by the Francophone Saker for the Saker blog

The Gj Saturdays
To try to hamper Acts 19 and 20, the government banned the demonstrators from entire neighbourhoods and perimeters. The Champs Elysées for Paris and the city centre for large cities. Any offender will receive a fine of 135 euros to be paid immediately or 190 euros to be paid later. For instance, a couple has been fined for simply wearing a sweater that says “Yes to the RIC”.
As the government cannot totally ban demonstrations, it will try everything it can to limit their scope. Intimidations through body and bags searches, custody and fines at the slightest suspicious object, physical violence… In Paris, “8,545 preventive controls have been carried out,” the minister said. The Gj will no longer be considered as demonstrators but as rioters. The government also calls on the army by using anti-terrorist forces to back the police. As a result, some journalists will no longer hesitate to compare the Gj to terrorists.
But all these intimidations will not cool down the Gj who kept on coming numerous those two last Saturdays.
The police officers will be ordered to go hard, and that is what they will do, as shown by the long list of videos showing these charges, shots, bludgeons and humiliations against not only the demonstrators but also the street medics and journalists. Everyone is considered as a livestock to be led by the whip. A 71-year-old woman waving a rainbow flag marked “Peace” is being pushed by a CRS charge, injured to the head when she falls and will end up in hospital. Faced with this problem for the image of the police, it will try again to distort the facts: “Mrs Legay received a visit from police officers at the hospital to ask her to say that she had not been injured by the police officers’ charge but in other circumstances,” said her children’s lawyer. It is the subordination of a victim. Her lawyer will file a complaint for “voluntary violence against vulnerable persons, by persons with authority and the army”. As for Macron, always full of empathy, he wishes this lady, who is twice her age, “to be wiser”.
There have been thousands of arrests, police custody and immediate trials. Minutes are often rigged, prisoners intimidated, lawyers prevented from seeing their clients. But as, in France, justice is not as blind as we would like to think, “On the one hand 8500 Gj arrested in 4 months, including 1800 already tried and sentenced to prison sentences, on the other hand 174 cases of police violence still awaiting trial”. Not to mention Benalla, always free as a bird.
To speed up judicial repression, lawyers supporting the Gj, who call themselves the Black Dresses, are prevented from doing their job. A lawyer testifies that the police did not allow her to enter the police station to assist detainees. Another testimony from a lawyer on the conditions of police custody of the Gj. A third testimony, this time from the president of the lawyers’ union in Rouen who denounces the police’s tactics to prevent the arrested Gj from seeing their lawyer.
Another technique used by the government police is to let the breakers break, or break themselves, in order to degrade the image of the Gj among the rest of the population. Even some parliament members are wondering about it.
Seeing all this, it is clear that France is becoming a police state. This reminds to the eldest the “Pétain’s police”, the French equivalent of the German Gestapo during WW2.
The Macron’s regime
While Macron had bragged, after being elected, about surrounding himself with “irreproachable” people, we are gradually discovering that in reality many are dealing with justice.
First, Benalla, whom we have already mentioned in previous SITREPs. Fortunately, the Senate is here to prevent the case from being buried. The Prime Minister was summoned to testify but refused to come. Out of fear or cowardice? Macron also takes it badly, would that be a sign of guilt?
At the end of March, Macron fired the Paris police prefect, the one who had not protected Benalla enough to his liking, to put a close mate in his place, Lallement. Then the newspaper Mediapart informed us that Lallement is under investigation for suspicions of favoritism when the Société du Grand Paris has been auctioned. The investigation is conducted by the Brigade de répression de la délinquance économique (BRDE), a brigade under the direction of the Prefect of Police of Paris. Then it is now Lallement who will lead the investigation on himself. There’s a good chance it will end up in a drawer.
Then, for a LREM deputy[Macron’s party], the same one who calls the Gj rioters on many TV sets, “The Court of Appeal confirmed the Bobigny Commercial Court’s judgment of 2 November 2016. Claire O’Petit was sentenced to “a prohibition to manage, administer or control directly or indirectly any commercial or craft enterprise […] for a period of five years”. However, she still can play politics.
