by Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog
no contract
Several indications lead to the conclusion that EUropeans at large — exceptions aside — should not be very bright. Or at least not brighter than anyone else as they claim to be. The fact is that – despite their undeniably copious amounts of individual and collective achievements – they have not yet been able to articulate a peacefull co-existence strategy amongst themselves and with third parties. Having failed at that implies that EUropeans are not really that bright, how could they be ? True enough, EUrope´s macro-economic and consumer society development has been ´successful´… but still under a highly unstable political co-existence. IMNSHO the main reason for such disqualifying historical flaw is that – contrary to their own self-image frequently preached sanctimoniously onto others – in political EUrope a “deal” is never a deal. It´s rather an expression of possible temporary abidance always subject to their own interpretation and circumstances yet un-defined. Basically, there is no valid contract, social or political or otherwise in EUrope. Humpty Dumptyness at its best. And the EU governance experiment made things worse with all the key decisions imposed by un-elected officials very clearly in the case of Greece, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Poland, and Hungary. The argument could possibly be made that other societies today also struggle along equivalent lines, but then again this would swiftly confirm that EUropeans cannot be considered to be brighter than others… as they bloody insist they are.
EUropean ´superiority´ (not)
Dr. Josep Borrell is the EU´s topmost senior diplomat as High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
Recently joined by another un-elected official namely the EU Commission President Ursula von den Leyen both now roughly insist that EUrope´s problems stem from its addictiveness to excellent and cheap Russian energy and resources, to China´s humongous export markets and high productivity dependency, and to the military ´security´ that the US today supposedly renders to them. So, accordingly their solution for EUrope would be to (a) get itself up in arms yet again and (b) to double-down on the ‘battle of narratives´ which should be interpreted to be just some more effective EU propaganda. So from this perspective rather than being bright EUropeans would just appear to be aggressive, manipulative, and conceited… and not superior to anyone else. So why be so proud about it all ?.
the EU thorny garden
Objectively searching into the EUropean political soul it´s easy to find EUrope´s self-EUthanization vis-á-vis its sheer lack of any ´affectio societatis´. This makes EUrope an un-viable business associate to and for anyone, even amongst themselves in view of the current widespread infighting. But JB´s ´brightness´ does not stop there, now proclaiming that “the world needs Europe” and that EUrope is a “garden” and the rest a mere ”jungle” ready to encroach upon it… So at this rate it would be wise to copernically acknowledge that EUrope is not any “global super-power” and that God Almighty has not appointed the un-elected European Commission as the rule-maker for the rest of the world to follow. Furthermore, the “international community”(sic) is not headquartered at Davos or Brussels and 85% of planet Earth does not even wake up in the West every morning. Making that clear would focus EU politics better than complaining about “too many abstentions” in the UN votes regarding this conflict which EU officials fail to understand and accept.
Ref #1
Ref #2
Ref #3–1e3XRtUKOJy/index.html
Ref #4
7 historical catastrophes 7
During the past one hundred years (approx.) aided or not by its supposed “superiority” collective Europe fostered 7 major historical vintage TM® failures, namely (1) enthusiastically fostered World War I – the Great War – “the war to end all wars” amongst themselves + (2) cradled and fully developed Nazism + (3) instigated and deployed World War II + (4) allowed for the firm establishment of ruinous “King Dollar” by calmly and willingly accepting the 1971 US unilateral default on the Bretton Woods Agreement thus perpetuating until today a highly detrimental “exhorbitant privilege” for a thus fiat US dollar + (5) established the currently ticking Euro currency time bomb + (6) fully accepted and even participated with impunity in many dozens of US military unsolicited interventions worldwide as the sole un-elected “world cop” thru its 800+ military bases in 80 countries (7) in 2022 unilaterally provoked an unnecessary and stupid self-harming divorce from Russia which has led the world closer than ever to a nuclear war. Readers may have different opinion regarding the individual interpretation of related events but still all of the above are categorically accepted historical facts. And a society that lies so much – onto itself and third parties — cannot be too bright, can it ?
Ref #5
Ref #6
no ´Greater Europe´
Forget any and all dreams about forging a Greater Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok. Russia tried it, worked very hard at it, and invested tons in such century-milestone project, to no avail. Fact #1: Russia focused on Greater Europe for 30 years. Fact #2: Russia failed miserably in such endeavor. Under deep ´political hypnosis´ — for want of a better term — EUropean leaders supported by complicit constituents ended up deploying their self-harming strategy. For starters, no Referendum on the NATO-imposed, suicidal “let´s divorce Russia” initiative was ever proposed even though many dozens referenda have been held in the EU´s recent past. It´s simple: there is no valid contract in the EU
Russophia was also firmly established as a national cross-border regional sport of sorts spear-headed by complicit Western MSM and loudly outspoken and highly payed for EU officials. Of course, if challenged, Russians have the advantage of becoming quite stubborn when circumstances so require it, so they insisted in the Greater Europe project success and strictly followed the required EUropean Market & Financial Rules. But, yet again, there was no contract compliance. So led by the G-7 leadership, the collective West just plain took effective advantage of Russia in every way it possibly could provoke … and so the Minsk Accords were conveniently extended, postponed… and duly forgotten despite being squarely – and deceitfully — brokered by both Germany and France. The EU´s supposed Ostpolitik was betrayed with every trace of ´affectio societatis´ absent thus DE-stabilising the area and using third parties as pawns. Because, of course, EUropean flagrant unilateralism dictates that there is no room for anything close to having willingness and interest to engage and relate constructively with high-quality business partners beyond the EU´s – and NATO´s — full control. So Russia finally got fed up sick and tired of the West´s lack of “agreement capability” and will thus fully pivot to thriving Eurasia. Meanwhile Europe will immolate itself thru its NATO-induced suicide with shamefull colonialistic sins hovering its soul for the last 500 years until today. Is any of this “bright” ?
NATO´s ´hypnotic´ spell
British Gral. Hastings Ismay — the first Secretary General of NATO — defined that the purpose of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was “to keep Russians out, Americans in, and Germans down” which has since become the common way to describe its dynamics and goals. Ismay also proposed that NATO “must grow until the whole free world gets under one umbrella.” So EUrope today and per its own fault, in more than one way and through not-publicized non-sanctum mechanisms, is actually ruled and governed directly by the US. Accordingly, the inclusion of Russia in the Greater Europe project was to be boycotted to death – most specially its association with Germany — and it certainly was. The European leadership thus offered and deployed highly pro-active support to provoke the Ukraine conflict, be it “militarily, financially or politically” thus confirming yet again its direct and unequivocal commitment and participation. During 8 years the Ukraine Armed Forces were trained by NATO to meet NATO combat standards while the Eastern Russian-speaking areas were systematically intimidated and bombed . NATO members proudly admitted to constantly supply the UAF with heavy modern weapons, military advisers and intel.
Ref #7,_1st_Baron_Ismay
Ref #8
To weaken Germany and simultaneously strengthen the US required pitting Russia against Germany in a mutually destructive conflict so that the two countries could not re-establish normal relations for decades to come. The collapse of the EUropean economy would come about by denying cheap Russian energy to Germany. Thus, trillions of dollars of European resources would supposedly relocate to the US jointly with their best and brightest. According to the Rand Report, the main obstacle to Europe´s plundering on a scale which rivaled the Jewish looting of Russia in the 1990s was “the growing independence of Germany” which followed Britain’s exit from the European Union (Brexit) which gave “Germany greater independence and decreased the US influence upon European governments.”
the EU ´bright´ new oil & gas markets
No matter how diced or sliced, under the planned nat-gas EU ´capped-price´ purchase policy Western markets would be missing access to some 50% (approx.) of the 2021 effectively traded and consumed natural gas volumes. Besides, serious doubts remain on (a) the technical quality of such new possible “capped” price nat-gas (b) its delivery terms and conditions and (c) the reliability of such type of possible nat-gas suppliers. But at any rate when EUrope soon necessarily runs out of all possible nat-gas vendors willing to comply with its new capped-price policy — which would never fulfill its physical needs — then Russia and others will be able to charge whatever they want for the remaining nat-gas which EUrope will require in order to function ASWKI. Unless, of course, the deliberate ruinous EUropean plan were exactly THAT …which is an ever larger possibility. High quality nat-gas is high quality nat-gas, markets are markets, and business is business. An equivalent “absurd” sourcing conundrum would also be triggered by the soon-coming EU ban on Russian sea-borne oil with serious refinability problems (diesel !!!) vis-á-vis the different quality and quantity of the replacements yet to be found and the un-vetted reliability of the yet non-existent suppliers. Tom Kloza, Global Head of Energy Analysis says “Without new inventory, by the end of November the wolf will be at the door. And it will look like a big ugly wolf if it’s a cold winter” Ref #9
not-so-bright useful green idiots ?
The reference below describes the green parties in Europe “as being particularly easy to manipulate into running the errands of American imperialism. The prerequisite for Germany to fall into this trap is the dominant role of Green Parties and European ideologies. The German environmental movement is a highly dogmatic, if not fanatical, movement, which makes it quite easy to get them to ignore economic argument.”
