Dear friends,
It is a real joy for me to announce to you the official launch of the History of the Orthodox People (HOP) website and project. You can now find it here:
Please keep in mind that at this point in time the HOP website is a placeholder, a kind of leaf-less “tree” with each “branch” dedicated to the history of one, specific, Orthodox people but with all the “leaves” still missing. Right now, there are only two “branches” which have already begun producing “shoots”: the “Fundamentals of Orthodoxy” and the Serbian branch of the “Restoring the Historical Truth”. All the other branches are still waiting for their first leaves to grow.
I did not want to wait any longer for a couple of reasons:
- Today March 5th is, according to the Church calendar, the “Sunday of Orthodoxy” (aka “Triumph of Orthodoxy”) which commemorates the victory of the Church against the iconoclast heresy and the Seven Ecumenical Council. What better day to launch such a project?!
- By launching early, I hope to entice all the other teams of the HOP project (African, Bulgarian, Greek, Romanian, Russian and West European) to start producing their ‘leaves’ (some are almost ready).
- By launching early I also hope to convince others to create new teams (we are missing plenty such as Orthodoxy in the Americas, Georgian Orthodoxy, Armenian Orthodoxy, Arab Orthodoxy and many more) and join the HOP project.
- I also hope to incite interested people to send us any original texts and other documents they might have.
- To use this opportunity to appeal for donations: we not only have computer-related costs, but a lot of us have a hard time making ends meet and every dollar would help.
[Sidebar: in case you did not see my earlier posts about this, the purpose of the HOP project is to become a repository for documents relating to the history of the many different Orthodox communities worldwide, to facilitate research on the history of the Church, to restore the historical truth about misrepresented or forgotten moments in history and to present a modern reader a valuable resource to study the many different Orthodox people and countries in existence today.]
While working on this blog, I often got emails and comments asking me to explain something related to the Orthodox Church or to the ideas and actions of various Orthodox people. This project is, in part, a reply to these emails.
Furthermore, while there are quite a few very good Orthodox websites out there (and we will be recommending them on the HOP website), none of them have the same historical focus, so it is our hope that we will contribute something useful to what is already available.
Finally, a lot of what is (self-)described as “Orthodoxy” out there is really a misnomer and sometimes an outright fraud. There is an “official” “Orthodoxy” out there (I think of it as “post-Patristic”) which is centered on such things as the (admittedly beautiful) Orthodox rites, nationalism and patriotic education and, of course, politics. Sadly enough, a lot of what is supposed to be “Orthodox” has, nowadays, “lost it’s flavor” and has been deluded in various types of modernisms, innovations and “ecumenical dialogs of love”. In contrast, the HOP project will aim at giving you the “real deal” – the type of Orthodoxy the Fathers and the Apostles would approve of, an Orthodoxy unconcerned with political correctness or popularity contests. In the HOP project, we will strive to remain faithful to the doxa and praxis of the Fathers.
But we need your help. Badly.
This project is potentially huge and we will never have too many volunteers. Nor will we ever have enough translators, contributors, WordPress support staff, editors, etc. So, if you are interesting in contributing or if you want to submit some interesting documents or if you can help with WordPress please email the HOP project.
If you have comments or suggestions about the website itself, please email our webmaster.
If you can donate any money towards the HOP project, please use the regular donation options as if donating to the Saker blog but please make sure to add “for the HOP project” as I want to keep these two projects separate.
Finally, and as always, please post your comments/reactions/opinions/suggestions in the comments section below. We very much need your opinion to make the HOP project a success.
Hugs, thanks and cheers to all,
The Saker
Woke up this morning, went to my RSS feed and saw this. What a way to start your day! I’m really happy to see this project, ever since you wrote about it I was anxious to see what it will look like.
I think you should share this through social media (Facebook, Youtube, etc.). Perhaps there are some pages about Orthodoxy that are willing to share/contribute to the project.
Anyway, good luck with it!
What you have compiled so far, I approve of wholeheartedly. Two topics from the conversations on this website have really added to my understanding of Orthodoxy, which I would love to see recognized as it develops.
Firstly, there is the modern Russian ideal of religious pluralism, where the Orthodox church stands first among four recognized traditional religions. The state relies on Russian Orthodox wisdom, recognizes other universal traditions as contributing to common harmony, and treats any other cults and sects only as individual behavior. I understand (from offline friends) that this is due to a specifically Russian kind of thought about spiritual unity. My Russian is nonexistent, but if someone could give me a hint about where this came from I would gladly read about it voraciously and write a section myself.