And yet another Macron’s close mate having legal problems for “death threats on others”. Absolutely. It’s starting to sound a little gangly.
As a result, while thousands of Gj are sentenced to prison terms, the list of all French politicians who have dealt with justice and have never been in prison is circulating on social networks.
In fact, Macron’s new spokesperson sums it all up with the naivety of youth: “I totally assume to lie to protect the president.”
Not only did Macron surround himself with unfortunate people, but he also took advantage of the fact that the streets are already occupied by the Gj to sell off the French heritage to those who had put him in power. At that level it reminds us of Yeltsin’s Russia.
We have already seen in the previous SITREP that the National Assembly, where Macron’s party got the majority, had voted, by night, to privatize three very profitable national companies, Aéroport de Paris, La Française des Jeux and Engie, an electricity company.
We later learn that “to privatize Aéroport de Paris, it was Bank of America that was chosen as the sales manager. And who is at the head of the French branch of this bank? Bernard Mourad, former Drahi banker and advisor to the Macron presidential campaign.”
The looting of the nation’s assets does not stop there: “The government has announced its intention to privatize 150 hydroelectric dams in France, despite their highly strategic nature.”
And soon it will be the turn of the national roads. As incredible as it looks, those who put Macron in power are seriously thinking about it.
Not only does he sell the Nation’s family jewellery to the French oligarchs, he also allows them to benefit from “tax optimization” – a euphemism for “legal tax evasion, only for the rich”. Here is a video explaining, in figures, the extent of tax evasion in France and Europe. Fraud confirmed by this interview with a member of the opposition. These videos explain that the recovery of this fraud would be more than enough for France to continue to have a social policy. But Macron’s ultra-liberal government prefers to let the rich defraud so as not to share rather than using it for the sake of the people. It will therefore continue to close hospitals, crèches, schools and retirement homes in the name of budgetary discipline, but actually to allow the private ones to make more money. A l’américaine. But the Gj, and those who back them, do not want to live in such a system.
As a result, since this government is short of tax revenues because of “tax optimization”, the French motorist becomes the government’s cash cow.
So do the retirees. A retired Gj explains “62 years of fiscal imagination… and lies” about pensions, with date and figures to support it.
Finally, to finish this litany of “reforms to modernise France” and to make sure that the Liberals’ policy is more in favor of multinationals than that of the people, Monsanto finances the Liberal Party, to which LREM is joining, for the European elections. Here is a video explaining that this lobbying, officially forbidden in France, is quite normal in the European Parliament.
Les Gilets Jaunes
Despite this hellish police repression and pushed by the misdeeds of the Macron regime, the Gj do not give up, as they say. The motivation is still there, more than ever.
The Special Operations Group continues its actions against large companies (Société Génénrale, Apple, Starbucks…) that evade tax. it will even be received in the Senate to discuss the Pacte law. The details of the discussion will of course be made public.
In the face of permanent media defamation, they are working on a common charter.
Constituent assemblies are gradually being set up throughout the country.
The Gj from Toulouse organized a “Yellow Village” to meet and explain to the rest of the population what the movement is, its objectives… in order to thwart the media defamation they are suffering.
Citizen organizations are also beginning to support them. Intellectuals also began to support them. 350 academics support the Gjs, declaring themselves “accomplices” since Castaner said that the Gjs’ accomplices were also “rioters”.
Economist Éric Toussaint, from the Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debts, gives his advice and proposes economic measures to the Gj.
Even the army is beginning to speak out on the subject, through the voice of retired General Tauzin. He says that the movement is “the rise of France with a human face against France of managers; of deep France against centralized France; of united and patriotic France against the contempt and arrogance of those who believe they are elites.”
The movement will therefore not give up and actions will continue to follow each other at least until the RIC is put in place. It is just a matter of patience and will. And both are here.
See you then for the next Gilets Jaunes SITREP.