Ref #10
Ref #11 Ref #12
Eurasian pivot
On their part, the Russians — many still astonished by suicidal EUrope – seem to basically be thinking (approx.) …
“EUropeans, you didn´t have to love us or even be friends you know… but why hate us ? Always, systematically, by default. Why are you Russophobic ? We only wanted to continue being your vetted trade partners as repeatedly proven with flying colors for 30 years. So just what is wrong with you ? Why do you allow your leaders to lie to you, cheat and mislead you so much ? If you actually wished to scare us away consider it done, good job and good bye EUrope. Now, despite your fully un-necessary EUthanization of our relationship, we still welcome you to set up your investments as our business associates here in Russia. Just consider that your only gateway to the world´s next all-time winner anyway you dice it or slice it — namely Mackinder´s Eurasia — is by relocating to Russia with all our known advantages. Otherwise – per WEF logic — you will not have any worthwhile fuels or natural resources left ( just hyperinflation…and no markets ) and you will not be happy”. So the remaining bright Germans – and other bright minds still in EUrope — would finally understand that 85% of the world´s population is not Western let alone part of today´s non-sensical NATO, fully “brain dead” per French President Emmanuel Macron. And once that the NS1 & NS2 sabotage perpetrators are proven and known, EUropean public opinion – most specially Germans – will see things very differently from today understanding how they have been mis-led into an entirely un-justified Russophobia.
EUropean RE-location
Development requires cheap and excellent all-around energy and natural resources which Germany and others do not have and that Russia has plenty of. It also requires markets with which to trade. So the alternatives are (a) “NATO out” which does not seem feasible right now, meaning “to revolt en masse against the NATO-imposed trade/financial sanctions against Russia, and force Berlin to repair NS1 and commission Nord Stream 2”…or… (b) relocate to the US, meaning total vassalization of the EUropean industrial burgeoisie a-la Werner von Braun…or… (c) relocate to Russia and be part of Eurasia´s new bright future, jointly with China & BRICS & SCO & Global South. Of course, sooner or later some of (b) will surely take place but chances are that (c) — per the assumed Russian offering proposed — will at least be the German predominant choice. Obviously, this would probably mean the sudden demise of the EUro and, soon after, of the US dollar ASWKI. The smarter part of the remaining EUrope would also follow the relocation of bright Germans to Russia. Unexpectedly, along these lines events may pick up unusual speed and EUrope as we know it today would cease to exist. And this would be the final evidence proving that EUropeans at large are not as bright as they think they are. They would all act differently if they were, with no room for cannibalism.
the Overton window
Bright Europeans do exist, but in EUropean politics they are very few and far between. So most today focus on (1) ruining Russia per NATO mandate to supposedly uphold ´democracy everywhere´ even corrupt kleptocracies… and while they are at it…(2) also saving planet Earth. Still, a handfull are finally understanding that this is too high a price to pay as EUropeans would not be willing to accept the MAGNITUDE and DEPTH of the hardships soon to come in what up until today was a flourishing consumer society with an enviable standard of living. Hypothetically, what some few political leaders were waiting and jockeying for was an Overton window large enough to get their heads in, their bets made, and their feet wet. The Overton window defines what is politically possible per the existing public opinion at a given point in time. So it is a very convenient tool to apply in view of the EU Commissariat Master Plan.
Ref #13
Ref #14
Ref #15
the German oath
All members of the elected government of the German Federal Republic have necessarily taken an oath of office details of which are explicit below. That is the basis for the social and political contract between German leadership and their constituents. But apparently many / all have decided to conveniently dismiss such sworn obligations until the Overton window – Main Street´s hidden weapon — forces them to act accordingly, not before.
“ I swear that I will devote my energies to the well-being of the German people, increase their benefit, protect them from harm, uphold and defend the Basic Law and the laws of the Federation, perform my duties conscientiously and do justice to everyone. So help me God.” Not a single word is ever mentioned relating directly or indirectly to the EU, its governance impact, its interests and/or its goals.
the “most stupid” government in EUrope
Recently Sahra Wagenknecht has defined Germany’s government as the “most stupid” in EUrope for managing to embroil itself in a full-blown economic war with its top – and thus un-replaceable — energy supplier, namely Russia. Speaking at the Bundestag, the former co-chair of the party Die Linke (“The Left”) urged for an immediate end to the anti-Russian sanctions and also for the resignation of German Vice Chancellor and Minister of the Economy, the now infamous ´Herr Green´ Robert Habeck. While still describing the ongoing conflict in Ukraine as a “crime” Wagenknecht insisted that the anti-Russian sanctions are “fatal” for Germany itself. She told her fellow Bundestag leaders in-their-face that “The biggest problem is your grandiose idea of launching an unprecedented economic war against our most important energy supplier. The idea that we are punishing Putin by impoverishing millions of families in Germany and destroying our industry while Gazprom is making record profits – how stupid is that?” she wondered out loud. So, an important German at an important German venue publically told many other important Germans how stupid they were. Not me, she did. “The promise of NATO membership did not help any. Militarily, this war cannot be won”. Of course, this has meant that some Left Party members now demand the expulsion of Sahra Wagenknecht for good.
Ref #16
Ref #17
Ref #18
Ref #19
Ref #20
´the grandiose idea´ …
Firms in the metal and chemical industries, among others, are trying to relocate to the US, The Wall Street Journal reports: “High energy costs drive companies away from EU”. This means obvious consequences only fools would not foresee: DEpression & UN-employment. German producers warn of food shortages. Die Welt now reports that “There are significant supply gaps in the daily food supply for people in Germany. The situation is “more than serious” an open letter from the industry said. “Companies now fear that production lines will soon come to a standstill and that refrigerated logistics centers for food distribution will be closed. Some are even preparing for possible insolvency.”
Manufacturers of both frozen and fresh products say they cannot cope with soaring energy costs. “The food industry is currently experiencing the worst crisis since the end of the Second World War… It’s a minute to twelve. Act now – otherwise the refrigerators and freezers of the German population will soon be empty” the letter urges. Germany, along with the broader EU, is facing a sharp rise in energy prices and a record inflation surge amid the intensifying anti-Russian sanctions and a policy of abandoning all possible Russian fuels. The situation could also soon lead to energy rationing and shortages, also meaning NO energy, NO fuels at ANY price, period. And forget LNG from whomever or wherever. Too little, too late, too cumbersome, too risky, way dirtier, and way too expensive. Germany needs Russian pipelined nat-gas for many good reasons that they cannot ignore and will necessarily live by soon.
The frozen food industry is particularly susceptible to energy supply problems, due to its strong reliance on electricity for freezers. The EU risks a ‘Wild West’ scenario says IEA head Fatih Birol warning that member states could possibly abandon solidarity to secure their own gas supplies. Many dozens of thousands of small and medium-size businesses (SMEs) in Italy can’t cope with soaring energy bills, ´Corriere della Sera´ reports. Italy is badly dependant on Russian pipelined nat-gas, no substitutes are possible in practice. Supposed “stored” reserves cannot be extracted from sub-surface unless Russian pipelines are also flowing thus allowing to add-on such stored reserves to the main flow. By themselves, underground nat-gas reserves can hardly be produced on surface and still with lots of negative impact.
Ref #21
Larger companies will also add to the un-employed. According to a recent survey, over 70% of Italians are having difficulty or are simply unable to pay their energy bills. SMEs represent 99% of all businesses in the 27-nation EU. SMEs employ around 100 million people, or two thirds of all employed and account for 53% of Europe’s GDP.
Nearly one in six people over 65 in Germany is at risk of poverty, meaning they have less than 60% of the median income at their disposal according to the Federal Statistical Office and published by the German media group Funke. Europe maybe could have articulated a far better and softer transition and slower pathway into “some” renewables under excellent quality and already available + pipeline delivered, cheap Russian nat-gas. But they chose otherwise and now Europe must pay the piper. And with only a fraction of the EU imploding generalized chaos will prevail.
True enough, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán led the pack weeks ago by saying “the approach has clearly failed — sanctions have backfired — and our car now has 4 four flat tires”. Just as a reminder, vehicles carry only one spare tire (maybe two) but never four and more to come… Now, also Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotaki proposes to lift sanctions on Russia by December at the latest. But the questions remains: beyond some optics, the audio and the visual… just where precisely is the ACTION ? Are these two Heads of State bright enough per the circumstances ? Or are they just better sounding than the overwhelming EUropean political mediocrity ? Oh, you say they aren´t allowed to do any more than that ? If that´s the established system then EUropeans were not very bright…
Ref #22
Michael Kretschmer
“Germany needs Russian gas” – says Michael Kretschmer, Saxony’s Minister-President. Okay, that´s a good starting point to acknowledge don´t you think ? A valid diagnosis is necessarily behind any reasonable therapy and at least in this case – besides being bloody obvious – it´s still reconforting to see that a spanking new “common denominator” is being put together by some in Germany. Herr Kretschmer added that the current exorbitant prices for the fuel are “ruining Germany’s industry”. Okay, sorry to hear that. So that means that Russian energy matters lots, correct ?
