Asking exactly the correct questions.
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Asking exactly the correct questions.
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Why do Olenyas’ eyes look she is not there?
The west celebrated Hitler, too.
Not that _elensky is comparable in any way – other than what he has done to his own people.
How did Britain celebrate Hitler?
How Britain’s Nazi-loving press baron made the case for Hitler
The west (UK + US) aided the German military buildup and were aiming Germany at the USSR.
You have got to be kidding? The royal links, including their Nazi salutes, was the tip of the ice-berg. Many in the establishment were full on supporters !
Look up Oswald Mosley…
Good on he Brits for not trying to scrub or “cancel” the unsavory aspects of their history.
But it was scrubbed including sweeping the establishment and royal links under the carpet !
He’s done nothing.. he said on being elected that.. yet, cia/Mi6 took over. With a gun to his head, he can do nothing different.
He can resign, could have at any stage. Instead it is the greatest role he ever gets to play, greatest role ever offered to him. Gun my a**. Now all the world knows him. He is basking in the ‘glory’ and loving every moment of it, can’t get enough of it, escalating all the time to ensure he stays in the spotlight. The gun to the head will be an excuse in the future. If he should have any. If there is a future for him, there will only be decline because the withdrawals from the spotlight will be the worst kind, something he will not likely be able to endure. Once the west is done with him, he will be discarded, which will leave him broken. Either way, I doubt that there will be a future for him in the long run. I would even go so far that this character is able to stage his own violent death with a script ready to blame the preferred suspects, just so that he can preserve the image he believes he has. He clearly likes to see himself as a hero. While in reality the world is tired of him.
“With a gun to his head, … ”
… and a $30 Million gift mansion in Florida from which he can visit his parents in their $10 Million gift home in Jerusalem using his gift British passport.
“You can do more with a gift and a gun than with a gun alone” — Al Capone, with apologies.
he’s a zionist schlomo, he’s one of them. no gun needed to pursuade him to do the job, he’s haapy to do it.
You know that Putin has been on the cover too, right?
Ohhh, some ‘whataboutism’, cool. When Russia is burning then we can compare apples to apples. Until then, good to see VVP getting some more press coverage. Although, should we not retroactively boycott the magazine that dared put VVP on the cover. He is a warmongering, authoritarian, standover man after all right.
Give it a rest.
India has come down on the right side of history on this, almost…the conflict has not been going on for months it has been going on for almost 9 years. Pretty much the only thing this report got wrong.
***** Long string of profanity and pejorative names *****
***** List of cruel and unusual punishment possibilities *****
There, I hope that saves the Saker mods some work.
Once again, she got the length of the war wrong. It has been going on for eight years, not five months.
Once again you made a mistake your propaganda, you cannot legally call this a war without fines in Russia so call it an SMO please.
Everybody makes mistakes.
Somebody >>> Nobody
Russia has been engaed in an SMO for 4-5 months. Ukraine has been engaed in a civil war for eight years. Devil is in the details. I woulad assume that somebody would have told Somebody that at some point. Particulars matter when it comes to grown up discussions.
Best analogy I have seen came from a Russian commenter. Can’t remember who, I probably read it on The Saker, I need these translations.
It’s like deworming a cat. For the doctor, it’s a special operation, for the worms it is war, and for the cat it is a cleanse.
Wanna know how all this happened?
It happened because someone paid for it to get done. And who paid in turn gets a benefit out of it.
The objective is to match everything in Russia to a newly digitally printed US Dollar (or Euro).
If you Google “money supply chart” the first result is the “M2” money supply by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. LOUIS and it has a chart
That chart has implications that are rather dower.
We Americans have been kidnapped by the money printers only because YOU Shmucks outside the country hand over every thing the money printers use to enslave Americans. (That water floridation aint cheep) If the US Government could spend ONLY what we Americans pay in taxes, the Federal Government would have no money to do any of the crap they do to us. Every US Dollar held outside the Country represents a Dollars worth of Jackboot on the neck of the average American (or the rest of the planetary population). And after you funded my oppression, you funded your own oppression. Dear rest of World: Only when YOU AND YOUR GOVERNMENT HOLD *NO* U.S. DOLLARS will you free yourself and stop funding the “Deep State” that run things for the benefit of the people who own the banks.
