Note: after three months away (mostly) from the blog, it is a real pleasure for me to come back. Simply put – I missed you and I missed writing analyses. Thus I am truly delighted to be back and I want to once again thank all those who patiently waited for me to recharge my batteries. Your support means the world to me! Thank you for everything!
Five months ago, on February 24th, Russia began what she called a “special military operation” (SMO). In very simple terms, this is what Russia has achieved so far: Ukraine has lost about 20% of its territory, about 3 thousand towns and villages, half of the gross national product, and a third of coal production. It completely lost access to the Sea of Azov, and traffic through the Black Sea ports froze due to fighting and mining of waterways. The number of refugees has reached 7 million (source).
But these factoids don’t even begin to tell the full story. There would be many ways that this story could be told, but to begin I want to list a few elements of the official Western narrative which have now faceplanted and nobody sane would take seriously. I will present a few them in no specific order (and I will ignore the most idiotic ones, including that Putin is dying of cancer or very sick (check here for 50 headlines about this!) – he is not, to the great chagrin of the CIA – or that Shoigu wants to overthrow him).
“Russia is losing the war, was defeated by the Ukronazis near Kiev, she is running out of ammunition and supplies and is about to collapse”.
First, if you look at the size of the Russian force which took the Antonov airport near Kiev (one airborne regiment) and the size of the force which moved by land towards that airport, you can easily convince yourself that this force was not intended to attack or invade Kiev. This force did exactly what it was intended to do, it forces the Ukronazis to move forces to protect Kiev and, thereby, it pinned them down just long enough to establish air superiority, attack and cut off the forces near and in the Donbass, destroy the Ukrainian C4I and almost the entire Ukrainian air force. This took just a few days and once that mission was completed, these forces withdrew as they had literally nothing to gain by staying in place. If anything it is the Ukrainian side which is running out of weapons, supplies and soldiers (more about that later). The Russians have all the firepower they need for many years ahead.
“Russia had to change her plans and tactics because of the heavy losses suffered by the Russian military early in the operation”
Actually, there is a grain of truth here, but not the correct explanation. As I have mentioned several times, the special military operation is “special” because it is an operation which is not a regular combined arms operation. The Russians began the SMO with fewer soldiers than the opposing side, and they privileged maneuver and long range strikes over the taking and holding of towns and cities. Most crucially, the Russians very deliberately tried all they could to minimize Ukrainian casualties and to preserve the Ukrainian civilian infrastructure (unlike the “democratic” countries out there who first destroy power plants, bridges, water stations, etc. to inflict the maximum of “shock and awe” on the civilian population!). The Russians could have easily turned, say, Kiev into Baghdad or Belgrade under US/NATO bombs, but they deliberately chose to save as many lives and civilian infrastructure as possible, even at the cost of lives of Russian soldiers).
[Sidebar: a prefect example is the small town of Avdeevka, near Donetsk, which is heavily fortified and from which the Ukronazis shell not only Donetsk, but also other towns such as Makeevka killing people and destroying the civilian infrastructure every day. The Russians could use their TOS-1A “Solntsepyok”, airborne FAE, FAB-3000 bombs, heavy mortars and plenty of other weapons to simply turn all of Avdeevka into a lifeless desert. But here is the problem: Avdeevka is full of civilians, including relatives of LDNR combatants. Furthermore, if Russia used such weapons, it would only feed the Anglo-Zionist propaganda to create a “victastar” city à la Sarajevo or even accuse the Russians of a Srebrenica-like “genocide”. The precedent of Bucha is something which limits the Russians in two major ways: first, it makes it almost impossible to retreat, now that we know that the Ukronazis will massacre all the “collaborators” in the area left by Russian forces and, second, it means that any major strike, no matter how militarily justified, will be turned into a “massacre” just like in Bosnia, Kosovo or Syria.
What apparently did take the Russians by surprise is the willingness of the Ukrainian forces in some towns to attack the Russian columns even though the local authorities seemed to have indicated to the Russians that, like in, say, Kherson, their city would not resist. Simply put, they chose the Mariupol model rather than the Kherson model. This choice was mainly dictated by the very powerful Nazi death squads who would at best arrest anybody negotiating with Russia and, at worst, simply shoot them on the spot. The Russians found plenty of bodies of executed Ukrainian soldiers.
But this does not tell the full story either.
The truth is that by the laws of warfare the Ukraine lost the war in less than a week.
What is my evidence for such an apparently outlandish and over-the-top statement? Simple: since the beginning of the SMO, the Ukrainians failed to execute a single operational level attack or counter-attack. At most they were able to execute small, tactical level attacks, the vast majority of which almost instantly failed, a few were defeated in a few days, and, crucially, not a single one gave the Ukrainian side the operational initiative. Not once.
So what happened?
If Kiev had any agency and if the Ukrainian leadership cared about their country and people, they would have immediately sued for peace. But Kiev never had any agency and the buffoons in power do not give a damn about the Ukrainian people.
Instead, it was the US that told the Ukrainians to never surrender or pull back, even if that meant huge losses in both manpower and firepower. The West, which despises and hates the Ukrainians almost as much as it hates the Russians were delighted to see the hated Ukrainians and the hated Russians killing each other (well, mostly Russians doing the killing). Furthermore, being military incompetent, the leaders of the West apparently believed that supplying weapons, money, instructors, and special forces to the Ukrainians could, if not turn the tide, slow down Russia enough to create fear, uncertainty, and doubts in the Russian public opinion. That plan also spectacularly failed, Putin is as popular as ever, the 5th column and the 6th columns in Russia are in despair (many emigrate) and the SMO has the full support of the Russian nation.
As for the much talked about “Russian plans”, which nobody has seen, they are not like the plan for a building. They are not fixed, but highly flexible and reactive and, in fact, they are constantly adjusted and refined in response to the developments on the ground. So while the Russians did have hopes that much/most of the eastern Ukraine would follow the “Kherson model” they were quick to adapt to the reality that the US and its Nazi agents in the Ukrainian military would force the eastern Ukraine to follow the “Mariupol model”. So yes, operational plans are like water in a stream, depending on the obstacles encountered, they can go left or they can go right to bypass that obstacle, but in either case, they are going down towards the ocean. The fact that armchair strategists declared that Russia “changed plans” simply proves that they don’t understand how operational planning works.
[Sidebar: most people in the West think of military operations as something similar to US football: there are “lines/fronts” which are defended and most forces are facing each other along these lines. This is not so. Modern warfare is much more similar to European soccer, where each player is “attached” to an opposing player and these players constantly maneuver and regularly engage each other. For example, modern warfare does not really have a “front” and a “rear” as we can see from the Russian strikes deep inside the western Ukraine. Finally, modern warfare deeply relies on coordinated actions. That is to say that even if side A has, say, five subunits (say companies) you cannot add them up and count them as a regiment or brigade because they lack the ability for coordinated operations (nevermind joint or combined ones). Think of your hand, it has five fingers, but these five fingers only become a powerful fist if the five fingers act in unison and become one fist. So when somebody write about, say, 60’000 Ukrainian soldiers in the eastern Ukraine, this describes a X number of platoons, companies, regiments or even “brigades” (I put quotation marks because these are not real brigades with a full table of organization and equipment), these subunits are not capable of coordinating their actions like the Russian military does. There is a lot of talk about “network centric warfare” which is nothing but combined arms operations on steroids, where the level of integration includes a full fusion of all C4ISR data into one common real time picture of the battlefield and a full coordination of all military forces/means. By the way, only Russia has fully developed such a capability (though the US has also made some serious progress in this field)].
Now let’s address two smaller but nonetheless crucial lies told by some about Russia:
“There are no Atlantic Integrationists or Eurasian Sovereignists in Russia”
If anything, this war has resulted in a major shakeup of the Russian society where some folks suddenly showed their true feelings. Examples range from Russian journalists standing with an anti-war sign behind a newscaster to those Russians abroad who either agreed to condemn Putin and the SMO or accepted to participate in various events under a neutral or foreign flag, to Dmitri Medvedev now changing his tune 180 degrees and rebranding himself as an ultra-patriot. I listed those examples because they are known in the West, but inside Russia, there are many more such examples, including amongst business executives and elected officials. Finally, even Putin himself mentioned the existence of such internal enemies of Russia. The fact that Russia has now expanded the definition of “treason” means that pro-US agents in Russia now face a major risk for their activities. Some 5th columnists have already been sentenced to jail. As for the 6th columnists, they still hate Putin with a passion and are still chanting their “all is lost” mantra, but (almost) nobody takes them seriously anymore.
The irony is that the US wanted to create a crisis to overthrow Putin but, instead, this crisis gave him yet another boost in popularity, in spite of some very real problems (automotive sector, civilian airliners, etc.).
“Putin is an Israeli stooge, he works hand in glove with the Israelis”
In reality, it is pretty obvious that the most vociferous Russophobes in the West are overwhelmingly Jews, both inside and outside Israel. Usually, the invoked excuse is that there were anti-Jewish pogroms in Russia. Yet, in reality, all those pogroms happened in what is today the Ukraine, and yet it is pretty clear that Zionist and Jewish organizations are overwhelmingly siding with Kiev (in spite of the regime in power being undeniably Nazi), and only very few individuals side with Russia (but they exist and should never be overlooked). As for the Kremlin, it is getting fed up with the Israeli arrogance in Syria (even if the Israeli airstrikes are ineffective and make no difference for the reality on the ground) and the Russians are now demanding that the Israelis cease their attacks on Syria. The Israelis cannot stop, for internal political and even psychotherapeutic reasons, but one of two things are likely to happen: the Israeli attacks will become even more useless and symbolic, or Russia will shoot down an Israeli aircraft.
But enough about Israel here, this is only a small part of the Anglo-Zionist Empire run by the USA. Now let’s turn to the West’s actions over the past 5 months.
So what about the US/NATO/EU in all this?
First, I want to make it clear that I strongly believe that the Anglo-Zionist Empire died on January 8th, 2020 when it allowed Iran to bomb CENTCOM bases without even a single bullet being fired back. That day the Empire showed the world that it did not even have what it takes to attack Iran. As for the USA, they died on January 6th, 2021.
However, remember my example above contrasting 5 fingers with a fist? While the Empire as we knew it and the USA as we knew it did die, that does not mean that its composing parts all vanished in thin air. Countries and Empires have momentum, just like the Titanic, when they have been mortally wounded. Simply put, the final process of sinking takes time. The Russian Empire died in February of 1917, yet the civil war lasted until 1923 (and I would even argue until WWII).
Second, there are two totally different planes in which the West (well, really the USA) decided to fight Russia:
- First, it declared total proxy war on Russia, but only total short of a direct war military confrontation with Russia
- Second, a total #cancelRussia in the PR/propaganda virtual reality. These infantile actions (latest example here) show how frustrated and powerless the West really is.
For years now I have stated many, many times that Russia and the Empire were locked into an existential war from which only one side would walk away. I usually added that this total war was about 80% informational, 15% economic and only 5% kinetic. I hesitate to provide numbers here, but I would say that after a very strong success in the first 2-3 months of the SMO, the informational war initially won by the West is now fizzling out. The economic war massively grew, as did the kinetic one (albeit still by proxy). I am very reluctant to provide numbers here, but very tentatively I would score the current war as maybe 10% informational, 50% economic and maybe 40% kinetic. Again, please don’t focus on these very tentative figures, the key thing is this: as per President “Biden”, the goal of the USA is to inflict a strategic failure on Russia. The same stuff was also spoken by the EU, UK politicians and pretty much everybody in the West.
As for the demented Poles, one of their former Presidents and Nobel Prize winner declared that he wants to reduce the population of Russia down to 50 million. Then there are the Brits, who still want to be “Great” or, at least, relevant, and who speak about “leading the free world” against Russia with such stellar allies as Poland, the 3B statelets and Banderastan.
And yet, let’s look at the outcomes on three levels:
- Military: the best proxy the USA had in history (the Ukrainian armed forces) is being slowly and inexorably destroyed by about only 8-10 percent of the Russian armed forces.
- Economic: while some sectors in Russia did suffer from the so-called “sanctions” (they are not sanctions, but acts of war and crude robbery, only the UNSC can impose legal sanctions), all in all, Russia did great, and seems to be set on a path for economic success due to the fact that a) most countries have refused to obey Washington’s demands and b) the Russian economy is powerful and real, not virtual like the Western economies. It will take a couple of years for Russia to adapt, but now that this process has begun, it is unstoppable.
- Propaganda: here the image is pretty clear: on one hand we have the USA and its colonies, then a few countries with comprador elites that are hated by most people, and countries that openly defy Washington. This is best expressed by this map from the Chinese foreign ministry:
One key characteristic of the countries shown in red on the bottom (realistic) map is that all these countries have two crucial factors in common: a) they (mostly) lack real resources (since their civilizations were always built on imperialism, colonialism and plain robbery) b) they hate Russia so much that they are willing to take measures which hurt themselves much more than they hurt Russia. This type of hate-saturated insanity reminds me of an old Soviet joke: “in a small village, a local discovers a bottle and when he opens it, a genie comes out and says: since you have liberated me, I will grant you one wish, the only condition is that your next door neighbor will get double of what you will. Then the man thought for a while and replied: please poke one of my eyes out!”. This is the current mental state of Western “leaders”…
That is the core “philosophy” of the USA: fight Russia to the last Ukrainian, prolong the war as long as possible, get as much of the civilian infrastructure of the Ukraine destroyed, subvert the status of the dollar, crash the world economy, let the EU crash and burn economically, socially, and politically, shove the Woke agenda down everyone’s throats, even if that makes them gag and throw up and, last but not least, totally and comprehensively stick your head in the sand and deny reality in all its aspects.
Yes, the West is so soaked in rabid hatred and fear of Russia that it prefers to commit collective suicide rather than accept any type of coexistence with a sovereign Russia.
Hitler’s comparatively vague/ambiguous/oblique slogan of “Drang nach Osten” has now been replaced by a much more candid and unambiguous #cancelRussia slogan. Same idea, just much more “in your face”.
Truth be told, most of the so-called “West” is really run by these three groups, in order of influence:
- The US Neocons
- The Anglo imperialists
- The EU comprador ruling elites
This reminds me very much of an album by Roger Waters called “Animals” in which he separates our modern societies into three archetypes: dogs, pigs and sheep. Needless to say, the dogs and pigs will run the sheep, but as soon as a (Russian) bear shows up, they are powerless against him.
This small image tells the true story about the Ruble “turning into rubble” as “Biden” promised.
This is what we see now and which will probably continue well into 2023. The fact that the economic warfare waged against Russia or the promise of Wunderwaffen has totally failed will never be admitted by these deeply psychopathic and terminally delusional people. And if they cannot double down ad infinitum in their actions, they sure will continue to double down in their rhetoric, just as the orchestra continued to play while the “unsinkable” Titanic was sinking.
Still, at least some of the regular folks in the West are smelling the roses, hence the dismal rating of ALL the Western political leaders. The hostility of many US Americans even results in polls that suggest that many of them would want to secede from the other states, in this case Trump voters. Considering that Trump voters are, as a rule, far more patriotic than Woke-soaked US “liberals”, this is very telling. But also ironic: the USA wants to break up Russia and ends up breaking up itself. Karma?
Not only. Let’s look at the map which shows which countries did and did not impose “sanctions” on Russia:
Notice that pretty much the entire green zone is composed of countries that the West has invaded, robbed, devastated, enslaved, subverted, forcibly converted, bombed, economically “sanctioned” with blockades and blackmail (by means so-called “secondary sanctions” which is a euphemism for blackmail and extortion) and, more recently, upon which the full satanic insanity of Wokeness has been imposed (hence the US embassies flying “homopride” flags). The population of these green countries, which I call “Zone B”, knows the true score and they mostly hate and despise the West. And that places all their comprador ruling elites in a very tricky situation: their US masters want them to declare total war on Russia while their population is mostly sympathetic to Russia. In the past, this would have been a no-brainer, Uncle Shmuel with his CIA-run death squads, aircraft carriers and seemingly infinite money printing capability was much more vital to these comprador elites than their own population. But now that death squads have been largely replaced with woked-out fairies which are only good at shooting unarmed civilians, now that US aircraft carriers don’t really frighten even countries like Iran, the DPRK or Venezuela and now that the entire Western-built international economic and financial system is collapsing, these comprador elites have to become much, much more careful lest they end up like the US stooges in Bolivia: out of power and in jail. Even Colombia seems to be slowly slipping away, as does Brazil. And I won’t even mention the absolute lack of utility of the likes of Guaido, Tikhanovskaia or the “friends of Syria” gang (Maduro, Lukashenko and Assad are all doing great, thank you!).
The writing is on the wall, and only those who deliberately shut their eyes fail to see it.
This leaves us with the issue of the US Neocons.
What about the Western ruling classes, what impact, if any, did the SMO have on them?