“Russian gas supplies are critical for Germany, and will remain so in the foreseeable future”. In an interview with Germany’s Funke Mediengruppe Michael Kretschmer also added: “We are already witnessing that we can’t do without Russian gas.” Hmmm….. But then Kretschmer went on to say that now Berlin should try to make sure that it keeps receiving Russian gas after the armed conflict is over. But would that be soon, please tell us ? Because saying that implies ignoring that the end of the armed conflict will most probably not be decided in the battlefield and just come about by a NATO-EU surrender. Why so you may ask ? Well precisely because NATO & the EU leadership provoked and sustained Russian gas to be cut off, so that can be reverted only by them, not the other way around. So whatever happens militarily in the battlefield does not actually matter that much any more unless it were 101% decisive. But many months have elapsed and it does not seem to be anywhere close to that, does it ? So finally EU politicians on their own will have to end this unnecessary war that they started simply because the Overton window for European public opinion will not stand it and they will have to admit they were dead wrong and plain go home, if not to jail.
Ref #23
Clare Daly (Irish MEP)
Clare Daly is a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and from the very beginning in March 2022 she has voted against its Resolutions on this matter basically considering them to be “a recipe for prolonging war with escalation”. She believes that “ignoring the role played by the US and NATO in destabilising the area for the past decade,using Ukraine as a pawn in its battles with Russia, only serves to prevent an understanding of the measures necessary to secure peace”. Per Clare Daly, the EP Resolutions “accelerate the provision of military equipment and weapons to Ukraine, strengthen NATO’s forward presence, increase defence spending…and strengthen the European pillar within NATO” while also ”opportunistically call for opening the European energy market to fracked American liquefied natural gas (LNG)…which is far more polluting and terribly far more expensive”. Clare Daly believes that ”there is no military solution to this crisis as the policy of flooding Ukraine with weapons will, at worst, lead to a permanent condition of conflict, as has happened in Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, at best, a greater loss of life and destruction in Ukraine”. Furthermore, Clare Daly believes that the EP Resolutions on this topic do not sufficiently “take into account the impact of the war on workers,their working conditions, and the recognition of the hardship that this entails”.
Ref #24
Ref #25 Ref #26
Ref #27
Saint Greta of Thunberg
Days ago Greta Thunberg at the London’s Royal Festival Hall left on record that there is no going “back to normal” as it would mean returning to the Global North climate crisis “system” i.e. “colonialism, imperialism, oppression, genocide and racist, oppressive extractionism”. So only the overthrow of “the whole capitalistic system” will suffice, says Greta. No explanation was given — or even a mild attempt made — to describe how the required transition could possibly be made to get from our current evil point A to future greatly-improved point B. Apparently, there’s no GDP growth — especially of the capitalist sort — without increasing carbon emissions. Supposedly the only solution to this state of emergency is “for rich countries to immediately abandon economic expansion as a social goal.” Full interview credit to Nicholas Harris at Ref #28
entitlements & cakeism vs. the chicken and the egg & DE-globalization economics: FIRE vs real STUFF
If really interested in reducing greenhouse gas emissions mankind worldwide would need to drastically change its way of life in many important ways already very firmly considered by the collective mind-set as genuinely valid entitlements So, politically speaking such proposal is a non-starter waaaay outside any current Overton window we may come up with. In turn, we also can´t have our own cake and eat it too. So which will it be ? On top of it, let´s add that “All service industries (– including FIRE finances –) remain completely dependent on the raw materials and manufactured goods sectors to function… So DE-globalization will increasingly favor those who produce and control the STUFF which underpins everything else…(of course necessarily) leading to devastating closures of (almost all ?) energy and/or resource-intensive industrial operations in Europe due to high energy prices that make their products uncompetitive.” Ref #29 . Full credit to Kurt Cobb via
Excess mortality growing (vaccinations?) + high inflation on food & energy costs + supply chain disruption + funding a loosing war (22Billion till now) = End of the European reigning political system.
Excess mortality growing (???) + high inflation on food & energy costs + supply chain disruption + funding a loosing war (22Billion till now) = End of the European reigning political system.
So we all are watching the car crash. Question is what rescue services are going to appear. Rf seems the only adult here with the energy and food and any morality. Will china even be welcomed? Tens of millions of European lives will have to first overthrow the system and somehow survive the next few winters. No usa bombers doing food airlifts or mass migration to open armed nations seems plausible ww2 style. Rump ukraine wasteland turning euro wasteland isnt i think RF game. They more hearts and minds than a gaza prison camp of endless misery. that is usa types style
Thanks for your comments with which, BTW, I agree.
Regarding … ” what rescue services are going to appear”… my personal speculation is that maybe, just maybe, none may appear. I mean, let´s not assume that if there is a fire somewhere the firemen will always get there on time. Firemen may never get to the fire scene until the house has already burned down as has happened many times. In this case let´s hope not because of what´s at stake, but many forces are alligned for this to happen. Massive EUropean migrations should be expected methinkxs, but this is anybody´s guess right now. Maybe Germany finally pulls a 180 and kicks the US and NATO out and joins the BRICS+ team,
Cordially Jorge
An Alex Krainer on the latest Lira roundtable says just that, that Scholtz has been making remarks/noise that he is ready to flip the table for Germany. Very good roundtable I thought, Krainer made his remarks toward the end after Tom Luongo had to leave for a short while. He had some very sound reasoning. Let’s hope, then if Germany flips and leads the way, and several others already making the same noise, it could still be salvaged. It would be double good if Turkey would then also do the logical and leave NATO and ask the US to leave its territory, though how does the new Turkish gas hub play into that, it closely aligns them with Russia, but why would they then want the other pipelines restored to operable ?
edwardi, okay, I buy it.
And for the sake of argument let´s all please assume that this is the way that Europe decides to solve this terrible crisis. Germany abandons NATO and joins Eurasia…
But, of course, rather instantly a most terrible NEW crisis will be triggered by the US-NATO-WEF forces resisting to the idea of a Germany-Russia-China axis open to Eurasia. I mean, reading my article it is crystal clear that was the original NATO cause for this mess. So I hope Europe is ready for this new WW1 all over again and no longer to be fought out in remote Ukrainian pampas but rather in the very heart of Europe.
Just sayin´
The EU situation has less to do with their IQ level or brightness but a lot to do with being enslaved by the Anglo-Zionist banking mafia which is running and promoting the US dollar on the grand global scale. They hold all the levers of power from top to bottom of economic activities of the EU societies and their residents. People are afraid that if they follow their own intelligence by opposing the great Western narrative about hate-Russia, Iran, China…, they will be excluded from system and end up on the street. No monthly Social Security checks, no salaries, no pensions …etc. These Anglo-Zionist bankers can dislodge anyone from their fiat currency digital payments at any time they see fit. Well thanks to Saudi Arabia for the time being still enabling them to continue with their ponzi game. Eventually, there will be massive violent riots in all parts of Europe and US as well as Canada, NZ and Australia for sure, so they should have their Guillotines ready for action.
It´s the proverbial chicken and the egg. So let´s apply the infallible K.I.S.S. Principle.
Thusly — because of everything that you so correctly describe — EUropeans cannot be any brighter than anybody else as they constantly claim to be.
EUropeans just cannot be very bright if allowing …” being enslaved by the Anglo-Zionist banking mafia which is running and promoting the US dollar on the grand global scale “… AND/OR …”… are afraid to follow their own intelligence…”…etc etc
And please do keep your valuable comments coming in maskazer2022
Cordially Jorge
maskazer2002 that is my view as well I think you nailed it with your explanation. As an American I see what is happening in Europe is almost exactly the same as what is happening here in the states. Furthermore I have traveled to enough European countries and have visited many states here in America and I can say with complete honesty that the majority of Europeans are good people and so are Americans. I have not experienced any attitude of “superiority” from the Europeans that I’ve met both in Europe and in the U.S. There are also many misconceptions about Americans which I completely understand as again I must reiterate many people judge us based on our foreign policy but the vast majority of Americans do not agree nor condone the foreign policy of our leaders. I must say however that there is a large amount of apathy here in the states coupled with a large percentage of very physically unhealthy individuals and an unhealthy body leads to a dull and unhealthy mind. We have a lot of serious problems here as well, its not just Europe.
@7even-N-6 thanks for your input.
I do agree that it´s not just Europe that has problems, of course. Possibly the US has even WORSE sins it being the driver of the problem.
And yes, the vast majority of Europeans are of course “good people” as you say… but they cannot be very bright as their political leaders always claim on international fora. How could they (?) if constituents allow their leaders to mis-manage their livelihoods present and future. Please take a step back and think deeply about it.
And of course that Americans can ONLY be judged by America´s foreign policy. People worldwide do not have the time, the opportunity, or the interest to do it otherwise. I enjoy having lots of EUropean and American friends, even family. But still… and it´s an unforgivable sin that, as you say, …” the vast majority of Americans do not agree nor condone the foreign policy of our leaders”. So if that were the case (I agree) then Americans would not be that bright either, would they ?
