man, inspires in me this quatrain:
Bien Hecho Raul!
En evitar un abrazo
De un payazo
Well Done Raul!
In avoiding an embrace
Of Death
From a clown
Of Empire.
Or it could be the dance reflexes of a Cuban male, rejecting the attempt of a diplomatic partner of questionable gender from attempting to lead the diplomatic dance. No, no no. Not today.
I love the dance move interpretation.
Which reminds me, BTW, why is it that so few Anglos understand how to lead a partner with the mere twist of a hand or even finger. It all comes down to leverage, not pushing and pulling. Guiding pre-existing energy. or, amplifying energy via compression, then flicking it in the desired direction or pattern (including twirl).
Similar, maybe, to Aikido or whatever it is that Putin is good at.
The most interesting thing in that was Obama’s arm and hand. Hand just hanging at the end of a loose arm – literally limp wristed.
Obama looked like an empty shell, a puppet with its strings cut.
Rumsfeld … I sort of liked him.
The demolition of WTC7 is a known known unless you’ve been asleep all these years. What was inside WTC7? We don’t know. Was it something important? We don’t know either. Was something important lost due to the demolition of WTC7? Probably not, as the perps had all the time in the world to move stuff to new locations. Was it demolished so it could be claimed important data had been lost? Maybe. These are known unknowns.
The most simple explanation is that they wanted to destroy all seven buildings. 1 and 2 were the towers, 3, 4, 5 and 6 were collaterally damaged by falling debris. WTC7 stood outside the block north of Vesey street, so no collateral damage, hence some other reason had to be made up.
As written before on this blog …
Here’s a photo of the fake smoke pipe system installed at the WTC (L.A. Times). This fake smoke pipe system used on 9/11 to hoax the American people and start wars in their name can be seen on many close-up videos of the WTC on 9/11, typically focussing on so-called “jumpers”, which were also fake. (For example: September 11th 2001 ABC Dub 2_23 – YouTube)
Hollywood Special Effects & Fake Smoke @ the World Trade Center on 9/11 – LRF, 31 Oct 2010
The towers had been reduced to hoax status by 2001. They were empty. There were no offices. There were no people and hence no victims (except by accident, like a stuntman on a movie set). The towers were never built to spec. They were mostly empty throughout their entire lifetime, and must have been completely empty on 9/11, which is why the complete contents were missing from the debris pile.
Was the World Trade Center Hollow, Empty, Gutted with no People on 9/11? – LRF, 19 Jun 2010
The WTC towers were a giant illusion of business and prosperity. “On a typical weekday 50,000 people worked in the towers with another 200,000 passing through as visitors.” (Wikipedia) What a joke! I was in NYC in September 2000, on a beautiful warm day, on my first visit to the USA and NYC, it was early afternoon, and I noted a distinct absence of street life around the WTC and in Battery Park. The thing that stood out to me was the ~30 m long queue of people waiting to be admitted through the security check into the lobby to then go to the Top of the World observation deck. I didn’t want to waste time waiting in queues time so went for a walk over Brooklyn Bridge (where there were lots of people), thinking I’d do the WTC on my next visit.
There were no planes either, of course. Planes are made of aluminium and thus would have gone to smithereens on impact with the steel girders of the facade. Parts of the aircraft would have spliced and diced into the building, but most of it would have fallen down on the outside. It would have been seen on video. Instead, the planes were made of CGI video pixels and thus had no problem piercing steel girders and magically disappearing inside the buildings as in a bad Hollywood special effect, which is precisely what it was. No planes, as clear as daylight.
Saker still has the link to A&E for 9/11 Truth on the sidebar. A&E feature an airplane in their logo. They’re part of the cover-up. Some well-intentioned people may have joined A&E, and some well-intentioned people donate money to them or place links to them. But A&E are 100 % controlled opposition and as such part of the 9/11 cover-up. Truth is not their business at all. Obfuscation is, deception is, distraction is, manipulation is.
There were lots of people who benefitted. There were at least 38 billion USD in Victim and Business Compensation Funds. Billion, not million. Enough money to make 38,000 millionaires. A cashflow conspiracy. The cashflow is why it is so successful.
The truthers are the 9/11 cover-up army (LRF, 11 Mar 2011). They’ve made money from 9/11 and continue to do so.
