These are uncharacteristically strong words form the Hezbollah leader and I wonder if that is not also a way of preparing the Middle-East for a US attack on Iran.
In the meantime, one of the most pathetic US puppets in Lebanon, Amin Gemayel, actually took the risk of condemning Hassan Nasrallah and, once again, that just makes me marvel at systematic way the Lebanese Phalangists always end up on the wrong side of both morality and history.
In the meanwhile, the USN has moved three aircraft carriers into the proximity of the Strait of Hormuz for huge naval maneuvers with the participation of 25 nations.
The Iranians are also rehearsing for a US strike on Iran.
As for the Israelis, they are still stirring up the anti-Iranian hysteria.
Is there still anybody out there doubting that this is all a lead up to a US attack on Iran?
The Saker
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He was outstanding through and through as usual…
If the USA had arrested and banged up the maker of the video for inciting racial hatred, then the anger in the Muslim world might have been much less.
But until a few days ago most American officials were ignorant of this video. It took quite a bit of sleuthing by some investigative journalists to discover who had produced it.
Furthermore, such videos, trashy and abhorrent as they may be, are protected under the First Amendment.
We can be sure that there will be more such videos. The technology is now available for any nutter with an axe to grind to make videos about his or her pet obsessions. And there is absolutely nothing that Islamists can do about it.
Hi Saker,
Check out
When a Greater Zionist mouthpiece such as the NYT front-pages an article today by a mere graduate student detailing how Israel used and deceived the US on the eve of the Sabra Shatila massacre — resulting in a measure of US complicity in the crime –, it is clear that there is _still_ a furious behind-the-scenes debate going on in the centers of power. This article shows that the inter-establishment forces against war with iran are not playing dead on this one, at least not yet. See also
And even arch-Zionists like Senator Barbara Boxer have publically lambasted Netanyahu for his blatant attempts to interfere in the American elections.
It is clear to me that there is not a critical mass of the establishment on board with a new war just yet. That’s not to say that a consensus will not be reached or that some agent provacateur might not create an incident. The risk is there for sure.
But no, the possible war with Iran in the short term is not yet a foregone conclusion. Rather, there is a serious tension between the forces of Lesser Zionism and their American allies (e.g., Christian-Zionist — what an oxymoron! — nuts) on the one hand; and those of both the security apparatus of the US and some allied forces of Greater Zionism (who see that the picture is bigger than Israel) on the other. And we pray for
See also
“The report is intended to have what we call an informing influence and hopefully something of a calming influence”
It’s been picked up by a few major outlets in the US and also
Even one of the articles you quote says that Iran itself estimates the risk of a war in the short term as “unlikely”.