(Note: this column was written for the Unz Review http://www.unz.com/tsaker/europe-in-free-fall/)
Europe is in free fall. Nobody can doubt that any more. In fact, the is EU simultaneous suffering from several crucial problems and any one of them could potentially become catastrophic. Let’s look at them one by one.
The 28 member EU makes no economic sense
The most obvious problem for the EU is that it makes absolutely no economic sense. Initially, in the early 1950s, there was a small group of not too dissimilar nations which decided to integrate their economies, these were the so-called Inner Six who founded the European Community (EC): Belgium , France , West Germany , Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. In 1960 this “core group” was joined by seven more countries, the Outer Seven, who were unwilling to join the EC but wanted to join a European Free Trade Association (EFTA). These are Austria , Denmark , Norway , Portugal , Sweden , Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Together these countries formed what could loosely be called “most of western Europe”. For all their faults, these treaties did reflect a reality – that the countries participating in them had much in common and that their peoples wanted to join forces. After 1960, the history of the European integration and expansion became very complicated and while it progressed in zig-zags with regular setbacks, at the end of the day this process ended growing uncontrollably, just like a malignant tumor. Today the EU includes 28 (!) member states including all of what used to be called “central” and “eastern” Europe – even the ex-Soviet Baltic Republics are now part of this new union. The problem is that while such an expansion was attractive to the European elites for ideological reasons, such huge expansion makes no economic sense at all. What do Sweden, Germany, Latvia, Greece and Bulgaria have in common? Very little, of course.
Now cracks are clearly appearing. The Greek crisis and the threat of a “Grexit” has the potential for a domino effect involving the rest of the so-called “PIGS” (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain). Even France is threatened by the consequences of these crises. The European currency – the Euro – is a “currency without a mission”: is it supposed to support the German economy or the Greek one? Nobody knows, at least officially. In reality, of course, everybody understands that Frau Merkel is running the show. Quickfix solutions, which is what the Eurobureaucrats are offering, do only buy time, but they are offering no solution to what is clearly a systemic problem: the completely artificial nature of a 28 member EU.
As for the the obvious solution, to give up on the crazy dream of a 28 member EU, it is so absolutely politically unacceptable that it won’t even be discussed even while everybody fears it.
The EU is on the verge of a social and cultural collapse
The undeniable reality is simple as it is stark:
- The EU cannot absorb so many refugees
- The EU does not have the means to stop them
A massive influx of refugees present a very complex security problem which EU countries are not equipped to deal with. All EU countries have three basic instruments they can use to protect themselves from unrest, disorders, crime or invasions: the special/security services, the police forces and the military. The problem is that neither of these are capable of dealing with a refugee crises.
The special/security services are hopelessly outnumbered when dealing with a refugee crisis. Besides, their normal target (career criminal, spies, terrorists) are few and far in between in a typical wave of refugees. Mostly, what refugees are are families, often extended ones, and while they sometimes include criminal gangs, this is far from always being the case. The problem is that, say, a 10% of Kosovar drug dealers give a bad name to all the refugees from Kosovo and the refugees themselves ended up being treated like criminals. Finally, special/security services rely very heavily on informants and foreign gangs are hard to infiltrate. They often also speak difficult languages which only few local language specialist master. As a result, most of the time the EU security services are clueless as to who to deal with the security problem presented to them, if only because they lack the personnel and means to keep track of so many people.
In contrast, cops have an advantage of sorts: they are literally everywhere and they typically have a good sense of the “beat on the street”. However, their powers are severely limited and they need to get a court order to do most of their work. Cops also mostly deal with local criminals, whereas most refugees are neither local, nor criminals. The sad reality is that most of what cops do in a refugee crisis is provide riot police – hardly a solution to anything.
As for the armed forces, the very best they can do is to try to help close a border. In some cases, they can assist the police forces in case of civil disturbances, but that’s about it.
Thus the various states of the EU neither have the means to lock their borders or deport most refugees nor do they have the means to control them. Sure, there will always be politicians who will make promises about how they are going to send all these refugees back home, but that is a crude and blatant lie. The vast majority of these refugees are fleeing war, famine and abject poverty and there is no way anybody is going to send them back home.
Keeping them, however, is also impossible, at least in a cultural sense. For all the doubleplusgoodthinking propaganda about integrating all races, creeds and cultures the reality is that there is absolutely nothing the EU has to offer to these refugees to make them want to integrate it. For all it’s sins and problems, at least the USA is offering an “American dream” which, false as it might be, still inspires people worldwide, especially the unsophisticated and poorly educated. Not only that, but the US society is largely a-cultural to begin with. Ask yourself, what is the “American culture” to begin with? If anything, it is really a “melting pot” as opposed to a “toss salad” – meaning that whatever is tossed in this melting pot loses its original identity while the overall mixture of the pot fails to produce a real indigenous culture, at least not in a European sense of the word.
Europe is or, should I say, used to be radically different from the USA. There used to be real, deep, cultural differences between the various regions and provinces of each European country. A Basque is most definitely not an Catalan, a Marseillais is not a Breton, etc. As for the differences between an German and a Greek – they are simply huge. The result from the current refugee crisis is that all European cultures are now directly threatened in their identity and their life style. This is often blamed on Islam, but the reality is that African Christians don’t integrate any better. Neither do the Christian Gypsies, by the way. As a result, clashes happen literally everywhere – in shops, streets, schools, etc. There is not a single country in Europe where these clashes are not threatening the social order. These daily clashes result in crime, repression, violence and the ghettoization of both the immigrants and of the locals which leave their traditional suburbs and move to less immigrant-saturated areas.
[Sidebar: to my American readers who might think “so what? we have ghettos in the USA too” I will say that what the French call “zones de non-droit” (non-law zones) are far worse than anything you could see in the USA. And keep in mind that no country in the EU has the kind of huge, militarized, police forces which every major US city now has. Neither is there the equivalent of the US National Guard. At best, there are anti-riot forces like the French CRS, but they can only do so much.]
The level of aggravation suffered by many, if not most, Europeans directly resulting from this crisis in immigration is hard to describe to somebody who has not seen it. And since voicing such frustrations was considered as “racist” or “xenophobe” by the powers that be (at least until recently – this is progressively changing now), this deep resentment is mostly kept hidden, but it is perceptible nonetheless. And the immigrants most definitely feel it. Every day. And, again, this is why the notion of a US-style “melting pot” in Europe ain’t happening: the only thing Europe has to offer to all these hundreds of thousands of refugees is a silent hostility fed by fear, outrage, disgust and helplessness. Even those locals who used to be refugees themselves in the past (immigrants from North Africa, for example) are now disgusted and very hostile to the new wave of refugees coming in. And, of course, not a single refugee coming to Europe believes in any “European dream”.
Last but not least, these refugees are a huge burden on the local economies and the social services which were never designed to cope with such an influx of needy “clients”.
For the foreseeable future the prognosis is clear: more of the same, only worse, possibly much worse.
The EU is just a colony of the United States unable to defend her own interests
The EU is ruled by a class of people which are completely sold off to the United States. The best examples of this sorry state of affairs is the Libyan debacle which saw the US and France completely destroy the most developed country in Africa only to now have hundred of thousands of refugees cross the Mediterranean and seek refuge from war in the EU. This outcome could have been very easy to predict, and yet the European countries did nothing to prevent it. In fact, all these Obamawars (Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan) have resulted in huge movements of refugees. Add to this the chaos in Egypt, Mali and the poverty all over Africa and you have a mass-exodus which no amount of wall-building, ditch-digging or refugee tear gassing will stop. And if that was not enough, the EU committed what can only be called political and economic suicide by allowing the Ukraine to explode into a major civil war involving 45 million people, a completely destroyed economy and a bona fide Nazi regime in power. That outcome was also easy to predict. But all the Eurobureaucrats did is to impose self-defeating economic sanctions on Russia which ended up providing exactly the kind of conditions needed for the Russian economy to finally diversify and begin producing locally instead of importing everything from abroad.
It might be worth recalling here that after WWII Europe was basically an occupied territory. The Soviets had the central-eastern part while the US/UK had the western part. We all have been conditioned to assume that the people living under the “oppression” of what the US propaganda called the “Warsaw Pact” (in reality called the “Warsaw Treaty Organization”) were less free than those who lived under the “protection” of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Nevermind that the term “North Atlantic” was coined deliberately to tie western Europe to the USA, the central issue here is that while in many ways the folks in the West were, indeed, granted many more freedoms than those in the East, the US/UK occupied part of Europe never recovered true sovereignty either. And just as the Soviets carefully nurtured a local comprador elite in each East European country, so did the USA in the West. The big difference only appeared in the late 1980s early 1990s when the entire Soviet-run system came crashing down while the US-run system came out reinforced as a result of the Soviet collapse. If anything, since 1991 the US iron grip over the EU became even stronger than before.
The sad reality is simple: the EU is a US colony, run by US puppets who are simply unable to stand up for basic and obvious European interests.
The EU is in a deep political crisis
Up until the late 1980s, there used to be some more or less ‘real’ opposition ‘Left’ parties in Europe. In fact, Italy and France the Communists almost came to power. But as soon as the Soviet system collapsed, all the European opposition parties either vanished or were rapidly co-opted by the system. And, just as in the USA, former Trotskysts became Neocons almost overnight. As a result, Europe lost the little opposition it had to the AngloZionist Empire and became a ‘politically pacified’ land. What the French call “la pensée unique” or the “single thought” as now triumphed, at least if one judges by the corporate media. Politics has not turned into a make believe show where various actors pretend to deal with real issues when in reality all they talk about are invented, artificially created “problems” which they then “solve” (homosexual “marriage” being the perfect example). The only form of meaningful politics left in the EU is separatism (Scottish, Basque, Catalan, etc.) but so far, it has failed to produce any alternative.
In this brave new world of pretend politics nobody is in charge of real problem which are never tackled directly, but only shoved under the carpet until the next election and that inevitably only worsens everything. As for the EU’s AngloZionist overlords, they don’t care what happens unless their own interests are directly affected.
You could say that the Titanic is sinking and the orchestra keeps playing, and you would be close to the truth. Everybody hates the Captain and crew, but nobody know whom to replace them with.
The Saker
and money that could be better spent on supporting refugees eg within Syria( I think I remember that a UN call for aid to help the situation was left with empty promises?) if only the west wanted peace, or trying to create peace, is now to be spent on
“Taxpayers face a £500million bill to fly thousands of illegal migrants and failed asylum seekers home from Britain.
Some £200m is due to be spent on airline tickets and Home Office-chartered flights over the next five years to ensure foreign criminals, overstayers and rejected asylum seekers are flown home.
The figures emerged in a Home Office tender which invited private companies to bid for the ‘Escorting and Travel Services Re-Procurement Project’ contract.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3212386/Taxpayers-face-500m-bill-fly-illegal-migrants-home-200m-spent-airline-tickets-foreign-criminals-overstayers-failed-asylum-seekers-kicked-out.html#ixzz3k2TM0kNC
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
plus other countries having expensive fences put up, extra expenses of dealing with refugees etc etc, strains and stresses on EU economies suffering stress eg due to sanctions against Rus,
crazeeeeee….could end up being most of Uk foreign aid budgets?
@JJ on August 27, 2015 · at 5:45 pm UTC
It is organized and financed very well by the Empire to create havoc and make people desperate and later agreed to have install the chip into their body.
The good news is, Europeans already knew what is going on, just they need the time to get together for the final plan.
That appears to be another “cash cow” for business to make money.If they were intent on only sending them home.Military transport planes could easily do that job.And the “escorts” don’t need to be hired.They have them already.They’re called “soldiers”.Without extra costs to the governments.But they want to “hire” special planes,and escorts,lining the pockets of business corporations further with tax payers money.
Syrian, Libyan, Somali, Afghan, Iraqi etc, refugees are fleeing countries and societies deliberately destroyed by the West, out of geo-political ambition and, crucially, in pursuit of the Zionazi plan to destroy all Israel’s neighbours. European elites are now as thoroughly controlled by their Jewish Fifth Columns as is the USA, Canada or Australia, and India is tottering. With the Zionazis bloodlust and aggression unlimited, Iran will be the next victim, unless Russia and China make some sort of declaration that they will stop Zionazi aggression now. And if Iran goes, how long will Russia stand?
MOSCOW, August 27 /TASS/. Moscow advises the European Union, which is facing a huge illegal migration crisis, to remember what consequences the incitement of conflicts in other countries may have for Europe, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.
“We are really ready to develop full-format cooperation with the countries concerned, especially when the European Union is in question, in overcoming the consequences and resolving the illegal migration problem in Europe,” she said.
Flow of migrants into EU stems from western policies in Middle East, North Africa
EU’s plan to bomb ships in attempt to stop refugee flow is recognition of failure
Russia against EU plan to destroy people-smugglers’ boats — UN envoy
EU summit outlines plan to cope with Mediterranean migrant crisis
“The European Union is facing a grave migration crisis with 340,000 illegal migrants penetrating into its territory this year,” Zakharova stressed.
“We can see that our EU partners cannot adequately react to the worsening migration situation. Evidently, there are serious faults in the EU migration policy,” the Russian diplomat went on to say.
Russia is ready to cooperate constructively with its EU partners with an aim to effectively resolve migration-related issues, including in the context of the EU initiative to draft a UN Security Council resolution on a comprehensive approach to dealing with the influx of illegal migrants from Africa into the European continent,” the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson said.
Zakharova said that Russia had warned about the dangers of new conflicts when crises were flaring up in the Middle East. “We should bear this in mind when resolutions calling for delivering air strikes, closing the airspace or changing regimes are going to lie down on the UN Security Council table,” Zakharova said.
“We should take a responsible approach to these things and understand what origin these crises have in Europe. We understand how Europe is suffering but we should also remember the suffering of people who are coming to Europe,” the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson concluded.”
Yes, I agree RF and China should keep using this crisis to “RUB IT IN” into the thick skulls of the minions of all Western Democracies, as for now, they all seem to be zombified. Keep reminding them of the cause of the refugees over and over and over.
It appears that Maria Zakharova might soon put Lavrov’s pants on. Very sharp minded girl. It’s exactly what Russia needs. Nice to see intelligent people rising to power in Russia. In Europe we can only sit and cry.
Maybe she will succeed him down the line, but not for years. Certainly not until 2018-19. Lavrov is a huge talent for diplomacy. Nations usually ride these horses until they can’t walk any more. Sergei is a giant among pygmies on the diplomatic scene.
Maria is very sharp, but she is a PR person. Excellent. Not experienced enough to do the crucial tasks of Russian diplomacy.
It’s like a concert. She’s an opening act. But Lavrov is like Pink Floyd. That’s the concert.
Some day . . . and she might be as terrific. Meanwhile, she knows how to talk the talk.
Red Ryder, I really appreciate your input. Thanks for being out there and commenting so regularly here at Saker’s.
“It’s like a concert. She’s an opening act. But Lavrov is like Pink Floyd. That’s the concert.”
And that is the quote of the year. :-)
In Reply to Red Rider, I could not have put this any better, this is poetry in motion.
yes, because dumb ones quickly die out over there. It is called “natural selection”. The EU (and US to a somewhat lesser extent) officially are “post-darwinian”. Let’s see how this official (a.k.a. PC) pov will work.
The new European Feudalism is here!
Please dont get me wrong, im not religious too much, but this week happenings on macedonia greece border makes me thinking alot. The refugees didnt want to accept foods etc because of cross on the box.wtf?
Here is proof:
Who is really coming to our homelands?
Sorry for offtopic
Agree with you, this is all very strange. Besides, between all these protesting so much I see too many beards. In Syria, at least when I visited the country now more than a decade ago, the men did not wear beards, yes mustache. The same for the Magreb countries; not beards neither in Morocco, nor in Tunisia nor in Algerie. Lybia I do not know, unfortunately, but from the reports on TV only wear beards the takfirists/salafists who are spreading chaos there.
So, as takfiries/salafists are very comfortable establishing “Islamic states” where their funding facilitates this task ( to say, the supposed countries ignited in conflict from where they are coming ) one wonders what is the reason that all these bearded young coming to Europe to which they hate so much, if not to create conflicts.
Me myself posted here a news taken from the site elespiadigital.com where they spoke of a leak made by an Austrian intelligence oficial on that the financing of smuglers came from the US in order to destablize the EU.
IMHO, there is a link between conflicts and attacks taking palce in Europe, North Africa and Midle East. Uncontrolled waves of immigrants who are really in disagree with the Western lifestyle can only lead to conflicts in Europe and European people to support far right-wing alternatives leading in their programs the fight against immigration since ever.
So, what better way to go inoculating the seeds of Fascism in Europe which resists the resurgence of monsters because of the almost perfect immunization that marked the experience of World War II?
Precisely is this, coupled with the lack of alternatives, what is so dangerous because, as Gramsci said: “When the old is outdated and the new does not stop reaching, monsters emerge.”
The beards are probably from those fleeing takfiri controlled areas, where refusing to grow a beard is a death sentence. Of course, real takfiri infiltrators would shave their beards to disguise themselves.
And also all men grow beards eventually, if they dont regullary shave.
People fleeing for their life have more important things to worry about, then to all always shaving away beards just to please sceptics.
Macedonia is at the crossroads of the US/EU-Russia gas pipeline/etc. geopolitical dispute. There was an attempt for an “Arab spring”-type of riot (‘jihadists’ stirring up the albanian minority in Macedonia) there a few months ago, IIRC. I dont think they are crying in Washington over the chaos in Macedonia.
Chaos creates new order; “ordo ab chao”.
They are refusing the food because there is a case of them being fed/given PORK/PIG meat.
I agree with you that there are lots of takfiris. But Europe says nothing when US/UK/Germany/France takes their tax payer money and pays salaries to the takfiris to destroy good muslim and christian life in Africa and Middle East. Hillary Clinton was raising money from Europe to fund the takfiris. Now they have come to roost.
If you don’t speak up or fight the monster(US/UK) that rules Europe. Get ready because the children of the monster are coming to visit you.
Europe must stand up to the Zionists
Not just Europe. The entire planet should stand up against the Zionists. The Zionists are the poisoners of all the worlds’ wells.
Yea, they are that powerful. Be afraid, be verrryy afraid.
Not just Europe. The entire planet should stand up against the Zionists. The Zionists are the poisoners of all the worlds’ wells.
Carmel by the Sea
The important thing to remember and this applies to the refugees going to Europe and the Latinos going to the Pintostan (US) is that they never wanted to go there. They would much prefer staying at home speaking their own language, enjoying their own culture, cooking and eating their own food, peacefully practising their own religion and living in by and larger warmer climate but the West has made their homelands unlivable through war and/or crime and so they have departed.
Yes, their basic human rights were gang raped by the very countries being overly vocal about the requirement to observe/not violate those rights.
@Albertde: That’s true and known.
However, here a follow-up to yesterday’s discussion about grammar at http://thesaker.is/ukraine-sitrep-august-26th-2015-by-scott/ , here is a good hint for you. And who would not believe that lady … :)
p.s. I post it here and there because the single only disadvantage after transition to this (really good) new blog format and URL last spring: No confirmation messages are being sent to the E-Mail address if somebody writes a follow-up.
Second rule “How to learn russian language?” | Project “The Easy Russian”
—–>> Не учите грамматику! Don’t learn grammar!
My personal comment:
Let’s ask ourselves: Who is best in learning a new language? —>>> Children.
And do they start with grammar (which is so complicated that they would never manage to say MAMA MAMA HUNGRY??
I had the same problems with grammar.
After a few days one forgets the first extra rules and exceptions and needs to repeat the lesson. And this can continue for decades.
A good approach is entering “learning Russian” into youtube and see what comes up.
In addition I have some University books as reference.
Plus I try to read some articles at Cassad or Russian Saker.
Thanks, Martin, for a cute video.
This girl is right. All you need is a very basic sentence structure and forms of two verbs “to be” and “to have.”
1. write blocks of 10 sentences with each form of these verbs with different nouns. Repeat 100 times.
2. get an audio recording of any good book. Get a printed version also. Lay down, close your eyes, and listen to this book 100 times. Listen even when you sleep, until every word is imbedded in your brain.
2. Do the same with news programs.
In a month or so, you will be surprised how well you understand Russian speech, TV and people.
You don’t have to know every word. You will be able to start speaking. Worlds will just come to you naturally.
Hi, TNX for this step-by-step plan.
It is true: The danger of giving up early is always there, then it is frustrating again, and one starts all over again after some break. It is essential to write something down by hand while listening (there are also subtitles in many yt videos). It has some magic power related to the way our brains work if we take the hassle to take a pen and write it by hand (although I really don’t want to, but it is mandatory).
When I came home a few hours ago suddenly there was a beautiful Russian girl in the elevator (really, and she looked like a princess coming home from a party). And out of a sudden I didn’t even find the translation for “I wish you all the best” quickly enough before she exited.
