Foreword by the Saker: Today I am posting a really interesting interview which will sound absolutely outlandish to a lot of you. Get this: the person interviewed is a former KGB General who speaks about restoring the monarchy under the rule of Jesus-Christ! And when I say “KGB General” I am being just as dishonest as the western media when it writes about Putin being a KGB officer. Technically speaking, yes, both Putin and Reshetnikov were in the KGB and they had the little red id card which did say “KGB USSR”. But in reality both were part of the KGB’s Foreign Intelligence Service, the First Chief Directorate (PGU) of the KGB, a completely separate branch of the KGB which even had its own, separate, headquarters in Yasenevo District in the southwest of Moscow. The First Chief Directorate (in Russian PGU KGB SSSR) did not deal with dissent, crime, or all the other security functions of the rest of the KGB. The PGU dealt with foreign intelligence exclusively (after the end of the Soviet Union the PGU was kept independent and renamed “SVR” or “Foreign Intelligence Service). And it was beyond any doubt the elite, most capable, part of the KGB: only the very best were accepted there. As for Reshetnikov, he was a top level officer responsible for an analytical Department (in Russian “Head of an informational-analytical Department”). In other words, the guys is exceptionally intelligent and exceptionally well-educated. One of the best analysts in Russia. And yet he speaks of monarchy and putting Christ in power. And he lumps Communists and Liberal into one group. How do you figure that one out? You can dismiss him as senile, but if that is the case, his senility manifests itself in a curious way. Besides, having seen his interviews, I can tell you that he is not senile one bit. A clown trying to make statements to be noticed? There are not many clowns in the PGU, even less with a rank of Lieutenant-General (that means a “three-star” general). I won’t give you my explanation, I think that I much rather leave you with a question mark and let you ponder this weird phenomenon. I will just say one thing: to me the views of Reshetnikov are yet another solid indicator that Russia is most definitely not part of Europe, at least not culturally. I won’t say more :-P Now meet our rather most interesting character!
General Reshetnikov: Return to the Empire
by Lieutenant-General Leonid Petrovich Reshetnikov
Translated by Eugenia
Donbass these days is suffering under horrific artillery fire. The Ukrainian forces are maniacally firing at Donetsk, Yasinovataya, Makeevka and other cities from MLSR and howitzers. There are many wounded; civilians are being killed, houses, schools and hospitals destroyed. This bloody spectacle is organized by the Kiev junta, which ignores all calls to stop this war, instead purposefully committing genocide of the population of the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics.
When and how will this horror end? What is the meaning of this all? What are the prospects of LPR/DPR and/or Novorossiya? And, finally, is there a way to rebuild the Great Russian Empire? We addressed these questions to the former head of the Analytic Division of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, then the Director of the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies, a currently the President of the society “Two-Headed Eagle” – Leonid Petrovich Reshetnikov.
Q: Donetsk and other cities of Novorossiya are under fire as we speak; the Ukrainian military are attempting to breach the front at multiple points. Why now and what is the cause of this escalation of the conflict?
A: This is a planned operation. The goal of the Kiev regime is to complicate the relations between Russia and the US. Currently, the relationship between the leadership of Russia and the new leadership of the USA is generally favorable for us. Kiev is scared; it is afraid that Ukraine will no longer be of interest to the United States and personally to Trump. For that reason, everything was planned in a way that the official visit of Poroshenko to Germany had to be interrupted because of the situation in Donbass aggravated by the Ukrainian side. We cannot exclude that Merkel was a co-conspirator in this; possibly, she herself initiated that action to undermine the Russian-American negotiations. The fear of Europe is no less than the fear of Ukraine. If the relations between Russia and US improve – Europe would be left out in the cold. Thus, on the initiative of some European politicians the Kiev criminals are murdering the civilians in Donetsk and Lugansk Republics in order to attain their chimeric foreign policy goals. They are attempting by such means to save their regime, to prove their usefulness. However, they are unlikely to succeed in preventing the improvement in the relations between Russia and the US.
The Kiev scum – Poroshenko, Parubiy and others – have built such a reputations for themselves on the war against their own people that they will certainly come to a sticky end. The best option – to flee abroad, otherwise they will pay dearly. I believe the Kremlin understands perfectly that the Kiev authorities are not partners but criminals that usurped power, and no negotiations with them are possible. I want to emphasize: the Kiev regime is doomed, and no provocations, no amount of artillery fire at Donetsk and other cities, no attempts at offensives will accomplish anything for Poroshenko and Co, except yet another brand mark on the foreheads of these scoundrels.
Leonid Petrovich, you were for a long time the Head of the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies. The Institute essentially laid the theoretical groundwork for the “Project Novorossiya”, which today the authorities in Russia and Donbass republics prefer not to mention. At the same time, the ordinary Donbass people became convinced that Novorossiya will not happen, and they will end up with nothing but a territorial fragment like the two Donbass Republics. In such case – without reunification with Russia via referendum – our future looks bleak . . .
Novorossiya was not created as some theoretical project; it was born through an explosion of the Russian historic self-awareness; an explosion unexpected for all – including Moscow, the Kremlin, the Russian public. Something that is hidden in the sub-consciousness in all of us – the yearning for the recreation of the Orthodox Russian Empire. Many have not yet realized what is Novorossiya, why it created such an enthusiasm in the society and why so many people went to defend it even at the cost of their own lives. That is because the idea of the Russian unity has survived under the layer of the dead ideology of the last hundred years. Why, then, the “project Novorossiya” wound down? I believe the reason is not only that some high ranking officials disapprove of it and closed it down (although that happened, too), but the main reason is that such project cannot be based on the Red Star: then that would not be Novorossiya, the resurrection of Russia, but an imitation of the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, many in the political leadership and expert community returned to the Soviet paradigms of 1970-1980s of the last century. Those paradigms have shown their ineffectiveness long ago, and attempts to reuse them now could lead to the collapse of everything. Old Soviet schemes aren’t viable but the new ones – not Soviet, but liberal – have not been taken on by the majority, so for now there is no ideological foundation for Novorossiya . . .
History is moving along a spiral; repeats are possible only on a new basis. So, at the present turn of the historic development, the spirit of Novorossiya that broke through the ideological layers had to retreat temporarily. The politicians as well as ordinary people had insufficient understanding of what NOVOROSSIYA is, where are its historical roots and what is its true spiritual meaning. I do not agree that the project is dead; it is alive and will yet return. But! Only on one condition: if we ourselves realize what path our country has travelled on for the past hundred years.
The return of LPR/DPR to Ukraine with the special status, isn’t it done for the purpose, as many suppose, to transform Ukraine from the inside, to convert it into a pro-Russian entity? What do you think the near future holds for the Republics? People that are surviving for the third years under the fire of the Ukrainian military are demanding a clear answer to this question . . .
There are different opinions in the Kremlin, but no definitive decision: to surrender Donbass to Ukraine. Yes, there are people that indeed think this way and want to do this. However, there are others that believe we should not leave people of Ukraine that have not accepted the Nazi regime to the mercy of Kiev. My personal impression: our President does not want to unconditionally surrender to Ukraine the people that lived through a war, privations and suffering, so that these people would be subjected to severe repressions, which is inevitable if Donbass is returned to Ukraine.
The problem is that Kiev shows no real changes in its treatment of Donbass or relations to the Russian Federation, and I do not see any prospects in the near future for any changes favorable to us. That regime, in spite of its rotten nature, will be persisting for some time, because there are still enough people that worked for decades to bring about such a regime; they are bound by blood; they took power and have no intentions of relinquishing it. The resistance to the regime is disorganized, lack the nationalistic Idea, not specifically Ukrainian but common for our entire huge country, our specific civilization. During the Soviet period the people were brainwashed in a special way. Everything was done to make people believe that Ukraine is an independent country.
I lived and studied in Kharkov and remember how it was. At the local level, all the time the Soviet authorities were instilling the idea: although we live in one country, but Moscow, the central Russia is somewhere far away, and we are separate, we have our own history and our own heroes. The people were taught that way – what do we expect now? It is natural that in Donbass, Odessa, Crimea and other regions Russian spirit still remains – during the 70 Soviet years and 25 years of independence the transformation has not entirely succeeded. The Russian historic self-awareness persisted, as did the feeling of belonging to the same civilization of all people that lived on the territory of the Russian Empire. All this is still there, particularly in the Eastern Ukraine. That is why the Ukrainian nationalists failed to fully accomplish their project.
Starting from 1921, forced Ukrainization of the Russian regions was taking place, specifically, of the territory of the Great Don Cossack Army and Slobozhanshchina, incorporated by the order of Lenin and Stalin into Ukraine. At some point, the town with the “romantic” name Mines (earlier Alersandrovsk-Grushevsky) and Taganrog were also given to Ukraine. Later, however, the common sense prevailed, and the towns were returned to Russia. I don’t even want to remind about Crimea gifted to Ukraine by our restless Nikita Khrushchev. Nobody really wants to remember that or think about it; everybody starts the count from 1991. My dear friends, come on! The groundwork for the breakdown of the Soviet Union was laid in 1917 and later in 1920-30s. During the Soviet time, governments, flags, hymns, national heroes were invented; monuments to open Russophobes were built. Hence the explosion. The 1991 was the result of the Soviet policies, remember that, comrades with the red stars on their cap that I have seen in LPR . . . Your ancestors, your leaders that you revere created the conditions for the breakdown of the united country. What kind of Novorossiya could you create if you do not learn lessons from history?
Leonid Petrovich, at present there two peoples in Ukraine: the first is completely anti-Russian, totally different from us in its mentality, and the second – Russian, even if the representatives of this group call themselves Ukrainians, due to upbringing and stereotypes. In reality, they are essentially deeply Russian people. The division is along the civilization-mentality lines, the same as between Serbs and Croats. Nevertheless, in the Kremlin as well as in the Moscow expert community the dominant view is that the majority of the Ukrainian population is just temporarily misled, brainwashed by the propaganda. That is to say, we will use political technologies to break the spell; they will again recall that they are Russians – and everything will be peaceful like it was before. But at least half of the Ukrainian population has long time ago turned into a different nation. What do we do with them, how do we reconcile irreconcilable differences?
As a former (until 1974) resident of Ukraine, I generally agree with you opinion. That division existed even then: when you cross Dnepr river, on the other bank not everyone, but the majority looked like a different nation. The wife of my elder brother from the Poltava region and speaking the Malorossian dialect (the Poltava region, a part of historic Malorossiya, is on the left bank of the Dnepr neighboring the Kharkov and Dneptopetrovsk regions; Malorossiya (Poltava, Chernigov, Kirovograd), or Small Russia, together with Novorossiya (Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson, Donbass) or New Russia, and Sloboshanshchina (Kharkov region), are historic names for territories of the Eastern Ukraine; in the Soviet period, the Poltava dialect was taken as a foundation for the development of the standard Ukrainian language – translator’s note) used to say about the speech of the people from the trans-Dnepr region: ”I do not understand their nice language. . . “ She is saying the same thing now. I agree that the inhabitants of the Western Ukraine were strongly influenced mentally and religiously by the Uniate and Catholic religions. Apparently, the fact that genetically the Western Ukrainians are linked to the leftovers of the Khazar Khanate also plays a significant role. Their mentality has a complex origin, and indeed today they are largely a different nation, although among them there are still people close to us in spirit. After all, the Russianness is not determined by the blood but by the mindset. Possibly, in the future there will be two different territories, two different states for these two peoples.
At his time, the Foreign Minister of the Russian Empire Khvostov wrote to the Tzar that Galicia should not be included into the Empire, since it was a completely alien element. Thus, the awareness of the deep difference was present then, and that difference should be taken into account in the future. It seems, they are a different nation. Croats and Serbs come to mind: there is little difference between the Serbian and Croatian languages – 100-200 words and slightly different pronunciation of a few sounds, which means this is essentially the same language. However, the mental differences make them two different nations, as do the difference in religion – Catholics and Orthodox – and in the origin and development of these nations.
That is why it is important to realize that we will not be able to rid them from the illusions – they are a different nation. Although some do, I repeat, harbor delusions in that regard – Kremlin is large, there are people with diverse opinions there, but there are also people who understand perfectly that two distinct nations inhabit the present day Ukraine.
We have to understand that the problem cannot be solved in one or two-three years; this is a long-term problem. The opportunities for working with the population of the Western Ukraine, the southern regions of Malorossiya are extensive. I am convinced that the “project Novorossiya” will be revived – this is our historic, spiritual project. In order to prevent that project from developing further, an unexpected weapon is currently employed – an imitation of the Soviet project.
You mean the idea embraced by some political analysts that “we in the end will return the whole of Ukraine”?
No, I speak about Novorossya proper, the eight South-Eastern regions of the present day Ukraine. Whatever idea someone embraces – it’s his business. In the leadership of our country and in the government there are enough people who understand that realistically we could only think about the project Novorossiya. To return the entire Ukraine – this is a fairy tale. Such idea shows either a total lack of understanding of the real processes or a disinclination to work towards a realistic goal justifying the inaction by the assertion that some day we will accomplish a much grander task of getting back the whole of Ukraine.
People that have still failed to understand what was happening with us during 73 years should not feel offended. These are all the rudiments of the Soviet style of thinking when the national factor was neglected, and as a result we got outbreaks of nationalism/separatism all over the territory of our civilization. I remember two main Soviet postulates. In 1988, when I was a junior official, I was delivering a talk to the leadership of the Foreign Intelligence Service, and the Chief of the Service Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kryutchkov said to me: “The Baltic countries will never get away from us, because . . . “. And then he talked about the World Economic Forum, economic connections, sausage factories, fishing ports and such. But we, the young employees of the Service, captains and majors, were sitting there and wondering: “My God, where are we going? Doesn’t he realize that sausage factories or fishing ports do not matter now at all; completely different things are important that are beyond the material concept of history, beyond the Marxist-Leninist concept”. An Idea is what always wins, and if we do not offer an Idea but are offering just material values instead, we will only achieve temporary solutions that are essentially failures. The same is now: Ukraine will go nowhere, we are giving it money, selling gas; we’ll turn off the gas – and that will be it . . .