Cordially Jorge
@Jorge Vilches
First I would like to thank you for your very informative and detailed article. It is contributors like yourself coupled with the great Saker community that keep me visiting this site on a daily basis.
Regarding your question regarding the intellect of the average American I completely agree with you that overall Americans are no less or more intelligent than any other nation. In my opinion there are other factors that are keeping the citizens of western Europe and the U.S. in such a docile and subjugated state. If you look at western Europe and the U.S. the mainstream media and politicians, schools and institutions are all preaching the same agenda which is the emasculation of men, sectarian division and the demonizing of any kind of national pride and unity. In other words, the empire of lies is promoting the exact opposite of what Russia is promoting which is strong family values, the nuclear family, national pride without being a zealot and national unity. Critical thinking has been all but removed from our educational institutions and complacency, apathy and blind trust in our politicians and institutions is the new norm for many Americans. Pseudoscience has become a religion in some parts of America allowing big pharma to dangerously encroach on our constitutional rights. I think political change from within at at the moment in western Europe or the U.S. will take some time to achieve.
I confess that I don’t see why “being bright” is the focus of your current article.
Maybe your focus on “being bright” relates to the whole system, not to individuals.
It seems to me that social and political systems in Europe plus all of the Five Eyes countries have developed in such a way as to prevent any decent people from rising to positions of leadership where they can challenge TPTB via the electoral process. Look what happens to them. Exhibit A: Jeremy Corbyn. Obviously, making sure that this remains and is increasingly the case—control of political leadership and installation of WEF-bots— has been a prime goal of the WEF.
(How the WEF agenda is related to the USA/NATO agenda is still a puzzle to me, a question that I have posed in numerous comment threads, but have yet to see any coherent hypotheses.).
It is not easy for any country to “throw the bums out” when the political and social system has the country’s balls in an iron grip. In Europe an added problem (added on top of similar challenges to “throwing the bums out” in the USA) is the disappearance of any semblance of democracy, under the EU regime. Or so it looks like from here.
In the USA an added problem is the two-party system.
The upcoming election will doubtless be a “throw the bums out” event.
Some of the wannabe bums are significant “underachievers.”
Unhealthy individuals.
A few of the new “bums” seem to possess a bit of intelligence. Such as Kari Lake in Arizona.
IN addition it must be said that in the USA, any attempt to understand what is really going on beneath the surface or off the reservation (a sign of curiosity and search for truth) is immediately and draconianly squelched and quashed by the Israel lobby. Exhibit A: Ye (formerly Kanye) West.
So, there’s the Overton Window for you!
Really puts the lid on a society’s “brightness”!
Of course the Overton Window in Germany is minuscule; what can be freely and openly discussed is very heavily patrolled and policed, and sanctioned. It is I believe almost an axiom of psychology that denial and repression in one area leads to the habit of denial and repression in other areas.
So, more bad news for “brightness.”
My dear friend Taffy, methinkxs that this time around unfortunately we would cordially dis-agree.
Please scroll (both up and down) and find my MANY responses to @maskazer2022 and @7even-N-6 whereby I believe your argumentation has been responded to already pretty much.
Taffy, it´s getting to be like a dog chasing his own tail.
You say…”… maybe ´being bright´ relates to the whole system, not to individuals´…”…
Yes YES yes Taffy… yes yes and yes to all and the same.
“Systems” do not grow on trees.
“Systems” are designed and implemented by politicians voted by constituents. If a political “system” is not bright it´s because of the politicians behind it. And if constituents do not approve the political system established, they should vote to change the politicians in charge by voting new different people that would think differently.
But NOT never ever voting for more of them basically more of the same (Taffy, voters just asked for this mess no ?) such as the members of Green War Party. If the politicians elected are not bright they design and implement systems that are not bright either. THAT is the problem, so change the politicians if you will, and vote other representatives that would not implement such perverse system. A traditional management rule makes it clear that if the clerk is not good just fire his manager. Constituents and voters have to continuously get their feet wet. No wising up, or else… A country or a region cannot run in “auto pilot”…
And now because of what everything else you rightly point out Taffy, the only chance in hell for these not-so-bright EUropeans is to change the not-so-bright “system” that the politicians they voted for created and implemented. So constituents should vote for different representatives with a “bright” revolutionary change, a new system (whatever) that would throw out “the political and social system that has Europe’s balls in an iron grip” … “and the disappearance of any semblance of democracy under the EU regime” .
Taffy, we fully agree in that, as you rightly say, … “it is not easy for any country to throw the bums out when the political and social system has the country’s balls in an iron grip”. Yes YES yes and that is THE problem now for them no-so-bright Europeans who should have never gone for such a terrible system of their own creation and approval implemented precisely by the people they voted for, nor Martians. That´s what representative democracy is all about.
Cordially, Jorge
Dear Taffy, pulling your leg a bit amongst friends here is a question (sorta) for you.
Who exactly was responsible for the 7 major historical catastrophes this past century as mentioned in the fourth paragraph of the above article ?
I hope we both agree it was Europeans right ?
It wasn´t the Chinese or gremlins from Jupiter for sure.
Cordially Jorge
“Systems” are designed and implemented by politicians voted by constituents. If a political “system” is not bright it´s because of the politicians behind it. And if constituents do not approve the political system established, they should vote to change the politicians in charge by voting new different people that would think differently.”
This is so much easier said than done that it ends up sounding like a nostrum.
So much so that I wonder whether you read my comment, dear Jorge!
This was my whole point.
Many very bright people have come to grief trying to change a political system, or even to make *meaningful* changes in the holders of office. And the body politic has made its will clearly known repeatedly.
Just look at the first Obama election.
The voters thought they were getting real change, a true leader who coiuld turn over a new leaf after the Bush disaster.
How wrong they were.
How hard it then becomes to clear away the political confusion and intellectual debris in the wake of such betrayal.
Indeed the same can be said of Clinton.
Voters now have very little control over how candidates are chosen.
Look at the UK—Sunak has been installed as a result of a backroom meeting, not by the people.
The Green fanatics Habeck and Baerbock similarly. Et cetera and ad nauseam.
I just don’t think lack of “brightness” has a lot of explanatory power, particular with the media clampdowns that prevent citizens from accessing the information they need to start to grasp what is going on. Indeed I suspect that a lot of politicians also do not grasp what is actually going on because the needed informatoin is secret and the big decisions are made elsewhere. The judiciary is also hamstrung or actually corrupt. .
Well, my short answer then is that there must be very few bright people in Europe, definetly not enough. Far many more bright people needed. Same in the US. For example, if after all the abundant terrible MSM experiences people still tune them in to get “informed” … weeeelll then I say they are not bright enough. Today people can access modern technology, including the blogosphere as both of us do. Otherwise they deserve this messy mess.
“How the WEF agenda is related to the USA/NATO agenda is still a puzzle to me, a question that I have posed in numerous comment threads, but have yet to see any coherent hypotheses.”
WEF is an important arm of the Western Anglo-Zionist banking scheme running alongside the US and NATO military industrial ambitions. The basic objective of the WEF is stirring the pot of normalcy i.e. what one considers to be normal, common sense and natural human life/behavior. It’s an assortment of some diversionary techniques that work on the famous Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov’s classical conditioning experiment theory. Its aim is to keep the entire individual residents (citizens) within the western territories in such a constant state of zombification to be in full compliance to the zionist elites who control the money and have powers of imposing the laws of the land. Emasculation/masculation of men/women, promotion of gay, lesbian trans, , gender bending cultures…etc., as some normal variations of human activities and thus all related laws about these supposed important matters ( important in the west of course) are the levers in the hands of the money elites which they use for the smooth working of their zombification procedure. Here in Iran a gay individual better keep his sexual id to himself and do whatever he does with someone like himself in absolute privacy, and that’s the law. Nobody wants to know or talk about this issue and surely it’s nothing to do with democracy or freedom. In the west, once the zombified individual falls into full compliance, he/she will be registered for a monthly digital fiat currency (US dollar) payment basic salary arrangement, that can be switched off at any time the elite deem necessary like non-compliance or not following the main narratives set by MSM …etc. Finally, since the dollar empire is dependent on raw material imports from the other 85% part of the world, it would have to pay those using the same unlimited fiat currency they’re issuing at will which is the US dollar. In this case the empire must always make sure it pays much less for say imported oil, gas, titanium, rare earth…. from foreign producers and set the prices, regulations, standards at the levels they themselves decide and not what the exporter demands. Therefore it becomes necessary to expand the zombification agenda to all four corners of the world such that all individual human beings follow the same universal system and comply with the WEF program. The local governments and their technocratic 5th columnists, oligarchic class can always be bought/bribed, but the other 99% must be kept zombified and silent. Here comes the role being played by the NATO and the US as its supposed tough guy, by trying to scare others to comply with their, frankly, Mickey Mouse plans. The problem is that this sham might work with smaller inconsequential countries like Albania, Libya, Panama, Burkina Faso, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland…. but when it comes to major countries like Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela… then the game changes as we can see happening in the Donbass. There’s absolutely zero chance that Russia will let the NATO get away with this stupid agenda even by hiring the poor clueless and frankly zombified neonazi-brainwashed Ukrainians as their foot soldiers.