First, let’s define our categories. In the EU we don’t really have any real “ruling class”, we only have frontmen (sorry! I meant “frontpersons” of course), puppets, pretend-rulers with no agency whatsoever (Olaf Scholz and Josep Borrell are perfect examples) . There is no European “defense policy” or any other meaningful evidence of agency on any level. The EU is dead, clueless and totally in the control of the US Neocons.
Second, in the USA, Neocons rule supreme, having total control of both major parties in the US. And while the GOP base is very different from the Dem’s base, their leaders are mostly interchangeable. So I will consider them as one.
Their mindset and worldview are pretty clear: they are messianic supremacists and sincerely consider themselves racially superior to the rest of mankind. The fusion of Anglo imperialism and Jewish supremacism has yielded the monster we now know as “Neocons”. These folks excel in the art of accumulating power, by hook or by crook. They like to claim that they have superior intelligence, but in reality, what separates these people is not brainpower, but two key aspects of their worldview: a) tribalism and b) drive. Simply put, most other people do not have this tribal “us against them” mindset, and only a subsection of regular people are truly driven to power and influence. Hence, while being a numerically small minority, the US Neocons are in full control of the USA.
Their psychological profile is narcissistic at best, and fully psychopathic in most cases. That also gives them an advantage, especially when dealing with weak, ignorant and easily influenceable people. But when they meet a determined pushback, be it by Russia, Iran, the DPRK or even Hezbollah, they quickly become clueless and helpless. Check the expression of Blinken on the photo above – that is the face of a coward and a loser. He might have become a decent tailor, instead, he was asked to run the foreign policy of the (now former) superpower. No wonder all he ever produced was disasters and abject failures!
Initially, feeling buoyant from their total control over Eltsin and the Russian liberals, the US Neocons celebrated victory. Then something went very wrong and suddenly they were faced with a radically different kind of leader, one with the massive support of the Russian people. Remember here that Putin was an intelligence officer specializing in the West, thus a man who had a very good understanding of his enemies. Furthermore, Putin was patient enough to realize that in the early years of the confrontation with the West, Russia was in no condition to openly defy the West, let alone fight it militarily. This is why he stopped the LDNR forces from moving any further westwards in 2014-2015 even though the Ukrainian military was in disarray. While he knew that during the time the Ukrainians were in a panic and disorganized, he also knew that Russia could not take on the consolidated West. So between 2014 and 2018 Russia made a gigantic effort to develop the kind of capabilities needed to be able to take on all of NATO and win. By the time of the Russian ultimatum to the West last Fall, Russia was finally ready.
Notice that the Russian ultimatum was not an ultimatum to Kiev as much as it was a direct challenge to the US and NATO. The Neocons, drunk on their bravado and sense of racial superiority, basically told Russia to screw herself and doubled down in their rhetoric. And when Russia moved in, they truly freaked out, hence their suicidal policies towards Russia ever since. These folks mistakenly assumed that while Russia might (maybe!) prevail over the Ukrainian forces, they were confident that Putin would not dare openly defy the consolidated West. And when Putin did just that, they went into full panic mode, hence the nonsense we hear from the Western capitals on a daily basis.
But it got even worse. Far from being deterred by Western promises of fire and brimstone, the Russians then proceeded to methodically destroy the Ukrainian armed forces. In spite of the Ukrainian military being the best proxy force in US history, in spite of BILLIONS given to the Nazi regime each month, in spite of all sorts of super-dooper Wunderwaffen deliveries, in spite of economic warfare, Russia is now pounding the Ukie+Western forces in the Ukraine day after day after day and while the US is ordering the Ukrainians to fight to the end and never withdraw, the many waves of Volkssturm reinforcements have had no impact on Russian warfighting capabilities. The US also ordered its vassal states in eastern Europe to send their large supplies of Soviet era weapons to the Ukraine (over 300 tanks just from Poland!), and Ukrainian-branded Mi-24s, Su-25s and MiG-29s still are seen in the Ukrainian skies almost daily in spite of the fact that almost the entire Ukrainian air force was destroyed in the first 3 days of the war. Helicopters are easy to hide, “Ukrainian” aircraft take off from bases in Poland and Romania, and yet they don’t seem to make a difference: for most of them, it is a one-way mission and they know it. But it is good PR, even if it costs lives (at least that is what Uncle Shmuel thinks). But now that the already low credibility of the legacy corporate media is in freefall, even such PR “victories” yield very little traction:
It is outright comical to hear Western countries (Germany, Italy and even the USA) whining about their weapons stores getting depleted while all these truly huge deliveries have not made any difference at all on the ground since the beginning of combat operations.
[Sidebar: does Russia have air superiority over the Ukraine? Yes, absolutely. A few helicopters or fixed wing aircraft on one way missions make no difference here. In fact, a much bigger threat to the Russian Aerospace Forces are the Ukrainian air defenses which, while old, have often been modernized and have the full support of US C4ISR (Command, Control, Communication, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) including surveillance drone, AWACS, satellites, SIGNIT, etc. etc. etc. and yet the Russians have adapted: the close air support aircraft fly low, while their SEAD (suppression of enemy air defenses) fly high with long range anti-radiation missiles on the ready. A quick reminder, while the USAF/USN has often achieved air supremacy over countries without a modern air force or any modern air defenses, it failed to knock out the Serbian air defenses during the Anglo-Zionist wars against the Serbian nation. In fact, the USAF/USN *never* operated in an environment as dangerous as the one currently created over the Ukraine, but the comparatively much smaller Russian Aerospace Force did achieve and maintain air superiority over this huge country. As for air supremacy (as opposed to superiority), it is only achievable against a very poorly armed adversary: air superiority is the best one can hope to achieve, even theoretically, over any country with serious air defenses]
And yet, the (comparatively small, but more modern) Russian aerospace forces have achieved and maintained air superiority throughout the past 5 months of combat operations. This is an extremely alarming sign for the US and NATO forces. Just imagine what the full might of the Russian armed forces would do to NATO if it was unleashed!
But it gets even worse (for the Empire, that is): there are all the signs and even clear messages that Putin is not “bluffing” at all and that Russia has full escalation dominance over the West. but it is now becoming quite evident that the Kremlin will not stop under any circumstances short of a total victory, and if that means nuclear war, so be it. And the Russian people are overwhelmingly supportive of this stance.
Because the Russian people have now FINALLY seen the true face of the West, they now understand that this is nothing else but a continuation of WWII and that the very existence and sovereignty of the Russian people are at stake. Again, Putin said it clearly: “if someone makes a decision to destroy Russia, we have every right to fight back. Yes, it would be a global disaster for humanity and for the world, but being a Russian citizen and head of Russia, I want to ask a question, “What’s the point of the world without Russia?“. If these were just empty words, like what Biden reads (with difficulty) from his teleprompter, that would be one thing, but these words need to be remembered in the context of the deployment of Avangards, Poseidons, S-500 and all the other weapons and tactics developed by Russia while the Neocons, drunk with arrogance, slept at the wheel.
So no, while Putin rarely makes threats, he never bluffs.
Bottom line is this: anybody who sincerely believes that Russia will not wipe out the entire West if she is seriously threatened is terminally delusional, knows nothing about history, and does not understand the Russian mindset. They would do so at their own peril.
If there is one message I want to convey to anybody willing to listen it is this: Putin is not bluffing, the West cannot win, and the only variable here is what price the West is willing to pay for its defeat.
By the way, the Chinese are also getting mighty fed up with the crazies in DC, just check out their latest statements.
Will somebody actually take action against the Neocons? I doubt it. If anything, the entire Trump debacle has proven beyond any reasonable doubt that US anti-Neocons are either fakes, or that they have the willpower of a case of jello (that also goes for Tulsi Gabbard, by the way). Will the Neocons realize that if they persist in doubling down, they will personally and physically die? Maybe. At the end of the day, the US can afford to have a comprehensively destroyed Ukraine and a not less comprehensively destroyed EU. Now that the UK has left the EU, the Anglos couldn’t care less, and triggering wars in Europe is a time-honored British tradition anyway.
The real blowback from the Neocons’ arrogance and ignorance is that far from dealing with Russia first and with China as an end goal, they have greatly contributed to a major strengthening of the Russian, Chinese and Indian alliance.
The Neocons could decide to let Europe burn, while they remain in control of the USA which, unlike the EU, has plenty of natural resources and will remain, if not a world hegemon, then at least a powerful nation. In that case, their plan is simple: to continue to push for a maximum confrontation and war in Europe, but short of involving the USA in a nuclear exchange with Russia. The Brits on their island might have similar plans, just on a smaller scale and with the vital need to fully rely on the support of the USA. In the “best” of cases (for them), the UK would be in charge of managing the chaos in Europe on behalf of the USA.
I don’t think that the Neocons give a damn about Israel and the Israeli people either, by the way. Nor do the Anglo ruling “elites” give a damn about the people of the USA or the UK. If there is one lesson we must take from the horror of 9/11 is that these people won’t hesitate to murder thousands of “their own” because, in reality, for all the patriotic or Zionist flag-waving, they only care about themselves and their power.
NATO is a joke, and sooner or later, Russia will denazify all of the EU, either politically and economically, or, if no other option is left, militarily. First, the Ukraine, then the 3B+P crazies will have to be denazified. Next will be the turn of the EU/NATO beginning with Germany. By then, the US will have suffered a massive economic, social and cultural disaster which will probably reformat the current US polity. Where will the Neocons go next? I don’t know and, frankly, I don’t care. The Neocons are only dangerous just like a parasite that invades the brain of a much larger host. Once the host is down, the parasite might as well leave ditch it and find a new host. By itself, this parasite is weak and universally disliked.
In the meantime, the stupidified Woke-sheep can keep themselves busy wondering if men can give birth or deciding whether a “twerking” senator will solve the USA’s many problems.
So where do we go from here?
Well, at least so far, the leaders of the USA are still in full “double down forever” mode, along with their volunteer slaves in eastern Europe. Their plan for Russia is best visualized with this map: (source)
These wet dreams even include the infamous “Idel Ural” which was denounced by Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his articles against the equally infamous “captive nations law”. In fact, this “law” has its origins from the CIA and Nazi Germany. So we can say that this is nothing but “same old, same old again”. Although not quite, some things have changed.
During WWII the Russian people quickly understood that Hitler was no “liberator”, no more than Napoleon before him, and that he only used that kind of language to try to achieve victory. Then, during the Cold War, it was easy to believe that the enemy of the West was Communism and its idea of universal liberation from the capitalist yoke. Surely, if Russia got rid of the CPSU the West would embrace such a free Russia?
Nope, the exact opposite happened: in spite the “all you can eat” “freedoms” of blue jeans, fast foods, crime and pornography, Russia was plundered and came very very close to totally breaking up (only the 2nd Chechen war with Putin as the Commander in Chief prevented that from happening). Instead of the promised “democratic heaven” Russia got deeply immersed in the worst kind of capitalist hell imaginable.
Furthermore, the combination of a rather inept Soviet propaganda machine and a much more effective Western propaganda gave many Russians the illusion that the West was a group of free and prosperous nations only wanting the best for Russia. The Western-run nightmare of the 90s opened the eyes of some, but not all. As did the apocalypse in the so-called “independent Ukraine”. But the kind of open, direct and absolute hatred for Russia, Putin and everything Russian we all see know has convinced the vast majority of Russians that what the West really wants is a “final solution” to the “Russian problem” not unlike what the Papist regime of Pavelic during WWII wanted for the Serbs: kill ⅓, expel another ⅓ and “convert” the remaining ⅓.
Some things never change, especially not in the West. The Muslims are all spot on when they speak of the “modern Crusaders”!
So far, Russia has only been observing with some amazement, and even amusement, how the EU was committing economic, political and social suicide without even trying to improve its fate. For the people of Europe, there is only one thing more important than their imperialistic and racist mindset: their wallets. And that wallet has been hurting pretty badly since the self-defeating “sanctions” against Russia were implemented. In Russia that attitude is referred to as a “kid freezing his own ears to piss off his granny”: infantile, self-defeating and simply stupid. That being said: how many regimes (by that I mean political systems, as opposed to governments which are specific people; for example, if Truss replaces Johnson in the UK, this will be a government change, but not a regime change) are threatened by popular discontent in the EU?
The sad reality is that none. Oh sure, they are immensely unpopular, just like “Biden” is in the USA, but changing the puppet figureheads will do nothing to change the regimes in power (basically US-controlled colonial occupation regimes).
It is therefore likely that Russia will have to turn up the pain dial quite a few notches up before the sheep in the EU or the US come to their senses. Primarily, I think of economic measures, but if the crazies from the 3B+PU do something really stupid Russia will not hesitate to use military power if/when needed. The bottom line is this: Russia needs to denazify all of the European continent, and the more countries are told to join NATO, the more candidates for denazification Russia will have.
It is impossible to predict the future, there are simply too many variables at this point, but I would offer the following tentative suggested steps towards escalation:
- Russia could gradually either refuse to sell her resources to Europe, not only gas and oil, of course, but everything else which Russia has been selling to the EU in the past for very good prices and which was a key to the wealth of the EU nations. So that would be a full-scale economic counter-attack from Russia against the EU. As an initial step, Russia could also demand to only be paid in Rubles for any and all exports to the EU.
- Russia is already killing scores of Polish, British and other mercenaries (excuse me, “advisors” and “volunteers”) in the Ukraine, but most of these are low-level grunts. Russia could decide to target higher ranks involved in the war against Russia, including targets in Kiev and elsewhere. So far Russia has unleashed only a tiny fraction of her real firepower, but if the US/NATO weapon deliveries and deployment of mercenaries increase, Russia will have little choice but to further turn up the pain dial. And if the Poles, or the Baltic statelets go “full crazy” strikes against targets in these countries will become inevitable (Putin has already warned against that when he mentioned striking the “decision making centers”).
- Finally, if Russia decides that enough is enough, the first targets of a Russian military response to the US/NATO proxy war would be to attack the US/NATO C4ISR capabilities, including AWACS/JSTARS aircraft, SIGINT centers and satellites.
Right now, these US/NATO aircraft are only flying along the Ukrainian airspace and remain based outside the Ukraine. But if, say, the US/NATO does actively participate in a strike against Crimea or the Crimean Bridge, then all bets will be off and S-400s and various standoff weapons will do the talking.
Imagine for a second that Russia shoots down a US AWACS/JSTARS, what will be the West’s reaction? And I don’t mean expressions of outrage and hatred, they are already at max and really have no effect on Russians. Would the US/NATO try to shoot down a Russian aircraft? And what would the Russian response to that be?
The truth is that the US/NATO simply don’t have the means to wage a land war against Russia. They literally lack everything needed to do that. Oh sure, they have many (mostly old and subsonic) cruise missiles which they could fire at Russia, but here again, this would pose a dilemma for the West: if the strikes are unsuccessful (as they were in Syria), what to do next? And if these strikes are successful, what would the Russians do next? Use their own conventional strategic deterrence capabilities to strike at targets all over Europe and possibly even the USA? And then what?
[Sidebar: airpower and cruise missiles are vastly overrated in the US propaganda. One of my teachers in college was a retired USAF Colonel who worked for the YF-23 program and who taught us a very good course in force planning. One day he said in class “what good does it do to you if you bomb all your targets, shoot down enemy aircraft if by the time you get back your officer’s club is filled with enemy soldiers?!” He was joking, of course, but what he knew is that only “boots on the ground” can win a war. And “boots on the ground” is exactly what neither the US, nor NATO (nor Israel or the KSA by the way) can deploy, especially against a military which has the biggest experience of land warfare on the planet, and by a huge margin!]
The truth is that the choice for the Neocons is binary: either accept defeat in Europe and keep the USA as their prize and host, or die in a major nuclear confrontation that will wipe out millions (which they don’t care about at all), including the Neocons themselves (which they care a lot about).
Try to reason with or convince messianic, narcissistic and delusional racist maniacs is a dangerous and mostly futile task. This is why Russia is turning the pain dial up very very slowly. Right now, most of the efforts of the Kremlin are not even directed at the West, but at forging the core of the future multilateral world, the BRICS countries and BRICS candidates (possibly including Iran, Argentina, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Mexico, Lebanon and Indonesia in the near future). Russia is also expanding her ties to Africa and Latin America. Last, but not least, Russia, China and India are constantly expanding their ties and even collaboration, especially with China.
In this respect, I would strongly recommend to the Neocons and their puppet regimes to carefully consider the implications of Putin’s words that “We haven’t really started yet anything in earnest yet” (мы ещё всерьёз и не начинали). That is not a threat, but a statement of fact. Whether the West will continue to pretend that Russia is about to collapse, or that Putin is bluffing, will determine what will happen next.
