Check out the subtle message of Google to Russia:
The suggested notion is simple: Russia does not give the “possibility of practicing sport without discrimination” to homosexuals.
The Saker
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So homosexual sex is now an olymic sport?
Canada’s response, lmao.
Canada’s response.
Google has become a very tiresome propaganda outlet.
Consider: did Microsoft or Apple ever exploit their position to blanket the public with their owners politics?
Google, however, has turned its Doodles into a regular propaganda vehicle. They used to be a rarity, now every other day the company sends some message to its users.
I’m trying to imagine going into J.C. Penny in the 80’s and every other shopping trip encountering unavoidable signs proclaiming some political cause. I can’t imagine it.
Bezos is a big supporter of gay rights, but he hasn’t used in the same way.
Google seems to feel that since they’re the last remaining search engine, they can convert us all to their politics.
I guess we’ll never see Google do the same for Palestine…oh them selective freedom lovers…
its not russia that is abusing gays with laws…its a US ally: QATAR thats doing so
the empire builders, google include, are desperate.
Qatar: 150 beatings with a stick, Uganda: life in prison, KSA Beheading, Emirates: chemical castration.
Propaganda in W Europe has gone over the top: a growing segment is getting very fed-up with the never ending attention about gays. People now want to root for their national heros.
Most people are not anti gay, but only a small fraction is willing to spend time and energy to fight for their cause. In Holland many TV hosts are openly gay (and a disproportionate percentage in government is jewish)
Gays almost have the same iconic status as jews
Dear Saker,
another anti-russian propaganda operation debunked:
Hacking at Sochi Olympics 100% Fraudulent
Salut Saker,
A bit off the subject, but I thought you and others on this blog might enjoy this excellent article on Dieudonné and his saga against the zio-crazy mafia!
Thanks for the good work and all your great articles and analyses.
BTW, thanks also for this address you gave earlier :
Excellent reading for anyone who wants to have a larger perspective on christianity.
From a dedicated reader.
Salut Saker,
A bit off the subject, but here’s a great article (in English) on Dieudonné’s saga against the zio-crazy mafia. I thought it would interest you as well as other on this blog.
Thanks for the great work and all your excellent articles and analyses.
BTW, thanks also for the link you gave earlier :
Great reading to get a wider perspective on christianity.
From a dedicated reader.
And then we have the clown and US stooge Bang Ka Boom holding a torch with gay-gloves, making inflammatory speeches in support of Sorosian peddled perversities to Russian children.They should have fired him from that mission on the spot for disrespect of the Russian host and interference in Russian internal affairs.
Who made him his redicolous gloves anyway? His Saudi Arabian partner?
Here’s the link for the article on Dieudonné:
Sorry about that!
@RMJ: salut l’ami!
BTW, thanks also for the link you gave earlier :
Great reading to get a wider perspective on christianity.
Wow, I never thought anybody would appreciate – nevermind thank me – for this link. I think that the core thesis this article (that Franks never became Romans but that they exterminated Romans and then took on their name) is so totally unacceptable for a majority of the public in the West because of the huge implications it has. Think of it, that means that the roots of Western Civilization are not in Greece or even Rome, but in the Frankish Empire. All these grand statements about Ancient Greece being the cradle of European civilization is absolute bullshit. Next, the Latin Church is not Roman either. It is also Frankish. Amazing, no? And then the fact that the Roman civilization continued to exist for a full *thousand years* after the Fall of Rome is also ignored. That is for the political aspect.
From the Christian aspect there never was a schism between East and West, but one between the Frankish “north” and the Roman “south” and that nowadays the folks sitting in the Vatican are not heir of the Roman Empire and civilization, but of the Frankish Germanic Empire.
Blows your mind, don’t it?
No wonder most folks can’t handle this :-)
All this just to say that I am really happy that you found it interesting!
The Saker
Who’s streaming the Olympics live?
Salut Saker,
Well, it was not an easy read, especially the parts dealing with the doctrinal aspects, but, yes, it does dramatically change the perspective on history. Always good to lose a few illusory concepts and gain a fresher look on things!
BTW, have you ever heard of a book called Vie et mort des Chrétiens d’orient, by Jean-Pierre Valognes (not his real name)? Just barely stated reading it. Of course he holds the traditional view on Greeks and Romans, but there’s seems to be lot’s of info in there. I just wonder if you had an opinion on it (a negative one would spare me a lot of reading… It’s thick!).
