by Jimmie Moglia
“He was a man, take him for all in all,
I shall not look upon his like again.”
Hamlet, act 1, sc. 2
For many across the world, the death of Fidel Castro strikes us with an obscure sensation, like that which would be felt from the sound of darkness. And though expected, there was an indistinct unuttered hope that this news could be postponed to a future yet undated and unnamed. But,
“… all that lives must die,
Passing through nature to eternity” (1)
In some European countries, newspaper articles written before the death of some important figure, are called “crocodiles”, lumping together those lamenting or rejoicing at that death, whenever it may occur.
And as we know, the European historical left has disappeared, replaced by an assembly of sycophants, buttock-lickers of transatlantic masters, muddled applauders of neo-liberal philosophy and regurgitators of grotesque distortions.
In one of which distortions, for example, the inimical, colonial role of the US towards Cuba is not even mentioned. Instead, Castro is labeled as a doctrinarian, bent on absolute dictatorship, who became a Marxist and eliminated all his opponents. Even clashing with the ideas of Che Guevara who was forced to try his luck at a revolution somewhere else.
Nor is it mentioned that in some fields Cuba is the most advanced country in Latin America, notably medicine. Including, for example, Cuba’s critical contribution to the defeat of the Ebola virus. And other unique pharmaceutical innovations, such as the only available treatment that prevents the amputation of the so-called “diabetic foot.” Medication until recently unavailable in the US due to the siege of Cuba, usually referred to as “embargo.”
Therefore, the European “crocodiles” reflect the crass negation of factual reality, or rather an Orwellian reality inspired by the tenets of post-democracy, post-truth, post-mathematics and even post-statistics, as the recent, uniform and unanimous Clinton-the-winner polls by mainstream media and academia demonstrate.
Yet, by an unexpected turn of history, the Cuban revolution has meanings as relevant today as in the late 1950s. For the revolution aimed both at social reforms and national independence. Nor the reforms could have been possible without independence. For the presence of “the few who had all” and “the all who had nought” was inherently linked to the neo-colonial (today re-baptized neo-liberal) policy of the effective, de-facto imperial ruler, 90 miles away.
Just as today, allowing for a change in times and circumstances, we can consider the so-called “European Union” as a kind of pre-Castro territory ruled by the United States, via its perennial proxies, much as Latin America had always been, barring recent exceptions. Meaning that there can be no reforms without returning to national independence.
The US elites assumed that Castro’s revolution would result in a minimal restructure of the Cuban administration, leaving untouched the massive inequalities, the immense private land-holdings, the state of servitude and the bordello-economy (even portrayed by Hollywood). In other words, an orange-revolution to strengthen a banana republic – a structure held together by American interests, and by the military, when necessary, as in all other Latin American countries.
But “in the reproof of chance lies the true proof of men.” (2) Incredulous, bewildered and amazed with wonder at the turn of Cuban events, the US leadership developed the thesis that the Cuban revolution would die if they killed Fidel. And following his death, the hated socialism would collapse like a house of cards. As a keen commentator noted, the thesis was also a way to exorcize the unthinkable idea that a socially-inspired government could exist at a short distance from the imperial coast, and in the conditions created and imposed by the embargo.
The US elite could not accept, let alone explain the popular consensus of the Cuban people for and towards Fidel Castro. Who can forget the images of Revolution Square in Havana, filled to the brim by people intently listening to Fidel’s extended, eloquent and at times even amusing oratory?
Unable to create an ISIS before its times, the US engaged into a series of assassination attempts, that would even be laughable, were it not for the many people who died in the process.
“That he should die is worthy policy;
But yet we want a colour for his death” (3)
Or so they thought, when they staged the Bay of Pigs invasion, supposedly attempted by “revolutionaries” in the payroll of the CIA. Invasion that also showed, after the fact, the lengths to which the parties responsible for the fiasco went, to cover their asses.
Nor we should forget Operation Northwood, intended to sink an American ship, kill American citizens on the mainland, and accuse Castro of the crimes. As we know, Kennedy rejected the program and it may have contributed to his assassination. Which, by extension, should also tell us some something about who did 9/11 and about the elephant in the room, that apparently no one in charge can see.
Much has been made by the Western media and governments that Castro stifled dissent. I remember clearly the words of Castro on the subject. We do not mind – he said – do not condemn or regret people who complain about this or that aspect of the government, because it is their government after all. But we cannot accept those people who are paid and financed by our enemies to work against our government.
After the experience of Ukraine (“We spent 5 billion $ to turn Ukraine into a “democracy” – said Victoria, f…k-the-Europeans, Nuland), who could still criticize Castro for his position on the issue?
He was accused of being a communist and a Russian ally. He actually wasn’t until the empire tried the Bay of Pigs invasion. The missile crisis, as we know, was both a result of the Bay of Pigs attempted invasion and of the US installation in Turkey of nuclear missiles aimed at the USSR.
Besides, the most recent historical developments have amply proven that communism was a convenient flag under which to conceal an inherent US-Western Russophobia, as evident in the current posture, political and military towards Russia, by the US and its minions. For a review of this subject see
Against Castro the US cabal tried it all and all was unsuccessfull. Eventually, they hoped that the fall of the USSR would lead to the fall of Cuba. They even had Pope Woytila visiting Havana, hoping that he would create there another Poland. Instead, he almost obtained the opposite effect. Contrary to relentless propaganda, Castro did not repress religion. But, as he expressed publicly to the Pope, the Catholic hierarchy, notably at the onset of the revolution sided with the oppressors, with the bordello keepers and the casino holders. Opposition to certain religious leaders does not mean opposition to religion, said Castro. Woytila was forced to declare, however platonically, against the embargo.
Still unable to explain the success of the Cuban revolution, some mainstream media pundits have now produced another theory. It was the very embargo that kept alive the Cuban regime.
Yet, these late hour explanations, the pleasure displayed at Castro’s death or the reflections on his regime are anachronistic. The system that for 60 years lay siege on Cuba and tried to kill her leader, seems to be sinking in its own contradictions, after the millions it killed worldwide and the commission of seemingly endless unspeakable crimes. A system so much depraved that the best it could produce for the world was a Clinton and a Trump. Along with the promise of new brothels, new oligarchs, new monopolists of consumerism and new XXI century Batistas. Which should be sufficient evidence that “something is rotten in the state of imperialism and neo-liberal economics.” (4)
While in Europe, a massively parasitic European parliament wants to censure (read ‘block’) politically unpalatable Internet channels. Perhaps it has not yet sunk into the minds of these people that the official media is but a sewer of lies and deception. And that for one censored site, uncounted more are ready to take over.
It was historically only yesterday when there was, effectively, only one media, with one message and one ideology. Other voices were unheard, for they were inaudible. And criticism was confined to metaphorically saying, “It is not nor it cannot come to good: but break, my heart; for I must hold my tongue.’ (5)
Nevertheless, it is still true that,
“…. Nor stony tower, nor walls of beaten brass,
Nor airless dungeon, nor strong links of iron,
Can be retentive to the strength of spirit” (6)
… the spirit that now is heard at large through the miracle of expanded electronic communications.
I will close by citing verbatim the homage to Fidel by George Galloway.
“Fidel Castro did not die. He is not dead, he lives-on in all of us and in the lives of our children, even though as yet unborn. And that is why these gold-tooth, scar faces are dancing in Miami today, because they think that they will be going be back to business as it was before.
The greatest legacy of Fidel Castro is that Cuba will never ever again be anybody’s casino, anybody’s bordello. It is a free country, thanks to the Cuban revolution and its leader Fidel Castro, one of the greatest human beings who ever lived, who ever walked this earth.
We were privileged to live in his era. Some of us were privileged to be his comrade and friend and to spend many hours with him.
He is not gone. Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante Fidel Castro! Presente!”
- Hamlet
- Troilus and Cressida
- King Henry VI, part 2
- after Hamlet
- Hamlet
- Julius Caesar
In the play (opening quote). Hamlet’s comment on his father, slain by Hamlet’s uncle Claudius.
Kind of weird, saying “God be with ye” (of which Goodbye is the contraction) to an atheist, though even that might be contoversial.
Even more controversial, but must obviously be true for reasons of consistency: Castro was a CIA asset. The prototypical bogeyman. Avoids hundreds of hits. Right. Wake up, Jimmie Moglia.
I never thought of that before, but it makes sense that Castro was cut of the same cloth as Saddam Hussein. ( I realize that not everyone is a fan of Alex Jones, but bear with me). Perhaps the class war was the real war, and the cold war was the foot in the door for authoritarianism, big government, war economy and the military-industrial gravy train. William F. Buckley famously said that Americans will have to give up rights to fight the new enemy, communism While factions of the deep state wanted him dead (probably mobsters who wanted a fiefdom), others found him more useful alive (Keenan’s policy of ‘containment’). As a plus for the .01% Cuba was spared from development and prime real estate was kept out of the hands of the riff-raff.
The class war has always been the real war, the only war, the basic, underlying reason for all the deceptions, power plays and political manoeuvrings. It has been a taboo subject in polite discourse for many years but that doesn’t mean it has ever gone away.
When I hear Marco Rubio, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, et al. say how bad he was, I think he can’t be all that bad. Likewise, when Gorbachev praises him, I become suspicious.
I hope these comments aren’t lumped into the same category that Numissen called “vile.” It is not easy having a doctrinaire libertarian/anarchist past coming to terms with a strongman who had good qualities and helped his people.
@ Chimmy
I held an opinion of you as a well-informed and fair commenter here but your post comes as a shocking reminder that trusted friends can stab you in the back. I also have an anarchistic streak in my political beliefs but that is no reason to blind oneself to the realities of life and the enormous task of putting into action untried theories.
Fidel, like Stalin, had no alternatives to either submit to or fight capitalism. They were true to themselves and to their peoples and never deviated from it ’til they died. Stalin because he believed only communism could free the people from serfdom; Fidel because the Empire forced him to believe in communism.
Without Fidel and a handful of survivors from the Granma landing, Cuba would have been the sleazy casino and bordello for Uncle Sam well-heeled misfits. At his death Cuba is the shiny light on the hill to show the world there is a humane, principled and dignified way out of this calamity called Capitalism.
I understand that you are, well, somewhat confused, but next time please try to get my nick right, LOL
Ah, yes – Nussiminen, the Finnish vulgarity who cannot explain the 3rd item from last here, or rather can but chooses to ignore it:
Helen is right, it is a class war only and Mr F**ker is of the problemwrong class.
Castro was a CIA asset
An asset that the CIA tried to kill, what, 100 milllion times maybe?
Just kidding
But really, to claim that Castro was a CIA asset is on par with the idea that Putin is “in cahoots” with the New World Order: hard to disprove (how do you prove a negative anyway?), but utter nonsense for sure.
The Saker
Thanks Saker. But why do you and our moderators allow such blatant crap get through? Such comments lower the standards of probity and respect for our blog.