Right now, and exactly as I predicted would happen, Russia has basically totally given up on any form of dialog with the West, since the West has basically severed all its diplomatic ties with Russia. Put differently, Russia is now acting unilaterally without giving the moaning and threats from the West any consideration whatsoever. In fact, the stark reality is that Russia has no need, or use, for the West, especially a West trying to commit collective suicide by a million cuts. Right now, the West is mostly dialing up the pain dial on itself, with little or no Russian assistance. But that does not mean that Russia won’t proactively turn up that dial if/when needed. And if the sheep in the West prefer athletic events or chess tournaments without Russian participation, by all means, let them do it and, in the process, make these events meaningless. The same goes for all the #cancelRussia insanity out there, including the destruction of statues and monuments or sanctioning of Russian musicians. The putatively proud and freedom-loving East Europeans seem to especially relish their “glorious victories” against old Soviet statues and monuments. I say – let them, it just shown their impotence and utter irrelevance. If they have no respect for themselves, why should anybody else?
As the saying goes, “go woke, go broke”. A fitting epitaph on the West’s gravestone.
As for Russia, her real future lies in the South, East and North. She has no need or use for the West. Almost one thousand years of Western imperialism are coming to a shameful and self-inflicted death, one way or another. As I have written many times, that system was neither viable nor reformable. It will either die of its own internal contradictions, or Russia and China will have to cull it. They most definitely has the means to, but won’t act directly unless provoked.
But that, should it happen, is still further down the road. For the time being, we are entering a long phase (many months probably) of gradual pain dial increase. Russia will continue to grind down the NATO forces in the Ukraine and let the economic realities sink into the awareness of the European sheep.
As many observe in Russia: “now russophobia will come at a steep price”.
I couldn’t agree more.
PS: the above was kind of a “bird’s eye view” trying to cover the key developments during the five past months. From now on, I will write shorter, but more frequent, analyses of specific issues. In this context, if you have questions or want me to address a specific topic in my future analyses, please let me know in the comments section below. Thank you!
The Ukrainian Fog obscures a momentous turn of events: In the past 10 days, Russian diplomacy has basically sewn up the entire Eurasian “World Island” as one large Cooperative Alliance. Only the degenerate, withering Western tip and the Far Eastern Rim nations (the Quad & Co) remain to be brought into the fold. But it’s astounding to find Russia, China, India, Iran, Turkey and the Caucuses coalescing into an amicable, dynamic Alliance that’s going places and doing things. Sure it’s the early days, but this kind of friendly co-operation is really unprecedented. That’s the REALLY BIG world historical news.
You are correct. But it is the people already there that will benefit therefrom. What do we do here in US?
I would like Andrei to address the following, to show us a way out from the dystopian future being imposed on western countries.
They have set fire to ~80 food processing & storage facilities in the last couple of years (see Joachim’s articles at; they are destroying animals used for meat to push people to insects for proteins; they have bought up a significant amount of farmland in US (see to use for exclusively gmo crops; they have engineered leafy veggies to grow in little soil on a chemically-treated pad and without the use of sunlight (see vid at Aerofarms); they are still pushing their poisonous injections down to age 6mo (see articles by doctors Fleming, Malone, Cole, McLaughlin, etc). They have even engineered mosquitos, which can carry toxins. They are engineering a depopulation by starvation and poisons — and, of course, war. And, perhaps worst of all, they are going forth with their digital control of people by QR code, whereby they will control your bank account as a means of both controlling your mobility (your own car, plane tickets, etc) and food supply. Your money as CBDCs can be programed to work only for certain foods or things. They can freeze your cbdc so you cant buy gas for your car or a plane ticket, thereby preventing your escape. Remember: Their agenda is world depopulation. Ain’t gonna fly to just say to them, ok I will leave & let you have my house.
I don’t see a way out other than to escape US and get cit in a country that is more moral. But with no contacts, no knowledge of the language or culture, no way to open a bank account, well, it’s all so seemingly impossible to circumvent. Yet, to just give in to all this evil is wrong. So hopeless.
So, Andrei, how about an equally detailed article about how to escape this dystopian future? And growing your own food is not a full plan because they freeze your own money and your driver license.
If we can find a way to stop paying taxes collectively we have a shot. The money is what gives the neocons their power. Dry up the money and things will change quickly.
They’ll just print the money.
they cannot print bitcoin
To your point: the way to ‘stop paying taxes collectively’ is to know the law.
Most Americans do not make any ‘income’ in the legal sense of that legal term, nor are many Americans ’employees’ or do they work at ’employment’, again in the legally-defined meanings of those terms (roughly 9% of Americans are and ‘do’, and they owe taxes, certainly). It’s shocking to contemplate, but the IRS and certain well-placed media organs managed to convince Americans (mainly during WWII), and the world (at points after WWII), that ‘all work leads to income, and ‘income’ is just ‘all that comes in’ from any work.
This is not true.
‘Income’ is the result of the exercise of government-granted ‘privilege’. All income taxes were once known as ‘privilege taxes’. The terms were interchangeable. Income, is a monetary measure of the gains realized by the exercise of that privilege. Since Income Taxes are ALWAYS excise taxes, it is a portion of the income which is ‘excised’ from the privilege-holder’s gains and returned to the public purse. It is called the ‘Internal Revenue Service’ for a reason: it’s purpose is to provide accounting services for the generation of ‘income’ from WITHIN the apparatus which the government grants a ‘right’ or ‘privilege’ to operate, as opposed to the operation of a ‘private enterprise’ which could accomplish the same ends (but which would generate no income, because it was not operating as a ‘granted’ or ‘privileged’ entity).
The question of what kind of tax The Income Tax ‘is’, was settled by The US Supreme Court in Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad Co. (1916). Their Decision, issued by then-Chief Justice C.J. White, clearly expresses The Court’s view that The Income Tax is an excise tax under The Constitution (and this happened AFTER the ratification of The 16th Amendment: The Court knew exactly what it was saying), and that is can not ever be considered as a ‘un-apportioned, direct tax’ as the IRS now publicly claims. The Federal Income Tax (and ALL State Income Taxes, which all ground their authority in the Federal Income Tax laws and say as much in their State Statutes) is good, legal, and should operate as a ‘check’ upon the corruption of government office-holders, those whom wield enormous power through their offices’ authorities. We have been lead, collectively, into an erroneous belief about our rights under the law, and the world has paid along with us, for our benighted state.
My Sources: <<This is not an easy read. The website author is the same researcher who discovered the legal basis, hidden within the labyrinthine Internal Revenue Code, for the tax, as well as discovering the history of its perversion against the welfare of the American people. I encourage you to grant at least 45 minutes to yourself to 'poke around' the sight. A clean explanation exists in certain documents, but without some sense of the legal history, I fear most folks are still 'plugged in' to the belief that they 'owe' without really ever having seen the law which purportedly says just that (because it does not exist).
Also, some of us are old enough to remember certain 'high profile' cases of tax evasion and other well-intentioned but defeated efforts to expose Americans to what was understood in the past, but was still not the needed legal basis for the laws, which we now have clearly traced in the laws, thanks to Mr. Peter E. Hendrickson. The 'Bulletin Board' section of the website should put to rest any views about the 'is this a fantasy' question which will assuredly come to mind. My own legal, Federal returns and the ensuing refunds, are listed on that page. << while some complain about the accuracy of Justia's offerings, this particular case is so 'cut and dried' as to be beyond such concerns: it has been 'in the books' for a hundred years. No errors exist in Justia's rendering which do not also exist (and are notated) in the other online sources (which all require $$) . Notice the 'syllabus' and 'case' tabs. You'll want the 'case'. It is tough sledding, but again: this is the law. IF it can not be understood, then it should be re-adjudicated. But it will not be 're-tried' because no IRS attorney is ignorant of this information: they know what the law is, and they know where they are lying about it, such as…
Right here: please scroll to the final 'contention' on the page. "Contention: The Sixteenth Amendment does not authorize a direct non-apportioned federal income tax on United States citizens." Continuing: "The Law:
The courts have both implicitly and explicitly recognized that the Sixteenth Amendment authorizes a non-apportioned direct income tax on United States citizens and that the federal tax laws as applied are valid. In United States v. Collins, 920 F.2d 619, 629 (10 th Cir. 1990), cert. denied, 500 U.S. 920 (1991), the court cited Brushaber v. Union Pac. R.R., 240 U.S. 1, 12-19 (1916), and noted that the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized that the "Sixteenth Amendment authorizes a direct nonapportioned tax upon United States citizens throughout the nation."" <<Now, you can take this last quote, which supposedly comes from the Brushaber Decision, through the US v. Collins Decision, and you can try to 'find' those words using the Brushaber Decision I provided as a link. Please let me know if you find that sentence, as opposed to a sentence which directly contradicts what the IRS is here claiming.
to the quick: The IRS claims the 16th Amendment authorized a direct, non-apportioned Income Tax. They attempt to administer the laws according to that erroneous belief. The USSC in Brushaber declares precisely the opposite, calling such a purported tax unConstitutional, from a structural perspective: such a tax can not legally exist in The United States, period.
I'd be happy to continue discussing this matter, but I ask that you be conversant with elements of the Lost Horizons website, such as and Being so conversant, you will also be familiar with the Brushaber Decision, which is critical.
Thank you.
Your opinions re the legality of the the US income tax system are valid enough; however, many would disagree with them, definitely including the US judiciary, the US Marshall Service, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
And those are the ones that count.
If you can’t be bothered to learn a language and a few basic cultural mores, plus a set of marketable skills,
how can you expect to be welcomed anywhere.
Giving in to evil is probably wrong.
Refusing to hope, refusing to prepare, is betrayal of yourself and everybody who knows your face, including those who fed you and tied your shoelaces until you were old enough to feed and to tie them yourself.
stop using their money all together. trade silver with local producers. learn to live with less and be able to find happiness. all you need is good local food, family and friends and some basic entertainment. arm yourself and defend your land and community. dont flee like a coward.
Money is just the invisible chain. No value in it at all. Money does not spread on bread. More money you make, more chains you weigh on yourself.
US people never stood with neocons and only a few brainwashed fools stand with DNC . The reason they had to steal election . We need to match forward and kink em out in November . Start to rebuild , with our allies .. our ally was NEVER European Union plan . NATO used us against Russia . The return of Trump would stop it . Like Putin he does not fear them … this was machine needs to stop . They want to kil everyone and uses the US flag I hide behind while we were working to pick up their proxy war tab. Many many more are educated in US to their plan now. They are telling us to eat bugs . Killing with bioweapon shots . ENOUGH . We link them out like American Revolution 2.0 if our vote does not . This is no game . Western puppet leaders in US and Europe etc need to separate from the NATO machine .
Meaning of Neocons…
W Bush: “Dad, what’s a neocon?”
HW Bush: “You want names or description?”
W: “Description.”
HW: “Israel.”
Good one, Harry Stantz. And thank you. I needed to feel a smile on my face.
GB Sr: What’s a Nazi daddy?
Prescott Bush: We are son.
Not accurate
Jews are part of neocons but the real power lies is the liberal Anglo saxons
The Anglos control the fate of the Jews not the other way round, despite what people think.
the word liberal here is just wrong. liberal means generous. the political meaning is silly putty. Both parties are colonialist. Euro and anglo history is colonialist aided by idiotic race theories and theft.
These politicized buzz words make clear communication and clear thinking very hard.
Neoliberal does not mean liberal; kind of newspeak. According Michael Hudson, antiliberal would be the correct designation, the correct term. Right here, right now, people should start calling them for what they are, antiliberals, and stop propagating that wrong word.
I have to agree, for many years i thought the other way around but more and more evidence have come out that tells me that your are correct.
Shlomo is just a tool, a willing tool that loves his job but a tool nontheless.
The protestant anglo saxons are the real power in the world.
First, I’d like to thank the Saker for the time he puts on writing these refreshing and informative essays. I’m happy to see you back.
Second, my reply to Soleii. I find it hard to believe the West governments consciously want to depopulate their own countries. From the economic and self-defense viewpoints, it simply doesn’t make sense. They could only get away with it if the other countries agreed to do exactly the same thing, but I very seriously doubt Russia, China, India and Brazil, to mention a few, would even think about it.
Now, this does not mean they won’t try to control their population for economic and power gains, which I think they are already trying to do. IMO, there are two ways out. Either subdue your federal government (make the states, in the case of the US, or the countries, in the case of EU, stronger) or emigrate.
My two cents.
Look at their agendas that are there to favor only the very few. Does WEF, Davos, Klaus Schwab, YGL, agenda 2030 or ’21 tell you anything?
Go look it up…
To Jac
Excellent post. I forgot to mention the YGL program. Thx.
You tell me, “I find it hard to believe the West governments consciously want to depopulate their own countries.”
Two problems with the conclusion that you have formed are:
(1) It hinges on logic. But what these guys are doing hinges from their own goals and their own version of logic. Yes, a normal gov’t would not have this goal. The gov’ts of IR, RU, Bellarus, CH, even India dont operate from such a premise. But they are not the west. US-UK-EU are in lockstep and this is such a well-established fact that it is not plausibly challenged.
(2) Certain factual premises are missing. I therefore ask that you spend some time reading in the WEF website. Listen in particular to any vids by klaus schwab and his mentor Hararri (I 4got his 1st name and likely misspelled last name). Also read all the articles by and about BillGates. A good site here is:
Read about the medical professionals who have exposed the mRNA wexxines forced on our populations as bioweapons. Two excellent books and vids here are (a) richard fleming (“Is covid 19 a bioweapon),, and RFKjr’s work at (or .com), and his book, “The Real Anthony Fauci.” Do some searches on the “golden billion” agenda — which is the goal of the west’s govts.
Also research what they are doing to our food supply. Check out gmo engineering and Aerofarms. Review the facts on all of the “mysterious” fires in the past year or so (~80) on food storage and production plants here in US. A must read are all of Joachim’s articles at
If you are not then convinced that your reasoning above omitted certain material facts and premises, then come back here or make a post to me in response to any of my posts and pose some questions. I will address them and i will give you more sites to review.
“Again, I think the biggest question in maybe in economics and politics of the coming decades will be what to do with all these useless people?
The problem is more boredom and how what to do with them and how will they find some sense of meaning in life, when they are basically meaningless, worthless?
My best guess, at present is a combination of drugs and computer games as a solution for [most]. It’s already happening…
I think once you’re superfluous, you don’t have power.
You are very well informed.
@Soleii: Cheers. Would you please give me those websites. I am interested. Kindest regards
“I find it hard to believe the West governments consciously want to depopulate their own countries.”
HC… The Netherlands is outlawing much of their agricultural sector. Germany has closed down much of their energy production and severed supply chains in its war with Russia.
Ditto for the UK… Biden would like to do the same for the US but one senator stands in his way… No food, no energy > mass depopulation. The Western Predator Class has openly articulated depopulation since the Seventies.
from a point of view of psychopaths – depopulation and other evil makes perfect sense.
The sooner more people realize we are ruled by psychopaths – the sooner we can do something consturctive about it
They are no depopulating their population, the West is the golden billion don’t you know. They are depopulating us
“They could only get away with it if the other countries agreed to do exactly the same thing,…”
What if other countries pretend to agree, and then back off, leaving the West to commit suicide?
BTW, I dont think there is any explicit agreement among the countries to depopulate themselves. No politician is so stupid; it is a bunch of billionaires who harbour such sociopathic ideas, and they may have a sort of informal arrangements among themselves, to kill the populations in their own countries.
Good points Soleil. Do some online research. Take a look at countries like Malta, Bahrain, Qatar. Especially if you move away from the cities, life in those places is better.
Malta will be one of the worst places if the WEF gets its agenda realized. Besides, islands are almost never self-supporting and will need logistics and imports and therefore are risky and always expensive.
There are many articles on the web addressing these matters/questions. Now don’t be lazy and ask Andriy and team to de that work for you.
One solution for money/payment system may be locally developped and emitted currencies that already do exist in certain communities in the EU and the US.
Just keep breathing and do not (ever!) give up (breathing, working, kicking, fighting, etc.) and study possibilities and solutions suitable to your situation.
Take care and all the best,
To Jacques
I posed my questions to Andrei because he specifically made a call for questions. Mine are legitimate questions which also impact him and his family directly. Also, he is a person who has first hand knowledge about such matters. So, his assessment is informed by percipient knowledge. This is always preferable to people selling the info on web.
With respect to your other comment (“One solution for money/payment system may be locally developped and emitted currencies that already do exist in certain communities in the EU and the US.”), I have no idea what you are talking about here. Got a couple of sites?
Finally, it does not appear to me that you have a full understanding of the cbdc and QR agendas.
Try Thailand. They’ve got the right idea. Doing so myself. Perfidious Albion is no place to be trapped. I’m off.
Yes I would like to hear from some others outside the West with constructive advice on how to circumvent the current onslaught here the US.
Other than an absolute full scale attack (revolution) on Washington DC by millions of patriots, similar to Sri Lanka recently, I see no stopping these imperial maniacs who are now speaking out loud about the prospects of cannibalism,
@Fortified City
Sri Lankan here.
What happened in SL was the exact opposite of what you think.
It was a color revolution orchestrated by the US. It was a long process where many interior and exterior elements worked in unison to bring down the country’s economy.