In a way, the whole thing is much more trivial than all the truthers want you to think. There’s no blood and gore and deliberate murder. In another way, it is much more sophisticated than you think. It was a giant theatre performance. Hollywood in Manhattan. A very successful psy-op. A vast conspiracy, a giant fraud, glued together by a 38 billion dollar cashflow.
Besides the $Billions insurance scam, no mystery exists about Building 7, especially since Mr. Silverstein states on TV, “pull it.” I feel Building 7 is a distraction from the much larger crime. For examples, what about Buildings 3, 4, 5 and 6? What about the little “bombs” that exploded underground and visibly inside Building 6 (I think 6?) formerly available on Utube, and maybe some are still there.
How did tens of thousands NYC residents develop rare blood cancers within a certain radius of the crime scene? About 60,000 people were afflicted the last time I’d seen a report. What about the massive $$ fraud that’s traceable back to the theft of Japan’s gold bullion in WWII – delivered to private big bankers hands, not to the US Treasury? Even the head of an official 9-11 Investigation stated words to the effect, “This was a conspiracy 30 years in the making…” – Bob Kerry in video formerly on Utube, assuming it may/not still be there.
A few years ago, I assumed I couldn’t or wouldn’t comprehend anything about 9-11. An interview with the original architect of Buildings 1 and 2 convinced me, something is wrong with this picture. Then a genius Fb friend arrived to my eyes, had researched for years prior, collected info and proved numerous aspects — from money flow unto the Continuity of Government program ongoing since the early 90s which included Mr. Rumsfeld’s participation while he was a CEO of GD Searle Pharmaceuticals. So far as we know(?), the COG program remains in effect unto this day, although by law, Congress is supposed to review the status every 6 months. The Fed Govt. simply refused to share any info with the Congress and so, COG has never been reviewed by “the people” branch of govt., so far as I know. I hope I’m wrong, as always.
Friend was not the only person I read, but was the most comprehensive, and assembled Adobe PDF’s for download, all well documented if anyone would read them. Unfortunately, his upload sites expire after a time, so I cannot easily cite the vast amount of information that arrived to my eyes about 2009, now residing on my dead computer. :-)
I’m a big believer in “follow the money” foremost. That alone, and the shocking conditions that prevented it on the morning of 9-11 when numerous computers were overtaken by some type of hack so persons at their desks couldn’t operate their own machines… convinced me to view more. I’d also read Mike Ruppert’s book entitled “Crossing The Rubicon” published in 2004 or ’05. So many guns smoke in the larger story, Building 7 pales by comparison. Thus, I’m moved to post the rare comment here and regret I cannot easily offer URLs, in case anyone might be interested.
“Thus, I’m moved to post the rare comment here and regret I cannot easily offer URLs, in case anyone might be interested.”
Just copy/paste in a list?
Anon, my meaning above is… the PDF books that collected & explained so much to me, are no longer accessible at the sites where I’d originally downloaded them. The computer I use doesn’t hold any of the earlier information I have in mind – even though I’m fairly sure much, if not all, is available somewhere online today. A great deal of time is required to plow through, as all interested people know.
In the final analysis, Friend had consulted with nuclear physicists who, based upon the physical events – AND – dust samples collected by the National Institute of Technology Standards [NIST] – AND – ongoing for some years the statistically rare cancers among many people in the area… Nuke physicists agreed that 9-11 was partially a nuclear event.
I still remember, he’d beg Fb friends to especially read and understand Pages 19-28 within the 600-page PDF. The 600 pages was mostly great high resolution photos. It was [to me] a teaching tool that pointed out events in several other countries, for comparison to 9-11 skyscraper collapses, and destruction of lesser storied buildings. Of course, Any/Everybody and their cousins would argue the analysis forever; but his sources were Govt. itself, and the physicists who consulted; and the graphics made things pretty darned clear, so even I could get the point.
My mind just goes to that vast collection of info, because a focus on the Buildings is insufficient; and focus on the Money is insufficient; and… the broader consequences are obvious 14+ years later, at home & abroad.
I agree with the many who see 9-11 as symbolic of “The End.” It really was. ❤
“Anon, my meaning above is…”
Ah, gotcha – thanks.
To me it was just “the beginning”
He “doesn’t know” because he knows he has to keep his mouth shut and never open that door even one hair’s breadth. Of course. What happened to the money that was in that building? What happened to all the government records?