by Ruslan Ostashko


Translated by Scott and captioned by Leo


If we got an impression that Euro-Georgian historical amnesia hit its limits, the next voice coming from Gabunistan proves us wrong. The head of the “Georgian Labour Party” Shalva Natelashvili called on the Parliament to adopt a resolution “On the historical and current genocide of the Georgian people.”

Our previous material based on online comments left by Europe-loving and Russia-hating representatives of Georgia published by PolitRussia.

After we posted the video, some commentators wrote that the comments bristling with ignorance and hatred were allegedly created by us. For the sake of hype, they say.

Well, here are the fresh words of not some anonymous Euro-Georgian inhabitant of the Internet, but the conscience of modern Georgian politics – Shalva Natelashvili.

Shalva Natelashvili: “The hard days are upon us, but no wreaths on the graves of the heroes, and no compassionate interviews would return us territories, won’t save our homeland and state, won’t be able to protect us from the expected worst threats, if the entire world does not recognize us as people who are victims of genocide. To do this, we must first recognize ourselves as such, which we still have not done,” Natelashvili said.

What is this person talking about? Let’s read the text of the resolution “On the historical and current genocide of the Georgian people,” which Natelashvili calls the Georgian Parliament to approve.

The Parliament of Georgia declares with all responsibility, to the entire world that the Georgian people, as a nation and as a state for thousands of years has been a victim of bloody, brutal attacks aimed not only at the seizure of the country or its parts, but also the physical destruction of the Georgian people, the elimination of its culture, religion, national identity. An obvious confirmation of this is historically known centuries-old invasions, among which the campaigns of Arabs, Persians, Khazars, Seljuks, Ottomans, Mongols, Iranians, and Turks followed by the physical destruction of millions of Georgians on ethnic grounds, as well as resettlement of millions of Georgians from their lands, and their forced settlement in other countries, and the sale of tens of millions of people as slaves, mainly in Asian markets.”

Take a note that Russians are not on the list of those who “genocided” Georgians in ancient times. Natelashvili had enough common sense here to not invent ancient history. He concentrated on inventing the modern history, because what he wrote in the next paragraph is enough to earn an isolation in a neuropsychiatric hospital.

Shalva Natelashvili: “Since 1801, the genocide of Georgian people has been carried out by the authorities of all formations of Russian Empire. This confirms by the abolition of Georgian statehood, the abolition of the autocephaly of the Church, the occupation, annexation in 1921, the seizure of the territories of independent Georgia and their transfer to the neighboring state, where millions of Georgians were forcibly assimilated, the loss of language, religion and culture. It is worth noting that in the war between fascism and bolshevism of 1941-1945, 400 thousand Georgians died out of a population of three million.”

Yes, Natelashvili refuses to admit that the Principality of Kartli, in whose honor the Euro-Georgians have recently renamed their country as Sakartvelo, pleaded with the Russian Emperor to take them in. And they did this on their knees. This traumatizes Natelashvili so bad that he has to come up with some nonsense.

[Historical note: in 1801 when the Principality of Kartli was accepted into the Russian Empire, its population was 40,000.]

Apparently the fact that proud Kartvelians crawled before the Russian Emperor in the knee-elbow position begging for our ancestors to save them from a real genocide, is so traumatizing for the nationalist Natelashvili that he is ready to escape into any nonsense. For example, the claim that Russia made Georgians to abandon their their language. Wait a minute, if Russia took the Georgian language away, in what language did riots in Tbilisi get squealed? Obviously, not in Russian or in English.

As for the “annexation in 1921,” somehow it turns out that after this terrible annexation the population of Georgia began to grow steadily.


The chart shows that the population of the Georgian SSR did not fall dramatically, even during the Great Patriotic war, which Gabunistan resident Natelashvili hypocritically calls the “war between fascism and bolshevism.” Forgetting that he, the liberal Natelashvili, actually was born only thanks to the victory of the USSR over the Nazis. That is, Euro-Georgian spits on heroism of his ancestors in order to pull the owl of genocide on the globe of harassment of Georgians by the Soviet authorities.

However, Natelashvili had even more nonsense.

Shalva Natelashvili: “Today, too, the policy of genocide is the leading strategy of the Kremlin’s policy towards the Georgian people. This is clearly confirmed by the bloody wars started by Russia in the 1990s in Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region.”

Look at this, the Georgian Nazi even hypocritically denies Ossetians their ethnicity. He denies their right to exist. There is no South Ossetia for him. There is the “Tskhinvali region.”

*Clip starts* – 5:19

Georgian Labour Party posted a video of Natelashvili proudly yelling at two South Ossetian villagers below a hill, where he goes as far as telling them that this is Georgian territory, and that they are occupiers like the Russians. And makes claims that Georgians created the culture in this region, while the Ossetians migrated here from Central Asia. That Ossetians have no connection to the Caucasus whatsoever.

*Clip ends* – 6:23

How does this liberal Natelashvili differ from the nationalist Gamsakhurdia that initiated the wars in the 90s? He doesn’t differ a bit.

Back to genocide. According to Natelashvili, under the Russian Empire and in the USSR there was genocide, and this genocide is going on right now. But during the two hundred years while Georgia was a part of Russia, the Georgian population grew actively, and started declining only under the current nationalist and liberalism leadership.

[Image – On this chart, the Georgian population change is marked in red, Azerbaijan’s population in orange, and Armenian population in blue.]

This apparent contradiction doesn’t compute in this Tbilisi liberal head for the absence of any mental activity there. He continues:

Recognize as confirmed the historical and current genocide for the destruction of the Georgian people.”

Here on the final point I would even agree with Natelashvili. Do not be surprised, because the genocide of Georgians really exists.

It is carried out by all the authorities of non-sovereign Georgia, starting with Gamsakhurdia. That is why after 1991, the population of the former Georgian SSR started to decline. With this in mind, the proposal of the head of the “Labour Party” is actually an admission of guilt. And if you throw out all the nonsense about being occupied by Russia, and add to this the responsibility of the Euro-Georgian authorities for the decline of the republic, the resolution can be adopted.

Tbilisi, however, won’t accept any responsibility for the current state of affairs. This would be contrary to infantile nationalist discourse, in which the stupidity of Euro-Georgians and their unwillingness to live in peace with its neighbors is being blamed on anyone but themselves.

And after all that, they will resort to swearing at me in comments for calling their forgotten good not remembering ancestry of a kebab democracy, Gabunistan.