Second, much of understanding Orthodoxy today really is about understanding the experience of the Orthodox churches and their cultural memory, and I see many Anglo converts (including myself) wanting to reach out to immigrant Orthodox to learn from the vast transformations many of them have witnessed in their lifetimes. Having a “Restoring the Historical Truth” section seems to hit the mark precisely. Would it be going too far to include stories about Soviet and post-Soviet Russia in that section? For example, the French documentary which you can find on YouTube under the title “The Rise of Putin and The Fall of The Russian-Jewish Oligarchs” was truly eye-opening for me (if you ignore the Russophobic intro added by a Canadian television company).
So Saker, what do you think of Nestorius ?
And also, that’s so amazing that you are saying that Irish Christianity is Orthodox. I know that is is original and before Catholicism, and that sadly the Catholics wiped it out – them, along with the Vikings…so sad….the Celts were an ancient race…
Also Saker, do you think that the Aryans are the Celts ?
Celts are Slavs. Celtic ancient alphabet is similar to cyrillic.
read Olga Pjanovic, a serbian author.
Welsh have same DNA like Serbs. imagine that.
there is more, even shocking revelations, but the broader public isn’t ready to
be enlightened yet.
“Celts are Slavs”
Very interesting and almost makes “instinctively sense”. And I heard that before.
What is the evidence supporting this theory?
The Saker
Saker, – Celts come from Ancient Atlantis – that’s why their artifacts are found from Ireland to Europe to Russia (?).
The gateway out of the disintegrating continent of Atlantis was through Ireland…from Ireland the migrating peoples – over the course of centuries – went either north through Scandinavia or directly south and even over Gibralter into North Africa and both migratory groups ended up in Iran…and from there they fructified the aboriginal groups in India – Persia – Egypt and Greece –
The Romans were a different tribe and not inculcated by the Aryans.
This I get from my reading in Rudolf Steiner. Its my understanding of the migrations and the Aryans and the Celts.
As they haven’t managed to locate Atlantis yet, I don’t think this is the kind of evidence Saker wants….:-)
Actually, the Celts began in north Spain. The Celtiberians. Then they migrated to the Ireland. The Celtiberian myth is that they came from the sea after the destruction of their homeland.
Celts = Druids
You may have heard it from me Saker.
“Celts” are not a homogeneous group. There are the Gaelic “Celts” of Northern Island and Scotland and the Welsh “Celts”.
We have been traced using DNA and cultural patterns going back a couple of thousand years, to the East. We know that our very early ancestors [many thousands of years ago, after the last Ice Age] moved across the North of India and into the Caucasus region. We know we split during the North of India period, some going north and into Scotland via Scandinavia, others staying south and intermingling with the Circassians of The “Fields of Grass” [currently northern Ukraine].
We moved across the southern plains, across France and over the Channel – settling in Briton, to become the first Britons. We are mentioned in papers by Julius Cesar as “the wanderers from the East who call themselves Celts”.
We were invaded by Franco-Germanic people and sought refuge in the mountains, mists and rains of Wales, where we were largely left alone until the Norman invasion. However, they did little to interfere with us. Most of our sovereignty was lost due treaties with the new “English” that were reneged on. There were a few battles, but nothing like the hundreds of years of violence between the English and the Scots.
We now – after an extensive DNA study of Haploid groups – across Britain have clear proof from the people of North Wales [ who always claimed to be “the real Welsh”] that our DNA is different from that of all of Britain. Nowadays, the people of South Wales and Scotland have no difference in their Franco-Germanic heritage from the people of England. We have also identified an aberrant and rare Y chromosome previously only found scattered along the East Coast of the Black sea, in 4 proven long term North Welsh families.
There are commonalities of language and of behaviours between us and the Circassians. For example, I was born with black curly hair, black eyebrows and lashes, but fair fine skin and blue eyes. In the North Welsh and Southern Irish – close to the coast with Anglesey and Wales – we have a higher incidence of haemachromatosis [ my brother and I are both heterozygotes] than the English population which is also found among Circassians and Caucasians.
Those who have laid claim to the Welsh being from Spain have been shown wrong, as not a single gene or haploid group of any DNA traces back to Spain, any more than there are any found among the English of Roman or Danish or Scandinavian genotypes.
I found an odd thing since arriving here.
When I was explaining about the Welsh – using a sketch on a whiteboard – to some Chinese students, my Russian language teacher who was listening pointed and “Welsh. Russians. We know this”. As it was not a good time to talk – and her English is about on par with my Russian – I couldn’t chase up this – to me utterly fascinating – comment. I intend to – however it seems that in Russia the original roots of long ago Russians in Wales is not an unheard of thing.
