An extra billion cubic meters of absolutely unnecessary, and highly costing gas, the president of the US has managed to sell it to Polish nationalists. The full beauty of this “Ukrainian victory” can be understood only if you remember the history of the issue.
Andrzej Duda’s visit to Washington was marked not only by loud statements that (showed the depth of the historical illiteracy of the Polish President.
Another highlight of the visit was another deal imposed on Duda in the energy sector.
“Our countries have signed an additional contract for the supply of two billion cubic meters of gas,” the head of the White House said on June 12, noting that the total amount of the contract is about eight billion dollars. The website of the Polish gas operator PGNiG clarifies that the volume of LNG supplied to the country from the US terminal Plaquemines will be increasing starting with 2023 from 1.35 to 3.38 billion cubic meters (after regasification).”
It has been almost 2 years since one of the best Russian analysts, my friend and colleague Ivan Danilov wrote a material titled “Trump is a vacuum cleaners salesman.” Let me remind you what Ivan wrote in July 2017.
“It would seem that selling liquefied American gas to Poland, which is much more expensive than gas supplied by Gazprom, is a difficult task. More precisely, it is possible to force politicians to make such a decision, but how to make even ordinary voters understand the overpayment, which, according to various estimates, will be from 50% to 150% compared to the price of Russian gas? The American President took one of the most effective trumps from the deck of marked cards of experienced merchants, offering the Poles a bonus in the form of “independence from Russian supplies.” In fact, the American leader said that not just gas is supplied to Poland, but the right American gas “with a taste of independence from Russia”, and, of course, it is implied that such gas should be very expensive, and its consumption is a sign of national success, prestige and belonging to an elite Western club.”
The devil hides in two things. First, taking into account the LNG purchases in the US and the connection to the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline, Warsaw, starting from 2022, intends to purchase more than 14 and a half billion cubic meters of gas per year. Obviously, it doesn’t need that much. And, secondly, this American gas purchased by the Poles “with a taste of independence from Russia” can not be cheaper than 6-7 dollars per million British thermal units, BTU.
(BTU is an Anglo-Saxon unit of energy, just over a kilojoule.
So, Russian gas is already at the level of $5 per million of British thermal units. That is, the Poles intend to pay more to the extent of $1 to $2 per million BTU. While the Americans themselves are trying to buy cheaper energy.
The question comes: are people ruling in Warsaw so stupid that they do not understand that they have signed up to buy very expensive gas in quantities that their own country doesn’t need at all?
Turns out Poland plans to resell expensive American gas to other Eastern Europeans. They plan to act as an intermediary and not only to pay for their purchases of expensive energy with other people’s money, but also to get a profit.
“Previously, it was called the concept of ‘three Seas’ or ‘inter-Seas’, and a few years ago put forward the ‘Initiative of the three seas’ (Baltic — Adriatic — Black Sea, BABS). The impetus was the coming to power in the US Donald Trump, who promised ‘to save’ Europe from Russian gas with the help of American LNG. Donald Trump said that this project will provide BABS participants with ‘prosperity and security.’ And then he offered the Europeans to build terminals for American LNG — in the Lithuanian Klaipeda, Polish Swinoujscie and on the Croatian island of Krk in the Adriatic sea. It was assumed that from these terminals the network of gas pipelines would extend to the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia and Lithuania, forming a barrier to gas from Russia to the Western Europe.”
That is, three members of the EU – Poland, Lithuania and Croatia – imagined themselves the most intelligent, deciding to lick Uncle Sam’s shoes, and at the same time to cash in at the expense of their neighbors. For anyone with a head on their shoulders, the outcome was predictable from the start. But, as shown by the behavior of American satellites, they could not wait to take place of the “heroes” of a known saying: “a Ukrainian is stupider than a crow, but more cunning than the devil.”
