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This video was subtitled by my brothers-in-arms at Vox Populi Evo
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This video was subtitled by my brothers-in-arms at Vox Populi Evo
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It’s that Putin guy outsmarting everyone again.
Who does he think he is?
Putin doesn’t think anything wrong, it is just simple response to the west and their extortion methods.
How goes around, it comes around……….look at the Poroshenko what does he doing and his lies all over the media and you will get the answer
It seems Ukraine is having a bad case of gas.
{yawn} – at least 4 more months of the 2015 Euro Pipeline Poker Tour.
Round 1, everyone over-represents their hand ;-)
Two routes are always better than one…
I guess that would make Erdogan a bit of a turkey. Back to earth with a thud.
Does anyone know what to make of this heavily spun BBC vassal offering?:
Russia examines 1991 recognition of Baltic independence
The shabby article does note, if you can burrow past the thick propaganda, that: “there would not be “legal consequences” if the 1991 recognition of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania was deemed to be illegal.”
Ran across the headline on my travels this week, but didn’t have time to read it up.
Looks like an asymmetric approach to undermining the NATO expansion in the Baltics.
Wonder if Poland yet realizes the consequences of brokering/manipulating the Euro Association Agreement with the Ukraine?
Will we hear a change of tune?
Ever since the firing of Andrew Gilligan by the BBC, and of the board of directors of the BBC (which was entirely replaced by right-wing and possibly neo-con Tony Blair cronies), I take anything political and world-news the BBC produces with not just a pinch but a bushel of salt.
It’s the german gas hub actually a smart thing to do?
They’ve nsa and us military up their neck all the time.
Is there a European country that doesn’t have the NSA and US military up their neck?
there’s actually alot more to Germany than NSA…there’s great people and industry…perhaps the greatest industry in the world…and a few horrible politicians and I suppose oligarchs….don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Spot on, Ann. Germans also want to break free from the imperial terror but they can only do it gradually, in very small steps.
Mike Whitney has a nice, gloating article about this, and emphasizes the historic desire of the west to prevent Germany and Russia ever teaming up – I guess that play failed. Thanks to a commenter here somewhere who linked it at ICH, and here’s the source at CounterPunch – it’s a very pleasing read:
Putin Gobsmacks Uncle Sam … Again (way to go, Vladimir)
This video is even more pleasing, beautifully triumphant, and great graphics.
It seems so funny, after all the angst, to see how Russia has played, and will play, both the north and south of Europe. Claws indeed – a textbook pincer strategy. Holding all the cards from the very beginning – i.e. the stuff that goes into the pipelines – Russia has now offered both prizes to both regions. And of north and south, who wants to be the more stupid of the two regions now? Now both will compete to be intelligent, finally. And Russia will perform a great service to the world by energizing the desire for sovereignty of all nations in both regions.
While the US seeks to fragment Russia, with no chance whatsoever, Russia simply and undeniably reveals the intrinsic lack of community of the individual European nations. What incredible symmetry.
And meanwhile, I read at RT that Ukraine has announced that it will not buy any more gas from Russia, because Russia won’t give it an even deeper discount. I guess it’s going to steal it from EU until these other pipelines get built.
After reading a bit of history and watching Ukraine, when things look bad and Russians seem to be retreating, you know it wont be long before the trap closes.
Now I just watch and wait, because it seems Putin has mastered the art of the cauldron in geo-politics.
Great article. Thanks Grieved.
So Eastern Europe will need to negotiate with either Russia or Germany for its future energy supplies once the current pipelines supplying Eastern Europe are shut off.
That means you, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Rumania, Moldova…
documenting Russian progress .. on speed! .. brilliant!
There is actually a third pipeline that is in operation that is smaller that the big Ukraine pipes. It is the pipeline through Belarus that goes into Poland then Germany. The Poles have not screwed that up yet but give them time. like fools, they are heavily involved in helping the Ukrainian Kiev criminal junta. My guess is the Germans will tell the Poles that if they screw it up then the gas will go to North Stream 2.
That is the purpose of the North Stream pipes: cut out Poland, a country where both russiophobia and germanophobia are integral elements of the social and political life.
Ah, but what happens when the Poroshenko regime relocates to Berlin, so that they can live in warm, comfy apartments during the dead of winter, while their countrymen freeze? I bet not even Putin thought of that!
Just kidding. I’m a US citizen, but what the US did to Ukraine is a crime. I’m glad that Putin is a such a smarty.
You guys also need to find one the Putin’s type of a strong man, you have them a lot and start to clean up the mess and bring the country back to the finding fathers reality to create a balance between all of the world antions.
I’m positive it will happen soon or later.
I am not particularly happy about this.