Forgive me for the comparison, but it is the same as if Hitler was saying: Leningrad will go nowhere; the army of the Wehrmacht will blockade it, and the city will fall within a month. And what happened? The people mobilized, resisted, and won. But we have to understand that an Idea can also mobilize an enemy.
Attempts at resolving the conflicts among the nations or the states using exclusively economic methods are doomed, that’s is why we are losing. Instead of proposing and the idea of the unification of the Russian world, of the resurrection of the Russian orthodox civilization that would ensure the development and prosperity of all nations included in it, we very often hear spiritual surrogates that oppose the 73 Soviet years to 1000 years of the Russian history. The Great Patriotic War? Yes, we won. But is that to say that we have never fought and won in patriotic wars before? Have we not once expelled the occupiers from Kremlin (a reference to the expulsion from Moscow of the Polish invaders by the People’s Militia led by Minin and Prince Pozharsky in 1612 during the Time of Troubles – translator’s note)? Similar distortions happen with other subjects.
As far as we can judge based on the statements of the Russian politicians, a decision has been made to keep Ukraine as is for the foreseeable future. Regardless whether the Donbass Republics receive “the special status” or remains frozen in the status of unrecognized states, we (the Donbass Republics – translator’s note) unwillingly act as a factor of consolidation and support for the Ukrainian society, sort of like a “graphite moderator” for the nuclear reactor that prevents the nuclear reaction from getting out of control. The claimed existence of “terrorists”, “separatists”, “Russian mercenaries” provides the Kiev regime with the enemy image and allows to structure the Ukrainian society in such a way, so that in less than a generation it could be transformed into totally anti-Russian. This way, we will lose forever the opportunity to retain it in our Russian civilization fold. If the Republics join the Russian Federation, this “graphite moderator” would be withdrawn from the reactor, which could trigger the processes of disintegration of Ukraine. This and not the economic pressure or the war would allow for the informational and diplomatic changes in our favor to take place and for the project Novorossiya to be realized. What do you think about the possibility of conducting a referendum in the Donbass Republics about joining Russia?
I as a Russia patriot consider such outcome the most desirable: a referendum and reunification with Russia not only of Donbass, but also of Transnistria. However, there is one big ‘but”. We do not exist in an isolation, and currently Russia – many have not a slightest idea about that – is living through a very hard period being under a powerful attack by the globalist forces. Savvy people likely noticed that there was a period in October-November of last year when we were a step away from a military conflict with the United States. The President of our country is acting based on the information we are not privy to, and thus, sees the situation differently from how it appears to us. When I served as a head of the Analytical Division of the Foreign Intelligence Service (FIS) – I knew what the President was reading, but I knew only the part that was the responsibility of the FIS. Believe me, the situation is very complex . . .
The reunification of Crimea with Russia – this, of course, is an achievement of our President and of all those actively involved in the operation. However, without the will of God that could have not have happened. As a religious person, I consider this a miracle. As far as LPR/DPR are concerned, from my own viewpoint it seems to me that it would be right to conduct a referendum of them joining the Russian Federation. However, people at the top have access to all the information, and, apparently, have reasons to doubt that such a decision would be wise at this time. Would Russians be able to cope?
We have nothing to lose as far as sanctions or diplomatic pressure on Russia are concerned – everything that could be done has been done. What do you think is the main reason that does not let Russia allow the Republics to join? What prevents this?
What prevented the DPR from taking Mariupol in 2014?
An agreement with the oligarchs . . .
I do not know – perhaps. There was, however, a firm position of the West. Are we truly independent financially? Obviously, we are not. It is risky for the US and globalists to hit us in that area – it could backfire, but they still could employ such ultimate measures. The results would be a lot more painful for us than for them. I want to emphasize the activity of Vladimir Putin: all these years he is slowly step by step restoring Russia’s true independence.
Let us consider recent history. Industrialization, which the Stalinists are so proud of, was accomplished with enormous – material, technological, financial, and credit support of the US. Thanks to that support, Dnepr Hydroelectric Station, Magnitka (Magnitogorsk Metal Producing Plant, built in 1932, one of the largest in the USSR, the largest in Russia – translator’s note), Gorky Automotive Plant and thousands of other enterprises were built. When the Great Patriotic was nearing its end, Joseph Stalin was counting on $6 billions promised by Roosevelt and was prepared to comply with the demands of the USA: to keep the eastern European countries democratic, retain the multi-party system or monarchies (where they existed), refrain from strict collectivization, and to leave the church alone. Only after the Fulton speech and the establishment of the “Iron Curtain”, the Soviet Union has altered its foreign policy. However, the dependence remained, since the whole world existed inside the financial-economic system dominated by the US, and we were being incorporated into it more and more, as the socialist system created by us was not working.
I can make a statement surprising for some and outrageous for others: after 1917 we were never completely independent. It was not for nothing that the West invested so much energy and resources in order to use the “Red project” (the division of the Empire into 15 national republics) for the destruction of the Eastern-Slavic civilization.
I remember how in 1984 or 1985 I read the telegram of the Russian ambassador in FRG Yuliy Krivitsky about his conversation with the Vise-Chancellor of the Western Germany, leader of the Bavarian party Christian-Democratic Union, Joseph Straus. The latter said directly, even at that time: “You country, Mister Ambassador, is facing difficult times. You placed a bomb under it: 15 Republics – 15 governments, Parliaments, hymns, flags. All this will blow up, and the Soviet Union will break down . . . “ Krivitsky objected saying that FRG also had various lands – Saxony, Bavaria, Bremen, Hesse, etc., local governments, to which the Vise-Chancellor responded: “Our states are based on the territories, but yours – on the nations”. The West understood very well, as opposed to our leadership, the main problem of the Soviet Union and purposefully aggravated it. As a result, the Western Ukrainians, Georgians, Armenians, and other nations remembered their national roots, whereas only the Russian and, partially, Belorussians were transformed into the “Soviet people” having taken to heart the myth about internationalism and lost their historic memory.
Remember Serbs and Croats – we have the same problem in Russia. As Joseph Broz Tito cut down the Serbian – that of the state-defining nation – territories, the same way Joseph Stalin and his co-conspirators cut down the Russian territories. In particular, the Russian Novorossiya was given to the artificially created Ukraine, Ossetia – to Georgia, the Northern and Eastern Kazakhstan populated by Russians – to Kazakhstan. It that sense, all us Russians are somewhat circumcised, if you pardon the expression . . .
That is why the current efforts of our President, his heroic deeds will not be fully appreciated any time soon. His mission – to extricate the country every year millimeter by millimeter from the national, financial, economical and other types of traps we got caught in since 1917. Any sudden movement, such as a referendum about incorporation of LPR/DPR could have unintended consequences.
This is a complex and very painful questions for all Russians. Russia is by definition a Eurasian state; it is multinational. So, how do we ensure that the defense of the interests of ethnic Russians would not become the instrument of the destruction of the country under the slogans like “Stop feeding the Caucasus!”, “Siberia – is not Moscow” and so forth. How do we find the optimal formula, when the imperial component does not oppress but stimulates the development of the Russian nation? It is worth remembering that the Declaration of Independence of the Russian Federation was issued on June 12th, 1991, which predetermined the Belovezhsk conspiracy on December 8th, 1991, and the breakup of the USSR . . . How do we manage not to repeat our historic mistakes?
The country could not have avoided the breakdown, since we have divided it into the national republics. Recently we have had a conversation with the Dagestanis-Muslims, and I recalled another conversations with a Chechen – Major-General of the FSB and his words: “You know, Leonid Petrovich, if they had been a White Tzar above us and Allah – we would have all united. We love Russia, but fighting for it we do not fight for the territories as such but for the White Tzar . . . “ This is the main factor uniting all nations. The Dagestanis also agreed; they are also in favor of the Empire; they understand the value of the vertical of power. There is no difference in this issue between the Orthodoxy and Islam, and if the Empire happens, Islam will work for it. Remember that during the Civil War the Chechen, Ingushs, and other Caucasus people fought in the White Army.
An Empire is impossible without the absolute monarchy . . .
Yes. However, it is too early to propose the restoration of monarchy now. It would be a premature move. It is necessary to clear up our minds, our memory of myths. The history of our Motherland in the Soviet period was studied starting from 1935 – why was that? Because it was necessary to re-write it completely, but before that new faculty had to be trained. Then the guys from the Institute of the Red Professors invented our history for us out of nothing under the title “The short history course of the All Russia Communist Party of Bolsheviks” of Joseph Vissarionovich (Stalin – translator’s note).
Let us summarize. In order for the Russian nation to prosper and maintain good relations with other nations, we need to restore our independent state that could only be the Russian Eurasian Empire. The Empire could only be restored as a monarchy, but to accomplish that we need to change our mentality and to free ourselves from the Soviet stereotypes. But here is the problem: most Russian citizens still see in the Soviet epoch the Great Project, the Idea of Justice, the Joy of unprecedented Victories . . . How do we alter the people’s mentality without alienating that majority, how do we merge the best achievements of the Soviet time with the achievements of the Tzarist period?
Middle-aged people or older cannot be changed; we need to work with the youth. This is hard. Let me give you an example: my eldest grand-daughter once said to me: “Grandpa, our teacher in class asked us why Michael Romanov was elected as a Tzar (Michael Romanov, the first Tzar of the Romanov dynasty, was elected in 1613 after the Time of Troubles, which started following the death of the son of Ivan the Terrible, the last representative of the Rurik dynasty, in 1598; during that period, many events took place including the appearance of Pseudo-Dmitri claiming to be the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible, Dmitri supposedly was killed in childhood, his ascension to the throne in Moscow, the intervention of the Polish Army, and the final defeat of the Poles – translator’s note), and I replied that, first, all estates voted for him, because all wanted to have a Tzar in the country after a horrible period of the Time of Troubles. Second, the Russian Orthodox Church supported him, and the church had a strong influence. And third, since he was very young, he was not involved in any of the treasons of the Time of Troubles when the nobles switched sides in support of the Poles or Pseudo-Dmitri”. I praised her answer but my granddaughter said that the teacher considered her response incorrect. The response should have been as written in the textbook, which only had one sentence about this stating that the nobles wanted to have a young Tzar so that they could control him. That is how contempt towards the Russian history is imprinted onto the mind of our children. When children grow up, they will have hard time letting go of the false concepts and accept the idea of the monarchy. Many will be torn between the two projects imposed on us by the West – liberal and Communist.
Recall how communists and liberals (they are of the same stock) go into hysterics when someone mentions the Third way – a special historic role of Russia. If you simply mention, without any epithets, the name of the last Emperor Nikolas the Second – immediately atheists, liberals, homosexuals and other trash unite and start yelling that he was a weak Tzar, that he “sold and destroyed Russia”. What does that say? That we are on the right track. We do not intend to change the regime; out job is to help people understand the lessons of the past, and when that happens, then the desire to restore the Empire and Monarchy will become natural to them. The new Constitution will be adopted, and the real revival of Russia will begin. But for those who consider themselves monarchists, for all orthodox Russian people, a Tzar has always existed, exists and will exist, and his name is – Jesus Christ.
Leonid Petrovich Reshetnikov (b. February 6, 1947, Potsdam, Germany) — Soviet and Russian historian, Director of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (29 April 2009 to 4 January 2017), the General-the Lieutenant of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) of the Russian Federation. Candidate of Historical Sciences. Former chief of the information-analytical staff of the SVR in the rank of Lieutenant General.
Christianity as a unifying principle or ethos: I see no problem with that as a philosophy.Even an atheist should have no problem with this idea.
Russians should not fall into the trap of religion it’s as bad as communism
Says one thing does another
Russian central bank has had to close 5 of the orthodox banks due to theft of 5 billion dollars not roubles – dollars
The church cannot say where the money went!!! this is the behaviour of oligarchs of the 90s.
The Moscow patriarch takes 27% from the regional churches instead of 10%
There is slot of corruption in that church.
Read this on John Helmer dances with bears.
A symphony between Church and State implies that new state law submits itself to morality.
Moscow patriarch policy is reaching for the stars, the same as U.S. constitution:
“The Russian Church openly declares his attitude to usury as a sinful phenomenon, and notes the destructiveness of the global debt economy:”
We need to differentiate when man falls short of his higher ideals, or when his guiding documents fall short.
The real enemy isn’t corruption, but corruption sanctioned in law and indurated to practice. Talmud comes to mind, where what should be illegal (usury) is given sanction.
A slot of corruption in the Church?: Yes, of course- an ongoing battle for forever, of man against his fallen nature.
“Russia is most definitely not part of Europe,
-lol, please take that up with someone with even basic education in geography and demography then xD
Russia is a country INSIDE of the geographical region that is Europe, Russians, ethnic Russians are the largest EUROPEAN ethnic group. Yes, ethnic Russians exist, and yes they are European/white.
“at least not culturally. I””
-Actually, Europe, yes, including Russia*doh*, has been a bastion of Christianity for over a thousand years, so Russian being christian would make Russia more culturally European then W.Europe which for the last decades has been ruled by anti-Christians.
So by your own logic, Russia is a bastion of white christian European civilization ;)
Well, Russia is a country partially inside the geography defined as Europe. Europe technically ends at the Ural Mountains. If someone put you there and said to ‘Walk east until you reach the end of Russia’, then you’d have a very, very long walk ahead of you. :)
Let’s be frank: Russians are no Euro-trash, far from it. The exception that proves this rule is the 5th columnists — a tiny minority.