I have interactions with many Americas some of the best experiences with any people’s in the world.
However when US was bombing Iraq back to stone age to deliver Shock and Awe which was supposed to create Terror in the hearts of Iraqis. What did Americans do? They brought out the popcorn to watch it on CNN.
They were told it was being done to protect them from a country the whole world was saying had done nothing to harm US in any way.
It was being done in their name to bring democracy they were told. Both political parties voted for it.
What did Americans do? Did they vote out their leaders? If they were not offered better leaders to vote did they refuse to vote?
You are still saying Americans are not complicit in the killing of a million iraqis?
Mars plase refer to my response to Taffy right above. Cordially Jorge
Hi, Masr,
I don’t know whether your comment is directed to me, but re ” You are still saying Americans are not complicit in the killing of a million iraqis?”
1. I don’t think I said that.
2. However, I will say now that I personally do not take responsibility for the Iraq disaster, aside from the fact that I am an American citizen. And as a citizen I did my best to avert the Iraq disaster that I foresaw coming with increasing dread.
I knew from the summer of 2002 and definitely before the Oct. 2, 2002, vote in the Senate—that this push for an Iraq invasion and to justify it with WMD was a steaming heap of lies. I read Scott Ritter’s reports from Iraq. I called, wrote emails and made phone calls to my reps, in particular John Kerry urging him to vote NO on Oct. 2 giving Bush war powers, and to Cong. William Delahunt, attended some meetings organized in the community to get Delahunt to become aggressive in challenging the Bush administration, wrote letters to the paper, got the ACLU involved in dealing with the USPO, which didn’t want to let our group demo on federal property, plus demonstrated every Saturday from January to March 2003 in front of our local USPO to accuse Bush and Co. of lies lies lies. Our little group drew about equal positive honking and catcalls from passers- and drivers-by. I also went to NYC and froze my butt off and practicallly got stomped by mounted NYC cops to participate in the huge antiwar demo there on I think Feb. 2 (worldwide, 14 million people demo’d on that day) and also to DC for at least one demo. I did what I could to stop the rush to war. There were millions like me.
I knew that Colin Powell’s UN performance was a sham, that there were no WMDs in Iraq, that the reporting of Judith Miller in the NYT was deeply mendacious.
Kerry voted YES on Oct. 2. Hugely disappointing. WTF?
On the morning of March I think it was March 19, 2003, I knew this country had passed a hugely dangerous Rubicon. Since I don’t own a TV I did not watch the bombing of Baghdad either with or without popcorn.
However, John Kerry was the Dem candidate in 2004 (and one Barack Obama gave the keynote speech at the Dem Convention, in Boston, where for the first time protesters against the Iraq War were confined to “caged” areas). The other candidate, obviously, was Bush. The country at least my part of it was getting pretty desperate to get Bush out. A lot of people hit the electoral “barricades,” to get the vote out for Kerry. I was in Paris, The Boondocks, Maine. When we hit the motel bed at ca. 1:30 a.m., Kerry was ahead. When we woke up at 6 the next morning, Bush had “won.”
The 2000 election had set the stage for further election shenanigans via electronic voting machines.
My own account here may be boring, but I was not alone in trying to stop the war machine and in naively thinking that calling out our leaders for their lies would have some effect. The years since the Iraq invasion have been an education for USA-ians and the whole world, i believe, in the actually workings of the MIC in the USA (and other countries), the actual existence of a Deep State, which was totally outside the Overton Window in the 2010s (no one had even heard of the Overton Window) but is now thoroughly accepted, and many other “red pills” have popped up all over the place. Wwe learned after the huge FEb. 2 worldwide demo that our “leaders” didn’t give a s— what the world thought, and any further demonstrations would be spun by the MSM as a collection of weirdos and loonies.
So I think there is a certain element of historical amnesia and also anachronistic thinking in the “brightness” index: 20/20 hindsight and all that, and meanwhile citizen/victims—the victims of the lying leaders and the system that is ever increasingly stacked against any real democracy or possibility of challenging the deep state–are blamed for being stupid.
I agree that the EU has to be demolished in order to provide an opening for democracy on that “peninsula.”
Where to begin?
As mentioned by someone up-thread, Pavlovian techniques are being used to control citizens of European countries—principally fear. Also, people are demonstrating and the MSM is burying this.
What is the next step?
Currently in the USA there is high angst (I reckon it is kabuki on the Dem side; the real tihng on the red side) the the vote count will again be squirrely, but the stakes have become higher: now those who challenge obviously chicanery are labeled “election deniers.” laying the groundwork for . . . what?
European spinelessness will result in their destruction by fire, of their states on the altar of the satanic babylonic cartel.
Thank you for a very interesting read Jorge.
If the Europeans still provide a platform for St Greta to dispense her Oracle-like wisdom — and worse, to then consume it with relish — then they must not be very bright. I simply do not understand this fascination with an opinionated teenager.
There are exceptions to this dimness, of course with Clare Daly being one of the brightest. She gets it — what is really happening in Europe, and to Europe. I’ve listened to many of her speeches and she’s one of the most courageous voices in the Euro parliament. Clare’s a rare bird while Greta, well, is just an angry bird.
@cobalt thanks for your pertinent comment with which I fully agree.
And please expand further and share your thoughts with us all.
As you say cobalt, if EUropeans are …”… fascinated with an opinionated (and very angry) teenager…”… then they cannot be very bright, how can they ?
Cordially Jorge
Thank you again Jorge for another superb article. Probably when UK has its new budget soonish Rishi and Hunt….we might deserve another such article especially if UK is exposed for its military actions in Ukr and against NS and Crimea??????
Thanks JJ for your warm comment, although obviously for good reason my instincts tell me not to opine on everything directly or indirectly related to this topic. I just cannot cover such wide spectrum as I am not a think-tank or member of an equivalent institution either. BTW that has advantages as well, such as full independence all around. I am a one-man band running on a shoe-string budget with life, family, friends and just as bare-bones government pension as funding.
So… I just try to stick to what methinkxs I could know something about — possibly worth considering maybe — which is not complete either by any means. For example, regarding the UK, I followed lots on Brexit (yes) … but Rishi Sunak and his ilk are not my forte !
Thanks again JJ !
Cordially Jorge
Besides your inspiring and illuminating articles (You are doing quite well as a one-man band) I appreciate very much your habit of taking time to interact with your commenters. Keep up the good work, it is both thought provoking and necessary. Thank you for your contributions.
There is some interesting speculation connected to this article, near the end of this: one.
@Ahminra Cludjee
Thanks for your valuable and valid input.
I had hear about such “interesting speculation” right here at The Saker blog made by a commenter namely John Kolak on November 03, 2022 at 8:32 am EST/EDT as his reaction to Michael Hudson´s very recent article at
So we shall see..
John Kolak commented
“The Scholz delegation may be trying to start a process of replacing the US with China as an ally. Never forget that the top BRI trade/connectivity terminal in the EU is Germany (the Ruhr valley).”
“If this effort is successful, then Germany (EU), China and Russia can ally themselves together and drive the US out of Europe.”
“Olaf Scholz is being accompanied on this trip by German industrialists who actually control Germany and are not going to sit back watching themselves being destroyed.”
That is from Pepe Escobar. Many cannot view SCO.
Thanks bonbon, I did not know that.
So please bonbon do keep close scrutiny with everything we mention.
It is not easy to keep up with moving targets !
Thanks again
“Mackinder´s Eurasia” wasn’t actually Mackinders’.
“According to Mackinder, the Earth’s land surface was divisible into “The World-Island, comprising the interlinked continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa …”. For a short time and only among a very small group of people, the Northern Continental Massif was known as the World Island. It didnt take off as it’s not really accurate or appropriate.
“Eurasia” the word was first coined by the British in India to label people of mixed Indian – British genetic heritage. It died out after the Raj went away, but was resurrected by Orwell in 1984, where it was used to refer to Russia, to subside again only to be resurrected by, of all people, Zbignew Brzeziński, in his book “the Grand Chessboard”.
At the time, the Pentagon plans, revealed by Daniel Ellsberg in his book “The Doomsday Machine; Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner”, were to mount a war against not only Russia but also China. This so called “two front attack” which has many today bemoaning the loss of any sense among the gutter-elite of the US, is in fact, not new. It dates back to 1945, and as Ellsberg says ” I have seen nothing to suggest that things are any different today”.
To mentally, conceptually, enforce the joint attack, they reduced it to in fact, a single target, the then named “Sino-Soviet bloc”. Ellsberg states he saw a highly secret map of targets for nuclear attack on the entire continent short of India and the Atlantic Peninsula – labels like “Europe” etc are political maps, not geographical ones – in which there was NO border between China and Russia marked. Unless you knew by names, language, local knowledge, which was a Chinese target and which a Russian one, there was no way of telling.
