A few years back, I wrote a column I entitled “Kosovo will be liberated” in which I wrote the following: “Kosovo will be the very first place in Europe where the pendulum of history will reverse its current course. ” It now looks like I might have been wrong. But by how much? Check out this headline today:
“Bosnian Serbs to ‘withdraw consent’ for joint military, taxes and courts, citing ‘violence’ by international overseer“. Please do read the full article since I won’t simply repeat it all here.
The big question is this: will the US/NATO/EU grip on the Republika Srpska slip before it slips from Kosovo?
I don’t know, but I definitely think that this is a possibility. If so, I got the location wrong, but the principle right. Two points here:
- There are also very serious tensions around Kosovo right now, so don’t rule anything out yet!
- There is no equivalent of Camp Bondsteel in the Republika Srpska or anywhere else in Bosnia
But that is not even crucial. What is crucial is this: does anybody still think that the US/NATO/EU still have what it would take to re-attack, re-invade or even re-strike the Serbs in Bosnia or Serbia (I include Kosovo under “Serbia” simply because Kosovo is the heart of Serbia, always was, and always will be, no matter what empires want)?
Seriously, after the humiliation inflicted by the Iranians on CENTCOM or the truly galactic (and oh SO revealing!) massive faceplant in Afghanistan?
On paper, yes, absolutely.
But in reality, no, I really don’t think so.
Besides, the Serbs now have very good options, including what I call the “salami option”: cutting thin pieces off a big salami slowly but repeatedly and inexorably. Like right how: so the Bosnian Serbs “withdrew consent” from an agreement with their occupiers. So what? Big deal! I mean, sure, they are bad bad bad bad bad bad Serbs, and the US/NATO/EU gang still hates them, but nobody is going to go to war over just that, right?
So what will the US/NATO/EU do about it? Probably apply all sort of pressures (threats, bribes, etc.) on specific Serbian politicians, which will result in one of two outcomes:
- the Bosnian Serbs will withdraw their withdrawal
- or they won’t
In the first case, all the Serbs need to do is wait, and cut off a tiny piece of salami elsewhere, say in Kosovo. Just a little one, and see what the US/NATO/EU will do about it. After that, rinse and repeat, as many times as needed until the bastards at the US/NATO/EU run out of energy, both figuratively or even maybe literally (see below).
In the second case, the Bosnian Serbs need to wait some time, just so everything cools down a little, and cut off another thin piece of the imperialist salami.
Oh, and did I mention that South Stream pipeline will go through Serbia and the Republika Srpska (see also here)? As for the EU, it ain’t exactly “swimming in energy” nowadays (thanks to its idiotic subservience to Uncle Shmuel and Greta Thunberg!).
My point is not that the Republika Srpska or Kosovo will be liberated soon, or even that the EU cannot bypass either entity with other pipelines.
Remember that in early years of the Cold War when the US was justifying its genocidal policies in Southeast Asia under the infamous “Domino Theory“? At the time all that this really meant was that the US would oppose the decolonization of the planet everywhere and anywhere. It was only a pretext, not the real motive or reason for US actions.
But today, I submit that this process has not only begun, but has been under way for some time already.
Where did it begin? A good answer could be to mention Hezbollah whooping the Israelis in 2006 Lebanon. But that was easy to hide (the two clueless clowns who initiated the Israeli invasion of Lebanon both called it a “victory” and the media-brainwashed public mostly bought it or did not really care as they “knew” that they were “invincible” and, besides, the US and Israeli plebes had their bread and games).
“It” also happened elsewhere. But what is that “it”?
I call it the “fall of the domino of fear” and that “it” happens every time when any country or nation which was oppressed by US imperialism begins to lose its fear from the “only world hyperpower”. The same loss of fear which the Lebanese showed in their “Divine Victory” in 2006 is also shown by the Afghans today. It has also been shown by Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution! But the subsequent propaganda deluge concealed this reality from the West.
But the faceplant of Kabul became the first such domino which could NOT be hidden from the public view.
And, just for the record, the Bosnian Serbs also showed that lack of fear during the US/NATO/EU aggression on the Serbian nation, but they were back-stabbed by politicians in Belgrade, as were the Kosovo Serbs later. That was long before Hezbollah in 2006 and, at that time, the Islamic world was very effectively conned by the Anglos – the same Anglos which then turned against the Islamic world after the 9/11 false flag.
True, in the early 90s the Empire had the means to crush the Serbs or the Iraqis (which also displayed that same lack of fear on one hand, but also the same corruption as the Serbian politicians on the other).
But that was in distant 1991. Three decades ago. We now live in a radically different world.
What about the so-called “Bosniaks” or “Kosovars”? Well, like all “invented nations”, they will only exist as long as Uncle Shmuel has the power to artificially keep them alive. So even IF, big IF, the US/NATO/EU still can bring the Serbs to heel today, how long do you expect that ability to remain true and for how long will such inventions such as “Bosnia” or “Kosovo” remain viable?
And what about the equally artificial entity known as “Israel” (which is now much more feared by US politicians and officials than anywhere else in the Middle-East!)? How long do you expect this obscene, officially racist and genocidal entity to survive?
Okay, maybe for a few more years, that is possible. But keep in mind that with each passing year, less and less oppressed nations still fear the (basically already dead) AngloZionist Empire.
My advice to the “Bosniaks”, “Kosovars” and “Israelis” would be this: get the hell out there BEFORE you see a repeat of Kabul in Sarajevo, Pristina or Tel-Aviv! Oh, I know, they won’t heed my advice, but since the same causes have the same effects, I fully expect to see similar “take-offs” from these and ALL THE OTHER totally artificial entities created by the British and/or AngloZionist empires in the past.
As for the folks in Europe, they better get their act together, but they won’t: while they blame Russia for everything and everything (including for selling them gas AND not selling them enough of it!), their suicidal immigration policy and “multiculturalism” of the EU elites will destroy the little left from the 1000 year old European civilization. They did it to themselves.
As they say in the US “please pass me the pop-corn”!
UPDATE: since we are talking a lot about the Serbs, Serbia and history, I want to draw your attention, especially my Muslim readers, to the section I have recently added on the bottom right of the main page:
There you will find A LOT of very interesting info, not necessarily to agree with it, but at least to compare and contrast with the usual (dis-)information found in the West!
How the Americans created the al-Qaeda myth prior to 9/11 attacks in order to invade Afghanistan and Iraq
The pattern is so well established that it is shocking how often it is missed in Zone B.
Step 1- The Anglo Zionist weaponise fascist minorities in the MAJORITY population to terrify the MINORITY into believing they are existentially threatened. (India after the 1856 great rebellion nurtured the fascist RSS to terrify the Indian Muslim into independent organisation. Also done Milosevic loudly proclaimed ‘Serb nationalism’. The Ukronazi coup and murderous assault on their countrymen. All designed to terrify the neighbours.
Step 2- using covert agent provocateur terrorists, commit atrocities in both communities until grief stricken neighbours take up arms against the only visible visible ‘enemy’, each other. In Iraq to get the iraqis to attack each other (Shia/ Sunni – UK SAS special ops were arrested by Basra police dressed as Arabs with rucksacks full of bombs). In India police and army were ordered to stand down while random attacks took place, no obvious perpetrators. Also done in Syria with random bombings. Currently in play in Afghanistan with the introduction of ETIM and ISIS. The murderers of Gadaffi were nurtured in Manchester (the Manchester bomber was one of them).
Step 3- Ensure the conditions are created for horrible atrocities by both sides to prevent any hope of reconciliation. Best done by surrounding and disarming one side, and then egging on the other side to commit horror. Done in Libya using air power. Syria in Aleppo and elsewhere. In Bosnia in Tulsa, Srebrenica etc.. disarming one side promotes massacres. If both sides are equally armed they stalemate, usually without major atrocity. In India attacks on trains were encouraged. The army provided little or no protection under orders. In Syria and Bosnia one side was denied weapons by arms embargo in the full knowledge that the other side was freely supplied (Russia in Bosnia, and Turkey in Syria. The murders in Odessa.
Step 5 – The Anglo Zionist empire (the real abuser), steps in as the ‘preventer’ of further atrocities.
India, it didn’t quite work out for the Anglo Zionist because Nehru and Jinnah’s brilliant leadership prevented reoccupation. Iraq, almost worked but checkmated by Iran. Libya successfully occupied. Syria, almost worked but checkmated by Iran/Russia.
Step 6 – prevent any analysis that pinpoints the real culprit, keep the hatred simmering.
The tone of these posts is proof of step 6.
I hope you’re right, the Serbs deserve to get their country back.
(BTW: I think you meant “walloping” not “whopping”.)
“Old times they are not forgotten,
>Whopping< slaves and selling cotton,
And waiting for the Robert E Lee (It was never there on time.)…" – Tom Lehrer, native American-English speaker.
'Walloping' doesn't fit the meter; 'whopping' does.
@VictorNoel. I think he meant whopping:
“While a mercenary whopped him with a will” — Bab Ballads
Maybe they should do what Croatia did to Serbs in 1995.
There are no “million” Albanians in Kosovo-Metohija. Name one credible population survey/census that provides reliable, verifiable data that proves there are a million Albanians in Kosmet at this time. There are none. There are other reliable indicators, such as mobile phone usage, utility bill data & other numerical stats that at this point in time point to the Albanian population being at little over 500,000.
thanks Andrei – great article – I pine for the day when the fake states – all of them – are a repeat of Kabul.
I believe fear of Israel is starting to wane. Per a recent Aljazeera article*, Angela Merkel gave a lot of push-back on Israel’s positions on Iran’s nuclear program, and a two State solution for Palestine. Emerging in the U.S. Congress is a significant “Progressive” block led by Bernie Sanders, AOC, and others which is clearly against Israel’s key policies. The political cracks are obvious. The domino’s have indeed started to fall. It is now just a matter of when they start hitting the ground.
“ I believe fear of Israel is starting to wane.”
The fear Israel creates is one of direct personal retaliation, in the form of political, economic or physical assassination of anyone who challenges the narrative. This is not a knee-jerk attack, but a carefully cultivated strategy as we have seen with Jeffery Epstein.
The collective punishment is reserved for “mowing the Palestinian grass”.
Thinking that the Empire is done for is wishful thinking. Everything has been mostly going according to plan for them, and they are on the verge of eradicating the last vestiges of freedom in the West. Once that process is finished, the Empire will go back to it’s usual tricks, but this time without the bother of having to fix elections or waste resources on bread and circuses. Bugs and sitcoms should be enough for the proles to exist on.
Most of what is seen as errors by the Empire aren’t a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of how confident the elites are that they can begin fighting amongst themselves now that the end-game is near.
1. What was lost by the Afghan withdrawal, from the perspective of the globalists? I’m sure the MIC will gin up another war to squander tax payer money on, and Biden Inc profited nicely by owning stock in the Chinese corps that will be mining there. That military is also likely to be needed to put down unrest, in our country or another in the West. Instead of blue helmets coming to oppress Americans, Americans will be going to oppress Australians.
2. How has the military decreased in ability, from the perspective of the globalists? Compare the current military with the military of 20 years ago: which is more likely to obey an order to firebomb Topeka, nerve gas Oklahoma, or send einsatzgruppen into the Dakotas?
I honestly wonder if you have read what I wrote….
@Zorost: “they are on the verge of eradicating the last vestiges of freedom in the West.”
But is Serbia part of “the West”? Or is it part of the Orthodox (“Eastern”) Church? Which has its roots in the Middle East (in the ancient Syrian province of Palestine) which spoke Greek a thousand years before the Latin speaking Western church split the unity of Catholicism (“Kath Holos”, greek for “to the whole world”). Remember that Putin prayed in the Syrian Orthodox church in Damascus. With Russian help, Syria today emerges as victor after ten grinding years of resistance to the freedom-quenching forces of NATZO.
“The Anglo Zionazi Capitalist Empire may well be “on the verge of eradicating the last vestiges of freedom in the West”. But many countries have freed themselves or are in the process of freeing themselves: China, Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. Yemen and Libya are fighting back bravely. Even the defeat of tiny Serbia (population 7 Million) by monstrous NATZO (pop. 700 Million) was a sort of victory: to defeat Serbia we in the EU$A needed to drop more bombs on Belgrade than the Nazis dropped. But have we really defeated Serbia? the Saker asks.
Dear Zorost
“Thinking that the Empire is done for is wishful thinking”.
NO. The cracks are everywhere. In America. In NATO headquarter. In Germany. In France. In Scandinavia. Even NATO warmonger Jens Stoltenberg is suggesting corporation with China.
“Everything has been mostly going according to plan for them”.
Thus their plan must have been to end western progress and turn it into a third world place.
“They are on the verge of eradicating the last vestiges of freedom in the West”.
NO they are making a last feeble attempt to retain control, before the western population hangs them.
“Most of what is seen as errors by the Empire is signs of how confident the elites are”.
There is a word for too much self-confidence, it’s called being delusional.
“I’m sure the MIC will gin up another war to squander tax payer money on”.
OH YES. But who will they find to fight the war?
“The US military is needed to put down unrest, in America and in the West”.
The last thing the Elite should try is to occupy more western nations by US Troops, including America itself. There is already demand from the population of Germany, Japan, Australia, Venezuela, Indonesia, Iraq, Syria, Serbia and many more Nations shouting: Yankee Go Home.
“The current military is more likely to obey an order to firebomb Topeka, nerve gas Oklahoma, or send einsatzgruppen into Dakota”.
NO. The military HAS BEEN obeying orders to firebomb, use nerve gas and send einsatsgruppen, because they believed the propaganda they were brainwashed with. But after Kabul, even the US military personnel are able to see through the lies. The gig is up.
Will the remaining Empire, go to war with China?
YES: Because war with china will institute Martial Law in all Nations.
Will they win the war?
NO: that is not the purpose. The purpose is to enslave humanity to either Communism or Fascism.
Young Man: There is no difference between Communism in China and Fascism in the west.
Both ideologies demand compliance, conformity and expansion toward enslaving all of humanity.
That is why both ideologies are financed by the Global Elite.
So no matter the outcome of a war with China, The Global elite will be on the winning team.
Dear Dane,
The last sentence broke my heart. I hope that is not the case. but I know you are correct.
In the United States, the working stiffs are fully aware of the gross corruption associated with both political parties. They are enraged but they have still failed to make the connection to the Anglo-Zionist empire. They are still pointing fingers at the OTHER rather than unite (across all artificial boundaries) against a common threat. The “RINO” party will win in the upcoming midterm elections and much to the chagrin of some members of the Deep State, Mr. Trump will make his triumphant return in 2024 fully controlled by his Master, the global elite.
I am hoping for victory but that is still far away and the big battle is just over the horizon.
trust in god. trust in the resistance. Keep your powder dry. Keep your wits. Maintain courage in front of overwhelming evil. A world of universal brotherhood is closer than it has ever been.
maybe 2000 years
Dear Richard
It is not my intention to break anyone’s heart.
I believe in order to fight evil; we will first have to accept reality, no matter how awful it may be.
In order to find reality in a world full of propaganda, one must seek outside the box of controlled opposition.
By now, a major part of the Global populations has awoken from their Global-Elite induces Mass-Psychosis, and usually it only takes 12% of a population to realize that they are being played, before a movement of real Change arises.
Your last sentence confirmed my belief:
Humanity will win.
Tom Luongo said in his last yt (if I remember correctly) that not only EU will breakup but they will go extinct, w a number of currently-country re-embrace the Mother Russia, b4 or by 2030.
what say you, boss? anyone?!
I’ve always thought that most of Bosnia,all of Montenegro,and Kosovo should be reunited with Serbia. But the Bosniaks are native to Bosnia and should always remain.The Albanians in Kosovo that immigrated there need to leave certainly,and the Serbs that were forced out be able to return.
There are no “Bosniaks” out there, only ethnic Serbs forcibly converted to Islam. Never was a Bosniak state or ethnicity in history. You base your comment on a fallacy.
Ditto for “Kosovars”.
And the point is not the people, but the mindset/worldview that many (most) of the folks from these fake nations now share in, like the Ukronazis in the Ukraine.
Finally, there is the pendulum of history, and the MANNER in which these fake nations crated these fakes states will have consequences. It’s not about “rights” but about blowback.
Speaking of Bosnia, the most intelligent think the Bosnian Muslims should do is realize that there real enemy always was Croatia and they were just used as cannon fodder by the West. I actually really feel sorry for them (which I don’t one bit for the “Kosovars”).
Even though I may get another scolding from the Saker, I would like to correct a bit about the forcible conversion. As far as I understood it, people converted for different reasons to Islam, e.g. extra Taxes to be paid instead of military service, the ability to hold public offices, opportunities of social climbing etc.
Also I spent some time in bosnia as a child and as with gypsies I could feel a lot of people were looking down on muslims and treating them as second class citizens. But these were observations of a boy, so take them with a huge grain of salt. But I could later on understand why some muslims saw the breakup of the 90s as a good opportunity to better their lot.
As far as I understood it, people converted for different reasons to Islam
Absolutely true! and the reasons you listed are also all true. But that does not change the core fact that the Ottomans used a big toolkit of “pressure methods) to turn these formerly Orthodox Serbs into something which I can only call “Bosnian Muslims” (a value neutral terms, in my opinion) and that is not an ethnicity but an invented, well, if not pseudo-nation into a pseudo-pseudo-nation if you prefer.
