Translation by Eugenia. Please press ‘cc’ to see the English subtitles.
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Translation by Eugenia. Please press ‘cc’ to see the English subtitles.
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Thanks Eugenia.
I should learn Russian
What is going on in Syria – do you have an update on the politics not South front?
-Robert Parry at Consortium news is writing that the Kagans are back
-At Moon of Alabama – discussion of the Syria/Iraq and possible kAgab plan for Syiria which means more financing of Sunni groups more war
-Also Astana conference the Syrian opposition did not attend something is going on
– Trump is sending more troops and bombers to Kuwait – possible total now 6,000
– Meeting of the so called anti Daesh coalition taking place
All these give me an uneasy feeling
Are the SAA plus allies still on the same page?
As for turkey who can trust them?
ISIS is collapsing and retreating on all fronts in Syria & Iraq.
The SAA and allies are so successful, that the Zionist axis, after Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, Plan D, Plan F and Plan G having failed miserably, is now rolling out Plan H.
Plan H, short for Helter Skelter, the rabbis assure us, is the plan that always works. As long as the US, Great Britain, France, Holland, Belgium, Germany, SA, Qatar, the UAE and Turkey show some character and invest each a couple of dozen billions dollars, that is.
True, the project of a grand CIA-ISIS caliphate is probably over, but some well camouflaged Mossad hamlets here and there in the Iraqi/Syrian hinterlands will be good enough for continued destabilization of the whole region, and that, let’s be frank, has always been the goal anyway.
Erdogan, with his anti-Holland rhetoric has contributed to the defeat of Wilders. As for Syria, yesterday two sucide bombers have detonated themselves in the High Court of Justice building in capital Damascus. After 6 years of bombings and war, how is this possible to happen, still, in an area which should be mostly defended against such things ? The other question is who is behind the financing of Daesh, arming and aiding with medicare. The answers were given but nothing happened to stop it, why ?
I think Widers’ defeat had more to do with the Dutch voters looking at Trump with increasing dismay. Wilders was playing the exact anti-refugee/migrant card that Erdogan was the actual target of. The Dutch were supposed to be outraged enough at Erdogan’s threats and actions to vote for “protection” from hard-ass Wilder.
So apparently Trump (and by extension, the US/NATO/Rothschild Empire) is scarier to the Dutch voter than Erdogan. That says a lot, and bodes some hope in a fairly dismal EU outlook.
Maybe,but I think the problem is more that we overestimate the appeal of the anti-immigrant right in the EU. The propaganda that the media,educational system,the government,has spread for over 25 years has had the effect the elite wanted.Its broken down social cohesion in Europe.We see that everyday. CrossTalk yesterday I think described the problem really well. The constant propaganda has created a society in Europe of a suicide cult,or with the “Stockholm syndrome”.Where you see the lunacy of actually millions of people marching in support of mass immigration. Cheering on the destruction of their own societies and peoples. We saw how strong that disease reached in Ukraine.Before the West screwed themselves by pulling off a coup before the “patient” was fully infected.And now they have a mess to deal with.They are trying that in Russia as well. But it isn’t working nearly as they’ve hopped (so far).Too many Russians see what a disaster they’ve created in Ukraine and the EU,to want that in Russia.
The Dutch don’t care about Erdogan, we laugh about him, he has everything wrong and doesn’t know what he is talking about. Turkey was a beautiful county, progressive, good economy, etc, but Erdogan has destroyed that all! Very sad!
I wonder if the war waged by the Nato (including Dutch) and US in Middle East, cause millions of refuge flee to the country, conflict at her borders help destroy that “beautiful count(r)y, progressive, good economy, etc,”…
I wonder if Turkey let the millions immigrants stream into EU, Dutch included, how much your “beautiful county, progressive, good economy, etc” in EU will be left.
If Erdogan is bad, that is because Nato and US forced his hands. I do not see any people from EU appreciate the sacrifice Turkish people and government take from the disasters you governments created…
Of cause, It is in fashionable to blame victims…. But no introspective of your own behaviors. What a noble, loving, I am better than you Dutchman…
It’s easy to blame the victims from comfortable bed. I am so much angry European double standard. I dont know how they would react Apoist Kurds would wage terror using suicide bombers or how would they react suddenly they face 3 million refugees in their country.
Exactly. Same with Afghanistan refuges in Pakistan, and Iran. Those poor countries should send the 5 million Afghans that NATO wanted to liberate into West European, along with millions Libyans, Iraqis, and African refuges that NATO liberated. I am sure EU will remain to be ““beautiful county, progressive, good economy, etc,” afterwards.
James, hello.