As a result, the stupid crows all took a part in the operation BABS – Lithuania got into debt by renting a LNG terminal in Klaipeda, which it will never pay off. Poland is rowing expensive and unnecessary American gas, despite the fact that it does not even have money for, say, the modernization of its entirely coal-fired power plants for another type of fuel. And Croats decided to be the coolest of them all.
“In January 2019, Croatian Energy Minister Tomislav Ćorić, announced that a construction of a re-gasification complex on the island of Krk ‘will be carried out regardless of the lack of interest from natural gas buyers.’ In early February, the final investment decision was made on the project.”
That is, the example of Lithuanians taught them nothing. They are so stupid that they will build a LNG terminal at a loss.
Why didn’t the BABS project take off? Because Russia has built the Turkish stream. And why Putin was able to agree with Erdogan on the construction of this gas pipeline to supply energy to the Southern and South-Eastern Europe? Because the American “geniuses of geopolitics” tried to overthrow and kill Erdogan by organizing a coup, and Moscow saved him.
Now Russian Prime Minister Medvedev offers Slovaks the natural gas bypassing “Tse-Europe” (Russian social media nickname for Ukraine from the Ukrainian nationalists’ saying ‘Ukraine is the Europe’ which is not true neither geographically, nor historically, demographically or culturally. – S.H.). As for Poland and Croatia, none of the sane buyers thinks about buying natural gas from the US.
Once again, the post-Soviet nationalists will pay in full for the “decommunization” they started and rise in Russophobia. As they are already paying in other energy issues.
I send my warm regards to all who hoped for the collapse of Gazprom, the rupture into shreds of Russian economy and the realization of other collective wet dreams of post-Soviet westophiles.
A thrifty pays twice the price, an idiot – three times, and a Russophobe always overpays.
” ‘Ukraine is the Europe’ which is not true neither geographically, nor historically, demographically or culturally. – S.H.). A”
-Yes, it is true geographically, historically, demographically and culturally. Ukraine quite literally is in Europe. For that matter so is Russia. You cannot tell a Russian from a Swede. The people that claim that Russia and Ukraine are “not Europe” are more hilarious than the people that claim that “Ukraine is in Europe”.. At least the Ukrainian nationalist that says “Ukraine is in Europe” are correct, they just ignore the fact that Russia is European as well.
”You cannot tell a Russian from a Swede.”
Maybe not if simply looking at some random pictures of different people, but certainly when you compare the prevalent veneration for the national language among Swedes and Russians. To say nothing of the skills in maths and sciences, LOL.
Looking at how Sweden is today, I wonder if all the Swedes with true “Viking Spirit’ all left centuries , if not a millennia, ago for Kiev, Normandy, Iceland, etc. (Yeah, the Iceland settlers were perhaps from a few miles or kilometers to the West of the Kiev, Normandy, etc settlers.)
How many ‘Europes’ are there? I can count the Scandis, the Germans, the Slavs, the French, the Mediterraneans and the Anglo-Saxon islanders. Then there are the Atlanteans, ie the Galicians (Spanish variety), Bretons, Cornish, Welsh and Irish, with a bit of the Scots thrown in. And the Basques, the Catalans, the Corsicans, and other groups with strong local identities, not to forget the Albanians and the Greeks. When the neoliberals talk of Europe they mean subservient stooges of the USA and Israel, and devotees of ‘Western Civilization’, whatever that is, or was.
HAhahahahah! Well done Nussiminen!
Poles are definitely not Swedes or Danes!
Not ever!
”You cannot tell a Russian from a Swede.”
I sure can.
The Saker
I can. The Swedes are Muslim, have 5 wives, and 25 children all praying five times a day for more Swedish welfare payments.
You can tell the difference between a Russian and a Swede, the Swede will be the one admiring themselves in the mirror.
As for Russians, yes there are lots of European looking Russians in western Russia, but Russia’s a big place and has a genuinely multi-racial population.
”You cannot tell a Russian from a Swede.”