This also contradicts the Islamic principle that “there is no compulsion in religion” (2:256). And yes, I now, other passages can suggest the opposite, but since I am not an Islamic scholar it is not my role to say which interpretation is correct.
ALL I am saying here is that there are DIFFERENT points of view (schools of thought) in Islam about this and, historically, Muslims dealt with non-Muslims in a spectrum ranging from genocidal mania to compassionate tolerance (including in the life of the Prophet Muhammad himself!).
So let’s talk to the ones who are on the right side of this diversity while trying ourselves to show the same understanding of OUR histories as Muslims would ask from us about THEIR history.
What do you think of that?
Kind regards
hey saker.
I am totally fine with that :).
But although I may not like Erdogan and his ambitions I still think one should not draw a too dark picture of the Ottoman empire of the past. I think it brought a lot of good things to the balkans (hygiene, rule of law etc) and was far less oppressive than european hegemons.
A look at croats may be a good point at illustrating this, since theirs seems to be a nation more defined by a broken mass psyche than anything else. The Habsburgers seemed to have made a full remodelling of them in their centuries of rule. Thats why the pan-slavic yugoslav movement seems to have originated with them and not the serbs, who liberated themselves from the ottomans and felt self-sufficient. It is interesting that the centuries of muslim rule seems to not have touched their identity as a people (except for a proclivity for good turkish coffee and a lot of turcisms left in their linguistic baggage) and speaks to me of the rather benign nature of the ottoman empire.
But then those are only the rambling thoughts of an old geezer.
The Croats and the Poles (and the Ukrainians, of course!) are all “golems” of the Latins and once you are somebody’s slave, you acquire a slave mentality forever, hence all their pseudo-nationalistic flag-waving.
For them to revolt would require a *full revision* not only of their current policies (hallucinatory delusions), but their entire history and, thus, their very identity. Not gonna happen,
At best, they will be deluded in the EU’s “multiculturalism”. Fine, good riddance in my personal opinion. And let the EU, or whatever is left of it, deal with these “loyal Europeans” :-)
I disagree. The revolt can still happen. For example that what was thought about Trump as president back in 2015: “not going to happen”, and then it did! So never underestimate the impossible. Not everyone in Poland Croatia and Ukraine worships the empire!
Interesting theory about Serbians and the Ottomans.
The same theory is also applied to Pakistan by many who declare that it cannot survive as a nation for the same reasons that you have given. Hence its need to be constantly at war.
Many “Bosniaks” (living in Bosnia, especially in eastern Bosnia) have ancestors who migrated from Serbia to Bosnia, like the late Alija Izetbegovic, he was no Bosnian but was born in Serbia, he even once acknowledged being a Serbian despite being member of the anti-Serb Muslim SS Handzar division during WW2.
Muslims from Bosnia loved Yugoslavia so much that they voted in an illegal referendum in 1992 to separate from Yugoslavia, destroying both Yugoslavia & Bosnia-Herzeovina in the process.
Exactly! This is the reason they will try to return to what there was.
The history of the Balkan peoples in that area is very much more complicated than that. Bosniak is a name the Muslim Bosnians picked for themselves to show their difference from the Croats and Serbs both claiming them as their people.The South Slavs in those regions were basically the same people and the dividing line was religion.If they were Catholic they became Croat,if Orthodox they became Serb.As an example In the early middle ages Dalmatia was considered Serb.But later since they were Catholic they started to be considered as Croat and that took hold.
In 1993 they took name BOSNIAK.
So they exist.
LOL!! Seriously?!?!
Sure, and if tomorrow the members of religion X in country Y call themselves “Z” they will “exist” too.
And anybody can call itself whatever he/she/they want.
But what they cannot do is ask others to take them seriously.
And the Bosnian-Croats royally screwed the “Bosniaks” over during the war – you got what you wanted, and they got nothing, nothing at all.
Atrocities exploded between Serbs and Bosnians in WWII. It was terrible.
Amazing sentence, as if Jasenovac was run by Bosniaks!
The Croatian level of hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me, really. Even in 2021.
Look, I had full access to the real, confidential, info about what the Bosnian Croats were doing during the war in Bosnia, so don’t bother playing “white swan” with me.
Finally, you, Croats belong to the western civilizational realm. The Serbs sure don’t and neither do the Bosnian Muslims. As for divide et impera – it worked, bravo! You won that war. Not against the Serbs, as I said, the best the combined powers of the US/NATO/EU managed to achieve against the Bosnian Serbs is a draw. But you did win the war in the sense that the “Bosniaks” lost it all and you got what you wanted.
I would die of shame if this were my people, but you are welcome to feel smart and smug.
But at least the Bosniaks have Islam, all you have is the EU. Think of your children…
It was Tito who officially changed the Muslim religion to an ethnicity.
As for recent history: The popular vote of the Muslims (just before the war broke out) went to Fikret Abdic who wanted to join the Serbs! The Saudi- backed Izetbrgovic then grabbed power in Sarajevo and Abdic fled to Bihac. Bihac region split from Sarajevo and wanted to join RS, but they were quickly taken brought to heel by the West, and Abdic was arrested and sent to the Hague.
Bosnian Croat
I will have to correct you. Every single Bosnian Muslim known he is of Serbian origin. The language they speak is Serbian. And yes, a short time ago the Bosnian “language” was, laughably, introduced, where the Serbian language was rebranded as”Bosnian”. Geography was used to introduce an artificial “language”. As for Bosnian Muslims adopting the name “Bosniaks” to describe themselves, this is an attempt to create an impression that Muslims are sole owners of Bosnia, which is absurd.
I had an argument with someone here a while ago regarding Yugoslavia under Marshall Tito. The person was trying to convince me how evil and treacherous was Tito towards Serbs. My argument was that under Tito Yugoslavia was somewhat united and rather prosperous at that time, (with him somehow managing to combine there both socialism and capitalism!), in comparison to some other east European states. Various nationalities living there – Serbs, Croats, Montenegrians, etc, were calmly living side by side, going about their daily lives, without burning desire to kill each other. Yugoslavia, in my opinion, was destroyed for two reasons – for NATO block to carve and totally control the center of Europe and also, not to allow any other east European state to benefit from that Yugoslavian example. So, I will ask this person – if Tito was so bad, is it better now? Fractured and full of hatred towards each other, with an evil Master controlling you all? When would you people, living there, start using your brains!
I would recommend The Savior movie, 1998.
We don’t really know what Tito was ethnically, and what exact role the Soviets and/or the English had in his takeover of Yugoslavia. What is certain is this: he was *not* a Serbian patriot, unlike Drazha, who was betrayed by everybody.
I will say that however well intentioned, pan-Slavism all its forms was a deeply misguided reaction to European nationalism. As for classical Marxism, it is internationalist and, therefore, anti-national by definition.
I know that many will disagree with me here, and that is fine, many know this topic way better than I do, but I would never trust ANY person with either pan-Slavist or Marxist ideas because both of these ideologies are fundamentally anti-sovereignist (modern Latin American 21st century Socialism is very different, by the way!).
Then there is Milosevic, whom I see as a mini-Tito and a traitor to both the Bosnian Serbs and the Kosovo Serbs. Some of my friends tell me that it was not so much him directly, as some people in his immediate entourage who were CIA moles. Possible, I don’t know. And since he was betrayed himself and sent to the NATO dungeons and then murdered, I don’t want to focus too much on him, let God be his judge.
However, I think that if anything, the 20th century has shown that pan-Slavism was a delusion, however well intentioned. I mean, seriously, the Russian and Poles under one roof?? Or the Croats and Serbs?
God forbid! is my reply to any such ideas.
What our long suffering nations need most is, in my opinion:
1) real patriotism (as opposed to nationalism) and a reunification of all our people (I mean that civilizationally, not ethnically) under one roof
2) a stable and peaceful relation with both our Muslim minorities AND a stable and peaceful relationship with our Muslim neighbors (who were used for centuries as cannon fodder against US by the West)
3) true full sovereignty in our internal affairs and
4) interactions with other sovereign entities based on the rule of law, not force.
I think that both Russia and China are working on exactly that plan.
God willing, a real, united Serbia will, sooner rather than later, join this Zone B alternatives to the many toxic ideologies produced by the Western empires.
Kind regards
I have to agree with Saker.
Katerina, Tito was Churchill’s stooge.
Tito’s job was two fold:
1. Clean-up and sweep under rug the Vatican Holocaust against the Orthodox during WWII. Churchill needed the Pope as a bulwark in the Cold War against Stalin, and couldn’t have the Vatican morally compromised by the atrocities in the Balkans.
2 Prevent any rapprochement between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia (Tito Stalin split) which would have given Stalin access to a possible warm water port on the Mediterranean.
On both accounts TIto performed loyally for his Western backers.
As Saker points out, Tito executed the true leader of the WWII resistance, General Mihailovic, and then took his place! Tito is not a popular figure amongst the Serbs…nor should he be amongst Russians ..
To Serbian girl
I understand your feelings towards Tito, you being a Serb, my point was that regardless how popular or not he was among the Serbs, the fact is that Yugoslavia under him was united and prosperous, compared to present mess that former country has become. Surely, you can agree with that?
One can wonder as to what would have become of Yugoslavia if it was left intact, with NATO leaving it be? Would it have disintegrated on it’s own, with people turning on each other, as in present day Ukraine for example? Mind you Ukraine wasn’t left alone either, with the West nurturing the ukro-nazi elements there for quite a few years prior. But let’s say no interference whatsoever, how would your lives be now? Where would you be as a nation, as a country? I agree with Andrei – patriotism, not nationalism should be the guiding principle, but how can one be a patriot when the whole place is fractured, split and divided?
You’re asking the wrong question, you asking: were we better off in Tito’s Yugoslavia compared to today?
But the real question is:
Would we have been better off today if Tito’s Yugoslavia had never existed?
Serbia emerged victorious from WWII. We should have taken that opportunity to build our state, and leave the Hitler hanger-ons (Croats, Muslim Bosnians, Albanians) to be dealt with by the Allies.
Instead we sunk our victory into Yugoslavia, only for it to blow up in our face, less than 50 years later…
To Serbian girl
Here is a word of encouragement – Russians and Serbs share very similar DNA, so things should be looking quite promising for you people from here on! : )
Russia now CAN and will be VERY MUCH willing to help it’s Serbian brothers and sisters, while the hangers-on, as you call them, will sink together with the garbage they have attached themselves to. That garbage is going down as we speak! Just stay strong.
Trust me, Russia will have your back. Cheers!
Tito was not anyone stooge
Tito in 1946 almost got in war with Americans and Brits. Shot down two American aircrafts on yugoslav-italian border.
Tito was absolutelly faithful to Soviet Union but then in 1948 happened his conflict with Stalin
Still not clear, but it seems that Greece was reason for that conflict.
Tito could not understand why Stalin abandoned already victorious Greek partisans and left Greece to Americans and Brits.
But Stalin did not want conflict with western allies. USSR could not risk war with them after WWII.
So the rest is history
@Bosnian Croat.
In the early 1970s, resurrected Croat Ustasha participated in the “Croatian Spring”, they demanded all the “national” rights but none for their close Serb neighbors in the Krajina…and you blame the Serbs for starting ethnic nationalism in Yugoslavia?!
Yugoslavia as the founding member of the Non Aligned Movement was useful as a buffer zone to western powers during the Cold War, not so anymore after the Berlin Wall was taken down and the Germanies got reunited.
I also think Tito and Mihajlovic are relics of the past, do not know why Serbs need to pick sides, imho, both of them had good and bad sides, both had their opponents killed. Tito’s goal was communist revolution in the first place, liberation second, but he did put Yugoslavia on the world map after WW2! Mihajlovic and the Royalty were dumb and useful idiots for the British, so was Tito but he was no fool.
Did you know Stalin preferred Mihajlovic over Tito, but got persuaded by the British to dump Mihajlovic?!
What do you have against Mihailovic? The Serbian people in Nazi-occupied Yugoslavia were attacked on all sides. They were attacked from the outside by German, Italian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, and Albanian armies. And they were attacked from the inside by Croats, Moslems (from Bosnia and Raska), Kosovo Albanians, Vojvodina Germans, and Vojvodina Hungarians. For each German soldier killed by the Resistance (whether Royalist or Communist) 100 Serbian civilians were shot. For each wounded German, 50 Serbian civilians were shot. During the four years of WW2 in Yugoslavia, well over a million Serbs were killed. How many innocent Croats were killed by the Serbian Chetniks? I don’t know the answer to this question, but I am 100% certain that in WW2 Serbs lived in daily fear of death while Croats, Slavic Moslems, and Kosovo Albanians did not fear General Mihailovic. The Croats, Moslems and Albanians jumped on the Communist propaganda against General Mihailovic because it created some sort of justification for their beastiality against their Serbian neighbours. The was no justification for the murder of Serbs. For the record, General Mihailovic was both a hero and gentleman who would tolerate no mistreatment of civilians regardless of nationality. When did the Croats ever produce such a man?
Have you ever though of the fact that only slaven states in Europe were communist states? I include Hungary and Romania as well, since they are slaven states based on I2a and R1a haplogroups. Eastern Germany also! This cannot be coincidence. Pan-Slavism is good idea by me, but catholic religion is a deal breaker. Simply because there cannot be “catholic sovereign state” among slaven states and as such can be used as anti-slaven force by germans or others as it was all these centuries.
I read in some history books that Polaks proposed pan-slavic union to Serbs in 18th century and to make one religion (mixture of orthodox and catholic) but Serbs declined that.
Stetikar, what does “slaven” mean?
Amen! Right-on Saker! Don’t ever let the Capitalists run your life.
I thought that Serbia was the core of what later became Yugoslavia. The prima inter pares.
The entity with the longest history of its own government, royal family, etc.
my father became a partizan (sic!) at the age of 14 and liberated beograd at the end of the war, but he never liked Tito. I never really got the reasons for his dislike, but I guess they ran around the lines of him not being good for Serbs. I cannot fully support that argument, because the yugoslavija I saw in the 70s and 80s was a little paradise. Sure sometimes there was a shortage of washing powder or some such, but mostly people in all parts (and I visited all of them) were happy and content.
One of my most moving memories of the time was at a cafe in a small hillside village in bosnia in the early 80s. There was a television running and they played the song “Yugoslavija” (I am ashamed to admit that I am not sure if it was the anthem or just a song) and all, and I mean all, people started singing along and then cried and those were not tears of joy. Afterwards there was a somber and subdued atmosphere in the place, the guys downing an extra rakije and staying quiet.
At this moment I think the people had a foreboding of what was to come some years later.
My turn now: I was, as a kid, in the Yugoslavia of the 70s and I remember, vividly, the contrast between how much better off Croatia was from Serbia. Even more vivid was the very comfy status of the Latin priests and the extreme poverty of the Orthodox ones. Here is one anecdote about that:
There was a really good and loved Serbian village priest for whom the Protestants/Lutherans from Switzerland collected money to purchase for him a small, cheap, 2nd hand car. Why? Because they felt admiration and compassion for the way he had to visit all his faithful BY FOOT! The priest refused. Why? While he had tears of gratitude in his eyes, he had to reply to them “if all my faithful do not have cars, how can I be their pastor and priest and have one”!.
Another anecdote, from my family now: after the end of the war, the partizans massacred so many Draza patriots that the rivers well full of corpses. That is AFTER, repeat, AFTER the war.
So while I am certain that there were real Serbian patriots (however mislead) amongst the partizans (just like amongst the “Reds” in Russia), putting these Tito partizans, the eviction of Drazha and his replacement by Tito was a western (UK+Latin) plan and a disaster for the Serbian nation. That is also why I once wrote this:
But that is just the opinion of a Russian exile born in Switzerland (though my mother was born in Belgrade)
Kind regards
you never stop to amaze me saker, who would have thought that you are a bit of a beogradzhanki.
now let me clarify this: my father became a partizan after the bombardemnt of beograd (during which he snuck out of the cellar in which they were hiding to eat the freshly made palatshinken [blini] which were still in the kitchen). why he did not join the chetniks is lost to history, but he served under tito, but in later years he became very critical of him and left yugoslavija partly because of this. but after the war he served (very unsuccessfully I believe) in the navy. Due to that engagement he had friends all over yugoslavija from all social walks. So when I went travelling with him I met a bicycle factory worker near zagreb, a leader of a gypsy community in makedonia, a muslim merchant in mostar, a smuggler and mafiosi along the croatian coast.
So i got a thorough look at society and can only repeat, it was a little paradise (fuelled by credits from both moscow and washington and loads of appliances and tvs furnished by gastarbeiters from germany). As a small boy I could walk the streets of beograd alone without fear of being in any way harrassed or mis-treated. This atmosphere of absence of crime vanished very fast during the 80s, when suddenly everyone became afraid of car thieves and robbery.
And yes, croats seemed to be wealthier, but I think that was only partly true. I think most of the impression came about due to architecture. Ie. they lived in western style houses, whereas in serbia they preferred a more traditional south slavic architecture (in their villages). Also I think that croats had a much more german attitude towards work and materialistic trappings, whereas serbians were still much more holistic in their approach to life.
Now with regards to priests I openly have to admit that I dont know much, since my father was an atheist and religion did anyway not play a big role in public life. Mind you my baba was very religious and used to visit a beautiful church in Beograd (i think sveti stefan) and I never got the impression that religion was in any way suppressed.
But then again thats just the ramblings of an old geezer :)
who would have thought that you are a bit of a beogradzhanki.