That’s as far as my researches among research done by others has taken me to this point.
It certainly was an unheard of thing when I was growing up – however, there has been a more clear behavioural Russian connection among the Scots; several counties use the double headed Eagle, and of course St. Andrew with the blue/white cross flag is the flag and patron saint of Scotland as he is much revered in Russia also. There are similarities recorded of Scottish dances also, of Russians visiting Scots exclaiming at the many similarities of dance and music!!
One other thing – be wise to take anything the English say about the Welsh with a bucket of salt. The two peoples dont’ get on, never have, and the English, along with the many other insults, have seen fit to make their own stories up about the Welsh, most of which are garbage!!
Thank you so much ! Dear !
I am not at all sure that your comment makes sense or is accurate. In 863AD, Cyril and Metod arrived at the Devin castle (today’s Slovakia) at the invitation of Rastislav, the ruler of the Great Moravian Empire. He had asked the Byzantine ruler to find someone to translate the Latin bible into a Slavic (Slavonic) language. They pretty much invented the alphabet (today, Cyrillic); it was based on the Greek alphabet. They stayed at the court for some time, spreading their knowledge. Were eventually driven out, and went south to Bulgaria. From there, the bible and the language spread. And the reason Rastislav went to all that trouble? To counter the Frank priests at this court… in other words, Germans. Te Slavs to this day are fighting against an undue German influence and lust for power…
Please don’t take this as an attack on you personally,
but you are repeating false facts. Yes i know these facts are considered
to be history, even by Slavs, which makes it even more heartbreaking
because Slavs forgot their own history and adopted foreign lies as truth.
The story, that 2 monks invented the Cyrillic alphabet is untrue and plain silly.
It is done to hide the true history of Slavs. It is done on purpose, through lies and deceits,
the idea was to cut the timeline of the existence of Slav peoples, to conceal their
true accomplishments and influence on the world.
Similar to the Tito regime in Yugoslavia, the past was “erased” and people were
indoctrinated to false facts that the world started to exist since 1945. The past was
to be forgotten like it never happened. Thanks communists! (/irony)
Same happened with the Cyrillic alphabet. It is a made up story to impose a fake history,
to make Slavs appear as barbarians only to get an alphabet in the 9th century.
By imposing this lie as truth, the West could claim that they are enlightened and
the cradle of civilization (which they are not). Another lie is that South-Slavs moved to the Balkan
in the 7th century. No, they lived there for millennia.
The truth is, that Slavs go back 20,000 years (yes you read it right: twenty thousand years).
Read about the Vincha culture.
Read about the dozen Caesars born in Slav lands – most notably Constantin from Niš (Serbia) – yes that Constantin from whom Constantinople has its name from
Did you know that Slav lands were all the way till the river Rhine?***
Do you think that Drang-Nach-Osten was a one time undertaking and didn’t happen before 1941?
Do you know about the Northern Crusades? The Teutonic knights?
Was Catherine the Great a German noble? or Serb noble? Lets look at her FULL name –
Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-ZERBST-Dornburg
[for those who don’t know German, Germans pronounce Serben like Zerben]
The most famous Paris University Sorbonne is named by Robert de SORBon.
Sorbi = White Serbs. Is this all coincidence much?
There has been a multi-century effort to hide the real truth (by the usual suspects: Vatican, West, …). Today you have been given the chance to see a glimpse of the real history – the truth.
*** p.s. Sorry Germans, but this is the truth. The country that goes by the name Deutschland,
is nothing more than Slav territory taken over by German tribes during a long time period.
I consider it to be Slav territory under temporary German administration. So quit your
b!tching if Merkel “schafft das deutsche Volk ab”. Wasn’t yours, isn’t yours, and won’t be
yours. Ever.
There is a definite Byzantine influence on the famous Book of Kells:
Note: but I don’t think the classic Byzantine religious illuminations featured cats chasing mice among the extravagant illuminations…
Maybe Cat Motya’s ancestors ventured further West than assumed ;;-)?
“Also Saker, do you think that the Aryans are the Celts ?”
No, the Arians are Persians. Arians are located in parts of Iran, Afganistan, Pakistan and Northern India.
Hitler was peddling his theory for different reasons, which I am not going to talk about.
The rest is just pipe dreams.
Indians never talk about how their cast system, that created poverty and inequality all over India. It is hush hush. One guru however mentioned the Aryans did it. He didn’t clarify to me who the Aryans were kind of mentioned they came from afar, Iran region. Any one know? Cast system to the powerful was the most effective experiment, who ever established it till this day still goes on. That is why India will never be like China and is weaker even though it is expected India to be the next economic power for who really?