The ace card is a financial crisis that China will unleash, by revaluation of it’s huge gold reserves repriced in Yuan, not the current fake surpressed US dollar price. This reset of a gold price in Yuan would instantly destroying the US dollar as a store of value, as the US dollar is backed by nothing. The global debt burden with derivatives is now almost four quadrillion or 4,000,000,000,000,000. It’s a number that only has meaning when extinguished, taking all prices of all assets to zero. The tangible assets will still survive but will be assigned a totally different value.
And against what is currency and debt devalued? Carl Menger, founder of the Austrian School of economics, was the first to explain that money is liquidity. And gold is the most liquid asset. Gold has been the reference point of value since the origins of money. It is against gold that a currency must be devalued to relieve debts. A currency has no intrinsic value, and a gold subsitute, such as the Yuan, exchangeable for gold, at a fixed rate, can function as a proxy for the underlying value, gold. China has plenty of gold and the means to transact commodities by Yuan settlement on the Shanghai Gold Exchange. Convertible contracts in a gold derivative like the Yuan would be the final blow to the US dollar and all currencies linked to the dollar; Yen; Sterling; and the Euro. Central banks in the West are already insolvent.
“The faith is lost. All with one impulse people rush to seize the gold itself as the only reality left — not only people as individuals; banks, also, and the great banking systems and governments do it, in competition with people. This is the financial crisis.”
– Garet Garrett, 1932
Good post.
Imagine a breed of career criminals that stole everyone’s gold, since the dawn of time.
Who then borrowed it back to everyone, as paper, for the next couple thousand years…
The fiat dollar basis is that simple.
It is known as ‘Kosher Nostra’. No need to imagine anything. It is in plain view ‘since the dawn of time’.
Yeah, but once they create the nothing backed digital currency, they can use the non backed money to pay off the debt backed money and suddenly there is no debt!
It will be like a bankruptcy without the stigma of a bankruptcy. By simply calling it a digital transition, it will become easily digestible.
(That water floridation aint cheep) I read somewhere (many times) that Yanks can’t spell.
Cheep is what birds do – – prices are cheap.
James1: Please lookup the word “pedantic.”
Indeed Roger, indeed, I advise you to do so before commenting to a valid remark. Thanks in advance!
Jac…Did you mean “commenting ON a valid remark?” Thanks in advance!
Dear james1
The word “cheap” is an adjective for something that has a low price.
Prices are never cheap nor expensive. They are low or high.
The same goes for temperatures: They are never warm or cold, but high or low.
“The same goes for temperatures: They are never warm or cold, but high or low.”
Explain warm water then. I’ll wait. I’ll even have a high shower while i wait.
Warm water is water with high temperature, simple as that!
An American reflection. I am sick of this false humanity.
Sadly this is Amerika at war. Hollywood war. This is how they see themselves Vs the rest of us lesser peoples. This is also their allies – lies & murder & theft & destruction for the money that’s in it … on and on the insanity goes
I wonder if Vogue will publish the pictures of the babies this monster has killed in the Donbas?
The West, puffing up this clown, makes the West more contemptible and pathetic in the eyes of people that can think. I guess it’s a Jewish thing, Jews puffing up Jews to distract and confuse gullible goyim. Russia looks on with jaws agape, the stupidity level is mind boggling.
Dang, she said it all.
WION has been shilling for Ukranazistan since January at least. Interesting that it’s ditching Elensky now.
Rats abandoning a sinking ship.
Yes, it’s significant, with Saudi Arabia now also thumbing its nose at Biden. Like India, they begin to sniff the wind of change that is now blowing Eastward.
Deputy Chairman of the Security Council and former President of Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, yesterday posted two maps of “Ukraine” on his telegram channel:
In the psychotropically damaged brain of the president of Ukraine appeared the following picture of the bright future of his country: Fig.1.
Western analysts believe that the following will actually be the case: Fig.2.
Zelensky and Trudeau are both clown actors, pure narcissistic psychopaths.
Who is the best at trolling the West?