Resonates very well, by the way, with the astute observation below, posted on the blog by an anonymous contributor nearly two years ago:
“Somewhat conspicuously, the Nazis, when they attacked the USSR, were not welcomed by their fifth column, unlike everywhere else they went. The US ambassador took note of that:
‘Maybe those trials were no circus after all?’
If Russians are Europeans, could you please explain why their Slavic language is not a European language? If Slavic peoples originated from Europe, wouldn’t they rather speak a European language? Why does Slavic not belong to the same (European) branch of the Indo-European language family as Germanic, Celtic, Greek, Italian – to cite just the still subsisting ones?
And finally, what on earth has a Middle Eastern religion to do with European Identity?
Had Christianity been invented by Celtic druids, would baptism turn you into a Gaul?
If Russians were to adopt Shintoism, would that make them Japanese?
Why do Slavic speaking nations try to reinvent their history instead of being proud of it?
The Slavic languages are a group of related languages within the Indo-European family. Among the most common are Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Slovene, and Serbo-Croatian (Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian). So by your definition, the Poles, the Czechs, the Macedonians, the Serbs, Croatians and Bosnians are not European either… LOL!
Sans nom – brief explanation:
Russian belongs to a Slavic group of Indo-European languages spread from Ireland to Sri-Lanka. Other groups of the same Indo-European family of languages are Germanic, Roman, Iranian, Indo-Aryan, etc.
So, contrary to what you claim, Russian IS a European language (Indo-European, to be precise), and it belongs to a Slavic group which along with Germanic, Roman, and other groups does belong to the Indo-European language family.
Sans sensu = nonsense
… Russia is a country INSIDE of the geographical region that is Europe, …
This statement it’s misleading. Russia – the Russian Federation – is inside the geographical region that is Europe and inside the geographical region that is Asia.
To simplify matters of typing I’ll copy a part of a comment that I had written two days ago:
As far as I had learned in the past four years about Russia (and this had been more than I had previously learned about that country in my entire life), Russia is a real multi cultural country. To some degree parts of Russia share culture with Europe. Other parts share culture (as well as similar food) with Islamic countries, with Asian countries, with Scandinavian countries.
Each time when I read that Russia is soooo European my gut feeling is that this expression is made to pull Russia into the European orbit. Without access to Russias natural resources Europe is pretty much screwed. So, in order to get closer to the goal of looting that country (again), Russians are fooled into believing that the part of their European culture is more important than the other ones. Russians should cooperate with everyone who wants to (on a fair basis for both sides), but they should nevertheless keep a “safe distance” and try to avoid being dependent on other countries.
… and yes they are European/white. …
Are darker Skinned Greeks, Italians, Portuguese and Spanish people (Hispanics) less European?
“Says one thing does another.” Do you know of any organization or group comprised of human beings that doesn’t do this?
James, that isn’t the fault of religion, the function of which is to offer a means of salvation. It’s the fault of corrupt people: whether in Russia, Rome, Washington, or anywhere else. Human nature is weak and prone to sin. Either that or Christ was mistaken, despite the fact that the best men in Christendom East or West were duped–in which case intelligence and sanctity don’t exist.
“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.”
There is no reason to be surprised by corruption in the Church. That is men’s fault, men’s stupidity and weakness.
If the “Desposyni” virus has gone viral in Russia it makes it more part of Europe’s folly then less.
I am not sure I understand what you are saying
but if I understand correctly – I wholeheartedly agree.
There is no end to man’s folly!
Nonsense, he (General Rechetnikov) doesn’t mean a despot, but rather a (long time) representative, a symbol of the Russian/Eurasian Empire, a general advisor, and so forth.
(e.g. someone like Sergei Shoigu)
I can’t find much (superbly) controversial, actually. Russia is still not sovereign, as it was before 1917. Why not simply become sovereign? Putin has the support of the Russian people, army,and so forth. Nationalize all banks & companies (many are owned by thugs & thieves anyway). Let them keep a couple of millions if need be. Issue your own money. Fixed.
Sadly Russia recently sold 20 percent of some state owned oil company.
According to some sources it’s still unknown who had bought the shares. Some even suspect that a foreign branch of one of Russia’s banks had bought the majority of shares. (I don’t remember the sources for this information / rumors anymore.)
Russian economists or at least politicians should read more of the articles of Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. He denounced the sale as a big blunder.
What books ( could be literature- fiction) on history of russia would you recommend?
I’m also very interested in this subject. I hope somebody will chime in with a list of saker approved, historically and spiritually centered literature.
BTW. I think it was Berdayev who said that “Loving Russia is what makes one into a true Russian, not they place of birth”…or something along those lines.
The EU take note:
Alignment (resonance) between the organisation of the soul and the structure of the state certainly adds resilience and good governance for both.
It would seem that the indigenous tribal souls of the north Americas were replaced by the escaping Christian souls of Europe; only to be later replaced by the soul-less commercialism of the international ‘globalist’ Zionist bankerism. Russian reconstruction (and perhaps resurrection if you feel the need) is ahead of the civilizational game — not behind it.
I’m not sure a hereditary monarchy is the answer but a Russian Czar (in function) is part of the Russian ‘ecology’ and Putin seems to be filling the niche adequately. What to do next? is the question.
This was the quoted text (missing in above):
The latter said directly, even at that time: “You country, Mister Ambassador, is facing difficult times. You placed a bomb under it: 15 Republics – 15 governments, Parliaments, hymns, flags. All this will blow up, and the Soviet Union will break down . . . “ Krivitsky objected saying that FRG also had various lands – Saxony, Bavaria, Bremen, Hesse, etc., local governments, to which the Vise-Chancellor responded: “Our states are based on the territories, but yours – on the nations”.
Monarchy and state religion two of the biggest cons – just look at the UK!
Is Russia really interested in more ideology ? Very sad indeed
Proof that you can be “intelligent” but stupid at the same time
Here’s another Russian officer (Colonel) who will look even stupider to you:
“[I] used to speak to them of patriotism, of the love for their homeland, of morality, but [soon] realized it was all meaningless without God, that even love wasn’t love without God, it was nothing but feelings, and feelings tend to change.”
From the web link:
“His country house in the suburbs of Moscow becomes some kind of rehabilitation centre for people with serious problems: alcoholics, victims of religious sects, people who dabbed in magic, psychics, as well as people who simply felt lost.”
My impression of Russia is that most Russians are still lost. The official state religion of Atheism has given the people nothing but broken promises. I hope that more people turn to Jesus as the retired colonel had done.
James Lake: The British monarchy is filled with Satanists. If the royal family really cared about religion, they would never have allowed the Anglican Communion to embrace concepts foreign to Christianity such as Islam and homosexuality:
Would a restored Russian monarchy and the Russian Orthodox church make the same mistakes. That is an excellent question.
re: “An Idea is what always wins, and if we do not offer an Idea but are offering just material values instead, we will only achieve temporary solutions that are essentially failures. The same is now: Ukraine will go nowhere, we are giving it money, selling gas; we’ll turn off the gas – and that will be it.”
This misses the problem that Moscow has been offering material values for the elite, and not the masses. Russia and the Ukraine are even more 0.01%-oriented than the West. So the money Moscow has given to the 0.01% in Kiev just angers the average Ukrainian. The model that Russia has shown the Ukraine is one of oligarchs, which they hate. A vicious cycle.
One can make a strong case that the idea many in Novorossiya (and even the rest of the world) wanted to see was taming the oligarchs. This may or may not be seen as being “Soviet”. The thing many of us wanted most out of Novorossiya or the Kremlin was not changing Merkel’s and Obama’s policies towards the Ukraine and Syria, but moving away from the oligarchical dictatorship model that is normal in the world today. It would be immensely more difficult to create all these problems in the world if the so-called “good countries” weren’t pseudo-democracies where a dozen oligarchs and their front groups call all the shots.
Well, we are blessed again by Eugenia. Not only a fine translation for us Russian-illiterates to comprehend everything large and small, but parenthetical notes that expand our knowledge.
Magnificent, Eugenia. Thank you for the work.
The Lt. General brings to us the underlying reasoning and factual basis for the Putin-Kremlin policy on Donbass. Made clear is the dream and the reality of Novorossiya, near yet distant.
The contextual shaping of history, present-day facts, geopolitical design and cultural obstacles is all here in this interview.
General Reshetnikov brings us his life’s perspective as well as his civilizational view, but with the cold eye of a KGB analyst.
The subtitle might be: Russia searches for the idea of Russia.
We on the outside have none of the restlessness of Russians who are trying to skip back over 100 years, grab hold of what was again. To be is to recall. And it must begin with the Christ! Wow!
You see why Putin brought the Orthodox Church back inside the government.
Interesting also to note that Putin wants these top analysts to make greater use of the media to share their analyses with the public:
“I would like the institute to have close, strong and stable ties with the media and to provide them with reliable, full and relevant information and analytical materials.”
Well, he, yes, really shapes history the way it fits him, obviating the many “times of troubles” the Tsarist regime passed through, like the many intends of revolts which happened much before the Bolshevik Revolution, because of the conditions in which the majority of the Russian people lived. Not to mention the many times the Tsarist family were dedicated to kill each other to grab power.
He also obviates that the Tsarist regime was indebted to the West much more than the Bolshevik government could be anytime, in fact, just in the previous years of the 1917 Revolution the Tsar system was much bankrupted and so asked loans to the Rothschilds who conditioned these loans to the betterment of the living conditions of the Jews in the Pale of Setlementwhich, once refused to do by the Tsar, led the Rothschild to support financially the Bolshevik Revolution. This does not mean that the Bolshevik Revolution were a Rothschild´s project, but just the Bolsheviks took advantage of this money to advance their project which was that of the majority of people in the Russian Empire, apart from nobility, some high military ranks and the kulaks. The Tsars also borrowed great ammounts of money from France. The fact is that they were always and exponentially indebted, despite the confiscation of all the product of the peasants labor, because they lived a life of luxury and expenditure without measure, and continuous wars, and that was, precisely, what derived in the continuous revolutions, not any foreign conspiration.
The fact that he expresses this rocambolesque ideas on the reconstruction of a Russian Empire right now, when is all about acussing Russian of trying to expand itself by NATO and the US, and just the new US administration is searching for an alibi to attack Russia, as the new provokation in the Ukraine clearly shows, gives us some idea about why this man is out of any official position in government. I fear that what V.V.P wants him to do is to shut up.
Also his consideration of any Russian who does not share his ideology as “shit” give an idea of his so morally elevated, democratic and pacific aims. I wonder whether tha fact that he was born in Germany and has such a good relations with that party from Bavaria has any significance….
This man is the vivid proof that having been a member of the KGB does not give you neither fairness, nor illumination or wisdom, nor makes a patriot of yourself. Beria, Litvinenko and some others who now even work for the US, the UK or Israel were also members of the KGB or its precursors and there you ahve their doings
And, btw, the Orthodox Church is not back inside the government, do not manipulate please, nor give a distortioned idea of Russia, contributing to the Western hollywoodian myths. The Russian people wants freedom of believe but in a secular state. No other way the current nations which form the Russian Federation would remain united. These ideas only would lead to the disintegration and desmemberment of the RF which is precisely what some in the West, and especially the US, would wish. Most of Russians does not practice any religion at all. the fact that this man has talked with some Daguestani and some Chechen does not imply these people represent all the Russian people.
Although may be, yes, he is senile, age to be he has. Delusional to say the least.
People in the world will never accept again absolute monarchies if not by force.
@ Larissa
Thank you for your extended and knowledgeable reply to some ridiculous insinuations. Without that help we would be hard put to understand the gist of the arguments.
Excellent comment.
Whenever I’m reading such ideas of creating an Orthodox Russia I’m wondering if the authors of those articles consider that the Russian Federation is a multicultural nation with many religions. Preferring one over the other would only divide people instead of uniting them.
Yes, indeed. How many more tragic evidence do we need to finally realize that all religions are divisive?! What is it that we still don’t understand about the horrors brought about by the differences between Sunni and Shia, Catholic and Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant? Hindu and Muslim? …
Thanks Larissa.
You make a lot of sense, and seem to me to be much closer to the reality of majority thinking than the general.
Especially on the significance of oligarchy.
However, I do think he is astute about the Ukraine being essentially a county of ‘two halves’.
But I can’t see the Poles accepting the Western Ukies in quite the same fraternal spirit as Russia does the Easterners.
Those that harbor such fond thoughts are in for a rude awakening methinks.
Larissa you are fooling yourself to think the bolsheviks truly represented the people. Those Bolsheviks obtained extensive help from angloamerican diplomats and western bankers. The Red Cross ‘nongovernmental organisation’ was used as a cover for that early colour revolution/special operation. The ‘French’ revolution over a century before was also a foreign-led coup. Britain organised it.
There were plenty of reasons for 1917. Russia had been in the crosshair of the British oligarchy for several decades and the americans wanted to stop oil production to raise prices.
Lenin and Trotsky payed their foreign sponsors with purchases and by offering a new offshore industrial region for the americans to exploit.
Nikolai Starikovs informative books are mostly in russian. He also recommends other historians.
In both those fake revolutions the culprits created food-deficiency by foul play. In France the plotters horded grain to cause scarcity. In the Russian case they spread rumours in order to trick people into hording bread.
And the period before which you talk about was full of British scheming against Russia. For one thing they plotted the war between Russia and Japan, in order to weaken the Russian regime. The British built the Japanese ships and also obstructed Russias preparations.
Thank you Larissa for this excellent comment, I agree with every single part of it.
It is always a pleasure reading mr Reshetnikov.
What he is essentially proposing is just common sense, with or without monarchy component.
Unifying idea based on shared moral values of the majority of people, regardless of their religious or ethnic affiliation. Which is glue that binds people together in one nation better than any economic factor. Especially so if it is effectively managed then prosperity will naturally follow. Moral values derived from non corrupted religions are more or less the same so why not use them as basis? It is best seen in the example that general population nowhere on the planet want war. Only those in power want it for only them can prosper from hostilities.