Time is the key issue when talking to real people, rather than just writing E-Mails or talking to Russians in English (because this danger is large, as most of them are capable of speaking English or German much better, than vice versa). The Russian language must “live” deep down in our soul, natively. To achieve this goal – well – the steps that you outlined are indeed helpful. But it is a long sony way full of errors and confusions. This is the only case where I wished for a human-machine interface that would allow us to load skills from a USB drive ….
But of course I hope for good reasons that such a shortcut will never ever come into existance.
Sorry for posting yet another video related to learning Russian, rather than being on-topic.
But I really love that so much, everybody with a heart should watch it:
The Giraffe and the Shark who loves her – best friends forever :) Russian language lesson for beginners Lesson3
As for the topic itself – well, I was in such a good mood.
Therefore, I personally listen to the cute Giraffe again :)
Eventually children do need to be taught the grammar of their language if they want to express themselves and ideas clearly, especially in writing.
I think the jury is out on the best way for adults to learn a language.
Also, different people have different learning styles.
Those who have already learned one or two foreign languages will find it easier to learn new languages.
One thing I think all can agree on : repetition, repetition, repetition.
I am sorry, but what you say is nonsense.
(Children learn the language differently. They also have rather different needs for its usage.)
Rather, I would say that learning and understanding grammar is the most important thing in mastering a new language in the easiest way.
You could spend hours, days and even months memorizing entire sentences. (Which is what children basically do.) And after those months, you would know little more than a few fixed sentences, trundling along awkwardly and with great difficulty, hitting glass walls and ceilings almost at every step…
… or you could learn and understand the inner workings of a language and whizz past all present and future the obstacles with ease.
Sorry, but I would say that the way that foreign languages are often taught is even counterproductive. First meticulously focusing on the correct pronunciation (still useful), then focusing on the correct prosody (totally useless at this stage), then perfecting basic phrases, focusing on dialogs, as if you were to become an interpreter.
Paraphrasing Niklaus Wirth: language = grammar + vocabulary.
Learn grammar first! And play with it and get used to it, so that you “grammar engine” runs like a well-oiled machine.
And then merely “hang new words” on your powerful “grammar skeleton”! :-)
Seriously, what you need is a very good understanding of the grammar of the foreign language.
You do not need to know the words—you can look them up in a dictionary—but you must understand the grammar, so that you may actually know what to look up.
This is even more urgent in today’s connected world. What you need to master first is comprehensive reading. Reading on the internet, reading public signs, posts, noticeboards, etc.
You may be perfectly fine travelling through a foreign country without talking to anyone, without uttering a single word in the foreign language, but you would have a hard time doing it without being able to read and comprehend public notices.
Also, many people use automatic translators nowadays. Thus, you do not need to fumble with a dictionary anymore.
(You do it on the internet almost every time, don’t you? Is not using such translations the best way to get familiar with the language?)
But what you absolutely need is a good command of the grammar, so that you can recognize when the computer translator gets confused and spits out nonsense, or even the exact opposite of the original—because it was not able to decode a negative somewhere in the sentence—which is a quite frequent error.
Thus, you need to know the grammar to know when toy automatic translator (which is good at pulling words from a dictionary) feeds you nonsense.
Trust me, perfecting you grammar early on gives you “the most bang for the buck” and smooths out and even accelerates the process of learning the language—and, perhaps most importantly, it helps you avoid many pitfalls, it lets you fly over them as if you were on a magic carpet.
Do not fall for cheap advertisements luring you to “speak” a foreign language after a few minutes!
Mastering its grammar first will not only be deeply rewarding down the line, but it will also let you *feel* the soul of the language early on and it will let you feel more comfortable in all situations and at all times.
[I loathed (and fought) German precisely because I was harrowed through it :-D it in the above-mentioned nightmarish and backward way.]
Learning the grammar first and practicing it endlessly has proven me right while learning Quenya. While learning the words and etymologies are very important (and my favourite pastime—it is like a source of never-ending inspiration—well, some people have crossroad puzzles, some have Quenya), I just could not image doing it “the pirate way” of learning entire phrases by rote, or I could hardly move beyond parroting “Elen síla lúmenn(a) omentielvo”…
I cannot comment on learning Russian in your proposed way, as I some from a Slavic language background and the grammar is the same and the main grammar difference from Russian is the use of auxiliary verbs, which are often omitted in Russian and replaced with noun constructs. Thus, Russian sounds like a distant dialect to us; and if Russians speak slowly (to compensate for the moving stress, so that even the untrained ear can break sentences into individual words) and “properly vocalize” (over-vocalize) their Russian, they can be understood very well.
Classical trade theory is based on what’s known as comparative advantage, whereby each state develops what it’s best at and trades that for what it doesn’t do well–Ricardo. As such, nations are all presumed to be dissimilar, which is usually their natural state. Neoliberalism overthrows Ricardo through the financialization of economies in search of the easiest/greatest profits, deeming comparative advantage to only being low costs, particularly labor. The EU adopted, or was forced into, the Imperial trade policies of the Anglo/Americans, which were similar to once Colonial EU countries exploited their colonies. What has occurred is the EU is now exploiting itself in a parasitic manner. It’s the ideology being used that’s important, not the number of states within the EU.
The refuge crisis resulted from EU/NATO policies that totally ignored the EU’s own laws, plus the international laws its members ratified, specifically the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its Articles 13&14, amongst numerous others. The coup in Ukraine is one major example of EU/NATO grossly violating the UDHR. (Not having ratified it despite Eleanor Roosevelt being its prime mover, the Outlaw Empire can ignore its content at its political peril.) Russia has now approached the EU about the crisis, offering a helping hand. Again, a warped ideology overran a major tenet of International Law.
Yes, the citizenry of the EU isn’t in control of itself or its institutions. As Paul Roberts notes, “Insouciance Rules The West.” The way the EU Left disappeared is similar to what’s happened to activists trying to foment movements within the Outlaw Empire–they’re undermined by infiltrators and surveiled to death, http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/08/25/it-is-time-we-discussed-abolishing-the-police/ What hope can there be when what appears to be an outspoken, radical political party seemingly having the interests of the masses at heart gets elected, then receives a mandate via referendum, then thwarts its own political platform through cowardliness or double-crossing its own people–Greece’s Syriza’s Tsiparas? (Or Hope & Change You Can Believe In–Obama.)
The root of the crisis stems from the Outlaw Empire’s drive for Full Spectrum Dominance. The long, ongoing spying programs of the NSA have proven very effective in suborning EU politicos to the Empire’s agenda–Merkel and Blair being the best examples. The only way to solve the multiple crises is to first become independent again–to throw off the Outlaw Empire’s controlling yolk and evict its occupation forces. EU nations could then resettle refugees onto the abandoned bases while restoring the stability and security of the refugees’s countries so they can return to their homelands as Europeans clearly don’t want more people of color or of Islamic faith. No, those suggestions aren’t easy or quick, but they’re proper and will be lasting.
Russia can best help the EU by helping its members to regain their independence and reform their institutions, while joining the Russian and Chinese projects for overall Eurasian unification. The hardest part will be defeating the Outlaw Empire’s network of terrorists throughout Eurasia and Africa, which means both Russia’s and China’s armed forces must operate beyond their borders. In essence, the Outlaw Empire’s project to rule the planet must be defeated totally if the EU, along with Eurasia, South America and Africa, are to rediscover peace, internal stability & security, and a sustainable future. To fail in that venture brings forth a vision of chaos, anarchy, darkness and fear ruling the future far worse than what’s happening now.
Re “The only way to solve the multiple crises is to first become independent again–to throw off the Outlaw Empire’s controlling yolk and evict its occupation forces. EU nations could then resettle refugees onto the abandoned bases ”
YES! Brilliant idea. Katherine
Outlaw Historian, Can I pick at one part of your comment?
You said, “Russia can best help the EU by helping its members to regain their independence and reform their institutions, while joining the Russian and Chinese projects for overall Eurasian unification. ”
Russia must first regain her own ability to issue her own currency, rather than have this ability depend upon the IMF/Fed system & her own import income.
Eurasian unification should not be looked upon as desirable for the same reasons that EU was certainly not helpful for most the countries “unified”: Citizens lose the ability to influence the policies of their own govts when those govts no longer determine the policies, since now they are determined by some distant institution.
Further, when nations at different levels of development enter a “free trade” deal, the less developed ones will be de-industrialized by competition w the more developed. Eg: US has wiped out self-sustaining agriculture in many countries thru their free trade agreements. Greece, Spain and even France have suffered thru EU membership.
It is better for nations to protect their self-sustaining agriculture & to protect whatever industry is important to them. It is also better for them to issue their own currency and credit instruments rather than to borrow it at interest from Western banks & IMF. This is called ‘economic sovereignty’ as was the rule before WWII.
Outlaw Historian,
The Comparative Advantage theory of trade is perhaps the principle most underpinning so-called “free trade”. It purports to describe a win-win situation in which each country makes what it is best at, thus optimizing the total volume of goods produced. However it is easy to at once find real world examples which certainly are not win-win. Example One: the American worker certainly didn’t win when his job was shipped overseas to be performed at slave-labor rates. Example Two: Any country which taxes labor or production for social welfare (medical care, pension, unemployment benefit) is at a disadvantage to any which provides no social welfare. Clearly no win-win. Example Three: An emerging economy which has the beginnings of a single industry, but not at a rate competitive to world-class production. In order that this industry should mature & develop, protectionism in the form of an import tariff is required.
“Free trade” is a lie, and the “free market” is a lie. If govts don’t plan these things, then mega-banks and mega-transnationals do. Our choice is planning by people we’ve elected and may have some control over, or by the power-crazed mass-murdering people who are planning for us today. We know that “free trade” is a lie because the documents are 1000s of pages long; they are picking winners & losers.
I see you don’t get what is economic theory about. It’s not about concrete examples, it’s abstracts laws in human behaviour. It is not imperative, it is descriptive. You can’t refute comparative theory by arguing about history.
Read von Mises, his Theory & History says it all. Free market is not a lie, it is just an occurrence of events under some specific conditions. It’s not all about government vs corporations, your description of the problem proves you are very ignorant of the actual problem and your view is simplistic.
Courtesy please. /Mod
Weston, I read Von Mises Human Action when I was 21 years old. It made sense to me then. I’ve since learned the flaws of the Austrian school of economics.
The Theory of Comparative Advantage, like that of Absolute Advantage is a law, a rule or a general statement which purports to be true. The way we disprove the veracity of general statements or describe the circumstances in which they are valid is by finding specific situations in which they are NOT valid.
The Theory of Comparative Advantage is sited in many cases to justify a country’s giving up its protection of food self-sufficiency or an infant industry under the argument that it will be win-win for all if this principle is followed.
I submit that the usual way one disproves a general statement is by finding exceptions to it. I promise you that the American worker does not WANT to compete w someone half a world away making tennis shoes for 23 cents an hour; he regards such enforced competition as unjust & I agree.
Sorry to disagree quite so strongly and thanks for speaking up about your views. We should all do that more often.
Weston, Then please tell us the actual problem. Truly. . . what do you think it is?
In a sense, I disagree with you. It seems you are referring to an Outlaw Empire that is based in the US, and they use things like the NSA to keep the Europeans in line. An alternative reading of things would be that a financial oligarchy based in the banking families in the West has taken over, and merely uses things like the US military or Israel or the EU bureaucracy for its ends, which some would call a New World Order. A global dictatorship of finance capital. All forces in its way must be destroyed, whether Russia, unions, a coherent and cohesive society, or just an alternative model that would inspire people, such as Libya’s Green system.
This oligarchy has deep roots throughout Europe, but most obviously in London and Amsterdam. They largely gained control of Germany after the wars, so the NSA doesn’t have to work hard to get German big banks or huge corporations to go along with things, as they are part of it.
And I disagree that the hardest part will be defeating the Outlaw Empire’s network of terrorists. I think those can be defeated by many means, such as cutting off their supplies. The hard part is getting rid of the oligarchy’s influence over one’s financial system. Basically, the oligarchs can take down a country like Russia – it is not independent. To paraphrase Brzezinski, all the nukes in the world won’t help if your elite have their money in Western banks, for then you will be unable to use them.
Paul II,
I agree that we must strive to free ourselves from the economic institutions which hold the world in thrall. It is no coincidence that the 7 mideast countries that the US planned to attack were not members of IMF, NWO & continued to create their own money, rather than being controlled by the IMF/Fed system.
I can’t agree wholeheartedly w Andrew’s article because it seems neither to realize the importance of escaping the financial institutions of the NWO, nor to realize that the much vaunted BRICS structures are all dollar-based. Insofar as they represent any conflict w the NWO it is only as a potential conflict among oligarchs. There is so far not a hint of supporting the regrowth of national sovereignty– not in money-creation, not in trade policy, not in political independence. There is affirmation of the rule of law & condemnation for breaking it. But there is no realization that certain aspects of international law & treaty are themselves worthy of condemnation & dissolution.
I’ve been so dismal at getting across these points that I think I must stop following the current events & concentrate more on developing these points & the data that supports them. I’m so discouraged.
“I’m so discouraged”
Please don’t be.
I believe your descriptions go a long way to describe what is behind a lot of what is going on.
I’ve followed a similar arc in my economic understanding. Apologies for replying a month after your comment, but if you do write more, I’d love to read.
As for BRICS – I’m in the ‘I’, and we probably need a few years and military cooperation with oil producing countries (and possibly each other) to escape the petrodollar. I still nourish a hope that we don’t need to, though even the Economist is talking of an orderly exit from the petrodollar to something else – special drawing rights?
As indicated in comments on your post there appears to be a lot of misunderstanding about David Ricardo’s (1817) theory of comparative advantage. As pointed out by David Korten in “When Corporations Rule the World”, Ricardo assumed three preconditions to his rule:
(1)”capital must not be allowed to cross national borders from a high-wage to a low wage country;
(2) trade between the participating countries must be balanced;
(3) each country must have full employment.”
Even Libertarians have failed to recognize that most trade in Ricardo’s time involved national enterprises not multinational corporations and financial capitalists (other than insurance interests).
Your comments would be appreciated. Thanks
Thanks for continuing the discussion. I understand Weston’s point that Ricardo’s law is meant in Mises work to be descriptive rather than prescriptive, but it is used by today’s oligarchs as a beneficent explanation for their forcing open many national economies which were better off before the application of neoliberal economics destroyed their functioning economies, as is set out in national examples by Chossudovsky’s book the Globalization of Poverty and the NWO.
Economies are forced open regardless of their circumstances and indeed the inability of “developing” economies to issue their own currency except in response to export income– thanks to the IMF/Fed system– is a powerful lever.
I believe you are correct in your summary of the conditions under which Richardo’s law was promulgated, but as you know, the US rewrites history to suit its imperialism– and never more so than in economics. Their mantra is TINA: there is no alternative. and economies are forced open regardless of their circumstances. Much used since Reagan & Thatcher’s time. They are literally not teaching much else of economics in university. An exception would be Michael Hudson’s dept in U of Missouri.
However, to get back to Ricardo, there is a dark side. Let me quote fragments of Prof Michael Hudson’s book, The Bubble & Beyond:
p7 “Milton Friedman’s followers followed the logic of Ricardo in downplaying the idea that debt or international payments transfers cd pose serious problems. Ricardo’s labor theory of value had no room for this debt overhead. It was as if economies operated debt-free & on barter. This “ignore debt” approach reflected his interst as a bond broker & role as Parliamentary spokesman (lobbyist) for the banking class in countering the widespread opposition to public debt.
“When asked in Parliament about th effects of “capital transfers” such as military subsidies or debt payments to foreign creditors (Dutch were heavy investors in Britain’s Crown Corporations), Ricardo insisted that all such payments set in motion self-equilibrating adjustments that returned the payments outflow back to the country where they originated. There cd b no balance-of-paments or foreign debt crisis.
“The same logic implicitly applies to domestic debt: Payments to bankers are spent back into the economy. “As modern discussions trivilaize the idea, “we owe the debt to ourselves,” so consequently it doesn’t matter that, on balance, the 99% owe debt to the 1%.
“The assumption that rentiers spend their income in the domestic economy is an old [false] story. . . .
“Post-Ricardian analysis of how income was distributed among labor (wages), landowners (groundrent) and industrial or commercial capital (profits) did not take account of the payment of interest to bankers (Rikardo’s own class!). Interest is treated as “profit” earned by producing the bankers’ product: the debt taken on by borrowers. Treating the banks’ privilege of debt creation as tangible industrial investment conflates money and credit as a “factor of production,” so that interest, penalties and fees appear as part of the production process, not external to it.
I’ve a lot to learn in economics & wd welcome your further comments, Krollchem.
I failed to specify that my points about Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage dealt with what I consider as “fair trade” rather than globalistic “free trade” between countries. The three preconditions I quoted from David Korten’s book are necessary to prevent neo-colonial exploitation of 2nd and 3rd world economies by the US and Western European powers.
To be honest, I also failed to mention that these preconditions do not prevent exploitation via buying off a country’s leaders to extract wealth and create a slave society repressed by police, military, and gangs loyal to the leader that is backed US and/or EU backed corporations, bankers and politicians commonly called the “Angola variant”.
If the leaders cannot be bought, then the next option is to use security services such as the CIA to create an internal rebellion (Iran in 1953, Libya, and Ukraine). If this doesn’t work then an excuse to bomb the country into submission to the globalists as in Yugoslavia, Libya and now Syria. Ukraine is a special case due the proximity with Russia which cannot be bombed into submission.
I have failed to read Chossudovsky’s book “The Globalization of Poverty” but read many of the articles posted there since the Balkan wars. Thanks for the tip!
I have started reading Hudson’s latest book “Killing the Host” (Counterpunch PDF book), and thus cannot disagree with your portrayal of Ricardo’s financial class views during the colonial era. I will also have to read David Korten’s later books to gain more insight to his solutions to restore decent civil societies.
I also agree with your understanding of the Austrian school’s simplistic and flawed economic fantasy as exposed by the Mises Institute and Lew Rockwell. They fail to recognize the corrosive effects of the banking section and reduce economics to transactions between individuals to sell their ideology.
Like you, I feel that trying to recreate the EU in Eurasia is a doomed strategy for Russia, China, Belarus, and the various STANS. I see some hope in Russia’s fair trade attempts with 2nd and 3rd world economies but regret that this trade includes military hardware that only benefits the elites and Russian arms industries. Likewise, China provides infrastructure improvements in exchange for resources.
Cuba provides a better model for Russia’s “fair trade” outreach in trading health care (medical support) for oil and foodstuffs. Cuba was also the only country to provide medical aid to Haiti earthquake victims. Russia has the opportunity to provide a better trade model than the US/EU extractive neo-colonial system – I hope Russia doesn’t make the same mistakes.
Thanks for the excellent opportunity to dialogue with you. I hope to continue this in later Saker articles regarding economics in Ukraine!
A peer! You don’t know how much it fuels my efforts to know that you, too, are thinking skeptically about the Rus/China policy of setting up trade policies which appear to be imitative of the predatory EU– and of NAFTA (what a disaster). BRICS Dev Bank & CRA (Contingency fund) are nothing like the cheerleading characterizations we’ve been given. For now, they may represent weak inter-oligarchic competition, nothing more. Everything including AIIB is dollar-denominated & there are other problems. Links in case you’re interested:
Supporting the dollar is directly supporting the US military juggernaut, and everyone knows that. Supposedly they’re all waiting for a time when it will be easier to make a less dangerous transition. We must hope they will change.
Mike Whitney has been especially prolific at telling us all the egalitarian plans of these institutions– but w/o any facts or quotes to base it on.
I won’t be able to get to Hudson’s new book for awhile. You know his group’s econ system is called Modern Monetary Theory? There’s a few Youtube classes on it. An essential feature is the State-control of monetary policy, incl issuing it w/o reference to IMF/Fed system. (L Randall Wray’s Modern Money Theory @ Amazon)
Thanks for clarifying that the conditions that you & Korten list are conditions for “fair trade.” Personally, maybe I’m antediluvian, but I see nothing wrong w bilateral agreements rather than 1000-page “free trade” treaties that bind nations under the threat of being otherwise excluded from trade benefits w the group. I don’t like the element of coercion.
I hadn’t heard of the “Angola variant”. It’s good to have shorthand for referring to these things.
Cuba has great moral stature & authority all over Latin America– and deservedly.
Your comment “these preconditions do not prevent exploitation via buying off a country’s leaders”: I think we have to limit the amount of wealth available to individuals & transnationals to do this, thru progressive taxation. Democracy’s impossible w the concentrations of wealth documented by Oxfam and the industrial concentrations documented by the Swiss study on Global Corporate Control.
I have a riddle for you. I know that Russia is able to issue her own currency only in the amount comparable to her export income, denominated in dollars. I also know that the Central Bank of Russia is not under the control of the Russian govt; these two statements are true of all countries which are IMF members categorized by IMF as “developing”. In Russia’s case the independence of the central bank is written into the constitution. (That is, the CBR is controlled by the international banking cabal.)