Le Saker Francophone
For those who can read french and wants more detailed SITREP, the Saker Francophone is publishing one every Sunday. Here are the two last ones.
“We have already seen in the previous SITREP that the National Assembly, where Macron’s party got the majority, had voted, by night, to privatize three very profitable national companies, Aéroport de Paris, La Française des Jeux and Engie, an electricity company.”
“We later learn that “to privatize Aéroport de Paris, it was Bank of America that was chosen as the sales manager. And who is at the head of the French branch of this bank? Bernard Mourad, former Drahi banker and advisor to the Macron presidential campaign.”
These kinds of actions have been attempted before. Almost all public assets in Chile were forcibly privatized. Would it be accurate to compare Macron to Pinochet? It would be interesting to learn which multinational companies are buying the majority of the newly privatized assets. Are they mostly German corporations? Chinese? Some other country?
Of course, maybe the French government would privatize its prisons. Perhaps a German company would buy some of them. The French in WW II fought against foreign domination. Imagine what the veterans must be thinking now…….
For you Lumpenkönig, I quote you
” The French in WW II fought against foreign domination. Imagine what the veterans must be thinking now…….” – First in order to remind you that during that foreign domination, the were many people speaking ouoloff or arabic, and whose descendants can be found among the Gilets Jaunes
And second, in order to quote you again from a previous post where: after insulting the “millions of illiterate, unskilled, low-iq people” Americans have no need for, you also added :
” Imagine if the French government were to require its citizens to learn Arabic, Wolof, or Swahili as a second language. How would that make the native French feel. Culturally, what can the Senegalese and Hispanics teach us that we do not already know. If their cultures were superior, they would not strive to escape their countries by the millions for the West”.
AP, I guess that they are dead by now, just like my father who fought in WWII. So, we could safely say they are turning in their graves.
Micron was created by CRIF to lead the looting of the French State and repress the working class untermenschen. Things are going according to plan.
Yes it’s strange how these votes at the Assemble Nationale take place in the middle of the night!
It will be interesting to see who buys these assets, but more importantly at what price? Remember the fire sale in Greece was at rock- bottom prices. In Yeltsin’s Russia, all the state assets were (deliberately?) undervalued by the banks.
The Europeans need to understand that the Euro is a trap, articificially low interest rates are nothing more than a vehicle for indebtedness, Once a state has too many debts, then the banks demand their pound of flesh. Nothing less then the crown jewels. In France there are rich pickings! Let us hope the Fresh people can protect their “patrimoine” from the money lenders.
The circumstance of privatisations if they are for real, strengthens my impression about the G.j being supported by enemies of the french people although I dont doubt the sincerety of the adherents. The russian and french revolutions were both british-controlled coup d’etats. But many ordinary people who partook didnt know.
In the circumstances provoked by the foreign enemies, the people didnt seem to have much of a choice.
Same thing with the G.J. – who can blame them. However if they dont win, then the damage has been done and they will mostly look like useful fools who did what the enemies of an independent french nation needed as excuse to rob them.
This all broke out when Macron spoke of a european army potentially with the US being the foe.
Assuming Macron wasnt just performing an act , it may have set in motion the already planned ‘Us support for nationalism’ adverticed by Bannon. With the false impression that it would, rather than just exhausting the opposition, actually put sincere nationalists in power?
Time will tell.
But the stakes are high. Part of the elite is preparing to hide in NZ. To escape a nuclear war up north?
Another part in Argentina and possibly also under the ice in Antarctica. The water obtained from inside the thick icelayer might be the least radioactive after a large scale nuclear interchange
How likely is it that peaceful protestors could turn things around?
I hope my pessimism is unwarranted.
There is no ‘hiding’ from thermo-nuclear war. It will permanently pollute our precious bodily essences. believe me.
Mulga, you are so correct. Even those from the deep state who think that they will survive are idiots.
For those with sensitive stomachs I suggest not watching this video, which is titled “Radiation Mutants” in the Chernobyl area.