Nobody is ever happy with moderation: either too many comments are removed, or not enough. Frankly, I admire the moderators for putting up with all this whining and complaining (thanks mods!!!).
As for “lower the standards of probity and respect for our blog” by means of a comments section – I really don’t believe that to be true. Comments reflect the opinion of the person posting them and not the opinion of those who decided not to trash it.
The Saker
With all due respect Saker, and you are due a lot, freedom of speech is easily abused. I’ve had posts here not pass moderation, but so far have never disagreed with moderator judgement against myself since in retrospect, I could have done better. Being silenced for not having anything constructive or coherent to say is no disfavor.
Freedom of responsible speech is closer to ideal, but its a judgement call according to specific values as to what responsible speech is, and when something is an abuse detracting from or even smearing a thread’s core content and requiring intervention.
I don’t even read the comments in ZeroHedge any more; there are too many negative triggering games. It has its community, but its hardly universal and they don’t mind since their strength is in the articles, not the comments. For all their jokes about triggering snowflakes and pushing the envelope on disturbing posting, trolls can potentially harm themselves and others with a science as old as Pavlov’s dog.
This blog has become influential enough that the free flow of info engendering high morale towards resisting A-Z will hardly be left unmolested. Thesaker blog strength appears to be based on thoughtful community discussion rather than a constant flow of news; targeting community participation would be far easier than silencing the blog.
While you try and ‘sell’ resistance, others will enter and try and ‘unsell’ it. Facile as it may seem, even the truth needs to be packaged and sold as well as, if not better than, any lie.
Most people here follow a personal code of informal ‘best behavior’ in discussion and humour. However, cyberwar commands aren’t likely just stocked with hackers and shills, they’re stocked with trolls. Its not just random griefers out there anymore; some are likely paid to grief, and the best are armed with psychology and use words and emotions as psychological weapons to smear facts, alter emotions, or drive off more sensitive participants.
People see the world through emotional/spiritual filters; they are not beings of mechanical reason. Advertising science carefully studied how to deliver messages or smear them, to elicit positive or negative reactions with words alone. Some are specific to a local culture, but there are universal triggers for good and bad reactions. The science/metascience is sometimes called semiotics.
An example lite ‘red flag’ word, for example would be ‘cancer’; a study indicated people experienced a strong physiological reaction to the word because they fear and/or have been hurt by the illness. Not surprisingly, people have come to use that to bully, calling people they don’t like “a cancer”. Obviously its also not fair to the sufferers of illnesses and those who care for them to be again impacted as pejoratives. Since cancer is a somewhat romanticized disease and not contagious, its pejorative impact is neither universal or deep-felt, making it a relatively safe example to use here.
To be unaffected, one would have to become a sociopath as well as heedless to necessary fears. Its not just being tough, its becoming indifferent to the suffering of others or the dangers of illness. To those not natural sociopaths, that kind of mental stress has consequences.
White male suicide rates are up in Western society, and in the imperial militaries, they are stratospheric. In the military especially, hazing is constant to foster toughness/entertain bullies. There are many causes for suicide but the psychology of coarsened society is likely as much a killer as poor economics. Minds weakened with things like poor nutrition and drug abuse become susceptible to stressors once ignored.
Defense mechanisms such as religious faith can help up to a point, but the rise of things like ‘End times’ movements suggest that faith can go very wrong.
That suicides happen at the high-end of middle age is no surprise; its when men are maturing from insensitive young adults to more compassionate elders, but are socialized not to be compassionate with themselves or others. They weren’t so much tough when younger, as ignorant or insensitive, and perhaps have no way of dealing with an emotional bubble when it pops.
Well, Saker, this will be the last time I comment on your blog, promised! Though I will continue reading new blog-entries. I sincerely appreciate your work. Moderating comments is a messy business, it always boils down to herding and scaring away (id est, defining oneself: “omnis determinatio est negatio” ~Spinoza; to define is to negate; you are [defined by], what you are not; your friend is your enemy [group-think], your enemy is your friend; a chisel is the enemy of a marble-block, though Michenangelo sculptured David; honour your [alleged] enemies, they helped/assisted you in creating/expressing yourself).
Now, Saker, do you remember your latest interview with Catherine Austin Fitts? (here is the transcript in pdf-format). Honestly, I was shocked what you were revealing re 911, as was Catherine.
Do you then remember, how, after eight years, cognitive dissonance, the intellectual crisis that occurs when a failed belief system or philosophy is confronted with proof of its implausibility, finally creeped in? Sound familiar?
Let me conclude with two quotes:
“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function” ~F. Scott Fitzgerald
“We’ll know our disinformation programme is complete, when everything the American public believes, is wrong.” ~William Casey, CIA Director, Feb-1981
Cheers, Bertram
@ Saker : I believe it is well proven that Fidel was a cia/zionist asset
@ Saker by now it is already proven without doubt that Fidel was a cia asset, may I remind you
that guantamo bay is rented by us govt for decades!
Yes , I heard that CIA funded Castro along with other revolutionaries to hammer the govt. at the time in Cuba. But after getting power , Castro went rogue and started doing what he believed is right for Cuba. That is when CIA flipped.
A general observation — the CIA is very adept at creating CIA agents when they seek better access to power, or more control, in a nation. Yes, I’m suggesting that any perhaps highly convincing information about Castro as a CIA agent might be sourced to the CIA.
Given the absolute dominance of Americanized medicine (pharmaceuticals, vaccines, etc.), would a CIA controlled country be permitted to operate an entirely separate, unique approach to health care?
Given the CIA’s history of service to American multinational agriculture companies (I.e. Dole, Monsanto), what are the chances that a CIA controlled country would have sovereignty over its food production?
What about Big Tobacco, another key part of America’s Empire? Would a CIA controlled tobacco-producing country be permitted not to funnel profits to America’s Big Tobacco companies somehow?
I would like it if The Saker would describe Cuba’s relationship with the CIA, given the base in Guantanamo. It’s my impression that any populated land mass in the vicinity of the USA will have to deal with them somehow. That’s quite different from being an agent or operative for them, though.
The Guantanamo base was taken by the US after the Spanish-American. The US holds it “officially” by lease. But one that Cuba can’t cancel. It can be “renewed” as long as the US choices according to the lease signed when Cuba was a puppet of the US. Ever since the Cuban Revolution,Cuba has demanded the return of their sovereign territory.And the US constantly refuses to give it up. The “rent” on the “lease” is a pittance. And Cuba refuses to check the payment checks. So, for anyone that doesn’t know. That is how the US got the base. And why Cuba can’t get it back. It has nothing to do with them siding with the US. They are just powerless to force the US out.
Thanks for the info, Uncle Bob 1! That clears up the Guantanamo Bay issue, I think.
Thank you for your information about what really went on in Guatemala Bay.
I’ve stopped believing anything that comes out of mainstream media for some time now. We just don’t get the truth!
“An asset that the CIA tried to kill, what, 100 milllion times maybe?”
You get it, Saker.
Targets the CIA wants to kill, they kill the first time.
When the snow flakes come whining “We tried to kill Castro for the 666th time, but failed again, sob, sob.” we are in la la land.
Hasta siempre.
Well said, Jimmie Moglia.
Psychopaths often have spats that lead to infighting. Castro was no different, nothing but a murdering bastard. Sadly in that so called “democracy” the lowly people can choose among them and try thru vote to minimize the casualities.
Every one not belonging to the parasite families have no reason to praise those murdering bastards.
Its folly!
@ Bizantura
Apart from insulting the memory of a great man, nothing else makes sense in your diatribe pretending to be a comment. On the other hand, an insult from a muddled mind can be taken as an eulogy.
Viva Fidel, faithful to the people ’til the end.
The guy was a bastard. My family and I lived under his regime. People have romanticized him.
Anyone here have their right to their free speech and call him a ” great man”, as I and my family have a right to call him a murdering bastard.
And as to the free health care, yes, it’s ” free”alright. Free of hospital bedsheets many times, free of hospital pillows, free of needed hospital supplies. When my grandfather was dying they didn’t even have bed sheets in the “free” hospital. My aunt brought them in. Mind you, a hospital in La Habana.
My cousin, a doctor in Cuba, married to a Cardiologist, both make salaries that are shameful , even in South America! she emails me (from work) asking for vitamins, over the counter medicine for leg cramps, prescribed glasses for my elderly aunts and uncles.
Yes,” free” medicine from me and my uncle that just sent my elderly aunt last month a box with real FREE medicine.
Not that those that have made up your minds about this S.O.B will believe me. Yes, he was / is ” your great man” and my family’s nightmare. I have noticed that those that are hard core Neo Con Zionists have a lot of common with those that are hard core Castro’s fans. No amount of facts from those that lived under Castro ( like me) will allow them to open their minds and at least, listen. They can become quite angry if they feel I am poking their “pretty lovely leader Castro balloon”.
Until you live under a Castro’s regime all you are doing in fantasizing.
He was no Putin. Unfortunately for us, he was no Putin.
I saw exactly the same stuff happening to my relatives in Argentinian hospitals. And Argentina was not under sanctions and did not have to produce its own medicines.
Also, what could you say about medicine in the Dominican Republic and Haiti?
Don’t you think that you have to compare the comparable?
Kind regards,
The Saker
Hi Saker, yes, Cuba had sanctions, and they didn’t receive US “aid” like Haiti & Dominican Republic, but were subsidised by the Soviet Union. They were part of the COMECON…?
I don’t know if one offset the other, but it seems Cuba had a unique set of circumstances, both political and economic, which makes comparisons with other countries very difficult.
Dear Saker,
Sure Haiti and Argentina can be compared to my small examples of “medicine and bedsheets” troubles. However, it is but a small example I gave. There are other examples much hurtful and seared into my memory of that man called by some, a ” great man”. I wish I could sit with you and tell you , but I don’t have the strength to dig up and present you with those old and pushed down realities of my past, here on your blog. In the end, for me now, it’s simply part of my past.
Just for the record, I did not celebrate his death for God knows him better than I ever could. Strange, though I know what his ” Revolucion” did to my family and others at the news of his death I felt absolutely nothing. Not happiness nor satisfaction. Strange. . He WAS a bastard but by the time he died he was so old and frail that I no longer harbored any feelings towards him. Or is it perhaps, that not feeling nothing is ” feeling something”?
In the end, God will judge him accordingly as He does, all of us.
Now, having said what I’ve said about Castro, Palestinians suffered and continue to suffer daily more than the Cubans under Castro ever did. God knows it is much, much more worse for the Palestinians! I do accept their suffering to be way beyond what we suffered. As you can see, thank God, I do not suffer from the ” chosen ones” complex of ” eternal victimhood”.
Be well. God bless.