According to Starikov, the Russian economist, Russia dare not begin to issue her own currency independent of the rules of the IMF/Fed system because she would be totally blockaded economically. Yet– and this is the riddle– according to Ellen Brown, a very reliable source, China & many of the Asian countries have begun to create their own currency & credit instruments at will.
I’m not able to make sense of this. Add to this that the 7 mideast countries which the US planned to attack (They’ve attacked all but Iran) were all not members of IMF or WTO and the central banks of all were state-controlled, issuing currency at will– plus they opposed usury as a religious matter.
This riddle bothers me a lot; any ideas?
As a follow up on neo-colonialism in regards to Ukraine and the EU, I offer the following comment I made at the Unz review post of the saker article:
The Saker correctly sees the failure of the “a new age of inclusivity, diversity, universal human rights, deep play, sustainability, universal human rights, the rights of nature, and peace on Earth”. (The European Dream by Jeremy Rifkin). The cause of this failure is linked to the American and Western Europe political elites choosing Atlanticism rather than Eurasian integration (See Mike Whitney’s articles on this topic). The New American Century cannot allow Europe to deepen economic ties with Russian, China, India and Iran and the facts on the ground support a grand strategy to capture Europe or destroy it rather than allow economic integration.
The American Empire is suffering along with the rest of the world as described in numerous articles in Economic websites such as Zero Hedge. America is using TTIP as a tool to attempt the capture market share and control of the European economic sphere. The American engineered coup in Ukraine served as a wedge to economically separate Western Europe from Eurasia, via sanctions, and deepen the plunder of Western Europe. The US led wars (with European support) in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and even Mali killed over three million civilians and has led to the refugee influx into Europe, in much the same way as US wars in Central and South America has led to refugees that flee the repressive governments that America installed (See General Smidley Butler for background on this long term American bullying).
Europe is to be looted so that the American Dream can continue a little longer at the expense of the European Dream. Sadly, family and friends in Western Europe are self adsorbed with vacations and socializing and choose to let the governments do what they want up to the time it is necessary to take down the governments. Such a non-engaged “childish” attitude is common in Europe and there are not enough “adults” to turn this around.
Thank you for reprising your Unz Review comment. I’ll have to take a look at that site. Btw do you know of a few good comment sites where one can learn from the comments & where they are capable of logical distinctions?
I’m in complete agreement w everything you said.
“a grand strategy to capture Europe or destroy it rather than allow economic integration.”
Absolutely, but they’d prefer not to destroy it as it’s such a useful PR vassal & a large market, too. Clearly they continue to take down the euro as a competitor to the dollar. Yes, they want complete economic integration w EU. I suppose TTIP & TiSA will nearly give it to them– if they come to pass. The mass refugee influx for which US is paying the smugglers is part of weakening & pressuring Europe. (Info Direkt magazine sources this to Austrian Intell)
“coup in Ukraine served as a wedge to economically separate Western Europe from Eurasia,” Yes, plus it physically blocks the Peking-Berlin silk road– just as taking down Iraq blocks silk road access to the Mediterranean.
You comment on your European friends lack of maturity. In the US there is such infantilization. Well, the culture has been under attack for a long time. Here in California the level of high school education is 2nd worst in the nation. As you observe, people don’t want to see what is happening; they are hiding.
And everywhere there is TV. Adults watching these animated fantasy creatures. People are “nice”, but one looks in vain for an adult.
My original interest was in oil depletion issues detailed in Hubbard’s work on depletion of oil resources:
As elaborated on by Dr Bartlett: http://www.albartlett.org/presentations/arithmetic_population_energy.html
I later discovered Gail Tverberg at the oil drum who eventually created her own website at: http://ourfiniteworld.com/
The Balkan wars crystallized my understanding that the root causes of these wars were in Western geopolitics of controlling oil and gas transportation routes as a subset of the great game (e.g. the grand chessboard). This led me to write a short article on Caspian oil and trade background to the Yugoslav wars titled: “Wagons East—NATO oil trade route war”:
At the time I failed to recognize the financial capitalistic roots that caused the collapse of Yugoslavia which is best described in the article:
“Why Kosovo? The Anatomy of a Needless War” by Dr. Bob Allen
I have subsequently seen the US and Western European globalistic wars (Georgia, Iraq I/II, Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, Syria, Yemen, Central America, etc through this oil trade and financial looting prism.
I have found the following website (among many others) to offer thoughtful discussions on resources, economics and war:
I hope this information is of some use to you!
Thank you. Most of these sites are new to me.
In your article there’s lots of good detail of which I was unaware; I didn’t think of oil or trade routes at all in connection w Yugoslavia. In the intervening 15 years they don’t seem to have gotten very far in developing the Caspian oil. Funny how when you pursue any topic all the way down to the ground it leads off to so many others.
Regarding Hubbert’s Peak Oil theory, this article by best-selling author Wm Engdahl challenges it, lists unexploited gas/oil finds. Oil geopolitics is a specialty of his. http://www.engdahl.oilgeopolitics.net/Geopolitics___Eurasia/Peak_Oil___Russia/peak_oil___russia.html
You are probably aware that elsewhere he argues that shale oil is a ponzi scheme which costs more to extract than the worth of the oil. And that was before the price fell. Ghastly environmental insult anyway.
Engdahl presents US hegemony as a 3-legged stool resting on military; dollar as reserve currency; and never-fully-realized control of all the oil & all the pipelines.
There’s so much unexploited oil that Rockefeller interests have indicated new gas/oil fields will be unable to obtain developmental capital “due to global warming concerns.”
In case you haven’t fully penetrated the global warming hoax which serves so many NWO purposes I leave you w two links.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMQk-q8SpBU Canadian Senate Hearings w 4 Climate Scientists speaking for 10 minutes each.
http://www.globalresearch.ca/global-cooling-is-here/10783 Basic noncontroversial climate history, then Easterbrook’s analysis.
I’m reading Bob Allen’s “Why Kosovo?’ that you mentioned. Informative. Thanks.
A tiny present: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8j8BmgeYLA
Please, pay attention to this article.
EU declares information war on Russia
Task force will start trying to win hearts and minds in eastern partnership countries next month.
By JAMES PANICHI 8/27/15, 5:28 PM CET Updated 8/27/15, 8:20 PM CET
The European Union’s foreign affairs department said Thursday it was launching a rapid-response team to counter what it considers biased Russian media reports.
The unit, which will include up to 10 Russian-speaking officials and media professionals from EU member states, will be fully operational by the end of September and will be part of the European External Action Service (EEAS). Officials say it is a first step in the EEAS’s response to growing concern in eastern Europe and EU Baltic states about the destabilizing influence of Russian-language news reports.
The EEAS was tasked by the European Council in March with coming up with a response to what EU leaders described as “Russia’s ongoing disinformation campaign,” with a specific request that the EEAS establish a “communication team” as a “first step” in fighting back.
The team, which will be based in the EEAS’s Brussels headquarters, falls short of requests from Latvia that the EU establish a full-blown, EU-funded Russian-language television channel, to provide an alternative source of news to Russian-speakers in both EU and “eastern partnership” countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus).
A good spot to see if today’s Russian intelligence services are able to replicate the old line services skill with explosives.On the job training is usually the best test.
Orwell was right. Big Brother EU and its Ministry of Truth-perhaps just broadcast The Guardian’s hysterically filthy bias and bigotry. The Guardian insect in Beijing had a report titled ‘Workers Flee Beijing’, which was one woman going home to the country because the scrap business in Beijing was crap. Her husband was staying, however. So great is the fear and hatred of China (rooted, I am certain, in pure race hatred, cultural supremacism and gut-wrenching fear) that the MSM vermin are trying to will a ‘collapse’ there that will never happen. And this shite they call the ‘Free Press’.
This cannot be the same Guardian newspaper that yesterday sent me the following email can it?
The Guardian publishes the stories that others keep hidden.
Introducing Supporter, the new £5 tier of Guardian Membership.
The Guardian has transformed into the most read serious English-language newspaper in the world. We have achieved this without a paywall, with our independence intact, and while staying true to our 200-year old values.
The stories we pursue, from phone hacking and WikiLeaks, to the HSBC and NSA files, are often risky or glossed over by others. But they rebalance the global conversation and ensure power, where it exists, is held to account.
By popular request we’ve recently introduced ‘Supporter’ to Guardian Membership. Keep our journalism fearless, open and free from interference. For £5 a month or £50 a year.
It would seem that the fact that I have been banned from commenting in the (free) paper is of no consequence when it comes to collecting a payment!!
One of the most remarkable achievements of the fascists is that they get people to pay money for the deceptive drivel and propaganda in both the printed press and on the telescreen. It’s like not simply beating a child with a switch he is forced to get from a tree in the back yard, but getting him to do it voluntarily and break open his piggy bank to pay for it.
“The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.” – Steven Biko
Eric, the transmogrification of The Guardian from moderately Leftist, liberal, mouthpiece to raving Imperial propaganda sewer is almost complete. I didn’t know until recently that it is no longer run by a Trust, but was privatised in 2008, and is now run by a cabal of merchant bankers (no rhyming slang jokes, please), hence the increasing use of ‘antisemitism’ smears against the likes of Jeremy Corbyn. The Medialens site is useful in critiquing The Guardian’s bias, lies and hypocrisy, but just reading the tripe is enough. They cunningly allow a few relatively decent commenters like Monbiot, Milne and Keegan, but the rest are Imperial slime, entirely.
Absolutely brilliant assessment! :-)
Absolutely truthful, very sober and honest analysis. It looks like that till Ukraine people will finally stood up to the tyranny, till Europe is going to be the same picture. It will come one day for sure, but the huge damage was done already.
Some small movement is starting to be appear “Mutti Merkel” was decorated yesterday with the fresh eggs when she came to check out the refugee camp, but for now nothing serious regarding to the solution.
Thank you Saker again for your wonderful job.
the west is in free fall. period.
A great,and more important,”truthful” article.The old saying “when your stuck in a pit,stop digging”
fits the EU today.It should be obvious to everyone what to do.But for some reason they refuse to see it.They caused this problem by destabilizing the home countries of the refugee’s.The first step would be to stop that.And reverse it by using their forces to restore order there.In Libya,restore a real government in that country,by force if need be (and it will need be).In Syria and Iraq stop supporting terrorists (and force your Turkish and Gulf stooges to do the same).Join with the Syrian and Iraqi governments (and Russia,Iran,China) to defeat the terrorists and end those wars.Stop supporting the junta in Ukraine and force the junta to resign.Let Russia take care of the nazis,and create a Federal Ukraine to end that war.Of course I don’t think there is a European leader intelligent enough (nor brave enough) to do those things.But if they want to end the problems they have now.Instead of them getting worse,they will need to find leaders able to do take those hard measures.That is only the tip of the “iceberg” of their problems needing solving.But its the most immediate.And needs to be solved first.
2017 French Presidential Election. We can only live in hope.
I don’t count on that.The French 2 tier election system almost assures a stooge will be elected.And even if not,how many votes will the winner (if not a stooge) have in the Chamber of Deputies.I only see a Revolution (or military defeat) changing the EU for the better.I’d like to be proved wrong there.But I don’t see anything positive yet.
Makes perfect sense. But first these countries would have to acknowledge responsibility for enabling the chaos driving refugees to flee their homes.
Heard a disgust Bwit today on the BBC World Service, interviewed about the “wefugee cwisis” by another BBC Bwit/Twit type. The first Bwit said that the important thing is to look at “twack wecods,” of which, he said, Bwitain has a good one, having taken in over 8 million migwants over the years. Surely he was talking about people who have relocated to the Mother Country from former colonies. This is NOT the same thing. Then t his twit went on to finger as the cause of disruption these tewible governments such as that of Assad who are dwiving their people out of theiw own country. Thus slipping in a rationale for regime change flowing from the refugee crisis. Which is of course getting the whole situ bass-ackwards.
The reporter did push back slightly, mentioning that actually Bwitain had taken in only 150,000 of the most recent wave (I think). But the Bwit/Twit went back to his “twack wecod” theory. It was altogether nauseating.
Katherine, I particularly enjoy the contempt and condescension of the Tory (female canines) of the BBC, that drips from their lips when lying about China. Sure, these vermin hate Putin, but they think they have his measure and that Russia will succumb thanks to the Fifth Column that infests Chelsea and Fulham, but they fear China. To that add the ‘No Dogs and Chinese Allowed’ racism of the 19th century up until 1949 and you get a relentless propaganda campaign promoting fear and hatred at the same time, but also, frantically deluding themselves that China is ‘collapsing’. That from scum who live in a really existing failed society, the UK.
I do feel that the English are the true font of the cult of entitlement to resources and the right to fight the locals to seize what the British economy needs, whatever the stage of development. And to lie with malice aforethought and jaw-dropping sang-froid (and ultimate impunity) when ensnaring local “allies,” read “chumps.” (Viz.: the two-faced stance toward the Arabs prior to WWI in the campaign to “hosey” oil-rich territories of the eastern Ottoman Empire, while inserting a Jewish “homeland” into the strategic coastal region).
Surely this sense of entitlement is, ultimately, conferred by England’s class system. “Von Haus aus,” as the Germans say, members of England’s privileged classes have been spoiled to see themselves as having a right to their privileges by birth, and to anything they happen to want. The chestnut that Britain’s wars were won “on the fields of Eton” has more than a little truth to it. But “fair play” comes into play only vis-a-vis members of the same class. Members of other classes get to enjoy this feeling of specialness vicariously, vis-a-vis non-Brits and esp. non-English, a happy state they express with sayings such as “The wogs begin at Calais.” Getting a bit far afield here, but this fellow’s statements were bad enough, but the “posh” speaking style made it that much more offensive to me.
The elephant in the room, analysis=wise, is BLOWBACK.
Chalmers Johnson would have trenchant words on Europe’s current refugee crisis and the fact that this time around, the blowback is blowing back not to the USA, where it belongs, but to Europe, where it also belongs—but I think less so.
When will the Europeans turn on their American masters and at least demand that the USA take the lion’s share of the refugees. At least, refugees from countries ravaged by wars begun by the USA and its clients: Libya, Yemen, Egypt, etc.
So far I have not heard of a lot of Ukrainian refugees/migrants.
PS Why are these people now called migrants? What is the linguistic subtext there? THat they are like migrant workers, or that they have chosen to emigrate and thus have no rights?
It seems obvious that the vast matjority are refugees
@ Katherine,
Q; When will the Europeans turn on their American masters…?
R; There’s this little gem telling all those who want to hear it, “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you!”
My advise is, “Rip the whole gd thing off at the shoulder and be done with it. once and for all.”
I think the basic question is, “What are you supposed to lack, in order to become a fully functioning politician?”
Daniel, only when the Jewish Fifth Columns are disempowered. The situation in Europe where every problem, every political career, needs the approval of the Zionazi Thought Police is absurd, and surreal. Failing all else, the Zionazis are falling back on confected charges of, what else, ‘antisemitism'(TM) the Universal Crime, to try to derail Corbyn’s insurgency that threatens the neo-liberal rackets that, mysteriously, favour Jewish elites so much, at the expense of the lumpen goyim. It’s proving hard to stick, despite furious repetition, which may be a good sign. And I saw a program about the new Left Municipal Government in Madrid, that immediately lost one of its leading lights, Zapata, to a Rightwing smear campaign because, once upon a time, 2011 to be precise, he supposedly made an admittedly rather nasty ‘joke’ on the wretched Twitter, about the sacred ‘Holocaust’, the West’s pseudo-religion, that raises Jewish suffering up above that of all the billions of mere goyim who have been cruelly treated by their fellow human beings. Of course, forgiveness is, as the Rabbis might say, mere ‘Christian morality’, and a pitiless vengefulness more kosher.
I wonder if anyone ever thought of just “not resigning” over that type of thing.Just standing your ground if you aren’t antisemitic and just say I’m not resigning.As far as I know there isn’t a law forcing people to resign.Its just the “PC” thing for them to do.Certainly you’d have the MSM after your scalp.But people with courage should just ignore them.Rally your supporters around you and move on.That comes back to something I posted earlier.There is far too little “telling it like it is ” in this World.
@ Uncle Bob 1,
Q; There is far too little “telling it like it is ” in this World.
R; When ‘telling it like it is’ costs you your career and future, I think most of of us [I’m referring to the Saker’s readers] will think twice before ‘telling it like ti is.’
It that case then we really have little to complain about.If we don’t see the point of trying to be honest how can we expect the “big fish” to risk themselves for honesty.I try to be honest whenever possible ,I have an aversion to lying (one reason the leaders in the West today revolt me).Granted I don’t have a lot to lose.But still I’d like to think my “aversion” would kick in even then.
Honesty is vastly overrated in comparison to goodness.
If you were good you would not have a lot to lose in the first place.
How can you be sure.Both of them are in very short supply in the World.I’m not sure which is lacking more.Though in my thinking its its about equal.And the lack of one has a lot to do with the lack of the other.
@Uncle Bob 1 on August 29, 2015 · at 1:12 am UTC
How can I be sure?
Bad people can be honest (e.g. honour among thieves)
Good people cannot be dishonest (unless it’s for a good reason).
That would depend on what you mean by “good people”.One person’s definition of good may not be another’s. Even many bad people (to my thinking bad) love their parents or children.Hitler was very kind to his secretaries.They all said what a great boss he was.And he seemed to like children and dogs (as long as the children were “Aryan” children).Most people I consider “bad” don’t think of themselves as “bad”.And usually have supporters that consider them “good”.History shows me that “good” is totally subjective.George Bush used to say about Putin (today’s monster to the West),he liked making a deal with him.That he was always honest and once he make a deal kept it.So it seems with “honest” you can have understandings on all sides.While with “good” that is only important to people thinking the same way as to who is good.
What do the Q’s and R’s mean?
Makes no obvious sense to me.
My guess is “Quote” and “Response”
Uncle Bob, once the Judaic geese are after you, hissing and spitting their venom, not many seem able to stare them down. Often, of course, their ‘comrades’ will stab them in the back. If you are not a Judeophobe, but merely hold the essential ‘antisemitic’ opinion that Jews are human beings like the rest of humanity, just as capable of good and evil as any other group, it is your moral duty to stand up to their eternal lynch-mob. The popular delusion, that Jews are incapable of crime or even of error, which is drummed into our heads day after day, by the ‘antisemitism'(TM) industry and the Zionazi Thought Controllers, is a monstrous conceit and a gigantic lie, and its ready acceptance almost universally in the West, one of the most bizarre developments one could conceive of. The imposition of the ‘Holocaust’ pseudo-religion on the West is the root of this strange aberration.
I blame the lack of honesty in education for that.Jews aren’t different than other groups on most levels,good and bad,saints and sinners.Einstein and Meyer Lansky were both Jewish but poles apart as humans.A little known fact (very little known fact) was that in pre-war Europe, (and the US) organized,and not so organized crime, was made up heavily of Jewish gangs.People talk about the Italian Mafia.And no doubt they were/are very important.But the “Jewish mafia’s” were easily there equals.A lot of the crime in the US in those days that was called “German”,was really Jewish.But Americans mistook the German names common among Jews.Along with the Yiddish speech they heard among the gangs as coming from ethnic Germans.Because of the Zionist influence since WW2 that is pretty much covered up,or just not talked about.
Great point about the Jewish and Italian mafia. The Jewish mafia essentially subordinated the Italian in the USA by the mid 1930’s. Most people don’t realise this thanks to Hollywood, as well as the blanket “don’t ask, don’t tell” attitude in the west whenever something touches upon Jewish or zionist influence. Hollywood “mafia films” indoctrinated people in the west to think “the Mafia” is all Italians with cotton induced speech impediments and the zio-media never heard of the Jewish mafia.
I wouldn’t know either if I wasn’t “so darn old”.When I grew up the Zionists hadn’t realized they needed to be always thought of as “saints”.Back then there were a few crime story authors that included them in their books.And a few movies where, even if they weren’t the main characters,they were included in the movie (and a couple they were the main plot,Murder Inc,and the Arnold Rothstein story are two).
What do these Q’s and R’s mean?
Good catch, Katherine. They are certainly refugees, not “migrants”.
EU: Thanks for the wonderful analysis–your strong point and never a disappointment! re: line that says ” Politics has turned into..” ( the “not” is a typo?). A pluralistic society can only exist if each cultural group has its own land territory and if one group takes the leadership role by far yet also giving respect for the others ( Spain).. Lebanon does not function–Russia does. Your comment on the melting pot of the USA is apt—there really was no set historical culture to meld into and the big waves of immigration came when there was the possibility of social and economic integration as the culture did begin to consolidate in an expanding economy. It is still very anglo-germanic in its underlying themes and mind set, however as the ruling class still educates itself and its close companion servers at the Ivy league schools.