Several reasons for this:
1) My emigration (the so-called “First” Russian emigration) in general, the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and my family personal owe a debt of gratitude to the Serbian people who were the ONLY ones who treated us with real compassion and kindness.
2) What I saw during the 90s turned all my (admittedly stupid!) notions about the West 180 degrees (read my bio here if you want: https://thesaker.is/submarines-in-the-desert-as-my-deepest-gratitude-to-you/) and now I KNOW for a FACT that what the media was writing about this war was a TOTAL PACK OF DAMN LIES (I had access to classified reports from UNPROFOR and elsewhere which day after day were showing me the truth about this war, the polar opposite of the newspapers published)
3) I admire the Serbian nation and not amount of traitors (or plain assholes, also met *plenty* of them, trust me!) will erase my admiration and love for the true Serbian heroes (the said assholes I see as a shame for their forefathers and just leave it at that).
Last thing: my mom was born on Topcider, and while she left when our “Soviet brothers” showed up, she and my entire family run for their lives, so they emigrated to Argentina where, again, the Serbian and Russian communities were very close and often inter-married, including in my own family :-)
Hi Katerina,
It was me that you had an ‘argument’, although for me it was friendly discussion (side note: Like your way of ‘no prisoners’ approach :)). Can’t add much to what is already said, but to point that all that has been happening to Serbian people is great deal due to Tito’s decisions since 1943, when administrative borders of future socialist republics has been drawn. Only Serbia’s territory was further carved into 2 autonomous regions Kosovo and Metohija, and Vojvodina with the explanation that these regions have other nationalities. At the same time large Serbian population that was living in now separate statelets, now known as Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro (Crna Gora) and North Macedonia, were never recognised. This was followed by 1974 constitution change, giving each republic right to succession from the federation. As Serbian Girl stated, we got out of WW2 on the winning side and yet we ended up loosing.
know that Saker see Serbs as kind of Saints
If that is what you truly think of me and my views, I suggest that you stop reading a blog written by an ignorant imbecile :-)
And if you don’t think that, why would you write this?
Sorry Saker but that is what I see in your texts.
Okay, but that says more about you than about what me or what I write.
Croats are devils
No, of course not, but they are, and always have been, the tools of the devil (the Vatican and the AngloZionist Empire). And they have never repented for being WORSE than the SS of WWII.
And don’t compare Croats and Poles. They are different. Poles are extremelly anti-Russian.
Why not? Both are the golems of the Papacy and both have shown a level of depraved evil which even their masters thought was “too much”. So the Ukies hate Russians and the Croats do not (especially not Russian tourists). So what, you all are products of the same evil well.
Croats today not care too much
Quite true! And neither do the Ottomans or the Latins. For them its all “water under the bridge”. The opposite of love is not hatred, by the way, but indifference. As for the water under the bridge, its for the victims to decide, not the murderers.
And also do not compare us with Ukrainian Bandera idiots. Maybe we are not ideal people but we never reach level of Ukrainian self destruction idiocy.
Making Stepinac a hero is exactly what the Bandera imbecile did with Bandera. That is your common condition: you are a creation of the Vatican and you cannot change that or even ever look at the historical truth.
Sure, the Ukies are in the shits when compared to Croatia (economically for example). But modern Croatia CHOSE to base its historical roots in the Ustasha regime and modern Croatia is based on a huge ethnic cleansing.
Give me ONE reason to respect a nation born from genocidal evil and built on evil and lies?
None of that make the Serbs “saints”, if you read what I write about Milosevic or Tito, you would see that, but, typically, you chose to use the tool upon Croatian identity is based on: lies. You lie about what I wrote just like you lie about your own history.
Personally, I have *zero* interest in Croatia and I even recommend that the Serbs give up their historical lands (the Krajinas) simply because modern Croatia is to Serbia what the Ukraine is to Russia: something so ugly than even historical rights are not worth dealing with the kind of people who glorify Stepinac and/or Bandera.
As I said, there are countries in Europe whose IDENTITY is based on lies and evil. I don’t want anybody to try to change that (it would not work), so the best we can do for ourselves is to get these national identities based on genocidal evil and lies out of our headspace.
None of us are saints, not as a nation at least, but truly sovereign nations don’t need flagwaving slaves for *any* purpose.
So despise, ridicule, misrepresent or hate us, it makes no difference to us. To us, you are dead and irrelevant.
Absolutely correct!
and, again, I am not referring to individual people, Croat or Ukrainian, but to the role of Croat and Ukrainian nationalism in history. Next, that role of being the instruments of the Latins and their empires, is what resulted in two things: a) strident nationalism (to compensate for being servants of empires) and b) a whitewashing of characters such as Bandara or Pavelic+Stepinac.
And yes, both Banderite Ukrainians and Pavelic+Stepinac Croats have made a civilizational choice, they are now firmly with and in the US created thing called the “EU”. I say let them enjoy it and leave them alone.
There is, indeed, nothing which those who serve and those who resist have to say to each other.
Malcolm X spoke of “house Negros” vs “field Negros”:
So you have two types of Negro. The old type and the new type. Most of you know the old type. When you read about him in history during slavery he was called “Uncle Tom.” He was the house Negro. And during slavery you had two Negroes. You had the house Negro and the field Negro.
The house Negro usually lived close to his master. He dressed like his master. He wore his master’s second-hand clothes. He ate food that his master left on the table. And he lived in his master’s house–probably in the basement or the attic–but he still lived in the master’s house.
So whenever that house Negro identified himself, he always identified himself in the same sense that his master identified himself. When his master said, “We have good food,” the house Negro would say, “Yes, we have plenty of good food.” “We” have plenty of good food. When the master said that “we have a fine home here,” the house Negro said, “Yes, we have a fine home here.” When the master would be sick, the house Negro identified himself so much with his master he’d say, “What’s the matter boss, we sick?” His master’s pain was his pain. And it hurt him more for his master to be sick than for him to be sick himself. When the house started burning down, that type of Negro would fight harder to put the master’s house out than the master himself would.
But then you had another Negro out in the field. The house Negro was in the minority. The masses–the field Negroes were the masses. They were in the majority. When the master got sick, they prayed that he’d die. If his house caught on fire, they’d pray for a wind to come along and fan the breeze.
If someone came to the house Negro and said, “Let’s go, let’s separate,” naturally that Uncle Tom would say, “Go where? What could I do without boss? Where would I live? How would I dress? Who would look out for me?” That’s the house Negro. But if you went to the field Negro and said, “Let’s go, let’s separate,” he wouldn’t even ask you where or how. He’d say, “Yes, let’s go.” And that one ended right there.
I fully agree with X :-)
The Saker told you the truth! Once you look at the mirror and realize that you are Catholic Serb and what you did to your brothers as mindless toll of foreign rulers , perhaps there is hope for you. Otherwise, you and your kind is not worth of anything!
@Bosnian Croat
Man … You do understand that your post is verbatim copy of standard UKUS narative? Put another state instead Serbia, and name evil leader Sadam, Ghadaffi, Janukovic, Lukashenko, Chaves ………..
It is exactly the same narative.
I do not blame you single bit. THEY are adepts in mass delusions. I do not even blame you for letting them into your head. Normal human being MUST react when faced with series of inhumanities that you described.
They got me too on story about Kuwaiti babies tossed out of incubators. At that moment, if Sadam Hussein was in my reach I would ripped him to shreds with my bare hands.
Year passed until I discovered it was insanely elaborated lie. Since then I do not believe anything that even remotely resembles ever- recurring narative that you re-told.
And neither should you.
You and your people are victims of century of such devious lies. When I say YOUR people, I mean all that inhabits Balkans. Regardles of name, historical differences or religion. Every nation is brainwashed with the same horror stories. Only with switched angels&demons.
In three words: Divide et Impera
I don’t want to sound rude but everything you said above is LIES.
No worries, I took it upon myself to be “rude” :-)
Well said, Katerina. Yugoslavia under Tito was a model for “the unaligned world” in my youth — what is now called “the multipolar world”. Leadership is so important, to overcome those simmering hatreds, the aboriginal Ego that breaks out as murder between brothers Cain and Abel. Leadership of Tito’s kind is rare in our time — especially rare in the “Woke West”. However, two examples of a Constructive Leader are found in today’s Saker pages: Putin and Nasr’Allah. For example, Putin not wishing to withdraw gas from the people of Ukraine despite the hostile ideology of its Anglo Zionazi leaders; and Nasr’Allah arranging with Iran to break the NATZO blockade and bring oil to **all** ethnic groups in Lebanon, not just his Shia group.
Do not wonder why that person spoke against Tito
Serbs are like that, they turn as wind blow
I remember them, they were biggest Titoists, all communists, they were the most faithful to Tito, loved him singing songs to him…
When Tito died they very quickly changed shirt and started spiting Tito blaming him for everything even for stupidest things.
And started loving chetniks from WWII
Found new love Slobodan Milosevic, they were crazy about him, singing songs to him, adored him…
When he lost wars they arrested him and sent him to International Court in Den Hague.
Today they love General Draza and chetniks again
And blame everyone else for everything.
Every other people from ex-YU run away from them and their madness.
Pity. I remember time when they were normal people.
We can place all sorts of blame on Serbs, and some richly deserve it, but as long as they don’t become obedient lackeys, they at least have the POTENTIAL for sovereignty.
Others, not so much :-)
“Serbs are like that, they turn as wind blow” – do not project. We are not anti-serbs nor Bulgarians.
I will ask you one simple question that you do not have to answer. Can you tell everyone on this blog what was the address Draza Mihajlović lived at during 2nd world war? Or, can you just name the city where he lived?
Croatian radical nationalism predates 80’s and 90’s. It was very much alive, preserved in it’s most extreme form by the WWII Ustasha’s emigrants abroad. And in some regions inside the country, Herzegovina in the first place . It’s influence was not very visible most of the time but it raised to prominence at the slightest opportunity. Like in the 1971, during ” Croatian Spring “, long before anyone heard of Slobodan Milosevic …
Golden opportunity began to take shape during the second half of the 80’s. Croatian nationalists worked closely with a number of Western intelligence services, preparing ground for dissolvement of Yugoslavia. End when Soviet Union collapsed, timing was wright to go full ahead.
There was no place for Yugoslavia, quite well off, sizable, multicultural country with it’s own variant of socialist system of Government, independent foreign policy, important player in the developing world, quite strong military and own military industry. For the creators of the neoliberal New World Order and Project for the New American century, it was an (very) annoying exception. Difficult to control, unpredictable. Possible dangerous inspiration for the ex-East Block and developing world. It had to be broken in as many parts as possible and made docile and easy to control. As Serbs are biggest ethnical group, they couldn’t be let to form a state but they have to be divided in few parts.
It was easiest done by stimulating ethnic tensions.
Slobodan Milosevic came in to the politics in the middle of all of that. He head to react in Kosovo and protect Serbs from brutal onslaught from Albanian extremists. He had to consolidate Republic of Serbia which was made very weak by to much political powers given to autonomous regions of Vojvodina and Kosovo. He had to do something to protect Serbs living outside of Serbia who suddenly became very vulnerable minorities in the newly independent states with very nationalist Governments.
He did what he could in the VERY difficult situation. Serbs being attacked from all sides, completely alone and isolated. Every trick in the book was used against Serbs, enormous media propaganda, economic blockade, war, bribing, blackmail, you name it they used it. At the peak of the Western power.
Considering all odds, it is wonder that we still exist. And we are still not conquered, and our people are still resisting and majority still don’t buy into Western propaganda. And new generation grew up, more aware of their national identity then during Yugoslav times, when many Serbs considered themselves primarily as Yugoslavs.
I’d say we will survive. Coming geo-political tectonic shifts will weaken our enemies and strengthen our friends…
and well S. Milosevic… was very much
Not to mention, the Brazilians of Europe, good enough to almost win the World Cup in Italia ’90.
Dragan Stojkovic in his prime was brilliant and sublime.
The history is complex, the animosity is real and the western interference is unquestioned.
But a united and Yugoslavia, what an amazing nation.
Tito was bad because he pursued an official policy of ‘Serbia weak, Yugoslavia strong’, the communists even litterally pronounced those words, so it is no conspiracy theory. Serbia was divided into provinces to give Hungarians, Croats/Catholics (Vojvodina) and Albanians (Kosovo) autonomy, while WW2 genocide victims (Serbs) in the Krajina (in Croatia) was not given any autonomy.
Tito wanted to become royalty, he was jealous of Serbian royals ruling over Yugoslavia, he acted like royalty meeting famous movie legends and other royalty. He loved the life! Can’t blame him.
Yugoslavia was fantastic, but it was not Tito who created it, the “brotherhood and unity” was created by the Serb royals after coming out victorious from the Balkan wars and WW1. It was the Serbs at the Thesalloniki front that made the “difference” and have that important front collapsed which triggered the defeat of Bulgaria and collapse of Austro-Hungary. Germany had to surrender because their allies got defeated.
Bosnian Croat
Don’t write nonsense. Few Croats and Slovenes loved Yugoslavia. Are you forgetting the Independent State of Croatia from 1941-1945, created with German backing ? The concentration camp of Jasenovac was built at that time, where 709,000 Serbs were massacred, reducing the Serbian ethnic group in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbs prior to 1941 were the chief ethnic group in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Who broke away from Yugoslavia in 1991 ? Answer: Slovenia. Who broke away from Yugoslavia in 1992 ? Answer: Croatia. Who backed Slovenian and Croatian independence ? Answer: The Vatican and Germany. Your statement that Croatian, Slovenian and Muslim nationalism came in 1990 as a reaction to Serbian nationalism is laughable, as the opposite is true. Are you forgetting Savka Dapćević Kučar from the 1970’s ? I believe she resided in Croatia, demanding Croatian independence. As for Serbian generals in the Yugoslav Army, they did not occupy the top positions. That honor went to Croatian generals.
Here, people out of decency will not answer you to incorrect facts or they may not know the complete picture of events in the former Yugoslavia, so I will answer you.
Question for you: Why did Serbia have provinces and Croatia did not have, say, Istria as a province?
Why was it said “weak Serbia, strong Yugoslavia”?
At the moment when the Provinces had a greater right than the Republic of Serbia, the Serbs had a full hour.
It is NOT TRUE that Serbian nationalism appeared and that it destroyed the state. The state was destroyed by Slovenes and Croats. You know the fact that Kardelj (creator of Yugoslav self-government) said that Yugoslavia was only a “transit station for Croatia and Slovenia”. You know the “Croatian Spring” which was a step towards secession from Yugoslavia, but the Russians said that in half an hour they would enter Zagreb from Hungary. And then Tito quickly dispersed the Croatian separatists. I am 67 years old and I remember those years well.
It is not true that the Serbs wanted domination and hegemony because the Slovenes and Croats were in charge of creating high technology and Serbia was just making food and being the basic industry. I will only remind you that in the last convocation before the break-up of Yugoslavia, Croats held the positions of Prime Minister, President of the Executive Council, Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Aviation, and Chief Diplomat. Not to mention finances.
You have a misconception about Milosevic. He was not a dictator but he tried to keep communist Yugoslavia from what could be left. You decided long ago to leave Yugoslavia with or without Milosevic. There are no lies and deceptions. He only serves you as cover for separatism. In Yugoslavia, all Serbs were in one state and tried to maintain the status quo and prevent war. This is how they are now divided into 7 states as the largest nation and all had benefits at the expense of Serbs.
When I lived in NYC two Muslim ethnic Albanians, Rejep and Rusha, were the supers of the building—at leaset, they said they were Albanian, even though they came from Montenegro, near the Albanian border. I became very friendly with Rusha. She and her sister had completely different look from their husbands. Both beautiful young women with classic features kind of like Greek statues: straight noses, widely spaced clear gray eyes, light skin with good color, long curly brown hair. They could have been Hungarians, actually. Both of the husbands were darker and had Turkish names and their son’s name was Enver, also Turkish. When I first met Rusha she dressed in more or less a traditional Turkish peasant fashion; long, loose pantaloons, blouse, vest, with a scarf tying up her long hair. The two husbands were fairly dark and with sharp features.
Their home village was Gusinje, but they would return to Montenegro in the summer for 6 weeks to stay up in the mountains. You had to ride mules or donkeys to get up to their summer quarters. Once there they said they could easily walk over the border into Albania, and did so.The story Rusha told me was that the two husbands were brothers and with a group of their friends had “kidnapped” the two sisters in traditional fashion to take them to their own house or village or whatever and make them their brides. Rusha said she cried and cried—she didn’t want to marry Rejep, but once “kidnapped” there was no way out. She urged me to come with them in the summer—maybe she was planning to have me “kidnapped”! Also, I think she wanted her daughter, Sylvia, to be able to spend more time with me. The longer Rusha lived on West 51st Street the more she went to seed, gained weight, stopped wearing her traditional garb, cut her beautiful hair short, and lost her unusual aura. (I lost track of them after there was a fire in the building and everyone scattered.)
The reason I mention is that the two sisters and their husbands obviously came from different ethnic backgrounds, although all were Muslims. Rusha was basically white; her husband looked like a dark Turk or maybe a Gypsy. I found the family interesting as it seemed to reflect the melding of Ottoman and Slavic (or Hungarian) backgrounds in one Albanian Muslim family who were officially Montenegrins; obviously people of very different ethnicities ended up as Muslims.
It is unusual for me to read an article on this website that I wholeheartedly agree with. :)
I have not mentioned Global Cooling so kindly do not delete my post.
Two quick points:
1) I am glad that you approve of my column, but that does not help the discussion.