Screw the Crouts for this politicized appearance in the Olympics…makes me angry!
If I were Putin, I’d happily introduce a new Olympic sporting discipline to kill off most of the planet from sheer laughing: “Western monkey competition” in which the participants — exclusively Westerners — behave like Pu55y Riot with regard to their body apertures while at the same time reading some Corporate Media Horseshit aloud (VERY loudly). Putin greets the winner!
“Romanity”… is indeed a good start on the way to a total understanding of the parlous situation of the present world.
The Franks were indeed instrumental in the split of Christendom, but to attribute it exclusively to them is a mistake. It was in fact more the Judaizing trend that pervades the West since the very origins of Christendom and which exercised its subversion over many centuries. We are now at the apparent end of their efforts: the total domination of the Gentiles.
That explains their rage at the stings of Dieudo. They deflate the baloon of their self delusion. They can’t cope psychologically with their naked image.
Don’t stop in midway with your quest,
All the best,
I think what is needed is not just information exposing what’s going on and more blogging, but concrete steps people can take within the Anglo-Ziosphere to start undermining the power of these forces. Why not organize coordinated operations to subvert them just as they subvert others? I find it somewhat pathetic that so many people talk about the problem so much but take so little action. Any suggestions?
Very good point. Vampires should definitely stay in the dark, where they belong: better for their own health… But it seems that their arrogance, greed for power and thisrt for blood have pushed them out in full day light for everyone to see their ugly faces… And if one cannot change his own image, then he can always try to tell others to shut it up… by all means… I do not know where all this will end, but I’m not very opimistic. They just seems to have too many levers in their own hands.
Thanks for the good words, and all the best to you as well,
@ChessMaster:I think what is needed is not just information exposing what’s going on and more blogging, but concrete steps people can take within the Anglo-Ziosphere to start undermining the power of these forces. Why not organize coordinated operations to subvert them just as they subvert others?
Because that is “their kind” of warfare whereas we need to fight “our kind” of warfare. As a (now former) military analyst I can tell you that one of the most important rules of warfare is to never accept the kind of warfare your enemy has chosen. Everybody is best at “something” and that “something” is most likely to be something your opponent is better at then you. So what you must do is play by a different set of rules. This is why there is no such thing as a “Hezbollah Air Force” or “Hezbollah tank battalion” – because that would be a dream come true for the Israelis. Likewise, when this moron Saddam attempted to fight the USA in a combined arms operation in the desert he literally made their dreams come true. What we need is a way to bring to life the worst nightmare for our imperial overlords, not make their dreams come true. Subversion, terrorism, violence – this is what they love. But use humor like Dieudonne and they go in a hysterical panic mode. Break their laws, no matter how stupid, and you just made their day. Be a law abiding citizen and they hate you. Crucially – accept a debate carefully framed by them and they win each time, CHANGE THE TERMS OF THE DEBATE and REFUSE TO PLAY BY THEIR RULES and they freak out. Does that make sense? Do you see what I mean? We will never “out-CIA the CIA” – so let them play their little subversion games. But all the might of the AngloZionist Empire is right now completely unable to deal with the Soral+Dieudonne phenomenon. Just like the entire Soviet Union could not defeat one man: Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Or the entire British Empire could not defeat Gandhi. And the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin could not prevail against Christ. Their weapon has always been violence, corruption and deception. Our power has always been “one man and the truth” which I believe really is one man + God. This is why Saint Seraphim of Sarov said “Save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved“.
To prevail against your enemies requires that you first stop acting like they do. Breaking their operational paradigm is the key to breaking free from them and, eventually, breaking their power.
I hope that my reply makes sense to you.
BTW – what is your chess rating?
The Saker
VINEYARDSAKER I agree. We need leaders and we need direction and cohesiveness.I’m there :)
Emerald, look again at what VINEYARDSAKER wrote especially the quote from Saint Seraphim of Sarov who said “Save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved”.
Does that imply the need for leaders? You are your own leader, maybe that is what is more needed. Live a life as you would want it and not as the AngloZionists want. Another way to look at this is that “Change starts with ones self” or “to lead by example”.