I think pluralism is quite possible and can be immensely beneficial, but only where each ‘group’ whether defined by ‘race’, religion, gender, sexual preference, ideology etc, recognises the rights of others, and does not seek dominance over the others, or demand submission from them. And where the economic and class situation is one of true and deep egalitarianism, social justice and equality of opportunity. Most migrant groups are imported by economic elites (or their political stooges to be exact) in pursuit of ‘divide and rule’ tactics, to keep the working classes divided amongst themselves. No culture is ‘pure’ and free from the influences of numerous others, and the basic habits and behaviours of humanity, raising families, falling in and out of love, seeking companionship and friendship etc, are more or less the same amongst all humanity.
the tag on this piece is hilarious!
Well spotted!
yes, and I did not make this up. The mayor of London did:
Hilarious, no?
what’s the tag and where is it, and how do I find it ?
One has to wonder why now?
we know that the increased flow of refugees via North Africa dates back to the fall of Gaddafi (thanks Nato), but the Syrian flow is recent, even though the war has been ongoing for nearly four years.
I can’t help thinking that the recent falling out between Erdogan and NATO over bombing the Kurds and helping ISIS might have something to do with it. It has been reported (though to no great extent) that many of the arrivals on Greek shores came via the Turkish coast. Is Erdogan using the refugees as a human weapon of revenge?
Elsewhere, I have seen reports that the whole crisis is being engineered by the US (or at least a rogue part of its massive MIC) in league with people traffickers. Not so sure about his though numerous European websties have landed on that hypothesis.
e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_ViEyk-2zk
Another masterpiece-analysis by the Saker.
Absolutely the key part in the article is this:
” The EU is just a colony of the United States unable to defend her own interests
The EU is ruled by a class of people which are completely sold off to the United States. The best examples of this sorry state of affairs is the Libyan debacle which saw the US and France completely destroy the most developed country in Africa only to now have hundred of thousands of refugees cross the Mediterranean and seek refuge from war in the EU. This outcome could have been very easy to predict, and yet the European countries did nothing to prevent it. ”
I would add that the very population of EU is equally quilty as is their rulling class, because 99.999% of them pretended that it’s nothnig serious to destroy Libya. They just didn’t care.
They deserve these milions of refugees coming to them. And there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. I mean they cannot prevent it in any way anymore.
Had Russia invaded Ukraine, it would be millions more.
It is nor Russia that creates the problems of our world, it is the Anglo/Zionists. (Zionists more then Anglos, but they togather share all of responsability.).
I am only glad knowing that the EU must accept these people and milions more that are coming.
what you said apply equally, if not more so, to the Americans
When Euroland has instability capital flows to the US. US produces notable instability:
1. “Terrorist” attacks
2. Massive influx of refugees (US pays smugglers says Austria’s major news magazine, Info Direkt, sourcing the story to Austrian Intelligence).
3. Greece was “weaponized” against EU by the opening Goldman-Sachs trickery, then Standard & Poore’s downgrade at the strategic moment. Plus acute US pressure to accomplish the loans when even IMF objected.
4. Europe was compelled to participate in the derivatives debacle by an addendum to WTO which compelled them to accept this new “financial instrument”.
Strategic objective: irreversible econ merger of US & Europe.
GERMANY most likely onboard w the econ merger of US & Europe:
“Until now, [EU] has permitted the long-term development of Germany. This process cannot continue according to the same modalities. The EU cannot escape the crisis without setting up an economic cabinet managing a common economic policy, a harmonisation of economic growth and, to achieve that, without undertaking sizeable financial transfers to disadvantaged countries and regions. This political management is totally at variance with the simple Stability Pact promoted by Germany. The fiscal policy of accelerated deficit reduction, refloated for the sake of this pact, acts to the detriment of local purchasing power and is not realisable without recession. The euro zone can no longer be the preferred outlet for German exports. Germany has made its choice: that of the transatlantic market and the global market. ”
http://www.voltairenet.org/article166367.html – Jean-Claude Paye
Penelope, the TPP and TTIP are not ‘Free Trade’ pacts, but total takeovers of the target states and societies by US corporate interests and ideology. It is the definitive end of ‘democracy’ even in its Bowdlerised ‘Free Market capitalist’ form. It leads either to complete neo-feudal serfdom or revolt.
Mulga, You’re right. TPP & TTIP are practically the culmination of the NWO by “other means”. But of course these are being sold as facilitators of trade.
Haven’t you heard me– forever– saying that it is the institutions of the NWO that we must dismantle? As I’m sure you know, it is not just the aggression of the US that we must defeat.
WTO, NAFTA & the “free trade” pacts remove financial planning from sovereign govts– supposedly to give it to “the market”, but really to the banksters & their transnationals.
Europe is being weakened further by the refugee crisis and worsening economies; it makes them more susceptible to US pressure re TTIP, etc.
Nauseating, isn’t it?
Q; and that their peoples wanted to join forces.
R; Says whom?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t Europe been stumbling from one bloody conflict to the next, throughout its entire [known] history?
Since when do ‘their peoples’ do anything collectively?
The EU thingy was blue-happy-neveraskanyquestions-feelgood$$$financed propaganda from day one. They start in kindergardens and schools.
And in the few cases where some few countries’ peoples have had a referundum, it got repeates as often until it brought the wished results.
We in Eastern-Germany did not even have a referendum weather or not we would want to be annexed by the West. The whole story went through within several months, over. No referendum, only propaganda.
Same with the EU. All over the place (not limited to a specific country).
So you are correct by objecting to this way of expressing it.
Beware Russia ! Those immigrants are athletic males around twenty year old. They are potential mercenaries to be used against Russia who now find accommodation in old military bases of the Cold War era. It will be a long wearing war with conventional weapons. No European is willing to wage war against Russia, therefore these third-worlders drugged with Captagon will be the right fighters.
Don’t forget, Russia has been fighting the US trained and funded terrorists for the past 20 years.
As for “athletic males”… I wrote here about a prophetic poem of Alexander Blok, The Scythians, about Russia’s refusal to shield Europe from future barbaric forces
Islamic militant “jihadists are looking for fertile soil in Europe”
There is also a Vanga’s prophecy that in 2016 Europe will be desolate and abandoned.
Russia will be just watching.
Europe in free fall is karma… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22CrPtjODPY
Having worked on some elements of Euro Disneyland (in my former life’s career) I would say with some authority that Europe is in a demonic FantasyLand. There is no Magic, no Small World, no Tomorrowland.
It is a Phantasmagoric experience they project on the Circlevision of EuroReality.
Flawed as badly as any small freakshow carnival, the circus of EuroDepravity is not long for the world.
They have an enormous military that is frightened of their enemy (Russia). They send cannon fodder from dupe nations and terror groups to fight their battles.
They have been handmaiden to depravity on the continent for one hundred years, and now, have peaked out with Ukrainian nazism in all its sharpened degeneracy.
All the EU stands for is everything wrong with humanity. That is their mission statement and the abyss is their destiny. It is the E-ticket to Hell.
@Larchmonter445 on August 27, 2015 · at 10:39 pm UTC
Usually your comments are right on spot, but at this time I don’t know with whom did you get into a contact in Europe, but your description of Europe by your experience is unfortunately very false.
European people first of all were always forced to be in the war by the Empire. Europe is enjoying the life / not now of course / but they experience life not like from the fast train, because tomorrow is a day too. For Americans – TIME IS MONEY
Europe is NOT money obsessed like USA / money is God as it is written on the back of the dollar /even very famous Julia Roberts when she was making movie in Italy and later she had an interview with Oprah she admitted: ” We Americans we don’t know how to enjoy life, we are always thinking about money and work” our spiritual connection to the life was totally destroyed…………
My advise to you is , if you will ever have any opportunity to live in Europe with the typical European family your picture about a Europe and deep culture of Europe will change forever.
Disneyland in Europe is considered the place for brainwashed people and sheep- like culture and nothing else.
I’m sorry, but as it is.
I live in Europe and fully endorse the comment made by Larch.
Many Euro’s love the Empire, knowingly or unknowingly, and live handsomely because of it.
@ Larchmonter445,
Q; Having worked on some elements of Euro Disneyland (in my former life’s career) I would say with some authority…
R; I have to disagree with you on that one. Having worked near Paris doesn’t make you an expert or an authority on anything European. Personally, I find European history rather complex, especially with Germans dominating the royal courts and so many conflicts have been fought out, all over the place.
So, to grab a ‘general’ brush and start painting, results in a ‘general’ picture, with no specific details.
I made small edit to your comment. Play nice or you might not get to play at all. Mod ME
Dear Larch
Again your comment is perfect. The Sad part is that some European couldn’t be able to digest that they are the slaves of US. Just they couldn’t digest it. Also they could not be able to believe in their history of heinous crime they have committed before the WW1,2 and afterward with hands in glove with the US. Therefore they must pay the price with the generations to come and they should. Do they know what kind of plunder they have done and doing to Asia/Africa as a matter of fact. How many widows,orphans,disabled,etc they have created.
First they should find out these and do something to compensate that. Otherwise their CURSE would not leave them even in the hell……
Q; As for the armed forces, the very best they can do is to try to help close a border.
R; The only thing armies are supposed to do it protect borders against invading enemies/armies. Genuine refugees are neither.
Were we ‘lucky’ to be able to rummage around the globe, pillaging any country to our liking without much retribution for centuries on end?
@ Daniel R:
“Were we ‘lucky’ to be able to rummage around the globe, pillaging any count [..]”
Define ‘we’ though.
I sincerely dislike this collective guilt some people willingly assign to themselves [and others] when the majority are not to blame, nor benefited in any meaningful way from the crimes committed by a few.
There’s an old say where I come from: don’t pick up a cross that doesn’t belong to you. Alluding to when Jesus was forced to carry his own cross that was made to kill him after being declared guilty even though he was innocent.
The elites (or whatever you wanna call them) are psychopaths. Psychopaths project their guilt on their victims. In their eyes; it doesn’t matter what unspeakable evil they do to their victims, they don’t see themselves as evil, the victims are the evil ones who must be punished for their wicked ways. They see themselves as dark angels of ‘justice’ – I kid you not – that’s how sick they truly are.
By saying ‘we’ we’re validating their twisted projections onto us, or in other words; we’re picking up their crosses.
“[..] rummage around the globe, pillaging any country to our liking without much retribution for centuries on end?”
Yeah, but who profited from that vs. who’s paying the price for that?
Take the rampant illegal immigration in the US; I don’t need to tell you guys who’s profiting/benefiting from that, but the price is being paid by the American working-poor: the ones least to blame for the yank meddling in Mexico (or elsewhere in South America).
Same goes for Europe.
The working-poor in the so-called first world countries are saddled with ‘the worst of both worlds;’ their livelihoods are under fire from above [above = the higher classes; the ones forever seeking to exploit the lower classes] and from below [those who are even poorer than the working-poor themselves are = desperate immigrants], and on top of everything else; they can’t escape this ruthless onslaught by emigrating elsewhere: 1- by being poor, they can’t afford to 2- tough immigration laws in other countries apply to them even though the rules don’t seem to apply to the ‘illegals’ at home.
Europe has freedom of movement, yes, but the same principle of ‘worst of both worlds’ applies to the working-poor in the relatively better-off countries within the EU.
Take Germany as an example, I don’t see a German working-poor emigrating to places like Poland or Greece. If s/he can’t make it in one of the better-off countries, there is even less of chance for him/her to make it in one of the worse-off countries within the Union. Yet, the opposite applies; the Polish do emigrate to better-off countries within the Union. That’s why Poland is half empty!
Seriously, they are everywhere, them and Rumanians, and Lithuanians… don’t get me started :/
In Hungary there is only one way out of this. Put the army In the streets. These vermin must be cleansed from every village and city house by house, street by street. It can be done and must be done or all Europe will be destroyed by these tools of the minions of the Elders of Zion.
Hmmm,that could have come from a speech by Ferenc Szálasi.Not really someone you might want to sound like.
Who is Ferenc Salasi?
He was a leader of fascists in Hungary. (Kind of late comer.)
“These vermin must be cleansed from every village and city house by house, street by street”.
Vermin, huh ? Have you looked in the mirror lately ?
This is to me so clear for many years now that I find it hard to believe that most people do not see it.
I ask myself what could be done to make people aware of the reality. Informing about real facts like you do is great but is only people like me who allready know what´s going on that read it.
Nevertheless I´m glad this kind of news get published.
dear Antonio…that’s so funny, I actually think about this quite a bit….but the information war is a reality and usually I tell people at least once if not twice a day about Saker’s…and I actually know a couple of people that, a few weeks or months after I told them about it, that are coming here…one person said “every day”…
So its a small step in the right direction can get you to where you need to be…kind of a thing…
PCR as usual wrote something absolutely marvelous on this refugee topic here:
Look, for example, at the hordes of refugees from America’s invasions and bombings of seven countries who are currently overrunning Europe. The huge inflows of peoples from America’s massive slaughter of populations in seven countries, enabled by the Europeans themselves, is causing political consternation in Europe and the revival of far-right political parties. Today, for example, neo-nazis shouted down German Chancellor Merkel, who tried to make a speech asking for compassion for refugees.
But, of course, Merkel herself is responsible for the refugee problem that is destabilizing Europe. Without Germany as Washington’s two-bit punk puppet state, a non-entity devoid of sovereignty, a non-country, a mere vassal, an outpost of the Empire, ruled from Washington, America could not be conducting the illegal wars that are producing the hordes of refugees that are over-taxing Europe’s ability to accept refugees and encouraging neo-nazi parties.
The corrupt European and American press present the refugee problem as if it has nothing whatsoever to do with America’s war crimes against seven countries. I mean, really, why should peoples flee countries when America is bringing them “freedom and democracy?”
Nowhere in the Western media other than a few alternative media websites is there an ounce of integrity. The Western media is a Ministry of Truth that operates full-time in support of the artificial existence that Westerners live inside The Matrix where Westerners exist without thought. Considering their inaptitude and inaction, Western peoples might as well not exist.
More is going to collapse on the brainwashed Western fools than mere stock values.
Good article from PCR.I really always love it when people “tell it like it is”.There is far too much “diplomacy” i.e.double-talk in the world today.If a few powerful countries (who will remain nameless) would do more of that .We wouldn’t see as many problems as we have today.
Larchmonter445, I have great respect for you contributions here, which are usually astute, intelligent and well informed. With respect to your comment above however, I strongly disagree. Saker clearly outlines how the elites in Europe have been suborned and are controlled by the US/UK/Zionist alliance, but the history of the EU (formerly the EEC) is a largely noble one. A noble project that has been corrupted by the above controlled elites for many years now.
However, must EU citizens do not share the delusions of their US cousins. There is no RAH RAH for the military, nor for military insertions into other countries. Your suggestion that the EU has an enormous military is clearly wrong, and frankly, I’m surprised that such a comment originates from you. European nations largely don’t invest hugely in their armed forces. I’m sure you read the recent story about the massive underinvestment in the German forces, and lack of basic equipment and worn out armour and air assets. Being from Europe (Ireland), I travel within Europe, and speak with many Europeans who travel to Ireland, and for the most part, they are peace loving, decent people, who just want us all to get along, and to live reasonable lives, raising their families. In that, I am sure we are no different from most Russians. I greatly admire the Russian leadership, especially that of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, and the seemingly internationally unique and paramount classical diplomat, Sergie Lavrov.
The truth is that we are trapped within a financial system designed by the anglo-zionist banksters; this is a careening wildly out of control roller coaster, which is mortally dangerous to those who would attempt to get off. It may well be coming to its final denoument and implosion, please God, but my own, traditionally neutral country, has long since sold itself to the USA, at least at first innocently, thinking that the USA was the righteous leader it projected itself as. Even if our political leaders saw the need to disengage from the Empire, there is no way they could do it, as least in the medium term, as it would decimate our economy, and lead to massive unemployment, huge fall in the standard of living, and widespread poverty. No politician could sell that policy. It may be that it is in any case, not far in our future, if, as seems likely, the western system is in the process of imploding, with power gradually moving the the East.
Stuck in EU heaven and hell, Henri, you fail to recognize your military is NATO.
Hoping against reality, many Europeans cannot see the forest for the trees.
I spare nothing in looking at my former great nation and its people, and certainly would not give the Europeans any slack.
Peace-loving and neutral = sheep over here.
Most people love the notion of Peace. Claiming it is not noble.
What most folks fail to see is Evil triumphs when words replace action.
At some point, you have to stop the Tyrant. At least, mock them, shame them, reject them, throw an egg, sky-write over their assemblies.
In the US we at least have a few people who actively challenge the Tyranny of government and the Liberal establishment.
Since Europe is the womb of this Nazi evil, and you’ve all had about 85 years to prevent its return, I’d say you are doing a piss-poor job.
Where are the Irish protests of Kiev?
I see a few ex-German officials speak out, one German legislator (a woman), one PM in Hungary, one ex-PM in Italy who is due to go to prison, and maybe a few thousand here and there who stand and deliver.
As far as the European civilization as a collective of cultures and languages, it is lost in false pride and taken with itself. You are all in a pig pen built by US. You like bombing the hell out of people in third world nations. You tremble when a righteous nation stands and defies your absurd culture of Liberalism. Russia scares you because you know you are losers.
If some very good people are upset with my generalizations, I apologize to those very good people. They are the exceptions and should not feel the blunt end of my opinion.
Just as America has some very good people. But for 50 years, since JFK, too many fellow citizens have been happy to stick their head in the sand. And thus, our nation has been hijacked.
I am much worse with those who make excuses. We all have no excuse and should never defend what is going on in our name.
Henry Thoreau said it best when asked by Emerson why he was in jail. Why are you not in jail, was his reply.
Civil Disobedience. Once a great American instinct. Lost to fear and complacency. It has gotten us into the mess of the globe, the destruction of our economy and the loss of Freedom.
The reason Trump is dominating the scene is he has revitalized that spirit of resistance to the system. And no one can stop the momentum.
The same spirit could end the war in Ukraine and change the downward spiral. But too few have the courage of their “words”.
I don’t slice and dice and make nice with fundamental issues. Sorry I failed your expectations.
I’ve had enough dead and maimed children. I’ve seen too many women treated like animals. I see no justification for one more minute of the existence of the Kiev junta, any more than the weasels who go an train nazis, who don’t say no to bad orders cut by weak leaders.
Fragging was a great American invention in Nam.
There is no legal justification for anyone to do anything criminal just because the US has “arranged” prior consent from dictators to spew death and destruction on his people.
Europe is a travesty. Any noble notion about the EU is so long ago lost in criminality and evil that it cannot be used as a shield from the facts. Extinguish nazism, crush any government that attempts it, protest its armament, undermine its financing, and punish its perpetrators.
Thanks for the criticism. I failed to identify NATO as your military. And you are so naive, perhaps, that you think it isn’t. Where did it come from? Mars?
I’m just a simple guy, not sophisticated in multiple languages and politically correct Liberal gibberish. I judge others as I judge myself. Did I act? Did I do something? Did I resist? Did I speak up? Did I piss off the powerful?
Did I send some money to the other resistors?
We can all pamphleteer. But what matters, Henri, did I defy the tyrant?
They have no clothes, Henri. At least, mock them, laugh at their clownish ways, embarrass the assholes, and don’t be so damn afraid. The truth is the bullies are terrified of us.
Don’t defend a scintilla of their world, their existence, their power.
Its time for Runnymede II. Put a dagger to the throat of the King.
“The reason Trump is dominating the scene is he has revitalized that spirit of resistance to the system.”
I agree with you,he has become popular.But I find it ironic,him “resisting” the system.Its people like him that “are” the system.Somehow it usually ends up in the US that someone from the “elite of the elite” manages to convince the sheep…er…I mean voters that they stand for them.I never could figure out how dumb people have to be to buy that.To think how a man born into money,having it all their life,”somehow” understands how the “little guy” lives.How they struggle to make a buck,work two jobs sometimes (now days many times).Pay your kids school,pay taxes,pay rent or house payment (if your lucky).Worry over retirement,or if you can find time for any vacation.But yeah sure,a multi-millionaire tells me he “feels my pain” and I’ll trot on down to the polling station and vote for him.When oh when are people in this World going to grow a brain and stop buying that BS.If there is ever a choice in legislation between the poor and middle class suffering or the rich suffering.The leaders in the US will put in on the “people” any day.Because that is part of the “system” that no rich leader is “ever” going to resist.
yeah I bet you’re right Uncle Bob…if Trump does get in, things won’t get better….I know here a few weeks ago I had a false hope for a few days…actually I watched a Ron Paul Liberty Report about Trump and RP says such things, in such a way, as to make a person ‘get it’….
I think that Rand Paul is the only hope for a ‘cooling down’ of the problems today…and as you said a few days ago…he ain’t gonna win.
In politics in the US (probably the World as well) the person who might be good for the internal situation (the people) isn’t always good for foreign affairs.While the opposite is also true.I’m torn with Trump.I think he’d be a disaster for the people (me).But might be better on foreign affairs.So its a “rock and the hard place” for me.Its too early by far to know the end results.A year ago if anyone told me Trump might run and win an election I would have laughed at them.Now,I’m not so sure.I still think its a “long shot” on him.But much less of one than a year ago.
