Saw this today on Moon of Alabama:
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Saw this today on Moon of Alabama:
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The Truth is Stunning!
We could add Trudeau in Canada who was elected with 39 percent of the vote representing about 24 percent of the eligible electorate.
Like Macron, who support street protests in Venezuela but not France, their hypocritical insolence is exceeded only by their hubris and arrogance.
When Americans are asked by pollsters whether they approve of the job that Trump is doing, less than 40% say yes. Macron would kill to have an approval rating that high. Neither can appear in public in their own countries, except at very tightly controlled events. Can you imagine Trump, May or Macron going out to dinner at a restaurant followed by going to a theater? They use “security” as an excuse, but they’d quickly be met by angry and yelling subjects. Trump doesn’t even do the “throw out the first pitch” events that other Presidents used to do.
I suspect neither Trump nor Macron can understand the concept where millions will fight to defend not just the person of the leader, but the independent country they’ve created. The concept is so different from there world where if they don’t have to get on a helicopter to flee a mob of angry subjects then its a good week for them.
This should go viral – it sums it all up succinctly.
Unfortunately, lefties don’t understand what “democratically elected” means in a democracy. That listing gives a false presentation of what democracy means since those statistics are mixing the chaff with The Grain. There are electors, and then there are Electors.
trumpty – democratic elector – – result – democratically elected.
mayday – democratic elector – – result – democratically elected.
sangria – democratic elector – – result – democratically elected.
micron – democratic elector – – result – democratically elected.
guano – democratic elector – – result – democratically elected.
Maduro – democratic elector – – result – not democratically elected, IE: illegitimatly elected.
Lefties always assume they are equal to their betters and this leads to faulty lefty thinking syndrome and is the basis of all their failed philosophy and economics practices. Poor lefties simply don’t know their place in an enlightened, modern society.
VT, the irony here is that Maduro seems to be “Real Left and an Independently thinking/functioning person”, which is not to the liking of what’s called “lefties” in the West.
I’m sorry, I don’t understand the point being made in this post.
The link is to Netanyahu.
What is this meant to say?
As far as I know Maduro was elected in a closely monitored election that was declared fair and the results legal.
I watched the video of his address to the American people, and I thought he looked pretty good!
I think this is Vot’s unique sarcasm, Katherine… ? ;) Enjoyable when you get the hang of it.
And so it is, contrary to what one journo said yesterday about “dictator Maduro executing his citizens by thousands”.
Please refrain from calling lying Western MSM presstitutes ‘journos’.
This infographic should have included Dictator Putin’s election results.
The US results also don’t reflect the degree of verified voter suppression, unaccountable voting machines, and the huge amount of money spent by corporations and the biased media. The trend is clear, though. Clinton was the only president with the past 30 plus years to have gotten just over 30% of the votes in his favor. A good 40% perceive voting as rigged and a waste of time. So “none of the above” has won the US presidency for years.
The premise of any election is that those who don’t vote don’t get to have any say.
That also means that they do get to somewhat vitiate the results of the election, as the sour-grapes losers will attempt to undermine the results with statements such as “X was elected with less than Y percent of the votes.”
This type of statement is a lame pretext, since the opponents will also have been elected under the same system and similar low voter turnouts, etc.
The percentage of voter turnout seems to me to be more of a commentary on the robustness of the country’s democracy in general. Or, the ability of candidates to motivate people to bother to vote. Or the extent to which voting is facilitated via high-quality election infrastracture and administration (for example, easier registration, voting on weekends, well-functioning voting machines and ballot-coutning machines, paper ballots (!!), etc.)
I think If voting would matter they wouldn’t let us do it.
Those who don’t vote just simply gave up on the charade and stopped endorsing it.
To spoil a ballot is perhaps an option that sends a message providing that the ruling class cares.
It is those who didn’t participate in elections whi have legitimate reason to complain but at the same time those non participants must fulfill their civic obligations and shall seek other ways to “govern”. For example handwritten letters to “elected official” or put yellow color and join the crowd of deplorables.
Here in Canada the current head of the state was elected by some 39% yet his current disapproval is as high as 80% but from my observations it is much higher than that where I live. Was election rigged or is it just the euphoria fizzling out?
Ps: it is frightening how low is the mental capacity of typical voters when weighted against the “authority” these voters suppose to have.
Those who are fed up with the choices on the ballot have two options:
1) The lazy cop-out: stay home and blame the others for the outcome of the elections.
2) The engaged one: vote null/invalid to make a point.
Only the engaged ones have any legitimacy to complain, in my opinion, unless force majeure prohibited them to vote and fall into the “lazy” lot.
Trudy is not actually the head of state in Canada. Bona fide Ukronazi supporter Freeland is his puppetmaster.
The closer the king gets to the return, the more furiously they try to kill him. It’s not that true democracies are punished. It’s that true leaders are.
Guaido is the most democratic leader listed. He’s the most representative of what democracy truly is. That’s the problem.
yes, esp when he has the backing of the MSM, deep state, etc and well groomed, “educated”, perfected for marketing in this sham that is (their version anyway) “democracy”, as you allude to, and quite right of you! The ol’ meat grinder. This crap is just getting old and well past its expiration date, isn’t it? Obama redux it feels like with that Guido dude, scary stuff going on down there.. What the heck happened to our world??
We are living in interesting times, no doubt! An era where the true rulers of the US and much of “Western countries or world” are seeming to have lost the initiative, something isn’t going as it is supposed to have been. Some bumps in the road. That being firstly their own hubris and insatiable lust for power, their own worst enemy of sorts. Most notably, the (re)emergence of Russia and the rise of China. Waiting for Europeans to dissolve the EU and establish better economic relationship with said countries, moving out of and away from the orbit and dominance of the Washington empire. It’s all just silly.
Good crosstalk today on Venezuela – ” Venezuela targeted”. Three good guests:
It’s not quite accurate in the case of Macron. The French ballot is a 2-round system and, to win the second round, one needs 50% of voters plus one vote at a minimum. The figures given are for the first round.
Not to say that things weren’t rigged, with some civil servants illegally leaking an investigation into suspected fictitious employment involving his main rival, François Filhon, a few days before the first round, and MSM’s duly distorting and amplifying the attack. The same device was used against Édouard Balladur to help the victory of Jacques Chirac, who was much less responsible and capable of opposing the dirty tricks of the deep state.