Here is a good link from the Cafe : just to keep on with the realities.
This is an excellent project that will help to educate and elucidate.
A considerable part of the antagonism between the West and Russia stems from the fact that the West, is now for all intent and purpose, a post-Christian society.
Under the devious machinations of certain groups (we can call them The Immorals), the West has morphed into an immoral wasteland where anything goes.
“Do what thou wilt”, is their mantra.
Russia, which still tries to preserve some modicum of Family Values and decency stands in stark contrast to the filth and deviance that has been allowed to pollute Western societies.
Russia, is therefore seen and potrayed as the ‘enemy’.
They -the immorals- own and control the MSM, therefore their anti Russian sentiments are given full vent 24/7 non-stop.
Russia, and the Russian Orthodox Church are resisting, the “rainbow embrace” of the West and are doing the right thing and must be supported by all decent persons, worldwide.
Such a joy to see, it’s a magnificent book already. Getting into the West’s War against Serbia part — this is going to be a great tool for communicating the Orthodox frame of mind to many of us in the west and elsewhere, and we need it! Something that has never been done before. Thank you and congratulations.
The picture is a wonderful telling of the history of our Christian History putting the Original saints on a boat, while the others (the Catholics and Protestants lumped together as Anti-Christs) are trying to sink it.
I am not going to translate the Greek-Byzantium Scripts (The Serbian ones say the same thing).
Thanks for this Wonderfull Project
What a nice way to erase the macedonian Orthodox Church from history. Is this done on purpose or not?
No of course not. Saker has volunteer teams gathering articles and information to be posted … the list only represents the current teams. If you or someone that you know would like to contribute to time/money to the ‘Macedonian Orthodox Church’ team please email Saker at
Herb — webmaster
I’ve contacted Macedonian Orthodox Church and Premin Magazine web admins to contact The Saker and contribute with info to this project. I hope they will.
I’ve seen a Ukrainian Orthodox Church in my city – is it similar to the Russian Orthodox Church or something very different?
As a Serb I might know why this is. It would make sense to include only official churches in this project. The ones that broke away such as the Macedonian and the Montenegrin Orthodox Churches are technically not real churches so they shouldn’t be included.
Wikipedia on Macedonian Othodox Church:
“The Serbian Holy Synod denounced the decision and condemned the clergy as schismatic. Thenceforth, the Macedonian Church has remained unrecognized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and all the other canonical Orthodox churches in defense of Serbian opposition.”
Anyway, the history of those 2 churches can be included under Serbian history and there is no need to include them separately.
Dear The Saker,
What wonderful news. I look forward to reading and learning about the history of the Orthodox people. I will send your link to try and get you more support.
What an exciting and much needed project. Orthodoxy has always been one of the world’s best kept secrets, at least in the West.
I wonder if some of my friends who came to Orthodoxy from barbarism, atheism, Judaism, and Protestantism could define a special area for themselves.
They do form a very special and treasured part of modern Orthodoxy.
Bishop Kallistos (Timothy Ware) who wrote one of the best modern overviews of Orthodoxy comes to mind, but he is not the only one by any means.
Fantastic job, well done. This website was so needed.
I do not see Etiopian and Coptic churches listed.
That’s because they’re not Orthodox. The “Oriental Orthodox” (including Coptics, Syriacs, etc) rejected the Fourth Ecumenical Council at Chalcedon and have not been in Communion with the Church for almost 1500 years now. Discussions are ongoing about the monophysite/miaphysite “misunderstandings” but until the Copts and Syriacs et alia are willing to reject their false Fathers and embrace the Holy Tradition of the Church, they will remain outside of Her. African Orthodoxy is represented by the Patriarch of Alexandria.
For legitimate reasons, many scholars believe that the split over Chalcedon was due to misunderstandings. I recommend the following interview with Fr. John Erickson. (Fr. John was the Dean of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary in the U.S.A. from 2002 to 2007.)
Indeed the causes for the original split were mainly poor translation (the miaphysite versus monophysite debate) and enormous political pressure but in the history of the Church there were many temporary schisms which were healed when dissenting bishops repented and rejoined Communion with the rest of the Church. The main problem today, despite what certain wishful thinkers in the Antiochian Church may believe, is not theology but ecclesiology. I was not speaking flippantly when I said that the non-Chalcedonian “Orthodox” need to reject their false Fathers. That is the actual crux of the issue. The Orthodox Fathers and the schismatics that rejected Chalcedon like the Coptic and Syriac communities issued many mutual anathemas. The schismatics ceased to be a part of the Church when they broke communion with Her, and as such their Fathers, “Saints,” and councils are all false. A Copt would tell you that we, the Orthodox, are the false ones and they are the true Church, and that our Fathers are not Saints.
