True? Not true? Dunno.
A confirmation (or a solid debunking) would be helpful.
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True? Not true? Dunno.
A confirmation (or a solid debunking) would be helpful.
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I saw this as a comment I think on a Pepe Escobar VK thread.
Can’t vouch for its authenticity though.
These guys are complete idiots anyway.
There are no commercial flights out in a warzone? How shocking. I bet they thought they’d be being fed free tendies too.
The Russian cauldron in the East might be safer than the Western Ukrainian cauldron.
Here a link forTelegram where an American said the same thing. Not sure if he is her boyfriend. If he is unrelated to her than that’s confirmation that this is going on. He also said that a lot more foreigners were killed by the Kalibres mostly British.
Here is
La jeune femme est en contact avec son frère ou son mari et elle réponds d’une manière claire et compréhensible. Ce témoignage est crédible mais il doit être confirmé. Au contraire de l’occident les pro-russes ne semblent pas troller. Ce qui donne un + a ce témoignage. Le fait que le commentaire masculin à la fin témoigne d’une grande crédulité de son auteur ne retranche rien à l’éventuelle véracité du témoignage.
The young woman is in contact with her brother or her husband and she answers in a clear and understandable way. This testimony is credible but it must be confirmed. Unlike the West, the pro-Russians do not seem to be trolling. This gives a plus to this testimony. The fact that the male comment at the end shows a great credulity of its author does not detract from the possible veracity of the testimony.
There is for sure anecdotal evidence coming out that the border guards are not letting people through the border who are dressed in Kit and uniforms, cutting up or confiscating passports and forcing mercs to go back. I’ve seen stuff on some telegram channels showing wounded mercs having been shot by the Ukie commanders so they are not left behind to ‘talk’ etc, I’m presuming these are the fascist battalions etc. It was an idiots errand anyway, these clueless fools who have been lied to by their own govts and press are a little surprised to end up being incorporated into nazi squads, I would imagine that it comes as a bit of a shock. The only people I image could ever want to go are the ideologicals, Western pro Nazis etc At this stage it is not a war you would want to go to even for money surely? It seems the Russians are targeting them which is perfectly understandable, discourage the others that may think of coming by culling them before they even get to the front line. I hope someone will indict Truss and Johnson for sending these poor kids to their deaths.
Apropos, foreign volunteers: years ago some hungarian volunteers fought on the side of Doneck & Lugansk. Upon return they were convicted and severely punished. Now the idea came up to repeat that action despite the legal situation is the same. This time however many more men would participate. Why? This is the main reason:
Don’t care. They thought they’d go on Safari! Kill Russians. Feed poor Nazis. Well, reality struck these idiots when it was too late. Lot of them are being killed by the Ukrainian Nazi groups themselves. This is just as stupid as flying to Mexico to support drug cartels to fight US border troops.
I, in a humorous vein, opine that the investigations for the January 6th insurrection and Charlottesville was to manufacture a database of white supremacists that could later be mined just for this purpose. Even plea bargains to Ukraine. Bone splinter in the brain pan Biden’s Tel-Aviv Wurlitzer jukebox in Foggy Bottom has wanted this for years.
I do hope they were vaccinated. I bet if they hadn’t been social distancing at the barracks there would have been many more deaths. LOL.
I feel sorry for this young lady, because she sounds so clueless.
Americans have special rights to go where they please! As if they were tourists!!
No, when you sign up for military duty, you don’t get to leave when you want to.
I think that is called deserting.
WTF were they thinking?
WTF were Truss and Hillary Clinton thinking?
Perhaps those who get back to the UK and the USA will clue in a few others as to who is actually winning over there, and what war is actually like, and who started this mess, and who is actually lying, and how stupid it is for untrained bored Western youth to get in the middle of a genuine combat zone.
WTF were Truss and Hillary Clinton thinking?
There is your problem right there…….. Truss/thinking……. Well, not going to happen.
Did he prepare a Will before he left? .. if you don’t naturally make a Will before you volunteer for war, question if you believe you’re living in a Hollywoood movie.
That’s what they get for colluding with mentally depraved banderites.
If you have no prior military service, you have no business even considering going over there. And if you do have prior service, you know to ask a few questions before going: 1. Will you have air support? If not, you can bet the other side has complete superiority, so that settles that right off the bat. 2. How will I be supplied? If they can’t say without making any excuses, forget it. Listen up contractors: This isn’t like any other of the proxy wars you may have fought in before. Your support is limited only by what the Ukrainian Army can give you, and from what I’ve heard, that isn’t much. My best advice if you are over there is this: GET OUT NOW. If you are captured, you will NOT be repatriated back home. You will just disappear. MIA. Hope your life insurance policy cover this, because most commercial policies won’t pay for deaths resulting from an act of war {or special military operations}.
fking do-gooders helping these cowards escape after they see what real war is about
On this issue I agree with the Ukraine govnt …. those idiots came thinking they were Rambos in some video game, then found out that you do not fk with Russian real soldiers
They came voluntarily, send them back to the front line to live out their fantasy ….. it should not take long by the sound of it
So this is the companion to the non-brit mercenary? Here again she’s as American as they get. True or not true I’m floored by just how tone-deaf and idiotic these people have to be to think that going into a war zone is akin to LARPing. The difference being here you actually DIE and don’t respawn. It’s one and done folks.
What were these mercs thinking they were getting into. They were going there to kill people and for some reason didn’t expect to get shot at. What simpletons!