Former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has called for a region-wide “military resistance” in order to retake Syria’s Golan Heights from Israel.
US President Donald Trump recently recognised Israeli sovereignty over this Syrian territory, in defiance of the United Nations and most world states.
Al-Maliki, who continues to enjoy considerable influence on Iraq’s political scene, also said that if Israel were to launch a new war on Lebanon, Iran, or any other Arab or Muslim state, then the whole region ought to intervene in that conflict against Tel Aviv.
Source: Afaq Tv
Date: 30 March, 2019
Read transcript: http://
Also see comment at on April 04, 2019 · at 11:51 pm EST/EDT
Hold onto your hats for a wild ride
Just saying
When the Israelis kicked the Bedouins out of the Negev, are annexing the West Bank, it looks like the Israeli right is going for the Greater Israel concept of from the Nile to the Euphrates. This is concentrating the mind of all the locals. They have to worry about themselves not just the Palestinians. Richard Hass, head of the CFR, thinks Israel is committing suicide, look term. Jordan and KSA also criticized Israel, so it looks like a techtonic shift.
Of course Talmudistan is committing suicide, the inevitable outcome of the concatenation of Talmudic hatred of the goyim, Western colonialist hatred of the Indigenous who must be expelled or exterminated so that the Herrenvolk can seize their God-ordained lebensraum, and the added post and pre-traumatic stress and increased hatred that grew out of the Nazi Judeocide. It is manifested not just in the bestial oppression of the Palestinians and the maniacal campaigns to outlaw all criticism of Talmudistan in the West, but also in the Masada Complex of zealous pursuit of self-annihilation, and the Samson Doctrine of ‘bringing the world down with us’ that is such an obsession of the Zionazis. And they have the nukes, and the hate, to do it. All that was needed was for a Talmudistani Fuhrer to emerge, and Satan-yahoo slithered onto the stage.
War is legitimate when the UN approves it.
Why don’t Syria and its friends request the UN to authorise war to retake the occupied lands?
There is something called “the right of veto” in the UNSC. UN will never approve such “war”.
Well the new rules are there are no rules,the US decided that with the brutal attack on Yugoslavia,so other Countries should forget the UN and just take action.
*Very* carefully spoken, seems to me.
I sure hope he and others are able to galvanize the Arab states to get together on pushing back on Zion in various ways—all ways, on all fronts, as he mentions.
Including maybe forms of pressure coming from far-flung regions of the Ummah.
(It is kind of weird that the concept of Ummah seems to be analogous to the concept of Israel as the worldwide community of Jews, before it became the name of the JSP (Jewish State in Palestine—my new name for Israel).
Seems like there hasn’t been a powerful Arab leader since Nasser.
Where is a new Nasser?
Can Assad play the Nasser role, or is he too embattled?
Normally Egypt would be the leading Arab state, but seems like Egypt is lost to a pushback effort.
Very doubtful that the Arabs can unite themselves to retake Golan. For one, Saudi is a silent ally of Israel against Syria. And there is the Sunni- Shia divide.
Sunni-Shia divide DOES NOT EXIST. That’s a repeated statement by the corrupt western mass media. In the Arab mass media no such statement is said. It’s all in the Anglo-Zionist mind, and that was Kissenger’s idea back in the early 1980s to circulate such nonsense and create a Sunni-Shia war, so far it has failed miserably and it will continue to fail.
Although unqualified to speculate at all—which does qualify commenting!—nonetheless, there is a, not to be overlooked, unification principle of “fair is fair”. Fair in this sense is oil, and the blatant robbing of it by the non-native states and the non-Arabs. It seems that the Kurd-state “experiment” was a prototype for Golan, which was hard to unify around for various reasons; Yemen follows this trend in the same way, generally, as did the Syria catastrophe—native states and actors playing key roles, along with foreign Muslim mercenaries, albeit with non-native backing. Golan marks a divide, in that the meddling “divide and conquer and rape” strategy of the post-Great War era Western powers is being re-enacted in such a way as to raise the collective hackles.
“Judeocide”? The Nuremberg record states that 2 million of the six (@Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor) were asphyxiated by the exhaust of diesel engines. Problem: diesel exhaust does not produce enough CO to asphyxiate people. And the engineering issues relating to back pressure mean that even gas engines would be unworkable. This is a real problem with that narrative. Diesel exhaust cannot be how this was done. Why did the “witnesses” testify to an impossibility? A woman of your acumen should be aware of this.
Try telling that to the disabled euthanized victims of Nazi gas vans before the war even started.
Last time I looked, my ‘female’ credentials were still absent. But I keep trying-‘Every day, in every way, I am growing more and more…..confused’. As for the Judeocide, I really do not doubt that the Nazis and their fascist butcher friends killed four to six million, probably towards the lower end, Jews, a million or so Roma, Sinti etc, millions of Poles, southern Slavs and twenty million or so Soviet POWs and civilians. I have never seen any convincing evidence that the death camps were not places of deliberate mass extermination, or that the Einsatzgruppen and their Balt and Ukronazi collaborators did not murder hundreds of thousands in mass shootings.
I rather think that denying the Judeocide entirely (I grant that the ‘six million’ figure may be an exaggeration) simply plays into the hands of the deranged Talmudic and secular fascistic Zionazis. The only way to avoid a catastrophe that will amount to a very real apocalypse is to work on the Jewish Diaspora to make the Israelis see the suicidal path that Bibi, King of the Jews, is leading them down. I give that about a 10% chance of success, but the path of simply hating all Jews for the very real crimes and Evil of the Jewish leadership, in Israel and in the Diaspora, has zero hope of achieving anything positive. Quite the opposite-those Gadarenes and their Sabbat Goy stooges are Death-worshippers who would gladly destroy humanity, either piece-meal, one victim at a time, or in a thermo-nuclear Holocaust.
He should start by throwing the Americans out of Iraq.
The shortest and cheapest way to resolve the problem is to completely eradicate the House of Saud, it is currently the main problem today. Enemies and aggressors will always exist, but without the House of Saud the USA will be nothing there, and without the “unconditional” support of the USA, the Zionist state will fade away and eventually cesse to exist.