Carmel by the Sea
Fidel Castro ‘Guaranteed Another 20 Years Of Revolution’ With Careful Planning
Professor Vladimir Borodaev, a political scientist at Moscow State University, told RT that the difficult process of reforms undertaken to ostensibly modernize the USSR made a mark on Castro, who was determined to avoid similar upheaval in Cuba.
[edited for length~mod DG]
All humans die, it’s our nature; and he was over 90 years old.
Yet, he went unstained; he didn’t compromise nor betray in his life.
Not a lot of people can said the same.
Also, and that would have been a great reason of joy for him, he has been able to see, during his life time, that all that he lived and fought for has grown strong enough to survive him.
The “anti-castrists” rejoice over his death; but they forgot that Fidel left the public affairs a lot of years ago; yet Cuba continued on its path, there was no crumbling, no U-turn then.
What will change today? nothing!
And those rejoicing today, will have a very sour tomorrow, when they realize none of their illusions will fulfill; and even worst for them: they had lost their only reason to live. Because an “anti-castrist”‘s life revolves entirely around hating Fidel.
What will they do tomorrow? Would they be able to live after losing their “hated one”?
@Mod: Hi I have posted a comment almost an hour ago, which included two songs of homage to comrade Fidel, but it has not been published.
May I know why is that?
[The comment has been referred to Saker for review; his decision will be final~ mod DG]
I see this article in the same line that the rest of the “alt-media” who have supported the new populist fascism represented by D.Trump, an intend of making of Fidel Castro the symbol of their fight to grab power by apropiating the discontent of the masses of workers in a context of discredit of the traditional left, enough demonized by these same actors by identificating it with those” fake left” defenders of hard core capitalism in both Republican and Democrat Parties in the US.
These are precisely the same actors who, along with for the vote for The Donald, were claiming for the end of the left and communism as an impediment for them to grab power, who now apropiate themselves of the memory of a communist symbol as was comrade Fidel when what they are trying to bring back is no other thing than plainly Fascism, which is precisely the opposite of what Fidel was fighting for and representing as a lider, one of the few last communist/socialist countries in the world.
As a way of proof, one have not more than to hear what The Donald has said about comrade Fidel, to see that what is all this is about is disinformation and broadcasting of confussing messages for enough depolitized/deideologized people.
They are saying now, along with praising the memory of Fidel Castro, that the left has died, but it is not true, the “real left” is still alive, in Cuba and in other
parts of the world, only adequately silenced by both the MSM and the
new alt-media that comes to replace them and that are no more than the same, the voice of an Empire in decline and Fascism that comes as a hasty solution to an end that is already sung.
Some may be silenced, even many, but others will rise:
so you hard core ‘camarade’ why don’t you take your self and move to Cuba, in paradise? there are some of us here, who did live through the horrendous years of ‘camaraderie’ and we know what that means and do not care even to look back to that past by fear of completely rupturing that broken heart and mind of ours; we barely got is together after years of suffering. removed. Lets keep it polite. Mod
We are here trying to give homage to a dead comrade, after months of praising of The Donald, is it too much for you to bear with?
If you can not stand with this, you can go to other forums today, or even to another threads in this same blog, where you will find another rightists and far-rightists, there are a lot here, or take a flight to Miami ( Florida ) to celebrate with the rest of anti-castristas, but, please, let us in peace take a moment for honouring, yes, “our comrade”.
The lowlifers of this world are rejoicing that comrade Fidel is not anymore. But they are wrong: he and his work for the salvation of mankind will remain for ever as the beacon of hope for the oppressed and the light for the ignorant who arselick their oppressors the same way the housenegro was blind to his state of slavery.
Fidel was loyal to his name and was the staunchest ally of the Russian people. He never deviated from his course of liberating his people from the shackles of US colonialism and showed to the world the true face of socialism in acts of solidarity with other oppressed peoples, namely in Africa.
Viva camarada Fidel, for ever!
why don’t you take your self and move to Cuba, in paradise?
That is a totally hollow comment. Please refrain from such nonsense here and stick to *issues*. Thank you.
The Saker
Right, what’s happening here is something I’ve been trying to point out to anybody who cared to listen for months. A lot of Trump supporters believe that the EU “project” is a Marxist, Socialist, Communist plot to rob Europeans of their “freedoms.” These same people also believe Obama is a “Marxist” aaaand they label the presstitute MSM as “leftie.”
It just goes to show the utter level of ignorance the average people have regarding what Marxism is/was really about. On the other hand; we can’t really blame the people since they’ve been told total lies about Communism, Socialism [etc] since… well… forever!
It didn’t help either that westerners only heard first hand accounts of Communism from people who fled (or got kicked out) Cuba, Soviet Union or Communist East Germany, and most of them, not all, but most of those people were either: traitors, or criminals, or oligarchs (or otherwise moneyed people), or loyalists to the previous “regime.“ Of course westerners gonna have a distorted one sided view of an ideology they know nothing about. But knowing nothing about something is not such a bad thing provided they’re willing to admit their ignorance, the problem is that they think they know and they will argue with you until both get blue on the face. Sadly, in real life there are no magic red or blue pill to cure this type of backwardness (I’ve even experienced this bewildering phenomenon with a family member of mine!).
But perhaps there is a form of red pill to solve this conundrum: Operation Gladio, which main objective was to stamp-out dissent against Capitalism. Because in a nut-shell; that’s what it was about! And we have to remember that these people that now are on the march, mobilizing and rallying for “change,” do tend to suffer from attention deficit disorder, so… they love their sound bites, their memes, their bullet points. We must keep our message to the point, short and sweet, I’m afraid.
To expand on the same subject we can bring up examples of the School of the Americas / CIA backed Military Juntas in South America. The people the Juntas were prosecuting, “disappearing,” kidnapping, imprisoning, torturing, murdering [etc] WERE the Communist sympathizers, Socialists, Worker’s Unions leaders (etc) and let’s not forget the break up of Yugoslavia.
And then finally we can move on to the real core of the matter: Class War. As Helen said above: class war is the only war.
As I get older, I get more and more convinced that all wars (or at least most of them) whether hot, cold, proxy, overt, covert (etc) were all class wars as the main motive.
So! How to simplify what’s going on here to a soundbite regular people can understand / relate to / connect to? I sincerely don’t know!
But I do know that the proverbial 1% want to enslave the 99%. And I’m not talking about a romantic metaphorical enslavement type like in Bob Marley Redemption Song lyrics: “emancipate yourself from mental slavery,” no!
I’m talking about literal enslavement. They wanna turn the whole Planet Earth into a massive plantation with them [the 1% and their house negroes] lording over it all. A dystopian picture not that dissimilar from the humans beings used as batteries in the Matrix film. That’s why that movie is so popular amongst us; the “uneducated,” deplorable lurkers of the “Alt-Media.”
Bottom line: somehow, us, the deplorable ones [this includes people on the establishment “fake-news” list Saker posted a few days ago] to take Class War OFF the taboo category and bring it back into the center piece of the conversation were it belonged all along.
After all… it is the shafted working class who made Brexit, and the Trump victory happen! And that is precisely what it has the establishment panicking; they’re coming to the horrifying realization that the sleeping masses are finally waking up.
@ TooLegit2Quit
Indeed, the new PC narrative is that there are no classes anymore since the “end of history” and, perversely, we are supposed to live in a classless society, the ultimate goal of communism, in the most inequitable phase of capitalism!
The astounding ignorance of the ‘educated” masses, even with access to electronic media (see for instance many comments today) doesn’t bode well to our hopes of improving the human condition. Looks like they prefer to wallow in the sewer of mass media crap and treated like low life forms: in the dark and fed bullshit.
Well-said TL-TQ.
It never ceases to astonish me the way Americans use the term ‘commie’ or ‘socialist’ as synonyms for fascism and liberalism.
But what to expect from a nation that thinks ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’ are the result of mass-killing people in foreign countries, robbing their resources, installing puppet-regimes and causing massive human displacement?
And these are the views of the very cohort that claim to be against the prevailing paradigm.
El Comandante is, was and always will be the moral superior to all US presidents.
His legendary status is assured.
All decent persons adore and honor him. Only those afflicted by arrogance and ignorance would deny him his place.
Go in peace Fidel, history has indeed absolved you….
History is written by humans. Yes, some history writers will, as you say ” absolve” him. Others will certainly not. In the end neither one will make a difference, for only God, can truly absolve us.
Will God ” absolve” Castro? We will never know. God knows.That is enough for me.
Castro was indeed an useful pawn in the Game. During certain period of time, he was even used as a Trojan Horse for the Soviets. More and well documented info to be found in Servando Gonzales’ book Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People (
For example Mr. Chossudovsky from GlobalResearch is an example, that no matter the intelligence or age, we are all vulnerable to the childish psychology of looking for heroes, while switching off the critical thinking part of the brain:
There are discussions, whether Schopenhauer was indeed the author of “three stages of truth” quote, but the concept itself is confirmed by the empirical data from the useful iditos:
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
And fourth? Is it ridiculed again or does it violate the Law of Entropy and go to oblivion?
I believe that real conservatives, who are practically extinct, try to delay the decay of Stage Three.
The Two Party system tries to keep us in Stage One.
“Te Molesta Mi Amor” – Silvio Rodriguez ( Homenagem a Fidel )
How did you know? One of my favorite songs. I have Amparo Ochoa singing it.
But I like this guy Silvio very much.
I find your answer a bit enigmatic, but beautiful and full of grace.
I will meditate on it.
Franz, some inserted two additional stages in between: Negotiation & Depression
If the internet will remain relatively free, no one can have an excuse, not to get in-formed & educated by himself. So, let the Piper have as many victims, as he can fool. There are some, who can get helped. But there are also some, who will bite or spit on your helping hand…
“Che Guevara en la ONU. Discurso Marxista Leninista”
“Comandante Che Guevara – Silvio Rodriguez”
As is clear from some really vile comments above, Jimmie Moglia is scientifically accurate as he states (emphasis mine):
“And as we know, the European historical left has disappeared, replaced by an assembly of sycophants, buttock-lickers of transatlantic masters, muddled applauders of neo-liberal philosophy and regurgitators of grotesque distortions.”
Very true. And it can’t be easy for this gentry to pick a revolution or revolutionary that they approve of from the oppressed parts of the world. Some may be inclined to blame “false consciousness” or — more bluntly — “MSM brainwashing” for this kind of reactionary arrogance, but I believe it runs much deeper than that. Cuba, Russia, China, North Korea, Syria etc. all evoke, by their sheer steadfastness against the Zionazi faggot West, a highly justified sense of enemy consciousness. Western Leftists have never liberated anybody; nor will they ever since, at bottom, they don’t see any injustice in Western imperialism.
Fidel Castro — a true revolutionary who spearheaded the establishment of the very first liberated territory in the Western hemisphere. Rest in peace.
Western left has been demonized since the end of WWII by people who is playing the “leftist” but it is not, but travestized fascist.