2) please do not tell me or the mods what we should do (I almost trashed your comments for that remark).
thank you
Serbia is not a country anymore, it is more of a territory occupied by clueless mob. Serbians living in territory called Serbia is a mob not a nation. The difference between mob and a nation is that mob has same interest while nation have common interest. The amount of destruction of Serbia state apparatus is astonishing. Government (called “yellow” because it reminded people of fecals) from 2001 to 2012 destroyed serbian army to the level never seen before. They also tried to destroy Serbian Orthodox Church but did not succeed in it. They destroyed serbian economy by closing companies with excuse that we will do “service part of the work, production is not profitable”. Then, from 2012 until today we have lunatic ruling the territory called Serbia. They incorporated criminals within government apparatus and they are further destroying anything that is left of state. There are currently two mafia bandits ruling all business in Serbia. One is under presidents brother, other is under chief of police. With situation like this, albanians in Kosovo can be relaxed and pray God that current serbian president stays on power for a long time.
Luckily for Serbs, there are Serbs in Republika Srpska and Crna Gora (aka Montenegro). And we can see that they are real serbian nation, unlike mob in Serbia. Currently, in Republika Srpska we see steps are taken to withdraw any consent given for common bosnian state attributes, which is a good thing. Muslim leaders are also helping this going smooth. They bark but that is the only thing they can do. In Montenegro, current government is run by US embassy but for how long we do not know, because pressure is rising on current premier to let serbian leaders in government. Will see how that goes. Oh, and one more thing: Gabriel Escobar (US envoy for Balkan) was in a meeting with serbian member of Bosna presidency Dodik, and on Gabriels threat with sanctions to him and Republika Srpska the reply was literally: “I do not give a fuck about your sanctions. I have already went through that. If you want to talk to me do not threat me”. So here we go, fasten your seat belts …
Dear Stekicar
Thank you for your comment. I will say that what you claim about Serbia is no worse than what I observed in Russia between 1991-1993.
Next, Dostoevsky wrote that we should not judge a nation by how low in can sink, but how high it can soar.
I have no personal direct knowledge of the situation in Serbia today, so I cannot agree or disagree with your description. But what I VERY MUCH did see during the war in Bosnia was that Bosnian Serbs were one thing and the Belgrade elites quite another. This reminds me of the situation in Russia where Novorussians are much more “Russian in the soul” than the Moscow elites :-)
Okay, so then allow me a metaphor:
1) The Russia of the 90s was terrible as is Serbia today.
2) However, there still were real Russians in the Russia of the 90s like there are real Serbs today.
Then here is my thesis:
The Russia of the 90s and today’s Serbia are like a Petri-dish for the real Russian/Serb “bacteria” which, however small, will grow and grow and grow until it produces a true national leader who, in turn, will have real popular support for the TRUE liberation of his country (what I call “sovereignization”).
I have made a major mistake when after seeing the butchery in Moscow (not just the Parliament building, but the entire Moscow region): I came back to Switzerland and thought in my heart “that’s it, Russia is dead, dead and super dead, all I can now do is weep on her grave”. God, the Russian people and time proved me 100% wrong.
That is a mistake I am not willing to commit again today, hence I choose, yes choose, the believe, to have faith, in the inevitable rebirth and liberation of the Serbian nation on all its lands (minus the Serbian Krajinas in Croatia which I consider forever gone because Croatia itself would be as toxic for the Serbian nation as the Ukronazis are for the Russian one).
“But what I VERY MUCH did see during the war in Bosnia was that Bosnian Serbs were one thing and the Belgrade elites quite another.”
Absolutely agree! The Bosnian Serbs actually have a spine (and other body parts) that allows them to stand up to Western bullying, which the Belgrade elites lost a long time ago…
I have no doubt that Serbians will soar high again. That is in our nature. But the leader will have to come from Republika Srpska or Crna Gora. Serbia is a dead beat for now. Hence my “Luckily for Serbs” comment. Unlike Russia, Serbia does not have elite in its real sense. Russia was on its knees in 90’s but elite was there to bring Putin in. Currently, Serbians do not have anything like that in Serbia. Good thing is that serbian youth is extremely patriotic, so we just need true sovereign leader. And one more thing: Bosniaks, or whatever they call themselves these days, do really exist. They are not Serbs. They are anti-serbs. Just like Croats. Similar to matter and anti-matter.
You probably know that much better than I do, so I will defer to you here, but I don’t see the “Bosniaks” as anti-Serbs. Yes, during the aggression on Serbia they, and much of the Islamic world, were totally anti-Serbs, but it got them nothing, they were cannon fodder for the Empire, nothing else. But in their essence, they are not anti-Serb simply because Islam itself is not an anti-Christianity (Judaism is). Croatia, however, being a Latin creation is very much an anti-Orthodoxy and, therefore, anti-Serbian in its essence.
We should not confuse our historical enemies with our existential enemies. We CAN achieve piece with the former, but never with the latter.
Besides, like in Chechnia, the kind of Wahabi Islam which the West and the Wahabis tried to impose upon Bosnia and Chechnia is a transplated, alien, worldview, yet another reason to not confuse all our Muslim neighbors and fellow citizens with the Dudaev/Izetbegovic nutters.
Finally, sooner or later, the Bosnian Muslims will find out the truth about Srebrenica and the rest of the NATO PSYOP operation and they will also see what their former “friends and patrons” did to Muslims elsewhere on the planet.
The truth about false flags like Markale or Racak will come out. Right now most Bosnian Muslims don’t want to hear a word about that, not only because they did loose a lot of people in real massacres, but also because they can’t just say “oops, sorry, Uncle Shmuel deceived us and we bought it all”. But give it TIME. What is unthinkable for one generation can be quite thinkable, and even doable, for another.
Also, the Serbs themselves need to get rid of their typical knee-jerk reaction when they hear the word “Islam” (which in their minds means the Ottomans and their genocidal policies) and realize that the Muslim world is much MUCH larger than the Ottoman one and that far from being monolithic, Islam is very diverse, no less than “Christianity” (in the large sense of the word).
To pitch the Orthodox and the Muslim worlds against each other is an ancient European dream, and it worked very effectively.
Only we, Orthodox and Muslim, can defeat it by stopping their conflations and lies and realize that while Islam and Christianity are mutually exclusive theologically, they are not so existentially, that is to say that we do not compete for the same title (as Latins and Orthodox, or Judaic and Christians, for example, do).
Thus we can agree to disagree. Latins and Judaics offer us no such options.
I wrote a lot about this in the past, and I refer you to these past articles.
Kind regards!
We do agree on everything. I do not hate Islam, it is a religion just as Christianity is. My priest says: it does not matter how you believe. What matters is that you believe. Knee-jerk reaction whenever Islam is mentioned is mostly done by Serbs from Bosnia and maybe Kosovo which I consider totally wrong. I have good friends (both of them) who are muslims, or Bosniaks or whatever they call themselves. Heck, I even have friends from Yemen!
I do not use anti-serbs name for all muslims, but I do use it for all croats.
Knee-jerk reaction whenever Islam is mentioned is mostly done by Serbs
If only I could agree!!!! If only!!!
I have seen the exact same reaction from:
1) All those who come from Balkans countries and how suffered for centuries under the Ottoman yoke
2) Orthodox bigots who believe that by hating Islam they establish their true piety
3) Orthodox sellouts who rather get money from the West (CIA, Vatican or even the Zionists, don’t matter to them)
So we, Orthodox Christians, have our work cut out for us, and there is A LOT of work to be done. Simply put, we need to clear our house before we tell our Muslim interlocutors to get their act together.
Also, just to clarify, I am not talking about “friendships here” – I have several Latin friends, one even of the SSPX persuasion, and I can imagine being friends with a non-supremacist non-Haredi Judaic too. I mean, why not?
What I am opposing and contrasting are not people, but religions or, even more specifically, specific sects or schools of thought inside them. My Latin friends are not my enemies, but their faith is an anti-Orthodoxy, even if they don’t realize (or cannot face the implications of that) themselves.
I once spent 5 days with a Saudi general, who was VERY and SINCERELY religious, and he treated me with respect and coutresy as soon as he found out that I was not a Latin (in his mind, a Crusader, which I agree with). He even introduced me to his wife and children and I can only say that (unlike many Saudi officials who go to Switzerland to chug down booze and get hookers, typically from Milan) he was truly religious and pious in the best sense of the words. Yet, technically, he was a Wahabi. So even Wahabis come in different “flavors”, that is why I usually prefer to use the word “Takfiri”.
And yes, Takfiri Islam is an existential threat to the entire planet, including all the non-Takfiri countries or groups out there (for example, the Takfiris hate the Shia much MUCH more than they hate those they think of as “infidels”!).
Fikret Abdic, Emir Kusturica …
Some examples of real, high profile Bosnian Muslims who chose the Serbian side.
Muslims were actually pro-Serbian. Then they were divided between the Saudi-backed party who took control in Sarajevo and Western autonomous region under Fikret Abdic.
Now after decades of being forcibly bundled with the Croats, in their Muslim- Croat federation they have taken on an anti-Serbian stance.
All true!
But that is exactly why Croats, especially, Bosnian-Croats, will always deny that and do their utmost to make sure that the Bosnian Muslims and Bosnian Orthodox never EVER establish good relations.
An Muslim-Orthodox alliance is the 2nd worst nightmare for the empire and its servants (the worse one being the Russian-Chinese one).
You have nothing to worry about, the US and the EU will always protect you.
That is also your significance.
Not much else :-)
Sure they are, ustashe and (part of ) muslims (13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar) were aliened in WW2 against Serbian population, and somehow you seem to be surprised? Old habits die hard.
West has always been against Bosnian Croats
Oh this is so false! During the war, I was getting not only UNPROFOR intel on my desk, but other western reports too and it was clear to me that while the OFFICIAL policy of the West was to support the “poor Bosniaks” (crocodile tears and all), their real proxy where always the Bosnian Croats and the Croats from Croatia proper who then had the full backing of the US/NATO in the US organized attack on the Serbian Krajinas.
If you are unaware of that I see two possibilities: you did not fight in that war or, if you did, you were in a rank which did not need to be informed of that and who just followed the orders of those who knew.
Or do DO know, but you are deliberately lying to whitewash the Ustase founded state and its proxies.
Guys, please do not be so harsh with Bosnian Croat. He did and does indeed love Yugoslavia before the wars. So did I and so what? I believe Katherine will agree with us. See, in Bosnia and Herzegovina there are two kinds of Croats – from western Herzegovina, actually extension of Dalmatian Croats, from where the worst Ustashe in WWII and after originate. That is the kind that went to eastern front in WWII and did most heinous atrocities against Herzegovina Serbs (eastern Herzegovina). The other kind is Croats from Central and Eastern Bosnia. They actually never called themselves Croats, but Catholics or Shoktsi. II know that, my best friends from Bosnia were and still are – Shoktci from Eastern Bosnia. One of them was scared to death before the war, something was in the air in 1988 and 1989. He used to say “why ‘they’ don’t leave us alone, we are peace loving people. War – that is for Dinaric people – from Dalmatia, Herzegovina and Montenegro.” Those Shoktci, in WWII took arms against Ustashe – Bosnia was under Independent State of Croatia, Germans were not main occupying force. Later, communists joined the fry and appropriated all antifascists’ movements. They went in history as “Partizan Company from Husino”. Husino = a catholic town south of Tuzla, named after some guy Huso – pure Muslim name. Butthen, there was and still is a pure Muslim village named – Hrvati (Croats).
The point is, Husinians newer knew they were Croats until 1974. I witnessed rage of a pater families from Husino when they were asked to declare their nationality, supposedly, Croatian. I am not a Croat, they are from Zagreb, I am a God fearing Shokats, Bosnian, I am not no Croat. However, they all were declared Croats, like it or not.
Tuzla was the largest city in Bosnia to claim neutral status – a free city. As it happened, most of Serbs left the city before it really started. What was left in the city were Muslims and Croats (Shoktsi). Serbs had left, or were in process. Once Tuzla was in blockade by Serbs, the city was actually cut from the external world, UNPROFOR not withstanding. There was shortage of food. Croats from Tuzla and around got in contacts with Bosnian Serbs and trade begun. Serbs would let Croatian convoys with supplies through. That was North-eastern Bosnia, historically no bad blood between Serbs and “Croats = Shoktsi”. Croatian elite from the city controlled the trade. Muslims did have historical bad blood, if nothing from that very 1990s wars and such deal was not possible. So profits went to Croats from Tuzla, not to Muslims. That is why war in central Bosnia started, between Bosnians and Croats. Many Serbs trying to escape the city were helped by local Croats, major routes to what is now Republika Srpska went through Catholics’ villages around the city. At the time, there was a rather strong Muslim force in vicinity, while Serbs on Majevica mountain were few and far apart (literally). Whenever Bosnian brigade pushed against Serbs, Serbs could not defend “the line”, there were to few of them. But they had artillery’s units on surrounding hills, not too many, but deadly efficient. So, they would start firing at the city, randomly, civilian targets mostly, until Bosnian offensive halted. And so week after week, for 2 years. All the time, the supplies were coming to the city, due to deal between local Croats and Serbs in central Bosnian mountains. Random and blind bombardment a large city killed lot’s of people, all faiths and nationalities. Mind you, we are talking Croats from Northern Bosnia, not Herzegovina. The new war flared up in the valley of river Bosnia, between Croats and Muslims. Croats were helped by Serbs in that war, not directly, but Serbs leased generously heavy artillery, for a nominal fee, of course. So, we had Serbs and one kind of Croats fighting Muslims, at the same time Croats from Herzegovina fighting Serbs from Herzegovina and that was much blodier than what happened in Central Bosnia.
The point is – not all Croats are the same, at least in Bosnia (Herzegovina is whole different story). No question about our Bosnian Croat being honest and indeed feeling nostalgically for former Yugoslavia. Many of us from Bosnia. whatever faith or “nationality” feel the same. Depending on faith and nationality, we have been fed appropriate propaganda, which in time we start to believe. And of course, in desperation we attempt to blame this or that. Whether Milosevic or Tito was a hero or villain, it remains to be seen, depending who wins the war at the end. Most likely, he was both and neither, just like any other political leader in war time. Even if we could find the ultimate truth, would that help us anything? Would we like it? Any truth looks differently for someone who lost dear ones in the war.
Perhaps the younger generation will figure out better way of cohabitation.
There will always be another Karadjordje.
Do you think that retreat across Albania was better time for Serbia than today?
Have a little bit of faith, Serbia will find the way, as always did.
Serbs made two national states in 19th century, Serbia and Montenegro. And Serbs made Republica Srpska in 20th century when “almost” the whole world was against Serbs, having the NATO criminals, and its dogs, as the foes was not a simple and easy task, right?
Thanks Andrei for this write up.
Already in the mainstream media the spin begins: Bosnian Serbs want the “dissolution ” of the Bosnian state… (with usual genocide allegations)
In fact, is the exact opposite:
The Bosnian Serbs are withdrawing from the anti-constitutional Western initiatives that were recently introduced, under the pretext of facilitating EU accession. At an EU -Western Balkans summit, a few days ago, Bosnia, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia were told that they would not be able to join the EU.
In view of EU shutting its door, the Bosnian Serbs have seized the opportunity of withdrawing from these illegal EU initiatives, and are reaffirming the Bosnian constitution and Dayton Agreement which is at the heart of Bosnian statehood.
Interesting take, thank you!
But may I suggest that even if the motive of the Bosnian Serbs is to “reaffirming the Bosnian constitution and Dayton Agreement which is at the heart of Bosnian statehood”, it is, nonetheless, a sign that they feel that they can “bargain” with the West and that, in turn, shows that the domino of fear of the Serbian nation is falling, or has already fallen. Look at the situation in Kosovo, again, this is just a spark, but one spark can start a fire, no?
Kind regards
The Serbs have much to be proud of,their resistance to Nato aggression,they were alone because at the time a drunken clown was in charge of Russia,he sold Serbia out,also the Serbs in Kosovo should never have cooperated at all with the occupation forces,they should have started a insurgency,if there is one thing the US Reich doens’t like its the sight of their soldiers going home in star spangled body bags,now is a good time for the serbs to start the fight back even if thats only to refuse to cooperate with those occupation forces,not sure about the leadership in Belgrade but seems to me some have been bought like Tadic was,the writing was on the wall when the Serbian government started turning their own people over to that Reich court in the Hague,including many of the military who had resisted Nato,a disgrace.
“Drunken clown” did not have any obligation to help Serbia, none. We could have done it all by ourselves if it wasn’t for traitor called Milošević. I was present on bridge over Ibar river watching serbian officers stomping on their hats cursing Milošević for retreat order. The only good thing that happened from Kosovo war is that Russians finally realized what are real attentions of “west”. Hence the Putin.
Milosevic was not a political leader, nor military one. He was lawyer. His legacy to the Serbian people was a legal one, with 3 peace agreements:
1. Z4 plan for Croatian Serbs in Krajina. The Croats & NATO reneged that plan and attacked them with Operation Storm.
2. Dayton Agreement for the Bosnian Serbs. This agreement is very favourable for the Bosnian Serbs. Clinton agreed to it, because he needed a quick peace deal. The West has been trying to reverse/ undermine the deal ever since it was signed.
3. UN 1244 for Kosovo, which again, has been violated by the West.
All three of these deals were negotiated by Milosevic, in the face of overwhelming military force.
His eloquent performance at the Hague, was also a a gift to the Serbian people.