I know this will all sound very silly to anyone who isn’t Orthodox, but it’s the truth as we understand it. If I may offer you a link as well:
I myself attend an Antiochian parish in the US and this can be a sore subject, especially for my brothers and sisters from Syria where there is such a large Syriac community. We pray in our liturgies for both the kidnapped bishops of Aleppo, Orthodox and Syriac. We pray continually for reunion of the Syriac non-Chalcedonians with the One, Holy, Apostolic and Catholic Church. But ridiculous arguments about minutae of theology and what “miaphysitism” really means are never going to get us anywhere I’m afraid.
Don’t forget, Orthodox/Byzantium originated from the teachings of christs’ disciples which originated in the ME and spread to Greece. Stop your division of the Orthodox as a whole no matter where they came from. They or the origins which is needed today. Obviously due to regional differences, the followers in Europe would worship in different way even they rejected the orthodox to bring bring about communism and most in fact have already been converted to Catholicism staunch in fact by Vatican.
@Aryans are the Celts, Celts are Slavs…
As this problem was bound to come up sooner or later (it came sooner) in any discussion about Christian civilization and its rapports with the mythical past of ‘White Europe’ and the origins of European peoples and languages, I recommend a preliminary familiarization with the site:
“The Paleolithic Continuity Paradigm for the Origins of Indo-European Languages. International PCP Workgroup Website”@
It contains the most recent theories about these origins formulated by eminent specialists in Linguistics, Archeology, Genetics. They have changed almost all we believed we knew about them. Read first what Prof. Mario Alinei wrote (Mario Alinei, An Alternative Model for the Origins of European Peoples and Languages: The Continuity Theory, “Quaderni di Semantica” 21, 2000, pp. 21-50).
I recommend also the site:
“UI-RA-LA: The Ancient World of Boat Peoples, by Andres Pääbo” @
It offers a fresh view on the relations of IE peoples with the ‘Finno-Ugric’ and ‘Uralo-Altaic’ peoples.
They will help to raise the discussion of ‘Europe vs Eurasia’ from the ideological-propagandist morass in which it wallows today to a more sane realistic scientific view.
Oouf! I am too excited. I always wanted your postings on this subject on the saker site to continue beyond what you would always say was not the time or place for them, not to mention the amazing contributions of some of your commentors.
Thank you.
The HOP project is awesome! The geniusness of the Russian project to build 1,000 orthodox churches each year for years s awesome as well. What russia avoided was losing Orthodox Christianity to Nihilism, as has happened to Europe and America.
Human animals need privacy, belief systems that support basic human support needs, and a basic consistency of expectations as in the regular use of law, whether religious law or non-religious law.
Tracing back to the Fathers of Orthodoxy is vital, and will fascinate millions as well as those who believe nothing. When I can include money I will.
Thank you Saker. I m so pleased to hear this news because I listen to Raphael Johnson when I can, with great interest.
Here’s a free book which claims that England was Orthodox until William the Conqueror made it Papist. Not something usually taught. I don’t know if its true.
Let’s think about some basics:—
One might think, what if there never were a United States of America? What if the American Revolution failed? Well, there would be no Bill of Rights or its concepts. There would likely simply be a set of clashing empires over the planet,—the British, the Japanese, the French, the Chinese, the Russian, the German.
Typical leadership would likely be by warlord types either claiming a “divine right” to lord it over and do to their followers whatever they please, or claiming some mystical mind-meld with the “soul” of their followers, in the sense of a given nation, race or class, so that they stand as the unchallengeable “leader” or “vozhd” or “führer” and can simply do to their followers whatever they please and lead their followers anywhere they please. All societies would likely be essentially rigidly class-based, caste-based, feudalistic, veering eventually into the technologically advanced feudal societies like we now see implemented in North Korea. There would likely be “god kings” with powers to,—on mere personal whim,—decide who lives, who dies, who eats, who starves, who has the privilege to walk around unchained and who gets sent to prison. Slavery and serfdom would likely abound everywhere, without even any concepts or arguments against it, about natural freedoms and rights, as voiced by American abolitionists.—And concepts of the rights of minorities versus majorities in an operative democratic vote-based government were debated and published extensively by Calhoun and other American orators in the years leading up to the American Civil War.—All of that would not exist.—And there would still be ferocious wars and atrocities, waged by warlord-elites.