Sri Lanka’s separatist Tamil diaspora in the West convinced our foreign workers not to send money to their relatives through banks. We lost a huge sum of revenue as a result. The other major source of income -tourism- came to a halt because of the pandemic.
In the meantime, the pro-western 5th column was doing their sabotage work. Those in the electricity board opened the dams of reservoirs so that we wouldn’t have enough water to produce electricity.
The energy crisis and the reserves crisis sprang up at the same time and people took to the streets. Pro-western political parties and their trade unions, the Catholic church, and the Bar association which always works against nationalist governments, were at the forefront of the protests.
The nationalist President resign as a result and the Parliament just elected a new President just five days ago. The new guy was a man who had lost his electoral division in the last general elections and got into the Parliament through the national list (allocated for each party). He’s a well-known pro-western bootlicker who has deliberately led us to the debt IMF debt trap that we’re in right now.
SriLanka’s crisis has its root cause in the Buddhist Chauvinism that has strangled its true plural nationhood since 1956. The protesters need to address the issue of punishment of the Sinhala Buddhist politicians resposible for the crimes against Tamil humanity and the genocide. Both old and new Presidents and old and new Prime Ministers have their hands gory with the blood of thousands. Start by deleting Buddhism s the “foremost” religion of SriLamka in the constitution. Thetre can be no equality before law or adherence to Universal Declaration of Human Rights of UNO if you privelege one religion among the nation’s many
@V V Anand
That’s a wrong explanation based on the surface situation. Sri Lanka’s ethnic tension goes back to colonial times. We finally got rid of the terrorist problem, but many internal and external parties didn’t allow us to heal. They were inciting the Sinhalese and the Tamils even after the war.
The root cause of the current crisis is that SL got used to high consumption of imports without having a production economy. There was a serious drive to create a production economy during the 1970s, but the people were short-sighted to topple the govt. and elect a pro-western neoliberal one, which intrduced the free-market economy.
Agitate for the break-up of the US into 5(?) or 6(?) or so independent states. Have finances and Armed forces strictly within and answerable to the government of each independent state. Sell the Navy to South America. Demote Washington to be a state capital only. Declare independence from the USA!
Well I’m not The Saker but i have some ideas, what you could do:
Don’t play by their rules, don’t try to do what they expect. Instead use their own momentum against them as you do in Judo or Aikido:
– Do not play along with ‘divide and conquer’, so don’t think in groups, but in persons; don’t waste your energy by fighting proxy wars.
– You enemy is the neocon elite, not the woke intellectuals, not the environmentalists, not the people feeling compassion with refugees, not the atheists fighting the hubris of the religious institutions. They all dislike the neocons (more or less) and could be allies.
– Neocons are masters of power politics, so don’t confront them in their main domain were they are the strongest.
– Triggering emotions and especially fear is a very old way of controlling people, so don’t fall to it. This is not only about one side fearing climate change or the Russian invasion, this is also true about ‘vaccines’, the power of Gates & Soros, culture wars, economic doom, stupidity of the majority… It’s all to divide and distract You.
– So build connections and bridges, show real persons around you, that it is possible to work or even live together while having different opinions on politics. Respect their point of view and try to understand it, so they can do the same. If you call them stupid, sheep or brainwashed you just chase them away and they won’t even listen to you.
– Fight for the values they pretend to have, so you can fight their power while they have a hard time to fight you. Just some ideas:
– Democracy: fight for more direct democracy and against elitism
– free market economy: fight for good anti trust rules and against big money and big corporations as any oligo- or monopoly breaks the market
– social justice: make success less dependent on birth/heritage/wealth –> take the power from the super rich.
– diverse society: extend the focus from sexual and racial diversity to political and mindset diversity. What about quotas for Communists, Altruists, Feudalists, and Theocrats just not to deny their existence as a minority and see the real possible spectrum?
– efficiency: question the assumption that unlimited profits lead to a better development, best example is the US military-industry: the fact that the US has by far the biggest military budget is best explained by the economy optimizing for profits only and by whatever means.
The first cricket farm was open in Novosibirsk in May this year (Warning: graphic photos):
They also sell it in Ukraine (apparently a Russian enemy this summer).
The problem with your question is that you simply list a smorgasbord of unrelated distress points in the world but seem to think that there is a plan. There is not, except for the base misunderstanding of our leaders to seek profit and power.
These people are reactive and have no ideology, no vision, except one of power and control. Take the Covid tragedy in the United States. Years of neoliberal profit-seeking reduced the efficacy of the US health system while reluctance to act effectively created the nightmare of lockdowns with millions infected and dead. In China, that was not the case, nor in Cuba. Cuba, for example, created its own vaccines and almost all of the population received them without complaint or problems.
We need to focus on the ideology that causes these problems beyond the problems themselves.
Plus, with any luck, Indonesia and Pakistan – the world’s 4th and 5th most populous nations (to go with China and India, in some order the 1st and 2nd and between them a good third of humanity). In due course the other -stans and Mongolia should go along.
That done, Africa and latin America are likely to go with the flow and rid themselves of the ghastly parasites that have hag-ridden them for centuries. Just imagine how countries like Argentina, Chile, Libya and many others could thrive once freed from the masters of debt.
Let the S-400s and Sukhois spread!
To Tom Welsh
Question for you: How likely do you think it to be that Pakistan will go with CH, given the newly installed NIWITTO puppet?
Logically and pragmatically, it makes the most sense. Governments artificially installed by distant empires operate under considerable constraints – push their luck, and they might end up being ejected or lynched.
The JSC Sukhoi Company is a Russian aircraft manufacturer, headquartered in Begovoy District, Northern Administrative Okrug, Moscow, that designs both civilian and military aircraft.
This year
3 US military bases in Kenya, 1 in Somalia
Uganda discovered oil and over a trillion in gold reserves
Kenya took a horrific IMF loan and IMF is insisting they remove fuel subsidy by October increasing fuel by 25-40%
Election tampering in Kenya August election discovered
Likely outcome, huge regional civil unrest/ war
The mother fucker Americans are not giving Africa up. The evil bastards are here tying the chains round our necks with the help of our own fucking idiots.
We just want to get on with our lives but these bastards won’t leave us alone.
Colour revolution coming to East Africa
Even India the British Empire’s and Washington’s most hard nut wagging vassal turned its eyes to East.
Not true.
India has always been suspicious and cautious with West. It just fears China more.
A rapprochement and settlement between India and China on their border and other issues long overdue.
Political dynamic has always been India’s first ally is Russia, Pakistan’s is China.
Keeping it simple . . . The West impaled itself on its last failed project of imperial global dominance. The collapsing US-NATO-UK Ukrainian War on Russia will accelerate the decline of resource deficit Western states – all US allies and all close to or technically bankrupt. The ones that financialized their economies, can only consume and cannot produce, or produce much or real value.
Russia qualifies as the only autarkic state on the planet.
The best parts of The Ukraine will go to Russia or Russian control and benefit.
The writing is on the wall for The West. The best efforts of China and Russia is to convince the US to avoid a destructive nuclear war.
Discussed here in some detail . . .
an excellent expose
Wow Andrei, as a recent fan of the Saker it’s not hard to see why you have been sorely missed.
I approach the current situation as a 1000 piece jigsaw attempting to put it all together, the wife a 50 piece puzzle. Red pill/Blue pill. It is clear as someone who lives in the West that this is quickly becoming an issue of survival with our current Prime Minister (New Zealand) selling us out to NATO. I see a lot of potential political unrest seeping into little old NZ, my one hope is Kiribati pivots to China so we can all wake up from our slumber and see the true threat to peace and prosperity.
The collective west is driven by a deep sense of absolute superiority and by a deep sense of absolute impunity. Those 2 factors are at the core of their ukrainian project and why Russia had to launch her SMO. Same things are happening around taiwan (pelosi s visit to Taipei next month and pompeo openly saying the us needs to recognize taiwan independence) and with Iran (the fact that the us refused any real negociation for the jcpoa is not a good sign for peace in the middle east).
I don’t think they will accept defeat in 404 I rather see them trying to double down or starting trouble else where and I am thinking about taiwan and Iran.
The west has become completely insane and I wonder what will finally stop it. I hope it won’t require a nuclear war.
Unfortunately I have been saying for a few years now that in my opinion the west wants to control the world at any costs. They are losing their control. They risk destroying it. I don’t know if they are ready to destroy the world intentionally rather than losing their control of it or if they will try everything they can to keep their control triggering a global war which of course they think they can win but which will end up with the destruction of the world instead.
Superiority and impunity, also known as ‘entitlement’, are based on greed – which is the sole underlying and defining characteristic of the west.
Deep sense of bluffing
to Laurent:
Looking at it realistically, I can only confirm your assessment. It is as if a mist of mildew has settled over normally free thoughts, dismissing every critical remark as Russian propaganda. The media monks have succeeded in creating stupefaction in the sense of a very common principle: Keep people fat, keep them happy, keep them diverted and keep them entertained with dribble, shock and nonsense; because trustworthy journalism is no longer the priority, – creating confusion and news fatigue is….
The ruling elites in the west don’t reason like individuals. They are more like a crowd, which acts totally unreasonable, when there is the danger of loosing control of their fate — real or imagined. The single individuals of this crowd already calculate with the worst and are preparing their personal exit to save places. Luxury bunkers, super yachts and private islands are en vogue. It was demonstrated by the imagined COVID crisis and it again is visible in the way the Ukraine conflict is handled. That is the disadvantage of not having a strong responsible leader, as Russia has. I fear nuclear escalation is very much in the cards and I hope Putin can steer the world around those fatal cliffs, while the West continues acting totally irresponsible and kind of in panic.
Thank you Andrei for coming back strong and cogent. As an inhabitant of ‘America’ I resonate with what you say. It didn’t have to be this way, back then. We could have had a civilized world but no more. I live about 50 miles from Bangor, major sub base in Washington State.
Didn’t mention about September election in Lugansk, Kherson etc. Would that be end of SMO and the start of the real deal?
That was absolutely brilliant ! I have learned so much since finding your blog about a month ago, great learning for the layman like myself. Peace in Christ.
Welcome back Andrei! Excellent summary and I’ll look forward to seeing your regular analysis again.
I am especially interested in the Jewish dominance of the neocon movement and how that came about. There is little doubt in my mind that they have been the architects of as much mischief domestically as they have in our foreign policy debacles. I do disagree with you that they only cynically care about Israel…I think they’re true believers in the Zionist cause.
Anyway, again, welcome back!
Jon, For a really deep understanding I highly recommend a book mentioned many times here called “The Controversy Of Zion”. I read it free online.
This is the deepest of dives into the history of the tribe by a brilliant journalist of the early 20th century, Douglas Reed, whose own career was ended by reporting the truth of the lead up to WW2 and the subterfuges of the Zionist leadership.
The book is written in beautiful English and unsurprisingly was not published until long after the authors death.
Most notably, the intrigues unfold in the story without the author ever apparently knowing of the control over money his subject enjoyed. Finished in about 1955, he confesses throughout the book that he doesn’t understand the influence they managed to garner.
To Jon
RE: “I do disagree with you that they only cynically care about Israel…I think they’re true believers in the Zionist cause.”
If the Zionist cause is to own it all, to control it all, to prevent others from any share in the pie (so to speak) and, failing that goal, to destroy the entire pie (nukes) to prevent all others from having anything, then Andrei is correct — “they only cynically care about Israel.”
I read some articles about this some time ago — that the true Zionist attitude is: If we don’t get it all, then we will prevent others from having anything — even if it means we too shall cease to exist. I wish I had saved the links.
Notice that Putin hints to this policy or mindset when he says a world without Russia in it is not a worthwhile world.
From above: Again, Putin said it clearly: “if someone makes a decision to destroy Russia, we have every right to fight back. Yes, it would be a global disaster for humanity and for the world, but being a Russian citizen and head of Russia, I want to ask a question, “What’s the point of the world without Russia?“
The fact that billgates brags about having underground quarters and a well stocked seed vault in the Artic, is evidentiary of the zionist mindset, their preparation for nuclear catastrophe and to sacrifice it all if they can’t have it all. As such, Andrei is correct: They only cynically care about Iznazireal. More evidence? Look at how many of their own jewish population that they killed in their Occupation of Palestine by poisonous injections.
Soleii: “If the Zionist cause is to own it all, to control it all, to prevent others from any share in the pie (so to speak) and, failing that goal, to destroy the entire pie (nukes) to prevent all others from having anything, then Andrei is correct – ‘they only cynically care about Israel’.”
Intriguing article on your point:
These lines stand out:
“In Switzerland, it’s a state secret where the central bank stores its gold domestically. From all the information I could gather, I conclude the Swiss central bank primarily stores its gold – and that of foreign central banks and the Bank for International Settlements [BIS] – on Bundesplatz 1 in the capital Berne. This vault may be one of the largest globally. However, due to a renovation the vault is now empty. The metal has temporarily been transferred to a federal bunker near Kandersteg, deep in the Swiss mountains.”
“In April 2013, SNB [Schweizerische National Bank – Swiss central bank] revealed 20% of its 1,040 tonnes of gold is stored at the Bank of England, 10% is at the Bank of Canada, and 70% is held domestically ‘in its own vaults’.”
“In 1999, Swiss journalists discovered that the government had arranged a classified command facility near Kandersteg in the Alps, 40 miles south of Berne, to hide during a nuclear attack. … For nearly two decades, not a word was written about any gold being stored at the bunker dubbed ‘K20’. Then, in 2018, independent journalist Henry Habegger reported K20 also incorporates an SNB vault.”
“The [vault] renovation in Berne is now set to be completed in 2024. Then, or just before, the gold can be returned to Bundesplatz 1.”
BIS is the central bank of central banks. It is at the center of the spider’s web (not counting non-physical entities). “Marching Orders” are given from here. Does the BIS know something?
And how many they sacrificed many before and during WWII.
Welcome back home Saker.
The headline picture shows how the ruble did yesterday, Friday, July 22nd. It dropped a bit against the dollar, but not much. A few percent move in a day is not consequential for a “developing country” currency. In principle, it should have dropped as much as 15 percent. Why?
Early (local time) on Friday, Russia’s central bank cut its main rate by 1.5 percent to 8 percent. This is down from 12 percent before “the invasion.” The governing board of Russia’s central bank is trying to weaken the ruble; so far, they have been unsuccessful. They need it at around 70 to the dollar.
This is a discontinuity—The ruble should fall, but doesn’t. Uncle Sam doesn’t know what to do. All the old expectations about sanctioning a country, didn’t pan out.
Yes, there are still capital controls in Russia. But, the biggest capital controls are the ones ON Russia—the country is so sanctioned, rich people can’t convert and get their money out to the usual destinations. Even when it’s not illegal, U.S. and European banks don’t want to associate with Russians.
And yet, the ruble is still a free-floating currency, subject to supply and demand. And the demand is now linked firmly to the European natural gas market, first and foremost.
Could you walk through a “what if” scenario should China encompass Taiwan back in her fold? I mean a step by step of how this might take place with timelines. I have not read any articles of what this would look like. Also, what is the real mood with Taiwan on this subject? Thanks.
Peking already has ‚encompassed‘ Formosa. That’s what drives the war party bonkers.
.. glad you’re back!
Problem in EU-land for those who are aware of the facts that you’ve outlined in your analysis is that the VAST majority of EU residents only have anti-Russia propaganda in their heads – and “signal their virtue” by voicing “bad-man-Putin” tropes regularly in the normal discussions of family and friends. And as for higher prices … well, they’re all Putin’s fault, of course …. so even the increasing economic pain dial isn’t going to wake them up!
Sometimes – for interpersonal harmony – it’s easier to stay quiet!
Exact sumnary for the situation here in the Netherlands as wel l. I have to be quiet as well and see no signs at all of people and the PM walking away from the “unprovoced” invasion bs which is in full control by the msm
Great overview analysis. Good to see you back!
Wow! Just wow!
What an incredible tour-de force. Thankyou so much Andrei for drawing all these disparate threads together.
There’s much cause for optimism now as a critical mass has been reached & the economic integration of Afro-Eurasia, aka Mackinder’s the World Island, based on trade for mutual benefit continues apace. If successful, the goal is nothing less than the end of world poverty & world hunger
I still want to see the comedian’s arrest by his own military & handed over to be tried for crimes against humanity/war crimes & Ukraine’s unconditional surrender.
These next 30 years, or so, are going to be an incredibly exciting period of history to be alive!
Great Summary.
One should always return to the Peace Treaty proposal of Dec. 2021 to understand Moscow (and Peking’s) war aims.
Two quibble – 1) you ignore the valuable contribution of the DPR and LPR militaries who are bearing the brunt of the fighting and have a majority of the ground forces engaged. Mariupol was liberated by DPR forces for example.
2) you use the language of NATOland, try using the language of the Free World for example use ‚ex-colonial powers’ to describe NATOland.
Nice to see you back, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the essay.
The Saker (Andrei) is Back.