@ Uncle Bob:
“But I find it ironic, him [Trump] “resisting” the system. Its people like him that “are” the system. Somehow it usually ends up in the US that someone from the “elite of the elite” manages to convince the sheep…er…I mean voters that they stand for them”
^Spot on!
Years ago – back in my home country – we had a millionaire running for office, don’t ask me, I can’t remember who it was. But what I do remember is what the sheep, sorry, “voters” were saying about him: that he couldn’t be bought, like previous corrupt officials were, he couldn’t be easily bribed with money. Because… he already had all the money he needed and therefore he was unbribable.
Of course, they voted the fucker in and later they found out he was as corrupted as all the others…
I just though to bring it up because the similarities between that millionaire’s electoral campaign and Trump’s are hard to miss. Of course you wouldn’t know… hell! I can’t even remember the guy’s name! But for someone like me, who already lived thought it; it feels like Groundhog Day *eye-roll*
“In politics in the US (probably the World as well) the person who might be good for the internal situation (the people) isn’t always good for foreign affairs.”
^Another bull’s-eye!
While Sanders sounds like he could do some good for the American people, his foreign affair policy is, presumably, to continue with the current one. I said ‘presumably’ because we don’t seem to get a straight answer from Sanders when it comes down to foreign policy. I read an article (I think it was on Counterpunch) where the author was addressing this precise subject, and he couldn’t figure it out either.
It’s a bit like UK’s Corbyn, he sounds great on everything except tackling immigration, the very subject on everyone’s mind, not only in the UK but the whole of Europe, especially now with this refugee crisis. Alternatively UKIP has the immigration + anti-EU fairly covered, but some of their other internal policies are pro crony capitalism.
And then you have someone like Trump, who sounds good[ish] on foreign policy (especially in regards to mending relations with Russia) but chances are he’s out-right lying about whatever else he’s pledging to do.
sorry, by now I have lost all hope on Rand Paul as well. He’s tough on the surveillance stuff, true, but decided to bend 180% when it comes to the Iran deal. No hope. If he’s elected it will be even worse, as a big segment of the opposition from the anti-big-brother group will be gone.
Dear Ann
Nice to see your blog and happy to find out that finally you could see the things clear and clearer. As a matter of fact it is true if you say that Trump is NO NO. However “Rand Paul” is also a no HOPE. Don’t place any hope on USA in any form. As somebody said that Nazism didn’t die it just moved to USA many times bigger in form than scape goat “Germany”.
As a matter of fact when the west were not successful against destroying/occupying Russia then in the end the US/West bailed out the NAZIS/ZIONIST from the Europe to US mainly and once again the project started in a different form guise.
Make sense. Don’t place any hope on US whatever it touches it burns to Ashes. In fact it is burning itself too.
well, Sanjay, you live in another part of the world, so can predict catastrophe for the US without it being too ‘personal’.
I really like Ron Paul..I watch the Liberty Report whenever its a good one, I usually check it every day. And Rand Paul is supported by his father. Personally I don’t care too much for Rand Paul’s ‘image’ but there is a strong philosophy behind him…I don’t think he’s waivering from his father’s directions…so behind Rand Paul, stands Ron Paul, who is a great man.
And my opinion of Trump changed after I heard what Ron Paul said…its true…there’s no philosophy behind Trump except money money money
@ Uncle Bob 1 on August 28, 2015 · at 4:35 am UTC
When oh when are people in this World going to grow a brain and stop buying that BS.If there is ever a choice in legislation between the poor and middle class suffering or the rich suffering.The leaders in the US will put in on the “people” any day.Because that is part of the “system” that no rich leader is “ever” going to resist.
At least you said the World. You are correct.
It’s not Western Imperialism. It is (and always has been) a class war.
Perfect Larch, Thnx
That my friend, was very well said
Well said Lach445,
Nuland said it quite succintley “F*** the EU” – that summed up the US attitude.
We are the many – they are the few – yet very few fight back against the Nazi EU creation. It would crumble if we went after these jelly invertebrate idiots. Everytime I see the faces of those insipid unelected, gravy train, non-entity bureaucrats, swaning arounf doing nothing at all – it reiterates how low and far Europe has fallen.
The problem with the nice version of EU history is that there are some inconvenient areas. I read one of the founding fathers of the euro said that he knew it couldn’t work, but supported the idea as a way for the financiers and technocrats to gain control of the poorer countries. In other words, he said that only similar countries in northern Europe should use the euro, but it would be good to have what we have now. And some of the ideas, supporters, and documents for the EU come out of the same folks who wanted it for the Nazis to start.
So I see naive believers in the ideal of Europe as being similar to those in the Ukraine. I remember talking to many of them in the 1980’s and 1990’s. It was like a political religion – their hopium. If something goes wrong, just add more Europe. If someone is bad, he is insufficiently European. It was almost frightening to someone like me, who comes from a more skeptical view of the whole EU project. Instead of fixing the problems they have had, they have doubled down on more expansion and aggressive moves, which is quite dangerous. But, just as in the Ukraine, a lot of the public supported it.
@ Henri:
“[..] A noble project that has been corrupted by the above controlled elites for many years now”
How is the EU, or the EEC for that matter, noble? How is ‘free trade’ noble, in the moral/ethical sense of the word?
‘Free trade’ by including the very word ‘trade’ in its term it’s tied to: commerce, profit, material gain, returns, earnings, lucre.
Since when the worship of the mammon is “noble”!?!
Who benefits from this ‘free trade’?
… It ain’t the regular folk on the street, that’s for sure.
‘Free trade’ as well as its bastard cousin; the ‘free markets,’ are part of the neo-liberal economics designed to benefit no-one apart from a selective few.
And how is that working for us, the 99.9% of the world’s population? I tell you how: while the billionaires of this godforsaken world are happily “free-trading” with each other, the rest of us are either starving, or are one paycheck away from starving and/or living under a bridge.
As another fellow poster, Penelope (sorry; I don‘t know how to tag back to specific comments), rightly pointed out: that countries would greatly benefit by developing their own internal domestic trade, plus making themselves self-sufficient in food, energy (etc) – whenever possible – and by protecting their homegrown industries via things like importation tariffs, for example. And unquestionably that’s the right way to move forward in a collaborative and egalitarian sort of way, but that goes against the ‘interests’ of the oligarchs. It limits what they can do, it constricts them, it binds them by rules and regulations [such as the now defunct: Glass-Steagall Act – to name just one], the kind of stuff they like to call: ‘red tape,’ excessive legislation, command-and-control type central government… or my personal favorite of all the vile they spew: “Marxist policies.” (Bear in mind that these are the type of people who think Obama is a Socialist [!?!])
Simple rule of thumb: if it benefits the rich – and you’re not rich yourself – you ought to be against whatever it is that is being touted as the best new [or old] thing since sliced bread. It works with Western MSM propaganda too. Whatever they say, just assume the opposite is true.
@Henri: WTF??? A “noble project”?
You did not accidently read any of the other links I posted on this very page?
Great piece by the saker as usual.
If you destroy somebody else’s country, they have a right to come and live in yours. Europe has spent the last few centuries destroying other people’s countries. So the Europeans should save their frustration for themselves and recognize that the refugee crisis is just the chickens coming home to roost.
The high living standards that these refugees are seeking in Europe have been paid for by their forebear’s blood, sweat, tears and resources.
The European rampage has been going on since 1492.
It is time for it to end.
Absolutely right .
If you destroy their home they have a right to come and live in yours.
why isn’t this crystal clear to our pundits?
God, how I wish someone would say this straight out on prime-time TV.
Actually, it’s the kind of thing The Donald might blurt out if prodded in the right way.
Many of the countries that suffer because of the muslim illegal immigrants invasion (all coming through Turkey), are not responsible for the crisis and the wars the ravaged middle east.
Greece, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary are not imperialistic powers. There are more or less, economic colonies of USA-EU. Serbia was also bombed by NATO in 1999….
These countries and the respective peoples were occupied, enslaved and destroyed by Ottoman Turks for hundreds of years.
Which chickens are coming home to roost ?
In Balkans, christian european nations were ravaged by muslims.
The imperialistic countries were Britain, France, Germany etc. These countries supported Ottoman Empire against Russia
It is difficult to feel sorry for European countries being overwhelmed by refugees from pointless wars that Europe willingly supported and sometimes even lead. They ought to have stood up to the Empire. But no. Now they are fighting an unwinnable war against an invader that cannot be stopped: starving families fleeing for their lives. Obviously the lessons of WWII have been lost on the present generation of Europeans.
If anybody wants to know the real plan of the EU, then do research on Count Richard Nicolaus Coudenhove Kalergi. He is seen as the founding father of the EU.
In particular his book ‘Practical Idealism’ in which he talks of a plan to “turn the European into a mixed race of Asians and Negroes ruled over by the Jews.”
I provided links in a previous post, but I think the moderators rejected it.
The EU ,from starting out as a trading bloc of Germany,France,and the Benelux countries.Has morphed into a monster,that is devouring the “soul” of Europe.And destroying any claim to anything near to “European Values”.While their actions in Ukraine mirror the case of Spain in the 1930’s,almost completely.As in Spain,the only nation that tried to fight fascism there was Russia (in the guise of the Soviet Union).Stalin basically was the only European leader willing to help the Spanish anti-fascists.Their only other help coming from private anti-fascist volunteers from around the World.Also what’s happening in Ukraine today.While the fascists were aided by many European governments tacitly supporting them,or under the false claim of neutrality stopping aid to the anti-fascists.Germany and Italy openly played the role then that the US and Poland play in Ukraine today.Sending mass amounts of aid and “volunteers” to the fascists.The one big difference then was distance.The man of steel realized that Spain was too far to aid with a chance of victory.And was forced to give up the cause by that fact.While Russia,is right next door to Ukraine and is able to supply the anti-fascist forces easily.Today though I’m not sure I see a man of steel in Russia as there was in the USSR.So we’ll have to see if today’s leader becomes the man of steel that is needed to halt today’s fascism or not.
More good news
RUSSIA INC. The World Bank, using its PPP calculations, has decided that the Russian economy is bigger than the German one. Its top five are China, the USA, India, Japan and Russia. Its numbers put the BRICS GDP at 96% of the G7’s. The world is changing.
from One-Pager on Latest Developments in Russia (RF Sitrep 20150827)
The best commentary I’ve read to this newest anglo zionist created eurozone crisis is that suggestion that the dialectical solution will be a more centralized, more solidified iron grip over the will of the people, through a newer, better, EU2.0 where political power is much more efficiently wrested from the masses and centralized to a very small “technocratic” power elite. In other words, the idea is that the EU was designed to fail, as a necessary step towards furthering the anglo zionist controlled NWO. In other words, this appears to be part of a plan where the last vestiges of European national sovereignty will be dissolved. It’s time people wake up and break the yoke of the psychopath’s and the 1% ‘ers.
Not sure if everybody is aware of what the E.U. is and how old it really is:
“The (Zio!!!)Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’”
“””””The Dark Roots of the “Brussels EU”
This article highlights the birth place of the “Brussels EU” on the drawing boards of the Nazi/IG Farben-coalition for a post-war Europe under their control. It is an excerpt of the speech by Dr. Rath on the occasion of receiving the “Relay of Life” award from survivors of the Auschwitz concentration camp.”””””
The EU is the 4th Reich
Die Europäische Union ist das IV. Reich
Did you know? The EU flag is already 60 years old, and has always had _12_ starts, independently of the number of EG/EU member states!
8 December 1955
Who cannot imagine this that Hitler had already his “vision” and concrete plans for something like the EU, watch this Nazi poster from 1941:
It reads: “Europas Sieg ist Dein Wohlstand” (“Europe’s victory is your prosperity”)
It is a crazy zombified world: The MSM condemn everybody who dares to criticize the anti-democratic (and in fact Anti-European) dictatorial neo-feudal structures of the EU as being “AntiSemites” and “populist Nazis”.
While the CIA-funded so called “Antifascists” carry USA- and Israel flags with them.
Remember 1984: Nothing is like is seems! Right is left, peace is war, truth is lie.
For example, Juergen Elsaesser is a Pro-Russian Marxist, but all MSM and so called “Antifa” pseudo groups denounce him as being “a Nazi”, only because he dares to speak out the Anti-American truth.
Jürgen Elsässer – Montagsdemo ERFURT 26.Mai
Unfortunately even Russian blogs and media like RT or RT-Deutsch didn’t figure this out yet, and sometimes repeat the CIA-finances AntiRussian propaganda of the so called “Antifascists”, only because of their claimed name.
It is a complex nirvana here in Germany. Not easy to explain. Especially not to foreigners. Well, not even 85+ % of Germans have much of a clue.
Martin, Here’s a different kind of article on origin of EU. ORIGIN OF THE EU, Euro
The articles on voltairenet are available in German, Spanish, French, & about 3 others.
Penelope, thanks for the interesting article!
It’s sure a mistake that I don’t visit http://www.voltairenet.org so often anymore.
(Once or so per week there was some completely unbelievable Anti-Russia article for some reason, when I last looked in winter, so they must have been infiltrated already, it’s like with ZH, many excellent analyses and columns, then again disappointments)
Well, is describes the EU history from another angle than Dr.Rath (and Dr.Rath focusses a bit too much on I.G. Farben alone), nevertheless it fits together.
The hidden/secret connections were probably planned in private meetings and summits like Bilderberg. But the names are all there. Especially our polish “friend”.
It is unbelievable how much this all differs from the MSM fairy tales.
Will read it again after some rest (now 5:45 am).
I caught this on Unz first and didn’t realize it was Saker… Thought it was brilliant. No wonder! :-)
This will be my third and last attempt.
My previous comments appear to have been moderated to the trash bin (or maybe the moderators are just busy).
Please note: your comment has been move to ‘thesaker’ for approval or disapproval for posting on his blog. thesaker is the final arbiter of comments. moderator-hs
Dear The Saker,
as for the police, special forces, army: We must add EuroGendFor, very important.
Because they were created with the current problems already on the horizon. They shall use paid mercenaries of _other_ EU countries to do dirty jobs in case of riots. I underlined _other_ because that’s their key concept, if regulary police or army of a country would normally refuse to shoot against their own citizens (well, so much for the theory, sigh).
The “European Gendarmerie Force” Project: EU Creates Legal Framwork For “Military Use” against its Citizens
The European Union prepares the ‘solidarity clause’ framework
The European Gendarmerie Force: The Prospect of Mass Civil Unrest in Europe
Mercenaries Above the Law
It is (already!) EU’s secret hidden and private army.
Thank you for your article which truly reflects the incompetence of the Eu and its corrupt policies. For me this influx of refugees is a direct consequence of the US and Nato foreign meddling in countries that have nothing to with us. Europe seems to be run by people without a vision and the consequences are at our door step. The US has the habit of causing trouble away from their immediate borders, basically this influx will not affect them, therefore let the pot be stirred is their memo.
There is no good solution for this problem as you so well stated so we only have left are the lousy consequences.
I really don’t understand why my comments are being rejected.
[you have told Daniel to play nice, but what about me?]
Yours are awaiting a decision from the “highest authority”. Mod ME
Ok thanks for answering …
I will await the ‘higher powers’ for judgement.
I didn’t realise that I had raised points about the EU that was “too hot to handle”.
I didn’t realise that I had raised points about the EU that was “too hot to handle”.
Moderation is often a judgement call. It has nothing to do with “too hot” or not. Sometimes it can be “too stupid” or “too nauseating” or plainly a non-sequitur.
Mods are doing a hard and important job.
Please do not make snide comments about them or act like you are entitled to anything.
Thank you.
The Saker
[Ouch] point taken.
I did not mean to offend …
I was just frustrated at what I thought were valid comments – sorry if the quote was ‘nauseating’ – which is exactly my point – they were the words of an EU founding father.
Now I will pull my head in.
I think the EU has become more of a military project than economic.The latest additions (Romania, Bulgaria) have no economic grounds to be included in the EU. These countries are included to be used as NATO nests against Russia of course. As for the refugee catastrophy, it is the continuous US/NATO warfare destroying somehow functional states and replacing them with chaos, civil war and on top of that the IS. Europeans (some or maybe most of them) are stupid to realize that it is their own fault.
You are right there.It may have started for economic reasons.But in the last years they have certainly become less important than the geo-political and military policies of the US and her stooges.
Of course we know the solution:
To return to constitutional monarchy like 100 years ago.
But we are not allowed to talk about it.
Con saludos cordiales
Vladimir Fabian
If you have so much desire of monarchy, just get the Spanish monarchy, for you forever.
Monarchy in the XXI century is anachronistic and much more living in a context of perpetual economic crisis.
If at any one should be more austere, it is in this. What sense does it make obeisance to a guy who is just like you and live a life of idle luxury thanks to your taxes?
For those who understand Spanish, I leave the last edition of Fort Apache before the summer break:
“New king, old monarchy”
With the presence of Juan Carlos Monedero, Manolo Monereo, and the scourge of the Spanish monarchy, Iñaki Anasagasti, deputy of the Basque Nationalist Party.
Despite talking of Spanish monarchy, could be applied to other European monarchies, and many interesting comments are made across the board.
I’ve always been torn on Monarchy.It the old days it was used as a way to check the power of the “mighty subjects” i.e the 1%,to oppress the “common people” (the good Tsar and the bad Boyars ,etc).But in those days Monarchs actually ruled their countries.Today they are almost all (maybe different in some parts of the World) symbolic only.And they are in league with,or bow down to,the 1%.Their political influence is minimal at best.And they are just a “glorified” CEO,without the powers of a CEO.No matter what type of government is in office they are required by laws to just smile and read the governments program, as if they approved it.They may of course approve it.But in a case of them not,that wouldn’t really matter, they still must sign the programs/laws the governments put in front of them.If they refuse,that would lead to a constitutional crisis.And probably the end of the Monarchy in that particular country.
“Their political influence is minimal at best.And they are just a “glorified” CEO,without the powers of a CEO.No matter what type of government is in office they are required by laws to just smile and read the governments program(….)”
Nothing further away from reality. If you could have seen the debate, which link I put in my post, you could check that what you say, which is what they would like you to see, the monarchy and the powers they represent, is far from the truth.
Fortunately, there are people conscious and oriented, like Manolo Monereo, who tells us that in Spain, the monarchy, away from having a representative or wall paper, sends commands and besides a lot. This monarchy, imposed by the fascist dictator Franco and underpinned by the US Embassy in Spain as a preventive measure against the leftist forces during the Cold War or any possible resurgence of these same forces now or in the future, has the supreme command of the Armed Forces, and is written in the Constitution that the Armed Forces are those who guarantee the rule of law based on the Constitution. So, as Manolo Monereo says, the king in Spain commands, and sends a lot. Monarchy in Spain forms a conglomerate, very well intrincated, with the ruling oligarchy of the country, those whose companies are listed on the IBEX35, and the army. Indeed, corruption scandals that have punctuated the Royal House, consist in collecting millions in commissions by some members of the Royal Family from these oligarchs whose power they are there to guarantee. And many people wonder about the origin of the enormous fortune the old former monarch has, which ranks him as one of the richest people in Europe and the world, when he was a poor king in exile when Franco rescued him to be imposed to us as king.
Although in this blog we have awakened to the handling of US and the ruling oligarchy against Russia, still we have a long way to be really awakened. Some more than others, of course. One wonders why they/you in the US support so much certain European monarchies while in their/your country they/you enjoy a Federal Republic, corrupt to the core, yes, but ultimately a Federal Republic……
I don’t know as much about the (modern) Spanish monarchy as some others.So I’ll take your word on it.As for why the US is so interested in “monarchs”,its because they are “celebrities” and Americans are fascinated by them.As to your other theory,I’m not sure about.I don’t know if having one corrupt family in power is any worse than having a new corrupt leader come to power every few years.The track record for “Kings” I don’t see as any worse than so called “republican” leaders of nations.And as I said, in past times they were a “refuge” for the “common people” against the “lords” that ruled them directly.A lot of people today can’t understand how at the beginning, the rise of “absolute monarchy” was considered an advancement in society.And welcomed by most of the people in those countries.It was because by giving absolute power to the monarchs it took power away from the “great lords”.Who were always striving for power and destroying their countries to get it.History is replete with cases of a weak ruler coming under the influence of the mighty lords and the country suffering because of it.Spain has a long history throughout the 17th century of that happening.That century was the “century of decline” for Spain.And much of that can be laid at the feet of ,great lords and weak kings.Russia had that around the same time,as did France.And Germany and Poland were disaster’s because of it.Whether monarchies can exist in a modern age? I don’t know.But its important to remember that most European countries exist today because of monarchies of the past.The unity of Spain only existed because the Kingdoms of Castile and Aragon were united under Ferdinand and Isabella.Italy under the House of Savoy,France under the Valois and Bourbons,and the UK,the House of Stuart.Hungary’s claim to their territory is called the “lands of the Crown of St Stephan,and the Czech Republic was formed because of claims to the “Crownlands Of the Bohemian Kingdom”.While Poland claimed their current territory because of the “Piast Kingdom’s lands”.Would those countries have formed without those monarchies?Who knows.But in many cases its doubtful.Some are (or where) multi-ethnic.And probably wouldn’t have united if they hadn’t owed loyalty to a King,who didn’t care the ethnic designation of his subjects.Russia is another good example.It was the Tsars,that “gathered the Russian lands ” together.So as the history of nations is important to me,I’m not doctrine on what “should be” in their being today.I just hope for the best for them.