What is vile is going around there disguised as what one is not, as the only way to rob votes from the masses to, then, after grabing power betray thise who have voted for you.
Also it is vile enough going around there always making wood of the fallen tree, and, besides, in group, when you have never said anything before to that commenter now being abated, as do some people here the moment when dear commenters of long date fall in disgrace for whatever reason mainly by dissent with editorial line of whomever or for being real leftists.
“El Necio” – Silvio Rodriguez
The lyrics, for all those who are cheering for death left :
Para no hacer de mi icono pedazos,
para salvarme entre únicos e impares,
para cederme un lugar en su Parnaso,
para darme un rinconcito en sus altares
me vienen a convidar a arrepentirme,
me vienen a convidar a que no pierda,
me vienen a convidar a definirme,
me vienen a convidar a tanta mierda.
Yo no sé lo que es el destino,
caminando fui lo que fui.
Allá Dios, que será divino:
yo me muero como viví.
Yo quiero seguir jugando a lo perdido,
yo quiero ser a la zurda más que diestro,
yo quiero hacer un congreso del unido,
yo quiero rezar a fondo un hijo nuestro.
Dirán que pasó de moda la locura,
dirán que la gente es mala y no merece,
mas yo seguiré soñando travesuras
(acaso multiplicar panes y peces).
Dicen que me arrastrarán por sobre rocas
cuando la Revolución se venga abajo,
que machacarán mis manos y mi boca,
que me arrancarán los ojos y el badajo.
Será que la necedad parió conmigo,
la necedad de lo que hoy resulta necio:
la necedad de asumir al enemigo,
la necedad de vivir sin tener precio.
-¡Patria o Muerte! ¡Venceremos!
Sorry, but I shall not translate to English.
O sucesso de uma radical alternativa à barbarie não pode ser aceito pelos bárbaros.
Hasta siempre comandante!
Silvio Rodriguez.- “Playa Girón”
“No hacen falta alas” – Silvio Rodriguez
A beautifully-written obit.
Thanks Jimmy.
RIP Fidel – you were an inspiration to the world and loathed by all the right people :-)
I have posted a comment a few hours ago, but never appeared. What went wrong ?
“Sorry, Ioan. I cannot find it anywhere. I am not certain what happened to it. fk mod”
Here is it again : it’s about Trump Twitter comment regarding the dead of Fidel :
the second is in German, I don’t know if the same subject is there on the English version of sputnik.
My wife and our two young children visited Cuba about 16 years ago- not for any political reasons..its just that the holiday company at short notice offered us a Brilliant Family deal all inclusive for that (it was not much more expensive than going to Spain) Top class hotel – Varedo…
But Varedo is is like going to Sharm-el-Sheik or any tourist resort anywhere in the world
Its not the Real Cuba. Sharm is not the real Egypt…
So we also went to Havana and also flew to this little small Cuban Island which was like Nirvana in the Caribbean.
We felt really privileged being British and met loads of Canadian people – who also were staying at our hotel. We got on well…so after a few beers I asked – why are there so many of you Canadians here???
Anyhow there were a few Americans in Cuba. She had travelled via Mexico – pretty blonde girl…and it kept getting cancelled – cos of the weather conditions…and my 12 year old son kept on going “zoom – splat..”
But both The American Girl – and My English Wife Did it.
They jumped out of an old WWII Russian Plane from 10,000 feet
Now that takes Balls (neither had done it before)
The rest of the holiday was great too.
Havana was Amazing.
We just wished we could speak Spanish well – The Cuban’s are such lovely people
Tony, Wife & Family xx
Supposedly, Varedo is a misspelling of Varadero where I went in 2011. Cuba in general and Havana in particular — simply amazing! The only thing that pissed me off was the Swedish tour guide spouting Pindostani tripe.
I first went to Cuba in 1981. For all its faults, no doubt the only thing your Scandinavio-Pindostani guide could allow itself to see, it was a magical place. I kept going back – sometimes several times a year for decades, in part, because it was a Pindostani-free zone. I worry about going back again, even though I may just go for Orthodox Easter, as Havana is the closest place for me to hear Slavonic services for Holy Week.
Franz, as for ‘seeing things’: Sometimes the tour guide was outright hallucinating; it was bordering on total fantasies. One day, our bus drove some 100 kilometres on one of the main routes on the island — the entire distance being in very good shape, thus making the journey highly relaxing, comfortable, and tranquil. All of a sudden, we are being told by this fabulous lady that the roads in Cuba are in pretty bad shape and in need of substantial repair. Would have been more apt to apply that judgement to tourist guides committed to Western ideology, methinks.
For my sorrow, I haven’t visited Cuba ever, but as a smoker, I really loved the Cuban cigarettes back in the 70′ when were still available in Romania. I still remember, they were “Ligueros” and “Popular”, the latter being without filter, has been very strong for the first try. Interestingly, the paper was sweet, somebody told me then, that it was made from sugar leaves. Later, in 1984, on a trip to Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev, I found a cigarette store in Leningrad where all kind of cigarettes from various countries were there… a treasure. There I found Cuban cigars and I bought a few. The feeling smoking them ? Sensational !!! That was the best I ever smoked. Nowadays here in Europe, is better not to smoke, so much trash and you never know what is in, but I still smoke some Swiss made cigarettes.
Fidel never made the imperialism-glorification prize, known as the Nobel Peace Prize. Of course there was never a chance he would have – unless he had unbecome himself, which he never did, so there.
The Zionists get away with almost anything, but there are limits. The hundred thousands of CIA man hours that went into forming Castro into the most famous ‘Anti’ took decade long, global scale, meticulous work. Giving him the Zionist Peace Price would have ruined everything.
You know in reality there “is” such a thing as “fake news”. The BS about Fidel being a CIA asset,is the perfect example of “fake news”.Its too ridiculous to even take seriously.But sometimes we do attract all kinds,I guess.
Even though not explicitly stated — a tacit assumption in other words — what this kind of counterrevolutionary drivel actually suggests is that Western imperialism is driven by Übermenschen, against whom all resistance is 100% futile; even contemptible. The Western Left remains forever true to its doctrine of “Full Spectrum Impotence” which translates to veering forever between defeatism, utopianism, and Western imperial arrogance.
“The Western Left remains forever true to its doctrine of “Full Spectrum Impotence” which translates to veering forever between defeatism…”
A lie widely spreaded and expresed here in this blog by “fake leftists” who, curiously, always agree with the far-rightists in doing the same and praising a fascist like The Donald.
Interesting conclusion. Corollary question: Is it me or the “Eternal-BOOO-for-Castro” crowd that belong to the proverbial fake left?
Sorry, I don’t praise Donald Trump either.
Its important to remember what is happening today in the World.We see how the US has managed (even in a World with the internet) to demonize Putin to hundreds of millions.We’ve seen the same ,but even more effective done to Assad.So in a World without internet it was even easier for them to do against Castro.And yet here of all places.When we have more knowledge than most of the methods the enemy uses. There are some that have accepted the enemies propaganda.
We see the problems that even a large rich country like Russia faces with the economic sanctions from the West.And we hear some say “see how bad Putin is,the economy is in trouble”.Not caring that those problems are because their economy is under attack by the West.Now imagine a small weak country,where the economy was almost entirely under the control of the US.Almost all consumer goods and equipment was imported. And 90% plus of that from the US.Where not just “some” leaders were in the US pocket,as we see in the EU,but all of them. And imagine if in London,Paris.or Berlin,people joked that the person with most power in the country was not their elected ruler,but the US Ambassador.A country with less free will than even Ukraine. A country whose corruption would make Ukrainian politicians appear “honest”. And then you will understand Cuba before Castro’s,”Cuban Revolution”.
Cuba was a deeply divided society.Divided by race,but even more by economy,and living standards.It represented the type of society the US wants to see Worldwide today. Habana “the Paris of the Caribbean” as it was called by some. Was home to around 15-20% of the country’s population in its metropolitan areas. But home to over 2/3rds of the wealth of the country.Almost all the rich and most of the middle class lived there (those of the rich that didn’t live most of the time abroad). Most of the country’s doctors,and teachers worked there.The dream of millions on the island was to move to Habana to be “better off”.Though for most of the city’s population,being “better off”,only meant compared to the rest of the island.Not in the sense of people in the developed World.For those in the World (most people),what they saw about Cuba was what little they knew of Habana.
The island had a large number of small peasant farms on marginal land. While the majority of the valued land was in huge estates ,owned by either corporations (many US owned) or by local oligarchs. And as those elite controlled the army, police and justice system. Whenever they wanted “more land” the police would get the courts to question the peasants “land titles”,and simply expel them from that land.At least a third of the population was illiterate in the countryside,and without healthcare,except home remedies.And those deemed “literate” included many only functionally literate.
As bad as things were,far worse than Ukraine was.The people didn’t revolt nationally. They knew it would be crushed without mercy by the police and army,in the pay of the elites.The country was ruled “democratically” by US stooges,that made Yanukovich or Poroshenko be seen as paragons of civic virtue.They had been a full dictatorship until 1940,when the US decides it would be better to give people the pretense of “real democracy”,as long as they still controlled it.The latest president was so corrupt,that it was uncertain that he would actually “win” even their elections.The people opposing him in the upcoming elections were the ex-dictator running for a new term as a “reformer”. And the Orthodoxo party,what we would call a mild center left party today.Castro was a young lawyer at that time.A rebellious youth,from an elite family.But he was running for the Cuban Congress for that party. Most of the “polling” showed they would win the 1952 election coming up. So the ex-dictator seized power in a coup.And then after a while called a new “election”. Which surprise,surprise,he won.
There are several good books about the Cuban Revolution ,in detail. So I won’t go into the “way” the revolution succeeded. But instead focus on the “aftermath” of the revolution. In the final days,as the dictator and some of his worse minions fled Cuba. Castro appointed a court justice (one of the only ones to oppose the dictator’s coming to power) as provisional President.The US hopped to be able to continue to control Cuba.Even though they had supported the dictator (Batista) all during the revolution. And were shoulder deep in his crimes that killed an estimated 40 thousand Cubans during the revolution.They thought that Castro could be bought. And that by appointing an elite “old style” Cuban as President.They could still have the same say in Cuba,as before.
After the years of fighting,Cuba needed reconstruction money. And to put in place the reforms Castro had promised to the poor,he needed money.Like any “good Westerner”,he went to the US to try and obtain the money.But the US saw that as a good way to “make sure” they controlled Castro. So they refused the loans.Figuring after a while he’d come crawling to them begging for them to relent and grant the money.Instead of that,he turned to the USSR for the help.The USSR,in shock at that,gave him the money.The US struck back.They cut off the Cuban sugar quota to the US.Sending the Cuban economy tumbling.Castro struck back by nationalizing US owned property in Cuba. And it went from tit for tat for a while. Castro replaced the President (for being too loyal to the US),and purged the government of what today we would know as “the 5th column”.