We do not love him, he made so many mistakes, but I think history will judge him differently, probably more positively than how we see him right now.
Speaking of 3 piece agreements:
1.Z4 plan – Milošević broke that one by his puppets in Srpska Krajina. Check with Kapetan Dragan on this one.
2. Dayton agreement would not be possible without Mladić and Karadžić. Milošević was there just for a shit-show. Remember serbian border closing of 1994 preventing help going to Republika Srpska?
3. UN 1244 was and still is violated by every serbian government since 2001.
Milošević was a communist. He was not serbian nationalist. Enough said.
I agree with you. Two more fact:
1) Milosevic imposed a blockade AGAINST the Bosnian Serbs (which, thank God, was rather not effectively executed, probably thanks for Serbian patriots on both sides of the border)
2) When the US/NATO/EU/Croats attacked the Krajinas and Bosnia, in both cases he ordered the Federal forces to move back.
And I won’t even go into the Kosovo nightmare in which NATO *lost* the air war to the Serbs which had a full Army Corp deployed and ready to fight a ground war, but Milosevic betrayed them too.
My Bosnian Serb friends of the time would have gladly shot Milosevic and his entire entourage.
a drunken clown was in charge of Russia,he sold Serbia
Absolutely true, I agree 1000%. Ditto for Cuba and others.
Not to excuse anything, least of all betrayal, but the “Russia” of the 90s could not even deal with Chechnia!!! They literally had to make “aggregated regiments”, an euphemism for “taking a disparate and often very poorly trained soldiers and hardware, cobble them together into a (mini, pseudo) “regiments” and then send them to get slaughtered.
That “Russia” barely survived the 80s and 90s and miraculously came together a decade later.
The most patriotic Russians, typically a specific ground of generals and the airborne/special really wanted to help, and they were willing to fight NATO if needed, but that was a pipe-dream which quickly fell apart.
That bad old “Russia” is long gone now, that is undeniable, and the US/NATO/EU understand that (even if they deny it officially).
Now the problem is that Russia won’t risk it all for the Serbs unless and until the Serbs do what the Chechens, or South Ossetians or Crimeans did: fill themselves with the a true resolve to fight to the end. IF and when the Russians see that, they will help, for sure, not necessarily by starting a nuclear war, but by maybe indirectly protecting and assisting the Serbs while they cut their “salami slices” off the Empire’s dead body.
Right now the Russian look at Serbia and see something which reminds them a lot of the Russia of the 90s.
So all they will do is politely smile, sign some contracts, and make vague statements of support.
But in 2, 3 or, say 5 years?
This might very well change, not in the name of pan-slavism, “Orthodox solidarity” (another sad joke!) or any other principle other than this one: help those who help themselves, fight along those who chose to fight, not “just” for their sake, but because we want Zone A gone and the world to profoundly change: in other words, because it is in our own interests to help the (right) “others” :-)
As for the Serbian nation, the old slogan is still true, only unity will save Serbia.
Kind regards
What you do not understand is that Serbs are binary people! It’s 0 or 1, black or white. 50 shades of gray – what is that? There are no states in between! So these “subtle” movements you are talking about are not possible in our mindset. Serbs are not capable to fight without open fight. When time comes, (someone will have to attack us first) we will start the fight and Russia will have to pick a side.
What you do not understand is that Serbs are binary people! It’s 0 or 1, black or white
That is not for me to judge.
But if that is true, then let’s get together and find the “switch” to move them back from o to 1 :-)
Never lose hope, never!
Having not met any Serbs myself, I can’t comment on whether or not they’re as ‘binary’ as you claim them to be. So, like Andrei says, it’s not for me to judge either.
Grenzpunkt_0 mentioned below how he/she was not met with hatred during his/her visit to Serbia once someone found out he/she was German. To me at least, it implies that some Serbs can differentiate e.g. the citizens of a nation from that nation’s government. I think it would serve as a counterexample, if it does not completely throw out the window the notion of ‘binary’ thinking on the part of the Serbs.
Besides that, and not that I intend to accuse anyone of anything, but is it not ‘binary’ in of itself to attribute ‘binary’ thinking to a whole nation of nearly 8.7 million?
I also apologize in advance if I come off as a party pooper or something.
Great insight,i always said Nato and the Empire chose well its moment to attack the FRY,Russia was weak,if Putin had been in power i believe it would never have happened,0nce those Russian airborne forces landed at Pristina there was panic and hysteria from Nato,Putin once said i can’t be more Serbian than a Serb,i know just what he meant by that,i also heard reports at the time not sure how true they are that the Serb Military wanted to draw Nato into a ground war,as strong as Nato are i believe they would have lost public support in their Countries once the body bags started to arrive home,and looking at the landscape of Bosnia and Kosovo i believe there would have been many.
“Not to excuse anything, least of all betrayal, but the “Russia” of the 90s could not even deal with Chechnia!!! They literally had to make “aggregated regiments”, an euphemism for “taking a disparate and often very poorly trained soldiers and hardware, cobble them together into a (mini, pseudo) “regiments” and then send them to get slaughtered.”
If this was the case why didn’t the West move in to dismember Russia and solve this issue (from the West’s point of view) once and for all, which seems to be what they want ultimately?
The Russians had/have a lot of nuclear weapons.And there was only so far they dared to go to destroy Russia.They could only hope (and try to arrange) for Russia to fall apart on its own.
Russia had nukes. Working nukes.
And how do you dismember Russia?
You can use real warriors, like the Chechens, but that did not work?
So what – you see the US military invading Russia?
They could not even deal with Hezbollah, the Afghans or the Houthis, and they would invade Russia?
They did try all they could to dismember Russia in the 90s.
But even the poor, disorganized, under equipped and badly lead Russian military of the 90s would have made hamburger out of any Yankee trying to play Hitler or Napoleon :-)
But yes, they did try, and ALMOST succeeded.
I remember financial disaster in 1998
I could not believe what was going on in Russia and frankly I did not believe that Russia would survive
Question is what would happen if Putin did not happen
It is difficult to a answer that question … I do not believe that Russia would survive
I think that Russia have to create a sort of Deep State to prevent such disasters in future.
Maybe they already have done that.
“Ditto for Cuba and others”. Are you DELIBERATELY misleading?
In the future, can I ask you to please always add a comment when you post a link?
Thank you
That was my comment, the sentence with the question mark.
Secondly, you did say that Cuba was betrayed, but your implication has been that it was done by the “drunken clown” while in reality Putin did it.
And one more thing: it has been implied all the time that Russia was in such a terrible situation that it could not help the Serbs. But then, how was it able to help the Serbian enemies, primarily the Croatia ultranationalists whereby it was also helping US, UK, Gemany and NATO pact and Vatican, and consequently all other opponents to the Serbs like the Muslim fundamentalists in both Bosnia and Kosovo. Nothing should be taken out of context.
You are correct, if you look at the date of the article you linked to, October 18, 2001.
And if you want to blame Putin for this, fine, I have no problem with that, he was at the helm.
But please allow me to suggest this: to turn Russia around, Putin needed 20 years!
And the system he inherited, just inherited, was the mix of what I call “Atlantic Integrationists” (Medvedev & Co.) and “Eurasian Sovereignists”. A country like Russia has a HUGE inertia, and not, Putin did not change the course for a very long time (remember the vote against Iran, also under Medvedev, but Putin there too).
Anyway, if you are disgusted with what Russia did to Serbia and Cuba you have my vote.
I think you must have misunderstood what I meant : that Russia DID betray Cuba…
the leadership in Belgrade but seems to me some have been bought like Tadic was,the writing was on the wall when the Serbian government started turning their own people over to that Reich court in the Hague,including many of the military who had resisted Nato,a disgrace.
Agreed 100%
But Milosevic should have been judge in Belgrade or, better, Pale, for his REAL crimes (and not the crap that the court in the Hague totally failed to prove, hence is murder).
The Hague trial of Milosevic really back-fired on the West:
So anxious were they to make Milosevic (and the Serbs) guilty of everything in ex-Yu, they never anticipated the ease with which he knocked down their hyperbolic charges that led to his acquittal.
The way he was poisoned while in custody was sinister..His death turned him into a a martyr actually.
He would’ve not come off so lightly in Serbia. Even a quick embezzlement trial would have done the trick, never mind the treason.
Alas, some of the Bosnian Serb politicians were also corrupt, I known that for a fact.
It’s highly likely that after Kabul faceplant, US will beat into pulp random defenceless nation to restore shaken authority.
Are Serbs such nation? Being conviniently landlocked, surounded by NATO statelets, and without Russian bases (like Syria)
Serbs are high on the kill-list.
On other hand, another military failure could strike last nail in NATO’s coffin. UK/US must choose their victims carefully from now on.
It is not clear do Serbs have enough support and military capability to detter open attack.
It’s highly likely that after Kabul faceplant, US will beat into pulp random defenceless nation to restore shaken authority.
Yes, that is the famous “Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business.”
But which nation would you suggest if you were on the side SOBs in DC?
Also, the Serbs have a real “warrior culture”, not the US. Give them the right leader, and they can resist for decades or even centuries. I feel sorry for anybody going after them in the hope of a “short, victorious, war” (even the war in Bosnia was a draw between the entire West and the RS!)
“But which nation would you
suggest if you were on the side SOBs in DC?”
I am really confused on this one. Let’s see …
Next target is usualy chosen among those who can be pillaged the most, for the least risk.
Since there’s not many such countries left in the world, we can expect UKUS attack on one of their own soon enough. If that is the case, I’ll pick Djibouti for a nice regime change, with goal to close Red Sea doors for damn Chinese. Maybe humanitarian intervention in one of it’s poor neighbours (Yemen included) would do the trick.
Venezuela is safe for now, as shale oil production in US steadily decline. Cuba’s color revolution fizzled, Lebanon brings back bad memories…nope, no-one really left for easy picking.
After all, it seams, Bosnian Serbs are on the top of the list for casual bombing campaign.
Maybe, I don’t know.
But the US will need several years to regroup and reorganize just like Russia’s long retreat gave her time to do the same.
Serbs will not be attacked anytime soon. They are still being lied that west is friendly side. West will achieve much more doing this then openly attacking Serbs using anti-serbs as cannon fodder (read above for definition of anti-serbs). And with involvement of China and Russia things might go way west does not want.
agreed 100%!
“On other hand, another military failure could strike last nail in NATO’s coffin. UK/US must choose their victims carefully from now on.”
I loved this line of yours, especially “US/UK must choose their victims carefully from now on”. This is what these vultures do all the time – choosing their next victim.
However, whereas your comment has tremendous satirical beauty, it may or may not have predictive beauty, for two reasons: firstly, the American eagle is still very strong and its talons are always ready; and secondly, this bird of prey is now desperate and prone to misjudgments. What if it judges that Iran or China are suitable victims?
the American eagle is still very strong and its talons are always ready
That stupid bird never won a real war in its history and can’t even deal with friggin VENEZUELA!!
At the peak of its might, I could not even invade GRENADA without absolutely ridiculous overkill (using the 82 there was like nucking an ant hill).
Its over, the US military is over.
Only two components are still mostly capable: the US submarine force and the nuclear triad. The rest is a (bad) joke and Tom Clancy delusions…
Come to think of it, the US might successfully defeat the Galapagos or Easter Island. Maybe?
@ Andrei
“Only two components are still mostly capable: the US submarine force and the nuclear triad”
I do not dissagree, rather question this statement.
My belief is that the same poison that zombified US military in general, is corroding nuclear triad (and subs).
It is epic corruption and consquential money printing.
After creating from thin air hundreds of trillions (with GDP in tens) NOTHING can stay unharmed. So, why nuclear triad looks good? Because we could not possibly know what is the real state of it. Being detterent, it must be hidden from prying eyes at all cost. No one can be allowed to see that Emperor is naked.
But is he? I wouldn’t bet on this one, as stakes are too high.
US nuclear triad hardware will be dangerous until constant cutting corners and lack of maintenance take its tool. Hardware is build to last but complexity of systems works against it. Failures tend to compound exponentialy in complex systems. (Hint: F35)
Today’s US military is in the similar position as USSR’s in the 80ies. Big and strong by itself, but hopelessly crippled by the corrupted system.
After historical distance of 30-40 years do we have clear picture of USSR’s nuclear triad in the 80es? A look into past from an expert should be helpfull to understand what future brings.
My belief is that the same poison that zombified US military in general, is corroding nuclear triad (and subs).
Maybe. But just like the Russians in the 90s kept their nukes mostly ready, so will the US.
Also, US SSNs remain formidable platforms, even the “old” LA-class.
They also require small numbers of soldiers to be operated (compared to, say, an armored brigade).
Maybe I am wrong, I hope I am not, because if the US nukes go down the way the rest of the US military did, then we are all in danger.
“What if it judges that Iran or China are suitable victims?”
First, thank you for liking my style.
Second, if American eagle (or, judging by pray it chooses, vulture) finaly decide to attack peer opponent it could easily be it’s last meal. Not because US military is weak (which it’s not), but because of foundations that support it.
US is in trouble on many levels and can’t endure real war. It requires war-time industry and economy. Neither is realistic in USA today, tomorrow, or years after tommorow.
Why so many smart people constantly contemplate scenario US vs ONE opponent is beyond me.
Northern Ireland is an early Kosovo created by the british empire.
The brits offered a bunch of poor and dangerous scottish catholics a deal – convert to protestant, and invade catholic irish ireland, and you can kill the natives and take thier land. And they did, it is known as the protestant ulster plantation.
Protestants still hold onto the north, with the help of the uk intelligence service, army, and treasury.
So northen ireland is also a bit of an artificial entity and identity like kosovo is.
LOL! Don’t get me started on Ireland, that might even get me in legal trouble :-)
Just take a peek here: https://thesaker.is/blogs-philosophy/
and whom I quote right above the last quote :-)
Tiocfaidh ár lá my friend, Tiocfaidh ár lá !
Most sincerely!
I think discussion went totally wrong direction from what Saker originally thought. My comment about current state of Serbia was just to explain that change will happen first in Republika Srpska and Crna Gora and not Kosovo province. But it might then move there after real leader shows up in Serbia.
West propaganda is full of comments of bad Russia and China influence on Balkan. We know by know, that when west says “bad” it actually means “good” for Balkan and vice versa.
West lost all of its credit on Balkan and they have nothing to “give”. China is marching in with big steps and Russia is still dragging it’s feet (and yes, I know: Русские медленно запрягают, но быстро ездят!) By me, Bulgaria is the real lakmus for coming changes on Balkan. When they start switching sides we will know that west is done on Balkan. So, if you want to know what comes next, watch for bulgarian moves.
I think discussion went totally wrong direction from what Saker originally thought
I would say that it when to a specific subset which I did not quite expect, but which I am happy with. You, others and myself have raised issues which deserve to be discussed and, even more amazingly, so far not a single troll or asshole has tried the usual “derailment tactics” “ad hominems” etc.
But if you want to raise the topic of Bulgaria, by all means, go for it.
What signs of “revolt” (or “salami slicing”) are you seeing or expect to see in Bulgaria?
Personally, seeing how our so-called “Orthodox brothers” in Romania and Bulgaria act, I have no more respect (and therefore, interest) for them than for the Poles or Czechs. But if you give me reasons to think otherwise, I would be sincerely overjoyed!
By no mean, I am not expert on Bulgaria. Every Bulgarian I talked to is pro-EU. I have not find a single one who is against. Last election proved this clearly. And now they are getting ready for third one in this year alone! All parties are pro-EU and they do not bring anything new on table. Bulgarians see that “changes” are false and do not want to go out and vote. So they try to harass Makedonija because they have no one weaker to find. Turkey would be good target but Erdogan is not a joke. I mentioned Bulgaria just in sense that we will know that west is fully done on Balkans when bulgarians start learning chinese.
I like what I see what is going on in Hungary. Orban would have been very good ally to the west (they are catholics) but he sees dangers for his countrymen if he let all gay propaganda and immigration flooding Hungary. I like that Višegrad group (Poland, Czechs, Slovaks and Hungarians) is fighting EU monkeys on several matters – immigration and gay propaganda is among them. Unwillingly, they might be a good ally for Serbia’s interest. As for Romanians, I wish them all the best. I think they are in best shape of all Balkan states. Do not like them getting sleazy with ‘muricans and west but it is their choice. Just like Bulgarians.
Orban would have been very good ally to the west (they are catholics) but he sees dangers for his countrymen if he let all gay propaganda and immigration flooding Hungary
They might not share our values, but at least they don’t sacrifice their own interests and voluntary slaves to their master of the day.
As for the Romanians, right now they are a key rear base for the US/NATO/EU against Russia.
If they can live with that, then I have no interest in them. Ditto for the Bulgarians.
But, hey, if they love the EU and are so proud of it, good for them, have fun! Let them enjoy their newfound tranny multiculturalism to the hilt if they so like it. But when they offer to be part of a (futile) attempt to encircle Russia, they become targets, both of Russian missile and my total disinterest for them.
Okay, I admit that I have personal dog in this fight: an ancestor of mine died liberating the Bulgarians from the Ottoman yoke. Need I say more?
Kind regards
Hmm…we await events after the results of the Czech elections….more rightist????Left lost?
Let alone
Concerning ‘China marching in in big steps’ perhaps it helps to consult following report by AidData which provides a full oversight of outstanding projects and debts (in form of BRI related ODA and OOF funding) worldwide: just check where Serbia is standing.