Couldn’t agree more. Nice insight of French politics. Back to “Zones de non droit”, there was a sterile and utterly skyzophrenic polemic on French TV a couple of months ago when some US media (Fox New I believe) paraphrased the concept to “No Go Zones” in English. French pseudo hyped-left TV Channel Canal+ steered the polemic up to official apologies from Fox News, while they just copied-pasted what is originally a French concept (Zones des non droits). It tells a lot on political correctness and taboos in France and how media can play the role of watchdogs on payroll. Same goes with the denial campaign they unleashed on “conspirationists” in the light of unfolding events in Ukraine, MH17, Paris terract “Je suis Charlie”…
Well you get the picture….
In details on the situation in France, there’s a dimension not to be ignored and that is the level of social benefits France (at the same level of Scandinavian countries) can offer to refugees upon their entry on the territory. The idea of “delai de carrence “ (a few years before accessing that help) to let those people hasn’t made its way yet like in the UK (where social benefits are much less generous), but there’s a growing sentiment that people are kind of sponsoring financially their own genocide by replacement of population (true of wrong). Figures advances of the real costs of immigration are estimated by some to €70Bln-90Bln by some, but then again no means to verify that assessment and whether this is a net-net account or not.
With regards to No Go zones and people changing living places, as far as Greater Paris region is concerned I confirm there is a real musical chairs game ongoing here
Immigrants are a small percentage of an affected population that vote with their feet.
These persons, when they have arrived in their host country are actually greater contributors to their new found society than the average local resident. It just takes them a while to get on their feet.
Search for Prof. Don J. Devoretz, specialist in immigration economics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC. Canada. He has been publishing in this area since the 1980’s and is advisor to the Canadian Federal government.
That all depends on the country and the type of immigrant.When I say “type” I don’t mean racial or religious grouping.I mean socio-economic type’s.And if they have the ability or desire to assimilate into the country they immigrate to.In the past (I’m not sure how it is today) in Canada,Australia,and New Zealand you had to be able to support yourself for a time.You had to have a job available for you.And you had to have a skill needed, or that couldn’t be filled by citizens of that country already.I had a friend whose wife fit all that criteria.But it took him months to be able to immigrate and join her. As he didn’t have a skill that wasn’t already available.He had “some money”, and had to found his own company so he could be classed as someone bringing new business into the country to get his residence permit (this was in Canada in the 1980’s).Those types of immigrants are the ones that bring benefits when they immigrate to a country.Mass numbers of people,uneducated in the main.That the host countries have to retrain,support,and house.Many of whom come from (or later acquire) criminal backgrounds.And a very many of whom have no desire to assimilate to the nations culture,are not a benefit to the host country.One small example.There are millions of immigrants from Central America that since the 1980’s have flooded to the US (especially the Southwestern US).A large number of them (not nearly a majority though) came from, criminal and/or political criminal backgrounds, in the countries they immigrated from.The violent youth gangs that plague Southwestern cities were founded in many cases,or gained many recruits in other cases,from those elements.Now I’m fully aware that if it wasn’t for the US destabilizing the countries they came from they wouldn’t have left there lands.Its a bit of karma biting the US because of that.But none the less those are the facts on that case of immigration.
Yes I agree with Uncle bob there…immigrants take away jobs from locals…the dispicable lazy locals according to many…yeah right….
Well, I was born here and does that give the gov the right to judge me ?
Dear Ann
How you would respond to the fact that the West has destroyed the nations after nations? Aren’t they responsible to restoring (which they can’t) their life? At least immigrants haven’t destroyed any nations after nation. Aren’t the West destroyed their entire livelyhood and made them widowed, orphan,hadicapped etc. etc. for centuries? Isn’t it???
How would you respond to these? Do you think for all these misdeeds and crime “Jesus” would come fix those nations? By the way this is the western Church says that commit any crime but Jesus would come forgive and take our sin to HIMSELF. If this is true then the Western Entire Systems make a complete sense…….
Oh BTW Ann, how do you know which part of the world I am now? You would be in awe if you know where I am now and where I am going tomorrow.
Yes, Sanjay, you have a good point there. And I don’t think that Christ forgives all those terrible deeds…of course not. Those people aren’t real Christians … the God those neo-cons and their ancestors worship and follow is not Christ.
And I would love to know where you are and where you’re going tomorrow !! I stay at home every day of every year with my animals….5 horses and two big dogs….I just try to earn enough so they can keep eating….
Take care dear Sanjay !!
Varoufakis in conversation with leading academics as Syriza splinters and election beckons in Greece
Yanis Varoufakis (TC) : When Yanis Varoufakis was elected to parliament and then named as Greek finance minister in January, he embarked on an extraordinary seven months of negotiations with the country’s creditors and its European partners.
Varoufakis is part of the same corrupt oligarchic elite. He also supports EU and NWO
re: “The sad reality is simple: the EU is a US colony, run by US puppets who are simply unable to stand up for basic and obvious European interests.”
This might be the optimistic take on things. For a long time, Europeans have been frustrated that they were caught between the US and USSR and wanted a seat at the table. This they have achieved at a terrible cost. They created an empire in a hurry, without the normal steps of development that took past empires a hundred years or so to achieve. It was a forced growth, and unnatural. What has been particularly absurd is being based on the US military. How can you be a self-respecting power when someone else calls the most important shots?
Good essay, by the way.
The Western mind, now long under the influence of the Anglo Saxon Billy Goat Gruff is a retard.
Well, retard is unrealised potential as in adults behaving like children just as EU now believes in Uncle Sam.
Why are my comments always rejected?
Are you a front site for the retards we know as USA?
Comments under question are moved onto thesaker for review. He makes the final judgement. I would suggest less use of the word ‘retard’ and a well reasoned response to the topic thread.
mod hs
you make some excellent points. I had coffee last weekend with a woman who works on the front lines of the this battle in southern germany. One of the concrete steps that the german gubmint HAS made is to assign a new status to ALL “refugees” coming from the lads of the former Yugoslavia. Those countries are now not considered endangered and so all applications for asylum are denied inclkuding those of people who have been waiting for years in asylum homes after going through the legal process.
She was beside herself with genuine , front-line, grief over the fates of these people who have NOTHING and nowhere to go other than a busride back the lands they fled.
There is no heart in this decision, it is simply a calculation which the muftis believe is sellable.
Also, its not that states should not have refugee acceptance procedures nor migration policies but they are not equal to one another and should be defined and regulated seperately. Addditionally, to ignore the home-made causes of the plight of the MILLIONS that are now on their way to Europe is to deny their own culpability in the hegemonic policies which continue to drive this huge wave.
The mess Europe is facing is a perfect example for the triple purpose of war.
– Your create problems for your geopolitical adversaries – since you have the initiative, you can try to make sure the the burden of the consequences is shifted as much as possible to your adversary. And you can cover your war costs by plundering the target’s resources. If all this should not go well, never mind. Its the lower class of your population who pays.
– You scare your own population into submission, and particularly those who have something to lose. These are exactly the ones who could have the resources and the potential to give you political problems. Scare them until they do not dare to think about what is going on. The blowbacks of your wars are perfect for this purpose.
– You brake the civil society of your war theatre for decades, if not centuries. This makes sure that you can control a colonial regime being dependent on you, and the simmering violence from the recent war gives you the perfect tool to brake any attemps for a self-determined development.
Above all, you can blame any problems on your adversaries, of course they caused it, you are at war with them. And you are loved by your military industry, it will pay off. And you can use the consequences of your wars to destablize your competitors. A mixture of forced migration and well arranged terrorism – their “security” services will support this game, it creates legitimation for their budgets and power – can mess them up pretty well.
Your crime should be monstrous enough that you get away perfectly with it.
And the European political elites gave the make wars approach a try without realizing that these wars are indirectly targeting Europe in particular – they thought they will get their share as junior partners. And now they refuse to realize the huge mess they steered Europe in.
There IS a way to get rid of the invaders. Just ask the Algerians how they sent back some 1 million of them in less than 1 year, back in 1962.
This should raise some eyebrowes: According to the following video filmed in Mazedonia, many “refugees” throw away their food, water and clothes which they received from help organizations:
Migrants´ invasion – we´re taken for a fool:
Also they appear to be like normal poeople making a walk in nature, rather than de-hydrated poor refugees.
There are those true refugees, but it’s only a fraction.
Sorry: the rest appear to be migrants who want to have a better life by obtaining social benefits in Germany or Sweden.
What is being done for all the jobless and homeless westerners who cannot find a job for 10 or 20 years and need to live under bridges???
That’s the point that enrages many here.
One has to see it from all perspectives.
I know that the West is responsible for destroying most parts of the world.
And those MSM consuming zombies are the ones who let that happen by their stupidity, zombification and otherwise inaction.
On the other hand not everybody falls into this category. And nevertheless could not prevent his own Government from co-destroying Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Irak, Libya, Syria.
There are endless amounts of injustice on all sides.
And some are getting richer through the suffering of others.
This includes the migration industry, as one should meanwhile call it. It makes some “good very human NGO’s” very rich.
Also it helps destabalizing all of Europe. Somebody behind the scenes appears to have this on his TODO list. And this somebody appears to be well connected to the western MSM.
(Apologies if the bottom link has already been shared)
@ Martin from S.E.B.:
“[..] Also it helps destabalizing all of Europe. Somebody behind the scenes appears to have this on his TO-DO list [..]”
The European Union is blind to the military strategy of the United States –
by: Thierry Meyssan (14 May 2015)
“[..] So now we are faced with two problems which are developing very rapidly: the ‘Islamist’ attacks have only just begun. Migrations across the Mediterranean have tripled in a single year.
If my analysis is correct, over the next decade we will see more ‘Islamist’ attacks linked to the greater Middle East and Africa, doubled with Nazi attacks linked to Ukraine. We will then discover that al-Qaïda and the Ukrainian Nazis have been connected since their common inception, in 2007 at Ternopol (Ukraine) [..]”
“All this will cause serious trouble in the European Union, which today seems like a haven of peace. It is out of the question for Washington to destroy this market which it still considers indispensable, but to ensure that Europe will never enter into competition with it, hence the desire to limit its development [..]”
“The Wolfowitz Doctrine explained that the guarantee of US supremacy over the rest of the world demanded the curbing of the European Union. In 2008, during the financial crisis in the United States, the President of the Economic Council of the White House, historian Christina Rohmer, explained that that the only way to refloat the banks was by closing the fiscal paradises in the third countries, and then to provoke trouble in Europe so that capital would flow back to the United States. Finally, today Washington is proposing to merge the NAFTA and the EU, the dollar and the Euro, dragging the member states of the Union down to the level of Mexico [..]”
Link: http://www.voltairenet.org/article187588.html
All of the above, toppled with the more recent rumors about the US bank-rolling the traffickers who are smuggling refugees into Europe at profits way higher than those paid by smuggling drugs or other assorted contraband…
….it’s all beginning to sound rather plausible to me.
TL2Q, and the Wolfowitz Doctrine leaves precisely who in charge of this New World Order? Why, Wolfie, and the rest of the neo-conservatives’ very own tribe, who else. All done in plain sight, all, not denied, because mere mention of this reality is absolutely banned throughout the Western MSM.
Yup, Mulga. It also dates all the way back to Operation Gladio, an illegal CIA subversive operation to obstruct political dissent in Europe, particularly that of leftist, socialist and communist persuasions. That’s another subject banned in Western MSM even thought it’s merely a historical fact, not a tinfoil-hat theory.
[Here’s s short piece on Gladio>] http://www.truthmove.org/content/operation-gladio/
It’s a shame the USSR weren’t more active back in those dark days to counter Gladio, the world would be a different place right now if they did, I don’t know if better, but certainly different. However, we can’t really blame the Soviets since I’m sure they were stretched thin trying to rebuild their home lands after WWII. The US didn’t have such constrictions so they were free to run amok in pursuit of their world domination aspirations.
Hm, the Eastern Bloc was active… but from this example you can best see the real level of intensity and pervasiveness of Western propaganda, which went to great (even “Orwellian”) lengths to discredit all rumors regarding Gladio…
Is it possible that some people in the countries of origin also have their eye on teh main chance and are perfectly capable of making quick tactical and even strategic decisions? That people who may have been thinking of getting to the West for a long time see this as a good time to make a break, to join the trek, when defenses of various kinds in western Europe are down?
It seems to me that they have every right to do this.
One of the fundamental ideas of capitalism is the idea of entrepreneurs taking risks when the see a good opportunity. Maybe some of the refugees/migrants are also exercising entrepreneurial or at least risk-assessment skills, seizing an opportunity to get around some of the rules generally in place and taking a risk to get something valuable. . . ?
Just wondering. Seems like wha’t sauce for the gander. Westerners have come to their shores uninvited to take what they could with the means at their disposal. So maybe these people are now coming to westerners’ shores to take what they can get with the means at THEIR disposal.
Indeed, Martin from S.E.B., I have commented on this above. These on the video, at least the large group of young people dressed in the western style, strong and healthy, without family, which appear at the beginning, are not immigrants fleeing from anything, that’s for sure, and they waste water and food because they have the pockets full of dollars, for sure. Someone has set that their clothing is identical to that of the maidanites, more specifically of the murderers in the House of Unions in Odessa, i.e. t’shirts and denim bermuda? In Syria, wear shorts is frowned upon in men. This is clearly the uniform of the “Colour Revolutionaries” who they are spreading now around Europe. These ones are mercenaries who will remain dormant until someone ordered them to act, I play the neck.These ones are the same who ignited Syria, those so called “rebels” seeking for “democracy”.
There is no work for all these people in Europe; in places like Spain there is an army of unemployed who are already migrating to other European countries, including Germany, especially the best prepared.
Here nobody wasted neither water nor food, even those who have no need. I, even when I am traveling, with much effort saving all year, never throw food or water. Many people in Europe who are looking in dumpsters, gladly would accept leftovers they have left on the lawn. These are mercenary scoundrels, I have no doubt.
Namely what they are preparing to us, Martin…..
Hi elsi,
sorry, didn’t see your comment in realtime.
You are absolutely right. My brother’s wife is from Catalonia, so I know the situation in Spain a (small) bit.
I also can tell you, that millions of germans need to search the trash cans for old bottles, because some of them are redeemable for 0,25 EUR.
My aunt has worked 40 years in West Germany (on the other side), she was a very good and work-loving woman. Sh lived below the poverty line until she died empoverished also last year.
I can assure you that I myself turn the EUR coin 10 times before I buy some food. I try not to spend more than 10 EUR per week, which is almost impossible.
And there are literally millions of people (either attempting to find work or having a jovb with such a bad pay, that they must work in 2 or 3 “jobs” simultanously.
And then we have the western MSM who tell folks overseas that allegedly “Germany urgently needs qualified workers”. which is a HUGE LIE, big time (search for “Fachkraeftemangel on youtube).
And then you have to see such scenes, imagine: Африканцы берут Балканы штурмом https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whXAriF-_wM
And: To get there those folks paid more $$$ in cash, than most of the average / lower class Germans have seen in years!
And worst: It’s not only injust and unfair to those native EUropeans who find it hard to pay all their overpriced taxations and bills (you know it from Spain), but at the same time there simply IS NO PERSPECTIVE for all those who come here.
In the very moment the government will ever stop to give them $$$, free education, free healthcare and a few hundred EUR per month on top of all the rest, they will start a civil war against old EUropean natives.
Wait and see …
p.s. The german government is doing everything it can to bring in all the population of this planet into Germany:
Here is a clip by the Federal Office for migration (Bundesamt für Migration) whioch explains in 9 languages how to apply for so called “Asylum” in Germany. Watch and wonder… http://www.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Videos/DE/BAMF/ablauf-asylverfahren.html;jsessionid=0621C08981A93FB2DF693F09E52556A9.1_cid359?nn=1367542
And the MSM help them with it is the same hysteria that they show when trolling aginst Russia. In both of these subjects (and all similar ones) Whoever dares to disagree with the official western narrative is “a bad Nazi” plus in addition to that a “conspiracy theorist” and God knows what elseonly .
It’s a media dictatorship, worse than ministery of truth …
@ Martin;
“And there are literally millions of people (either attempting to find work or having a job with such a bad pay, that they must work in 2 or 3 “jobs” simultanously.
And then we have the western MSM who tell folks overseas that allegedly “Germany urgently needs qualified workers”. which is a HUGE LIE, big time [..]”
Class-war baby, it’s aaaaall about class-war; as it’s always been.
Quote: “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning” – Warren Buffet.
And now (at least in Europe); brown is beautiful [and/or black/Muslim] and everybody else outside those ‘ethnic’ definitions can go and die on a ditch for all ‘they’ care…
…because; so long ‘they’ have a steady and unlimited supply of underclass-drones diligently willing to do the jobs they don’t wanna do themselves, they can’t care less if they’re brown, black, white, yellow, striped or spotted.
Welcome to all the “goodnesses” of being born into an unjust, hierarchical system, Martin :/
Hi TL2Q,
I fully agree with you.
Somewhere I also wrote “the poor of a rich country are once again paying for the rich of a poor country”.
Only a correction in terms my personal case:
> Welcome to all the “goodnesses” of being born into an unjust, hierarchical system
—>> Fortunately not true for me, because I wasn’t born into this system but later color-revolutionized into / annexed by it.
The system I was born into was (with all shortcomings) several million times better:
“Let’s go” – V put’ (в путь) in german – Nationale Volksarmee March
Berlin, Hauptstadt der DDR Teil 1 / Берлин, ГДР
Guten Tag, Zollkontrolle der DDR! 1/2
Immer lebe die Sonne – Пусть всегда будет солнце
@ Martin:
“[..] ‘being born into an unjust, hierarchical system’
Fortunately not true for me, because I wasn’t born into this system but later color-revolutionized into / annexed by it.
The system I was born into was (with all shortcomings) several million times better [..]”
I do hope I’m reading you right, (if not: apologies in advance) I say that, mainly because I don’t speak German (hence; as much as I’d like to – I can’t check the links you provided…)
In a way, same applies to my case; I was born in a country that was doing relatively well up until the CIA decided to mess around in our internal politics, bank-roll the oligarchs, embolden the extreme right-wing fringe movements, kidnap, kill and torture anyone who resisted them, helped to usher-in a violent dictatorship (like Pinochet’s one, to give you a close analogy).
All of that; set our nation’s natural development back: 20 or 30 years.
If we would have been left alone, we would have a socialist democracy (similar to those in the Nordic European countries) by now.
But thanks to their pindo/gringo meddling… that destiny was robbed from us :/
TL2Q: Yes, so to speak: My home country was Soviet East-Berlin/East-Germany/GermanDemocraticRepublic, now it’s being run by Nazi-NATO’s puppet Merkel. Different from living under US backed Pinochet’s dictatorship inside Chile, but as a matter of fact even deadlier. Only diff: Those victims are 1800 kilometers and further away.
When you listen to the many faux-truthers in the alternative press, it is this decoy NWO to which they point as they make their fearful predictions in order to create an emotional reaction within their viewers/readers/listeners. They portray it as an evil Zionist/Nazi/Neocon monster that is destroying the world and bringing humanity to the brink of World War 3. This is being done so the public will welcome the real NWO when it makes its move, defeats the decoy, and snatches peace from the jaws of war.
Alot of bla bla bla.
Disagree with alot of things in this article.
EU.. No sense at all? Even “,off course”? Grr.. What kind of bullied way to write opnions.
Alot of this article makes no sense at all, offcourse. Haha.
Not even going to decypher case by case in this article, because there is sooo much to comment on:(
“Sidebar: to my American readers who might think “so what? we have ghettos in the USA too” I will say that what the French call “zones de non-droit” (non-law zones) are far worse than anything you could see in the USA. And keep in mind that no country in the EU has the kind of huge, militarized, police forces which every major US city now has.
First comment on that paragraph in the article: *******.
We do not have anywhere close to such curcumstances in west europe as there is in certain parts of the big cities in usa.
For example in new york, part of the city had been in “no zone” for the police for many years. Almost all left for the citizens to fend for it self.
(Maybe france has some areas that can resemble. Maybe Italy can feel like it when the Mob is getting to active once in a while. But nothing close to how it was in new york).
Or how about Detroit?
We do not have anywhere close to those levels of violent crimes against civilians or so many mass murder sprees.
Even Drink and Drive is considered grave sin in much of europe. While in usa it varies alot. Mostly mister minor fines. Like a joke.