Many of the 5th column Cubans started to join the criminal ex-dictators “exiles” in the US. And with the cut off of trade with the US those that worked for US companies started to follow them.The US actively encouraged that movement.Thinking that if the Cuban elite,middle,and technical classes in Cuba left the country. That would cause the economy to collapse totally,and Castro’s fall from power. By using aid from the USSR (and other Socialist countries) to prevent that. And with the loyally of many of the technical class,and training others.The US plot failed.Though the plot left thousands of Cuban “exiles” in the US. The US next plots were to start sabotage operations around Cuba,to try countless times to murder Castro. And to form a military force from the exiles to invade Cuba.The failures of those plots,saw Cuba firmly break from the US.And turn ever more to the USSR. Through all the years of struggle,Castro kept to the principles of his youth,the need for Cuba to be free and independent.And that (as we see with Russia today) is something the US can’t tolerate in a nation. And doubly so in one next door to them.
A titan has left the World with the death of Fidel.The best I can say is to repeat what Fidel himself said while on trial before the dictators court ” Condemn me if you will, history will absolute me”.
thank you Uncle Bob 1!
that is what I remember being 80 years old on this planet.
thanks again for truth’s sake. May Fidel’s memory be eternal, and may he rest in peace.
Thanks Jim,I think it takes someone that was alive in that period to understand the propaganda we see today.
Another 80 year old thanks you for recalling in detail what we knew broadly at the time. The newspapers were not so corrupt in those days as they are now – there was much propaganda but also some truth in the MSM of not so long ago.
yes thank you Uncle Bob1, your posts are appreciated and balanced. One of the reasons this site is such a draw card for intelligent comment. Personally I hope some of the previous commentators find it in their heart to choke on their words. In the final analysis just compare Cuba with Panama . As a side note the films of ex-Cubans celebrating Castro ‘s death were beyond disgusting and a very poor Reflection on USA in general .
Good article Jimmie, I think that there is also much to be said about Cuba’s military legacy. Despite what many might say about Cuba’s longtime relationship with the former Soviet Union, Cuba’s military is one to take notice of (and give credit to). The Cubans were the only Latin American country to foster strong ties with many African nations, most notably Angola. They were able to pull off a remarkable military effort in order to prop up the MPLA. Though there were problems both within the Cuban leadership and in the Soviet Union, Castro did show some independence in the face of the Soviet union, if only to force the Soviets to take another look at African wars for independence. Guevara might have laid the foundations for such military ventures but it was Castro who tweaked it into a more military venture. Granted that there were all sorts of motivations for Castro but Cuba was the only Latin American nation to pull off such a feat and with very limited resources. Give them credit for that! Look at what the USA did, the Bay of Pigs, Alpha 66 and the numerous assassination attempts on Castro’s life.
Adiós Comandante!
Cuba is the leading country in the world in terms of using alternative (meaning non-pharmaceutical, Rockerfeller-inspired drugs) medicine in an official capacity. For example, refer to the links below, where the dreaded disease, Leptospirosis, was far more effectively managed in Cuba using homoeopathic remedies as preventatives than with conventional vaccines.
The cost of conventional pharmaceutical vaccination was $3 million; the cost of the homoeopathic treatment $200,000.
The rest of the world is in a state of zombified state of awe at the so-called benefits of big pharma, whereas “little” Cuba has dispelled the smoke and mirrors of “modern medicine.” Even Russia should hang her head in shame for poisoning its people with these damn drugs, despite having an illustrious history of traditional medicine. More 5th column pollution, to which Cuba remained largely immune.
To all the doubters here and everywhere – Castro did not care for his people?! Give me a break! The proof is in actions, not rhetoric.
Typical western/zionist bs.
The malignant ignorant who try to denigrate Fidel and Cuba are the depraved whores of the capitalist elite like dwellers of the pre-revolutionary bordellos of Havana. But the poor girls had an excuse: their country was impoverished by the depredations and outright robbery of the local and US plutocracy and that was the only way to earn a living in a morally corrupt society. But the sick minds populating this thread had no such excuse: they are the lowest dregs as the ones Fidel Castro shipped as a gesture of “good will” to Uncle Sam.
Cuba has given many gifts to the world. When the Ebola epidemic struck in West Africa Cuba was the first and the most generous country in the world by sending 1,200 health workers to help the victims. By contrast, to everlasting shame, the exceptional and indispensable superpower sent 450 troops! An excuse to spearhead an occupation force, now under the Africom. What a disgusting country – taking advantage of a calamity to start an occupation…
Cuba is so generous that it even trains medical personnel of its enemy
and aggressor, for free!
And it looks after its people like no other country, just a sample:
Infant mortality in poor Cuba – 4.5 per 1,000
Infant mortality in rich USA – 6.5 per 1,000
What an honorable, poetic panegyric for Fidel!
He and the Cuban people have held up the alternate possibility during 60 years for the world in the face of globalism/imperialism.
What a gift. Eternal gratitude.
Thank you Fidel.
On another note, JJJ Australia news on the passing saying how many Cuban exiles in the US were celebrating his death but then they play an interview with one woman who was quite reasonable in her statement. Saying along the lines “Castro was neither a god or the devil and he left Cuba with some good things like free health care and education”. Her only gripe was the so called lack of freedom of the press but given how we see how wonderfully free the main western press is, I think that was a necessary thing for Cuba. Especially when so close to Empires doorstep.
A strong and brilliant man has passed. May his inspiration reach out and touch the world all over.
When my father passed a few years ago, I gave the eulogy on behalf of the family. He was sick for a while, so I had plenty of time to consider what I wanted to say. One day in the shower it hit me.
Father, Husband, Friend. These three hard-earned titles are much sought after, but we can’t really own them until after we die. Before then, we can still fail, let down the ones we love; until the end we can still prove unworthy. Only after the story is written can those who remain say without doubt that we had earned the high honour of being Father, Husband or Friend. I hope I make it to the end with these titles intact like my old man.
Rest now el Comandante, you earned this title well.
“A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past.” FC
You have done your part, the rest is up to us. Will we go to sleep finally with such successes behind us? Will you have earned your titles?
Fidel was definitely one of the top ten greatest leaders of the 20th century. RIP.
Esto es para Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz con el amor de Liverpool, Lancashire, Inglaterra, Reino Unido, Europa, el Planeta Tierra
“Working Class Hero – John Lennon”
Tony xx
Thank you Jimmie Moglia for this article. Fidel Castro did not die, he stepped into the human history.
The only good thing I can say about Fidel Castro is that he gave the Anglo-Zionist Empire the finger for 55 consecutive years.
Obviously, they’ll leave out the murder, torture, and imprisonment part. Castro and his henchmen tortured, murdered, and impoverished the Cuban people for 50 plus years.
Of course, Castro retaught the world a great lesson. Socialism leads to communism. And the end result is an imprisoned, impoverished, miserable people who have no methods of self-determination. The government controls every aspect of life and citizens enjoy no rights. Small offenses result in imprisonment or 9mm headaches. THIS HAPPENS EVERY TIME!?
The vile sycophants of the Evil Empire are out in force to besmirch the memory of a great man. The louder they screech their repulsive lies, the greater is the person they try to smear.
Paraphrasing Molotov: “Better be cursed than praise by the capitalist stooges”.
“Socialism leads to communism” because of failed colour revolutions.
Death penalty does exist in Cuba, yes.
And it is sometimes applied (much less often than in the northern neighbor however).
But “torture” ?
Have you any proof of tour claim?
The force, the incredible strenght of Cuba; the spirit that make Cuba overcome all difficulties, the fall of the USSR, and still reap a promising future, is the extremely high importance given to *ETHICS* in the public and political life of the Country.
For the cuban system ethics and morality are more important than ideology or geopolitical alignment.
Cuban secret services could have been able to easily kill all the terrorist attacking the country like Carriles and the like. But the stain of doing an assassination would have been a too high price to pay.
Justice, and the sense of “Right” is what the cubans believe in.
Torture is not used, because it is contrary to their ethos.
Think about it: for 56 years the most powerful propaganda machine on Earth has been trying to demonize Cuba; yet there isn’t any single case of torture registered. Do you think the propaganda machine has been lazy on scrutiny?
United States imposed an economic embargo on the Cuban government and recalled its ambassador, weakening the government.
Carlos Franqui arrived from Miami, United States, to become the movement’s overall director of information bringing with him CIA radio station similar to one previously used in Guatemala.
During the “revolutionary war” total number of casualties on both sides was less than 200!?!
After Batista fled there were more that 5000 people summarily murdered.
Castro had a full support of US press and radio:
If you vont to believe information and figures provided to you by zee New York Times bureau, then be my guest. And vhile you’re at it, vhy not also quote zee Nazi Reich Minister, Heir Joseph Goebbels of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda as another grate source of information, it being exactly from whom the NYT’s have taken their own propaganda writing cues from. No yha?
@ Veritas
Are you insinuating, like some vulture trolls unleashed by the news of Castro’s passing, that he was an Uncle Sam’s stooge?
Your comment is a bit muddled, lacking clarity, but the statement about the 5,000 executions after Batista’s flight suggests your motives and stance. It doesn’t reach the apocalyptical levels of Robert Conquest’s 60 million against Stalin, but the intent is the same: to demonize anyone who defies the Evil Empire. But it does not work: if a man is slandered by the Empire, he is a hero and a patriot.
….the intent is the same: to demonize anyone who defies the Evil Empire….
Indeed, but, what could happen if people like these trolls would be able to infiltrate, for example, the moderation team?
For starters, that these “equanimous” people would take down with a bunch of old good commenters here by his obvious huge and insurmontable bias.
As an Argentinian I would like to state following:
Irrespective of Fidel Castro’s ideology, which you may share or not, he changed Latin America and our perception as people of a continent which has a long tradition in fighting colonialism, political and cultural dependence and the onslaught of Wall Street capitalism.
If a tiny island could challenge the empire, by saying courageously no and resist more than 40 years of sanctions, at the same time establish the best health and educational system in Latin America, it shows that our destiny is in our hands and our path must be for ‘soberanía, independencia y justicia social’.
Fidel empowered us.
All this nonsensical talk now against Fidel is based on mediocrity, ignorance or fabrications of the U.S matrix.
Hasta siempre Fidel!
Mario José Medjeral / France
Great tribute and eulogy Jimmie!
Perhaps he was the last of true believers who devoted all his life to offer a humane and living alternative to the soulless and destructive greed of capitalism. There were very few of those true believers – most were waylaid by or sold themselves to the lure of “Western values” of material gain and selfishness, the betrayers of people and ideas for a better world.
Facing immense odds against the survival of the revolution, Fidel Castro never doubted or deviated from his mission of delivering the Cuban nation from the grip of Uncle Sam’s rapacity to become a magnificent monument to the capacity of socialism to change the meaning of human life from a cog in the capitalist machine to a social being actively participating and creating a society based on equality, co-operation, solidarity and fairness.