To much we have relied on leadership and we are constantly let down by such people. They say the right things but they do not practise what they preach. It is time to turn our backs on said people and be our own leaders. Our future with combination of decentralised technological developments point to this path. Localised living in a networked world. Direct Democracy, community participation, de centralised crypto currency not born of debt and valued on terms of human worth not debt slavery. We are at the precipice of great change and we can forge a much better world. One where people are treated with respect and nature and environment as well.
Work for this and be inspired by the likes of Snowden, Assange, Satoshi, Gadaffi, Jesus, Ghandi and others that struggled for a better way via living their example. Were they all perfect, no but perfection is something to strive to even though, like infinity, it can never be obtained.
@Saint Seraphim…
This is a wonderful quotation from St. Seraphim. He in fact reiterates a teaching of the ascetic Fathers of the Desert. A saying of Abba Pambo, 4th Century A.D:
“… the disciple said: So then, Geronda, the traditions are going to be changed and the practices of the Christians? Maybe there won’t exist enough priests in the Church when these unfortunate times come?
And the father continued: In these times the love for God in most souls will grow cold and a great sadness will fall onto the world. One nation shall face-off against another. Peoples will move away from their own places. Rulers will be confused. The clergy will be thrown into anarchy, and the monks will be inclined more to negligence. The church leaders will consider useless anything concerned wit salvation, as much for their own souls as for the souls of their flocks, and they will despise any such concern. All will show eagerness and energy for every matter regarding their dining table and their appetites. They’ll be lazy in their prayers and casual in their criticisms. As for the lives and teachings of the Holy Fathers, they’ll not have any interest to imitate them, nor even to hear them. But rather they will complain and say that “if we had lived in those times, then we’d have behaved like that”. And the bishops shall give way to the powerful of the world, giving answers on different matters only after taking gifts from everywhere and consulting the rational logic of the academics. The poor man’s rights will not be defended, they’ll afflict widows, and harass orphans. Debauchery will permeate these people. Most won’t believe in God, they’ll hate each other and devour one another like beasts. The one will steal from the other, they’ll be drunk and will walk about as blind.
The disciple again asked: What can we do, in such a state?
And Elder Pambo answered: My child, in these times whoever will save his soul and prompt others to be saved will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven”.
So help us God,
A bit off-topic, but nice:
Russian Skieres Show Real Olympic Spirit
unknown pilgrim
I have followed your blog for some time now and pointed many others to you for a perspective worth reflecting about. I really do respect you for the way you investigate and allow reality to inform you and take you to truth that is both uncomfortable (when we reflect on our personal or communal past) and radical(by this I refer to the way in which truth unravels the myths we are fed and live by). Having been trained in a range of sciences and theology; and having lived a substantial time in the Middle East, I commend you for the way you modified your stance on Syria. That takes courage. I also profoundly appreciate the quote from Elder Pamboa.
The problem of unraveling myth is that it is hard to know where the web ends. In theology they have a saying about seeing a demon behind every rock. The problem with exorcising ‘demons’ (myths) is that there is a fringe that will turn us into celebrities; not because of the change in a person’s life & not because of our stance in truth. No, for the fringe you become a new hero, the ‘demon’ (myth) fighter to avenge them on a society from which they are marginalized and on which they want revenge.
While I grant that at times the goggle doodle has an agenda, it would be good to look closely at this one.
There are two parts to the doodle. The text (charter statement) and the graphic. The text (charter statement) is boiler plate, cut and paste, not intentionally directed. Seeing a demon behind such a politically correct statement is to lose the stance that has made your site a valuable source of truth. I want to continue to trust you.
Having said that, as the India times points out, the GRAPHIC is done not in Olympic colors, but in the colors of the Gay Flag. Now that IS a smoking gun.
AM I quibbling over details? perhaps. Yet you initiated this post, not on the basis of a smoking gun, but on the basis of a piece of boiler plate text designed to do nothing more that be politically correct and myth-preserving.
Knowing what is intentional, what constitutes a smoking gun and what does not; this is essential if your readers are to have trust in your reflections.
Thank you for hearing me out
Hi Saker:
I bookmarked the piece you referenced
Franks, Romans, Feudalism…..