Russian men don’t entertain fantasies about sawing off their wieners and ingesting huge amounts of estrogen. Russian women are women who know critical roles in society.
As for the Swedes? Well. They are flying at ludicrous speed towards their own self destruction.
I actually dont think so!! Do nont read idiot news papers, it will make your brain go Polish…
I thought Sweden was in Scandinavia. You know, most of this European stuff is pretty new.
The analysis itself is yet another misfire from this source.
If the EU is subordinate to the US, then why should Poland be subordinate to the EU. Why not just skip the middleman. That’s their logic. They are competing to see who can be first on his knees with a gaping mouth. Humiliating? Suck-ups like to be humiliated. Does this analyst really not get that? These people think having a bucket of vomit dumped on them is a badge of honor. That’s really how they think.
”These people think having a bucket of vomit dumped on them is a badge of honor. That’s really how they think.”
Very true. Mind you, Polish nationalists — the political equivalent of barf-soiled perverts — are forever high on their sense of others’ alleged debt of gratitude to them; don’t laugh. They get what they ask for: Buckloads of contempt and ridicule from East and West. Keeps them proud and self-important all right.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
English proverb
The problem with that is the race to find the greater fool, or even the greatest fool (of them all), its an art all of its own.
Imagine a dog who has to pay for his own dog food in order to please its master only to get slaughtered as dog meat at the end.
That’s Poland and Ukraine for ya.
”In fact, the American leader said that not just gas is supplied to Poland, but the right American gas ’with a taste of independence from Russia’, and, of course, it is implied that such gas should be very expensive, and its consumption is a sign of national success, prestige and belonging to an elite Western club.”
Trump understands Gownopolska very well indeed. Might be because of American Polish jokes.
Could that gas emanating from Donald Trump be flatulence? It certainly sounds like it.
Think not. A fart from Trump could be sold to Gownopolska for a stratospheric price, LOL.
A good Polish boot-licker would take a whiff of The Donald’s flatulence, and declare it truly fragrant.
If flatulence had the right BTU, we would be billionaires :D
I guess the next logical question is, does courting idiots pay off? We shall soon see.
The Bulgarians recently began bragging they bought the first American LNG gas and warned Russia they will now ask for severe price cut from the Russians because after all, they do not need Russians gas that much anymore since Uncle Sam will be selling them gas too.
So it’s NOT only the Pollacks, Lithuanians and Croatians who are dumb, ALL the other Slavs are willing and ready to lick Uncle Sam’s boot an pay twice the price.
The article presents a somewhat rose tinted view, but the reality isn’t quite as the writer claims.
Judging by their sheer imbecility and impertinence, the honorary Euro-trash of Eastern Europe will start moaning and groaning about Russia/Moscow/the Kremlin/Putin owing them money due to ”Soviet exploitation” as the Zionazis duly apply the squeeze.
The real key to this whole situation is that for Russia, sales of gas and oil to Europe are becoming less important by the year. IIRC, the first of the big pipelines to China opens this year, with I believe another big pipeline opening next year. So, while in the past interfering with sales from Russia to the EU would cause problems with Russia’s budget. But, that is less true as Russia gets big sales towards China. I am sure that Russia would prefer not to lose the European sales, but it is becoming less important to Russia. Being connected to a billion customers in Asia who happen to be in a fast growing and rising economy will be more important to Russia over the next decade, while being connected to Europe becomes less important.
What needs to be mentioned is that this is introductory price. Once dependency is established the price goes up. It’s called business.
Seems like basically the same thing as “integration’ into NATO whereby all weapons systems and also military organization, even admin, electronics, digital stuff, everything—it is all integrated into one big NATO web and the captive country has as much chance of getting out of it as a fly from a spider’s web.
For example, Romania wanted to be considered for EU membership, but it had to jump through the NATO hoops. Probably the same thing for Greece. And the new little Balkan statelets.