Maybe ultimately “private capitalism” would not dominate, but there would arise as mentioned before, the modern technologically-backed feudalism and a kind of absolute monarchism as now exemplified in North Korea with its ruling dynasty. Not a very good alternative, we would say!
—This is something to consider, by all those who tend to rush to judgment that the USA has been the source of evil in the world, while other systems get the free pass so to speak.
The ultimate adversary is not any given government or nation-state, but rather secretive cults of persons being manipulated, influenced and/or possessed by predatory emotional organisms operating both within and among humans, thereby generating religious-like evil spiritual cults dedicated to produce maximal rage energies and fear energies, through perpetual warfare and ongoing human sacrifices, including ritual sacrifices, with, for example, suicidal bombers being
a modern technologically-adapted variant of effective ritual human sacrifice.—Only human willpower implementing flexibly detached analytical intellect, probing the truth which is in the details, can seem to defuse the emotionalistic currents underlying these cults, influenced and/or possessed by the superenergies of non-human emotional organisms or non-human emotional entities which seek to maximize human rage energies and fear energies as a type of nourishment. From the human perspective, they are predatory and “evil”, of course. And Lord Jesus the Anointed came to protect and save humankind, not species of predatory devil-entities.
There appear to be only three major documentable fundamental ways for humans to function both as individuals and collectively-socially:
—1) the way of the “kingdom of heaven” both within and among humans, being through creativity in liberty and peace within oneself and with others, this being the fundamental way taught and exemplified by Lord Jesus the Anointed (Christ);
—2) the way of disciplined furor and/or disciplined fear;
—3) the way of idolatry, the sacrifice of oneself and others for the sake of something given greater value that concrete human well-being, be that a concept of God, or nation, or race, or money, or whatever else for which humans go so far as to kill and/or die. Note:—the humans are the only species on the planet that will even kill or die for the sake of something that they have constructed purely from their imagination.—These things we say are based on life experience and on studies of the thoughts, words and example of Lord Jesus of Nazareth through the Gospels of Mark, Luke, Matthew and John and other texts of the Holy Bible, the so-called canonical books thereof. Douay-Rheims English translation and King James English translation were used. No special so-called supernatural revelation, angelic visitation and the like are being claimed here, only personal thinking and conclusions, and let others simply judge whether this makes sense or no sense.
More specifically, the way of human functioning, the universal kingdom of heaven within and among persons is a kind of divine grace-energy, notably including multiplication of one’s given talents [Matthew 25:14-30]; the leaven of development [Matthew 12:33]; arising of itself without coercion, freely and spontaneously [Mark 4:26-29]; in reconciliation between human and God, human and human, and within each human [Matthew 18:21-35]; the conciliating motive underlying [Luke 17:3-4]; worldwide and often operating unawares, even to a degree within unbelieving Pharisees for instance [Luke 17:20-21].—And the best definition of God would be as pronounced by Apostle Paul:—God is (the whole truth) in whom we live and move and have our being, our continuity [Acts 17:27-28].
There is also much mentioned about “dialectics” in various articles. In contrast to the classical sometimes called “Hegelian dialectics” which is often summarized as “thesis” fighting “antithesis” to produce “synthesis”, and then also often mingled with slipshod references to the “unity of opposites”,—we raise the system of “dialectical Christian method” [in Ukrainian “rozmyslovyi khrystianskyi sposib”] where approach to truth is through the details, and at some point in delving into the details one encounters a point or level of the unity of the given opposites. At that point, the opposites become truly concretely the same, and by influencing and controlling that point one can then either decrease or increase the given conflict. For example: various substances and elements show vastly differing and opposite properties, yet upon delving
into the details one finds the major point where they are united, the same, at the level of the electrons, protons, neutrons. By manipulating electrons, protons and neutrons in nuclear reaction, one element can be transformed into another, like opposites being transformed. It would also be fair to say, that the concept of Hegelian dialectic is based on the primacy of conflict, warfare,
whereas the concept of the Christian dialectic, rooted in the ultimate unity of Lord God as the whole truth in which we all live, move and have our continuity (existence), does not require the preëxistence of conflict, that everything must begin with the conflict.