And usa not big diffrences?
Only outsider would consider usa as “1 nation with common people”. Usa is vastly differated.
Only thing common about usa is that its controlled by a common elite all over the states.
But inside each states, there is huge diffrences between cultures and way of lives etc between midwest states, west, new york area, california area, north (Montana, Minnesota, etc).
Enough big diffrences to easily evolve into civil wars or spark/ignite color revolutions some time into the future.
Even a big portion of the black population is in jail, and the spanish decendants/mexico is soon biggest race in usa. All with minor influence in the usa gov or at the “usa driver seat” at the moment.
It costs a fortune to become a senator. (Either own money or someone elses money).
So yes EU countries may be very diffrent cultures. So is usa actually.
Eu may have many cultures living each with their own community. But so is actually usa also!.
Usa has many “integrated” into the mass “mainstream” culture. But yes even that is happening in EU states. Its just bs that noone in eu integrates. But agree that it may be a litle bit less then what
I agree with you there and I personally dont think America is a “melting pot of cultures” as this article states, and the various cultures in America are definitely not integrated.
A famous British musician visited the US once and in an interview he said he was very struck by the way the various races seemed to live seperate lives, i.e. the blacks had their own areas they lived in, the hispanics had their own areas and the whites had their own areas and non of the various races mixed with each other apart from when they go to work, and once work was over they all went their seperate ways to their own areas so its nonsense to say they are a melting pot of cultures. And racism is endemic and institutionalised in America to a much higher degree than it is in Europe. Im not really sure where he got the “no go zones” from either as violence between citizens and shootings is completely off the charts in America when compared to Europe, we dont have black people being gunned down by killer cops practically every day in Europe.
Certainly, know the truth, even though some have used this thread to pick on Europe here we still retain something of the mythical welfare state which was always the envy of the world, and, of course, any hint of racism is, at least for now, frowned upon. In the area where I live and move, Basque Country and the French Basque Country, the immigrants live together with locals in working-class neighborhoods, and here, both in the Spanish side as the French, many people have adopted children from all races, something that, I guess, is certainly difficult to see in US.
The police, by now, is not engaged in harassing anyone of different race or style, and, mostly, you can still count on them to protect you or help you in something.
The other day I was told by one person in the US, that there if you do not look like a white banker, the police will not let you in peace. Well, here one can go hippie dress as it pleases, even something I do in my free time, with the guarantee that no one will bother you.
Europe’s problem is their rulers sold to or blackmailed by the US, but this is about to change.
That which insinuates Larchmonter about people not moving at all here, it is not true, people is moving very much, especially since the beginning of the 2008 “crisis/fraud”, and people have made efforts to change, at least here in Spain. That they are not all aware of the many conflicts that develop outside Europe, and supported by European leaders not by the population, it is true, but this is due to the continuous disinformation to the population through the mass media, mainly now in hands of transnational capital, mainly of US origin, which, for now, is where people are informed, mostly.
On raising their voice, it was here in Spain where people burst into the streets/squares against the system, which was called “Indignados Movement” or “15M”, and on support economically, this is only possible if one has money to support, but at least in my turn, the Basque Country is considered as one of the most supportive parts of Europe, and perhaps even of the world.
Here in Europe, we still retain a public health system and education system, and, until we were forced to pay the debts of the corrupt bankers, which was a domino effect of the fall of Lehman Brothers ( US bank ), we had a labor legislation that was the envy of the world. All this was an achievement of centuries of struggle by European citizens, mainly from working class. But after the 2008 “crisis/fraud” ( “why they call it crises when they mean scam” was a motto of the Spanish “Indignados Movement” ), we become a target for US financial sharks, who, based on increasing their rate of profit at all costs, have put us in their sights.
So, Larchmonter, you fight against your rotten political and social system, something we will appreciate because affects us too much, here we can deal with our leaders, if yours does not come to drive a wedge.
Dear Elsi
It is the duty of state to take care of its citizen. But in the case of Europe it was not that it was taking care of its citizen. They had a lots of looted Wealth from the Asia/Africa/Etc. It is coming to an end and those continent are awaken too. Hence the Europe wouldn’t get the free money. It would pay a huge price means their population too. Just watch the Fun. If you look at Asia it seems to be fairly heaven wrt to Europe. That too in just last 50 yrs the development of so called “developed” nation looks like worse than underdeveloped and now it is at the verge of a catastrophic WAR3.
Isn’t it Interesting????? As a matter of fact people like “Larchometer” are rare.
First try to get the Europe out of the slavery of US. Liberate yourself if you can. At least in the last 70 years the whole Europe voluntarily accepted the draconian shackle of US. So First get rid of those if you can then talk something meaningful if you can.
Make sense ……
“So, Larchmonter, you fight against your rotten political and social system, something we will appreciate because affects us too much, here we can deal with our leaders, if yours does not come to drive a wedge.”
Perhaps your advice should not be restricted to one person, who may or may not be passing unsubstantiated assertions as a deflection from acting closer to where they are.
Noam Chomsky made some observations on this practice.
It testifies to the weakness of the US that they have to add NATO Europe so tightly to their portfolio. The US needs Europe as a prop, a foil, a fall guy. They’re the buffer.
The thing is the US can’t stand against the hostile world forces it has unleashed. When the US was independently stronger it allowed Europe a longer leash. But the US is circling its wagons. It’s rule is under assault on so many levels and from so many directions. It’s spread thin, economically weak, its population deeply divided, its political apparatus paralyzed.
The rest of the world can get along just fine without the US. And they’re going about doing just that.
There is also an interesting and potentially destabilising development in UK..the Corbyn phenomenon. He’s now being lined up for destruction as ‘Anti-Semitic’.
Reaction by British Zionists( Friends of Israel, founded 1974 etc) is not new.
Historical insight into these destructive tendencies ( Bombs, assassinations) can be found in ” Publish It Not: The Middle East Cover-Up”, written by Michael Adams and Christopher Mayhew, published 1975 (Longman / Amazon).
More details in a well written article at
DavidKNZ, that’s a good article from Evan Jones, a notable local truth-teller. Unfortunately the local MSM is as totally Zionist controlled as elsewhere in the West. The nature of Zionist aggression and belligerence is somewhat lesser, here, as far as I know, but that’s no doubt because of the total censorship that operates against criticism of Israel. I don’t really think that you can put it all down to Zionism, either, because ancient observers, at least from the time of Tacitus, have described the Jews’ relentless belligerence and hostility towards non-Jews. Undoubtedly this has been worsened by the Nazi Judeocide, which was enough to make any Jew fear and hate the goyim, unless they were wise enough to see that fear and hatred will only make certain future horrors. Wise and decent Jews have come to that realisation, but the goy-haters have not. The thwarted ambitions of racist settlers, just like the settlers in South Africa and Rhodesia, that the indigenous whose ancestral lands are being stolen for the European ubermenschen’s lebensraum simply disappear, have also contributed. And, with the world finally awake to Zionazi bestiality, despite the absolute propaganda dominance enjoyed by the Zionists, the chances of Jewry seeing the fatal error of their behaviour appears infinitesimal, particularly as their habitual entryism, nepotism and manipulations have delivered the West’s political castes totally into their service. When you see Western politicians crawling on their bellies to denounce the Gazans for the destruction of Gaza and the murder of hundreds of their children by the Jews, and any who dare demur greeted by an avalanche of abuse and threats as ‘antisemites'(TM), you know that your society has been fatally poisoned from within. And when the path to peace and amity is so clear and simple, to simply cease brutalising the Palestinians and accept the Arab League Peace Proposal of 2002, then you must come to the conclusion that some truly sinister agenda is really in action.
On a related topic, just to show how deep US propaganda is imbedded in the MSM, today I listened to a long report on NPR about the immigrant crisis in Europe, how the countries involved were having problems absorbing the immigrants, the chaos at the borders, the issues of arresting the trafficers bringing people across, etc etc. NOT ONCE did the NPR “report” mention the SOURCE of all those desperate immigrants.
Yes, I heard it too.
I was incredulous. And this is very bad news, because I would say that many more educated and aware Americans listen to NPR (National Public Radio) and actually support it as “the home of thoughtful journalism.”
So they trust that this source is reliable, honest, etc. Nonpartisan, somewhat apolitical . . . They are really set up by the NPR moniker to be led by the noise down the garden path of the what is in effect mainstream media message. ‘No dots joined here! Please! We’re NPR!”
Today I heard one of their sponsorship spiels. The program was “LIving on Earth,” and the sponsor (now t hey use some other term, which i have forgotten—used to be underwriter, I think), anyhow is, . . .United Technologies!! Here is a page showing their products:
I immediately thought of the film I saw last night, “Merchants of Doubt.” Pretty good. Typical is when, say, a tobacco company “hides” behind a nonprofit that supposedly promotes children’s health, or some such. To me, the idea of United Technologies “bringing you, our listeners” the program “Living on Earth” is another such camo-operation. That is, it provides cover for MIC companies.
C’est la rançon de la gloire.
***** Brahim please translate too, this is an english speaking blog****mod
My sincere apology.
This is known as ransom for the glory, or success.
The French tend to sarcastically describe a bad situation they find themselves in and which is the result of the “glory” of colonial era. In this case, the sad and outrageous situation in France who is now suffocating with this out of control (even insane) mass immigration.
I agree with Saker, this problem of the refugees releaves both EU-project’s defeat and the European hypocrisy.
I am not against the refugees, because I do not think that theya re guilties or “colonizers”, they are victims of the situation. But that individual guiltness does not exclude that the situation as a whole is a problem for the European countries, particularly the non-central countries (the non-EU, as Macedonia, or the peripherial EU, as HUngary or Greece).
This countries have not started the war. The Syrian war was started by central countries (Bashar said that the war has not political roots, but foreign intervention roots). But the consequences have to pay other countries of Europe (Hungary, Serbia FYROM and Greece) which have poorer economies and also phsysical-geographycally are in the forefront.
Austria in sending back some refugees to Hungary. Also has stated a “refugee-camp” in the outskirts of Bratislava (in Austrian territory, but close to Slovak capital). Germany will close its frontiers.
OK; and then a lot of “European solidarity”, “European family” and “Multiculturalism” and so on.
Meanwhile the “liberal-left” (it is not a critic to the Left, but only to that system-absorbed left, to the aesthetical left, to the post-68 left) blaming the anti-humanitarians, Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia (whose citizens have been much more solidary than the central countries citizens); and with no clue about the roots of the war. Blame that who cannot cope with the consequencess but not tthe who which caused this.
Jews promote multiculturalism in Europe, but support racist state of Israel only for Jews. Video:
Jews want your Nation Destroyed by Race Mixing But Punish Race Mixing Jews -RT Video:
Carmel by the Sea
The chutzpah of this Lerner woman is incomprehensible!!!
Who gave her this platform to spew her nonsense?
Jews will be at the center of Europe’s multicultural transformation?
What utter BS.
The intellectual dishonesty, the hubris, the self-aggrandizing of this American Jew are really startling! Go back to Brooklyn!! Or Israel. Or the Occupied Territories, and preach your multiculturalism there.
Also, note how she has set up her spiel so that if you disagree with her it is because she is Jewish and Jews are in teh forefront of this progressive thought/movement and that is why they will have to absorb the blowback.
Not because they are puffed-up bloviators and deserve to be excoriated.
Or, at least, Ms. Lerner certainly is, and does.
Katherine (USA citizen)
We need more October’s around the globe that will solve the problem. Right now a maximum program looks something like this……-OCCUPY 2.0 with AGENDA. Prosecute Bush Obama NATO War Criminals. Prosecute Wall Street Fraud Artists, Audit the Federal Reserve, Audit the Pentagon, Stop the Phony War On Terror, Stop the Phony War on Drugs, Stop the Militarization of Local Police they cannot be used as Tip of the Spear Against People. All Police Actions involving violence must be subject to review of citizens from Community Directly Involved. Warren Buffet says there is a CLASS WAR going on and HIS SIDE is WINNING! We must not be divided by sex or race Unite across CLASS LINES GENERAL STRIKE LABOUR STOPPAGE only WEAPON WE HAVE. When the Cash Register STOPS Ringing…the 1% LISTEN. Restore Constitution, Bill of Rights, Rule of Law, Government OF FOR BY THE PEOPLE INTERNATIONAL GENERAL STRIKE NOW
Daria Aslamova committed journalistic journey through the towns of southern Europe, to see with their own eyes what the modern unarmed invasion of migrants, the severity of which is increasingly frightening native Europeans. Impressions sum up as follows: The migration flow is enormous. Refugees organized and move in accordance with a clear plan. The refugees do not look miserable asylum. They just come and set in place their orders.
Migrants are many people under 30 who are indifferent to the “local attractions” and often look with disdain on those who surround them. People are divided into groups of 30-50 people. In each of them – their leader.
Transit flows to Europe are organized from different directions. The two former route via Gibraltar to Spain and the Mediterranean to the Italian Lampedusa – added the new Balkan route. This route starts from the Turkish Izmir to Greek islands, then in Athens, Macedonia, Serbia and Hungary. Then, the flow is split into two streams – one goes to Austria and Germany, the second – in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
The Greeks complain that the Turks in every possible way to help migrants, literally “vtalkivaya them in international waters from its territory.” Serbs reported that the routes to the border with Hungary lead the group (and carry) Guides – Roma. Residents of border villages in the Serbian Hungarian border literally are in a panic, watching an endless stream of moving along their streets. More impressionable ask themselves what will happen tomorrow with Europe if it goes on.
The situation in Europe is that now there is no single day without incident. Already the tunnel under the English Channel storm embittered refugees. In Germany, the authorities had to resort to the help of the army, which gave migrants tent camp and took custody because the German population increasingly difficult to restrain their emotions.
Park in Belgrade, now looks like a lot of parks in other parts of Europe. Men washable fountains, whole families sleeping on the grass. “The guys from the group” found in Serbia three days are not allowed to shoot reporters, because “here, our women” (hijabs). It turns out that a refugee from Syria to be more prestigious, because refugees from Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Tunisia “do not matter.”
Khalid Syria is going to Germany, because it is less risky than “fight for al-Assad.” Asked why he had not asked for asylum in Greece, Macedonia and Serbia, Khalid replied that “this poor country” and “Syria before the war, lived much richer.” The road to Belgrade cost him 3000 dollars, plus Germany, will have to pay to the carriers for 1.5 thousand. However, it’s worth it, because in Germany, “everything will be free,” namely, education, benefits, housing for immigrants. Khalid wants to go to a German university at the Faculty of Economics, in the long term to Germany to carry his family – father, mother, grandmother, brothers and sisters.
As a journalist impressions, Syrian refugees are similar to Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Only relatively rich get to Europe. At the Hungarian border flow of migrants trying to regulate not only the police but also the (nationalist) volunteers who are at your own risk, because they have no formal authority.
The Hungarian Szeged opposite picture. For refugees prepared toilets, showers, water fans for refreshment, free internet access and detailed instructions on how to behave with the authorities. Refugees arriving by bus, go out, backed, charge the phone and did not even say thank you. Pakistanis are moving in the direction of London. Young women are surprised behavior of European women who go without their husbands in the evening almost naked.
In Hungary, meanwhile, worry that the flow of Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Tunisia and Ukraine added. According to some residents, the European Union is behaving like a patient who does not want to realize that he is ill. Among some of the refugees are prevalent mood of the following form: “NATO has filled with blood the entire Middle East, Europe and now weak, he gave power over the American Satan will be destroyed. Our women give birth to children. After a number of years, the face of Europe will change completely. It is retribution. ”
Against this background, appropriate Europeans call their rulers either fools or traitors. The European Union, supported the US policy in the Middle East was a boomerang effect. There is the obvious: exploded “immigration bomb” and as soon as the situation is ripe, Europe overwhelmed by a wave of terror.
The current balance of the Balkans similar to the following: Macedonia declared an emergency. The chaos on the Greek-Macedonian border. Macedonians accuse the Greeks of inactivity. In Serbia, the government says about the “humanitarian crisis”, about 80 thousand refugees. There is a risk of epidemics.
In Croatia they panicked when they saw that migrants seeking to cross and the Serbian – Croatian border. Against this background, the Croatian liberals (which some locals call idiots), calling for “open their hearts and doors of Middle Eastern immigrants.” Little self-contained Croatia has recently experienced a real shock when in Cairo LIH terrorists kidnapped a citizen of this country and cut off his head, photographed the body with head in hands and place the photo on the Internet. Invasion of the immigrants then already causing hysteria on the part of the Croatian population.
Sober in Europe watching what is happening on the streets of their cities and the roads are beginning to understand how much it costs friendship with the “big brother”, which is from the ocean looking at the migration flows (and possibly organize them). The Americans have something to be happy, because the chaos in Europe and the war in the Middle East in such hands will continue.”
The countries involved in the NATO interventions in Ukraine, Libya, and other ME countries have a responsibility to the refugees thus produced. I understand that will not be an easy thing to face up to. It will be expensive and culturally unsettling. I would add that, historically, the European imperialist states also have a responsibility due to their centuries of looting that have resulted in their beautiful cities and well kept societies. I cannot even imagine, for example how the Belgians could repay the Congo for genocide and theft. It boggles the mind. That that theft is still going on is something the current generation must grapple with. We must learn to separate what we admire in any culture from the dark side of war, miscegenation, genocide, and theft of the resources of others. All these strands are interwoven in the fabric of Europe. Change is coming, so rather than resist it, might we embrace it and shape it in the most conscious and humane forms?
An absolute MUST READ on this refugee issue by a vineyard favorite: Andrew Korybko.
(Brace yourselves; it’s a long read, but totally worth it, incredibly informative and unbelievably frightening.
Seriously, this situation is even worse than even I, one of the most pessimistic people you’ll ever meet, envisioned it‘d be…)
The Refugees are the Victims of US-NATO led Wars: The Migrants’ “Long March” across the Balkans to Western Europe
ORIENTAL REVIEW publishes exclusive English translation of the interview given by Andrew Korybko to the Macedonian TV presenter Slobodan Tomic, the host of “Гласот на Народот” (Vox Populi) show.
They speak about the current migrant crisis in Europe in the context of Mideast destabilization following the “Arab Spring” and why the Balkans and Greece are chosen as a gateway for the masses of miscellaneous refugees to the EU. Much attention is given to the threat of the radical ISIL-linked elements penetrating Europe and the back-stage role of the US in this process.
LINK> http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-refugees-are-the-victims-of-us-nato-led-wars-the-migrants-long-march-across-the-balkans-to-western-europe/5472601
This is an excellent article that demonstrates the truly malevolent, and yes, evil, that America is spreading even into its nominal allied nations of Europe by covertly promoting refugee flows and Islamic terrorists into that region.
America is truly the Empire of Chaos,even though it has disguised itself behind the banner of freedom and democracy, in an act of deception that is Orwellian beyond belief.
The only thing worse than these American crimes is how American apologists attempt to divert and deflect blame away from the USA through their usual disinformation campaigns.
Terribly interesting article Moon of Alabama that the trigger for the real rebels against Syria & Iraq– not the terrorist-mercenaries– was their govts failing to help them in drought. Seems Turkey is building beaucoup dams on the Tigris-Euphrates.
And look at this cheap source of water no one seems to know about:
“Primary water” is newly produced by chemical processes within the earth & has never been part of the surface hydrological cycle. Created when conditions are right to allow oxygen to combine with hydrogen, this water is continually being pushed up under great pressure from deep within the earth and finds its way toward the surface where there are fissures or faults. Japanese researchers reported in Science in March 2002 that the earth’s lower mantle may store about five times more water than its surface oceans.
Pal Pauer of the Primary Water Institute, one of the world’s leading experts in tapping primary water, says a well sufficient to service an entire community could be dug and generating great volumes of water in a mere two or three days, at a cost of about $100,000. The entire state of California could be serviced for about $800 million.
http://www.globalresearch.ca/california-water-wars-another-form-of-asset-stripping/5438835 Ellen Brown.
IMPORTANT, it took me 1 hour to translate and polish it for presentation:
Ennglish: Europe was overflowed by hordes of greedy migrants (Migration wave in Europe from the viewpoint of a female Russian reporter!)
German: Europa wird vom gierigen/geizigen Migranten ueberflutet (Flüchtlingswelle in Europa aus der Sicht einer russischen Reporterin!)
Russian: Европу захлестнули полчища алчных мигрантов
Migration wave in Europe from the viewpoint of a female Russian reporter!
Here the original report with Pictures and Videos in Russian:
I translated some excerpts (German translation which was posted on http://www.dasgelbeforum.net/forum_entry.php?id=367218 below the English text):
“… The first long-distance-Bus stops in the center of the small serbian town of “Kanischa”.
The crowd of new arrivers mostly consist of young men below 30. While there are also some Hijab wearing women with small children.