This revelation was signal for me. I have long argued that use of the term “Eurasia” is a huge mistake, a conceptual block carrying subliminal concepts alien to a united Russia which is sovereign and known world wide to be. But this still didnt quite account, to me anyway, for it’s resurrection in 1990, when the US took the dissolution of the USSR to be their victory over Russia and invaded economically and administratively., Humanities Dept of Universities everywhere were flooded with papers, forums, in which “Eurasia’ was re-coined and spread. Sadly, it has take on a “cachet” of informed intellectualism it does not deserve, which has caused it to become widespread in its’ use.
But to me it is purely the old “SinoSoviet bloc” mentally written again. It’s another of the gutter-elite of the Hegemon seeing the parts of the Northern Continental Massif as a single whole.
Indeed, with their recent attacks on the EU via Germany, I have to wonder if they havent decided to throw Europe in with the SinoSoviet bloc and call the entire lot by Brzezinski’s “Eurasia” in order to do away with borders and any sense of individual sovereignty, ready for what they are comforting themselves would be single enemy, a single target – not now Hegemon vs SinoSoviet bloc, but Hegemon vs Eurasia’.
Thus I find constant iteration of this labelling by western writers only emphasises that concept in the minds of readers, which I find very sad, but more, threatening and worrying.
Thus, we can perhaps see that dumb Europeans think America is on their side, and dont realise that the US based Hegemon is just seeing them as one with the single target, all of Russia and China now labelled as one, Eurasia. European leaders do seem to be extremely stupid, but they are also extremely confused, which of course is what happens if you use words wrongly and get your perceptions, which form 90% of our thinking, also screwed up. You make decisions which are extremely stupid and dangerous. Perhaps when they too use the term “Eurasia” when discussing Russia and its Near Abroad, they dont realise that they are drinking from the poison cup designed to enslave them along with their dearly hated enemy, Russia. {I should a -dd, this applies to the Ruling gutter-elites of the Hegemon, not the mass of the people}.
Not for nothing was it coined, that “the pen is mightier than the sword”.
When Kiev tried to join the EurAsianEconomicUnion, EAEU of Russia’s Glazyev, Maidan was set in motion. The Empire is terrified of the very term Eurasia, and when China aligns, it has terminal conniptions.
That since Mackinder’s report for his King Edward VII.
Putin says very clearly at Valdai and elsewhere that Russia is very European, and that Ukraine is a brother.
This drives the Empire into psychopathic rage, and they make mistakes, like NordStream, a bridge too far.
When one pokes a Cyclops in the Eye, expect trouble as Odysseus well knew.
“The Empire is terrified of the very term Eurasia” — I dont think so bonbon, because it came from there in its current usage, and is used extensively there, although sadly the coffee shop University chatterers and politicians in Russia also wrongly use it, out of ignorance of it’s true meaning and intent.
I think they just dont much want Russia and China to understand what it means to the gutter-elites of the Ruling Mafia. They dont care what Russia and China make ofit – it’s their own term for their own plans and thought processes, and it suits them well.
After all, specifically, “Eurasia” doesnt exist, does it, any mmore than the SinoSoviet bloc did. Is there a President of Eurasia.? A Government, a Foreign Secretary?? Are there specific boundaries. ?? No, it’s a blank slate in those ways, which is useful to the Hegemon planning wars, because with a blank slate you can write anything you want with little possibility of being challenged. Like “Hope and change” once of such faem, it means what the listern wants it to mean. And I think that suits the mind benders of Empire HQ very well indeed.
Sorry ongoing issue with new computer and arthritic fingers :-)
Should read “Like “Hope and change” once of such fame, it means what the listerner…”
@Pamela St thanks for your most interesting geo-political analysis and racconto which certainly strongly contributes to this debate. Cordially Jorge
Yes Pamela St ” the pen is mightier than the sword ” …
And also “ideas can´t be killed” penned by Domingo Faustino Sarmiento a South American 19th. century political leader. Cordially Jorge
“Ideas can´t be killed” – per English translation
“ON NE TUE POINT LES IDÉES” – per the supposedly original French quote of unclear origin
” Las ideas no se matan ” – per translation into Sarmiento´s native Spanish made famous thereafter
Pamela regularly posts this comment about the supposed rhetorical power of “Eurasia.”
I don’t buy it
If Putin uses the term Eurasia” I think he probably knows what he means.
Geographers have referred to Eurasia and the Eurasian continent for donkey’s years.
E.g, Francois Bouliere, “The Land and Wildlife of Eurasia,” Life Nature Libary, 1964.
Many geographers and others call Europe merely a peninsula of the Eurasian continent.
And if you look at a map, that sure is what it looks like!
Not a separate continent.
Europe is a sociopolitical term and idea whose proponents are trying to keep it out of the dustbin of history.
What distinguishes “Europe” is that from any one country, a whole different country is a mere day’s train ride away—or less!
A very small percentage of people of British and Indian percentage are there in India. They were called by the British as Anglo Indians, by themselves as Anglo Indians and by Indians as Anglo Indians. They continue to be called the same even now. Their percentage in India is very tiny not even 0.5% of India. British in India never constituted more than 12 thousand most didn’t procreate with Indians. Even accounting for a 200+ year rule that’s not much interaction.
Murder is a tool of geopolitics. Anyone showing intelligence is immediately a target, rather like in the USSR’s worst times, or in China under the Gang of Four.
The assassination of Herrhausen: murder as a tool of (geo)politics by Rüdiger Rumpf
Rathenau’s Rapallo Treaty, Bismarck’s Berlin-Baghdat Railway, Italy’s Enrico Mattei, Aldo Morro .., the list goes on.
After the NS international terrorism, no-one should have any doubt.
While this is a very informative article, I must say the title is misleading. It would have been more accurate to title this article “How bright are European politicians”. What is happening in Europe is no different than what is occurring in the U.S., Canada, most of South America and any other part of the world that is controlled by the empire of lies. Obviously the European politicians are completely controlled puppets who are purposely ruining their economies on the orders of the international cabal. The vast majority of American politicians are also puppets and sellouts on both sides of the political spectrum. This article in my opinion should be renamed because it is so factual in so many ways as far as exposing the true motives of the snakes that have controlled Europe for over 70 years but the title insults Europeans as a whole and I find this approach counter productive. Imagine if there was an article on The Saker titled ” How smart are Central Americans” or “How smart are Africans after all”. By the way I am an American not a European and I am aware that the foreign policy of my country is atrocious and responsible for the instigation against Russia which is why I stand with Russia on principle wholeheartedly. Fantastic article overall with a flawed title in my view.
@7eve-N-6 thanks for your very warm comments and most welcome positive encouragement.
And you know what 7-even-N-6 ?
Seemingly otherwise, unknowingly — and even regarding the title — we would both still fully agree.
It´s just that — very humbly — in view of your deep analytical capabilities and knowledge methinkxs you´d need to take a step back and slowly re-chew + re-think the whole shebang trying to get to the root cause, the real heart of the matter.
Please scroll up and find my reply to your previous comments at Jorge Vilches on November 05, 2022 at 12:20 pm EST/EDT
Thanks again !!
Yes we agree!
Really appreciate the interaction and exchanging of ideas. Thank you.
In a nutshell, you would agree with the article above if it had a different title such as ” “How bright are European politicians ? ”
My short answer would then be that — if European politicians are not bright — it´d necessarily be because Europeans at large are not bright, at least not brighter than everybody else as European leaderships claims Europeans to be every time it has a chance. The article submits evidence of that.
Cordially Jorge
One last comment because this article is delicious. Regarding change in Europe I will have to quote Chairman Mao when he so honestly stated “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun”. All of western Europe is currently under the military yoke of the U.S. and the empire of lies. Change is coming though via Russia’s actions in Ukraine. Russia ushered in the multi polar world order and unfortunately they had to do it partially out of the barrel of many artillery guns (and lawn mower piston engine drones}.
Thank you Jorge for another fine posting about how bright is the EU as a whole – well not very. There are a few dissenters such as Sarah Wagenknect of Germany with whom I suspect many Germans agree with. It’s one thing to go along with a program (stop receiving Russian natgas), but when the wolf is at the door, people wake up and realize the stupidness of decisions made, to plunge their country into poverty, massive decline in living standards, and de- industrialization.
The hegemon has gone through this process – jobs shipped overseas, manufacturing is mostly non- existent, and poverty is rising. If the EUropeans were aware of what is going on in U.S., they could foresee their future going down the same path.
I’m not sure of Xi’s trip to China – will have to wait and see what happens. I doubt if Scholz has grown any kind of backbone to help his citizens.
Hi Catherine !
