Translated and subtitled by Leo V.
Ukrainian soldiers that were captured by the Russian military on April 17, 2022. Around 1000 total surrendered, with 700 able to walk and 300 wounded that were evacuated on stretchers.
Translated and subtitled by Leo V.
Ukrainian soldiers that were captured by the Russian military on April 17, 2022. Around 1000 total surrendered, with 700 able to walk and 300 wounded that were evacuated on stretchers.
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Interesting the American news media says Russian military is killing women and children yet they let the Ukraine military surrender and even supply medical aid. Those Russians really must be evil. Lol That’s sarcasm for peopke who don’t know.
Either the American news media is liars or they’re smoking alot of dope.
Its because Russians are so evil they shoot and catch the same UKPOWs 2-3 times before they finally are killed:
Shoot them, take prisoner, let them free, shoot them again, take same prisoner again, let them free again.
The Cat and the mouse, in order to feel superiority and get Gulag hero medals after how many they shot and took prisoner. Suppressed women and innocent kids are just in the way. That’s how axis of real evilness function.
I’ve never seen such overhyped and out of control propaganda and lies in the US as I have during this war.
The 4 years of lies and attacks against Trump were nothing compared to this.
I am beyond disgusted with just about everyone in this country.
Just yesterday, I heard a ‘report’ on a Radio Station in the area of “the Swamp” breathlessly declaring that the Evil Murderous Red Army had “Destroyed Mariupol and Killed more than 30,000 People”. Then it went on about how “The only bright thing in this was how Thousands of People had taken Shelter in the Azovstahl Factory, defended by the last Ukrainian Troops….”
It was Goebbels- esque levels of Propaganda, that only the Ignorant (even stupid) listener could believe.
The Video here showed the True Face of the Russian Army, acting with Real Moral Standards (Christian and Muslim both) towards Defeated Enemies. Nothing like this will Ever be shown by the (((mainstream media))) in the FUSSA or Natostan. It would destroy the Narrative so completely that all the Idiotic Support for the War would collapse in short order.
p.s. For ‘entertainment’ since there are a fair number of Cars in my Area that have the Blue and Yellow ‘Ukronazi’ Flag stickers, I carry a big black Marker Pen, and put the Wolfsangel on them, to make them “Correct”. Weirdly, the one person who confronted me doing this, I was able to Convince him that it Was the Correct Symbol for that Flag….
It’s not that shocking. We had two years of Covidity to get us used to the manipulation.
It seems that every institution of significance in the U.S.A. has been significantly corrupted. You know that politicians and journalists are lying when you see their lips moving.
When I look into their eyes, I see men tired of war. No fire – just men beaten down. Their leadership, Western leadership, all they have done is lead men into war, and for what? Another chess piece moved, another avenue to subdue Russia. The Russian soldiers looked solid, professional in what they had to do. I can understand fully why the RF position was to see as few casualties as possible.
Ashkenazi planned to instigate this war.
Ashkenazi are running this whole thing
Ashkenazi run/operate 98% of the American media, and own 100% of the national-level American media.
Excellent work, Leo. Our many thanks for the translation/subtitles.
poor fools.
those carried out on stretchers – some were shot by their own comrades for wanting to surrender
Thank you for the translation.
Beautiful snippet of dialog here:
Such simple humanity.
Ah, you can take the boy out of Russia but you can’t take Russia out of the boy :)
Agreed. I found that very profound and real. Much better than the manufactured heroics I hear on Natoist mass media.
Heartrending comment, Grieved. That bit of dialog got me as well, I believe I was holding my breath. Such simple humanity is right. Decent, fundamental — menschly.
That video is profound beyond words. Gratitude to the Saker, translator, the commenters here…
“Well since all of them are people. Some are very grateful for the surrender corridor, and this is noteworthy.”
I was a teen in the 80’s. The Iron Curtain was in effect and we were all led to believe that Russians were trying to take over the world and soon everyone would be lining up for km’s to get bread as well.
Yet, here we are years later and just normal Russian Soldiers are showing humanity and humility giving me no reason at all to wish them harm.
The Russians weren’t trying to take over the world, but (THE SOVIETS) were, and STILL ARE. Except now their HQ is Washington DC, because the Russians kicked them out of Moskow.
These are the same Russian soldiers, Red Army, that shared food and blankets with the the German prisoners of Stalingrad as they marched 100 kilometers West in freezing weather.
Others have said it already ,but thank you , Leo. I saw the whole vid days ago but with no translation and of course you cannot appreciate the meaning of it all if you don’t understand the language.
Thank you for this remarkable video and the translation. The more people who see the truth in the eyes of those young men the better.
The building shown at the end looks like one from the mining complex near the Donetsk airport which I saw in footage from 2016, and held by Ukrainian irregulars at that time.
Not sure if it is the same building, but it looks familiar.
Many of those men probably had very little choice, just like the draftees that went to Viet Nam. Then came home and commit suicide. WHY?
Some of these men the most merciful thing to do is send them to God. Who knows when the brain washing kicks back in.
Man I never got any tattoos and there is wisdom in that. Seems to be part of the Nazi initiation it may not be optional.
Be interesting to see the characters that yet remain, hiding like a cornered rat and now disobeying the surrender order. Just in it for the psycho thrills of killing weak and innocents I suppose, may they rot in hell.
Footage of Azov quarters in Mariupol was recently posted here:!-azov-battalion-mariupol:0
* Correction: it’s actually a town just west of Mariupol.
The U.S. Army manual shown at 12:55, “The Warrior Ethos and Soldier Combat Skills” is available here:
“The Soldier’s Creed” (p. 16) is noteworthy:
I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.
Why not accept defeat?