Vertical of power is essentially call for personal responsibility in our day to day conduct and especially for those in positions of power. Everyone from top to bottom should be held accountable for his actions or failure to act and should not be allowed to relativize their action to avoid responsibility.
To do that a country would need a proper elite. One which is patriotic to its nation. Nationalist as opposed to national chauvinistic. This if often lumped together which is quite harmful to any patriotic movement not based on hatred to others as they are then labeled as one and the same. I do not see anything wrong in loving your country but i do see everything bad if your “patriotism” is based on hatred of “others”. Because if from that equation you take those others away-there is nothing left. So, elite based around shared moral values of the majority that could analyze current trends and formulate plans for the future based on morality and not on pragmatism alone. Which can only bring short term gains which are easily exploited by the enemies of the humanity.
Relearning history based on facts no matter how disturbing we may find them and not on narratives. For it is now a common knowledge that current history is distorted to that extent that it cannot stand as it is. Russia existed far longer then USSR, had some ups and downs, moments brights and not so bright as any other country. But to be honest in our qualification of Russia’s history it should be compared to others. Results would be surprising IMO. They already are.
One final thing which i noticed here and in my day to day communication with others. Monarchy VS Capitalism VS Communism VS … They are just systems that regulate how our society operates. I have no horse in that race- i refuse to bet on rigged races!
My take on that is what are the answers how the education,healthcare,social welfare,taxes,monetary policy,use of army and intelligence apparatus,foreign policy, … is to be conducted. If we could borrow a solution from a “hated” system that standing without the rest of the wrongly set system could work for us and solve our problems and is not in conflict with our shared moral values i ask why not? Are we so set to reside in this mire forever?
To do that a country would need a proper elite. One which is patriotic to its nation. Nationalist as opposed to national chauvinistic. This if often lumped together which is quite harmful to any patriotic movement not based on hatred to others as they are then labeled as one and the same. I do not see anything wrong in loving your country but i do see everything bad if your “patriotism” is based on hatred of “others”. Because if from that equation you take those others away-there is nothing left . . . One final thing which i noticed here and in my day to day communication with others. Monarchy VS Capitalism VS Communism VS … They are just systems that regulate how our society operates. I have no horse in that race- i refuse to bet on rigged races!
Probably an odd thought, but no less valuable (IMO at least) for that reason : What I see in this from you is the same kind of fossil idea carried into the present that the assumptions instilled during the communist era are for the older people. Such assumptions are all but invisible to people to whom they are axiomatic, like the attitude of the teacher in the story, because they provide an organizational structure in which things make sense to her (even if not adequate sense).
But yours goes much further back in time and more of the world’s thinking has been predicated on it, making it even more invisible — difficult to see without stepping outside the chain of idea-accretions that we call the history of civilization.
Idries Shah has pointed out that what we call “the scientific method” was actually imported from the Islamic world (much more advanced in thinking than the west). But we only accepted half of it because of the obvious difficulties it would have created for the ruling ideology.
So we learned to dissect assumptions (like that dirty linen left in a corner produced mice) into abstract ideas and subject them to critical evaluation by analysis. We got to be highly accomplished at it — following that procedure, e.g., Thomas Aquinas synthesized religious faith into a system of propositions which were logically compelling. (I.e., logic was elevated to primacy. Thus sex — a reality in human life now reduced to a freestanding abstract idea — was decreed to be only legitimate in service of procreation; from any other motivation it was evil.
But when realities are reduced to abstractions, they “invert.” Thus the pursuit of “inclusive” egalitarianism (a laudable intention in theory) turned into the imposition of minority hiring quotas in both the US and the SU. Thus it was mandatory that every organization be saddled with its quota of (often unqualified — minorities for the sake of minorities) drones that productive people had to work-around. (Actually, the SU was ahead of the US in this).
The other half of the Original Scientific Method (procedure) was that, when he was finished using the analytical idea-microscope, the investigator stepped away from his work and considered what the implications of his conclusions would be in the real world in which he lived. In the case of the above examples that, however beautiful as an idea in the abstract, imposing compulsory chastity on everybody could only result in a society of criminals, and in making people of good will toward minorities resent them.
As abstract ideas, your program seems reasonable. But in practice, you unavoidably contradict yourself. On one hand you dismiss monarchy (the ultimate institution of an elite) as “just a system that regulates how our society operates.” You do this, IMO, because it is an idea (an abstraction) to you. When you consider it organically, you understand that having a proper elite is an existential necessity (unless you envision a bunch of Tolstoys as shapers of culture). Similarly, when you regard hating others as an abstraction you are against it, imagining that when this disappeared, the state based on it would also. But had you been alive during the Great Patriotic War (when this was an existential necessity for the survival of the Russian state and people) you would have seen it differently, and seen that when time passed and hatred largely subsided, Russia did not disappear at all.
Consider it possible that what “works” for human beings is a society which, like a magnet to iron filings on a sheet of paper, is organized around/by an alpha male (whether you call him a Tzar or not). (In fact, in times of great stress and threat, when matters grow serious, alphas like Putin and Trump appear). These gladly include anyone whose attitudes and values are congruent with theirs, and hate (eventually I think the US sees civil war) those who hate them on this basis, as a healthy organism mobilizes against pathogens.
The conclusion of 69 years : Life is really not complicated ; it just only works the way it works. Complications are evidence of invalid assumptions — usually, of abstractions being assumed to be valid stand-ins for realities and mistaken for them.
“Probably an odd thought, but no less valuable (IMO at least) for that reason : What I see in this from you is the same kind of fossil idea carried into the present that the assumptions instilled during the communist era are for the older people. Such assumptions are all but invisible to people to whom they are axiomatic, like the attitude of the teacher in the story, because they provide an organizational structure in which things make sense to her (even if not adequate sense).”
Assumptions are just that-assumptions. Older people are less likely to change their views than the younger ones are, when we take into consideration education that ratio is even higher between those two categories. Mr Reshetnikov was spot on on that. I advocate tradition as a model, modernized, but not at the cost of losing moral values inherent in it. So, model i propose is older then communism which is what the general advocate also.
When you are talking about invertions you sound like that is an inevitability, that we are destined to do that. Are we not gifted with free will?
Quotas are a good example of what we are to avoid. I advocate placing those who are capable and love the country they live in.
Imposing cultural chastity? Never said that. But society can be influenced. Why that influence should not be in accordance with tradition? Especially when that tradition is strongly influenced by religious moral. Moral which i approve. I see it a better model than propagating deviancies as a norm. Why is it not possible that criminals could repent? Are not jails intended as correctional facilities? We are all sinners by whatever standards you apply. If there is no way for us to repent when we make a mistake/sin, what is an incentive for correction?
I did not dismiss monarchy i just stated that moral values should be above the system. They should be the measure we use in judging the success of a system.
Regarding Great Patriotic War, are you implying that hate toward enemy brought victory instead love for your country? Nazy Germany was guided by national chauvinistic ideals and we see where hate brought them. USSR was relying heavily on Christianity rooted in tradition that goes back to the time of the Russian Empire hence the Saint George ribbon is possible during WWII in USSR. Christian tradition in communism? Yes. Why? Because by the 1942 most of the ardent communists died on the front. What was left? Those who were not converted into communism although they were influenced by it. By the time Berlin fell average age of the Red Army soldier was IIRC 54 years. USSR exploited love for ones country that is tradition which is highly influenced by faith. One more proof that hate was not a winner in WWII but love, is the fate of Germans after their defeat. Have we seen the Red Army murdering millions of civilians? If hate was the winner then it would be so.
Enemies of humanity wage war primarily upon family and tradition. That is were we should look for strength if we intend to stop them from eradicating us.
I do not believe in leader model. I believe and support institutional model coupled as i said with responsibility. It is more rugged and is less insulting to a human being whom i consider should not be led into a herd mentality. In Christian tradition there is something called Sabornost which in my opinion is used as a model for modern day institutions, although heavily corrupted.
I don’t think Jesus would be a good ruler…
at all…
If you know what I mean…
I’m not sure.
I don’t even know which Christ (or god) he is talking about (everyone seems to have his own, after all, which the different churches having major variations).
Yes, we know exactly what you mean…we are mind readers.
I deleted your comment. Try and stay pleasant and courteous please. mod PS
Bolshevik’s exposed a key weakness of Tsar system in 1918. Namely, brain function of Russia’s vertical system was taken over and parasitized by money power. Bolshevik’s as most know, were funded into existence by Wall Street Capital. The U.S. itself became parasitized after elections of 1912, where 16’th, 17’th, IRS, and Federal Reserve were installed. The 16’th backstops banks with un-apportioned taxes (unconstitutional). TARP is an excellent example of using Taxes to backstop banks. The 17’th amendment converted state Senators to become populists, who are easily bribed with money power. Senators need money to get your vote, and are no longer yoked to their state legislatures. IRS and Federal Reserve codify private banking capital as the usurious money and control means of the realm.
It took almost 100 years to eject Bolshevik parasite from Russia’s brain function. America may or may not be able to eject its parasite.
It seems that Russia accidentally discovered a method for good governance when PGU went to war against the (money power) Oligarchs. The Oligarchs received “capital” from the west for their schemes – seeing a pattern yet?
The First Chief Directorate (in Russian PGU KGB SSSR) supply personnel for Russia’s new vertical system. Putin installed governors who oversee the Federal Structure, giving it a more vertical integration.
PGU’s accidental discovery: A pipeline of high quality individuals yoked to the needs of the people is necessary for good governance.
General Reshetnikov might want to familiarize himself with “The Tragedy of Hungary (1924)” by Louis K. Birinyi, especially chapter 3.
Here is an excerpt from Trianon, and note strong correlation to “symphony of church and state.”
“Politically Hungary was a constitutional kingdom for more than one thousand years. Her constitution is only seven years younger than the English Magna Charta. In the year 1000, A.D., Pope Sylvester II presented Stephen, the ruler of Hungary, with a crown and conferred on him the title of “Apostolic King of Hungary,” in recognition of the religious, moral, economic, and political value of the Hungarians in Europe and the signal service they had already rendered to religion, culture and general welfare not only in Hungary but elsewhere in Europe.”
Hungary fell from without, not from within. Constitutional Kingdom form of government lasted nearly 1000 years, and in that period worked for the majority of its people.
Well-funded in-groups (like Bolsheviks) would not have been able to easily parasitize Hungary by simple deception and decapitation. A royal bloodline type Kingdom/Tsar system is to be avoided, as it is easily overcome by intrigue. Soros color revolutions against government are a graphic demonstration of how parasitism is more dangerous than standing armies.
A constitutional kingdom, where political and economic forces are balanced, and held to moral law, has shown itself by history, to be a strong form of government. The accidental discovery is also necessary: A pipeline of high quality individuals.
If going back to a Tsar system, then fatal flaws need to be fixed. Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.
Food for thought!
An American born abroad, I cherished the idea of a Republic, an anti-Empire……and then painfully realized that the reality is quite different….the idea sleeps……the AZ Empire dominates and ROTS.
On the other side of the world a different Empire is remembered, and spoken of fondly in Dagestan.
Is Empire axiomatically bad?
Is it still a tolerable, or even useful concept?
How far should it extend?
Where should it constrain itself or be constrained by peoples on its borders?
The Western Empire seeks global hegemony and enslavement.
Is China an Empire? India?
Is BRICs an anti-Empire or new form of one, not yet taken shape?
Putin’s Russia is reorganizing from an over-extended USSR and is smaller. Does this make it more unified, purer, stronger, TRUER as an idea manifest operationally in the world?
“Russian Empire” is a concept that I need to chew a long time before swallowing. Any empire is! “Federation” is more immediately palatable/realistic, it seems, as a model for emulation in other parts of the world far from Russia. Or not??
What are the similarities, in terms of past empires built on religious faith? The failures, the lessons?
Quo vadis? (Where are you going?)—- planet earth and Russian portion of earth, and evolving world civilization—-.
Russia was a complety backward country under the rule of the Tzars, without any prosperity
and progress. How can anyone want that back??
Your comment says far more about you than it does about Russian history.
And it is not a pretty picture.
Rook, you appeared to be overdosed on a few morsels of fake history. Before 2017, Russia was moving forward faster than any other country in Europe. The standards of living among working classes in St-Petersburg area was higher than in any other country in the western world. You see, those apartments that were occupied by single families before 2017, were later turned into communal apartments and were able to accommodate up to 16 (sometimes 20) families. This should tell you something. Compare this to the working class apartments in England, Scotland or Germany.
@ Nightingale
What you said is proof of your contradiction. Your depiction of St Petersburg residents’ luxurious accommodation and lifestyle contrasts shockingly with the depictions of life in the Russian countryside where most people lived in abject poverty. All you have to do is to read Tolstoy and Gorky and find out what life was like in Russia – dreadful! That’s why there was a revolution in Russia, not in Germany or France, the countries with the most motivated and organized proletariat in Europe.
I am waiting for real sign of this rebirth for about 3 to 4 year.
Who is now the “primus inter pares” among the”velikii kniaz”?
May be after Putin resign.
Smart dude. I don’t think mentioning Christ as a Tsar is delusional, he actually speaks in metaphors quite a bit. He didn’t really mean the actual Jesus in white robe and bleeding holes in his palms sitting on some kind of throne.
I also don’t think Russia will ever be an empire. I don’t know what he means by that, but I don’t think that there will be an emperor and a dynasty of some sort. Come on. That’s a feudal social system that’s over and done with, there is no rewinding the clock. We can only go forward from here. Maybe he meant a more integrated multi-cultural Russian Federation, with more emphasis on “we’re all in this together” and less on who is of what nationality or religion?