Fidel’s great achievement was to show that it is possible and that the Cuban “miracle” can be replicated by men who might one day emulate his deeds and put on the mantle of greatness. But, alas, the current world may have a few Cubas but there is no USSR to lend a helping hand when the Evil Empire strikes.
“But, alas, the current world may have a few Cubas but there is no USSR to lend a helping hand when the Evil Empire strikes.”
Ah, but there is! The same country, the same people, with the same quality of leadership.
USSR helping Cuba = RF helping Syria
While millions around the world grieve, it’ a sad testament to see some of the disparaging remarks being made here by lefty liberal armchair warriors, the gate keepers for American imperialism, about Castro’s unfortunate death.
As George Galloway has just said ” The dogs can dance away on Castro the Lion’s grave all they want, but they can never be a lion.”
For all those with any heart and a brain, Castro will be remembered as a revolutionary Hero and one of the 20 first centuries greatest fighters against American imperialism to the very end of his life. A great world leader that tirelessly fought for social justice and universal peace.
As evidenced by what he and his people did to make Cuba the beacon of hope for freedom for all the people of central and south America as well as Africa and the rest of the world.
By bringing the educational level of all Cubans up from 2% to some 92% in less than a decade. Providing universal free health care to everyone and training more nurses and doctors to be dispersed around the world than any other nation. Just to mention a few of all of his many accomplishments while under the most severe sanctions and embargo’s for over the last 50 years.
I believe that the only reason, (after the Bay of Pigs fiasco), that the US has never used their own troops to try and invade, occupy and crush the small Caribbean island again, is because they knew full well that the armed Cuban people would defend their revolution and country and fight house to house to the last man. Fighting for freedom and survival just as the Syrians have been doing to resist the imperial empires ISIS mercenaries for the last half decade.
I once had the privileged occasion to visit Cuba myself and witness first hand the state of it’s people. If the heart and soul of a nation can be measured by how well it takes care of it’s young children, then Cuba gets a Five Star Gold Medal Award. As all the children I met in the streets were smiling and happy, healthy and robust. Cuba by the way has a far lower infant mortality rate than that of the (“medically high tec”) US of A and sends nurse’s there to train for free, the countless disadvantaged and poor student nurses of Harlem New York and in many other depressed and impoverished areas of the crumbling American empire.
The old Cuban cities like Havana (declared a UNESCO world heritage site) and it’s quaint countryside is a treat to the eye, bereft of all signs of crass commercialism with no advertising billboards or bright flashing neon lit signs anywhere.
Touring the countryside. I encountered a very old Cuban homestead farmer high up in the mountains, happily attending his one single cow, a little vegetable garden patch and a few half wild coffee bean bushes scattered randomly around the trail (who would not give their first born to escape the western capitalist rat race for that) while hiking to a natural pristine water falls in the jungle.
A site to behold was my visit to a little village town called Trinidad, with it’s red clay tiled roofs, white stucco brick buildings and fancy black wrought iron worked doors and windows, along narrow winding stone payed streets leading up to the towns markets and it’s cathedral, it was like an 18th century movie set and the epiphany of the virgin Mary (at least as yet) not corrupted by crude capitalist mercantile commercialism.
I met some brave American tourists there as well, having illegally entered Cuba by sleuth and by way of Canada or Mexico they were both a bit apprehensive and thrilled as well that they had managed to defy their own governments arbitrary dictates and restrictions for Americans to travel and vacation in it’s enemies territory of the strictly sanctioned and embargoed dictator Castro’s oppressive communist regime state of dreaded Cuba.
While naturally Cuba’s own infrastructure is in wont of repair and needs upgrade, all of it’s streets were clean as a whistle and residential houses kept up to at least a minimal level of repair. No decaying ghettos with graffiti and stinking trash piling up high, gaunt half starved ragged beggars wondering around looking for handouts and homeless people sleeping on the streets as you can see in all major US cities and their starving neo liberal economic colonies in Central and South America.
And what an ingenious bunch, keeping old 1956 Chevrolet’s and Pontiac’s going for over 50 years now with home made garage machined replacement parts and in some cases even refitting them with diesel tractor engines. While fleets of old patched up and together round brown nosed city buses donated by Montreal transit from Quebec Canada, ply the streets as if from another distant past era.
I had a black Cuban guy all over me after he learned I was a Canadian, singing in praise of Canada and our past Prime Minister for giving the middle finger to the US and continuing to do businesses with them nevertheless and cursing the US. It was hard for me to try and tell him that that was in the past as now we have only US Quisling Prime Ministers left.
While not rich in consumer goods as is we in the west, and while many would like to enjoy more of all the luxuries that we here just take for granted, Cubans appear to be a dignified and a proud people of their own country and turn their attention on to family, community and building their own country up as best they can under meager circumstances, a herculean task if ever, given the war of US sanctions waged against them for over the last half century.
While the Miami Cuban exile crowds are now dancing in the streets over Castro’s death, (dreaming about getting their pre 50 D’s plantations, brothels and casinos back) and the MSM is making a demon out of “the cruel dictator” Castro again, all Cuban’s and countless around the world sadly mourn the passing of one of the worlds greatest leaders of the last century for the cause of universal freedom, dignity, justice and peace.
I can only pity and pray for all those morally and spiritually empty poor souls who lack any real comprehension of what serves their own and all of humanities best interests.
My sincere condolences to Castro’s family, his personal friends and comrades and all of the Cuban people as well as the rest of humanity.
Long live the Cuban revolution and may we now pick up the mantle of Castro’s life’s work and dreams and continue the fight to realize a just and peaceful world.
And may he now rest in peace, assured he has inspired the following generations to act just as courageously, decisively and wisely.
Another brilliant and insightful poetic gem from Jimmie Moglia. Moglia is a treasure, thanks Jimmy!
Adios, companero… Hasta la victoria, siempre!
Of all the innumerable brilliant things Fidel did over the decades, perhaps my favourite was when then US President Jimmy Carter started mouthing off about all the prisoners in Cuba being “Political Prisoners”, and stated he would welcome them all to the glorious USA if only that horrible criminal Communist slavemaster Castro would free them.
BINGO! The light bulb goes off in Fidel’s head and he says, “Yes! You’re right! They’re all political prisoners!”
And Fidel heads to the nearest prison and says “Great new, Guys! You’re all going to Miami!” And the Cubans emptied out their prisons and drove them to the port of Mariel where they were loaded onto the waiting US ships and set free in Miama to rob, rape, kill, cheat, and carry on whatever criminal activities had originally landed them in prison.
Of course, the US Govt. soon realized they had shot themselves in the foot, and demanded that Cuba not send any more criminals to Miami. But Fidel just grinned from ear to ear and “We have no common criminals. Only political prisoners.” and kept shipping them, and the US was forced to keep accepting them.
It was wonderful. It saved the Cuban economy a fortune by getting rid of thousands of vicious criminals being fed, clothed, and housed at the expense of the Cuban people, and permanently dumped the criminals in the USA, which was much better pickings for them, so they had no desire to return. The Cuban jails were virtually empty for years afterward. I visited Cuba in 1986, a few years later, and just for the heck of it walked into the local jail in the town I was staying in. I asked to see the cells and the desk sergeant said “OK” and took me back there. Empty. I said “There’s nobody here.” and he said “They’re all in Miami.”
Thanks Terry; that’s way too ironically funny, I’m rolling on the floor laughing my guts out here. If that’s any indication of just how short sighted and dumb the American political deep state establishment is, (just like they’ve elected trump by endlessly bashing him), then we can be sure that they will inevitably totally self destruct simply due to shear arrogance, ignorance and utter stupidity. Thanks again, you’ve just made my day!.. Ray ; )
Hey Terry: would you paste this into the ‘Moon of Alabama’ blog comment site, or alternatively give me permission to do it for you. As there are some stupid anti-castro commenters there that need a realty check. Thx..Ray
Go for it, Ray. Just select, copy, and paste on the chosen website.
Not only, but there are documented instances of Cubans escaping first to the US, returning to Cuba, and escaping back again to the US under a different name to get another political refugee-welcome subsidy.
According to a lady who lived on the Florida keys at the time of these events, the practice was common.
In English “Farewell” would be much more appropriate than “Good Bye”, because nobody would ha a chance to see Fidel again.
Removed. Please read the Saker’s comment above.Mod
Thanks for a great article.
Whoever takes on Gringolandia is a HERO : Fidel, Allende, Torres, Snowdan , etc .
That’s what counts. World need heroes like them if we want to have decent living on this planet.
So far, a hilarious material for a study of a human psychology. No matter how much “on a level” this blog is trying to be recognized for (at least I assume), there are clear red lines. One of the most obvious is: Do not touch my heroes (because I need some!).
I mean, in pursuing the Truth, I have already lost so many “heroes”, I quit counting. And then some dudes are claiming here “I am 80, or so”. And I assume, that should create some kind of an artificial authority to switch of my critical thinking and take anything as granted from such an old mouth. C’mon, there are enough life-time fools to flush that pseudo-argument into a toilet.
Is there anyone even willing to consider arguments & facts, that are in a dis-harmony with his con-temporary views & beliefs? Or am I unwillingly in a group-think session of sorts?
And Saker and/or his MODs trashing my previous comment do hint in that direction. If a creation of a yes-men crowd to support the Author’s own worldview without causing any cognitive disturbance is the goal of this blog, well, I don’t have a problem to flush another “hero” into the toilet…
Why we cannot have a fact-check, honest, intelligent discussion about claims like, for example, these (Fidel story starts at cca 10 min mark, before it’s a context set up):
ps: I’m not right/left/center etc. I give an honest shit about semiotic prison, some of you are trying to put anyone, disagreeing with your holy view. Show me your honesty & capability in a fair discussion, if possible using Trivium, which (surprise, surprise) is not taught in our compulsory education brain-wash system…
“I can assure you that your comments here are valued. I think it is also important to try to keep cool in hot times. I include all of us in that homey advice. – fk mod”
MOD: advice received. Just reminded me, that we are not (yet) synthetic biological humanoids, but living souls…
I cooled with Miles in his Castro paper (the Castro story itself starts on page 6):
“Cuba will never ever again be anybody’s casino, anybody’s bordello.”
How can that be?
Before the revolution, Havana had the busiest casinos in the Western Hemisphere. The casino owners want to return. Think about how many wealthy hotel, condominium, and resort owners would love to develop the entire Cuban coastline. In twenty years, no one will want to vacation in Florida anymore…….
I heard today a remarkable comment by a Cuban teacher attending Comandante’s funeral:
” … there were over 600 attempts to kill him, but he died when !he wanted. ”
And to me this sounds like Comandante’s last revolutionary hutzpa.