I was talking with my hubby about it
and he said- search first reich and it was interesting what came up
even at wikipedia
the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, which lasted from the coronation of Otto I as a Holy Roman Emperor in 962 to 1806, when it was dissolved during the Napoleonic Wars;
and yes I am reading the piece now, to my husband also
Justin and Saker:
At my blog when talking about what we can do as individuals to jam up the machine…
I extol always the virtues of doing your own thing.
Being the change you want to see
and not ever relying on any leader
the moment there is a leader, there is corruption
Forget about a leader, wanting a leader or looking to a leader.
But what to do?
Take your clues from what and where the ptb’s are pushing us towards
cashless society= use cash
food dependence = food independence
grow some food
– I hate the smart phone technology which I equate with slavery
smart phones = stupid people
plus all that wifi radiation horrific for people
yes technology has a place
but what place?
isn’t it time for humanity to think about that?
before we lose that opportunity
live mindfully
be cognizant of your choices
” It is time to turn our backs on said people and be our own leaders.”
It is long past the time.. but no time is better to start then right now.
And forget about movements, identifying with one and here I am thinking of the truth movement
we don’t need a ‘movement’ we need ourselves ( to change) and to cooperate with our neighbours
from their everything will move outward
I cannot understand why people as individuals, cooperating, do not understand or grasp the scale of power they really have
It is this belief that we are ‘powerless’ and in need of leaders that keeps us down and enslaved
It is time to stop now
every comment I read of yours leaves me stunned
in a good way
“My child, in these times whoever will save his soul and prompt others to be saved will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven”.
whoever will save his soul
not whoever will wait around for a leader to follow and get ones soul savedafter all whose soul is it but ones own?
It would be great if you would let yourself be stunned by the Heavenly Wisdom preserved in the Orthodox Church. “Amazement is the beginning of philosophy” said Socrates/Plato. Then there is a long and arduous way ahead to Salvation, which would require a great personal effort and perseverance.
All the best,
First, please forgive me for the very few comments these days, I am very busy and literally have a hard time squeezing out a few minutes to join you in this thread. I hope things will get better this coming week.
Second, since we are all discussing the much-misunderstood but hugely important issue of Franks and Romans I want to recommend to you all this pretty good 9-part discussion on YouTube:
This does not replace reading Romanides, but it is a good intro to his works and a decent introduction to this topics.
I highly recommend to you all to listen to this most interesting discussion. If, after that, you have any issues you want to discuss or any question, please post them here (don’t matter under which post). We can even open a special post if you want.
Kind regards and enjoy!
The Saker
One comment on an Italian blog on the Google header says it reproduces the rainbow coloured banner widely used by the lgbt/gay movement (call it what you will)
Please don’t take what i say as an insult in any way…
It’s not intended as such
It took me years to get myself unindoctrinated from years of Catholic education and church.
When I think of the person I was then, I am much more happier, interested, intelligent and inquisitive now.
So getting involved with more organized religion is highly unappealing, though the subject in all it’s diversity is interesting, very much so.
So, I do hope you will continue being you,sharing your knowledge.
Dear friend, allow me to begin with the very words you used: Please don’t take what i say as an insult in any way… It’s not intended as such. Having said this:
You are making a series of logical mistakes.
1) You are assuming that your experience in the Latin Church (I have decided to stop using the word “Papacy” as this offends some people) gave you an insight into “organized religion”. It did not. It only gave you an insight into the Latin Church
2) By using the term organized religion you assume that this category makes sense. However, since organized religion could include everything from Tibetan Buddhism to the Inca worship of Pachamama, to Shinto to Ubanda to Satanism this is just not a term which allows you to operate a useful discrimination between various phenomena. In other words – it is highly misleading.
3) By speaking of “organized religion” you imply the logical possibility of UN-organized religion and that can only mean one thing: each person makes up his/her religion. Which is fine, except for one major problem: if all contradictions are accepted as equally valid then there can be no truth. So UN-organized religion is by definition false.
4) When you write “When I think of the person I was then, I am much more happier, interested, intelligent and inquisitive now. you are implying that the purpose of religion is to make you happy. That is a mistaken view, especially when applied to happiness in this world.
5) you are overlooking the possibility that amongst the hundreds of religions out there one, just ONE, might be true. Think of it this way. There are 10 people in a room. They are asked how much 2+2 equals to: the first person says 1, the second says 2, the third says 3 and so on. Clearly, for one question there are 10 different answers. Is it right to conclude from that that there is no answer or that all of these answers work as long as they make those who proposed them happy? Does that misleading approach not obfuscate the fact that one person in the group (#4) actually gives the RIGHT answer?