Scanning the globe with his sharp Birds eye view, down to the smallest detail.
Thereby exposing every Snake, Lizzard, and Rat, trying to cover their A## beneath a thick layer of war propaganda.
Dear Andrei, your “vacation” has really recharged your spirit and sharpened your pen (words).
Great to have you back.
Glad to see you back and on form Saker.
Forgive me going off topic but does anyone know how the Przewalski’s horses in the Askania-Nova reserve are doing? I hear the region is under Russian control but information is hard to get. I’ve seen a report the Ukrainian forces are using them for patrol work but I don’t know if those horses are from Chernobyl or Askania-Nova.
It is good to have you back rested and refreshed. I’ve missed your penetrating analysis. Идите с Богом.
I enjoy your articles and perspective as a genetic Anglo Saxon (mostly, still a mutt) although I take exception with your analysis of who runs my country. “Anglos” make up maybe 55% of the current population in the states (which you probably know) and are more and more cast aside in society.
Those who rule over us may look like us but are not of us. Most of the current administration is of Jewish descent and as you stated in your article – hates Russia. She was never to recover from 1917.
The goal was always for the sons of Noah to destroy themselves – namely those in Russia and their long lost brothers in Europe and the US.
I do believe this all to be spiritual in nature and those who are truly in control (not the Jews!) want white people (generally speaking) gone. That is why you see the mass invasions of asylum seekers and illlegals flooding Europe and the USA, why there is much love for ukies and Russians killing each other….
My heart is saddened by the current state of affairs.
So in closing – I want you to know as someone who grew up in the states heritage Americans- the sons of the revolution- want no part in imperialism. We don’t want 800+ bases around the world.
We recognize we are a conquered nation and we are fighting for our very existence – our very survival.
There certainly are neocons but they are not Anglo. They do not serve Jesus Christ.
We are with Russia and her people – our brothers. I mean that wholeheartedly.
State the enemy for who they are as our Allies in this world are dwindling.
By “Anglos” he means the Protestant/Calvinist/Freemasonic elite monsters who have represented Anglodom since the Reformation. But they basically handed over most of their power in the United States to their Hebraic fellow travelers, with Zionist/Neocon Evangelicals and Mormons serving as their useful-idiot footsoldiers. In Britain, where there are many fewer Jews, Anglo-Masons still run things, but the current crop is likewise clearly degenerating into something out of Idiocracy relative to those in the ’60s and before.
Also, given the stranglehold this Anglo-Masonic elite has historically had over the US and Britain, it can last for decades with very, very incompetent leadership because their Woke heirs still maintain the exclusionary ruthlessness and clannishness of their forebears. Hence the inability of anti-Zionists / anti-Neocons to make much headway in the US, at least so far. Trump was merely the first crack in the Neocon dam, and he is still very Zionist, even if he hated Neocons — he had to be, otherwise he would have not been allowed anywhere near the Presidency. There’s a long, long way to go.
And even so, the future of the U.S. is grim, since so many of the younger generations are so Woke and willing to vote Democrat even though they’re unhappy with “Biden”. At some point, the U.S. will break up and competing blocs of states will form new Schengen zones, with the Democrat-dominated ones subsequently spiralling into chaos and full-on collapse.
“What’s the point of the world without Russia?”
That is certainly a quote well worth emphasis.
More of Putin making sense:
(skip to last half of the video)
Putin Gives Crystal-Clear Breakdown Of What Created Food Crisis
“Dmitri Medvedev now changing his tune 180 degrees and rebranding himself as an ultra-patriot.”
He’s got me almost half-convinced that maybe he really changed and is different (changes happen).
I watched a long interview on youtube of Ukraine’s Defense Minister (from four days ago). Like the rest of the leaders (most of the ones who speak to the media), he is bullish on Ukraine’s chances. If body language counts, they are achieving feats in battle that give them their sense of confidence. Even if they inflate by 300% the damage they have inflicted, it is still a lot and it could explain their optimistic (though unrealistic) outlook. There’s a strong chance that Ukraine’s fighters are well-motivated and good soldiers, and are proud of the fight they have put up so far. Looks like soon there will be a bigger fight in the South.
“Yes, the West is so soaked in rabid hatred and fear of Russia that it prefers to commit collective suicide rather than accept any type of coexistence with a sovereign Russia.”
They underestimated Russia, but with much more arrogance than hatred in my opinion. Russia beats Ukraine, so they will accept coexistence (over WWIII). I think the fact that Russia will exert its superiority to prevail in the Donbass and in the South and in “other territories” (Lavrov) will finally cause at least a reversal of the present policies like it should. I don’t know if they will be able to avoid recognizing that they underestimated Russia.
“the US Neocons are in full control of the USA.”
I think their foreign policy ideas are still in control, not so much them. There’s a difference; which neocon man is in control? The most powerful political figure is Trump. He is half-neocon, half-not.
“it is now becoming quite evident that the Kremlin will not stop under any circumstances short of a total victory, and if that means nuclear war, so be it. And the Russian people are overwhelmingly supportive of this stance.”
What is “total victory”? This week they said that the sooner the war ends through a negotiation the better for the West it will be (harder later), which shows a desire to minimize war. They even made clear that the “victory” meaning is evolving and will continue to evolve, so in their own equation “victory” and “nuclear war” are totally separated. Nuclear war is not part of the price for a total victory in the stance taken by Lavrov this week.
“For the people of Europe, there is only one thing more important than their imperialistic and racist mindset: their wallets.”
For the U.S. too.
“Finally, if Russia decides that enough is enough, the first targets of a Russian military response to the US/NATO proxy war would be to attack the US/NATO C4ISR capabilities, including AWACS/JSTARS aircraft, SIGINT centers and satellites.”
Putin can do that. Much depends on how many more HIMARS are sent. The West can’t be sure that its weapons can kill an increasing number of Russian soldiers and that Russia will only accept that. HIMARS could conceivably cause a WWIII. (I don’t think many more will be sent.)
“if you have questions or want me to address a specific topic in my future analyses, please let me know in the comments section below.”
How will Europe de “denazified”?
I would like to answer to two statements here:
(We’ve gotten used to the continual onslaught of normalizing the Ukrainians and ‘must read’ western press links).
So, number one and I quote:
” There’s a strong chance that Ukraine’s fighters are well-motivated and good soldiers, and are proud of the fight they have put up so far.”
Do well-motivated and good soldiers use civilians as human shields as a doctrine? Grannies and children and women?
Do well-motivated and good soldiers shell into civilian areas (for 8 years now) with the only objective to kill civilians and destroy civilian infrastructure?
Do well-motivated and good soldiers place their redoubts in the homes of civilians, schools and hospitals and hide behind pregnant women?
Do well-motivated and good soldiers run a terror campaign among civilians and steal them blind emptying their houses of anything that can be carried?
Do well-motivated and good soldiers sell weapons and aid given to them on the black market to create more terror forces across Europe and further?
Do well-motivated and good soldiers steal the emergency food rations given to their own people, and sell them?
Do well-motivated and good soldiers sell their passports to others, in order for the others to go and rape Europe via refugee aid?
Do well-motivated and good soldiers, so unable to fight their fight, act as terrorists and shell power stations (even nuclear), try and destroy dams to create floods downstream and wipe out food stocks while whining about a minuscule amount of grain in the port of Odessa, a port that they mined themselves?
Do well-motivated and good soldiers forcibly conscript young teenage boys and older grandfather men to force them into the front lines with hardly any training or suitable weaponry, and as such create a meat wall of their own, in their eyes dispensable, to be destroyed, while they sit in the back?
Do well-motivated and good soldiers shoot these grandfathers and teenagers in the back if these ones get into impossible situations and try and put up a white flag of surrender, to save their own lives.
I’m afraid we are not dealing with well-motivated and good soldiers, but mostly with the dregs of nazi humanity and normalization of that makes the normalizer as guilty as the ones who created this situation. That would include the bullish ‘Ukraine’s Defense Minister’ who knows exactly what his forces are doing and should be before a firing squad for killing his own as a start.
The real well-motivated and good soldiers that made their way out of the UkroNazi hell, are now joining new groupings, the first of which (and we are still reading between the lines here) is the newly formed Odessa Brigade.
Number two – What is “total victory”?
I believe there is no space to try and diffuse this. Total victory is when Russia + those around her are free of threat by the hegemon and a security balance in the region has been restored. This is the message from Russia as well as from China, and it is not difficult. Russia did her best since Putin’s Munich speech and it brought her nothing. Now Russia is bringing military technical means to restore the security balance and it is in their hands and judgment, as to when, and what the situation on the ground will be, for that balance.
I’ll go for number three – on the neocons: “I think their foreign policy ideas are still in control, not so much them.”
Those foreign policy ideas are what makes the US the US and what makes NATO NATO. Yes, the neocons are still in control, and in no way can this be walked back as this has been so for many years. Unfortunately, too many people are tracing their actions.
And yes, there are nazis in the Ukraine .. not neo-nazis but generational Banderas. That is what the neo-con establishment in the US supports because they are killers and want the world to be in conflagration.
Let us not normalize this!
The overestimation of their own power vis a vis Russia and about 85% of the world is what makes them confused. They, in their sick ‘indispensable nation’ and ‘ugly American’ style (read the book and the history of the book) cannot get around it that it is they that are now the outcasts of the world, by their own hands and actions.
(I’ve already welcomed Andrei back a number of times, but again, Welcome Back! As Escobar says .. Let’s get the whole Global South joint rockin’.)
Akhmat Sila! (The University of Texas has written a scholarly work on what they call the ‘mutated chechen identity – yeah, the neocons are all over. )
Ay, amarynth. “(We’ve gotten used to the continual onslaught of normalizing the Ukrainians and ‘must read’ western press links).” The Ukrainians are human beings whether they are sane or insane, capable or not. It’s not “normalizing” a Ukrainian – the defense minister – to try to understand his human reactions and thoughts. You are aggressing against analysis like that – the actual onslaught.
“…I’m afraid we are not dealing with well-motivated and good soldiers, but mostly with the dregs of Nazi humanity and normalization of that makes the normalize as guilty as the ones who created this situation. That would include the bullish ‘Ukraine’s Defense Minister’ who knows exactly what his forces are doing and should be before a firing squad for killing his own as a start.”
Regarding the killing and abuse of their own people to blame Russians, it’s just normal to assume that not all the Ukrainian soldiers are guilty of that, and that it’s done by “special units” so-called. The DM may be responsible for that. A trial is still needed to ascertain that, and the how much question – not from our desks. Being human, the DM knows that in the soldiers’ minds they’re fighting an invader, and he doesn’t want to change that by asking his army to kill their own citizens, because then even the soldiers might think the Russians came in right on time. This is obvious.
“Total victory is when Russia + those around her are free of threat by the hegemon and a security balance in the region has been restored.”
Okay. It sounds like what Russia said.
“the neocons are still in control, and in no way can this be walked back as this has been so for many years. Unfortunately, too many people are tracing their actions.”
I said the neocon foreign policy ideas are still in control, that’s all, which does not ‘walk that back.’
“…there are nazis in the Ukraine .. not neo-nazis but generational Banderas. That is what the neo-con establishment in the US supports because they are killers and want the world to be in conflagration. Let us not normalize this!”
Russia was releasing – I don’t know if it still is – most of the soldiers captured. What does that mean? It rhymes with what I read in Wikipedia (is it well to use it regularly? tells us about Plato, Porphyry, Generals, and others) about the “Banderas” in a quote from somebody high in that organization, namely that 15% of them are real “Nazis” and the others are not. You know, communism is the elephant in the room. It was ugly to the Bandera people. They allied themselves with Nazi Germany to fight against it. They both lost. Common sense tells me that these Banderas may still have sympathy and love for their Bandera history and predecessors, which of course does not make them Nazis, so no wonder if they don’t see themselves as “Nazis,” and we can even understand the special circumstance that makes them tolerate the 15% – can’t we? Common sense says that Russia has no incentive whatsoever to clarify this, but it’s commendable that, in practice, they are releasing the young soldiers, and I think you will see later that the “denazification” is going to be disappeared by Putin himself (quickly). I asked you once to present proof of the real Nazism in Ukraine and as to its alleged size. You answered that it was abundant, but it would be nice for you to present it since you yourself accuse. If I cite the Western press as judiciously as possible like a normal human being, a similar disqualification takes place and I even become “it” to you.
I do not want to get personal but you are deluded. Nobody can wake you up because you are not sleeping. Nazism is on their bodies as tattoos, in the literature they leave behind, in the pagan occult material they leave behind. Nazism is the celebration of bandera’s birthday, printing his stamps.
According to you banderista had problems with “communism”, then why did they kill jews, polish, gypsies and Russians living in ukraine area ??
I have seen your posts. You just try to gather sympathy of ukr and their nazis.
You should know better if you have been reading the articles in this forum.
Good post SMarsh. Thx
Let me just reply to your central point that the banderistas were and are Nazis, because I maintain there is no clear evidence to say that a majority of them are Nazis. (I don’t say that they are or were good.)
“Nazism is on their bodies as tattoos, in the literature they leave behind, in the pagan occult material they leave behind. Nazism is the celebration of bandera’s birthday, printing his stamps.”
You who are really awake should tell me how many or what proportion of the soldiers have Nazism on their bodies as tattoos. You don’t know that. Bandera made an alliance with the Nazis. Leon Degrelle, a political right-wing leader in Belgium, fought for the Nazis on the Eastern Front. He did not call himself a “Nazi.” He was from Belgium and wanted to be a leader in Belgium after the war. Similar to Degrelle, Bandera would not call himself a Nazi back then. The nationalists have their identity pride. Why would the Bandera followers today be 100% Nazis? It doesn’t follow naturally. Evidence, please, of even 15% having tattoos like that. Such literature must be online to be checked for your point. Otherwise, at least wait before you say that they do and are all Nazis.
Given that the banderistas made an alliance to fight against the Soviet Union, even that tattoo could mean that the guy is celebrating the alliance against communism, the cause of the banderistas in that time, not necessarily that he is a Nazi. One cannot ignore the history involved even for this. You ignore that the banderistas were nationalists who wanted to be independent from the Soviet Union and made an alliance with Germany for that purpose! If we ignore the motive of that alliance, it’s easy, of course, to say that they are all a bunch of 100% Nazis since the beginning. Russia has understandable problems dealing with the communist legacy; it has dealt with it better than China, where they still call themselves “communists.”
Ukraine was so anti-Russian that it was bombing Russians and wanted to join a Russian-unfriendly military alliance, and it was invaded finally for that reason – and that’s the truth.
This tranquilocomp guy is gaslighting you. He speaks directly from the Ukrainian manual for the diaspora in the US.
It is there that their message that Bandera was not nazi, he was fighting communism only, gets a hearing because the US folks are so sensitive to the word communism.
MoonofAlabama wrote a nice piece on how everybody knew what they were in the main in the Ukraine, and how the US media changed their story. And they are addressing only more or less the Azov battalion.
Bandera, well, we can argue was he nazi?, but what is clear and above water, is that he was a brutal fascist that wore nazi regalia and got his followers to follow in that path.
More modern .. listen to Gonzalo Lira ..
If you want to know about Zelenski, search
Vlodymyr Struk
Denis Kireev
Mikhail & Aleksander Kononovich
Nestor Shufrych
Yan Taksyur
Dmitri Djangirov
On this is a video .. english versions are probably available, but this is what was found on the bodies of the Azov batallion .. Yeah sure .. they were only fighting communists. Its OK, the pictures alone tell the story.
A big fat old gaslighting process happening here. What should convince you, is to know the evil of the Hitler regime, and to figure out who embraces that. These people are twisted brutal fascist nazis.
Maria Zakharova gave us the history how these people came to flower on the lands of the Ukraine. Somewhere in some of her old Facebook work if someone wants to search. I am not a facebookie.
A really impressive post, Amarynth. Good job.
And a special appreciation from me to you for all that you do to run and protect the machinery of this forum. When I noticed Andrei’s article, it was ~10:45p and did not yet have any posts. Within 24hrs, it had over 300. Only now did I see how much work is actually involved. And the timely posting of comments us only part of what you do. Only now did I realize why and how Andrei could get burnt out. So, although you may not see appreciation directly stated in many posts, I offer that to you now on behalf of the entire community.
Thank-you Soleii. The Saker Blog is somewhat like two icebergs – to coordinate the blog is one, and the work is under the water, seldom do people see it. And the other one is the tremendous influence and reach that the blog has. That always surprises me! I am very happy that my boss is back :-) More hands to steer those icebergs lol.
Very good points Amarynth. It tells clearly who those AFU guys are; they like violence and they live of it. They won’t surrender easily.
To tranquilocomp
RE: “The most powerful political figure is Trump. He is half-neocon, half-not.”
The facts on trump prove that he recognizes no limit to initiating immoral acts in service to his neocon handlers.
They wanted him to perform as their puppet and he did. He performed to their specifications and in service to them:
> He assassinated a world leader who was succeeding on eliminating US mercenaries in W Asia.