And there’s the push to integrate the Ukraine into NATO, holding out the carrot of eventual EU membershiop. But it looks like neither of those things is going to happen now. But the dynamic is the same: bind the smaller country to the USA via infrastructure that cannot then be changed except at enormous expense and political fallout. It is like marriage but there is no divorce, no annulment. The NATO and LNG traps are like the marriage trap!
Considering the advanced state of decay of the West and the USA in particular, economically, intellectually, socially and morally, these are displays of that rare and tragi-comic phenomenon of rats jumping aboard a sinking ship.
If these delusional propaganda-drunk Europeans thinks their NATO weapons which are built for maximum corporate profit are a match for their Russian counterparts which are built for maximum military performance, they are in for a huge surprise if Iranian missiles are of any indication.
“It’s called business.”
Or, creating an addiction.
A known saying: “a Ukrainian is stupider than a crow, but more cunning than the devil.”
Never heard of that one before, but it sounds very interesting and remarkably strange. All in all I like it.
Here you can see the stratagem of Poland and the US wherein Poland Ukraine Latvia ect will now leave Pace using Russian readmission as the excuse to form a block separate from the EU. They will buy the gas purchased by Poland. Gas produced by cancer causing means. Will there be 10 of these little kingdoms united in this effort. 10 kingdoms waiting to be rebornRe-admission of Russia to PACE is to be mirrored by the withdrawal of Ukraine Poland Lithuania Slovakia…..
All those little countries have very little value, be it economic, political, strategic, geopolitical, military, you name it. Russia is far more valuable to the EU than all of them combined, the US and their dogmatic, ideological quest for hegemony are what is keeping Russian and the rest of Europe apart.
And Russia is gaining value not just because their economy is growing, in spite of sanctions, still at a higher rate than any EU country right now. They are speaking of booms in certain sectors, are engaged in exciting economic projects all over the world while the EU, under US “leadership,” is isolating itself, imposes austerity on its own population and is experiencing an existential crisis with Brexit, yellow vests, Italy, Hungary etc.
Russia is also very valuable because of their energy reserves and their reliability they have proven over the last 5 decades, or more, in spite of what Russophobes lie about all the time, that Russia is unreliable and the US is somehow better, the complete opposite is reality.
Their friendship with China is another added value. Having good relations with Russia is nothing but Win for Europe as a whole, even the utterly useless traitors and idiots in Brussels are starting to see it.
The type of psychopath that the Real Evil Empire centred in Thanatopolis DC prefers as stooges displays that typical attribute of extreme hatred of the other. Whether class hatred seen in neoliberal capitalism and brutal, murderous, ‘austerity’ (130,000 killed by austerity in the UK since 2010, with no end in sight, just further tightening of the garrotte), or racial, sectarian and xenophobic hatred of neighbours (with whom one must live forever)or various ‘enemies within’, or ideological hatred of the non-psychopathic in politics. Just think of Pinochet, Videla, Vorster, Batista, Mobutu, Kagame, Bibi and scores of other brutes (which makes the presstitutes grunting that Trump’s ‘preference’ for ‘dictators’ like Putin, Xi and Kim is against ‘American values’ so incredibly mendacious and laughable that one is almost lost for words.)I agree with Putin that ‘liberalism’ is dead, but it died long, long, ago, replaced by its bastard offspring neoliberalism, that omnicidal cult of complete destruction through economic processes that can only be described as cancerous. To see the fakestream media presstitutes leaping and gibbering in indignation at being confronted by the truth, is always vomit-inducing, but the poor Gadarenes have no choice, lest their highly paid jobs disappear.
Might split apart this
“The Visegrád Group, Visegrád Four, or V4 is a cultural and political alliance of four Central European states – the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, that are members of the European Union (EU) and NATO – for the purposes of advancing military, cultural, economic and energy cooperation with one another …”
Cannot imagine Russia being displeased with that…???