Given that all categories are inaccurate generalities simply because of the way human language is built, the non-material life of the typical human being can be divided into two broad categories which are significant because they are distinguishable empirically. The “non-material life” includes thinking, feeling and consciousness overall. One basic division of this is the part of non-material life that can be directly influenced by certain musical chords. This is essentially the category of emotions, which are influenced directly without any mediation by thinking, like vibration upon vibration, so that hearing certain chords tends to evoke immediate joy and others tend to evoke sadness, and still other music-like vibrations of tone of voice evoke disgust and anger, and so on. The part of non-material life which is not so directly influenced by musical chords can then be called the “intellect”, the analytical thinking part. From our own experience we notice that such a distinction exists, and this distinction is concrete and noticeable.—Most human destructive and evil behavior comes from emotions, of predatory rage and the fear in response to the rage, and in responding to dangers. We also notice what can be called “emotional organisms” or “emotional entities” acting within and among humans, and these entities often show a creepy kind of intelligence, if intelligence is defined as a certain complex-enough level of orderly interaction between the consciousness of an organism and its external environment and also inward between the consciousness of an organism and its internal environment, including the phenomenon of self-awareness.—Application of flexible analytical human intellect by the energy of sufficient willpower to persist stubbornly, that seems to be the only mechanism for defusing the mighty emotional entities based on predatory rage and reactive terror.
Monasticism and asceticism took over the spiritual leadership within Christianity very early, and this has been the first great deviation from the actual example of Lord Jesus and His overall lifestyle as recorded, which would be considered essentially a secular lifestyle by today’s standards of “secular” versus “spiritual” as determined by those monastic and ascetical cadres. In the Roman Church we have a popular summation of this so-called supremely virtuous Christian life in the book “Imitation of Christ” by Thomas à Kempis, where the virtuous Christian life is to live in imitation of Jesus suffering on the cross, and through denial of all pleasures and the embracing of all forms of suffering, including self-abasement, mortification of the flesh, hatred of the body, etc.. We suspect that Christian Orthodoxy is based on similar monastic-ascetical teachings as the supposedly supreme superior spiritual and virtuous life and ethics. But these teachings actually have little if anything to do with the kingdom of heaven within and among humans as taught and shown by Lord Jesus Himself. Monasticism and asceticism seem to essentially belong to the way of functioning through disciplined fury and/or disciplined fear, only the fury and fear are directed primarily against oneself, and because of that
they are made to appear like spiritual and virtuous and superior to the so-called “decadent” ways of selfishness.—That is why monasticism and asceticism are a deviation from the ways of the kingdom of heaven shown through the sayings, thoughts and example of Lord Jesus Himself, as for instance cited above.
By the way,—I read the story of the “Holy Mother Mary of Egypt” whose icon is posted here.
The story strikes me as a tragic tragectory of a “girl gone wild” to a “girl gone crazy”—there is no real spiritual growth or good thing here.—It is like she ended up raising a second set of demons
to fight against the first set, and the second set might be in many ways worse than the first.
It seems the only way to make human sexual thoughts, feelings and behavior to conform to the ways of the kingdom of heaven within and among humans as preached and exemplified by Lord Jesus is to subordinate feelings in this area to the control of the intellect and rational will-power,
so that one may indulge or abstain with equal ease, and pursue the most hygienic and wholesome practices.—What prevails now is rule of emotions. Most sexual behavior is based on feelings of disgust, anger and shame regarding any sexual contact, thoughts and feelings,—especially between adult sexually capable men and women.—People influenced and/or possessed by this emotional organism of shame, disgust, anger/rage tend to like religion as a way of social control.
They either generate religions of their own or highjack existing religions and then impose feelings and behavior based on disgust, anger and shame everywhere upon everyone. Such people also tend to view any love or peace or harmony as fundamentally “decadent” and disgusting, and they like conflict and even outright war,—for them “war is heaven, peace is hell”.—They get high on rage like getting high on a drug, and they believe that this makes them morally and spiritually superior, stronger and better,—the strongest, the most righteous and the best.—Their influence
throughout the world [because millions of people are possessed by such feelings] is to bring about endless warfare and various forms of human sacrifice.
I only read this far:
“One might think, what if there never were a United States of America? What if the American Revolution failed? Well, there would be no Bill of Rights or its concepts. There would likely simply be a set of clashing empires over the planet”
Right off the premise is wrong. Human and civil rights were everywhere, based on philosophies which were mostly not American. England was one center: Magan Carter was long before the US revolution, and England abolished slavery before the US did. There were revolutions another countries — French as one example.
Given the false assumptions and facts at the start I won’t continue reading further into you long post.