> He sent more troops to die there & in Afgh.
> He backed out of many multilateral treaties (jcpoa, paris accord, nukes only in defense, etc
> He lied to the people (including his supporters) about the safety and effectiveness if “his” wexxine.
> He was a total yes-man to his izzizionists
> He ordered the theft of Syrian and Iraqi oil and resources
> etc, etc, etc
So, please clarify for me in what way Trump is only half neocon. I dont see it.
How about the public letters from neocons – from different agencies, and Admirals, etc. – asking for him to be prosecuted, and back then saying that he was not loyal enough and worse? This week one more of those letters was published in the NYT, and the NYT is also against him, arguing he failed the Constitution on ‘January 6.’ He himself blasts neocons for attacking him like they have. Who else but a neocon says Trump was doing the bidding of Russians, that he is submissive to Putin, etc.? Yet, you’re right that he is neocon enough. The neocons, had they been smarter, would have supported him instead of opposing him. So, “half-neocon, half-not.”
To tranquilocomp
Well, if it was published in NYT, well then, it must be fact — except when they retract their own claims, as has many times occurred. But we can just pretend that did not occur.
It would be helpful, should you care about truth, if you research the nature of propaganda and gaslighting.
Note the intelligent comment in the post of Prof. Spudd.
He says, “Trump was merely the first crack in the Neocon dam, and he is still very Zionist, even if he hated Neocons — he had to be, otherwise he would have not been allowed anywhere near the Presidency.
Soleii, you know the “it’s not all back or white” saying. This was something for concern in his first term just as a situation, and I don’t say it came to pass because I don’t know: He gave Israel all in his first term. There was the possible chance that he would demand things from them in his second term (“you help me with this now”). The table for it was ready so to speak. I thought it was naive of him, thinking he should fear it if only as an “unknown.” He doesn’t even fear the devil. He should have been giving like that, if he wanted to, with North Korea, and with Israel more as with North Korea. He is an ‘outsider’ (complex), anyway, and who knows how he will be in a second term if he can get it? When he was a candidate in 2016, he said something in a Jewish forum that I can only paraphrase now, and which was newsworthy though the media did not mention it and criticized other “controversial” things in his speech: Somebody sitting close to his left interrupted with some sound of disapproval (Trump was probably saying something related to Palestine), and Trump shot back, “Then you wonder why people don’t like you.” No other politician, presidential candidate, would ever say that. He was considering granting Palestine East Jerusalem as their capital; he never said ‘no’ to that. I have overestimated him in the past, and maybe he would have been “very-very” like you think…the chance was lost in an election changed by Covid. (How Covid ruled!)
Medved’s 180 degree turn ? Or maskirovka ? I read a very interesting Russian article. I don’t recall the author from two months ago, who wrote about the Kremlin’s masterful strokes of maskirovka that largely hid the military build-up. The article said that Medvedev had been tasked with seeming like a teddy bear, all soft and cuddly. The head of Russian Federation tax bureau was made head of the Defense Ministry and people howled that this man had no competency in military matters – but the critics overlooked his special competency, a deep understanding of how to hide huge sums of money, which the Defense Ministry spent on rebuilding their arsenal, something the West seems to have not noticed. A woman was involved who supposedly embezzled lots of money and that was part of the maskirovka. In Spring 2022, she was given a pardon and is likely on her way to a full erasing of all convictions against her. I really wish I had bookmarked that article.
Amarynth already destroyed two of the incorrect statements in the comment above. I’d like to draw attention to one other fact regarding the following statement:
“If body language counts, they are achieving feats in battle that give them their sense of confidence”
You have to remember Zellenski and several others in his close vicinity were actors or came from the artistic environment. For them, (bad) acting is natural. I’m not surprised at all the guy you mentioned seemed bullish, even at the face of a horrendous reality. It’s nothing more than acting. It’s their actual actions in behalf of others that count, and those, as the article above mentions, that counts. They are destroying many, many lives with their bad acting. Their behavior is evil, and history will not be gentle with them.
I can agree with your point on “acting,” overall, but remember that the same ones were not sounding “bullish” in the East just prior to Russia winning in Luhansk. Perhaps you don’t need to read or listen to the “actors” anymore. Others will do so just to understand what’s going on, or how things are changing.
It doesn’t matter if they were not sounding bullish back then and now they are. They are acting, that’s all. Trying to extract some truth from their acting is delusional (except maybe if you are studying the use of their acting for misleading people). If you still want to pay attention to them, by all means, go ahead, but please don’t spread their BS to others.
No matter what the act, there’s always a meaning, HC. They were not sounding bullish before because they knew it was lost. They sound bullish now because they think they’re still in the fight. Important cognition. You can stick to the Russian MOD and then Ukraine has not been able to destroy tanks or drones or planes or nothing military. Yeah, those Ukrainian actors don’t tell their story either. They are delusional. I know what you mean. In my modest opinion, it’s good to pay attention to all – you know what I mean?
GodSpeed, you have rested, restored body, mind, soul. I am grateful, thank you so much for your eloquent, far seeing synopsis.
– 8 Volunteer Btns have already been formed (500-600 people ea) in Rus, in coming week it is planned to form 8 more Btns,
In addition, another Army corps is formed (10-15K) in Nizhny Novgorod region . It is possible that this corps will be transferred to Ukr.
– Incredibly crazy: I listened to an interview of a green politico, who said: ” finally if there is a nuclear war, it will perhaps not be as bad, as due to global warming, after a nuke exchange…temperature will drop for years..(nuclear winter).
Do these idiots have a brain? Did they ever used it?
He was not even joking.
– China and Russia to spend 1.5 trillion Yuan to build Beijing-Moscow high-speed railway.
Now this yesterday:
– US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan stated Washington was worried about the personal safety of Zelensky.
This would mean that the Washington-Zio-militarist empire made the calculation to be rid of Zelensky, plunge Ukraine into chaos, & hand the entire mess to Russia. Of course, they’ll blame Russia for assassinating Zelensky.
– The United States plans to transfer to Ukraine by 25-30 MLRS HIMARS, the head of the Committee of the Armed Forces of the US House of Representatives Adam Smith
Saker: about the neocons, what are their links to former Khazaria (aka today called azskenazes, fake jews in fact, only converted to judaism)?
I read very often that they really believe they own Russia + Ukraine (for the ressources of courses the rest they don’t care).
I am of Nordic descent. I married into an Ashkenazi family, who emigrated to the US from Russia two generations ago.
They really do consider they are descended from the Jews, who were expelled from Palestine by the Romans some 2,000 years ago. They celebrate Passover and believe literally in the Exodus from Egypt. There is also DNA evidence to support their contentions. While they are on the whole very intelligent, they seem to lack the ability to think critically, and to believe all the lies put out by the main stream media despite evidence to the contrary.
It’s well know thing that Central Bank of Russia doesn’t want ruble to be stronger that 1 to 60. ($1 = 60 rubles).
@ The Saker,
Kudos for an outstanding recapitulation of 5-month SMO!
I have one point to raise. You mentioned, The bottom line is this: Russia needs to denazify all of the European continent, and the more countries are told to join NATO, the more candidates for denazification Russia will have
My point is why should Russia spend her own resources and time for denazifying European societies? Isn’t it better to let the Europeans continue to dig their own graves , and get dumped into those graves by self-created economic disasters (as we see nowadays) ….
You ask: ”why should Russia spend her own resources and time for denazifying European societies?”
Same reason why Soviets had to enter Berlin, and russian tzar Aleksander the First had to walk Paris, on March 31. 1814.
Quite pragmatic reason: to prevent what already happened tvice to happen again.
For the last time, so help us God!
Greetings from Serbia!
this is right.. deliver no more cheap energy, minerals, food etc. and europe will not be an enemy any longer – they will be poor, lose industry and EU will stop to exist soon..
And that will stop the USA from attacking Russia… how exactly?
Is it in Russian interests to have an impoverished, insolvent neighbor on its western border?
It is in Russia’s interest to have humble, rational, honest, even fearful neighbors.
Welcome back Mr Saker!
My most important comment is : “Welcome back! Glad to read you!”
I do wish Switzerland, my country, stays neutral. I also do wish Lebanon going East and joining the BRICS. It would be her best move.
“Stays” neutral? Get rid of Davos, the bank of international settlements, and the entire gigantic tangle of evil billionaires, organisations and projects based in Switzerland and stop your country funding wars (mussolini, hitler, as well as most likely what’s going on now), and you might then be considered neutral.
Totally agree with you ‘Jusses’
EU had their own study where only 3-5% of world’s most critical strategic rawmaterials (20 and 57) were owned by EU while 50-60% by BRICS.
When it comes to EU public it will hardly stand against its ruling class. There is no alternative political structure which could replace these EU fools. Europe generally will become globally irrelevant. I suggest having economic weight of around 10% in future instead of around 16% now. India wil have bigger economy than whole current EU area in late 2030s.
You have the “thumb on it.” The infamous accusation that everyone gets what they vote, for misses the point, when you have no real choice.
Every society or civilization creates its own spiritual-ideological foundations.
And after 1990 (for well-known reasons) the “economic ideology” has prevailed in the West, which has ultimately produced the misery – and which is based quite decisively on this almost 500-year dominance of Europe – that is, presupposes such dominance in order to be able to function somehow.
(One only has to keep in mind with which reasons for this so-called European integration was advertised – prosperity? Yes, but only if Europe becomes “more competitive” – this only has to be “translated correctly.”)
Obviously, an ideological dominance is necessary for this, whose ideological foundations have been carried into the world by means of all available channels (international organizations, NGO’s etc.) and have been tried to be established everywhere …
For “real” Marxists this is an old hat …
(And when we talk about Europe in this context, we have to think about America as well …)
Singapore has long been a part of the white west US Empire. And eager water carrier for the White Anglo Saxon Five Eyes to tap the communication cables that land on Singapore.,Goods%20(Control)%20Order%202021.
Singapore is also very strategically located, right on the straights of Malacca, which means that in case of a conflict with China the US just needs to send a carrier group there to cut off the latter’s oil supplies. This explains perhaps why it was “allowed” to grow rich by the Western Empire, just like the equally strategically-located Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, not just vis-à-vis China but also the Russian Far East. Had South Korea been located next to Madagascar, for instance, I doubt that it would be as developed as it is today.
US already has military bases in Singapore with spy planes taking off to overfly Chinese islands in SCS, and 2 littoral warships permanently parked in Singapore naval base to cut off Chinese commercial shipping in the Straits in event of blowup between US and China.
This is why China focused on BRI to build land routes to safeguard Chinese commercial interests.,the%20UK%2C%20but%20they%20only%20have%20145%20bases
If the US tried to cut off Chinese trade (in the event of a war) the first thing that would happen is that the US Navy would quite suddenly be a lot smaller than it was a few days before.
Too right jams. Too many people that should know better still believe that “carrier groups/ aircraft carriers” are deterrents to countries with hypersonic missiles and missile armed speed boat fleets, and kamikzi drone armadas fully armed with missiles and other munitions.
Carrier groups are just for photo ops for the home base. Something to take the kids to visit at the local naval base on a sunny weekend.
And after the overfed, under educated family goes home safe in the knowledge that their ‘guvmint’ is protecting them from the evil black, brown, yellow, and other white people (they look the same same but are communists). Hoo rah!
Welcome back!!!
Brilliant as always…
Dear Saker, you’ve been missed, for your piercing “bird’s eye views”, and especially for unique highly appropriate turns of phrase like, “The Israelis cannot stop, for internal political and even psychotherapeutic reasons..” As father of a two year old who acts out daily, I have an acute insight into their [adult] pathology. The crazies essentially have the emotional maturity of toddlers.. all their training and IQs wasted!
“I strongly believe that the Anglo-Zionist Empire died on January 8th, 2020 when”
I was skeptical for several years, but am becoming convinced now. They were coasting sluggishly through accumulated momentum and hot air alone, and nearly out of the former. The faces of Milley and the brass behind Trump that day still shocks. They were left holding the bag when the music stopped..
I am a hopeless optimist. Zone B will have anticipated the binary choice cul-de-sac of the neocons. How do you think they could expand the choices, to “make them an offer they cannot refuse,” perhaps including defeat even on CONUS/Oceania without a nuclear war? Something oligarchs hate more than death is losing wealth and/or power. A pain dial personalized for these 5 Eyes crazies..
Excellent stuff!. The batteries obviously fully recharged.
What is quite staggering in all this is not the SMO against NATO – that outcome was never in doubt – but the scale of the economic victory. The latter (impossible without the former BTW) has literally shifted the tectonic plates. A once in a thousand years event on a global scale.
Thank You very much. The Best analysis in the internet.
I was chrismated into the Orthodox faith some 15 years ago. (My Russian/Ukrainian wife and I had at that point decided it would be the faith in which we wanted to raise our children). So, it became clear to me that the debaucheries and perversions of the US made it a country where I did not want to raise my children. We tarted looking Eastward.
About 8 years ago, a friend from Ukraine invited us to visit, in order to think about starting up a business in Kiev. I also had considered Kaluga in the RF, but my consulting customer at the time was participating in sanctioning Russia, and was not amenable. So, we pulled up stakes and moved everything to Ukraine. We built a home, and, aside from the corruption and failure of the “business” (with friends like that, who needs enemies?) I came to love my new country, yet could not understand the animosities against the RF, and the suicidal desires to prostitute herself to the perverts and pederasts of the EU.
At my wife’s insistence, she took our children from their Gymnasium here to one in Germany, where “they will be safe.” I speak to them daily on the phone, and it is as I expected. They are fed nonsense, but praise to God, they recognize it for what it is. I must have done something right.
I remain in my home, where the war has not touched me at all. I weep for all the people who have died and curse my own country and the UK for what they have done. They care not a whit for the men who are dying by the thousands on both sides. I’ve donated my boots to some fellows who had none, because the thieves receiving the US aid have sold military supplies to enrich themselves. You can find the humanitarian aid for sale at every local shop, stolen and then sold to the local populace.
My friends tell me that as an American, I should leave. I won’t, unless the area where I live becomes a battlefield. I’ve nothing in the West. This is now my home and my homeland.
I’m told that I will be viewed as a possible enemy or spy by the Russians if they come here. I am going to take my chances. I believe that someday soon, my children will be home again, living in a country free of “wokeness.”
I am a naturalized US citizen of Russian/Ukrainian parentage. My Ukrainian Mom came from a town not far from the city of Taganrog near the Azov Sea. My father was of Don Cossack ancestry, worked in the railroad yards of Rostov before WW2, and travelled to places like Mariupol on a regular basis when he was a young man. They were displaced during WW2 because of the Nazi invasion; I was born in Poland, and we wound up in various refugee camps in Germany and Austria before emigrating to the US, where I became a US citizen. Given this background, it is no wonder that I have been deeply affected by the SMO and the events leading up to it. This site has been a refuge and an inspiration for me during these painful times. Russia has faced such existential threats many times in its past history but has always overcome them, thanks to being blessed with great leaders when it needed them. I believe Putin is such a leader. Welcome back, Andrei!
While the analysis is okay to me, overall, this part doesn’t ring true at all but more like illogical, unhistorical.
“Antonov airport near Kiev (one airborne regiment) … This force did exactly what it was intended to do,”
There are many, really many, accounts of this battle from various viewpoints. And to say that it did what it intended to do flies into the face of reality. It was a bold move and very costly, to take out the head of the serpent. To bring troops inside Kiev, circumventing the defenses lined up in the Kiev area. But one cannot ignore the deadly defeat of elite troops at the airport, the deadly targeting of transport planes filled with landing troops. That is not “intended”. It’s costly failure. It might have been calculated risk and benefit of course. But still painful. The distraction of the Kiev encirclement lost most of its impact. The troops became sitting ducks when the internal threats melted away. Overall the operation still contributed to the overall planning and yet it failed and it’s highly unlikely that this was the only way to pin down troops at Kiev. Looking at the wreckage of the “convoy”, it was not efficient at all. These troops came to pin down a headless snake. Their retreat was not part of a plan but rather a forced change, a switch to another scenario, costlier, longer, way more difficult.
As you note, there are many, many accounts of this. I myself am not ready to give credence to any particular one – will reserve judgment pending further analysis, which, for me at least, could take several months or years.
One aspect that puzzles me, though, is the intelligence bit. Wouldn’t it have been known/suspected from the very get-go that there would be many eyes on the this important piece of infrastructure, and pre-positioned assets (including, perhaps even mostly, highly trained foreigners) with the means to take down large transport planes, or planes/helicopters of any kind, or that matter (8+ years in the planning, recall). Just very puzzling.
Bizarrely, a fiction novel I read not too long ago, “Never the Last One”, features the shoot down of a transport plane carrying Russian paratroopers on their way to a special mission.
