Hezbollah’s Leader: ‘Despite Syria war, Resistance stronger than ever’ – (English Subtitles) 3862 Views April 03, 2014 2 Comments Blog, Speeches, Statements and Interviews Tagged Hassan NasrallahHezbollahspeech transcript
Anonymous on April 03, 2014 · at 4:31 pm EST/EDT Dear brother Soaker,Thank you for posting these videos. Are you intending to write about the situation in Syria? Best regards Log in to Reply
VINEYARDSAKER: on April 03, 2014 · at 4:43 pm EST/EDT @Anonymous: Are you intending to write about the situation in Syria? Yes, as soon as I have a moment to do so! Kind regards, The “Soaker” ;-) Log in to Reply
Dear brother Soaker,
Thank you for posting these videos.
Are you intending to write about the situation in Syria?
Best regards
Are you intending to write about the situation in Syria?
Yes, as soon as I have a moment to do so!
Kind regards,
The “Soaker” ;-)