[ … BTW, knowing how knowledgeable you are, surely in your last sentence you must have meant “Olaf Scholtz´s trip to China”… rather than ´Xi´s trip to China´… still no big deal, just for the record… ]
Regarding the content of your post Catherine, its enormous value resides on your genuine eye-witness observations from the front-line trenches. You are obviously there, right THERE somewhere in Europe and so with first-hand experience with …” jobs shipped overseas, manufacturing is mostly non- existent, and poverty is rising”…
We shall (very soon) see what happens for real with this otherwise un-believable situation.
Cordially Jorge
Jorge, I thank you for catching my mistake. I did mean Herr Scholz’s trip to see Xi. Not enough coffee!
Mais uma vez Jorge nos brindando com um artigo que não precisa de retoques.
Como sei de sua enorme consideração com os leitores, vou lhe perguntar:
Tenho me perguntado constantemente se, apesar de todo esse cenário apocalíptico que temos vivido especialmente, creio, no último ano, será que não estamos exagerando nas projeções do futuro e, simplesmente, quando tudo estiver muito mais próximo da ruína total, haverá um movimento de ajuste por parte daqueles que comandam as coisas e tudo voltará à pseudo normalidade da vida e, assim, tudo continuará como era antes e nós que estivemos olhando o cenário e vendo a catástrofe se aproximando seremos tidos como os lunáticos de plantão?
O que você sente sobre isso caro Jorge?
Machine translation:
Once again Jorge playing us with a friend who does not need retouching.
As I know of your tremendous consideration for readers, I will ask you:
I have constantly wondered if, despite all this apocalyptic scenario that we have been experiencing especially, I think, in the last year, are we not exaggerating in the projections of the future and, simply, when everything is much closer to total ruin, there will be a movement of adjustment on the part of those who run things and everything will return to the pseudo normality of life and, thus, everything will continue as it was before and we who have been looking at the scenario and seeing the catastrophe approaching will be taken as the lunatics on duty?
What do you feel about iso caro Jorge?
I also wonder about this very thing. At the moment Europe looks like a house of cards, a sand-castle with an incoming tide. But so did Russia in the 90’s, and all it took was a man of Putin’s stature to emerge from the ruck and lead.
Could the same happen in Europe? I suppose it could, so the question becomes, will it? And I don’t know.
For the moment I’m left with the memory of the towers of Notre Dame aflame in the nighttime sky above Paris. And so ended, or seemed to end, Europe as we knew her, “not with bang, but with a whimper”.
Excellent post and I agree with you that with principled leadership, a nation can rise from the ashes like Russia did when Putin became its leader. The problem with western European nations at the current state however is that even countries with good leaders like Hungary for example, if they deviate too far off from the commands of the EU bureaucracy, the EU punishes these countries by denying them billions of Euros, sanctioning them as a punishment. What could 1 or 2 nations do against such a dictatorship? Look what is happening in Serbia as well. War might break out in Serbia and this is a direct consequence of Serbia trying to be a truly sovereign state. Let’s see now that winter is approaching if the citizens of western Europe will say enough is enough and react.
Obrigado Hal por compartilhar que seu sentimento se assemelha ao meu.
Assim, talvez, não me sinta sozinho em meus devaneios.
machine translation:
Thank you Hal for sharing that your feeling resembles mine.
So, perhaps, I do not feel alone in my reveries.
OK figured it out, necessity the mother of experiment, on his Ref. links just highlight it and then right click and up pops options, one is for the article to appear in the left column, then just go to that and control enter and Voila ! up pops the article/reference, of which I have 4 windows open now after deleting one that I e mailed to friends. Wow ! what a Holy Conundrum. Surely a fascinating time to still be alive. Alex Krainer, in his spot on the most recent Gonzalo Lira opined regarding Scholtz in China and his comments while there, that he thinks Scholtz is ready to jump ship, and fully align Germany with Russia and turn its backside to the US. He gave some solid reasoning, can’t happen soon enough.
Dear bestetti,
The future is anybody´s guess… but I just cannot yet see — or foresee — any European politician anywhere around with the stature of a Vladimir Putin. None. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Almost all are utterly mediocre and half-baked ignorants really. And yet also clearly supported by definetly not-so-bright constituencies as my article above tries to shout from The Saker rooftop. And EU politicians are only interested in commanding the European ship at any cost and with sheer vested interests in mind… while not even realizing that Europe for many months now has been clearly in the middle of an irreversible sinking process already. The European Titanic has already hit different icebergs and is already listing some 15 degrees with great water inflow below the float line. For Crisssake just bear in mind that today most / all European politicians think and openly act as if oil & gas and many other Russian resources were fungible, interchangeable, and found elsewhere to be readily provided as needed by third parties !!!!! NOT – not – NOT.
I can´t neither see or foresee a European public opinion Overton window anywhere close to what would be required for drastic changes such as required not now but rather in MARCH 2022. Probably some / many German industry leaders might decide to relocate to Russia (yes) … but Europe ASWKI is long gone…
So quite frankly methinkxs it´s already waaaay too late.
No supposed LNG “solution” and no sub-surface nat-gas “reserves” will now save the day for Europe.
For what it might be worth (possibly very little ?) as John Wayne would advice I say just get the hell out of Dodge as soon as and wherever you can.
I confess not detecting any room for optimism.
Furthermore, NS1 and NS2 have been sabotaged already with no repair possibilities any time soon, winter is here right NOW, Russian assets and properties have already been seized, sanctions are in full force, Russians are fed up sick and tired of NATO and the EU and of their always very firm warpath, etc. etc., etc.
Besides, I do agree that optimism is always much needed, but still bad things happen despite having lots of optimistic people around.
And as in the European not-very-bright established “system” no couple of countries such as Hungary or Greece or Serbia can change anything (… remember that Europeans are not that bright…let alone as bright as they think they are…) then the result is pretty much ensured already, isn´t it ? Otherwise please I urge to just let me know exactly WHAT or WHOM or HOW will save Europe from this terrible crisis… I care to know and will listen to your line of thought very very very carefully, thus making this debate worth everybody´s while.
Querido Jorge, mais uma vez, você supera minhas expectativas de boa vontade, ao escrever em uma resposta, quase um novo artigo.
Diante do que você colocou acerca da realidade de caos, mais uma pergunta: o que poderá acontecer com as pessoas comuns na Europa, já que os donos de empresas podem simplesmente levarem suas indústrias para, talvez, os EUA, mas, é esse o grande MAS, pra onde irão as pessoas? O que será delas?
Machine Translation:
Dear Jorge, once again, you exceed my expectations willingly, by writing in a response, almost a new article.
Given what you’ve said about the reality of chaos, one more question: what might happen to ordinary people in Europe, since business owners can just take their industries to, maybe, the U.S., but, that’s the big but, where will people go? What will become of them?
Dear bestetti
We can´t know for sure the answer to your question. But we do know pretty much that — whatever happens — most probably chaos would ensue whoever “wins” or “loses”. So in that case a genuine revolution would take place with enormous permanent or temporary changes throughout legislation and norms, most specially in labor matters, such as happened in post-war periods. So would ordinary people also migrate to wherever along with businesses ? If they do not, what would become of them and their families ? We can´t know that now. Would businesses have any “rights” or “obligations” concerning their employees ? We can´t know that now either. So we basically can´t know right now what will become of regular people as you ask. Businesses for sure will take their funding and technologies and as many key personnel they can convince to come along to any possible relocation wherever. That´s my best guess right now at least.
Hey I just started reading this, excellent ( very ) as usual, and I was ready for a deep dive, was disappointed that the References listed to prove his points did not link to the article. Lazy me maybe, I would have to type the whole line into google, though maybe highlight, cut and paste ? Not a big deal, the point Jorge is making I am quite aware of, but somehow it is still so thrilling to read/hear him hammering them home. And of course he always fills in the blank spots. Terrific person Terrific author. As for The Saker : Go man Go, thanks for getting back on track, and I am jonsing for more from Batiushka, I can’t tell you how many times I go into the archives to share his writing with friends.
Thanks for your most enthusiastic support edwardi !
Cordially Jorge
I wonder if you have read ‘The Politics of Hysteria’ by Pfaff and Stillman, 1964? The authors predict some sort of outcome such as the one we are now witnessing, and the history of nations that led up to these events, much as you are hinting at. Thankyou once again for your vital contribution.
Thanks for your input and warm encouragement English Emigrée.
My short answer is no, I have not and had never heard of such ‘The Politics of Hysteria’ by Pfaff and Stillman till right now. I´ll try to find it as it seems to be most pertinent.
Cordially Jorge
Greetings, Jorge!
Re “Europe maybe could have articulated a far better and softer transition and slower pathway into “some” renewables under excellent quality and already available + pipeline delivered, cheap Russian nat-gas. ”
Actually, that was the plan: Use cleaner-than-coal nat-gas to “keep the lights on” during the transition to the net-zero dream.
Even if net-zero is in fact a fantasy, the plan showed that cool heads were actually planning and more or less engaging with external reality.
Now hotter heads or the same cooler heads with a fever have smashed the glass and placed all of their chips on the Going Cold Turkey option.
As Gail Tverberg clarifies at her latest blog post, Europe, having industrialized first, was the first region to basically use up its own fossil fuels.