It was a failure but the troops were few, so it can’t be only a failure. The bait reason is what Moscow gave. That’s a success, according to them. They probably tried to cause a military coup, too, and failed in that, but had to try. In the same hours, Putin was telling them to do just that. Those fewer troops were more exposed to being captured, as we saw in videos here, and killed. The main Donbass battles happened much later, which I think also points to additional reasons as a possibility.
You must have been reading western MSM reports about that operation, because even reports about this straight from the mouth of British pro-Kiev volunteers who barely survived the onslaught, mentioned a very efficient operation that arrived surprisingly quickly and killed most of their men. These guys got lucky and ran as fast as they could in order to survive.
Yours is an account propagated by the western MSM.
There’s evidence that the Russian paratroopers held onto the airport.
However, some of the columns that were initially sent as reinforcements were attacked, probably by western special forces.
IMO, it was a calculated gamble to bum rush Kiev and take it. If it had worked, it would have been a brilliant op but It didn’t. It still served as a pinning attack but PR wise, looked bad. It was worth taking the shot whether it worked or not.
Against knights with swords, then frogs with canons, then nazis with tanks… And now Russia is facing its greatest challenge : morons with nukes!
Now you understand why Lavrov is shaking its head, Shoigu shaking its boots, and Putin proceeding cautiously…
For those, that read between the lines I suggest, that this is a departure in the right direction…but
The questions raised to Neocons this, neocons that, messianic parasites, money lenders and finance capitalism and where will they go next etc, etc, etc,?
…and the answer – denazify.
Is it only me?
“Russia could gradually either refuse to sell her resources to Russia” what a funny typo ^^ this is maybe the dream of some neocons and they truly believe this could happen.
Welocme back Saker!!!!
What an fantastic and inspiring analysis!!!!!!!!! Thank you for being back!
Excellent work.
Welcome back Andrei. I really missed you.
The only point I would query is who is in control because the Joker in the pack is who controls the money.
Well since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, Edward G Griffin amongst others wrote a superb book The Creature from Jekyll Island, the Central Bankers have as they now do in most Western Countries.
The overall policy control comes from the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland.
One of the reasons the Western Central Bankers despises Putin is because he imprisoned their point man in the Russian Federation, Mikhail Khodorkovsky.
The old adage of follow the money indicates who is gaining from this conflict !
Welcome back dear Andrei!
Happy to read again from you, my deepest thanks!
Andrei what about building up an international coalition for a civilized, multilateral world based on respect and peace: rational “intellectuals” could be leading it…
AFS – Madrid
NAM is one possible initiation source. OK, Ukraine may be a joke entry :-)
I live in Moscow and my father is a high-ranking officer in the Russian Aram Forces. He said that division in the army is growing rapidly these days, one group fully supports SMO in the Ukraine and another group wants to attack Washington directly.
That’s nothing. I’m your neighbor and my aunt is the secretary of Shoigu.
atacking USA/NATO now would be great
I live on a small farm in the mountains in Southeast Brazil. I have no relatives or acquaintances in the Russian Armed Forces. I just read the news and opinions, especially on Telegram channels.
– I read about an attack on the port of Odessa, the day after the signing of the “Grain Agreement”;
– I read the Turkish MoD stating that it was not a Russian attack, as confirmed by the MoD in Russia;
– I read that several sources in Odessa reported seeing the missiles flying before the explosion;
– I read that the attack was not on the grain shipping port, but on an exclusive pier for military vessels;
– I read the next day the Russian MoD taking responsability over the attack.
So far I have read nothing else on the subject, other than conjecture and supposition.
Dont worry. I have spiritual connections to both Putin and Xi. Everybody in Washington can keep cool. You too.
I had to hit the bottom of everything, to see if it was Andrei who had come back, you were missed. I’m glad that you are better.
A greeting from Spain.
Welcome back Andrei, a most excellent & needed analysis & evaluation of where the situation stands at the present time. Something that I find rather curious in the commentary that I have observed, especially on Serbian TV (that is the TV sympathetic to Russia) is that there remains confusion of the pace of operations. There are people asking the question why is this going so slow, why has Russia not used more heavy assets or greater deployment, etc. etc. Apart from the obvious of Russia being extremely careful on the civilian & military loss of life, & the infliction of minimal damage possible, it was actually obvious to me from day one that by going slow, the tensions with NATO will remain at the current level of escalation. I have posed the question to some of my interlocutors, what do you think would have happened had say, Russia, taken control of the entire Ukraine in say 1 month? This would have been end-March, when the combined west was still in high hysteria mode, that hysteria has levelled off a little, partly due to the effect of time, partly due to the effect of mounting domestic problems caused by the anti-Russia policies. Had Russia inflicted a total defeat on Ukraine in the shortest possible time frame, a severe escalation with NATO would almost certainly have followed. Therefore, from every angle one looks at this, it is in Russia’s interest to go slow, to give the west time to destroy itself, which it is doing, with great success. I am, not greatly suprised, but a little, by how this seems to be beyond many people’s ability to comprehend, as if it is somehow in Russia’s interest to have the SMO over in say 3 or 4 months – & there are people who say this. It is in Russia’s interest to keep the conflict confined to the Ukraine for as long as reasonably possible, while making steady progress, & also winning over the populace, which will become more difficult the further north-west bound Russian forces penetrate.
The other factor is financial and political. Four western governments have already fallen due to their support for the Ukraine, why would one want to speed up the operation when the west keeps falling on its’ own sword?
I can understand why Russia does not want to use its Electronic Counter Warfare against Western targets, but the fact is that much of the West’s more advanced weaponry (for example, HIMARS) being moved in greater and greater quantities to Ukraine depend heavily on targeting by Western satellites, AWACS, etc. which are highly susceptible to ECW, if it is used. So what is Russia’s alternative when many, many more HIMARS are moved into Ukraine (current numbers under consideration are 50-60 of these) and thus giving the Ukies the ability to attack targets with up to 300 simultaneous rockets – a considerable threat level, esp given that their effectiveness is greatly accentuated with NATO targeting sources?
Ideas anyone?
It is a hacking opportunity, imo.
Everything they throw at Russia in this ‘special operation’ means that Russia has time to develop an antidote to any future full-force Nato attack. And it would be reasonable to assume the Russians are also deconstructing the logisitc and control networks involved. The big picture is basically that Russia will have a Ukrainian uncondtional surrender in the bag at some (not too distant) time down the road — plus all this recovered action research intel when the empire leaves the exhausted EU to crawl for some peace.
Some comparative perspective here: “US HIMARS vs. Russia’s Tornado-S”
(The New Atlas, 23 Jul 2022)
One thing that I also don’t understand is why the Russians haven’t yet sent a few Kalibers to destroy the 4/5 bridges that cross the Dniepr river. After all, all of Ukraine’s Eastern forces depend on these chokepoints for their reinforcements and logistics, so why not target this strategically-important infrastructure? (and no, the idea that it’s “so as not to bother the civilians” doesn’t cut it, as the longer the war drags on, the more civilians will be affected).
I will supply an answer that I think is most likely.
The Ukraine is expending substantial logistics energy in transporting material/personnel to the far end of its’ supply chain where it is substantially ground into recyclable materials. The Russian (and LDNR) supply chains are short and easily maintained. Meanwhile, Ukrainian troops are forced to fight in unfamiliar terrain with supply operations carried out at length over territory substantially controlled by Russian missile, air force and artillery.
Advancing ground forces don‘t blow bridges they‘ll be using in the future :)
The Russians don’t want to use its ECW because the West will find ways to counter it.
Russia doesn’t need it to defeat the Ukraine , and its driving the Pentagon nuts as they thought they would learn about Russia’s new weapons.
Of the 4 HIMARS that have made it within range of the Allies – 2 were sold before firing a shot and 2 seem to have survived about a week before being destroyed.
There are apparently 4 more in country. They and their NATOland operators will meet similar tragic fates.
Nato(mainly brits) preparing something ugly in Odessa. Russia did sign the grain(fake) agreement giving 120 days advantage to ukies + nato to prepare consolidate Odessa.
The real and only goal of UK(and nato) is Odessa(they don’t care about the rest of Ukraine). Whatever the costs said Bojo and now Truss(they have an obessesion to control the Black Sea). All the show on snake island was with the same goal, idem with RU boats sinked.They will go almost to nuke to keep Odessa, major mistake from Russia.
This the reason for the Kalibr strike in the port yesterday, a ”message” to London.
No not a mistake and if you knew more about it you would not state that. The agreement states no attack from Black Sea fleet only. And only if the Ukies hold their side of the bargain. Russia can attack from land and air.
Also the 120 day trade off was a swap for a massive three year trade exemption.
It also shows Russia being amenable and allows the Ukies to shoot themselves in the foot once again. And they will.
Welcome Andrei. It’s your house. Happy to see that the absence (for treatment) had the expected effect. Right away, we are treated to this article of such magnitude. Rarely have I read such an impressive article. Brazilian greetings.
J. Fernandes
It is great pleasure to have you back!
A good fly-over.
The transformational dynamics are now at a civilizational level and the only comparative advantages the West has had since the c. 1980’s is informational technology — a rope has now been sold and the playing field is broadly now level and equalizing. What does the ‘west’ have to offer anyone except fiat debt, woke confusion (putting it mildly) and Climate Change crisis hysteria with an added pox-du-jour mass formation psychosis to seal the deal.
And, my quip is not about climate change theory per se. Rather, it refers to the disproportionate escalation towards hyper-hysterical (media) policy-over-reation of what may be a longer-term and slow emerging outcome that could in fact benefit some geographic locations etc. It seems strange that it is climaxing just as Russia demonstrates its dominance in the fields of food and energy systems (as per V. Putin’s PhD thesis, I understand) — but specifically the political-economic ‘sin’ is doing so outside the Wall St (& London) crime gang centers’ control. If that cluster of economic parasites cannot get their $cut then no one can … according to their own unfair economic order logic etc.
[Btw, it looks like one error in the dot-point: “Russia could gradually either refuse to sell her resources to Russia, not only gas and oil, of course, but everything else which Russia has been selling to the EU in the past for very good prices and which was a key to the wealth of the EU nations.”
I suspect you mean: “Russia could gradually either refuse to sell her resources to [the] EU…” ?
At least, as it reads now, it does not make much sense to me.]
An astute and comprehensive analysis of World War Z from Andrei.
A Russian military victory is clearly inevitable, but the crucial question remains: at what price?
I’m not referring to the fabricated heavy casualty toll or sanctions-induced economic calamity fancifully extolled by the Western media muppets, but rather the diplomatic and economic fallout any clash with the US will inevitably incur.
It’s worth remembering that Russia is attempting something far more audacious than mere military victory over NATO/Ukraine; Russia is in fact pursuing the almost unthinkable quest of escape from the imperial tribute system that is the US petro-dollar recycling/extraction regime, imposed upon all nations engaged in international trade.
Only a handful of nations have been brave enough to keep their currency and banking systems outside of the international central bankster cartel.
Russia has long been entrapped but now wants out. Its example will set the tone for the entire international community.
A heavy price will be demanded, and not just from the US oligarchs.
It’s also worth considering the fact that while the US may be losing on the battlefields of Banderastan (love that moniker even more than country 404), it’s the Europoodles who are really copping a hiding on the economic and diplomatic fronts.
And the US seems more than happy with that.
Not only has the US hijacked Russia’s former energy customers, they’ve forced them at gun point to convert to massively overpriced US gas, ensuring the loss of any economic advantage those very same customers’ might have had.
That’s quite a play.
And when you add in the imminent implosion of the multi-billion dollar US fracked-gas industry and multi-trillion dollar bankster meltdown that would have triggered, the Ukraine debacle not only remains a net gain, but an absolute godsend for the godless indispensable nation.
But ultimately, the showdown between Russia (and by extension China and Iran) and the US/NATOstan is an ideological conflict pitting alternative socio-economic systems against each other.
The woke and broke system of tribute and tribulation imposed by a morally bankrupt hegemon or a mutually beneficial, non-interventionalist trade and development union of diverse sovereign nations?
It’s a no-brainer. Only hubris and overreach can trip Russia up.
While on the topic of hubris, I’ll sign off with some words of a warning from the master of self promotion and geopolitical dreams, Henry Kissinger:
“The United States is baiting China and Russia, and the final nail in the coffin will be Iran, which is, of course, the main target of Israel. We have allowed China to increase their military strength and Russia to recover from Sovietization, to give them a false sense of bravado, this will create an all together faster demise for them. We’re like the sharp shooter daring the noob to pick up the gun, and when they try, it’s bang bang. The coming war will be so severe that only one superpower can win, and that’s us folks. This is why the EU is in such a hurry to form a complete superstate because they know what is coming, and to survive, Europe will have to be one whole cohesive state. Their urgency tells me that they know full well that the big showdown is upon us. O how I have dreamed of this delightful moment.”
Bold words indeed, Hank
How exactly can the US possibly be the only one to win in the coming showdown according to Kissinger. It is hopelesslt outproduced by China alone, Russia has hypersonic missile defense systems that can shoot down ICBMs and it started production of hypersonic ICBMs. I have a feeling that he has a mistaken belief that the MAD no longer exists and that the US can win a nuclear war when in reality it can not.
Also, when did he say that? Wasn’t he giving warnings to the west at the WEF forum that their window of opportunity for a resolution that is beneficial to them is closing fast?
That piece of Kissinger has been in circulation since 2012, at least and Global Research covered it as “accurate satire” by 2015. It pulls together some actual quotes with guesses into the mind of the man – stuff he would never say, but probably believes. It was also given a new lease of viral life when the Daily Squib used it.
Andrei, welcome back! That was an excellent “bird’s eye view” analysis. Thanks!
In case any senior person reads these comments, I would add two ‘tasks’ which are fundamentally necessary:
(1) Espionage work to track-down the true decision makers. All the so-called decision makers who are publicly-known are only expendable front-men (sorry! front-persons). Find their handlers, and then find out from whom the handlers are getting their orders. Repeat as necessary. (Very dangerous; will probably lose many investigators.)
(2) Once (1) is accomplished, study the true decision-makers. The objective would be to find out what they find truly valuable. What they (individually) beyond-all-costs do not want to lose. (Be careful in your assumptions; it may not be what a normal human finds truly valuable.)
Only when the above is accomplished is there a chance of ending perpetual conflict. As long as the true decision-makers have no downside to their psychopathic/sociopathic actions, why not continue stirring-the-pot? So, put at-risk their personal ‘sensitivities’. (Global thermonuclear war is probably too abstract for them. It needs to be something gut-wrenchingly, emotionally personal.) Accommodations will then happen.
Always go for the head of a snake, not the tail…
I couldn’t agree more.
This is a great geopolitical article, but it also says that the people running the show in the west have a “messianic” purpose. Which suggests they are not bound by logic.
The neo-con and their ideology have been front-running the show for 30 years now, but the snakes at the head have been at the source of world politics for at least 2 centuries now, and might keep most of their power despite a neo-con defeat as long as they can retain enough economical/financial power (for example through central banks).
If you consider The reat reset + toxic injections + Woke craziness+suicidal economical decisions in the West, then it seems that the main target today of the PTB (what is valuable to them) is the destruction of the West, not of Russia.
The daegel site, from the US “deep state”, said it all in 2015 (Russia already appearing as the main beneficiary, with the West decimated).
Who is behind the political puppets, and what do they really want?
I think the introduction of the proposed new currency will be the ‘coup de grace’ of the Russian plan and worth following closely.
This is what it’s all about in the long run of history, control of the money supply.
This is what the empire will be most threatened by.
Saker quote
“these people won’t hesitate to murder thousands of “their own” ”
There were few if any jews in the towers on 9/11, according to a report from the time.
They all received a sms saying DO NOT go to work in the WTC on this date.
thank you.
Can EU stay cohesive or is it well on its way to break up via Orban and Serbia politically- apart from economically….what would influence or further enable the UK plus B3 plus Ukr to become a (worthless)reality probably just so Truss can massage her nuke the Russians like mentality and subsequently is mostly symbolic Visegrad 4 doomed …..will Turkey keep its fingers in the EU pie…..
so ….at first Turkey agreed with Russian denial no attack on Odessa ….now Russia says yes was us. A faux pas of communication public relations ….let alone an unnecessary attack undermining recent negotiations over grain….or a symbolic iron fist by Russia to say we are still in charge???
Any interference anywhere against Russian shipping its now U.N. “approved” exports of food and fertiliser will mean a military response against the perpetrators????
Unesscessary? They sunk a possible Ukrainian navy escort ship….which would help with weapons smuggling during grain shipments and they destroyed a store of harpoon missiles.
Party poppers……cue GL laugh track.
Cheers M
Welcome back Andrei!
My oh my, what a magnificent and comprehensive tour de force of the Natostan vs Russian debacle. And all the more remarkable given that English is not your first language.
The Russiaphobia/Sinophobia here in New Sheepland remains rampant as ever as we remain a yapping little Natostan lapdog way down here in the South Pacific.
