In a recent programme on RT Arabic surrounding the Yemeni crisis, Saudi political communications scholar Dr Abdullah al-Assaf said that the Houthis with their ‘very primitive minds’ could not possibly be behind the UAV and ballistic missile attacks on Saudi Arabia in recent weeks and months.
Al-Assaf said that there must be experts from Hezbollah and Iran’s IRGC present in Yemen, and that these foreign experts are the ones launching these UAV and missile attacks.
The Saudi academic also said that the Saudi-led coalition could militarily wipe out the Houthis if it really wanted to, but ‘humanitarian obstacles’ prevent it from doing so.
Source: RT Arabic (YouTube)
Date: 1 July, 2019
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Now where have I heard all of this before? Of course! From the French in 1954 at Dien Bien Phu in Vietnam.
And of course, how unfair it is that the Houthis ‘with their primitive minds and all’ receive assistance from others. Of course, what is not mentioned is the ‘assistance’ that the Saudis receive from ‘others’.
And as for the ‘humanitarian’ aspects of the Saudis in their war against Yemen, we should consider the attempts to blockade the ‘aid’ being delivered to Yeman through their major port that the Saudis endeavoured to capture.
I am now trying to consider just exactly who has the ‘primitive mind’.
Primitive minds, eh? The Da worked with a Legionaire. An Irish fella that joined the FFL. When they were in Veitnam they thought they were the ‘cat’s meow’. Driving around in their fancy jeeps, terrorizing the shit out of the locals. Suddenly the stupid locals began dropping grenades from rooftops onto the French jeeps. Bit of a surprise for the French but easy to fix. They covered the jeeps with netting so the grenades wouldn’t land in the jeeps. The Veitnamise were so stupid, they began soldering fish hooks onto the grenades, nothing bounced off and yep, the stupidity of the Veitnamise really surprised the French.
Do Saudi and UAE “humanitarian” considerations include their employment of seige warfare against Yemen, which caused a massive outbreak of cholera in that nation that has lasted for years?
Indeed, even mainstream media or Western “charity” organizations admit that the cholera outbreak in Yemen this year has hit over 200,000 children and will surpass the number of cases in 2018.
The idea of a ‘Saudi academic’ had me in stitches. One thing about the Real Axis of Evil, the elites of Thanatopia, Talmudistan and Sordid Barbaria that is undeniable is that they are truly extreme and bloodthirsty racists, xenophobes and all-round swine.
Dear Mulga,
We have those ‘Academics’ in Australia even to this day, though in my day we called them Intellectual Ignoramuses.
Again this article does demonstrate that ‘racists’ are not just white, and I do wonder about the possibility of inbreeding among the Saudis and the possibility that it is as rampant as that in English aristocracy and of Freud’s clientele.
“I do wonder about the possibility of inbreeding among the Saudis and the possibility that it is as rampant as that in English aristocracy and of Freud’s clientele.”
Absolutely politically incorrect and a taboo subject, but that might be true.
In certain societies (Saudi Arabia, North Africa) most marriages are arranged. Often this is between nephews and nieces. Mother Nature is not in favor of this, and this has consequences.
You see this too in Europe, there are villages (often with a fishing tradition) where people for ages have only married other people in the village. They score high in the amount of babies born who are mentally handicapped.
Cheers, Rob
Rob, no need to wonder. Marrying little girls (age as low as 9) to their uncles and other relatives is a common practice in the middle east. Just to explain, their young age ensures their virginity, hence their genetic purity. No different than keeping pure breed mares from the donkeys. Anyone engaged in animal breeding knows that mare is done after she’s been with the damned donkey. I won’t go explaining why, past that point.
Check this article:
Although, some try to debunk it (promoters of promiscuity), it’s actually proven to be valid.
The ruling Sordid Mafia family often have many wives, and the old ‘kings’ had scores of offspring. The princelings keep European and other brothels and escort agencies highly profitable, too. A thoroughly Evil State, ideology and ruling family.
The so-called Saudi scholar is as pathetic as the Nazi general who told a Russian general: “Just give it up, the German army is much more superior and we will most certainly crush yours” The Russian replied: “We may retreat from time to time, but we always end up drinking coffee in Paris (1814) and will soon drink Schnaps in Berlin.”
Candidate for best joke of 2019. The intellectual capacity and moral quality of the average Saudi is so low that no amount of money or tech will ever save them.