» As for the EU, it ain’t exactly “swimming in energy” nowadays (thanks to its idiotic subservience to Uncle Shmuel and Greta Thunberg!). «
I beg to differ with the Green mentality as the cause for fossil fuel shortages.
Does the motivation of Indian coal miners suffer when Germans think Green thoughts?
No. There are supply chain problems in everything after the Covid flat-line/resuscitate experiment, and fossil fuels are just part of the same problem, although there are various factors in different places as well.
The EU has more gas stored at present than the maximum draw-down over the past 10 years, so it is not exactly running on empty, except the UK where they have little storage. The gas market has been liberalized and deregulated (as Putin pointed out) and there are a lot of traders now exposed to spot prices, who are covering shorts and trading strategies. Not to mention that the Dutch have turned the spigot off (why do you think the price is the Dutch TTF hub?) and several other factors. Obviously long-term contracts result in less volatility of supply and prices.
Energy traders and investment plans by private businesses tend to be hard-nosed money propositions little influenced by currents of thought. Yes, turning off nuclear has an effect in Japan and Germany. But that effect did not come about suddenly in September.
Well, here I disagree. The Green mentality not only deprived the EU of solid sources of energy, it also is a major component of the EU’s self-destruction by multiculturalism and of hysterical russophobia.
And I won’t even go into the Tessa Ganserer thing…
Again, the EU did it to itself.
Now come the consequences….
Well I agree they did it themselves. I am just pointing out that there are global problems, and they aren’t all related to EU plans or thinking. In my humble opinion market structure has more to do with it, as well as the rampant Russophobia, yes. But the shortages are not just in energy. And the Greenies have had less impact than everybody thinks, so far. If you reread Putin’s comment, he too pays quite a lot of attention to British advisers and neo-liberal market ‘liberalisation’.
Excellent article. The leader of Serbs in Bosnia has openly brushed of the threats from sanctions from the CIA ghoul Escobar by telling him to f*uck off.
The problem is the Albanian agent who called himself President of Serbia who backstabbed the Serbs from Bosnia, Russia and China by recognising the German overlord for Bosnia Her Schmidt.
Yesterday Lavrov was in Belgrade to (again) warn the Albanian agent Vucic that the only way to look into “solving” the Kosovo issue is through Resolution 1244. Vucic also need to answer for arms smuggling rings to Ukrainian Nazis and liver-eaters of Syria.
As much as I dislike Vucic, this issue is much bigger than him, and he has no say in approving the Viceroy of Bosnia.
The position of Viceroy is approved by the UNSC, however this time, this new guy, Christian Schmidt, was voted in by the “Peace Implementation Council” Steering Board of Bosnia.
The Steering Board members are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom, United States, Presidency of the European Union, European Commission, and Organisation of the Islamic Conference, represented by Turkey.
They all voted for him, except Russia.
In July, Russia & China took the fight to the UNSC and tried to abolish the position of the Office of High Representative (aka Viceroy) by 2022. They failed to obtain a majority… All the countries on the UNSC except Russia and China abstained.
The current UNSC non- permanent members are:
Estonia, India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, Niger, Norway, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tunisia, Viet Nam.
(Thanks guys!)
So you see, this is going to be a much bigger fight than we all thought…
Next big milestone: in a few months, the EUFOR military force currently stationed in Bosnia will come up for annual review at the UNSC. We ‘ll see what happens if Russia and China veto it…
I don’t know why I am bothering, but I’ll throw you a bone Bosnian Croat – first about Serbian elections & Vucic – buddy, check the voter turnout numbers, the official numbers, in most elections in Serbia going back 30 years barely 50% of the eligible voter population ever votes. The Serbian diaspora, which is huge, pretty much doesn’t vote at all, but if the Serbian diaspora voted say, about 50% of them, they would swing any election for the candidate they preferred. Then there is the voter registration issue in Serbia, same problem in Montenegro which is how MIlo Djukanovic has rigged every election there for 30 odd years. The voter rolls in Serbia have anything between 500,000 to 1 million people who are ineligible to vote, on the grounds that they either do not exist, are dead, or are alive but living abroad & their vote has been fraudulently submitted & counted – I joke with my mother, who emigrated to the UK from Serbia (then Yugo) in 1970, that she has probably voted in every Serbian election without even knowing it. So the elections are rigged, how much support Vucic really has is very questionable, he is widely despised in Belgrade for example.
Another example of the age old Russian-Serbian Friendship:
At least 3000 Russian volunteers participated in the Serbian-Turkish wars from 1876 to 1878 to liberate Serbia and Montenegro from the Ottoman Empire, which led to the final restoration of independence of the Balkan states, it was announced on Sunday in the International Open scientific conference, which is held until October 12 in Krushevats, on the occasion of the 145th anniversary of these events and the death of Russian colonel Nikolay Nikolaevich Rayevsky (1839-1876).
I thought I had read that Russia lost 250,000 in the liberation of the Balkans, so 3.000 total forces sounds low to me (unless you meant 3,000 volunteers on top of active military). Certainly so many were killed that Bulgaria put up their well-known St. Alexander Nevsky Church. Too bad that England (under PM Disraeli) threatened to declare war in 1878 if Russia continued south to Constantinople, and that German interference put lots of the Balkans back under Ottoman Empire control for the next 40 years.
My nomination for the first domino to fall was when the Chinese decided to establish the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. This was done because the US refused to let China have a bigger say in the World Bank and IMF.
My nomination for the last domino (or the “Suez moment”) is Taiwan’s reunification- either peacefully or via military force. Hopefully peacefully.
I was reading the history of the Six Day War this afternoon. I was astounded at how openly aggressive Israel was, invading the Arab neighbors, destroying their air forces and stealing their land. If anybody else had done that, it would have led to regional war. But the MSM propaganda machine put the world to sleep.
For years I have been following your analyses with great profit. As an East German living in Germany, I am painfully aware of the state of the local press, which reports little, one-sidedly or with lies about the East in Germany, Europe and the world. I have also privately traveled to Romania, Ukraine, Serbia or Macedonia and talked to the people there and looked closely at the countries.
What I miss in this analysis on Kosovo and Bosnia in relation to Serbia, you always focus on Ukraine. The peaceful integration of Crimea into Russia could only succeed because there was a strong majority of the population that wanted this. This was primarily for ethnic reasons, but also for economic reasons. However, it is precisely the ethnic side that distinguishes Kosovo from the Serbian part of Bosnia. There was no Serbian majority in Kosovo as early as 1912. Because of the different birth rates and because of the departure of Serbs for economic reasons, 90 % of Kosovo today is inhabited by Albanians. Only a small area in the north still has a Serb majority. Now one could say that Chechnya has remained part of Russia, although there is no Russian majority there. But is a substantial part of the Kosovo Albanians in favor of a return to Serbia, or would they prefer to merge with Albania? How does Serbia plan to integrate a potentially hostile majority? You rule out such a thing for western Ukraine. Why not in Kosovo? Croatia has made short work of expelling all Serbs from Krajina. This created facts that can hardly be undone today. Or are there really many Serbs who actually want to return and would? I don’t know. The unification of the Serbian part of Bosnia with a Serbian state, on the other hand, is much more likely. The Hungarians and the Germans have long since come to terms with the changes in Poland and Transylvania. Hardly any Germans want to return to the eastern territories. What would be the impact if the Hungarians were to rule over a Romanian majority again. 800 years of German history in Transylvania will not be restored because there is simply no German who wants to go there.
I saw recently a documentary interviewing Kosovo Albanians in Pristina where the following question was asked: if the US leaves Kosovo, like they left Afghanistan, what would they do?
Astoundingly every single person said that they would leave as well! (People forget that the Ghegh Albanians, different to the Tosk Albanians in S. Albania, are muslim, tribal and nomadic).
The Ghegh Albanians are now spread very thin across Kosovo and Macedonia and N. Albania. As they move from one region to another, it is difficult to determine what their true census numbers are.
The birthrate you bring up was during the Tito era. Their birthrate has since collapsed and many have emigrated.
Geographically, economically Kosovo is is only viable attached to Serbia…consider this :
Kosovo’s only supply of fresh water for drinking and cooling of their coal plants comes from Lake Gazivoda in the North which borders Serbia. They depend on us for water and electricity. Attachment to Albania makes no sense.
Thank you for your answer. No one knows what the future will bring. The statements in the telephone interviews should certainly be taken with a grain of salt. Whether people would really emigrate then? And whether all Serbs would return to Kosovo? What is to become of the country if no one wants to live there anymore?
On the other hand, in North Macedonia, in the area around Tetovo, I sensed how great the differences are between the population groups. Macedonians have increasingly retreated to other parts of the country. Everywhere in the world where there have been expulsions or voluntary emigrations, the original place has changed and will never be the same as it was before. My grandparents were displaced after WW2 from their large farm, located in what is now Poland. Although my grandmother had to walk alone with her six daughters with only a ladder wagon, neither she nor my mother ever awakened in me the desire to return there. Many villages in East Germany are suffering from the emigration of young people and will look completely different in a few years when the older people have died. This is happening in the midst of peace and is the result of the ruthless Western economic system. Abandoned villages are also not uncommon in Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine and other countries of the former Eastern Bloc.
I wish that such transformations would be peaceful. Warlike means would only increase the suffering of the people.
After the German military defeat, there was a political settlement, which re-drew the borders of Europe.
The political settlement that Serbia obtained , after war with NATO was UNSC 1244 which clearly states that Kosovo is part of Serbia.
There are two solution’s going forward:
1. NATO recognises that they are illegally in Kosovo and withdraws, thereby respecting the political settlements.
2. There is a new war with the victor determining whether the previous settlement is to be respected or a new political settlement is imposed with a re-drawing of borders.
BTW, this interview I mentioned was not an anonymous phone interview but in the street with a camera and the Albanians openly and spontaneously speaking to the interviewer…
I have seen the hatred in people’s eyes that has grown out of injustice and that I also see in your sentences. My hope that there will not be a new war is not very great. But it is nourished by conversations I had with people also in Serbia. One of them took place in Varvarin. An article by Robert Fisk had drawn my attention to the terrible act of a German pilot in NATO’s 1999 war against Yugoslavia. After laying flowers there, Sanja Milenkovic’s teacher approached me. And although he noticed that I was from Germany, I was not met with hatred. A new war will inevitably bring new atrocities. We must get out of this madness.
Nobody wants war which is why the Serbs have opted for the first option. We are happy to wait for those US forces forces who are illegally there to leave.
There is no hatred in my sentences., only an objective appraisal of the current quagmire.
As for the “hatred you see in people’s eyes” it could be a reflection of your own feelings…. Serbia is the most multi ethnic state in the region.
You forget that before World War II, a million Serbs live in Kosovo-Metohija, but after WWII, Tito (anti-Serbian), refused to allow the native Serbs of Kosovo-Metohija to return, but heavily promoted the influx of Albanians, with two purposes: 1) reduce Serbian influence, and 2) attempt to bring Albania under his political control. The best solution is for all such interference from outside to cease, and let the Serbs who wish to return (or move) to go to their ancestral homeland of Kosovo and begin reconstructing the over 200 Orthodox monasteries and churches (some a thousand years old) that were in recent years destroyed by young Albanians as your NATO buddies just stood around and watched.
We have to cope with the situation as we find it today. Unfortunately, Andrei did not answer how he envisages Kosovo, with a really large and hostile Albanian majority, becoming part of Serbia again. Also you did not set out which Serbs would want to go to Kosovo to live. The people who were displaced or left two or three generations ago will not find today the country they knew. Germans lived in Transylvania for 800 years. Any descendant could go back there today. Instead, there are the so-called “summer Saxons”. These are people who spend the summer there, but have their center of life in Germany. How many Serbs who now live in modern cities will go to the villages of Kosovo? What neighbors will they have there? Certainly not the ones they once knew. I have no solution to this problem. But Andrei is a gifted analyst. He could point out different ways. I don’t think the problem would resolve itself peacefully if Camp Bondsteel were gone. There are too many Albanian terrorists who are heavily armed. Nor will the problem be solved by young Albanians moving away. Nobody wants them in Europe. That will be made clear to them very quickly. What solution do you see?
The solution is what has been made in previous comments – a replay of Operation Storm against Serbian Krajina, only this time it will be the Serbian military sweeping through Kosovo-Metohija. This will happen. Those Albanians who do not have blood on their hands – & they know who they are – have nothing to fear. Those Albanians who do have blood on their hands will either perish or flee. That is it. End of story.
Please don’t call it Operation Storm.
Operation Storm was a war crime. What we seek is unification, not slaughter and ethnic cleansing of innocents.
With respect Serbian girl, you are entitled to your point of view & I wouldn’t suggest you think or say otherwise – but understand this, “Operation Storm” is viewed historically as a legitimate military operation which no one, including Serbia, actually attempts to have designated a war crime. And my point is nuanced, if you read me carefully, if Croatia is entitled to its “Operation Storm” then so is Serbia – that is my point – & that does not mean a priori ethnic cleansing & massacres. I think I was clear, those Albanians that have no blood on their hands have nothing to be. And this is how I think it will be, I may be wrong, Kosmet may be reintegrated differently, but I very much doubt it, I believe in all sincerity it will be done militarily. And that day is not far off.
While I agree in principle with your analysis, don’t forget that the US still yearly uses 700 Billion dollars for the arm forces.
After the defeat in Afghanistan, they are probably itching for a place where they can make a show of force.
Serbia would be a perfect place for them to do just that.
States in their basis of creation, despite the ethnic structure, must have a territorial structure that satisfies the position of strategic security. Like Russia with Crimea, China with Taiwan, Serbia with Kosovo, Syria with the N-East part, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Yemen, etc … It is so important for the survival of states that the rest is not important. Even the definitions of international law are a bit blurred here. The West, the USA, is deliberately doing this by destroying the very foundations of the statehood of states themselves that are not “democratic” and do not want to wave Rainbow flags. I guess the goal is to destroy the foundations of the civilization that exists and create huge masses of people who have no homeland in the sense that they can continue to follow the path of their ancestors. To be left with just masses of people groping around on their smartphones all day, and of course to serve as creditworthy consumers. The whole west is saturated with issued loans and there is no one who can take out a new loan and allow the capitalist machine to continue to operate. So now I’m not sure that a few million refugees in Europe must mean something bad for the banks and the governing structures in Brussels. I have some crazy feeling that America with its Zionists is just childishly jealous of the whole world that has a history versus ~ 250 years of American existence and they want to “dress up” everything around them so they are the best at everything. Only Americans have one big problem, much of the world is not Indians with spears and arrows. The Serbs will take Kosovo when the time comes. The Chinese will take Taiwan when the time comes. Simply because the survival of these states in geopolitical terms requires it. It doesn’t matter who the president is.
Saker’s proposal of new (next) hot spots (and next slip dominos) on the front line between US/UK and RU/CH (which is far from being a real line, rather a scatter diagram over the world) in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo-Metohia is well grounded.
There is getting hot, what can be seen from recent events. But the upcoming winter will cool the heat since the combat is not recommendable at low temperatures. So the players (at the terrain, and those in high cabinets as well) will continue to fight from their rooms, which is good news for ordinary people, and several months gain of peace.
Mr. Incko’s Law about Srebrenica was expected to shatter the Serbs (in BH) but in vain. Produced the opposite effect – united them – which is not always easy (they could even thank him for that).
It is interesting to note that how they (the bosses of Mr. Incko) have bad assessments of situation. They knew Mr. Dodik from previous period as very tough guy, with obvious close relations (and support) with Kremlin. His behaoviour is a good indication that the times changed.
Also, the current moves coming from Mr. Dodik prove that even more (although the moves from Mr. Izetbegovic leave a little room for somethng other, but aparently they counted on discord between Serbs’ factions, as before – apparently, even the Serb opposition in BH felt some new winds).
The curse of Mr. Dodik, addressed to Mr. Escobar (Pepe should be aware of his relatives) is a very indicative indicator of the state of affairs. It is not monopoly of Ms Nouland any more.
Similar thinghs on KM. Mr. Kurti, as a violent politician is a good medium for astonishing moves, but when Albanians in Pristina leadership are considered, Mr. Kurti is not an exception.
Economically, Albanians in KM are a clear failure. Demographically also, nevertheless their claims there are 2 million of them on KM, high birth rate etc. Quite contrary. If you take an evening stroll across the South Kosovska Mitrovica city (Albanian part of former Kosovska Mitrovica) you can notice almost 50% of apartments are in dark – no residents. Let them Shengen, and most of young Albanians will flee to EU, and make their loved Kosovo empty.
The main changes in Albanian population since the war of 1999 were fast urbanization, disintegration of their basically tribe structure, change of value scale influenced by western media. There are polls (made from a large samples of young and middle aged Albanians in KM) telling us that they will all left Kosovo in case of Bondsteel withdrawal.
Somebody is in haste, it seems he is nervous and tries to make harm to the other side.
The Serbs need to be patient, but determined, to fight by papers, media, documents and gain the time. It is not time for rifles, yet. The apple is slowly ripening.
Andrei. What you have written is as interesting and as pregnant with implications as a woman in her third trimester expecting quintuplets. You say: “I fully expect to see similar “take-offs” from these and ALL THE OTHER totally artificial entities created by the British and/or AngloZionist empires in the past.” The “these” you refer to are the “Bosniaks”, “Kosovars” and “Israelis”. But it is “ALL THE OTHER totally artificial entities” that are the most thought provoking. Am I to take it that your souverinism has lead you, logically and inexorably, to conclude that the North and South American Indians, the Inuit of Canada, the Australian Aborigines and the Maori of New Zealand have the only legitimate claim to sovereignty over the lands in which they live and that, in consequence, the descendants of the white British and AngloZionist colonisers of these lands will have to leave and find somewhere else to live? Camus argued otherwise on behalf of his mother, who was a Pied Noir.