The moose has no neck and its head is on the left side.
If I remember correctly, Norway and Sweden had irradiated grass after that accident.
Have you seen Tarkovsky’s ‘Stalker’? Very prescient. The Zone is spreading and spreading, and meeting and inter-acting, synergistically, with the climate destabilisation Zone, the Fukushima Zone, the agri-chemicals Zone, the depleted uranium Zone etc. You’d almost think that someone was working, deliberately, to make the planet uninhabitable.
No I haven’s watched that, maybe one day. On the other hand, maybe I won’t as there is so much negativity all around.
As for the Fukushima, I said it before. Many mutated water species like dolphins, salmon washed up on the California’s beaches, as well as netted by the fisherman in Alaska.
Nobody talks about the effects of depleted uranium in what used to be Yugoslavia, Serbia in particular, Iraq etc. Vietnam with its agent orange.
It’s called depopulating the lesser species, and yes it’s deliberate. Why do you think Bill Gates spent $80mln+ with his elite buddies to build under the mountain, bunkere-d non-GMO grain storage in Norway?
Only one single point of disagreement here: “France is becoming a police state”. No: France has ALWAYS been a police state. And if it has to be characterised as such, a xenophobic and a racist one at that.
Did anyone wonder why you never see a cop that’s black, or even North African-looking (OK, pass on Benalla)? Or why, strangely enough when you think of the ethnic composition of France, you don’t see any people with such ethnic characteristics among the Gilets jaunes? Quite simple: “they” know that their skin colour would attract riot cops like flies on a mousse au chocolat.
Case in point: I have once witnessed how a mulatto guy was “cherry-picked” in the midst of a crowd of demonstrators and beaten to a pulp by common city cops.
You are wrong, there are plenty of black and North African cops, especially in the BAC (Brigades Anti Casseurs) who the worst offenders with the LBD shootings which result in mutilations (lost eyes).
I’m sorry but I was in Paris visiting a good friend end of February (the same weekend, btw, that Jerome Rodrigues, a Gj leader got shot and lost his eye) and what I saw with my own eyes is that, in the Paris area at least, the entire security apparatus, private agents for monuments, soldiers, policemen patrolling the rail-stations and security agents at aeroports were all of African origin. In fact, I only saw one white cop (it really struck me, so I started to pay attention to this). It made me wonder, given the racial tensions in the county, if the regime gives the order to shoot the Gjs, would there be enough solidarity on behalf of the black policemen not to shoot their white compatriots.
Seems to me you only saw what you wanted to see …..Lol.
You don’t need to take my word for it. Benalla was filmed dressed as a cop beating up protesters.
But maybe you just see what you want to!!
I live in Paris . So ……
You think you can make the world believe the french police force & army consists only of whites..??? And bully anyone who dares to claim something else?
Well I insist that on what I saw: There ARE black/African/ insert whatever PC term you want / soldiers and cops in France! You can take that to the bank.
Apologies, then. I haven’t been in France for 15 years, so I only could refer to what I’d seen since I was born, and in 1968, and in the recent videos. Granted, you don’t see the faces of many cops. Some things must have changed in that respect, maybe somebody had a bright idea after the banlieues were set ablaze in the days of Tzarkozy. Actually, come to think of it, it’s just the kind of idea a pseudo-left like Hollande’s could have had.
Toulouse HD
Thank you for excellent reporting.
I think heavy handling of YV movement by establishment is an indicator of what’s to come to rest of the West.
“Democracy” is gone they just didn’t tell us yet.
“There are none so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free.”
Just saying
To Serbian Girl writing …”what I saw with my own eyes is that, in the Paris area at least, the entire security apparatus, private agents for monuments, soldiers, policemen patrolling the rail-stations and security agents at aeroports were all of African origin. In fact, I only saw one white cop (it really struck me, so I started to pay attention to this).”
First, how do you recognize a French person of African origin, since coming from Africa are people blonde with blue eyes like some Algerians from Kabylie, or from Senegal, some Serers of deep dark-blue complexion from Senegal, without mentionning, for Africa in general, the reality of women and men whose colors are running all the nuancesin betweenthe ?