Regards, Spiral
Justin Trudeau eulogized Castro as a family friend and a great man but then the press hyenas went after him and he called him a dictator. What choice did Castro have when his worst enemies in the service of the CIA were the quislings at home. If the father Pierre was alive he would have given the press and his detractors the middle finger as he was known to do. The son needs to grow some balls.
Exactly! Stop trying to lick Uncle Sam’s butt, Justin, and use the occasion to talk about how under Castro and his companions Cuba became the first country in the Western Hemisphere to introduce free Medicare, free education through University, free dental and optical care, abolish unemployment and illiteracy, and provide affordable housing to all it’s citizens at 6 percent of their income, whatever that happened to be. None of those things exist in the USA, or Canada, for that matter.
Unlike the wealthy USA, and all the surrounding Caribbean islands like Jamaica, Dominican Republic, or Haiti sweating under Washington’s boot, nobody in Cuba is homeless, illiterate, unemployed, going hungry, or uncared for. That is real respect for Human Rights.
Ask the slimeball “reporters” from the Mainstream Media about that, Trudeau, next time they mouth off about some unspecified “Human Rights” allegedly being violated in Cuba. Particularly those pukes from the CBC left over from a decade of the Harper Conservatives misrule.
The Trudeaus are blood-liners. Forget them.
Anti-Castro nonsense even here in Canada, with PM Trudeau being forced to walk back compassionate condolences by the yellow press and call Castro a ‘dictator’. Most Canadians, if they think of Cuba at all, see it as an inexpensive vacation destination.
While the accusation of ‘dictator’ was technically correct, Castro isn’t a controversial figure to most people here.
There is some resistance to the new script at least insofar as supporting Trudeau by the more traditionally liberal press.
Most Canadians accepted Castro and get along great with Cuba.
The difference in tone before and after Castro’s demise strongly supports Moglia’s suggestion that crocodile scripts were primed and ready. Fortunately no-one told Trudeau, or at least he didn’t anticipate an extremist reaction to his lack of PC rancor.
Its a bit of a shock, to see again how far and how quickly the A-Zs corrupted the country and how casually they rewrote Canada’s relationship with Cuba such that a few right-extremist loons can look mainstream.
Opposing the foreign policies of these uSA now means that we must embrace a dead tyrant? I am truly without a home.
Did anyone here know any Cuban that was able to escape Cuba in the late 1960’s or early 1970’s?
Fidel is dead and good riddance.
The Saker and Moon Of Alabama, I will continue to read but I am so disappointed.
I learned early on in life the hard lesson that prejudice was informed by pride and ignorance. The later was redeemable given factual information was provided, but pride being of the ego is irredeemable if the mind and heart are closed to wanting to know and learning anything new.
I guess you could say Fidel Castro was a real “tyrant” in the eyes of all those that lost their casinos, brothels and plantations after the revolution as well as all the police and militias that were executed by firing squads for having raped, tortured and murdered countless Cubans that were in opposition to the brutal dictator Batista’s US supported puppet regime if you want.
As for people escaping Cuba, I understand that not an insignificant number (particularly those lacking the advantage of personal wealth, trade skills or a higher education) returned to Cuba on their own accord after having experienced the harsh reality of life in the capitalist US and streets of Miami, in order to take advantage of a just social system that offered everyone the security of an education, a job, subsidized housing and free dental and medical serves.
But all this information is irrelevant to an ideological sycophant that lives entirely on theories and in his head and has never experienced real suffering and pain or hunger.
So I’m sorry that inside you might be “disappointed” and feel “homeless” here, but it’s exactly the point at which your heart ought be saying goodby and “good-riddance” to an empty pride and a closed mind informed only by gross ignorance of the facts and practical reality. Try reading with an open mind EH.
RayB, Casto had a very “revolutionary” honeymoon:
“Castro’s first visit to the Miami area came in mid-October 1948, and was typical for the times:
A newlywed, he came to honeymoon with his new bride, Mirta Díaz-Balart. The couple stayed at a Miami Beach hotel — perhaps the Saxony, the San Souci or the Shelborne. ”Those were the hotels where well-healed, upwardly mobile couples honeymooned in the late 1940s,” said Miami Beach historian Paul George.
Castro’s bride was the sister of Castro’s University of Havana law school classmate and then-close friend, the late Rafael Díaz-Balart — father of Cuban-American congressmen Lincoln and Mario Diaz-Balart.
In his memoir published in 2006, Rafael wrote that Castro and his sister spent their honeymoon in “one of the elegant hotels on Miami Beach.”
The Castros’ wedding loot had been impressive — more than $10,000. [In 2015, the relative value of $10,000.00 from 1948 ranges from $80,900.00 to $656,000.00., my note ]
At the oceanfront hotel, Cuban author Norberto Fuentes’ massive two-volume fiction-reality novel on Castro says the couple consummated their marriage in their suite.
After the 10-day Miami Beach honeymoon, the Castros traveled to New York. In Manhattan, they stayed with Díaz-Balart and his wife, Hilda, in a tiny apartment on West 82nd Street.
Díaz-Balart wrote that the newlyweds decided to stay in New York and briefly rented a room in the same building — and Castro spent his time teaching himself English and scouring bookstores.
He also bought a fancy car: a used 1947 Lincoln Continental with electric windows, a luxury at the time. Conte Agüero said the car fit Castro’s personality.
“Fidel was very ostentatious; he took his wedding money to buy that car — and that was just like him.”
After several weeks in New York, the couples were evicted after Castro decided he could no longer pay the rent, Fuentes writes in one of his books.
They headed back to Miami in the Lincoln, taking U.S. 1 all the way south and breaking down several times. In Miami, Castro dropped off the Díaz-Balarts at the airport, where they caught a plane back to Havana.
The couple continued south to Key West, where they boarded a water ferry back to Havana — along with their Lincoln, according to Fuentes’ book.”
This heroic defender of the deplorables had quite boring childhood of sugar burgeoisie:
“Castro was born out of wedlock at his father’s farm on August 13, 1926.[1] His father, Ángel Castro y Argiz, was a migrant to Cuba from Galicia, Northwest Spain.[2] He had become financially successful by growing sugar cane at Las Manacas farm in Birán, Oriente Province,[3] and after the collapse of his first marriage, he took his household servant, Lina Ruz González – a daughter of Canarian immigrants – as his mistress and later second wife; together they had seven children, among them Fidel.[4] Aged six, Castro was sent to live with his teacher in Santiago de Cuba,[5] before being baptized into the Roman Catholic Church at the age of eight.[6] Being baptized enabled Castro to attend the La Salle boarding school in Santiago, where he regularly misbehaved, so he was sent to the privately funded, Jesuit-run Dolores School in Santiago.[7] In 1945 he transferred to the more prestigious Jesuit-run El Colegio de Belén in Havana.[8] Although Castro took an interest in history, geography and debating at Belén, he did not excel academically, instead devoting much of his time to playing sport.[9]” (source: Wikipedia)
You preaching of prejudice & pride is a laughable farce of someone not having used his own mirror for centuries…
So you are saying that Castro came from a wealthy family. And during his youth and early adulthood was a son of that class? You are right he was,as he freely spoke of himself. So I’m not sure what you are trying to show there. Things like that matter only when they are denied,and lied about. Neither of which is true in his case. Even Paul as I recall had a “Road to Damascus” moment. Castro’s was with seeing the crimes of the Batista dictatorship. And the misery of the peasants in the countryside during the Revolution.
Nonsense. Other South American countries have made enormous gains in literacy and health care without totalitarian government. Castro is a mass murderer plain and simple. Cuba was better off than most Southern European countries in 1959 under Batista. That does not mean I agree with sanctions and embargoes. It just means Fidel was a commie bastard and those who praise the Potemkin village he created are useful idiots.
Would you care to name them,I’m curious? You also might want to inform the World Health Organization and the UN. Since they constantly site Cuba as a model of health care. They might like to know about the others too. As for Cuba under Batista,your supporting that murderous regime,while complaining of Castro.Is pretty much a giveaway to your allegiance to the empire. Probably around 75% (at least)of the World’s population would disagree with you about Fidel. And around 95% (at least) of people on this blog disagree with you.
Uncle Bob 1: Since when are the anti-NWO types referring to the “Beast” sources (UN, WTO)? Well, then I can enlighten you with another sources as well:
In the 1950’s Cuba was, socially and economically, a relatively advanced country, certainly by Latin American standards and, in some areas, by world standards.
Cuba’s infant mortality rate was the best in Latin America — and the 13th lowest in the world.
Cuba also had an excellent educational system and impressive literacy rates in the 1950’s.
Pre-Castro Cuba ranked third in Latin America in per capita food consumption.
Cuba ranked first in Latin America and fifth in the world in television sets per capita.
Pre-Castro Cuba had 58 daily newspapers of differing political hues and ranked eighth in the world in number of radio stations.
Cuba’s infant mortality rate of 32 per 1,000 live births in 1957 was the lowest in Latin America and the 13th lowest in the world, according to UN data. Cuba ranked ahead of France, Belgium, West Germany, Japan, Austria, Italy, and Spain.
In 1955, life expectancy in Cuba was among the highest at 63 years of age; compared to 52 in other Latin American countries, 43 in Asia, and 37 in Africa.
In terms of physicians and dentists per capita, Cuba in 1957 ranked third in Latin America, behind only Uruguay and Argentina — both of which were more advanced than the United States in this measure. Cuba’s 128 physicians and dentists per 100,000 people in 1957 was the same as the Netherlands, and ahead of the United Kingdom (122 per 100,000 people) and Finland.”
Another one:
“During the last few years, my focus has been towards numbers, since there is no question those are well understood in this country particularly as they relate to individual income and results from investments. For example, I explain to them that a teacher or an engineer in today’s Cuba earn respectively approximately 210 and 350 cuban pesos. And that, furthermore, when one uses the ongoing monetary exchange rate of 25 cuban pesos for one dollar, those cuban peso salaries represent $8.40 and $14.00 on a monthly basis. Their reactions to those numbers represent generally significant surprise; then they proceed to mentally figure out the real standard of living in Cuba, since the purchasing power of the dollar is a universal unit used to define the relative position of standards of living throughout the world. A favorite measurement among those who travel widely, is to ask what is the price of a ‘big mac’ in the different countries, as an appropriate tool for comparison.
More recently, I have gone on to more clearly define for those who ask me, the net change in the standard of living in Cuba that has taken place from the mid 50’s to the mid 90’s. This of course would be the result of the atrocious destruction of the country caused by the communists’ failed economic policies and government. To arrive at this, more refined understanding, it is necessary to introduce two incontrovertible facts, readily available in reference books. The first is the fact that in the 50’s, cuban pesos and dollars circulated freely in Cuba, on a par basis. This means that if a cuban traveled to the US with cuban pesos, he could exchange them into dollars one for one, and use those dollars normally. And of course, this helps to directly compare the standards of living in Cuba and the US at that moment in history. The second fact is the change in inflation index during the same period, that is, from the 50’s to the 90’s. That number is approximately 6.4. Which simply means that if something cost $1.00 in the 50’s, the same article would cost $6.40 in the 90’s. For example, a gallon of milk in the US today costs $2.80. The same gallon would have sold for $0.44 in 1955.