And he is spot on on Putler (my favourite derogatory nickname for Putin). A very very intelligent man with endless patience, not interested in dick-measuring like the US for example, but quietly and persistently rebuilding and stregthening Russia. His move in Syria was brilliant in military, political and PR arenas. His decision to ignore the expulsion of Russian diplomatic staff from US was a strategic perfection of Sun Tzu reborn. Made the US look like a kindergarten on crack, as they are. I can’t wait to see his response to the US’ attempt to split China and Russia away from Iran.
*grabbing the popcorn*
The religious idea of this general is neither weird nor new as The Saker writes in his foreword. It is the ruling principle of Caesaropapism that was the foundational state principle of the Byzantine empire, the longest empire in the history of the Western civilisation and the legitimate heir of the Roman empire, actually its prolongation. It lasted more than one millennium and, as the history teaches us, after Constantinople was conquered by the Turks, this idea moved to Russia as the “Third Rome”.
Russia was christianized by Byzantine, precisely by Bulgarian monks and priests in the 9th century, first through Kiev, who also introduced the old Bulgarian language as the official Church language in the Orthodox liturgy. It was the third official language in Christianity besides Greek and Latin and it has remained so to the present day. Since then not only Russians, but also the Catholic Poles, use this language in their messes although few if any know about it. As I speak Old Bulgarian I have no problem to attend messes in Polish and Russian churches and to understand everything.
It is important to know that the Bulgarian state was the first Slavonic state on the Old Continent and a mirror image of the Byzantine Empire, while all the kings and rulers of the then emerging Westerneuropean states were coronated in Constantinople and the Byzantine emperor was their pate. The legitimation of the European aristocracy is derived from the Caesaropapism of Byzantine – the unity of a mortal human emperor with the authority of Jesus as the head of Christianity. Only after the schism of Rome from Byzantine in the 11th and then completed in the 13th century did the catholic Vatican transfer, rather usurped, this authority for Western Europe from the only legitimate Empire on the Old Continent at that time – Byzantine – which was in a steady decline after the fourth Crusade destroyed its capital. So much about history.
Now what this general says is a faint and rather distorted echo of this European history which is not well understood neither in Russia nor in Western Europe anymore, so that all kinds of weird interpretations are in circulations that are tainted by ill-conceived nationalistic ideas to which this website and discussions are not immune. The reason is the lack of a deeper gnostic knowledge which I have admonished in the past to the extent that the Saker censored my comments on several occasions.
This is understandable as my critics challenges the very epistemological foundation of the existence of this blog and exposes the short-sighted character of most discussions here which are consumed in dualistic nationalistic elaborations who will win the current undeclared WW3 between the Anglo-Zionist empire, as you call it, in the West and Russia in the East as the protector of Christian Orthodox ideas. Little is said or truly comprehended that to this end Russia only functions as a substitute of the Byzantine empire and that the vast majority of the Russians have no clue about their religious history and facts. And even less is known about what happens nowadays behind the energetic and cognitive veil for most agnostic humans and where humanity is heading to as here discussed with the Saker already in 2015 which prompted him to make a podcast a few days later where he partially shared my ideas in a bold intellectual act that unfortunately did not last very long:
I have had a lot of discussions with Russians on religion and my impression is that their knowledge is very limited and superficial in this respect, and the same can be said about the theoretical literature in this area coming from Russia. There are indeed very few truly gnostic people in this big country while in such small countries as Croatia, and even Bulgaria to a lesser extent, their percentage is much higher. How can then Russia evolve to a bulwark of Christianity if it does not have truly Christian people? This was the problem of Dostojevsky who championed the czar as the nucleus of a future enlightened Russia under the patronage of Jesus Christ and had to fail in his aspirations, if one happens to read his journalistic essays as a prolific editor that are not so well known even in Russia. And this general is pale copy of Dostojevsky without any originality.
I think that this discussion here is very sterile and contributes nothing to a better understanding of the transcendental role which Russia indeed plays in the current world politics and which has nothing to do with politics in itself and even less so with religion but with one simple fact that is not known to most people:
The souls that have incarnated in Russia these days are in their vast majority ripe and old souls and this archetypal structure, and the immense Christed light which they emanate as a collective, has predestined them to be a successful opponent of the Anglo Saxon Empire of evil which is populated by unripe and young souls and need many more karmic lessons in terms of war and devastation before they can spiritually evolve. The Russians ripe and old souls, as well as all such souls in other countries, are so to say protected by Divine Providence, to speak in religious terms, and this has nothing to do with Orthodox Christianity they themselves very poorly understand as this blog illustrates. These souls went through the NWO (New World Order), through hell, in form of a communist dictatorship (and I know what I am speaking about as I was a dissident in Bulgaria in the early 70s) which the western cabal, the globalist elite, wanted to also introduce in the West but badly failed. The Russians and the Easteuropeans have learnt their karmic lessons contrary to the western peoples consisting predominantly of young and unripe souls. Now they are redeemed and have every right to look forward to a blissful future even though they are not aware of the transcendental imperative of this huge transition.
The soul age model of humanity is the single most important explanatory principle to understand what is currently happening on this planet and I would recommend all readers of the Saker blog to scrutinize it if they want to follow the red thread of the coming sweeping events this year:
And I hope that the Saker will show courage again and publish this comment.
Dr. Georgi Stankov
You come across as a bit condescending in advertising your own philosophical concoctions. While borrowing large chunks of philosophy from the Veda in your homegrown “philosophy-mix” the actual conclusions, the spirit of Veda has gone you by.
The good Lieutenant-General on the other hand express them rather well, in his cultural and historical frame of reference.
In my humble opinion.
Sorry, but you are talking by heart or rather from the centre of your narrow-minded prejuduces and limited knowledge from hearsay without bordering to read any of my fifteen books and 3000 publications. They have nothing to do Veda and I wonder where you come to this weird idea. Who is condescending or rather arrogant here? And what does this has to do with humbleness which you profess? I am ready to enter in a meaningful conversation with you but you have to show more respect and above all more desire to scrutinize my arguments. Otherwise this blog descends to a street quarrel as we now experience excessively in the USA where the thin layer of civilisation has been ripped off and the ugly face of this nation has come to the fore.
Dr. Georgi Stankov
Dear doctor
May I ask – what is your opinion of homoeopathy?
Dear Yuri,
come to my website (see the links above) and we can discuss this issue. It is not polite to misuse the Saker’s blog with discussions outside his area of editorial work.
Dr. Georgi Stankov
Fair comment
Dr George Stankov,
May I humbly remind you that the Byzantine Empire was actually in the East (that’s how the Romans divided the empire: The Western in the West, comprising Italia, Galia, Hispania, Britannia; and the Eastern one in the East) and even the Church followed the same division – Catholicism in the West and Orthodoxy in the East. A neat division recognizing the cultural realities on the ground.
That is why Western Civilization is taken to mean the cultural agglutination of the Western Roman empire with the Germanic tribes who transformed those Roman provinces into the nations of Western Europe and from there to most of the world.
My dear Anonymous or whoever hides behind this name,
Did I say anything else, so that I need your reminder?
Let me be frank with you as I meant to say this for a long time and now you give me this occasion. I wonder where you take all that time to comment so extensively all the articles of the Saker in such a derisive manner sometimes pro, sometimes contra only to ensue mental chaos in his readers. This can be done only if you a full paid agent provocateur (an Internet troll) of the dark US secret services sent to derail the Saker blog.
I have warned the Saker about you several times privately as I smell dark entities and paid trolls from the CIA and other secret services ten miles against the wind. I had the same negative experience with my website with people like you who wanted to hijack my website as they knew how powerful my group is, but I immediately got control over them and eliminated them. There was a whole department of seven agents from the CIA that wanted to derail my blog and I am sure that it is a similar number that wants to derail the Saker blog and the other 200 blogs they declared as fake news recently.
I can write a lot about your insidious tactics how to derail such important blogs of the truth but I will save my comments for the time being.
Here is my suggestion how you can prove whether I am right or wrong. You stop immediately to comment under the hide of “Anonymous” and come up with your real name and this must be done in a credible manner for everyone to follow your personality as I do for instance. If you are not in the position to come up with your true name and identity then you are a despicable secret service troll and agent provocateur and it is a pity that the Saker allows you to comment and derail his blog. This is his problem then.
I can only say that any discussion on a blog like this one should be done in full transparency and not under pseudonyms that only hide the dark intentions of the stooges of the dark ruling cabal that this blog opposes in the first place.
And please spare me your comments.
And I hope the Saker is clever and courageous enough to publish this comment. After all he has just realized how people like you have derailed Trump and his administration from within and that he does not want to repeat this same mistake.
Dr. Georgi Stankov
Not ‘Caesaropapism’ was the foundational state principle of the Byzantine and Russian Empires, but the ‘Symphonia of Church and State’ as it was defined by the Emperor Justinian in his 6th Novel:
“The priesthood and the Empire are the two greatest gifts which God, in His infinite clemency, has bestowed upon mortals; the former has reference to Divine matters, the latter presides over and directs human affairs, and both, proceeding from the same principle, adorn the life of mankind; hence nothing should be such a source of care to the emperors as the honor of the priests who constantly pray to God for their salvation. For if the priesthood is, everywhere free from blame, and the Empire full of confidence in God is administered equitably and judiciously, general good will result, and whatever is beneficial will be bestowed upon the human race. Therefore We have the greatest solicitude for the observance of the divine rules and the preservation of the honor of the priesthood, which, if they are maintained, will result in the greatest advantages that can be conferred upon us by God, as well as in the confirmation of those which We already enjoy, and whatever We have not yet obtained We shall hereafter acquire. For all things terminate happily where the beginning is proper and agreeable to God. We think that this will take place if the sacred rules of the Church which the just, praiseworthy, and adorable Apostles, the inspectors and ministers of the Word of God, and the Holy Fathers have explained and preserved for Us, are obeyed.”
The symphony of Church and State, I prefer religion and state, was the ideal version of this God’s state of Byzantine, the reality as “Realpolitik” was Caesaropapism, which ended in many cases in civil wars between patriarchs and emperors. And this divisiveness began with Constanine, the “Little” as I call him, although he is my countryman, who cemented the Christian dogma in the council time at the expense of the true Christian gnostics represented by such great minds as Origenes who was one of the first martyrs of this same church and the father of modern theology. What an irony.
Dr. Georgi Stankov
To clarify: Origenes was killed by men of this church that emerged at that time in Alexandria and was subsequently declared as heretic on two synods. He was so powerful with his gnostic ideas that the Constantine’s church needed this ideological double whammy to suppress his neoplatonic exegesis of Christianity in his famous books which then the despicable Hieronymus, the alleged church father, plagiarized and massacred as his own writings.
Dr. Georgi Stankov
I leave to you the responsibility for the slander that men of the Orthodox Church killed Origen. But in the bogomilo-gnostic type of history anything is possible! The more fanciful the better.
‘Caesaropapism’ was a Protestant misconception, misinterpreting the realities of the ‘Byzantine’ Empire. Not finding in Byzance anything resembling ‘Popery’, but needing to disparage Orthodoxy as well, they created the ‘strawman’ of ‘Caesaropapism’ by projecting the Anglican model of the King as head of the Church, upon Orthodoxy. The Emperor was never ‘the head’ of the Church. He was only ‘the protector’ of the Church (and that means also against heresies including ‘gnostic’ ones).
It stems from the ‘Gnostic’ Judaic-Hellenistic hatred for the Empire, for the Church of Christ and especially for the alliance of the Empire with the Church of Christ. Saint Constantin the Great, as all your compatriots and mine (and all Orthodox) call him (not because he was their countryman – he was not Bulgarian anyway) became the symbol of that hatred and falsely accused that he imposed false dogmas of his own on a supposed ‘spiritual religion’. The Councils of the Church gave a formulation of the true teachings of Christ, against the fallacies of the eunuch Origenes (the father of all heresies, including ‘modern theology’) expressed by Arius.
What you call ‘civil wars’ between Patriarchs and Emperors was precisely the struggle of the Church to stop the sliding into ‘Caesaropapism’ (notice that the Church fought against the attempts of emperors to impose heretical teachings by decrees).
The situation in Russia was in fact no different. The reforms of Peter the Great did not mean ‘Caesaropapism’. They were directed rather against a possible ‘Papocesarism’ which tempted the Russian Church for a while. The misinterpretation of Russian history is compounded by ‘Russophobia’ and the undying hatred for the Church of Christ of the spawn of the murderers of the Martyr Imperial Family.
Origen did not die as a martyr. He survived the persecution of Decius by three years.
OK, I get where you depart from and I let me say that disagree wholeheartedly with all your opinions, especially about the councils which are as tainted as those in the West by Catholicism and I am amazed about your ignorance on Origenes which you disparaging define as eunuch although at that time in the 3rd century this concept did not exist and he was happily married. I little bit too much of ignorance and prejudices for my taste, I must admit.
I only give you credit that many connotations have been distorted throughout history and this surely applies to caesaropapism. But I recommend you to read the long Byzantine history and find out how many patriarchs were disposed by the emperor, persecuted and even killed. Hence there was a clearly practized caesaropapism and the church played most of the time a second fiddle in the Byzantine raison d’etat.
Now I did not say that Constantine is a Bulgarian as everybody who has studied Balkan history knows that the Bulgarians are in their vast majority ethnically Thracians and Slavs and the Bulgarians only gave their name to the first slavonic state as they represented the war aristocracy at that time. The Bulgarian language is slavonic and it contains only ten Bulgarian words, while the Bulgarians were most probably of Tataric orogin. Constantine was a Thracian. I hope to have cleared this misunderstanding, which I assumed you know.
In order to enrich your knowledge on Origenes and Neoplatonism I would recommend you to read my philosophical book on
Neoplatonismus und Christendum
in case you speak German, which I expect from somebody who deals with Byzantine culture and early Christianity as the most important sources and analyses are written in this language except in Greek. I remind you only of the Freising library which contains Byzantine and other old books since the 8th century where I did my research while at that time England did not exist as a state.