Obviously the Europeans need friendly relations with their fuel supplier(s).
The only rational explanation I can find for the apparent self-menticide in Europe is some kind of actual blackmail operation run by the USA/UK.
I just can’t see committing suicide for purely ideological reasons.
Unless the WEF is actually holding the strings, not the USA.
Who gains more from the economic collapse of Europe,
##the USA (thinking it will scoop up European business, trade, and treasure)?
## the WEF, which seeks to undermine all nations’ sovereignty?
## or the dark horse, Russia, which seems to be the actual beneficiary of the debacle?
Currently it is actually looking like Russia is the big winner.
But the question is still outstanding: Why is Europe agreeing to commit suicide?
BTW, on another Saker thread a commenter linked a show by Ben Norton in which he takes apart the odious speech by Borrell—Borrell[‘s epic odiousness is on display even with the sound turned off!!
A true reptilian.
Dear Taffy, this time we agree on everything you say.
And I also believe I may have the answer to everything you wonder about.
(1) …” Now hotter heads or the same cooler heads with a fever have smashed the glass and placed all of their chips on the Going Cold Turkey option…”
(2)…” Why is Europe agreeing to commit suicide?…”
The answer to both of your questions I believe is that Europeans are not very bright…
Cordially, Jorge
PS: Taffy please keep up with your always valuable input !
Actually, Jorge, I think there is more to it than that!
I am listening to a roundtable with Gonzalo Lira, Tom Luongo, and the brilliant Alex Krainer, and this discussion is starting to shed light on my main question, which is:
What is the relationship between elites in Washington, DC, and elites in Europe and the WEF?
The URL is humongous, but you can find it if you do a search for “Lira Roundtable Luongo Krainer.”
Tom Luongo can be a self-involved egomaniac pain in the neck, but he is very smart and I think he is on to something, so I grit my teeth and listen to him. Alex Krainer speaks more coherently and clearly.
I recommend the podcast for presenting a credible hypothesis as to the overarching plans of a group of globalists as they relate to energy crisis, energy markets, and international finance and global governance and control.
The hypothesis is that a lot of the madness we are now witnessing has to do with cracks appearing between elites, specifically a group of American bankers and the Fed on the one hand and Davos-aligned politicians and bankers in Europe (and some in the USA). So far it is not clear where the Biden Administration itself stands on any of this. But it is contended that Donald Trump was a huge threat to globalists’ plans—via his appointment of Powell to head up the Fed—and this is one reason for the rabid attempts to get rid of him.
Energy and energy policy is definitely part of this story, so you may find it worth your while to slog through all of Tom Luongo’s monologues, punctuated by Lira’s actually quite decent questions (generally I am not a fan of Lira but he does OK here) and especially the very clear Alex Krainer in explaining what Globalists have been planning, how energy figures in, and how things are not working out as they planned. Krainer’s and Luongo’s view of the financial picture aligns with that of Catherine Austin Fitts. But they bring in the energy aspect of the Globalists’ plans to gain control.
One interesting aspect is the history of the creation of the energy hub in Amsterdam and the European Commission’s effort to destroy long-term fuel contracts with Russia—-something I knew about from my study of Gazprom and have posted about here at The Saker. That discussion starts at 17:00. Few people understand the centrality of this background and the Eur. Commission’s aim to destroy these contracts, “punish” and control Russia, and also and drive prices on spot markets into the stratosphere.
Per Luongo-Krainer, this latter aim is part of the additional agenda item, to destroy sovereign nations in europe and elsewhere via economic shocks (shocks engineered via energy), so as to force these nations into the Globalist system under One World Government. But not everyone, esp. Powell at the Fed, is on board with this little plan . . . .
There are a lot of moving parts to the current money-energy-power-situation.
Well worth viewing, whether or not you end up being convinced of the hypothesis. Also, otherwise Luongo is behind a hefty paywall, so it is a good opportunity to hear what he has to say, even though you might have to grit your teeth.
I, too, would like to know what ASWKI means.
P.S. Dear Jorge,
Please go to 50:00 of the above-reference video for the short answer as to why Europe is going down.
Dear Taffy, as my wise Grandpa used to say, you are worth your weight in gold.
Full stop.
Respectfull bear hug for you and, as always, please keep us all well informed.
Excellent summary and report shared with all of us Taffy. Thank you.
You’re welcome.
I neglected to say that a central aspect of Luongo’s and Krainer’s thesis concerns CBDC—central digital currency.
Luongo discusses the internal dollar market, the external/overseas/Eurodollar market, its importance to Europe’s financial survival and the aggressiveness of Powell in separating the US financial system and internal dollars from the much larger-volume LIBOR-indexed overseas dollars.
Davos (including Davos-USA) is putting pressure on Powell to pivot and lower interest rates or not raise them anymore. Because Europe needs low-=interest rates in order not to sink under the debt load. And, Davos wants to solve the financial problem by canceling the debts and putting everyone on digital currency/UBI. That solves the financial crisis, and gets everyone under total digital control via CBDC. Here is where the financial agenda intersects with the eugenics/depopulation/total surveillance agenda. Of which the covid op is a part.
But, CBDC requires eliminating commercial banks. Here is where Powell and big USA banks are saying No thanks. Powell is keeping interest rates high to bring down inflation. And Powell is saying Screw You and cutting both the homegrown and European Davosites loose anad creating a wall around internal US dollars. So, no CBDC in the USA, if Powell wins this fight.
The Ukraine war is part of this picture because printing money to pay for war in Ukraine undermines Powell and plays into the Davos-USA’s hands, so the DAvos-USA crowd (neocons in State Department, Biden, others) are pushing for this war to provide an excuse to print more money and hamstring Powell and his allies, most of the big US commercial banks. .
Yes Taffy, which means that both sides of the Atlantic do not share the same financial goals, do they ?
Also suprised me listening to Tom Luongo saying that JPMorgan has the only Rubles Fund in the world.
Excellent podcast, and many thanks again Taffy
Jorge Vilches, I am pretty sure I figured out IMNSHO (LOL), but I can’t figure out ASWKI.
Will you help me out here? Thanks.
Hahahhh yeah I got a bit carried away sorry !
ASWKI would stand for “As We Know It” .
IMNSHO = “In My Not So Honest Opinion”
Cordially, Jorge
I would go with “…Not So Humble…”
I true that Wayne, my bad.
You are right, it´s “… Not So Humble…”
Dear Jorge, thank you so much for your superb article. One could add that the Europeans are also blind.
And those, who dare to speak openly against the current insanity like Clare Daly, are just a small group. Because, those who dare to oppose the EU tyrannical regime, are being crushed mercilessly.
EU is a much worse jail of nations than any previous regimes. Soviet Union or the Habsburg led Austro-Hungarian monarchy were mild and kind compared to the EU. Slovakia is now more enslaved than ever before, what a sad irony.
What is needed is some overall awakening of the masses in the EU. People should finally vote for the leaders that will stand against the ruthless EU rulers.
I come a bit late to the comment party, and I can see that the concept of blaming european “brightness” has been debated over and over, but as I think a point is missed, here are my 0.02 eurocents.
Imagine your classical old grampa / gramma, tranquil on their home, minding their own business as stretching the monthly retirement money for a whole month already takes a lot of juggling.
Now imagine a serious con artists crew. Oceans 11 kind, with know how, resources and savoir faire enough accrued through years of cons and scams.
One day, after preparing everything, they visit our grampa, dressed as whatever makes sense, lets say IRS inspectors, with all the falsified documentation required, as well as suporting history, and even team on the ready to anwer phonecalls for confirmation. Somehow they easily manage to scam aforementioned grampa of all their savings.
He could be all the bright you want, alexandria’s pharos style, but he is the underdog on that particular interaction. He is weakened from his prime days, and still trusts the fellow man because he was never exposed to pure evil.
Would you blame him and his brightness when all odds are stacked against him ?
I’d say a similar situation happens today with europeans. Political discourse is muffled for generations. Secret societies galore allowed societal control of the population for centuries, which at this time, is not much more than a herd of sheep.
They hear the unison voice of media, most if not all of it propaganda with over 100 years of science to back up the social manipulation.
Indifference plays a great role though, and what we now are paying is the debt of years of european indifference at the rest of the worlds problems (and usains even further, because as long as they profited from wars, they never opposed them )
But brightness has nothing to do with it. Any society in the world could be lead to the same path by a similar set of actions.
There is no choice when there is no option. And we on the west democratic free world ™ have no choice, no options, no democracy and no freedoms. Only illusions of grandeur.
But don’t blame us or our skills. That’s akin to blame those who died on the concentration camps of being stupid (which they where) for getting on the trains (which they had no option).
Perhaps Senor Vilches could describe all the fuckwits and idiots to be found in Governments in South America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia?
They exist everywhere, because all governments are founded on corruption, bribery, self-serving deceit and false belief in ‘elites’.
Focussing on the village idiots does not cast a light on the vast majority of sane and sensible citizens.