With this information, a comparison of the change in the standard of living in Cuba becomes quite easy and understandable for a great many people: for example, the same teacher that today earns the equivalent of $8.40 monthly would have earned $1.31 monthly in the 50’s, and the same engineer would have earned $2.19 monthly. Since it has been solidly demonstrated that the corresponding salaries were in reality 150 and 300 cuban pesos, and that at that time cuban pesos and dollars were of equivalent worth, then we can see that those $1.31 and $2.19 today represent less than 1% of the salaries in the 50’s.
The combined effect of the devaluation of the cuban peso against the dollar and of inflation during the last 40 years: 25 x 6.4, that is, 160 has been devastating. A peasant in the fields, a worker in a factory, would have to earn 160 times more in cuban pesos today just to keep up to par with where he was in the living standard he had in the 50’s. And this of course assumes that the cuban economy would be able to supply against such demand, something we know is impossible in an inefficient, tyrannical communist system.”
It’s not intended to say, the life before that pseudo-revolutionary clown was perfect. For any Elite the peasants etc. are as potatoes. Expendables, deplorables…
But let’s not waste our lifes with false heroes, ok?
One of Castro’s first acts after seizing power from what was, in essence, the Jewish Odessa Mafia which had taken Cuba over to be its brothel, drug clearing house, casino and chief’compromat’ producer (Russian for ‘compromising materials’ – something that the 19 intelligence agencies of the USA now produce under the tutelage, mostly, of the same tribe that did it in Cuba, was to offer to start negotiating compensation for nationalized, abandoned and confiscated property.
Of course the Jewish Mafia, which had already infiltrated most of the USA and had ‘compromat’ on EVERY US politician and businessman (one way mirrors in the hotels attached to the casinos) refused.
Their Odessa Mafia pride had been pricked and the Cubans were going to be made an example of, as the Haitians had been before them.
There is all the scintillation of a Verdi Opera. Alas, it played out in real life and for more than half a century. To talk of Cuba’s state, or progress, without mentioning the above is to lie.
My previous comment was obviously scrapped. So let’s try again.
What about the possibility, that Fidel himself was Jewish? ;)
“He was never an ideological fascist, Cubenas said, and was defnitely not an anti-Semite. Fidel had
explained at the time that he could not be ‘with’ the fascists because they were against the Jews,
and he could not be against the Jews for the simple reason that he was one. He volunteered that
he was descended, through his grandmother, from Jews. Fidel was Catholic, not Jewish, and
Cuban, not European, but he told anyone who would listen that the Jews were his own people.
[Symmes, p. 335]
That is not from Stormfront, that is from a book by respected mainstream journalist and historian
Patrick Symmes.
For more evidence, we find these two quotes from Castro at IMDB:
I don’t think anyone has been slandered more than the Jews.
There is nothing that compares to the Holocaust.”
Then the controlled opposition idea does not sound that far fetched anymore…
ps: Comrades, don’t stone me. I’m just excercising my epistemological freedom in pursuing the truth, no matter how nice/ugly it can get…
Its of course possible. There were many “converso” families in Spain and Portugal .Many people might have some Jewish ancestry in their family background. And if so,”so what”. That comment implies that would somehow be a “horrible” or “shocking” thing,to be hidden away,or exposed. There are good people and bad people in all groups of people. I judge people by their actions,not their ancestry.
That was not my point. But when you see the same pattern, one has to wonder. VVP is of course well aware of that –
I can again recommend Servando Gonzales’ book, which is not about Castro, but about the real Hydra (CFR & secret societies) and it’s prolonged operational hand (intentionally crippled CIA).
And a cherry pick on top – Cuba & freemasons:
“Cuban Freemasonry is unique in the world for operating openly in a communist nation. What can explain that, given that in most other communist nations Freemasonry has been condemned? For that answer, it is necessary to look at the role that Freemasonry played in the original Cuban Revolution or as some people speculate. the affiliation of the Castro brothers themselves?”
Let everyone do with it whatever he wishes, let everyone chase, kill or ignore their own rabbits…
I would say the opposite. If “even” your enemies are forced to praise certain results. Then there must be something there.
As to the pre-revolutionary statistics,first you need to look at the dates for comparison to those other countries.And what was going on,or had recently gone on, in those countries to account for those statistics. And ask yourself if things were so good for the Cuban people at that time, “why was there a revolution there”.Its because they weren’t good back then for the majority of the people. One man,know matter how committed.And with 80 or so people supporting him.Could not have made a revolution in a country of millions of, “happy satisfied” people.With no outside help,and against the might of a dictator who enjoyed, until it was seen he was losing, the full support of the greatest hegemonic power in the America’s.The Revolution succeeded because Castro had the support of the majority of the Cuban people.
There is a truly magisterial tome on the history of Cuba,by an author named Hugh Thomas.Its not at all a pro-Castro book.He was very anti-Communist. But for details about Cuban history up to the Revolution,it has few equals (if any),and certainly none in the English language.He cites those same statistics as well. And then explains how inaccurate they are in explaining the “real” Cuba of that period. But regardless,when you have,out of every 10 professionals,business,technical,managerial, trained people in the country,6 of them leaving the country under encouragement by the US. You are left with 4 ,doing the work of 10. Until you are able to train replacements. And then you still only have 10.And to train more takes even longer. All the while trying to offer social benefits to your population,while under siege by your enemies trying to destroy you. I can’t think of another country in a similar situation able to try that and succeed as well as Cuba did.
I remember while I was living there seeing the first documentary film produced on the illiteracy campaign in the most poor rural areas. Where almost none of the peasants were literate.How the higher schools were closed for a season. And the students from those schools volunteering to go to the countryside to help teach the illiterate. That many villagers in the mountains had never even seen a movie. And the organizers set up outdoor screening of ” Disney” cartoons to introduce poor children to what a movie was. They picked a cartoon so it would be wondrous for little kids to see. Over the years the whole nation took part in what were called “The Battle for Grade….. ” levels in education. So that adults (even some government officials) could pass levels of education. I knew people passing the 5th and 8th grade levels (including some officials),and how proud they were. The poor children of the lowest classes. Now the equal of all others. Maids and peasants,whose children were given university education. And became doctors,accountants,managers,etc.
There is absolutely no doubt that economic mistakes were made. And there is equally no doubt in my mind that if Cuba hadn’t been under constant attack for 50 plus years, that immense more progress could have made.But with that constant attacks. The progress on the social force for her people was enormous. Probably the like of which, other countries could not or would not have been able to make.
Uncle Bob 1: I do not mean to sound in a conflict moode. But the “Syrian coloured revolution” happened despite the majority being pretty OK with the current regime (even if some of them realized that only retrospectively – “When I lost my leg, I realized that a wet shoe was not that bad…”
Why it’s so difficult to think about that phony Cuba version as being – at least theoretically – of the same sort of things?
Education: any Kontrol system wants their slaves to be able to read & write = to understand & consent/replicate. At least till the system reaches a point, where reading & writing are irrelevant anymore. With our Pokemon culture, maybe the ultimate Kontrol media will be limited to some audio-visual cartoon distorted bastard, as a most effective tool for the Zombies’ Kontrol. Add some pharma-Soma pills and… “Game Over” – “Singularity Re-loading”, baby…
No offence intended, I respect you & your contributions. Peace
“Here is where the question begs: How can a leader, Fidel Castro, who is on record stating support of the Palestinians allow one of the leaders of the Mossad to co-own “the world’s largest” citrus juice plant, coordinate massive investments for Israeli companies and build the largest commercial and office complex in the country? Isn’t it simply inconsistent? Eitan is not just an ordinary Israeli citizen. He himself states that everything he has done, he has done for the good of Israel.”
There’s something “Stinky” in Cuba. 2006.
If this was written in 2006 how far has Israeli power expanded to in Cuba 10 years on ? Fidel admitted he was descended from Spanish Marranos.
Are we to forget the thousands shot by Castro and the t shirt favourite Che. Amusing to see Carlos Santana a few years back wear a Che t shirt to some award ceremony, aka a gathering of luvvies. Allegedly under Che western rock music was banned.
How can anyone support Castro who turned Cuba into his own personal fiefdom and became a very rich man indeed. Cuba reminds one of Orwell’s Animal Farm where some animals are more equal than others. If Cuba was/is such a socialist utopia how come so many people are still risking their lives to get to the US, 50 years after the coup d’etat, it was not a revolution, which could not have happened without support from the US.
“Testifying before the Senate Internal Security Committee on August 30, 1960, Smith affirmed that the chief of the CIA section in the American Embassy in Havana was pro-Castro, and that the number 2 CIA man in the embassy encouraged a revolt of Cuban navy officers against Batista in September, 1957.
Ambassador Smith went further and accused the United States government, i.e. certain members of the Congress, the CIA, the State Department, as well as some segments of the press, of being directly responsible for Castro coming to power. ‘Castro never won a military victory,’ declared Smith..”
Fidel’s greatest success was flipping off the corrupt yanqui government and its Imperialism.
This is not to excuse the many deaths or imprisonment he inflicted; there could have been another way to handle regime opponents.
The CIA tried many tricks beyond assassination: exploding Cohibas, stuff to make his beard fall out, and other assorted juvenile attacks.
Yet, although the US was powerful, Castro increased literacy; he improved medical care. His doctors are in many places around the globe. An “evil dictator” would not have done these things.
Yet, he failed to see how Oligarchy was different from individual enterprise and profit.
The worst crime, IMO, was that the US could not find a way to work with Castro. The money interests which corrupt the US even today were still too powerful then.
Remember, the US, since Castro took power, have killed more people and destroyed more countries than a madly drunk and insane Fidel could have ever done! Who are the real criminals?
100000 dead cubans, 16000 by firing squad, long waiting lines and economic poverty, suppression of dissenters, mass jailings, the many who fled abroad, castros brothers wish to drop nukes on NY, castro himself faking intel to goad soviet union into war, wealth and luxury for the elites and shit for everyone else and many more documentated facts of the hell hole under Marxist dictatorship repudiates that the man was a good leader of the people or a positive force in general. Absurd to glorify that man and hints at an ideological assessment devoid of objectivty. Shameful article of the leftist tradition. Still opposing views are healthy and i welcome it, even though morally its conclusions are wrong.
Also notice in the west that the cuck politicians, neocon establishment and vassals of the us similarly praise the monster castro. Putin too, but i think it was a stragegic move to appease the russian people who have sentiments to castros cuba and probably doesn’t reflect putins true beliefs.