Dr. Georgi Stankov
I am afraid that I have to return your ‘compliment’ about ‘amazing ignorance on Origenes’.
εὐνοῦχος , ὁ, castrated person, eunuch, was employed by Herodotus, Aristophanes, Xenophon.
The story of Origenes self-castration is better known than any of his writings.
“At this time while Origen was conducting catechetical instruction at Alexandria, a deed was done by him which evidenced an immature and youthful mind, but at the same time gave the highest proof of faith and continence. For he took the words, “There are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake,” in too literal and extreme a sense. And in order to fulfill the Saviour’s word, and at the same time to take away from the unbelievers all opportunity for scandal,— for, although young, he met for the study of divine things with women as well as men,— he carried out in action the word of the Saviour. He thought that this would not be known by many of his acquaintances. But it was impossible for him, though desiring to do so, to keep such an action secret” (Eusebius, Church History, Book VI, 8).
Origen was never married, let alone happily. All his troubles originate with his foolish act. Although castration would have ban him from priesthood, he obtained an irregular ordination outside his diocese. His Bishop Demetrius was angry at this act of indiscipline and had him defrocked (by a synod).
You read the wrong history at Freising.
If you believe all what Origenes enemies wrote after his death than you display the same naivete as to believe everything the fake MSM write nowadays about their enemies. I hope you are more intelligent than that. Why don’t you follow my advice and read Origenes books “perri archon tomoi” and my book on Neoplatonism and Christianity. And let me clear another blunder on your side – in the 3rd to 6th century there were many bloody wars between christian factions in Alexandria and in the Roman empire but nobody used the word Orthodox at that time. And Decius has nothing to do with these religious battles as he was in Rome and I am talking about Alexandria and Minor Asia. Are you getting your history knowledge from Hollywood movies?
Dr. Georgi Stankov
There is no need to read your ‘book’. You gave it a summary just in few sentences. No need to waste time to read the same masonic trash when you offered already enough proof that you don’t understand anything about the subject. You get your history knowledge from Hollywood movies.
This interview is superbly controversial indeed. According to Mr. Reshetnikov , the liberal way is good and the communist/socialist way was totally wrong, nothing good came out of it, even the modern industry built in that period was founded with the capitalist money, and the soviet people were kept in a big lie, forgetting their roots and even Jesus Christ. As if the beliefs and socialism cannot go hand in hand. Why not ? Isn’t Jesus Christ the only and real revolutionary communist of all times ? The ideas and teachings of Jesus Christ are the true left-wing ideas. He was also a fighter, he didn’t like the kuffars and rich people, and the priests who lie. Liberalism as we know it, brought mostly the bad face of it. Novorussians are wearing red stars indeed, but they wear also crosses and they have no problems with that. Monarchy ? finding a new Tsar would be very problematic. Mr.Reshetnikov said that there is need for time to put all these in place. Yes, the world shall stay still till then, including the enemies of Russia. I confess, I am confused and try to understand what is this all about. Anyway, I think the events will take different paths and surprises may come.
@ Ioan
I always rely on you to repose the truth where it belongs. Indeed, Christianity and Communism can go hand-in-hand as ideologies for betterment of mankind. There is this persisting myth that religion was banned in the Soviet Union and its followers persecuted! Yet, as you said Christ would happily tread the road to communism side by side with the Lutheran Marx. Orthodox Lenin and ex-seminarian Stalin, that is, if you take God out of his pedestal.
“If you simply mention, without any epithets, the name of the last Emperor Nikolas the Second – immediately atheists, liberals, homosexuals and other trash unite and start yelling that he was a weak Tzar, that he ‘sold and destroyed Russia’. What does that say? That we are on the right track.”
Ha ha, this is where it does get comical. An impressive mess of truths and falsehoods concentrated in just three sentences! Now, that does testify to intellectual tenacity and a dead serious sense of humour, so no temper tantrums from me.
Anyway, here goes:
Yes, Nicholay the Second is none of the darlings of Western Liberals and Marxists — these two camps are united in their Russophobia (which is why Trotskyism is the default Left alternative while neoconservatism prevails on the political Right of the West). People gifted with a Western supremacist outlook express disdain of anything and anyone not completely subservient and grovelling to the West’s whims and delusions since they perceive that as an affront.
Corollary: No, it’s never about what Nicholay the Second was for Russia, but for their own precious West. Indeed, he turned out to be exactly what Reshetnikov doesn’t like to hear: an absolute catastrophe for Russia. Sadly, however, his gross incompetence — unlike Yeltsin’s — didn’t exactly benefit the Western Russophobes either except that they could resort to more ‘liberal’ slanders which now are losing ever more of their traction.
I do agree though that Russia, broadly speaking, is on the right track. The West is going straight to hell at long last.
The demonic rulers of the Deep State love ‘crusader’ talk- they’ve been manipulating fools with such false idiologies for thousands of years (Man once shared the planet with other species of intelligent ape descendants- but the ***first*** organised religions were designed to persuade Man to wipe out the other species as the original crusades, and thus we are alone today).
Islam is judaism. The Roman Catholic church was created by jews in the Roman Empire to supplant the original christianity that rejected the teaching of the jews. Most modern christians are thus effectively jews as well. And the original nazism (and fascism) was a doctrine straight out of the Vatican to control certain populations in certain third-stage industrialised nations.
The Deep State ***is*** organised religion.
So the Deep State doesn’t fear new leaders, be they kings or presidents- but rather puzzles as to how they can be successfully co-opted and made part of the plan. Trump was a real puzzler, but Putin dropped the ball and refused to grab Trump by the hand just as soon as was possible- allowing Trump to be pulled into quite a different direction after his inauguration. And while the Deep State doesn’t have Putin in their pocket, the anti-Putin propaganda of the West proved superbly effective in making Putin hesitate after Trump took office. Putin is only Human after all- and even the strongest most determined person will bend a little under such organised demonisation.
When Russia had its little spat with Turkey, before Putin (kinda) out-manoeuvered the West, there were Russians like the guy in the article talking about taking back Constantinople (Istanbul) for ‘christianity’. No ‘alpha’ ever believed in Organised Religion of any form (from a spiritual “the teachings are true” point-of-view). The books of organised religions are an utter joke to all well-informed Humans, and serve only as ways to coerce the more naive people (most of the population). And all kings are kings cos of “divine choice” remember. That’s what the sheeple are told. Trump was annointed at his inauguration by multiple religious fakers, but not one non-religious thinker.
Yes religion is “real” in the sense of its conceptual existence in the minds of the easily fooled, and in its impact on Earth History. And there are no microscopes on Mars as I type, because religion is so powerful in the USA, even NASA has to follow the instructions of religious leaders and purposely fail to use simple best practice methods to look for life on Mars- cos the churches are still uncertain how their followers would react to proof of off-Earth life.
But we should want to be above the demons no.1 method of controlling Humanity- organised religion- and the concept of rule by “divine right”.
He is wrong on most points. The only point he got right is that Ukraine people is not one but 2, may be even 3 different people. I saw and was in a company of Galicians. They are indeed different from people of Novorossiya.
A lot of conspiracy thinking on his part.
Not acknowledging Stalin and Communists great achievement in industrializing, educating and overall developing Russia is his biggest mistake. And Great Patriotic war despite what he says was very different form previous Patriotic wars.
Americans were selling whole factories to USSR because they were paid and because it was right thing to do at the time.
Regarding socialism is not working… Capitalism in early stages was not working as advertised either. People were worked to death and lived in squalor for centuries.
Socialism while having own issues as a very new system achieved a lot more for improvements of human condition in far shorter time than capitalism.
As an example, no new project machine or system works without flaws in the beginning.
Every single plane or missile has issues which had to be addressed before it started working perfectly. Socio economic system is not different. Instead of working and improving, it was destroyed by small minded people and inadequate people.
I can tell you as a Muslim with Russian and other Orthodox friends, that the very heart of the Russian people is their Christian faith.
Communism was founded to corrupt and destroy the heart of the Russian people.
Now that the cancer of Communism has been removed from the heart of the Russian people, the Russian people are now slowly returning to their heart.
And thank God for that.
A common political theme to to ‘return to the good old days’. Trump just played on that successfully in America, with his ‘Make America Great Again’ slogan combined with enough vagueness that each voter could make up their own ideas about when and how America was Great before.
From the other side of the world, this seems like a logical extension of the same political thought. If you are not a Communist, then its unlikely that you’d regard Communist rule as ‘the good old days’. And I doubt anyone not in a mental institution regards the time of Yeltsin and the Harvard Boys as any sort of ‘Good old days’.
Thus, next candidate in line to be ‘the Good Old Days’ would seem to be the rule of the Czar and the Russian Orthodox church. Although, I suspect if you went back in time and found a starving, undersupplied conscript soldier fighting in the trenches in a losing war that they would agree that they were living in ‘the Good Old Days.’
I wonder why Reshetnikov does not mention that the experiment called “the Ukraine” was invented by the German invaders during WW1 to divide and conquer Russia. Is this fact really that unknown in Russia?
Here is an interview with a former head of the security service on the destruction of the USSR:
“From my point of view, the collapse of the USSR began in 1985 after Gorbachev came to power. Shortly after he took command, there was a huge cut on the funding of all ministries responsible for defense capability, security and industrial development of the country. No funds had been allocated for any state contracts since 1985, and therefore the armed forces did not get any new arms and equipment. The industries relating to defense did not get any funding either, and therefore all the industrial facilities of key importance for the national economy had been stalled and kept at zero cycle until the Soviet Union became history.
The financing of the Soviet Republics was cut short too. We must bear in mind that two-thirds of the republics were funded from the central budget. The republics were apparently unhappy about the move, and before long some of them began transforming into unruly provinces with their bosses acting like warlords who didn’t want to take any orders from Moscow.”
Thank you for the links and another piece for the puzzle. Indeed, the “collapse” was well planned.
1) Lieutenant-General Leonid Petrovich Reshetnikov and Saker —
Thank You !
And thank you, RMM, for the link !
2) Funny how the closer you get to fundamental truths, the more fiercely cognitive dissonance is provoked.
As always, allow all to speak and “what is what” tends to clarify.
It is now 80 years ago that Edgar Cayce, ” The Sleeping Prophet ” said :
Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.”
(Edgar Cayce, 1944, No. 3976-29)
For those that do not know who Edgar Cayce was:
“he lumps Communists and Liberal into one group.” Me too!
However, returning to tribes & their corresponding Godly-endorsed Kings/Queens/princes/princesses is not the answer. Behind every King, good or bad, there lurks a 100 despot baronies and 10,000 tribunes (lawyers).
Belief in the common man’s wisdom should never be surrendered. He has been duped, suckered, and turned over yes, but at great cost he rises (with God’s blessing) to take possession of his domain (the small by his will alone & the large by the collective will of common men/women).
Elites, as they become detached, always end up despairing their belief in the common man. Institutions carry this memory generationally and this is the reason that political parties and fixed government bureaucracies are bad for democracy.
John Helmer has another recent article very much on topic. I recommend everyone bookmark his website.
The Wages of Sin, er wages for sin – Patrirch Kirill presents State Duma with initial prayer offering (IPO)
Merger of Church and State is always a bad idea, however, I can’t help but give two enthusiastic thumbs up to the argument Liberalism and Bolshevism are two sides of the same fiat rouble. Nor should Zionism, Capitalism, Republicanism, Neoconservatism, Black Lives Matterism or just about any other -ism you can think of be excluded from the comparison, a suffix my Greek friend recently explained to be is a byword for energy.
The energy I speak of infects all modern thinking, whether it be Western, Russian, Chinese or some other. More specifically it is a tendency which has been fostered by elites since before the begining of recorded time. It concerns the great inversion of consciousness we first experienced somewhere between the pre Socratics and Plato, which put man and material science at the center, replacing God and Higher Truth as the purpose of our existense. Only with the Enlightenment did this way of perceiving reality take hold of us all, a victory proclaimed by Nietchze and later echoed by Masonically inspired popular culture as when everyone from the Beatles to Black Sabbath proclaimed the death of God. Today it is Miley Cyrus and Pussy Riot who confirm our ultimate doom.
Unfortunately I do not believe General Reshetnikov has good intentions. The SVR is an intelligence organization and all are grounded in a Masonic tradition. These people do not have have your best interests at heart, no matter how much they pretend to love God.
For anyone paying attention, it’s been morally down hill for a very long time, a direction we’ve been forced to take by the aforementioned elites who are forever seeking new ways to rework old concepts. Creating new technologies to take control of your thoughts has always been job #1. It is no coincidence that historically the introduction of mass literacy has always lead to a period of instability and genocidal warfare — targetting those who think wrong. Today it is Russophiles and Trumpsters versus Liberals and Clintonites, yet another bogus dialectic in the long tradition of your choosing between Pepsi or Coke. Only today the primary technology of transmission is not books or television but the internet.
Most of the people reading this are simply not equipped to understand the cynicism of those who rule over us. They can no longer reason in the way our parents and grandparents were taught to do. With the so-called ‘invention’ of the printing press, something in existense for eons but credited as a discovery to Guttenberg, books became the first great mass produced technology for the control of past, present and future. Before that books and reading were highly restricted and continue to be if they tell you the truth. Check those $800 books on Amazon. Those are the ones you want to read.
When Supremacist elites came to understood a book could possess anyone who reads they made the conscious decision to pursue the goal of literacy for all. It continues to this day however books and words have been replaced by signs and semiotics transmitted by mass media. The Reformation was many things but a return to basic Christian ethics it most definitely was not. Nothing has changed. Today’s technolgies, carried mainly by the internet, are many times more invasive and for the most part don’t require literacy. When the US military decided to spread internet technology to the world they had one thing in mind in keeping with their eternal purpose: conquest of the world.