For analysis of the Syrian front in WW III, I like to read .
For up-to-date news on the conflict, is very good.
Thank you to Pug, ioan, _smr,
Appreciate the quick response to my questions about Syria
Check out
Syria Blames Turkey for Opposition Boycott of Astana Peace Talks
Loud & Clear
01:37 15.03.2017(updated 10:56 15.03.2017) Get short URL
Brian Becker
0 27661
On today’s episode of Loud & Clear, Brian Becker is joined by political commentator and analyst Marwa Osman.
With the opposition set to boycott the latest round of Astana peace talks, is a negotiated settlement to the Syrian war slipping out of reach?
We are just hours away from President Trump’s new travel ban executive order targeting six majority-Muslim countries. But grassroots activists and lawyers are fighting back. Jorge Baron, the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project’s Executive Director, joins Brian.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson begins his tour of Asia today with a visit to Japan as the region reels from heightened tension and US belligerence. Patrick Lawrence, columnist and author, joins the show to discuss what’s next for the continued pivot to Asia.
“what’s next for the continued pivot to Asia.” (Makes me wonder if the Vietnam War would have been more palatable if we had just called it “the continued pivot to Indochina.”
Last documentary from John Pilger (his 60th film) The coming war on China:
Really stunning background information on what the United Snakes of A. did to the people on the Marshall Islands.
Thanks for the link — was taken down but I found the film w/o too much trouble. Pilger as usual covers a lot of ground here, from the Marshall Islands to Okinawa to Korea to China. There’s nothing a United States citizen can take away from all this but a deep sense of karmic justice coming our way. The racism is as ugly and evil as anything the world has known — the branding of ancient cultures as “savages” to be exterminated and experimented on. Will any of these people ever trust us again? Why should they?
“Nations, like individuals, are punished for their transgressions”, said an extraordinary general and lousy president (Grant). It may take fifty or a hundred years, but not every culture has our attention span, these people remember. The only saving grace is this worldwide insanity is financed by the dollar printing machine, ridiculous propaganda, and widespread ignorance. The latter is changing very fast, due to an internet which finally found its sea legs in the modern form of the political pamphleteers: independent bloggers. Not a moment too soon. Harrowing, frightening stuff, thanks again.
Some big surprises are comming.
It starts now. In Spring.
And in Summer 2017 there will be High Noon.
Something which goes beyond politics, military, Empire and all the players.
Time for change, time for a new start.
Saker, as soon as I pause this video so I can read the subtitles, the subs disappear. Maybe its a conspiracy ?
You can click on the YouTube sign, go to YouTube portal and it plays there.
On the left under the video where it says Subscribe is a menu.
Click “more”.
Click that and you can get a scroll down of the English Transcript.
Read that.
Eugenia does a great job. It’s the mechanism of YouTube playback that does not freeze the frame without losing the subtitles.
“More” will give you the transcript.
thanks so much Larchmonter !! I’ll check it out
The “armed opposition” boycotted the recent Astana talks. The Syrian government blamed turkey for that absence, since turkey apparently took them under its wing. The articles I read were not clear who these “armed opposition” are and how much say turkey has in them. As for their absence, it wasn’t clear, either, how this would effect the talks or the rolling up of the terrorists.
My own guess is this is connected to the american military build up and israeloamerican plans are still to break up Syria.
Armed opposition is FSA (Free Syrian Army), total proxy army for Turkey.
Have been getting their asses kicked for months.
Osama Abu Zaid is their front man.
They will be getting little or nothing from any settlement of political or military issues.
Turkey needs them to fight the Kurds.
Most other opposition has opted for amnesty or merely putting down their big weapons, or forming a political unit to join in the coming new organization of Syria’s government and Constitution. Some become local area police.
1350 various villages, towns, cities have signed on for peace and political solutions.
Then there is AQ, al Nusra. They are Israeli-CIA backed and Jordan supported.
That is just more of the lunacy of thinking we can “turn” Turkey to the “light” side. They are fully a part of the “dark side”. They only like to pretend when it serves their interests to do that.
yes, Syrian Girl has a iphone video of Turkish soldiers kicking the farmer type Syrians out of their ancestral homes in the Northern part of Syria – pathetic.
I always enjoy this fellow’s commentaries.
Thanks for the translation!
please, don’t sell the S-400 for Turkey… don’t trust Turkey… deal with them, but never trust them…
Turkey wants to clear west of eupharates river from Apoist Kurds, to send Sryians back to their country. This is only aim.
Great video – thank you Saker.
God bless President Putin and President Trump. The truth SHALL set them free. And God confound all those who would have war because they worship death,