Again, I can only commend you for rejecting the Latin Church and all its clearly false teachings. But I urge you not to throw away the baby with the bathwater.
Though, for the record, I will say that this is one of the reasons I loathe the Latin Church so much: most of what is does is turn away good people from ALL of Christianity. So, in a way, dear Penny, by rejecting ALL of Christianity and even all of “organized religion” you are allowing the Latin Church to further victimize you. Don’t let them do that. You succeeded in freeing yourself from a lot of the Latin Church’s evil – don’t let them “win” in the end by completely turning you off any kind of religion!
Kind regards,
The Saker
Hi Saker
I am not insulted in the least.
I understand what you are saying/your perspective and will address a bit
I can only speak for myself.
and am only recounting my own experiences
Since I have rid myself of my catholicism and it’s belief system I feel more positive then I did before
It is not so much about religion making me happy
But, it should certainly not make one feel oppressed?
I should feel uplifted or exhalted but didn’t.
For me saker, I see the creation in nature- I recovered/ing from a TBI and cannot tell you how fulfilling/healing being enveloped in the living earth was.
That all said I do keep an open mind and I thank you for taking the time to respond to me on a subject that seems close to your heart
I appreciate that honesty.
btw: I am listening to the talk you linked and will continue reading the other information you linked and I had mentioned previously
thanks again :)
@Penny: it should certainly not make one feel oppressed?
Yes, it can give you joy and even blissful, in the sense of Blissful are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blissful are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blissful are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blissful are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blissful are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blissful are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blissful are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blissful are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blissful are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.” (“blessed” is a bad translation of the original Greek μακαριος). Also, a true religion should give you real freedom, in the sense of “and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”. I think that unlike the perverted and distorted message of the Latin Church, true Christianity is all about truth, bliss and freedom :-)
I see the creation in nature
Of course. And since nature is creation as are we, it should not be worshiped because this would be “horizontal” worship, from creature to creature rather than from creature to Creator.
I appreciate that honesty.
Awesome! Thanks. I just feel like the lucky owner of a fountain of cool and fresh water in the middle of an arid desert trying to share my water with others and convince them that my water does not come from a poisoned well. But since all the wells my fellow desert-dwellers have see in their lives have been poisoned, toxic and disgusting, they are afraid to approach and drink…
[ok, getting off my soapbox now, going to grap a good coffee]
Take care, my friend, and thanks for being here,
The Saker
Penny, many thanks for your tolerance, this discussion is very fragile for everbody, but your openness and tolerance, i would even say love, helps us to find better way for all of us, as we are sooo similar in some points…
God help us all to find the truth in you!
From my understanding I see the biggest problem in the world that people are not able to:
See what is Truth and what is Lie. ( they even feel is is lie, but they embrace it, because it has advantage, short term)
Can not differentiate between Good and Bad. ( for the very bad cosequences from this failure)
This world helps to relativize the choices and postpones the result fro these choices for some time.
But not for ever.
People will face the consequences personally, sooner or later.
I always wonder why people still feel the urge to apologize when they say something they consider truer than what the less enlightened consider true. Now what you call “organized religions” originate in experiences of the same kind as the ones you may have had, generally speaking “spiritual experiences”, “illuminations”, “revelations”. The truth is that there are experiences more profound than others. I was speaking of the experience of the Orthodox Church which is infinitely more profound than that of the Roman-Catholic one, which in fact cut herself from the source of the Spirit, following to closely the ways of the World.
Consider the things from the perspective of St.Paul, Epistle to the Galatians 5, 16-26:
“16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another”.
” By speaking of “organized religion” you imply the logical possibility of UN-organized religion and that can only mean one thing: each person makes up his/her religion.”
When you speak of a UN organized religion? What do you mean?
I have heard/read this talk before, a OWO religion.
But, I am of the mind that the OWO religion is here
And it is the love of money and all that is material. Also something I notice that is very prevelent -immediate gratification
What do you mean when you speak of a UN organized religion?