What about the Balkans? And this whole mess with Tsipras and Greece?
15 hours ago all of pro-Russian Serbia was celebrating the news about the failure of Greek negotiation with Troika, and just 2 hours ago everything changed. Tsipras suddenly and unexpectedly gave in totally !? Now the pro-American media in Serbia is celebrating.
Always the same… The West winning in the last moment.
Patience is needed here, as you see the politics change all the time in many places.
After all is said and done, there will be some viable route for the gas somewhere, that much is for sure.
Actually, it wasn’t all that unexpected. Tsipras and Syriza represent Social Democracy, whose main raison d’être is winning minor concessions from imperialism along with neutralization of popular struggles. The problem is that the emergence of BRICS forces ailing Western imperialism to crack down on any social demands. Tsipras cannot and will not break with the gangsters fleecing his country.
Again, Well Said. You’ve ID’ed these players perfectly.
Patience is needed here as T said. Patience and hope.
Look on the brighter side. If main pipeline does not pass thru Serbia but some minor one than we will be spared of pressure from the West. Might even divert their attention from Kosovo and Republika Srpska. And as the winds change and they are changing we might just survive this storm yet. And after that everything is possible.
Patience and hope.
this man has seen Washington DC from the inside and here is what he says:
Another wonderful essay:
Putin may be the shrewdest leader in world history. We are too close in time to understand what he has accomplished to bring back the economy since 1999, to rebuild the military, to establish EAEU, to shock the NATO war hawks into realization they cannot conquer Russia, to influence the Middle East (even in war time), to use the UNSC and diplomatic skills to prevent more war, to unite Russian goals with Chinese goals, and to take back what was stolen from Russia without a shot or serious reaction.
He has stiffed the fifth columnists, isolated the oligarchs, inspired unity of purpose of the entire nation and ignited the love of country and invigorated traditional values.
His most recent moves with Saudi Arabia, Greece, Italy, Norway and Vietnam are dazzling. He is spreading Russia influence everywhere. Russia is a factor in every crisis resolution, economic opportunity and challenge to the Hegemon.
Watch Russia in Iraq and Syria organize the war against ISIS.
Putin is shaping SCO for a vigorous effort to protect South and Central Asia from IS. He is driving for expansion of membership to hasten Pakistan and Iran as full members of SCO.
Look to how he will shape BRICS into a more integrated political organization, not just a club of like-minded partners.
His chairmanship in Ufa this month of both organizations will be catalytic and energizing.
All this, and he’s great with wild animals!
If the guy was 6’2” he’d be declared President of the World by acclamation.
LOL… I can actually imagine that most normal/”regular” people on this planet would vote for him right now, if truly given a chance.
The music is a bit over the top for World Propaganda reminiscent of Stalin, Hitler, Churchill.
It says powerful, unstoppable, Fear us!!
Something a bit more modern?
The term gas claws makes Putin, Russia and Gazprom look like the bad guys. The Ukraine had a great thing that was positive for the country with the pipelines. They destroyed it. They stole gas including Yullia and her criminal pals.
The EU-SSR did not stand up to the NeoCons/NeoLibs, Obama, USSA with the phony color revolution which was a murderous coup.
German business, Putin and Russia figured out a solution.
Small states like Bulgaria and Romania could have made hundreds of millions, create new jobs and opportunities but were bullied by the USSA.
The criminal oligarchs in the Ukraine did this to the Ukrainian people and the Ukraine. Russia and Putin just came up with a solution.
here’s another exerpt from Catherine Austin Fitt’s aritcle posted in full on the Putin 89% rating thread
Lawlessness on a global scale must be dealt with before it destroys our planet.
* The Church can divest its holdings in governments and corporations which engage in these practices. It should encourage its affiliates and members to do the same.
* The Church can also disassociate from foundations and not-for-profits that engage in these practices or that launder profits for those who do.
* The Church can make clear that the ten commandments apply not just to what we do, but to whom and what we finance.
* The Church can stop any and all participation by itself and its networks in narcotics trafficking and disgorge the profits of the same to the people harmed.
There is only one country in the world that is a menace to world peace today: The United States of America.
One would think that allowing economic integration between the European Union and Russia would benefit everyone. The greater the economic integration, the less likely there would be war between Russia and the West.
Unfortunately, the United States wants to prevent economic integration between Russia and the West. The propaganda in the West says that free markets go hand in hand with democracy and economic development. Everyone comes out a winner.
But when Russia wants to play by the rules of the free market….suddenly the rules no longer apply. It turns out that the United States is willing to do anything to prevent a free market of goods and services between Russia and the West. That includes overthrowing governments in Ukraine, arming nazi thugs to attack Luhansk and Donensk, and a return to the cold war of the past.