Despite the extreme heat they are wearing black woolen clothessome of them even black gloves. At 9AM opens the coffee shop and the refugees populate it to re-charge their Iphones and Notebooks…
The getting night. Small groups start developing. Each of these groups has a leader. – “They leave the town on foot and get collected by gypsies, which act as trafficers, before being brought by them over the border to Hungaray”, tells me my cab driver Viktor…
A park in Belgrade. Men who wash themselves in the fountains, entire families camping down on the gras. A group of men storms to me, one of them says to me in English: – “You are not permitted to take pictures here!”- “Oh, I see? -, I reply back, -“But this here is a public area and I’m a journalist.”
– “Here are our wifes/women”, replies my opponent. – “So what?! If you don’t like this you can return to where you came from. Didn’t you know that Belgrade is the capital of a christian country!? How long are you here already?” – “Three days”, – my counterpart replies somewhat unnerved. – “And you are already introducing new rules here? This is not your country!” I say.
We make peace and start to learn more about each other.
My new friends’ name is Chalid and comes from Damaskus.
-“I’m a true Syrian”,-he teels me with certain pride,-“unlike most others here. They all a lying and claim that they originated from Syria. Because nobody cares about refugees from Libya, Iraq, Tunesia. Even Afgans suddenly turned into “Syrians” now …”
Chalid fled with friends from Syria in order to avoid serving the army.
-“Why shall I fight for Assad? I rather go to Germany.”
-“And why not to Greece or Serbia?” I ask. – Chalid wrinkles his nose.
-“I didn’t know that Europe is so poor. We in Syria had a much better life before the war, than here. For the transport to Belgrade alone I already paid 3000$. In order to make it to Germany I need to pay another 1500$ on top of that. I do have money. I could even afford to stay at a 5-star hotel, but they refuse to let me check in.
My residence permit expired today.
BUT: As reward I later get everything FOR FREE in GERMANY!
Education, financial help, residence. There it is very good!
I want to study economics. After I settled and established myself there I will have my family follow me.
Hier der Originalbericht mit Bildern und Videos:
Ich übersetze einige Auszüge:
“… Der erste Fernbus hält im Zentrum des serbischen Städtchens
“Kanischa” an.
Die Ankömmlinge sind überwiegend junge Männer unter 30. Es sind aber
auch in Hijab gekleidete Frauen mit kleinen Kindern dabei. Trotz der
Hitze tragen sie schwarze Wollkleider, manche von ihnen sogar
schwarze Handschuhe. Um neun Uhr öffnet das Cafe und die Flüchtlinge
bevölkern diese, um ihre Iphones und Notebooks zu laden…
Die Nacht bricht ein. Es bilden sich kleinere Gruppen. Jede dieser
Gruppen hat einen Führer. – “Sie verlassen die Stadt zu Fuss und
werden dann von den Zigeunern, die als Schlepper fungieren,
aufgelesen und über die Grenze zu Ungarn gebracht,”-erzählt mir der
Taxifahrer Viktor…
Ein Park in Belgrad. Männer, die sich in den Fontänen waschen, ganze
Familien, die auf Rasenflächen lagern. Eine Gruppe Männer stürzt sich
auf mich, einer spricht mich in Englisch an: -“Sie dürfen hier nicht
-“Ach so”-, antworte ich zurück,- “das ist ein öffentlicher Platz und
ich bin Journalistin.”-“Hier sind unsere Frauen”,-erwidert mein
Opponent.-“Na und? Wenn ihnen das nicht passt, können sie doch
zurückkehren, sie wissen doch, dass Belgrad die Hauptstadt eines
christlichen Landes ist! Wie lange sind sie denn schon in
Belgrad?”-“Drei Tage”,-antwortet mein Gegenüber etwas
verunsichert.-“Und sie stellen bereits hier ihre Regeln auf? Das ist
nicht euer Land.”
Wir schliessen Frieden und lernen uns etwas kennen. Mein neuer
Bekannter heisst Chalid und kommt aus Damaskus.
-“Ich bin ein echter Syrer”,-sagt er mit gewissem Stolz,-“nicht so
wie die meisten hier. Sie lügen alle, dass sie aus Syrien kommen.
Keiner interessiert sich für Flüchtlinge aus Libyen, Irak, Tunesien.
Sogar Afghanen sind jetzt auch Syrer geworden…”
Chalid ist mit Freunden aus Syrien geflüchtet, um nicht in die Armee
zu müssen.
-“Warum soll ich für Assad kämpfen? Ich fahre lieber nach
-“Und warum nicht nach Griechenland oder Serbien?”-Chalid rümpft die
-“Ich wusste nicht, dass Europa so arm ist. Wir hatten in Syrien vor
dem Krieg ein viel besseres Leben als hier. Ich habe allein für die
Fahrt nach Belgrad 3000$ bezahlt. Um nach Deutschland zu gelangen,
muss ich noch einmal 1500$ nachlegen. Ich habe Geld, könnte mir sogar
ein 5-Sterne-Hotel leisten, doch die lassen mich nicht rein. Meine
Aufenthaltsgenehmigung ist heute
abgelaufen. Dafür gibt es in Deutschland später alles umsonst.
Bildung, finanzielle Hilfe, Unterkunft. Dort ist es sehr gut! Ich
möchte Wirtschaft studieren. Wenn ich mich eingerichtet habe, werde
ich meine Familie nachkommen lassen.”
These refugees in Serbia are 80% young males, in their 20s or 30s. They are without families with some money (WUnion) , cellphones. They’re on their way to EU but most of them will stay, hundreds of thousands.
Do you really think they are refugees?
Take a drive from Szeged to Budapest and you will see them walk alone or in groups. No families, just males.
They are almost ready … when asked to.
Western press focuses in Hungarian concertine “wall”; in Macedonian police… but no one says that Austria is denying the entrance to refugees.
Meanwhile refugees say Serbia has been the most kind country and society for them. No one says that, because “Serbia must be bad”.
Thank you so much, Saker, for this excellent article. You have hit the proverbial nail – almost – on his head. Living in Europe and seeing with my own eyes how my country being invaded by immigrants, I have to make a few remarks, though:
* You write that Europe does not have the means to stop the immigrant invasion. I think what you mean is that Europe does not have the will, that is to say, the moral courage to do what would be necessary to save its culture and way of life. If Australia can tow immigrant boats back to where they have come from, then Europe could surely do it also. If harsher means were required, then that would surely be within Europe’s physical capabilities too. The problem is all about the guilt-laden psyche of ordinary Europeans and the utterly cynical and callous attitude of our elites.
* I do not know if your assessment of German chancellor Angela Merkel is correct if you write that she was “running the show”. Merkel is sold off to the US like any other major politician over here. If she is “running the show” then only as the master puppet. She has once openly and explicitly stated that her way of governing was wholly opportunistic. Examples of that abound, for example, her indifference when it was revealed that NSA spying had targeted her very own personal communications. Merkel is as despicable an opportunist as a politician can be. All her “power” really consists of her total, utter subservience to Anglo-Zionist interests and policies.
* The current refugee crisis doe not affect all EU countries evenly – far from it. It’s just three countries that take in nearly all of them: Germany, Sweden, Austria. Countries on the Balkans and Hungary serve mainly as transit routes. Similar with Italy although it does take in some. Rumania and Bulgaria use the opportunity to get rid of as many Gypsies as possible. France has its own immigration problem but does not take many new arrivals. Many other countries are almost unaffected by the current upsurge: Britain, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Benelux, the Baltic countries. It used to be the same with Finland but the country might very recently have begun joining the first three. As far as the whole thing is an Anglo-Zionist scheme aiming at keeping the Europeans down, it seems that Germany is the main target. That would be all too logical given the old maxim of keeping the US in, Germany down and Russia out. Any and all future possibilities of Germany asserting its own interests shall be destroyed forever.
* The topic of homosexual marriage is not an invented pseudo-issue but an integral part of the drive to exterminate Christian, European culture and heritage. I do not know how things present themselves in the US but here in Western Europe homosexual propaganda is all pervasive. Homosexual marriage is only the most visible part of that. Another major front are kindergartens and schools where homosexuality is propagated to children and teenagers.
I am from Greece, so i will try to give you my perspective about the issue of illegal immigration.
The role of Turkey is very important, as they have visa free travel with many of the countries of the illegal immigrants and Turkey refuses to receive back all these illegal immigrants. Therefore, all these people book a flight, arrive at Constantinople or elsewhere by flight, and then pay some smugglers and move into Greece by boats or by travelling through the border area into Greece or Bulgaria. Turgut Ozal, the turkish prime minister in the 1980s said that Turkey does not need to go into war with Greece. It will just move millions of muslims and colonise Greece…..
The turkish plans are well known, as they dream of a new Ottoman Empire. Greek orthodox people were slaves of the Ottoman empire and many perished or get slaughtered during the 400 years of occupation. 80,000 greeks of Chios got massacred by Turks after the 1821 revolution. The same island now gets thousands of muslim illegal immigrants, all coming from nearby turkish coasts….
After the fall of communist regimes in early 1990s, 500,000 Albanians and many others Georgians/ Chechens / Caucasians etc came into Greece causing havoc and engaging in various criminal activities. The Albanians just crossed the borders. Many of the caucasians bribed the personnel of the greek embassies and got Greek passports, as they falsely claimed that there were descendants USSR Greeks.
The greek political/business elites welcomed them with open hands because they used them as very cheap labour at the expense of greek workers. The greek people were very unhappy with the mass immigration of Albanians as the vast majority of Albanians were not behaving with proper manners and some Albanians have anti-greek sentiments. The Albanians worked illegally in various low to medium paying jobs, especially in construction jobs (during the real estate boom of the late 1990s early 2000), into farm works, hospitality and aged care. Some Albanians were either Orthodox or of Greek descent and successfully integrated into Greek society, and the other Albanian immigrants were secular and there was never a tension about religious issues.
The problem with islamic illegal immigration in Greece started from early 2000 onwards, when the country signed the EU Dublin convention that states that all illegal immigrants arrested in EU, will be returned to the first country of entry (usually Greece, Italy etc). Successive Greek Governments had a policy to send all illegal immigrants into the centre of Athens, thereby transforming parts of the capital city into a ghetto. On the other hand, the external borders to EU were guarded by police so as to deter illegal immigrants to move into other EU countries.
Increasingly numbers of Pakistanis- Bangladeshis (and some North Africans) started to come to Greece by just walking from the Turkish – Greek borders and by 2008, the islamic element was widespread and Pakistanis and Bangladeshis were selling counterfeit products in many streets or they beg for many in traffic lights. Most of them illiterate and uneducated
Many Balkan Gypsies from Bulgaria/Romania/Albania have also arrived, many of them searching in the garbage bins for scrap metals. Gypsies have competition with Pakis as to whom will get the scrap metal, and there are many riots in the landfills. The Police have started to guard the landfill areas…..
The greek prisons are full by Albanians, Pakistanis, Moroccans, Iraqis, Afghans and other foreigners. Many Greek people have been brutally murdered by Pakistanis and Afghans. Some notable cases include:
1) Manolis Kantaris, a father of 4 children who was brutally murdered by 3 afghans who wanted to steal his camera outside of his apartment in central Athens..
2) Thanasis Lazanas, a 30 -year old greek guy from Patras (a major port in the Peloponesse where many ships travelling to Italy and as a consequence, many illegals live in camps and try to sneak into ships). Lazanas was taking a stroll with his dog. A group of Afhgans approach him and hit his dog. He had a fight with the afghans, and they brutally murdered him with knifes.
3) Myrto, a 14 year old greek girl. Myrto was on holidays with her family in the greek island of Paros. A pakistani who was illegally employed in a hotel, attacked her in a nearby beach, threw a stone into her head, steal her mobile phone, and raped her. Myrto is now paralysed and has a brain injury.
Furthermore, there were several islamic riots in the Athens, because of false allegations of Coran desecration by the police, and as a “protest” for the Youtube film about Mohammed. Many shops and cars were vandalised by the muslim mob.
After the greco turkish border in Evros was sealed with a fence, most arrivals come by boats in the islands.
The Syrians are only a minority of those that illegally enter into Europe. The vast majority are again pakistanis, afghans, Bangladeshis (mostly 20 to 40 years old) and cannot be considered as refugees as there is no war or dictatorship in their countries.
There are also many differences between these groups. The Syrians are somewhat civilised, but all the other groups (Pakis, Bangladeshis, Afghans, Morrocans, Algerians etc) are savages and illiterate people. What all these people do ? The Afghans are highly involved in selling drugs, pakis/banglas are selling counterfeit products in the streets or work illegally in run down restaurants as kitchen hands. Morrocans/Algerians form gangs and commit roberry/burglary and then try resell these stolen items in the black market.
Now the Aegean islands are similar to Gaza and West Bank……
And many of the illegals, move to Macedonia, then Serbia and Hungary to end up into Germany. Almost 2,000 – 3,000 every day cross the border into Macedonia….
The elites actively support the islamisation of european countries as a way to control the europeans nations that somewhat resist the emerging EU dictatorship. Another reason is that they need cheap labour.
As for Greece, the political elites are just puppets of EU-USA and fully subservient and have transformed Greece into the modern equivalent of a Belgium Congo….
The situation is nightmarish. Greece is under occupation, Greek economy is in total collapse, the country is a colony of EU and globalised capital, and new very harsh austerity measures have been voted by the pseudo-leftists of Syriza that betrayed the greek people. The new measures will transfer all major greek public assets (50 billion euros) into private investment banks. In other words, Greece is transformed into a post modern debt colony and all its assets will get plundered, and its people will get ethnically cleansed and replaced by hordes of islamic foreigners.
A significant part of Greek people view Russia as a saviour and believe that Greece has to withdraw from EU-NATO and form an alliance with orthodox Russia as way to save Greece from total destruction.
But at present, the dominant pro EU minority and oligarchs call the shots. And these puppets will continue to give “earth and water” to the EU colonisers…….
Thanks for the detail on the refugee/immigration crisis. The US overlords of EU are using immigration to overwhelm the developing resistance to EU. They try to convert you into supporters of the authorities– in order to defend yourselves from immigrants.
It’s analogous to “the-Russians-are-coming” fear-mongering in eastern Europe. Before the Russophobia campaign the political parties were beginning to oppose EU rule. This movement is more or less submerged now.
Last time I saw a comment by you you gave 3 links to a Greek economist– can’t remember his name right now. He made the point that it’s not enough to oppose the neoliberal economic ideology. We must also oppose the institutions. These links that you put up were tremendously helpful to me. Thank you.
The links were articles from Greek economist Takis Fotopoulos, who is the founder of Inclusive democracy
This is the link to his website, with all his articles
He also writes articles for Pravda.ru
This is also a very interesting interview he gave and mentions also about Russia and the role of Eurasian Union
Thank you so much, Vasilis.
You have permanetly affected my insight into the means we must employ by posting Takis Fotopoulos’ links earler– and that of the few others whom I’ve been able to persuade. I now understand that I must learn in more detail how the IMF & WTO, etc undermine national sovereignty, so I’ve started to study his works & that of Ellen Brown.
A great many people think that the problem is merely an ideology and the evil ones who advance it. But Fotopoulos is right: It is the institutional framework that advances and maintains the NWO. Many innocents believe that the good intentions stated by China and Russia will somehow all by themselves give a different outcome.
It is a mystery to me why people believe the cheerleading characterizations of the new BRICS institutions when the tiniest bit of research shows them to be dollar-denominated and to share officers with IMF & the WTO. There are even plans to share projects with the World Bank.
There may of course be a metamorphosis that makes the AIIB, the New Development Bank & the CRA (Contingency fund) forces for de-dollarization. I hope so.
A more essential criticism is that to recover their sovereignty nations need to issue their own currency and credit instruments for most investment– NOT borrow it at interest from anyone.
A fine discussion of facts the US will kill to obliterate….and has been doing so for at least one hundred years.
Things is these facts make up who each of us in Europe is which is exactly why the USA and Israeli want to make sure they can obliterate them in any way.Let me repeat that, in any way.
We cannot lose our actual identities without becoming the global cultural orphans the Americans have made of themselves. Just the longterm plan.
Read Jean-Claude Paye, everything he writes. Jorges Luis Borge, everything he wrote.
But at least the government in Kiev is stable…..oh wait….
Interesting to see how many alleged “Europeans” here would sell out their own peoples to Russian geopolitical interests.
European governments are well ahead of selling out thier own people. The western elites are on a two front war, against the majority european populations and those countries who won’t fall into the new world order narative. As if the geopolitical interest of the western elites is of any interest or benefit to the people they lord over.
A great synopsis, Saker.
Reminds me of Daniel 2:41-44; to paraphrase: “ the toes of the great image were made of iron mixed with moist clay” so “The kingdom itself will prove to be divided” then God’s kingdom will rule.
Brilliant, flat out brilliant. Take care Saker, you might think of emigrating to Russia for asylum. The western world needs you. The leaders in the United States are not the most stable horses in the barn. Once out of the barn door, in harness, they bolt only in the wrong direction, bit in teeth. You might be just run over with slashing hooves..
As to your analysis it looks like, now that Yemen is being carefully erased not unlike Ukraine, Greece, Netherlands, Afghanistan, Japan,(this list is much longer).. the Western Empire, the US and it’s restive vassal states, is carefully targeting small countries to be removed from the world map.
Which leads me back to the Robber Barons of the US at the turn into the 20th century who opined that the globe was becoming too populated and the increasing extra numbers should be eliminated
Later the Rockefeller dynasty espoused this elite need to prune the number of humans, so increased in the 1960s by new medical technology, and the up and coming Bush dynasty in the person of Prescott Bush, US Senator, intending to quickly join the One Percenters, agreed wholeheartedly.
G.W.Bush, Prescott’s son, educated in the power American universities, quick, bright, ambitious, used every power tool his long term US Senator father was able to provide him, becoming before his US presidency, the head for one year of the rightly feared, US Central Intelligence Agency at which point he made sure to read the secret dossier on world and US elites J. Edgar Hoover had amassed and locked up before he died. Secrets that could be used to extort from them and to smear them to erasure or suicide (same thing). G. W. now had it. Did he give it back to the Federal Bureau of Investigation? Doubtful. Something the Saker could look into.
Thanks for your fine writing and analyses!
Ah, Majo. Even here nearly everyone is allergic to the very thought of conspiracy. Regardless how many print sources we provide people just CANNOT believe that anyone could be evil enough to wish to greatly reduce the human population. This, even though we all know perfectly well that the same group is responsible for the recent wars which killed millions. There are some things just too dark for people to endure looking at.
The destabilization of Europe (not only the EU, but also Switzerland, Norway and any other country on this continent) by the huge wave of refugees is just the next logical move on the elite’s chessboard towards world rulership. Soon the people in Europe will be so fed up that they will beg for ANYONE to solve their miserable situation. And guess who will be right there to help out. The same elite who is running similar destabilization programs all over the place to eventually take control of all humanity. The only good news is that in literally every country all over the world people are beginning to wake up and see through this scam. They are building networks to pierce through the constant smokescreen of mainstream propaganda and stand firm for the truth. And the truth will prevail.
Is there a possibility that the Merkel faction seen this as a denouement to German post-war subjugation? They don;t seem particularly interested in running the EU properly, perhaps to hasten its downfall?
F___ing amazing, :-) dear Saker, especially from the subheading “The EU is just a colony of the United States…” onwards.
Now let me insert a bit of my own rant here…
The EU is preoccupied only with its own propaganda nowadays… every “decision” is made with focus on its propaganda image first and foremost… which is why the EU looks like a ship of fools.
Well, in the EU they cannot send the police to the guard the border, because “that would mean the end of Schengen” (one of the main EU propaganda pillars), but we can send the army to guard the borders, because that “would not look like the end of Schengen” (because “Schengen” means abolishing police border checks)…
And my very personal rant here…
Here the V4 countries are being vilified as if we were some sort of cannibals—for supporting the migrants in doing what they really want—moving to Western Europe—and if we do not agree to
All sorts of absurd arguments are being invented and hurled at us if we do not agree to the migrants being ferried to us [probably in cattle wagons (so that they cannot escape), as they themselves use passenger cars to travel in the opposite direction].
Why should we bear responsibility for the mess that the Western cuntries have been creating (even now as we speak)?
We are not part of the so-called “Friends of Syria”, we did not bomb the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, we did not break the Libyan arms embargo (like the Frogeaters did), we do not participate in aggression against Syria like the so-called “Friends of Syria”, although we do bear some responsibility, as we neither voted against, nor condemned the bombing of Libya by the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization, and we do support the sanctions against the internationally-recognized Syrian government.
The eavesdropped fat witch was ranting about solidarity during the “Greek crisis”, claiming that “responsibility must come before solidarity”, essentially suppressing all notions of solidarity for 2 weeks, only to take up the “solidarity bludgeon” again about 2 weeks later.
Now it is high time that we told the same to her, her fellow criminals and warmongers —that this were their mess and that they need to clean it up.
Let responsibility come before solidarity!
If the criminals do not even get the feedback (not even the punishment), they will go on perpetrating more and more crimes.
And it is high time we finally stopped paying for their crimes!