When every you have time to answer I will check back
thank you in advance :)
“Penny, many thanks for your tolerance, this discussion is very fragile for everbody, but your openness and tolerance, i would even say love, helps us to find better way for all of us, as we are sooo similar in some points…”
Maart, when I read comments such as yours, tears well up. I read this to my husband and told him, it chokes me up. I am a wicked softy, seriously.
You are correct, it is a difficult subject to discuss, but, I have no wish to harm anyone.
And I do think we all, globally, have more similarities then differences. After all we are all human.
thanks maart, that really made my day :)
Hi wizoz
thanks for replying.
I just didn’t want to offend you in any way….(hence the apologetic tone)
” I was speaking of the experience of the Orthodox Church which is infinitely more profound than that of the Roman-Catholic one, which in fact cut herself from the source of the Spirit, following to closely the ways of the World.”
I have been listening to the series on Youtube that saker linked and I get the concept from the discussion
and your comment
“9 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”
I see this in terms of the Triune brain- my experience colours my understanding
promise me you will keep on commenting
and I promise you I will keep on reading
Oh and Saker
you are alright!
I liked your analogy of oasis in the desert
@Penny:When you speak of a UN organized religion? What do you mean?
I did not mean “UN” as in United Nations. I meant “UN” as in unorganized. Disorganized. Non-organized.
What I meant also is that religion has to be organized by definition unless it is a complete farce. Think of it, religion is about true/false and that means that it has to put conceptual and behavioral boundaries amongst people. You cannot take the law of karma seriously and at the same time think that doing harm to others does not harm you. Religions cannot accept the kind of “free for all” which modern society seeks to promote and any religion which would have more than one participant would have to organize itself to avoid complete chaos. So in reality all religion is organized religion. Does that make more sense now?
The Saker
@Organized religion…
One of the primary sources of misunderstandings is the carless use of words. The Ancients (Greek, Chinese, Indians, and others) had a special science called in Greek orthotes ton onomaton=correctitude of the words, Nirukta=etymology in Sanskrit, Tcheng Ming=rectification of the words in Chinese. Etymology itself is derived from the Greek etymos=true, real and logos=word, true word, Correct definition.
Quite long introduction to say that the concept of Religion is defined as “Religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence” (Wikipedia). So “organized religion” is a pleonasm. Better talk of “beliefs”, “system of beliefs”.
The Triune brain theory is a reiteration of the Platonic theory of the tripartition of the soul, dressed in “scientific materialistic” jargon.
On the other hand one should be aware that “de-christianisation” is the result of a centuries old very well organized and coordinated attack against the Christian Religion precisely by those against whom you are, the lovers of money and all things material. “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” (1 Timothy, 6:10).
Hi Saker
yes that makes more sense now
I thought you meant some kind of UN united nations religions
so I was scratching my head a bit
but thank you that is much clearer
Hi WizOz
I realize there is a coordinated attack against Christianity…
though it appears to me as if Orthodox Christianity is under attack more then Roman Catholicism.
“the Platonic theory of the tripartition of the soul”
that is a new one for me!
Better talk of “beliefs”, “system of beliefs”.
Agreed, that would likely be clearer..
and thanks!
You are right. The main target is Orthodoxy, viz. the Right Faith. A Church is Orthodox as long as it preserves and transmits (this is the meaning of Traditio) the Faith as it was given by the Christ. People can have “right”, correct beliefs, or wrong beliefs. When it started to innovate, to replace the Tradition with their own subjective beliefs it became a heresy (the mening of “hairesis” is school, like in “the school of such and such teacher). The Roman Church started to innovate long ago, under a strong Judaizing inspiration. In fact, today the doctrines it peddles are far remote from the teachings of the Christ. In actual fact it betrayed the Christ and became the spearhead of the attack on Orthodoxy, precisely because its military organization and militant spirit.
The tripartition of the soul is integral to the Christian doctrine. It is integral to all Traditions.
please consider posting in both english/ru or in english as most of our posts are rendered. mod.eo
Прописка новорожденного. Первый эпизод,
с которого начался процесс, убийство жителей шиитской
деревни аль-Дуджейль в 1982 году.
И на ее долю пришлись, наверное,
самые большие репрессии в новейшей российской истории.
Конечно, какой ответственности можно ожидать от человека, выбравшего своим поприщем уход от от ответственности.
Практика Взыскания Алиментов С Детей