No comparison it’s Russia ,”Winter is coming”,lol:
This invitation is for you: “Don’t delay… Winter is coming” – a video with an invitation to foreigners to move to Russia has spread around the Internet
A colorful video business card reveals the main charms of life in Russia: delicious cuisine, beautiful women, rich history, unique culture without any “cancellations”, as well as cheap gas, electricity and water.
Everyone who wants to become Russian is advised not to delay the move, because the cold is approaching.
Yes, a slick video, but erroneously including a photo of Gogol; born in a hop-growing village in Ukraine..
Beware The Winter, say the experts all summer..
Gogol was born in the Russian Empire, he lived as a Russian,wrote as a Russian. And died as a Russian,and is buried in Moscow.
Indeed. The Ukraine as the region ,not country or ethnicity. All that latter stuff was made out of whole cloth by the West for their own purposes. He was a Russian . Case closed.
At least he’s not wearing high heels and he has a girl — seriously couldn’t watch it past one minute thirty seconds. Shameless PR targeting adolescence.
And this is what the West has come down to, or to what the intelligentsia has brought the people — to the level of teenagers.
All the while serious crimes committed on a massive scale.
Some of the English-language media in India, their biases against China notwithstanding, have played a significant role promoting the justice of Operation Z around the world these last months. They have ease of familiarity with english and idiom, budgets, polish & panache, and bite-sized content relatable to today’s attention-deficited youth. And with english the lingua franca of our age, their reach and impact have been considerable.
Here’s another YT channel that occasionally publishes incisive content: TFI Global.
In this report, they note a deep well of schadenfreude in Europe at Germany’s current predicament. Remember the sanctimoniousness of Herr Wolfgang Schäuble a decade ago when he hung Greece and the south of Europe with the rope of austerity? The Revenge of the PIIGS has arrived. “A house divided cannot stand.”
It is not absurd ….. it is obscene
This Vogue shooting is beyond ridiculous.
And it feeds the internet with good meme material.
This is my favorite, the real Power Couple of the West!
Shameless antisemitism! Liebowitz the photographer is Jewish, and so is Vladimir Elensky. Everybody knows that. Don’t try to make this about Ukraine.
This is a pure expression of Jewish narcissism. Nobody has noticed that the pictures werer taken by the ‘Living Legend’, the ‘greatest photographer’ (cum lesbian) Annie Leibovits, of Romanian-Jewish descent.
This is a well put together video, well written, that makes a point.
I’ve been thinking as a satire, another version of “A Portrait of Bravery” showcasing Eva Braun, only glamorous threads and coif, posing in front of piles of corpses at Buchenwald and other patriotic Reich scenes. Using the same verbiage as the Vogue spread with the names and images merely updated. All Hail the appealing glamour, the Vogueness, of genocide.
Is Zelensky trying to get overthrown?
Hmm. Actually, a bloodless coup might be the safest course for everyone involved.
Just missing Blondi, Herr Hitler’s cool German Shepherd and the premium quality work of Fräulein “Leni” Riefenstahl.
Appropriate name this magazine has: “Woke”. Enough said.
See Australia’s Murdoch Sky News had an interview with Zelensky and partner, usual puff piece showing the darling couple. However for the first time the comments were almost all attacking Mr Z., perhaps there is some hope at least some brainwashed opinion there is starting to change.
The fools in Oz still haven’t figured out yet they will be playing a starring role in the Taiwan production, nor that it doesn’t end well. Have advised family there to get the first plane out if it starts to look like its going hot, there is a difference between protecting the homeland and being a pawn in a neocon maneuver.
The Aussies have already slit their own throats:
Is Zelensky trying to silence witnesses as any other mafia don would? Some of the Ukrainian Azov prisoners have already said that the orders to murder the Russian soldier prisoners and post it on the internet came from Zelensky’s office. They were hoping to turn Russians against their government that way. So now it looks like they want to kill any other prisoners that might talk:
The Nazis fired on the Yelenovskaya prison area.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to destroy the captured “Azov” by opening artillery fire on the barracks where they were kept.
More than 100 militants were wounded, 40 were killed.
Kyiv decided to destroy the witnesses who began to speak.
It became known that Ze. is a minor ‘don’ of the ‘Kosher Nostra’.
This Zel-baby grind certainly shows the Russians what grinding is all about.
Gravitas is a great show
I wish they would do some shows on Yemen