Its funny that while we are seeing the huge problems the UK is having in replacing their largest trading partners (the EU bloc), that Poland + Ukraine + some of the Baltic nations would even be considering the same. We’ve already seen how the French+German+Benelux nations reacted to the UK wanting to leave. PU+ will get the same treatment. Then, PU+ find themselves now disconnected from the EU who bargain tough over new deals, while at the same time having made the Russian bear angry. Yep, that will turn out okey-dokey. I suppose this is the sort of brilliant strategic thinking that have, over the centuries, made Poland and Ukraine the world superpowers that they are.
Poland is taking one for The Empire of Boundless Freedom, and we all know where. But they must remember to SMILE.
Dear Mulga,
This reminds me of Bob Hawke giving Ronald Reagan permission to fire test missiles into the Tasman Sea.
Poor Bob Had no idea until he returned to Australia and was hit with an ‘anti-nuclear’ protest.
All the post-Soviet pretend-countries are ruled by US cultivated Russophobes. The rule of thumb is, servants are always less capable and less intelligent than their masters. Considering the absolute lack of quality in western leadership today, it should not come as a surprise that their puppets are dangerously close to people who are at risk of forgetting how to breathe.
The leadership in the countries mentioned in the article is devoted to the US, because they have been more or less approved and appointed by the US. Which is why their countries are such colossal failures and are only sustained by crumbs from the almighty empire in return for constant Russophobic outbursts.
Poland in particular is leading the charge crawling into the backside of uncle Sam, they have forgotten what sunlight looks like at this point. Even such pathetic, spineless Muppets like Merkel has at least her feet sticking out and getting some vitamin D.
I feel for the people of these countries, once the US empire falls, sooner than most people think, they will experience an existential crisis all over again, and this time, there is no backside to crawl into.
Same mentality as Norway in deep doodoo re mindboggling costs of buying and servicing 50 plus F35 eventually…to protect themselves from Russia though some switched on peoples say they are paying the cost for a future USA war projected against Russia.
Meanwhile Baltics etc plan a resolution to counter the recent progress about Russia being permitted to be a full member in PACE. Alrhough Tusk few days ago sensibly for once expressed real concern about hightened tensions….nothing is done to lower the level. Does PACE approve of another recent 250 m dollars funding Ukraine army to be used against the Donbass?Gas transit through Ukraine is surely a weaponised USA plan to keep Europe on the hook to permit USA to continue to attack Russia. Nordstream offers EU chance of being more independant from the evil empire and remove the lies that USA is working on europes behalf by countering Russian influence in Europe and does not want that exposed that Ukraine is being used to separate Russia from Europe…..everything being done to achieve that.
Entities such as John Bolton are constantly addressing the world about the ‘malign activities’ of other countries-Iran, Russia, Cuba, etc. when it is very clear that the one entity that is malign in its activities is the Anglo-Zionist Imperial Empire. They intend to have the entire world subservient to them. And here is the Polish, infected with this propaganda and personal national hatred buying expensive LNG which has to be shipped across the ocean so they won’t be prisoners of evil Russia. Note to the Poles: Russia isn’t invading anyone. So they are willing to shoot themselves in the foot to buy ‘freedom gas’, which is like biting off their own nose to spite their face. They have chosen to be serfs to the Empire rather than a customer of Russia, their neighbour. As Forrest Gump would say “stupid is as stupid does”.
That is the mother of all jokes about the Polaks…!
If you want a good belly laugh, listen to Paul Dib, a veteran Austfailian apparatchik and, therefore, a complete stooge of the US Reich, raving about the Evil Russians and Chinese on today’s ABC PM radio show. The state of advanced, pig ignorant, or worse, derangement is quite hilarious, but deeply sinister, giving one an insight into an Imperial lickspittle’s febrile, paranoid,’mind’.
As a Frenchman living in Aus, I can understand today,by reading the above, all those American Jokes about Poles ??