So the new phoney dialectic is Godless America versus Respiritualized Russia. It is as meaningless as the reverse which was promoted by Masonic organizations during Cold War I. If you really mean to change anything the place to start is within, something which will happen in America as much as in Russia though on different terms and only with a tiny minority who will always be judged dangerous by parasitic elites. Despite my comparative illteracy even I understand General Reshetnikov is working on another in a long line of epic cons.
The third Rome will stand on that last day with all her peoples united.
You understand.?
The meme is out there coursing around in the community. Each person it touches it leaves with a spark unquenchable in their deepest selves.
The meme is uniting Russia.
He’s not the first to dream of being ruled by a wise, philosopher king who only cares about what’s best for the nation, uh, empire.
Monarchist always imagine it such when they dream of restoring a monarchy.
What they don’t tell you is that four generations or so later you are being ruled by an inbred, pampered-from-birth, spoiled brat who only cares about himself and who is generally an idiot when it comes to making decisions for the state. That’s when the people start tying to remember where they put those pitchforks and torches after the last time they had to storm the castle and remove some fool who was only making life worse.
You’re right: better to be “ruled” by Stalin or Mao, or HW Bush or GW Bush, or Bill Clinton, or Hillary Clinton, or a Jamie Dimon or Nelson Rockefeller, or Bob Rubin.
Human nature will always be prone to weakness and abuses. You are being the foolish idealist. Learn to think in terms of principles, rather than in function of your private tastes and wishes.
@ Sam
Of that bunch, give me Stalin any day; you keep the rest.
You were born too late :-) However, all is not lost for your nostalgia: you could go to the Philippines and help Duterte, or go help Teodoro Obiang Nguema in Equatorial Guinea, or there’s Russia’s neighbor in Turkmenistan, Saparmurat Niyazov. Than Shwe in Burma might accept your help in training his child soldiers. And let’s not forget Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, or last, but certainly not least, Kim Jong Il in North Korea. They will all remind you of Stalin’s most attractive sides, although they don’t come even close to the numbers he murdered, nor, to be fair (if one must be fair to one such as Stalin, although the real credit goes to the Russian spirit, which Stalin finally had to acknowledge de facto) none of them led his countrymen in anything like the great war.
The essential point being made by Leonid Reshetnikov has been voiced by many other Russian intellectuals/analysts/commentators – Russia must formulate an all encompassing civilizational/state ideology if she is to successfully resume her imperial status & fulfill her destiny. The clock is ticking, for when Russia rightfully (& righteously) returned Crimea, as one Serbian commentator/intellectual affirmed (Dragoslav Bokan), Russia ceased that moment to be an ordinary state & instantly became a great empire once again. Russia presently has the function of playing a leading role, alongside China, of introducing a ‘new world order’ in the place of the collapsing Atlanticist/Anglo-American global self-described ‘liberal world order’ (see Anglo-amero-chauvinism). This next world order will be the new civilizational model which will shape the human world for the proceeding thousand years, or millennia or more. It is an immensely critical moment, quite possibly the most critical time in two thousand years. Russia – as ever – has an immense burden to bear, but she must bear it as the entire world depends on her wisdom, foresight and judgement. This, amongst other reasons, is why Russia is now cultivating deep relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, for the current governmental system in Iran is being closely studied by relevant Russian analysts in order to work out in what manner the basic principles of a modern functional & successful religious polity can be incorporated in Russia. This, of course, can not be discussed openly by Russian decision makers, because it is so controversial that it could cause the entire fifth/sixth column to be activated in a desperate attempt to provoke a color revolution. The issue however, is acute, because the entire Western system of political economy is disintegrating & an entirely different concept is required if the world is to avoid a cataclysm. Here Russia needs to act fast, for as the new leading power in the world, which will lead the way in shaping the next/new world order, her system will become a guiding model for all others – just as Western so-called ‘liberal democracy’ has been the leading principle in the post-WW2 period of US unipolar hegemony. Liberals in the West have absolutely no idea of what kind of world we are heading towards, they are of the view that religion has been surpassed, unbeknowest to them it will be religion which will play an instrumental role in maintaining the cohesion & stability of societies throughout the world. This is a vast subject matter for discussion & if I had more time I would get into it, I think it is worthy of discussion, but I don’t at the minute. Suffice to say that Russia already is an empire again for those who haven’t been paying attention, it just hasn’t been made official, & Russia has to construct an imperial system & philosophy/ideology to accompany it.
It was an interesting interview. His view of the trump regime was naive, at best, and I’m wondering if he is something of an “atlantacist”. The monarchy preference was amusing, but his idea of indoctrinating the young in that direction was not. In fact, I found that and his writing off middle aged and older folk rather sinister thinking.
The very last sentence is incorrect. Christ said He came in His Father’s Name: YAHWEH. His Name was ,therefore, YAHSHUA. The Divine Name is holy. “Hallowed be Thine Name”. The titles could and usually are translated. But the Name must transliterated. Massive support in scripture for the importance of the use, and for not the misuse of the Divine Name there exists, as well as respect for all of His commandments. Blessed be the nation that fully complies.
I am not sure whether we have here a case of Jehovah’s Witnesses or Imiaslavie?
As a Sunni Muslim, I certainly cannot wait for the day the Orthodox Christian faith is revived & reunited under one banner! It’ll be a breath of fresh air to witness/have a civilisation based on religious morals and values. I may not see it, but my children and grandchildren definitely will, by the will of The One God.
The term “Russian Empire” has a nice ring to it. The Russian Empire can be nice and big, the Russian Federation on the other hand is too small and argumentative.
The problem about how to encompass diverse ethnicities, religions and languages into a unifying whole can only be done through an empire. I always thought that the Russian Muslims would only acknowledge a Khan, that was incorrect, it seems the Russian Muslims would acknowledge a Tsar even more. That settles it then, no more Putin Khan, its Tsar Putin from now on.
The problem comes after Tsar Putin, who would be the next Tsar? Certainly it can’t be hereditary. The succeeding President could be elected for a 6 year term, after which, if he is good enough he could be declared Tsar also, else he has to server another 6 year term as President or another could be given a chance to be President. Something like that. Some constitutional limitations would have to be placed on the Tsar’s power also, he can’t just go around chopping anybody who displeases him heads’ off, though there are some whose heads need to be chopped off.
Tsar sounds more barbaric and better than Czar. Seems that cookoo Victoria Nuland chick was correct after all, Putin is Russia’s f#$%ing Tsar.
I like comment of MEFOBILLS from further up “A constitutional kingdom, where political and economic forces are balanced, and held to moral law, has shown itself by history, to be a strong form of government. The accidental discovery is also necessary: A pipeline of high quality individuals.”
The Ottomans once had an efficiently functioning pipeline of high quality individuals going where only after having served successfully in the Janissaries, the elite infantry units of the Sultan, could a person attain positions of governor or statesman, etc. So the social and economic elites, whether they are nationalistic or not, are of no consequence, as only the proven fit, strong and capable rule. An orphan on the street could become governor of a region through the strength of his arm and the faculties of his brain if he joined the Janissaries. It should also be noted that the KGB certainly seems to have delivered some good statesman to Russia in recent times.
The Janissaries later went on to contribute to the decline of the Ottoman Empire, but that was after they had forgotten about their primary martial imperative and began concentrating on lucrative government positions instead.
To change history you need a very special constellation of forces and situation: (1) There is a growing consensus at the base, say people, which is not identifying itself with the political leadership, its discourse and actions. (2) There is a man which is able to respond to this base and proposes solutions, which are not only political and practical, but inherit an emotional charge of what could be the deep values of the base.(Tradition, religion, customs, etc). (3) It must happen at a moment of extreme crisis (Economical, political, societal, etc).
Ernesto Laclau did analyze, quite convincingly on point (1) & (2) what he calls populism: Kind of political antagonism and hegemonic articulation emerging from rejected political demands (populist antagonism) that institute new, NATIONAL democratized, social formations (hegemony), provided through their truly representative leader.
Above all it is a rupturing and repoliticising element which is only effective when the leader manages to establish some kind of unspoken but existing dialog (mystical?) between him and the base.
At least to me, it explains the Iran revolution, Putin, Cuba, Chávez, Kirchner, Morales, etc.
Cheers from the south of France.
What an interesting post and comments. It almost feels – with appropriate updates and qualifications – to walk into a novel by Dostoyevsky, Pasternak or Turgenev where “Russianness” is discussed almost in equivalent terms.
Many would agree that religion can be a unifying factor – and, from what I understand – Orthodox Christianity has an established millenarian tradition of compatibility with civil law and administration.
Whether a resurrected monarchy, along with religion, may unify again such a varied nation as Russia, is in my view questionable. For the changing nature of the very ideas of work and labor, and the associated distribution of wealth, let alone environmental considerations, third world population explosion etc. are global issues that transcend the somewhat metaphysical “idea” embodied by a revived Christian monarchy.
Among the many interesting comments, I mostly agree with Sergey. And I am puzzled that some equate communism with liberalism – while others consider the Soviet era as one block of time, without taking account of its evolution.
To discount the before unheard-of progress of Russia as a nation, rising from the depth of defeat in WW1, and the wounds of the Civil War, to becoming a world power and an ideological world beacon, suggests mental masochism. He who writes here visited the Soviet Union when young (as a musician) and later several times for work.
I cannot understand the deep bias that many have against the USSR. Even the idea of promoting local culture, language and traditions (as in Ukraine), in the context of an overall union is (was), in my view healthy. Especially in a world moving towards one language, one culture, one miscegenated race and one ideology, based on the principle that he who screws his neighbor the hardest, wins. Even Putin has declined to demonize the Soviet Union and, as per Sergey’s comment, each development requires experimentations and corrections.
If the Ukrainian oligarchs sold their ass to the CIA, it’s their decision. And not the fault of those who may have attempted to instill into them a sense of cultural belonging and of Ukrainianness, whatever it may mean.
Unfortunately, I did not write the precise words when I heard them, but I remember the idea expressed by a citizen of Kazakhstan. Whatever may have been the weaknesses of the Soviet Union, – he said – it has left in our minds and souls some healthy principles that will bear their fruits in the future. I for one, hope so.
Those interested in exploring the fundamental evils of the neo-liberal ideology, and the asinine assumptions which even (certain) academia takes for granted may be interested in the blog “War among the Poor”
I think this must be a Saker’s idea of a joke. The man may have a fine mind, as the Saker affirms, but there is also a fanciful imagination at work.
And he is plainly wrong in many aspects of which he is, or ought to be, recognizant with. For instance he derides the fact that the Soviet Union was divided into nationalities and that was tantamount to discord, rebellion and break-up. The matter of nationalities was inherited from the Tzarist empire and the Soviet doctrine imposed on the Union due respect for the nationalities autonomy, hence autonomous republics and regions. If they had done it differently, they would be accused of not respecting the rights of minorities.
There are many inconsistencies but there is one that bothers me a lot when I read about the marvellous conversion of past soviet apparatchiks into rabid anti-communists, although he is not one of the most virulent variety.
It is my understanding that, at least during the later stages of the SU, you could not get into the nomenklatura layer without party sponsorship and membership. So, I make a general assumption that in a position of power and responsibility the basic qualification, apart from technical expertise, would be a loyal communist.
Now we are presented almost daily with examples of former communists who are nowadays, not only the tycoons who stole their wealth from the people, but also politicians in high places and in the intelligentsia.
When I was 16 years old I was given a place in a Catholic high school college as an act of charity, including meals. There were graces at meal times, but there was also a more formal evening prayer in the chapel, which I avoided because I started having doubts about God and religion. Eventually I was caught and the principal laid down the law: if you don’t attend prayers you are out. I told him my predicament, that I could not pray to a false god, and was expelled which to me was a great loss. This has been repeated many times in my life because I can’t betray my conscience.
These former “communist” apparatchiks were not communists, just opportunistic free-loaders who boarded the gravy train of communist for personal gain. No wonder Stalin was kept busy purging the scum and why the German generals complained of not having spies in Russia.
And also why the Soviet Union was raped blind by the parasites who betrayed people and country.
RT reports on a poll that shows that 32% of Russians believe the Putin years are the best Russia has known for a 100 years. While another 29% believe the Brezhnev years were the best in 100 yes. Only 1% rated the Yeltsin years as the best in 100 years.While 24% said there was no simple answer to the question. The rest were divided on other periods.
Well, well! the church, the tsar and also re-establish the serfdom, what a wonderful idea!
What I wish as an European is that we get good and faithful relation with Russia again, instead of being US’s lackeys. And the same for Russia: stop hoping for ‘better relations with America. Whoever is in the white house will cheat you as they cheat their own people for hundreds of years. You ‘ll just become also their lackeys.
As general de Gaulle said: l’Europe va de l’Atlantique a l’Oural.
‘ atheists, liberals, homosexuals and other trash’ Disgusting really!
Restoring a traditional monarchy, in Russia as everywhere in the world, would be too good to be true. Modern minds have long been corrupted with false beliefs, they have been deeply conditioned to despise any order that may be an obstacle to money power. They will defend to the death the falsehoods that make their life miserable. Therefore, they deserve the oppression of money power, and no doubt they will get more and more of it.
“I would rather be ruled by one lion than by a hundred rats.” Voltaire.
But how did he know about the US Senate and Congress?
He clearly knew what happens in a house with no cat. After all,
“Monarchy is the one system of government where power is exercised for the good of all.”
Is Russia European?
Here in Europe we always learn that Europe ranges from the Atlantic until the Ural mountains.
Both Europeans as well as Russians always saw Russia as “backwards”. It were Czar Peter the Great and Catherine the Great who sought to connect Russia with Europe.
What connects Europe and Russia are two hugely important pillars:
1. white race
2. Christian religion
But why not ask our common hero Vladimir Putin what his view for Russia is?
“Russia is an inalienable and organic part of Greater Europe and European civilization. Our citizens think of themselves as Europeans. We are by no means indifferent to developments in united Europe.”
That’s settled then.