You do know that politics is the science of the possible?
If you see the Inutis or Maoris liberating themselves from their occupiers, fine. I don’t.
But I do see Zone A self-destructing faster than anybody in Zone B could dream.
What that means for the Inuits and Maoris I don’t know.
Probably not at the beginning of the domino cascade, but somewhere at the end?
Depends on how they feel about their current status I suppose.
Kind regards
Okay, so my guess was wrong. The simplest thing would be for you to name the countries or peoples you have in mind when you write: “ALL THE OTHER totally artificial entities created by the British and/or AngloZionist empires in the past”. Will you do that?
The disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan shows that the west and NATO can be defeated and will encourage other nations to resist. If problems crop up in one place forcing the west to reassign forces then that will leave them more exposed elsewhere. The resistance could be passive. Don’t show up for work or deliberately neglect things causing failures.
I also have to wonder how many are going to be willing to fight for the US/NATO now? Whites in the US are being demonized by woke and critical race training. If you are currently in the armed forces you have to obey orders but you don’t have to reenlist.
While things look very bleak for people in Zone A things are looking up for those living in Zone B. It looks like Zone B can afford to be patient and wait for the Zone A leadership to destroy what is left of Zone A.
Thank you Saker for this analysis. A lot has been said and even more expounded on in the comments. I really wish I could sit down over a beer or 2 with you all so we can discuss all these details.
I must emphasize that I am not an expert on these matters and I am only speaking from my experience and from whatever information I can gather here and there.
What I can say briefly regarding Saker’s analysis is that I too feel like we are at the moment in time when countries are shedding their fear of the US West. However, I am not confident about Serbia and Republika Srpska just yet for several reasons, including the corrupt leadership and a culture of cronyism. It is probably unimaginable to people who do not experience first-hand the absurdities and various schemes and shenanigans of local politicians how deeply ill Serbian political society is. The parallel with Russia in the early 1990’s is good and does provide some hope though.
But there is one factor which was only briefly mentioned by one commentator when he talked about the privatizations and subsequent collapse of industry in post-Yogoslav Serbia. And that factor of course is the economy. Serbia has a very limited industrial capacity and what it does have is deeply tied to western companies.
It is beyond sad to see a society that once made everything from nails to aircraft now being reduced to a society of consumers of goods produced (sometimes) and sold by the very same countries that bombed it. As my friend from Spain says, “it looks like the Nazis won world war 2 after all but instead of trying to invade with tanks they succeeded to invade with their economic policies. Basically we don’t produce much here in Serbia anymore and we import most household goods and food and pay the same prices (if not higher) for them than the consumers in Germany and other parts of Europe. This model suits the new business class of Serbia (that came out of the ashes of the unfortunate, mentally unstable Slobodan and his cronies and also, of course, the neo-liberal policies embraced by the so called democrats that ran things here in the first decade of the new millennium). This model enables them to avoid working hard and avoid actually building companies and institutions and therefore prevents the building of a strong and independent society instead allows them to sit in cafes all day on their cellphones, rake in thousands of euros and plan their summer and winter holidays. All while asking their employees who work in sales, storage, transport and logistics of the goods they peddle to work 6 days a week and sometimes to work outside of the legal channels thus avoiding higher taxes and other costs associated with legal employment.
But, I think I went too far with this write up and risk going off on all sorts of tangents (showing how complicated things are and intertwined) and that’s why I wish we could sit over a beer and perhaps some Šljivovica and discuss further with our friend Andrei the “Beograđanin” (Belgrader). One day, inshallah, ako Bog da.
I just wanted to make the point that economically we are too tied to the west and the EU (I think one of the main reasons Serbian politicians flirt with the EU is to extract funds from various civil society projects from the EU (AKA money in their pocket). To be ready to start slicing bits of the salami we need to be a bit more independent economically than we are currently (we’re not at all, our currency is pretty much tied to the Euro and our economy is prevented from showing it’s true devastating state by loans form the still-friendly west. Once we are no longer their friends and the funds are pulled (like they did to Yugoslavia pre break-up) all the horrors of the mismanagement of our society will be laid bare for all to see clearly. I think it is this that prevents Serbia from being a domino in the chain. I want to be wrong about this.
Also, I believe that Lavrov and Putin know exactly who they are dealing with here in Serbia and any effort they are making to help Serbia I believe they are doing to help the Serbian people in the long run rather than the politicians who run things currently. They are not stupid and they know exactly who Vucic and others are (currently a big scandal of parallel police institutions in Serbia run by criminals who butcher their opponents and dissolve their bodies in acid among other scandals lightly rock the boat).
Thank you Saker!
P.S. one last thing, apologies for the long post, Saker mentioned that the Bosnian Muslims are converts. Most of them are, it’s true (see the example of Emir Kusturica who re-converted). However, there are also those who are clearly not Slavs but perhaps Turks or some tribes that the Ottomans brought here. Some of them even call themselves Turks (like my neighbor here in Belgrade). So, there are those who are “legitimately” muslim who inhabit these parts. And just a point about Serbs and Islam. I do not see any animosity towards Islam by Serbs. I only see some traditionalists who raise concerns about Saudi sponsored mosques and others churning out radicals.
P.S. 2 UN resolution 1244 makes a moot point of “Kosovo” independence. Time is on the side of Serbia and great patience is required. No need to rush anything. Slowly but surely, the dominoes will fall.
P.S.3 (how rude of me, 3 P.S.’s) I thought that the first domino was Russia’s entry into Syria and Assad’s abilities to withstand the unprecedented assault on all levels. Allah, Souriya, Bashar w Bas!
When, for once, will you touch on the real Russian role in the Balkan war, not only in the Yeltsin era but Putin’s too? Why are you consistently oblivious of what Russia has done contrary to Serbian interests, whom it supported and how, whom it armed, whom it threatened during bombing, why it supported secession of Montenegro (2006) etc. You think that not mentioning Russia, and blaming Serbian tragedy strictly on the “partners”, then, by implication, the Russian role is being somehow elevated. Maybe, but not in the Serbian eyes. As long as we have Russia for a “friend and an ally” we do not need the Russian “partners” for enemies. We got everything in one package.
Okay, noted. And I assure you that many in Russia are aware of this point of view.
This is an important intra-Serb debate which must be settled between Serbs: what are the Russians to us, Serbs?
And Russians should stay out of it.
And if you decide that we are your backstabbing fake friends, no problem. We will take note and live on.
Kind regards
Milan, Andrei
I have actually responded to this in earlier posts, not sure why this conversation keeps coming up…
Last summer the European Council of Foreign Relations did a survey in both Serbia & Ukraine to see if the EU has managed to “extract the bloc’s Eastern neighbours from Russian sphere of influence” .
Their conclusion of these surveys were the following:
1. Ukraine and Serbia are on very different trajectories.
2. Less than 50% of Serbs see the EU in a positive light
3. An “astounding” 95% of Serbs see Russia as an ally and major partner.
4. Serbia is the most pro-Russian state in Europe.
I just want to point out that neither I nor Milan, nor any anybody else can speak on behalf of the Serbian people. This survey could be the closest we have to a consensus of the Serbian point of view.
Oh Saker, how disappointing and how historically insensitive and inaccurate… Sure, your readers from elsewhere (not Balkans) will swallow all this as a part of anti-empire narrative and I don’t blame them for that, but you man should (and most probably do) know better then this. Don’t mix and match Bosnia & Kosovo, entirely different settings. My fellow countryman Serbs would commit suicide to try to brake away RS from Bosnia. It’s not NATO they should worry about, it’s all us others who would not let them. Bosnia is not exclusively Serb territory, never was, and neither is Kosovo. It would backfire to the point where even statehood of Serbia itself would become questionable (like secession of Sandzak region to the south and Vojvodina to the north). It would be like Saddam Hussein invading Kuwait, just to give pretext for its own demise. Sure thing, there are open wounds and many fundamental differences between Balkan folks, but Serbs had their bloody chance in 90′ and we all know how that ended. I’ve actively participated in that previous war, and only what I can tell to my Serb countryman is: don’t fall for it, you may start it but this time we all go till other side is destroyed. I could elaborate here why you have no chance of winning next conflict if you trigger it, but for the sake of your children and our children, don’t repeat colossal mistakes from the past. After yet another war there will be nothing left to fight for, I assure you. Not threatening, just confronting you with the fallout you miscalculate will not happen but it surely will. So much about this, don’t say you were not warned.
Wishfull thinking. Dream on. Pendulum starts swinging other way. Better start learning chinese, you’ll serve your new master better.
Republic of Srpska will not seccede and Russia will not allow that to happen, what Russia will do is strengthen the Republic of Srpska’s autonomic position, not seccession.
Dodik once mentioned for all of Bosnia to join a federation with Serbia, it is not only the Bosnian Serbs being separated from Serbia, but also Bosnian Muslims are separated from Serbia’s Muslims (Sandzak).
IMHO the best thing is to recreate a highly independent and decentralized Yugoslav-like confederation, but with western (babysitting) interference that will never happen unless they want it to exist like during the cold war days.
If western powers stopped interfering in the Balkans for good, i really think the people would find a way to get along through a mutual beneficial concensus (win/win situation).
There is a constitutional crisis in Bosnia. The Dayton Agreements are being dismantled.
Right on cue, Muslims and Croats, instead of re-affirming their commitment to the 1995 Dayton Agreement, which would diffuse the crisis, are now threatening war on the Bosnian Serbs should they choose to secede.
So we’re back to 1992.
Sarajevo veteran,
The Dayton Agreement has already provided a political settlement for Bosnia which now consists of 2 entities: Republika Srpska and the Muslim- Croat federation.
I would like to point out that the Dayton Agreement is identical to the Cutleiro- Carrington Plan of 1992 which was proposed before the war in Bosnia.
The Cutleiro -Carrington Plan was back then accepted by all sides, when suddenly the Muslim side led by Izetbegovic, reneged:
Izetbegovic reneged the plan after he was persuaded by the US ambassador, Warren Zimmerman, of US backing in a war against the Bosnian Serbs.
So you waged a totally unnecessary war only to get the Dayton Agreement which is same as the Cutleiro- Carrington Plan….This is the true tragedy of the Muslims of Bosnia! You foolishly allowed yourself to become a tool, cannon fodder of the US, at net loss for yourself, for which you haven’t stopped blaming us.
NATO wants Bosnia to join, and those pesky Bosnian Serbs are in the way again, because in order for Bosnia to join NATO , Dayton has to be dissolved.
So you are really going to fight again, egged on by the Americans? There’s nothing in it for you.
Pozdrav sele Srpkinjo (nisam sarkastican, ja stvarno mislim da smo mi svi braca i sestre na Balkanu bez obzira na razlike).
And now to English…
Dayton agreement is artificial ceasefire document, no more or less. I, as a Croat from Sarajevo, have waged a war on those who were destroying my city, torturing us by denying transport of food, water, electricity, medicines or other things which is known as longest siege of a city in a post ww2 history, while at the same time indiscriminately shelling us with mortar and larger artillery fire, sniping unarmed civilians, killing children, people waiting in lines for food or water and other monstrosities. War was not a choice for us, it was a lack of choice. You Serbs keep washing your hands in innocence like you bare no responsibility, and that’s a bloody shame. If it was up to me, war would never happened, and we will all still be living in peace together like we did before. I personally don’t favor Bosnia in NATO or EU, I think we would be much better in a kind of new state together with all ex-YU republics, truly independent from the empire. But without admitting the guilt for the crimes committed and accepting responsibility for the same, it will never happen again. I hate war, I hate it from the deepest part of my soul, have lost so many good friends on all sides in it, but if new war is imposed on us through secession of RS or something like that, there will be a fight like you have never seen before. I prefer to be brothers again instead, but it’s not just my choice, Serbs have to want it as well.
Sarajevo Veteran,
Zdravo Brate!
(In spite of our differences I would never deny our shared blood).
You bring up lofty ideals…The reality in our part of the world, unfortunately, is that there are too many double standards. If Bosnia was allowed to secede from ex-Yu, then surely the same principle applies to RS ie. The freedom to secede from Muslim-Croat Federation?
As for taking responsibility for crimes, I guess one man’s war criminal is another man’s war hero…perhaps this is why Naser Oric can walk around Sarajevo as a free man… We know who he is, we know everything he did.
I will pray for peace in our region and for preservation of bodies & souls. (Too many have preserved the former but ruined the latter)
I wish you and your family well, Veteran.
Bosnia and Kosovo will live as long as there is somebody financing them with US dollars. So, there is expiration date for these artificial so called states. I also wouldn’t be sure about future Croatian state size. To resume, Muslims from Bosnia together with Croatians and Albanian intruders in Kosovo are not match for Serbians in any conflict 3:1. Period.
So, better behave. US dollars will not last forever.
Don’t worry, we will, all in good time – ziv bili pa videli – Croatia won’t exist, neither will Bosnia, neither will “Kosova.” Just a matter of time, time is on our (Serbs) side, as is military force, capability & as far as fighting spirit goes, well Croats have never fought a battle without one or more great power doing the leg work for them (Operation Storm – the most cowardly supposedly military operation in the history of the world, alongside the NATO bombing of Serbia, a close second).
Of course Serbs are close to you! You are Serbs too. You are simply ashamed deeply inside to admit it, cos’ to many times you betrayed your own to please foreigners and then Vatican came and took your soul too.
Ja sam Bosanski Hrvat i ne, nisam Zeljko Komsic, cisto da zans. Ne jedu svi Hrvati u Bosni Dodiku i Covicu iz ruke, ima nas jos koji smo spremeni, ne za poglavnika, nego za svoj Bosanski dom.
So political views define ethnicity now? Wll, that’s a first. It’s like I would say you’re not a Croat but catholic Serb. Don’t be ridiculous man, I am not fooling you, you do it yourself. You should come to Sarajevo some time, maybe we can have a drink or two, and then you tell me to my face that I am not a Croat and see what happens next. There are Croats like traitor Mate Boban was, and there are Croats like General Blaz Kraljevic was. Both Croats, but not the same kind. Just like you and me.
I call it the “fall of the domino of fear” and that “it” happens every time when any country or nation which was oppressed by US imperialism begins to lose its fear from the “only world hyperpower”.
How wonderful if this were true, but it is not, though may seem so, and to use Kabul as an an example of fearlessness to be replicated is strange. I daren’t say more. Not one iota less of of the Afghan victory however.
I only express a different opinion, but I believe it is well grounded, not wishful thinking.
Awful sad, but delusional to imagine evil and materialism have had their day. but fearlessness, that is tremendous, marvellous !
Do you think if there’s a possibility that Serbia might join the Russia-Belarus Union State in the future? I saw somewhere that they had sought in the past about joining the union before Serbian politicians made a turn towards the EU.
Largely agree with the analysis. Growing up in the UK in the 70s, racist terror and violence was common. They relied on normalising anti black violence. As we Brit non natives grew up some of us refused this reality, firstly in the school playgrounds and then the street. Seeing us stand our ground, others previously terrorised by petrol bombing and fascist marches, then also joined. It feels that way with the Anglo Zionist empire.
Agree also with the ‘artificial entity’ analysis, however, Israel is a continuing European invasion of settler colonists. Ex Yugoslavia is a mixing of peoples across hundreds of years. Totally different. Former Yugoslavia is more analogous to the Anglo Zionist partition of India, attempted partition of Iraq, Syria, Sudan etc.. Combatting this will require the people to embrace their shared history and in many cases ethnicity.
The Bosnian Muslims belong there, they are not foreign invaders. In India after the great liberation rebellion of 1856, the Empire sought to break Indian unity, and nurtured the fascist RSS, Wahabbis, and various other movements to create existential fractures in Indian society. Without the genocidal RSS no partition would have happened. The Anglozionist stoked muslim fear that they would butchered en masse. This strategy was partially successful, because Churchill thought they could reoccupy India in the ensuing chaos. This only partially happened.
Syria has shown the way to defeat this strategy.
There’s a video debate of neocon jew bill kristol & Scott Horton, where the audience votes bill into the ground, he got trounced more than 10 to 1.
At about 1hr 22 mins on, for about 7 mins, Scott makes concluding remarks, including about Serbs, which some may find interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85H_wx7cUZQ&t=2994s
Questions and answers
Q: Has the first domino already fallen and if so, when?
A: In the specific context of the Balkans, I think the first domino hasn’t fallen there yet. But it will be a very swift and dramatic unraveling of Western imperialist dominance in that region once sufficiently many setbacks and defeats have accumulated in other parts of the world such as Southwest Asia and the wider Muslim world.
Q: Will the US/NATO/EU grip on the Republika Srpska slip before it slips from Kosovo?
A: I should feel inclined to answer this question in the affirmative. In Kosovo, just like in Occupied Palestine, there is a willing, complicit, and chauvinist population strongly supported by and, hence, arduously supportive of Western imperialism: the so-called ”Kosovars”, for which a considerably more apt name would be ”Albanian squatters”. The monstrous Camp Bondsteel is the hideous embodiment of this squatter-occupier bond of steel (and heroin).
Q: Does anybody still think that the US/NATO/EU still have what it would take to re-attack, re-invade or even re-strike the Serbs in Bosnia or Serbia?