Her in Aus it’s about the Irish, don’t understand why, but maybe reading the following,
It does make some sense ??
Priceless Saker!
There is a lot of Poles here in Sweden, far, far to many of these dimwitted, semidumb people that imagine themselves skilled in everything, from bricklaying to plumbing, where in fact they ruin most of the stuff they touch. Set a Pole to dig a trench, you had better stop him at days end, else he would cary on and on and on and on…..
Some people on the street I live had a house built by Polish “craftsmen” , Dear Sweet Jesus, that exercise cost them $ 200.000 more than the expected, basically everything had to be redone. And I have seen this professionally also in my job a a municipal engineer, lots of nu built homes were not made properly.
And then there is their Russophobi, these people are born with it!!!!
You guessed it, NO I do not like Poles.
Cheers from Sweden :)
“And then there is their Russophobi, these people are born with it” dear “Lille Abe” Russophobia is evident in whole Scandinavia, including Sweden. It is BTW politically correct to be russophobic in Sweden (this orwellian country) compared to like for instance express negative opinions about inmigrants (with or without right), homos, etc. BTW Sweden has been very active in hunting Assange for a rape that never happened.
The thing is: Most of us are attached to our heritage and origins. I am 188 cm, reasonably broadshouldered, kornblond (well was :() and deep sea blue eyes, with a functioning brain (MBA).
That did not come flying in the door! We can trace our family back to 1388, all Danes and Swedes (parts of Sweden were Danish then) and this outfit has done me well, especially the deep blue eyes.
I have 2 lovely tall Girls completely Scandic and smart too, the mother was not tall but pure Scandinavian. I like Scandinavian women :)
What about Russian? Any time, we have same genetics, and besides that the Rus are mostly Scandic.
The what about a Turk Girl, maybe, many are tall, attractive and smart.
I have stayed in Somalia, Ethiopia, North Kenya and have seen attractive, tall ,very smart women, who were stunning. Real stunning!
The blue eyes helped me a lot with that hurdle :)
We in Sweden will never be a “muddle” people, because many of us are rather discerning. I f we abide by that , we will get the best.
But no Poles!!!
One cannot dispute that the purchase of US LNG by Poland doesn’t make economic sense in isolation. However, if one switches from linear thinking to a systems dynamics flow modeling approach a deeper geopolitical viewpoint emerges.
While Poland pays more for US LNG that Russian natural gas, much of this is offset by US foreign aid to Poland of $109 million/year (DoD and State Dept).
Poland also has economic benefit from Polish trade with 4,000 US soldiers housed in Poland
and there is the promise of a more permanent US presence upon the construction of Fort Trump.
The EU puts additional US/NATO supported control on the Polish economy via € 11.921 billion but only contributes €3.048 to the EU for a net subsidy of €8.873, or $9.97 billion.
Poland is also able to export excess labor to the EU, especially the UK which results in money being shipped back to their families in Poland.
Meanwhile the US subsidizes the EU via military troops stationed throughout Europe and in the Middle East to provide oil trade “security”. In addition, the EU runs a trade surplus of about $109 billion, which serves as leverage to provide more EU aid to Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic States.
Also offsetting this EU trade surplus is the EU obligation to purchase US weapons that exceeds the US purchase of EU weapons.
Just the US aid to Poland of $109 million is enough to almost offset the additional cost of purchasing US LNG of $141 million, assuming an excess purchase price of $2 million/MMBTU. The downside is that the US LNG is contaminated with fracking fluid chemicals, which makes the swap about equal.
IMO, the US fracking boom is a complicated US strategy to weaken the Russia, Iran and Venezuela, by collapsing the oil price while losing money on every barrel produced. In the process the US fracking companies have lost $280 billion in negative cash flow between 2010 and 2017 while externalizing vast pollution, health costs, road damage and seismic hazard costs to the public (Tragedy of the Commons). To be fair the losses have been borne by investors and banks and shielded from US consumers via reduced gasoline prices because of excess light oil production.