Yesterday I spoke at a local freedom rally on the subject of Ukraine, Western Imperialism and the huge BRI infrastructural initiatives that the Hegemon collective is trying their level best to destroy. Of course, as expected, I was heckled massively by a loud faction that simply couldn’t accept that China or Russia could possibly do anything constructive for humanity, regardless of present circumstances or a multi century record of constant rape and pillaging and colonisation by the West.
It is terribly frustrating for me to witness how ‘successful’ the generational brainwashing has been. Meanwhile ‘our’ pathetic NZ Govt completely endorses the Zone A/Natostan brand of western imperialistic financial and military hegemony, and stubbornly declares ongoing solidarity for the coup installed neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Of course they do, they are fascist too, in every possible sense of the word.
These hopeless idiots apparently believe that it is a perfectly natural situation for humanity that the U$ has ~800 overseas military bases and that China having 1.5 is outrageous… one in Djibouti, Africa with the 0.5 being the joint venture Ream naval base in Cambodia… this is an astonishing ratio of 533:1.
When I pointed out this situation they saw nothing untoward in this statistic and claimed this was actually a positive situation for humanity and global security.
Cheers and warm regards to you and the A-team
I recently came across a short few words (in an online image) attributed to Denzel Washington that seems pertinent to current times especially:
“Some people will never like you because your spirit irritates their demonds.”
erratum: “… demons”
It is the same over here in Austfailure, Col. Our new government has embarked on a globetrotting whirlwind to convince everyone else they are a team player, with head stooge Albanese even daring to go to Kiev to meet with Elensky.
Even though my Kiwi family detest the PM they cannot be convinced to stop listening to the endless propaganda and take a good hard look at the facts about Ukraine and its Nazis. I feel your frustration.
Welcome back Saker, you look well.
First time I ever heard that name – Austfailure, too funny! :)
Have faith and patience as in the long run truth has the advantage. Just keep calmly replying and showing them the West’s inconsistencies.
It is important to keep showing the West’s lies and inconsistencies, and hopefully this SMO will make it easy to do so.
Great to see you back Andrei.
Outstanding overview — I see you’ve recharged your batteries fully.
Sidebar: most people in the West think of military operations as something similar to US football…
And that includes the (former) commandant of the US Marines if this interview with CSIS is anything to go by. The general talks about two sides lining up across a line on a field and then slugging it out. Americans like that. Granted the interview is a bit dated — it’s five years old — but I get the feeling that the mindset hasn’t changed one jot.
The truth is that the US/NATO simply don’t have the means to wage a land war against Russia
Absolutely true. I believe many of the problems faced by fUKUS/Nato are the result of their focus on counter-insurgency warfare for the best part of two decades and a half in Syria, Afghanistan, the Sahel, etc so much so that they’re actually unprepared — even if they won’t admit it — for a conflict like the SMO that has elements of conventional war: use of airpower, artillery, missiles, armour, EW, AD, etc, and intensity. Well, maybe not so much their navies and air forces but certainly their armies. At any rate fUKUS/Nato now have problems with their war stocks of ordnance, armour, artillery etc since they’re geared to fighting low-intensity counterinsurgency campaigns (with war stocks to match) and the tempo/intensity in the Ukraine is high. Their inability to confront Russia in a land war is also a major part of the reason they only threatened sanctions early in the year (before SMO).
Earlier I stuck my neck out and said Nato would need 5 to 10 years to match RF conventional forces but with the ‘success’ of the sanctions they may need a bit more time to do it.
Last and most certainly not least, may I say that in your absence the ‘Saker Staff’ — Amarynth, Herb, persons unknown — have done a truly wonderful job in keeping the Vineyard going. I’m sure many regulars are grateful to them for their dedication. I say this with all sincerity, their occasional binning of my comments notwithstanding: Kudos and many thanks, ‘Staff.’
Opps, link to CMC CSIS interview. Apologies.
Good to hear from you again Andrei and that your in good health, an informative, important and illustrious piece of writing. What I would like to ask is how does peak oil fit into the US reasoning for their actions?
is a short summary or explanation if possible re what is happening could happen Romania-Moldova-Ukraine-Transnystria “confusion”?
Welcome back!
Dear Andrei, welcome back!
Nothing to add, your points are mostly self-evident for open-minded people. Here EU colonies are sinking following the orders of their master in the most ridiculous ways, but there are a few people able of analytical thinking and they agree with you on this: the West is at a crossroad between a nuclear clash or a slow self-destruction. We can only pray that something similar to the collapse of URSS will happen without the need of a major war, although it will not be easy for people.
As for the topic to treat, I would like to ask few speculations about Russian plans (I know nobody knows, but we are just speculating). For example, to me it was evident that the objectives declared at the beginning (i.e. disarm and de-nazify) implied necessarily a regime change in Ukraine. Nevertheless, Russia never tried to overthrow the government. Do they really expect that Ukrainians get rid of Ze by themselves, or give up after some months of carnage? I expected an “Afghan-army style” collapse, but they are surprisingly tougher. The option of leaving a small Banderastan in West Ukraine is not viable, as they will continue to use long range weapons on “Novorussia” territories, which cannot be tolerated ad infinitum. What do you think about? Thank you.
About the 2 fake & real “International Community” maps:
Actually, it’s not really true that 3 countries of Canada, Australia & USA lack “real” resources. They’re in fact quite very well loaded w/ them. However, they’re run by some of the worst (either intentionally malicious or imbeciles, take your pick) scum right now who’re totally mismanaging them, squandering them away etc.
Secondly: By virtue of Greenland being Denmark’s possession (not to mention false mercator projection), the 2nd “international community” map makes world sanctioning Russia look unduly larger than it really is. (At least in terms of human population. Because hardly anybody lives in Greenland. In terms of natural resources however, it may be quite possible that Greenland is also rich in them. I’ve no idea, & I’m not an expert in that topic.) @ least going by human population, if Greenland is taken out of that map, the so-called “international community” looks farcically even smaller.
Good remark
Total area of Greenland: 2.166 million square kiliometers
Total area of Africa: 30.370 lillion square kilometers
This makes Africa 14 times greater than Grrenland
Yet, from the map, looks like Africa is only double the size of Grenland
To add.
In Greenland lives 60 000 natives plus 20 000 Danes plus 1 US base. Greenland has the size of France.
Yes Australia seems to be as blessed with resources as Russia is . . . . . its just that the mentality down-under is a lazy one, and Aussies would prefer other nations to do the hard work of turning their natural resources into higher value goods.
In t1980 Lee Kwan Yew warned in 1980 that Australia was destined to become the “poor white trash of Asia.
Now that many Asian nations have bigger economies and better infrastructure, less unemployment, etc his prophecy is becoming a reality.
Just a thought for the future, from a country (Romania) that has some real experience of what fighting against Russia means and also of what fighting as allies means.
Russia/USSR has won in the past. They were not very good at managing their victory. Nobody here disputes the fact that WWII was won in the East. What happened afterwards is the real problem.
Most people are not afraid of Russia winning, they are afraid of what will Russia do after that happens.
History is supposed to be the only valid teacher. What history shows is that the winners are always sowing the seeds of their demise. The idealistic approach (Multipolar World, Sovereign nations, National identity, etc. are not so attractive).
For instance, the problem with Moldova, Romania and Transnistria is for me and my people also about Northern Bucovina and Bugeac and even Snake Island.
I’ve read somewhere on this site that Romania wants to annex Moldova.Really? Moldova is the eastern part of Romania. The Republic of Moldova is what we call Basarabia. And the general feeling we have is that the russians stole her from us (except I and a few other people but my parents were history teachers so I really don’t count).
I hate it when people only see one side as being evil and don’t see the other as being not necessarily evil but dangerous.
Russia is dangerous. China is dangerous. They may be the good ones in this conflict, for now, but there’s no guarantee that they won’t turn evil. After all, America (USA) was, at some point in history, dreamland.
Nicht für die Indianer als die Yankees kamen-mit Verlaub.
nobody live out their lives on guarantee. we do the best we can for the circumstances given to us. that is how history is made. US empire has soaked her hands with blood of many peoples and nations. Its presence is hindrance to a saner alternative to our collective existence. She gotta go period.
Go read what Carter said about US being the most warmongering tribe in human history. Birthed in blood and murderous ever since.
“After all, America (USA) was, at some point in history, dreamland.”
America started its existence with genociding the natives (including giving diseased blankets as “gifts” – looks like they haven’t changed the tiniest bit over, what, 400 years), then importing massive amounts of slaves, then destroying dozens of other countries for no other reason than stealing resources or fattening the military-industrial complex, and it never got any better than that.
I don’t think there’s ever been a shittier, more evil country than the US, with the exception of Israhell, which is not a country but an illegal invasion.
I researched that about the blankets. There’s no verifiable truth to that.
Roger G. Mattingly: address the other points then.
It’s not necessary for me to research everything you assert. Just finding one untruth is sufficient cause to doubt everything you write, unless you are able to verify your words with a reliable source. If you do, then I will retract what I wrote. I have no problem with apologizing when I’m wrong.
It was the Brits when America was still a UK colony during Pontiacs’ war Welcome back Saker
There’s was also the story circulating that the Indians broke into a hospital and killed everyone, scalped them and then took a bunch of diseased blankets with them and unknowingly caused their own outbreak of the disease. But, who can say with certainty what actually happened?
I think the UK is a close contenter for the historic Throne of Shit.
America good at some point? You must be referrring to those mere 13 years out of their 247 year existence that they weren’t involved in a war or a conflict somewhere around the globe.
George Carlin said it best “It’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it”.
Yes, America was the DREAM! And still is. Yes, the natives of the New World were slaughtered. So what? This was the norm all over the world. Ever heard of the Tatars? Or the Huns? Even Russia has a „shorter” history than Italy or China. The American Dream is an ideal. The truth about USA doesn’t change the fact that so many people love to dream.
I’ve thought that Moldova’s borders should be rearranged so that Transnistria is made part of (a denazified pro-Russian) Ukraine and the rest of Moldova reunited with Romania.
Unfortunately, one of the pillars of the Liberal World Order is that borders are sacrosanct and cannot be changed under any circumstances. Under certain conditions they’ll let a piece of one country break away from another (Kosovo from Serbia, South Sudan from Sudan, Timor-Leste from Indonesia), and even in such cases the pre-existing administrative borders aren’t ever changed, with the new country being produced from a pre-existing administrative subdivision or subdivisions. Oh, and the country being seceded from cannot be “democratic” and affiliated with the Liberal World Order, so breaking from Serbia, Sudan, and Indonesia is okay, but breaking from Ukraine is not okay.
So you have the EU and US demanding unconditionally that the Crimea and Donbass remain part of Ukraine. The excuse given is that Nazi Germany routinely rearranged borders, and the current Liberals make it almost a religious dogma to be against anything the Nazis were for.
They would probably say the same thing about Moldova, that Transnistria absolutely must remain part of it under all circumstances.
they can’t see that they (the west) are the nazis now.
Romania sent troops to fight Russia when she was down during WW2, so did Hungary , Croatia , Bulgaria and others. I have no sympathy for the traitor Antonescu who was shot, he is no different than Pavelic, Horthy, Bandera and the rest of the Nazi was embraced Hitlers so called New Europe. As for Bessarabia , Romania has nothing to complain about as they fell upon Hungarian lands after the Treaty of Trianon after WW 1.
Thank you. Great overview. Good to see you back in action.
Putin’s Favorite Commentator Very Succinctly Explains What “Special Operations” Means in 20sec :
Hint Cats….
Excellent video in German (subtitles in all languages avail), about the forced destruction of Germany(which lead to the total destruction of both the Euro and the EU). Very long but very good.The introduction is quiet long, but then very good straight to the point.
A US controlled destruction of Europe of course. Orban yesterday made a very desperate (but really patriotic) speech somewhere in a conference, and say: “stop this war immediately otherwise we will all be destroyed.US and Russia must negociate now” Ukraine lost, it is over, stop prolonging this war for US UK sake”…
Probably the only real Stateman remaining in Europe(except VVP of course).
Today, ukrops are mad against Orban on social media, asking his ‘head’ to…von der leyen to push Hungary out of the EU.
Very funny as they don’t understand the all concept of EU. This is in fact, exactly what Orban WANTS. lol
🇩🇪 Russia still needs to use 10% of its military potential and “maybe” 25% of its conventional weapons.
We must prepare for a war that will last for years, even decades, write the German media today.
It seems that the hidden NATO plan( not so now), is Barbarossa 2.0 but in 2024/25, they think Russia will be gone economically, same for Putin, and vast stock of weapons used in never ending Ukrop war till then.
Saker, What do you think about Viktor Orbán, the Prime Minister of Hungary? He seems to be a rare exception within the EU.
He’s not as bad, but still not strong enough… sort of like Trump. Hungary still got put on Russia’s Unfriendly Countries List, and Orban has made no moves to pull Hungary out of the EU.
I think Belarus’ Lukashenko puts it much better, and Mops Floor With Westoid Journalist
“The main thing : Denazification and all that, is philosophy. Believe me the main thing is safeguarding of Russia. As long as Russia has the power and [natural]resources it has, it will never deviate “
Thank you. Happy to see you back and in good shape.
The key to the non-military battle seems to me to be the $. Currently only a little less than half of the US federal budget is funded by taxes. How is that likely to change? Are Russia-China-India about to launch a new resource-based reserve currency? Or in other words, will the US last as long as it can finance its deficit?
Your assessment spot on. I am an American and even I believe my government has gone, and will go, full retard. The United States has picked up where Germany left off after 1945, treating Russia and the Russian people as sub-humans.
Unless Russia, China and others are willing to bring what the West has sowed, back upon them directly, the insanity will only get worse. They will have no choice. The West will give them none.
If experience is any indication, there is only one way to deal with crazy people. The way you would with a rabid animal. You put them down. As in put them out of their misery.
Add to this how almost all wars are resource wars and what is coming is inevitable.
I believe the Ukraine is being terraformed for invasion by the West. As soon as Russian forces arrive at the Polish border, probably before the first snowflakes fall this winter, that will trigger the West to invade Russia, through the Ukraine.
Russia has what the West has pretty much exhausted for themselves — natural gas, oil, coal, minerals and rare earths. The West’s resource appetites are insatiable. Trade can longer meet these needs. Russia has what the West needs in “shameful abundance.”
Things have gotten so bad here in the United States that there are elements running things (decision makers), that truly believe a nuclear war is both winnable and survivable.
This is why you don’t use nuclear weapons on the battlefield.
Since then in that movie clip, nuclear weapons have been miniaturized.
They were used on nein eleven to convert the twin towers to micron sized dust in nine seconds.
The evidence is the fifty times normal background level of tritium, an isotope of hydrogen, in the bathtub water, that can only be produced by nuclear fusion.
The twin towers went down like demolitions. The firefighters in them were heard saying they heard bombs going off. The steel beams of the towers were sold to China and India. They weren’t melted nor dust, they were intact just broke away from their joints. The residue of highly sophisticated military explosives was found at the scene.
Hence the glassified rock base in the crater.
Dr Judy Wood has an extensive explanation of the how and what was used.
And of course explosives were used too, the vidoed ‘squibs’ show that clearly. But it was mini nukes that caused the vapourisation of concrete and steel, turning them into dust..
Welcome back!!! Enjoyed reading your analysis. My question is about the mid term elections in the U.S., which is on the mind of most people in the country. Would there be any difference if and when the true Republicans, not the RINO “species”, win the elections? Would it make a difference when it comes to reestablishing diplomatic relations toward Russia???
There is only party in the US system, but they hide behind two.
Yes, it will make a difference, especially in the House where turnover is higher. The Neocons in positions of influence in the Republican Party are routinely lambasted as RINOs and traitors (Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, Mike Pence, Dan Crenshaw) and, especially those in the House of Representatives, are in danger of getting primaried out (Liz Cheney). Senators are more of a problem, since they stay in longer, including some such as Jim Risch or Tom Cotton who were highly popular with the base until they started going rabidly pro-Ukrop.
It’s a process that takes time, but is proceeding and will not be stopped. Recall that in 2018 when the Democrats took over the House, it’s because the Uniparty GOP sacrificed 40 of their own people by basically ordering them to retire, including Paul Ryan.
Orban urges new strategy on Ukraine, says sanctions have failed
Orban seems to have his ear to the physical economic ground, where many, even with Gnostic religious zeal, are in Nirvana.
Pres. V. Putin’s address recently on national credit for innovation, is exactly what Glazyev often writes about, science-directed physical economics, as opposed to the usual western monetarism that central banks (even the RCB) adore.
The real evil to be dealt with is insidious monetarism, especially from western commentators.
Think your comments on West Asia is incomplete. There are several interconnected conflicts that are about to ignite a regional war. a- kicking US out of region, b- resurfacing Yemen war, c- Lebanon conflict, read recent Nasrolah article in Saker, d- Israel vs Palestine, e- Israel vs Iran, f- Israel vs Syria and f- JCPOA. Nasrolah sets deadline for early September.
After Tehran visit, Russia joined Iran in calling on US to leave the region.