A: Of course there are people who think that imperialism’s ability to fight is endless/infinite, LOL. But, on a more serious note, the appropriate answer is a blunt absolutely nothing of the sort. As Saker indicated above and as I myself have stressed to the utmost, the world has changed fundamentally in the past 30 years. Neoliberalism has destroyed the West’s industrial and fiscal base, and its ”leadership” has become entirely beholden to greed, corruption, and malevolent incompetence all along the line. And equally crucial, Russia wasn’t vanquished by Western imperialism. As the total rout suffered by imperialism in Afghanistan irrefutably proves, Western aggression and belligerence can’t keep up the Empire anymore even if the West’s 99% might prefer dearly to remain faithful, brainwashed MSM addicts.
Q: And what about the equally artificial entity known as “Israel” ?
A: Completely at the mercy of Hezbollah and Iran. They will liberate Occupied Palestine while imperialism suffers defeat in Syria and Iraq.
Bottom line: We are living in the decade when imperialism is finally biting the dust.
To Nussiminen
Agree with every answer you provided. I will just add one more thing – Israel, another artificial construct, is on it’s last legs. It has, like the Soviet Union Communist Party, outlived it’s usefulness, it’s sponsor is broke and disintegrating and no one else will pay for their existence. They are finished. And their nukes are not going to help them. I just hope THIS my observation is not going to start another lengthly discussion here! : )
Thanks Nussiminen, I fully agree.
Why not have another lengthy discussion here??!! They are interesting, and present different sides and information on the theme, this engenders awake and lively minds, whereas the same few who always agree and come out in support of each other, hmm, not so much.
A point therefore for discussion : what is to rise up and replace the artificial construct if it falls ? (No utopias now;)
Always we hear this is the end of this or that ,the last gasp is over there, the empire’s dying. OK, what next?
Q: A point therefore for discussion : what is to rise up and replace the artificial construct if it falls?
A: As Katerina correctly pointed out, Israel’s chief sponsor (the US) is broke, ironically I might add in no small part because the Zionist global oligarchy has exhausted it. And, moreover, the entire US regime lives in a deranged, parallel universe and is no match for sane peoples and countries having wit, spine, and courage — especially if accompanied by some economic and military muscle. So what is going to happen when the Zionist Entity goes belly up is that the puppet regimes in the region will be overthrown like in Afghanistan. Next comes massive Chinese investment in infrastructure and industry. Fair enough?
I remember dating a woman in the early 2000s, who was a history teacher and her specialist subject was the Balkans. I always remember her saying World W 3 will start there. She said the hatred between the ethnic groups is unlike anywhere else in the world and goes back a thousand years. Great power meddling would be the spark to reignite the simmering genocidal hatred between the peoples.
Don’t know anything about the history, but she was convinced based on her studies.
>Great power meddling would be the spark to reignite the simmering genocidal hatred between the peoples.
She’s obviously not a great of a scholar otherwise she would see the cauldron that is Israel and Palestinians will boil over before “WW3” happens in the Balkans. The West will not a fight WW3 for the “Bosniaks” or the “Kosovars” but it will fight WW3 for Israel. But that’s just my unscholarly opinion of course.
OH, how I hope to see all this come about before I GO. ……… but I turned 93 today ……..! Poor odds?
Your odds are huge! Things started moving pretty fast.
Hang in there Keith. Eat plenty of leafy greens, a nice big juicy steak whenever you want, a glass of good red wine to wash it down and go for a walk whenever the weather permits. And don’t forget to admire the pretty girls when they pass by…keeps the blood circulating. Do all of that and I reckon you’ll be with us to see it all done and dusted. Happy birthday.
Sarkophilus you Epicurean, I am only 6 years behind Keith and appreciate you telling us how to live long enough “to see it all done and dusted”. Especially this good advice:
“And don’t forget to admire the pretty girls when they pass by…keeps the blood circulating.”
It looks like the Albanians want in on this dispute:
Annexing Kosovo to create ‘Greater Albania’ would shatter peace in Balkans, Russia warns, telling West to help end ‘provocations’
Why are you calling Bosnian Muslims (Bosniaks) an artificial people? Where should they “get out” to? Turkey maybe? Please elaborate.
Habsburg tried to impose a Bosniak identity upon Bosnia’s Muslim population when the Austro-Hungarian empire illegally annexed Bosnia and Hercegovina. The Ottomans, IMHO, never referred to Bosnia’s or Serbia’s Muslims as Bosniaks but as Turks (because of religion). Many Muslims referred (in the past but some do still today even after the 1990s wars) to themselves as Serbs because they acknowledged being descendent of Serb Orthodox lineage. In communist Yugoslavia, Yugoslav constitution mentions Bosnia and Hercegovina as a republic consisting of three consituents peoples: Serbs, Croats and Muslims (with a capital letter M). Only in 1993 Muslims started to refer to themselves as Bosniaks.
Side note: During WW2, the Muslims were highly fragmented, many joined the Croatian Ustasha, others joined the SS or the Partizans, some even joined the Serb Chetnicks.
Alija Izetbegovic, Bosnian Muslim war leader during the 1990s was a member of the (internationalist) Muslim Brotherhood, he wrote and published a book about how there was no room for Christianity in Bosnia and Hercegovina.
He started the war with US backing before Croats started the war with German and Vatican backing.
That is my understanding too.
That the Serbs, Albanians, Bulgarians etc who converted to Islam were referred to as “Turks” by the Ottomans.
When the Ottoman empire disappeared those Muslims simply went back to being Serbs, Albanians, Bulgarians of Muslim faith, that’s all. Noone is suggesting that they “get out” anywhere.
Saker is suggesting, in this very article, literally! Quote: ‘My advice to the “Bosniaks”, “Kosovars” and “Israelis” would be this: get the hell out here BEFORE you see a repeat of Kabul in Sarajevo, Pristina or Tel-Aviv!’
Saker is a “Radical” at heart.
Sorry, but I do not see any suggestions that ordinary Muslims and Albanians should leave.
Saker’s advice for an early exit is addressed to “Kosovars” “Bosniacs” and others who plan to leave with their US sponsor.
Saker, for years I have been reading your excelent site. But you are wrong about Muslims/Bosniaks. They do exist. Maybe not 100 years ago, but the situation is developing and changing. They want to be something different, not Serbs or Croats, and so they are. That is a fact now. I am also form ex Yugoslavia.
It is like Ucrainians. They want to exist, so they exist. Maybe they were pushed to be a separate nation from Russians, but now they do exist.
No they don’t. A nation does not come into being because a person, or group of people, simply declare it. Those that do, say a group of people claiming to Martians, are entitled to think what they want about themselves, but they have no basis in reality. Bosnia’s muslims, for the most part, know full well they are descended from Serbs, many of them know what their krsna slava (patron saint) was before their descendants conversion to Islam, & this is where the hatred comes from – conversion breeds a hatred for all the symbols of what one once was, because it evokes feelings of shame & guilt. Bosnian muslims see Serbs & they are looking in the mirror, same with Croats, & they want to kill us all & would if they could. They can not conceive of any other way of living with themselves. As a distinct ethnic group however, with a distinct language & culture & history, with a political history of self-affirmation & struggle for self rule – the Bosnian muslims have none of this, they never have, they never will, & this once again, is why they hate us, Serbs, & want to kill us all & would if they could, because we have that entire set of qualities & attributes as a bona fide nation, they do not.
Alas, I wish all this was true. Unfortunately, our dear glorious leader over in the Republika Srpska has recently suffered a sharp decline in approval rating. So, naturally, he did what he does best: blame our occupiers for his incompetence and “almost” do anything about our vasal situation here. Almost, but not all the way, or he would be desposed of like any other before him.
If our dear “friends” at NATO can swiftly deal with one of their own (see the fate of late Zoran Djindjić) once they sway off the beaten path (like Djindjić did regarding Kosovo and Metohija), what can they do to a guy like Milorad Dodik? I applaud you, Andrei, for your commitment to the Serbian people, but things are not always what we would like them to be.
But also, waiting for “better time with better leader” is a trap by itself. You are playing directly into AZ hands and that is even worst.
Republika Srpska must move on towards independence no matter what. Times changed and this is the moment. If NATO is so strong, they would deal with Serbs in Serbian Bosnia long time ago, but they didn’t. They can bark, but who cares about dogs. Long live Serbian Lands!
This is bigger than any politician.
The Dayton Agreement is the bedrock of the Bosnian constitution & statehood.
What will most likely happen is that the US with the Muslims & Croats federation will try to centralise power in Sarajevo in order to bring the country into NATO.
The Russians & Chinese will oppose this, and will support Republika Srpska.
(They have already stated that Christian Schmidt’s appointment was illegal and have mounted a diplomatic counter-offensive https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-china-fail-un-bid-shut-down-bosnia-peace-envoy-2021-07-22/)
There will be a mutual tit-for-tat non-recognition / boycott of documents/ laws/ appointees/ events etc. Gridlock at the UN Security Council.
Simmering tensions, threats.. nothing will ever get done which needs approval from the other side…it’ll be just like divided Cyprus…
Serbian girl,
If “that” cocky boy gains more power, you can kiss your backside goodbye to any opposition to the centralized Bosnia. So I am afraid to say it, but one politician is all it takes to pacify our interests in Bosnian failed state.
@Nemirni It is the Bosnian Serb opposition who wants to pacify the Serbs of Bosnia into accepting a centralized Bosnia, they publicly see Vucic as a role model who pacified the Serbs of Kosovo into accepting Kosovar institutions in Northern Kosovo and an Albanian controlled border between Serbia and Kosovo.
The cocky boy in my comment is exactly a supposed leader of Bosnian Serb opposition. Dodik is hardly a boy, so I thought it was obvious.
In WW2 the Croatian population overwhelmingly welcomed the arrived of Nazi German occupying forces, so much so that the Germans themselves were taken aback. The vast majority of the Croatian population never joined or supported any of the resistance organisations, in the Partisans or Narodna Oslobodilacka Vojska as they liked to call themselves, the Croatian contingent was very small, even at the end of the war when large numbers of Ustasha joined to save their skins. The Croatian diaspora is overwhelmingly pro-Ustasha, much like the Croatian populace today. What is unique for Croatians is that in all wars, not only the regular soldiery (if they can be called that) but the civilian populace participated massively in massacres. During the famed Operation Storm, as Serbian civilians headed towards Serbia through Serbia, they were attacked by locals, children were attacked, elderly were attacked – this is quite unprecedented & very revealing. The Croatian general popular opinion, however it is measured & documented, is chauvinistic in the extreme, & pro-Ustasha & pro-Nazi. Now you can gloss over it any which way you choose, facts are facts, due to huge levels of corruption & pro-western bias in the political & media circles in Serbia, this has been largely ignored for decades, but that is beginning to change, & the reason it is changing is largely due to the actions of successive Croatian governments, for whom it is not enough that they ethnically cleansed Serbs from their historic territory which belongs to them, but have pretentions on Vojvodina as well, or how would you say – Srijem Hrvatska. They just can’t help themselves, konvertitstvo, this is the issue, this condition evokes a mass psychosis of which you demonstrate obvious symptoms. Too bad Croatians can’t live with themselves, but they can not keep their illness at home & periodically have to massacre a bunch of people (Serbs) to exercise their sickness.
Typo error: headed to Serbia through Slavonia.
Be carefull what you wish for
The Yugoslav communist party had their roots and headquarters in Croatia pre WW2, many Croats were Partizans but it was the (Bosnian Krajina) Serb Partizans who did the bulk of the fighting in all the major Partizan battles.
The Croatian peasant party was not pro Yugoslav, they saw Yugoslavia as a temporary creation, a trojan horse for Croatian interests which would eventually lead to independence of Croatia. Those were the words of Stjepan Radic, leader of Croatian Peasant Party.
The Ustasha evolved from the Croatian Peasant Party.
In the 1930s the communists in a newspaper encouraged the Ustasha to rise up against Serb hegemony. The Ustasha and communists were allies before ww2 because of a common enemy: Serb hegemony and Serb royalty.
Communists at that time did not know what ustasa will become.
And Ustashas at that time did not have any ideology, they were just nationalists.
That is a whitewashing of Jasenovac and the Ustase crimes.
I am expelling you from the Saker blog
@Saker. No need to expel Bosnian Croat.
I am a Serb myself, let Bosnian Croat have his say, i know what the atrocities were: the German Wehrmacht participated with the German SS in atrocities (just like the Croatian Homeguard did, together with the Ustashe), the Wehrmacht executed many Jewish civilians on par with the SS. The regular Wehrmacht soldier voluntarily (not forced) participated in atrocities against Jews because of a sense of duty and to prove his loyalty and toughness to his fellow soldier. The Wehrmacht atrocities against Russian and Polish civilians was more because the average Wehrmacht soldier was scared shitless of the average Pole and Russian whom they considered “all” to be Partizans and their indoctrination of Slavs being subhumans played a huge part in their Slavophobia.
let Bosnian Croat have his say
I did, but his whitewashing of Jasenovac and the Ustase crimes (which even the Germans considered as “too much”) was a limit that nobody in my house (physical or, like here, virtual) is allowed to cross without being tossed out. Next time, he would call the Serbcuttter (Srbosjek: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srbosjek) an innocent agricultural tool!
Finally, look at the rules of moderation (https://thesaker.is/moderation-policy/), specifically at rule #20. His unrepentant Ustase propaganda and whitewashing here is well within the “National-Socialism (Nazism, Fascism)” category as for his feelings about Serbs, they fall under #4 too!
I would normally not feel the need justify my decisions, but in this case I feel that I need to let everybody know why I not only banned him, but send most of his recent comments to the trash.
Simply put: I have no use for that kind of Nazi scum on my blog.
Kind regards
PS: and then there is rule #3: “Any comment designed to make me angry will make me angry and will be removed in anger” :-) he was fishing for it, and he got what he wanted.
Correction: the Ustashe evolved from the Party of Rights, but many members of the Croatian Peasant Party joined the Ustashe.
The regular Croatian Homeguard army commited at least as many crimes as the Ustasha.
Macek was sent to Jasenovac, but to “privileged” part of the concentration camp.
I must say that in my view, the state of the Serbian nation as it is now, does not leave too much room for optimism in regard to Serbia’s future, as well as its potential reclaiming of sovereignty over Kosovo. A large part of the reason why I told this view is that Serbia is being ruled, for almost a decade now, by a gangster regime which the West had installed to finalize the surrender of Kosovo and reduce Serbia to the status of an impotent colony, whose population is demoralized, passivized, and convinced in their guilt for everything that happened from the wars of the 1990s onwards. They have almost succeeded in realizing their goals.
Everyone familiar with the situation in Serbia will realize that Vucic has so far done everything the West has demanded of him. He had dismantled the last remaining Serbian institutions in Northern Kosovo when he signed the Treaty of Brussels, which was what Merkel demanded of the previous govt and when they proved unable to deliver, they backed the ex-radical, nationalist Vucic and socialist Dacic, who switched teams overnight to become proponents of EU integrations. The regime’s policy is essentially pro-Western, but Vucic uses crude, yet effective propaganda to appeal to the majority of his voters who are more nationally oriented and lean towards Russia. During his years in power Serbia has signed several treaties with NATO, has recently slapped sanctions on Belarus (without even noticing the Belarussian govt), backed the American resolution on Afghanistan, and signed an incredibly humiliating paper in Washington that, among other things, mentioned that Serbia will work to promote LGBTQ+ agenda worldwide (sic). The Vucic regime always fulfills its part of the bargain with the West, and he was as good as his word, gender ideology is now enshrined in law and a few months ago kids in school have started to learn how there are many genders and that sex and gender do not necessarily have to match. In addition, the use of gender-sensitive language has become mandatory by law, despite protests issued by cultural institutions and linguists. We have also been promised that same-sex unions will soon be legalized, and there’s nothing to prevent this from being passed into law.
I won’t even comment on Vucic’s economic policy which resulted in the devastation of local industry and producers and is essentially neoliberalism + partocracy. What can be expected to happen in Kosovo while this man is in power? I, for one, expect him to further anesthetize the Serbs with propaganda while quietly surrendering to the West and their Albanian proteges, just to remain in power for a little while longer and don’t endanger the financial interests of the gangue around him.
It also has to be said that the state of the Serbian political elite is such that there exists no viable alternative to the Vucic regime that the majority of Serbs would trust. The opposition consists of ‘EU has no alternative’ types and a very small, but very influential group of rabid Serbophobes who act as the West’s fifth column in the country and dominate the media and culture.
Without a serious shift in paradigm, and the realization that Serbia’s fate is being decided in Kosovo, both in a metaphysical and a very pragmatic sense, there won’t be any change in Serbia anytime soon.
Unfortunately, Belgrade ruling elites were always cancer on Serbian body. Thanks to these morons, 2/3 of serbian lands are under foreign occupation.
Side Note:
Milosevic offered Izetbegovic parts of Sandzak (Muslim majority region in Serbia) to be annexed to the republic Bosnia and Hercegovina, he also offered him the presidency of Yugoslavia if Bosnia stayed within Yugoslavia. The Bosnian Muslim delegation accepted the proposal for Izetbegovic to reject it later at the surprise of his delegation.
There is a wikipedia page about this particular proposal somewhere, but i forget what it is called.
I would not equate Kosovo, Afghanistan and Israel in this way. Historically regarding the mechanism of their formation they have not much in common apart from various USA interventions in their territory. See more e.g. Samuel Huntington: The Clash of Civilizations.