The US natural gas is just a byproduct of the fracking of light oil/condensates. Currently, there is a lack of gas pipeline capacity in the fracking basins which results in much of the natural gas being flared up to the state allowable natural gas flaring (e.g. Texas Railway Commission).
As of April, 2019 natural gas producers that do not have long term contracts are actually paying $4.28 per million British thermal units for customers to take the excess natural gas that exceeds flaring limits.
In essence, the US costs for natural gas production are limited to the energy used for liquidification, which can even be generated by gasifiers that run off excess natural gas. With additional European markets more gas pipelines can be built and producers can quit losing money for every MMBTU of natural gas produced.
Army Chief Of Russia General Oleg Salyukov visits Pakistan and Met with General Qamar Bajwa Army Chief of Russia Gen Oleg Salyukov doing Pakistan’s visit to enhance cooperation with Pakistan Army and his Security that Generals and captain have a great experience in war against terrorism. Pakistan give money sacrifice during the war against terrorist and get a grant success against them unlike United States Army with long history of defeats from Iraq, Korea,Vietnam and Afghanistan Just wondering how to leave Afghanistan
Russian Army Chief Visits Pakistan and Met General Qamar Bajwa
Don’t be so sure you have Trump’s measure. Take a look at the recent Tucker Carlson interview of Trump. Take a good hard look. On the surface you might come away from that interview thinking Trump is a moron. But notice what he has to say about Zuck and Brinn and Bezos. Take good notice of that and read the linked article above and tell me you can spot any inconsistency. Yes it seems Trump has no answer to the homeless problem and street defecation. But set aside your sniggering. Understand what he is implying. He is implying their is malign control of that phenomena.
There is a reason Trump calls Pelosi nervous Nancy. Obama, Pelosi, and Merkel attempted to off Trump earlier this year. With Pelosi an hour from flying out to her planned ascension her plane was grounded on the tarmack. An active shooter was taken out in the WH grounds. Nervous Nancy is not the half of it.
Merkel is frightened of air travel. Her planes keep being hit by EW resulting in turnbacks and hair raising landings. So frightened is Frau Merkel (nee Cosimir) Lufthansa flys two planes in parallel everywhere she goes to ward off an easily covered up attack on one plane. With two in the sky and each electrically tight the only way to bring her down is for both to be sacrificed.
Take a look at the link above and be prepared to be surprised.
1 Year, 5 months, 28 days until Trump packs his bags and leaves.
His Approval rating stays stuck at about 42%. No matter what stunts he pulls, no matter if he claims he was minutes away from bombing Iran, no matter how many kids he kills at the border. No matter how much ranting he does on Twitter, this number hardly moves.
Its the fact that it doesn’t move that seals Trump’s doom. Yeah, he’s got the Republican base behind him. And of that, maybe half won’t be holding their noses when they vote for him and plotting to get a Bush back into power. But, nobody else. Everyone else has made up their minds about Trump.
No President has ever been re-elected with less than a 48% approval rating. And the flip side of those polls is that about 55% of Americans just as steadily say that they disapprove. Its very hard to win a race that you begin by losing 55% to 42%. And for the people who say the polls are lying, it just happens to match the midterm elections. The most notable thing about the last elections was that the turnout was very high. Normally more people vote in Presidential years than in the off-year Congressional elections. But not in 2018. Lots and lots and lots of people wanted to go vote against Trump so the turnouts of those elections was comparable with a presidential year. Nancy Pelosi now runs the US House as a direct result of how unpopular Trump is with Americans.
Trump is so far behind that its too big a difference to fix and rig in the American tradition. You can steal some votes and stuff ballot boxes with others. But when you are going down to one of the largest landslide defeats in American Presidential election history, when you are going to lose worse that LBJ beat Goldwater and worse that Reagan beat Mondale, you simply can’t steal and rig that many votes.