Now, if you mean “Blacks”, what about people from Guadeloupe, Martinique or Guyane, all French Caribbean Islanders since 3 to 4 centuries? What about New Caledonians, French also and since far earlier than many Parisians called Girardelli or Poniatowski for example, whose parents came to work in the 1920s and never went back to Poland or Italy ?
Two. Your vision of a “security apparatus” so overwhelmingly of African origin comes from political correctness. To appear colorblind, you name physical types as “origins”, then you brush aside the history and sociology of the very sociopolitical problems the YV are raising in precisely making mute the usual racialised interpretations and underlining bigger divides. In short you are renewing the prejudice and confusing the issue.
Exactly like in the USA, from where the phenomenon has been imported in the middle of the 1980’s, not that far ago, the “vigiles” (security agents) work for private entities (in stores, in offices, or as bodyguards) and event if the government (state, municipalities etc) call them for some work it is never for the matter of law enforcement. For example, you can even see them supervising in some airport area, still, they are limited at doing the “make-people-think-twice” job, without carrying weapons. In fact recruited at lowest levels of the social ladder, they first appeared in store in margin of pure customer services, in order to discourage petty thievery. For that job without real qualification, to be skilled in karate or other martial arts was then the real plus for applying. In drove, West and North Africans students from grad schools did apply then. To this day, this sector of activity without the pecuniary and job security privileges of the civil servants or the capacity of judicially weigh on ordinary lives has remain one of the most opened to Black or “Arabs”. Living modestly more likely in the outskirts of the town where they come to work in occupying spaces of high visibility rather than filling jobs of high opportunities, they are “Black” or “Beur” according to the rainbow coalition of Whites Blacks and Arabs in a French proverb, but they are less “Blancs”.
Contrary to what your post sent some people to believe, the police in France has remained, in conformity with its demographics, largely white. And rather than in racialized confrontation the way for Macron’s administration to keep his police aggressive enough against the Yellow Vest resides in the mobility of his forces, always sent far away from their territorial bases and daily acquaintances.
Oh dear. My comment was not to rake up the history or sociology of French society. I was simply responding to Robert’s claim that one can “never see a black cop or one of North African origin” which is why I answered that on a given weekend my own experience was quite the opposite.
Interesting your claim that the “demographics of France are largely white”. I was under the impression it was more of a multicultural society, as you say, a “rainbow coalition” of “Blanc Beur Black “. They did make it work for their football team ! So let’s hope they are united against the oppressive state.
The most interesting part of your comment is that you say the security agents are not armed. I believe that to be true. I could not see them carrying weapons. But the soldiers with the military boots are most definitely armed with semi-automatic guns. I believe they also have the power to arrest and detain people, and have judicial immunity if they hurt anyone…
Serbian girl wrote: “They did make it work for their football team !”.
Great, allright. That’s true all over Europe and, I believe in the US too: mediatic “sports”, even more than arts and entertainment, are the field where it’s acceptable for coloured skins to climb the social ladder (whatever this means.)
@anonymous: you wrote that “to appear colorblind, you name physical types as “origins”
Actually I wasn’t trying to “appear” as anything, I was simply using terminology that was already part of a comment by Robert. Read what is actually written instead of flinging wild accusations.
Oh, and if it’s racist” to say one saw a non-white soldier/ cop/ security agent in France. then I ‘m afraid there are many “racists” out there..
The Yellow Vests are so brave… I admire them…. I wish them success …
Minor correction.
J’assume complètement de mentir pour protéger mon président.
I totally own that i lie to protect my president
The assume here is a false friend. She doesn’t assume that she will lie, but owns it.
As the Gj are proving – the globalization neo-liberalizer class are not going to let protestors chase them off the prize. They will escalate the violence to any level necessary. But as Jim Morrison once said “they’ve got the guns, but we got the numbers”… cold comfort I know.