What is the strategy Vladimir Putin is pursuing?
This interview with French journalists was recorded in 2014, after Euro-Maidan.
At 16:39 Putin says:
Francois Mitterrand spoke of a European confederation with Russia as a member. I think this opportunity still exists. We will have it in the future.
And how about Europe itself? Europe is still an American colony, but the American empire is walking on its last legs. Trump is America’s Gorbachev. Both initiated the end of their globalist empires. Gorbachev the central planning variety of communism, Trump the racial egalitarianism variety of communism.
All European right-wing parties want to vastly improve relations with Russia. Putin knows that and is practicing patience, anticipating the downfall of the American empire. When that one is down, we can set up “Paris-Berlin-Europe”/Euro-Siberia/Greater Europe/whatever confederation that will replace the EU. The raison d’etre will be to balance the rising might of China.
Geopolitics is so simple.
Kind regards,
A. It isn’t “settled”. It’s merely V. Putin’s opinion. Much as I admire, revere and respect Mr. Putin, on this issue I beg to differ with him. I simply think he is wrong and spoke without giving the issue the deep thought he normally does to all issues.
“Russia AS FAR AS THE URALS is considered to be “European”.
Now here is one of many many contradictions. Geographically, “Europe” is widely and generally described as “having a temperate climate due to the effects of the Gulf Stream Drift”. Excuse me? St. Petersburg and the Urals have a “temperate climate”? I could go on. And on and on. The examples are numerous. And what they show is that no-one truly believes Russia is “European”. They just say that when they want to make a political point. But when it comes to the crunch – they clearly don’t believe it.
Even Gerhard Schroeder stated regarding one of the two jobs he would never want [President of Russia of being one] said it was because Russia is “such a complicated country with many complex problems. “I HAD THE PLEASURE OF BEING LEADER OF A EUROPEAN COUNTRY” – said directly after talking of Russia.
He clearly didn’t see Russia as being “a European country”, either.
Getting back to Russia being European “as far as the Urals” —- So – President Putin is advocating his country be split in two? West Russia, which is European and East Russia, which isn’t? What is “East Russia” then? Asian? Or – here ‘s a thought, maybe it’s “Russian” without referring itself to anyone else, the way subject and submissive people do.
B. If Russia is “European” based on the fact that it’s people are [a] white and [b] christian, this makes Australia and New Zealand “European”. ?? [Tell that to the Aborigines and Maoris].
C. “Europe” has never been categorically defined. And Mr. Putin certainly didn’t do this prior to his claim. Until there is a definition which takes everything into account i.e. geography, geology, climate, cultures, history, Nationhood and National characteristics and finally politics, there is no such thing as “Europe”. It’s just a vague, undefined floating abstract and is thus subject to argument and dissent because of that very feature.
In fact, “Europe” is a political construct – which has Germany as its leader and France a close second.
I wonder if Mr. Putin considered that by saying Western Russia is “Europe” he is handing a conceptual triumph to Berlin??
Perhaps he, and others who value Russia would like to think of Russia as “Russia” without need for reference to anyone or anywhere else. I.E. Primary!! ;
No doubt Russia is a ‘Eurasian’ country. One part is in Europe, other part is in Asia.
Europe. But certainly we must start with clear and well defined concepts. ‘Europe’ as it is used now is not.
The notion of ‘Europa’ had a historical evolution. Originally ‘Europe’ designated the Western shores of the Aegean Sea, next to Peloponnesus. In the 6th century BC Europe’s boundaries have been enlarged to the river Phasis (today Rioni, in Georgia) in the Caucasus and to the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) to the West.
Herodotus mentioned that the world had been divided by unknown persons into three parts, Europe, Asia, and Libya (Africa), with the Nile and the River Phasis forming their boundaries—though he also states that some considered the River Don, rather than the Phasis, as the boundary between Europe and Asia. Europe’s eastern frontier was defined in the 1st century by geographer Strabo at the River Don. And there it remained.
The administrative reorganization of the Roman Empire by Diocletian resulted in the creation in the Diocese of Thracia of the Province of Europa which is exactly the region surrounding Constantinople. ‘Byzance’ and the Orthodox Church are the ‘real Europe’.
Since the usurpation of Charlemagne (which was considered a ‘translatio imperii’) the notion of Europe was ‘translated’ to the Germanic domains of Charlemagne and came to design the ‘Latin Christendom’ (the Papal Schism) as opposed to the ‘Greek’, ‘Oriental’, ‘Asianized’ Schismatic Church. The ‘Old Europe’ was therefore ‘delegitimized’. From the central position it always occupied it became in the eyes of the ‘Latin Christendom’ and subsequently in the eyes of its judaizing bastards, the ‘Germanic Anglo-Saxon Protestantism’ and the de-christianized ‘modern Europe’ with its attending exceptionalist ‘Pagan White Nordic Race’ superstition) the ‘periphery’ which must be re-integrated into the ‘real Europe’.
The Russian state was ‘European’ from its very beginning. European in its real sense (both geographically and culturally). It always belonged to the ‘Byzantine’ world’ and it remained so ‘by default’ after the Fall of Constantinople. North-Western Europe’ is the real periphery of Europe. Geographically and ‘racially’ it belongs to the Atlantic zone.
But the Russian state expanded also into Asia by repelling the Muslim invasions and implanting ‘Europe’ in the vastness of Siberia, while having to resist at the same time the attempts of ‘Atlantic Europe’ to bring their ‘values’ to the ‘backward’ country at the point of their superior armaments and ideological subversion. Peter the Great desire to ‘connect’ Russia with ‘Europe’ was determined by his understanding that Russia cannot resist ‘Europe’s’ onslaught if it doesn’t have a superior armament. He went to Europe to learn how to do it. In the process he brought to Russia and the good things that existed in Europe (learning, music, art, manners). His desire was rather to connect Europe with Russia (hence his dynastic policies) and live at peace with it. It resulted, hundred years after him, in Russia reorganizing the continent devastated by the benefactions of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars on the idea of the “Concert of Nations” which had a short life after the ‘waltzing’ Congress of Vienna. Europe saw in the reforms of Peter an invitation to continue their subversion and ultimate conquest of Russia. But what ‘Atlantic Europe’ failed consistently to understand was that ‘Russia is Russia’, a living organism (with a strong vitality) and not the fictional mental construct they call Russia. An organism strong enough to resist and expel all the toxins and viruses that ‘Atlantic’ Europe tries to inject.
All the leaders of Russia (even when they were Germans, or Tartars, or Georgians) understood that (that was their role, after all) and believed in the destiny path showed to her by God, from St. Vladimir to Stalin. Be sure that Putin understands it as well, even if he indulges from time to time in singing ‘Strawberry Hills’.
You seriously want to stress “Strawberry Hills” and ignore the in-your-face truth of this:
This interview with French journalists was recorded in 2014, after Euro-Maidan.
At 16:39 Putin says:
Francois Mitterrand spoke of a European confederation with Russia as a member. I think this opportunity still exists. We will have it in the future.
Most posters here are understandably disgusted by the behavior of the European vassals of the US, so am I (as a Dutchman).
But moral disgust is no serious replacement for geopolitical thinking and neither is silly temperature distribution as promoted by Isabella.
Main geopolitical considerations, no doubt dominating the minds of Russian leadership:
– seemingly unstoppable rise of China of 1350 million, bordering empty Siberia
– the immanent failure of the AngloZionist empire to reach its 100 year old goal of global supremacy
– the enormous rift in US society between the globalists (Washington, East & West coasts, media, Wall Street) and the mainly white Heartland nationalists, that inevitably will lead to the break up of the US, 1991-USSR style
– It is attractive to fool yourself about the perceived Russian strength, but in reality even Russia needs allies. Russia may have a strong military that can be used to defeat a bunch of 7th century Jihadists in Syria, but the economy of Russia hardly can compete on global markets. McCain: “Russia is petrol station masquerading as a country”. I hate McCain, but in geopolitical terms he is not entirely incorrect.
– Currently Russia has a life-saving alliance with China and not much can happen to Russia
But what if the US empire as well as the US “vanishes from the page of time”?
I think it will happen.
And if that happens, the leftist-liberal US vassals in Europe will be washed away as a consequence by right-wing populists.
How happy will Russia in that situation be as a junior ally of China, with a population outnumbered 9:1?
What about the enormous threat of the third world for European civilization?
Putin thinks along these lines and so did Gorbachev before him:
In the long run the world dominating alliance/culture circle Euro-Siberia, replacing the EU, will inevitably come into being in response to the rise of China, the downfall of the US and the threatening rapidly growing third world and world of Islam.
(World by 2030)
I am not sure why you are angry at me.
this tit for tat is ending … move on … mod-hs
three years ago I wanted to learn other language, russian was prety scarefull for me at that time, I learned deutsch and now I feel like wasted my time, like learning Pole or Niederland gesprache, those are only cultures of the same civilization. BUT now I am learning ruskiy and I realize it is a civilization by itself. Around one thousand year ago took a path out from the evil roman catolics and begun a new and brilliant way. The hope for the western human.
Expressing intention publicly would only exacerbate the intensification of attack against Russia and its values. One of the success of the Zionists, the world hardly understood their presence in both Western and Eastern population and they played a key role in the West versus East. I am only giving Zionists as example they are unpredictable but have bad intentions, however Russia does not. But Russia must be careful expressing too much from raising red flag while it is facing danger from left and right. Currently, Othodox Christians are being attacked all over the world. Recently, Daesh declared genocide against the Copts in Egypt. Greece is severely being attacked through the influx of Syrian refugees, austerity and debt. Obviously, the attack is going on against Russia. All these are not accidents.
Colin Powell in US said during the invasion of Iraq under Bush Jr., “If you break it, you own it”. What I understood today every actions for or against other nations by US means they already have control over you. Which the above article clearly mentions, since the formation of the Soviet Union by the Bolshevicks who were being funded by the US at that time was the beginning of the destruction of Russians and their values including the Orthodox Christianity (the origin of Christian faith). The attack still continues by the US through Zionists and 5th Column holding tight grip on Russia. This project will not be over until the final break up of Russia by the US. It doesn’t matter whether President Trump seems friendly towards Russia. It is very important also to find out besides what is mentioned above, who are the main drivers of anti-Russia in US; Brizinsky, Kissinger, Soros who lived in US for years and still with heavy accents come from Eastern Block and detest Russia. It will be interesting to find out why the revenge against Russia by these powerful individuals working day and night against Russia. It seems they want to settle some scores against Russia.
Russia cleverly could have morphed into hybrid system like China did, into both Communism and Capitalism instead of allowing the destruction of the Soviet Union. I do believe the Communist project in China is US/Zionist project as well. The difference from Russia is, China is more willing and think like machines serving US/Zionist interest until it became bold recently as it is becoming more powerful economically. I am willing to bet China is still under the spell of US/Zionists. Same goes with India. I do believe the world is owned one way or another thus, only they decide what happens to certain nations in the end because they know the inside of every nations. If they owned the strongest nations, then it is not hard to implement One World Government in their image.
Expressing intention publicly would only exacerbate the intensification of attack against Russia and its values. One of the success of the Zionists, the world hardly understood their presence in both Western and Eastern population and they played a key role in the West versus East. I am only giving Zionists as example they are unpredictable but have bad intentions, however Russia does not. But Russia must be careful expressing too much from raising red flag while it is facing danger from left and right. Currently, Othodox Christians are being attacked all over the world. Recently, Daesh declared genocide against the Copts in Egypt. Greece is severely being attacked through the influx of Syrian refugees, austerity and debt. Obviously, the attack is going on against Russia. All these are not accidents.
Colin Powell in US said during the invasion of Iraq under Bush Jr., “If you break it, you own it”. What I understood today every actions for or against other nations by US means they already have control over you. Which the above article clearly mentions, since the formation of the Soviet Union by the Bolshevicks who were being funded by the US at that time was the beginning of the destruction of Russians and their values including the Orthodox Christianity (the origin of Christian faith). The attack still continues by the US through Zionists and 5th Column holding tight grip on Russia. This project will not be over until the final break up of Russia by the US. It doesn’t matter whether President Trump seems friendly towards Russia. It is very important also to find out besides what is mentioned above, who are the main drivers of anti-Russia in US; Brizinsky, Kissinger, Soros who lived in US for years and still with heavy accents come from Eastern Block and detest Russia. It will be interesting to find out why the revenge against Russia by these powerful individuals working day and night against Russia. It seems they want to settle some scores against Russia.
Russia cleverly could have morphed into hybrid system like China did, into both Communism and Capitalism instead of allowing the destruction of the Soviet Union. I do believe the Communist project in China is US/Zionist project as well. The difference from Russia is, China is more willing and think like machines serving US/Zionist interest until it became bold recently as it is becoming more powerful economically. I am willing to bet China is still under the spell of US/Zionists. Same goes with India. I do believe the world is owned one way or another thus, only they decide what happens to certain nations in the end because they know the inside of every nations. If they owned the strongest nations, then it is not hard to implement One World Government in their image.
“However, without the will of God that could have not have happened. As a religious person, I consider this a miracle.”
Does he also consider the horrors of the Second World War a miracle, a manifestation of the “will of God”?
It is tragically and depressingly sad that such an articulate politician is just another believer in a Great Grandpa in the Sky. I find it perennially perplexing that the ancient fraud continues unabated.
Great interview. The west having been turned into a soul-less dollar worshipping civilization cannot tolerate russia’s attempt to chart an alternative path. The russians in order to prove their europeanity and be accepted by the “international community” might be tempted to make a deal with the devil and turn their people into pussy riots. If the west cannot bomb you into submission then they will sanction, isolate, demonize, demoralize and try to subvert you from within.
The big question: why do they do this? Because they cannot do otherwise as they are ruled by those controlled by demonic forces.
I fear Russia may trade her liberty for cheap cheese and trash culture after Putin is gone. May God help humanity.