“Magan Carter”? You must mean “Magna Carta”—Latin for the “Great Charter”.—Had you read the rest of the post you would have encountered my own analysis reaching back to the fundamental teachings of Lord Jesus the Anointed, the Christ, going back indeed some 2000 years, in the region later to be known “west” as compared to China and Japan in the “east”.—So what you suggest is that if it were not the victorious American Revolution, then some other similar revolution would have happened somewhere with similar process of rebellion against tyranny, and the establishment of a government based somewhat more on rulership where rulers serve their followers rather than “lord it over” their followers, and with some mechanism to replace abusive rulers short of violent upheavals over and over again,—maybe, but maybe not.—As I understand, throughout history in the West, for instance, there were various slave rebellions and peasant or serf rebellions against ferocious abusive authority,—and they all came to nothing [think, Spartacus in ancient Rome, certain peasant rebellions in England or Germany during the middle ages, the great rebellion of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi in Ukraine in the 1600’s]. They failed mostly because they lacked the adequate spiritual-ideological-theoretical underpinings, like the Ukrainian Cossacks could never get past the fundamental concept that a sovereign state needed to be headed by a legitimate hereditary monarch as the wellspring of sovereignty, not the people or the nation or the socioeconomic class.—Ancient China pioneered civilian control over society with cadres of “mandarins” rising in rank based mainly on intellectual achievements, and yet there were also very powerful currents of ferocious “emperors” who could periodically lose power and the “heavenly mandate” but usually only by violent upheaval and by losing in war.—In ancient India the caste system institutionalized a drastic inequality socially, economically, and human rights as such was a concept nonexistent.—The Magna Carta in Britain was just a baby step in the certain direction, but the imperial rigid class society I suspect would have simply continued. The Puritans under Cromwell did depose the British king, for a time, in the 1600’s, but they also ultimately failed.—The post covers much wider areas than that one premise to which you had your regrettable “knee jerk” reaction.
“Monasticism and asceticism took over the spiritual leadership within Christianity very early, and this has been the first great deviation from the actual example of Lord Jesus and His overall lifestyle as recorded…”
Um, so you think a celibate man who was known for fasting for 40 days straight in the desert is not very monastic or ascetic? The rest of your argument is full of holes too … as a starting point don’t bother citing anything from Papist maniacs like Kempis. He wasn’t Christian, his ideas are not Christian, and they frankly have no bearing on the reality and truth of the Christian (Orthodox) Church. “Hatred of the body” should have been your first clue. Gnostic trash.
I understand your confusion about emotional willpower, but you’re missing the point. The uncreated divine energies of God, commonly called “Grace” both infuse and transform us through ascetic labors and communing of the Eucharist. You are taking a far too rational, Western view that does not mesh with reality as the Church has always understood it.
And if you really read the story of St. Mary of Egypt you will notice that God performed certain miracles through her that are quite physically impossible. Try psychosomatically walking across a river sometime, for a start. “Battling demons” indeed.
Finally (and I’m trying to not sound too harsh here) if you think you know better than, or are smarter than, or more well educated than, the uncountable thousands of Holy Fathers and Saints, and that they are all wrong but you’ve deduced the “true” teachings of the “real” Jesus, then all I can say is I’m very sorry, and I hope you find your way to the Truth some day. Take care.
First of all, I do not claim any special “divine visitation or revelation” regarding my thoughts and writings on the subject of Lord Jesus, only what I have experienced and observed and based on my readings of the Gospels and Holy Writ in general.—So people can read what I write and see how that makes sense for them, or not.—I simply suggest a certain “approach” and a certain “method”.—And I do think that rationality and science are legitimate paths to actually approach
God as the whole truth in which we all live, move and have our continuity [being] as Apostle Paul
states in Acts 17:27-28,—just as valid as prayer and mystical practices are to approach God [given that God already has perfect 100% approach to us if we focus on this and become aware].
Secondly, I do not presume to rival or supersede the Church Fathers and Saints when it comes to the matters of Holy Sacraments, rituals and rites of worship, the Ecumenical Councils, and matters
of theology [“God-knowledge”], but in some areas of practical applications they did go to unwarranted extremes, and insofar as any of them sold out to the seemingly universal emotional organism influencing and possessing people,—the feelings of disgust, shame and also rage against all sexual thoughts, feelings and contact betweem sexually-capable adults, teaching that such feelings are morally and spiritually superior, and “asceticism” as a perpetual ongoing 100% lifestyle, they did deviate. I mean, you have non-Christian Hindus and Buddhists also practicing
that sort of stuff, probably from centuries before incarnation of Jesus, and what good is it really?
In my viewpoint, had Mary of Egypt simply stopped her sexually wild behavior, simmered down,
settled down with a benevolent Christian husband, raised some benevolent Christian children, that would be more in keeping with the kind of true repentance and righteous path that would have brought her closer to good divine spirituality and closer to the overall example set by Lord Jesus Himself.